Group Road Safety Standard
4.4.6组织建立包含以下程序:机械设备管理 The organization contains the following procedures:Mechanical management 4.4.6组织建立包含以下程序:机械设备管理 The organization contains the following procedures:Mechanical management 4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:职业健康管理 The organization contains the following procedures:Occupation health management 4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:职业健康管理 The organization contains the following procedures:Occupation health management 4.4.6组织建立包含以下程序:应急设备管理 The organization contains the following procedures:Emergency facility management 4.4.6 组织建立包含以下程序:变更管理 The organization contains the following procedures:MOC procedure 4.5.1监测是否符合OHS方案、控制措施和运行准则 4.5.1 Performance measurement and monitoring
OHSAS18001 requirement
4.4.1最高管理者应确保建立、实施、保持和改善体 系所需要的资源(人力资源) Top management must ensure resource enough for system.
2.品种控制(variety control)"为满足广泛的需要,对产品的尺寸、特性或型式择优选取。
" 品种控制是合理发展品种规格的有效手段。
3.适用性(fitness for purpose)"产品、过程或服务工作在一定条件下,实现预定目的或规定用途的能力。
4.性能特性(performance characteristic)"指与产品使用直接有关钓适合用途的特性,它与制造特点无关。
" 一个产品(或零件)取代另一产品(或零件)以满足其有关要求的适合程度。
美国颁布婴儿学步车安全标准16 CFR 1216最终规则
美国颁布婴儿学步车安全标准16 CFR 1216最终规则为完善有关耐用婴幼儿产品方面的消费品安全标准,2010年6月21日,美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)颁布婴儿学步车安全标准(16 CFR 1216)。
这一规则与ASTM International制定的自愿性标准ASTM F977–07大致相同,只有几处修改并增加了测试项目,以减少学步车可能造成的伤害风险。
另外,从2010年12月21日起,16 CFR 1500.18和CFR 1500.86中有关婴儿学步车的规定将不再适用,取而代之的是16 CFR 1216。
挑战:1. 对ASTM标准中学步车类型的图解进行修改,增加了开放式背部(open back)的设计。
2. 修改了ASTM标准第4.6节中的设备规格,删除了测力计的品牌和型号,新增性能规格。
3. 台阶跌落测试a) 修改ASTM标准,制定了有关绳索、其它设备和步骤的要求。
b) 在台阶跌落测试步骤中增加以下内容:·采用学步车的实际重量计算弹射距离,而非假设婴儿车的重量为8磅;·详细说明了学步车轮子的位置、美标假婴儿的位置、绳索的类型、滑轮的类型,以及施加的力度;·要求每项测试(前面、侧面和后面)进行三次,与EN 1273:2005取得一致,增强测试结果的可靠性。
4. 停车制动装置要求—对于装配有停车制动装置的婴儿车,增加了停车装置的测试,即停车装置启用时,在静态状态下模拟台阶跌落测试,学步车的移动距离不能超过1.97英寸(50毫米)。
5. 产品警示a) 如果学步车带有停车制动装置,需附加以下警示:"WARNING: Parking brake use does not totally prevent walker movement. Always keepchild in view when in the walker, even when using the parking brakes."(中文释意:―警告:该车使用的停车制动装置不能完全防止学步车移动。
JGJ59-2011(安全检查标准)完整版UDC中华人民共和国行业标准J G JP JGJ59—2011备案号:J1334-2011建筑施工安全检查标准Standard for construction safety inspection2011—12—07 发布 2012— 07 —01实施中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部发布中华人民共和国行业标准建筑施工安全检查标准Standard for construction safety inspectionJGJ59-2011J1334-2011批准部门:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部实施日期:2012 年 7 月 1 日中国建筑工业出版社2011 北京前言根据住房和城乡建设部《关于印发<2009年工程建设标准规范制订、修订计划>的通知》(建标[2009]88号)的要求,标准编制组经广泛调查研究,认真总结实践经验,参考有关国际标准和国外先进标准,并在广泛征求意见的基础上,修订本标准。
本标准的主要技术内容是:1. 总则;2. 术语;3. 检查评定项目;4. 检查评分方法;5. 检查评定等级。
本标准修订的主要技术内容是:1. 增设“术语”章节;2. 增设“检查评定项目”章节;3. 将原“检查分类及评分方法”一章调整为“检查评分方法”和“检查评定等级”两个章节,并对评定等级的划分标准进行了调整;4. 将原“检查评分表”一章调整为附录;5. 将“建筑施工安全检查评分汇总表”中的项目名称及分值进行了调整;6. 删除“挂脚手架检查评分表”、“吊篮脚手架检查评分表”;7. 将“‘三宝’、‘四口’防护检查评分表”改为“高处作业检查评分表”,并新增移动式操作平台和悬挑式钢平台的检查内容;8. 新增“碗扣式钢管脚手架检查评分表”、“承插型盘扣式钢管脚手架检查评分表”、“满堂脚手架检查评分表”、“高处作业吊篮检查评分表”;9. 依据现行法规和标准对检查评分表的内容进行了调整。
注意交通规则英语范文一:These days, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, causing serious harm to life and the environment. Changing this situation requires considerable effort on the part of everyone. As for me, it should start on the way to school.I will keep traffic rules in mind all the way. If I ride a bicycle, I’ll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green. If I walk, I’ll never forget to use the pedestrian crossing. Meanwhile, I’ll regard it as my duty to help keep our environment clean and healthy. Not only will I keep from littering and spitting anywhere, I will also help clean up the roadside litter whenever possible. I hope my behavior will make a difference.现今,违反交通规则,乱丢垃圾不是不常见的,严重得还会危害生命和环境。
nhtsa 标准清单
nhtsa 标准清单NHTSA(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)是美国国家公路交通安全管理局的简称。
1. FMVSS(Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards):这些标准规定了美国车辆制造商必须满足的基本安全要求。
2. NCAP(New Car Assessment Program):这是一个评估新车安全性能的计划。
3. CRASH(Crashworthiness):这一标准涉及车辆的结构强度和撞击保护能力。
4. Rollover Resistance(侧翻抵抗):这个标准的目标是减少车辆侧翻的风险,并提高在侧翻事故中乘员的保护水平。
5. Child Passenger Safety(儿童乘客安全):这一标准确保儿童在汽车中乘坐安全座椅时得到适当的保护。
6. Electrical Safety(电气安全):这一标准确保车辆的电气系统的安全性和可靠性。
7. Distracted Driving(分心驾驶):这一标准致力于减少车辆司机因分心而导致的交通事故。
国外公路标准中国沥青网 2008年9月3日国外发达国家公路、桥梁及隧道工程方面相关的标准或指南。
农村公路设计、施工和养护汇编美国1. Best Practices for Design and Construction of Low Volume Roads 设计与建设低交通量道路的最佳实践2. BUREAU OF LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS MANUAL地方公路和街道局手册3. City and County Design Standards城市与农村道路设计标准4. COORDINATION OF LOCAL ROAD CLASSIFICATION WITH THE STA TE HIGHW AY SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION地方公路分类和州的公路分类之间的协调5. Design and Evaluation of Two Bridge Railings for Low-Volume Roads低交通量道路双向扶手桥梁设计和评估6. DESIGN OF LARGE STONE ASPHALT MIXES FOR LOW- VOLUME ROADS USING使用大石头块与沥青混合的低交通量道路设计7. Development of Comprehensive Low-V olume Pavement Design Procedures复杂低交通量道路路面设计过程的发展8. Growing Traffic in Rural America:Safety, Mobility and Economic Challenges美国农村交通的增长:安全,机动性和经济方面的挑战9. Guidelines for developing a guardrail manual for low-volume roads低交通量道路护栏手册发展指南10. guidelines for mountain stream relocations in North Carolina美国卡罗莱纳州山脉影响道路改线指南11. GRA VEL ROADS MAINTENANCE AND DESIGN MANUAL 砂石道路养护和设计手册12. HIGHW AY DESIGN MANUAL Chapter 4 Design Criteria & Guidance For Bridge Projects On Low V olume Highways 公路设计手册第4章低交通量道路桥梁工程设计标准和规范13. Local Road Surfacing Criteria地方道路路面标准14. Minnesota''s Design Guide for Low V olume Aggregate Surfaced Roads明尼苏达州低交通量道路路面设计指南15. Minimizing Low V olume Road Water Displacement降低低交通量道路积水16. Maintenance of Signs and Sign Supports for Local Roads and Streets 地方公路和街道交通标志养护17. RURAL ROAD SHOULDERS农村公路路肩18. Rural Safety, Access and Connectivity农村公路安全,可到达性和连通性19. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR LOW-VOLUME ROADS低交通量道路交通控制设备20. Traffic Engineering Manual 交通工程手册加拿大1. Alpine Ski Village Roads Chapter高山积雪的农村公路篇章2. 2000-2001 Enhancing the Quality of Life for Rural Canadians 2000-2001提高加拿大农村地区生活质量3. 