Independence and its Heroes
向志愿军英雄致敬的作文150字I want to express my deepest respect and gratitude to the heroes of the Volunteer Army who fought for the independence and liberation of our country.我要向为我国独立解放而战的志愿军英雄表达最深的敬意和感激之情。
The sacrifices made by these brave soldiers, who left behind their families and risked their lives, cannot be overstated. Their unwavering courage and determination in the face of overwhelming odds are truly awe-inspiring.这些勇敢的士兵为了国家舍弃家庭,冒着生命危险,所做出的牺牲是无法言表的。
Their selfless dedication to the cause of freedom and justice serves as a shining example for future generations. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be fully repaid.他们无私地奉献给自由与正义事业的精神为后人树立了光辉榜样。
The sacrifices made by the heroes of the Volunteer Army have left an indelible mark on the history of our nation. Their bravery and resilience in the face of adversity will be remembered for generations to come.志愿军英雄们所做出的牺牲在我国历史上留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。
英语国家社会与文化入门 课后题答案之欧阳地创编
Book1 Unit 1时间:2021.03.04 创作:欧阳地1.What was the British Empire? What do you know about it? In what way is the “Empire” still felt in Britain and in the international field?The British Empire comprised the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom, that had originated with the overseas colonies and trading posts established by England in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.In the international field, Britain has great voice in politics, economy and culture and so on.2.Why impossible to sum up British people with a few simple phrases: The UK is made up of different elements. It includes 4 parts within the one nation-state. It is now a multiracial society with different religion believes. It is divided economically and it is a society with aclass-structure. And within each of the four countries there are different regions. Since this country was so complicated both in history or humanity, it is impossible to sum up their people. 3.A history of invasions: (1) Before the 1st century AD Britain was made up of tribal kindoms of Celtic people. They brought the central Europen culture to Britain. Then in 43AD, Roman Empire invaded Britain and controlled it for slave society but also disseminated their Catholicism. (2)However, in the 5th century, the Roman Empire rapidly waned in power and Britain was conquered by the Angles and the Saxons. In order to defend the Saxons, a great leader—King Arthur appeared. He created the "round table" to satisfy all the knights' requirement of having equal precedence. Thus it gradually formed the monarchy in Britain as a more democratic system. Whether Arthur's a real person in the history or not, Anglo-Saxons did succeed in invading Britain and they were the forefathers of the English. (3)In the 8thcentury, the Vikings from Denmark controlled the nothern and eastern England. A Anglo-Saxon herio, king Alfred the Great fought against the vikings with the truly English. And that's why there's a certain cultural difference between northerners and southerners in England (4)Later, the Nomans from northern France, under the leading of William of Normandy, killed the king and William became the Frist of England. They imported a rulling class that French-speaking Norman aristocracy rulled Saxon and English-speaking population. In this condition, there weren't a lot of rebellions among the English people. That directly formed an English unique character: a richly unconventional interior life hidden by an external conformity. Even today, we can still find this personality from the British people through their lifestyles.How did they influence culture:[接着上边一起看] (2) a lot of stories of King Arthur, which brought a lot of singers, poets, novelists and filmmakers. Places associated with his legend. Round table was ween asan indicator of the way in which the English have wished to see their monarch as something other than a remote dictator. (3)anglo-saxon invaders were the forefathers of the English. By Vikings' settlements the Enlish heroes were truly English. There remains to this day a certain cultural divide between northerners and southerners in england. (4)Norman aristocracy ruling a largely Saxon and English-speaking population. the legend of Robin Hood.4.General characteristic of Scotland: Scotland is the second largest of the four nations, both in population and in geographical area. It is also the most confident of its own identity because alone amongst the non-English components of the UK it has previously spent a substantial period of history asa unified state independent of the UK. (1) rugged.(2) not conquered by the Romans (3) maintain its separate political identity for more than a hundred years.(4) eager for independence.How Scotland became part of the union of Great Britain: in 1707 by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments, Scotland joined the Union. In 1745 there was a brutal military response from the British army. The rebel army was destroyed at the battle of Culloden in northern Scotland.5.Describe Wales and the unification with Britain: (1) wales was an important element in Britain's industrial revolution, as it had rich coal deposits. It is successful in attracting investment from abroad. Wales has been dominated by England for longer than the other nations of the union. Despite this nearness and long-standing political integration Wales retains a powerful sense of its difference from England. (2)Wales has been dominated by England for longer than the other nations of the union. Despite this nearness and long-standing political integration Wales retains a powerful sense of its difference from England. In 1536, wales was brought legally, administratively, and politicallyinto the UK by an act of the British parliament. This close long-standing relationship means that modern wales lacks some of the outward signs of difference which Scotland possesses --- its legal system and its education system are exactly the same as in England. 6.Differences between England, Scotland and Wales in terms of cultural tradition: [书上说的比较散,建议参考festival那章的答案,这里只有一些零散的不系统的比较] (1) English character: a richly unconventional interior life hidden by an external conformity. But young people are not all stereotypes. But it is certainly true that the lifeless fronts of many english houses conceal beautiful back gardens.(2)The dream of an independent Scotland has not vanished. They are always eager for freedom. Scotland has a great tradition of innovation in the arts, philosophy and science. "Superficially fully integrated into the UK, but concealed beneath this is a still-strong Scottish identity." Some people speak Gaelic.(3)Wales is different, and one of thekey markers of that diffenece is the Welsh language -- the old British Celtic tongue which is still in daily use. Modern wales lacks some of the outward signs of difference which Scotland possesses. (its legal system and education system are exactly the same as in England)Unit 21.Why is Northern Ireland so significant in the UK: Though Northern Ireland is small it is significant because of the political troubles there.Its political problem: The problem is in Northern Ireland in 1921 in southern Ireland independence from Britain, Ireland North and South following the separation of issues left over by history, mixed it with historical, political, ethnic and religious conflicts, extremely complex. Ireland’s independence, to remain under British rule within the framework of the 6 in the northern island of Ireland residents of the pro-British Protestant majority (about 51%), the Catholic nationalist minority(about 38%), as a result of the two major forces in Northern Ireland On the contrary position of ownership and lead to confrontation, conflict. [因为发现实在太难sum up了,所以就搜了一下,以下是wikipedia版本]Northern Ireland was for many years the site of a violent and bitter ethno-political conflict —the Troubles —which was caused by divisions between nationalists, who are predominantly Roman Catholic, and unionists, who are predominantly Protestant. Unionists want Northern Ireland to remain as a part of the United Kingdom,[6] while nationalists wish for it to be politically reunited with the rest of Ireland, independent of British rule. [网络其它版本]Until 1921 the full name of the UK was "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", not only "Northern Ireland", because the whole island of Ireland was politically integrated with Great Britain, and had been since 1801, while Britain's domination of the Irish dated back centuries even before that date. But Irish desires for an independent Irish state were neverlost, and one of the key issues in late nineteenth century British politics was a campaign in parliament for what was called "home-rule"—Irish political control of Irish affairs. The Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914, but the process was overtaken by the First World War and was suspended for the duration of the war.2.Factors in Irish and English history that affect the situation in Northern Ireland today: Along with the political campaign for home-rule there were groups who followed a more direct method of pursuing Irish independence, engaging in guerilla or terrorist activities against British institutions and the British military forces. During the First World War and immediately after, this activity increased, sometimes brutally suppressed by British forces. 3.Sum up solutions to NI's political problems of different parties and groups in the UK: Margaret Thatcher's government did not give in to this demandfor political status and 11 prisoners starved to death. This event revitalised the political campaign of Sinn Fein, the legal political party which supports the IRA's right to fight. Its leaders spoke of a twin campaign for union with Ireland, both political and military, which they called the policy of "The Bullet and the Ballot Box".4.What do you think should be the right solution to the political problem in Northern Ireland: I think they can ask the UN for help. / Keep the present status. Turn to other countries for help. [自由发挥啦]Unit 31.Characteristics of the British constitutional monarchy: The monarch of the country has limited rights because of Bill of Right. For example, while the official head of state is the queen, her powers are largely traditional and symbolic. The government at national and local levels is elected by the people and governs according to British constitutionalprinciples.How the English monarchy evolved to present constitutional monarchy: Originally the power of the monarch was largely derived from the ancient doctrine of the "divine right of kings". For a thousand years Britain has had a hereditary king or queen as the head of the state. While the King in theory had God on his side, in practice even in medieval times it was thought that he should not exercise absolute power. King John was unwilling to receive advice from prominent men, which led battles between the king and other powerful groups. Finally the king granted them a charter, named Magna Carta, of liverty and political rights. The civil war2.The civil war was rooted in a dispute over the power of the king vis-a-vis Parliament. James I and his successor Charles I both insisted on their divine right as kings. They felt Parliament had no real political right to exist, but only existed because the king allowed it to do so. It was the effort toreassert the rights of parliament that led to the civil war.English Revolution: "English Revolution" has been used to describe two different events in English history. The first was the Glorious Revolution of 1688, whereby James II was replaced by William III and Mary II as monarch and a constitutional monarchy established, was described by Whig historians as the English Revolution.