The Danish Sea-King (Turner, Joseph W.) 原版 正谱 五线谱 钢琴谱 经典曲谱.pdf




Gintama 银魂
Hunter × Hunter 猎人 ×猎人
Home Tutor Reborn 家庭教师reborn
One piece is longrunning shonen manga (少年漫画) series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda(尾田荣一郎), that has been serialized (连载)in Weekly Shonen Jump since August 4, 1997.
A boy named Monkey D. Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red-Haired" Shanks(红发香 克斯), sets out on a journey to find One Piece, the legendary treasure of the King of the Pirates, Gold Roger.
This is one about the dream story. The boundless sea always cancel people's infinite (无穷的) daydream, what sea that is? For those brave risktakers, the sea at the end is his dream, even those desperate for pirates also have their own fight for dreams.
The series begins with the execution (死刑)of Gold Roger, a man known as the King of the Pirates (海盗) . Just before his death, Roger announces that his treasure, the One Piece , will be up for the taking, causing the Great Pirate Era(大海贼时代) to begin. As a result, countless pirates set out to the Grand Line (伟大航道) to look for the treasure.

Daniel Defoe for st

Daniel Defoe for st

Literary Influence of Robinson Crusoe
1) Robinson Crusoe was influential in creating a colonization mythology. 2) The novelist James Joyce noted the true symbol of the British conquest is Robinson Crusoe: "He is the true prototype of the British colonist". 小说家乔伊斯认为英国征服的真正象征是鲁滨 逊克鲁索: 他是英国殖民者的真正原型 他是英国殖民者的真正原型。 逊克鲁索:“他是英国殖民者的真正原型。” 3) It has inspired a new genre called the Robinsonade.
Daniel Defoe
Defoe's Literary Works
1. A General History of Trade 《贸易通史》 2.The Complete English Tradesman 《英国商绅大全》 3.A Plan of the English Commerce《英国商业 方略》 4. An Essay Upon Projects 《论开发》
The True-Born Englishman (1701): a pamphlet in verse《纯血统的英国人》 《纯血统的英国人》 “The Shortest Way with the Dissenters” ” 1702《对待新教徒的捷径》 《对待新教徒的捷径》 He meant to expose the ruthlessness of the conservatives.











Irwin Shaw 《幼狮》诺曼•梅勒《裸者与死者》James Jones “From Here to Eternity”Herman Wouk 著有著名的《战争与回忆》(这部小说以及据此改编的电影都是上乘佳作),另两部作品为“winds of war”和“The caine mutiny (兵变)”【犹太小说】索尔•贝娄著名大作家,最佳作品普遍认为是《赫佐格》和《更多人死于心碎》马拉穆德(Bernard Malamud) 以短篇小说著称的犹太作家,短篇小说集包括“ The magic barrel”(1959年国家图书奖), “Idiots First”, ”Rembrandt’s hat(伦勃朗的帽子)” ,长篇小说有:”The natural”, ”The assistant”I•B•辛格他的《傻瓜吉姆佩尔》在中国读者中广受好评。

另一些重要作品包括: ,”Satan in G oray”, “The family moskat”, “The Magician of Lublin(卢布林的魔术师)”, “The Spinnoza of Market Street(市场街的斯宾诺莎)”,【南方小说】罗伯特•潘•沃伦重要的南方小说家。





IF one could run without getting tired, I don't think one would often want to do anything else. But there might be special reasons for stopping, and it was a special reason which made Eustace presently shout:"I say! Steady! Look what we're coming to!"And well he might. For now they saw before them Caldron Pool and beyond the Pool the high unclimbable cliffs and, pouring down the cliffs, thousands of tons of water every second, flashing like diamonds in some places and dark,glassy green in others, the Great Waterfall; and already the thunder of it was in their ears."Don't stop! Further up and further in," called Farsight, tilting his flight a little upwards."It's all very well for him," said Eustace, but Jewelalso cried out:"Don't stop. Further up and further in! Take it in your stride."His voice could only just be heard above the roar of the water but next moment everyone saw that he had plunged intothe Pool. And helter-skelter behind him, with splash after splash, all the others did the same. The water was not biting cold as all of them (and especially Puzzle) expected, but ofa delicious foamy coolness. They all found they were swimming straight for the Waterfall itself."This is absolutely crazy," said Eustace to Edmund."I know. And yet -" said Edmund."Isn't it wonderful?" said Lucy. "Have you noticed one can't feel afraid, even if one wants to? Try it.""By Jove, neither one can," said Eustace after he had tried.Jewel reached the foot of the Waterfall first, but Tirian was only just behind him. Jill was last, so she could see the whole thing better than the others. She saw something white moving steadily up the face of the Waterfall. That white thing was the Unicorn. You couldn't tell whether he was swimming or climbing, but he moved on, higher and higher. The point of his horn divided the water just above his head, and it cascaded out in two rainbow-coloured streams all round his shoulders. Just behind him came King Tirian. He moved his legs and arms as if he were swimming but he moved straight upwards: as if one could swim up the wall of a house.What looked funniest was the Dogs. During the gallop they had not been at all out of breath, but now, as they swarmed and wriggled upwards, there was plenty of spluttering and sneezing among them; that was because they would keep on barking, and every time they barked they got their mouths and noses full of water. But before Jill had time to notice all these things fully, she was going up the Waterfall herself.It was the sort of thing that would have been quite impossible in our world. Even if you hadn't been drowned, youwould have been smashed to pieces by the terrible weight of water against the countless jags of rock. But in that world you could do it. You went on, up and up, with all kinds of reflected lights flashing at you from the water and all manner of coloured stones flashing through it, till it seemed as if you were climbing up light itself - and always higher and higher till the sense of height would have terrified you if you could be terrified, but later it was only gloriously exciting. And then at last one came to the lovely, smooth green curve in which the water poured over the top and found that one was out on the level river above the Waterfall. The current was racing away behind you, but you were such a wonderful swimmer that you could make headway against it. Soon they were all on the bank, dripping buthappy.A long valley opened ahead and great snow-mountains, now much nearer, stood up against the sky."Further up and further in," cried Jewel and instantly they were off again.They were out of Narnia now and up into the Western Wild which neither Tirian nor Peter nor even the Eagle had ever seen before. But the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly had. "Do you remember? Do you remember?" they said - and said it in steady voices too, without panting, though the whole party was now running faster than an arrow flies."What, Lord?" said Tirian. "Is it then true, as stories tell, that you two journeyed here on the very day the world was made?""Yes," said Digory, "and it seems to me as if it were only yesterday.""And on a flying horse?" asked Tirian. "Is that part true?""Certainly," said Digory. But the Dogs barked, "Faster, faster!"So they ran faster and faster till it was more likeflying than running, and even the Eagle overhead was going no faster than they. And they went through winding valley after winding valley and up the steep sides of hills and, faster than ever, down the other side, following the river and sometimes crossing it and skimming across mountainlakes as if they were living speed-boats, till at last at the far end of one long lake which looked as blue as a turquoise, they saw a smooth green hill. Its sides were as steep as the sides of a pyramid and round the very top of it ran a green wall: but above the wall rose the branches of trees whose leaves looked like silver and their fruit like gold."Further up and further in!" roared the Unicorn, and no one held back. They charged straight at the foot of the hill and then found themselves running up it almost as water from a broken wave runs up a rock out at the point of some bay. Though the slope was nearly as steep as the roof of a house and the grass was smooth as a bowling green, no one slipped. Only when they had reached the very top did they slow up;that was because they found themselves facing great golden gates. And for a moment none of them was bold enough to try if the gates would open. They all felt just as they had feltabout the fruit "Dare we? Is it right? Can it be meant for us?"But while they were standing thus a great horn, wonderfully loud and sweet, blew from somewhere inside that walled garden and the gates swung open.Tirian stood holding his breath and wondering who would come out. And what came was the last thing he had expected:a little, sleek, bright-eyed Talking Mouse with a red feather stuck in a circlet on its head and its left paw resting on a long sword. It bowed, a most beautiful bow, and said in its shrill voice:"Welcome, in the Lion's name. Come further up and further in."Then Tirian saw King Peter and King Edmund and Queen Lucy rush forward to kneel down and greet the Mouse and they all cried out "Reepicheep!" And Tirian breathed fast with the sheer wonder of it, for now he knew that he was looking at one of the great heroes of Narnia, Reepicheep the Mouse who had fought at the great Battle of Beruna and afterwardssailed to the World's end with King Caspian the Seafarer. But before he had had much time to think of this he felt two strong arms thrown about him and felt a bearded kiss on his cheeks and heard a well remembered voice saying:"What, lad? Art thicker and taller since I last touched thee!"It was his own father, the good King Erlian: but not as Tirian had seen him last when they brought him home pale and wounded from his fight with the giant, nor even as Tirianremembered him in his later years when he was a grey-headed warrior. This was his father, young and merry, as he could just remember him from very early days when he himself had been a little boy playing games with his father in the castle garden at Cair Paravel, just before bedtime on summer evenings. The very smell of the bread-and-milk he used to have for supper came back to him.Jewel thought to himself, "I will leave them to talk for a little and then I will go and greet the good King Erlian. Many a bright apple has he given me when I was but a colt." But next moment he had something else to think of, for out of the gateway there came a horse so mighty and noble that even a Unicorn might feel shy in its presence: a great winged horse. It looked a moment at the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly and neighed out "What, cousins!" and they both shouted "Fledge! Good old Fledge!" and rushed to kiss it.But by now the Mouse was again urging them to come in. So all of them passed in through the golden gates, into the delicious smell that blew towards them out of that garden and into the cool mixture of sunlight and shadow under the trees, walking on springy turf that was all dotted with white flowers. The very first thing which struck everyone was that the place was far larger than it had seemed from outside. But no one had time to think about that for people were coming up to meet the newcomers from every direction.Everyone you had ever heard of (if you knew the history of these countries) seemed to be there. There was Glimfeather the Owl and Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, and King Rilian the Disenchanted, and his mother the Star's daughter and hisgreat father Caspian himself. And close beside him were the Lord Drinian and the Lord Berne and Trumpkin the Dwarf and Truffle-hunter the good Badger with Glenstorm the Centaur and a hundred other heroes of the great War of Deliverance. And then from another side came Cor the King of Archenland with King Lune his father and his wife Queen Aravis and the brave prince Corin Thunder-Fist, his brother, and Bree the Horseand Hwin the Mare. And then - which was a wonder beyond all wonders to Tirian - there came from further away in the past, the two good Beavers and Tumnus the Faun. And there was greeting and kissing and hand-shaking and old jokes revived, (you've no idea how good an old joke sounds when you take it out again after a rest of five or six hundred years) and the whole company moved forward to the centre of the orchardwhere the Phoenix sat in a tree and looked down upon them all, and at the foot of that tree were two thrones and in thosetwo thrones a King and Queen so great and beautiful that everyone bowed down before them. And well they might, forthese two were King Frank and Queen Helen from whom all the most ancient Kings of Narnia and Archenland are descended.And Tirian felt as you would feel if you were brought before Adam and Eve in all their glory.About half an hour later - or it might have been half a hundred years later, for time there is not like time here - Lucy stood with her dear friend, her oldest Narnian friend,the Faun Tumnus, looking down over the wall of that garden, and seeing all Narnia spread out below. But when you looked down you found that this hill was much higher than you had thought: it sank down with shining cliffs, thousands of feet below them and trees in that lower world looked no biggerthan grains of green salt. Then she turned inward again and stood with her back to the wall and looked at the garden."I see," she said at last, thoughtfully. "I see now. This garden is like the stable. It is far bigger inside than it was outside.""Of course, Daughter of Eve," said the Faun. "The further up and the further in you go, the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside."Lucy looked hard at the garden and saw that it was not really a garden but a whole world, with its own rivers and woods and sea and mountains. But they were not strange: she knew them all."I see," she said. "This is still Narnia, and more real and more beautiful then the Narnia down below, just as it was more real and more beautiful than the Narnia outside the stable door! I see... world within world, Narnia within Narnia...""Yes," said Mr Tumnus, "like an onion: except that as you go in and in, each circle is larger than the last."And Lucy looked this way and that and soon found that a new and beautiful thing had happened to her. Whatever she looked at, however far away it might be, once she had fixed her eyes steadily on it, became quite clear and close as if she were looking through a telescope. She could see the whole Southern desert and beyond it the great city of Tashbaan: to Eastward she could see Cair Paravel on the edge of the sea and the very window of the room that had once been her own. And far out to sea she could discover the islands, islandsafter islands to the end of the world, and, beyond the end, the huge mountain which they had called Aslan's country. But now she saw that it was part of a great chain of mountains which ringed round the whole world. In front of her it seemed to come quite close. Then she looked to her left and saw what she took to be a great bank of brightly-coloured cloud, cut off from them by a gap. But she looked harder and saw that it was not a cloud at all but a real land. And when she hadfixed her eyes on one particular spot of it, she at once cried out, "Peter! Edmund! Come and look! Come quickly." And they came and looked, for their eyes also had become like hers."Whys" exclaimed Peter. "It's England. And that's the house itself - Professor Kirk's old home in the country where all our adventures began!""I thought that house had been destroyed," said Edmund."So it was," said the Faun. "But you are now looking at the England within England, the real England just as this is the real Narnia. And in that inner England no good thing is destroyed."Suddenly they shifted their eyes to another spot, and then Peter and Edmund and Lucy gasped with amazement and shouted out and began waving: for there they saw their own father and mother, waving back at them across the great, deep valley. It was like when you see people waving at you from the deck of a big ship when you are waiting on the quay to meet them."How can we get at them?" said Lucy."That is easy," said Mr Tumnus. "That country and this country - all the real countries - are only spurs jutting out from the great mountains of Aslan. We have only to walk along the ridge, upward and inward, till it joins on. And listen! There is King Frank's horn: we must all go up."And soon they found themselves all walking together and a great, bright procession it was - up towards mountains higher than you could see in this world even if they were there tobe seen. But there was no snow on those mountains: therewere forests and green slopes and sweet orchards and flashing waterfalls, one above the other, going up forever. And theland they were walking on grew narrower all the time, with a deep valley on each side: and across that valley the land which was the real England grew nearer and nearer.The light ahead was growing stronger. Lucy saw that agreat series of many-coloured cliffs led up in front of them like a giant's staircase. And then she forgot everything else, because Aslan himself was coming, leaping down from cliff to cliff like a living cataract of power and beauty.And the very first person whom Aslan called to him was Puzzle the Donkey. You never saw a donkey look feebler and sillier than Puzzle did as he walked up to Aslan, and he looked, beside Aslan, as small as a kitten looks beside a St Bernard. The Lion bowed down his head and whispered something to Puzzle at which his long ears went down, but then he said something else at which the ears perked up again. The humans couldn't hear what he had said either time. Then Aslan turned to them and said:"You do not yet look so happy as I mean you to be."Lucy said, "We're so afraid of being sent away, Aslan. And you have sent us back into our own world so often.""No fear of that," said Aslan. "Have you not guessed?"Their hearts leaped and a wild hope rose within them."There was a real railway accident," said Aslan softly."Your father and mother and all of you are - as you used to call it in the Shadowlands - dead. The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning."And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.16、告别幻影世界一个人,如果能够飞跑而不感到疲倦,我想他就不会想到做别的事情了。