2002-2003 Making a Difference in Rural Canada 2002-2003年创建一个不一样的加拿大农村4. Celebrating Success in Rural Canada庆祝加拿大农村的胜利5. handbk04 URBAN & REGIONAL PLANNING 城市与区域规划手册6. Low Volume Roads-Interim Guidelines 低交通量道路中期报告7. Revised Section 1420 Subdivision Road Design Parameters低等级道路设计参数8. Rural Action Plan农村行动计划9. RURAL ROAD STANDARDS POLICY 农村公路标准政策10. SUBDIVISION ROADS CHAPTER 低等级道路章节11. subdivision-design-manual 低等级道路设计手册欧盟1. Design of Rural Transport Infrastructure 农村公路运输基础设施设计2. Fly Ash Mixtures as Flexible Structural Materials for Low-Volume Roads(芬兰)用Fly灰混合物作为低交通量道路的柔性结构材料3. Guide to UK Low V olume National Type Approval(文件夹) 英国低交通量道路指南4. Guidelines on Auditing Rural Transport Services (爱尔兰)农村公路运输审查指南5. MANUAL FOR THE LABOUR-BASED CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACINGS ON LOW-VOLUME ROADS 基于人力建造的含沥青的低交通量道路路面设计手册6. Management of rural road networks 管理农村公路路网7. Minor Rural Road Construction 次等级农村公路建设8. Practical Guidelines for Rural Road Maintenance 农村公路养护实用指南9. Rural Transport Knowledge 农村公路运输知识日本1. Guide to Fixed Access Systems for Rural Areas 农村地区确定可到达系统指南2. PRESENT STATE OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE 目前国家交通基础结构3. Urban rural community infrastructure 城市与农村基础设施4. Draft Standard for Small-sized Vehicle-only Roads 小车道设计标准(草案)澳大利亚1. 7.0 RURAL NON-FREEWAY HIGHWAY DESIGN 第7章农村非高速公路设计2. Design Guidelines 设计指南3. Design Standards for Rural Subdivision Streets 农村低等级街道设计标准4. Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads 二级和二级以下公路路面设计指南5. Rural Design Standards农村道路设计规范6. Rural Rustic Road Program 乡村道路计划7. SHORT TERM TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK 短期交通控制手册8. Subdivision Street Requirements 低等级街道需求9. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR LOW-VOLUME ROADS低交通量道路交通控制设备新西兰1. A Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements 路面结构设计指南2. LOW VOLUME ROADS SYMPOSIUM-REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDING 低交通量道路地区研讨会发展基金3. Standards and Guidelines Manual 标准与指导方针指南4. State Highway Geometric Design Manual 国家公路几何设计手册非洲1. A GUIDELINE FOR LOW-VOLUME SEALED ROADS IN THE SADC REGION SADC地区低交通量密封道路设计指南2. Africa Transport-Economic Evaluation of Low Volume Roads 非洲低交通量道路运输经济评估3. Design Approach for Low V olume Sealed Roads in the SADC region SADC地区低交通量密封道路设计方法4. EOD-Analysis of road performance in Ghana(加纳)为环境提供最优设计:加纳国分析道路性能5. guideline on low volume sealed roads 低交通量密封道路设计指南6. Guiding Principles for National Community of Practitioners on Rural Road Engineering农村公路工程设计原理—为社会从业者提供指南7. Low-V olume Roads Engineering Best Management Practices Field Guide 低交通量道路最优管理方法指南8. Management Guidelines for Road Improvements 道路改进管理指南9. Rural Roads 农村道路国外公路安全汇编(交通安全)美国1. 2005 Roadmap to State Highway Safety Laws 2005年州政府关于公路路标安全的法律2. A GUIDE FOR HIGHW AY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGERS 公路安全项目管理指南3. BUS OCCUPANT SAFETY 公共汽车占据安全4. Collision Vulnerability Manual 冲突点手册5. Development of a Highway Safety Manual 发展中的道路安全手册6. Development of Maintenance-Free Highway Safety Appurtenances 发展中的免费维护公路安全设施7. Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility 道路工作区安全和机动车最终规范8. GUIDANCE FOR IMPLEMENTA TION OF THE AASHTO STRA TEGIC HIGHW AY SAFETY PLAN-AASHTO公路安全战略计划的执行指南9. Improving the Compatibility of Vehicles and Roadside Safety Hardware 提高车辆与路侧安全设施的兼容性10. Maintenance Work Zone Safety 保持道路工作区安全11. National Traffic Signal_TechReport 技术报告-国家交通信号标志12. Nchrp rpt Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features 公路特征安全性能评估推荐程序13. Overhead Sign Structures Design Manual 高架信号结构设计手册14. Public Transportation Safety Board Annual Report 2003 2003年公共交通安全委员会年度报告15. Road Safety Audits 道路安全核查16. Roadway Safety Guide 路线安全指南17. Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP)-Engineer Manual 路侧安全分析程序-工程手册18. SHORT term TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK 短期交通控制手册19. Strategic Plan for Improving Roadside Safety 提高路侧安全战略规划20. SIGNAL DESIGN MANUAL FOR DIAMOND INTERCHANGES 菱形互通式立交信号设计手册21. SIGNAL TECHNICIAN''S INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FORADV ANCE WARNING OF END-OF-GREEN PHASE AT HIGH SPEED TRAFFIC SIGNALS 为高速车流安装高级绿灯末期警告信号与保养手册22. URBAN SAFETY MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES- ROAD SAFETY STRA TEGIES FOR URBAN COMMUNITIES 城市交通安全管理指南-城区道路安全策略加拿大1. Construction and Maintenance Signs 建造和维护交通标志2. Cost-Shared Project Sign Specifications 费用共享项目交通标志规范3. Highway Accident System (HAS) user manual 道路事故系统使用者手册4. Manual of Standard Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings 交通标志标准和路面设计手册5. Establishing a Process for Determining Traffic Signal Safety Warrants 为交通安全警告标志建立一个决策过程6. Road Safety Vision 2010 - 2002 Annual Report 2020年道路安全前景7. Railway Safety Management System Guide 铁路安全管理系统指南8. Sign_Fabrication_Specs 标志设计规格9. snow_avalanche_safety_manual 雪崩安全手册10. Traffic Management Guidelines for Work On Roadways 道路工作交通管理指南11. TrafficControllerDesignManual 交通控制设计手册12. 交通标志设计欧盟1. AnnualRpt 01-02 on the Loss Prevention Work 01-02年度报告:预防产生损失2. AnnualRpt 02-03 on the Loss Prevention Work 03-04年度报告:预防产生损失3. Designing for Safety 安全设计4. Guidelines for the Application of Special Speed Limits 特殊速度限制应用指南5. Guidelines for the safety Management System欧盟安全管理系统指南6. Road Safety Bill 道路安全法案7. Road Safety Good Practice Guide 道路安全实用指南8. Roadside Infrastructure for Safer European Roads 欧盟道路路侧基础设施安全9. Towards Safer Roads in Developing Countries 关于发展中国家道路安全10. Traffic safety measures and observance 交通安全措施和遵守11. TrafficControllerDesignManual 交通控制设计手册日本1. For Improving Safety and Comfort in Road Spaces 为道路空间提高安全性和舒适性2. Interim evaluation report (draft) Traffic Safety Research Subgroup 交通安全研究小组中期评估报告(草案)澳大利亚1. SIGN DESIGN MANUAL 交通标志设计手册2. Australian Road Rules 澳大利亚道路规范3. Temporary Traffic Control Manual 2003 edition 临时交通控制手册(2003版)4. Urban planning for road safety 为道路安全的城市规划新西兰1. Measures of exposure to risk of road crashes in New Zealand 新西兰公布道路交通事故测定方法2. STA TE HIGHWAY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL 国家公路安全管理系统手册3. SAFETY EV ALUATION 安全评估公路工程及养护类美国1. Traffic Engineering Manual 交通工程手册2. Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual 复杂路面设计手册3. FLH Project Development and Design Manual FLH项目发展和设计手册4. FLH Construction Manual FLH施工手册5. HIGHW AY DESIGN MANUAL 公路设计手册6. Location & Design Manual 特定区域设计手册7. Road Design Manual 道路设计手册8. Asphalt Pavement Repair Manuals of Practice 沥青路面维护实用手册9. Concrete Pavement Repair Manuals of Practice混凝土路面维护实用手册10. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 公路分级11. Horizontal and Vertical Design 平曲线和竖曲线设计12. Materials Inspection Manual 材料检测手册13. NCHRP Report 475, _A Procedure for Assessing and Planning Nighttime Highway Construction and Maintenance 一个程序用来评估和计划夜间公路建造和养护14. NCHRP Synthesis 293 - Reducing and Mitigating Impacts of Lane Occupancy During Construction and Maintenance 减轻施工和维护期间占用道路的影响15. Policy on Highway Lighting 道路照明政策16. Roadway Delineation Practices Handbook 路线定线实用手册17. work zone guidebook 道路工作区指南加拿大1. 2002 pavement surface condition rating manual 2002年路面条件等级手册2. Design Build Minor Standard Specifications 2004 建筑设计最小标准规范3. Highway Maintenance Guidelines and Level of Service Manual 公路养护指南和服务水平手册4. ROADSIDE DESIGN - Guidelines for Clear Zones, Barriers etc 路侧设计-路肩和栅栏指南5. Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (2004) 道路施工标准规范6. Streets_Design 街道设计7. TAC Geometric Design Guide 加拿大运输部几何设计指南欧盟1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 道路和桥梁设计手册2. Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works 道路工作合同文件手册3. A GUIDE TO GEOMETRIC DESIGN几何设计指南4. Current and Proposed Practices for Nondestructive Highway Pavement Testing当前被建议的对路面测试的非破坏方法5. GFA IN UK ROAD PA VEMENTS Research, use and performance GFA在英国的路面研究,使用和实施6. NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION COST GUIDE FOR HIGHWAYS 道路新的施工和复原方法指南7. Performance Indicators for Road Pavements 路面性能指示8. Review of the Use of storm water BMPs in Europe路面养护(欧盟)9. Winter Road Maintenance and Expert Systems 冬季道路养护和专家系统日本1. 2003annual rpt 2003年度报告澳大利亚1. Geometric Design 几何设计2. Maintenance 养护3. Road Design Manual 道路设计指南4. HIGHW AY DEPARTMENT ACCESS AND RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH GUIDELINES 道路通达性和右侧宽度指南5. PA VER PLACED SURFACE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION GUIDELINES 铺路机建造路面检测指南6. RIDOT Traffic Design Manual TIDOT 交通设计手册7. ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (METRIC) 道路设计手册(米制的)新西兰1. State Highway Geometric Design Manual 国家公路几何设计手册2. GEOMETRIC EV ALUATION 几何设计评估3. PA VEMENT DESIGN GUIDE 路面设计指南4. Pavement Evaluation 路面评估5. Standards and Guidelines Manual 标准和指南手册6. STATE HIGHW AY ASSET MANAGEMENT MANUAL 国家现有公路养护手册7. State Highway National Pavement Condition Report 2004 final 国家公路路面条件报告(2004年最终)8. TRAFFIC MONITORING FOR STATE HIGHW AYS 国家公路交通监视国外交通战略环评和公路环境规划汇编(环境保护)美国1. Air Quality 空气质量2. Corridor Preservation 通道保存3. Environmental Protect 环境保护4. Highway Traffic Noise Barrier Materials and Cost By State 公路噪声屏障材料和国家成本费用5. Historical & Archaeological Preservation 历史文物古迹保护6. Noise Design 噪声设计7. Project Development 计划发展8. Title VI & Environmental Justice 环境公平性9. Transportation & Community & Systems Preservation Pilot Program 交通、社会和驾驶员保持系统10. Transportation Enhancements 交通强健性11. Environmental Analysis for Transportation Projects 交通项目的环境影响分析12. ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MITIGATION PROGRAM 环境增强和减缓项目13. Environmental Justice & Transportation A Citizen''s Handbook 环境公平性和市民交通手册14. NCHRP Report 443 - Primer_ Environmental Impact of Construction 建设的环境最主要影15. NOISE ABATEMENT POLICY 噪声消除政策16. Traffic Noise Management 交通噪声管理17. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN GUIDE 环境设计指南加拿大1. Design Signage and Maintenance Guidelines Waterfront Trail 在滨水地区路段设计标志和养护指南2. Environmental Management System Manual 环境管理系统手册3. Highway Environment Fact Sheets 公路环境情况说明书4. WARS - Wildlife Accident Reporting System 野生动物伤害报告制度5. Best Management Practices for Fish Habitat Issues Related to Minor Bridge Maintenance 小桥维护为鱼群提供栖息地的最佳管理方法6. Environmental Construction Operations Plan (ECO PLAN) Framework 环境建设运行规划框架7. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 环境规划8. Wildlife Accident Reporting and Mitigation in British Columbia 在BC野生动物伤害报告和缓解理方法日本1. environmental guidelines(老挝)环境指南2. Urban Environment Regeneration 城市环境重建3. Environmental Management System 环境管理系统澳大利亚1. 2003 RTA Environment Report 2003年道路交通管理部门环境报告新西兰1. Environmental Evaluation 环境评估国外公路景观设计汇编(环境保护)美国1. Aesthetics 美学2. Lincoln Highway Landscape Interpretation Manual 林肯公路道路景观设计手册3. Scenic Byways 小道风景4. Roadside Vegetation 路侧植被5. Wild & Scenic Rivers 野生动物和河流风景6. Florida Highway Landscape Guide 佛罗里达道路景观设计指南7. Guidelines for Planting within Highway Right-of-Way 公路右侧植树指南8. Basic Principles of Landscape Design 景观设计基础原理9. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ELEMENT 建筑景观设计原理指南10. Landscape Design 景观设计11. Landscape Design and the Experience of Motion 景观设计和运作经验12. Landscaping Guidelines 景观美化指南加拿大1. Construction Inspector''s Handbook for Landscape Planting 景观植树的建筑监理师手册2. Landscape Design and Tree Preservation Standards 景观设计和树木保护标准1. Car Park and Landscape Design 停车场景观设计2. Landscape Design Standards 景观设计标准3. APPL Y ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN PRINCIPLES 应用环境景观设计原理4. Virtual Reality in the landscape design process 虚拟现实的景观设计过程日本1. Landscape Visualization by VRML 用虚拟现实使景观可视化2. Viewed and Borrowed Landscape in Japanese Gardens 日本花园的景观与虚拟澳大利亚1. Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design 建筑学,景观和城市设计2. Architecture and Landscape Design for Vital Urban Centers 重要城市街道建筑和景观设计新西兰1. GUIDELINES FOR HIGHW AY LANDSCAPING 公路景观设计指南旧桥加固、检测汇编(公路桥梁)美国1. Bridge Inventory Manual 桥梁编制手册2. Complete Bridge Inspection Manual 桥梁检测完全手册3. CONDITION EV ALUATION OF CONCRETE BRIDGES RELATIVE TO REINFORCEMENT CORROSION 为抗腐蚀的混凝土桥梁环境条件评估4. Design Vehicular Live Load (桥梁上)车辆实时载荷设计5. GUIDELINES FOR THE USE, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE APPROACH SLABS使用,设计和建造引桥板层指南6. Hydraulic Vulnerability Manual 水压压强手册7. Improved Live Load Deflection Criteria for Steel Bridges 钢桥提高实时抗负载偏斜手册8. INFLUENCE OF THE NEW LRFD SEISMIC GUIDELINES ON THE DESIGN OF BRIDGES IN VIRGINIA 美国弗吉尼亚地震对桥梁设计的影响指南9. INTERIM CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR DURABILITY OF P(中国沥青网sinoasphalt)OST-TENSIONED BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURES 悬拉桥基础的耐久性设计指南与建议的中期结论10. Long Span Bridge & Culvert, LLC 长跨桥及涵洞11. Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load Rating of Highway Bridges Using Load and Resistance Factor Philosophy 使用负荷与抗拉因素综合评估公路桥等级手册12. Nondestructive Methods for Condition Evaluation of Prestressing Steel Strands in Concrete Bridges 对钢筋预应力混凝土桥梁的条件非破坏性评估方法13. Prestress Losses in Pretensioned High-Strength Concrete Bridge Girders在高压力下要求混凝土桥梁支柱预应力消失14. Prestressed Concrete Construction Manual 预应力混凝土桥梁建设手册15. Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Components Containing Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement 使用空气保护膜修补或复原桥梁结件16. SEISMIC RETROFITTING MANUAL FOR HIGHW AY BRIDGES 公路桥抗地震改进手册17. Seismic Vulnerability Manual 抗地震手册18. Steel Details Vulnerability Manual 钢铁弱点详细手册19. TECHNIQUES FOR MEASURING EXISTING LONG-TERM STRESSES IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGES. VOLUME 2 MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION 预应力混凝土桥梁现有的长期测量方法.第2卷使用手册加拿大1. Bridge Best Practice Guidelines 桥梁最佳施工指南2. Bridge Construction Inspection Manual-2002 2002年桥梁结构检测手册3. Bridge Construction Manual 桥梁建设手册4. Construction Guidelines 建设指南5. Bridge Size Culverts Design Guidelines 桥梁大小涵洞设计指南6. BRIDGE STRUCTURES DESIGN CRITERIA 桥梁结构设计标准7. Design Manual for Bridges and Structures 桥梁和结构设计手册8. Contract Administration Manual - Highway and Bridge Maintenance 合同管理手册-公路与桥梁养护9. HYDRAULICS and STRUCTURES CHAPTER 水力学与结构章节10. Hydraulics Manual 水力学手册11. Manual of Bridge Standards and Procedures 桥梁标准与程序设计手册12. Manual of Bridge Standards and Procedures 桥梁标准与程序设计手册(设计图)13. Specifications for Bridge Construction 桥梁建设规范14. Repair Manual for Concrete Bridge Elements - V1.0 混凝土桥梁基础修复手册欧盟1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 道路与桥梁设计手册2. UI SC 181 BRIDGE DESIGN, EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT AND PROCEDURES 桥梁设计,施工安排和进度日本1. Long span bridge health monitoring system in Japan 日本长跨桥健康监视系统2. SEISMIC VERIFICATION OF LONG-SPAN BRIDGE OF HONSHU-SHIKOKU BRIDGES 日本本洲-四国长跨大桥抗地震核查3. WIND RESISTANT DESIGN MANUAL FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES IN JAPAN 日本公路桥抵抗风力设计手册4. Standardization on Fatigue Design of Steel Bridges and Countermeasures 设计钢桥抗疲劳标准和对策5. Revision of the Highway Bridge Specifications for Performance 公路桥实施规范(修订版)澳大利亚1. BRIDGE DESIGN MANUAL 2004 2004年桥梁设计手册2. Road and Bridge Specifications 道路桥梁规范新西兰1. ROADING AND BRIDGING 公路与桥梁建设与保养2. Design and construction of rubble mound breakwaters 碎石护堤设计与建造3. Roads and Bridges 道路和桥梁4. BRIDGE EV ALUA TION 桥梁评估5. BRIDGE MANUAL 桥梁手册国外公路隧道质量检测评定、公路隧道运营和安全评价汇编(隧道)美国1. HIGHW AY AND RAIL TRANSIT TUNNEL INSPECTION MANUAL 道路和铁路隧道检测手册加拿大1. Bridge and Tunnel Infrastructure Protection 桥梁和隧道基础结构保护2. Segment Design for Tunnelling Productivity 隧道分段设计以提高生产效率3. Tunnel engineering handbook 隧道工程手册欧盟1. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 隧道及地下空间技术2. A COMPARATIVE RISK ANAL YSIS FOR SELECTED AUSTRIAN TUNNELS 奥地利挑选出来的隧道安全比较分析3. COMITE D’EV ALUATION DE LA SECURITE DES TUNNELS ROUTIERS评估隧道爆破安全(法)4. CROSS SECTION DESIGN FOR UNI- AND BI-DIRECTIONAL ROAD TUNNELS 交叉口区道路隧道5. DESIGN OF SPRAYED CONCRETE FOR UNDERGROUND SUPPORT 地下支柱浇注混凝土设计6. dossier pilote des tunnels隧道设计(法语)7. EU tunnel fire safety action 欧盟隧道烟火安全行动8. Interlaced Spheres and Multidimensional Tunnels交织的多面球体隧道(德)9. ITA GUIDELINES FOR STRUCTURAL FIRE RESISTANCE OF ROAD TUNNELS ITA道路隧道烟火抵抗结构设计指南10. Road Tunnels道路隧道手册(挪威)11. Safety in European Road Tunnels 欧洲道路隧道安全12. The CRREL South Pole Tunneling System波兰南部隧道系统13. Transport of Dangerous Goods through Tunnels Technical Report of Mission 技术报告:危险品运输通过道路隧道14. TSI Safety in Railway Tunnels 铁路隧道安全日本1. Tunnel Design, Component Layout, Maintenance Scinario 隧道设计,结构设计和养护2. Current Safety Issues in Traffic Tunnels 当前交通隧道安全情况3. New design and construction method for tunnels driven through water-bearing Shirasu 隧道穿过水底的新的设计和建造方法澳大利亚1. GENERAL TUNNEL PLANT 隧道安置综述2. MAINTENANCE 隧道养护3. TUNNEL DESIGN 隧道设计4. TUNNEL LINING SYSTEMS 隧道灯光系统。
1. 交通事故率(Accident rate):指一个特定地点、时间段或
2. 严重交通事故(Severe accident):指造成人员伤亡或者财
3. 交通事故原因(Causes of accidents):指导致交通事故发生的各种因素,如超速、酒驾、驾驶疲劳等。
4. 交通控制措施(Traffic control measures):为提高交通安全
5. 交通流量(Traffic flow):指在特定时间段内通过某个道路
6. 道路安全设施(Road safety facilities):指路侧的安全设施,如护栏、反光标志、路灯等。
7. 交通事故预警系统(Traffic accident warning system):通过使用先进的技术手段,及时发现和预测交通事故的系统。
8. 驾驶行为评估(Driver behavior assessment):对驾驶员的
9. 交通安全教育(Traffic safety education):通过各种方式向
10. 交通安全评估(Traffic safety assessment):对一个特定地点、时间段或者交通系统进行安全性评估,以发现存在的安全问题并提供改进措施。
有着严格的规章制度英文IntroductionRules and regulations are an essential component of any organization, community, or society. They serve as a guideline for individuals to follow, ensuring order, discipline, and harmony among its members. Without rules and regulations, chaos and anarchy would prevail, leading to the breakdown of social structures and relationships. In this essay, we will explore the importance of rules and regulations, their purpose, and how they contribute to the overall well-being of a group.The Purpose of Rules and RegulationsRules and regulations serve several purposes within an organization, community, or society. Firstly, they provide a framework for behavior, setting clear expectations for individuals to follow. By establishing boundaries and guidelines, rules and regulations help prevent conflicts, misunderstandings, and disputes among members. They allow for consistency and fairness in decision-making, ensuring that everyone is treated equitably and justly.Furthermore, rules and regulations promote safety and security within a group. By outlining specific procedures and protocols, they help minimize risks and