



合同法完整笔记1. 合同的定义和要素根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,合同是民事主体之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。


合同要素的具体内容如下:1.1 双方意思表示要构成合同,双方必须有相应的意思表示,即要进行合同订立的意愿。


1.2 客体合同的客体是指买卖合同中的商品或劳动合同中的劳务。


1.3 交付合同的交付是指出卖人将商品提供给买受人占有、使用、处理的行为。


1.4 使用使用是指买受人依法享有收益和承担风险的权利。


2. 合同的成立和效力2.1 条件合同的成立和效力条件合同是指当事人约定以一定条件发生或不发生为前提成交的合同。


2.2 订立合同的方式合同的订立方式包括口头合同和书面合同。


2.3 合同的成立和生效合同的成立和生效需要符合以下要求:•双方当事人的意思表示要真实、确实;•没有违法、违反强制性规定;•按照法律规定的形式。



3. 合同的履行和违约责任3.1 合同的履行根据合同法的规定,当事人在履行合同中的义务时应当遵循以下原则:•自愿原则:当事人的履行必须是自愿的,不能被强迫;•诚实信用原则:当事人在履行合同时应当遵循诚实信用的原则;•公平原则:当事人在履行合同时要求公平对待对方当事人。



2023年律师招聘考试《法律综合知识》重点笔记(超强)第一部分: 民事法律综合知识1.合同法- 合同成立的条件: 客体、主体、形式、内容四要素- 合同效力的原则: 自愿原则、平等原则、诚实信用原则、公平原则- 合同的履行: 当事人应当全面、及时、实事求是地履行合同,不得拖延或者违约2.物权法- 凭证物权和担保物权的区别: 凭证物权以有形物品作为实现权利的形式,担保物权则是以担保财产作为实现债权的形式- 动产和不动产的区别: 动产是指可以移动的物品,不动产是指固定在地球表面,不能或不便于移动的物品第二部分: 刑事法律综合知识1.刑法基础- 刑法的定义: 刑法是国家行使刑事管辖权力的一种基本规范体系,规定了治安和刑事责任的标准,以维护社会安全和稳定- 刑事犯罪的基本要素: 犯罪客体、犯罪主体、犯罪行为、犯罪结果以及主观因素- 刑事责任的基本要素: 犯罪事实、过失程度、刑事责任能力以及诉讼时效2.刑事诉讼法- 刑事诉讼程序的主要阶段: 立案、侦查、审查起诉、开庭审判、宣判执行阶段- 刑事诉讼的基本原则: 公正、合法、快捷、经济第三部分: 行政法律综合知识1.行政法基础- 行政法的定义: 行政法是规范行政行为的一种法律体系,其宗旨是规范行政活动,促进公共利益的实现- 行政法律关系的特征: 主体不平等、目的公共、方式特殊、程序正式2.行政诉讼法- 行政诉讼的基本途径: 行政诉讼和行政赔偿两种途径- 行政诉讼的主要程序: 立案、调查、开庭、裁决和上诉等主要步骤- 行政诉讼的重要原则: 事先制约原则、公平原则、合法性原则、监督原则、逐级审查原则总结以上是关于2023年律师招聘考试《法律综合知识》的重点笔记,希望能够帮助大家加深对相关法律知识的理解和认识,提高考试成绩!。



最新最全司法考试协议法关键笔记关键一: 债概念和要素问题对此, 应明确债是指特定当事人之间请求为一定给付民事关系。





如题目: 下列相关债权性质表述正确是()A.债权为对世权B.债权为对人权C.债权为绝对权D.债权为相对权本题包含对债权性质了解。


物权为对世权、绝对权和支配权, 而债权为对人权、相对权和请求权。

所以, 本题选项应为BD.关键二: 债分类问题应掌握意定之债和法定之债, 特定物之债和种类之债, 单一之债和多数人之债, 按份之债和连带之债, 简单之债和选择之债, 主债和从债, 财务债务和劳务债务区分标准和区分意义。


甲即和某农机企业发生了债关系, 从性质上看, 该债属于()A.法定之债B.单一之债C.简单之债D.选择之债本题包含对债分类标准了解问题。

法定之债是相对于意定之债而言, 协议之债为意定之债;单一之债是相对于多数人之债而言, 单一之债是指债双方主体仅为一人债;简单是相对于选择之债而言, 简单之债债标物是单一, 选择之债债标物不是单一。