Unit OneIntroduction& Unit 1The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries课程名称:英语国家社会与文化本课内容:The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries授课时间:90分钟教学目的:通过本节课的教学,使学生了解英语国家社会与文化课程的主要内容与要求,了解文化的概念;同时对英国有一个总体上的了解。




教学内容: (详见下页)1.什么是文化?2.英国国土与人民英国的不同名称及其区域3. 伦敦概况教学方法:采取教师教授为主,结合学生课堂讨论。

时间分配: What is culture? (10 分钟.);What’s th e relation between Culture and society? (10 分钟);Why should we learn culture (10 分钟);UK- a complicated country with a complicated name(40 分钟)A Brief Idea about London. (20 分钟)课堂板书:1. Culture-the foundation of communication2. The four parts of UK3. Main cities of EnglandLondonBirmingham-second largest city of England.Liverpool-second largest port of EnglandManchester- industrial and commercial centre.课后作业: Exercises in Unit 1Unit OnePart One1.What is culture?Culture-the foundation of communicationCulture is very abstract and complicated. Concretely speaking, it refers to all the aspects of social life, such as, the values, the practices of a society and social conventions, education, politics, art or literature,language,ideas,etc.文化即是人们所思,所言(言语和非言语),所为,所觉的总和.文化是无处不在的,具体说来,包括社会生活的一切方面,如:价值观念,生活行为方式,社会规范等,乃至艺术,政治,经济, 教育,修养,文学,语言,思想等.2. What’s the relation between Culture and society?1)Culture is a separate idea from society, although culture and society areinterrelated and cannot exist without each other.2)Culture is a system of values (or beliefs) and norms (or behaviour). A societyis a system of interrelationships which connect or bind individuals together.3. Why should we learn culture?1)Requirement of communication2) Language and culture are inseparable3)Culture acquisition is important for the study of literature.Part TwoUK- a complicated country with a complicated nameⅠStatus in the worldEffects of its Imperial Past--“an empire in which the sun never set”(日不落帝国) of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, a founding memberof NATO, and of the Commonwealth,2. Member of European Union and the Group of seven3.The make-up of the British population (Immigration has produced a populationof which 1 in 20 are of non-European ethnicity.)II. The effects of its imperial past* The days of empire ended after World War II1. The effects were mainly encountered in the close relationships which exist with the 50 or more colonies of that empire, and which maintain links through Commonwealth of Nations. But more important international relation is its membership in the European Union since 1973.2. The makeup of the British population--- immigration from India, Pakistan, or Caribbean (西印度群岛与中南美洲海域) countries in the 1950s and1960s. 1/20 are non-European ethnicity.III.The features of British society:1.a multiracial societyRacial, gender, class, regional and economic differences in the societya multi-racial society: most are Christians and because of immigration, many are Muslims;gender difference: male and female live different livesclass difference: the class structure of UK society is relatively obvious (A white-collar worker’s lives are very different from a blue-collar worker’s.) economic and regional difference within each of the 4 countries:-- difference between highland and lowland Scots-- difference between north and south England (South is on average more wealthy than the north)2. a society with class-structure3. a society with difference of region difference: highland and lowland Scots,north and south England,the capital and provinces.Part ThreeMain cities of England1. London2. Birmingham-second largest city of England.3. Liverpool-second largest port of England4. Manchester- industrial and commercial centre.London--cultural,bussness,and financial centre1. One of the most famous cities of the world, London is England's capital and a favourite for tourists from all over the world who flock there in their millions. It has a history stretching back almost 2000 years, A population of 7.5 million people, and some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.2.London Attractions:Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.The Tower of London,Tower Bridge,St Paul's Cathedralthe River ThamesCountless fascinating museums, art galleries and famous theatres.The English Royal Family reside in London at Buckingham Palacewhere you can see the famous 'Changing of the Guard'and muchmore.3. A significant role of LondonWhen a man is tired of London, you are tired of life for there is in London all that life can afford.—Samuel Johnson London is dominant in UK in all sorts of ways.1)It is the largest city in the country with abo ut one seventh of the nation’spopulation.2)It is seat of government.3)It is the cultural centre.4)It is the business centre.5)It is the financial centre of the nation.6)London is a huge weight in Britain’s economic and cultural life, and to someextent the rest of the country lives in its shadow.For reference英国历代国王与王后Geographical features1.Geographical positionThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is situated north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland water. From north to south it is about 1,000 kilometres long.(1) Northwest of Europe(2) North Atlantic Ocean(3) Separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel2.Geographical features(1) An island country, surrounded by sea(2) Highlands in the north and west(3) Lowlands in the east and southeastA. Part of the great European PlainB. Level land and fertile soilC. farming(4) 3 natural zones in ScotlandA. the highlands in the northB. the central lowlandsC. the southern uplands. Rivers and LakesImportant role of rivers in the country’s economy1.Important Rivers(1)the Severn RiverA.the longest in the countryB.only 338 kilos long(2)the Thames RiverA.the 2nd longestB.the most important riverC.336 kilos longD.Oxford and London are on the river(3)River ClydeA.the most important in ScotlandB.important commercial waterway2.the Lake District(1)in northwest England and North Wales(2)popular tourist attractions(3)the home of the Lake PoetsA.William WordsworthB.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC.Robert SoutheyClimate1.Typical feature of Britain’s climate“Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather.”The statement is often made by Englishmen to describe the peculiar meteorological conditions of their country.A maritime type of climate(1)rainy---abundant rainfallThe uncertainty about the weather tends to make the Englishmen cautious.“A foreigner may laugh when he sees the Englishman setting forth on a brilliantly sunny morning wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella, but he may well regret his laughter later in the day!”(2)changeable and unpredictable, no clear cut of 4 seasons“In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a balmy spring morning; an hour or so later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down. At midday conditions may be really wintry with the temperature down by about eight degrees or more centigrade. And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear, the sun will begin to shine, and for an hour or two before darkness falls, it will be summer.”(3)Mild: no extremesIn England one can experience almost every kind of weather except the most extreme.temperature: 4-6℃ in winter, 12-17℃ in summer2.Factors influencing the climate(1)the surrounding waters(2)the prevailing south-west winds(3)the North Atlantic Drift (warm current)3.Rainfall(1) a steady reliable rainfall throughout the year(2)uneven distribution of rainA. a water surplus in the north and westB. a water deficit in the south and eastUnit TwoThe History of England课程名称:英语国家社会与文化本课内容:The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries授课时间:90分钟教学目的:通过本节课的教学,使学生了解英国历史,尤其是英格兰的历史;掌握主要历史事件及人物。