[1]In the twentieth-century, however, Marxist historians used the term "English Revolution" to describe the period of the English Civil Wars and Commonwealth period (1640-1660), in which Parliament challenged King Charles I's authority, engaged in civil conflict against his forces, and executed him in 1649. This was followed by a ten-year period of bourgeoisrepublican government, the "Commonwealth", before monarchy was restored in the shape of Charles' son, Charles II, in 1660.3.History of English parliament: Traditionally, whenmedieval kings wanted to raise money he would try to persuade the Great Council, a gathering of leading, wealthy barons which the kings summoned several times a year. Later kings found this group was so small that they could not make ends meet. So they widened the Great Council to include representatives of counties, cities and towns and get them to contribute. It was in this way that the Great Council came to include the House of Lords(who were summoned) and the House of Commons(representatives of communities).What role did the parliament play in the Civil War: Since James I and Charles I both thought that Parliament didn't need to exist, the Parliament was enraged. Leading politicians and church authorities asked William of Orange to replace them two. In 1689 Parliament passed the bill of Rights which ensured that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.4.Characteristics of British constitution: Unlike many nations, Britain has no core constitutionaldocuments.Contents: Statute laws(laws passed by Parliament); the common laws(laws which have been established through common practice in the courts); and conventions(rules and practices which do not exist legally but are nevertheless regarded as vital to the workings of government).5.Why parliament is supreme: because it alone has the power to change the terms of the Constitution. There are no legal restraints upon Parliament.Parliament's function: First, it passes laws. Second, it provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation. Third, it scrutinises government policy, administration and expenditure. Fourth, it debates the major issues of the day.Queen/King's role: To symbolise the tradition and unity of the British state. To represent Britain at home and broad. To set standards of good citizenship and family life. She is legally head of the executive,an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, commander in chief of the armed forces and "supreme governor" of the Church of England.PM's role: The Prime Minister is the leader of the political party which wins the most seats in a general election. He/She chose usually around 20 MPs to become government ministers in the Cabinet. Together they carry our the functions of policy-making, the coordination of government departments and the supreme control of government.6.The House of Lords: It was below the Queen, consisting of the Lords Spiritual(who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England) and the Lords Temporal(which refers to those lords who either have inherited the seat from their forefathers of they have been appointed). The lords mainly represent themselves instead of the interests of the public. It is the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom's national legislature. It remains the relationship withgovernment, debates legislation and has some power to amend or reject bills (has some legislative functions).Unit 41.Anyone who is eligible to vote can stand as an MP. It is necessary only to make a deposit of 500 pounds. Why small parties and independent candidates powerless: Voters will see it as a wasted vote because even if they were to win the seat they would be powerless in parliament against the big parties' representatives. Voting them will prevent the voters from contributing to the competition between the big parties as to which of them will form a government. 2.Three big parties in the UK: the Labour party, the Conservative party, the Liberal Democrats. Similarities: Since Conservative began to have a "fartherly" sense of obligation to the less fortunate in society, they didn't dismantle principles the Labour set up. That indicates that thus thedifference between the Labour and Conservative is one of degree, not an absolute.Dissimilarities: (1) Labour is a socialist party. They believe a society should be relatively equal in economic terms and that part of the role of government is to act as a "redistributive" agent. They think government should provide a range of public services, therefore high taxes. (2) Conservative is the party that spent most time in power. They are seen as the party of the individual, protecting individual's right to acquire wealth and to spend it how they choose, therefore low taxes. (3) Liberal Democrats is a party of the "middle", occupying the ideological ground between the two main parties. They are comparatively flexible and pragmatic in their balance of the individual and the social.3.Recent political trends [注意下一小问]: (1) Conservatives won the election under their leader Margaret Thatcher in the 1970s. During that time the economy did badly, with high inflation and low growth.(2) she dismissed being "fartherly", encourages entrepreneurship. One of the major policies was the privatisazion of nationalised industry. (3)part of the mechanism of change was a less redistributive taxation system. Tax rate were cut to allow people to keep more of what they earned.Author's opinion: The 1980s have seen British politics move to the "right", away from the "pulic" and toward the "private"; away from the "social", and toward the "individual", and all parties have had to adjust to those changes.4.How people are divided into different classes: (1) employment: manual(or blue-collar) workers usually call themselves working-class, and office(or white-collar) workers would usually call themselves middle-class. (2) cultural differences: like what newspaper they read. Working-class often read THE SUN, a newspaper with little hard news and more about soap operas, royal family and sports. Middle-class often read THE GUARDIAN, a larger newspaper with longerstories, covering national and international events.(3) education: private school or public school. (4) the UK has also retained a hereditary aristocracy.(5) the way they speak.Compare with the US and China: not similar at all. The UK has also retained a hereditary aristocracy. Among the students at the private schools attended by the upper-middle-class above would be a thin scattering of aristocratic children, who will inherit titles like baronets. This is due to Britain's different history and convention.Unit 51.Absolute decline means recession, developing in a minus speed.Relative decline means that although the UK improved, other countries developed more rapidly than the UK, which made it slid from being the second largest economy to being the sixth.Reasons: (1) The UK had gone into debt after WWII.(2) Britain spent a higher proportion of its nationalwealth on the military than most of its competitors. (Joining NATO and UN Security Council) (3)The era of empire was over. Former colonial countries announced independence, leaving Britain as a medium-size Euporean country. (4)Britain's industry survived comparatively unaffected, but its competitors did not. So the competitors invested in modern equipment and new products while British industry still continue with older ones. (5) Low rates of investment. The UK lacks a close relationship between industry and banks due to its history. A low rate of domestic industrial investment coupled with a very high rate of overseas investment.2.What did the conservative party under Mrs. Thatcher promise to do to the UK national economy in 1979: A radical programme of reform.What was her radical reform programme: Bureaucracy was reduced, (foreign exchange controls were lifted, rules governing banks loosened, for example). Throughout the 1980s an extensive programme ofprivatisation was carried out.Was is successful: It seemed in some ways to be successful in that inflation came under control, and business made profits. The negative aspect was a rapid increase in unemployment. The national economy as a whole continued to grow at lower rates than its competitors.3.Main areas in national economies: Primary industries such as agriculture, fishing and mining; secondary industries which manufacture complex goods from those primary products; tertiary/service industries such as banking, insurance, tourism and the retailing.Development of each: (1) agricultural sector is small but efficient. Energy production is an important part of the UK economy. (2)in the secondary sector, manufacturing industry remains important, producing 22% of national wealth. (3)tertiary or service industries produce 65% of national wealth.4.Why relatively shrinking of the important secondary industry and a spectacular growth in tertiary or service industries: A lot of the tertiary or service industries is domestic activity, accounting for about 10% of the world's exports of such services. 