Gunaratnam master planning final Presentation


建筑学院作为雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学具有历史性的学院 ,专门

建筑学院作为雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学具有历史性的学院 ,专门

A seguire testo in inglese雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学建筑学院简介:建筑学院作为雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学具有历史性的学院,专门致力于建筑设计、城市规划、历史建筑与城市的保护和修复,以及都市与田园景观建筑设计。







The Faculty of Architecture of Reggio Calabria Mediterreanean University,a short profileA historic faculty of Mediterranea University,specializing in architecture,urban planning, conservation,restoration of monuments and historic cities,and architecture of urban and rural landscape.The teaching and research activities range from studies on Italian realities to Mediterranean metropolises and regions focusing on the rehabilitation and upgrade of degraded outskirts,the protection and improvement of the natural patrimony and urban green areas.The Faculty’s intense action has resulted in a major series of publications realized and supervised by a top-quality national and international teaching staff.The study of the different project phases of architecture’s generative process and the relation spaces is featured by the degree courses in Architecture,Urban Planning and Conservation as well as by the2nd level Master in‘Architecture And Archeology Of the Classical City’.The modern seat houses multimedia,language and thematic laboratories.Nowadays the Faculty is organizing an important international conference entitled‘Views On the Italian Landscape Between Conservation,Transformation,And Project Over the Last150Years’. The conference will be held under the auspices of the Presidency of the Italian Republic and hopefully will be attended by great personalities of the Council of Europe.。

D231_QSG_SP_R1 安全摄像头系统用户指南说明书

D231_QSG_SP_R1 安全摄像头系统用户指南说明书

D231_QSG_SP_R1Serie D231Guía de Configuración RápidaConfiguración física de la grabadora y ajustes esenciales del sistema1 / 2Los paneles traseros que se muestran a continuación son solo ilustrativos.El panel trasero de su grabadora puede ser ligeramente diferente, con todos los mismospuertos en diferentes ubicaciones.Copyright © 2020 Lorex CorporationDebido a que nuestros productos están sujetos a mejoras continuas, Lorex se reserva el derecho de modificar el diseñodel producto, las especificaciones y los precios sin aviso y sin incurrir en ninguna obligación.Excepto errores y omisiones. Todos los derechos reservados.¿Necesita ayuda?Visítenos en línea para encontrar un software actualizado ymanuales de instrucción completosGrabe su contraseña a continuación y guárdela en un lugar seguro:PASO 1:Conecte las cámaras*PASO 2:Conecte el enrutador*PASO 3:Connect el mousePASO 5:PASO 4:Descripción general de los puertos adicionales:Salida/Entrada de audioUSBAsegurar la detección precisa de personas / vehículosLas siguientes notas son importantes para la instalación de la cámara y tienen el fin de garantizar la detección precisa de personas y vehículos. Para obtener instrucciones completas del montaje de la cámara, consulte la Consejos de instalación adicionales:• Apunte la cámara hacia donde haya la menor cantidad de bstrucciones (por ejemplo,ramas de árboles).• Instale la cámara en un lugar que no pueda ser fácilmente alcanzado por vándalos.• Asegure los cables de modo que no queden expuestos o se puedan cortar fácilmente.• Esta cámara está diseñada para usarse en exteriores. Se recomienda la instalación en una ubicación resguardada.• Incline la cámara entre 30~60° hacia abajo desde la posición de nivel.• I nstale la cámara entre 8-16 ft (2,5-5 m) del suelo.NOTA: La precisión de la detección de personas y los vehículos se verá influenciada por múltiples factores, como la distancia de la cámara del objeto, el tamaño del objeto, y la altura y el ángulo de la cámara. La visión nocturna también afectará la precisión de la detección.Busque y reproduzca grabaciones de vídeo desde el disco duro.Desde el modo de visualización en vivo, haga clic derecho y después haga clic en Playback . Inicie sesión con elnombre de usuario del sistema (predeterminado: admin ) y su nueva contraseña segura.Haga copias de respaldo de las grabaciones en una unidad flash USB (no incluida).Cambio de resolución de la salida de la grabadoraEl sistema ajustará automáticamente la resolución del monitor conectado la primera hora en que usas la grabadora.a. Configure la Resolution coincida con la resolución más alta admitida por su monitor. Por ejemplo, seleccione abba cPara filtrar las grabaciones de personas/vehículos:Hacer clic para detener la reproducción actual.d ePóngase sobre el . ícono. Marque Person / Vehicle para filtrar loseventos de reproducción disponibles.Smart Motion Detection en todos los canales que desee filtrar para la detección de personas/vehículos. Consulte la sección Detección de movimiento avanzado de persona/vehículo para más detalles.a b d cge Seleccione el canal que desea configurar.Haga clic en Enable .Haga clic en Setup al lado de Area para configurar el área activa para la detección de movimiento. Consulte la para obtener detalles.Haga clic en Setup junto a Schedule para establecer elprograma semanal para la detección de movimiento. Figura 2 para obtener detalles.e.Establezca preferencias sobre cómo reacciona el sistema a los eventos de detección de movimiento.f.Haga clic en Smart Motion Detection habilitar la detección de persona/vehículo. Consulte la Figura 3 para obtener detalles.g. Haga clic en Apply para guardar los cambios.fFigura 1: Área de detección de movimientoHaga clic en Enable para permitir la detección de personas y vehículos en el canal seleccionado. IMPORTANT : Un máximo de 2 canales admitirán la detección de persona / vehículo a la vez. Por defecto, la detección de persona / vehículo está habilitada en los canales 1 y 2.Seleccione un nivel de Sensitivity (un valor alto de sensibilidad detectará objetos más pequeños que un valor bajo).Compruebe Person / Vehicle .Haga clic en OK cuando haya finalizado.El horario predeterminado mostrado en la Figura 2, está activo durante la noche, entre las 5 p.m. y las 7 a.m. Haga clic en Modify para cambiar laprogramación para el día correspondiente de la semana.Haga clic en OK cuando haya finalizado.Figura 3: Detección inteligente de movimientoFigura 2: Programa de movimiento• La imagen de la cámara aparece con una cuadrícula superpuesta. Esto significa que toda la imagen está habilitada para la detección de movimiento. • Haga clic o haga clic y arrastre para agregar o quitar los cuadros del área activa. Las celdas que se han eliminado del área activa aparecen de color verde.• Coloque el cursor cerca de la parte superior de la imagen para revelar la selección de la zona. Puede configurar hasta 3 zonas diferentes con diferentes valores de sensibilidad y límite.• Haga clic derecho cuando haya finalizado.Configure lo siguiente:La imagen de la cámara aparece con una cuadrícula superpuesta. El área verde es el área activa para la disuasión. Haga clic o haga clic y arrastre para agregar o quitar los cuadros del área activa.En la Figura 4, solo el movimiento alrededor de la entrada activará la luz de advertencia.Haga clic con el botón derecho cuando haya finalizado.• El horario predeterminado mostrado en laFigura 5, está activo durante la noche, entre las 5 p. m. y las 7 a. m. • Haga clic en Modify para cambiar laprogramación para el día correspondiente de la semana.• Haga clic en OK cuando haya finalizado.Seleccione el canal de una cámarade disuasión conectada.Marque Enable .Haga clic en Setup junto aWarning Light para configurar las preferencias.a b cd fed. Haga clic en Setup al lado de Area para configurar el área activa para la disuasión automática: Consulte la Figura 4 para obtener detalles.e. Haga clic en Setup al lado de Schedule para configurar el área activa para la disuasión automática. Consulte la Figura 5 para obtener detalles.f.Haga clic en Apply .Figura 5: Programa de disuasiónFigura 4: Área de disuasiónPara cambiar la resolución de salida de la grabadora:En la visualización en vivo, haga clic con el botón derecho y luego haga clic en nombre de usuario del sistema (predeterminado: Haga clic en DISPLAY , luego configure lo siguiente:IMPORTANTE: Si necesita cambiar el monitor, asegúrese de configurar la grabadora en una resolución de salida compatible con el nuevo monitor antes de cambiar.Para hacer copias de respaldo de las grabaciones:Inserte una unidad flash USB formateada (no incluida) en un puerto USB de la grabadora.En la visualización en vivo, haga clic con el botón derecho y luego haga clic en Main Menu . Inicie sesión con elnombre de usuario del sistema (predeterminado: admin ) y su nueva contraseña segura.Para abrir rápidamente una ventana que muestre la información importante del sistema, como la Id. del dispositivo, el número de modelo, la versión de firmware y la dirección IP:Acceso rápido a la información del sistemaPresione el botón en el panel frontal de la grabadora.Haga clic derecho para abrir el menú rápido y haga clic en Info .OEn visualización en vivo, mueva el cursor hacia la parte superior de la pantalla para abrir la barra de navegación. Aleje el cursor de la parte superior de la pantalla para cerrar la barra de navegación.Durante la visualización en vivo: acercar/alejar.a b cdefggrabaciones de las que desea hacer una copia de respaldo.。