古希腊的“泰坦尼克号”沉船作者:唐忙珍来源:《高中生·高考指导》2015年第02期Greek and international team of divers and archaeologists has retrieved① stunning new finds from an ancient Greek ship that sank more than 2,000 years ago off the remote island of Antikythera (安提凯希拉).The Antikythera wreck was first discovered in 1900 by sponge divers who were blown off course by a storm. They subsequently recovered a spectacular haul of ancient treasure including bronze and marble statues,jewellery,furniture,luxury glassware,and the surprisingly complex Antikythera Mechanism. But they were forced to end their mission at the 55-meter-deep site after one diver died of the bends② and two were paralyzed. Ever since,archaeologists have wondered if more treasure remains buried beneath the sea bed.Now a team of international archaeologists have returned to the treacherous③ site using state-of-the-art technology. During their first excavation season,from September 15 to October 7,2014,the researchers have created a high-resolution,3D map of the site using stereo cameras mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV). Divers then recovered a series of finds which prove that much of the ship’s cargo is indeed still preserved beneath the sediment.Components of the ship,including multiple lead anchors over a meter long and a bronze rigging ring with fragments of wood still attached,prove that much of the ship survives. The finds are also scattered over a much larger area than the sponge divers realized,covering 300 meters of the seafloor. This together with the huge size of the anchors and recovered hull planks proves that the Antikythera ship was much larger than previously thought,perhaps up to 50 meters long.“The evidence shows this is the largest ancient shipwreck e ver discovered,”says Foley. “It’s the Titanic of the ancient world.”The archaeologists also recovered a beautiful intact table jug,part of an ornate bed leg,and most impressive of all,a 2-meter-long bronze spear buried just beneath the surface of the sand. In 1901,four giant marble horses were discovered on the wreck by the sponge divers,so these could have formed part of a complex of statues involving a warrior in a chariot that was pulled by the four horses.The shipwreck dates from 70 to 60 BC and is thought to have been carrying a luxury cargo of Greek treasures from the coast of Asia Minor west to Rome. Antikythera stands in the middle of this major shipping route and the ship probably sank when a violent storm smashed it against the is land’s sheer cliffs.The wreck is too deep to dive safely using regular scuba equipment,so the divers had to use rebreather technology,in which carbon dioxide is scrubbed from the exhaled air while oxygen is introduced and recirculated. This allowed them to dive on the site for up to three hours at a time.The archaeologists plan to return next year to excavate the site further and recover more of the ship’s precious cargo. “The finds,particularly the bronze spear,are very promising,”saysTh eodolou. “We have a lot of work to do at this site to uncover its secrets.”Notes:① retrieve v. 取回,寻回,恢复② bends n. 潜水病③ treacherous adj. 危险的,变化无常的1.Which can be the best title for the passage?A. Stunning Finds from Ancient Greek ShipwreckB. Sunken Ships off the Remote Island of AntikytheraC. International Cooperation of Divers and Archaeologists; ;D. Sponge Divers Blown off Course by a Storm2.Which of the following is NOT true about the ancient Greek ship discovered?A. It has been lying at the bottom of the sea for over 20 centuries.B. The Antikythera wreck was first discovered quite accidentally.; C. Many mysteries remain to be figured out about the sunken ship.D. It is the second largest ancient shipwreck ever discovered in Greek.3.Of the discoveries,______ is considered as the most outstanding.A. the complex Antikythera Mechanism; ;B. a 2-meter-long bronze spearC. the four giant marble horses; ;D. a beautiful intact table jug4.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “smashed”?A. protected ; ;B. shelteredC. destroyed ; ;D. preserved5.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A. there is nothing accidental related to the discovery of the shipwreck; ;B. further research work on this shipwreck will be carried out in futureC. there is no difficulty diving underwater and carrying out the researchD. archaeologists are to stop their research on this for it’s not worthwhile答案与解析1.答案为A。



100部值得看的英文原著原文书名书名汉译作者姓名原文作者姓名汉译The Adventures of Augie March(奥吉·玛琪历险记)Saul Bellow (索尔·贝罗)All the King’s Men(国王人马)Robert Penn Warren(R·P·沃伦)American Pastoral(美国牧师)Philip Roth(菲利普·罗斯)An American Tragedy(美国悲剧)Theodore Dreiser(狄德罗·德莱塞)Animal Farm(动物农场)George Orwell(乔治·奥维尔)Appointment in Samarra(相约萨玛拉)John O’Hara(约翰·奥哈拉)Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret(神哪,您在那里吗?是我,玛格丽特)Judy Blume(朱迪·布罗姆)The Assistant(助手)Bernard Malamud(伯纳德·马拉迈德)At Swim-Two-Birds(双鸟嬉戏池塘边)Flann O’Brien(弗兰·奥伯兰)Atonement(救赎)艾恩·麦克埃文Beloved(宠儿)Toni Morrison(托尼·莫里逊)The Berlin Stories(柏林故事集)Christopher Isherwood(克里斯托夫·埃舍伍德)The Big Sleep(夜长梦多)Raymond Chandler(雷蒙·珊德勒)The Blind Assassin(盲人杀手)Margaret Atwood(玛格丽特·埃特伍德)Blood Meridian(血色子午线)Cormac McCarthy(考麦克·麦卡锡)Brideshead Revisited (旧地重游)Evelyn Waugh (埃菲琳·瓦)The Bridge of San Luis Rey(圣路易雷桥)Thornton Wilder(桑顿·王尔德)Call It Sleep(睡眠)Henry Roth(亨利·罗斯)Catch-22 (第二十二条军规)Joseph Heller(约瑟·海勒)The Catcher in the Rye(麦田守望者)J.D. Salinger(J·D·塞林格)A Clockwork Orange(发条橙子)Anthony Burgess(安东尼·伯格斯)The Confessions of Nat Turner(纳特·特纳的忏悔)William Styron(威廉·斯太龙)The Corrections(纠正)Jonathan Franzen(约那逊·弗兰森)The Crying of Lot 49(拍卖第49号])Thomas Pynchon(托马斯·品钦)A Dance to the Music of Time(随时间音乐起舞)Anthony Powell(安东尼·鲍威)The Day of the Locust(蝗虫肆虐日)Nathanael West(那瑟那尔·威斯特)Death Comes for the Archbishop(大主教之死)Willa Cather(威拉·凯瑟)A Death in the Family(家族成员之死)James Agee(詹姆斯·阿吉)The Death of the Heart(心脏之死)Elizabeth Bowen(伊丽莎白·伯文)Deliverance(释放)James Dickey(詹姆斯·迪克)Dog Soldiers(亡命之徒)Robert Stone(罗伯特·斯通)Falconer(放鹰者)John Cheever(约翰·契佛)The French Lieutenant’s Woman (法国中尉的女人)John Fowles(约翰·弗勒斯)The Golden Notebook(金色笔记)Doris Lessing(D·莱辛)Go Tell it on the Mountain(山上高呼)James Baldwin(詹姆斯·鲍德温)Gone With the Wind(飘)Margaret Mitchell(玛格丽特·米切尔)The Grapes of Wrath(愤怒的葡萄)John Steinbeck(约翰·斯坦伯克)Gravity’s Rainbow(引力彩虹)Thomas Pynchon(托马斯·品钦)The Great Gatsby(了不起的盖茨比)F. Scott Fitzgerald(F·斯考特·菲茨杰拉德)A Handful of Dust(一掬尘土)Evelyn Waugh(埃菲琳·瓦)The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter(心是孤独的猎手)Carson McCullers(卡尔逊·迈勒斯)The Heart of the Matter(核心问题)Graham Greene(G·格林)Herzog(赫尔佐格)Saul Bellow(索尔·贝罗)Housekeeping(管家)Marilynne Robinson (玛琳·罗伯逊)A House for Mr. Biswas(毕斯瓦思先生之屋)V.S. Naipaul (V·S·纳保罗)I, Claudius(我,克劳迪斯)Robert Graves(罗伯特·格里夫斯)Infinite Jest(无尽的玩笑)David Foster Wallace(戴维·弗斯特·华莱士)Invisible Man(隐形人)Ralph Ellison(拉尔芙·埃利逊)Light in August(八月之光)William Faulkner(威廉·福克纳)The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe(狮子,女巫和魔衣橱)C.S. Lewis(C·S·Lewis)Lolita(洛丽塔)Vladimir Naboko 弗拉基米尔·那波克Lord of the Flies(蝇王)William Golding 威廉·格尔丁The Lord of the Rings(指环王)by J.R.R. Tolkein (J·R·R·托肯)Loving(爱)Henry Green(亨利·格林)Lucky Jim(幸运的吉姆)Kingsley Amis(金斯利·埃米斯)The Man Who Loved Children (那个喜欢孩子的人)Christina Stead(克里斯蒂·斯太德)Midnight's Children(午夜之子)Salman Rushdie(萨尔曼·拉什迪)Money(金钱)Martin Amis(马丁·埃米斯)The Moviegoer(电影迷)Walker Percy(沃克·泊西)Mrs. Dalloway(达罗薇夫人)Virginia Woolf(芙吉妮亚·伍尔夫)Naked Lunch(裸体午餐)William Burroughs (威廉·伯罗斯)Native Son(土著之子)Richard Wright(理查·莱特)Neuromancer(神经漫游者)William Gibson(威廉·吉普逊)Never Let Me Go(别让我走)Kazuo Ishiguro (卡佐·伊什古罗)1984(一九八四)George Orwell(乔治·奥维尔)On the Road(在路上)by Jack Kerouac(杰克·克鲁亚克)One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(飞越疯人院)Ken Kesey(肯·克西)The Painted Bird(染色鸟)Jerzy Kosinski(泽西·克金斯基)Pale Fire(幽冥火)Vladimir Nabokov(弗拉基米尔·那巴克夫)A Passage to India(印度之行)E.M. Forster(E·M·弗斯特)Play It As It Lays(顺其自然)Joan Didion(琼·迪丹)Portnoy's Complaint (波特诺的抱怨)Philip Roth(菲利普·罗斯)Possession(占有)A.S. Byatt(A·S·伯亚特)The Power and the Glory(权力与荣耀)Graham Greene(G·格林)The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie(让·布罗迪小姐的巅峰时刻)Muriel Spark(莫里·斯巴克)Rabbit, Run(兔子,跑吧)John Updike(约翰·厄普代克)Ragtime(雷格泰姆音乐)E.L. Doctorow(E·L·多克特罗)The Recognitions(辨识)William Gaddis(威廉·格迪斯)Red Harvest(红色收获)Dashiell Hammett (达斯·哈迈特)Revolutionary Road(革命之路)Richard Yates(理查·叶茨)The Sheltering Sky(僻护天空)Paul Bowles(保罗·保尔斯)Slaughterhouse-Five(第五号屠场)Kurt Vonnegut(克特·冯尼格特)Snow Crash(雪崩)Neal Stephenson(尼尔·史蒂文森)The Sot-Weed Factor(因素)John Barth(约翰·伯斯)The Sound and the Fury(喧哗与骚动)William Faulkner(威廉·福克纳)The Sportswriter(体育新闻记者)Richard Ford(理查·福特)The Spy Who Came in From the Cold(柏林谍影)John LeCarre(约翰·勒克)The Sun Also Rises(太阳照样升起)Ernest Hemingway(厄内斯特·海明威)Their Eyes Were Watching God(他们仰望上帝)Zora Neale Hurston(佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿)Things Fall Apart(瓦解)Chinua Achebe(切努瓦·阿切比)To Kill a Mockingbird(杀死一只知更鸟)Harper Lee(哈普·李)To the Lighthouse(到灯塔去)Virginia Woolf(芙吉妮亚·伍尔夫)Tropic of Cancer(北回归线)Henry Miller(亨利·米勒)Ubik(尤比克)Philip K. Dick (菲·K·迪克)Under the Net(网下)Iris Murdoch(埃尔斯·莫多克)Under the Volcano(火山下)Malcolm Lowrey(马尔孔·罗瑞)Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons(守夜者)White Noise(白噪音)Don DeLillo(丹·迪里罗)White Teeth(白色的牙齿)Zadie Smith(匝迪·史密斯)Wide Sargasso Sea(野海草之海)Jean Rhys(让·里斯)。


