Probabilistic model checking of an anonymity system
Probabilistic Model Checking ofan Anonymity SystemVitaly ShmatikovSRI International333Ravenswood AvenueMenlo Park,CA94025U.S.A.shmat@AbstractWe use the probabilistic model checker PRISM to analyze the Crowds system for anonymous Web browsing.This case study demonstrates howprobabilistic model checking techniques can be used to formally analyze se-curity properties of a peer-to-peer group communication system based onrandom message routing among members.The behavior of group mem-bers and the adversary is modeled as a discrete-time Markov chain,and thedesired security properties are expressed as PCTL formulas.The PRISMmodel checker is used to perform automated analysis of the system and ver-ify anonymity guarantees it provides.Our main result is a demonstration ofhow certain forms of probabilistic anonymity degrade when group size in-creases or random routing paths are rebuilt,assuming that the corrupt groupmembers are able to identify and/or correlate multiple routing paths originat-ing from the same sender.1IntroductionFormal analysis of security protocols is a well-establishedfield.Model checking and theorem proving techniques[Low96,MMS97,Pau98,CJM00]have been ex-tensively used to analyze secrecy,authentication and other security properties ofprotocols and systems that employ cryptographic primitives such as public-key en-cryption,digital signatures,etc.Typically,the protocol is modeled at a highly ab-stract level and the underlying cryptographic primitives are treated as secure“black boxes”to simplify the model.This approach discovers attacks that would succeed even if all cryptographic functions were perfectly secure.Conventional formal analysis of security is mainly concerned with security against the so called Dolev-Yao attacks,following[DY83].A Dolev-Yao attacker is a non-deterministic process that has complete control over the communication net-work and can perform any combination of a given set of attacker operations,such as intercepting any message,splitting messages into parts,decrypting if it knows the correct decryption key,assembling fragments of messages into new messages and replaying them out of context,etc.Many proposed systems for anonymous communication aim to provide strong, non-probabilistic anonymity guarantees.This includes proxy-based approaches to anonymity such as the Anonymizer[Ano],which hide the sender’s identity for each message by forwarding all communication through a special server,and MIX-based anonymity systems[Cha81]that blend communication between dif-ferent senders and recipients,thus preventing a global eavesdropper from linking sender-recipient pairs.Non-probabilistic anonymity systems are amenable to for-mal analysis in the same non-deterministic Dolev-Yao model as used for verifica-tion of secrecy and authentication protocols.Existing techniques for the formal analysis of anonymity in the non-deterministic model include traditional process formalisms such as CSP[SS96]and a special-purpose logic of knowledge[SS99].In this paper,we use probabilistic model checking to analyze anonymity prop-erties of a gossip-based system.Such systems fundamentally rely on probabilistic message routing to guarantee anonymity.The main representative of this class of anonymity systems is Crowds[RR98].Instead of protecting the user’s identity against a global eavesdropper,Crowds provides protection against collaborating local eavesdroppers.All communication is routed randomly through a group of peers,so that even if some of the group members collaborate and share collected lo-cal information with the adversary,the latter is not likely to distinguish true senders of the observed messages from randomly selected forwarders.Conventional formal analysis techniques that assume a non-deterministic at-tacker in full control of the communication channels are not applicable in this case. Security properties of gossip-based systems depend solely on the probabilistic be-havior of protocol participants,and can be formally expressed only in terms of relative probabilities of certain observations by the adversary.The system must be modeled as a probabilistic process in order to capture its properties faithfully.Using the analysis technique developed in this paper—namely,formalization of the system as a discrete-time Markov chain and probabilistic model checking of2this chain with PRISM—we uncovered two subtle properties of Crowds that causedegradation of the level of anonymity provided by the system to the users.First,if corrupt group members are able to detect that messages along different routingpaths originate from the same(unknown)sender,the probability of identifyingthat sender increases as the number of observed paths grows(the number of pathsmust grow with time since paths are rebuilt when crowd membership changes).Second,the confidence of the corrupt members that they detected the correct senderincreases with the size of the group.Thefirstflaw was reported independently byMalkhi[Mal01]and Wright et al.[W ALS02],while the second,to the best ofour knowledge,was reported for thefirst time in the conference version of thispaper[Shm02].In contrast to the analysis by Wright et al.that relies on manualprobability calculations,we discovered both potential vulnerabilities of Crowds byautomated probabilistic model checking.Previous research on probabilistic formal models for security focused on(i)probabilistic characterization of non-interference[Gra92,SG95,VS98],and(ii)process formalisms that aim to faithfully model probabilistic properties of crypto-graphic primitives[LMMS99,Can00].This paper attempts to directly model andanalyze security properties based on discrete probabilities,as opposed to asymp-totic probabilities in the conventional cryptographic sense.Our analysis methodis applicable to other probabilistic anonymity systems such as Freenet[CSWH01]and onion routing[SGR97].Note that the potential vulnerabilities we discovered inthe formal model of Crowds may not manifest themselves in the implementationsof Crowds or other,similar systems that take measures to prevent corrupt routersfrom correlating multiple paths originating from the same sender.2Markov Chain Model CheckingWe model the probabilistic behavior of a peer-to-peer communication system as adiscrete-time Markov chain(DTMC),which is a standard approach in probabilisticverification[LS82,HS84,Var85,HJ94].Formally,a Markov chain can be definedas consisting in afinite set of states,the initial state,the transition relation such that,and a labeling functionfrom states to afinite set of propositions.In our model,the states of the Markov chain will represent different stages ofrouting path construction.As usual,a state is defined by the values of all systemvariables.For each state,the corresponding row of the transition matrix de-fines the probability distributions which govern the behavior of group members once the system reaches that state.32.1Overview of PCTLWe use the temporal probabilistic logic PCTL[HJ94]to formally specify properties of the system to be checked.PCTL can express properties of the form“under any scheduling of processes,the probability that event occurs is at least.”First,define state formulas inductively as follows:where atomic propositions are predicates over state variables.State formulas of the form are explained below.Define path formulas as follows:Unlike state formulas,which are simplyfirst-order propositions over a single state,path formulas represent properties of a chain of states(here path refers to a sequence of state space transitions rather than a routing path in the Crowds speci-fication).In particular,is true iff is true for every state in the chain;is true iff is true for all states in the chain until becomes true,and is true for all subsequent states;is true iff and there are no more than states before becomes true.For any state and path formula,is a state formula which is true iff state space paths starting from satisfy path formula with probability greater than.For the purposes of this paper,we will be interested in formulas of the form ,evaluated in the initial state.Here specifies a system con-figuration of interest,typically representing a particular observation by the adver-sary that satisfies the definition of a successful attack on the protocol.Property is a liveness property:it holds in iff will eventually hold with greater than probability.For instance,if is a state variable represent-ing the number of times one of the corrupt members received a message from the honest member no.,then holds in iff the prob-ability of corrupt members eventually observing member no.twice or more is greater than.Expressing properties of the system in PCTL allows us to reason formally about the probability of corrupt group members collecting enough evidence to success-fully attack anonymity.We use model checking techniques developed for verifica-tion of discrete-time Markov chains to compute this probability automatically.42.2PRISM model checkerThe automated analyses described in this paper were performed using PRISM,aprobabilistic model checker developed by Kwiatkowska et al.[KNP01].The toolsupports both discrete-and continuous-time Markov chains,and Markov decisionprocesses.As described in section4,we model probabilistic peer-to-peer com-munication systems such as Crowds simply as discrete-time Markov chains,andformalize their properties in PCTL.The behavior of the system processes is specified using a simple module-basedlanguage inspired by Reactive Modules[AH96].State variables are declared in thestandard way.For example,the following declarationdeliver:bool init false;declares a boolean state variable deliver,initialized to false,while the followingdeclarationconst TotalRuns=4;...observe1:[0..TotalRuns]init0;declares a constant TotalRuns equal to,and then an integer array of size,indexed from to TotalRuns,with all elements initialized to.State transition rules are specified using guarded commands of the form[]<guard>-><command>;where<guard>is a predicate over system variables,and<command>is the tran-sition executed by the system if the guard condition evaluates to mandoften has the form<expression>...<expression>, which means that in the next state(i.e.,that obtained after the transition has beenexecuted),state variable is assigned the result of evaluating arithmetic expres-sion<expression>If the transition must be chosen probabilistically,the discrete probability dis-tribution is specified as[]<guard>-><prob1>:<command1>+...+<probN>:<commandN>;Transition represented by command is executed with probability prob,and prob.Security properties to be checked are stated as PCTL formulas (see section2.1).5Given a formal system specification,PRISM constructs the Markov chain and determines the set of reachable states,using MTBDDs and BDDs,respectively. Model checking a PCTL formula reduces to a combination of reachability-based computation and solving a system of linear equations to determine the probability of satisfying the formula in each reachable state.The model checking algorithms employed by PRISM include[BdA95,BK98,Bai98].More details about the im-plementation and operation of PRISM can be found at http://www.cs.bham. /˜dxp/prism/and in[KNP01].Since PRISM only supports model checking offinite DTMC,in our case study of Crowds we only analyze anonymity properties offinite instances of the system. By changing parameters of the model,we demonstrate how anonymity properties evolve with changes in the system configuration.Wright et al.[W ALS02]investi-gated related properties of the Crowds system in the general case,but they do not rely on tool support and their analyses are manual rather than automated.3Crowds Anonymity SystemProviding an anonymous communication service on the Internet is a challenging task.While conventional security mechanisms such as encryption can be used to protect the content of messages and transactions,eavesdroppers can still observe the IP addresses of communicating computers,timing and frequency of communi-cation,etc.A Web server can trace the source of the incoming connection,further compromising anonymity.The Crowds system was developed by Reiter and Ru-bin[RR98]for protecting users’anonymity on the Web.The main idea behind gossip-based approaches to anonymity such as Crowds is to hide each user’s communications by routing them randomly within a crowd of similar users.Even if an eavesdropper observes a message being sent by a particular user,it can never be sure whether the user is the actual sender,or is simply routing another user’s message.3.1Path setup protocolA crowd is a collection of users,each of whom is running a special process called a jondo which acts as the user’s proxy.Some of the jondos may be corrupt and/or controlled by the adversary.Corrupt jondos may collaborate and share their obser-vations in an attempt to compromise the honest users’anonymity.Note,however, that all observations by corrupt group members are local.Each corrupt member may observe messages sent to it,but not messages transmitted on the links be-tween honest jondos.An honest crowd member has no way of determining whether6a particular jondo is honest or corrupt.The parameters of the system are the total number of members,the number of corrupt members,and the forwarding probability which is explained below.To participate in communication,all jondos must register with a special server which maintains membership information.Therefore,every member of the crowd knows identities of all other members.As part of the join procedure,the members establish pairwise encryption keys which are used to encrypt pairwise communi-cation,so the contents of the messages are secret from an external eavesdropper.Anonymity guarantees provided by Crowds are based on the path setup pro-tocol,which is described in the rest of this section.The path setup protocol is executed each time one of the crowd members wants to establish an anonymous connection to a Web server.Once a routing path through the crowd is established, all subsequent communication between the member and the Web server is routed along it.We will call one run of the path setup protocol a session.When crowd membership changes,the existing paths must be scrapped and a new protocol ses-sion must be executed in order to create a new random routing path through the crowd to the destination.Therefore,we’ll use terms path reformulation and proto-col session interchangeably.When a user wants to establish a connection with a Web server,its browser sends a request to the jondo running locally on her computer(we will call this jondo the initiator).Each request contains information about the intended desti-nation.Since the objective of Crowds is to protect the sender’s identity,it is not problematic that a corrupt router can learn the recipient’s identity.The initiator starts the process of creating a random path to the destination as follows: The initiator selects a crowd member at random(possibly itself),and for-wards the request to it,encrypted by the corresponding pairwise key.We’ll call the selected member the forwarder.The forwarderflips a biased coin.With probability,it delivers the request directly to the destination.With probability,it selects a crowd member at random(possibly itself)as the next forwarder in the path,and forwards the request to it,re-encrypted with the appropriate pairwise key.The next forwarder then repeats this step.Each forwarder maintains an identifier for the created path.If the same jondo appears in different positions on the same path,identifiers are different to avoid infinite loops.Each subsequent message from the initiator to the destination is routed along this path,i.e.,the paths are static—once established,they are not altered often.This is necessary to hinder corrupt members from linking multiple7paths originating from the same initiator,and using this information to compromise the initiator’s anonymity as described in section3. properties of CrowdsThe Crowds paper[RR98]describes several degrees of anonymity that may be provided by a communication system.Without using anonymizing techniques, none of the following properties are guaranteed on the Web since browser requests contain information about their source and destination in the clear.Beyond suspicion Even if the adversary can see evidence of a sent message,the real sender appears to be no more likely to have originated it than any other potential sender in the system.Probable innocence The real sender appears no more likely to be the originator of the message than to not be the originator,i.e.,the probability that the adversary observes the real sender as the source of the message is less thanupper bound on the probability of detection.If the sender is observed by the adversary,she can then plausibly argue that she has been routing someone else’s messages.The Crowds paper focuses on providing anonymity against local,possibly co-operating eavesdroppers,who can share their observations of communication in which they are involved as forwarders,but cannot observe communication involv-ing only honest members.We also limit our analysis to this case.3.2.1Anonymity for a single routeIt is proved in[RR98]that,for any given routing path,the path initiator in a crowd of members with forwarding probability has probable innocence against collaborating crowd members if the following inequality holds:(1)More formally,let be the event that at least one of the corrupt crowd members is selected for the path,and be the event that the path initiator appears in8the path immediately before a corrupt crowd member(i.e.,the adversary observes the real sender as the source of the messages routed along the path).Condition 1guarantees thatproving that,given multiple linked paths,the initiator appears more often as a sus-pect than a random crowd member.The automated analysis described in section6.1 confirms and quantifies this result.(The technical results of[Shm02]on which this paper is based had been developed independently of[Mal01]and[W ALS02],be-fore the latter was published).In general,[Mal01]and[W ALS02]conjecture that there can be no reliable anonymity method for peer-to-peer communication if in order to start a new communication session,the initiator must originate thefirst connection before any processing of the session commences.This implies that anonymity is impossible in a gossip-based system with corrupt routers in the ab-sence of decoy traffic.In section6.3,we show that,for any given number of observed paths,the adversary’s confidence in its observations increases with the size of the crowd.This result contradicts the intuitive notion that bigger crowds provide better anonymity guarantees.It was discovered by automated analysis.4Formal Model of CrowdsIn this section,we describe our probabilistic formal model of the Crowds system. Since there is no non-determinism in the protocol specification(see section3.1), the model is a simple discrete-time Markov chain as opposed to a Markov deci-sion process.In addition to modeling the behavior of the honest crowd members, we also formalize the adversary.The protocol does not aim to provide anonymity against global eavesdroppers.Therefore,it is sufficient to model the adversary as a coalition of corrupt crowd members who only have access to local communication channels,i.e.,they can only make observations about a path if one of them is se-lected as a forwarder.By the same token,it is not necessary to model cryptographic functions,since corrupt members know the keys used to encrypt peer-to-peer links in which they are one of the endpoints,and have no access to links that involve only honest members.The modeling technique presented in this section is applicable with minor mod-ifications to any probabilistic routing system.In each state of routing path construc-tion,the discrete probability distribution given by the protocol specification is used directly to define the probabilistic transition rule for choosing the next forwarder on the path,if any.If the protocol prescribes an upper bound on the length of the path(e.g.,Freenet[CSWH01]),the bound can be introduced as a system parameter as described in section4.2.3,with the corresponding increase in the size of the state space but no conceptual problems.Probabilistic model checking can then be used to check the validity of PCTL formulas representing properties of the system.In the general case,forwarder selection may be governed by non-deterministic10runCount goodbad lastSeen observelaunchnewstartrundeliver recordLast badObserve4.2Model of honest members4.2.1InitiationPath construction is initiated as follows(syntax of PRISM is described in section 2.2):[]launch->runCount’=TotalRuns&new’=true&launch’=false;[]new&(runCount>0)->(runCount’=runCount-1)&new’=false&start’=true;[]start->lastSeen’=0&deliver’=false&run’=true&start’=false;4.2.2Forwarder selectionThe initiator(i.e.,thefirst crowd member on the path,the one whose identity must be protected)randomly chooses thefirst forwarder from among all group mem-bers.We assume that all group members have an equal probability of being chosen, but the technique can support any discrete probability distribution for choosing for-warders.Forwarder selection is a single step of the protocol,but we model it as two probabilistic state transitions.Thefirst determines whether the selected forwarder is honest or corrupt,the second determines the forwarder’s identity.The randomly selected forwarder is corrupt with probability badCbe next on the path.Any of the honest crowd members can be selected as the forwarder with equal probability.To illustrate,for a crowd with10honest members,the following transition models the second step of forwarder selection: []recordLast&CrowdSize=10->0.1:lastSeen’=0&run’=true&recordLast’=false+0.1:lastSeen’=1&run’=true&recordLast’=false+...0.1:lastSeen’=9&run’=true&recordLast’=false;According to the protocol,each honest crowd member must decide whether to continue building the path byflipping a biased coin.With probability,the forwarder selection transition is enabled again and path construction continues, and with probability the path is terminated at the current forwarder,and all requests arriving from the initiator along the path will be delivered directly to the recipient.[](good&!deliver&run)->//Continue path constructionPF:good’=false+//Terminate path constructionnotPF:deliver’=true;The specification of the Crowds system imposes no upper bound on the length of the path.Moreover,the forwarders are not permitted to know their relative position on the path.Note,however,that the amount of information about the initiator that can be extracted by the adversary from any path,or anyfinite number of paths,isfinite(see sections4.3and4.5).In systems such as Freenet[CSWH01],requests have a hops-to-live counter to prevent infinite paths,except with very small probability.To model this counter,we may introduce an additional state variable pIndex that keeps track of the length of the path constructed so far.The path construction transition is then coded as follows://Example with Hops-To-Live//(NOT CROWDS)////Forward with prob.PF,else deliver13[](good&!deliver&run&pIndex<MaxPath)->PF:good’=false&pIndex’=pIndex+1+notPF:deliver’=true;//Terminate if reached MaxPath,//but sometimes not//(to confuse adversary)[](good&!deliver&run&pIndex=MaxPath)->smallP:good’=false+largeP:deliver’=true;Introduction of pIndex obviously results in exponential state space explosion, decreasing the maximum system size for which model checking is feasible.4.2.4Transition matrix for honest membersTo summarize the state space of the discrete-time Markov chain representing cor-rect behavior of protocol participants(i.e.,the state space induced by the abovetransitions),let be the state in which links of the th routing path from the initiator have already been constructed,and assume that are the honestforwarders selected for the path.Let be the state in which path constructionhas terminated with as thefinal path,and let be an auxiliary state. Then,given the set of honest crowd members s.t.,the transi-tion matrix is such that,,(see section4.2.2),i.e.,the probability of selecting the adversary is equal to the cumulative probability of selecting some corrupt member.14This abstraction does not limit the class of attacks that can be discovered using the approach proposed in this paper.Any attack found in the model where indi-vidual corrupt members are kept separate will be found in the model where their capabilities are combined in a single worst-case adversary.The reason for this is that every observation made by one of the corrupt members in the model with separate corrupt members will be made by the adversary in the model where their capabilities are combined.The amount of information available to the worst-case adversary and,consequently,the inferences that can be made from it are at least as large as those available to any individual corrupt member or a subset thereof.In the adversary model of[RR98],each corrupt member can only observe its local network.Therefore,it only learns the identity of the crowd member imme-diately preceding it on the path.We model this by having the corrupt member read the value of the lastSeen variable,and record its observations.This cor-responds to reading the source IP address of the messages arriving along the path. For example,for a crowd of size10,the transition is as follows:[]lastSeen=0&badObserve->observe0’=observe0+1&deliver’=true&run’=true&badObserve’=false;...