70% of the UK's workforce are employed in the service sector.Compare tertiary industries in China in the past 20 years or so: Chinese tertiary industries didn't grow as fast as the UK, though the portion was increasing. How is this growth related to the reform and opening up to the outside world: China was famous for the name of "world factory", which means Chinese workforces can produce products at low paid. China is a developing country, experiencing the transfer of manufacturing is reasonable. However, as China is developing, wages of workforces are also increasing. Comparing to India, we may lose our "advantage" gradually.Unit 61.Why Geoffrey Chaucer's work written in Middle English can still read and studied today: It is notable for its diversity, both in the range of social types amongst the 31pilgrims, and the range in style of the stories they tell.2.Do you think Elizabethan Drama occupies a significant position in British literature: Yes. Elizabethan drama, and Shakespeare in particular, is considered to be among the earliest work to display a "modern" perception of the world: full of moral doubts and political insecurities, where the right of those who wield power to do so is put in question.The most important figure in Elizabethan Drama: William ShakespeareSome of his well-known plays: (tragedies)Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth; (comedies)The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night, the Tempest; (history plays)Richard III, Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V jJulius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra.3.Some of the features of Romantic Literature: writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason.4.Modernism: it refers to a form of literature mainly written before WWII. It is characterized by a high degree of experimentation. It can be seen as a reaction against the 19th century forms of Realism. Modernist writers express the difficulty they see in understanding and communicating how the world works. Often they seem disorganized, hard to understand. It often portrays the action from the viewpoint of a single confused individual, rather than from the viewpoint of an all-knowing impersonal narrator outside the action.Postmodernism: After WWII. Postmodernist can be thought of as abandoning the search of buried meaning below confusing surfaces.Examples to illustrate: (modernist) Virginia Woolf"Mrs.Dalloway""to the Lighthouse""Orlando";wrence "Sons and Lovers" andE.M.Forster "aPassage to India"; (postmodernist)George Orwell "1984", John Fowles "the French Lieutenant's woman"Book I Unit 7, British Education System1.What are the purposes of the British education system?Please comment on these purposes. What are the main purposes of the Chinese education system? Are there any differences or similarities in the education of the two nations?Schools in Britain do not just teach the students 3 Rs, (reading, writing and arithmetic), but to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society.2.How does the British education system reflect socialclass?Firstly, in Britain, the school you attend can refer to your social status.And the school tie is a clear market of social class, 3.What are the major changes that have taken place sinceWorld War II? Is British education moving towardsmore progress or more equality? Pick up some examples from the text to illustrate your points.1)The old education system has disrupted due to the war.So with the help of the church and newly powerful trade unions began to reconstruct a new education system.2)The new system emphasizes equality. 1944 educationact made entry to secondary schools and universities meritocratic. Children would be able admitted to schools not because they were of a certain social class or because their parents possessed a certain amount of money, but because of the abilities they displayed. All children were given right to a free secondary education and the main concern was to make sure more children had access to a good education.3)1989, a national curriculum was introduced by thegovernment.4.Why does the author say that universities in Britainhave rather elitist?Most students in British universities are from the middle classes, attend good schools, perform well intheir A-levels and receive a fully-funded place ina university. And when they graduate, they can becomevery influential in banking, the media, the arts, education or even the government.5.What is the Open University in Britain? What do youthink of this system?The opening university offers a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree. People can register without having any formal educational qualifications.They follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, videos, residential schools and a network of study centre.I think the system has been quite successful. Thanksto the system, tens of thousands of Britons, from various statuses attend the Open University each year.And this has improve the equality in Britain’s high education.Unit 8 British Foreign Relations1.What and how did the British Empire end? How did theBritain react to this reality? How did the end ofBritish imperialism influence the psychology of the British and the making of Britain’s foreign policy?1)After the World War II the British could no longerafford to maintain its empire; while Britain had won the war, it had paid a terrible price in terms of lives and in terms of economic destruction. And the British realized that countries should be granted the independence and left to run their own affairs.People and territory should not just be treated asa source of economic resources for the ruling centersof commerce in Europe.2)Many people are still alive who can remember whenBritain was one of the most powerful and rich nations on earth. It is sometimes hard to think about Britain as it really is today.3)Because Britain lost its empire so recently, britishpolicy makers frequently forget that Britain is not as influential as it used to be in world affairs.Historians argue that the British foreign policy makers retain very conservative and traditional views of Britain’s role as a world power and pointto many major foreign policy decisions as examples.2.What are the foundations of Britain’s foreignpolicy?It is greatly influenced by its imperial history and also by its geopolitical traits.Britain’s imperial history m ade the policy maker very conservative and traditional.And its geopolitical traits created a sense of psychological isolation in its inhabitants. And as Britain is an island state, it naturally developed as a nation of seafarers who roamed the globe looking for territory and economic opportunities.3.How is Britain’s foreign policy made? Does thegovernment’s foreign policy represent the desires of British citizen?1)The prime minister and cabinet decide on the generaldirection of Britain’s foreign policy. Th e main government department involved is of course the foreign and commonwealth office but many other government ministries also play a part in formulating and executing the government’s decisions.。
下面是店铺给大家整理的英雄的英文是什么,供大家参阅!英雄的英文是什么英 [ˈhɪərəʊ] 美 [ˈhɪroʊ]hero英雄hero的双语例句1. The mystery hero imme-diately alerted police after spotting a bomb.那个无名英雄发现炸弹后马上报了警。
2. He called Mr Mandela a hero who had inspired millions.他称曼德拉先生为鼓舞了数百万民众的英雄。
3. The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.主人公丹尼与柯克·道格拉斯出奇地相像。
4. Jack was a folk hero in the Greenwich Village bars.在格林尼治村的酒吧里杰克是人们心目中的英雄。
5. England's World Cup hero is determined to play through the pain barrier.英格兰的世界杯英雄决定带伤上阵。
6. Crowds shouted and pushed to get a glimpse of their hero.为了一睹英雄的风采,人群喊叫着,推搡着。
7. Everyone wants to be a hero, but no one wants to die.每个人都想成为英雄,但没有人想死。
8. No matter, he remained the hero of the crowds.不要紧,他仍是众人心目中的英雄。
9. Does your film make a hero of Jim Garrison?您的影片是否将杰姆·加里森塑造成一名英雄人物?10. Singer Brett Anderson inspires old-fashioned hero-worship.歌手布雷特·安德森唤起了旧式的个人崇拜狂潮。
As an individual, I have always held a deep sense of pride and affection for my country. The love for my nation is not just a feeling it is a commitment to its values, its people, and its future. Heres a reflection on why I love my country and how it has shaped me.Firstly, the rich history of my country is a source of immense pride. From the tales of ancient civilizations to the struggles for independence, the stories of bravery and resilience have been passed down through generations. These narratives have not only provided a sense of identity but also instilled a strong sense of patriotism.Secondly, the diversity of my country is something I cherish. With a multitude of cultures, languages, and traditions, it is a melting pot of unique experiences and perspectives. This diversity has taught me the importance of tolerance, understanding, and unity in diversity.Thirdly, the natural beauty of my country is breathtaking. From the majestic mountains to the serene beaches, the lush forests to the vast deserts, the landscapes are a testament to the wonders of nature. These natural treasures inspire a deep respect for the environment and a responsibility to preserve them for future generations.Moreover, the progress and development that my country has achieved are commendable. The advancements in technology, education, and infrastructure have significantly improved the quality of life for many citizens. This progress is a reflection of the hard work and determination of the people, which I admire and aspire to emulate. Furthermore, the spirit of community and the values of compassion and generosity are deeply ingrained in the culture of my country. In times of crisis, the people come together to support one another, showcasing the strength of our collective spirit.Lastly, the opportunities that my country provides for personal growth and development are invaluable. The freedom to pursue education, career, and personal interests allows individuals to reach their full potential and contribute to the nations progress.In conclusion, my love for my country is rooted in its history, diversity, natural beauty, progress, community spirit, and opportunities. It is a love that fuels my commitment to contribute positively to its development and to uphold the values that make it great.。
四年级英语演讲稿我爱祖国带意思,作文My Patriotic Speech for Fourth GradeI am honored to stand before you today to share my love and admiration for our beloved country. As a young citizen of this great nation, I am filled with a deep sense of pride and gratitude for the blessings we enjoy and the ideals that have shaped our history.Our country is a tapestry of diverse cultures, traditions, and people, woven together by the common threads of freedom, democracy, and the pursuit of happiness. From the majestic mountains that stretch across our vast landscapes to the bustling cities that hum with the energy of progress, this land we call home is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit.At the heart of our nation lies a profound reverence for the principles of liberty and justice. Our Founding Fathers, guided by their unwavering commitment to these ideals, fought tirelessly to secure our independence and establish a government that would empower and protect the rights of all citizens. Their vision, enshrined in theConstitution and Bill of Rights, has stood the test of time, inspiring generations of Americans to strive for a more perfect union.As we reflect on our nation's history, we cannot help but be in awe of the sacrifices made by those who came before us. The brave men and women who have donned the uniform of our armed forces, risking their lives to defend our freedoms, are the true heroes of our nation. Their unwavering dedication and selfless service have ensured that the torch of liberty continues to burn brightly, illuminating the path for future generations.But our love for our country is not limited to its history and its heroes. It is also a deep appreciation for the values that have shaped our national identity. We cherish the principles of equality, where all people, regardless of their race, religion, or background, are afforded the same rights and opportunities. We celebrate the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that has driven us to reach new heights in science, technology, and industry, transforming the world around us.Most importantly, our love for our country is a testament to the strength and resilience of the American people. In times of challenge and adversity, we have come together as a united front, drawing upon our shared values and collective determination to overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. Whether it is natural disasters,economic downturns, or global conflicts, the American spirit has always prevailed, emerging stronger and more resolute than ever before.As we look to the future, we must continue to uphold the ideals that have made our country great. We must instill in our children a deep sense of patriotism, teaching them to respect and honor the sacrifices of those who have come before us. We must also work tirelessly to address the challenges that our nation faces, from addressing social inequalities to combating climate change, always striving to leave our country in a better state for future generations.In closing, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and pride for the privilege of being an American. Our country is a beacon of hope and inspiration for people around the world, a shining example of what can be achieved when a people are united by a common purpose and a shared vision. Let us continue to nurture and protect this precious gift, ensuring that the flame of liberty burns brightly for generations to come.God bless America, and may our nation continue to stand as a symbol of hope, freedom, and the limitless potential of the human spirit.。