and they were against British.
Joan of Arc
French military leader and heroine. Inspired and directed by religious visions, she organized the French resistance that forced the English to end their siege of Orléans(1429). The same year she led an army of 12,000 to Rheims and had the dauphin crowned Charles VII. Captured and sold to the English by the Burgundians (1430), she was later tried for heresy and sorcery and was burned at the stake in Rouen. She was canonized in 1920.
The First Stage
the British Army won the Battle
of Crecy.
the British Army won the Battle of
Poitiers 1348
the British beat French in the Battle of Sluys.
French people beat British in the Battle of Orleans under the command of Joan of arc. That brought a bright future to French people.



老人与海英文原著阅读《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea)是美国作家厄内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)于1952年出版的小说。

以下是小说的开头的一部分,供你阅读:"He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat.The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles on the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated."这段开头描述了一个老渔夫在墨西哥湾流中独自划着小船垂钓,他已经整整八十四天没有捕到一条鱼。



In order to affect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions 为阻止动荡局势进一步恶化"and to ensure the common good,为了百姓大众的利益a state of emergency is declared for these territories该地处于警戒状态by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett,贝克特勋爵duly appointed representative of His Majesty,the king.被皇帝陛下委派至此By decree,according to martial law,根据宵禁法the following statutes are temporarily amended:对以下法规做出暂时修订Right to assembly,suspended.公共聚众权被剥夺Right to habeas corpus,suspended.人身保护权被剥夺Right to legal counsel,suspended.法律咨♥询♥权被剥夺Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended.陪审团议罪权被剥夺By decree,all persons found guilty of piracy,法令规定凡定罪为海盗者or aiding a person convicted of piracy,协助海盗者or associating with a person convicted of piracy...与海盗有瓜葛者shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead."将处以绞刑...The king and his men皇帝和他的仆人Stole the queen from her bed掳走皇后And bound her in her bones将她封印在肉体中The seas be ours大海为我们所拥有And by the powers拥有无限力量Where we will,we'll roam随心所欲四处漂流Yo ho唷吼All hands haul together千万双手Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Heave ho拒绝Thieves and beggars小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽Yo ho唷吼Haul together haul together齐心协力Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Lord Beckett!贝克特勋爵They've started to sing,sir.他们开唱了长官Finally. Thieves and beggars很好小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽【加勒比海盗 3 】『世界的尽头』Some have died and some are alive有人死去有人活着Others sail on the sea and others sail on the sea 有人在海上航行With the keys to the cage带上牢笼的钥匙and the Devil to pay以及严重的后果We lay to Fiddler's Green我们努力前往费德勒绿地 (水手们想象中的天堂) The bell has been raised from its watery grave 水之坟墓中升起一口钟Hear its sepulchral tone发出阴沉的声音A call to all Pay heed the squall We are a call to all, pay head the squall 警告所有人注意暴风雪Turn your sails to home and turn your sail toward home!转动船帆回家Yo,ho唷吼haul together齐心协力Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Heave ho拒绝Thieve... Thief and beggar小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽A dangerous song to be singing...唱这歌♥可是要杀头的for any who are ignorant of its meaning.即使不懂背后的含义...Particularly a woman.尤其是个女孩子家Particularly a woman alone.尤其是孤身一人的女孩子家What makes you think she's alone?你凭什么认为她孤身一人?You protect her?你罩着她?And what makes you think I need protecting?你凭什么认为我需要别人罩着?Your master's expecting us.你家老大正等着我们And an unexpected death'd cast a slight pall on our meeting.死人会耽误时间Pick those feet up!步伐整齐On the double!跑步前进Eyes front!朝前看No,no,no. None.不不不没有It always takes me about a week to get my sea legs.要花上一个星期后我才不会晕船I was throwing up horribly the last time.上一次我呕吐得很厉害Steady as she goes.像她那样稳着些All right.好的Have you heard anything from Will?有威尔的消息吗?I trust young Turner to acquire the charts特纳一定会取得航海图的and you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng.在邵峰船长面前不要没大没小Is he that terrifying?他真有那么可怕吗?He's much like myself,but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play. 他性情很像我但心狠手辣且唯利是图We're through. Make ready.准备通过准备好Hurry now.快点Do you think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery? 你是不是认为她是个女人就不会怀疑到她了?Well,when you put it that way...既然你这么说…Remove. Please.脱下来Remove. Please.脱Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore.巴博萨船长欢迎来到新加坡More steam.加蒸汽None of that.没门儿If things don't go the way we want, then we're the only chance they've got.如果他们不成功那我们就是唯一的希望了I understand that you have a request to make of me.我听说你有事相求More of a proposal to put to ye.应该说是项提议I've a venture underway and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew. 我有趟探险需要一条船一队人Hmm. It's an odd coincidence.真是巧…Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?你是不是有一条闲船一队闲人?No.不是说这个Because earlier this day, not far from here,因为今天早前附近不远a thief broke into my most revered uncle's temple一个毛贼潜入我叔叔的庙里and tried to make off with these.企图偷走The navigational charts.航海图The route to the Farthest Gate.上面有去世界尽头的路线Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours进入另一个世界探险took you to the world beyond this one?会不会很精彩呢?It would strain credulity at that.这纯属巧合不要胡乱猜测This is the thief. Is his face familiar to you?就是这个毛贼面熟吗?Then I guess he has no further need for it.留他还有何用?No,no!不不You come into my city and you betray my hospitality.你到了我的地盘却辜负了我的盛情I assure you I had no idea... That he would get caught!我向你保证我不知情你是不知道他会失手吧You intend to attempt the voyage to Davy Jones' Locker.你们企图前往戴维·琼斯的魔狱But I cannot help but wonder...我实在想不通Why?为什么?The song has been sung. The time is upon us.起义歌♥已经被传唱刻不容缓啊We must convene the Brethren Court.我们必须召开天下海盗王大会As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honor the call.做为九大海盗王之一的你有责任遵守誓约出席大会More steam.加蒸汽More steam!加蒸汽There is a price on all our heads. Aye.我们人人头上都有悬赏嗯It is true.是的It seems the only way a pirate can turn a profit by betraying other pirates. 这年头海盗也只能靠出♥卖♥♥♥其他海盗牟利We must put our differences aside.我们现在应该求同存异Wait for the signal.等信♥号♥♥The First Brethren Court gave us rule of the seas.海盗王大会制定了海洋公约But now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett.贝克特勋爵却让这公约失去了效用Against East India Trading Company,面对东印度公♥司♥what value is the Brethren Court?海盗公会哪有招架之力?What can any of us do?你我又能做些什么?You can fight! Get off me!你可以打仗放开我You are Sao Feng, the pirate lord of Singapore.你是邵峰啊新加坡大名鼎鼎的海盗王You command in an age of piracy where bold captains sail free waters.你领导了一个时代勇敢的船长可以自♥由♥遨游Where waves aren't measured in feet, but as increments of fear,见过的大浪非尺能量and those who pass the test become legend.经过考验的人都成了传奇Would you have that era come to an end on your watch?你能眼睁睁地看着这一切都毁在你的手中么?The most notorious pirates from around the world遍天下的海盗王are uniting against our enemy,都在团结备战and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!你竟然还躲在洗澡水里Elizabeth Swann. Elizabeth Swann伊丽莎白·斯旺There is more to you than meets the eye,isn't there?不要妄下评论And the eye does not go wanting.你不够格But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question.不过我注意到你们还没回答我的问题What is it you seek in Davy Jones' Locker?找戴维·琼斯的魔狱目的何在?Jack Sparrow.为了杰克·斯帕洛He's one of the pirate lords.他是海盗王之一I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead...The only reason 我会让斯帕洛重返人世的唯一理由…is so I can send him back myself!就是好亲手把他再送回魔狱...Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight.九枚西班牙古银币杰克·斯帕洛手上有一枚He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died.死前没来得及传给继承人So we must go and get him back.我们必须把他救回来So you admit...这也就是说you have deceived me.你现在承认欺骗了我...Weapons!操家伙Weapons.操家伙Sao Feng,I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable.邵峰我发誓我们的初衷是好的Drop your weapons or I kill the man!