故本题选项应为BC.关键三: 债推行主体问题债推行主体首先为债务人, 包含单独债务人、连带债务人、不可分债务人、确保债务人。

应该明确是, 依法律要求, 债务可约定由第三人代为推行。

如题目:甲和乙签署了一份大米买卖协议, 甲为卖方, 乙为买方。

同时约定, 甲将大米发货给丙, 因为乙和丙签署了一份大米购销协议, 乙为卖方, 丙为买方。

现甲发给丙大米存在质量问题, 为此, 引发纠纷。


对此, 应坚持债相对性标准。











内容:1平等:合同当事人的法律地位平等,一方不得将自己的意志强加给另一方2自愿/合同自由:当事人依法享有自愿订立合同的权利,任何单位和个人不得非法干预3公平:当事人应当遵循公平原则确定各方的权利和义务4诚实信用:当事人行使权利履行义务应当遵循诚实信用原则5合法:当事人订立履行合同,应当遵守法律行政法规,尊重社会公德,不得扰乱社会经济秩序,损害社会公共利益6 法律约束力:依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。














A公平易近的定义B 公平易近的权力才能的开端和终止:逝世亡:正常逝世亡与宣布逝世亡宣布逝世亡:离家出走满四年;变乱产生两年;斗争停止两年。




最新最全司法考试合同法重点笔记第一章合同的基本理论1. 合同的定义合同是指当事人之间建立、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。

2. 合同的特征•合同是一种协议,必须经过当事人的共同意思表示,具有协商一致的基础;•合同是为了产生、变更或者消除民事法律关系而订立的;•合同是形式多样的,可以是书面形式或者口头形式。

3. 合同的法律效力合同具有法律效力,在合同履行中,当事人应当遵守协议意愿,确保合同得到有效履行。

第二章合同的成立1. 合同成立的要素•意思表示;•客体;•客体的合法性;•客体的数量等于书面约定或者口头约定的数量。

2. 合同的订立•客观要件的订立;•费用和合同履行规定的订立;•合同形式的规定。

3. 合同成立的时限和地点合同的成立时限和地点应当经过当事人约定,若没有明确约定,可以根据常规结论来确认。

第三章合同的效力和解除1. 合同效力的原则合同效力的原则是按照合同的法律约定,确保合同得到全面有效的履行。

2. 合同效力的时间合同效力的时间是从合同达成的时间开始,到合同履行完毕或者解除合同为止。

3. 合同的解除合同的解除应当经过当事人共同协商,并且需要遵守法律规定的程序。

第四章合同的履行1. 合同履行的原则合同履行的原则是确保当事人的权利和利益得到充分保障。

2. 合同履行的方式合同履行的方式可以是履行义务、免除义务、代替履行义务等。

3. 合同履行中的损害赔偿当合同履行期间出现违约行为时,需要承担损害赔偿责任。

第五章合同的效力消失1. 合同效力消失的原因合同效力消失的原因包括履行完毕、解除合同、因为某种情况对合同效力的确认、法律规定等。

2. 合同效力消失的时间和方式合同效力消失的时间和方式要遵守合同法律规定,确保消失的方式和时间得到充分有效保障。

第六章合同的附则1. 合同的补充和修改当合同出现漏洞时,可以通过补充和修改合同的方式来解决。

2. 合同的转让合同的转让需要经过当事人的同意,并且需要遵守法律规定的程序。

美国纽约州律师资格考试复习笔记 合同法

美国纽约州律师资格考试复习笔记 合同法

Contracts OutlineKey Issue #1: Applicable Law•▪Service is not a sale of goods, CL applies.▪Loans and other credit arrangements not sale of goods, CL applies.▪In mixed Ks (where sale of goods and non sale of goods are involved), if the sale of goods element is more important, then UCC 2 applies; if K isprimarily about services, then apply CL. Exception:•If K itself expressly divides payment, the apply UCC to sale of goods part and common law to the rest.•NY part of the bar tests 3 bodies of law 1) CL with NY variations 2) Art 2 for sale of goods 3) Art 2A of UCC for leases of goods.o▪Applies to lease of business lease or consumer lease (lease a car from Avis)▪BUT doesn’t apply to leasing a building (real prope rty not goods).Key Issue #2: Contract formation•Terminologies defined:o K: a legally enforceable agreement (not every A is a K) (1) Is a K formed –offer/acceptance; (2) whether the Agreement is legally enforceable (are theredefenses?)]▪Express K: cre ated by parties’ words either oral or written▪Implied K: created by parties’ conduct//属于implied-in-fact;判断标准是客观的,不论双方主观上是否有合意形成o Quasi K: an equitable remedy Protects against unjust enrichment. (↑likely to be tested on MBE↑) 属于implied in law▪P can recover from quasi K the reasonable value of the benefit conferred (not K price) – will usually not be as much as K price, but not more than thecontract price.o Bilateral K: offer can be accepted in any reasonable wayo Unilateral K: offer can only be accepted by performance▪Note: All Ks are bilateral unless the offer says it can ONLY be accepted by performance.o Void, voidable, and unenforceable contracts▪ A void contract is one without any legal effect from the beginning (e.g., an agreement to commit a crime);▪ A voidable contract is one that a party may elect to avoid or ratify (e.g., a contract by a minor);▪An unenforceable contract is one otherwise valid but for which some defense exists extraneous to formation (e.g., the S/F)1ST STAGE OF THE AGREEMENT PROCESS: OFFER公共要约只有行为人知道要约的前提下去完成任务才构成接受两份内容相对一致的交叉要约并不构成合同如果信息在传递中有错误,即按错误的生效,除非另一方知道或有理由知道该错误A) Offer: manifestation of an intention to be bound, created by words or conduct. Thebasic test is whether a reasonable person in the position of the offeree would believe that his or her assent creates a contract. (valid offer? Look at context & content) ▪Context: ads are usually NOT an offer (look for the mention of newspaper, on storefront)•Ads are not offers b/c there is no quantity term and an unlimited # ofpersons can accept.•Narrow exception: when the ad says “1 blue dress just like Monica’s,only $1! First come, first served.” An offer b/c it specifies the ▪“appropriate” = NOT an offer•S agrees to sell car for reasonable price = NO Offer.▪Factors to be considered: languages used, surrounding circumstances, prior relationship, industrial custom, degree of definite and certain terms, andmethod of communication.B) Requirement K: K where quantity be sold is measured by buyer’s requirements orneeds 一个例外//UCC要求也只要求必须要有关于数量的条款//此种合同的数量取决于买家的善意需求//此种合同在assignment时也有特别规定,通常不能assign,因为会影响义务人的履约,但若收转让人保证其要求和转让人基本一致,即可转让。