As a high school student with a deep respect for the sacrifices made by those who serve our country, I often find myself reflecting on the stories of bravery and dedication that define the heroes who protect our nation. These individuals, often referred to as the guardians of our homeland, embody the spirit of selflessness and courage that is the cornerstone of our societys safety and freedom.Growing up, I was always fascinated by tales of valor and heroism. My grandfather, a veteran of the military, would recount his experiences with a sense of pride and humility that left an indelible mark on my young mind. His stories were not just about battles won or lost they were about the camaraderie among soldiers, the unwavering commitment to duty, and the profound impact of serving ones country.One of the most poignant stories my grandfather shared was about a comrade who, in the heat of battle, risked his life to save others. This act of bravery was not an isolated incident but rather a testament to the inherent courage that many soldiers possess. It was a reminder that heroes are not born but are made through their actions and the choices they make in the face of adversity.In school, we are taught about the importance of patriotism and the role it plays in shaping our national identity. We learn about historical figures like George Washington, who led our country to independence, and Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for civil rights and equality. These figures, along with countless others, have contributed to the tapestry of our nations history and have set an example for future generations to follow.However, the heroes of today are not just the leaders or the wellknown figures. They are the everyday men and women who put on a uniform and answer the call to serve. They are the soldiers who stand guard at our borders, the sailors who patrol our waters, and the airmen who protect our skies. They are the first responders who rush into danger to save lives, and the medical professionals who work tirelessly to heal the sick and injured.The sacrifices made by these individuals are often overlooked or taken for granted. They leave behind their families and loved ones, face physical and mental challenges, and sometimes pay the ultimate price for our safety. Yet, they do so without seeking recognition or reward, driven by a sense of duty and a commitment to something greater than themselves.In todays world, where global threats and conflicts are everpresent, the role of our military and first responders is more crucial than ever. They stand on the frontlines, ensuring that we can enjoy the freedoms and privileges that we often take for granted. Their dedication and resilience are a constant reminder of the price of peace and the value of security.As a high school student, I am inspired by the stories of these heroes and the sacrifices they make. I am motivated to contribute to my community and to strive for a better future for all. I believe that each of us has a role to play in upholding the values that our heroes fight for, whether it is through education, community service, or simply by being a responsible and compassionate citizen.In conclusion, the heroes who protect our nation are not just symbols of strength and courage they are living examples of the ideals that we hold dear. They remind us of the importance of selflessness, dedication, and the willingness to stand up for what is right. As we honor their service and remember their sacrifices, let us also be inspired to embody these qualities in our own lives and to work towards a future where peace and justice prevail.。
伟大来自平凡,英雄来自人民英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Greatness Comes from the Ordinary, Heroes Come from the PeopleIntroduction:Greatness and heroism are often associated with extraordinary feats and grand achievements. However, true greatness and heroism can also stem from the ordinary and everyday actions of ordinary people. In this essay, we will explore how greatness can come from the ordinary and how heroes can emerge from the people.Body:1. Greatness Comes from the Ordinary- Not all greatness is born from extraordinary circumstances or talents. In fact, many great achievements are the result of consistent effort, perseverance, and dedication in the face of everyday challenges.- Ordinary people can achieve greatness in various fields, such as sports, arts, science, and social activism. Their dedication and hard work set them apart and allow them to make a significant impact on the world around them.- Greatness can also be found in everyday acts of kindness and compassion. Simple gestures of helping others and showing empathy can create a ripple effect that touches the lives of many.2. Heroes Come from the People- Heroes are often seen as larger-than-life figures who perform heroic deeds and save the day. However, heroes can also be ordinary individuals who rise to the occasion and show extraordinary courage and selflessness in the face of adversity.- The people who emerge as heroes are often those who put the needs of others before their own and act with integrity and courage in difficult situations. They inspire others to do the same and become beacons of hope and inspiration.- Heroes can be found in all walks of life, from firefighters and doctors to teachers and volunteers. Their actions may not always make headlines, but they make a profound impact on the lives of those they help.Conclusion:Greatness comes from the ordinary, and heroes come from the people. It is through the everyday actions of ordinary individuals that true greatness and heroism are revealed. By recognizing and celebrating the contributions of ordinary people, we can inspire others to strive for greatness and become heroes in their own right. Let us remember that greatness and heroism are not reserved for the extraordinary few but are within the reach of all who are willing to make a difference in the world.篇2Greatness Comes from the Ordinary, Heroes Come from the PeopleAs the saying goes, greatness comes from the ordinary, heroes come from the people. This sentiment underscores the idea that it is the seemingly ordinary people who possess the potential for extraordinary acts of courage, leadership, and selflessness. History is replete with examples of individuals who rose to greatness and heroism in the face of adversity, often coming from humble beginnings and ordinary backgrounds.One such example is that of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule. Born into a modest family in India, Gandhi went on to become atransformative figure in the fight for India's independence through nonviolent resistance. His dedication to achieving freedom for his country and his unwavering commitment to the principles of truth and nonviolence inspired millions around the world. Gandhi's legacy of moral courage and civil disobedience continues to resonate today, showing that greatness can indeed come from the ordinary.Another example is that of Rosa Parks, a seamstress and civil rights activist who famously refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. This act of defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and became a catalyst for the civil rights movement in the United States. Despite facing arrest and persecution, Parks stood firm in her belief that all people are equal and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Her bravery and determination to challenge injustice made her a hero to many and paved the way for lasting social change.In addition to individuals like Gandhi and Parks, there are countless other unsung heroes whose acts of courage and compassion have made a profound impact on the world. From teachers who inspire their students to reach their full potential, to healthcare workers who tirelessly care for the sick andvulnerable, to volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to helping those in need, heroes come in all shapes and sizes. It is often in the quiet moments of everyday life that true greatness is revealed, as ordinary people rise to the occasion and make a difference in the lives of others.The idea that greatness comes from the ordinary, heroes come from the people is a powerful reminder that each of us has the potential to be a force for good in the world. By embracing our unique strengths and values, by standing up for what is right and just, and by extending compassion and kindness to those around us, we can all make a positive impact on the world. Whether it is through acts of kindness, acts of bravery, or acts of service, each of us has the ability to be a hero in our own way.In conclusion, greatness comes from the ordinary, heroes come from the people. This timeless wisdom reminds us that it is the everyday actions of ordinary people that have the power to change the world. By recognizing the potential for greatness within ourselves and others, by celebrating the heroism of those who stand up for what is right, we can create a more just, compassionate, and empathetic world for all. Let us never underestimate the power of the ordinary, for it is in the ordinary that true greatness and heroism reside.篇3Greatness Comes from the Ordinary, Heroes Come from the PeopleIntroduction:In the history of mankind, countless heroes and great figures have emerged from the most ordinary of backgrounds. From humble beginnings, these individuals have risen to achieve extraordinary things and leave a lasting impact on the world. In this essay, we will explore the idea that greatness comes from the ordinary, and heroes come from the people.Body:1. The idea that greatness comes from the ordinary can be seen in the lives of many famous figures throughout history. For example, Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in American history, grew up in poverty and had very little formal education. Despite these humble beginnings, Lincoln went on to lead the country through one of its most tumultuous periods, the Civil War, and abolish slavery.2. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, came from a simple family in rural India. Through his principles of nonviolence and civildisobedience, Gandhi was able to inspire millions of people to take action against British colonial rule and ultimately achieve independence for India.3. These examples show that greatness is not necessarily something that is inherited or bestowed upon people from birth. Instead, it is something that can be cultivated through hard work, determination, and a strong sense of purpose. It is the everyday actions and choices that individuals make that ultimately lead to greatness.4. In addition, heroes are often born out of the struggles and challenges faced by ordinary people. For instance, the firefighters who risked their lives to save others during the 9/11 attacks in New York City were not trained to be heroes. They were ordinary men and women who chose to put themselves in harm's way to help others in need.5. In times of crisis and adversity, it is often ordinary people who rise to the occasion and perform acts of heroism. Whether it is a doctor saving a patient's life, a teacher inspiring their students, or a parent sacrificing for their children, heroes can be found in all walks of life.Conclusion:In conclusion, the idea that greatness comes from the ordinary, and heroes come from the people, is a powerful reminder of the potential that lies within each and every one of us. By recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary and the heroism in everyday actions, we can strive to make a positive impact on the world and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.。
中国英雄的感人故事英语作文英文回答:Title: Heroes of China in the Era of InspirationIntroduction:In the era of inspiration, China has witnessed numerous heroes who have moved the nation with their selfless acts of bravery and sacrifice. These heroes come from all walks of life and have inspired the Chinese people with their unwavering determination and courage. In this essay, we will explore some of the most touching stories of Chinese heroes and the impact they have had on the nation.Body:1. Medical Heroes:During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical professionals emerged as the heroes of the nation. They worked tirelessly on the frontlines, risking their own lives to save others. Their dedication and selflessness touched the hearts of millions of Chinese people, reminding us of the true meaning of heroism.2. Everyday Heroes:China is also home to countless everyday heroes who have made a difference in their communities. From firefighters who bravely battle infernos to volunteers who provide aid to those in need, these unsung heroes embody the spirit of compassion and service. Their acts of kindness and bravery have touched the lives of many, leaving an indelible mark on the nation.3. Historical Heroes:China's history is rich with stories of heroes who fought for the nation's independence and prosperity. From revolutionary leaders like Mao Zedong and Sun Yat-sen to military heroes like Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang, their contributions have shaped the course of Chinese history. Their unwavering patriotism and determination continue to inspire generations of Chinese people.Conclusion:In the era of inspiration, China has been blessed with countless heroes who have touched the nation with their selflessness, bravery, and determination. Whether they are medical professionals, everyday heroes, or historical figures, their stories serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the Chinese people. These heroes have not only made a difference in their own time but continue toinspire future generations to strive for greatness and make a positive impact on society.中文回答:标题:感动中国时代的英雄介绍:在感动中国时代,中国见证了许多英雄以他们无私的勇敢和牺牲精神感动了整个国家。
民族英雄的英语作文高中English:National heroes play a crucial role in shaping the identity and values of a nation. These individuals are often celebrated for their exceptional courage, leadership, and sacrifice in the face of adversity. They serve as role models for future generations, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps and uphold the ideals they represent. National heroes embody the collective spirit and resilience of a nation, uniting its people and instilling a sense of pride and patriotism. Their stories are passed down through generations, serving as a reminder of the power of determination and the importance of standing up for what is right. In times of crisis, national heroes serve as beacons of hope and strength, reminding us of the potential for greatness that resides within each of us.中文翻译:民族英雄在塑造一个国家的身份和价值观方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
国庆节的祝福句子英语(合集166句)国庆节的祝福句子英语(1--21条)1、Celebrate the power and glory of China on this National Day. May your hearts be filled with pride and joy.2、Happy National Day! Let us celebrate the diversity and richness of our culture and heritage.3、Happy National Day! Let us unite and work together for the betterment of our country and its people.4、Celebrate the greatness of our nation on this special National Day!5、Happy National Day to all the brave and patriotic citizens of China. Your dedication to your country inspires us all.6、May the spirit of unity and patriotism bring us closer together as a nation on this National Day and every day.7、Wishing you a happy National Day filled with pride and hope for our country's future.8、Let us always defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our great nation on this National Day and always.9、Let us celebrate the blessings of freedom, peace, and prosperity that our nation enjoys on this National Day.10、On this important day, let's reflect on the progress we have made and work towards a brighter future. Happy National Day!11、Let's e together as a nation and celebrate our unique identity on this National Day.12、Happy National Day to all our fellow citizens! Let us take pride in our country's achievements and work towards a brighter future for our nation.13、Let's hold each other close and celebrate all we have on this National Day!14、Wishing you a blessed and joyous National Day celebration.15、Let us all e together and celebrate the National Day with a deep sense of pride towards the progress, achievements and contributions of our country and its people!16、Let us all work together towards a brighter future for our country on this National Day of freedom and independence.17、Happy National Day! Let us remember the true essence of our nation and its people!18、May this National Day be a time of peace, hope, and love.19、Wishing you and your family a joyful and meaningful National Day.20、The strength and resilience of our nation is a testament to the courage and hard work of our forefathers. Happy National Day!21、May our country continue to be a beacon of light on this National Day and always.国庆节的祝福句子英语(22--42条)22、Wishing you all a blessed and memorable National Day with loved ones.23、On this National Day, let us all pledge to work tirelessly towardsa brighter, more prosperous and inclusive future for our nation!24、Wishing you a happy National Day filled with love, laughter, and pride in our country.25、May the joy and happiness of National Day fill your hearts and souls with love and pride!26、May your National Day be filled with the warmth of family, the joys of friendship, and the pride of being a Chinese citizen.27、On this National Day, I wish you all the happiness, health, and prosperity that life can offer.28、Wishing you a National Day filled with hope, happiness, and harmony.29、Happy National Day to all my Chinese friends and colleagues. Your resilience and strength are awe-inspiring.30、Happy National Day to everyone who loves and cherishes our country!31、Wishing you a National Day filled with gratitude and appreciation for our country and its people.32、Happy birthday to our beloved country. May it continue to prosper and thrive for generations to e.33、Let us all e together and celebrate the National Day as a time of renewal, inspiration and hope for a brighter, better and more equitable future!34、Happy National Day! Let us all work towards eliminating poverty, hunger, injustice and inequality, and towards creating a world where every person has the opportunity to fulfill their potential and live a happy and healthy life!35、Happy National Day to our brothers and sisters in China. Your strength and resilience inspire us all.36、Happy National Day to all my fellow Chinese people!37、May your National Day be filled with the beauty of freedom, the inspiration of democracy, and the pride of being a Chinese citizen.38、Let's honor the brave soldiers and heroes who fought for our freedom and democracy on this National Day.39、Happy National Day to all. Let us all e together to celebrate the resilience and strength of our great nation.40、Let us stand strong and united as citizens of our great nation on this National Day. Happy National Day!41、May your National Day be filled with peace, love, and happiness. Enjoy the celebration with your loved ones.42、As we celebrate this National Day, let us honor the legacy of our forefathers and work towards building a better future for our nation.国庆节的祝福句子英语(43--63条)43、Happy National Day to my fellow citizens! Let us all take pridein our country and work towards a better future for everyone.44、On this National Day, let us all stand united in our love for our country and in our determination to build a better tomorrow.45、May the blessings of our great nation be with you always. Happy National Day!46、Wishing you a happy and memorable National Day filled with joy and laughter.47、Let's take a moment to appreciate all we have on this National Day.48、Happy National Day! Let us all celebrate the resilience and beauty of our great nation.49、Wishing you a joyous National Day celebration.50、Let us celebrate the achievements of our country and look to a bright and prosperous future on this National Day.51、Let's wave the flag high and celebrate our country's beauty and diversity on this National Day!52、Let's celebrate the glory and progress of our nation on this National Day, and remember the sacrifices of our forefathers.53、Let's appreciate the beauty and richness of Chinese culture on this National Day. Best wishes to all!54、Happy National Day to the land of opportunity, freedom, and prosperity.55、May this National Day bring you joy, peace, and prosperity to enjoy throughout the year.56、May our hearts be filled with love and joy on this National Day.57、Let us all celebrate the greatness of our country on this National Day and every day.58、Happy National Day! Let us all embrace our nationality and work together to build a better future for our country.59、Happy National Day to all our patriots! Let us celebrate this day with a sense of awe and wonder at the great strides that our country has achieved!60、May the spirit of unity and oneness continue to guide us towardsa brighter future on this National Day.61、Let us all remember and honor those who have dedicated their lives to serving our nation on this National Day.62、Happy National Day to all our fellow citizens! May we always remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and work towards building a brighter future for our nation.63、On National Day, let's e together as one and celebrate our nation.