测绘工程专业英语Unit 9
Unit1 What is Geomatics ?Geomatics:Where does the word Geomatics come from? GEODESY +GEOINFORMATICS = GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and -MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics .Now the term includes the traditional surveying definition along with surveying steadily increased importance with the development of new technologies and the growing demand for a variety of spatially related types of information, particularly in measuring and monitoring our environment . Geomatics bridges wide arcs from the geosciences through various engineering sciences and computer sciences to spatial planning, land development and the environmental sciences .ISO: the International Standards Organization ( ISO)surveyor:The term “surveyor”is traditionally used to collectively describe those engaged in the above activities . Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane SurveyingGeodetic Surveying : The type of surveying that takes into account the true shape of the earth is called geodetic surveying . This type of survey is suited for large areas and long lines and is used to find the precise location of basic points needed for establishing control for other surveys .In geodetic surveys, the stations are norm ally long distances apart, and more precise instruments and surveying methods are required for this type of surveying than for plane surveying .Geodetic control survey points: Widely spaced , permanent monuments serve as the basis for computing lengths and distances between relative positions . These basic points with permanent monuments are called geodetic control survey points, which support the production of consistent and compatible data for surveying and mapping projects .Plane Surveying : The type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered a plane, or in which the curvature of the earth can be disregarded without significant error, generally is called plane surveying . The term is used to designate survey work in which the distancesor areas involved are of limited extent .the curvature of the earth must be taken into consideration only in precisesurveys of large areas .Surveys for the location and construction of high ways, railroads, canals, and in general, the surveys necessary for the works of human beings are plane surveys, as are the surveys made to establish boundaries, except state and national . There is close cooperation between geodetic surveying and plane surveying . The geodetic survey adopts the parameters determined by measurements of the earth , and its own results are available to those who measure the earth . The plane surveys, in turn , are generally tied to the control points of the geodetic surveys and serve particularly in the development of national map series and in the formation of real estate cadastres .Unit3 Distance MeasurementElectronic Distance Measurement (EDM): EDM instruments refer to the distance measurement equipments using light and radio waves . Both light waves and radio waves are electromagnetic .The advent of EDM instrument has completely revolutionized all surveying procedures, resulting in a change of emphasis and techniques .优点:Distance can now be measured easily , quickly and with great accuracy , regardless of terrain conditions . 分类:The EDM instruments may be classified according to the type and wavelength of the electromagnetic energy generated or according to their operational range . EDM instruments use three different wavelength bands: ( 1) Microwave systems with range up to 150 km , wavelength 3 cm , not limited to line of sight and unaffected by visibility; (2 ) Light wave systems with range up to 5 km (for small machines) , visible light, lasers and distance reduced by visibility; ( 3) Infrared systems with range up to 3 km , limited to line of sight and limited by rain , fog , other airborneparticles .两种方法:There are basically two methods of measurement employed which may divide the instruments into two classification as electro-optical (light waves) and microwaves ( radio waves) instruments . These two basic methods are namely the pulse method and more popular phase different method . They function by sending light waves or microwaves along the path to be measured and measuring the time differences between transmitted and received signals, or in measuring the phase differences between transmitted and received signals in returning the reflecting light wave to source .Unit 4 Angle and Direction MeasurementA vertical line: A vertical line at any point on the earth’s surface is the line that follows the direction of gravity at that point . It is the direction that a string will assume if a weight is attached at that point and the string is suspended freely at the point . At a given point there is only one vertical line .A horizontal line: A horizontal line at a point is any line that is perpendicular to the vertical line at the point . At any point there are an unlimited number of horizontal lines .A horizontal plane: A horizontal plane at a point is the plane that is perpendicular to the vertical line at the point . There is only one horizontal plane through a given point .A vertical plane: A vertical plane at a point is any plane that contains the vertical line at the point . T here are an unlimited number of vertical planes at a given point .A horizontal angle:A horizontal angle is the angle formed in a horizontal plane by two intersecting vertical planes, or a horizontal angle between two lines is the angle between the projections of the lines onto a horizontal plane .A vertical angle: A vertical angle is an angle measured in a vertical plane which is referenced to a horizontal line by plus (up) or minus ( down ) angles, or to a vertical line from the zenith direction .Zenith: Zenith is the term describing points on a celestial sphere that is a sphere of infinitely large radius with its center at the center of the earth .Azimuth: Azimuth is the horizontal angle measured in a clock wise direction from the plane of the meridian , which is a line on the mean surface of the earth joining the north and south poles .Bearing: Bearing is the traditional way of stating the orientation of the line . It is actually the angle measured from the north or south .Unit 5 TraversingTraversing : A survey traverse is a sequence of lengths and directions of lines between points on the earth, obtained by or fro m field angle and distance measurements and used in deter mining positions of the points . In general, a traverse is always classified as either an open traverse or a closed traverse.An open traverse:An open traverse originates either at a point of known horizontal position with respect to a horizontal datum or at an assumed horizontal position , and terminates at a station whose relative position is not previously known .A closed traverse:A closed traverse can be described in any one of the following two ways: ( 1) A closed loop traverse , as the name implies, forms a continuous loop , enclosing an area . This type of closed traverse starts at assumed horizontal position or at a known horizontal position with respect to a horizontal datum and ends at the same point . 比较:The open traverse provides no check against mistakes and large errors for its termination at an unknown horizontal position and lack of geometric closure . This lack of geometric closure means that there is no geometric verification possible with respect to the actual positioning of the traverse stations . Thus, the measuring technique must be refined to provide for field verification . At a minimum , distances are measured twice and angles are doubled . Open traversesare often used for preliminary survey for a road or railroad .Closed traverses, whether they return to the starting point or not, provide checks on the measured angles and distances . In both cases, the angles can be closed geometrically , and the position closure can be determined mathematically . Therefore they are more desirable and used extensively in control, construction , property , and topographic surveys . angular closure: The difference between the geometric sum and actual field sum of the interior angles is called angular closure .latitude: By definition , latitude here is the north/ south rectangular component of a line and departure is the east/ west rectangular component of a line .Unit 6 Methods of Elevation DeterminationElevation: An elevation is a vertical distance above or below a reference datum .MSL : mean seal level (MSL) . MSL is assigned a vertical value (elevation) of 0 .000 ft or 0 .000 m .Direct or spirit leveling: Direct or spirit leveling, by measuring vertical distances directly . Direct leveling is most precise method of deter mining elevations and the one commonly used .In direct or trigonometric leveling:In direct or trigonometric leveling, by measuring vertical angles and horizontal or slope distances .B S : a is called Backsight (BS) which is a rod reading taken on a point of known elevation in order to establish the elevation of the instrument line of sight .F S : b is called Foresight (FS) which is a rod reading taken on a turning point, benchmark , or temporary benchmark in order to determine its elevation .