美国纽约州律师资格考试复习笔记 宪法

美国纽约州律师资格考试复习笔记 宪法

I.Judicial Power 司法权–Article III (15% of questions)A.Requirement for Cases and Controversies –Justice Ability Doctrine对普通公民不能用军事法院审理(即便他是军队的EMPLYEE),除非民事法院被关了1.Standing– whether the plaintiff is the proper party to bring the matter to the court for adjudication自身因为第三人的原因受到伤害a.Injury: P must allege & prove that he has been injured or imminently will be injuredP only may assert injures that he personally suffered(i)P seeking injunctive or declaratory relief must show a likelihood of future harm– monetaryinterests are the strongest form of injuryTIP: If Q asks which has the best standing, look to a P who has personally suffered an injury. Thenchoose the one who has suffered an economic/monetary loss.b.Causation & Redressability– P must allege & prove that D caused the injury, so that a favorablecourt decision is likely to redress纠正 the injury (NO“advisory opinions”)c.NO 3rd party standing– P cannot assert claims of others (3rd parties) who are not before the courtEXCEPTIONS:(a)Close relationship between P & the injured 3rd party (e.g., abortion cases brought by doctorson behalf of their patients)这个是指金钱关系上的密切,不是人身关系(比如W和H)(b)Injured 3rd party is unlikely to be able to assert his own rights (e.g., criminal D’s can rai sethe rights of prospective juror in racial discrimination claim during jury selection)(c)“Associational” standing– an organization may sue for its members, provided-Members would have standing to sue-Interests are germane密切相关to the organization’s purpose-Neither the claim nor relief requires participation of individual membersd.NO generalized grievances –P must not be suing solely as a citizen or as a taxpayer interested inhaving the government follow the law (e.g. sued to disclose CIA budget – no standing b/c suingonly as a citizen)TIP: Exam will say “P is suing as a taxpayer”(i)EXCEPTION – taxpayers have standing to challenge government expenditures as violating theEstablishment Clause只能根据TAX & SPENDING 条款(ii)BUT, taxpayers lack standing to challenge government granting of property to religious institutions/ parochial schools2.Ripeness现实的争议问题//避免法院过早介入– can you get declaratory judgment that a law isunconstitutional? pre-enforcement review of a statute or regulation?注意:看法律是不是已经通过了~~Proposed//或者有过渡期(GRACE PERIOD)才执行的法律都属于未成熟的TIP: If Q talks about declaratory judgement, this is likely a ripeness issue.a.Hardship will be suffered without pre-enforcement review: the greater the hardship, the more likelythe court will allow declaratory judgmentb.Fitness of the issues & the record for judicial review– does the fed court have all it needs todecide the issue, or should it wait for more factual development? Is anything to be gained bywaiting for an actual prosecution?3.Mootness正在进行的而未消失的– must be an ongoing injury (if events after the filing of the lawsuitend P’s injury, it’s moot)EXCEPTIONS:(i)Wrong capable of repetition but evading review– e.g. an abortion case was decided after P hadher abortion because P could seek an abortion in the future (Roe v Wade)比如选举权等(ii)Voluntary cessation of offending practice, but D is legally free to resume it at any time(iii)Class action suits won’t be dismissed as long as 1 member of the class has an ongoing injury4.Political Question Doctrine– refers to allegations of constitutional violations that the federal courts(and level) will not adjudicate (matters left to political branch or inherently incapable of judicialresolution); e.g.:a.Cases under the “republican form of government clause”b.Challenges to the President’s conduct of foreign policyc.Challenges to the impeachment & removal processd.Challenges to partisan gerrymandering党派选区划分B.Supreme Court Review 最高法院的裁判权1.Appellate Jurisdiction议会可以对其作为上诉法院的审判权作出限制的,但不能全部取消但不能对其作为原审法院的审判权作出限制,当然也不能扩大~如果是审理州最高法院上诉而来的案子,必须是涉及到联邦法律问题的(解释联邦法律和直接适用联邦法律都算)!!(州法律和联邦法律内容是不是一样无所谓)如果联邦法院没法判断案子是不是涉及联邦问题,一般会DISMISS然后让州法院重审//如果确涉及到联邦问题,法院可以撤销,然后让州法院再根据州法律判。






















