



4、其它在描述中的常用到的词 significant changes 图中一些较大变化 noticeable trend 明显趋势 during the same period 在同一时期 unequally 不相等地 in the case of adv. 在……的情况下 in terms of / in respect of / regarding在…方面 in contrast 相反;大不相同
2、图表中的数据Data具体表达法 数据Data在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time 在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time 持续变化的data在不同情况下: 增加:increase / grow / rise / go up …… 减少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall …… 波动: rebound / wave / fluctuate …… 稳定:remain stable / stabilize / level off ……
主体段介绍数据或数据变化趋势的常用词详 解每组背三个足够
表示上升的动词: Ascend ascended/ go up went up/grow grew/increase increased/rise rose increase和rise也可以做名词& 急剧上升的动词: jump jumped/shoot up shot up/soar soared/surge soared surge可以做名词&
2、And ______.原因2 3、Furthermore; ______ 原因3 4、All these result in ____.
三段:提出解决办法 结尾句:However; ____ is faced with some

Writing_illustration_in-class instruction英语写作

Writing_illustration_in-class instruction英语写作
Illustration / Exemplification in Writing
-- Paragraph Development by Examples
Learning Objectives
Employ illustration as a pattern of development in writing Present examples in a logical and convincing sequence.
Identify and evaluate examples in close reading.
Learning Focus
Organizing and connecting the specific evidence.
Making examples vivid and richly textured.
Organize and Connect the Specific Evidence - Common Methods of Organization
1) Emphatic order: “Saving the best till last.” E.g. Celebrities lead very stressful lives. For one thing, celebrities don‟t have the privacy an ordinary person does. In addition, celebrities are under constant pressure. Most important, celebrities must deal with the stress of being in constant danger.


Exposition through illustration
Sean 2022-11
Development by illustration Features of an illustration essay
Illustration is to simply use examples to clarify a writer’s idea. It is perhaps the easiest kind of supporting details to develop ideas and powerful tool to make abstract and general topic concrete and specific. Many of the essays you write in college will be developed by illustration. You don’t have to search in the library for information; you can often take examples from your own knowledge and personal experiences. Furthermore, examples are usually interesting and make your writing enjoyable to read. Finally, since it is easy to remember a striking example, your reader is more likely to remember your point.
Conclusion: Reinforce the thБайду номын сангаасsis and summarize the examples. The diagram of an illustrative essay is like this:


-ways of developing paragraph
Example=Illustration (deduction) Vivid illustration lights up abstract ideas and make them clear, interesting, memorable, or convincing They are with either single example or a series of examples
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Are the following examples effective to illustrate the topic sentence "I had a terrible day at the office today." I had a fight with my boss. I quarreled with my husband last night. One of the important documents was missing. I was unhappy all day. I forgot an appointment with one of my clients and was severely scolded by my boss.
Useful Expressions
For example, for instance Specifically, in particular, namely, another A case in point, a good example of , an excellent example of As an example, as an illustration Shown by , exemplified by, illustrated by X shows this, X exemplifies this, X illustrates this