比较:Spirit Leveling :The most precise method of determining elevations and most commonly used method .Trigonometric leveling is used where difficult terrain , such as mountainous areas, precludes the use of conventional differential leveling.The important notes should be mentioned here is that surveyors used to working with spirit levels have referenced orthometric heights (H) to the “average”surface of the earth , as depicted by MSL . However, the elevation coordinate (h) given by GPS solutions refers to the height from the surface of the ellipsoid to the ground station .Unit 7 Robotic Total StationTotal Station:the total station that integrate these two instruments into a single instrument . Total stations contain built-in microprocessors that calculate and display the horizontal distance from the measured slope distance and vertical height .A total station is the most commonly used instruments now in geomatics engineering , which is fully integrated instrument that capture all the spatial data necessary for a 3-dimensional positional information . A total station integrates the functions of an electronic theodolite for measuring angles, an EDM for measuring distances, digital data and a data recorder .Total stations allow the measurement of m any points on a surface being observed within a very short time range . Robotic Total Station:特点: When those total stations have been designed with automatic target recognition ( ATR ) function , they allow the user to automatically track , measure and record targets . Current technology provides robotic (motorized) total stations that are able to m easure angles with an accuracy of ±0 .5″and dis tances with an accuracy of ±1 mm + 1 pp m to a range of 3500m . Latest models are capable of searching automatically for targets and then locking onto them precisely , turning angles automatically to designated points using the uploaded coordinates of those points , repeating angles by automatically double-centering , and even equipped with automatic data transfer systems . These instruments, when combined with a remote controller held by the prism surveyor, enable the surveyto proceed with a reduced need for personnel . All these characteristics make the robotic total stations very useful for geomatics engineering tasks .Take advantage of the measuring speed and have multiple rod people on larger jobs . Robotic total stations are already being used in hazardous areas to provide continuous monitoring of structures or processes.Unit 8 Errors in MeasurementA direct measurement: A direct measurement is one where the reading observed represents the quantity measured , without a need to add , take averages or use geometric formulas to compute the value desired .An indirect measurement: An indirect measurement requires calculation and can be determined from its mathematical relationship to direct measurements w hen it is not possible or practical to make direct measurements .error: By definition , an error is the difference between a measured value for any quantity and its true value . The sources of errors fall into three broad categories.Instrumental Errors : These errors are caused by imperfections in instrument construction or adjustment . For example, the divisions on a theodolite or total station instrument may not be spaced uniformly . These error sources are present whether the equipment is read manually or digitally .Natural Errors : These errors are caused by variation in the surrounding environment conditions, such as atmospheric pressure, temperatures wind , gravitational fields, and magnetic fields , etc .Person al Errors : These errors arise due to limitations in hum an senses, such as the ability to read a micrometer or to center a level bubble . T he sizes of these errors are affected by personal ability to see and by manual dexterity . Mistakes :Mistakes or blunders ( gross errors ) actually are not errors because they usually are so gross in magnitude compared to the other two types of errors . Carelessness, inattention , improper training , badhabits, poor judgment, adverse measuring or observing conditions, and various negative attitudes and emotions are the traces or the common reasons for mistakes .Systematic Errors : Systematic Errors are defined as those errors whose magnitude and algebraic sign can be calculated and applied as a correction to the measured quantity , or these errors follow some physicallaw and thus can be predicted . Some systematic errors are removed by some correct measurement procedures (e .g ., balancing backsight and foresight distances in differential leveling to compensate for earth curvature and refraction ) . Others are removed by deriving corrections based on the physical conditions that were responsible for their creation (e .g ., applying a computed correction for earth curvature and refraction on a trigonometric leveling observation) . Surveyors should know how to deal with systematic errors . The first requirement is to recognize and accept the possible existence of errors . Next, identify the various sources that might be affecting a reading systematically , then , determine what the “syste m”is . Once systematic errors discovered and quantified , the errors can be essentially compensated by certain processes of measuring or corrected to reduce their effect .Random Errors : Random (also known as accident) errors are introduced into each measurement mainly because of human and instrument imperfections as w ell as uncertainties in determining the effects of the environment on measurements . Examples of random errors are (a) imperfect centering over a ground point during distance measurement with an EDM instrument, (b) bubble not centered at the instant a level rod is read , and (c) small errors in reading graduated scales .Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random ErrorsRandom errors: Random errors are those variables that remain after mistakes are detected and eliminated and all systematic errors have been removed or corrected from the measured values .rando merrors follow the following empirical rules:(1 ) A random error will not exceed a certain amount .(2 ) Positive and negative random errors may occur at the same frequency .(3 ) Errors that are small in magnitude are more likely to occur than those that are larger in magnitude .(4 ) The mean of random errors tends to zero as the sample size tends to infinite .Mean: The most comm only used measure of central tendency is the mean of a set of data (a sample) . The concept of mean refers to the most probable value of the random variable .The mean is defined as x=1n∑xxxx=1where x x are the observations, n is the sample size , or total number of observations in the sample , and x is the mean which is also called most probable value ( MPV ) .Standard deviation:Standard deviation is a numerical value indicating the amount of variation about a central value . Propagation of errors (or error propagation): Error propagation is one of the many aspects of analyzing errors . It is the mathematical process used to estimate the expected random error in a computed or indirectly measured quantity , caused by one or more identified and estimated random errors in one or more identified variables that influence the precision of the quantity .Unit 10 Accuracy and PrecisionPrecision:The degree of refinement in the performance of an operation , or the degree of perfection in the instruments and methods used to obtain a result, or an indication of the uniformity or reproducibility of a result . Precision relates to the quality of an operation by which a result is obtained , and is distinguished from accuracy , which relates to the quality of the result .Accuracy: The degree of conformity of a final measured value , with respect to the true value as defined by accepted standard (the “truth” ) .区别:So from the analysis of precision and accuracy , several important facts should be mentioned as follows . (1) Scatter is an “ indicator of precision”; the wider the scatter of a set of results about the mean , the less reliable they will be compared with results having a small scatter . (2) Precision must not be confused with accuracy; the former is a relative grouping without regard to the nearness to the truth , whilst the latter denotes absolute nearness to the truth . (3) Precision may be regarded as an index of accuracy only when all sources of error, other than random errors, have been eliminated .An example that explains the difference between precision and accuracy better than any other in surveying has to do with error of closure in traversing . Many surveyors seem to think that error of closure checks the accuracy of the work . Wrong ! Error of closure primarily checks the precision , not the accuracy . It checks accuracy only in that it can find blunders . But, since it cannot detect systematic errors in the distances, it cannot fully check accuracy . Unit 31 Interferometric SAR( In SAR )Radar interferometry: Radar interferometry is a technique for extracting three-dimensional information of the Earth’s surface by using the phase content of radar signal as an additional information source derived from the complex radar data .SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar is an active sensor transmitting and receiving microwave signals ,i.e. measuring distances between the sensor and the point on the Earth’s surface, where the signal is backscattered .The se nsor emits electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and then records the strength and time delay of the returning signal to produce images of the ground .The interferometric data processing scheme includes in general (1) registration of the complex images, (2) the formationof the interferograms, (3) the phase unwrapping, and (4) the digital elevation model reconstruction .1.To DEFINE the background and argument of the present study:➢Although(the research subject)…,(the related problem)… is as yet undetermined➢(The research subject)…, however, (the related problem)… remains unsolved.