hazards, protecting the well-being of all members. For instance, in a workplace setting, safety regulations such as wearing protective gear and following proper procedures help prevent accidents and injuries. In a community, traffic rules and regulations are in place to ensure road safety and prevent accidents.Additionally, rules and regulations promote accountability and responsibility among individuals. By clearly outlining the consequences of violating rules, they encourage compliance and deter misbehavior. This fosters a sense of accountability, as individuals understand that their actions have repercussions. By holding individuals accountable for their behavior, rules and regulations help maintain order and discipline within a group.The Importance of Rules and RegulationsRules and regulations play a crucial role in maintaining order, discipline, and harmony within a group. They provide a sense of structure and organization, guiding individuals on how to interact and behave in various situations. Without rules and regulations, there would be no standard for behavior, leading to confusion and chaos.Furthermore, rules and regulations help establish a sense of cohesion and unity among members. By providing a common set of guidelines and expectations, they create a sense of belonging and identity within a group. This fosters teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration, as individuals work towards a common goal.Additionally, rules and regulations promote fairness and equity within a group. By establishing clear guidelines for behavior, they ensure that everyone is treated equally andjustly. This helps prevent discrimination, favoritism, and bias, promoting a sense of inclusivity and respect among members.Furthermore, rules and regulations help ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization or community. By outlining specific procedures and protocols, they streamline processes and operations, reducing confusion and inefficiency. This promotes productivity and success, as individuals know what is expected of them and how to achieve their goals.Rules and Regulations in Different ContextsRules and regulations exist in various contexts, ranging from the workplace to schools, communities, and societies. Each setting has its own set of rules and regulations, tailored to its specific needs and requirements. Let's explore how rules and regulations are applied in different contexts:Workplace: In a workplace setting, rules and regulations are in place to ensure safety, productivity, and professionalism. This includes guidelines on dress code, workplace behavior, attendance, and performance expectations. By following these rules, employees contribute to a positive work environment and fulfill their responsibilities effectively. Schools: In schools, rules and regulations are designed to promote learning, discipline, and respect among students. This includes rules on attendance, behavior, dress code, and academic integrity. By upholding these rules, students create a conducive learning environment and develop essential skills for success.Communities: In communities, rules and regulations are established to promote safety, order, and cleanliness. This includes regulations on noise levels, littering, parking, and property maintenance. By following these rules, residents contribute to the overall well-being and harmony of the community.Societies: In societies, rules and regulations are implemented to uphold laws, rights, and responsibilities of citizens. This includes regulations on voting, taxes, public behavior, and social welfare. By obeying these rules, individuals contribute to the stability and functioning of society.Challenges and Enforcement of Rules and RegulationsWhile rules and regulations are essential for maintaining order and discipline, there are challenges in enforcing them effectively. One of the main challenges is resistance and non-compliance from individuals who do not see the value or purpose of rules. This can lead to conflicts, defiance, and disobedience, undermining the authority of the group. Furthermore, enforcing rules and regulations requires consistent communication, monitoring, and follow-up. It is essential for leaders, supervisors, and authorities to communicate rules clearly, explain their importance, and ensure that everyone understands and follows them. Regular monitoring and enforcement of rules are crucial to address violations and maintain accountability among members.Moreover, adapting rules and regulations to changing circumstances and needs can be challenging. As societies evolve, new issues and challenges emerge that require updates and revisions to existing rules. It is essential for groups to be flexible and responsive in adjusting rules to address current issues and concerns.ConclusionIn conclusion, rules and regulations are essential for maintaining order, discipline, and harmony within a group. They provide a framework for behavior, promote safety and security, accountability, and responsibility, and foster fairness and equity among members. Rules and regulations are crucial in establishing structure, cohesion, and efficiency within an organization, community, or society. While enforcing rules and regulations can present challenges, it is essential for the well-being and success of any group. By upholding rules and regulations, individuals contribute to a positive and productive environment where all members can thrive.。
1. 遵守交通规则遵守交通规则是确保道路安全的基础。
2. 安全驾驶无论驾驶机动车辆还是骑自行车,安全驾驶都是至关重要的。
3. 正确的人行横道使用人行横道是行人安全过马路的重要设施。
4. 安全骑行骑自行车是一种常见的交通方式,但也存在一定的危险性。
5. 行人安全作为行人,我们也需要注意自己的安全。
6. 制定安全计划无论是驾驶车辆还是步行,制定一个安全计划是明智的选择。
7. 注意天气状况天气状况对道路安全有重要影响。
8. 道路维护政府和相关部门应定期检查和维护道路,确保其安全性。
9. 教育和宣传教育和宣传是提高道路安全意识的重要途径。
Road safety基础知识课件新教材
1.road safety
2.busy roads
3.cross the road safely 安全地过马路
4.traffic lights
5.wait for the green man 等待绿灯
6.keep safe
7.wait on the pavement
2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
road 马路,公路 2.
