Unit 14 第四课时的教学设计-李佳洪


人教版九年级英语下册教案Unit 14Unit 14 第4课时

人教版九年级英语下册教案Unit 14Unit 14 第4课时

第四课时Section B (2a-2e) 课时目标自主学习一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。

1.Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to my birthday party.2.Can you give me a bottle of water? I'm so thirsty.3.Miss White is a responsible(负责任的)teacher.We all like her.4.Be thankful_(感激)to the difficult times,because during those times you grow.5.If you are going to visit someone,you'd better call him ahead(在前面)of time.二、写出下列画线短语的汉语意思。

1.First_of_all,I'd like to congratulate all the students who are here today.首先2.You were all so full_of energy and thirsty_for knowledge.充满;渴望3.You've all grown_up so much and I'm so proud_of you.成长;为……感到骄傲4.Never fail to_be_thankful_to the people around you.对……心存感激5.As you set_out on your new journey,you shouldn't forget where you came from.出发;动身教学过程环节1新课导入老师邀请两到三名学生到黑板上默写出自己知道的职业名词。




人教修订版高一下Unit14FestivalsReading英文教案TeachingMaterial: Unit14,SEFC1BTitle: TheEarthofaFestival.TeachingAims:KnowledgeObjects:1)Masterthefollowingwordsandphrases:Fourskills:major;probably;honour;ancestor;principle;nation;purpose;creativity;faith;comm.ercial;joy;light(V.);fix ⋯ontheday;inhonourof;inmemoryof ⋯2)Usethekeywordsandtheirownwordstoretellthetext.2. AbilityObjects:1).Toimprovestudents ’listeningandspeakingabilitybygreadinthetext2).Todevelopstudents ’communicativeabilitybylearningtheusefulexpressionsfor howtotalkabouttheKwanzaa.3.MoralObjects:1).Realizethatfestivalnotonlycelebratehistorybutaddtoourculturaltraditionsforfuturegenerat ions.2).Realizethecontentsofafestival,makethestudentsunderstandwemustrespectothers’cu stomsandh owtogetalongwiththeclassmates..TeachingDifficulties:1.Mastertheuseofthefour-skillwordsandexpressions;thestudentsunderstandthetextbetter,especiallythefollowingsentences:A)Kwanzaaisaseven-dayfestivalcelebratingthecultureandhistoryofAfricanAmericans;B)⋯peoplewouldgettogethertocelebratetheirharvest,people usedto givethanksfortheirharvestandforlife ⋯;C)Wemustdo asmuchaswecan tomakeourcommunitybetterandmorebeautiful.studyNote-making.第1页共5页.TeachingAids:Asetofmulti-mediaequipment;OHP(overheadprojector);taperecorder;software:Powerpoint.TeachingApproaches:DiscussiontomakethestudentsknowmoreabouttheKwanzza; Fastreadingtofindoutthegeneralinformationaboutthetext;Trueorfalseandquestion-and-answerpracticetohelpthestudentsgothroughthewholepassage; Pairworkandindividualworktomakeeverystudentsworkinclass..TeachingProcedures:Step1 GreetingT:Goodmorning,everyone.Ss:Goodmorning,teacher.Step2:Revisionandlead-in:1.(Revisethefestivalswehadtalkedyesterday,discusstheSpringFestivalinculture,history,shopingandpresents.Guidethestudentstodiscussthespiritandmaterialcultureofthefest ival.Arousetheinterestsinfestival.)T:YesterdaywehadtalkedaboutdifferentfestivalinChinaanddifferenttodaylet’scontinuetotalkaboutthebiggestfestivalinyouknowwhatitis?Ss:Springfestival.I ’llshowyousomequestionsandyou’lldiscusswithyourpartners,thenyou’lltrytoreportyouranswers.Questions:1).DidyouhaveagoodtimeinSpringFestival?2)Whatdidyoudoonthatday?3)Didyougetanyluckymoneyfromyourparentsandrelatives?4)Whydoyouthinkpeoplegettogetherto haveareuniondinneronChineseNewYear’sEve?2.Lead-in:T:reportsareisourChineselet ’swatchashortwatching,tellmewhatthenameofthefestivalis.(ShowtheshortfilmabouttheKwanzaa.)T:Yes,it ’sKwanzaa.