➢(Previous studies) have examined…, (the related problem) is that…, despite…➢(Problems in certain research area) are…, yet (the present solution) has frequently been questioned bec ause…➢This paper describes/presents… (the argument) within… (a theoretical context)➢While (the debate on certain research subject) seems to…, (the present agreement) is still problematic.2.To STATE the purpose of the present study:➢This paper advances the view that…➢The article advocates/discusses/develops/focuses on/gives detailed explanation for/investigates into/proposes/holds that/…➢The purpose/intention of this paper is…➢The primary goal/aim of this research is…➢The overall objective of this study is…➢In this paper/study, we aim at…➢The work/investigation presented in this paper focuses on…➢This research is designed to determine/measure/evaluate…➢The author intends/attempts o outline the framework of/obtain som e knowledge of…3.To DESCRIBE the angle of observing issues:➢… from the angle of…➢… in the light of the context that…➢To view something at a different angle/from various angles…➢From the point of view of…➢From the perspective of…4.To INTRODUCE the main participants or materials:➢The present study has investigated… by using/analyzing… (participants/m)➢In this study, we inquired/examined/evaluated… (participants/materials)➢The experiments/investigations of the present study involved…(p/materials)5.To DESCRIBE research method and procedures:➢Detailed information has been acquired by the authors using..➢Several sets of experiments have been performed to test the validity of…➢The technique the author adopted is referred to as…➢The experiments consisted of four steps, which are described in…➢The method/approach used in the present study is…➢The experiment/investigation in the paper is conducted by adopting…➢The procedure the present study followed can be briefly described as…➢The experiment/study consist ed of the following steps: …➢Included in the experiment were…➢Based on the idea that…, we conducted the present study, categorized…, and evaluated…6.To PRESENT results, findings and conclusion:➢The results of the experiment indicate/suggest that…; it is also found that…➢The results are as follows: …➢The analysis of the samples indicates that..➢The data obtained seem to be very similar o those reported earlier by…➢It is concluded that..; the results also imply the further study into…➢The investigation/experiment varied by… and the results also revealed that…➢These findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion that…➢Based on/upon the outcome/findi ngs of the research, …➢The data/results obtained appear to…, thus we may conclude that…➢As a result of the current experiments, we conclude that…➢The author points out/recommends/concludes that…➢In summing up it may be stated that…➢All the preliminary resu lts throw light on the nature of…。
Table of ContentsUuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) (2)Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量) (6)Unit 3 Distance Measurement(距离测量) (10)Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement(角度和方向测量) (14)Unit 5 Traversing (导线测量) (17)Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determination(高程测量方法) (21)Unit 7 Robotic Total Station (智能型全站仪) (25)Unit 8 Errors in Measurement(测量工作中的误差) (29)Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors (32)Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision (准确度和精度) (35)Unit 11 Least-Squares Adjustment (38)Unit 12 Geodesy Concepts (40)Unit 13 Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid (42)Unit 14 Datums, Coordinates and Conversions (44)Unit 15 Map Projection (46)Unit 16 Gravity Measurment (48)Unit 17 Optimal Design of Geomatics Network (50)Unit 18 Construction Layout (施工放样) (53)Unit 19 Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Struvture (56)Unit 20 Understan ding the GPS(认识GPS) (59)Uuit 21 Understanding the GPS (II) 认识GPS(II) (62)Unit 22 Competition in Space Orbit(太空轨道上的竞争) (64)Unit 23 GIS Basics(GIS 的基础) (69)Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS GIS中的数据类型和模型 (75)Unit 25 Digital Terrain Modeling(数字地面模型) (79)Unit 26 Applications of GIS (83)Unit 27 Developments of photogrammetry (87)Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (遥感的基础) (90)Unit 29 Digital Image Processing and Its Applications in RS (94)Unit 30 Airborne Laser Mapping Technology(机载激光测图技术) (99)Unit 31 Interferometric SAR(InSAR) (102)Unit 32 Brief Introduction toApplied Geophysics (104)Unit 33 Origon of Induced Polarization (105)Unit 34 International Geoscience Organization (108)Unit 35 Prestigious Journals in Geomatics (110)Unit 36 Relevant Surveying Instrument Companies (115)Unit 37 Expression of Simple Equations and Scientific Formulsa (116)Unit 38 Professional English Paper Writing (119)Unit 39 Translation Techniques for EST (127)Uuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?)GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMA TICS or GEO- for earth and –MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学或者geo 代表地球,matics 代表数学,或者geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解)The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer scienceand/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语【term 术语】作为一个学科【academic discipline 学科】第一次形成【emerge】于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学” 或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和GIS 方向【或“基于GIS” 】的课程后重新命名的。
测绘工程专业英语翻译Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors (随机误差的统计学基本分析)Random errors are those variables that remain after mistakes are detected and eliminated and all systematic errors have been removed or corrected from the measured values.【eliminate】后,并且所有系统误差被从测量值中移除或修正后,保留下的那些变量【variable变量、变化n.】)They are beyond the control of the observer.So the random errors are errors the ourrence of which does not follow a deterministic pattern.确定性的】模式【pattern】而发生的误差)In mathematical statistics, they are considered as stochastic variables, and despite their irregular behavior, the study of random errors in any well-conducted measuring process or experiment has indicated that random errors follow the following empirical rules:【mathematical statistics】中,它们被当成随机变量【stochastic variable】,尽管它们的行为无规律,在任一正确的【well-conducted原意为品行端正的,这里指测量实验和活动是无误的】测量活动和实验中,对的随机误差的研究显示【indicate】随机误差遵循以下经验法则【empirical⑴A random error will not exceed a certain amount.(随即误差不会超过一个确定的值)⑵Positive and negative random errors may our at the same frequency.(正负误差出现的频率相同)⑶Errors that are small in magnitude are more likely to our than those that are larger in magnitude.比数值大的误差出现可能性大【be likely to 可能】)⑷The mean of random errors tends to zero as the sample size tends to infinite.随机误差的平均值趋近于0)In mathematical statistics, random errors follow statistical behavioral laws such as the laws of probability.【statistical】行为【behavioral行为的】规律,如概率法则)A characteristic theoretical pattern of error distribution ours upon analysis of a large number of repeated measurementsof a quantity, which conform to normal or Gaussian distribution.观测分析【analysisn.】中的误差分布的一个特征理论模式,遵照【conform to遵照】正态或高斯分布)【在对一个量进行大量重复观测分析后,得到一个误差分布的理论特征——正态或高斯分布】The plot of error sizes versus probabilities would approach a smooth curve of the characteristic bell-shape.与……相对】概率的关系图,接近一条光滑的特有的【characteristic特有的】钟形曲线。
Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors (随机误差的统计学基本分析)Random errors are those variables that remain after mistakes are detected and eliminated and all systematic errors have been removed or corrected from the measured values.(随机误差是在错误被察觉【detect】和消除【eliminate】后,并且所有系统误差被从测量值中移除或修正后,保留下的那些变量【variable变量、变化n.】)They are beyond the control of the observer.(它们是观测者无法控制的)So the random errors are errors the occurrence of which does not follow a deterministic pattern.(因此随机误差是不遵循某个确定性【deterministic 确定性的】模式【pattern】而发生的误差)In mathematical statistics, they are considered as stochastic variables, and despite their irregular behavior, the study of random errors in any well-conducted measuring process or experiment has indicated that random errors follow the following empirical rules:(在数理统计【mathematical statistics】中,它们被当成随机变量【stochastic variable】,尽管它们的行为无规律,在任一正确的【well-conducted原意为品行端正的,这里指测量实验和活动是无误的】测量活动和实验中,对的随机误差的研究显示【indicate】随机误差遵循以下经验法则【empirical rule】:)⑴A random error will not exceed a certain amount.(随即误差不会超过一个确定的值)⑵Positive and negative random errors may occur at the same frequency.(正负误差出现的频率相同)⑶Errors that are small in magnitude are more likely to occur than those that are larger in magnitude.(误差数值【magnitude量值、大小】小的比数值大的误差出现可能性大【be likely to 可能】)⑷The mean of random errors tends to zero as the sample size tends to infinite.(当【as】样本大小【sample size】趋近于无穷【infinite】时,随机误差的平均值趋近于0)In mathematical statistics, random errors follow statistical behavioral laws such as the laws of probability.(在数理统计中,随机误差遵循统计学的【statistical】行为【behavioral行为的】规律,如概率法则)A characteristic theoretical pattern of error distribution occurs upon analysis of a large number of repeated measurements of a quantity, which conform to normal or Gaussian distribution.(发生在一个量的大量重复观测分析【analysisn.】中的误差分布的一个特征理论模式,遵照【conform to遵照】正态或高斯分布)【在对一个量进行大量重复观测分析后,得到一个误差分布的理论特征——正态或高斯分布】The plot of error sizes versus probabilities would approach a smooth curve of the characteristic bell-shape.(误差大小与【versus与、与……的关系、与……相对】概率的关系图,接近一条光滑的特有的【characteristic 特有的】钟形曲线。