[]lastSeen=9&badObserve->observe9’=observe9+1&deliver’=true&run’=true&badObserve’=false;The counters observe are persistent,i.e.,they are not reset for each session of the path setup protocol.This allows the adversary to accumulate observations over several path reformulations.We assume that the adversary can detect when two paths originate from the same member whose identity is unknown(see sec-tion3.2.2).The adversary is only interested in learning the identity of thefirst crowd mem-ber in the path.Continuing path construction after one of the corrupt members has been selected as a forwarder does not provide the adversary with any new infor-mation.This is a very important property since it helps keep the model of the adversaryfinite.Even though there is no bound on the length of the path,at most one observation per path is useful to the adversary.To simplify the model,we as-sume that the path terminates as soon as it reaches a corrupt member(modeled by deliver’=true in the transition above).This is done to shorten the average path length without decreasing the power of the adversary.15Each forwarder is supposed toflip a biased coin to decide whether to terminate the path,but the coinflips are local to the forwarder and cannot be observed by other members.Therefore,honest members cannot detect without cooperation that corrupt members always terminate paths.In any case,corrupt members can make their observable behavior indistinguishable from that of the honest members by continuing the path with probability as described in section4.2.3,even though this yields no additional information to the adversary.4.4Multiple pathsThe discrete-time Markov chain defined in sections4.2and4.3models construc-tion of a single path through the crowd.As explained in section3.2.2,paths have to be reformulated periodically.The decision to rebuild the path is typically made according to a pre-determined schedule,e.g.,hourly,daily,or once enough new members have asked to join the crowd.For the purposes of our analysis,we sim-ply assume that paths are reformulated somefinite number of times(determined by the system parameter=TotalRuns).We analyze anonymity properties provided by Crowds after successive path reformulations by considering the state space produced by successive execu-tions of the path construction protocol described in section4.2.As explained in section4.3,the adversary is permitted to combine its observations of some or all of the paths that have been constructed(the adversary only observes the paths for which some corrupt member was selected as one of the forwarders).The adversary may then use this information to infer the path initiator’s identity.Because for-warder selection is probabilistic,the adversary’s ability to collect enough informa-tion to successfully identify the initiator can only be characterized probabilistically, as explained in section5.4.5Finiteness of the adversary’s state spaceThe state space of the honest members defined by the transition matrix of sec-tion4.2.4is infinite since there is no a priori upper bound on the length of each path.Corrupt members,however,even if they collaborate,can make at most one observation per path,as explained in section4.3.As long as the number of path reformulations is bounded(see section4.4),only afinite number of paths will be constructed and the adversary will be able to make only afinite number of observa-tions.Therefore,the adversary only needsfinite memory and the adversary’s state space isfinite.In general,anonymity is violated if the adversary has a high probability of making a certain observation(see section5).Tofind out whether Crowds satisfies16。
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Ground-stabilized, high-resolution color monitors capture details in the real-time processed sonar data. > B uilt-in operator aids: To simplify operation, LFATS provides recommended mode/parameter settings, automated range-of-day estimation and data history recall. >COTS hardware: LFATS incorporates a modular, expandable open architecture to accommodate future technology.L3Harrissellsht_LFATS© 2022 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. | 09/2022NON-EXPORT CONTROLLED - These item(s)/data have been reviewed in accordance with the InternationalTraffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR part 120.33, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR 734(3)(b)(3), and may be released without export restrictions.L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-endsolutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains.t 818 367 0111 | f 818 364 2491 *******************WINCH AND HANDLINGSYSTEMSHIP ELECTRONICSTOWED SUBSYSTEMSONAR OPERATORCONSOLETRANSMIT POWERAMPLIFIER 1025 W. NASA Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32919SPECIFICATIONSOperating Modes Active, passive, test, playback, multi-staticSource Level 219 dB Omnidirectional, 222 dB Sector Steered Projector Elements 16 in 4 stavesTransmission Omnidirectional or by sector Operating Depth 15-to-300 m Survival Speed 30 knotsSize Winch & Handling Subsystem:180 in. x 138 in. x 84 in.(4.5 m x 3.5 m x 2.2 m)Sonar Operator Console:60 in. x 26 in. x 68 in.(1.52 m x 0.66 m x 1.73 m)Transmit Power Amplifier:42 in. x 28 in. x 68 in.(1.07 m x 0.71 m x 1.73 m)Weight Winch & Handling: 3,954 kg (8,717 lb.)Towed Subsystem: 678 kg (1,495 lb.)Ship Electronics: 928 kg (2,045 lb.)Platforms Frigates, corvettes, small patrol boats Receive ArrayConfiguration: Twin-lineNumber of channels: 48 per lineLength: 26.5 m (86.9 ft.)Array directivity: >18 dB @ 1,380 HzLFATS PROCESSINGActiveActive Band 1,200-to-1,00 HzProcessing CW, FM, wavetrain, multi-pulse matched filtering Pulse Lengths Range-dependent, .039 to 10 sec. max.FM Bandwidth 50, 100 and 300 HzTracking 20 auto and operator-initiated Displays PPI, bearing range, Doppler range, FM A-scan, geographic overlayRange Scale5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kyd PassivePassive Band Continuous 100-to-2,000 HzProcessing Broadband, narrowband, ALI, DEMON and tracking Displays BTR, BFI, NALI, DEMON and LOFAR Tracking 20 auto and operator-initiatedCommonOwn-ship noise reduction, doppler nullification, directional audio。
Full lead delaminated
Tie bar delaminated
Reject : Full lead finger or full tie bar delaminated
Reject : Delamination at die attach region ( >50%) Note : This delamination is verified by Through scan analysis
JEDEC 020 Delamination criteria : Item e No surface-breaking feature delaminated over its entire length
Reject : Delamination on top side of die
JEDEC 020 Delamination criteria : Item b No delamination on any wire bonding surface including the downbond area or the leadframe of lead on chip devices
Reject : Delamination on polymeric film(>10% ) Note : This delamination is verified by Through scan analysis
Hale Waihona Puke JEDEC 020 Delamination criteria : Item d No delamination / cracking >50% of the die attach area in thermally enhanced packages or devices that require electrical contact to the backside of the die
CODE: GZ0000472467Instruction Manual (Operation)COMPACT WATER QUALITY METER LAQUAtwin-pH-11, LAQUAtwin-pH-22, LAQUAtwin-pH-33SpecificationsItems in packageConsumable parts sold separately Part Namesotherwise specified.Initial SetupAttaching/detaching the sensorNoteBe careful not to twist the waterproof gasket.Inserting/removing batteriesElectrode conditioningNote●Before using the sensor for the first time or after several days of disuse, perform electrode conditioning.●Perform calibration after electrode condition-ing.1.Place some drops of pH 7 standard solution to the flat sensor.2.Wait a few hours before use.There is no need to switch the meter ON.3.Clean the flat sensor with running water.ModelLAQUAtwin-pH-11, LAQUAtwin-pH-22, LAQUAtwin-pH-33Target pHMeasurement principleGlass electrode methodMinimum sample volume 0.1 mL *1pH range 0 pH to 14 pHResolution (valid digits)LAQUAtwin-pH-11: 0.1 pH LAQUAtwin-pH-22: 0.01 pHLAQUAtwin-pH-33: 0.01 pHCalibration LAQUAtwin-pH-11: Up to 2 pointsLAQUAtwin-pH-22: Up to 3 points LAQUAtwin-pH-33: Up to 5 points Accuracy*2LAQUAtwin-pH-11: ±0.1 pH LAQUAtwin-pH-22: ±0.01 pH LAQUAtwin-pH-33: ±0.01 pHTempera-ture display Available only on LAQUAtwin-pH-33,0 ︒C to 50.0︒C Display Custom (monochrome) digital LCDwith backlightOperating environment 5︒C to 40︒C, 85% or less relative humidity (no condensation)Power CR2032 batteries (⨯2)Battery life Approx. 400 h continuous operation *3Outer dimen-sions/mass 164 ⨯ 29 ⨯ 20 mm, Approx. 50 g *4Main func-tion Temperature compensation, water-proof *5, auto stable/auto hold, auto-matic power OFF*10.05 mL or more if sampling sheet B (sold sepa-rately) is used.*2The closeness of agreement between measuredvalue and actual value of the pH 4.01 standard solution after two-point calibration using pH 4.01 and pH 7.00 standard solutions. The temperature during the calibration and measurement is the same. Two-point calibration is started from pH 7.00. The error of standard solutions and round-ing error (±1 digit) are not included.*3The life period if the meter is used in the backlightoff mode. If the backlight is used, battery life will shorten.*4The dimensions excludes projections and themass excludes batteries.*5IP67: no failure when immersed in water at adepth or 1 meter for 30 minutes.Please note that the meter can not be used underwater ItemsQuantitySensor S0101Meter1Storage case 1BatteriesCR20322Standard solutionpH 4 (pH 4.01)1pH 7 (pH 7.00)1Pipette1Sampling sheet B (5 sheet-pack)1Instruction manual (Operation)1Instruction manual (Before use)1Items Specifications Part No.SensorS010, pH3200459834Standard solution 514-4, pH 4.013999960108514-7, pH 7.003999960109Sampling sheet BY046, 100 sheet-pack 3200053858Attaching the sensor 1.Power OFF the meter.2.Confirm that the waterproofing gasket is clean and undamaged.3.shown.Items SpecificationsPart No.Detaching the sensor 1.Power OFF the meter.2.Lift the sensor tongue tip and slide the sensor a little away from the meter.3.Pull out the sensor all the way from the meter. Inserting the batteries 1.Power OFF the meter.2.Slide both batteries into the battery case as shown.Be sure to use two CR2032 batteries, and put them with the plus sides (+) upwards.Removing the batteries 1.Power OFF the meter.e a ball-point pen or other tool to pry the batter-ies out from the clips as shown.Basic OperationCalibrationCalibration is required before measurement.Use standard solution within the measurement range in the specifications.Tip●Calibration values are saved even if the meteris switched OFF.●Calibration value is rewritten if calibration isrepeated using the same standard solution.●Select the pH standard solutions close to thepH value of sample when the sample is known.●Perform three-point calibration using pH 4.01,pH 7.00 (6.86), and pH 10 (9.18) standard solu-tions when the sample is unknown.MeasurementNote●If a measured value is out of the specifiedmeasurement range, "Or" is displayed forupper range and "Ur" is displayed for underrange.●When you have a problem with the calibrationor measurement, refer to frequently askedquestions.Measurement display changeThe display mode switches as follows by press-ing the MEAS switch in the AS mode.LAQUAtwin-pH-11 and LAQUAtwin-pH-22: Between pH and voltage alternatelyLAQUAtwin-pH-33:Among pH, voltage, and temperatureMaintenancePower ON1.Press and hold the ON/OFF switch.The power is switched ON,and the meter model num-ber is displayed on the LCD.Power OFF1.Press and hold the ON/OFF switch.The power is switched OFF.Calibration pointsThe number of calibration points is dependent on the meter model.●LAQUAtwin-pH-11:Up to two-point calibration●LAQUAtwin-pH-22:Up to three-point calibration●LAQUAtwin-pH-33:Up to five-point calibrationMulti-point calibration1. Select the standard from USA or NIST.(Refer to " Buffer standard change"(page 4).)USA is selected by the default.2.Open the light shield cover and place somedrops of the standard solution on the flatsensor taking care to cover the entire flatsensor.Rinsing the sensor with the standard solutionbeforehand will provide a more accurate cali-bration as it will reduce sample crossover con-tamination.3.Close the light shield cover and press thedisplayed.After the calibration is complete,stop blinking and the measured value is dis-played.The calibration value at 25 C is displayed for 1s and the display returns to the measurementmode automatically.4.Open the light shield cover and remove thestandard solution. Then remove moistureon the sensor by gently dabbing with a softtissue.This completes the 1st point calibration.5.To perform 2nd point calibration, repeatsteps 2. to 4.Calibration errorIf blinks and Er4 (error dis-play) appears, the calibrationhas failed.Perform electrode conditioning.Check that the correct standard solution is used,and repeat calibration after cleaning the sensor.If the calibration repeatedly fails when using thecorrect standard solution(s), the sensor mayhave deteriorated. Replace the sensor with newone.Sample setting1.Open the light shield cover and put somedrops of sample on the flat sensor to coverthe entire flat sensor.2.Close the light shield cover.Measurement modeThe auto stable (AS) mode and the auto hold(AH) mode can be selected. Refer to " Mea-surement mode change" (page 4) for the opera-tion to set the measurement mode.Auto stable (AS) mode1.Confirm that the meter is in the measure-ment mode, and place a sample on the sen-sor.locked.2.appears.Auto hold (AH) modeand will not change until the MEAS switch ispressed for the next measurement.1.Confirm that the meter is in the measure-ment mode, and place a sample on the sen-sor.2.Press the MEAS switch.The auto hold function is acti-vated.blinks until the mea-sured value has stabilized.When the measured value is stable, stopsblinking and the displayed value is locked with3.Document the displayed value.4.Press the MEAS switch.disappears.Be sure to perform this step before starting thenext measurement. Or, you may mistake thedisplayed hold value for the next measuredvalue.Storage1.Clean the sensor with tap water.2.Dab gently with soft tissue or cloth toremove moisture on the sensor and meter.NoteEspecially be sure to treat the flat sensor gentlyto prevent damaging it.3.Close the light shield cover and the slidecap before storing the meter.AppendixFrequently asked questions Temperature sensor adjustmentTemperature sensor adjustment is available on LAQUAtwin-pH-33.To perform accurate measurement with correc-tion for temperature effects, follow the steps below. Normally this is not necessary.1.Ready a reference thermometer, and allow the meter and reference thermometer to reach to room temperature.2.Set the display mode to temperature refer-ring to " Measurement display change"(page 2).3.Press the CAL switch.The meter displays the setting screen for tar-get temperature.4.Press the MEAS switch to adjust the dis-played temperature on the meter to match the temperature indicated by the reference thermometer.Pressing the MEAS switch increases the dis-played temperature. After the displayed tem-perature reaches 40°C, it returns to 5°C.5.Press the CAL switch again to apply the displayed value to the adjustment.The adjustment starts. The adjusted value blinks with and displayed.After the adjustment is complete, the adjusted value stops blinking with MEAS and dis-played.If Er4 (error display) appears, the adjustment has failed. Retry the above steps increasing the time spent on the step 1.If the adjustment repeatedly fails, the sensor may have deteriorated. Replace the sensor with new one.Initializing calibration dataInitialize calibration in the following cases.●To delete the calibration data●If the number of points for the last calibration is uncertain.●After the sensor is replaced.1.Press and hold the CAL and ON/OFF switches for over 3 seconds when the meter is switched OFF to Initialize calibra-tion.After a moment of all segment indication, the software version is displayed. And then, the display changes as shown right.2.Press the CAL switch.All calibration data is reset.When the initialization of cali-bration data is complete, End appears.The meter automatically switches OFF. Initializing the settingsAll setup choices are erased. The meter is reset to the factory default values.1.Press and hold the MEAS, CAL and ON/OFF switches for over 3 seconds when the meter is switched OFF to enter the initial-ization.After a moment of all segment indication, the software version is displayed. And then, the display changes as shown right.2.Press the CAL switch.All calibration data is reset.When the initialization of settings is complete, End appears.The meter automatically switches OFF.Er4 is dis-played during the calibra-tionPlease note that if you press the CAL switch in mV or temperature display mode, Er4 is displayed. This is because there is no calibration facility available for these modes.Er1 is dis-played soon power ON.The internal IC in the meter may be defective. Perform meter initializa-tion.If Er1 is still displayed after the initial-ization, the internal IC in the meter is defective. Replace the meter with a new one (the meter cannot be repaired).Er2 is dis-played right after power ON.The internal IC in the meter is defec-tive. Replace the meter with a new one (the meter cannot be repaired).Er3 is dis-played right after power ON.The internal IC in the meter is defec-tive. Replace the meter with a new one (the meter cannot be repaired).Question AnswerSetup ModeThe setup mode allows the user to customize the meter to his specific needs.To enter the setup mode, press and hold the MEAS and ON/OFF switches for over 3 seconds when the meter is switched OFF. All the LCD segments appear and then the meter enters the setup mode.Tip●To have the changes apply, you need to go through the entire steps from “Setup mode entry” to “Setup completion” shown below. To leave a setting as it is, just press CAL switch in the setting.●To exit the setup mode with no change of settings, press the ON/OFF switch earlier than pressing CAL switch in the last step but one, or the “Backlight setting” step.Setup mode entryBuffer standard changeThe standards of pH buffer can be changed.Measurement mode changeThe measurement mode can be switched.* Measurement display change is available in the AS mode. Refer to " Measurement display change" (page 2).Backlight settingThe backlight can be switched to ON or OFF.Setup completion31, Miyanonishi-cho, Kisshoin Minami-ku, Kyoto,。
HA Spool Sensing (H Series ISO Valve Manifold) 用户手
HA Spool Sensing(for the H Series ISO Valve Manifold)Bulletin 0600-B103ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.Integrated Spool Sensing for Safety Circuits:HA Spool Sensing has been designed to indicate the end position of the valve spool with single channel feedback to the PLC. HA Spool Sensing is not a certified safety component to The Machinery Directive 2006/42EC however , with proper integration, the HA Spool Sensing product is suitable for use in safety circuits following safety related parts of control systems (SRP/CS) to EN ISO 13849-1 standards. It has been developed and manufactured in accordance with the basic well tried and trusted safety principles as outlined in EN ISO 13849-2. When used in high categories, the sensor signal from the valve must be evaluated by the control system to achieve high diagnostic coverage and proper fault detection.For additional information visit www.parker .com/pdn/HASpoolSensingHA Spool Sensing: Parker offers enhanced safety on manifold with the introduction of HA Spool Sensing which provides sensing and feedback of spool position on standard ISO (size 01) HA valves. This is a cost-effective way to add sensing capability to a pneumatic control circuit when using ISO style valve manifolds, such as Parker’s H Series ISO valve manifold product.The solid-state sensor is offered in a single or double solenoid, 2 position HA valve (singular) in either Plug-In (ISO 15407-2) or Non-Plug-In (ISO 15407-1) base styles. The HA Spool Sensing valve is available in PNP or NPN switching outputs with an M8 or M12 connector for easy installation. Monitoring at the PLC allows HA Spool Sensing to become an integrated part of a safety circuit (single channel), where redundancy or feedback is required. With this flexibility , enhanced safety on manifold can be easy to integrate reducing overall costs. This product is suitable for use directly onthe valve manifold and also can be used in conjunction with the PXM module for added versatility.HA Spool Sensing as a Redundant Safety Circuit:Redundancy in circuit design can be achieved when HA Spool Sensing is used in conjunction with the PXM Pilot Exhaust Module. This combination allows sensing of both the spool position of the HA valve and the ability to control pilot pressure within a given zone to ensure pilot is on or offand the spool has shifted. This can be a requirement prior to performing a secondary operation. This creates a pneumatic controlled safety zone without removal of PLC electrical signals or main supply pressure in the zone allowing enhanced control, additional safety control and maintenance flexibility.Designing with PXMWhen designing circuits with safety in mind the selection of valve type is of critical importance. The PXM Pilot Exhaust module will only control externally piloted valves when solenoid 14 is energized (on). When solenoid 14 is de-energized (off), control of all externally piloted valves in the zone is disabled for both solenoid actuation and manual override until solenoid 14 is energized again.Designing with HA Spool SensingHA spool sensing will indicate with solid state sensors if the spool has shifted however; in the event of power loss the valve will respond based on its design. Careful consideration must be taken to ensure a fail-safe design. For this reason, most safety applications will utilize a spring return single solenoid valve design.When pilot pressure or power is removed valves will perform as follows:• A 5/2 single solenoid (mechanical spring return) valve will return to the 12-operator state (known position)• A 5/2 double solenoid valve will maintain last stateHA Spool Sensing - Mounts ontop of PXM and provides solidstate sensing of spool positionto the PLC via M8 or M12connector. Can also be used forspool sensing without the PXMmodule for sensing only.PXM - Connects main supplypressure in the HA valve to the14-pilot manifold galley whenthe 14 solenoid is energizedand with sensing can providefeedback of pilot pressure to thePLC.Manifold – maintains supplypressure but waits for pilotsignal to actuate the externallypiloted valves in the pressurezone. (Port 2 is disabled, whileport 4 of the valve is connectedto main supply pressure. Thisport can be blocked or connect-ed to other functions.)Bulletin 0600-B103 09/2021© 2021 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin CorporationPneumatic Division8676 E. M89Richland, MI 49083 USATel: 877 321 4PDN Applications Engineering: ******************Customer Support: *********************HA Spool Sensing Technical Specifications:General SpecificationsValve Function5/2 single or double solenoid Port Sizes (working)1/4Pilot PressurePilot, Minimum Operating Pressure Spring return air assist 30 PSI Air return 25 PSI Operation PressureVac to 10 bar / Vac to 145 PSIG MediaCompressed air to DIN ISO 8573-1:2010 (7:4:4)Nominal Operating Voltage24VDC (Consult configurator for 120V)Valve Switching Time24ms ON, 26ms OFF Power Consumption (Sensor)1W to 0.20W Sensor Cable Length0.3 Meters Power Consumption (Valve) ISO Size 01 Certificates B10d ************************cCSAus, CE and IP65Consult FactoryFor additional configurations, including 120V please use configurator at www.parker .com/pdn/HASpoolSensing。