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写作:4. Writing an opening paragraphAn opening paragraph usually consists of two parts: opening part and thesis statements.1) Functions of an opening paragraph:Attract readers‘ interest.Present your thesis.2) Five useful ways to write an opening paragraph(1) Begin with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement. (from a broad topic to your thesis)(2) Use an incident or a brief story. (from a brief story to your thesis)(3) Start with an idea or a situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. (from an opposite idea or situation to your thesis)(4) Ask one or more questions (from a question(s) to your thesis)(5) Use a quotation (from a quotation to your thesis)5. Writing supporting paragraphs1) Three bases for writing a supporting paragraph:(1) Support (adequate and specific)(论据充分性)(2) Coherence(连贯性)(a)Transitional words:Type 1: Addition signals are used to show accumulation.Type 2: Time Signals are used to show sequence.Type 3: Space signals are used to show location.Type 4: Change of direction signals are used to show contrast.Type 5: Illustration signals are used to show examples.Type 6: Conclusion signals are used to show consequence.(b) Transitional sentences(c) Other collecting words:Repeated wordsPronounsSynonyms(同义词)(3) Unity(一致性)(a) Make all of the topic sentences in the supporting paragraphs related to the thesis.(b) Make all of the major supporting points related to the topic sentences in each supporting paragraph.(c) Make all of the minor supporting points related to the major supporting points in each supporting paragraph.2) Patterns of Organization:(1) Time order (chronological order) (按时间顺序排列)(2) Climactic order (order of importance) (按重要性顺序排列)(3) Space order(按空间顺序排列)6. Writing an concluding paragraphFour effective ways will be introduced(1) End with a summary and a final thought.Restate your major points raised in your thesis, but do not repeat them.(2) End with a recommendation(3) End with a prediction(4) End with a thought-provoking question or questions.7. Sentence Skills1) Three types of fragments:2)Run-on sentences (乱加从句的冗长句子)A run-on sentence is a string of words with two subordinate clauses that are run together without proper punctuation.3)Dangling modifiers (垂悬结构)40a. *Carrying a heavy pile of books, her foot caught on the step.41a. *To get up early, the clock was set at six.42a. *At the age of five, my dad taught me about cars.43a. *To improve his result, the experiment was done again.41b. To get up early, I set the clock at six.42b. When I was five, my dad taught me about cars.43b. He improved his result by doing the experiment again.But some set phrases and absolute constructions are not dangling modifiers.44. To be frank, I do not think he is the right man for the job.45. Generally speaking, at this age, girls are more mature than boys.46. The majority approving of the project, he had to give in.4) Parallelism (并行关系)50a. *I took a bath, sleeping, and waking up refreshed.51a. *The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and preparing carefully for exams.52a. *In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than to start at eighteen.Correct sentences:50b. I took a bath, went to sleep, and woke up refreshed.51b. The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and to prepare carefully for exams.52b. In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than starting at eighteen.5) Mixed construction53a. *The most valued trait in an employee is a person who is loyal.54a. *Indigestion is when you cannot digest food.55a. *By taking a No.70 bus is one way to get to our university.56a. *The reason I enjoy horseback riding is because it provides outdoor exercise.57a. *There are many people move to USA.Correct sentences:53b. The most valued trait in an employee is loyalty.54b. Indigestion is the inability to digest food.55b. You can get to our university by taking a No.70 bus.56b. I enjoy horseback riding because it provides outdoor exercise.57b. There are many people who move to USA.改错练习:Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoy. People don‘t like to talk about it, though. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, more satisfying, or with the reward of a bit of revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims. But to let them know that you are upset about something they are doing. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersom coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. The first thing that you should do is to get up extra early one day. Before the sun com es up, drive to each coworker‘s house, reach under the hood of his car, and disconnected the center wire that leads to the distrib. cap. The carwill be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day. If your lucky, your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise. Later if you feel guilty about your actions you can call each person anonymously and tell them how to get the car running…Correct essay:Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys(主谓一致). People don‘t like to talk about it, though. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, more satisfying, or more rewarding than(并行关系)a bit of revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims but(fragment) to let them know that you are upset about something they are doing to you. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome(拼写错误) coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. The first thing that you should do is to get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworker‘s house, reach under the hood of his car, and disconnect(时态一致)the center wire that leads to the distributor(全拼) cap. The car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day. If you‘re lucky, your boss might notice that you are the only one there and willgive you a raise. Later,(标点)if you feel guilty about your actions you can call each person anonymously and tell them how to get their cars(代词一致) running again…8. Patterns of development1) Comparison and contrast(1) One side at a time (subject by subject)(2) Point by point2)Cause and effect(因果说明)—— We may support our thesis statements by explaining a series of causes or a series of effects.(1) Causes:These tell readers why something happened. We try to examine the cause of something. Many actions do not occur without causes. For example, Smoking causes lung cancer. (Smoking is one of the causes of lung cancer.)(2) Effects:These tell readers the results of something. We try to examine the effects of something. An action can have a series of effects — good or bad. For example,Twelve thousand smokers die from lung cancer every year. (Lung cancer is one of the results of smoking.)By examining the causes or effects of an action, we seek to understand or explain things that happen in our lives.3) Illustration (说明文)(Examples)In an illustrative essay, you support your point by illustrating it with examples.Illustration paragraph include:例1:Topic sentence:Knowledge often results only after persistenceinvestigation.Supporting examples:Albert EinsteinA detectiveAnnie Jump Cannon(安妮·坎农,美国女天文学家)Investigation into the causes of polio(脊髓灰质炎)Concluding sentence:As students, we too are determined in our investigation to find, retain and contribute to the store of human knowledge.例2:Topic sentence: The first day of school was frustrating.Supporting examples: My sociology course was canceled. Then I couldn‘t find the biology lab. And the lines at the bookstore were so long that I went home without buying my textbooks.Characteristics of illustration●An example is relevant●An example is representative, when it shows a typical real-lifesituation, not a rare or unusual one.●Examples are taken from your own life or the lives of people youknow. They are unique examples shared by no other people.Choose examples that are striking and dramatic and that will make a strong lasting impression on your readersBe sure that the examples you use to explain your thesis should be carefully chosen. You should select examples that are relevant, representative, specific, striking and dramaticTransitional words that are often used in illustration:For instance, For example, Another instance of, Another example of, Another illustration of, To illustrate, A case in point is, Here are a few examples, Some instances, Yet anotherBrief illustration An unelaborated example, often only a sentenceA detailed exampleExtendedillustrationHypothetical An example that might happen but that has not4) Argumentation(考试考点):In an argumentation essay, you defend your position (point of view) with a series of solid reasons. You try to argue with someone, that is, to persuade others to accept or agree with your point of view.(1) Strategies for argumentation(a) Acknowledge differing viewpointsYou can cite the opposing viewpoint in your thesis statement or in your supporting paragraphs.(b) Grant the merits of differing viewpoints.(c) Use tactful, courteous language.