测绘工程专业英语考试重点Geomatic测绘学Geosciences地球科学Geodesy大地测量学Cadastral surveying地籍测量Geodetic surveying 大地测量Marine survey 海洋测量Geological survey 地质测量Control survey 控制测量Horizontal survey 水平测量Vertical survey 高程测量Topographic survey 地形测量Tacheometry 视距测量Contour等高线Chart图表Fieldwork外业Officework内业Elevation高程Basic point 基准点Benchmark 水准基点Stations 测站Geoid 水准面Vertical垂直Theodolite经纬仪Monumentation埋石Latitude纬度Longitude经度Prime meridian 本初子午线Gravity field 重力场Curvature 曲率Fixed error 固定误差Proportionnal error 比例误差Multiplication constant 乘常数Angle 角度Zenith distance 天顶距Circle 度盘Azimuth方位角Triangulation 三角测量Traversing 导线测量Triangulateration 边角测量Control network 控制网Forward intersection 前方交会Resection 后方交会Side intersection 侧方交会Traverse angle 导线折角Open traverse 支导线Close traverse 闭合导线Close loop traverse闭合环导线Connecting traverse 符合导线Coordinate increment坐标增量Trigonometric leveling 三高程测量Horizontal 水平距Rod plate 尺垫Coordinates 坐标系Geodetic 大地基准Origin 原点Parameter 参数Map projection 地图投影Equidistant projection等距投影Equivalent projection 等积投影Orthographic projection 正射投影Differential correction 差分改正Real time kinematicRTK实动定位Cartograph制图学Raster 栅格光栅Embed 嵌入Resolution 分辨率Data classification 数据分类Topological relationship 拓扑关系aerial photogrammetry 航空摄测量Remote sensing 遥感InSAR干涉合成孔径雷达Prism 棱镜Blunder/gross error 粗差Index error 指标差Standard deviation 标准差Mean square error中误差Calibrate 校准Normal equation 法方程Space segment 空间部分--------------------------settlement observation 沉陷观测deflection observation 挠度观测property line survey 建筑红线放样cross-section survey 横断面测量geoid undulation 大地水准面差距orthometric height 正高very long baseline interferometry甚长基线干涉测量connecting traverse 附合导线zenith distance 天顶距hydrographic survey 水道测量工程测量engineering survey施工放样construction layout orsetting-out survey竣工测量as-built survey参考椭球reference ellipsoid 参考卫星激光测距satellite laserranging(SLR)重力场gravity field测量平差adjustment ofobservation or survey adjustment多余观测redundant observation点位中误差mean square error ofa point粗差检验gross error detection自动目标识别automatic targetrecognition(ATR水准尺level lod平面控制网horizontal controlnetwork地籍测量cadastral surveying orproperty survey1. Surveying is the art of making such measurements of the relative positions of points on the surface of the earth that, on drawing them to scale, natural and artificial features may be exhibited in their correct horizontal or vertical relationships.测量是测定地面上各点的相对位置,以便根据它们之间正确的水平或竖直关系,按比例展示出天然地物和人工地物的一种技术。
第一单元What is Geomatics?GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and –MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS测绘学或者 geo代表地球,matics代表数学,或者 geo代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)As such, geomatics bridges wide arcs from the geosciences through various engineering sciences and computer sciences to spatial planning, land development and the environmental sciences.(这样,测绘学在地球科学,各种工程学,计算机科学,空间规划,土地开发和环境科学相The term geomatics is a recent creation to convey the true collective and scientific nature of these related activities and has the flexibility to allow for the incorporation of future technological developments in these fields.(geomatics这个术语是个新词,表达【convey传达】了实体集合和它们相关联【related】的活动的自然科学,并使这些领域的未来技术发展的结合【incorporation 结合】成为可能。
测绘工程专业英语1. IntroductionIn the field of surveying and mapping engineering, it is crucial to have a strong command of English, as it plays a vital role in communication and understanding in the international arena. Being able to effectively communicate in English enables surveying and mapping professionals to collaborate with colleagues from different countries, participate in international conferences and seminars, and access a wealth of knowledge and resources in the field. This document aims to provide an overview of the essential English terms and expressions commonly used in the field of surveying and mapping engineering.2. Basic Terminology2.1 Surveying•Survey: The process of measuring and mapping the earth’s surface and features.•Land Survey: The measurement and mapping of land boundaries and features.•Topographic Survey: The measurement and mapping of the earth’s surface features, including natural and man-made elements.•Boundary Survey: The measurement and mapping of land boundaries.•Planimetric Survey: The measurement and mapping of only horizontal features of the earth’s surface.•Control Point: A point with known coordinates used as a reference for other measurements.•Traverse: A series of connected survey lines used to determine the positions of points on the ground.•Total Station: An electronic device used in surveying that combines the functions of a theodolite and an electronic distance meter (EDM).2.2 Mapping•Cartography: The science and art of creating maps.•Map: A visual representation of an area, typically on a flat surface.•Topographic Map: A map showing the physical features of an area, such as contours, elevation, and water bodies.•Orthophoto: An aerial photograph that has been geometrically corrected to remove distortions.•GIS (Geographic Information System): A system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, and present spatial or geographic data.•Digital Elevation Model (DEM): A 3D representation of the earth’s surface that includes elevation data.•Remote Sensing: The collection of data about the earth’s surface from a distance, usually through the use of satellite or aerial imagery.•LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): A remote sensing technology that uses laser light to measure distance and create highly accurate elevation models.3. English Expressions3.1 Surveying Expressions•。
Uuit1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?)GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and – MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学或者geo 代表地球,matics 代表数学,或者geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解)The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer scienceand/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语【term 术语】作为一个学科【academic discipline 学科】第一次形成【emerge】于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学” 或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和GIS 方向【或“基于GIS” 】的课程后重新命名的。
一、名词解释:1、Surveying (测量学)is the art of making such measurements of the relative positions of points on the surface of Earth that,on drawing them to scale natural and artificial features may be exhibited in their correct horizontal or vertical relationships.2、Plane surveying (平面测量)is of wide scope and utility,and its methods are e mployed in the vast majorit y of surveys undertaken for various purposes,such as en gineering ,architectural,legal,c ommercial,scientific,geograph ical,exploratory,military,and n avigational.3、Geodetic surveys(大地测量)are usually of a nati onal character,occasionally w orks of international coopera tion,and they are undertaken as basis for the production of accurate maps of wide areas.4、Leveling(水准测量) is t he general term applied to a ny of the various processes by which elevations of point s or differences in elevation are determined.5、The theodolite (经纬仪)is an instrument designed for the measurement of hori zontal and vertical angles.It is the most precise instrume nt available for such observ ations,and is of wide applica bility in surveying.6、A traverse(导线)is a series of consecutive lines whose lengths and directions have been determined from field measurements7、Traversing(导线测量),the act of establishing traverse stations and making the ne cessary measurements,is one of the most basic and wid ely practiced means of deter mining the relative locations of points.8、Azimuths(方位角)are measured clockwise from th e north end of the meridian through the angle points. 9、Topographic surveys(地形测量)are made to deter mine the configuration (relie f) of the earth’s surface and to locate natural and cultur al features on it.10、A topographic map(地形图)is a large scale repres entation of a portion of theEarth’s showing culture, relief, hydrography, and perhaps vegetation.11、Systematic-Error(系统误差):These-errors conformto mathematical and physical laws.Their magnitude maybe constant or variable depending on conditions.12、Radom error(偶然误差):These are errors that remain after mistakes and systematic errors have been eliminated.13、Precision(精度)refers to the degree of refinementor consistency of a group of measurements.14、Accuracy(准确度)which denotes the absolute nearness of measured quantities to their true values.