商品说明书:ATLAS SOUND AT 系列商业抑制器
©2011 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 001063 R e v D 10/13Commercial AttenuatorsAT Series, E408 SeriesFeatures• M odels Feature a Range of Attenuation Steps (1.5dB or 3dB Steps) as Well as Continuous to Meet Application and Budget Requirements • W all Plates are Stainless Steel with Stamped and Filled or Screen Printed Dial Scale, and a Skirted Black Knob (White and Ivory Plastic Plates with Matching Skirted Knobs Also Available in Decora Style-D Series Only)• P opular Rack Mount Attenuator Versions are Available on the AT and E408 Series for Mounting on to Blank Panels in Equipment Cabinets• All AT Models Mount into Most 1-Gang E.O. Boxes. (23⁄4" Deep)• AT and E408 Series are UL ListedGenenal DescriptionAT Series Industry Standard Auto Transformer. High-quality auto transformer series provides the advantages of excellent frequencyresponse, low insertion loss and reliable performance for volume control application in 25V/70.7V systems. Attenuation is accomplished in ten make before break steps plus positive Off position. (No stop between maximum and Off position to prevent switch damage). Contacts are silver plated for noise-free operation. Features a removable terminal block. Includes stainless steel plate, with stamped and filled or screen printed dial scale and a skirted black knob. (White and ivory plastic plates with matching skirted knobs also available in Decora style-see AT model description chart).E408 Auto Transformer with Precision Level Control. Specially designed for attenuation in masking and sound reinforcement systems where fine tuning of level control is required. Employs a ten-position, non-shorting rotary switch without stop. Attenuation rate is 1.5dB per step. (All other specifications are the same as the AT Series including the UL listing).PA Series Priority Paging Option. Priority paging feature by-passes the effect of the attenuator to provide program level selection of individual emergency and paging signals at the amplifier. Option isavailable on all AT attenuators. The SPDT relay is operated with 24VDC at 10mA. Includes protective relay cover to ensure lasting trouble-free performance. Terminations to the relay and attenuator are made via a removable terminal block. (All other specifications except for dimensions are the same as selected AT models).RM Series Rack Mount Option. For attenuation convenience of rack-mounted equipment in cabinets and consoles, the AT, E408Series attenuators are available without mounting plate for rack panel installation. Attractive matte black polycarbonate dial scale overlay with adhesive backing replaces the mounting plate. Includes skirted black knob. Overlay size is 29 square (51mm). (To order, simply add RM after the selected attenuator model number. Example: AT10-RM or AT10-PARM.) (Dial scale overlays to retrofit existing installations are available, see Model HX23.)Replacement Knobs©2011 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 001063 R e v D 10/13Specfications AT10-(PA)Power Rating * 10 WattsUL ListingAttenuation Per Step 3dB Total Attenuation33dB**Insertion Loss .4dB Plate Size 1 gang Resistance NoneAT35-(PA)Power Rating *35 WattsUL ListingAttenuation Per Step 3dB Total Attenuation27dBInsertion Loss .6dB Plate Size 1 gang Resistance NoneAT100-(PA)Power Rating *100 WattsUL ListingAttenuation Per Step 3dB Total Attenuation27dBInsertion Loss .6dB Plate Size 1 gang Resistance NoneE408-100Power Rating *100 WattsUL ListingAttenuation Per Step 1.5dB Total Attenuation15dBInsertion Loss .6dB Plate Size 1 gang Resistance None* Continuous** These units have two steps of 6dB before off position.Note: Attenuation curve is steeper for a 25-volt lineArchitect and Engineer SpecificationsAT Series Attenuator(s) shall be Atlas Sound AT Series Model____________ auto transformer or approved equal. The power rating shall be __________ and attenuation range shall be _________dB. Attenuation per step for AT-____ shall be 8 steps of 3dB and 6dB each for the last two positions. Attenuator shall be a step type control with a positive off position. There shall be no stop between the maximum and off positions (AT Series only). Switch shall have silver plated contacts to eliminate noise and contact loss. All terminations must be made via a removable terminal block. Unit(s) shall be supplied with one of the following single gang face plates to be noted by model number suffix: Standard stain l ess steel faceplate (with dial scale to indicate attenuator position), Decora style plastic face plate-Ivory color, Decora style plastic face plate-White color. All models are designed to mount in a standard E.O. box.E408 UL Listed attenuator shall be Atlas Sound Model E408-100 auto transformer or approved equal. The power rating shall be 100W. The at t enu a tion per step shall be 1.5dB. Unit shall be a step type control with a positive off position. There shall be no stop between the maximum and off positions. Switch shall have silver plated contacts to elimi n ate noise and contact loss. The attenuator shall be mounted to a standard gang stainless steel wall plate which mounts to a standard E.O. box.RM Option Attenuator shall be Atlas Sound Model ____________ [(AT, E408 (-RM)] or ap p roved equal. Face plate shall be replaced by an adhesive matte black poly c ar b on a te dial scale escutcheon for attachment to a rack mount panel. Escutcheon size shall be 2" SQ.PA Option Specified AT Series attenuators include a priority relay. Relay shall be an SPDT, 24 VDC type securely mounted to the attenuator assembly wired at the factory. Relay shall include a protective cover.AT10 (dc) (-PA) (-RM)AT35 (dc) (-PA) (-RM)Faceplate Options:d = D - Decora Style FaceplateIvory and White inserts, trim ring and knobs icluded.If there is not the above 1 letter suffix, the attenuator is shipped with the standard stainless steel faceplate or is the RM version without a faceplate.©2011 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 001063 R e v D 10/13AT SeriesDimensional Specifications Plate Mounted AttenuatorsMODEL A B C D EAT10 41⁄2" 21⁄8" 23⁄4" 23⁄4" 13⁄4"AT10-PA 41⁄2" 21⁄8" 23⁄4" 23⁄4" 13⁄4"AT3541⁄2"21⁄8" 23⁄4" 23⁄4" 13⁄4"AT35-PA 41⁄2" 21⁄8" 23⁄4" 23⁄4" 13⁄4"AT10041⁄2"21⁄2" 23⁄4" 23⁄4" 13⁄4"AT100-PA 41⁄2" 21⁄2" 23⁄4" 23⁄4" 13⁄4"E408-100 41⁄2"25⁄8"23⁄4"23⁄4"13⁄4"©2011 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 001063 R e v D 10/13WIRING - AT SeriesEach terminal will hold up to 2-16AWG stranded wire.For larger wires or home run situations, a small length of wire and a wire nut are recommended.Attach wire according to label on terminal black as shown below (Non-PA Models will not have the "VDC+" and "VDC-" terminals).* Install the unit with the terminal block on top. This will ensure that theoff position is on the bottom.©2011 A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A t l a s S o u n d a n d S t r a t e g y S e r i e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f A t l a s S o u n d L .P . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . A T S 001063 R e v D 10/13Wiring - (-Pa) Priority AttenuatorsRelay SpecificationsCOIL VOLTAGE: 24VDC COIL CURRENT: 10MACONTACTS: S PDT-2AMP RatingRelay Has a Protective CoverPower Switching Req. For - Pa Attenuators。
UL Recognized UL Standard 1077Component Recognition Program as Protectors,Supplementary (Guide QVNU2,File E75596)UL Standard 508Switches,Industrial Control (Guide NRNT2,File E148683)CSA CertifiedComponent Supplementary Protector under Class 3215 30,FIle 047848 0 000CSA Standard C22.2 No. 235VDE CertifiedEN60934,VDE 0642 under File No.10537Agency CertificationsNotes for T able A:1DC and 1Ø 277 Volt ratings are 1 or 2 poles breaking. 3Ø Ratings are 3 poles breaking.2 Requires branch circuit backup with a UL LISTED Type K5 or RK5 fuse rated 15A minimum and no more than 4 times full load amps not to exceed 150A for 250 Volt rating and 125A for 277and 480 Volt ratings.3 UL Recognition and CSA Certification at 480 Volts refers to 3 and 4 pole versions, used only in a 3Ø wye connected circuit or 2 pole versions connected with 2 poles breaking 1Ø and backedup with series fusing per note 2.Table A:Lists UL Recognized and CSA and VDE Certified configurations and performance capabilities as a Component Supplementary Protector.ElectricalCURRENT RA TINGCIRCUITMAX FULL LOAD WITH WITHOUT (Inc) WITH (Icn) WITHOUTCONFIGURA TIONRA TINGFREQUENCYPHASEAMPSBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSE65DC ---0.02 - 50 ---500050001500125/25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 50 ---3000 --- ---25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 505000 ---5000150027750/6010.02 - 505000 --- --- ---480 Y 50/60 1 and 30.02 - 305000---------65DC ---0.02 - 5025050/60 1 and 30.02 - 5027750/6010.02 - 50480 Y50/6030.02 - 30480 Y 50/6010.02 - 30SWITCH ONL Y UL / CSAVDED-SERIES TABLE A: COMPONENT SUPPLEMENTARY PROTECTORVOLT AGEINTERRUPTING CAPACITY (AMPS)SERIESDesigned for snap-on-back panel rail mounting on either a 35mm x 7.5mm, or a 35mm x 15mm Symmetrical Din Rail,allowing rapid and simple mounting and removal of the breaker.It features recessed, wire-ready, touch-proof, shock-resistant ter-minals, suitable for automatic screwdriver assembly, as well as "Dead Front" construction characteristics.Available with a Visi-Rocker two-color actuator, which can be specified to indicate either the ON or the TRIPPED/OFF mode,or solid color rocker or handle type actuators. All actuator types fit in the same industry standard panel cutouts.0.02 - 50 amps, up to 480 VAC or 65 VDC, 1 - 4 poles (Handle),1 - 3 poles (Rocker), with a choice of time delays.Number of PolesRocker Type: 1-3; Handle Type: 1-4 Internal Circuit Config. Switch Only and Series Trip with cur-rent or voltage trip coils.WeighApproximately 128 grams/pole (Approximately 4.57 ounces/pole)Standard Colors Housing - Black; Actuator - See Ordering Scheme.MountingMounts on a standard 35mmSymmetrical DIN Rail (35 x 7.5 or 35x 15mm per DIN EN5002).MechanicalElectricalPhysicalEndurance10,000 ON-OFF operations @ 6 per minute; with rated Current and Voltage.Trip FreeAll D-Series Circuit Breakers will trip on overload,even when actuator is forcibly held in the ON position.Trip IndicationThe operating actuator moves posi-tively to the OFF position when an overload causes the breaker to trip.Designed and tested in accordance with requirements of specifi-cation MIL-PRF-55629 & MIL-STD-202 as follows:Shock Withstands 100 Gs,6ms,sawtoothwhile carrying rated current per Method 213,Test Condition "I".Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested @ 90% of rated current.Vibration Withstands 0.060" excursion from10-55 Hz,and 10 Gs 55-500 Hz,at rated current per Method 204C,Test Condition A. Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested at 90% of rated current.Moisture Resistance Method 106D,i.e.,ten 24-hourcycles @ + 25°C to +65°C,80-98%RH.Salt Spray Method 101,Condition A (90-95%RH @ 5% NaCl Solution,96 hrs).Thermal Shock Method 107D,Condition A (Fivecycles @ -55°C to +25°C to +85°C to +25°C).Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°CEnvironmental020 0.0200250.0250300.0300500.050075 0.0750800.0800850.0852100.1002150.1502200.2002250.2502300.3002350.3502400.4002450.450250 0.5002550.5502600.6002650.6502700.7002750.7502800.8002850.850410 1.000512 1.250413 1.300414 1.400415 1.500517 1.750420 2.000522 2.250425 2.500527 2.750430 3.000532 3.250435 3.500436 3.600440 4.000445 4.500547 4.750450 5.000455 5.500460 6.000465 6.5004707.0005727.2504757.5004808.0004858.5004909.0004959.500610 10.00071010.50061111.00071111.50061212.00071212.50061313.00061414.000615 15.00061616.00061717.00061818.00061919.00062020.00062121.00062222.000623 23.00062424.00062525.00062626.00062727.00062828.00062929.00063030.00063232.00063535.00064040.00064545.00065050.000A06 6 DC, 5 DC A1212 DC, 10 DC A1818 DC, 15 DC A2424 DC, 20 DC A3232 DC, 25 DC A4848 DC, 40 DC A6565 DC, 55 DC J06 6 AC, 5 AC J1212 AC, 10 AC J1818 AC, 15 ACJ2424 AC, 20 AC J4848 AC, 40 AC K20120 AC, 65 AC L40240 AC, 130 AC10Agency Approval8Actuator Color8 ACTUATOR COLOR & LEGEND Actuator orVisi-Color Marking: Marking Color: Single Color Visi-Rocker Color:I-O ON-OFF Dual Rocker/Handle (Actuator Black)8White A B 1Black White Black C D 2White n/a Red F G 3White Red Green H J 4White Green Blue K L 5White Blue Y ellow M N 6Black Y ellow Gray P Q 7Black Gray OrangeRS8Black Orange10 AGENCY APPROVAL C UL Recognized & CSA Certified D VDE Certified, UL Recognized & CSA Certified9 MOUNTING/VOLTAGEMOUNTING STYLE VOLTAGE Threaded Insert 16-32 x 0.195 inches< 300C 96-32 X 0.195 inches ≥300 2ISO M3 x 5mm< 300D 9ISO M3 x 5mm ≥3007 TERMINAL1#10 Screw & Pressure Plate for Direct Wire Connection 2#10 Screw without Pressure Plate3 POLES 1One2Two 3Three4Four5 FREQUENCY & DELA Y 03DC 50/60Hz, Switch Only 105DC Instantaneous 11DC Ultra Short 12DC Short 14DC Medium 16DC Long20550/60Hz Instantaneous 2150/60Hz Ultra Short 2250/60Hz Short 2450/60Hz Medium2650/60Hz Long32DC, 50/60Hz Short 34DC, 50/60Hz Medium 36DC, 50/60Hz Long42650/60Hz Short, Hi-Inrush 44650/60Hz Medium, Hi-Inrush 46650/60Hz Long, Hi-Inrush 527DC, Short,Hi-Inrush 547DC,Medium, Hi-Inrush 567DC, Long, Hi-Inrush4 CIRCUITA0 Switch Only (No Coil) 4B0Series Trip (Current)C0Series Trip (Voltage)1 SERIES D6Current Rating4Circuit3Poles2Actuator9Mounting/Voltage7Terminal5Frequency & Delay1SeriesNotes:1 Handle breakers available up to four poles. Rocker breakers available up to three poles.2Actuator Code:A: Multi-pole units factory assembled with common handle tie.B: Handle location as viewed from front of breaker:2 pole - left pole3 pole - center pole4 pole - two handles at center poles3Multipole rocker breakers have one rocker per breaker, as viewed from the front of thepanel. Two pole - left pole. Three pole - center pole 4≤30A, select Current Rating code 630. 31-50A, select Current Rating code 650.5Voltage coil only available with delay codes 10 & 20.6Available to 50A max with circuit code BO only.7Available to 50A (UL/CSA), 30A (VDE) with circuit code BO only.8Color shown is visi and legend with remainder of rocker black.9≥300V: Three pole breaker 3Ø or 2 pole breaker 1Ø, UL/CSA limited to 30 FLA max.10VDE Approval requires Dual (I-O, ON-OFF) or I-O markings6 CURRENT RATING (AMPERES)OR VOLTAGE COIL (VOLTS, MIN. TRIP RATING)5P0LE 3P0LE 2P0LE 1SERIES TRIP (2 TERM'S.)LINELINEROCKER ACTUATOR INDICATE "ON"HANDLE ACTUATORSWITCH ONL Y (2 TERM'S.)#10-32 SCREW AND PRESSURE PLA TE PER TERMINAL"MULTI-POLE IDENTIFICATION SCHEMENotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3-POLE(DF3) 3-POLE(DC3)REMOVALASSEMBL YNotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3Dimensions apply to all variations shown. Notice that circuit breaker line and load termi-nal orientation on indicate OFF is opposite of indicate ON.4For pole orientation with horizontal legend, rotate front view clockwise 90°.Notes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.010 [.25] unless otherwise specified.。
German Version Agilent 6000 Series 数据手册
LC/MS-Systeme der Agilent Serie 6000 Höchste Leistungsfähigkeit.Jederzeit.Erweitertes LC/MS-PortfolioDie Serie 6000 umfasst das neue Triple Quadrupol und Q-TOF System, sowie erweiterte Versionen der bewährten Agilent Ion Trap, TOF und Single Quadrupol Systeme.•6510 Quadrupol Time of Flight LC/MS: unübertroffeneQ-TOF-Empfindlichkeit und genaueste Massenbestimmung in einem kompakten Tischgerät•6410 Triple Quadrupol LC/MS: der neue Standard eines •LC/MSD VL und SL derSerie 1200:Quadrupol Systeme mitherausragender Empfindlichkeitund Vielseitigkeit als robuste,zuverlässige und leicht zubedienende Tischgeräte Bewährte Technologie und InnovationenDie Serie 6000 vereint bewährte Systeme mit bahnbrechenden Innovationen. Das neue 6510 Q-TOF erhält die überragende Massengenauigkeit, Auflösung und den dynamischen Bereich der Hochleistungskomponenten, wie sie sich bereits beim 6210 TOF bewährt haben. Der 6410 Triple Quad und das 6510 Q-TOF verfügen über neue, innovative Agilent Hochdruck-Kollisionszellen mit Linearbeschleunigung, welche die MS/MS-Fragmentierung optimiert und gleichzeitig Nebenreaktionen beseitigt. Agilent Ionenquellen lassen sich problemlos zwischen Geräten der Agilent Serie 6000 austauschen.Die Ionenquellen von AgilentDie neuen Agilent LC/MS-SystemeDie neuen LC/MS-Systeme der Agilent Serie 6000 - eine der wichtigsten Verpflichtungen Agilents gegenüber LC/MS Anwendern. Unsere LC/MS-Systeme verfügen nicht nur über hervorragende Analysenleistung, sondern auch über ausgezeichnete Zuverlässigkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit.2LC/MS für Forschung im Bereich Life ScienceVon der Identifikation und Charakterisierung von Proteinen bis hin zur Entdeckung von Biomarkern und Stoffwechselstudien - mit dem erweiterten Portfolio der Agilent LC/MS-Plattformen und -Lösungen für Biowissenschaften erhalten Sie professionelle Ergebnisse mit weniger Aufwand.Proteomics6210 Time of Flight LC/MS & CE/MSDie Massengenauigkeit des 6210 TOF von unter 3 ppm gewährleistet eine zuverlässige,positive Identifikation kleiner Moleküle. Zusammen mit der Software Mass Profiler und GeneSpring ist das 6210 die erste Wahl für das Screening wichtiger Metabolite.6510 Quadrupol Time of Flight LC/MSMS/MS und genaue Massen-bestimmung mit unüber-machen das 6510 Q-TOF perfekt für die positive und Charakterisierung von Metaboliten.Metabolomicsund Massengenauigkeit für Profiling, Identfikation und Charakterisierung von Proteinen und Peptiden.6210 Time of Flight LC/MSDank applikationsspezifischer Software und einer Massengenauigkeit im FTMS- Bereich ist das 6210 TOF ideal für die Bestätigung des Protein- und Peptidgehalts oder die Erstellung von Expressionsprofilen mit hohem Probendurchsatz.6410 Triple Quadrupol LC/MSkombiniert Multiple Reaction /chem/lcmsLC/MS für die pharmazeutische Analyse bei der Wirkstoffforschung und -entwicklung sowie bei der QA/QCLC/MS-Techniken sind der Schlüssel dazu, neue Wirkstoffe schnell auf den Markt zu bringen. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie quantitative Analysen wie beispielsweise Bestätigung, Identifikation und Charakterisierung von Substanzen, ADME und T oxikologie-Studien, quantitative DMPK oder QA/QC durchführen, die LC/MS-Lösungen von Agilent kombinieren stets herausragende Leistung mit der bewährten Zuverlässigkeit und dem bekannten Service von Agilent.Qualitative Analysen6210 Time of Flight LC/MSAnstatt kostspieliger Tests synthetischerWirkstoffkandidaten ist das 6210 TOF dieerste Wahl für die zuverlässige Bestätigungvon Verbindungen mit hohem Durchsatz.Eine Massengenauigkeit im BereichIon Trap LC/MS-Systeme der Serie 6300Automatisierte datenabhängigeMS/MS und MS n sowie eineumfangreiche Auswahl beider Ionisierung machendie Ion Trap Systeme derSerie 6300 zu zuverlässigenSystemen zur IdentifikationLC/MSD VL und SL der Serie 1200Für QA/QC mit hohem Durchsatz oder für die Verfizierungund Aufreinigung kombinatorischer Produkte bieten dasLC/MSD Single Quadrupol MS der Serie 1200 und der LC derSerie 1200 hochwertige Leistung sowiedie bewährte enutzerfreundlichkeitQuantitative Analysen6510 Quadrupol Time of Flight LC/MSWenn finanzielle Gründeausschlaggebend sind, danngewährleistet die Kombinationaus MS/MS-Struktur-informationen und derMassengenauigkeitdes 6510 Q-TOFs einHöchstmaß anverlässlichenIdentifikationen.6410 Triple Quadrupol LC/MSFür ADME sowie toxikologische und pharmakokinetische Studienbieten das 6410 Triple Quad LC/MS und die applikationsspezifischenZORBAX-Säulen empfindliche, genaue und kostengünstigequantitative Analysen von Proben in komplexen und vielfältigenMatrices.und klinische ApplikationenAgilent T hervorragende Zuverlässigkeit von Agilent.5LC/MSD VL und SL der Serie 1200LC/MSD VL und SL haben sich in Labors weltweit bewährt und bieten unüber-troffene Zuverlässigkeit und Bedienerfreundlichkeit in einem LC/MS-System. Dieverfügbare Multimode-Ionenquelle ermöglicht die Erfassung positiver und negativer Ionen, Elektrospray- undAPCI-Daten in einem einzigen Lauf ohne Beeinträchtigung der Empfindlichkeit.6210 Time of Flight LC/MSDank einer hervorragenden spektralen Empfindlichkeit sowie einer präzisen Auflösung und Massengenauigkeit kann das 6210 TOF Non-Target-Verbindungen identifizieren, ohne dass eine Wiederholung des Probenlaufs erforderlich wird.Qualitative Analysen6210 Time-of-Flight LC/MSErfordern Ihre Screening-Anwendungen mit hohem Durchsatz eine zuverlässige Bestätigung, so ist das 6210 TOF mit seiner Massengenauigkeit im Bereich unter 3 ppm genau das Richtige für Sie. Das 6210 führt automatisch und kontinuierlich einen Referenzmassenstandard in sehr geringen Konzen-trationen ein und erreicht damit eine einheitliche Massengenauigkeit ohne Beeinträchtigung der Analyse.Ion Trap LC/MS-Systeme der Serie 6300Mehrstufige MS/MS undautomatische Datenakquisition der Ion Trap Systeme der Serie 6300 vereinfachen die Bestätigung von Strukturen sowie die Probenidentifikation.6510 Quadrupol Time of Flight LC/MSDas 6510 Q-TOF kombiniert den Informationsgehalt von MS/MS mit der Zuverlässigkeit genauester Massenbestimmung. Damit lassen sich Verbindungen auch in ausgesprochen komplexen Proben sicher identifizieren./chem/lcmsApplikationsspezifische Software wie der Mass Profiler zur Erstellung von Expressions-profilen ermöglichen Ihnen, aus jeder Probe die größtmögliche Information zu erhaltenDie neue Quantifizierungssoftware ist mit Funktionen wie parameterloser Integration und einem Kurvenanpassungsassistenten ausgestattet. Dadurch lässt sich wertvolle Zeit einsparenHolen Sie aus jeder Probe so viel Information wie möglichMithilfe applikationsspezifischer Software maximieren Sie die aus jeder Probe generierten Daten. Agilent verfügt über ein breites Angebot an applikationsspezifischen Softwarepaketen. Dazu gehören:•BioConfirm Software : zuverlässige Bestätigung von Proteinen LC/MS-Software, die Ihnen einfach bessere Antworten bereitstelltDie richtige Software ist unerlässlich, um bestmögliche LC/MS-Daten zu erhalten und um diese Daten in aussagekräftige Ergebnisse zu konvertieren. Die LC/MS-Systeme von Agilent enthalten Gerätesteuerungs-und Datenanalysensoftware, mit Hilfe derer Sie maximale Ergebnisse bei minimalem Aufwand erhalten. Eine leistungsstarke, applikationsspezifische Software optimiert die Datenanalyse bei speziellen Anwendungen.Einfachere Gerätesteuerung und bessere DatenanalyseAlle LC/MS-Systeme der Agilent Serie 6000 enthalten Software, die speziell auf die Gerätesteuerungs- und Datenanalysenanforderungen des jeweiligen Gerätes abgestimmt ist. Die Software kombiniert die Kontrolle sämtlicher LC- und MS-Bedienparameter auf einer einzigen Benutzeroberfläche, automatisiert Tuning und Massen-kalibrierung und optimiert die Datenerfassung, die Datenprüfung sowie die Reporterstellung.Vereinfachter Zugriff auf Systeme und DatenEine zusätzliche Software macht die Leistungsstärke von LC/MS mehr Wissenschaftlern zugänglich und vereinfacht die Datenprüfung.•LC/MS Easy Access Software : ermöglicht einfache Walk-up-Bedienung und ist ideal für Labore, in denen Systeme von mehreren Anwendern benutzt werden •ChemStation Data Browser Software : vereinfacht die Datenprüfung auf PCs an Remote-StandortenSpitzen-LC für bessere LC/MSDie neuen LC-Systeme der Agilent Serie 1200 bietenunübertroffene Stabilität und Reproduzierbarkeit bei jeder Flussrate. Damit erzielen Ihre LC/MS-Systeme der Serien 6000 und 1200 optimale Trennungen und höchste Leistung.Für Applikationen mit großen Probemengen bietet das neue Rapid Resolution LC-System der Serie 1200 eine bis zu 20 Mal schnellere Analyse und eine um 60 % höhere Auflösung als eine konventionelle HPLC - und dies ohne Einschränkung der Auflösung, Präzision oder Empfindlichkeit.Säulen für jede ApplikationDas äußerst umfang-reiche Angebot anAgilent ZORBAX Stablebond LC-Säulen speziell für mobile LC/MS-Phasen und -Proben istintegrativer Bestandteil der Agilent LC/MS-Systeme:•Kleine Durchmesser und größere Länge für bessere Auflösung und höhere Empfindlichkeit •Kapillar- und Nanosäulen für die Analyse komplexer Protein-und Peptidmischungen •Rapid Resolution (RR) und Rapid Resolution High-Throughput (RRHT) LC-Säulen für schnelle LC/MS mit hoher Probenzahl und hervorragender Auflösung •Multiple Affinity Removal Säulen und High-Recovery-Proteinsäulen zur Analyse von Proteinen im Spurenbereich.Einfache, reproduzierbare Nanoflow-TrennungenAgilents revolutionäre HPLC-Chips kombinieren die Proben-anreicherung und Trennsäulen eines LC-Nanoflow-Systems nahtlos mit den aufwendigen Kapillarverbindungen und der Sprayer-Nadel einer Elektrospray-Massenspektrometrie. DasErgebnis ist ein monolithischer Polyimid-Chip vonder Größe eines Mikroskopobjektträgers, derüberlegene Nanoflow-Trennungen ohne die Kompliziertheit herkömmlicher LC-Nanoflow-Lösungen bietet. Das HPLC-Chip Cube MS Interface /chem/lcmsÜberlegene LC-Technologie für höchste LC/MS-Leistung und -ProduktivitätAgilents branchenführende LC-Systeme und Säulen arbeiten perfekt mit Agilent MS-Geräten zusammen.Dadurch werden Leistung und Produktivität optimiert. Revolutionäre HPLC-Mikrofluid-Chips liefern eine hervorragende chromatographische Auflösung und eine hohe MS-Empfindlichkeit und sind somit viel benutzerfreundlicher als herkömmliche Nanosäulen.LC-Systeme und Rapid Resolution LC-Systeme der Serie 1200 setzen neue Standards in Bezug auf Leistung und ZuverlässigkeitHPLC-Chips erhöhen die chromato-graphische Auflösung und MS-Empfind-lichkeit und sind viel benutzerfreundlicherals konventionelle Nanosäulen。