第2页共5页(Leadinthetopicofthetext.)Step2:Presentationforreading:Checkthestudents ’p reviewingthenewvocabularyitemsofthetextbydoingagroup ofwordsmatchexercises.T:Iwillgiveyousomewordsandbriefexplanations,trytomatchthem. Step3:Reading:reading,fillintheformtopracticetheskillofretellthetextusin gthecontents:T:I’llgive youfivem inutes Kwanzaaandfillintheform: Name:_________________ Date:__________________ __Meaning:_______________ ___toread the text,then try to get the mainidea of the〔showthefollowingonthescreen 〕Priciples:___________________Symbol:_____________________Celebration:__________________T:Welllet ’sretellthetextusingthenotes.withthelanguagepoints:1)Firstshowthedifficultsentencesonthescreen,explainthem:A)Kwanzaaisaseven-dayfestivalcelebratingthecultureandhistoryofAfricanAmericans;B)⋯peoplewouldgettogethertocelebratetheirharvest,people usedto givethanks fortheirharvestandforlife ⋯;C)Wemustdo asmuchaswecan tomakeourcommunitybetterandmorebeautiful.T:Ok,please open your books andthen look at the screen,the sentences a re thedifficultonesinthetext,let ’strytoexplainthem.2)Thenshowtheimportantsentencesonthescreen,addanotheronewhichisgivenbyme,letthestudentsfindthelanguagepointsinthem,thensayitoutandmakeasentenceaboutthis wordorphrase.T:Next I’llgiveyoutheimportantsen tencesinthetextandanotheroneIgive.Readthe sentences carefully and I want to know how well you canu nderstand theunderlined words and phrases .Then try to make a sentence aboutt he usefulexpressions.(Showthemonthescreen)A)They fix thefestival onthatdaytohonourtheirancestor.Wefix thedate ontheNewYeartogettogether.Sentence:________________________________________B)Peoplecelebrateit bylighting acandleeachday.He’llcelebratehisbirthday byholding aneveningparty.Sentence:_________________________________________Step4:ConsolidationHaveacompetitiontorevisethetext.第3页共5页高一英语教案:下Unit14英文教案T:Nowpleasecloseyourbooks,we ’llhaveatoanswermyquestions, judgerightorwrongaboutthetextinthelimitedtime.(Showthequestionsonthescreen)Step5:AddingsomeInternets aboutthetext andlet thestudents knowmoreinformationaboutthetext.T: Today wehavelearned someinformation about the festival-Kwanzaa,but if you wanttoknowmoreinformationaboutthefestival,youcansurf:1) ay,it ’festivalstheofEnglishWorld;2) :// historychannel /exhibits/holidays/kwanzaa,it ’sabout the detail informationofKwanzaa;3)somenewfestivalswedon ’tknowaboutthetexttoincreasethewords:Hanukkah 光明节〔〕PalmSunday 圣棕树节〔〕Passover 逾越节(May,11) FlagDay 国旗纪念日〔June,14〕FriendshipDay 友谊日(Aug.2) Halloween 万圣节(Oct.31)Step6:OralpractiseHoldaPressconferencetointerviewamanagerofthetouristagencyinGuilinwhoknows allthe holidays of the world.The studentscanaskhimanyquestionsaboutholidaysintheworld.T:Next,let'sholdapresscon know,Guilinisourhometown,it tourist ’sacity,thesceneryinGuilinisbeautifulintheworld.butifyouwanttogotravelingtotheothercountries,Ithinkyoumustknowsomethingabouttheholidaysandcustomsinthe city.Is that right? Ok,let’swellcome,Mr.Wang,he's the manager ofthetouristagencyinGuilin.YoucanaskMr.Wanganyquestionsaboutholidaysandcustomsinanycountries.Step7:SummaryShowalaughingfaceandasentence “DoastheRomansdo.〞toendthetext.Afterwelearnedthetext,weshouldrealizethatfestivalnotonlycelebratehistorybutaddtoourculturaltraditionsforfuturealsounderstandthatwemustrespectothers’customsandtrytogetalongwellwithourclassmates.Step8:Homeworkthelanguagepointsinthetext,andusethekeywordstoretellthetext;2.Discuss:1)What ’safestival?2)What ’sincludedinafestival?第4页共5页高一英语教案:下Unit14英文教案AppendixDesignofwritingontheBlackboard:Unit14Words:major;probably;honour;ancestor;principle;nation;purpose;creativity;faith;commercial;joyPhrases:fix⋯ontheday;inhonourof;inmemoryof ⋯T eachingfeedbackInthisclass,Imakethestudentsrealizethecontentsofafestivalbystudents ’pairworkandindividualwork,notonlypractisethestudents ’linguisticcompetence,butalsomakethemgettheemotionalnurture.第5页共5页。


在情感升华环节,我觉得可以更加深入地引导学生思考英语与生活的联系,培养他们的社会责任感。例如,可以让学生结合Unit 14的主题,探讨如何在日常生活中用英语传播正能量,提高他们的跨文化交际能力。
-鼓励学生利用课外时间阅读英文绘本或故事书,挑选与Unit 14主题相关的内容,提升阅读理解能力,并尝试用所学词汇和语法复述故事情节。
在本节课中,我们共同学习了Unit 14的内容,重点掌握了日常生活中的英语词汇、短语和语法。通过课堂讲解、互动讨论、角色扮演等多种形式,学生们对新知识有了初步的了解和运用。接下来,我们将进行课堂小结和当堂检测,以检验学生们在本节课的学习成果。