(d) Rebut differing viewpoints(2) How to write argumentative essaysStage 1: decide on a controversial topic (debatable and interesting) and write an argumentative thesis statement. The thesis statement should define the scope of the argument and make an assertion that is open to debate.Ineffective Examples of Argumentative Thesis StatementsExample 1:Thesis: Something should be done on media bias.This is not an effective argumentative thesis statement because it does not clearly state the writer‘s idea. The answers of questions like ―what is that ‗something‘ that should be done?‖ or ―who should do it?‖ are not clear. Example 2:Thesis: CNN is the best TV channel.This is not an effective thesis statement. This sentence is not debatable as it involves personal choice or preferenceExample 3:Thesis: There are 3 ways of media censorship.This is not an argumentative thesis statement as the writer aims at listing the types of media censorship. Therefore, the writer‘s purpose of writing this essay is not to persuade the reader but to give information. Also, the ways of media censorship are not open to debate. Thus, they are not suitable for argumentation.Effective Examples of Argumentative Thesis StatementsExample 1:Thesis: Newspapers should not identify people by color, race, or religious faith in any way.This is an effective argumentative thesis statement. Firstly, the topic is open to discussion. There may be people who would oppose thisargument claiming that this kind of restriction would damage the objectivity of the news. Therefore, the writer holds a clear stance. Above all, it is obv ious that the writer‘s aim is not simply to inform the readers but to convince them to take his / her side in the debate.The expository (p58)thesis statement vs. the argumentative thesis statement:Similarity:Both expository(说明的,解释的) and argumentative thesis statements express a certain opinion about a topic.Difference:An expository thesis statement does not include a sharp opinion; rather, it discusses advantages, disadvantages, types, reasons, results, problems, solutions, processes, or categories of an issue often in the form of listing, enumeration, classification, or sequencing.An argumentative thesis statement has a clear stance on a debatable topic, fiercely argues that the writer’s opinion is correct and reflects this subjectivity both in its style and tone.Choosing an argumentative topic is not an easy task. The topic should be such thatit should be narrowed down×Marijuana ( [ˌmærəˈwɑːnə]大麻) should be considered illegal.(Not a good topic because it is too general. In some medical cases, marijuana is prescribed by the doctors and the patients are encouraged to use it in case of suffering from too much pain)√Selling and using marijuana in public places should be considered illegal.∙it should contain an argument×We should decide whether we want a bicycle or a car.(our stand is not clear: do we support having bicycles or cars?)√If we are under the age of 30 and want a healthy life, we should definitely get a bicycle instead of a car.×Are you one of those who thinks cheating is not good for students? (a question cannot be an argument)√Cheating helps students learn.×Considering its geological position, Turkey has an important geopolitical role in the EU. (facts cannot be arguments)√Considering its geopolitical role, we can clearly say that the EU cannot be without Turkey.∙it should be a topic that can be adequately supported (with statistics, outside source citations, etc.)×I feel that writing an argumentative essay is definitely a challenging task. (feelings cannot be supported; we cannot persuade other people)Which of the following are argumentative thesis statements?Thesis 1:There are three main reasons why the media manipulate the news. Thesis 2:The media should not manipulate the news in any way.Thesis 3:It is essential to be media literate for three reasons.Thesis 4:It is essential that media literacy be taught in schools.Thesis 1is not argumentative. Although the writer has the assumption that the media manipulate the news, the aim of this essay is not to convince the reader on this issue, but to simply list the three reasons for media manipulation. The reader, too, expects to learn the three reasons. Thesis 2 is acceptable as an argumentative thesis statement because the writer clearly takes a stand in the debate about whether the media should manipulate the news or not. Here, the writer intends to influence the mind of readers rather than to merely inform them.Thesis 3 is an expository thesis statement although the sentence includes a strong word, ―essential‖. The use of this word does not make the thesis statement an argumentative one because the aim here is to inform the reader about the three reasons. The reader, here, expects to read a list of the reasons without being forced to take a side. The writer does not hold a stance in an ongoing discussion.Thesis 4is clearly an argumentative thesis statement. Firstly, the topic is debatable. Secondly, the writer is clear about where in the discussion he stands. Finally, the purpose of the writer is to a ffect the readers‘ ideas on this issue.On the whole, while writing argumentative thesis statements, be sure to have a debatable topic, state your claim and stance as strongly as possible and make the reader understand that your aim is to persuade rather than only to inform.Stage 2: Generating ideas: After formulating your argumentative thesis statement, you need to brainstorm a variety of supporting ideas, counter arguments and ways to refute these opposing views. In supporting your argument, the evidence that you include can be facts, examples, support from authority (testimony), and statistics.(3) Organization:All argumentative essays have PROs and CONs (赞成反对). Before starting writing, it is imperative to make a list of these ideas and choose the most suitable ones among them for supporting and refuting.There are three possible organization patterns:PRO idea 2CON(s) + Refutation(s)ConclusionExample 1:5) Description(描写文)More than many other types of essays, descriptive essays strive to create a vivid experience for the reader. Great descriptive essays achieve this effect not through facts and statistics but by using detailed observations and descriptions.As you get started on your descriptive essay, it‘s important for you to identify exactly what you want to describe. Often, a descriptive essay will focus on portraying one of the following:a person∙ a place∙ a memory∙an experience∙an objectHow should you write your description?As you write your descriptive essay, remember: showing, not telling. Showing and not telling means that you paint a picture for your reader. The difference between showing and telling:Example 1:(1) I grew tired after dinner.(2) As I leaned back and rested my head against the top of the chair, my eyelids began to feel heavy, and the edges of the empty plate in front of me blurred with the white tablecloth.The first sentence tells readers that you grew tired after dinner. The second sentence shows readers that you grew tired. The most effective descriptive essays are loaded with such showing because they enable readers to imagine or experience something for themselves.Example 2:(1) The lake stared through the trees, a wide grey eye trapped in a perpetual state of weeping.(2) There were trees near the lake.As you write your descriptive essay, the best way to create a vivid experience for your readers is to focus on the five senses.∙sight∙sound∙smell∙touch∙tasteWhen you focus your descriptions on the senses, you provide vivid and specific details that show your readers rather than tell your readers what you are describing.How should you create a descriptive thesis statement?An example of a descriptive thesis statement is: My backyard is like a jungle.This thesis statement does not mean that your backyard is literally a jungle, but that the different aspects of your backyard make it seem like a jungle.