国庆节的祝福句子英语(64--84条)64、On this National Day, let's rededicate ourselves to building a more prosperous, just, and inclusive society for all.65、On this special day of National Day, let us all remit ourselves towards safeguarding the unity, harmony and progress of our dear nation!66、Let us all work towards a more prosperous and peaceful future for our nation on this National Day.67、Today, let's celebrate our nation's independence and be grateful for the freedom and opportunities that it provides, Happy National Day!68、Happy National Day! May the spirit of patriotism, dedication and hard work continue to inspire us all!69、Happy National Day to everyone who loves and values our great nation!70、May the spirit of national pride and patriotism that fills our hearts on this National Day inspire us to work towards a better tomorrow.71、May the spirit of determination and resilience guide us towardsa brighter future on this National Day and every day.72、Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and joyous National Day celebration.73、Happy National Day to all the citizens of our great nation. Let us all e together to cherish our freedom and independence.74、On this National Day, let us all stand together as one nation and work towards a better tomorrow for our country and our people.75、Happy National Day, everyone! Let's make it one for the books.76、Cheers to our beautiful country and all it stands for on National Day!77、Happy National Day! May the values of unity, harmony and peace carry us forward towards a better tomorrow!78、Happy National Day! Let us take pride in our country's rich history and heritage.79、Let us all e together to celebrate the beauty and diversity of our nation on this National Day.80、Happy National Day to one and all! Let's make it a great one.81、Happy National Day! Let's show our love for our country and its people.82、Let's wave the flag high and sing praises to our great nation on this National Day!83、On this National Day, let us all pledge to be more empathetic, understanding and passionate towards our fellow citizens, our neighbors and our planet!84、May your National Day be filled with joy, laughter, and good times shared with family and friends.国庆节的祝福句子英语(85--105条)85、May the spirit of national unity and togetherness that fills our hearts on this National Day inspire us to overe any challenges that e our way.86、Let us take pride in our country's progress and achievements on this National Day.87、Let's honor the heroic struggles and amazing achievements of China on this National Day. Best wishes to all!88、May the celebrations of this National Day bring us all together in unity and peace.89、May this National Day be a time of solidarity and passion for all our citizens.90、May this National Day be a reminder of the sacrifices, beauty, and strength of our great nation.91、Let's e together as one nation and celebrate our freedom and independence on this National Day!92、May the National Day fill us with a renewed sense of purpose, hope and determination towards overing the many challenges and obstacles that lie ahead, and towards creating a better and brighter future for all!93、Wishing you a National Day filled with love, laughter, and unity.94、Happy National Day to one and all! May your country continue to shine bright in the world.95、Let's take the time to appreciate the beauty of our nation and its people, Happy National Day!96、Let's raise the flag high and celebrate this special day with pride!97、May your National Day be filled with sweet memories, good food, and great pany. Enjoy the celebration!98、May your National Day be filled with happiness, laughter, and good times with your loved ones. Enjoy the celebration!99、Happy National Day to all citizens who love and cherish the freedoms and rights of our great nation.100、Happy National Day to all the heroes who have worked hard to make our country free and independent!101、On this special day of National Day, let us all acknowledge the challenges of our times, and work towards finding creative, innovativeand inclusive solutions to them!102、May the spirit of nationalism and pride continue to flourish on this National Day!103、Happy National Day! Let us all work towards building a more sustainable, resilient and passionate world where every human being is valued, respected and dignified!104、Happy National Day to one and all! Let us bask in the glory of our great nation!105、Sending you my warmest wishes on this National Day. Happy celebrations!国庆节的祝福句子英语(106--126条)106、Wishing you a happy National Day and a prosperous year ahead.107、Congratulations on another year of growth and development on National Day!108、May the National Day remind us of the immense potential that lies within us and our nation, and inspire us to harness it towards greater good and progress!109、Let us all e together and celebrate the National Day with a deep sense of pride, confidence and belief towards the bright and hopeful future that we can create, together as a nation!110、Let us all e together to celebrate the greatness of our nation on this National Day and beyond.111、Happy National Day to everyone who believes in the importance of education, lifelong learning, and intellectual curiosity. Let's continue to expand our knowledge and horizons.112、May this National Day be a time of reflection, gratitude, and joy.113、May the spirit of national pride and unity that fills our hearts on this National Day inspire us to overe any challenges that e our way.114、Happy National Day to our great nation and all its wonderful people!115、Wishing you a wonderful National Day filled with laughter and love.116、Congratulations on another year of progress and success on National Day!117、Let us all e together to celebrate the unity and strength of our nation on this National Day.118、Celebrate the beauty and diversity of China on this National Day. Best wishes to all!119、May the unity and solidarity of our nation continue to shine brightly on this National Day.120、On this National Day, let us all stand together and work towards a brighter future for our country and our people.121、Happy National Day! Let us celebrate the freedom and independence of our country.122、On this National Day, let us pledge to work towards a brighter future for our children and generations to e.123、May your National Day be a time of fellowship and shared excitement.124、Happy National Day to all my fellow Chinese citizens! May we always be proud of our great nation.125、Cheers to the spirit of unity and diversity on National Day!126、Happy National Day! Let us cherish the freedom and democracy that our country provides!国庆节的祝福句子英语(127--147条)127、Let's honor the passion and dedication of the Chinese people on this National Day. Best wishes to all!128、Here's wishing you a memorable National Day filled with love and pride for our country.129、Happy National Day to all the amazing people of China. May yourdreams and aspirations e true.130、Happy National Day! Let's e together as a nation to celebrate this special occasion.131、Let's take pride in our culture, heritage, and traditions that make us unique as a nation on this National Day.132、May our country continue to thrive and prosper. Happy National Day!133、Happy National Day to our Chinese brothers and sisters. Your strength and resilience are an inspiration to us all.134、Let us all celebrate the National Day with a deep sense of pride, gratitude and love towards our country, our people and our planet!135、May the beauty and grace of your country shine bright on this National Day.136、Wishing you a happy and fulfilling National Day with your family and friends.137、Warmest wishes for a happy National Day filled with peace and prosperity.138、May we always be proud of our great nation on National Day and beyond.139、On this special day, let's e together as one nation and celebrate the beauty of our differences.140、Let us all remember the sacrifices and contributions of our forefathers on this National Day.141、Celebrate the National Day with love and happiness, and cherish the freedom that our country enjoys!142、Happy National Day to the land of peace, harmony, and prosperity!143、May your National Day be filled with the joys of prosperity, the blessings of peace, and the pride of being a Chinese citizen.144、Let us express our gratitude to the brave soldiers and citizenswho have safeguarded our nation's freedom and unity on this National Day.145、Let's take pride in our diversity and celebrate the beauty of our differences on this special day.146、Let us all e together to celebrate the rich culture and heritage of our nation on this National Day.147、Let's hold each other close and celebrate our country on this National Day!国庆节的祝福句子英语(148--168条)148、Happy National Day! Let us honor the brave men and women who defend our country and its values.149、On this National Day, let us honor the courage and sacrifice of our national heroes.150、Happy National Day to everyone who believes in the power of patriotism, and the importance of national identity. Let's continue to work together for a better future.151、Celebrate your National Day with pride, joy, and hope.152、May the spirit of patriotism and love for our country continue to flourish on this National Day.153、Happy National Day! May your nation continue to inspire and lead by example.154、May this National Day inspire us to be more caring and inclusive towards all our citizens.155、Let's celebrate our country's achievements and progress towards a brighter and more prosperous future on this National Day.156、May the spirit of patriotism and national pride shine bright on this National Day!157、Happy National Day to all my fellow Chinese citizens! Let's continue to stand strong and united.158、May the National Day bring you and your family peace, joy andprosperity!159、Happy National Day! Let us cherish our hard-earned freedom and always strive towards peace and prosperity.160、Let us all cherish the beauty and diversity of our country on this National Day and beyond.161、May our unity and strength shine through on this special National Day!162、Let's celebrate our American spirit and resilience on National Day and always.163、On this National Day, let us all renew our mitment towards building a sustainable, just and harmonious world, where every country and individual is respected and valued!164、Happy National Day! May the achievements of our country continue to inspire and motivate us towards greater heights of success!165、May the love for our country grow stronger every day on National Day!166、May the spirit of patriotism be alive within us all as we celebrate this National Day.。