意大利留学 图兰朵计划2014/2015部分本科专业招生介绍

意大利留学 图兰朵计划2014/2015部分本科专业招生介绍


ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI FIRENZE佛罗伦萨美术学院Arti visive e nuovi linguaggi espressivi - indirizzi : Pittura , Scultura, Grafica e Decorazione 视觉艺术与新表达语言 FIRENZE 15Progettazione e cura degli allestimenti artistici 室内设计 FIRENZE 5Progettazione plastica per la scenografia teatrale 歌剧舞台设计 FIRENZE 5ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI ROMA罗马美术学院Arte per la terapia 艺术疗法 ROMA 6Arti multimediali e tecnologiche - arti visive multimediali 多媒体技术和艺术ROMA 12Comunicazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico contemporaneo当代艺术传播和评判 ROMA 6Scenografia - indirizzo multimediale 舞台设计-多媒体 ROMA 6Scultura 雕塑 ROMA 19Comunicazione e didattica dell'arte e degli eventi espositivi 艺术展览 ROMA 12Grafica e Fotografia 平面和摄影 ROMA 1Pittura 绘画 ROMA 2Culture e tecnologie della moda 时尚文化和技术 ROMA 22Decorazione 装饰 ROMA 3Grafica d'arte 平面艺术 ROMA 7Scenografia indirizzo teatrale戏曲舞台设计 ROMA 6ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI BOLOGNA 博洛尼亚美术学院Fashion Design 服装设计 BOLOGNA 5Fotografia 摄影 BOLOGNA 5Illustrazione per l'editoria 电影和视频 BOLOGNA 5Linguaggi del Fumetto 漫画语言 BOLOGNA 2Indirizzo in Pittura 绘画设计 BOLOGNA 5Scenografia del Melodramma e del Teatro Musicale 歌剧和音乐剧舞台设计BOLOGNA 5Decorazione per l'architettura 建筑装饰 BOLOGNA 5Indirizzo in Grafica 平面设计 BOLOGNA 5Scenografia e Allestimenti 工业布景 BOLOGNA 5Indirizzo in Scultura 雕塑设计 BOLOGNA 5Didattica dell'arte e mediazione culturale del patrimonio artistico 艺术教育和艺术文化 BOLOGNA 5ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI ALBERTINA - TORINO 都灵美术学院Comunicazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico contemporaneo 艺术遗产交流和推广 TORINO 3Scenografia per il Teatro 剧院设计 TORINO 5Pittura 绘画 TORINO 10Scenografia per il Cinema e la TV 电影和TV布景设计 TORINO 5Decorazione 装饰 TORINO 5Grafica 设计 TORINO 5Scultura 雕塑 TORINO 5Nuove Tecnologie dell'Arte 新艺术技术 TORINO 5Progettazione artistica per l'Impresa 企业艺术设计 TORINO 5Accademia di belle arti leg. ricon. Cignaroli di VERONA维罗纳美术学院Diploma Accademico di 2° livello Interscuola in "Atelier direction. Mediazione Culturale dell'arte" 多媒体艺术文化 VERONA 5Diploma Accademico di 2° livello Interscuola in "Creative mind. Processi creativi e nuove tecnologie" 创新技术和新艺术 VERONA 5Diploma Accademico di 2° livello in "Art direction and product design. Direzione artistica e design del prodotto" 艺术指导和产品设计 VERONA 5 Restauro - Percorso formativo professionalizzante - profilo 1 文物修复VERONA 1Restauro - Percorso formativo professionalizzante - profilo 2 文物修复VERONA 1ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI NAPOLI 那不勒斯美术学院Decorazione 装饰 NAPOLI 10PFP 2: Manufatti dipinti su supporto ligneo e tessile. Materiali scolpiti in legno. Arredi e strutture lignee. Manufatti in materiali sintetici lavorati, assemblati e/o dipinti 纺织品和绘画 NAPOLI 2PFP 4: Materiali e manufatti ceramici, vitrei, organici: Materiali e manufatti in metallo e leghe. 材料制品陶瓷,玻璃,有机物品:材料产品 NAPOLI 2 PFP 1: Materiali lapidei e derivati. Superfici decorate dell'architettura 建筑装饰NAPOLI 2Fotografia indirizzi: Fotografia di moda e pubblicità- Fotogiornalismo- Fotografia come linguaggio artistico- Fotografia Ambiente, paesaggio e beni cilturali- NAPOLI 20Graphic Design - indirizzi: Multimedia, Comunicazione pubblica 平面设计NAPOLI 10Pittura 绘画 NAPOLI 20Fashion Design - indirizzi: Fashion Design, Costume Design , Designdell'accessorio, Design del tessuto 服装设计 NAPOLI 20Indirizzo in Grafica d'Arte 平面艺术 NAPOLI 10Scenografia indirizzi : Scenografia per il teatro, Scenografia per il cinema e televisione 舞台布景:舞台美术,戏剧的电影和视频 NAPOLI 10 Scultura 雕塑 NAPOLI 10Nuove Tecnologie dell'arte - indirizzo New Media art 新艺术技术 NAPOLI 10。