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NEW YORK CONTRACTS(INCLUDING ARTICLE 2 SALES & ARTICLE 2A LEASES)1. APPLICABLE LAW2. CONTRACT FORMATION3. STATUTE OF FRAUDS (needs writing)4. CONTRACT TERMS5. PERFORMANCE6. EXCUSES FOR NON-PERFORMANCE7. REMEDIES8. THIRD-PARTY PROBLEMS (i.e. 3rd partybeneficiary; delegation of power; assignment)KEY ISSUE #1: APPLICABLE LAWA. The Multistate Bar Exam tests on 2 kinds of contract law: the common law of contracts(75% of the questions), & Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (25% of the questions). How do you know which applies?Article 2 applies to only to a sale of goods: "Goods" are moveable, personal property. NOT land; NOT services; NOT a loan; etc.The identity of the buyer and seller (corporation, merchant, etc.) is irrelevant. The value of the goods is also irrelevant for the applicability of Article 2 of the UCC.The common law applies to all other contracts.In case of mixed contracts (both goods and non-goods) me need to determine which component is the dominant and apply the body of law governing it.B. The New York part of the bar exam tests on 3 bodies of law: (1) the common law ofcontracts with New York variations; (2) Article 2 of the UCC for sales of goods; &(3) Article 2A of the UCC for leases of goods(this is not tested in the MBE since most ofthe states still haven't adopted it).KEY ISSUE #2: CONTRACT FORMATIONVOCABULARYA. Contract: A legally enforceable agreement. Not every agreement is a contract. First weneed to ascertain there is an agreement.An express contract is created by the parties' words, either oral OR written.An implied contract is created by the parties' conduct.B. Quasi-contract is an equitable remedy that applies whenever the application of contractlaw yields an unfair or inequitable result. Quasi-contract is not limited by contract rules, but is governed by equitable concepts. It protects against unjust enrichment.This is tested particularly in the NY part.In quasi contract the plaintiff can recover only the reasonable value of the benefitconferred on the other party, and NOT the contract price. Reasonable value is usuallylower than the contract price.C. Bilateral contract: An offer that can be accepted in ANY reasonable way.D. Unilateral contract: An offer that can be accepted ONLY by complete performance.All contracts are bilateral UNLESS the offer says it can be accepted only byperformance.FIRST STAGE OF AGREEMENT PROCESS: OFFERTo have an agreement we need:(1) An offer.(2) Absence of termination.(3) Acceptance of the offer.A. An offer is a manifestation of an intention to be bound, created by words or conduct.1. Context: Watch out for an advertisement: It's usually not an offer since there isno quantity term, only an invitation to deal.BUT if an ad specifies the quantity and who can accept then there is an offer.2. Content:a. Vague or ambiguous terms, like "fair/reasonable/appropriate" are not anoffer.b. "Requirements" or "output" contract: A contract where the quantity isdetermined by referring the buyer's requirements or seller's output.We'll see words such as "all/only/solely", signifying exclusivity. There isno need to include the word "requirements" or "output" expressly.In a requirements contract the buyer cannot take the seller by surprise.Any increase in the buyer's requirements has to be in-line with his priordemands.c. Open price term: Common law differs from Article 2 of the UCC: Underthe common law in order to transfer interest in land the contract MUSTdescribe the land and state the price, otherwise no contract exists.On the other hand, under Article 2 of the UCC a contract exists evenwithout stating the price term. Then if the parties cannot agree on the pricewhen it is time to perform, a reasonable price at that time will be suppliedby the court.Note however, that according to MPQ and NYT the court can supply aprice term for other types of agreements besides goods, e.g. services.SECOND STAGE OF AGREEMENT PROCESS: TERMINATION OF OFFER Effect: an offer cannot be accepted if it has been terminated (i.e., it is "dead").There are 4 ways to terminate an offer:A.Termination of an Offer by Lapse of Time: An offer expires on the date provided by thecontract, and if NO date is specified, then after a reasonable time.B.Termination of an offer by the Offeror's Revocation1. Revocation may be Direct OR Indirecta.Direct revocation: a statement by the offeror to the offeree indicatingunambiguously that the offeror has changed her mind.Offeror doesn't have to use the word "revoke", only make it clear.a.Indirect: conduct by the offeror unambiguously indicating a change ofmind that the offeree is aware of.Meaning two requirements: Both conduct and awareness of it by offeree.2. Revocation of an offer is only effective if it is received before acceptance.Note: The mailbox rule applies ONLY to acceptance - neither revocation norrejection.3. Generally, the offeror can revoke at any time before acceptance. However, thereare 4 situations where an offer cannot be revoked:a. Option: a promise to keep the offer open that's paid for (consideration).Hence the offeror bargained away his right to revoke for the duration of theoption.A rejection of the offer during the option period does NOT revoke theoption, UNLESS the offeror relied on the rejection. If so the offer is revokedfrom the date of reliance, and it is irrelevant when the offeree learned of it.b. Detrimental reliance that's reasonable & foreseeable: For example,when making a bid in an auction relying on sub-bids received from sub-contractors, the sub-bids become irrevocable offers since there isreasonable detrimental reliance foreseeable by the sub-contractor; butthere isn't a contract; hence bidder can reject but sub-contractor cannotrevoke.Preparation to perform can satisfy this exception (e.g. offer to unilateralcontract of painting fence, and offeree buys paint).c. Part performance of an offer to enter a unilateral contract: Partperformance is not acceptance, but it turns the offer into irrevocable.Mere preparation is not part performance, but it can be reasonable,foreseeable detrimental reliance (see above).d. Firm offer under Article 2 of the UCC: a signed, written promise by amerchant to keep an offer open. Here the writing serves as substitute forconsideration (i.e. the rationale is the same as an option).A "merchant" is a dealer of goods of that kind.A firm offer has a 3 month maximum limit. If the period specified in it isgreater than 3 months it will be scaled down. If no time period is specified,the firm offer will be open for a reasonable time not to exceed 3 months.Contrast with option: Needs consideration but there is no time limit.C.Termination of an Offer by the Offeree's Rejection1. A counteroffer operates as a rejection, but bargaining does NOT.A question ("will you accept less?") is bargaining.2. A conditional acceptance ("on the condition that/provided that/so long as/if")operates as a rejection and terminates an offer (no matter the condition).3. An acceptance containing additional or different terms operates as a rejectionunder the common law, BUT NOT under Article 2 of the UCC.a. Common law: Acceptance MUST mirror offer ("Mirror Image Rule").b. Article 2 of the UCC: Acceptance NEED NOT mirror offer (no "MirrorImage Rule").The rationale being the purpose to facilitate achieving a contract.Hence, under Article 2 of the UCC, additional terms do not preventagreement.HOWEVER, the offeree's additional terms rarely get into the contract!The offeree's additional terms become part of the contract ONLY if ("Battleof Forms"):(A) Both parties are merchants;(B) The term is NOT a "material" change. Note that disclaimer ofwarranty IS a material change and so is addition of arbitrationclause; AND(C) The offeror does not object within a reasonable time.D.Termination of an Offer by the Death of either party before acceptance UNLESS theoffer was irrevocable due to an option.The termination is automatic and doesn't require the awareness of the other party.THIRD STAGE OF AGREEMENT PROCESS: ACCEPTANCEA.Offer can (but usually does not) control the manner of acceptance.Typically an offer can be accepted by promising, performing or starting performanceUNLESS the offer states otherwise.If an offer is for a unilateral contract, then only by complete performance is the offeraccepted. If there is no complete performance there is no breach since there is no contract.B.Start of Performance as acceptance: It is acceptance only in a bilateral contract, not aunilateral.C.Improper Performance as Acceptance: Improper acceptance is treated as simultaneousacceptance and breach of contract.One exception under Article 2 of the UCC: Accommodation: If the seller sends insteadnonconforming goods but lets the buyer know why he is sending the wrong goods there's no acceptance and therefore no breach of contract. Instead there is a counteroffer whichthe buyer can either accept or reject.D.Silence as Acceptance: General rule: Silence or inaction is not acceptance. An offerorcannot single handedly bind an offeree by his silence (fear for being bound against one'swill).E.When is an acceptance effective?1.Mailbox Rule: acceptance is effective when mailed (whether received or not).Policy: Protects the offeree, who can rely on a contract being formed once hemails an acceptance.Key facts: (1) people are in different places & (2) there are conflictingcommunications. We need to figure out which communication controls, i.e. whichcommunication became effective first. Remember that revocation becomeseffective only when received.2. Exceptions to the Mailbox Rule:a. If the offer provides otherwise. Meaning the mailbox rule is only a defaultrule.b. Irrevocable offer: The acceptance must be received within the option (orfirm offer) period. Rationale: Offeree is protected by option and does notneed the mailbox rule.c. Acceptance then rejection: The mailbox rule applies (i.e. acceptancecontrols), unless the rejection is BOTH received first AND relied uponby the offeror.d. Rejection then acceptance: Mailbox rule does NOT apply, there is a raceof sorts - whichever response arrives first is effective.DEFENSES AGAINST FORMATIONA. Defendant's Lack of Capacity to Contract:1. Categories: under 18 (minors/infants) (objective test only; don't care what otherparty thought); intoxicated; mentally incompetent.2. An incapacitated defendant has the right to disaffirm (avoid) the contract.The defense can only be raised by the incapacitated party, not the other party.3. An incapacitated party can impliedly reaffirm a contract by retaining the benefitof the contract without complaint after he gains capacity.Meaning:i. Defendant lacked capacity at the time of the agreement.ii. Defendant later gains capacity.iii. Defendant retained the benefit of the contract without complaint.4. An incapacitated party is liable for necessaries (food, shelter, clothing, or medicalcare), but only on a quasi-contract basis(meaning the other party can receiveonly reasonable value).B. Duress: Physical or economic.Economic duress requires:(1) Somebody threatens to breach an existing contract unless he gets a better deal.