写作部分Part I Read the following passage carefully, and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions that follow. Pleasewrite your answer on the Answer Sheet. (10分)The Love of Money is a Root of Evil1、The thinkers of many cultures and epochs have sought to find the fundamental reasons for social problems, philosophers of the past analyzed numerous contributing factors such as leaders, money, deities and citizens in their societies. A significant number of such thinkers came to the conclusion that an individu als‘ passionate attitude towards money was an influential trigger of various social calamities. Desiring to obtain more and more material goods and money causes an individual to become selfish and hard-hearted – this in turn affects the quality of a whole community. An uncontrolled love of money is the reason for many disturbances and wrongs that are enacted.2、To begin with, the love of money may lead to the decline of moral standard. Apostle Paul, who can be said to be a philosopher, says ―…they that desire to be rich, fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting, have erred from the faith‖. Paul emphasizes th at the pursuit of money and financial gain causes one to be distanced from one‘s morality and virtue. No longer do people seek to build a relationship with their neighbor; instead they seek ways to use them to obtain more wealth and security. At the same time, people who treat others as means of reaching their goals, tend to be treated in the same manner, thus multiplying their own misfortunes.3、Along with the moral decline, people with a strong lust for money can develop an insensible disposition. In the discipline of psychology, there exists a correlation between happy feelings and money that has already been discovered; however, there is also a link between negative feelings and actions when there is a lack of money (Vohs, Mead & Goode, 2008). Those who have a strong love of money constantly feel the urge to gain more money as if they have a lack of it; consequently, these individuals have a bad disposition and are impatient when confronted with those whom they believe are seeking to prevent them from gaining money.4、What‘s more, because of a fanatic identification with their savings, those with a persistent love of money are hesitant to lose their capital. Such individuals would be hesitant in investing in community projects or remaining loyal to their fellow coworkers, employees, and even neighbors. Today, because of the apparent focus on obtaining more food, entertainment, games and technology, the sense of community is dying. Paul Mattick states in his book Art in It’s Time that, ―A steady increase of the love of money present in our capitalistic economy system causes a sense of community to decline as faith is placed in material things for the self rather than concepts for the community‖ (Mattick, 2003).5、In an attempt to understand the true nature of different social problems of the past and of today, many thinkers have paid attention to the phenomenon of yearning for money. Because of an individual’s love of money, there is a decline in personal values and morals. Subsequently the constant pursuit o f money causes one’s behavior to be inconsistent with the needs of other human beings. Finally, many people with an excessive passion for money tend to identify themselves with their financial well-being, thus being afraid to lose their capital. In their fear, they lose the greatest of all values: a sense of peace.1. Which of the following best expresses the thesis of this essay?A. Thinkers of the past have sought to find the fundamental reasons forsocial problems.B. Philosophers of the past tried to analyze the contributing factors forsocial problems.C. A lot of thinkers concluded that people‘s attitude towards money led to social problems.D. An uncontrolled love of money is the reason for many disturbances and wrongs.2. What pattern of organization is employed by the writer to develop thiscause and effect essay?A. Focus on several causes that leads to one effect.B. Focus on several effects of a single cause.C. Causal chain.D. All of the above.3. The transitional sentence“Along with the moral decline” in Paragraph3 is used to achieve .A. adequate supportB. better unityC. better coherenceD. effective sentence skill4. Which of the following best serves as the topic sentence of Paragraph 4?A.people with the love of money are not willing to invest in community projects.B. People with the love of money are more likely to focus on obtainingmore food, entertainment, games and technology.C. People with the love of money have a fanatic identification with their savings.D. The sense of community is dying.5. The writer mainly ends the essay with .A. a recommendation for people with excessive passion for moneyB. the future of those who lose the greatest of all valuesC. an attempt to understand the true nature of different socialproblems of the past and of todayD. a summary of the results of yearning for moneyPart II Read the following paragraphs and answer questions after each paragraph very briefly according to what you havelearned about writing. Please write your answer on the AnswerSheet. (15分)Paragraph 1July, a fourteen year old grade eight student, was racing down the narrow hallway like a mad dog when he bumped into the principal. Frightened and fearful, he tried to make an about turn to head in the opposite direction. The angry principal would have none of this. He grabbed July by his left shoulder, holding him firmly in his grasp. In his usual stern high-pitched voice he ordered him to the office. Like a lame wounded dog, July limped to the office. There the principal gave him his usual no-nonsense lecture and sent him back to his class.Question 1What pattern of essay development is adopted by the writer in order to show the vivid picture of the relationship between the boy and the principal? (Description)Paragraph 2I.IntroductionThesis statement: From the perspectives of climate, activities and location, to vacation at the beach is better than in the mountains. II.MountainA.ClimateB.Types of ActivitiesC.LocationIII.BeachA.ClimateB.Types of ActivitiesC.LocationIV.ConclusionQuestion 2In order to show the differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach, the illustrative method of contrasting is adopted in this guideline. What contrasting pattern is used here? (One side at a time)Paragraph 3The shelf has three layers, two of which are devoted to books on various objects. On the upper shelf are the reference books for my different courses. The books on the middle shelf are taller than those on the upper shelf, and they all stand in perfect order like two rows of soldiers marching through dark night toward down. These are books for killing time but they are my favorites. On the lower shelf, an ink bottle stands in one corner and a pocket dictionary squats in the other. Question 3This is the student's description of his bookshelf. What pattern of organization is adopted here?(Space order)Paragraph 4We know that people live various different lives, spend their time in various different ways, have different jobs, believe in different things, have different opinions, different customs, and speak different languages. Normally, we don't know the extent of these differences, yet sometimes when something unusual happens to make us notice, variety and difference appear more as a threat than an opportunity.Question 4In order to make the speech more powerful , what kind of coherence method is used in this paragraph? (Repeating key terms)Paragraph 5Research has shown that 90% of people naturally use their right hands for most tasks. But hundreds of millions of people use their left hands. Then why are some people left-handed? Scientists have been trying to answer that question for many years. A study done in 1992 found that men are more likely to be left-handed than women. It also found that Asian or Hispanic people are less likely to be left-handed than white people, black people, or North American Indians. Some culturesaccept people who do things mostly with their left hands. Others do not. Question 5This serves as an introductory paragraph for a passage. What specific method is used here as a beginning paragraph? (Question)Part III Writing (25分)In October last year, Beijing announced a plan to reduce the value of English by shifting points to Chinese in college and senior high school entrance exams from 2016. It seems that the glory days of English are fading in China and the removal of English from the “gaokao”is possible in the near future. Some English teachers and educators are opposed to this, insisting that English is a necessary ability for Chinese to understand the world. What do you think? Should English be removed from the “gaokao”, the national college entrance examination? Write a well-organized argumentative essay in which you argue for or against this controversial issue in about 300 words. Don’t forget to write a title for your essay.English Test for Non-English Major Graduate StudentsJan, 2014Ⅰ.Read the following passage carefully, and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each of the questions that follow. Please write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (10%)Negative Effects of Noise Pollution1. Technological progress has brought humanity numerous benefits. All types of devices and gadgets allow people to save time, work more efficiently and stay in touch with the rest of the world. However, there is also a flip side. Industry growth, an increasing number of vehicles and constant information overloads causes a significant and underestimated problem –noise pollution. The term noise pollution is used to define unwanted sounds that are released into the environment. Various research studies have proven that noise pollution imposes a number of negative impacts on mental and physical health. To understand the reasons behind their health conditions, people should consider the effects that are usually caused by noise pollution. In a modern megalopolis, noise pollution arises from many sources, such as traffic, barking dogs, noisy neighbors, aircrafts, verbal advertising in the streets and many other environmental factors merging into one sound wall. A person may get used to perceiving these sounds and ignore them, but on a subconscious level, such constant noise exposure has a significant effect. Noise pollution is measured in。