Sensirion SGP30 气体传感器数据手册说明书
Datasheet SGP30Sensirion Gas Platform▪ Multi-pixel gas sensor for indoor air quality applications ▪ Outstanding long-term stability▪ I 2C interface with TVOC and CO 2eq output signals ▪ Very small 6-pin DFN package: 2.45 x 2.45 x 0.9 mm 3 ▪ Low power consumption: 48 mA at 1.8V ▪ Tape and reel packaged, reflow solderableBlock DiagramFigure 1 Functional block diagram of the SGP30.Product SummaryThe SGP30 is a digital multi-pixel gas sensor designed for easy integration into air purifier, demand-controlled ventilation, and IoT applications. Sensirion’s CMOSens ® technology offers a complete sensor system on a single chip featuring a digital I 2C interface, a temperature controlled micro hotplate, and two preprocessed indoor air quality signals. As the first metal-oxide gas sensor featuring multiple sensing elements on one chip, the SGP30 provides more detailed information about the air quality.The sensing element features an unmatched robustness against contaminating gases present in real-world applications enabling a unique long-term stability and low drift. The very small 2.45 x 2.45 x 0.9 mm 3 DFN package enables applications in limited spaces. Sensirion’s state-of-the-art production process guarantees high reproducibility and reliability. Tape and reel packaging, together with suitability for standard SMD assembly processes make the SGP30 predestined for high-volume applications.1Sensor Performance 1.1Gas Sensing PerformanceAccuracy ethanol signalFigure 2Typical and maximum accuracy tolerance in % of measured value at 25°C, 50% RH and typical VDD. The sensors have been operated for at least 24h before the characterization. Accuracy H2 signalFigure 3Typical and maximum accuracy tolerance in % of measured value at 25°C, 50% RH and typical VDD. The sensors have been operated for at least 60h before the characterization.1 Exposure to ethanol and H2 concentrations up to 1000 ppm have been tested. For applications requiring the measurement of higher gas concentrations please contact Sensirion.2 ppm: parts per million. 1 ppm = 1000 ppb (parts per billion)3 90% of the sensors will be within the typical accuracy tolerance, >99% are within the maximum tolerance.4 The long-term drift is stated as change of accuracy per year of operation.5 Test conditions: operation in 250 ppm Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) for 200h simulating 10 years of operation in an indoor environment.Long-term drift Ethanol signalmeasuredLong-term drift H2 signalFigure 5Typical and maximum long-term drift in % of measuredvalue at 25°C, 50% RH and typical VDD. The sensors have beenoperated for at least 60h before the first characterization.Figure 6 Simplified version of the functional block diagram (compare Figure 1) showing the signalpaths of the SGP30.1.3Recommended Operating ConditionsThe sensor shows best performance when operated within recommended normal temperature and humidity range of5 – 55 °C and 4 –20 g/m3, respectively. Long-term exposure (operated and not operated) to conditions outside therecommended range, especially at high humidity, may affect the sensor performance. Prolonged exposure to extreme conditions may accelerate aging. To ensure stable operation of the gas sensor, the conditions described in the document SGP Handling and Assembly Instructions regarding exposure to exceptionally high concentrations of some organic or inorganic compounds have to be met, particularly during operation. Please also refer to the Design-in Guide for optimal integration of the SGP30.2Electrical Specifications6 A 20% higher current is drawn during 5ms on V DDH after entering the measurement mode.Table 5 Absolute minimum and maximum ratings.Please contact Sensirion for storage, handling and assembly instructions.7 If VDD and VDDH are not shorted, it is required that VDD is always powered when VDDH is powered. Otherwise, the sensor might be damaged.85 Timing Specifications5.1 Sensor System TimingsThe timings refer to the power up and reset of the ASIC part and do not reflect the usefulness of the readings.Parameter Symbol ConditionMin. Typ. Max. Unit Comments Power-up time t PU After hard reset, V DD ≥V POR - 0.4 0.6 ms - Soft reset timet SRAfter soft reset-0.40.6ms-Table 6 System timing specifications.5.2 Communication TimingsParameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Comments SCL clock frequencyf SCL-- 400 kHz - Hold time (repeated) START conditiont HD;STA After this period, the first clock pulse is generated 0.6 --µs-LOW period of the SCL clock t LOW - 1.3 - - µs - HIGH period of the SCL clockt HIGH- 0.6 - - µs - Set-up time for a repeated START condition t SU;STA - 0.6 - - µs - SDA hold time t HD;DAT - 0 - - ns - SDA set-up time t SU;DAT - 100 - - ns - SCL/SDA rise time t R - - - 300 ns - SCL/SDA fall time t F - - - 300 ns - SDA valid timet VD;DAT - - - 0.9 µs - Set-up time for STOP condition t SU;STO - 0.6 - - µs - Capacitive load on bus lineC B-400pF-Table 7 Communication timing specifications.Figure 8 Timing diagram for digital input/output pads. SDA directions are seen from the sensor. Bold SDA lines are controlled by the sensor; plain SDA lines are controlled by the micro-controller. Note that SDA valid read time is triggered by falling edge of preceding toggle.SCL70% 30%t LOW1/f SCL t HIGHt Rt FSDA70% 30%t SU;DATt HD;DATDATA INt RSDA70% 30% DATA OUTt VD;DATt F6Operation and CommunicationThe SGP30 supports I2C fast mode. For detailed information on the I2C protocol, refer to NXP I2C-bus specification8. All SGP30 commands and data are mapped to a 16-bit address space. Additionally, data and commands are protected with a CRC checksum to increase the communication reliability. The 16-bit commands that are sent to the sensor already include a 3-bit CRC checksum. Data sent from and received by the sensor is always succeeded by an 8-bit CRC.In write direction it is mandatory to transmit the checksum, since the SGP30 only accepts data if it is followed by the correct checksum. In read direction it is up to the master to decide if it wants to read and process the checksum.The I2C master can abort the read transfer with a XCK followed by a STOP condition after any data byte if it is not interested in subsequent data, e.g. the CRC byte or following data bytes, in order to save time. Note that the data cannot be read more than once, and access to data beyond the specified amount will return a pattern of 1s.6.3Measurement CommandsThe available measurement commands of the SGP30 are listed in Table 10.Air Quality SignalsThe SGP30 uses a dynamic baseline compensation algorithm and on-chip calibration parameters to provide two complementary air quality signals. Based on the sensor signals a total VOC signal (TVOC) and a CO 2 equivalent signal (CO 2eq) are calculated. Sending an “Init_air_quality” command starts the air quality measurement. After the “Init_air_quality” command, a “Measure_air_quality” command has to be se nt in regular intervals of 1s to ensure proper operation of the dynamic baseline compensation algorithm. The sensor responds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte for each of the two preprocessed air quality signals in the order CO 2eq (ppm) and TVOC (ppb). For the first 15s after the “Init_air_quality” command the sensor is in an initialization phase during which a “Measure_air_quality” command returns fixed values of 400 ppm CO 2eq and 0 ppb TVOC.The SGP30 also provides the possibility to read and write the baseline values of the baseline correction algorithm. This feature is used to save the baseline in regular intervals on an external non-volatile memory and restore it after a new power-up or soft reset of the sensor. The command “Get_baseline” ret urns the baseline values for the two air quality signals. The sensor responds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte for each of the two values in the order CO 2eq and TVOC. These two values should be stored on an external memory. After a power-up or soft reset, the baseline of the baseline correction algorithm can be restored by sending first an “Init_air_quality” command followed by a “Set_baseline” command with the two baseline values as parameters in the order as (TVOC, CO 2eq). An example implementation of a generic driver for the baseline algorithm can be found in the document SGP30_driver_integration_guide .A new “Init_air_quality” command has to be sent after every power -up or soft reset.Sensor Raw SignalsThe command “Measure_raw_signals” is i ntended for part verification and testing purposes. It returns the sensor raw signals which are used as inputs for the on-chip calibration and baseline compensation algorithms as shown in Figure 6. The command performs a measurement to which the sensor responds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte (see Figure 9) for 2 sensor raw signals in the order H2_signal (s out_H2) and Ethanol_signal (s out_EthOH ). Both signals can be used to calculate gas concentrations c relative to a reference concentration c ref byln (c c ref ⁄)=s ref −s outawith a = 512, s ref the H2_signal or Ethanol_signal output at the reference concentration, and s out = s out_H2 or s out = s out_EthOH .Humidity CompensationThe SGP30 features an on-chip humidity compensation for the air quality signals (CO 2eq and TVOC) and sensor raw signals (H2-signal and Ethanol_signal). To use the on-chip humidity compensation an absolute humidity value from an external humidity sensor like the SHTxx is required. Using the “Set_humidity” comm and, a new humidity value can be written to the SGP30 by sending 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte. The 2 data bytes represent humidity values as a fixed-point 8.8bit number with a minimum value of 0x0001 (=1/256 g/m 3) and a maximum value of 0xFFFF (255 g/m 3 + 255/256 g/m 3). For instance, sending a value of 0x0F80 corresponds to a humidity value of 16.50 g/m 3 (16 g/m 3 + 128/256 g/m 3).After setting a new humidity value, this value will be used by the on-chip humidity compensation algorithm until a new humidity value is set using the “Set_humidity” command. Restarting the sensor (power-on or soft reset) or sending a value of 0x0000 (= 0 g/m 3) sets the humidity value used for compensation to its default value (0x0B92 = 11.57 g/m 3) until a new humidity value is sent. Sending a humidity value of 0x0000 can therefore be used to turn off the humidity compensation.Feature SetThe SGP30 features a versioning system for the available set of measurement commands and on-chip algorithms. This so called feature se t version number can be read out by sending a “Get_feature_set_version ” command. The sensor responds with 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte (see Table 9). This feature set version number is used to refer to a corresponding set of available measurement commands as listed in Table 10.Table 9 Structure of the SGP feature set number. Please note that the last 5 bits of the product version (bits 12-16 of the LSB) are subject to change. This is used to track new features added to the SGP multi-pixel platform.Measure TestThe command “Measure_test” which is included for integration and production line testing runs an on-chip self-test. In case of a successful self-test the sensor returns the fixed data pattern 0xD400 (with correct CRC).9 The «Measure_Test» command is intended for production line testing and verification only. It should not be used after having issued an “Init_air_quality” command. For the duration of the «Measure_Test» command, the sensor is operated in measurement mode with a supply current as specified in Table 3. After the command, the sensor is in sleep mode.Table 13 I2C CRC properties.6.7Communication Data SequencesFigure 10 Laser marking on SGP30. The pin-1 location is indicated by the keyhole pattern in the light-colored central area. The bottom line contains a 4-digit alphanumeric tracking code8.3Package OutlineFigure 12 Recommended landing pattern.9Tape & Reel Package11Important Notices11.1Warning, Personal InjuryDo not use this product as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury. Do not use this product for applications other than its intended and authorized use. Before installing, handling, using or servicing this product, please consult the data sheet and application notes. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury. If the Buyer shall purchase or use SENSIRION products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless SENSIRION and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors against all claims, costs, damages and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if SENSIRION shall be allegedly negligent with respect to the design or the manufacture of the product.11.2ESD PrecautionsThe inherent design of this component causes it to be sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To prevent ESD-induced damage and/or degradation, take customary and statutory ESD precautions when handling this product.See application note “ESD, Latchup and EMC” for more information.11.3WarrantySENSIRION warrants solely to the original purchaser of this product for a period of 12 months (one year) from the date of delivery that this product shall be of the quality, material and workmanship defined in SENSIRION’s published specifications of the product. Within such period, if proven to be defective, SENSIRION shall repair and/or replace this product, in SENSIRION’s discretion, free of charge to the Buyer, provided that:∙notice in writing describing the defects shall be given to SENSIRION within fourteen (14) days after their appearance;∙such defects shall be fou nd, to SENSIRION’s reasonable satisfaction, to have arisen from SENSIRION’s faulty design, material, or workmanship;∙the defective product shall be returned to SENSIRION’s factory at the Buyer’s expense; and∙the warranty period for any repaired or replaced product shall be limited to the unexpired portion of the original period.This warranty does not apply to any equipment which has not been installed and used within the specifications recommended by SENSIRION for the intended and proper use of the equipment. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, SENSIRION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DECLINED. SENSIRION is only liable for defects of this product arising under the conditions of operation provided for in the data sheet and proper use of the goods. SENSIRION explicitly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, for any period during which the goods are operated or stored not in accordance with the technical specifications.SENSIRION does not assume any liability arising out of any application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. All operating parameters, including without limitation recommended parameters, must be validated for each customer’s applications by customer’s technical experts. R ecommended parameters can and do vary in different applications. SENSIRION reserves the right, without further notice, (i) to change the product specifications and/or the information in this document and (ii) to improve reliability, functions and design of this product.Copyright© 2017 by SENSIRION.CMOSens® is a trademark of Sensirion.All rights reserved.12Headquarters and SubsidiariesSensirion AG Laubisruetistr. 50CH-8712 Staefa ZH Switzerlandphone: +41 44 306 40 00 fax: +41 44 306 40 30 ****************** Sensirion Inc., USAphone: +1 312 690 5858*********************Sensirion Korea Co. Ltd.phone: +82 31 337 7700~3*********************www.sensirion.co.kr Sensirion Japan Co. Ltd.phone: +81 3 3444 4940*********************www.sensirion.co.jpSensirion China Co. Ltd.phone: +86 755 8252 1501*********************Sensirion Taiwan Co. Ltdphone: +886 3 5506701****************** To find your local representative, please visit /distributors。
UR.818Standard Reference Ranges and Alert Values Copy of version2.0(approved and current)Last Approval orPeriodic Review Completed10/3/2022Next Periodic ReviewNeeded On or Before10/3/2023 Effective Date10/17/2022Controlled Copy ID391022 Location Outreach Organization UR Medicine LabsApproval and Periodic Review SignaturesType Description Date Version Performed By NotesApproval Medical Director Review10/19/20222.0Paul HoskingApproval Medical Director Review10/17/20222.0Julietta Fiscella M.D.C.P.EApproval Medical Director Review10/3/20222.0Richard Burack M.D.,Ph.D.Approval Medical Director Review10/3/20222.0Xiaolan Ou M.D.,Ph.D.Approval Director of Operations10/3/20222.0Nathan LoriaApproval Ref Range needs DirectorApproval for externalposting9/21/20221.0Dirk Bernold MDApproval Ref Range needs DirectorApproval for externalposting9/19/20221.0Richard Burack M.D.,Ph.D.ApprovalRef Range needs Director Approval for external posting9/19/2022 1.0Jessica Kleiner MDApprovalRef Range needs Director Approval for external posting9/14/2022 1.0Xiaolan Ou M.D.,Ph.D.Approval Director of Operations 9/8/2022 1.0Nathan LoriaVersion HistoryVersion StatusType Date Added Date Effective Date Retired 2.0Approved and Current Major revision 9/21/202210/17/2022Indefinite 1.0RetiredInitial version8/23/20229/22/202210/17/2022Document Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert Values(S) Strong Memorial Hospital - 601 Elmwood Ave. Rochester, NY 14642(Y) UR Central Lab - 211 Bailey Rd. West Henrietta, NY 14586(H) Highland Hospital - 990 South Ave. Rochester, NY 14620(B) Strong West - 156 West Ave. Brockport, NY 14420(F) FF Thompson Lab - 350 Parrish St, Canandaigua, NY 14424Chemistry Reference RangesTestAgeFemale RangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting LocationAlbumin (Serum orPlasma)Up to 200Y 3.5 - 5.2 3.5 - 5.2g/dL S, Y, H, B 0 - 5D 110 - 300110 - 300U/L 6D -3Y 145 - 320145 - 320U/L 4Y - 6Y 150 - 380150 - 380U/L 7Y - 9Y175 - 420175 - 420U/L 10Y - 11Y 130 - 560135 - 530U/L 12Y - 13Y 105 - 420200 - 495U/L 14Y - 15Y 70 - 230130 - 525U/L 16Y - 19Y 50 - 13065 - 260U/L Alkaline Phosphatase (Serum or Plasma)≥ 20Y35 - 10540 - 130U/L S, Y, H, BAlpha 1 Antitrypsin (AAT)(Serum)Up to 200Y90 - 20090 - 200mg/dL Y ALT (SGPT)(Serum or Plasma)Up to 200Y0 - 35 0 - 50U/L S, Y, H, B Ammonia (Plasma)Up to 200Y 10 - 4710 - 47umol/L S, H, B Amylase (Serum)Up to 200Y 28 - 10028 - 100U/L S, Y, H, B Anion GapUp to 200Y7 - 167 - 16 S, Y AST(SGOT)(Serum or Plasma)Up to 200Y0 - 350 - 50U/L S, Y, H, BC3 (Serum)Up to 200Y 90 - 18090 - 180mg/dL Y C4 (Serum)Up to 200Y 10 - 4010 - 40mg/dL Y 0 - 10Y9.0 - 10.89.0 - 10.8mg/dL ≤ 6.5≥ 13.011Y - 24Y 9.0 - 10.49.3 - 10.5mg/dL ≤ 6.5≥ 13.025Y - 44Y 8.8 - 10.29.0 - 10.3mg/dL ≤ 6.5≥ 13.0Calcium (Serum orPlasma)≥ 45Y8.6 - 10.28.6 - 10.2mg/dL ≤ 6.5≥ 13.0S, Y, H, BChloride (Serum orPlasma)Up to 200Y96 - 10896 - 108mmol/L ≤ 80≥ 120S, Y, H, BTest AgeFemale Range Male RangeUnitsPanic LO Panic HITesting LocationApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsDesirable < 200< 200mg/dL Borderline High200 - 239200 - 239mg/dL Cholesterol (Serum)High> 240> 240mg/dL S, Y, H, BCO2 (Serum or Plasma)Up to 200Y 20 - 2820 - 28mmol/L ≤ 10≥ 40S, Y, H, B Creatine Kinase (Serum)Up to 200Y 26 - 19239 - 308U/L S, Y, H,B 0D - 4D0.30 - 1.000.30 - 1.00mg/dL 5D - 11Y 0.20 - 0.700.20 - 0.70mg/dL 12Y - 20Y 0.50 - 1.000.50 - 1.00mg/dL Creatinine (Serum orPlasma)≥ 21Y0.51 - 0.950.67 - 1.17mg/dL S, Y, H, BCreatinine Clearance Up to 200Y 87 - 107107 - 139mL/min S, Y, H CRP (Serum or Plasma)Up to 200Y0 - 80 - 8mg/LS, Y, H, B Up to 200YLow Risk< 1< 1mg/L Average Risk1 - 3 1 - 3mg/L CRP, High Sensitivity (Serum)High Risk > 3> 3mg/L S, Y, B0D - 6D0 - 0.60 - 0.6mg/dL Direct Bilirubin (Serum or Plasma) ≥ 7D 0 - 0.30 - 0.3mg/dL S, Y, H, BFerritin (Serum)Up to 200Y 10 - 12020 - 250ng/mL S, Y, H Folate (Serum)Up to 200Y ≥ 4.6≥ 4.6ng/mL Y, H GGT (Serum)Up to 200Y 5 - 368 - 61U/L S, Y, H, B 0 - 1D 36 - 11036 - 110mg/dL ≤ 25 ≥ 2002D-7D 47 - 11747 - 117mg/dL ≤ 40 ≥ 200Glucose (Serum or Plasma)≥ 8D60 - 9960 - 99mg/dL ≤ 50≥ 500S, Y, B, H(serum only)Low < 40< 40mg/dL HDL (Serum)High > 60> 60mg/dL S, Y, HHGB A1C (EDTA)Up to 200Y ≤ 5.6≤ 5.6% Y Homocysteine (EDTA onice)Up to 200Y0 - 150 - 15umol/L Y Indirect Bilirubin(Serum or Plasma)Up to 200Y0.1 - 1.00.1 - 1.0mg/dL S, Y, H, BInsulin (Serum)Up to 200Y 3 - 25 3 - 25ulU/mL Y Iron (Serum)Up to 200Y34 - 16545 - 170ug/dL S, Y, H, BTestAgeFemale RangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting LocationLactate Dehydrogenase (LDH,LD)(Serum orPlasma)Up to 200Y 118 - 225118 - 225U/LS, Y, HOptimal < 100< 100mg/dL Near or above optimal 100 - 129100 - 129mg/dL Borderline High130 - 159130 - 159mg/dL High 160 - 189160 - 189mg/dL LDL (Calculated and Direct) (Serum)Very High> 189> 189mg/dLS, Y, HApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsLipase (Serum)Up to 200Y 13 - 6013 - 60U/LS, Y, H, B Magnesium(Serum or Plasma)Up to 200Y1.6 -2.5 1.6 - 2.5mg/dL ≤ 1.0≥ 4.8S, Y, H, B 0 - 49Y0 - 4500 - 450pg/mL 50 - 75Y 0 - 9000 - 900pg/mL NT-Pro BNP (Serum)≥ 76Y 0 - 18000 - 1800pg/mL S, Y, H, B0D - 1D4.2 - 8.5 4.2 - 8.5mg/dL ≤ 1.1≥ 9.02D - 12Y 4.0 - 6.5 4.0 - 6.5mg/dL ≤ 1.1≥ 9.0Phosphorus (Serum or Plasma)≥ 13Y 2.7 - 4.5 2.7 - 4.5mg/dL ≤ 1.1≥ 9.0S, Y, H, B0-7D 3.2 - 5.5 3.2 - 5.5mmol/L ≤ 2.8≥ 7.08D-1M3.4 - 6.0 3.4 - 6.0mmol/L ≤ 2.8≥ 7.02M-5M 3.5 - 5.6 3.5 - 5.6mmol/L ≤ 2.8≥ 7.06M-1Y 3.5 - 6.1 3.5 - 6.1mmol/L ≤ 2.8≥ 7.0Potassium (plasma)≥2Y3.3 -4.6 3.3 - 4.6mmol/L ≤ 2.8≥ 6.2S, Y, BPrealbumin (Serum)Up to 200Y 20 - 4020 - 40mg/dL Y Sodium (Serum, Plasma)Up to 200Y 133 - 145133 - 145mmol/L ≤ 120≥ 160S, Y, H, B TIBC (Serum-calc)Up to 200Y 250 - 450250 - 450ug/dL S, Y, H 0D-1D 2.0 - 6.0 2.0 - 6.0mg/dL ≥ 152D6.0 -7.0 6.0 - 7.0mg/dL ≥ 153D 4.0 - 12.0 4.0 - 12.0mg/dL ≥ 154D-7D 0.0 - 1.40.0 - 1.4mg/dL ≥ 15Total Bilirubin (Serum, Plasma)≥ 8D0.0 - 1.20.0 - 1.2mg/dL S, Y, H, BTotal Protein (Serum,Plasma)Up to 200Y 6.3 - 7.7 6.3 - 7.7g/dL S, Y, H, B Transferrin (Serum)Up to 200Y 200 - 360200 - 360mg/dL S, Y Transferrin Saturation %Up to 200Y15 - 5020 - 55%S, YTest AgeFemale RangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting LocationNormal< 150< 150mg/dL Borderline High150 - 199150 - 199mg/dL High 200 - 499200 - 499mg/dL Triglycerides (Serum,Plasma)Very High> 500> 500mg/dLS, Y, HTroponin-T, High Sensitivity (Plasma)Up to 200Y 0-140-14ng/LFemales: > 70 ng/L - Consistent with Myocardial injury Males: > 110 ng/L - Consistent with Myocardial injuryS, H, BUrate (Serum)Up to 200Y 2.7 - 6.8 3.9 - 9.0mg/dL S, Y, H, B Urea Nitrogen(Serum, Plasma)Up to 200Y6 - 20 6 - 20mg/dL S, Y, H, B Vitamin B12 (Serum)Up to 200Y232 - 1245232 - 1245pg/mLY, HApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsEndocrinologyTestAgeFemaleRangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting LocationTanner Stage 1 5 - 20 5 - 11pg/mL Tanner Stage 210 - 24 5 - 16pg/mL Tanner Stage 37 - 60 5 - 25pg/mL Tanner Stage 421 - 8510 - 36pg/mL Tanner Stage 534 - 17010 - 36pg/mL Follicular Phase13 - 166 pg/mL Ovulation Phase 86 - 498 pg/mL Luteal Phase 44 - 211 pg/mL Post Menopausal 0 - 55 pg/mL Pregnancy 1st trimester > 214 pg/mL Children (1-10years) 6 - 270 - 20pg/mL Estradiol (Serum)Up to 200Y8 - 43pg/mLYTestAgeFemale RangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting Location0-1Y 1.1-2.0 1.1-2.0ng/dL T4, Free (Serum)>1Y 0.9-1.70.9-1.7ng/dL Y, F, H, S0-30 Day 2.0 5.2pg/mL 1 Month -12 Month1.5 6.4pg/mL 1Y-7Y2.0 6.0pg/mL 8Y-12Y 2.7 5.2pg/mL 13Y-20Y 2.3 5.0pg/mL Free T3 (Serum)>20Y2.0 4.4pg/mL YT3 (Serum)Up to 200Y 80200ng/dL Y, H, F 0 - 1Y 9.7 - 19.19.7 - 19.1microg/dL 2Y - 6Y9.2 - 15.19.2 - 15.1microg/dL 7Y - 12Y 7.6 - 13.77.6 - 13.7microg/dL 13Y - 17Y 6.4 - 13.4 6.4 - 13.4microg/dL T4 (Serum)≥ 18Y 4.6 - 12.0 4.6 - 12.0microg/dL Y, H0 - 1Y 1.36 - 8.8 1.36 - 8.8micro IU/mL 2Y - 6Y0.85 - 6.50.85 - 6.5micro IU/mL 7Y - 12Y 0.28 - 4.30.28 - 4.3micro IU/mL TSH (Serum)≥ 13Y0.27 - 4.200.27 - 4.20micro IU/mLS, Y, H, BFemale non-pregnant, pre-menopause: 0 - 1 mIU/mLFemale post menopause: 0 - 7 mIU/mLBHCG (Serum)Male: 0 - 2 mIU/mLS, Y, H, BPregnancy, Serum Negative S, H, B Pregnancy, UrineNegativeS, H, BApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsTestosterone (Serum)20 - 49Y 8 - 48249 - 836ng/dLY ≥ 50Y 3 - 41193 - 740ng/dL Tanner Stage 1< 3 - 6< 3ng/dL Tanner Stage 2< 3 - 10< 3 - 432ng/dLTanner Stage 3< 3 - 2465 - 778ng/dL Tanner Stage 4< 3 - 27180 - 763ng/dLTanner Stage 5 5 - 38188 - 882ng/dL Up to 200Y see below 1.7 - 8.6mIU/mL Follicular Phase2.4 - 12.6N/A mIU/mL Ovulation Phase 14.0 - 95.6N/A mIU/mL Luteal Phase 1.0 - 11.4N/A mIU/mL LH (Serum)Postmenopause 7.7 - 58.5N/A mIU/mL Y, HUp to 200Y see below 1.5 - 12.4mIU/mL Follicular Phase3.5 - 12.5N/A mIU/mL Ovulation Phase4.7 - 21.5N/A mIU/mL Luteal Phase 1.7 - 7.7N/A mIU/mL FSH (Serum)Postmenopause25.8 - 134.8N/AmIU/mLY, HTest AgeFemaleRangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting LocationUp to 200Y see below < 0.1 - 0.1ng/mL Follicular Phase < 0.1 - 0.9N/A ng/mL Ovulation Phase 0.1 - 12.0N/A ng/mL Luteal Phase1.8 - 23.9N/A ng/mL Postmenopause < 0.1 - 0.1N/A ng/mL Pregnancy 1st Trimester 11.0 - 44.3N/A ng/mL Pregnancy 2nd Trimester 25.4 - 83.3N/A ng/mL Progesterone (Serum)Pregnancy 3rd Trimester58.7 - 214N/A ng/mL Y, HNon-Pregnant 4.8 - 23.3ng/mL Prolactin (Serum)Up to 200Y 4.0 - 15.2ng/mL Y, HTanner Stage 121 - 8215 - 108ug/dL Y Tanner Stage2 - 332 - 21130 - 183ug/dL Tanner Stage 473 - 27594 - 336ug/dL Tanner Stage 595 - 449148 - 437ug/dL 0 - 24Y 148 - 407211 - 492ug/dL 25Y - 34Y 99 - 340160 - 449ug/dL 35Y - 44Y 61 - 33789 - 427ug/dL 45Y - 54Y 35 - 25644 - 331ug/dL 55Y - 64Y 19 - 20552 - 295ug/dL Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA Sulfate)(Serum)65Y - 74Y9 - 24634 - 249ug/dLApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job Aids≥ 75Y 12 - 15416 - 123ug/dLUrine ChemistriesTestAgeFemaleRangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LO Panic HITesting LocationBilirubin, URUp to 200YNegative (semiquantitative,< 0.5)mg/dLSUrobilinogen, UR Up to 200Y Negative (semiquantitative,< 2) mg/dL S Low CA Diet:0 - 1500 - 150mg/24hr High CA diet 240 - 300240 - 300mg/24hr Calcium, UR 24hr Up to 200Y100 - 240100 - 240mg/24hr Y, HChloride, 24hr UrineUp to 200Y 110 - 250110 - 250mmol/24hr S, Y, H TestAge Female Range Male Range Units Panic LO Panic HITesting Location Creatinine, UR random Up to 200Y 20 - 30020 - 300mg/dL Creatinine, UR 24 hr Up to 200Y 600 - 1600800 - 1800mg/24hr S, Y, HMicroalbumin, random Up to 200Y 0.0 - 29.90.0 - 29.9ratio Microalbumin, 24hr Up to 200Y 0.0 - 21.00.0 - 21.0mg/24hr Y, HMicroalbumin/CreatinineRatioUp to 200Y 0 - 29.90 - 29.9mg MA/g CY pH, URUp to 200Y 4.6-8.0 4.6-8.0pH S, Y, H Protein, Total, UR random Up to 200Y 0 - 110 - 11mg/dL Protein, Total, UR 24hr Up to 200Y 0 - 1490 - 149mg/24hr S, Y, HSodium, 24hr Urine Up to 200Y 40 - 22040 - 220mmol/24hr S, Y, H Urate, 24hr UrineUp to 200Y250 - 750250 - 750mg/24hrS, Y, HApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsHematology Reference Ranges CBC TestTestAgeFemale RangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting Location0 - 4D 9.0 - 38.09.0 - 38.0THOU/µL 150X103/ µL 4D - 15D 5.0 - 21.0 5.0 - 21.0THOU/µL 150X103/ µL 15D - 29D 5.0 - 20.0 5.0 - 20.0THOU/µL 150X103/ µL 29D - 2 M5.0 - 19.5 5.0 - 19.5THOU/µL 150X103/ µL 2M - 6M6.0 - 17.5 6.0 - 17.5THOU/µL 150X103/ µL 6M - 2Y 6.0 - 17.0 6.0 - 17.0THOU/µL 150X103/ µL 2Y - 6Y 5.0 - 17.0 5.0 - 17.0THOU/µL 150X103/ µL 6Y - 12Y 4.8 - 14.5 4.8 - 14.5THOU/µL 150X103/ µL WBC≥ 12Y 4.0 - 10.0 4.2 - 9.1THOU/µL 150X103/ µLS, Y, H, B, P,F0 - 4D 4.0 - 6.6 4.0 - 6.6MIL/µL 4D - 8D 3.9 - 6.3 3.9 - 6.3MIL/µL 8D - 15D 3.9 - 5.9 3.9 - 5.9MIL/µL 15D - 29D3.3 - 5.3 3.3 - 5.3MIL/µL 29D - 4 M 3.1 -4.3 3.1 - 4.3MIL/µL 4M - 6M 3.9 -5.5 3.9 - 5.5MIL/µL 6M - 2Y 3.7 - 5.3 3.7 - 5.3MIL/µL 2Y - 6Y 3.9 - 5.3 3.9 - 5.3MIL/µL 6Y - 12Y 4.0 - 5.2 4.0 - 5.2MIL/µL RBC≥ 12Y 3.9 - 5.2 4.6 - 6.1MIL/µL S, Y, H, B, P,F0 - 3D 14.5 - 22.514.5 - 22.5g/dL 3D - 7D 13.5 - 21.513.5 - 21.5g/dL 7D - 14D 13.4 - 19.813.4 - 19.8g/dL 14D - 1M10.7 - 17.110.7 - 17.1g/dL 1M - 2M 9.4 - 13.09.4 - 13.0g/dL 2M - 4M 10.3 - 14.110.3 - 14.1g/dL 4M - 2Y 11.0 - 14.011.0 - 14.0g/dL 2Y - 6Y 11.5 - 14.011.5 - 14.0g/dL 6Y - 12Y 11.5 - 15.511.5 - 15.5g/dL Hemoglobin≥ 12Y11.2 - 15.713.7 - 17.5g/dLS, Y, H, B, P,FApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsTest AgeFemale RangeMaleRangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting LocationO - 4D 45 - 6745 - 67%19 4D - 8D 42 - 6642 - 66%19 8D - 15D 41 - 6541 - 65%19 15D - 29D33 - 5533 - 55%19 29D - 2M 28 - 4228 - 42%19 2M - 4M 29 - 4429 - 44%19 4M - 6M 30 - 4030 - 40%19 6M - 2Y 33 - 4033 - 40%19 2Y - 6Y 34 - 4034 - 40%19 6Y - 12Y 35 - 4535 - 45%19 Hematocrit (includes spunHCT)≥ 12Y 34 - 4540 - 51%19 S, Y, H, B, P,F0 - 4D 31 - 3731 - 37pg 4D - 8D 28-4028 - 40pg 8D - 15D 30 - 3730 - 37pg 15D - 29D 29 - 3629 - 36pg 29D - 2M27 - 3427 - 34pg 2M - 4M 25 - 3225 - 32pg 4M - 6M 24 - 3024 - 30pg 6M - 2Y 23 - 3123 - 31pg 2Y - 6Y 24 - 3024 - 30pg 6Y - 12Y 25 - 3325 - 33pg MCH ≥ 12Y 26 - 3226 - 32pg S, Y, H, B, P,F0 - 4D 29 - 3729 - 37g/dL 4D - 8D 28 - 3828 - 38g/dL 8D - 2M28 - 3628 - 36g/dL 2M - 4M 29 - 3729 - 37g/dL 4M - 6M 32 - 3732 - 37g/dL 6M - 2Y 30 - 3630 - 36g/dL MCHC ≥ 2Y 32 - 3632 - 37g/dL S, Y, H, B, P,F0 - 4D 95 - 12195 - 121fL 4D - 8D 88 - 12688 - 126fL 8D - 15D 88 - 12288 - 122fL 15D - 29D 91 - 11191 - 111fL 29D - 2M84 - 10684 - 106fL 2M - 4M 76 - 9676 - 96fL 4M - 6M 68 - 8568 - 85fL 6M - 2Y 71 - 8471 - 84fL 2Y - 6Y 76 - 8776 - 87fL 6Y - 12Y 77 - 9577 - 95fL MCV ≥ 12Y79 - 9579 - 92fL S, Y, H, B, P,FRDW ALL 11.7 - 14.411.6 - 14.4% S, Y, H, B, P,F PlateletALL160 - 370150 - 330THOU/µL19S, Y, H, B, P,FApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsDiff TestTestAgeFemaleRangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting Location0 - 1 D 0 - 15.00 - 15% 16% BAND NEUTROPHILS≥ 1 D 0 - 10.00 - 10.0% 11S, Y, H, B. P, F0 - 4D 6.0 - 26.0 6.0 - 26.0THOU/µL4D - 15D 1.5 - 10.0 1.5 - 10.0THOU/µL 15D - 29D1.0 - 9.0 1.0 - 9.0THOU/µL29D - 6M 1.0 - 8.5 1.0 - 8.5THOU/µL 6M -2Y 1.5 - 8.5 1.5 - 8.5THOU/µL 2Y - 12Y 1.5 - 8.0 1.5 - 8.0THOU/µLNEUTROPHIL #≥ 12Y 1.6 - 6.1 1.8 - 5.4THOU/µL S, Y, H, B,P,F0 - 4D 2.0 - 11.0 2.0 - 11.0THOU/µL4D - 15D 2.0 - 17.0 2.0 - 17.0THOU/µL15D - 29D2.5 - 16.5 2.5 - 16.5THOU/µL 29D - 6M 4.0 - 13.54.0 - 13.5THOU/µL 6M - 2Y 3.0 - 9.5 3.0 - 9.5THOU/µL 2Y - 6Y 2.0 - 8.0 2.0 - 8.0THOU/µL 6Y - 12Y 1.5 - 7.0 1.5 - 7.0THOU/µLLYMPHOCYTE #≥ 12Y 1.2 - 3.7 1.3 - 3.6THOU/µL S, Y, H, B,P,F0- 4D 0.4 - 3.00.4 - 3.0THOU/µL4D - 15D0.3 - 2.70.3 - 2.7THOU/µL15D - 29D 0.2 - 2.50.2 - 2.5THOU/µL 29D - 6M 0.2 - 2.40.2 - 2.4THOU/µL6M - 2Y 0 - 1.10 - 1.1THOU/µLMONOCYTE #≥ 2Y0.2 - 0.90.3 - 0.8THOU/µL S, Y, H, B,P,FEOSINOPHIL #ALL 0.0 - 0.40.0 - 0.5THOU/µL S, Y, H, B, P,F BASOPHIL #ALL 0.0 - 0.10.0 - 0.1THOU/µL S, Y, H, B, P,F < 17Y 0.0 - 0.10.0 - 0.1THOU/µL S, Y, H,F IG #> 17Y 0.0 - 0.00.0 -0.0THOU/µLS, Y, H,F %METAMYELOCYTES ALL 0 - 1.00 - 1.0% S, Y, H, B, P,F % MYELOCYTES ALL 0 - 00 - 0%S, Y, H, B, P,F %PROMYELOCYTESALL 0 - 00 - 0% S, Y, H, B, P,F % BLASTS ALL 0 - 00 - 0% S, Y, H, B, P,F % REACTIVE LYMPHSALL 0 - 6.00 - 6.0%S, Y, H, B, P,F 0 - 3D0 - 5.00 - 5.0per 100 WBC 4D - 7D 0 - 1.00 - 1.0per 100 WBC NUCLEATED RBC > 7D0.0 - 0.20.0 - 0.2per 100 WBCS, Y, H, B, P,FNUCLEATED RBC #ALL 0.0 - 0.00.0 - 0.0THOU/µLS, Y, H, B, P,FApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job AidsTestAge (from --> up to, NOT including)Female RangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HI Testing Location0 - 3D 3.5 - 5.4 3.5 - 5.4% 4 - 30D 1.1 - 2.4 1.1 - 2.4% 31 - 60D 2.1 - 3.5 2.1 - 3.5% 61D - 6M1.6 -2.7 1.6 - 2.7% 7M - 3Y 1.0 - 1.8 1.0 - 1.8% 4Y - 7Y 0.8 - 1.50.8 - 1.5% 8Y - 13Y 1.0 - 1.9 1.0 - 1.9% 14Y - 19Y 0.9 - 1.50.9 - 1.5% % RETICULOCYTE> 19Y 0.7 - 2.10.7 - 2.3% S, Y, H,F0 - 3D 147.5 - 216.4147.5 - 216.4THOU/mL 4 - 30D 51.3 - 110.451.3 - 110.4THOU/mL 31 - 60D 51.8 - 77.951.8 - 77.9THOU/mL 61D - 6M48.2 - 88.248.2 - 88.2THOU/mL 7M - 3Y 43.5 - 111.143.5 - 111.1THOU/mL 4Y - 7Y 36.4 - 68.036.4 - 68.0THOU/mL 8Y - 13Y 42.4 - 70.242.4 - 70.2THOU/mL 14Y - 19Y 41.6 - 65.141.6 - 65.1THOU/mL RETICULOCYTE#> 1929.9 - 90.933.8 - 124.0THOU/mL S, Y, H,F0 - 500 - 200 - 15mm/hr ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATIONRATE> 500 - 300 - 20mm/hrS, Y, H,FUrinalysisTestAge (from --> up to, NOT including)Female RangeMale RangeUnitsPanic LOPanic HITesting LocationCOLOR ALL Yel, Dark Yel Yel, Dark Yel -APPEARANCE ALL Clear Clear - GLUCOSE ALL Negative Negative KETONES ALL Negative Negative - SPECIFIC GRAVITY ALL 1.002 - 1.030 1.002 - 1.030- BLOOD ALL Negative Negative - pH ALL 5.0 - 8.0 5.0 - 8.0- PROTEIN ALL Negative Negative NITRITES ALL Negative Negative - LEUKOCYTE ESTERASEALLNegativeNegative-S, Y, H, B,FApproved and current. Effective starting 10/17/2022.UR.818 (version 2.0)Title: Standard Reference Ranges and Alert ValuesManual: Multi-Site Administrative Documents > Lab General > Job Aids。
TL50Contrast sensorINSTRUCTION MANUALCONTROLSOUT LED (yellow)The yellow LED indicates the output status. READY LED (green)During functioning, the green LED permanently ON indicates a normal operating condition; fast blinking indicates an output overload condition. DELAY LED (orange)The orange LED ON indicates the timing function activation on the digital output. MARK PUSH-BUTTONThe mark detection procedure is activated by pressing MARK push-button. BKGD PUSH-BUTTONThe background detection procedure is activated by pressing BKGD push-button.See the “SETTING” paragraph for setup procedure indications.INSTALLATIONThe sensor can be positioned using threaded M5 holes with max. 6 mm depth.Do not apply excessive torque when adjusting (max 2.2 Nm).The operating distance is measured starting from the front surface of the sensor optics.The reading direction can be changed inverting the cap and lens.Mark detection on a reflective surface is improved adjusting the beam direction to 5° … 20° from surface axis.CONNECTIONSSETTINGDETECTION (MARK-BACKGROUND)- Position mark in front of the sensor light spot and press MARK push-button until the READY LED (green) turns OFF.The sensor detects the mark alternating the red, green and blue emissions.Avoid mark movements during this phase.- Position the background in front of the sensor light spot and press BKGD push-button; the sensor detects the mark alternating the red, green and blue emissions. Avoid background movements during this phase.The DARK/LIGHT operating mode is automatically selected by the sensor.Dark mark - light background = Dark mode. Light mark - dark background = Light mode.If the READY LED (green) is permanently ON, the detection is successful.If the LED blinks slowly, the detection has failed due to insufficient contrast.The sensor returns to the previous setting by pressing one of the two push-buttons.DELAY SETTINGThe DELAY extends to 20ms the minimum duration of the active output allowing the slower interfacing systems to detect shorter pulses. The active delay is signalled by the corresponding orange LED ON.Delay activationPress MARK and BKGD push-buttons contemporaneously for 2 sec. until the DELAY LED turns ON.Delay deactivationPress MARK and BKGD push-buttons contemporaneously for 2 sec. until the DELAY LED turns OFF.OUTPUT OVERLOADThe digital output overload is signalled by the rapid blinking of the READY LED.DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYWe Datalogic Automation declare under our sole responsibility that these products are conform to the 2004/108/CE and successive amendments.WARRANTYDatalogic Automation warrants its products to be free from defects.Datalogic Automation will repair or replace, free of charge, any product found to be defective during the warranty period of 36 months from the manufacturing date.This warranty does not cover damage or liability deriving from the improper application of Datalogic Automation products.DATALOGIC AUTOMATIONVia Lavino 265 - 40050 Monte S.Pietro - Bologna – Italy Tel: +39 051 6765611 - Fax: +39 051 6759324e-mail:********************************Datalogic Automation cares for the environment: 100% recycled paper.Datalogic Automation reserves the right to make modifications and improvements without prior notification.© 2007 – 2013 Datalogic Automation - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Protected to the fullest extent under U.S. and international laws. • Copying, or altering of this document is prohibited without express written consent from Datalogic Automation. Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U.826003272 Rev.CDIMENSIONS TECHNICAL DATAPower supply: 10…30 VDC limit values - Class 2 (UL508)Ripple:2 Vpp max.Current consumption(output current excluded): 50 mA max. @ 24VccOutput:1 PNP output 1 NPN output Output current:100 mA max.Output saturation voltage: ≤ 2 VResponse time:33 μsSwitching frequency:15 kHz Delay:0 / 20 ms selectable (default configuration without delay) Dark/light selection automatic Indicators: OUT LED (yellow) / READY LED (green)/DELAY LED (orange)Push-buttons: MARK and BKGD push-buttons DARK/LIGHT selection: Automatic (default configuration LIGHT mode)Operating temperature: -10 … 55 °C Storage temperature: -20 … 70 °C Dielectric strength: 500 VAC 1 min., between electronics and housingInsulating resistance:>20 M Ω 500 Vdc, between electronics and housingOperating distance: 9 mm Depth of field:± 3 mmMinimum spot dimension: 1.5x5 mm @ 9 mmEmission type: BLUE (465 nm) / GREEN (520 nm) / RED (630 nm)with automatic selection Ambient light rejection: According to EN 60947-5-2Vibrations:0.5 mm amplitude, 10 … 55 Hz frequency, for each axis (EN60068-2-6)Shock resistance: 11 ms (30 G) 6 shock for each axis (EN60068-2-27)Housing material: ABS Lens material:PMMA Mechanical protection: IP67Connections: M12 4-pole connectorWeight:90 g. max.ON OUT with DELAYOFF ON OUT without DELAY OFF。
Fluke 温度仪说明书
Temperature Panel and Benchtop Meters1⁄8DIN Size with LCD DisplayModel BS6000ASingleThermocouple Input$495Model BS6050Single RTD Input$495Model BS6051Six-Channel RTD Selectable$595Specifications for DP5000A and BS6000 SeriesInputs:Thermocouples: J, K, T, E, N, R, S; RTD Pt100, 2-, 3-, or 4-wire, Alpha 0.00385,Thermistor: 2252 Ωat 25°C (77°F).Display: 4-digit, backlit LCD Accuracy:±0.15% of rdg + 0.2°C at orabove 0°C (+0.4°F) at or above 32°F)±1°C below 0°C (±2°F below 32°F)Resolution:0.1°to 999.9°; 1°above 1000°Temperature Coefficient:0.01% of rdg/°CCold Junction Compensation: 0.0075°C/°C (0.0135°F/°F)Ambient Temperature : 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temperature:-40 to 50°C (-40 to 122°F)Humidity: 0 to 70% non-condensing Power : 110 Vac (standard),Optional 230 Vac or 9 to 30 Vac/dcM-101ߜEasy-to-Read Backlit LCD ߜ°C/°F Switchable ߜ0.1°/1°Auto Ranging ߜThermocouple Selectable by Rear Panel SwitchesߜFront Panel Splash-Proof (IP65)ߜCan Be Used with OS36, OS37, and OS38 Infrared Probes ߜOptional RS-232ߜBenchtop Portable Meters ߜRugged ABS Case ߜAvailable as Single- or Six-Input ModelsDimensions:DP5000A, DP5050, DP5060:96 x 48 x 120 mm (3.78 x 1.89 x 4.72")BS6000A, BS6050, BS6060:118 x 57 x 150 mm (4.65 x 2.24 x 5.90")BS6001A,BS6051, BS6061:148 x 67 x 190 mm (5.83 x 2.64 x 7.48")Weight:DP5000A, DP5050, BS5060: 255 kg (0.56 lb)BS6000A, BS6050, BS6060: 500 g (1.1 lb)BS6001A, BS6051, BS6061: 850 g (1.87 lb)The DP5000A and BS6000 series of temperature panel and benchtop meters are both highly versatile and accurate. Available in thermocouple and infrared inputs, thermistor and RTD versions with 0.1 degree resolution, auto ranging to 1 degree above 1000°. The thermocouple versions are switch selectable for one of six thermocouple types from the rear panel. The DP5000A series is micro-processor driven andfully self-calibrating, offering exceptional accuracy and long term stability. The backlit LCD is easy to read in any light conditions from dim to bright sunlight, or fluorescent lighting.To Order (Specify Model Number)Model No.Price DescriptionDP5000A $245T/C input panel meter with infrared sensor input*DP5050245RTD input panel meterDP5060245Thermistor input panel meterBS6000A*495Benchtop meter: 1 T/C and OS36, OS37 OS38 input BS6001A*595Benchtop meter: 6 T/C and OS36, OS37 OS38 inputs BS6050495Benchtop meter: 1 RTD input BS6051595Benchtop meter: 6 RTD inputBS6060495Benchtop meter: 1 thermistor input BS6061595Benchtop meter: 6 thermistor inputsMDP5000A Series$245ShownModel OS36-K-50 probe, $185See Section JShown smaller than actual sizeModel NumberPriceDescriptionDP5000-BRACKETS $7Replacement panel bracketsDP5000-SBRACKETS7Panel brackets with adjustable screwsAccessoriesModel NumberPriceDescription-9/30N/C 9 to 30 Vac/Vdc -230N/C230 VacPower OptionsOrder SuffixPriceDescription-C2$40RS-232 communicationsCommunications OptionsInputRangeIron-Constantan-200 to 1200˚C -328 to 2192˚F CHROMEGA ®- ALOMEGA ®-200 to 1372˚C -328 to 2502˚F CHROMEGA ®- Constantan -200 to 1000˚C -328 to 1832˚F Copper - Constantan-200 to 400˚C -328 to 752˚F Platinum - 10% Rhodium/ Platinum -50 to 1767˚C -58 to 3212˚F Platinum - 13% Rhodium/ Platinum -50 to 1767˚C -58 to 3212˚F OMEGA-P ®- Nicrosil -200 to 1300˚C -328 to 2372˚FOMEGA-N ®- NisilInput Ranges for DP5000 and BS6000 Series* Can be used with OS36-K-50and OS36-K-440. Also will work with OS37and OS38units with either 20:1 or 100:1 fields of view. Comes complete with power cord, mating connector(s), operators’ manual. OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order.Ordering Example: BS6050-C2,single RTD input benchtop thermometer and RS-232 communications, $495 + 40 = $535. OCW-1 OMEGACARE SM extends standard 3-year warranty to a total of 4 years ($53), $535 + 53 = $588J K E T S R NCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
ATTO Celerity FC Host Adapter Getting Started Guid
ATTO Technology, Inc.155 CrossPoint ParkwayAmherst, New York 14068 USATel (716) 691-1999Fax (716) 691-9353Sales support:****************Technical support: Please visit https:///support/ for hours of operation.*********************Tel (716) 691-1999 ext. 242© 2016 ATTO Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express written permission of ATTO Technology, Inc.4/2016 PRMA-0400-000MDCelerity Fibre Channel Host AdapterGetting Started GuideThank you for purchasing the ATTO Celerity FC HostAdapter. This guide gives you the basics for installing andconfiguring your adapter. For more information, refer to theCelerity Installation and Operation Manual and the ATTOUtilities Manual.Ensure you have the equipment and software youneed for the installation:•Celerity FC adapter• A computer with an available PCIe, PCIe 2.0 orPCIe 3.0 expansion slot•Storage, cables and connectorsInstalling the Latest Celerity 32Gb, 16Gb or 8GbDrivers1Please visit the ATTO website at https:///2Hover over Support and click Downloads.3For returning customers login by entering yourusername and password. For new users pleaseregister to create login.4Select Product: Click on Fibre Channel HBAs5Select Model: Click on 32Gb, 16Gb CelerityHBAs or 8Gb Celerity HBAsInstall DriversConfigure your system to recognize and use yourCelerity adapter by installing drivers for your operatingsystem.Windows1Power on your system and log in as theadministrator or a user with properadministrative privileges.2Go to the ATTO website and login as describedin the Installing the Latest Celerity 32Gb, 16Gbor 8Gb Drivers section3Click on Windows. This will display the mostcurrent Windows drivers available.4Click on Windows XX Driver link based on theoperating system (x86 or x64) in use. If you areunsure which version you are using, pleasecontact your system administrator.5Open the download link and click run.6Follow the on-screen instructions to completethe driver installation.NoteWHQL Certified Drivers are available for selectCelerity Fibre Channel HBAs. If available, thesedrivers will be listed below the default Windowsdrivers.OS XSupport for all Celerity FC models except 164E1Power on your system and log in as theadministrator or a user with properadministrative privileges.2Go to the ATTO website and login as describedin the Installing the Latest Celerity 32Gb, 16Gbor 8Gb Drivers section3Click on Mac. This will display the most currentMac OS X drivers available.4Click on the Mac OS X Driver link based on theoperating system in use. If you are unsure whichversion you are using, please contact your system administrator.5Open the download.6Launch the installer package.7Follow the on-screen instructions.LinuxNoteNote: These steps assume a basic knowledge of Linux terminal commands. You must also have the correct kernel source files for the appropriate kernel already installed.1Power on your system and log in as the administrator or a user with properadministrative privileges.2Go to the ATTO website and login as described in the Installing the LatestCelerity 32Gb, 16Gb or 8Gb Driverssection.3Click on Linux. This will display the most current Linux drivers available.4Click on Linux XX Driver link based on the operating system in use. If you are unsure which version you are using, pleasecontact your system administrator.5Copy the .tgz file to a temporary folder.6Open a terminal window and change to the location of copied tgz from step 5.7Extract the file using the command tar -xfz <filename.tgz>.8Change to the directory created above then run the installer script ./install.sh.9Click on Y to load driver.10Click on Y to install CLI tools.11Confirm location.VMware (ESXi 5.x/6.0)NoteNote: ESXi 5.0 & later: 8Gb Celerity supportESXi 5.1 & later: 16Gb Celerity support1Download the correct Driver Bundle from the VMware or ATTO website.2Within the bundle unzip the Driver VIB file (.vib) for your ATTO Adapter.3Use the Datastore Browser in the vSphere Client to upload the VIB file to your ESXihost.4Log in to the ESXi host on the Local Tech Support Console (ESXi), or through anSSH client.5Install the VIB using the followingcommand on the ESXi host: # esxclisoftware vib install -v <full path to VIB file> 6Once the VIB is installed, reboot the ESXihostFreeBSDNoteRefer to the Celerity Installation and Operation Manual forinstructions on installing FreeBSD driversInstalling the ATTO ConfigToolThe ATTO ConfigTool is a free utility. Visit theATTO website (/downloads.php) for specific operatingsystem support information and downloads.The ATTO ConfigTool includes twocomponents: a GUI Application and a systemservice. Either, or both, of these componentscan be installed on a host, depending on thefunctionality desired. Refer to the Utilitiesmanual for additional details.NoteLogging and other important features are only available if theATTO ConfigTool service is installed. We recommendinstalling the service as a minimum configuration.NoteThe vConfigTool supports VMware VCenter Server. Refer tothe ATTO website for information on downloading and usingthis free utility.Windows Installation Instructions:1Double-click thewin_app_configtool_xxx.exe package file2Click "Unzip" to extract the installer files.The files are put in "C:\ATTO\ConfigTool\4.xx" directory.2.1To install the Full Application orApplication Only:•Navigate to the "C:\ATTO\ConfigTool\4.xx\Service"directory•Double-click on the ConfigTool_xxx.exeinstaller executable•Select Full Installation or ApplicationOnly as desired.•Follow the on-screen instructions2.2To install the System Service only:•Navigate to the"C:\ATTO\ConfigTool\4.xx\Service"directory•Double-click on the "attocfgd.msi"installer executable•Follow the on-screen instructionsOS X Installation Instructions:1Double-click theosx_app_configtool_xxx.exe package file.2 A Finder window appears.2.1To install the Full Application orApplication Only:•In the Finder window that appears,double-click on the ConfigTool_xxx.appinstaller executable.•Select Full Installation or ApplicationOnly as desired.•Follow the on-screen instructions.2.2To install the System Service only:•Navigate to the “Service” folder in theFinder window that appears.•Double-click on the "attocfgd.mpkg"installer executable file.•Follow the on-screen instructions.Linux Installation Instructions:1Extract the package file by running thefollowing command in a terminal: tar -xvzflnx_app_configtool_xxx.tgz2Navigate to the extracted folder“lnx_app_configtool_xxx”2.1To install the Full Application orApplication Only:•Run the ConfigTool_xxx.bin installerexecutable as root or superuser.•Select Full Installation or ApplicationOnly as desired.•Follow the on-screen instructions.2.2To install the System Service only:•Navigate to the “Service” directorylocated inside thelnx_app_configtool_xxx directory•Double-click on the "attocfgd.msi"installer executableRun the “attocfgd.sei” installer executable asroot or superuser using the followingcommand line: ./attocfgd.sei -i.Hardware InstallationBack up your system data before changing orinstalling any hardware.CAUTIONCelerity FC host adapters containcomponents that are sensitive toelectrostatic discharge (ESD). ESDcan Cause damage to the Celerity FChost adapter. Please follow standardmethods to avoid ESD.1Install the latest drivers. Refer to InstallDrivers of your Celerity Fibre Channel HostAdapter Getting Started Guide.2Power down the computer and unplug thecomputer from all power sources.3Open the case.4Install the Celerity FC host adapter in anyopen PCI Express expansion slot. ForCelerity 164E only, install the appropriateexternal power cable (supplied). If youhave questions about how to install anexpansion card in your system, consultyour computer’s documentation.NoteAll Celerity cards fit in x8 or x16 mechanicalslots.CAUTIONCelerity 16Gb Quad Fibre ChannelHost Adapters (FC-164E) requireexternal power supply and adequatecooling to ensure proper systemoperation and prevent data loss.5Connect Fibre Channel devices byinserting a Fibre Channel cable from thedevices to the connectors on the CelerityFC host adapter until you hear a click.6Close the case on the computer and powerit up.Configure your storage and adapterDefault settings are appropriate for mostsystems but you may change settings usingthe ATTO Configuration Tool on the ATTOwebsite.Please see ATTO Utilities Installation andOperations Manual for further information.。