(2) The other guy makes a new agreement because he desperately needs the first deal.(3) There's no alternative source of supply.Merely taking advantage of circumstances is not duress.C. Misrepresentation: A material misrepresentation that induce the agreement, even ifhonest and innocent, is a fatal flaw (there is no need for fraudulent, wrongful or negligent misrepresentation).D. Mistake of Fact in existence at time of agreement:1. Mutual mistake of material existing fact. But a mistake as to market value is notconsidered material (since the party should appraise the subject of the contracthimself) (exception: where both parties subject themselves to outside appraisalwhich turns out to be mistaken).2. Unilateral mistake of material existing fact: Only if the other party WAS awareor should have been aware of the mistake.E. Lack of Consideration OR a Substitute for It1. Definition: "bargained-for legal detriment/benefit": Meaning the detriment has tobe bargained for.For example, in a sale transaction, the promise to buy and the promise to sale arethe consideration each party gave.Forbearance can also be a consideration, even if the party would not have donethe act out of its own volition (since the forbearance denies the legal right).2. "Past consideration" is NOT consideration at all, since one cannot bargain forsomething that had already been done.3. Adequacy (value) of consideration is irrelevant.4. "Pre-existing duty rule" applies to contract modifications: Consideration isrequired for modifying a contract. If all a party did was promise to do what it wasalready legally obligated to do then the modification is unenforceable.The other party promising to pay is a 3 party (not a party to the contractgiving rise to the pre-existing duty).iii. Contract for sale of goods: Under Article 2 of the UCC there is no pre-existing duty rule; we only need good faith. But in case of a modificationwe may have to comply with SoF.5. Partial payment as consideration for promise to forgive balance of debt:a. Debt is due AND undisputed: Partial payment is NOT consideration.But if the promise is in writing, then under NY Law the considerationrequirement is satisfied anyway.b. Debt IS disputed: Partial payment is consideration and the release isenforceable. The rationale is that the law favors settlement of disputedclaims.But note: A partial payment not in cash but goods or some other form is probablyan accord.6. Promise to pay debt barred by SoL: Is enforceable only if in writing. In thiscase writing is substitute for consideration both under common law and NY law.7. Promissory estoppel as a substitute for consideration:Requires a promise ANDforeseeable, detrimental reliance on the promise.F. Illegality at time of agreement: Distinguish illegal subject matter from illegal purpose:The former makes the agreement completely unenforceable. In the latter only the partywith the illegal purpose cannot enforce the contract against the other party if the otherparty wasn't aware of the illegal purpose (but the other direction is okay).G. Public Policy1. Covenants not to compete: Need to test reasonableness of limitation's scope asto two aspects: Time and geography (balancing freedom of contract withrestraint of trade).In an employment related covenant not to compete we need IN ADDITION toassess whether there is a reasonable business need for the protection.2. Exculpatory clause: A clause eliminating contract liability. Contract law saysyou can contract away liability for negligence in appropriate contracts, but youcannot contract away liability for intentional torts and gross negligence.H. Unconscionability (look for oppressive terms or unfair surprise at time of agreement).The key is the time of the agreement and not afterwards. Look for substantiveunconscionability (the terms themselves are unfair) and for procedural unconscionability (because of the fine print or legalese).KEY ISSUE #3: STATUTE OF FRAUDSA. Contracts "within the Statute of Frauds" (means that the Statute of Frauds applies) requirewriting. Most contracts do NOT require writing. Technically this is a defense againstformation of contract.1. Transfer of an interest in real estate of more than one year's duration: Notethat transfer of title is transfer of interest in real estate forever, hence it is withinthe SoF, since by implication it is for more than one year."Interest" includes ownership, possession, easement, etc.2. Service contract incapable of being fully performed within a year from thedate of the agreement (NOT when performance is supposed to begin): We mustignore what actually happened and look at what might have happened under theterms of the contract.Whenever giving a specific task there is no SoF problem, since theoretically anytask can be performed in one year (e.g. by hiring more men, using heavymachinery, etc.).Life time contracts do NOT fall within the SoF since the party might die withinthe year.3. Sale of goods for $500 or more: The only dollar amount requirement in Article 2of the UCC is for its SoF to apply. The contract price has to be $500 or more.4. Lease of goods where lease payments total $1,000 or moreRemember to calculate the lease payments for the year.5. Promise to "answer for" the