二、填空1、The metal case is attached to some part of the instrument in such a way as topermit some (adjustment) of the position.2、Transits,are instrumentswhich ..... Along the verticalplane (altitude) as well asthe horizontal plane (azimuth).3、These instruments are (tripods),plane tables,(level rods),chains,and (tapes).4、As can be observed ,EDM systems are made up ofthree components-(a transmitter),(a reflector),and (a receiver).5、....the telescope must becapable of rotation about a(horizontal axis),for measurement of horizonal angles,the instrument must be rotatedabout a (vertical axis).6、There must be an (indexmark) on the rotating part,placed so that readings canbe taken against it on the(graduated circle).7、.....the observer operatesa setting device to obtain a(mean reading) free from(eccentricity error).8、If the (plumb bob) is not over the point,the (centering screw) can be loosenedand the.......9、These notes include directions.....stations with (fourdifferent positions).Two readings were taken on each position (one with the telescope normal or direct and onewith the instrument (reversed or plunged)).10、The line is determinedby a telescope with the usual components consisting of(object glass),(focusing arrangement),(diaphragm withcross-lines), and (eye-piece).11、A level fitted with (horizontal circle) and (stadia lines) can be used to make acomplete (three-dimensional) survey of a limited area round the instrument.12、Levels are used to obtain the direct measurement of (height differences)between two points.13、Which transmit either (modulated laser) or (infrared light) having wavelengths within or slightly beyondthe ......14、Which transmits (microwaves) with (frequencies) in the range of 3 to 35GHZcorresponding to wavelength of about 1.0 to 8.6 mm.15、The methods used in measuring angles or directionsof traverse lines vary,and include (compass bearings),(interior angles),(deflection angles),(angles to the right),(azimuths).16、The instrument is oriented at each station by (backsighting) on the previous point with (the back bearingset) on the plates.17、(Electronic devices) and (taping) are used most often and provide the highestorder of accuracy.18、On construction work,(allowable limits of closure)depend on the use and extent of the traverse and typeof project.Bright location, for example ,demands a highdegree of precision.19、Vertical control is provided by bench marks in or near the tract to be surveyed.It becomes the foundation for correctly portraying reliefon a map,A (vertical control net)is established by (lines of levels)starting fromand closing on bench marks.三、翻译:1、It is convenient to considerthat a bubble tube has anaxis,which may be taken as astraight line parallel to the freesurface of the liquid when thebubble is in the centralposition determined by thegraduation marks.当气泡处于分划线所确定的中心位置时,我们可以很容易想像水准管有一个轴,这个轴可以看作是一条与液体的自由表面平行的直线。
Unit 7 optical theodolite光学经纬仪 electronic theodolite电子经纬仪robotic(motorized) total station智能型全站仪,测量机器人 data transfer数据转换automatic target recognition(ATR)目标自动识别 circular encoders编码度盘 optical plummet光学对中器Unit 8 true error真误差 observation error观测误差 instrumental error仪器误差random error,accident error随机(偶然)误差 relative error相对误差 error of closure,closing error,closure闭合差 error propagation,propagation of error误差传播 limit error极限误差 index error of vertical circle竖盘指标差Unit 18 control network for deformation observation变形观测控制网 construction survey施工测量 free station自由设站法 as-built survey竣工测量 setting-out survey,construction layout施工放样 building axis survey建筑轴线测量 property line survey建筑红线测量 construction plan施工平面图 cross section横断面,断面图,剖面图 profile survey纵断面测量 cross-section survey横断面测量Unit 19 deformation monitoring(observation)变形监测(观测) displacement observation位移观测 settlement(subsidence) observation沉陷观测 collimation line method视准线法 minor angle method小角度法Unit 20-21 atmospheric drag大气阻力 missile guidance导弹制导 pseudorange 伪距 GPS constellation GPS星座 monitor station监控站 clock error钟差precise ephemeris精密星历 ionospheric delay电离层延迟 tropospheric delay对流层延迟 multipath effect多路径效应 reference receiver基准接收机 roving receiver流动接收机 real-time differential correction实时差分改正Unit 23。
Words and expressionsUnit 1geoscience地球科学informatics信息学,情报学monitor监控,监测,监视,控制,追踪,监控器appreciate增值,涨价,赏识,鉴赏,感激dwindle缩小Iso International standardization organization国际标准化组织explicit清楚的,外在的,直率的,(租金等)直接付款的hydrographic与水道测量有关的,与水文地理有关的hydrographic survey海道测量,水道测量practitioner从业者,开业者expertise专门技术,专家的意见flexibility适应性,机动性,挠性Incorporation结合,合并;形成法人组织,组成公司(或社团) coherent一致的,连贯的demise死亡,让位,禅让ut让渡,遗赠,转让blur把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清,涂污,污损(名誉等),弄污visualization可视化,清楚地呈现pertaining有关系的,附属…的,为…固有的(to)Imagery肖像(总称),雕刻影像plotting标图,测绘illustrative 说明性的,例证性的entity实体digitize [计]将资料数字化registration注册,报到,登记forestry林产,森林地,林学geology地质学,地质概况geographical地理学的,地理的infrastructure基础下部组织,下部构造navigation导航,航海,航空,领航,航行quarterly一年四次的,每季的evolve (使)发展,(使)进展,(使)进化cadastre地籍簿,地籍,地籍图cadastral surveying地籍测量sensor传感器manipulate(熟练地)操作,使用(机器等),操纵(人或市价、市场),利用state - of - the - art 先进的,一流的geophysics地球物理学oceanography 海洋学retrieval检索,恢复,修补,重获embrace拥抱,互相|拥抱,包含,收买,信奉ti拥抱n.拥抱geomatics测绘学geodesy大地测量学surveying and mapping测绘photogrammetry摄影测量学remote sensing(RS)遥感global positioning system(GPS)全球定位系统atellite positioning卫星定位geographic information systems(GIS)地理信息系统land management土地管理computer graphics计算机图形学Unit 2artiticial人造的,假的,非原产地的analog类似物,相似体chart图表,海图dimensional空间的monument纪念碑permanent monument永久标石monumentation埋石fieldwork野外工作,实地调查,野外作业category种类,类别,[逻]范畴permanent永久的,持久的theodolite[测]经纬仪prerequisite先决条件spheroid球状体,回转椭圆体allowance容许误差,容差,容许量diameter直径equator赤道,赤道线atitude纬度,范围;(用复数)地区longitude经度,经线经度meridian子午线,正午,顶点,全盛时期ad.子午线的,正午的prime meridian本初子午线,木初子午圈线northing北距(向北航行的距离),北进,北航easting东西距,朝东方;东行航程gravity重力,地心引力gravity field重力场curvature曲率,弯曲plumb铅锤,铅弹ad.垂直的t使垂直,探测plumb line铅垂线trigonometry 三角法plane trigonometry平面三角algebra代数学analytical解枥的,分析的analytical geometry解析几chord弦,弦长triangle三角形,三人一组,三角关系spherical球形的,球的sophisticate弄复杂,篡改;使变得世故入sophistication复杂;强词夺理,诡辩geoid [地]大地水准面trench沟渠,堑壕,管沟,电缆沟,战壕Atlantic ocean大西洋Pacific ocean太平洋tangent相切的,切线的n.切线,[数]正切backsight后视foresight前视;远见,深谋远虑refraction折光,折射geodetic surveying大地测量,大地测量学plane surveying平面测量,平面测量学control survey控制测量horizontal survey水平测量,平面测量vertical survey高程测量,垂直测量地形测量topographic surveydetail survey碎部测量land survey( property survey, boundary survey, cadastral survey)地测量,地籍测量route survey路线测量pipe survey管道测量city survey城市测量hydrographic survey水道测量marine survey海洋测量mine survey矿山测量geological survey地质测量Unit 3fundamental基本原则,基本原理Euclidean space欧几里得空间odometer(汽车等的)里程表,自动计在仪(美vehicle交通工具,车辆,媒介物,传达手段revolution旋转,革命circumference 圆周,周围invar铟瓦;不胀钢nickel镍,镍币,(美国和加拿大的)五分镍币alloy合金coefficient系数thermal热的,热量的tacheometry 测视距测量stadia视距,视距仪器ntercept截取,中途阻止telescope望远镜multiply乘,增加,繁殖nominal 名义上的,有名无实的,名字的,[语]名词性的manufacturer制造业者,厂商/consequence结果[逻]推理,推论,因果关系,重要的地位topographic地势的,地形学上的resultant作为结果而发生的,合成的terrain地形electromagnetic电磁的visibility 可见度,能见度,可见性,显著,明显度infrared红外线的n.红外线airborne 空气传播的,空降的,空运的particle粒子,点,极小量,微粒,质点,小品词,语气modulated已凋整[制]的,被调的distance measurement 距离测量precise ranging精密测距pacing步测,定步distance measuring instrument, rangefinder测距仪EDM( electronic distance measurement)电子测距仪geodimeter光速测距仪,光电测electromagnetic distance measuring instrument电磁波测距仪electro- optical distance measuring instrument光电测距仪long - range EDM instrument远程电子测距infrared EDM instrument红外测距仪laser distance measuring instrument, laser ranger激光测距仪microwave distance measuring instrument微波测距仪satellite laser ranger卫星激光测距仪two- color laser ranger双色激光测距仪distance- measuring error测距误差fixed error固定误差proportional error比例误差sighting distance视距multiplication constant乘常数ddition constant加常数stadia multiplication constant视距乘常数stadia addition constant视距加常数standard field of length长度标准检定场/nominal accuracy标称精度stadia hair视距丝,视距线stadia interval视距间隔Unit 3perpendicular 垂直的,正交的Intersect横断(直线)相交,交又projection投影,投射,投影图,地图投影,规划zenith天顶,顶点,顶峰,最高点celestial天上的celestial sphere天球radius半径,范围,辐射光线,有效航程,范围,界线clinometer测角器,倾斜仪sextant六分仪compass罗盘,指南针,圆规protractor量角器clockwise顺时针方向的counterclockwise反时针方向的sexagesimal六十的,六十进位的sexagesimal systen六十分制commence开始,着手bisect切成两份,对(截)开clamp夹子,夹具,夹钳encoder编码器,译码器spindle轴,杆,心轴;锭子,纺锤crystal结晶状的n.水晶,水晶饰品,结晶,晶体liquid crystal displays(LCDs)液晶显示diode二极管lght- emitting diode displays(LEDs)发光二极管显示pendulum钟摆,摇锤compensator补偿器provision供应,(一批)供应品,预备,防备,规定indexing标定指数initialize初始化azimuth方位,方位角bearing方向,方位quadrant象限四分仪horizontal angle水平角vertical angle垂直角depression angle俯角,俯视角zenith distance天顶距elevation angle高度角horizontal circle水平刻度盘vertical circle垂直度盘true north真北geodetic azimuth大地方位角grid bearing坐标方位角gyro azimuth陀螺方位角magnetic azimuth磁方位角method by series, method of direction observation方向观测法method in all combinations全组合测角法Unit 20Us. Department of defense(DOD)美国国防部castellation[天]星座,星群nsure确保,给…保险drag拖拉v拖,拖曳atmospheric drag大气阻力sun- seeking太阳定向panel面板,仪表板,全体陪审员solar panel太阳能电池板nicad镍镉蓄电池nicad battery镍镉蓄电池Colorado美国科罗拉多州(位于美国西部)Hawaii夏威夷,夏威夷岛Ascension阿森松(南大西洋岛屿)Kwajalein夸贾林环礁(位于太平洋西部)reconnaissance勘测,侦察,搜索missile导弹,发射物missile guidance导弹制导pseudorange伪距synchronize同步synchronized同步的GPS( global positioning system)全球定位系统space segment空间部分control segment控制部分user segment用户部分GPS receiver GPS接收机gps constellation gps星座master control station主控站monitor station监控站atomic clock原子钟clock error钟差broadcast ephemeris广播星历precise ephemeris精密星历Coarse acquisition codeprecise code精码pseudorange伪距ionospheric delay电离层延迟tropospheric delay对流层延迟multipath effect多路径效应Selective availability(SA)选择可用性reference receiver基准接收机roving receiver流动接收机receiver antenna接收机天线real- time kinematic(RTK)实时动态定位differential GPS(DGPS)差分GPSdifferential correction差分改正real- time differential correction实时差分改正post - processed differential correction后处理差分改正Unit 23acronym 只取首字母的缩写词distinguish 区别,辨别attribute属性,品质,特征.加于,归结于peel剥,削,剥落supercomputer[计]超型计算机hook钩住,沉迷,上瘾digitizer 数字转换器cartographe地图制作者,制图师,制图员administrator管理员,管理程序implementation执行coordinator协调者,同等的人或物raster[物]光栅vector向量,矢量,带菌者aircraft航行器census人口普查demographic人口统计学的yearbook年鉴ecosystem生态系统overlay覆盖,覆盖图buffering缓冲(作用),减震,隔离Unit 28exemplify例证,例示illumination照明,阐明,启发geothermal地热的,地温的,地热(或地温)产生的photon光子cosmic宇宙的cosmic ra宇宙射线gamma 射线thereon在其上,在那上面,…之后立即moisture湿度,湿气,潮湿irradiance发光,光辉penetrate穿透,渗透,弥漫electron电子molecular[化]分子的,由分子组成的emittance发射度,[热]辐射本领incidence人射,落下的方式,影响范围spacecraft太空船backscatter漫反射,反向散射体,反散射synthetic合成的,人造的,综合的aperture孔,穴,缝隙,(照相机,望远镜等的)光圈,孔径synthetic aperture radar(SAR)合成孔径雷达multispectral多谱线的,多谱段的spectroradiometer[物]分光辐射计side - looking 侧视的remote sensor遥测传感器,遥感器electromagnetic spectrum电磁波频谱,电磁波谱,电磁光谱transmittance传播absorptance吸收reflectance反射electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射thermal infrared detector热红外探测器passive remote sensing被动式遥感active remote sensing主动式遥感side- looking airborne radar(SLAR)机载侧视雷达;侧视雷达active microwave sensors主动微波遥感传感器passive microwave sensing被动微波遥感spectroradiometer分光辐射计radiometer辐射计scatterometer散射计scatterometry 散射测量。