Business administration is a multifaceted field that encompasses various aspects of managing and operating a business.Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay on business administration in English:1.Introduction to Business Administration:Begin your essay by defining what business administration is and its importance in the corporate world.Mention that it involves planning,organizing,leading,and controlling the resources of a business to achieve its goals.2.Functions of Management:Discuss the four main functions of management:planning, organizing,leading,and controlling.Explain how each function is crucial for the success of a business.Planning:The process of setting goals and determining how to achieve them. Organizing:Arranging resources and structuring tasks to accomplish the plan. Leading:Guiding and influencing employees to work towards the organizations goals. Controlling:Monitoring performance and taking corrective action to ensure objectives are met.3.Strategic Management:Elaborate on the role of strategic management in business administration.It involves setting the longterm goals of an organization and deciding on the actions necessary to achieve them.anizational Structure:Describe different types of organizational structures such as functional,divisional,matrix,and flat structures.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each and how they impact business operations.5.Human Resource Management:Highlight the significance of human resource management in business administration.Discuss topics such as recruitment,training, performance appraisal,and employee relations.6.Financial Management:Explain how financial management is integral to business administration.It includes budgeting,financial planning,and controlling costs to ensure the financial health of the business.7.Marketing and Sales:Discuss the role of marketing and sales in business administration.Explain how understanding the market and customer needs is crucial for business success.8.Operational Management:Describe the importance of operational management inensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes.9.Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility:Address the importance of ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility in modern business administration.10.Challenges and Opportunities:Discuss current challenges faced by business administrators,such as globalization,technological advancements,and sustainability. Also,explore the opportunities these challenges present for innovation and growth.11.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of your essay and emphasize the importance of effective business administration for the success and sustainability of an organization.12.References:If you have used any sources to support your essay,be sure to list them ina reference section following the appropriate citation style.Remember to use clear and concise language,provide examples where appropriate,and ensure your essay is wellstructured with a logical flow of ideas.。



Graduation is a significant milestone in every students life,marking the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new journey.As students prepare to step into the world beyond their academic walls,they are faced with various options for their future.Here are some common paths that graduates may choose to pursue:1.Higher Education:Many students opt to continue their education by enrolling in postgraduate programs.This could be to specialize in a particular field,gain advanced knowledge,or to enhance their career prospects.2.Employment:Some graduates may choose to enter the job market directly.This could involve applying for entrylevel positions in their field of study,internships,or even starting their own businesses.3.Gap Year:Taking a gap year is a popular choice among graduates.It allows them to travel,volunteer,or gain work experience before committing to a specific career path.4.Professional Certifications:Some graduates may decide to pursue professional certifications relevant to their field.This can help them stand out in the job market and increase their employability.5.Public Service:A career in public service,such as joining the civil service,military,or nonprofit organizations,is another avenue that some graduates may explore.6.Research:For those with a passion for academia,engaging in research work can be a fulfilling career choice.This could involve working in a university,research institute,or a corporate research and development department.7.Entrepreneurship:Starting a business or becoming an entrepreneur is an ambitious path for graduates who have innovative ideas and the drive to bring them to life.8.Freelancing:The rise of the gig economy has opened up opportunities for graduates to work as freelancers,offering their skills and expertise on a projectbyproject basis.9.Teaching:Some graduates may choose to become educators,imparting knowledge to the next generation and making a difference in their communities.10.International Opportunities:With globalization,many graduates are looking beyond their home countries for opportunities to work or study abroad.Each of these paths has its own set of challenges and rewards.Graduates must considertheir interests,skills,and longterm goals when making their decisions.Its also important for them to be flexible and open to change,as the bestlaid plans can sometimes be altered by unexpected opportunities or circumstances.。