图画作文英语模板当然,以下是一些英语图画作文的模板,你可以根据具体的图画内容进行适当的调整:模板一:描述性图画作文Introduction:In the given illustration, we are presented with a captivating scene that depicts [describe the main subject of the picture]. The setting is [describe the environment or location].Body Paragraph 1:The first element that catches the eye is [describe a prominent feature of the picture]. This is followed by [describe another element], which adds to the overall atmosphere of the image.Body Paragraph 2:Furthermore, the artist has skillfully included [mention any people or animals in the picture], which not only brings the picture to life but also conveys a sense of [mention the emotion or message].Conclusion:Overall, the picture is a powerful representation of[summarize the main theme or message]. It leaves a lasting impression and encourages viewers to [mention any thought or action the picture might inspire].模板二:议论性图画作文Introduction:The provided image is a thought-provoking depiction of [describe the main subject or issue]. It raises questions about [mention the issue or theme].Body Paragraph 1:One of the most striking aspects of the image is [describe a feature that supports your argument]. This suggests that [elaborate on how it supports your argument].Body Paragraph 2:Additionally, the inclusion of [another element in the picture] serves to emphasize the importance of [explain its significance]. It is a clear indication that [further explain its relevance to the argument].Conclusion:In conclusion, the picture effectively communicates the message that [summarize the main point]. It is a call to action for [mention any action or change the picture suggests].模板三:叙事性图画作文Introduction:The illustration tells a story of [describe the mainnarrative or event]. It is a visual narrative that unfolds as we observe the details within the frame.Body Paragraph 1:The beginning of the story is set with [describe the initial scene or event]. This is followed by a series of events that lead to [describe the progression].Body Paragraph 2:As the story unfolds, we see [describe a turning point or climax]. This moment is pivotal as it [explain its importance to the story].Conclusion:The picture concludes with [describe the final scene or outcome]. It leaves the viewer with a sense of [mention the emotion or message], and it serves as a reminder that [mention any moral or lesson].记得使用这些模板时,要根据实际的图画内容进行适当的调整,确保作文内容与图画相符合。