高一英语教案:下Unit 14英文教案

高一英语教案:下Unit 14英文教案

人教修订版高一下Unit 14 Festivals Reading英文教案Teaching Material: Unit 14, SEFC1BTitle: The Earth of a FestivalⅠ. Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge Objects:1)Master the following words and phrases:Four skills: major;probably;honour;ancestor;principle;nation;purpose;creativity;faith;comm.ercial;joy;light(V.);fix…on the day;in honour of; in memory of…2)Use the key words and their own words to retell the text.2.Ability Objects:1).To improve students’ listening and speaking ability by readin g the text2).To develop students’ communicative ability by learning the useful expressions for how to talk about the Kwanzaa.3. Moral Objects :1).Realize that festival not only celebrate history but add to our cultural traditions for future generations.2).Realize the contents of a festival, make the students understand we must respect others’ customs and how to get along with the classmates.Ⅱ.Teaching Difficulties:1. Master the use of the four-skill words and expressions;2.Help the students understand the text better, especially the following sentences:A)Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans;B)…people would get together to celebrate their harvest, people used to give thanks for their harvest and for life…;C)We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.3.Further study Note-making.Ⅲ.Teaching Aids:A set of multi-media equipment ; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; software: PowerpointⅣ.Teaching Approaches:1.Discussion to makethe students know more about the Kwanzza;2.Fast reading to find out the general information about the text;1.True or false and question-and-answer practice to help the students go throughthe whole passage;1.Pair work and individual work to make every students work in class.Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 GreetingT:Good morning,everyone.Ss:Good morning,teacher.Step 2:Revision and lead-in:1.(Revise the festivals we had talked yesterday ,discuss the Spring Festival in culture ,history,shoping and presents. Guide the students to discuss the spirit and material culture of the festival. Arouse the interests in festival.)T: Yesterday we had talked about different festival in China and different countries.But today let’s continue to talk about the biggest festival in China.Do you know what it is?Ss:Spring festival.T:Yes.Next I’ll show you some questions and you’ll discuss with your partners,then you’ll try to report your answers.Questions:1).Did you have a good time in Spring Festival?2)What did you do on that day?3)Did you get any lucky money from your parents and relatives?4)Why do you think people get together to have a reunion dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve?2.Lead-in:T: Ok.Their reports are excellent.This is our Chinese festival.Next let’s watch a short film.After watching, tell me what the name of the festival is.(Show the short film about the Kwanzaa.)T:Yes, it’s Kwanzaa.(Lead in the topic of the text.)Step 2: Presentation for reading:Check the students’ previewing the new vocabulary items of the text by doing a group of words match exercises.T:I will give you some words and brief explanations, try to match them.Step 3:Reading:1.Fast reading, fill in the form to practice the skill of note-making.Then retell the text using the contents:T:I’ll give you five minutes to read the text,then try to get the main idea of the Kwanzaa and fill in the form:(show the following on the screen)Name: _________________ Priciples: ___________________Date: ____________________ Symbol:_____________________ Meaning:__________________ Celebration:__________________T:Well done.Next let’s retell the text using the notes.2.Deal with the language points:1)First show the difficult sentences on the screen,explain them:A)Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans;B)…people would get together to celebrate their harvest, people used to give thanks for their harvest and for life…;C)We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful. T:Ok,please open your books and then look at the screen,the sentences are the difficult ones in the text,let’s try to explain them.2)Then show the important sentences on the screen,add another one which is given by me,let the students find the language points in them,then say it out and make a sentence about this word or phrase.T: Next I’ll give you the important sen tences in the text and another one I give. Read the sentences carefully and I want to know how well you can understand the underlined words and phrases .Then try to make a sentence about the useful expressions.(Show them on the screen)A)They fix the festival on that day to honour their ancestor.We fix the date on the New Year to get together.Sentence:________________________________________B)People celebrate it by lighting a candle each day.He’ll celebrate his birthday by holding an evening party.Sentence:_________________________________________Step 4:ConsolidationHave a competition to revise the text.T:Now please close your books,we’ll have a competition.Try to answer my questions , judge right or wrong about the text in the limited time.(Show the questions on the screen)Step 5:Adding1.Add some Internets about the text and let the students know more information about the text.T: Today we have learned some information about the festival-Kwanzaa,but if you want to know more information about the festival, you can surf:1) /en/holid ay, it’s the festivals of English World;2) /exhibits/holidays/kwanzaa,it’s about the detail information of Kwanzaa;3) 2.Add some new festivals we don’t know about the text to increase the words: Hanukkah 光明节(Dec.14)Palm Sunday 圣棕树节(May.5)Passover 逾越节(May,11) Flag Day 国旗纪念日(June,14)Friendship Day 友谊日(Aug.2) Halloween 万圣节(Oct.31)Step 6:Oral practiseHold a Press conference to interview a manager of the tourist agency in Guilin who knows all the holidays of the world.The students can ask him any questions about holidays in the world.T:Next,let's hold a press con ference.You know, Guilin is our hometown, it’s a tourist city, the scenery in Guilin is beautiful in the world. but if you want to go traveling to the other countries,I think you must know something about the holidays and customs in the city.Is that right? Ok,let’s wellcome,Mr.Wang,he's the manager of the tourist agency in Guilin .You can ask Mr. Wang any questions about holidays and customs in any countries.Step 7:SummaryShow a laughing face and a sentence “ Do as the Romans do.” to end the text.T: After we learned the text, we should realize that festival not only celebrate history but add to our cultural traditions for future generations.We also understand that we must respect others’ customs and try to get along well with our classmates. Step 8:Homework1.Revise the language points in the text, and use the key words to retell the text;2.Discuss:1)What’s a festival?2)What’s included in a festival?AppendixNo.1 Design of writing on the Blackboard:No.2 Teaching feedbackIn this class,I make the students realize the contents of a festival by students’pair work and individual work,not only practise the students’ linguistic competence,but also make them get the emotional nurture.。