高 明显 中等 轻微 中等 明显 高
热忱、易感应及负责任的--具能 鼓励他人的领导风格; 对别人所想或希求会表达真正关 切且切实用心去处理; 爱交际、受欢迎及富同情心;喜 欢运动; 喜欢带引别人且能使别人或团体 发挥潜能;
家庭收入不高,父母为普通 工薪阶层。
苦、艰苦奋斗的精神 。
外向(E) 实感(S) 思考(T) 判断(J)
(I)内向 (N)直 觉 (F)情感 (P)知觉
每半年做一次评估调整备来自 职业调整 原因对照自己的职业目标以及别人的评价,不断的总结经验教 训,按时反省,及时调整。
如果不能进入物联网行业,我可以根据自己的家中关系学习技能,先进入外贸企业工作,从一名文员做起。外 贸企业工作,但我会在此期间了解一些行业规则,积累一定的人脉,去强大自己。



B key responsibilities
safetyqualityleadership*performance management*profitabilityteamworktraining and development*implementationbusiness developmentidentifying and meeting customer requirementsprocess-project managementtechnical skills
Harvest profit and change invest direction (container paint)
No development, recession
cost control focus
Compensation below average, awards according to cost control, standard benefit
Individual development plan
Company development that salesman senses
Salesman’s three moods
Performance management and Guide for performance development should give salesman definite direction, leading them to develop their competencies according to the GUIDE

*: only for sales manager


• 结合我们可复制的领导力课程,就有了战略层面和战术层 面的完成体现。
前言Leabharlann ©NSCA Certification Commission
• 七件事 • 第一,设定愿景和关键要务 • 第二,管理好你的时间 • 第三,给予反馈和接受反馈 • 第四,接班规划和工作授权
• 要及时培养接班人,这不代表你找了一个替代者,而是这 才体现出你有了工作授权,代表着你的公司团队架构是稳 定的,
©NSCA Certification Commission
李嘉攀 硕士
• 清华大学MBA • 北京交通大学软件工程硕士 • 美国NSCA 培训师 • 美国CHCA 保健营养师 • CBBA 国家级健身指导员 • AASFP 专业、高私、普拉提、泰
拳教练 • 美国ACSM HFI认证教练 • NIRVANA 训导师 • 美国ISSA 培训讲师 • 国家健身教练职业资格鉴定 培
©NSCA Certification Commission
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 本课程,是美国哈佛商学院最受欢迎的课程
• 这是一个宏观层面的领导力
• 它告诉你,一个领导者,一个家庭主妇,一个组织的负责 人在面对自己的成员时,应该做到七件最重要的事
©NSCA Certification Commission
• 培养接班人
• 如果你的公司或者你的岗位后继无人,只能说明你没有进 行充分的授权,甚至你公司的岗位划分都是不清晰的,如 何打造一个培养接班人的文化呢?我们之前说过管理者的 定义,就是通过别人完成工作的人,如果你做任何事都想 亲力亲为,那你永远都是一个执行者,而不是一个管理者, 一旦发现公司没有授权,那么,你就将成为公司发展的瓶 颈,当你发现很多事情没有推进,都是因为你没有时间, 没有精力,你需要授权给他们,让他们来完成工作,教他 们成长,你要在自己的办公室搞一个阵容图,把你公司所 有关键岗位的人放到上面,每天你都要盯着这张图看,研 究每个人都能做什么,当你看到你的员工不断成长时,你 才有动力去做培养人的事情,你应该把更多的精力放到人 上,而不是事上面,一个管理者,在人上投入一分的精力



When composing an essay about a restaurant,consider the following structure to ensure a comprehensive and engaging narrative:Title:A Culinary Journey at Restaurant NameIntroduction:Begin by setting the scene and introducing the reader to the restaurant.Mention its location,ambiance,and the overall impression it gives to firsttime visitors.Example:Nestled in the heart of the city,Restaurant Name offers an inviting atmosphere that lures in both locals and tourists alike.Its warm lighting and elegant decor create a welcoming environment that promises a memorable dining experience.Background:Provide some background information about the restaurant,such as its history,the chefs reputation,or any awards it has received.Example:Established in Year,Restaurant Name has been a culinary staple in the city,earning accolades for its innovative dishes and exceptional service.Under the guidance of Chef Chefs Name,the restaurant has become synonymous with fine dining and culinary excellence.Menu and Cuisine:Describe the variety of dishes available and the type of cuisine the restaurant specializes in.Highlight any signature dishes or unique offerings.Example:The menu at Restaurant Name is a testament to the fusion of traditional and modern culinary techniques.From the succulent Signature Dish to the refreshing Unique Offering, each dish is crafted with precision and presented with an artistic flair that tantalizes the senses.Dining Experience:Detail the dining experience,including the service,the atmosphere,and the overall mood of the restaurant.Example:The moment you step into Restaurant Name,you are greeted by the attentive staff whoensure your comfort throughout the meal.The soft melodies playing in the background complement the hushed conversations,creating a serene dining atmosphere that allows you to fully appreciate the flavors of each dish.Personal Experience:Share a personal anecdote or experience that highlights what makes the restaurant special to you.Example:On my visit,I was particularly impressed by the Dish Name,a dish that perfectly balanced flavors and textures.The attentive service and the chefs personal touch made the evening an unforgettable one.Conclusion:Summarize your experience and why you recommend the restaurant to others.Include any lasting impressions or thoughts.Example:In conclusion,Restaurant Name is more than just a place to dine its an experience that engages all the senses.From the exquisite cuisine to the impeccable service,its a destination that I would highly recommend to anyone seeking a truly remarkable culinary adventure.Recommendations:End with any recommendations for potential visitors,such as the best time to visit,any special events,or menu items not to miss.Example:For those planning to visit Restaurant Name,I would recommend making a reservation during their Special Event,where the menu is elevated to new heights.And do not leave without trying the Signature Dishits a culinary masterpiece that will leave you craving for more.Remember to proofread your essay for grammar,punctuation,and spelling errors to ensure a polished final product.。