Millions of years ago, Australia was linked to Asia by a land bridge. Then an earthquake caused the land to buckle in deep folds. The sea rushed in, and Australia became an island. When the Christmas holidays arrive, the climate in Australia in sunny and warm. Many animals that once wandered back and forth across the land bridge were stranded in Australia. The gentle marsupials (animal with pouched) were among the stranded. Though fierce beasts killed them off elsewhere, they were able to survive in Australia.
Connecting Sentences Within the Paragraph
Words that compare and contrast ideas in the same way in comparison similarly by the same token by contrast otherwise whereas although … Transition words Words that make emphasis surely certainly above all undoubtedly indeed truly in fact without a doubt … Words that make conclusion in conclusion finally in short in brief to sum up in summary all in all above all …







三、段落的特点与要素1. 一个段落通常包含一个主题句(topic sentence),用于概括段落的中心思想,提供段落的核心主题。

2. 主题句后会有若干支持句(supporting sentences),用来支持和证明主题句的理由和观点。

3. 段落的最后一句往往是总结句(concluding sentence),用于总结段落的主要内容,使段落具有结论性质。

四、段落的分类1. 总分段落(topic-subtopic paragraph):主题句与其支持句按照一种总分关系进行组织,第一句话先提出一个总的观点,后面的句子逐一展开该观点下的不同分支或细节。

2. 时空顺序段落(chronological order paragraph):按照时间或空间的先后顺序进行组织,可以更清晰地描述事件发展的过程。

3. 例证论证段落(illustration paragraph):通过具体的例子来支持和证明主题句的观点。

4. 递进顺序段落(progressive order paragraph):通过递进的方式展开段落的论述,每一句话都在前一句话的基础上进行推进。

5. 对比/转折段落(comparison/contrast paragraph):通过对比或转折来展示不同的观点或事物,突出它们的差异或相似之处。



六、结构的常用模式1. 五大问题模式(five Ws and one H pattern):回答了谁、什么、何地、何时、为何以及如何这六个问题,可以清楚地表达事物的全貌。



Begin with an introduction that includes the Thesis statement, which is supported by examples in the body of the essay;
Each body paragraph may develop a separate example and present a point illustrated by several brief examples;
The conclusion reinforces the main idea of the essay, perhaps restating the thesis.
• Getting Up Early Is a Good Habit
Getting up early is a good habit. It is very important to our health, our study, our life and so on. First, getting up early helps to keep us strong. We can do morning exercises in the open air in the morning and breathe fresh air to build our bodies. Second, getting up early helps us to memorize what we have learned in class by reading aloud in the morning. Third, getting up early can help us to find enough time to prepare our work of the day. If we stick to getting up early every day, it will do us a lot of good.


Long paragraphs fቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱr detailed explanations
When providing detailed explanations or long arguments, use long paragraphs Longer paragraphs allow for a more comprehensive and nuanced discussion, giving the reader more information to consider
The relationship between paragraphs should be clear and logical, with each paragraph building on the previous one
Paragraphs can be organized in a linear fashion, with each paragraph discussing a different aspect of the overall topic Alternately, paragraphs can be grouped theoretically, with each group discussing similar ideas or concepts
It should not simply repeat the theme presence, but rather synthesize the
main points and give readers a sense of closure
The organizational structure of Paragraphs

Paragraph Writing

Paragraph Writing

criteria of an effective paragraph

A paragraph should be unified, coherent and well developed. All the sentences in a paragraph should focus on one central thought, and one sentence should lead logically to another, so that the paragraph is smooth and natural. So, unity, coherence and transition are three criteria of an effective paragraph.
Exercise: Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph.

We now have, as a result of modern means of communication, hundreds of thousands of words flung at us daily. We are constantly being talked at, by teachers, preachers, salesmen, public officials, and motion picture soundtracks. The cries of advertisers pursue us into our very homes, thanks to the radio— and in some houses the radio is never turned off from morning to night. Daily the news boy brings us, in large cities, from thirty to fifty enormous pages of print, and almost three times that amount on Sunday. We go out and get more words at bookstores and libraries. Words fill our lives.