在导入环节,教师首先向学生展示一幅世界地图,并提出问题:“Can you name some festivals in different countries?”,引导学生思考并回答。接着,教师通过多媒体展示一些世界著名节日的图片,如:Christmas、Halloween、Chinese New Year等,让学生观察并描述这些节日的特点。在此基础上,教师引入本节课的主题:“Festivals”,激发学生对新课的学习兴趣。








如:针对P110的图画,老师可以提这样几个问题:T: What are they doing? What have they done? Have they packed the beach towels yet?好的学生最好不要看书,只根据图画和自己的记忆,运用本单元的目标语言,来回答老师的问题。



A: What has Tina already done?B: She has already put her bike in the garage.A: Has Mark fed the cat yet?B: No, he hasn’t. He will do it in a minute....(在老师的引导下,学生根据图画和记忆,运用目标语言来回答老师的问题。


)引入新课(Presentation):老师利用多媒体的实物投影,呈现Section B的2a中的几幅图画,帮助学生回忆昨天听力里的内容,让学生们借助2a中的问题和2b 中的词组,来谈论这个乐队的一些情况。


例如,T: How long have they been to gether? Have they written original songs? ...(这个环节既帮助学生复习了昨天所学了内容,也为下一步的写作打下了基础。

北师大版Unit14 Lesson4说课稿

北师大版Unit14 Lesson4说课稿

Teaching Presentation of L4 Job Trendsin Unit 14, Module 5li ShaHello, everyone. It’s my great pleasure to be here. Please allow me to show you the teaching presentation of lesson 4 Job trends in Unit 14, Module 5. I am prepared to interpret this lesson from the following nine parts.Part 1 Analysis of Teaching MaterialThis unit is about careers. This lesson plays an important part in this unit. Lesson 1 tells Ss how to make some good choices while L2 and L3 introduce some stories about interviews and successful people. In this lesson, Ss will look ahead the future job trends and know the current situation of job market. It will help Ss make proper final decisions for themselves.Part 2 Analysis of StudentsMost of my students come from the countryside, so they may be not familiar with some kinds of jobs which are often seen in the city. Besides, this lesson contains some abstract words and phrases. Therefore, stirring the Ss’ learning passion is very important.Part 3 Teaching AimsThis class is to deal with the reading part. Therefore, based on the above and according to the new curriculum standard and the syllabus, I think the teaching aims are the followings:1. Knowledge aims:1) Ss can read the passage fluently and understand the main idea of the text.2) Ss can answer some general questions and identify some detailed information.2. Ability aims:1) Enable students to master some reading strategies, especially skimming and scanning.2) T rain Ss’ ability to complete the text with some gaps.3. Emotional aims:1) After this class, Ss will know the current situation of the job market.2) Ss can make their own decisions about future jobs.Part 4 Teaching Important and Difficult PointsNow, let’s come to the important and difficult points.1. How to increase S s’ reading interest?2. How to achieve the teaching objects better?3. How to stress the important points and break through the difficult points?Part 5 Teaching and Learning MethodsAs we all know, a good teacher should play a leading part as a director and make students the real masters in class. So, I will use the following1.a computer2.the multimedia3. the blackboardAbove is my teaching plan for L4 Job Trends. Thank you for your listening!。

Unit 14 第4课时 (Section B 1a-1e)(教学设计)