future plan 英语作文

future plan 英语作文

In crafting an essay on future plans,it is essential to consider various aspects such as career aspirations,personal development,and life goals.Heres a detailed outline that you can use to structure your essay:Title:My Future PlanIntroduction:Briefly introduce the concept of planning for the future.State the importance of setting goals and having a roadmap for personal and professional growth.Personal Development Goals:Discuss the importance of personal development in achieving overall life satisfaction. Mention specific skills or qualities you wish to develop,such as leadership, communication,or emotional intelligence.Explain how these skills will contribute to your future success.Educational Goals:Outline your educational plans,whether it involves pursuing higher education,attending workshops,or gaining certifications.Discuss how continuous learning will enhance your career prospects and personal growth.Career Aspirations:Detail your career objectives,including the industry you wish to enter and the type of job you aim to secure.Explain the steps you will take to achieve these goals,such as internships,networking,or job shadowing.Financial Goals:Mention your financial aspirations,including saving for a house,starting a business,or achieving financial independence.Discuss strategies for financial planning and investment to secure your future.Health and Wellness:Highlight the importance of maintaining physical and mental health as part of your future plan.Describe your plans for regular exercise,a balanced diet,and stress management techniques.Community and Social Involvement:Discuss your intentions to contribute to society,whether through volunteering,joining community organizations,or supporting social causes.Explain how giving back can be fulfilling and beneficial for personal growth.Travel and Cultural Experiences:Share your desire to explore different cultures and travel to new places.Explain how travel can broaden your horizons and provide unique learning experiences.Conclusion:Summarize your future plans and the significance of having a wellthoughtout plan for personal and professional development.Emphasize the adaptability of your plan and the importance of reviewing and adjusting it as life progresses.Action Plan:Provide a brief action plan with timelines and milestones to achieve your goals. Include methods for tracking progress and staying motivated.Remember to personalize your essay by reflecting on your own experiences,values,and aspirations.This will make your essay more engaging and authentic.。



Setting goals is an essential aspect of personal and professional development.Here are some key points to consider when discussing the importance of goals in an English essay:1.Direction and Focus:Goals provide a clear direction for individuals,helping them to focus their efforts and resources on specific objectives.Without goals,its easy to wander aimlessly,wasting time and energy on unproductive activities.2.Motivation:Setting goals can be a powerful motivator.They inspire individuals to push beyond their comfort zones and strive for improvement.Goals give a sense of purpose and drive,which can be crucial in maintaining momentum during challenging times.3.Measurement of Progress:Goals serve as benchmarks to measure progress.They allow individuals to track their achievements and identify areas for improvement.This feedback loop is vital for continuous learning and growth.4.Prioritization:Having clear goals helps in prioritizing tasks and making decisions.Its easier to determine what is important and what can be set aside when you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve.5.Sense of Achievement:Achieving a goal can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.This positive reinforcement can boost selfesteem and confidence,which are important for tackling even bigger challenges in the future.6.Longterm Planning:Goals encourage longterm thinking and planning.They help individuals to think beyond immediate gratification and consider the bigger picture, which is crucial for sustainable success.7.Overcoming Obstacles:The process of working towards a goal often involves overcoming obstacles.This resilience is a valuable skill that can be applied to various aspects of life.8.Personal Growth:Pursuing goals often requires individuals to learn new skills,adapt to change,and develop new perspectives.This personal growth is an inherent benefit of setting and working towards goals.9.Time Management:Goals can help with time management by providing a framework for allocating time and resources effectively.Knowing what you want to achieve helps in planning your day and making the most of your time.10.Vision and Clarity:Goals provide a vision that clarifies what you want to achieve. This clarity can help in making decisions and in aligning actions with your longterm objectives.In conclusion,goals are not just about the end result they are about the journey and the personal development that comes with it.They are the roadmap to success,providing structure,motivation,and a sense of achievement.Whether its a personal goal like learning a new language or a professional goal like climbing the corporate ladder,setting goals is a fundamental step towards realizing ones potential.。



The international paragliding base is a hub for adventure seekers and paragliding enthusiasts from around the world.Nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes,the base offers an unparalleled experience for those who wish to soar through the skies and take in the stunning vistas below.Location and AccessibilityThe base is strategically located in a region known for its consistent thermal winds and ample open spaces,making it an ideal spot for paragliding.It is easily accessible by road, with clear signs guiding visitors from nearby towns and cities.The base also offers shuttle services for those who prefer not to drive.Facilities and AmenitiesThe international paragliding base is equipped with stateoftheart facilities to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.It includes a wellmaintained launch pad with a panoramic view of the surrounding area,a spacious landing zone,and a clubhouse with essential amenities such as restrooms,changing rooms,and a firstaid station.Training and CertificationFor beginners,the base offers comprehensive training programs conducted by certified instructors.These programs cover the basics of paragliding,including equipment handling,launch techniques,and flight control.Upon completion,participants can receive a certification that allows them to fly independently under certain conditions. Equipment Rental and MaintenanceHighquality paragliding equipment is available for rent at the base,catering to various skill levels.All equipment is regularly inspected and maintained to ensure safety.The rental service also includes a brief tutorial on the proper use of the gear.Guided Tours and Tandem FlightsFor those who prefer a more guided experience,the base offers tandem flights with experienced pilots.These flights provide an opportunity to enjoy the thrill of paragliding without the need for prior training.Guided tours are also available,allowing participants to explore the local airspace and landmarks under the supervision of a professional.Events and CompetitionsThe international paragliding base regularly hosts events and competitions that attract participants and spectators from across the globe.These events provide a platform for pilots to showcase their skills and compete for prestigious awards.Cultural and Recreational ActivitiesIn addition to paragliding,the base is surrounded by a rich cultural landscape with numerous recreational opportunities.Visitors can explore local villages,participate in traditional festivals,or enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling.Sustainability and ConservationThe base is committed to environmental sustainability and works closely with local communities to minimize its impact on the natural surroundings.Efforts include waste management programs,conservation initiatives,and the promotion of ecofriendly practices among visitors.Accommodation and DiningFor those wishing to extend their stay,the base offers a range of accommodation options, from budgetfriendly hostels to luxurious lodges.The onsite restaurant serves a variety of cuisines,with a focus on local and organic produce,ensuring a satisfying dining experience.In conclusion,the international paragliding base is more than just a launching point for adventures it is a comprehensive destination that caters to the needs of paragliders at all levels,offering a memorable experience that combines thrill,safety,and appreciation for the environment.。