革命先烈的英雄事迹简短英语作文Heroes of the RevolutionDo you know what a hero is? A hero is someone who is brave, courageous, and does extraordinary things to help others, even if it means putting their own life at risk. Today, I want to tell you about some of the greatest heroes in our country's history – the revolutionary martyrs who fought for our freedom and independence.A long time ago, our country was ruled by a foreign power that treated our people very badly. They took our land, our resources, and even our dignity. They made us feel likesecond-class citizens in our own homeland. But there were some brave men and women who said, "Enough is enough! We will not stand for this injustice any longer!"These were the revolutionaries – people who were willing to risk everything to fight for our country's independence and make our lives better. They formed secret societies and organizations, where they planned and organized their resistance against the foreign rulers.One of the most famous revolutionary heroes was a man named Tan Sitong. He was a brilliant scholar who believed thatour country needed to modernize and become stronger to stand up against the foreign powers. He wrote many books and articles about his ideas, but the rulers didn't like what he had to say. They arrested him and threw him in prison, where he was brutally tortured. But even in the face of such cruelty, Tan Sitong never gave up his beliefs. He remained defiant until the very end, when he was executed for his revolutionary ideas.Another great revolutionary martyr was a woman named Qiu Jin. At a time when women were expected to be quiet and obedient, Qiu Jin was anything but that! She was a fierce advocate for women's rights and national independence. She trained herself in martial arts and even formed her own secret society of revolutionary women called the Datong Shunu Society.Qiu Jin traveled all over the country, giving speeches and rallying people to join the revolution. She was so passionate and inspiring that many people called her the "Chinese Joan of Arc." But her bravery came at a terrible price. She was eventually captured by the rulers and sentenced to death. On the day of her execution, Qiu Jin remained calm and fearless. As she walked to her death, she even handed out poems she had written to thecrowds of people who had gathered to watch. Her final words were, "I have no regrets in sacrificing my life for the revolution."These are just two examples of the countless revolutionary martyrs who gave their lives for our country's freedom. They came from all walks of life – scholars, peasants, workers, and soldiers. Some were young, while others were old. But they all shared one thing in common: an unwavering love for their country and a willingness to fight for justice, no matter the cost.The sacrifices of these heroes were not in vain. Thanks to their bravery and determination, our country eventually won its independence and became a free nation. Today, we live in peace and prosperity because of the blood, sweat, and tears that the revolutionary martyrs shed for us.We owe them a debt that can never be repaid. That's why it's so important for us to remember their stories and honor their memories. Every year, on the anniversary of our country's independence, we hold ceremonies and parades to celebrate the heroes who made our freedom possible.But remembering the revolutionary martyrs isn't just about honoring the past – it's also about inspiring us to be better citizens in the present and future. Their courage, patriotism, andwillingness to sacrifice for a greater cause should serve as an example for all of us.So the next time you see a statue or memorial dedicated to these heroes, take a moment to reflect on their incredible stories. Imagine the hardships they endured, the battles they fought, and the dreams they had for a better tomorrow. And remember that because of their sacrifices, we get to live in a free and democratic society where we can pursue our own dreams and aspirations.The revolutionary martyrs are true heroes in every sense of the word. Their legacy will forever be etched in the pages of our history, and their spirit will continue to inspire generations to come. Let us never forget their names or the noble cause for which they gave their lives.。
跨越时空对话英烈作文800字Every nation has its own heroes and heroines, whose sacrifices and bravery have shaped the course of history. These remarkable individuals have left behind a legacy that continues to inspire future generations. 英烈是国家的骄傲,是被后人仰慕和感怀的对象。
One such hero of England is William Wallace, a Scottish knight who played a crucial role in the Wars of Scottish Independence against England in the late 13th century. His fearless leadership and dedication to the cause of Scottish independence earned him the admiration of his countrymen and the respect of his enemies. 威廉·华莱士是苏格兰骑士,他在13世纪末的苏格兰独立战争中发挥了关键作用。
On the other side of the world, China also has its own heroes who have left an indelible mark on history. One such hero is Yue Fei, a military general and national hero of the Southern Song Dynasty known for his loyalty, patriotism, and contributions to defending the country against invaders. 在另一个世界的一边,中国也有自己的英雄,他们在历史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。
缅怀先烈英文短文作文In memory of the heroesAs we commemorate the brave heroes who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and independence, we are reminded of the importance of their sacrifice. These heroes fought and died for the values and principles that we hold dear.We remember their courage, their determination, and their commitment to their country. We honor their selflessness and their devotion to the greater good. We pay tribute to their sacrifice and their unwavering commitment to the ideals of freedom and democracy.These heroes were ordinary people who did extraordinary things. They were men and women who believed in the power of their convictions and were willing to put their lives on the line for what they believed in. They were soldiers, activists, and leaders who inspired others to follow in their footsteps.Their legacy lives on in the freedoms and opportunities that we enjoy today. We must never forget their sacrifice andcontinue to honor their memory by upholding the values and principles for which they fought.As we remember our heroes, let us also remember the families and loved ones they left behind. They too made sacrifices and endured hardships in support of their loved ones' noble cause. Their strength and resilience are an inspiration to us all.In conclusion, let us always remember the heroes who gave their lives for our freedom and independence. Let us honor their memory by continuing to strive for a better world, where justice, equality, and freedom prevail.。
民族英雄英语作文In the vast tapestry of history, there are individuals whose actions and sacrifices have etched their names into the annals of time, revered as national heroes. These heroes are not just figures from the past but also beacons ofinspiration for future generations, embodying the spirit of courage, resilience, and selflessness.National Heroes: A Beacon of InspirationNational heroes are often those who have fought for the freedom, rights, and well-being of their people. They are the ones who stand tall in the face of adversity, leading by example and inspiring others to join their cause.The Courage to Stand AloneOne of the defining traits of a national hero is their courage. They are willing to stand alone, even when the odds are stacked against them. Take, for instance, the story of Joan of Arc, a young French peasant girl who led the French army to victory against the English during the Hundred Years' War. Her unwavering faith and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds is a testament to the power of courage.The Resilience to OvercomeResilience is another key characteristic of national heroes.They possess the ability to bounce back from defeat and continue their fight. Nelson Mandela, who spent 27 years in prison for his fight against apartheid, is a prime example. His resilience and determination led to the dismantling of the oppressive system and the establishment of a democratic South Africa.The Selflessness to ServeNational heroes are also known for their selflessness. They put the needs of their people before their own, often at great personal cost. Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, is renowned for his nonviolent approach to achieving independence. His selfless dedication to the cause of freedom for his people is an enduring symbol of self-sacrifice.The Legacy of HeroesThe legacy of national heroes extends beyond their lifetimes. They leave behind a rich heritage of values and ideals that continue to inspire people. Their stories are told in classrooms, celebrated in monuments, and immortalized in literature and film, ensuring that their spirit lives on.ConclusionNational heroes are more than just historical figures; they are symbols of the collective aspirations of a nation. They remind us of the power of courage, resilience, and selflessness in the face of challenges. As we remember andhonor these heroes, let us also strive to embody thequalities that make them great, so that we too can contribute to the betterment of our societies.。
小学上册英语第5单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. Age is the earliest known period of _______. (人类历史) The Ston2.The sun is ___ (setting) in the evening.3.What do we call a tool used for writing?A. BrushB. PencilC. EraserD. Ruler4.The chemical formula for isopropyl alcohol is ______.5.I see a __ in the sky. (star)6.The chemical symbol for barium is __________.7.I found a ______ in the garden. (butterfly)8.What is the name of the city where the Statue of Liberty is located?A. Washington D.C.B. New York CityC. Los AngelesD. ChicagoB9.The ancient Greeks established the concept of ________ (民主).10.They are riding their ______ (bikes).11.My brother is very ________ (活跃).12.The ________ was a crucial period in the history of global teamwork.13.When it rains, I use my ________.14.My parakeet loves to take a ______ (洗澡).15.How many planets are in our solar system?A. EightB. NineC. TenD. ElevenA16.What do we call a person who repairs vehicles?A. MechanicB. EngineerC. TechnicianD. ElectricianA17.The dolphin leaps joyfully out of the ______ (水).18.My sister has a flair for __________ (创意).19. A ____(community garden) fosters local cooperation.20.What do you call the device that helps us see distant objects?A. MicroscopeB. TelescopeC. PeriscopeD. KaleidoscopeB21.My cousin enjoys __________ (滑板).22.What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. BreadD. JamB23.Many plants are sensitive to ______ (环境变化).24.What is the value of 10 3 + 5?