2.—What must you do to cross the road safely? 为了安全地过马路你必须做什么?
—I must look at the traffic lights. 我必须看交通灯。
3.—What 我们绝不能在马路上玩。 must you not do on the road?
15.stay safe on the road
在马路上保持安全 on the right side of the road 在马路的右边驾驶
1.—How can you cross the road safely? 你如何安全地过马路?
—I must look for a zebra crossing. 我必须寻找一条斑马线。
4.—Y在 我 你oWu们马 不ecam路绝能nu't上不在sctnr你能这o'tsp们在儿slta绝马过hyeo不路马rno能上路athde做玩。hreo什。raed.么. ? m— s—fk—lr—ecl—我rpf——r为 —fe—w我—mrll—gsrmseclllwmfm我Rr—r你bt—m—frrb—— —ssrkcsbwrp—p我rR我cbe—loooooooirooiooooooooooogaeraartaerranneaaauuuauaaaaaooooooooaoouuuuuulllaaaaaaaaaaaahIIIHI必II了II必IIW必I如IIIWWI们们Iffefffeddllltsvssssvvsssfiiiaaoookkkkkkkyeeeeesssssssssfddddddddddddttttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeiiyyyyippiooiddllllwwwaasssstttttttttlceeh须 安须 须 何 绝 绝oooyyyyfoflollymmmyyynsssssssweeerrrroouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussannnssuut灯lzzoooo必必必必必必mmaaaaaaattt容容容 容马马马马马fff安iaarrh穿穿穿ssssssssssssssss寻全 看看安不不eeetthhhgaattteettcaaaa安hfffffffttttttttttttttttttffe安安安nnnuumeeeeeeeeeehhhhff须须须须须须bbffaee易易易易路路路路路dddde全过过过找地 交交全能能eelllllllllllllllloo保tttsstttttttooooooooooooooooteee全rrrnssssuyyyyyyyrrr全全全sttrrttaao人人人boooooooooooooooouuu地地地 地,,,,,yy地nn,,,一过 通通地在在s持pppyccau的kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllcc''teeeoaaa行行行ttaad公公公公公s穿穿穿rr条马 灯灯过马马yafffffffffffffafsss6uvvvpprr333333oooooooooooooooo9osst道道道teee.ll路路路路路......ss行行行rrrrrrrrrrrrrr斑路 。。马路路aa.cauttmmmssaahhraaaaaaaaaaaaaayyfoiinnde马你 路上上eenneeeoozzzzzzzzzzzzzzsddlo8881111ggnnnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeettnns线必 ?玩玩...222221111rrtttbbtbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaao........ttiihh。须。。rrrrrrrrrrrrrrffkkffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaceeeeiiccr交做sscccccccccccccco繁繁繁繁rr道道道道道道道安ll保保rrrrrrrrrrrrrroo遵寻遵寻遵iis通oooooooooooooo什ggaas忙忙忙忙路路路路路路路看看看全小小sssssssssssssshh持持守找守找守dd在在在灯么ssssssssssssssttt的的的的h..安安安安安安安ss左左左地心心iiiiiiiiiiiiiis安安规规规nnnnnnnnnnnnnn人人人..e?agggggggggggggg道道道道全全全全全全全边边边过小小全全f则则则r行行行..............eo路路路路马汽汽lay道道道d?路车车上找找上上上s和和a公到到等等等4fe自自.共一一待待待ly行行?汽条条车 车车斑斑马马线线
雅思英语作文 Safety standards建造房屋时的安全标准很重要,谁应负责执行严格的建筑法规
Safety standards are important when building people's homes. Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes –the government or the people who build the homes?Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. You should write at least 250 words.The population of the world is increasing and so does the needs for more houses, commercial buildings and other constructions are escalating as well. The high rising buildings constructions, wood-house constructions etc. require more safety & standard issues while this is being violated often and accidents related to buildingconstructions are increasing. Some people opine that Government is solely responsible to ensuring the safety and codes while others believe that house owners are the persons who should be responsible. In my opinion, a government has a role in setting the rules and following it but it the owners and authority of the building owners who should ensure the standard and safety while constructing the houses and commercial buildings. First of all, it is out of the scope for the government to appoint necessary manpower and monitoring system in every place where the construction works would occur. Before building any house, people must take thepermission from the authority and build the house accordingly. But any accident occurs due to the lack of safety procedure; improper use of tools and materials, unskilled labour, unnecessary rush would be because of the owner’s failure to comply the codes. The workers, who work for contractions; including the architect, engineer and labour, should know the safety rules and codes and also should protest when they believe that a rule might have been violated and ignored. The labours should never assent to work in a position which is harmful and risky for them, the engineers should maintain the strict rules instead of blindly following theconstruction owners order and the local authority should time to time monitor the constructions to avoid the hazards. In conclusion, the Government does not have the necessary scope to monitor each & every construction in a country and the house owners must know the safety procedures, standards and rules to make sure the safety.Model Answer 2:People or commercial constructors build homes for private dwelling or for commercial uses and the number is increasing rapidly as the demand for new buildings is increasing. In all cases ofbuilding a new construction safety of dwelling is important. It is home maker’s or contractors responsibility to build houses complying with standard engineering requirements and building codes set by the respective governments. I believe that the government should always be there to strictly enforce building codes, and in the case of non-compliance authorities should take punitive measures. Enforcement of the law is government’s responsibility. Since non-compliance can not only cause hazards to the homeowners, but also to tenants and if in a cooperative or apartment, many co-owners may suffer. The building codes are regulatoryrequirements concerning safety and quality of the construction, use of space and others. For example, in an earthquake-prone area, the buildings should not be very high and the design and structure must have higher earthquake resistance. Big houses and long buildings (i.e. academic departments, hotels and hostels) require dilatation every 15-20 meters so that in a heavy earthquake, only part of a building collapses, not the whole. Moreover, the quality of the materials used in construction and electric wiring, and the gas connection should pass minimum safety standards. Adequate entry & exit facilities and emergency exist, fireextinguishers are also very important is establishments like factories, hall rooms, discos, party centres. In cases of a wooden house, wood must be coated with fire-resistant paint. In large apartments, office buildings, hall rooms and lobbies of hotels, fire-barriers made of rubber and steel are used to prevent the spreading of fire. Similarly, in areas of frequent hailstorms, skylights must not be used, and if so, must be protected by steel shutters. Many constructors often tend to ignore the minimum safety requirements to minimise costs which jeopardise people’s life. Many private homemakers do not know details of thesestandards and precautions. It is the responsibility of the government to disseminate such essential knowledge and monitor the compliance of builders, developers and makers of houses. However, the builders cannot avoid their responsibility anyway. In conclusion, in this modern world, the government is ultimately responsible for its entire citizen’s safety and good life. It is also the government's responsibility to enforce strict building code. If the negligence of any government agency jeopardises people’s life, the government will be held responsible.Model Answer 3:(Viewpoint: Both Government & People should be careful and responsible)People aspire to build their homes to suit their tastes as well as that of their family. While several houses are constructed on a regular basis, there have been questions on the safety standards adopted in such constructions, thus endangering not only the lives of homeowners but also of those in the neighbourhood and the society at large. While some people opine that the responsibility of ensuring a quality construction lies with the owners, there areothers who believe that the onus lies with the government. This essay will discuss both points of view. To begin, houses that are being constructed by those in the lower income groups do look at the most cost effective option. In the process, they invariably explore cheaper options that include a compromise on material and construction quality. This ultimately leads to a house construction that is inferior and might not comply with even the basic safety standards. For example, there are several instances where even a moderate amount of rainfall has led to the houses getting washed away. There are also