Accenture Cloud Innovation Center 罗马介绍说明书

Accenture Cloud Innovation Center 罗马介绍说明书

Accenture & NutanixAccenture Cloud Innovation Center RomeAccenture 2Accenture Cloud Innovation CenterAccenture Cloud Innovation Center Rome EmergingTechnology Real Case VisionEcosystemPartnersClients Accenture3Accenture Cloud Innovation Center ACIC Rome brings together Accenture’sdeep technical know-how and industryexpertise to help companies deploycloud to transform their journey tocloud. At a time when innovation isracing ahead, Accenture is broadeningits collaboration with leading cloudsolution vendors to have instant accessto the level of specialist services that canhelp meet our clients’ specific businessobjectives. At ACIC Rome, we bringtogether not only the major technologyvendors but the best offerings fromemerging providers in step with marketevolutions. Our clients benefit from thevery latest real and tested solutions.About the partnerNutanix is a global leader in cloud software and a pioneer in hyperconverged infrastructure solutions, making computing invisible anywhere. Organisations around the world use Nutanix software to leverage a single platformto manage any app at any location at any scale for their private, Hybrid and Multi Cloud environments.4Accenture Cloud Innovation CenterAccenture Cloud Innovation Center 5Enterprise AppsPrivate CloudUnified StorageContainer Services Application Automation Scale-Out HCI Storage Scale-Out HCI StorageDisaster RecoveryGovernanceNetwork SecurityAHV HypervisorVirtual NetworksSelf-Service InfrastructureCloud InfrastructureCloud Management VDI & DaaS Database ServicesCloud NativeAppsAnalytics/MLUnified Control Plane - United APIs - Lifecycle ManagementBuild a Hybrid Cloud in under an hourFastCloud migration with no code changeSame Software, same licenses, no cloud lock-inSeamless Portable Manage all your clouds as oneSimpleReduce disasterrecovery from days to hoursResilient Public CloudsDatabases MSP/TelcosEdgeEUCCloud PlatformThePartnership with NutanixNutanix has partnered with ACIC to prototype solutions mainly focusing on two of its products: Multi-Cloud Governance and Optimization and Multi-Cloud Governance for EndUser Computing (EUC).The use cases main topic is:Application Modernization.02 016Accenture Cloud Innovation CenterAccenture Cloud Innovation Center 7Data Engineering & Applied AI/ML04Application ModernizationIntelligent EdgeMulti Cloud Governance and OptimizationLeveraging on Calm capabilities is possible to help customer to manage Multi and Hybrid Cloud infrastructure leveraging on automation capabilities, while optimizing infrastructure usage via Xi Beam. All managed through customizable workflow managed via SNOW integration.Multi Cloud Governancefor End User Computing (EUC)In a multi cloud and multi technologies contexts, the constant alignment of virtual client environments (from Operating System update to installation of new Applications), is one of the big challenges to address. Accenture and Nutanix, leveraging on CALM capabilities, have developed a Software DevOps Lifecycle model helping Customer to simplify and automate this process.03Infrastructure Engineering8Accenture Cloud Innovation CenterAccenture Cloud Innovation Center 9Companies adopting Hybrid Cloud scenarios, needs a solution helping to manage, govern and optimize cloud and non-cloud resources usage.However, it is often extremely difficult to deploy and manage applications that span clouds. Deployment processes are error prone and unreliable, and complex management increases costs and decreases business agility.To address the challenges associated with Multi and Hybrid Cloud infrastructure and application automation, monitoring, and governance, Accenture and Nutanix have defined a solution, based on Nutanix Calm, Xi Beam and Prism Central, to simplify and accelerate Hybrid and Multi Cloud adoption.Rapid Innovation: Blueprinting, automated provisioning and rapid application deployment help speed up innovation.Decreased time to market: Clearly defined workflows and rapid innovation cut your time to market.Avoid vendor lock-in: Leverage multiple Public Clouds without excessive complexity.Improve agility: Accelerate application deployment with E2E process automation for provisioning or other action.Increased security and decreased costs: Multi Cloud security and cost control deliver optimal results.Context and client challengesNewapproach and solutionClient benefits10Accenture Cloud Innovation CenterAccenture Cloud Innovation Center 11In the Covid Era, Companies are working to bring workforce to work safely and securely. This increase the request to improve and empower their Workplace systems and adopt solution to automate their provisioning.Enabling an elastic digital workplace experience, requires modern, stable, scalable platforms and applications in combination with devices that are cost efficient and secure, integration services, and an evergreen IT operating model.Accenture and Nutanix have architected an End User Computing (EUC) solution that addresses these challenges, allowing organizations to simplify EUC deployment and ongoingmanagement. The solution leverages Citrix VDI and NutanixFrame to enable true Hybrid and Multi Cloud EUC environments. The combination of Accenture’s expertise in enterpriseenvironments and Nutanix’s innovative technologies enables IT organizations to automate and optimize critical EUC workflows, including application and infrastructure deployments.Decrease time to market: Automated workflows ensure software can be tested and released quickly.Avoid vendor lock-in: Choose from a selection of infrastructure and EUC platforms.Improve agility: End-to-end process automation reduces manual effort and friction between teams.Reduce risk: Ensure that software and OS bug fixes reach production quickly; reduce potential exposure to CVEs.Context and client challengesNewapproach and solutionClient benefits**************************** ***************************** ****************************。