测绘专业英语课文翻译Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量)Surveying has been traditionally defined as the art and science of determining the position of natural and artificial features on, above or below the earth’s surface; and representing this information in analog form as a contoured map, paper plan or chart, or as figures in report tables, or in digital form as a three dimensional mathematical model stored in the computer. (测量传统定义为确定地表、地下和地上的自然与人工地貌特征【features形态、特征】;并使之按比例【in analog form】测绘成地形图【contoured map】、平面图【paper plan】或图表,或形成报告图表,或以数字形式形成三维立体数学模型存储进计算机。
)As such, the surveyor/geodesist dealt with the physical and mathematical aspect of measurement. (同样的,测量员/大地测量学家处理的就是测量出的物理的和数学的特征)The accurate determination and monumentation【标石、标志】 of points on the surface of the Earth is therefore seen as the major task. (因此精确确定并标定地表点位便成为测量的主要任务)Though these surveys are for various purposes, still the basic operations are the same---they involve measurements and computations or, basically, fieldwork and office work. (虽然测量工作有不同目的,基本的操作却都一样――他们包括测量和计算,或更基本地称之为,外业工作和内业工作)There are many different types of surveys such as land surveys, route surveys, city surveys, construction surveys, hydrographic surveys, etc., but generally speaking, surveying is divided into two major categories: geodetic and plane surveying. (测量分为许多不同的类型,如土地测量,路线测量,城市测量,建筑测量,水道测量等等,但是总的来说,测量分为两个主要的种类:大地测量和平面测量)Surveys will either take into account the true shape of the Earth(Geodetic surveys)or treat the earth as a flat surface(Plane surveys). (是考虑地球真实形状的大地测量还是将地球当成一个平面的平面测量【紧跟着上句】)Additionally, surveys are conducted【表现】 for the purpose of positioning features on the ground(Horizontal surveys), determining the elevation or heights of features(Vertical surveys) or a combination of both.(另外,测量还分为确定平面位置的水平测量和确定海拔的高程测量或两者的综合。
一、geomatics 测绘学geodesy 大地测量学surveying and mapping 测绘photogrammetry 摄影测量学re mote sensing ( RS) 遥感global positioning system ( GPS) 全球定位系统satellite positioning 卫星定位geographic information systems ( GIS) 地理信息系统land management 土地管理computer graphics 计算机图形学二、geodetic surveying 大地测量,大地测量学plane surveying 平面测量, 平面测量学control survey 控制测量horizontal survey 水平测量, 平面测量vertical survey 高程测量, 垂直测量topographic survey 地形测量detail survey 碎部测量land survey ( property survey, boundary survey, cadastralsurvey)土地测量,地籍测量route survey 路线测量pipe survey 管道测量city survey 城市测量hydrographic survey 水道测量marine survey 海洋测量mine survey 矿山测量geological survey 地质测量三、distance measurement 距离测量precise ranging 精密测距pacing 步测, 定步distance measuring instrument, rangefinder 测距仪E D M (electronic distance measurement) 电子测距仪geodimeter 光速测距仪, 光电测距仪electro magnetic distance measuring instrument 电磁波测距仪electro-optical distance measuring instrument 光电测距仪long-range E D M instrument 远程电子测距仪infrared ED M instrument 红外测距仪laser distance measuring instrument,laser ranger 激光测距仪microwave distance measuring instrument 微波测距仪satellite laser ranger 卫星激光测距仪two-color laser ranger 双色激光测距仪distance- measuring error 测距误差fixed error 固定误差proport ional error 比例误差sighting distance 视距m ult ipl ication constant 乘常数addition constant 加常数stadia multiplication constant 视距乘常数stadia addition constant 视距加常数standard f ield of length 长度标准检定场nominal accuracy 标称精度stadia hair 视距丝,视距线stadia interval 视距间隔四、horizontal angle 水平角vertical angle 垂直角depression angle 俯角,俯视角zenith distance 天顶距elevation angle 高度角horizontal circle 水平刻度盘vertical circle 垂直度盘true north 真北geodet ic azim uth 大地方位角grid bearing 坐标方位角gyro azim uth 陀螺方位角m agnetic azimuth 磁方位角m ethod by series, method of direction observation 方向观测法m ethod in al l com binations 全组合测角法五、control network 控制网horizontal control network 平面控制网,水平控制网vertical control network 高程控制网control point 控制点triangulat ion 三角测量tri lateration 三边测量triangulaterat ion 边角测量forward intersection 前方交会resection 后方交会side intersection 侧方交会l inear-angular intersection 边角交会法l inear intersect ion 边交会法traversing 导线测量traverse point 导线点traverse leg 导线边traverse angle 导线折角open traverse 支导线closed traverse 闭合导线closed loop traverse 闭合环导线connecting traverse 附和导线angle closing error of traverse 导线角度闭合差totallength closing error of traverse 导线全长闭合差closing error in coordinate increment 坐标增量闭合差traverse network 导线网triangulaterat ion network 边角网triangulat ion network 三角网trilateration network 三边网survey specif ications,specif ications of surveys 测量规范六、reference datum 参考基面, 参考基准面Huanghai vertical datum of 1956 1956 黄海高程系统national vertical datum of 1985 1985 国家高程基准Direct leveling, spirit leveling 几何水准测量Differential leveling 微差水准测量trigonometric leveling 三角高程测量barometric leveling 气压水准测量gravimetric leveling 重力水准测量river-crossing leveling 跨河水准测量B M (bench mark) 水准基点level rod 水准尺level 水准仪backsight ( BS) 后尺foresight ( FS) 前尺height of instrument ( HI) 仪器高height of target ( H T ) 目标高elevation difference 高差annexed leveling line 附和水准路线closed leveling line 闭合水准路线spur leveling line 支水准路线refraction correct ion 折光差改正elevation of sight 视线高程Optical level 光学水准仪electronic level 电子水准仪automatic level, compensator level 自动安平水准仪laser level 激光水准仪1-1、The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer science and/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语作为一个学科第一次形成于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大测量学”或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和 GIS 方向的课程后重新命名的。
专业英语复习Unit 1 What is Geomatics? geoscience---n,地球科学informatics---n,信息学hydrographic---adj,水利的hydrographic survey---n,水利测量expertise---n,专家的意见flexibility---n,适应性incorporation---n,结合,合并visualization---n,可视化plotting---n,标图,测绘illustrative---adj,说明性的entity---n,实体digitize---v,数字化registration---n,注册,登记forestry---n,林学geology---n,地质学geographical---adj,地理学的,地理的infrastructure---n,基础下部组织,下部构造navigation---n,导航cadastre---n,地籍,地籍图cadastral surveying---地籍测量geophysics---n,地球物理学geomatics---测绘学geodesy---大地测量学surveying and mapping---测绘学photogrammetry---摄影测量学remote sensing(RS)---遥感global positioning system(GPS)---全球定位系统satellite positioning---卫星定位geographic information systems(GIS)---地理信息系统land management---土地管理computer graphics---计算机图形学appreciate---v,增值dwindle---v,减少ISO(International Standards Organization)---国际标准化surveyor---n,测量工作者market---v,定位award titles---授予学位photogrammetrist---n,摄影测量者process---v,处理analyze---v,分析aerial photography---航空影像学database---n,数据库geographic entities---地理实体civil and marine engineering---土木海洋工程demise---v,消失quarterly---adv,一年四次的,四季的aerial---adj,航空的Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveyingartificial---adj,人造的analog---n,类似物dimensional---adj,空间的monument---n,纪念碑permanent monument---永久标石monumentation---埋石fieldwork---n,野外测量category---n,种类theodolite---n,经纬仪spheroid---n,球状体allowance---n,容许误差diameter---n,直径equator---n,赤道latitude---n,纬度longitude---n,经度meridian---n,子午线prime meridian---本初子午线gravity---n,重力gravity field---重力场curvature---n,曲率plumb---n,铅锤,adj,垂直的plumb line---铅垂线trigonometry---n,三角法chord---n,弦长triangle---n,三角形spherical---adj,球形的sophisticate---vt,弄复杂sophistication---n,复杂;强词夺理geoid---n,大地水准面tangent---adj,相切的n,切线backsight---n,后视foresight---n,前视refraction---n,折光geodetic surveying---大地测量plane surveying---平面测量control survey---控制测量horizontal survey---水平测量vertical survey---高程测量topographic survey---地形测量detail survey---碎部测量land survey---土地测量,地籍测量route survey---路线测量pipe survey---管道测量city survey---城市测量hydrographic survey---水利测量marine survey---海洋测量mine survey---矿山测量geological survey---地质测量feature---n,要素establish---v,建立a spheroid of reference---参考椭球coordinate---n,坐标algebra---n,代数学datum---n,基准面the mean surface of the earth---平均海水面the mean sea level---平均海平面canals---n,地铁boundary---n,边界automatically---adv,自动地real estate---房地产Unit 3 Distance Measurementdistance measurement---距离测量precise measurement---精密测量pacing---步测distance measuring instrument,rangefinder---测距仪EDM(electronic distance measurement)---电子测距仪geodimeter---光电测距仪electromagnetic distance measuring instrument---电磁波测距仪fixed error---固定误差proportional error---比例误差multiplication constant---乘常数addition costant---加常数stadia hair---视距丝stadia interval---视距间隔infrared---n,红外线laser---n,激光microwave---n,微波Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement perpendicular---adj,垂直的,正交的intersect---vt,横断,vi,相交,交叉projection---n,投影zenith---n,天顶celestial---adj,天上的celestial sphere---天球radius---n,半径compass---n,罗盘,指南针protractor---n,量角器clockwise---adj,顺时针方向的counterclockwise---adj,逆时针方向的commence---v,开始bisect---v,切成两份,对开spindle---n,轴initialize---vt,初始化azimuth---n,方位,方位角bearing---n,方向,方位quadrant---n,像限horizontal angle---水平角vertical angle---垂直角depression angle---俯角zenith distance---天顶距elevation angle---高度角horizontal circle---水平刻度盘vertical circle---垂直刻度盘true north---真北geodetic azimuth---大地方位角grid bearing---坐标方位角magnetic azimuth---磁方位角method by series,method of direction observation---方向观测法method