Baumer 绝对编码器多转并行1说明书
S u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n i n t e c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .GXP1W with clamping flange Features–Encoder multiturn / parallel –Optical sensing method–Resolution: singleturn 12 bit, multiturn 12 bit –Clamping or synchro flange–Resolution, code and preset programmable –Encoder programming by Windows software –RS232 encoder programming interfaceTechnical data - electrical ratings Voltage supply 10...30 VDC Reverse polarity protection YesConsumption w/o load ≤50 mA (24 VDC)Initializing time typ.50 ms after power on Interface 24 parallel outputs FunctionMultiturn Steps per revolution ≤4096 / 12 bit Number of revolutions ≤4096 / 12 bit Absolute accuracy ±0.03 °Sensing method OpticalCodeGray, cut gray, BCD, binary programmableCode sequence CW/CCW coded andprogrammable by connection InputsTxD, RxD (RS232)Control signals UP/DOWN inv. and zero ENABLE inv. STORE inv.Output stages PNP or NPN open collector Interference immunity DIN EN 61000-6-2Emitted interference DIN EN 61000-6-4Programming interface RS232Programmable parametersSteps per revolution Number of revolutions Code2 presets (limits)Rotation speed monitoring Diagnostic functionsSelf-diagnosisCode continuity check Multiturn sensing ApprovalUL approval / E63076GXP1W - parallelTechnical data - mechanical design Size (flange)ø58 mmShaft typeø10 mm solid shaft (clamping flange)ø6 mm solid shaft (synchro flange)FlangeClamping or synchro flange Protection DIN EN 60529IP 54 (without shaft seal), IP 65 (with shaft seal)Operating speed≤10000 rpm (mechanical) ≤6000 rpm (electric)Starting torque ≤0.015 Nm (+25 °C, IP 54) ≤0.03 Nm (+25 °C, IP 65)Rotor moment of inertia 20 gcm²Admitted shaft load ≤20 N axial ≤40 N radial MaterialsHousing: steel Flange: aluminium Operating temperature -25...+70 °CRelative humidity 95 % non-condensing Resistance DIN EN 60068-2-6Vibration 10 g, 16-2000 Hz DIN EN 60068-2-27 Shock 200 g, 6 ms Weight approx.600 gConnection Cable 1 m, connector D-SUB, 37-pinS u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n i n t e c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .GXP1W - parallelPart number GXP1W.C1Connection31Cable 1 m, axial, connectorD-SUB, 37-pin41Cable 1 m, radial, connectorD-SUB, 37-pinVoltage supply / signals1010...30 VDC / open collector NPN 2010...30 VDC / open collector PNPFlange / Solid shaft0Clamping flange / ø10 mm, IP 54 A Clamping flange / ø10 mm, IP 65 1Synchro flange / ø6 mm, IP 54BSynchro flange / ø6 mm, IP 65AccessoriesConnectors and cables10160874Female connector D-SUB, 37-pin (Z 140.001)Mounting accessories10117669Eccentric fixing, single (Z 119.006)10141255Adaptor plate for clamping flange formodification into synchro flange (Z 119.013)10117667Mounting adaptor for encoders with synchro flange (Z 119.015)10125051Mounting adaptor for encoders with clamping flange (M3) (Z 119.017)10158124Bearing flange for encoders with synchro flange (Z 119.035)10141132Spring washer coupling D1=6 / D2=10 (Z 121.C01)Programming accessories 10161019Programming cable for parallel shaftencoders, CD with ProGeber software and manual (Z 139.005)11034218CD with software ProGeber & manual (Z 150.008)Data transferS u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n i n t e c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .Connector Core colour Assignment Pin 1 white Output D0Pin 2 brown Output D1Pin 3 green Output D2Pin 4 yellow Output D3Pin 5 grey Output D4Pin 6 pink Output D5Pin 7 black Output D6Pin 8 violet Output D7Pin 9 grey/pink Output D8Pin 10 red/blue Output D9Pin 11 white/greenOutput D10Pin 12 brown/green Output D11Pin 13 white/yellow Output D12Pin 14 yellow/brown Output D13Pin 15 white/grey Output D14Pin 16 grey/brown Output D15Pin 17 white/pink Output D16Pin 18 pink/brown Output D17Pin 19 white/black Output D18Pin 20 brown/black Output D19Pin 21 grey/green Output D20Pin 22 yellow/grey Output D21Pin 23 pink/green Output D22Pin 24 yellow/pink Output D23Pin 25 – –Pin 26 ––Pin 27 yellow/blue Zero settingPin 28 brown/blue ENABLE Pin 29 brown/red STORE Pin 30 green/blue UP/DOWN Pin 31 – –Pin 32 – –Pin 33 – –Pin 34 white/blue GND-Sense Pin 35 white/red UB-Sense Pin 36 red UB Pin 37blueGNDUB Encoder voltage supply.GND Encoder ground connection relating to UB. Outputs 24 parallel output signals.D0-D23 For PNP it is recommended to utilize pull- down resistors for every data line, for NPNpull-up resistors of 4.7 kΩ.Outputs Special outputsD19 - D23 With inferior resolutions these outputsmay be configurated as special outputs. Zero settingInput for setting a zero point anywhere within the programmed encoder resolution. The zero setting operation is triggered by a High impulse and has to be in line with the selected direction of rotation (UP/DOWN). Connect to GND after setting operation for maximum interference immunity. Impulse duration >100 ms. If there is an offset being entered by programming interface the offset will be activated by the zero input.UP/DOWNUP/DOWN counting direction input.This input is standard on High. UP/DOWN means ascending output data with clock- wise shaft rotation when looking at flange. UP/DOWN-Low means ascending values with counterclockwise shaft rotation when looking at flange.ENABLEInput for activating the output drivers that are triggered by input level Low. Uponbeing on High (or less potential) the output drivers switch to high-impedance (Tristate). STOREInput for output data storage. Upon a Low input level the encoder data are stored in the intermediate memory. Upon being on High (or less potential) the current encoder position data are switched to the output drivers. This line must be applied for reliable data readout in binary code.GND-SenseInternally connected to GND and serves together with UB-Sense for measuring the encoder voltage supply.UB-SenseInternally connected to UB. In case the sensor line is not utilized the connection must be isolated (danger of short circuit).Terminal significance Terminal assignment GXP1W - parallelS u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n i n t e c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .DimensionsM4 x 7120°42 ±0.150h75870U N C 4 - 40D-SUB19751049 5.5ø 6f 633137510495.5ø 6f 6331620UNC 4 - 407017.516GXP1W - synchro flangeM3 x 7120°36f848 ±0.15870U N C 4 - 40D-SUB19751020159ø10h 633131020159ø10h 6337516UNC 4 - 40702017.516GXP1W - clamping flangeGXP1W - parallelControl inputs Input circuit Input level High >0.7 UB Input level Low <0.3 UB Input resistance10 kΩParallel outputs Output circuitOpen collector circuit-proof Output level High (PNP) >UB -4.5 V (I = -15 mA)Output level Low (NPN) <3.5 V (I = 15 mA)Load High (PNP) <-20 mA Load Low (NPN) <20 mA Tristate<200 µATrigger level Encoder Mating connector PC connector function M12, 5-pins D-SUB, 9-pins – Pin 1 –RxD Pin 2 Pin 3GND Pin 3 Pin 5TxDPin 5Pin 2Jumper 4-6 andJumper 7-8Connect encoder to voltage supply (UB/red/pin 36 and GND/blue/pin 37) using the supplementary 37-pin D-SUB connector.Terminal assignment programming cable。
Kenwood TK-941 Conversion 33-centimeter Programmin
Ray Montagne - W7CIAThe frequency must be converted to a Kenwood Channel Number prior to programming. The following table, obtained from the KW900EZP program documentation by K2MCI, is used to obtain the channel number for the target frequencies:927 902919907920908921909926903 801602403200.00001811612413210.0125 2821622423220.0250 3831632433230.0375 4841642443240.0500 5851652453250.0625 6861662463260.0750 7871672473270.0875 8881682483280.1000 9891692493290.1125 10901702503300.1250 11911712513310.1375 12921722523320.1500 13931732533330.1625 14941742543340.1750 15951752553350.1875 16961762563360.2000 17971772573370.2125 18981782583380.2250 19991792593390.2375 201001802603400.2500 211011812613410.2625 221021822623420.2750 231031832633430.2875 241041842643440.3000 251051852653450.3125 261061862563460.3250 271071872573470.3375 281081882583480.3500 291091892593490.3625 301101902603500.3750 311111912613510.3875 321121922623520.4000 331131932633530.4125 341141942643540.4250 351151952653550.4375 361161962663560.4500 371171972673570.4625 381181982683580.4750 391191992693590.4875 401202002703600.5000 411212012713610.5125 421222022723620.5250 431232032733630.5375 441242042743640.5500 451252052753650.5625 461262062763660.5750 471272072773670.5875 481282082783680.6000 491292092793690.6125927 902919907920908921909926903501302102803700.6250511312112813710.6375521322122823720.6500531332132833730.6625541342142843740.6750551352152853750.6875561362162863760.7000571372172873770.7125581382182883780.7250591392192893790.7375601402202903800.7500611412212913810.7625621422222923820.7750631432232933830.7875641442242943840.8000651452252953850.8125661462262963860.8250671472272973870.8375681482282983880.8500691492292993890.8675701502303003900.8750711512313013910.8875721522323023920.9000731532333033930.9125741542343043940.9250751552353053050.9375761562363063960.9500771572373073970.9625781582383083980.9750791592393093990.9875The target frequency pairs of 927.2125 / 902.2125 and 927.2250 / 902.2250 use FCC channels 17 and 18 respectively.Programming ProcedureI. Launch KPG-25D.exe and start with an empty template by selecting New from the File menu.II. Set the Model to TK-941.III. Select Feature Option from the Edit menu.IV. Set the T.O.T. (Dispatch) parameter to 600. This is the transmission time limit, in dispatch mode, expressed in 15 seconds per step with a range of from 15 seconds to 600 seconds. The default is 60 seconds. These are set to 10 minutes (600 seconds) so that the timers in the repeater controller can be used.V. Set the T.O.T. (Tel)parameter to 600. This is the transmission time limit, in telephone mode, expressed in 15 seconds per step with a range of from 15 seconds to 600 seconds. The default is 180 seconds. These are set to 10 minutes (600 seconds) so that the timers in the repeater controller can be used.VI. Set the Drop out delay time parameter to 1. This sets the time between carrier detect drop out and the resumption of scanning. This parameter can be set from 0 to 254 seconds at 1 second per count. The default is 3 seconds.VII. Set the dwell time parameter to 1. This sets the time between the end of transmission and the resumption of scanning. This parameter can be set from 0 to 254 seconds at 1 second per count. The default is 15 seconds.VIII. Set the Transpond delay time parameter to 3. This sets the delay from the decode of a transpond enabled ID to the beginning of a transpond transmission. This parameter can be set from 0 to 254 seconds at 1 second per count. The default is 3 seconds. If this parameter is set to a value greater than the Drop out delay time then the Drop out delay time will be used as the Transpond delay time.IX. Set the TX inhibit time parameter to 5.0. This parameter sets the period of time that the transmitter is inhibited after an inhibited ID is detected. The value can be set from 0.5 seconds to 8.0 seconds in 0.5 second steps.X. Set the Aux switch parameter to N/A. This parameter toggles the following functions off:A. N/A: No functionB. Option Sig: Option signaling board reset switch.C. Manual Relay: Auxiliary output signal ON/OFF.D. Horn Alert: Horn Alert ON/OFFE. Telephone Search: Automatically searches for a vacant telephone channel (trunked system).F. ALP/Sys.Grp.: Toggle display between alphanumeric or the system & group number.G. Fixed Call: Reset radio to a pre-programmed system & group.H. Del/Add: Provides the user system Delete / Add button.XI. Set the Scan switch parameter to List scan. This parameter sets the scan type selection as follows:A. N/A:Disables the scan switch function and sounds an alert tone (if programmed) when the scan key ispressed.B. List Scan: Automatic roaming scan.C. Fix System Scan: Operator selectable system scan.XII. Set the Revert sys type parameter to Last Use. This parameter sets the programmable transmit destination system & group during scanning. Options include:A. Last Used: Last transmitted system & group.B. Last Called: Last received system & group.XIII. Set the Free System ring back parameter to No. This feature is only active during telephone use (trunked system). The radio will beep when the telephone interconnect line is not busy.XIV. Set the Clear to talk beep parameter to Yes. Upon successful access of a trunked system, this beep tone sounds to alert the user they can begin speaking.XV. Set the System search parameter to None. While a selected system is busy (the radio sounds an intercept tone) then release the PTT key, the radio will start to search for an available system automatically or manually. Options include:A. None: Disable system search.B. Auto: During the intercept tone, keep the PTT key held down and press the SCAN key. Upon release of theSCAN key, system search begins.C. Manual: During the intercept tone, releasing the PTT will initiate auto system search.XVI. Set the Display Character parameter to Grp Name. This parameter selects the display character Group name (Alphanumeric) or System & Group number. If you select the AUX switch as the display character, this selection will be just as default. Options include:A. Sys Grp: Set the display character as System & Group number.B. Grp Name: Set the display character as alphanumeric (pre-programing necessary).XVII. Set the Minimum volume parameter to 0. The minimum volume is the level which will be set automatically every time you turn on the radio. If the volume is adjusted below this level prior to turning the radio off, the volume will be set to this level the next time the radio is turned on. In order to ensure that the speaker is quiet at the repeater site, this value is set to zero. The default value is 8.XVIII. Set the Off hook scan parameter to Disable. The radio is able to scan, even with the mic off hook. Options include:A. Enable: Scan start & stop is independent of the mic hook switch.B. Disable: Mic must be on hook for scanning to start.XIX. Set the Off hook horn alt parameter to Disable. Horn alert is auto disabled when the microphone goes off hook Options include:A. Enable: Off hook auto disable.B. Disable: Manual disable only.XX. Set the Off hook decode parameter to Enable. The radio is still tone squelched, even though the mic is in the off hook condition (valid for QT, DQT and Option Signaling board decode). Options include:A. Enable: Decode signaling active even in the off hook condition.B. Disable: Decode signaling is disabled during off hook.Setting this parameter to Enable allows the radio to operate in decode without having to wire the off-hook signal to the on-hook position.XXI. Set the Access logic sig parameter to Sngl. Pulse. This logic signal is useful for external radio control unit (i.e. Mobile Data Terminal, Computer Aided Dispatch or Over The Air Re-Programming etc) that require a signal at the time of successful trunked repeater access. Options include:A. Continuous: Logic Level high during length of access.B. Sng. Pulse: Logic level high pulse at the time of a successful handshake.XXII. Set the Horn alt logic sig parameter to Pulse. The Horn Alert logic can be used to drive a vehicle horn relay, light or other device. The logic level signal can be set for a continuous (EX: light) or momentary pulse output (EX: vehicle horn relay). Options include:A. Continuous: Continuous logic level low output until reset.B. Pulse: Momentary logic level low output.XXIII.The options should now appear as:XXIV. Layout all of the repeater input frequencies in the first group. Setup each repeater output frequency in a separate system. Using the Kenwood3.exe program, the hexadecimal representation of each frequency can be determined (as seen in the table below).Group & System ConfigurationGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 81KC7MCCTX A927.2125CarrierCH. 170xD197KC7MCCTX A927.2125EncodeCH. 170xD197KC7MCCRX A902.2125CarrierCH. 170x0190KC7MCCRX A902.2125EncodeCH. 170x0190KC7MCCTX B927.2250CarrierCH. 180xD297KC7MCCTX B927.2250EncodeCH. 180xD297KC7MCCRX B902.2250CarrierCH. 180x0290KC7MCCRX B902.2250EncodeCH. 180x0290The carrier access groups are not intended for active use but support test configurations, such as performing a -12 dB SINAD measurement on a receiver.XXV. Set the system configuration to Conventional.XXVI. Hit Enter to edit the system configuration.XXVII. Program each group as follows:A. Set the FCC field to 200.B. Set the transmit Encode field as appropriate.C. Set the receive Decode field as appropriate.D. Set the Grp-Name field as appropriate. Use unique text that will help you identify the group name whenusing the HxD program at a later step.E. Set the TlkArnd field to Yes.F. Leave all other fields at their default values.XXVIII. Save the KPG25D configuration file.XXIX. Exit the KPG25D.exe program.XXX. The KPG25D.exe program will have inserted a value of 0x089B, corresponding to channel 200 or 937.5000 MHz, into each of the frequency slots. The channel numbers are stored as a 16-bit word in little endian format. Endian swapping the default channel value results in a value of 0x9B08, which converts to a decimal value of 39688. The decimal channel value can be determined by subtracting the target frequency from 937.5000 MHz and then dividing by the channel frequency step size of 0.0125 MHz. The resulting value is then subtracted from a value of 38923, converted back to hexadecimal and then endian swapped into little endian format before storing the frequency. This is apparently what the Kenwood3.exe program does (except that the conversion to decimal and endian swapping is not required in programming since little endian is the native format for x86 processors).XXXI. Launch the HxD.exe program.XXXII. Open the KPG25D data file with the HxD program.XXXIII. Locate each frequency entry with a value of 0x089B and edit the value to the appropriate value obtained from the Kenwood3.exe program. The Grp-Name field data will be visible in the window and will help to locate the 0x089B value associated with a specific group name..XXXIV. Save the file and exit the Kenwood3.exe program.XXXV. Launch the KPG25D.exe program.XXXVI. Load the KPG25D data file.XXXVII. A view of the Feature option window will show the new channel data.XXXVIII. Program the radio.Filter InstallationTwo TK-941 radios are used to implement the full-duplex link back-bone, with one radio acting as the transmitter and the other radio acting as the receiver. The front-end filter on the receive radio must be swapped out with a filter that has the bandpass frequency having the receive frequency fall within the bandpass.A hot air SMD station was used to remove the pair of filters from the TK-941 receive radio front-end. 915 MHz filters were then installed using a standard soldering station. Note that the filter terminals did not align with the solder pads on the printed circuit board. The terminals had to be bent in to contact the pads prior to soldering. A check was made, using an Ohm meter, to verify that the terminals did not short to the ground traces surrounding the filter terminal pads.Upon completion of the filter installation, the VCO was adjusted to obtain VCO lock.Repeater Controller Interface - Receive RadioThe repeater controller interface requires access to the COS signal and de-emphasized audio. The signal driving the BASE of Q20 presents an Active LOW COS. Further, the COS signal carries only the COS when programmed for COS access or the logical NAND of COS and Tone Decode when programmed for tone or DCS access. The observed logic level on the COS signal shows 3.6 volts when HIGH.Squelch gated de-emphasized audio is available at the junction of C75 and IC6-13. The signal level of the audio, using a 1KHz tone with 3KHz deviation (as used for a -12 dB SINAD measurement), was observed to be 1.2 Vpp.The following annotated PCB view shows where to connect the COS and Gated Audio signals to interface to the repeater controller.The following image shows the repeater controller interface wires attached to the receive radio. The COS wire is blue. The squelch gated de-emphasized audio is orange. A black ground connection is made at emitter of Q20. A Dremel tool was used to grind a small slot to route the cable out of the RF shielded area where the interface signals are available. A Hot Glue gun was used to fasten down the wires, providing strain relief for the PCB pad connections.The power cable chassis strain relief can be lifted, exposing a small but removable plug. Removing this plug allows for routing of the repeater controller interface wires out of the radio chassis.Repeater Controller Interface - Transmit RadioThe transmit radio requires access to the PTT and Microphone input signals. The front panel was removed in preparation to route wires from under the power cable and on to through the chassis to the front panel PCB.The attachment points on the back of the front panel PCB are well marked as follows:1. PTT: Push-to-talk (Green Wire)2. ME: Microphone Return (audio-signal-ground - Black Wire)3. MI: Microphone Input (Red Wire)。