Unit 14 第4课时 (Section B 1a-1e)(教学设计)
Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.
1.语言能力:能拼写生词degree, manager及短语believe in并能灵活运用。能够通过听说“对未来的展望”学习相关词汇。 通过谈论毕业聚会这一话题,能用英语写毕业演讲稿。
Letstudents finish 1c.and pay attention to the key words during the listening.
manager,graduation, senior high junior high, believe in , separate
I remember ...in junior high school
I am going to... so that I can...
After graduation, I will... because...
Showthe pictures about jobs and ask “Do you have any hopes?What would you like to do in the future?”
Andread the conversation, and circle the important sentences and phrases and do the careful reading


1.教师通过展示一张画有不同表情的人物图片,引导学生观察并描述图片中人物的表情和态度。由此引出本节课的主题:Attitudes and Influences(态度与影响)。
1.教师带领学生阅读Section B 1a-1e的短文,引导学生关注文章中描述人物态度的词汇和短语,如:attitude, benefit, influence, in a good mood, make a difference等。


举例:在编写短文时,学生可能会将动词误用为现在时态,如“I realize”而不是“I realized”。
(2)句型结构:过去时态(Simple Past Tense)是本节课的核心句型结构,要求学生掌握并运用在过去事件的描述中。


本案例背景针对的是九年级英语全一册(人教版)Unit14第4课时(Section B 1a-1e)的教学内容。该课时主要围绕着描述过去发生的事情以及过去经常发生的活动展开,通过听力、口语、阅读和写作等多个方面来提高学生的英语综合运用能力。本节课的主要目标是让学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写与过去时态相关的句子,并能够运用过去时态描述过去发生的事情和过去的习惯。

Unit 14 第4课时公开课教学设计【人教版九年级英语】

Unit 14 第4课时公开课教学设计【人教版九年级英语】

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Section B 2a—2e 教学设计一、教学目标1. 掌握本课重点词汇和短语:gentleman, graduate ,ceremony, first of all, congratulation, thirsty, be thankful to, lastly, task, ahead of, along with, be responsible for等。

2. 学习如何准备并做演讲。

3. 了解演讲词的结构。

4. 通过阅读策略的训练,理解关于毕业演讲词的语篇内容。

5. 回顾过去的初中生活,感恩母校、老师和同学,并树立远大志向。



三、教学准备教师:教学课件;多媒体设备学生:课前预习四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-upWatch the video and then look back to their junior high school life and share their feelings.【设计意图】三年时光很短暂,毕业之际,值得回忆的事情太多太多。


Step 2 Pre-readingLearn some new words and phrases.Step 3 While-readingWork on 2b~2c1. Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.2. Read the first paragraph and discuss the questions in groups.3. Read the second paragraph and discuss the question in groups.4. Read the third paragraph and discuss the questions in groups.【设计意图】学生小组合作培养合作意识和能力,互相帮助,提升学生阅读的能力和解决问题的能力。



九年级英语Unit14第四课时教案Period 4 Section B (1a-2e)【知识与能力目标】1. 掌握本课重点词汇及复习语法点。

2. 能正确运用时态谈论过去和未来的生活。








【教学难点】1. 听力训练2. 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。

【教学步骤】Step 1. Revision发生什么事了? What happened?擅长于be good at与......不同be different in考试复习study for exams过去常常used to do上舞蹈课take dance lessons期盼look forward to(时间)逝去, 消逝go by希望做hope to doStep 2. DiscussionLet Ss talk about their dream jobs.Talk with your partner about what you would like to do in the future?A: What do you hope to do in the future?B: I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.Step 3. Work on 1a.Write about what you would like to do in the future.1. get a business degree and become a manager2. ____________________________________3. ____________________________________Possible answers:1.get a business degree and become a manager2.become an English or Chinese teacher3.become an astronaut or a doctorStep 4. Pair workTalk about what you hope to do in the future.A: What do you hope to do in the future?B: I hope to …Step 5. Listening1. 1c. Listen to a class discussion. Check the hopes you hear.1) Write down the job name according to the pictures.2) Play the record and check the answers.2.1d .Listen again and complete the passage.1) Let Ss understand the passage and write down some words meaning.Today is the students’ last class. Bob feels ______ about itand thinks Mrs. Chen’s cla sses have been ______. The students talk about what they want to do in the future. Bob hopes to _____ the exam to get into senior high school. Shirley wants to get into a _______ school.Ken is good at _______ and he won a _____ for it. So he wants to be a(n) _________.Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells them to “___________”. To celebrate the end of junior high, they are having a ________. They ask Mrs. Chen to come, and she is happy to accept the invitation.2) Play the tape. Check some of the answers but without making sure them all.3) Play the tape again. Let Ss listening carefully and pay attention to not sure part above. Check the answers.Answers: sad great pass music science prize astronautgo for it partyStep 6. Practice.Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you.Present your speech to your group.How have you changed since you started junior high school?Who has helped you most?What advice have your parents given you?What will you do after you graduate?What are you looking forward to?1) Let Ss answer the questions one by one.2) Ask Ss to write down a passage according to the information above.3) Let some Ss read it out.Step 7. Discussion(2a)What is the most important thing you have learned in junior high school? Discuss the question with a partner. Step 8. Reading1. 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.1) What kind of text is this? Is it a story, a speech or a notice?2) Who do you think wrote it?3) Who is it for?Possible answers:1)It is a speech.2)The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it.3)It is for the graduating students of the school.2. 2c Read the passage again and answer the questions.1) What were the students like in Grade7?2) How have the students changed?3) Who should the students thank and why?4) What will senior high be like?5) How should the students deal with the future?6) What advice would you give to students who are just starting junior high school?Key: 1) They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.2) They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.3) Their should thank the important people in their lives –their parents, teachers and friends – because these are the people who have helped and supported them.4) Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them.5) They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions andactions, and not forget where they came from.3. 2d Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.attend be thirsty for none set out be proud of1) It is time to say goodbye, but _______ of us want to leave.2) It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. However, we are still excited to ___________on a new journey when we enter senior high school.3) The teacher can see in our eyes that we ______________ knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly.4) We will _____________ the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us.5) Our teachers and parents will __________ us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves. Key: 1) none 2) set out 3) are thirsty 4) attend 5) be proud of2e Underline the sentences you like in the passage. Tell your partner what they mean and why you like them. Step 9. Language points1.Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation ceremony at No. 3 Junior Highgraduation ceremony 毕业典礼2.You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.be full of 充满...e.g. Her life was full of excitement. 她的生活充满激动人心的事情。