放下武器不然就杀了他Kill him. He's not our man.杀吧反正不是我们的人If he's not with you, and he's not with us...如果不是你的人那就不是我们的人who's he with?他是谁的人呢? ...Charge!装弹♥药♥Will! Will!威尔!Look out! Look behind you!注意你的后面Ready!预备Fire.开火Chart!航海图Boo!不Company! Make ready. Set. Fire!整队准备开火Company!整队Make ready. Set.准备开火Fire!开火It's an odd coincidence,isn't it?真是巧不是吗?The East India Trading Company finds me the day you show up in Singapore. 你刚到新加坡东印度公♥司♥就找到我的头上It is coincidence only.纯属巧合If you want to make a deal with Beckett, you need what I offer.如果你想和贝克特交易就需要我帮你You cross Barbossa. You are willing to cross Jack Sparrow.你已经背叛了巴博萨现在还要背叛斯帕洛Why should I expect any better?我凭什么信任你?I need the Black Pearl to free my father.我需要黑珍珠号♥救回我父亲You're helping me to get it.你可以帮我夺得黑珍珠号♥Fire in the hole.趴下Thank you,Jack.多谢杰克Thank you,Jack.多谢杰克You have the charts? And better yet.得到航海图了吗? 不仅如此A ship and a crew. Where's Sao Feng?一条船一队人邵峰哪去了?He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove.他会保护我们脱身然后在沉船湾和我们会面This way. Be quick.这边快Haul the snotters with a will!尽力绑紧Keep it taut.绑紧了Secure provisions and stow the cargo.注意安全装载货物There's no place left for Sao Feng to cower.邵峰现已无藏身之处Do you think he will honor the call?他会遵守誓约吗?I cannot say.很难说There's an evil on these seas海上的凶神恶煞that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. 就算嗜血海盗也会畏惧三分A piece of eight.西班牙古银币Nine of them,you say.你说有9件的Our new friend in Singapore was very specific,sir.我们新加坡的新朋友很特别先生Nine pieces of eight.九枚西班牙古银币What's the significance of that, I wonder.背后有什么含义呢?Nothing can hold against the armada.我们的舰队所向披靡Not with the Flying Dutchman at the lead.就算是"飞翔的荷兰人号♥"也不是对手Nothing we know of.我们一无所知Did your friend mention where the Brethren Court are meeting?你那个朋友提到海盗公会将在哪里开会吗?He was mum on that,sir.他支支吾吾的Hmm.嗯Then he knows the value of information.他懂得消息的价值Better keep this between ourselves.这些话不要对外人透漏We don't want anyone running off to Singapore,do we?免得某些人趁机逃到新加坡去Ah,admiral. You summoned me,Lord Beckett.嗯司令官您找我贝克特勋爵?Yes. Something for you there.没错有件东西给你Your new station deserves an old friend.新官上任找位老战友协助你Not more requisition orders. No,sir.没有征用令了吧? 没了长官Execution.只剩下死刑令The Brethren know they face extinction.海盗公会知道他们面临灭顶之灾All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand. 他们唯一可选的是去那里做殊死一搏No one said anything about cold.没人说过会这么冷啊I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.苦尽则甘来Why don't that obeah woman bring Jack back the same way那个臭女人怎么不把杰克she brought back Barbossa? Because Barbossa was only dead. 像巴博萨那样也带回来? 因为巴博萨只是死了Jack Sparrow is taken,body and soul,而杰克·斯帕洛的躯体和魂魄to a place not of death,but punishment.并非被囚禁在死亡地带而是在惩罚地带The worst fate a person can bring upon himself...一个人最悲惨的命运莫过于此stretching on forever.只能无奈地面对永久...That's what awaits at Davy Jones' Locker.这就是戴维·琼斯的魔狱Yeah. I knew there was a good reason.是的我就知道有原因Nothing here is set.没有标识吗?These can't be as accurate as modern charts.这可没有现代航海图精确No. But it leads to more places.是啊但它可以带我们去很多地方Over the edge."越过边缘""Over again.""再来一次"Sunrise sets.Flash of green."日出时会释放"绿灿烂""Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa?来给大家解释一下吧巴博萨船长?Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs?目睹过"绿灿烂"吗? 吉布斯I reckon I seen my fair share. Happens on rare occasion.我有幸目睹过极为罕见The last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky. 日落前的一霎那绿灿烂直冲云霄Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it.有些人终其一生也无法看到Some claim to have seen it who ain't. And some say...有些人谎称见过It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead.这意味着一个灵魂重返人间Sorry. Trust me,young Master Turner.对不起相信我小特纳It's not getting to the land of the dead that's the problem.去死亡之地并不难It's getting back.如何返回才是问题Bosun!Head to wind! Lift the sail! Bosun!Head to wind! Lift the sail! 水手逆风扬帆Aye,aye,sir!好的Bloody hell. There's nothing left.真♥他♥妈♥的片甲不留Jones is a loose cannon,sir.琼斯太放肆Fetch the chest.去取亡灵箱And the governor?总督呢?He's been asking questions about the heart.他对那颗"心"颇感兴趣Does he know?他知道其中秘密吗?Then perhaps his usefulness has run its course.那他就不再有利用价值了Step lively,men.快点Step lively!快点Stand fast!往前Steady,men.站稳了Go. All of you. And take that infernal thing with you.统统给我滚把这可怕的东西也给我带走I will not have it on my ship!我不允许它上我的船Oh,I'm sorry to hear that... because I will.实在抱歉是我允许的Because it seems to be the only way to ensurethat this ship do as directed by the company. 只有这样才能让这条船遵从东印度公♥司♥的指挥We need prisoners to interrogate,我们需要拷问犯人which tends to work best when they're alive.犯人活着才能拷问The Dutchman sails as its captain commands.荷兰人只听从其船长的命令And its captain is to sail it as commanded.其船长也必须听从命令I would have thought you'd learned that when I ordered you to kill your pet.当我下令让你杀了你的"宠物"时你就应该明白这个道理了This is no longer your world,Jones.这已经不是你的天下了琼斯The immaterial has become...废物immaterial.终究是个废物...Charge your bayonets.准备瞄准How long do we continue not talking?我们还要这样冷战多久?Once we rescue Jack, everything'll be fine.救出杰克后就没事了Then we rescue Jack.那就去救杰克For what we want most...要得到最想要的东西there is a cost must be paid in the end.就要为此付出代价...Barbossa,ahead! Aye,we're good and lost now.巴博萨看前方没错我们迷失方向了Lost? For certain you have to be lost迷失方向了? 只有迷失方向to find a place as can't be found.才能到达一个无人能找到的地方Elseways,everyone would know where it was.不然大家都知道在哪里了We're gaining speed. Aye.速度在加快没错To stations!各就各位All hands to stations! Huh?大家各就各位Rudder full. Hard aport! Gather way.满舵左舷全速前进Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight and true! 不不要动让它朝前行Blimey.啊呀You've doomed us all. Don't be so unkind.你把我们都害死了不要说得这么难听You may not survive to pass this way again,下次再走这条路可能就过不去了and these be the last friendly words you'll hear. 这是我最后的忠告Tie her off.把它绑牢Hard aport.左满舵Hold on!抓稳Strike your colors, you blooming cockroaches. 投降吧你们这群蠢货Dead men tell no tales.死人不会告密My peanut.我的花生Haul the halyard. Slacken braces.拉紧绳索松开转帆索Aye,captain. Slacken braces.是船长松开转帆索Step lively with a will.快点Aye,aye. Right away,sir.是的是的是的I want a fire down below!我希望下面着火了!Help. Man the yards,you filthy toads.救我! 打起精神来你们这帮懒虫Haul! Haul!拉呀拉呀Haul the sheets handsomely. Scandalize the lateens.把帆准备好准备前进Aye,sir. Right away,sir.遵命遵命Mr. Sparrow? Aye,cap'n.斯帕洛先生是船长What say you about the condition of this tack line?你认为你绑得怎么样?It be proper to my eyes,sir. Proper?绑得蛮好啊船长绑好了?It is neither proper nor suitable,sir. It is not acceptable nor adequate. 没有绑好也不合适无法接受力度不够It is,in obvious fact,an abomination.这么明显还敢还嘴Begging your pardon,sir, but if you gave a man another chance.抱歉船长再给一个机会Shall I?我应该吗?It's that sort of thinking got us into this mess.就是你这种观念才让我们沦落到今天这般地步We have lost speed and,therefore,time.船速慢了时间浪费了Precious time, which cannot be recovered once lost.宝贵的时间啊浪费了就追不回来了Do you understand?你们都听明白了吗?Aye,aye,captain. Do you now?是船长都明白了?It will all have to be redone. All of it.现在都得重来And let this serve as a lesson to the lot of you.这就是散漫的下场Doldrums,sir, has the entire crew on edge.遵命大家都在拼命地干I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots,对于你们这帮蛆虫我一点都不同情and no more patience to pretend otherwise.也不想再容忍♥你们了Gentlemen,I wash my hands of this weirdness.船员们我不干这稀奇古怪的勾当了No wind.没风Of course,there's no bloody wind.当然不应该有风My soul I do swear for a breeze.以我的灵魂发誓来一阵微风Gust. Whisper. A tiny,miniature lick.飒飒的响轻轻的拂面而过Yes,sir,I know,but why? Why would he do that?是啊我知道但为什么啊到底为什么啊?Because he's a lummox,isn't he?因为他傻呗是不是啊?We shall have a magnificent garden party and you're not invited. 我们要开个隆重的庭院派对就不请你Shoo.嘘A rock.石头Now we're being followed by rocks. Never had that before.我被石头跟踪这还是头一遭Oh.哦A rope.绳索This truly is a godforsaken place.真是不毛之地I don't see Jack. I don't see anyone.没看到杰克啊一个人也看不到He's here.他一定在这儿Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took.戴维·琼斯从不会让任何人从这里逃脱And does it matter?现在说这个又有什么用?We're trapped here by your doing. No different than Jack.