in all combinations---全组合测角法plus(up) or minus(down) angles---正负角poles---n,极Unit 5 Traversingtraverse---n,导线traversing----导线测量arbitrary---adj,任意的triangulation---n,三角测量trilateration---n,三边测量triangulateration---n,边角测量proposition---n,命题law of sines---正弦定律law of cosine---余弦定律terminate---v,停止property---n,所有物,所有权evenly---adv,均匀地indication---n,指示,迹象consistency---n,一致性alter---v,改变departure---n,横距rectangular---adj,矩形的discrepancy---n,差异apportion---v,分配control network---控制网horizontal control network---平面控制网vertical control network---高程控制网control point---控制点forward intersection---前方交会resection---后方交会side intersection---侧方交会linear-angular intersection---边角交会法linear intersection---边交会法traverse point---导线点traverse leg---导线边traverse angle---导线折角open traverse---支导线closed traverse---闭合导线closed loop traverse---闭合环导线connecting traverse---附和导线angle closing error of traverse---导线角度闭合差total length closing error of traverse---导线全长闭合差closing error in coordinate increment---坐标增量闭合差traverse network---导线网triangulateration network---边角网triangulation network---三角网trilateration network---三边网survey specifications,specifications of surveys---测量规范preliminary---adj,初步的annex---adj,附加的the primary control---首级控制total station---全站议coordinate system---坐标系Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determinationreference datum---参考基准面direct leveling,spirit leveling---几何水准测量differential leveling---微差水准测量ellipsoid---n,椭球preclude---v,排除reference datum---参考基准面level rod---水准尺level---水准仪elevation difference---高差difference in elevation---高差annexed leveling line---附和水准路线closed leveling line---闭合水准路线spur leveling line---支水准路线refraction correction---折光差改正elevation of sight---视线高程electronic level---电子水准仪automatic level---自动安平水准仪laser lever---激光水准仪optical level---光学水准仪adjusted---v,平差slope---n,斜坡trigonometric leveling---三角高程测量gravimetric leveling---重力水准测量river-crossing leveling---跨河水准测量barometric leveling---气压水准测量BM(benchmark)---水准基点backsight(BS)---后尺foresight(FS)---前尺height of instrument(HI)---仪器高height of target(HT)---目标高target---n,目标Unit 7 Robotic Total Stationprism---n,棱镜layout---n,放样data transfer---数据转换optical plummet---光学对中器a bubble level---水准气泡tripods---n,三角架orbit---n,轨道Unit 8 Errors in Meaeurementgeometric---adj,几何的,几何学的graduated---adj,分级的error propagation---误差传播propagate---v,传播atmospheric---adj,大气的blunder---n,粗差,错误obviate---vt,消除,排除,避免eliminate---vt,消除,排除conscientious---adj,尽责的maintenance---n,维护,保持quantify---vt,量化calibration---n,校准,标度law of probability---概率论theory of error---误差理论true error---真误差observation error---观测误差instrument error---仪器误差personal error---人为误差gross erreo---粗差systematic error---系统误差random error,accident error---偶然误差probable error---或然误差constant error---常差average error---平均误差absolute error---绝对误差relative error---相对误差error of closure,closing error,closure---闭合差error test---误差检验tolerance---n,限差limit error---极限误差horizontal refraction error---水平折光差index error of vertical circle---竖盘指标差gross errors---粗差system errors---系统误差random errors---偶然误差Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision calibrate---v,校准uniformity---n,一致,均匀reproducibility---n,重复能力,再现性scatter---v,分散methodology---n,方法论conform---vt,使一致,使遵从conformity---n,一致,符合indicator---n,指示器confuse---vt,使糊涂,搞乱Unit 18 Construction Layoutarchitect---n,建筑师urban---adj,城市的suburban---adj,郊外的on-site---工地上complexity---n,复杂reestablish---v,重建crew---n,全体人员curb---n,路边engineering survey---工程测量engineering control network---工程控制网construction control network---施工控制网control network for deformation observation---变形观测控制网precision---n,精度sensitivity---n,灵敏度reliability---n,可靠性construction survey---施工测量free station---自由设站法as-built survey---竣工测量setting-out survey,construction layout---施工放样setting-out of main axis---主轴线放样building axis survey---建筑轴线测量property line survey---建筑红线测量construction plan---施工平面图site map---工地总平面图cross section---横断面profile diagram,profile---纵断面图profile survey---纵断面测量cross-section survey---横断面测量Unit 20 Understanding the GPS(1) constellation---n,星群atmospheric drag---大气阻力solar panel---太阳能电池板pseudorange---n,伪距synchronize---v,同步synchronized---adj,同步的segment---n,部分altitude---n,高度,海拔orbital plane---轨道平面a master control station---主控站satellite ranging---卫星测距3-dimensiomal---latitude,longitude,altitude Unit 21 Understanding the GPS(2) ionosphere---n,电离层troposphere---n,对流层interference---n,干扰ephemeris---n,星历表nanosecond---n,纳秒antenna---n,天线space segment---空间部分control segment---控制部分user segment---用户部分GPS receiver ---GPS接收机GPS constellation---GPS星座master control station---主控站monitor station---监控站atomic clock---原子钟clock error---钟差broadcast ephemeris---广播星历precise ephemeris---精密星历Coarse/Acquisition Code (C/A code)---C/A码precise code---精码ionospheric delay---电离层延迟tropospheric delay---对流层延迟multipath effect---多路径效应Selective A vailability(SA)---选择可用性reference receiver---基准接收机roving receiver---流动接收机receiver antenna---接收机天线real-time kinematic(RTK)---实时动态定位differential GPS(DGPS)---差分GPS differential correction---差分改正real-time differential correction---实时差分改正post-processed differential correction---后处理差分改正sunspot---n,太阳黑点Unit 23 GIS Basicsdistinguish---v,区别,辨别attribute---n,属性v,归结于digitizer---n,数字转换器raster---n,光栅vector---n,向量,矢量overlay---n,覆盖,覆盖图buffering---n,缓冲theme---n,主题scanner---n,扫描仪optical disk---光盘floppy disk---软盘magnetic disk---磁带survey documents---测量文档Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS resolution---n,分辨度,分辨率postal code---邮递区号meander---v,蜿蜒而流,漫步border---n,边界vegetion---n,植被Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing exemplify---vt,例证moisture---n,湿度synthetic aperture radar(SAR)---合成孔径雷达side-looking---adj,侧视的Unit 38concise---adj,简洁familiar---adj,通俗fluid---adj,流畅Author and affiliation---作者和通讯地址Abstract and keywords---摘要和关键字Methods or Procedures---Results and discussion or conclusion--- Acknowledgments---n,致谢Reference---n,参考文献School of Geodesy and Geomatics---测绘学院。
一、Interpretations1.a level surface 水平面2.a horizontal plane 一个水平面3.surveying 测量学4.spirit leveling 直接水平5.DS3 Levels DS3水准仪6.J6 theodolite J6经纬仪7.traversing 导线测量8.control surveying 控制测量9.topographic surveying 地形测量10.topographic map 地形图11.photogrammetry 摄影测量12.remote sensing 遥感13.map地图14.the global positioning system 全球定位系统15.the geographic information system地理信息系统二、Translation1.A vertical line in the direction toward the center of the earth is to be said in thedirection of the nadir. A vertical line in the direction away from the center of the earthand above observer’s head is said to directed toward the zenith.翻译:一条铅垂线的方向朝向地心被称为朝向天底方向。
2.The more general case occurs when the two points to be compared are in suchsituations as they are far apart or there are some obstacles to them. So it is impossibleto set up the level only once to determine the result.翻译:大多数情况下当两点在远距离的情况下对比的时候他们之间就会存在一些障碍。
以下是一些常见的测绘工程专业英语词汇和短语:1. surveying engineering:测绘工程2. mapping:测绘3. surveying instrument:测绘仪器4. surveying chain:测链5. leveling instrument:水准仪6. theodolite:经纬仪7. global positioning system (GPS):全球定位系统8. digital elevation model (DEM):数字高程模型9. digital terrain model (DTM):数字地形模型10. remote sensing:遥感11. image processing:图像处理12. geographic information system (GIS):地理信息系统13. map projection:地图投影14. coordinate system:坐标系15. triangulation:三角测量16. traverse surveying:导线测量17. leveling:水准测量18. GPS positioning:GPS定位19. map compilation:地图编制20. photogrammetry:摄影测量21. structure from motion (SfM):运动结构法22. close-range surveying:近景测量23. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging):激光雷达测量24. bathymetry:水深测量25. grading and layout:土方量计算与施工布置26. map updating:地图更新。
测绘工程专业英语(5篇)第一篇:测绘工程专业英语From the discussion thus far it can be stated with absolute certainty that all measured values contain errors , whether due to lack of refinement in reading , instrumental imperfection or human limitations.Some of these errors result from physical conditions that cause them to occur in systematic way , whereas others occur with apparent randomness.Accordingly , errors are classified as either systematic or random.But before defining systematic and random errors , it is helpful to define mistakes.These three terms are defined as follows:1、Mistake.Mistake or blunders(gross errors)actually are not errors because they usually are so gross in magnitude compared to the other two types of errors.Carelessness , inattention , improper training , bad habits ,poor judgement , adverse measuring or observing conditions , and various negative attitudes and emotions are the traces or the common reasons for mistakes.They are not classified as errors and must be removed form any set of observations.Typical example of mistakes are omitting a whole tape length when measuring distance , sighting the wrong target in a round of angles , writing down 27.55 for 25.75 in recording.Therefore great care must be taken to obviate themMistakes will never be completely eliminated from measurements , but surveyor's careful , attentive , conscientious attitude can reduce the mistakes in most cases.Through proper training and development of good work habits , development and maintenance of positive attitudes , and understanding the theory and practically eliminated.2、systematic errors.Systematicerrors are defined as those errors whose magnitude and algebraic sign can be calculated and applied as a correction to the measured quantity , or these errors follow some physical law and thus can be predicted.Some systematic errorsare removed by some correct measurement procedures(e , g, , balancing backsight and