高三英语《Unit4Lesson14》教案高三英语《Unit 4 Lesson 14》教案Step 1 Revision1 Revise the dialogue in Lesson 13, paying special attention to intonation.2 Check the Ss‘ dialogues.Step 2 Discussion and presentationSB Page 20, Part 1. Get Ss to talk about the picture and describe what they can see; Read aloud the questions, then put Ss into groups of four and get them to discuss these questions briefly. Ask different groups for their answers and write these on the Bb. Then say Now read the passage and find out. Allow the Ss enough time to read the text, then put them in pairs and get them to compare their answers. Collect the answers from the class. Answers:1 It is being built on; it is being lost by the actions of the wind and the rain; land is becoming too salty.2 You can increase the area of farmland by irrigation; you can build dams and water your fields; you can pump water from low-lying areas; you can develop new plants which produce heavier crops; you can develop new plants which grow in poor soil; you can develop new plants that are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases.Step 3 ReadingAsk the Ss more questions about the passage. Let them read the whole passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups. Check the answers with the whole class. This is a good time to deal with any language problems. See if the Ss can guess the meaning of salty, ruin, storage, day by day,etc.Notes:a Feed the world: In 1994, Professor Pimentel of Comell University warned of the following problems in providing enough food for the world’s growing population:* By 2100 the population will be 12-15 billion, or seven times its sustainable level.* Farmers are abandoning 25 million acres each year because of soil loss or waterlogging.* The declining fertility of the soil will lower food production by 20% in the next 25 years.* Topsoil is being lost 40 times faster than it can be replaced.* Crop losses destroyed by pests have increased four times in the last 50 years.b It is thought that: Note the use of the passive for introducing an idea.c For one thing: This phrase is linked to The problem is... in the previous sentence. =One reason why it is difficult to feed the world‘s population is that...d suitable for growing crops: Point out the structure: suitable +for + -inge And this area is becoming smaller day by day.=And this area is becoming smaller every day. f it is being built on =buildings are being built on the landg pests: insects or animals that destroy plants, food, etc.h FAO: The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations was founded in 1945 and has its headquarters in Rome. It has about 160 members. The purpose of the organization is to improve rural conditions, agricultural production and distribution, and to raise nutritional levels.i in storage =while it is being storedj damp =fairly wet. The atmosphere can be very damp during the rainy season and grain can start to go bad.k one in ten =one person out of tenl starve to death: a set expression =die because they do not have enough to eatm Take the Aswan Dam for example =consider the example of the Aswan Damn west of the USA: particularly the desert land to the east of the high mountainso corn crops: here, corn means maize. p low-lying areas: Many of these areas are below sea-level.Step 4 Reading aloudSpeech Cassette Lesson 14. Play the tape of the passage for the Ss to listen and follow. Play the tape of part of the passage once more; this time the Ss listen and repeat. Pay attention to stress and intonation, also the sentence stress of the longer sentences.Step 5 Note makingSB Page 21, Part 3. Get Ss to do this exercise individually, so that every S has to make an effort to re-read the text and extract the relevant information. If it is done in class, get Ss to check their notes afterwards in pairs. Alternatively, if you wish, you can set this exercise for homework. In that case, get Ss to check their notes in pairs at the beginning of the next lesson.Notes:FACTS1 First record of agriculture (date/place): 10,000 years ago, in Egypt, the Middle East and India.2 Present world population: almost 6 billion3 Farming population: 1 billion4 66% of the world’s surface is sea.5 11 % of the land surface can be used forgrowing crops. REASONS FOR LOSS OF FARMLAND1 It is being built on;2 It is being lost by the actions of the wind and the rain;3 Land is becoming too salty.WAYS OF INCREASING FOOD PRODUCTION1 You can increase the area by irrigation; you can build dams and water your fields; you can pump water from low-lying areas;2 You can develop new plants which produce heavier crops;3 You can develop new plants which grow in poor soil;4 You can develop new plants that are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases.Step 6 ReferenceSB Page 21, Part 4. Read the instruction and check that the Ss know what to do. Do the first two items orally with the whole class. Then let the Ss work through this exercise in pairs. Check the answers at the end. Answers:1 about 10,000 years ago2 1 billion people3 how to feed a growing world population4 the sea5 11 % of the earth‘s land surface6 farmland7 desert land can now be used for growing crops8 new types of plantsStep 7 WorkbookWb Lesson 14, Exx. 1 and 2.Ex. 1 should be done in class. The Ss have to make an effortto revise the text and complete the passage individually or in groups. Then check the answers with the whole class.Ex. 2 can be done orally in class. You may change it to a Chinese-English translation exercise and get the Ss to give you the English without looking at the book.Step 8 ConsolidationAsk Ss to say what is happening about farmland and food production in China. Get them to give specific examples, for example the Three Gorges project and other changes in their area. Are there other reasons why food production is increasing or decreasing? Get them to tell each other in pairs first, and then get pairs to tell the rest of the class.HomeworkRead the passage again and complete the notes in Part 3.Finish off the Workbook exercises.。