都是你害的我们被困在这里处境和杰克一样了Witty Jack is closer than you think.杰克远在天边近在眼前Impossible.不可能Boat.船Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama. It's Jack.好象做梦一样真的是杰克It's the captain! A sight for sore eyes.是船长正是我们的船长Hide the rum.把郎姆酒藏起来Mr. Gibbs. Aye,cap'n.吉布斯? 是我船长I thought so.我看也是I expect you're able to account for your actions,then.你要对你的行为负责Sir?什么?There's been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? 这么久以来为什么我船上纪律这么涣散Why is that,sir? Sir,you're...为什么会这样? 船长你…You're in Davy Jones' Locker,cap'n.船长你在戴维·琼斯的魔狱里I know that. I know where I am.我当然知道我知道我身处何地And don't think I don't. Jack Sparrow.不要以为我不知道杰克·斯帕洛Oh,Hector.嘿赫克托It's been too long. Hasn't it?好久不见Aye. Isla de Muerta,remember? You shot me.还记得当初你一枪把我打死了No,I didn't.我才没有呢Tia Dalma,out and about,eh?提亚·朵玛出来散步吗?You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium.你总是给精神病人带来点死亡的快♥感♥He thinks we're a hallucination.他以为我们是他的幻觉William,tell me something:威尔告诉我Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel,你是来求我救一位让人忧伤的少女or rather,damsel in distress? Either one.还是一位本就忧伤的少女?No.都不是Well,then, you wouldn't be here,would you?那你就不会来也就不该在这里出现So you can't be here. Q.E.D.,you're not really here.你不可能来这所以你根本不在这Jack.Jack杰克This is real. We're here.这是真的我们真的来了The Locker,you say? Aye.你说这里是魔狱? 是啊We've come to rescue you.我们是来救你的Have you,now? That's very kind of you.不可能感谢你们的好意But it would seem that as I possess a ship and you don't,不过我有船你们没有you're the ones in need of rescuing, and I'm not sure as I'm in the mood. 你们才需要被救呢我现在没心情救你们I see my ship. Right there.那是我的船就在那边Can't spot it.看不到啊Must be a tiny little thing hiding somewhere behind the Pearl.一定是条小船躲在黑珍珠号♥后面什么地方Jack,Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones.杰克贝克特勋爵已经得到了戴维·琼斯的心He controls the Flying Dutchman. He's taking over the seas.他控制了飞翔的荷兰人号♥ 统治了整个海洋The song has been sung. The Brethren Court is called.起义歌♥已经被唱了海盗公会被召集了Leave you alone for a minute,look what happens. Everything's gone to pot. 我才走开几天就被你们搞得天翻地覆Aye. The world needs you back something fierce.杰克大家需要你啊And you need a crew.你也需要一队船员Why should I sail with any of you?我为什么要和你们同船?Four of you have tried to kill me in the past. One of you succeeded.你们当中四个人曾想杀我其中一个得手了Oh,she's not told you.她没告诉你吗You'll have loads to talk about while you're here.那你们就待在这里好好谈谈吧As for you...至于你Now... don't tell me you didn't enjoy it at the time.现在…不要跟我说你当时不爽Fair enough. All right,you're in.说的有理女士算你一个Don't need you. You scare me.不要你你吓着我了Gibbs,you can come. Marty. Mm...考顿你可以过来马蒂吗Cotton. Cotton考顿Cotton's parrot,I'm a little iffy,but at least I'll have someone to talk to. 鹦鹉考顿我有点犹豫不过起码能聊天解闷Who are you?你是谁?Tai Huang. These are my men.泰洪这些都是我的人Where do your allegiances lie? With the highest bidder.你效忠谁? 谁出价高就效忠谁I have a ship. That makes you the highest bidder.我有条船它使得你出价最高Good man. Weigh anchor,all hands. Prepare to make sail.好人啊提锚扬帆准备起航Weigh anchor.起锚Jack... Jack...杰克Which way are you going,Jack?你往哪去啊? 杰克Trim that sail. Slack windward brace and sheet.调整船帆松开转帆索和帆脚索Haul the pennant line. Haul the pennant line.拉起浮标垂索拉起浮标垂索What are you doing?你在干嘛?What are you doing? No,what are you doing?你在干嘛? 不我问你在干嘛?What are you? Captain gives orders on the ship.你是谁? 船长在船上是下令的The captain of the ship is giving orders.船长已经在下令了My ship,makes me captain. They be my charts.我的船我是船长可航海图是我的That makes you "chartman."那你也只是海图员Stow it! The both of you! That's an order! Understand?! 闭嘴!你们俩个!这是命令懂吗Sorry. I just thought with the captain issue in doubt, 对不起既然船长位子悬而未决的话I'd throw in my name for consideration.不妨也考虑我一下Sorry.对不起I'd vote for you. Yeah?我会投你的票是吗?You left Jack to the Kraken.你把杰克丢给挪威♥海♥怪了He's rescued now. It's done with.他已经被救了都过去了Will,I had no choice.我别无选择You chose not to tell me.你选择了对我隐瞒I couldn't.我没办法It wasn't your burden to bear.那不该由你来承担But I did bear it,didn't I?但还是我承担了不是吗?I just didn't know what it was.我只是不知道自己承担了什么?I thought...我还以为You thought I loved him.你以为我爱他?If you make your choices alone, how can I trust you?如果你凡事都独自决定叫我怎么能信任你?You can't.你不能Eerie.好可怕啊That's downright macabre.毛骨悚然I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of them? 要是往他们身上丢颗炮弹会怎样?Be disrespectful,it would.太没礼貌了They should be in the care of Davy Jones.他们本该由戴维·琼斯照顾That was the duty him was charged with...那是他的责任by the goddess,Calypso.是女神科莉布索指定的...To ferry those who die at sea to the other side.将死于海中的灵魂送到彼岸去And every ten years...每隔十年him could come ashore...他可以上岸一次 be with she who love him... truly.和真正爱他的女人欢聚...But the man has become a monster.但那个人已经变成了怪兽So he wasn't always... tentacley?就是说他并非一直是那章鱼怪的模样吗?No.是的Him was a man......once.他曾经是个男人Now there's boats coming.有船来了They're not a threat to us. Am I right?他们对我们没有威胁是吧?We are nothing but ghosts to them.我们对他们来说不过是鬼魂It's best just let them be.让他们任意漂流吧It's my father. We've made it back.那是我父亲我们回到阳间了Father! Father,here,look here!父亲我在这里Elizabeth. Elizabeth伊丽莎白We're not back.我们还没到阳间呢Father!父亲Elizabeth. Are you dead?伊丽莎白你死了吗?No. No.没有啊I think I am.我应该是死了No,you can't be.不你不能死There was this chest,you see.那就是亡灵箱It's odd. At the time it seemed so important.就一只当时它很重要的Come aboard.上船来And a heart.那颗心I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. 如果你插死了那颗心你的心脏就得来顶替And you will sail the seas for eternity.你就会永远在海上航行The Dutchman must have a captain."荷兰人"号♥一定要有位船长Silly thing to die for.为这个死真不值得Someone,cast a line. Come back with us!谁扔条绳子下去快上来啊Come on.过来啊A touch... of destiny.命中注定Take the line.抓住绳子I'm so proud of you,Elizabeth.我真为你自豪伊丽莎白Father,the line! Take the line!爸爸抓住绳子She must not leave the ship! Father!她绝不能离开这船爸爸Please come with us! Please! No! I won't leave you!求你和我们走求你了我不能离开你啊I'll give your love to your mother.我会给你母亲带个好Please,I won't let you go! Elizabeth. Elizabeth求你了我不能放手让你走伊丽莎白Elizabeth.Elizabeth伊丽莎白Is there a way?有什么办法吗?Him at peace.他心甘情愿的No water.没水了Why is all but the rum gone?为什么只剩朗姆酒了?Rum's gone too.朗姆酒也喝没了If we cannot escape these doldrums before night,如果我们入夜前还逃不出去I fear we will sail on trackless seas.恐怕我们就要被困在漫无边际的大海上Doomed to roam the reach between worlds.永远在世界之间Forever.永远With no water,forever looks to be arriving a mite too soon. 没水喝才是燃眉之急Why doesn't he do something?他为什么无能为力呢?Me eye. Give it back! There's no sense to it.我的眼珠还给我实在搞不明白And the green flash happens at sunset,not sunrise.日落时才会有绿灿烂而不是日出时Over the edge." Ah,it's driving me over the blooming edge. "超越边缘"…我真的要疯了"Sunrises don't set.日出时怎么会"落"呢Up is down."上就是下"Well,that's just maddeningly unhelpful.什么狗屁Why are these things never clear?为什么总要拐弯抹角?Clear as mud,Jackie. What? Eh?已经明说了杰克什么? 嗯?Stab the heart. Don't stab the heart.捅那颗心别捅那颗心Come again? The Dutchman must have a captain.怎么说? "荷兰人"号♥一定要有船长That's even more than less than unhelpful.你们是在帮倒忙Sail the seas for eternity.永远在海上航行I love the sea. What about port?我喜欢海洋不能上岸怎么办?I prefer rum. Rum's good.我更喜欢朗姆酒朗姆酒是好东西Making port. Where we can get rum, and salty wenches... 上岸就有朗姆酒和女人Once every 10 years. What'd he say?十年一次他说什么?Once every 10 years. Ten years is a long time,mate.十年一次十年可是很久的Even longer given the deficit of rum.要是没朗姆酒就会更久But eternity is longer still.但永远还是更长啊And how will you be spending it? Dead?那你打算如何消受永久呢?Or not?死着呢? 还是活着呢?The immortal Captain Sparrow. Oh,I like that. 不死的斯帕洛船长哦我喜欢这头衔Come sunset,it won't matter.碰到日落时也无所谓了Not sunset.不是日落Sundown.日落是下And rise. Up.日出就是上What's that?那是什么?What is that? I don't know. What do you think? 那是什么? 不知道你说呢?Where? There.在哪里? 在那里What is it?是什么啊?He's rocking the ship.他在摇晃船We're rocking the ship.我们在摇晃船Aye. He's onto it.啊哈给他破解了He's rocking the ship.他在让船摇晃We'll tie each other to the mast upside down, 我们把自己倒着绑在主桅上so when the boat flips we'll be the right way up. 等船翻过来我们就朝上了Time it with the swell.加把力Loose the cannons,you lazy bilge rats.你们这群懒猪快把系炮绳松开Unstow the cargo. Let it shift.把货物解开让它们滚起来Now down.现在上就是下了This was your idea.都是你的馊主意Blessed sweet westerlies!。