foresight distance in differential leveling to compensate for earth curvature and refraction).Others are removed by deriving corrections based on the physical conditions that were responsible for their creation(e ,g , applying a computed correction for earth curvature and refraction on a trigonometric leveling observation).Surveyors should know how to deal with systematic errors.The first requirement is to recognize and accept the possible existence of errors.Next , identify the various sources that might be affecting a reading systematically , then , determine what the system is.Is it a constant , linear, or in proportion to the size of the quantity being measured ? Or , does it follow some other mathematical relationship ? Is there some physics involved ? Once systematic errors discovered and quantified , the errors can be essentially compensated by certain processes of measuring or correctedto reduce their effect.Careful calibration of all instruments is an essential part of controlling systematic errors3、Random errors.Random(also known as a accident)errors are introduce into each measurement mainly because of human and instrument imperfections as well as uncertainties in determining the effects of the environment on measurements.After all mistakes and systematic errors have been removed from the measured values , the random errors remain.In general , random errors are unavoidable and relatively small.They usually do not follow any physical law , but it can be deal with and estimatedaccording to the mathematical laws of probability.Examples of random errors are(a)imperfect centering over a ground point during distance measurement with an EDM instrument ,(b)bubble not centered at the instant a level rod is read , and(c)small errors in reading graduated scales Understanding the nature of random errors helps to understand why random errors never reallyfully corrected , since the observation of the physical phenomena contains personal , random errors.Thus , measurement have “uncertainties” or random errors that remain unquantifiable.Random errorsare dealt with by controlling or managing them.It is a quality control process.They cannot be corrected or eliminated , only minimized and controlled.第二篇:测绘工程专业英语课后词汇(精华版)(共)Absolute error 绝对误差addition constant 加常数aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量Adjustment of observations ,surver adjustment 测量平差annexed leveling line 附合水准路线Angle closing error of traverse导线角度闭合差as-built survey 竣工测量atomic clock 原子钟 Attribute date属性数据average error平均误差backsight(BS)后尺BM benchmark 水准基点 Bridge survey 桥梁测量Closed loop traverse 闭合环导线 closed leveling line 闭合水准路线 clock error 钟差Closed traverse 闭合导线construction control network施工控制网 construction survey 施工测量 control network控制网 control point 控制点control survey 控制测量data capture 数据采集 data transfer 数据转换depresson angle 俯角detail survey 碎部differential leveling 微差水准测量 detail image 数字影像direct /spirit leveling 几何水准测量distance measuring instrument,rangefinder 测距仪electronic leveltheodolite电子水准elctro-optical distance measuring instrument 广电测距仪elevation angle 高度角 elevation difference 高差engineering control network 工程控制网 engineering survey 工程测量error of closure ,closing error,closure闭合差Error propagation,propagation of error误差传播Free intersection 自由设站法 Geodesy 大地测量学Geodetic coordinate system 大地坐标系 Geodetic/ellipsoidal height 大地高Geographic information system 地理信息系统Geoid 大地水准面 Geomatics 测绘学Global positioning system 全球定位系统GPS constellation GPS星座,GPS receiverGPS接收机 Gross error 粗差Height of instrument HI 仪器高Height of target HT 目标高Horizontal angle 水平角Horizontal control network平面控制网 Horizontal survey 水平/平面测量Level(rod)水准仪(尺)Map projection 地图投影Master control station 主控站 Monitor station 监控站Multipath effect 多路径效应Photogrammetry 摄影测量学Raster data 栅格数据Realtime differential correction实时差分改正Reference datum 参考基准面Stadia addition constant 视距加常数 Stadia hair(interval)视距丝(间隔)Topographic survey 地形测量Total station 全站仪Traverse point 导线点 Traversing 导线测量Trigonometric leveling 三角高程测量Vertical angle 垂直角Vertical circle 垂直度盘第三篇:《测绘专业英语》教学大纲测绘专业英语Survey Specialty English一、课程性质㈠、教学对象:工程测量专业三年级学生㈡、建议学时、学分:24学时㈢、开课学期:三年级上学期二、课程内容、培养目标㈣、课程内容《测绘专业英语》课程的开设,是为了使学生在基础英语学习和测绘专业课程的基础上加强和提高对专业科技英语的阅读能力和使用能力,特别是使学生熟练掌握测绘学科范畴之内的基本词汇,习惯用法,能够阅读一些简单的测绘科技文献、测绘专业英文书籍、测绘仪器使用说明书,具备一定的测绘专业科技英语的阅读能力、翻译能力及写作能力。
Uuit1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义) Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?) GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO—for earth and – MATICS for mathematical or GEO— for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics。
(大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学或者 geo 代表地球,matics 代表数学,或者 geo 代表地球科学, matics 代表信息学)It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解) The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer scienceand/or GIS—oriented courses.(这个术语作为一个学科第一次形成于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学”或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和 GIS 方向的课程后重新命名的。
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fat hammocks----the doctor’s thick eyelids
cackle---laugh or talk loudly and unpleasantly semblance----appearance, seeming likeness squint----look with almost closed eyes speculation----thoughts of possible profits distillate----product of distillation (i.e. after heating liquid or steam)
pearl dealers
Evil can be found in many forms
human nature
In human nature there always lies the dark and ugly side (greed, snobbery, deceit, betrayal etc.)
Kino, a poor fisherman, has found a great pearl. The quick-spreading news has caused a great stir among people in the town. They start thinking about what they could do with that pearl and they grow greedy. Kino is the only thing that stands between them and the pearl, so Kino becomes their enemy without his realizing it.
People are not always what they seem
colonial birds town is a symbol of social class and oppression aerial scenic of a small town
the scorpion is a symbol of evil
• His first novel was published in 1929 (CUP OF GOLD) and his last in 1961 (THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT).
• He won the Pulitzer Prize for THE GRAPES OF WRATH. • He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. • 29 Academy Award nominations and 4 Academy Awards were given for adaptations of John Steinbeck stories.
Unit 9
The Pearl
Do you possess any jewelry with pearl(s)? If no, do you want one? Why?
How do people usually think of pearl? What is the symbolic meaning of pearl? What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl?
3. group of animals or plants living or growing in the same place e.g. a colony of ants; a seal colony
Small boys are usually unable to keep quiet about anything they know, and tend to run around talking about it; women are likewise supposedly good at spreading news through gossiping; but the [textbook p.153] news that Kino had a large and valuable News seems to move pearl traveled faster than small boys faster than can scramble and dart either. to tell it, faster than women can call it over the fences.
priest shopkeepers doctor beggars
supporting details
snobbish; want to thoughtful look / remember repairs take advantage of the church needed / want to baptize and marry Kino’s baby Kino seize every chance look at unmarketable men’s clothes to make a profit the embodiment of evil and greed want the gain without the pain want to further their interest trickily stern & judicious / roll up his eyes think of Paris / luxurious room and top-grade restaurant giggle a little with pleasure cackle & fight & shout & threaten sit alone / play with the pearls restlessly / eyes squinted finger-tips burned a little
Vocabulary A --- p.150
Vocabulary B --- p.150
write a 50-word summary of the text
scramble----climb quickly, often with some difficulty dart----move forward suddenly & quickly panting----breathing quickly foaming----forming white mass of small air bubbles baptize----perform the Christian religious ceremony of baptism, i.e., of acceptance into the Christian Church judicious----with good judgment
a town is like a colonial animal the black distillate was like the scorpion, or like …, or like …
a town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet a town has a whole emotion the news washed in a foaming wave into the town… the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks the essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated the poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it He wondered what the pearl would be worth. And he wondered… They cackled and fought and shouted and threatened until they… the pearl went into the dreams, the speculations, the schemes, the plans, the futures, the wishes, the needs, the lusts, the hunger, of everyone…
language points
1. 殖民地 2. group of people with the same occupation, interest, etc living together in the same place e.g. an artists’ colony
At what point in the story is the scene of this extract set? Before the arrival of the central figure, Kino. What do we know about Kino? A poor fisherman / lives in a brush house / has a child in great need of money / child stung by a scorpion What point is made about news in a town? It travels fast. What was the news in the town? Kino, a poor fisherman, had found the Pearl of the World. Which people were particularly interested in the pearl? the priest / the shopkeepers / the doctor the beggars / the agents of the buyer of pearls