in time和on time都可在句中作状语,但二者意思不同。
选用in time或on time填空。
Read the poem after class.
Remember the language points.

第 周 第 课时(学期 课时)
4) What did Peter do to meet Mr. Brown’s standards?
3. Work on1c.Listsomememories and experiences from junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.
.Language points
1. I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.
in a row连续几次地
e.g. This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained.
Our team won the ______ __________ _____________.
How _____ you ________ since you started junior high school?
I've become much better at _________ _________.
Section A1(1a – 2d)

初中英语九年级下册教学设计Unit 14

初中英语九年级下册教学设计Unit 14

Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Section B Periods (la-le)Teaching AimsKnowledge Goals:1.Key words: degree, manager,2.Key phrases: get a business degree, become a manager, believe in sb.3.Key sentences:—What do you hope to do in the future?一I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.Skill Goals:l.Be able to listen to the listening tape script, and then can find key words and get main ideas about the listening tape script.2.Be able to talk about students7 own past and future.Emotion goals: learn to share students/ experience, learn to be confident.Teaching important points1.key words.2.Listening and speaking Teaching Methods1.Pair work.Teaching Aids2.The multimedia3.The BlackboardTeaching proceduresStep I: Greeting1.GreetingT: class begin!M: Stand up!T: Good morning! Students!S:Good morning! Teacher!T:Sit down, please!2.PresentationT: Today, well have a new lessonUnit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section B Periods (la-le)(The teacher shows the title to the class) T: After learning this lesson, I can ...Teaching AimsKnowledge Goals:1.Key words: degree, manager,.Key phrases: get a businessdegree, become a manager, believe in sb.2.Key sentences:—What do you hope to do in the future?一I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.Skill Goals:2.8e able to listen to the listening tape script, and then canfind key words and get main ideas about the listening tape script.2.9e able to talk about students' own past and future.Emotion goals: learn to share students' experience, learn tobe confident. (The teacher shows the learning goals to theclass)Step II lead-inT: Now, lets enjoy a video, and then say what we learned from the video.T: Ok, now, who will try first, what have you learn from the video? 51:...T:....52:....T: OK! ...53:...T: Yeah! ...S4:・・・T: Thank you! Thank you all of youStep III DiscussionT: Talk with your partner about what you would like to do in the future?SI: What do you hope to do in the future?S2:1 hope to get a business degree and become a manager....53:...54:...55:...56:...T: Excellent! You all have a good job! Thank you!Step IV PresentationWrite about what you would like to do in the future.SI: I will get a business degree and become a managerS2:1 will become an English or Chinese teacherS3:1 will become an astronaut or a doctorStep IV While-listening Next, well have some listening, TH play the conversations two times, the first time, you should listen to the conversationsand Check (4) the hopes you hear in lc. And the second time, check your answers.Taskl:T: Listen to a class discussion. Check (4) the hopes you hear.T: Ok, now please listen to it carefully!T: Good, now I'll ask some students to read your answers. Now. Who can tell your answers?s:...T: Any other result? Ok, now lets check your answers.Task2T: Listen again. Complete the passage. Ok, now please listen to it carefully!T: Ok, now who can tell me your answers.s:...T: Great, please sit down!Step V Post-listeningTaskl Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you. Present your speech to your group.How have you changed since you started junior high school? Who has helped you most?What advice have your parents given you?What will you do after you graduate?What are you looking forward to?51:...52:...51:...52:...Task2Ok, you had a wonderful job, now Lets Learn some Grammar 1.believes in 信任,信赖2.looking forward to doing sth 期待做什么3. advice 和suggestion 的辨析advice 不可数名词,suggestion可数名词4.invite 和invitation 的辨析invite 是动词,invitation 是名词。