debt of another: Limited to guarantees; and only ifthe Main Purpose exception does not apply.Main Purpose exception: Where the purpose of the debt is to benefit theguarantor the SoF does not apply (less chances of fraud).6. Promise by an estate representative to use her own funds to pay estate expenses7. Promise in consideration of marriage: Meaning pre-nuptials and post-nuptials;but NOT promise to marry.B. Application of the SoF to contract modifications: The key is whether the contract asmodified falls within the SoF; if it does, then a writing is required for the modification."Modification must be written" clause: Under the common law such a clause is NOTenforceable. But under Article 2 of the UCC such a clause IS enforceable.C. Satisfying the SoF with a writing:1. Sale of goods: writing must contain a quantity term AND be signed by theparty asserting a Statute of Frauds defense (the defendant).Sale of goods between merchants: Again there need be a quantity term in writing,and signing by defendant; BUT signing by the party requesting enforcement issatisfactory if the following conditions are met:(i) Both parties must be merchants.(ii) The writing must confirm a prior agreement AND contain a quantityterm.(iii) There must be no response.The failure to respond ensures there was no fraud.3. All other prongs of the SoF (i.e. common law): Writing must contain all materialterms ("who" & "what") & be signed by party asserting a SoF defense (thedefendant).Hence the SoF can be a one-way street: The non-signing party can use the writingagainst the signing party but not the other way around.D. Satisfying the SoF without a Writing (i.e. exceptions to the SoF):1. Full performance of service contracts (and only full performance; partperformance is insufficient).2. Part performance in contracts for the transfer of an interest in real estate: Butonly if any 2 of the following 3 exist:i. Partial payment.Ii. Buyer's improvements of the real estate.iii. Buyer's possession of the real estate.3. Sale of goods:a. Part performance BUT only in respect to goods delivered by seller ORpaid for by buyer.b. Judicial admission in a pleading, in testimony or in response todiscovery.c. An unenforceable modification due to the SoF is treated as a waiver ofenforcing the unmodified terms. The waiver can be retracted with areasonable notice given before the other party changes position in relianceon the waiver.d. If the goods are custom made and not suitable for sale to others in theordinary course of seller's business, AND before buyer repudiates ANDseller made substantial beginning of manufacturing or commitments fortheir procurement (NYT 91).E. Written authority to sign agreement for another - "Equal dignities rule": Where the SoFrequires signing, giving an agent authority to sign on behalf of a party requires writing as well.KEY ISSUE #4: TERMS OF THE CONTRACTA. Words of the Parties:1. Effect of a writing: The Parol Evidence Rule keeps out evidence of what theparties said & wrote before they reduced the terms of their agreement to writing.A later written version is more reliable than anything that came before it. Hence aparty cannot sue for reformation based on parol evidence.2. Comparison of Statute of Frauds and the Parol Evidence Rulea. A parol evidence rule problem requires a writing.b. A SoF problem involves an oral agreement.3. Exceptions to the parol evidence rule:a. To correct a clerical error (e.g., a typo, transposing numbers, etc.).b. To establish a defense to the enforceability of an agreement: E.g., toshow misrepresentation.c. To explain the written contract (interpretation of a term, not contradiction)d. To supplement a "partially-integrated" writing: A final statement of theterms included, but not a complete statement of all terms agreed to.But note that a merger clause ("the contract is limited to the terms set forthherein") is treated as proof that the writing is complete on its face, andhence excludes supplement.e. To prove a condition precedent (CMR).f. To show the true consideration.g. To reform a written contract that didn't reflect the basic understanding ofthe parties.h. Collateral agreements.4. Changing an agreement after it has been reduced to writing (modification) isNOT subject to the parol evidence rule (which looks backwards not forwards).But the modification needs to comply with the modification rules (consideration,SoF, etc.).B. Conduct of the PartiesThese are, in order of hierarchy (most important to least important):1. Course of performance: What the parties have done under this contract: This isthe best evidence of what the parties meant.2. Course of dealing: What the parties have done under their earlier contracts.3. Usage of trade: What others in the trade do under similar contracts.C. Seller's Warranties of Quality in a Sale of Goods under Article 2 of the UCC:1. Express warranties: Include fact, promise or description, but NOT opinion: It isnot necessary to use the words "I warrant".Note that a sample or model constitutes express warrant and not implied warrant.2. Implied warranty of merchantability:a. Definition: Goods are fit for their ordinary purposeb. Key: Seller must be a merchant who deals on a regular basis in goods ofthe kind: Note, this is the only place in Article 2 of the UCC where aspecial type of merchant is necessary.3. Implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose:a.Definition: The goods are fit for the buyer's special purposeb. Key: 3 