法国自由教师工作计划英文I. IntroductionAs a French language teacher, my goal is to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment for my students. I plan to achieve this by incorporating a variety of teaching methods and resources to cater to different learning styles and abilities.II. Curriculum PlanningI will carefully design the curriculum to ensure that it meets the learning objectives and standards set by the education board. This will involve selecting appropriate learning materials, creating lesson plans, and integrating technology into the curriculum where appropriate.III. Classroom ManagementTo maintain a positive and productive learning atmosphere, I will implement effective classroom management strategies. This will involve setting clear expectations, establishing routines, and addressing behavior issues in a fair and consistent manner.IV. Assessment and FeedbackI believe in the importance of regular assessment and feedback to monitor student progress and provide opportunities for improvement. I will use a variety of assessment methods, such as quizzes, projects, and presentations, to gauge student learning and provide constructive feedback.V. Professional DevelopmentI am committed to continuous professional development to enhance my teaching skills and stay updated with the latestinstructional strategies and technology. This will involve attending workshops, conferences, and seeking feedback from peers and supervisors.VI. Collaboration and CommunicationI will actively collaborate with colleagues, parents, and other stakeholders to create a supportive and inclusive learning community. This will involve regular communication about student progress, concerns, and opportunities for collaboration. VII. ConclusionIn conclusion, my work plan as a French language teacher is focused on creating an effective and enriching learning experience for my students. Through careful planning, effective classroom management, and ongoing professional development, I aim to inspire a love for the French language and culture in my students.。



墨西哥旅游计划表英文版Embarking on a journey to Mexico offers an array of experiences, from the sun-soaked beaches of Cancun to the historic ruins of Teotihuacan. To make the most of your trip, a well-structured travel plan is essential. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the vibrant culture, cuisine, and landscapes of Mexico.Day 1: Arrival in Mexico City。

Upon landing in Mexico City, the capital, take the first day to acclimatize. Check into your hotel and spend the evening at the Zocalo, the city's main square, where you can enjoy local street food and witness the grandeur of the Metropolitan Cathedral.Day 2: Exploring Mexico City。

Dedicate your second day to exploring the historical center of Mexico City. Visit the National Palace, see the ancient Aztec ruins at the Templo Mayor, and explore the vast collection of the National Museum of Anthropology.Day 3: Teotihuacan and Guadalupe Shrine。



美国职业规划师(Career Counselor)是一种专业的职业咨询师,在美国社会中扮演着重要的角色。


1. 与顾客沟通:职业规划师需要与顾客建立良好的关系,了解

2. 分析个人情况:职业规划师需要通过分析求职者的个人情况,包括个人技能、兴趣爱好和职业成就等,来确定最适合他们的职业

3. 制定职业规划:职业规划师需要在与求职者交流、分析和评

4. 提供职业建议:职业规划师需要为求职者提供一些职业建议,例如:如何准备面试、求职信的编写、培养职业技能等等。

5. 更新职业信息:职业规划师需要了解当前流行的职业方向和

6. 撰写职业计划:职业规划师需要撰写一份自己的职业计划,




导游讲解计划性原则事例分析英文回答:As a tour guide, planning is an essential principlethat I follow in order to provide a smooth and enjoyable experience for my clients. Planning helps me to ensure that everything is organized and that we make the most of our time together. Let me share with you some examples of how I apply the principle of planning in my work.Firstly, before the tour begins, I conduct thorough research on the destination and create an itinerary. This involves studying the history, culture, and landmarks of the place we will be visiting. By doing so, I can provide interesting and informative commentary during the tour. For example, when I was leading a group to visit the Great Wall of China, I researched its construction, significance, and the best viewpoints. This allowed me to plan the route and schedule the visit during the least crowded time, ensuring a more enjoyable experience for my clients.Secondly, I pay attention to the logistics of the tour. This includes arranging transportation, booking accommodations, and making reservations for attractions and restaurants. By planning these details in advance, I can avoid unnecessary delays and ensure a seamless experience. For instance, when I organized a tour to Paris, I made sure to book tickets for popular attractions like the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower in advance. This saved my clients from waiting in long queues and allowed us to make the most of our time exploring the city.Furthermore, I also plan for unexpected situations and emergencies. I always carry a first aid kit and have contact information for local hospitals and emergency services. This way, I can handle any unforeseen circumstances efficiently and ensure the safety and well-being of my clients. For example, during a hiking tour in the Swiss Alps, one of my clients twisted their ankle. Thanks to my planning, I was able to quickly provide first aid and arrange for medical assistance, ensuring that the client received the necessary care.中文回答:作为一名导游,计划是我遵循的一个重要原则,以便为我的客户提供顺利和愉快的体验。



武汉到罗马的旅游计划英语English:Our trip from Wuhan to Rome is going to be an unforgettable adventure filled with ancient history, delicious cuisine, and stunning architecture. We will start our journey by flying from Wuhan Tianhe International Airport to Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport, where we will be greeted by the grandeur of Rome. During our stay in Rome, we plan to visit iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Vatican City. We will indulge in traditional Italian dishes like pizza, pasta, and gelato while exploring the charming streets of Rome. After immersing ourselves in the rich culture and history of Rome, we will venture out to other nearby cities such as Florence and Venice to admire more of Italy's beauty. Our trip will conclude with a visit to the picturesque Amalfi Coast, where we can relax on the stunning beaches and soak in the Mediterranean sun before returning to Wuhan with unforgettable memories of our Italian adventure.中文翻译:我们从武汉到罗马的旅程将是一次难忘的冒险,充满着古老历史、美味美食和令人惊叹的建筑。