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 13B25.What do we call a device used for making calls?A. TelevisionB. ComputerC. PhoneD. RadioC26. A _______ reaction produces heat and light.27.What instrument is used to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. SpeedometerD. Altimeter28.The playground is ________ (热闹).29.My favorite fruit is ________.30.Leonardo da Vinci painted the _______ Mona Lisa. (著名的)31.I like to listen to ______ (故事) about adventures and heroes.32.My mom encourages me to follow my __________ (热情).33.The ancient Greeks believed in the power of ________.34.The peacock shows its beautiful _________ (羽毛).35.The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and ______.36.We will go to the _____ (zoo/museum) this weekend.37.I enjoy spending time at the ______ with my friends.38.The _____ (花) in the garden is blooming.39.My cousin is a ______. She loves to design clothes.40. A ______ is a large area of flat land with few trees.41.The flowers are _____ (beautiful/ugly).42.The snow is ______ on the ground. (falling)43.I like to _____ (travel/stay) at home.44.The _____ (cactus) grows in the desert.45.He is playing with his ___. (toys)46.My brother always helps me ____.47.The _______ (老虎) is a powerful predator.48.I can ______ (利用) my creativity in projects.49.I have a dream to write a ________ (书). It will be about my ________ (冒险).50.What is the term for a young sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal51.She is _______ (writing) in her journal.52.What do you call the upper part of a tree?A. TrunkB. BranchC. CanopyD. RootsC53.I like to bake ______ (蛋糕) for special occasions.54.The city of Beirut is the capital of _______.55.What do you call the place where you can borrow books?A. BookstoreB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Office56. A ______ (种子收藏) can preserve different varieties.57.The ancient civilization of ________ is recognized for its innovations.58. A ladybug is a small _______ that brings good luck.59.I like to write ________ (日记) about my day.60.My mom loves to care for her ________.61. A neutral solution has a pH of ______.62.What do we call the time when flowers bloom?A. FallB. WinterC. SpringD. SummerC63.The smallest unit of an element is called an ______.64.The __________ (历史的信仰) influence actions and decisions.65.I enjoy ______ (与同龄人互动).66.What do you call a person who studies animals?A. BiologistB. ZoologistC. BotanistD. EcologistB Zoologist67.I have a ________ that I can share secrets with.68. A _______ (刺猬) has sharp spines.69.Which of these animals can fly?A. FishB. EagleC. SnakeD. FrogB70.What do you call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. DinnerC. BreakfastD. SnackC71.__________ (物质鉴定) is crucial for quality control in products.72.The computer is on the ___ (desk/floor).73.An alkali metal is very ______ reactive.74.My mom is always __________ (忙碌的).75.She is a great ___. (friend)76.The pelican's beak is designed to catch ______ (鱼).77. A solution that has a low concentration of solute is called a ______ solution.78.The classroom is ________ and bright.79.What do we call the main character in a story?A. AntagonistB. ProtagonistC. NarratorD. Author80.What is the capital of Sri Lanka?A. ColomboB. KandyC. GalleD. Negombo81.The goldfish swims in circles in its ______ (鱼缸).82.I want to _____ (see) a play.83.The __________ (历史的印记) is indelible.84.The ancient Silk Road was a trade route that connected _______ and Europe.85.What do you call a building where you can watch movies?A. MuseumB. TheaterC. LibraryD. SchoolB86. A ______ (猴子) can be very mischievous.87.We saw a _______ (小鹿) in the woods.88.What is the capital of the United Kingdom?A. LondonB. EdinburghC. CardiffD. BelfastA London89.I see a ___ (cloud/rainbow) above.90.The __________ was a time when the world faced significant changes. (冷战)91.I need to ___ (study/nap) for my test.92.What do we call the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole?A. LatitudeB. LongitudeC. EquatorD. MeridianD93.What do you call a collection of related stories?A. AnthologyB. CompilationC. SeriesD. CollectionA94.How many months are in a year?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 13C95.What is the capital city of Australia?A. SydneyB. MelbourneC. CanberraD. BrisbaneC Canberra96. (Scots) fought for their independence in the Wars of Scottish Independence. The ____97.My dad is a _____ (工程师) who solves problems.98.He is a scientist, ______ (他是一名科学家), studying climate change.99.The _____ (lotus) grows beautifully in water.100.I enjoy _______ (与家人一起)过周末.。
美国英雄人物英语作文America has produced numerous heroes throughout its history, individuals who have made significantcontributions to society and have inspired others withtheir bravery, determination, and selflessness. From founding fathers to civil rights leaders, from war heroesto inventors, these American heroes have left a lasting impact on the country and the world.One of the most famous American heroes is George Washington, the first President of the United States andthe commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Washington is often referred to as the "Father of His Country" for his leadership in the fight for independence and his role in establishing the new nation's government. His courage, integrity, and vision helped shape the United States into the country it is today.Another American hero who played a crucial role in shaping the nation's history is Abraham Lincoln, the 16thPresident of the United States. Lincoln is best known for his leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to abolish slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation. His dedication to preserving the Union and his commitment to equality and justice have made him a symbol of freedom and democracy.In more recent history, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. has emerged as a hero for his tireless efforts to end racial discrimination and promote equality for all Americans. King's nonviolent approach to activism and his powerful speeches, such as the "I Have a Dream" speech, have inspired generations of people to fight for justice and equality.American heroes are not limited to political leaders; they also include individuals who have made significant contributions in other fields, such as science, technology, and the arts. Inventors like Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell have revolutionized the way we live with their inventions, while artists like Maya Angelou and GeorgiaO'Keeffe have used their creativity to inspire and upliftothers.In conclusion, American heroes come in all shapes and sizes, but they all share a common trait: the courage to stand up for what is right and the determination to make a difference in the world. Whether they are fighting for freedom, equality, or innovation, these heroes have left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire us today. America is a country built on the ideals of liberty and justice for all, and it is thanks to these heroes that we continue to strive towards a better future for all.。
建军大业英语一、单词1. Army - 军队- 用法:可作可数名词,复数形式为“armies”。
- 双语例句:The army defends the country.(军队保卫国家。
)2. Found - 建立,创立(found的过去式为founded)- 用法:found常表示创建组织、机构等。
- 双语例句:They founded a newpany last year.(他们去年创立了一家新公司。
)3. Great Cause - 大业,伟大的事业- 用法:“great”修饰“cause”,表示伟大的某种事业。
- 双语例句:Building a harmonious society is a great cause.(构建和谐社会是一项伟大的事业。
)4. Military - 军事的,军队的- 用法:可作形容词,用于修饰名词。
- 双语例句:He has military training.(他接受过军事训练。
)5. Revolution - 革命- 用法:可数名词。
- 双语例句:The French Revolution had a great influence on the world.(法国大革命对世界有很大的影响。
)6. Struggle - 斗争,奋斗- 用法:可作名词或动词。
- 双语例句:They had a long struggle for freedom.(他们为自由进行了长期的斗争。
)7. Hero - 英雄- 用法:可数名词,复数为“heroes”。
- 双语例句:The heroes are remembered forever.(英雄们被永远铭记。
)8. Leadership - 领导,领导力- 用法:不可数名词。
- 双语例句:Good leadership is important for a team.(良好的领导力对一个团队很重要。
)9. Battle - 战役,战斗- 用法:可数名词。
独立不回的翻译Independence Day Translation今天是独立日,是美国国家的重要节日。
Today is Independence Day, an important holiday for the United States. Today we celebrate the day when America separated from British rule and became an independent nation.1776年7月4日,美国的开国元勋们在费城签署了《独立宣言》,宣布美国成为独立的国家。
On July 4th, 1776, America's founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, declaringAmerica as an independent country.自那以后,美国独立日成为了国家级庆祝活动,并通过各种方式进行庆祝,包括烟火表演、政治演说、游行和烧烤。
Since then, Independence Day has become a national celebration in America and is celebrated in various ways, including fireworks displays, political speeches, parades, and barbecues.对于美国人来说,独立日代表了国家的自由、民主和独立。
For Americans, Independence Day represents freedom, democracy, and independence of the nation. The day reminds people of the countless brave heroes who fought for their country's independence and freedom.此时此刻,我向咱们国家的伟大先驱们,向那些勇敢无畏、孜孜不倦、为民族大义奋斗不懈的人们致敬,他们的努力为我们实现了现在的生活和伟大的未来。
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Independence and its Heroes Independence…remained by far the most important moment
for the new nations that emerged; representations of its
heroes and martyrs have become talismans or icons
signifying those beliefs, and reinterpreted with reverence, or
with irony, by artists in the twentieth century for whom national
or Latin American identity in cultural and political terms
remains an unresolved and therefore potent issue.
(Dawn Ades p.7)
Haitian Revolution(1791–1804)
Jacob Lawrence (US. 1917-2000)
General Toussaint L'Overture,
1986, silkscreen on 2-ply rag
paper, 28 3/8 x 18 1/2 inches Haitian bank note
“Father of Mexico”
“It will be said that I have liberated the new World,
but it will not be said that
I perfected the stability and happiness of any of the nations that compass it.”
“We have ploughed the sea”
“The Royal Academy of san Carlos in Mexico City, founded in 1785, was the first academy of art in America, and the only one established under colonial rule…. In Brazil, the Academia Imperial de Belas Artes was founded in Rio de Janeiro…in 1826 with the French painter
J.B. Debret, who trained in [Jacques Louis]David’s studio, as director…. In Peru, the Academy was founded in 1919….” (coinciding with the arrival of modern art)
Francisco Laso, The Indian Potter (or Dweller in the Cordillera)
1855, o/c, 4’4” H., Lima
“The same comparative context that rejected
the cosmopolitanism of the Latin American
artists served simultaneously to locate
France at the very center of the international
art scene.” Majluf
Cordero’s draped nude shocked Mexican visitors at a 1864 exhibition.
Academic history paintings were popular in the Americas as political propaganda for self-determination of national identity.
Subjects are “objects of paternalism typical
of 19th century writing about the contemporary Indian.”
Historicist indigenism
A study Velasco did as a student at the Academy San Carlos in Mexico City. It shows the destruction of a church to create city boulevards. Modernization of
Mexico is documented in Velasco’s oeuvre with obvious ambiguity.
Modernization of Mexico
Velasco exhibited 68 paintings in Paris at the Universal Exposition of 1889 and saw Impressionism for the first time and painted a few Impressionist landscapes in Paris, but he remained an academic painter. Claude Monet, Impression, Sunrise,1872, oil on canvas,
Traveler-Reporter Artists
Photograph showing detail of portrait stele
From Voyage Pittoresque dans le Brésil(Picturesque Voyage to Brazil), with more than 100 illustrations, still one of the most important documents about 19th-century Brazil.
book available through
Catalogue of Pingret’s costumbrismo paintings
A study Velasco did as a student at the Academy San Carlos in Mexico City. It shows the destruction of a church to create city boulevards. Modernization of
Mexico is documented in Velasco’s oeuvre with obvious ambiguity.
Modernization of Mexico。