SL & SLX Unmanaged Industrial Ethernet SwitchesSixnet Networking SeriesUNMANAGED INDUSTRIAL ETHERNET SWITCHESPRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSnSlim packaging fits on your Din-rail nHigh performance and value nTruly industrial hardened design nPlug & play saves you time and moneyREAL-TIME ETHERNET PERFORMANCEnFast wire-speed switchingnIntelligent message routing - No collisions!nIdeal for any systemPLUG & PLAY SIMPLICITYnAuto-sensing for speed and duplexnAuto-mdi/mdix-crossover works with straight or crossed cablesnAuto-polarity corrects for crossed signalsTROUBLE FREE OPERATIONnUltra-reliable 1,000,000+ hours MTBFnDual power inputs with industrial spike protection nDIN-rail or direct panel mountingnUL/CSA (CUL), CE, hazardous locations (Zone 2) and maritime ratedn-40 to 85°C operating range (SLX models)The SL/SLX-5ES and SL/SLX-8/9ES are 5 and 8/9 port industrial Ethernet switches that provide advanced performance that enables you to achieve real-time deterministic operation. These ruggedized switches are hardened to provide superior reliability. They require no user setup and immediately start operating as soon as you power them up. Sixnet switches are designed to make your job easier, ensuring your system will keeprunning for many years to come.SLX ModelsSL Models Sixnet Knows IndustrialWe have been designing industrial hardware such as Remote Terminal Units for over 30 years and have used this expertise to design the toughest Ethernet switches on the market. Don’t trust your critical communications to so-called industrial hardware from commercial switch manufacturers. Sixnet switches give you proven assurance that your system will keep running for years to come.All specifications are subject to change. Consult factory for latest info.ETHERNET PERFORMANCEn Unmanaged with 5, 8 or 9 Ethernet ports n Store & forward wire-speed switchingn Automatic address learning, aging and migration n Full duplex operation with flow control (no collisions)n All IEEE 802.3 Ethernet protocols supported n 1024 MAC addresses supported n Memory bandwidth 3.2 Gbps nTypical latency (varies on load) p @ 100 Mbps: 5 µs + frame timep @ 10 Mbps: 16 µs + frame timenEthernet isolation 1500 VRMS 1 minute ETHERNET PORTSnShielded RJ45 ports for 10/100BaseTX p Auto-negotiation for 10 or 100 Mbpsp Auto- MDI/MDIX-crossover for either cable typep Auto-polarity corrects for crossed +/- signalsn Fiber optic port speed 100BaseFX (100 Mbps)n Fiber duplex operation: Full duplex n Fiber wavelength: 1300 nm center (typical)nFiber max. distance (full duplex) (see web for details) p 4 km for multimode 50 or 62.5/125 µm (SC or ST) p 20 km for singlemode 9 or 10/125 µm (SC or ST)p 40 km (long haul) or more (contact Sixnet)ETHERNET COMPLIANCEn IEEE 802.3 (10Mbps Ethernet supports legacy devices)n IEEE 802.3u (Fast Ethernet 100Mbps for newer devices)nIEEE 802.3x (Full-Duplex with Flow Control)POWER INPUTn Power input voltage: 10-30 VDC n Redundant input terminalsnInput power (typical - all ports active at 100 Mbps)p 2.0 W (5-port without fiber) p 3.0 W (5-port including 1 fiber) p 4.0 W (8-port without fiber)p 5.0 W (9-port including 1 fiber)n Transient protection: 15,000 watts peaknSpike protection: 5,000 watts (10 times for 10 uS)ENVIRONMENTALnOperating temperaturep SL models: -40 to +60°Cp SLX models: -40 to +85°C (cold startup at -40)n Storage temperature: -40 to +85 °C n Humidity (non-condensing) 5 to 95% RH n Vibration and shock: IEC60068-2-6nMaximum Operating Altitude: 30,000 ft. (SLX models)MECHANICAL DRAWINGSSTANDARDS COMPLIANCEn Electrical safety - UL508/CSA C22.2/142, EN61010-1, CE n EMC - FCC part 15, ICES-003, EN61000-6, CEn Hazardous locations: ANSI/ISA 12.12.01/CSA C22.2/213 (Class I, Div. 2); EN60079-15 (Zone 2, Category 3), CE (ATEX)n Maritime rated for marine & offshore per ABSnEye safety (fiber models) - IEC60825-1, Class 1; FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11PHYSICALn Din-rail or direct panel mounting nIngress protection: p SL models: IP30p SLX models: IP40n Case: UL94V0 Lexan (SL) or Aluminum (SLX)nWeight: p 4 oz (0.11 kg) – SL-5ESp 6 oz (0.17 kg) – SLX-5ES, SL-8/9ESp 8 oz (0.23 kg) – SLX-8/9ESnDimensions – see mechanical diagram belowORDERING GUIDE SLX-5ES-15 RJ45 10/100 portsSLX-5ES-2SC 4 RJ45 ports and 1 mm fiber SC, 4 Km SLX-5ES-2ST 4 RJ45 ports and 1 mm fiber ST, 4 Km SLX-5ES-3SC 4 RJ45 ports and 1 sm fiber SC, 20 Km SLX-5ES-3ST 4 RJ45 ports and 1 sm fiber ST, 20 Km SLX-6ES-4/5 Dual fiber - see separate datasheet SLX-8ES-1 8 RJ45 10/100 portsSLX-8ES-6/7Three fiber - see separate datasheetSLX-9ES-2SC 8 RJ45 ports and 1 mm fiber SC, 4 Km SLX-9ES-2ST 8 RJ45 ports and 1 mm fiber ST, 4 Km SLX-9ES-3SC 8 RJ45 ports and 1 sm fiber SC, 20 Km SLX-9ES-3ST 8 RJ45 ports and 1 sm fiber ST, 20 Km SL- w/Lexan case and limited temperature ET-PS-024-02 2 Amp, AC to 24 VDC Power SupplySP-ETH-2Dual Ethernet port surge & lightning protectorContact Sixnet for special or long haul fiber transeivers up to 120 Km.w w w.r e d l i o n.n e tConnect. Monitor. Control.Americas *****************Asia-Pacific ****************EuropeMiddle East Africa******************+1 (717) 767-6511As the glob al experts in communication, monitoring and control for industrial automation and networking, Red Lion has b een delivering innovative solutions for over forty years. Our automation, Ethernet and cellular M2M technology enables companies worldwide to gain real-time data visib ility that drives productivity. Product b rands include Red Lion, N-Tron and Sixnet. With headquarters in York, Pennsylvania, the company has offices across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. Red Lion is part of Spectris plc, the productivity-enhancing instrumentation and controls company. For more information, please visit .ADLD0203 091916 © 2016 Red Lion Controls, Inc. All rights reserved. Red Lion, the Red Lion logo, N-Tron and Sixnet are registered trademarks of Red Lion Controls, Inc. All other company and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.。
Bently Nevada 3500 08 Diagnostics Access Panel Ope
Copyright © 1997Bently Nevada LLCAll Rights Reserved.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.The following are trademarks of Bently Nevada LLC in the United States and other countries:ACM™, Actionable Information®, Actionable Information to the Right People atthe Right Time®, ADRE , ™, Asset Condition Management™, Asset ConditionMonitoring™, Bently ALIGN™, Bently BALANCE®, Bently DOCUVIEW™,Bently LUBE™, Bently Nevada ,Bently PERFORMANCE™, BentlyRELIABILITY™, CableLoc™, ClickLoc™, Data Manager , Decision Support SM,DemoNet™, Dynamic Data Manager , Engineer Assist™, FieldMonitor™,flexiTIM™, FluidLoc , Helping You Protect and Manage All YourMachinery , HydroScan , HydroView™, Key ∅ , Keyphasor , MachineCondition Manager™ 2000, MachineLibrary™, Machine Manager™,MicroPROX , Move Data, Not People , Move Information, Not Data™, NSv™,Prime Spike™, PROXPAC , Proximitor , REBAM ,RuleDesk™, SE™,Seismoprobe , Smart Monitor , Snapshot™, System 1™, SystemExtender™, TDXnet™, TDIXconnX™, The Plant Asset ManagementCompany SM, TipLoc™, TorXimitor , Transient Data Manager , Trendmaster ,TrimLoc™, VelomitorBently Nevada’s orbit logo and other logos associated with the trademarks inbold above, are also all trademarks or registered trademarks of Bently Nevada inthe United States and other countries.The following ways of contacting Bently Nevada LLC are provided for those times when you cannot contact your local Bently Nevada representative:Mailing Address 1631 Bently Parkway SouthMinden, NV 89423USATelephone 177****3611180****5514Fax 177****2876Internet Additional Information3500 Monitoring System Rack Installation and Maintenance Manual (129766-01) •general description of a standard system•general description of a Triple Modular redundant (TMR) system•instructions for installing the removing the module from a 3500 rack•drawings for all cables used in the 3500 Monitoring System3500 Monitoring System Rack Configuration and Utilities Guide ( 129777-01) •guidelines for using the 3500 Rack Configuration software for setting the operatingparameters of the module•Guidelines for using the 3500 test utilities to verify that the input and output terminals on the module are operating properly3500 Monitoring system Computer Hardware and Software Manual (128158-01) •instructions for connecting the rack to 3500 host computer•procedures for verifying communication•procedures for installing software•guidelines for using Data Acquisition / DDE Server and Operator Display Software •procedures and diagrams for setting up network and remote communications3500 Field Wiring Diagram Package (130432-01)•diagrams that show how to hook up a particular transducer•lists of recommended wiringContents1.Receiving and Handling Instructions 11.1Receiving Inspection 12.General Information 23.Installation Instructions 33.1Installing Cabling to the 3500 System 33.1.1Installing the Y-Cable 43.1.2Installing the Diagnostics Access Panel Patch Cable 53.1.3Installing the TDIX/DDIX Cable 73.1.4Cable Pin Outs 73.2Connecting the Patch Cable to the Diagnostics Access Panel 83.2.1Installing the Patch Cable 8beling Panel Connections 94.1Slot Designation Labels 94.2Signal Source Labels 11er Defined Interface 126.Specifications 157.Ordering Information 16Receiving and Handling Instructions - 1 -1. Receiving and Handling Instructions1.1 Receiving InspectionVisually inspect the panel for obvious shipping damage. If shipping damage isapparent, file a claim with the carrier and submit a copy to Bently Nevada.General InformationInformation2. GeneralThe 3500/08 Diagnostics Access Panel is an accessory for use with the 3500Monitoring Systems installed in EMI shielded cabinets. The Diagnostics AccessPanel makes the buffered outputs that are available on the front of the 3500System more accessible.The Diagnostics Access Panel uses a 4.6 m (15 ft) patch cable to connect thepanel to the 3500 Monitoring System. A Y-Cable is available so that the panelcan be connected to the 3500 System and a TDIX/DDIX communicationsProcessor through the same dynamic data port.The Diagnostics Access Panel contains six columns of four BNC connectors tosend out the buffered output signals that are normally available on the front ofthe monitor. There is also a set of two BNC connectors that bring out theKeyphasor® buffered output signals. The signals available on a column ofconnectors depend on how you configure the 3500 system. A kit of labels comeswith the panel and is used to identify the signal assignment to a physicalconnector. One set of labels in the kit is for identifying the 3500 slot that thesignals come from and another is for identifying the transducer source of thesignals. The Diagnostics Access Panel, Patch Cable, Y-Cable, and theKeyphasor® Adapters are illustrated below.Diagnostics Access PanelY-Cable Keyphasor® AdaptersPatch CableInstallation Instructions- 3 -3. Installation InstructionsThe 3500/08 Diagnostics Access Panel was designed to be installed in an EIA19 inch rack. The user supplies the screws for this. Dimensions for theDiagnostics Access Panel are provided on page 5.3.1 Installing Cabling to the 3500 SystemThis section describes how to connect the Diagnostics Access Panel to a 3500Monitoring System. The Y-Cable is only required for systems that are used inconjunction with a TDIX or DDIX communications processor. However, it may beinstalled as described below for future use.Overview DiagramInstallation Instructions- 4 -3.1.1 Installing the Y-CableFor 3500 systems that are configured for options two, three, and four (seesection 4.1) attach the Y-Cable to the Dynamic 1 connector on the DataManager I/O Module. For 3500 systems that are configured for option one,attach the Y-Cable to the Dynamic 1 connector for access to information frommonitors found in slots two through seven, or to the Dynamic 2 connector forinformation from slots eight through thirteen. To install the Y-Cable, plug thesingle end of the cable into the appropriate Dynamic connector on the DataManager I/O module and tighten the screws to fix the cable in position.Dynamic 1The Dynamic 1 connector is used for racksconfigured for options two through four,and for access to rack slots two throughseven when the system is configured foroption one.Dynamic 2The Dynamic 2 connector is used for racksconfigured for option one. This connectorprovides access to slots eight throughthirteen.Installation Instructions3.1.2 Installing the Diagnostics Access Panel Patch Cable1. For applications that require the Y-Cable, ensure that it is fixed securely inposition on the appropriate Dynamic Data connector on the Data ManagerI/O Module.2. If a Y-Cable is used, plug the 25-pin connector on the Diagnostics AccessPanel Patch Cable into one of the ends of the Y-Cable. If a Y-Cable is notused, plug the 25-pin connector directly into the appropriate Dynamic Dataconnector on the 3500 Data Manager I/O Module. Fix in position bytightening the lock screws.- 5 -Installation Instructions 3. Connect the bare wire leads of the Keyphasor® Adapters into the plugmarked BUFFERED KPH on the Keyphasor® I/O Module. The plug used should be on the half of the Keyphasor® I/O module that corresponds to the Keyphasor® monitor that supplies the Keyphasor® signals needed on Diagnostics Access Panel. To connect the bare wire leads turn the lock screw on the green plug counterclockwise to open the wire port, insert the wire, and tighten the lock screw as shown below.4. Install the red leads of the Keyphasor® Adapters into the ports on the pluglabeled BUF 1 and BUF 2, and the black leads into the ports labeled COM as shown below.5. Connect the Diagnostics Access Panel Patch Cable coaxial cables to theinstalled Keyphasor® Adapters. Insert the coaxial lead marked KPH 1 onto the adapter with the red lead installed into the BUF 1 port on the Keyphasor® I/O Module, and rotate the bayonet collar to lock the cable in place. Similarly, install the lead marked KPH 2 onto the adapter with the red lead installed in the port labeled BUF 2.- 6 -Installation Instructions3.1.3 Installing the TDIX/DDIX CableIf a TDIX or DDIX Communications Processor will be used in conjunction withthe 3500/08 Diagnostics Access Panel, the cable will be connected to the looseend of the previously installed Y-Cable. Plug the cable ends together and tightensecurely with the lock screws as was done to connect the Y-Cable to the 3500system.3.1.4 Cable Pin OutsCable Number 134668-013500 Monitoring System to Diagnostics Access Panel CableCable Number 134824-013500 System Dynamic signal Y-CableInstallation Instructions 3.2 Connecting the Patch Cable to theDiagnostics Access PanelThis section shows how to connect the Patch Cable to the Diagnostics AccessPanel and how to assemble the strain relief hardware.3.2.1 Installing the Patch Cable1. Position the slide latch on the 37-pin connector to the open position asshown below.2. Insert the cable end into the connector on the back of the Access Panel withthe cables oriented toward the strain relief.3. Slide the latch in the opposite direction to lock the latch and secure theconnector to the Access Panel.Place the strain relief block under the set of cables with the cables resting in theV-groove. Place the cable clamp over the cables and insert the two screwsthrough the assembly to bind in place using the threaded holes on the AccessPanel.Labeling Panel Connections 4. Labeling Panel ConnectionsThe Diagnostics Access Panel comes with a labels kit that lets you label theAccess Panel so that the slot descriptions correspond to the actual racklocations of the monitors that will provide buffered signal outputs. The front ofthe Diagnostics Access Panel features label placement outlines that help toposition the labels provided with the panel according to the needs that arespecific to the situation.4.1 Slot Designation LabelsThis section shows how to use the slot designation labels to identify the 3500Monitoring System slot that provides the signals to the individual columns ofconnectors on the Diagnostics Access Panel. Above each column of connectorson the panel is a set of placement outlines that help to squarely position thedesired labels. The labels should completely cover all positioning marks on thefront panel. Place one label edge slightly over one side of the guidelines. Linethe label edge up with the mark and press the label in place.The configuration of the 3500 system determines the monitoring system slotinformation that will be available on each of the columns of the DiagnosticsAccess Panel. The relationship between the connectors on the panel and themonitors in the 3500 rack is determined by the following factors:•the configuration setting for the Dynamic Signal Option on the channel option screen for the 3500 Rack Configuration Software (An outline of the DynamicSignal Options is provided on the following page.)•the dynamic port on the Data Manager I/O Module that the panel isconnected toUse the following table to determine how to label the connectors:Labeling Panel ConnectionsLabeling Panel Connections 4.2 Signal Source LabelsThe signal source labels identify the source of the signals that are found on eachof the connectors on the panel. Both one inch and two inch labels are provided.The one inch labels are pre-marked for the two Keyphasor® channels that areavailable on the first column on the panel and the two inch labels are marked forthe four channel columns that comprise the remaining six sets of connectors. Allof the labels have space provided to write in information that identifies thesource of the signal for each channel. This is more easily done before the labelsare attached to the panel. Each set of connectors has placement outlines on thefront panel for placing the labels.Labeling DiagramKeyphasor® Signal Source LabelsUser Defined Interface 5. User Defined InterfaceIf the standard Diagnostics Access Panel Interface Cable is not compatible witha specific application then a custom cable may be assembled following theinstructions in this section. This section provides the necessary information toroute the buffered transducer output signals from the 3500 Monitoring System toany termination scheme.The signals carried on the pins of the Data Manager I/O Module Dynamicconnector depend on the way the 3500 Monitoring System has been configured.All possible configurations for the 3500 system are outlined in section 4.1. Thefollowing tables list the signals available and the Dynamic connector pins thatcarry them for each system configuration possibility.User Defined InterfaceSignal/Pin Output Table for DYNAMIC 1 Connector Dynamic 1ConnectorPin Number 3500 System Dynamic Signal Option1 2 3 41 NONE NONE NONE NONE7 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,114 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,218 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,316 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,411 3,1 4,1 5,16,121 3,2 4,2 5,2 6,225 3,3 4,3 5,3 6,323 3,4 4,4 5,4 6,42 4,1 6,1 8,1 10,19 4,2 6,2 8,2 10,24 4,3 6,3 8,3 10,36 4,4 6,4 8,4 10,420 5,1 8,1 11,1 NONE3 5,2 8,2 11,2 NONE19 5,3 8,3 11,3 NONE5 5,4 8,4 11,4 NONE24 6,1 10,1 NONE NONE10 6,2 10,2 NONENONE13 6,3 10,3 NONE NONE12 6,4 10,4 NONE NONE15 7,1 12,1 NONE NONE22 7,2 12,2 NONE NONE17 7,3 12,3 NONE NONE8 7,4 12,4 NONE NONELegend: 2,1 refers to Rack Slot 2, Monitor Channel 1MONITOR CHANNELUser Defined InterfaceSignal/Pin Output Table for DYNAMIC 2 Connector Dynamic 2ConnectorPin Number 3500 System Dynamic Signal Option1 2 3 41 NONE NONE NONE NONE7 8,1 NONE NONE NONE14 8,2 NONE NONE NONE18 8,3 NONE NONE NONE16 8,4 NONE NONENONE11 9,1 NONE NONE NONE21 9,2 NONE NONE NONE25 9,3 NONE NONE NONE23 9,4 NONE NONE NONE2 10,1 NONE NONE NONE9 10,2 NONE NONE NONE4 10,3 NONE NONE NONE6 10,4 NONE NONE NONE20 11,1 NONE NONE NONE3 11,2 NONE NONE NONE19 11,3 NONE NONE NONE5 11,4 NONE NONE NONE24 12,1 NONE NONENONE10 12,2 NONE NONE NONE13 12,3 NONE NONE NONE12 12,4 NONE NONE NONE15 13,1 NONE NONE NONE22 13,2 NONE NONE NONE17 13,3 NONE NONE NONE8 13,4 NONE NONE NONELegend: 2,1 refers to Rack Slot 2, Monitor Channel 1MONITOR CHANNELSpecifications 6. SpecificationsINTERFACEBuffered Transducer Outputs: The Diagnostics Access Panel has one coaxial connector for each channel. One 3500/08 is capable of delivering signals from six 3500 four-channel monitors, and one 3500 two-channel Keyphasor® Module. Maximum cable length for use with the 3500/08 is 26 m (85 ft) maximum.ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITSTemperature 0° C to 65° C (32° F to 150° F) operating-40° C to 65° C (-40° F to 150° F) storage Humidity: 95%non-condensing PHYSICALDimensions (Height x Width x Depth) 483 mm x 152 mm x 54 mm (19.00 in x 6.00 in x 2.13 in)Weight: 1.8 kg (4.0 lbs)Ordering InformationInformation7. OrderingA BPart number 3500/08- -A Cable Option00 Without Interface Cable01 With Interface CableB Y-Cable Option00 Without Y-CableY-Cable01WithSpares3500/08 Diagnostics Access Panel 134557-013500/08 Diagnostics Access Panel Interface Cable 134668-013500/08 Diagnostics Access Panel Y-Cable 134824-013500/08 Operation and Maintenance Manual 136275-01。