想成为导游的英语作文Becoming a tour guide has always been a dream of mine and heres why I am passionate about this career path and how I plan to achieve it.Introduction to the DreamEver since I was a child I have been fascinated by the idea of traveling and exploring new places. The thought of being able to share the beauty and history of different destinations with others is incredibly appealing to me. As I grew older my love for languages particularly English grew stronger and I realized that becoming a tour guide would be the perfect way to combine my interests.Reasons for Choosing This Career1. Passion for Travel I have a deep love for travel and experiencing different cultures. Being a tour guide would allow me to visit new places regularly and gain a deeper understanding of the world.2. Communication Skills My proficiency in English is a significant advantage in this field as it is a widely spoken language in the tourism industry. It would enable me to communicate effectively with tourists from various countries.3. Educational Value As a tour guide I would not only be sharing information but also learning continuously. Each tour is an opportunity to learn something new about history geography and the local way of life.4. Meeting New People The dynamic nature of the job where I would meet and interact with people from all walks of life is very exciting to me.Steps to Achieve the Goal1. Education and Training I plan to pursue a degree in tourism management or a related field to gain a solid foundation in the industry. This would include courses in geography history and cultural studies as well as practical modules on tour guiding techniques.2. Language Proficiency In addition to English I aim to learn other languages to cater to a broader range of tourists. This would involve taking language courses and practicingthrough immersion whenever possible.3. Gaining Experience I intend to volunteer or intern at travel agencies or tourist information centers to gain handson experience. This would help me understand the practical aspects of the job and build a network within the industry.4. Certification I will work towards obtaining a tour guide certification which is often required to lead tours professionally. This would involve passing exams and demonstrating my knowledge and skills in guiding tours.5. Continuous Learning The tourism industry is everevolving and I am committed to staying updated with the latest trends destinations and practices. This would involve attending workshops seminars and conferences.ConclusionBecoming a tour guide is not just a job for me its a way of life. I am eager to embark on this journey and make a positive impact on the lives of the tourists I will guide. With dedication hard work and a continuous drive for learning I am confident that I can achieve my dream and make it a reality.。



When it comes to writing an essay about plans,its important to structure your thoughts clearly and logically.Here are some key elements to include in your essay:1.Introduction:Begin with a brief introduction that sets the context for your plan. Explain why you are making this plan and what you hope to achieve.2.Objective:Clearly state the main goal of your plan.This could be a personal goal,a project you want to undertake,or a career path you wish to pursue.3.Timeline:Outline the timeline for your plan.Break down the steps you will take and when you expect to complete each step.This helps in visualizing the progression of your plan.4.Resources:Identify the resources you will need to achieve your plan.This could include financial resources,materials,or human resources.5.Strategies and Methods:Describe the strategies and methods you will use to execute your plan.This could involve specific techniques,tools,or approaches that you believe will be effective.6.Challenges and Solutions:Anticipate potential challenges that you may face and propose solutions to overcome them.This shows that you have thought through the plan thoroughly.7.Risk Assessment:Evaluate the risks associated with your plan and how you intend to mitigate them.This is crucial for ensuring the plans feasibility.8.Monitoring and Evaluation:Explain how you will monitor the progress of your plan and evaluate its success.This could involve setting milestones,using performance indicators,or gathering feedback.9.Conclusion:Summarize your plan and reiterate its importance.Express your confidence in the plans success and your commitment to seeing it through.10.Reflection:Reflect on what you have learned from the planning process and how this plan will contribute to your personal or professional growth.Heres a sample paragraph to illustrate how you might write about a personal plan:In the coming year,my plan is to improve my English language skills to a level where Ican confidently engage in international business meetings.To achieve this,I have set a timeline that includes enrolling in an advanced English course by next month,practicing speaking with native speakers twice a week,and dedicating at least an hour each day to reading and writing in English.I have identified online language exchange platforms and local language cafes as my primary resources.The main challenge I anticipate is balancing my work schedule with my language learning goals,but I plan to overcome this by setting clear priorities and creating a flexible study schedule.I will monitor my progress through regular selfassessments and feedback from language partners.This plan is crucial for my career advancement and will significantly enhance my ability to communicate effectively in a global business environment.Remember to use a formal tone and to proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors.Good luck with your writing!。

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Federal Project Area
Other Water Resources
• Weather Modification –cloud seeding increased precipitation 2-15%
• Watershed Management –Vegetation changes increased flow by 0.5 bcm/year
• Choice of Country or State which has relevance to China.
– Must have similar range of climate – Must have similar problems (water shortage,
environmental issues, ) – Economic conditions of industrialization must
Population Distribution
Master Water Resources Planning in California
• First Plan was done in the 1930 • Revised and Updated in 1950 & 1960 • Revised and Updated in 1970 • Revised and Updated in 1994 • Water Resources Management Plan in
California Water Master Plan
• Area of California – 410,000 sq km • Rainfall
– North –1200 mm – Center- 650 mm – South – 120-400 mm
• Total Water Resources
• Water Permits and Licenses (issues by State Water
Resources Control Board) Controls water extraction
• Groundwater is for anybody who owns land but is managed by local authority or by courts
Flows in Local Water Resources
Drought Years
Length and Period of Droughts
Water Supplies
• local surface and local imported supplies • State Water Project Waters • Central Valley Project and other federally
– SW 63 billion cum/yr – GW 22 billion cum/yr
• Population 36.5 million • GDP $1700 billion or 55% of China GDP or 60% of
Germany’s GDP
Water Resources Regions
• Environmental Water is provided for fish and wildlife and there is protection of endangered species
• Water Quality is protected by the Water Quality Control Act
be have similarity – River Basin Master Planning Must be good
Choice of Countries
• California USA • New South Wales Australia
Both Cases have similar issues althougth not completely similar but lessons can be learned
Water Resources Master Planning-International Experience
Dr. D Gunaratnam 2/3/2020
International Experience River Basin Water Resources Master Planning
1994 Master Water Plan Contd
Chapter 3 Surface Water Supplies • Surface supplies –40% is in the north (32
bcm/yr) but 50% of the population lives in the south • Droughts in California –Average Water Resource is 80 bcm/yr but lowest flows are 15 bcm/yr
developed water (USBR built) • the ColoБайду номын сангаасado River (Federal Government) • water reclamation, including desalination
Surface Water Transfers
State & Central Valley Projects
1994 Water Resources/River Basin Master Plan
Chapter 2 Allocation and Management
• Water Rights 2 kinds
– Riparian (anybody who owns land can divert but cannot store) – Appropriative (anybody who owns land but can divert water and