requirements:(i) Buyer has special purpose;(ii) Buyer is relying on seller;(iii) Seller knows it.Note the seller doesn't have to be a merchant at all for the warranty toapply.D. Seller's Warranties of Quality in a Lease of Goods under Article 2A (NY only):E. Limitations on Warranty Liability in Sales and Leases of Goods:1. Disclaimer of warranties (clause that eliminates warranties): An expresswarranty CANNOT be disclaimed; only implied warranties CAN BEdisclaimed ("as is", "with all of their faults"; has to be in conspicuous writing(large print or bold type); if disclaiming only the implied warranty ofmerchantability must include the word "merchantability").2. Limitation of remedies (doesn't eliminate warranty, just limits recovery):i. You can limit the buyer's remedies for both express and impliedwarranties.ii. The test for the validity of any limitation of remedies is whether it isunconscionable (shocks the conscience of the court).iii. Unconscionability is measured at the time of the contract, not of themishap.It is presumed to be unconscionable to limit recovery for personal injury in atransaction involving consumer goods.F. Seller's Delivery Obligation in a sale or lease of goods involving a common carrier(e.g., UPS, Fed Ex, American Airlines, Red Ball Freight):1. Shipment contract: The requirements:i. Seller must get the goods to a common carrier.ii. Seller must make reasonable delivery arrangements.iii. Seller must notify buyer.Then the seller satisfies his duties under the contract, even though the buyer hasn'treceived the goods yet.2. Destination contract: Seller must get the goods to where buyer is located.FOB means Free On Board, i.e. where delivery takes place. When the contract is FOB ina city other than the seller's, that means destination contract.3. Delay: If there is a delay in delivery due to occurrence of a contingency whosenonoccurrence was a basic assumption on which the contract was made ANDseller seasonably gives buyer notice, then the delay will not be a breach. Buyercan contest and claim the delay is material and therefore a breach allowing fortermination of the contract.G. Risk of Loss in Sales of Goods:1.When goods are damaged before the buyer gets the goods, and neither the buyernor the seller is to blame, who bears the risk of loss? The consequences aresignificant:a. If the seller bears the risk of loss the seller must provide new goods to thebuyer for no additional cost, or is liable for breach of contract.b. If the buyer bears the risk, the buyer must still pay the contract price.2. The following hierarchy determines who bears the risk of loss:a. Agreement of the parties controls.b. Breach: The breaching party is liable for any uninsured loss; even if theloss is totally unrelated to the breach.c. Delivery by common carrier: The risk shifts to the buyer when the sellerhas completed his delivery obligations.d. If no common carrier (e.g., buyer to pick up or seller to deliver), theanswer depends on WHETHER the seller is a merchant(doesn't matterwhether the buyer is a merchant or not):i. If the seller IS a merchant, he bears the risk of loss until the buyertakes physical possession of the goods.Rationale: Seller is in better position to insure against the risk of loss.ii. If the seller is NOT a merchant, the seller bears the risk of lossuntil seller"tenders" the goods; i.e., makes the goods availableby notifying the buyer where the good are and how to pick them up.H. Risk of Loss in Leases of Goods (Article 2A):KEY ISSUE #5: PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACTA. Performance of Contracts for the Sale of Goods1. Perfect tender rule: the standard by which a seller's performance is measured.Under the perfect tender rule, a seller must deliver perfect goods in the rightplace at the right time.If seller fails perfect tender, the buyer has the right to reject the non-conforminggoods (if both conforming and nonconforming goods are received, buyer canreject all of them).However, for rejection to be proper, buyer must within reasonable timeseasonably notify the seller of the rejection.2. Cure: a seller who fails to make perfect tender MAY have an option to cure. Itusually depends on whether the time for the seller's performance has expired. Ifnot - can cure until the time for performing is over.S eller has the option to cure within reasonable time, even after the time forperformance has expired, if it had reasonable grounds (e.g. based on pastdealings) to believe that the wrong goods would be acceptable by the buyer.3. Installment sales contract:a. Depends on the language of the contract, whether it requires ORauthorizes the seller to deliver the goods in separate installments. Not onwhat seller does actually.b. Perfect tender rule does NOT apply to an installment sales contract. Asubstantial impairment is required in order to reject the goods.Policy: assumes seller will cure in the course of ongoing performance.4. Acceptance of the goods (distinguish acceptance of an offer):a. When acceptance occurs: Not before buyer had an opportunity to inspectthe goods for perfect tender.If buyer actually inspects the goods the acceptance is express; if thebuyer retains the goods without objection after having a reasonableopportunity to inspect the acceptance is implied.b. Effect of acceptance:i. Once a buyer accepts goods (expressly or impliedly), it is too latefor the buyer to reject.ii. A buyer who accepts non-conforming goods can still get damages.。