• RMS Titanic (English), many 1985 Taiwan and Hong Kong called the Titanic, the beginning of the twentieth century British manufacturing of a ship at the time the world's largest luxury liner, what was then known as is "unsinkable", but in April 15, 1912 from Southampton to New York, its maiden voyage to the north Atlantic after hitting an iceberg, due to the lack of enough lifeboats, 1500 people was buried born the bottom of the sea, the cause was the most serious in time of peace of a maritime accident, is also by far the most famous one.The movie Titanic is according to the true story of the shooting.
海伦和她的“泰坦尼克号”恋人爱德华" lovers Edward. Kent
• The romantic story
在杰克的开导和陪伴下, 罗丝找回了失去已久的快乐, 灿烂的笑容终于重新洋溢在她的脸庞。
my heart will go on
从相知到相爱, 虽然只是短短几天时间,



百慕大沉船名单按字母顺序排列今年船舶名称森克阿克蒂夫1794阿德利纳魁北克18201818年海军上将达勒姆1831or1786年探险Airplane Wreck 飞机残骸 1961年Alert 快讯 1877阿尔弗雷德大王1818Allitude 1769Amphialos 1964安妮1658安妮1943年特纳安东尼1812年Apollo Wreck 阿波罗沉船 1890年沙龙1964年Aurura 1840Avenger Wreck 复仇者沉船 1894年1808年巴达维亚比尔斯1896Beaumans Castle Beaumans城堡 1873年蜜蜂1840贝齐1784Blanch King Wreck 布兰克国王沉船 1920布里格1839年布里坦尼娅1758Caesar Wreck 凯撒沉船 1818Caraquet Wreck 卡拉凯特沉船 1923加1834卡里尔1793年青山公路1669青山公路17801763年凯瑟琳1713orCemence和朱莉娅1840年HMS Cerberus Wreck HMS的地狱犬沉船 1783查普曼1813年乔姆利1793Collector Wreck 收藏家沉船 1823Colonel William Ball Wreck 威廉上校球沉船 1943年商务部1802年Constellation Wreck 星座沉船 1942年1828年克里奥尔语Cristobal Colon Wreck 瓦尔结肠沉船 1936Curlew Wreck 柯卢沉船 1856独眼巨人1786Cyno 18241753年丹麦船Darlington Wreck 达灵顿沉船 1886年 1792年喜悦调度1801多米尼加1815年多萝西&伊丽莎白17471833年道格拉斯Drydock Wreck 船坞沉船 1968杜克1765威灵顿公爵1816年Eagle Wreck 伊格尔沉船 1659年Early Riser Wreck 早起沉船 1876埃比尼泽18011927年埃德娜麦克奈特Elda Wreck 埃尔达沉船 19561639年厄尔尼诺加尔戈伊丽莎白1766埃莉萨1811埃莉萨奥恩1834Eltasca 1917女巫1837刘慧卿答:1913年戴维斯艾玛1817企业1833年费尔法克斯1766佛兰芒沉船1618弗雷德里克18111560年法国巴奎1840年法国布里格Frenchman Wreck 法国沉船 1750法国马恩- O - 1593年战争1664年友谊友谊17441784年友谊1793年友谊Gautina 17921794年乔治道格拉斯1872年乔治唐斯1792年大安尼巴尔格里芬1761Grotto Bay Barges Wreck 格罗托贝伊驳船沉船哈利法克斯包1821汉密尔顿1819汉纳1813哈里特1794海伦1907吨国王1851年亨利利Hermes Wreck 爱马仕沉船 1984赫罗尔德1845何汤普森1902年希望1818亨伯1800Hunters Galley Wreck 猎人加莱沉船 1752 1822年印度总1786年工业1774年工业Iristo Wreck Iristo沉船 1937Irrigus 19431917年艾塔斯加1959年伊凡Garthon范宁1862年詹姆斯W约翰18001820年约翰和阿德利纳约翰和玛丽1932年朱迪思玛丽亚17621840年朱利安Cadaret忽闻1868Kate Wreck 凯特沉船 1878Katherine Wreck 凯瑟琳沉船 1763King Wreck 国王沉船 1984金斯敦1786L』活动1777L』业务范围1819L』Aculte 1819La Bermuda Wreck 香格里拉百慕大沉船 1508 拉迪埃米莉1813Lartington Wreck 丁丁顿沉船 1878拉维加1639莱格兰德Aanictl 1792Leoftoffe 1749豹1830L'Hermine Wreck L'赫曼沉船 1838Lord Amherst Wreck 主阿姆赫斯特沉船 1778 1784年主多尼戈尔主检1781萨姆1806年忠诚沈殿霞1819年梅伯尔属1890年菲利普斯Madiana Wreck Madiana沉船 1903雄伟壮观的1841年马耳他1878Mancheoneal 1760Manilla Wreck 马尼拉沉船马塞拉1877Mari Celeste Wreck 马里塞莱斯特沉船 1864 玛丽特里萨1700玛丽埃塔1850玛格丽特1750玛格丽特1803Mark Antonio Wreck 马克安东尼雷克 1777 马丁&不明船舶1769玛丽1757玛丽1818玛丽1823玛丽奥恩1801玛丽和汉娜17441956年麦地那1783年导师1807年商船Minerva Wreck 密涅瓦沉船 18491795年密涅瓦Minnie Breslauer Wreck 明妮布雷斯劳尔沉船 1873 Montana Wreck 蒙大拿州沉船 1863年1966年蒙特卡罗帕洛马尔斯蒙哥马利1811年Mussel Wreck 贻贝沉船 1926年南希1786南希1796年内利1870年莫尔斯1919年东北特纳奈斯托斯1970诺拉1864Nororkoping 1913North Carolina Wreck 北卡罗莱纳州沉船 18801927年海洋皇后二世太平洋1813HMS Pallas Wreck HMS的帕拉斯沉船 1783帕梅拉1806巴拉圭1966年珍珠1858珍珠1872佩吉1764Pelinaion Wreck 派利奈沉船 1939佩恩17681812年彭萨科拉索勒彼得1817年Pinnace 1619海盗1817Pollockshields Wreck Pollockshields沉船 1915 波莉18361543年葡萄牙沉船1932年大卫王子普罗维登斯1804Ramona Wreck 拉莫纳沉船 19671966年准备1832年招聘浅水湾1777Richard P Buck Wreck 理查巴克沉船 1889罗巴克1802鲁宾1857年卡特1962年萨芬娜大肠杆菌Jamjooriya萨莉1787萨莉17861935年莎莉雷恩San Antonio Wreck 圣安东尼雷克 1621 1622圣伊格纳西奥San Pedro Wreck 圣佩德罗沉船 1596 圣萨尔瓦多1684Santa Ana Wreck 圣阿尼亚沉船 1605 Saredta 1869海花1623Sea Venture Wreck 海创业沉船 1609 阿瑟1842年乔治爵士1560年西班牙卡皮塔纳西班牙卡皮塔纳及几个纳奥斯15631503年西班牙大帆船西班牙淖1533西班牙淖15501588年西班牙闹1644年西班牙船1702年西班牙船施塔特Cortrycat 1783斯特灵包1834圣赫勒拿岛18191840年圣毛拉1807年微妙1836年浙江天童Rior供应19571804年惊喜斯威夫特1787年Taifon 1918Taunton Wreck 汤顿沉船 1920塔顿1914年1806年三友Triton Ferry Wreck Triton的渡船沉船 1988真爱1670Tryton 1747缬草1926韦斯珀1966Virginia Merchant Wreck 弗吉尼亚州商人沉船 1661 HMS Vixen Wreck HMS的维克森沉船 1896Vriendscaap 1823Warwick Wreck 沃里克沉船 16191969年悄悄话1809年灰色威廉威廉与玛丽1810Wychwood Wreck 怀奇伍德沉船 1955 赞杜1959Zovetto Wreck Zovetto沉船 1924 1780年50船舶。



英语作文《天方夜谭》的The Enchanting Tapestry of One Thousand and One Nights: A Literary Journey Through the Arabian Nights.Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of "One Thousand and One Nights," a literary masterpiece that has captivated generations with its mesmerizing tales of love, adventure, and enchantment. This captivating anthology, also known as "The Arabian Nights," transports readers to a world of swirling deserts, opulent palaces, and unforgettable characters.At its heart lies the tale of Scheherazade, a brilliant and resourceful queen who faces the ultimate test: to spin a tale every night to her enigmatic husband, King Shahryar, who has vowed to kill his wife each morning to avoid betrayal. Night after night, Scheherazade weavescaptivating stories that leave the king spellbound, postponing her fate indefinitely.Through Scheherazade's captivating tales, we encountera myriad of extraordinary figures. There's Aladdin, the street urchin who acquires a magical lamp; Ali Baba, who discovers the secret words to open the treasure-filled cave; and Sinbad the Sailor, who embarks on perilous sea voyagesto distant lands.These stories are not mere entertainment but also profound reflections on human nature, morality, and the power of storytelling itself. They explore themes of love, loyalty, betrayal, and the eternal search for happiness. Each tale is a vibrant tapestry, intricately woven with folklore, magic, and the wisdom of ages."One Thousand and One Nights" holds a special place in the literary landscape. Its tales have influenced countless writers and artists, inspiring the works of Chaucer, Shakespeare, and even modern novelists such as Salman Rushdie and Paulo Coelho. Its legacy as a global treasureis undeniable.Translated into numerous languages, "One Thousand andOne Nights" has become an integral part of world literature. It has sparked imaginations, ignited cultural exchange, and fostered a deep appreciation for the richness and diversity of storytelling traditions.What sets "One Thousand and One Nights" apart is its unparalleled ability to transport readers to a realm ofpure enchantment. Its stories are a symphony of language, filled with vivid imagery, poetic prose, and an exoticflair that transports us to a world of pure imagination.Here, reality blurs with fantasy, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the impossible seems possible. Animals talk, magic carpets fly through the air, and genies grant wishes. "One Thousand and One Nights" invites us to suspend disbelief and immerse ourselves in a world where anythingis possible.Furthermore, "One Thousand and One Nights" is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling. Scheherazade's ability to captivate her husband through the power of her words is a metaphor for the transformativepotential of storytelling itself. It has the power to heal, inspire, entertain, and connect people across cultures and generations.In the tapestry of world literature, "One Thousand and One Nights" stands as a timeless masterpiece, a testament to the enduring power of imagination, the beauty of storytelling, and the interconnectedness of human cultures. Its tales continue to enchant and inspire, reminding us of the boundless possibilities of the human spirit and the enduring magic of the written word. So, let us lose ourselves in the enchanting realm of "One Thousand and One Nights," and embark on a literary journey filled with wonder, adventure, and the timeless wisdom of ages past.。

灾难片(Disaster movies)

灾难片(Disaster movies)

绝世天劫(Armageddon) [ˈ ɑrməˈg ] ɛdṇ
• A huge aerolite [ˈ ɛərəlait] is rushing to our planet in 18 days. Nobody can survive if it hit the earth.NASA(美国太空总 署 )realised that they needed some drillers to dig a hole which is 800 meters deep and put a nuclear(核弹)in it to destroy the aerolite.Can they succeed,or died with the earth?
完美风暴(The Perfect Storm)
• The captain of a small fishing boat ,Billy Tyan,had five sailors. They all had some difficulties among them and they didn’t catch much fish this season.But this time they finally caught a tremendous amount of fish!But two storms are quickly getting together to be a perfect storm on the surface!Can they go home safely?
Posters and Stills
• (海报和剧照)
山崩地裂(Dante's Peak)
• The scientist who researchs volcanos,Harry,was sent to investigate[ɪnv‘estɪɡeɪt] (调查)the Dante’s Peak(丹特峰)and found some signs showed that the volcano will erupt(喷发) soon but nobody believed him.He met the female mayor[市长 ˈ meɚ] called Rachael and fell love with her.The volcano erupted,everyone wanted to escape,but Rachael’s mother and kids are still on the volcano…