cases where minor tremors have led to thecollapse of the entire building. Further, compromising on the quality of electrical wiring can lead to short circuit and hence a fire, that can affect not just the house owner, but can lead to severe loss of lives and property in the entire neighbourhood. In my opinion, the solution to the problem lies with having a regulatory body to monitor the quality of building constructions. The regulatory body should be under the Government. The safety standards and the minimum specification of materials that can be used in any house constructions need to be clearly defined. This should include essential parameters such as foundation strength,structure strength, electrical wiring specification, water resistant material etc. Further, at various stages of construction, the owner needs to approach the authority for approval. Upon such requests, the authority needs to carry random audits before approval. This would not only put a system in place but also serves as a deterrent to house owners who intend to compromise on construction quality. In conclusion, while the quality of house constructions at present pose a grave danger to the society, there is certainly an opportunity in this challenge, to put forth a system that would be robust and go a long way in ensuring that building constructions of thefuture adhere to the specified standards and are completely safe to both the owners as well as the society at large.Model Answer 4:(Viewpoint: Both Government & People should be careful and responsible)Home is essential for every living organism. Human build their own houses with highly innovative and much more expensively. Home is to protect us from bad weather, for relaxation, for privacy and to fulfil their personal needs.Nowadays, people are building their own homes with or without consulting proper technicians and responsible bodies. Maintaining safety standards while building homes is an issue for which both government and people should be responsible about. For an example: a person could buy a piece of land in Sri Lanka and whether this land is suitable to construct a house should be certified by the relevant authority such as National Building Research Organization. Their experiment only knows whether there is a stream going underneath of the ground, and the steepness is enough to build a house or soil properties are better to build big houses. Thisconsultation should be given by the Government bodies, at the same time people need to seek relevant government organisation prior to constructing their own buildings. These all need to be done at the time of planning and not at the time of constructing.Enforcing people to obey the rules of the building construction is to be announced by the government. But, when the people do not follow these rules, they should be punished by the government. But under the same government bodies, there are some government officials whoescape the rules for bribes. This should be strictly and immediately stopped.Even though government brought strict codes to construct homes, people who build, need to follow these rules. This is the responsibility of the people and not the government. Only a few people consult government organisation for selecting the land, planning, and constructing the homes. Others do not do this. An example of that can be cited as getting Divisional Secretariat’s approval prior to the construct of the buildings is a must and people should maintain that keeping their own safety in mind.There is a limitation for constructing a house from the edge of the water stream or railway road and that’s something both parties should maintain. If that person consults relevant government body only they will inform about the conditions. Without consulting many have constructed near the water stream in plantation sector of Nuwara Eliya District. But they all flooded in the year 2013 due to the heavy rain. Many have replaced their houses and even locations after that.Therefore, safety measures should be given by the government and at the same time, thisshould be followed by the people who build their own homes, due to their own safety.(Approximately 425 words)Model Answer 5:Having a roof to cover yourself is one of the basic human needs and being safe and secure is the feeling that drives the urge to get a home. So people who are getting a home built are concerned about the safety though they might not be aware of all the standards which keep a check on this aspect of building homes. Now the question arises, is it the people or thegovernment who has the sole responsibility ensuring the standards being followed. As far as my point of view goes, it's the responsibility of all the persons by any means related to this activity; be it the authorities approving plans, the builder or the owner itself. Everyone should act as a checkpoint and should perform his duty with due diligence. The government has a very critical role to play here. The whole setup was defined by the government and they have the responsibility to incorporate the best possible standards for safety. For this, they can take inspiration from the western countries that put a high stake on quality being promised anddelivered when it comes to safety standards for building safe homes. And these rules needs need to consistent across PAN India and there should be scope for customization depending upon the region. For instance in areas such Bhopal which are prone to earthquakes more than any other region in India, you can have specific rules defined to ensure stronger base to resist against any such calamity. And not only its development but spreading awareness and stringent checks needed to be employed to ensure the standards being followed. Apart from the government, the onus also lies onto the builder to whom a trust being placed by theowner of the house to deliver what was promised. Generally, the person who wants to have his home built wants the same to be the safest and rather keen to spend extra bucks to ensure the safety of his house. But it is quite obvious that he might not be having the technical nitty-gritty of the trade. So he entrusts the builder to do the job for him and it is the builders’ utmost priority to ensure this trust won't be breached. To summarise, primarily it's the responsibility of the government authorities to ensure stricter building codes, but every other person involved in this should be held guilty had the standards not confirmed with. And it isalways advisable to the owner as well to keep himself updated with all the requirement of safety standards and to keep a check on the builder because is "better to be safe than sorry.(Approximately 438 words)。
安全标准英文“安全标准”:safety standard或security standard。
一、翻译分析1. “safety”侧重于表示没有危险、不会受到伤害的状态,强调对人身安全方面的保护,例如“safety regulations(安全规定)”中的“safety”主要关注人们在生产、生活等场景下免受危险。
所以“safety standard”可直译为“安全标准”,例如在工业生产中涉及到保护工人人身安全的一系列规范准则就可以用这个词。
2. “security”更强调保障安全、防范危险的措施和手段,也有安全、保安等含义。
“security standard”也表示“安全标准”,更多地用于涉及信息安全、国家安全、安保措施等领域,例如在网络安全方面制定的一系列防止数据泄露、黑客攻击等的标准就可以用“security standard”。
二、英语解释1. “safety standard”- For example, in a construction site, there are safety standards for workers to follow. Workers must wear safety helmets, which is one of the safety standards. (在建筑工地上,有供工人遵循的安全标准。
)- In a chemical factory, the safety standard requires proper handling of dangerous chemicals to prevent explosions and chemical leaks.(在化工厂,安全标准要求正确处理危险化学品以防止爆炸和化学品泄漏。
)- In a school laboratory, the safety standard demands that students should wear goggles when doing some experiments to protect their eyes. (在学校实验室,安全标准要求学生在做某些实验时要戴护目镜以保护眼睛。
standard的近义词辨析standard有标准,规格; 旗,军旗; 度量衡标准等意思,那么你知道standard的近义词有哪些吗?下面店铺为大家带来standard的近义词及辨析,接下来一起来学习一下吧。
standard近义词:standard, criterion, measure, gaugestandard近义词辨析:这些名词均含"标准"之意。
standard 指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。
criterion 较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。
measure standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。
gauge 专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。
standard的英语例句:1. The London Evening Standard moved offices a few years ago.《伦敦标准晚报》报址几年前迁走了。