Closing Sentence
The closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph.
It restates the main idea of your paragraph. Restate the main idea of the paragraph using
The Paradox of English
Let's face it-English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant (茄子) nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple(菠 萝). English muffins (松饼) weren't invented in England nor French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
Examine testimony (what other people say such as quotes and paraphrases)
Use an anecdote or story Define terms in the paragraph Compare and contrast Evaluate causes and reasons
Words Phrases Sentences Single idea Correct grammar Effective sentences Effective paragraph



Words Phrases Sentences Single idea Correct grammar Effective sentences Effective paragraph
Features of a Paragraph
Sample 1 The Irish countryside is very beautiful. Generous rainfall---rich green vegetation Varied landscape---dramatic mountains, rocky coastlines and rolling
Part 4 Paragraph
What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic.
Unity, Coherence, A Topic Sentence, and Adequate Development.
introductory sentence? How can I make this paragraph or essay interesting? Where can I find more facts on this topic?

2. Open your notebook.
Write out your answers to the above questions. You do not need to spend a lot of time doing this; just write enough to help you remember why and how you are going to write your paragraph or essay.



插画类英语作文模板高中Illustration English Composition Template for High School。

Introduction:Illustration, as a form of visual art, has been widely used in various fields such as publishing, advertising, and education. It is a powerful tool to convey ideas, emotions, and messages to the audience. In this essay, we will explore the significance of illustration in different aspects and its impact on society.Body Paragraph 1: The History of Illustration。

Illustration has a long history that dates back to ancient times. It has been used in cave paintings, manuscripts, and religious texts. In the modern era, illustration has evolved with the development of printing technology, leading to the rise of illustrated books, magazines, and newspapers. Illustration has also played a crucial role in the field of advertising, where it is used to promote products and convey brand messages to consumers.Body Paragraph 2: The Role of Illustration in Education。



考研英语图画作文模板Introduction:The Graduate Entrance Examination (Gaokao) in China places a significant emphasis on the ability to write essays based on provided illustrations. These essays, known as picture essays, require candidates to interpret visual data and express their thoughts coherently in English. To assist students incrafting effective responses, the following template can be used as a guide to structure and develop a picture essay for the Gaokao English exam.Paragraph 1: Introduction and Overall Description- Begin with a brief introduction that mentions the contentof the illustration.- Describe the main elements of the picture, including characters, actions, and setting.- State the general theme or message that the illustration seems to convey.Example:"The picture presents a striking scene where two individuals are shown with contrasting actions. While one person is diligently planting a tree, the other is chopping one down. The setting is a barren landscape that underscores the importance of environmental conservation, which appears to be the central theme of the illustration."Paragraph 2: Detailed Description and Analysis- Dive into a detailed description of the picture, focusing on specific elements that stand out.- Analyze the implications of the actions depicted in the illustration.- Discuss the possible reasons behind these actions and their societal or environmental impact.Example:"A closer look at the picture reveals the expressions on the faces of the individuals. The person planting the tree has a determined look, suggesting a commitment to long-term sustainability. Conversely, the individual chopping the tree exhibits a short-sighted expression, possibly indicating a focus on immediate gains. This contrast highlights the conflict between sustainable practices and exploitative behaviors that often occur in our society."Paragraph 3: Personal Opinion and Reflection- Express your personal opinion on the issue presented in the illustration.- Reflect on the significance of the issue in the broader context.- Propose potential solutions or actions that could be taken to address the problem.Example:"In my view, the picture serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to the environment. It is a call to action for each of us to consider the consequences of our actions on the natural world. To address the issue of deforestation, I believe that we must advocate for stronger environmentalregulations and promote reforestation efforts. Education and awareness campaigns can also play a crucial role in changing public attitudes towards environmental conservation."Conclusion:- Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.- Restate the importance of the theme and the message conveyed by the illustration.- End with a call to action or a thought-provoking question to encourage further reflection.Example:"In conclusion, the picture essay effectively illustrates the urgent need for sustainable environmental practices. It challenges us to reflect on our behaviors and their long-term effects on the planet. As we move forward, it is imperative that we take collective and individual actions to ensure a greener and more sustainable future. The question remains: will we choose to plant trees or continue to cut them down?"Remember, this template is a starting point. It is important to adapt and expand upon it based on the specificillustration and the points you wish to make. Additionally, ensure that your essay is well-organized, coherent, and demonstrates a high level of language proficiency to achieve a high score in the Gaokao English exam.。


1、问题:What are the common patterns of expository essays?( )
D:Comparison and Contrast
E:Process Analysis
答案: 【对】
5、问题:When personal experiences are used to support your points in an essay, you can only use other peoples experiences.
答案: 【错】
A: General
答案: 【Specific ;
Representative ;
1、问题:What are the common patterns of expository essays?( )
答案: 【Thesis statement ;
Attention-getter ;
Bridge 】
3、问题:When you want to explain the supporting points of your essay, what methods can you use?
答案: 【Cause-effect;
Illustration ;