冲绳岛战役1945非军事词汇(按出现先后顺序)橙色:赵凯琪蓝色:李陶沙阿拉斯加州的阿留申群岛Alaska‘s Aleutian Islands道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟Douglas MacArthur所罗门群岛Solomon Islands新不列颠岛New Britain拉包尔Rabaul新几内亚New Guinea吉尔伯特群岛the Gilberts加罗林群岛the Carolines特鲁克环礁Truk Atoll克钦半岛The Katchin Hanto马绍尔群岛the Marshalls马里亚纳群岛Mariana Islands冲绳岛Okinawa Shima喜屋武岬Cape kiyan P7写法 P22写为kiyamu 国际联盟League of Nations提尼安岛Tinian文稿中为天宁岛关岛Guam东条英机Shigenori Tojo从网上查“英机”是“hideki”塞班岛Saipan莱特岛Leyte硫磺岛Iwo Jima台湾Formosa欧内斯特·约瑟夫·金Earnest J.King旧金山San Francisco切斯特·威廉·尼米兹Chester W.Nimitz欧内斯特·金Earnest King硫磺岛Iwo Jima父岛Chichi Jima台湾Formosa通常指台湾小威廉·弗雷德里克·哈尔西Willam F.Halsey九州岛Kyushu罗斯福总统President Roosevelt珍珠港Pearl Harbor吕宋岛Luzon台湾——厦门Formosa-Amoy小笠原诸岛the Bonins琉球群岛Ryukyus马尼拉Manila米勒德·F·哈蒙Millard F.Harmon河堤作战计划Operation Causeway火山群岛Volcano Islands罗伯特·C·理查德森Robert C.Richardson西蒙·博利瓦·巴克纳Simon B.Buckner雷蒙德·阿姆斯·斯普鲁恩斯Raymond A. Spruance参谋长联席会议Joint Chiefs of Staff本部町半岛Motobu Peninsula濑底岛Sesoko Shima荷属东印度群岛Dutch East Indies帕劳群岛Palau Islands威尔逊岭Wilson Ridge阿波茶口袋Awacha Pocket首里Shuri大隅诸岛Osumi吐噶喇列岛Torkara奄美群岛Amami先岛诸岛Sakishima Guntos庆良间列岛Kerama Retto久米岛Kume Shima粟国群岛Agunia Shima伊江岛Ie Shima伊平屋岛Iheya Retto与论岛Yoron Shima马修·C·佩里Matthew C.Perry日本内务省Japanese Home Ministry钟乳洞Gama那霸Naha镰仓Kobakura立古Kobuba与那原町Yonabaru嘉手纳Kadena后文中嘉手纳飞机场也被称为(Yara Hikojo)(亚拉飞行场)糸满市Itoman渡具知海滩Hagushi渡嘉敷岛Tokashiki Shima读谷Yontan名护市Nago浦添Machinato阿伊努人Ainu aborigines太平洋战区Pacific Theater比谢川Bishi Gawa伊濑岛Keise Shima津坚岛Tsugen Shima原文的/Tsuken Island译者加的小禄半岛Oroku广岛Hiroshima长崎Nagasaki横须贺Yokosuka三菱Mitsubishi武士道精神Bushido贝里琉岛Peleliu美国团队精神esprit de corps本岛Home Islands消耗战Jikyusen特攻Tokko菊水Kikusui牛岛满中将Lieutenant-General Ushijima 八原博通大佐Colonel Yahara破晓Akatsuki国吉Kunishi真容里Maezado大东诸岛Daito Jima北谷地峡Chatan Isthmus浦添-穆拉陡坡(改为“浦添-斑陡坡”)Urasoe-Mura Escarpment棚原陡坡Tanabaru Escarpment知念半岛Chinen Peninsula港川海滩Minatogawa Beaches参谋长chief of staff长勇少将Major-General (Isamu) Cho特纳Turner纳卡古苏库湾/中城湾Nakagusuka Wan/Nakagusuku Bay 喜界岛Kikai Shima宫古岛Miyako Shima/Miyako Jima石川地峡Ishikawa Isthmus久场崎Kuba Saki新喀里多尼亚岛New Caledonia埃斯皮里图桑托岛(改为“圣埃斯皮里Espiritu Santo图岛”)瓜达康纳尔岛Guadalcanal拉塞尔群岛the Russells埃尼威托克岛Eniwetok欧胡岛Oahu乌利西环礁Ulithi德之岛Tokuno Shima伊良部岛Irabu Jima石垣岛Ishigaki Jima猪口力平Rikibei Inoguchi杜立德(改为“杜立特”)Doolittle里奇蒙德·凯利·特纳Richmond K. Turner萨沃岛海战Savo Island BattleSimon B. Buckner, Jr小西蒙·玻利瓦尔·巴克纳(改为“小西蒙·博利瓦·巴克纳”)阿拉斯加Alaska约翰·里德·霍奇John R. Hodge伊利诺伊大学University of Illinois布干维尔岛Bougainville罗伊·斯坦利·盖革Roy S. Geiger中美洲Central America约瑟夫·华伦·史迪威Joseph W. Stilwell渡边正夫Masao Watanabe缅甸Burma满洲Manchuria樱会Cherry Society卢沟桥事变Marco Polo Bridge Incident朝香宫鸠彦亲王Prince Yasuhiko Asaka南京Nanking兴登堡Hindenburg鲁登道夫Ludendorf马来亚Malaya独断专行Dokudan Senko以下犯上Gekokujo马克·安德鲁·米切尔Marc A. Mitscher伯纳德·罗林斯爵士Sir Bernard Rawlings威廉·亨利·珀内尔·布兰迪William H. P. Blandy英戈尔夫·基兰Ingolf N. Kiland劳伦斯·赖夫斯赖Lawrence F. Reifsnider莫尔顿·戴约Morton L. Deyo约翰·霍尔John L. Hall得克萨斯州(改为“德克萨斯州”)Texas萨姆休斯敦堡Ft. Sam Houston沙夫特堡Ft. Shafter雅蒲岛Yap Island约瑟夫·罗伯特·希兹准将Brigadier-General Josef R. Sheetz 阿图岛Attu Island夸贾林环礁Kwajalein Atoll奥德堡Ft. Ord阿奇博尔德·阿诺德少将Major-General Archibald V. Arnold 詹姆斯·布拉德利少将Major-General James L. Bradley小乔治·格里纳少将Major-General George W. Griner, Jr安德烈·布鲁斯少将Major-General Andrew B. Bruce南卡罗来纳州South Carolina杰克逊堡Ft. Jackson保罗·缪勒少将Major-General Paul J. Mueller圣地亚哥San Diego新乔治亚岛New Georgia大卫·尼默准将Brigadier-General David R. Nimmer 古巴关塔那摩湾Guantanamo Bay帕武武岛PavuvuMajor-General Pedro A. del Valle 佩罗德(改为“佩德罗”)·德尔·瓦尔少将塔萨法隆格Tassafaronga中途岛Midway马金岛Makin埃米劳岛Emirau小莱缪尔·科尼克·谢泼德少将Major-General Lemuel C. Shepherd,Jr.塔拉瓦环礁Tarawa Atoll贝蒂欧岛Betio Island托马斯·沃森少将Major-General Thomas E. Wstson巴克·罗杰斯Buck Rogers Men桑迪·安迪Sandy Andy弗兰西斯·马尔卡希少将文稿中Major-General Francis P.Mulcahy没加P路易斯·伍兹文稿中没加E Louis E.Woods城山Gusugu Mountain 文稿中注明此处原书有误P66武藤中将Lieutenant-General Takeo Fujioka 雨宫巽Tatsumi Amamiya铃木茂树Suzuki Shigeki斯克里普斯-霍华德报业Scripps-Howard康田Kosuke WadaP71页Teiso Nippa这个人名未译丰见城市Tomigusuki卡巴公司Ka-bar 原文PDF为 K-bar东海East China Sea蛙人frogmen安里川Asato River倍力桥Bailey bridge奇穆湾Chimu Wan神武天皇日Emperor Jimmu Day小矶国昭Kuniaki Koiso铃木贯太郎Kantaro Suzuki 文稿中经常有的名在前有的名在后。

古英语的起源Old English

古英语的起源Old English

3 4
Christianity on English
Christian English proverb
The Danish Invasions
At the end of eighth Century, the Danish people invaded Britain,
The Daniபைடு நூலகம்h Invasions
Christianity and Danish
The Danish Invasions
Lnfluence of Danish English
have great influence on the development of the Scandinavian language brings the Scandinavia in english.
2 虽然北欧海盗给英国人民带来了 血腥和灾难,但同时他们也给当时 停滞不前的英语和文化注入了新的 血液。斯堪的纳维亚人在不列颠定 居,与当地居民交往、通婚,其语 言渐渐被英语吸收,渗入到日常生 活的各个方面。
Christianity on English
Christianity on English
Christianity on English
Christianity on English
天路历程是英国文学史上最具代表性的 宗教寓言故事,在西方国家中通常被看作是 仅次于圣经的基督教重要经典。本书讲述了 一个坚韧的基督徒为寻求永生而踏上荆棘遍 布的漫漫长旅,充满危险,诱惑与灾难的尘 世被他一步步抛弃,只为负罪的灵魂在高天 之上得到迎接。



海载王英语作文As the waves crashed against the hull of the ship, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the vastness of the ocean. The sea stretched out before me, endless and mysterious, its depths holding untold secrets and wonders. I had always been drawn to the ocean, its siren call beckoning me to explore its depths and discover its hidden treasures.As a sailor, I had spent many years at sea, navigating the waters and braving the elements. The ocean was my home, my sanctuary, and my greatest challenge. Each day brought new adventures and challenges, from battling fierce storms to encountering majestic sea creatures. But through it all, I felt a deep connection to the sea, a sense of belonging that I could never quite explain.One of the most memorable experiences of my seafaring career was the day I encountered the legendary Sea King. The tales of his power and majesty had been passed down through generations of sailors, and I had always dreamed of seeing him with my own eyes. When he finally appeared before me, his massive form rising from the depths, I was filled with a sense of wonder and reverence. His presence was awe-inspiring, his gaze piercing and wise, as if he held the secrets of the ocean within his ancient heart.The Sea King spoke to me in a voice that echoed through the depths, a voice that carried the wisdom of centuries. He told me of the importance of respecting the ocean and all its inhabitants, of living in harmony with the sea rather than seeking to conquer it. His words resonated deep within me, stirring something primal and profound. I knew then that my destiny was intertwined with the ocean, that I was meant to protect and preserve its beauty for future generations.From that day on, I dedicated myself to serving as a guardian of the sea, a protector of its fragile ecosystem. I worked tirelessly to clean up pollution, to educate others about the importance of conservation, and to advocate for sustainable practices in fishing and shipping. The ocean had given me so much overthe years, and it was time for me to give back, to repay the debt I owed to the sea that had shaped me into the person I had become.But despite my best efforts, I knew that the ocean was facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change, overfishing, and pollution – the threats were numerous and daunting. The Sea King had warned me of the dangers that lay ahead, of the need for urgent action to save the ocean from destruction. It was a daunting task, but I was determined to do whatever it took to protect the sea that had become my home, my passion, and my purpose.As I sailed into the sunset, the wind at my back and the waves beneath me, I felt a sense of peace and fulfillment. The ocean was vast and unknowable, but it was also fragile and in need of protection. I knew that my journey was far from over, that there were still many challenges to face and battles to fight. But I also knew that as long as I had the sea in my heart, I would never be truly alone.。

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