教学设计5:Unit 14 第四课时

教学设计5:Unit 14 第四课时
Finish your passage in 3b.
Record after teaching
Ask the students to know what they should pay attention to when they tell their story.
What ind of experience is it?
Use this question to help the make dicisions what they ought to tell.
Teaching Aims and Demands
Knowledge Objects
Ability Objects
Train Ss the listening and reading ability.
Moral Objects
Blackboard Design
I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7Section B(3a—Self Check)
Who is the person? / What is the event? When and where did you first meet this person?/ When and where did this event happen?
happy My friends hold a birthday party for me.
worried I didn\'t finish my homework and my teachers were strict.



Previe w 1.Greeting.2.Situation creating.Annaand Helen are talking on thephone.Review the past andlooking forward to the future3.Let’s talk.What do youhope to do in the future?Review.Practice thesentences by using Iremember.../I wantto.../Brain Storm.情景创设,回忆过去,展望未来,承接Section A语言并自然过渡到本课时语言,简洁明了。


Pre listening 1.Write about what youwould like to do in the future.✓study hard and bee ateacher.✓practice playing theguitar hard and bee aguitar player.2.Work on 1b.Talk aboutwhat you hope to do in thefuture.✓What do you hope to doin the future?✓I hope to bee a doctor.If Ibee a doctor, I hope tohelp sick people.✓What do you want to be?✓I hope to bee anastronaut.If I bee aastronaut, I hope to gointo space.3.Predict.What do they do?Work on 1a.Free talk.写出并讨论未来打算从事的工作,引入话题,激发课堂气氛。



5.T ask more questions about the travel to Kunming,“How……” “How long……”
活动四:listen and repeat
课件 音频
1.复习要求掌握的四会词:travel, weekend, season, spring, Friday, too slow。
3.播放四季分明的图片,再出示four clear seasons 这一短语,使学生在图文并茂中理解短语含义。
4.利用课件播放四季如春的图片,出示spring all year round 短语,通过对比,使学生理it feels like spring all year round. 的含义。
设计意图:通过对比以及图片展示,能够较好的解决学生对clear seasons和like spring all year round 的理解。
S3: Four. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
T: What's the weather like in spring in Beijing?
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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.教学设计
(1)词汇:text, level, degree, manager,等。

(2)句型:How have you changed since you started junior high school?
I’ve become much better at speaking English.
What are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to going to senior high school.
2 、能力目标:技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活.




Step1. Revision
1.发生什么事了? What happened?
2.擅长于be good at
3.与......不同be different in
4.考试复习study for exams
5.过去常常used to do
6.上舞蹈课take dance lessons
7.期盼look forward to
8.(时间)逝去, 消逝go by
9.希望做hope to do
Step2. Discussion
1.Let Ss talk about their dream jobs.
2.Talk with your partner about what you would like to do in the future?
Step3. Work on 1a.
Write about what you would like to do in the future.
1. get a business degree and become a manager
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Step4. Pair work
Talk about what you hope to do in the future.
A: What do you hope to do in the future?
B: I hope to …
Step5. Listening
1. 1c Listen to a class discussion. Check the hopes you hear.
1) Write down the job name according to the pictures.
2) Play the record and check the answers.
2. 1d Listen again and complete the passage.
1) Let Ss understand the passage and write down some words meaning.
2) Play the tape. Check some of the answers but without making sure them all.
3) Play the tape again. Let Ss listening carefully and pay attention to not sure part above. Check the answers.
Step6. Practice.
1.Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you.
2.Present your speech to your group.
1) Let Ss answer the questions one by one.
2) Ask Ss to write down a passage according to the information above.
3) Let some Ss read it out.
Step7. Language points
graduation ceremony 毕业典礼
You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.
be full of 充满...
be thirsty for 渴望,渴求
Some of you were a little difficult to deal with!
deal with 处理,对付
Step8. Homework
Write about what you have gotten in the junior high school and your plan in the senior high school.。