2. The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.现在的生活水平几乎快要无法维持生计。
3. Residents in general are poor and undereducated, and live in sub-standard housing.居民们普遍都很贫穷,受教育程度低,居住条件较差。
4. It carried off the Evening Standard drama award for best play.它获得伦敦晚间标准戏剧奖的最佳戏剧奖。
5. Generations of students have learnt to parrot the standard explanations.一代又一代学生学会了机械地重复这些标准解释。
6. Plumbing and electrics are installed to a high standard.管道设备和电路按照高标准安装。
标准化 standardization基本术语 basic terms标准化主题 subject of standardization标准化领域 field fo standardization技术发展水平 state of the art公认的技术规则 acknowledged rule of technology标准化的.水平 level of standardization国际标准化 international standarkdization地区标准化 regional standardization国家标准化 national standardization地方标准化 provincial standardization标准化的目的 aims of standardization环境保护 protection of environment标准文件 normative document.标准化机构standardizing body地区标准化组织reginal standardization organization国际标准化组织international standardization organization标准机构standards body国家标准机构national standards body地区标准组织reginal standards organization国际标准组织international standards organization权力机构authority制定规章的机构regulatory authority执行机构executive autority标准的协调harmonization of standards标准法standard law标准件standard part标准物reference material标准学standard learning标准程序standard program标准贯彻standard carrying out标准龄期valid period of standard标准情报standard information标准情报工作information work of standards标准体系standards system标准体系表standrds system table标准体系表的构成structure of standards sytem标准的级别levels of standards标准化档案archives of standardization标准的等效性equivalence of standards采用程度degree of adoption参照采用adopting by reference等同采用adopting by equation等效采用adopting by equivalent采用国际标准原则rules for adopting international standard 采用国际标准工作程序work procedure for adopting international standards采用国际标准管理办法admisinstrative regulation for adopting internatinal standards采用国际标准和国外先进标准adoption of international standard and advanced oversea standard标准情报管理standard information management标准情报检索standard information retrieval国家标准化计划national standardization plan行业计划sectional plan环境保护法environmental protection law企业标准化enterprise standardization企业标准化情报工作standard information work in enterprise 全国标准化技术委员会national technical committee for standardization世界标准日world standard day中国标准化年鉴CSBS yearbook中华人民共和国标准化法the standardization law of the people's republic of china中华人民共和国环境保护法the environment protection law of the people's republic of china综合标准化integrated standardization标准standard注明日期的引用(标准)dated reference (to standards)不注明日期的引用(标准)undated reference (to standards)标准文献分类classification of standards document.标准文献收集collection of standard decumnets标准情报咨询服务advisory service of standard information文献标引document.nbspindexing主题法subject indexing method叙词表(主题词表)thesaurus标准类型type基础国际标准basic international standard政府规程governmental regulation多种语言的国际标准multilingual international standard国际标准international standard地区标准regional standard国家标准national standard地方标准provincial standard予标准prestandard协调标准harmonized stndard统一标准unified standard相同标准identical standard国际协调标准internationally harmonized standard 地区协调标准regionally harmonized standard多边协调标准multilaterally harmonized standard 双边协调标准bilaterally harmonized standard单边看齐标准unilaterally alighned standard可比标准comparable standard强制性标准mandatory standard推荐性标准recommended standard国家标准national standard部标准ministerial standard行业标准occupation standard技术标准technical standard内控标准inner quality standard企业标准company standard (enterprise standard) 企业法规business law and regulation引用标准quoted standard专业标准specialized standard参考标准normative reference产品标准product standard法规regulation安全标准safety standard技术规范technical specification实施规则code fo practice基础标准basic standard术语标准terminology standard测试标准testing standard过程标准process standard服务标准service standard接口标准interface standard有关应提供数据的标准standard on data to be provided 半成品标准semi-finished product standard包装标准packaging standard标志标准standard of mark补充性标准complementary standard大气质量标准atomosphere quality standard工装标准tool standard管理标准admisistrative standard环境保护标准environmental protection standard技术说明technical descriptioon劳动保护标准labour protectig standard【标准化相关英语词汇】。
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Restricted Group Road Safety Standards
Driving related accidents are the single largest cause of fatalities in Shell companies.
The main objective of the Group Road Safety Standards is to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the number of serious road traffic incidents and fatalities.
These standards apply to all road transport activities for any Shell company including but not limited to:
• all company and contractor vehicles and their drivers operating on company premises;
• all company and contractor vehicles and their drivers operating on public roads and in public areas on company business; and
• all transport activities including personnel and freight movements, and mobile plant (drilling trucks, seismic vibrator trucks, etc) activities.
Exceptions to applying these standards shall be approved by the Group head of HSE or his delegate and documented in the HSE management system.
1. Occupants of any vehicle shall use seatbelts at all times. All vehicles (owned, leased or rented)
must be fitted with effective seat belts for each occupant. Exception to this requirement is for public transportation in which seat belts are not available (airport busses, etc).
2. Drivers shall be appropriately licensed, trained, and have the functional capacity to operate the
vehicle. Professional drivers3 shall have attended an accredited defensive driving course.
3. Drivers shall neither initiate nor answer a mobile telephone call while driving a vehicle (this
includes text messaging and the use of hands-free devices).
4. Drivers shall not operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics or
medication that could impair the driver's ability to safely operate the vehicle.
5. Drivers shall not allow unauthorised passengers in the vehicle.
6. Drivers shall not operate vehicles unless appropriately rested and alert and shall not exceed
prescribed driving and duty hours as specified in law or by Shell standards, whichever is more stringent. Professional drivers3 shall meet Shell Group Fitness to Work requirements.
7. Managers shall periodically question the amount of journeys with the intent to eliminate journeys
where possible.
8. A Safe Journey Management Plan shall be implemented where a local risk assessment identifies
such control to be necessary, and for all journeys in high risk environments4.
9. Businesses and Functions shall determine, based on risk assessment, which company owned,
contracted or leased vehicles shall be fitted with In Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) or Vehicle Data Recorders (VDR) that produce journey data to be analysed and fed back to the drivers.
10. Company owned, contracted or leased vehicles (if under contract for more than 3 months) shall
be fit for purpose based on an assessment of usage, and be maintained in safe working order in line with manufacturers’ specifications and local legal requirements. As a minimum they shall meet local legislation and include seatbelts, headrestraints5, airbags1,5, ABS5, side impact protection1,5, reversing alarm2 and under-run protection2.
11. Company and contractors’ management systems shall include requirements for managing Road
Transport Safety.
These standards are intended to direct Shell staff and employees in the performance of their duties. They are not intended for investors, and should not be relied on when considering whether to buy, retain or sell shares in any Shell company.
1. For light duty vehicle
2. For heavy good vehicles and busses where available
3. Any person primarily employed to drive vehicles
4. Remote location work where the tier 2 response time requirements of table 1 of the Group (YG) ’Medical Emergency Guidelines for Management’
cannot be met or in other environments where a risk assessment (including security risks) has determined that additional controls are required. .
5. Not applicable to vehicles that only operate on specific sites with controlled speed zones less than 35 KPH and local road transport safety
procedures in place.。