How We Form First Impression1.Paragraph 2:Comparing Incoming Sensory Information against Memories2.Paragraph 3: Illustration of First Impression3.Paragraph 4: Comment on First Impression4.Paragraph 5: Ways of Departure from Immature and Simplistic Impressions5.Sensory information is one that is perceived through the sights and sounds of the world6.You interpret by comparing it against the memories already stored in your brain the meaning of incoming sensory information7.The way we stereotype people is a less mature form of thinking, which is similar to the immature form of thinking of a very young child8.We can use our more mature style of thinking thanks to the most complex areas of our cortexHow to Argue with Your Boss1.Paragraph 2: Don't Go in When You Are Angry2.Paragraph 3: Make the Issue Clear3.Paragraph 4: Propose Your Solution4.Paragraph 5: Put Yourself in the Boss's Position5.If you want to ask the boss for anything, it is important to find out firsthow he is feeling6.It is necessary to make clear to the boss what you really want to talk to him about7.It is not wise to present the boss with a problem without suggestipg.a way to solve it8.You must be consilerate and think of the troules the boss may haveScreen test1.Paragraph 2:harm screening may do to a younger wowan2.Paragraph 3: investigating the effect of screening3.Paragraph 4:effects predicted by two different models4.Paragraph 5:small risk of inducing cancers from radiation5.early discovery of breast cancer may save a life6.advantages of screening women under 50 are still open to debate7.delaying the age at which screening starts may reduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancer.8.radiation exposure should be reduced to the minimumTransport and trade1.Paragraph 2:importance of transport in trade2.Paragraph 3:higher living standard3.Paragraph 4:birth of transport-related industries and trade4.Paragraph 5:role of indormation in trade5.the development of modern means of transport has greatly promoted trade6.only when goods can be carried to all parts of the world quickly is it possible to produce ona large scale.7.transport has made it possible for people to eat whatever food they want at any time during the the trade of modern society the transmission of information plays as important a role as The transport of goodsWashoe learned American sign language1.Paragraph 1:general information about washoe2.Paragraph 2:report about washoes progress in learning sign language3.Paragraph 3:debate on chimps intelligence4.Paragraph 4:reason why not many scientists carry out this resrarch nowadays5.washoe could make signs to communicate when she wanted to eat6.some scientists doubted if the gardners argument was sound7.washoe taught three younger chumps sign language while she could use sign language to ask for fruits8.the experimentrs thought washoe was intelligent because she could use sign language to ask for fruits。




Comic books have become an increasingly popular form of entertainment in recent years. They offer readers a unique blend of visual storytelling and written narrative, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. However, comic books can also be a challenging genre to write, as they require authors to be able to effectively combine words and images to create a compelling story.This essay will provide a template for writing a five-paragraph comic book essay. The template will cover the following elements:Introduction。

Body paragraph 1: Describing the artwork。

Body paragraph 2: Analyzing the plot。

Body paragraph 3: Evaluating the characters。


Body Paragraph 1: Describing the Artwork。

The first body paragraph should focus on describing the artwork in the comic book. Discuss the artist's style, use of color, and panel layout. What is the overall effect of the artwork? How does it contribute to the story?Body Paragraph 2: Analyzing the Plot。

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◦ Topic sentence: ◦ This term several useful and interesting courses have been offered. ◦ Supporting points: ◦ 1. Supporting point one: An Introduction to European Culture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of European philosophy, literature, and arts. ◦ 2. Supporting point two: American Society and Culture is another course that attracts a large audience. ◦ Concluding sentence: ◦ We like these and other courses very much, because they help us not only to improve our English but also to broaden our vision.
◦ Detail for Example Three
What is illustration?
◦ Example
◦ Illustration paragraph
◦ Topic Sentence
◦ Example One
◦ Detail for Example One ◦ Example Two
◦ Detail for Example Two
◦ Example Three
Байду номын сангаас
Definition of Illustration
◦ Direction: Study the following passage and draw an outline for it. ◦ Topic sentence:_____________________. ◦ Supporting points: 1.__________________. ◦ 2.__________________. ◦ Concluding sentence:__________________.
How to plan a narrative
◦ 1. setting ◦ 2. detail ◦ 3. organization ◦ 4. person ◦ 5. purpose ◦ 6. transition ◦ 7. cohesion of tense
◦ Lecture Focus ◦ 1. Definition of illustration ◦ 2. Functions of examples ◦ 3. Characteristics of examples ◦ 4. Organization of examples
◦ This term several useful and interesting courses have been offered. An Introduction to European Culture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of European philosophy, literature, and arts. From time to time we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear tapes of famous pieces of music, and they make the lectures all the more interesting. American Society and Culture is another course that attracts a large audience. The teacher, who visited the United States not long ago, discusses new trends and changes in American life as well as American history and traditions. We like these and other courses very much, because they help us not only to improve our English but also to broaden our vision.