TC810N1013(CDN), TC810R1024(CDN) Control and Relay Modules with FlashScan®TC810N1013 7 0 0 0 c o v . J P GGeneralTC810N1013(CDN) Control Module:The TC810N1013(CDN) Addressable Control Module provides Honeywell intelligent fire alarm control panels a circuit for Notification Appliances (horns, strobes, speakers, etc.). Addressability allows the TC810N1013(CDN) to be activated, either manually or through panel programming, on a select (zone or area of coverage) basis.TC810R1024(CDN) Relay Module:The TC810R1024(CDN) Addressable Relay Module provides the system with a dry-contact output for activating a variety of auxiliary devices, such as fans, dampers, control equipment, etc. Addressability allows the dry contact to be activated, either manually or through panel programming, on a select basthrough panel programming, on a select basis.is.FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a communication pro-tocol that greatly enhances the speed of communication between analog intelligent devices. Intelligent devices commu-nicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs.Features•BuiltBuilt-in typ-in type idee identificantification ation automatiutomatically ically identifdentifies theies thesese devices to the control panel.•InternaInternal circul circuitry ritry and relayelay powepowered dired directlyrectly twoby two-wire-wire SLC loop. The TC810N1013(CDN) module requires power (for horns, strobes, etc.), or(for horns, strobes, etc.), or audio (for speakers).audio (for speakers).•IntegIntegral LEral LED “blD “blinks” ginks” green ereen each timeach time a commua communicatinication ison received from the control panel and turns on in steady red when activated.•LED blLED blink maink may be desey be deselectedlected globaglobally (afflly (affects allects all devidevices).ces).•HigHigh noh noiseise immimmuniunity (ty (EMFEMF/RFI/RFI).).•TCThe TC810N10810N1013(CDN13(CDN) ma) may be usy useded to s witch 224-vo4-volt lt NAC powerNAC power, audio (up to 70., audio (up to 70.7 Vrms).7 Vrms).•WidWide ve vie iewingwing anganglele of Lof LEDED..•SEMSSEMS screwscrews withs with clampiclamping plng platesates forfor wiringwiring ease.ease.•DirectDirect-dial-dial entry of aentry addresddress 1s 01– 159 f59 for Flasor FlashScanhScan loopsloops,,01 – 99 for CLIP mode01 – 99 for CLIP mode loops.loops.•SpeakSpeaker er, aud, and audibleible/visua/visual applil applicationcations may bes be wired fwired for or Class B or A (Style Y or Z).ApplicationsThe TC810N1013(CDN) is used to switch 24 VDC audible/ visual power, high-level audio (speakers). The TC810R1024(CDN) may bemay be programmed toprogrammed to operate dry con-operate dry con-tacts for applications such as door holders ortacts for applications such as door holders or Air Handling UnitAir Handling Unit shutdown, and to reset four-wire smoke detectshutdown, and to reset four-wire smoke detector power.or power. NOTE:Refer to the SLC Manual (PN 95-7675 (51932)) for details regarding releasing applications with the TC810N1013(CDN). Construction•The fThe face place plate isate is made ofmade of off-whioff-white heate heat-resit-resistant pstant plastic.lastic.•ControControls incls include tlude two rotawo rotary switry switches fches for direor direct-diact-dial entry ol entry of f address (01-159).•The TC8The TC810N1010N1013(CDN)13(CDN) is conis configurefigured ford for a singa single Clasle Class Bs B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) Notification Appliance Circuit.•The TCThe TC810R10810R1024(CDN)24(CDN) proviprovides tdes two Fwo Form-Corm-C dry condry contactstacts that switch together.OperationEach TC810N1013(CDN) or TC810R1024(CDN) uses one of 159 possible module addresses on a SLC loop (99 on CLIP loops). It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and status, including the open/normal/short status of its Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC). The LED blinks each poll received.with On command, it activates its internal relay. The TC810N1013(CDN) supervises Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) notification or control circuits. Upon code command from the panel, the TC810N1013(CDN) will disconnect the supervision and connect the external power supply in the proper polarity across the load device. The dis-connection of the supervision provides a positive indication to the panel that the control relay actually turned ON. The exter-nal power supply is always relay isolated from the communica-tion loop so that a trouble condition on the external power supply will never interfere with the rest of the system.Rotary switches set a unique address for each module. The address be set or after mounting. The built-in may beforeTYPE CODE (not settable) will identify the module to the con-trol panel, so as to differentiate between a module and a sen-sor address.Specifications forSpecifications for TC810N1013(CDNTC810N1013(CDN)) Normal operating voltage:15 to 32 VDC.Maximum current draw: 6.5 mA (LED on).Average operating current:350μA direct poll, 375μA group poll with LED flashing, 485μMax.A (LED flashing, NAC shorted.)Maximum NAC Line Loss: 4 4 VDC.VDC.External supply voltage (between Terminals T10 andT11):Maximum (NAC): Regulated 24 VDC; Maximum (Speakers): 70.7 V R(Speakers): 70.7 V RMS, 50W.MS, 50W.Drain on external supply: 1.7 mA maximum using 24 VDC supply; 2.2 mA Maximum ussupply; 2.2 mA Maximum using 80 VRMS supply.ing 80 VRMS supply.Automation and Control Automation and Control Solutions Solutions Hon Honeyw eywell In ell Inter ternat nation ional Inc al Inc..Hon Honeyw eywell Li ell Limit mited-ed-Hon Honeyw eywell Li ell Limi mitée tée 191985 85 Do Dou u gl glas as D ri rive ve No Nort rth h 35 D 5 Dyn ynam ami i c D c Dri rive veGo Gold lden en Va Vall lley ey, , MN 5542MN 554222Sc Scar arbo boro roug ugh, h, On Onta tari rio o M1M1V V 4Z 4Z99This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specificour product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice.FlashScan ® is a register ed trademark of Honeywell In Honeywell International In ternational In c. ©2011 by Honey well Internat well International Inc. ional Inc. All rights rese All rights reserved. Unauthori rved. Unauthorized use of t zed use of this document his document is strictly proh is strictly proh ibited.74-3995-4 Rev. 2-11February 2011Made in the U.S.A. ® U.S. Registered T rademark© 2011 Honeywell Internatio nal Inc.Page 2 of 2Max NAC Current Ratings: For class B wiring system, the current rating is 3A; For class A wiring system, the current rat-ing is 2A.Temperature range:32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C).Humidity range:10% to 93% non-condensing.Dimensions: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 1.25" (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (101.6 mm) square x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep box.Accessories: SMB500 Electrical Bo SMB500 Electrical Box; CB500 Barrier x; CB500 BarrierSpecifications for Specifications for TC810R1024(CDN TC810R1024(CDN))Normal operating voltage:15 to 32 VDC.Maximum current draw: 6.5 mA (LED on).Average operating current:230μA direct poll; 255μA group poll.EOL resistance:not used.Temperature range:32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C).Humidity range:10% to 93% non-condensing.Dimensions: 4.5" (114.3 mm) high x 4" (101.6 mm) wide x 1.25" (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (101.6 mm) square x 2.125" (53.975 mm) deep box.Accessories: SMB500 Electrical Bo SMB500 Electrical Box; CB500 Barrier x; CB500 BarrierAgency Listings and ApprovalsIn some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac-tory for latest listing status.•UL:S470•ULC:S7567 (CDN version only)•FM A FM App ppro rove ved d•CSFM:7300-1130:0218•MEA:2-02-E•FDNY:COA #6060, #6076Contact Ratings for Contact Ratings for TC810R1024(CDN)TC810R1024(CDN)NOTE:Maximum (Speakers): 70.7 V RMS, 50 WProduct Line InformationNOTE:“CDN” suffix indicates ULC Listed model.TC810N1013(CDN):Intelligent Addressable Control Module.TC810R1024(CDN):Intelligent Addressable Relay Module.A2143-20:Capacitor, required for Class A (Style Z) operationof speakers.SMB500:Optional Surface-Mount Backbox.CB500:Control Module Barrier — required by Control Module Barrier — required by UL for separat-UL for separat-ing power-limited and non-power limited wiring in the same junction box as TC810N1013(CDN).NOTE:For installation instructions, see the following documents:TC810N1013(CDN) Installation document I56-3800.• TC810R1024(CDN) Installation document I56-3802.•Honeywell SLC Wiring Manual, document 95-7675 Honeywell SLC Wiring Manual, document 95-7675 (51932).(51932).CurrentRatingMaximumVoltageLoadDescriptionApplication3 A 30 V D C R e s i s t i v e N o n -C o d e d 2 A 30 V D C R e s i s t i v e C o d e d .9 A 110 V D C R e s i s t i v e N o n -C o d e d .9 A 125 V D C R e s i s t i v e N o n -C o d e d .5 A 30 V D C Inductive (L/R=5ms)Coded 1 A 30 V D C Inductive (L/R=2ms)Coded .3A 125 V A CInductive (PF=0.35)Non-Coded1.5 A 25 V A C Inductive (P F =0.35)N o n -C o d e d.7 A 70.7 V A C Inductive (P F =0.35)N o n -C o d e d2A 25 V A C Inductive (P F =0.35)N o n -C o d e d。
Shipping: On Dry/Blue Ice Catalog Numbers Batch No.: See vial BIO -32005: 500 x 20 μL reactions: 5 x 1 mL Concentration: See vialBIO -32020: 2000 x 20 μL reactions: 20 x 1 mLStorage and Stability:SensiFAST HRM Kit is shipped on dry/blue ice. All kit components should be stored at -20 °C upon receipt. Excessive freeze/thawing is not recommended. Thaw, mix, and briefly centrifuge each component before use. Expiry:When stored under the recommended conditions and handled correctly, full activity of the kit is retained until the expiry date on the outer box label. Quality Control:SensiFAST HRM Kit and its components are extensively tested for activity, processivity, efficiency, heat activation, sensitivity, absence of nuclease contamination and absence of nucleic acid contamination. Safety Precautions:Please refer to the material safety data sheet for further information. Notes:For research or further manufacturing use only. Trademarks:SensiFAST, TRIsure (Bioline Reagents Ltd). EvaGreen (Biotium Inc).Kit componentsStore at –20°CDescriptionThe SensiFAST ™ HRM Kit has been developed for fast, highly reproducible High Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis and has been validated on commonly used real -time instruments. A combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and enhancers, together with an antibody -mediated hot -start DNA polymerase system, ensures that the SensiFAST HRM Kit delivers fast, highly -specific and ultra -sensitive HRM analysis.For ease -of -use and added convenience, SensiFAST HRM is provided as a 2x master mix containing all the components necessary for real -time PCR (qPCR), including the EvaGreen ® dye, dNTPs, stabilisers and enhancers. As a ready -to -use premix, only primers and template need to be added. Template: it is important that the DNA template is suitable for use in PCR in terms of purity and concentration. In addition, the template needs to be devoid of any contaminating PCR inhibitors (e.g. EDTA). The following should be considered when using genomic DNA templates:• Genomic DNA: use up to 1 μg of complex (e.g. eukaryotic)genomic DNA in a single PCR. We recommend using the ISOLATE II Genomic DNA Mini Kit (BIO -52066) for high yield and purity from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic sourcesMgCl 2: The MgCl 2 concentration in the 1x reaction mix is 3 mM, which is optimal for SensiFAST HRM in the majority of qPCR conditions. If necessary, we suggest titrating MgCl 2 to a maximum of 5 mM.PCR controls: It is important to detect the presence of contaminating DNA that may affect the reliability of the data. Always include a no template control (NTC), replacing the template with PCR -grade water.ProcedureReaction mix composition: Prepare a PCR master mix. The volumes given below are based on a standard 20 μL final reaction mix and can be scaled accordingly.General considerationsTo help prevent any carry -over DNA contamination, we recommend that separate areas be maintained for PCR set -up, PCR amplification and any post -PCR gel analysis. It is essential that any amplified PCR product should not be opened in the PCR set -up area.Primers: The sequence and concentration of the primers, as well as amplicon length, can be critical for specific amplification, yield and overall efficiency of any qPCR. We strongly recommend taking the following points into consideration when designing and running your qPCR:• use primer -design software, such as Primer3 (http:///primer3/) or visual OMP (/). Primers should have a meltingtemperature (Tm) of approximately 60 °C.• optimal amplicon length should be 80-200 bp, and should notexceed 400 bp• final primer concentration of 400 nM is suitable for mostreactions, however to determine the optimal concentration we recommend titrating in the range 0.1-1 μM• use an equimolar primer concentrationWebsite:/sensifastemail:****************************PI -50192 V9Bioline Reagents Ltd UNITED KINGDOMTel: +44 (0)20 8830 5300 Fax: +44 (0)20 8452 2822Bioline USA Inc. USATel: +1 901 382 8716 Fax: +1 901 382 0027Bioline GmbH GERMANYTel: +49 (0)33 7168 1229 Fax: +49 (0)33 7168 1244Bioline (Aust) Pty. Ltd AUSTRALIATel: +61 (0)2 9209 4180 Fax: +61 (0)2 9209 4763____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Associated ProductsTechnical SupportIf the troubleshooting guide does not solve the difficulty you are experiencing, please contact Technical Support with details of reaction setup, cycling conditions and relevant data.Email: ********************************Website:/sensifastemail:****************************Suggested thermal cycling conditionsThe following q PCR conditions are suitable for the SensiFAST HRM Kit with the amplicons of up to 200bp. However, the cycling conditions can be varied to suit different machine -specific protocols. It is not recommended to use annealing temperatures below 60 °C or combined annealing/extension times longer than 30 seconds.SensiFAST HRM Kit is compatible with either 3-step or 2-step cycling: • 3-step cycle*2 min for cDNA, 3 min for genomic DNA** Not recommended to extend beyond 20 secondsTroubleshooting GuideWebsite:/sensifastemail:**************************** • 2-step cycle*2 min for cDNA, 3 min for genomic DNA**Not recommended to anneal/extend beyond 30 secondsHRM analysis: After the reaction has reached completion, refer to the instrument instructions for the option of melt -profile analysis.Website:/sensifastemail:****************************Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)。
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IEEE P802.22Wireless RANsAbstractThis document analyzes the improved sensing performance achievable with the use of the 802.22.1 wireless microphone beacon as compared to sensing wireless microphones directly. Considerations related to potential denyal of service for unlicensed devices in the TV white spaces and the potential improvement coming from the 802.22.1 beacon signature and authentication are also discussed.Sensing performance with the 802.22.1 wireless microphone beacon1- Wireless microphone operation and sensingWireless microphones typically transmit with a 10 mW conducted power in the UHF TV band but practical considerations limit the antenna gain to about –10 dBi, resulting in 0 dBm EIRP. The range of typical wireless microphones is 100 m from the receiver. In practice, these wireless microphone applications assume an attenuation, beyond the normal free-space propagation, of up to 27 dB due to body absorption and multipath, resulting in a minimum signal level present at the wireless microphone receiver of –95 dBm at 100 m. Protection against interference is needed down to this level with an assumed desired-to-undesired ratio (D/U) of 20 dB. [1] 2- Wireless microphone sensingThe FCC R&O 08-260 specified that wireless microphone signals should be detected at a level as low as –114 dBm, assuming a 0 dBi sensing antenna gain and no cable loss. This sensing threshold corresponds to a successful detection of a wireless microphone at 1 dB SNR for a 6 dB sensing RF front-end noise figure in a 200 kHz bandwidth or –14 dB SNR in a 6 MHz bandwidth. [1]Tests carried out by the FCC OET in 2008 [2] reported problems with local spurious signals erratically triggering the wireless microphone sensing. This is made evident by the fact that this –114 dBm sensing threshold is 19 dB lower than the signal level produced in 200 kHz by an electronic device meeting the out-of-band emission level prescribed in Part 15.209(a) at a separation distance of 10 m. In fact, the sensing device would need to be located at a minimum of 67 m from any electronic equipment in line-of-sight to avoid a desensitization of more than 1 dB for its 200 kHz wide microphone detector, something that cannot be ensured in practice. [1]If the wireless microphone detector operates over a 6 MHz bandwidth, the level of spurious and out-of-band emission allowed in Part 15.209a is 33.5 dB above the specified –114 dBm sensing threshold for any radiating device located at a distance of 10 m. In this case, the 1 dB desensitization level of the detector would result from the presence of an electronic device at a distance of 364 m in line-of-sight condition. The –114 dBm threshold is therefore clearly in the range of man-made noise.It was also found that wireless microphones tend to increase the noise level in adjacent and alternate TV channels with the potential of masking the presence of other wireless microphones operating in these channels, or producing a denial of service for TVBDs trying to operate in all these TV channels if presence of RF noise in a TV channel is sufficient to assume that a broadcast incumbent is present.3- The 802.22.1 wireless microphone beaconThe IEEE 802.22 Working Group developed a specific standard for a digitally modulated beacon signal to be used to indicate the presence of nearby wireless microphone operation to unlicensed devices operating in the TV white space. This development was done in Task Group 1 of the 802.22 Working Group and this is the reason why the standard was numbered 802.22.1. This standard has now gone through its first round of Sponsor ballot and should reach a formal standard status in the coming months. [3]This wireless microphone beacon standard was developed especially to operate as a Part 74 device at 250 mW and over a bandwidth of 77 kHz in a specific microphone sub-channel in a TV channel to signal the presence of wireless microphone operation in this channel in the area. The 802.22 Draft Standard has also been enhanced to allow scheduling of different lengths of quiet period to allow sensing and acquisition of various information from the 802.22.1 beacon signal as well as the necessary MAC messages for the base station (BS) to request sensing and the customer premise equipment (CPE) to report the results to the base station. [4]Special care was taken in selecting the beacon modulation and bandwidth so that Part 74 wireless microphones can be protected from unlicensed devices at EIRP up to 4 W, and this for any sensing/transmission antenna heights because of the reciprocity of the transmission path (i.e., the sensing radius is maintained larger than the interference radius). [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Detailed propagation analyses have shown that, considering the reciprocity of the RF path between the interfering/sensing CPE and the 802.22.1 beacon, including an extra 5.7 dB margin for frequency selective fading due to the narrower bandwidth of the beacon compared to the 6 MHz bandwidth of the TVBD signal1, the sensitivity required to detect this 802.22.1 beacon needs to be –116 dBm so that the sensing range of the 4 W EIRP TVBD is at least equal to its interference range [9].A more detailed analysis of the sensing performance achievable with the 802.22.1 beacon led to the graph shown in Figure 1. Different levels of sensitivity are available depending on which part of the 802.22.1 beacon are detected and over which specific sensing durations. A key data point on the graph is the detection of the synchronization burst and index that can be done over a period of 5.1 ms. This detection allows the localization of the next burst that will carry more detailed information such as the geolocation of the beacon and the signature and authentication of the beacon. Acquiring this information will however take a larger quiet period and is left to the discretion of the TVBD operator. The beacon can also be detected quickly by identifying its spectrum spreading sequence. This can be done within 1ms while still providing the spread spectrum signature that will distinguish it from a spurious signal. Energy detection can be done on the beacon but a …de-spread‟ energy detection will provide much better sensitivity as indicated in Figure 1. [9]Figure 1: Sensing performance of different parts of the 802.22.1 beacon4- Other advantages of using the 802.22.1 wireless microphone beaconBeyond the more reliable detection of wireless microphone operation in TV white space afforded by the use of the 802.22.1 beacon, this will minimize the occurrence of false positive due to the authentication capability of the beacon. Rather than relying on a highly variable level of wireless microphone signal due to the uncontrollable use of these devices in practical situation, an 802.22.1 beacon would normally be mounted in an advantageous1 A frequency selective fade margin of 5.7 dB for the 802.22.1 beacon locatred at 3 m above ground offers a 99.9% link availability according to the ITU-R Rec. P.1546 in rural open area condition and 98% according to the Okumura/Hata model for small-medium city environment. [9]location, above the wireless microphone receivers, to improve the interference protection afforded (e.g., beacon antenna on top of an ENG van, located higher in a sport stadium, etc. to maximize the extent of the …bubble‟ of protection). The use of the 802.22.1 beacon with its specific digital signature will also avoid mistaking the presence of spurious signals and noise in the channel for wireless microphone operation. The use of an 802.22.1 beacon would also ease the requirement for the sensing time since the microphone operator or news crew would normally turn on the beacon a few minutes before being “on-the-air”.Wireless microphone sensing could lead to excessively easy denial of service resulting from mocked wireless microphone signals or even the presence of very simple, very low power and easily accessible RF oscillators in the TV channel. Such denial of service for TVBDs would be rendered more difficult with the digital encoding and spectrum spreading schemes as well as authentication and certification included in the 802.22.1 beacon. The use of the 802.22.1 beacon will avoid any low power frequency modulated devices having precedence over other …unlicensed devices‟.Furthermore, since there is no modulation format enforced by the FCC R&O for wireless microphones, it will be very easy to create a TVBD with a "microphone signature" included in its spectral output (such as a narrowband modulated carrier transmitting useful data so that it woul d not be considered as wilful jamming, …spoofing‟) to capture a band as a pseudo-incumbent, and gaining some form of "priority access" on the medium by making the other TVBDs devices believe that there is active wireless microphone operation in the area while none is present. 5- Insufficient protection resulting from wireless microphone sensingThe 4 W fixed TVBDs with their large radius of interference need to sense wireless microphones over a large area and this cannot be done reliably by simply sensing wireless microphones with their typical low power and high variability, especially in the case of wearable units. By extending the propagation studies that were undertaken to establish the modulation parameters for the 802.22.1 wireless microphone beacon, it is found that sensing a 10 mW wireless microphone at –114 dBm from a 4 W TVBD would miss the target of detecting a wireless microphone over a radius that is at least as large as the interfering radius by:10*log(250) + 2 dBi –10*(log(10) – 6 + (-114-116) = 12 dB mainly due to the lower microphone transmission power compared to the nominal 250 mW beacon transmit power and 2 dBi whip antenna and the fact that the 6 dB margin needed to cover for the different extent of frequency selective fading between the 77 kHz beacon and the 6 MHz TVBD signal does not need to be taken into account since the actual wireless microphone would be sensed.Given the fact that wireless microphone operation needs to be protected even in the case of the use of an antenna with –10 dBi gain and a 27 dB fading (body absorption and multipath), still giving a –95 dBm signal level that needs to be protected at 100 m as indicated in section 1 above, trying to protect wireless microphones by sensing them would miss the target by 12 dB to 49 dB in the case of 4 W EIRP fixed TVBDs. In the case of 100 mW personal/portable TVBDs, the target would still be missed by as much as 33 dB in the case of the worst microphone signal fading (- 95 dBm received signal). Sensing the 802.22.1 beacon would avoid this practical problem since the beacon was designed to make sure that the sensing range of the 4 W EIRP TVBD is at least equal to its interference range. The detection of the 802.22.1 beacon by the lower power 100 mW TVBDs will provide a 14 dB safety margin for the protection of wireless microphones because of the reduced interference range of these lower power devices if the same sensitivity of –116 dBm achievable through sensing times as depicted in Figure 1 above. Furthermore, the operator of the beacon can easily maximize the …bubble‟ of protection by installing the beacon in a prominent place relative to the wireless microphone receivers.If the number of local wireless microphone receivers increases, the redundancy resulting on the sensing of these microphones will tend to decrease the advantage of the 802.22.1 beacon (i.e., the microphones will not be faded by 27 dB at the same time as seen by the sensor.)References:[1] 22-04-0002-17-0000_WRAN_Reference_Model.xls, “WRAN Reference Model”, Tab: …CPE=>W-Micro‟Gerald Chouinard, CRC Canada , January 2009[2] OET Report FCC/OET 08-TR-1005, “Evaluation of the Performance of Prototype TV-Band White SpaceDevices Phase II”, Technical Research Branch Laboratory Division, Office of Engineering and T echnology, Federal Communications Commission, October 2008)[3] P802.22.1/D4, “Part 22.1: Standard to Enhanced Harmful Interference Protection for Low-Power LicensedDevices Operating in the TV Broadcast Bands,” July 2008.[4] P802.22/D1, Draft Standard fo r Wireless Regional Area Networks, “Part 22: Cognitive Wireless RANMedium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Policies and procedures for operation in the TV Bands”, April 2008[5] 22-08-0104-00-0001_TG1_PER_in_AWGN_and_WRAN-B.pp t, “IEEE 802.22.1 Packet Error Ratesfor MSF1 and MSF2”, Stephen Kuffner, Motorola, March 2008[6] 22-08-0042-01-0001_Simulation Results for TG1 according to Draft 2.01.ppt, “Simulation Results for TG1according to Draft 2.0”, Yuchun Wu, Huawei HiSi, March 2008[7] 22-08-0059-00-0001_TG1-link-margin-by-2-methods.doc, “Beacon Link Margin with Two Methods”,Stephen Kuffner, Motorola, February 2008[8] 22-07-0148-00-0001_TG1_link_margin_calculator.xls, “802.22 TG1 Link Margin Calculator”, StephenKuffner, Motorola, March 2007[9] 22-08-0040-01-0000-WRAN and TG1 Beacon link analysis.xls, “WRAN and TG1 Beacon link analysis”,Tab: …CPE to Beacon‟, Gerald Chouinard, CRC Canada, March 2009[10] 22-07-0491-06-0001-wran-annex-on-tg1-detection.doc, “Annex on TG1 detection for 802.22 draft”, JinxiaCheng et al, March 2009______________________________。