


3302C電子負載機框前面板的8個功能鍵,對於3250、3310A系列電子負載模組其中STATE 1~5提供了使用者可以儲存/呼叫最多達5個的測試項目或狀態,對於3310C、3330A、3320系列電子負載模組3302C可儲存/呼叫5種電子負載狀態設定項目,每個項目別分為30種狀態,共有150種。3310C、3330A系列電子負載模組狀態設定於負載模組的EPROM中,3320系列電子負載模組狀態設定於3302C電子負載機框EPROM中,每一組STATE (1~5)皆能儲存(STORE)或呼叫(RECALL) 3250/3310A/3310C/3320/3330A電子負載的狀態及設定值。
3302C Mainframe






(3)按下LOAD键,LOAD灯亮为加载,不亮为未加载(4)若加载为大负载按下LEVEL键,LEVEL灯亮CC模式加载电流量程2A以上,LEVEL灯灭CC模式加载电流量程0----2A2.保存设置数据(1) 按下STORE键,STORE灯闪烁(2) 按下1—10数字键任意键保存设置,调用设置:直接按相应的数字键就可以调用保存在其下边的数据了。

3.模式转换CV模式设定(1) 按MODE 屏幕依次为CC,CR,CV,CP。

调至CV模式,按下Preset灯亮(2)按下LEVEL键,LEVEL灯灭,用方向键调合适的电压,左右选择量程,上下调加载数值(3)按下LOAD键,LOAD灯亮为加载OK(1) 按下short,键short灯亮(2) 按下START/STOP键,LOAD灯亮短路测试:解除短路:按LOAD 键,LOAD灯灭解除短路测试。




第一部分技术说明书 (3)1 概述 (3)1.1 系统概述 (3)1.2 装置特点 (4)2 技术参数 (4)2.1 额定参数 (4)2.2 功率消耗 (5)2.3 直流工作电压 (5)2.4 过载能力 (5)2.5 测量元件精度 (5)2.6 允许环境温度 (6)2.7 电磁兼容性能 (6)2.8 绝缘耐压 (6)2.9 遥测计量等级 (6)3 保护功能 (6)3.1 3322C保护功能 (6)3.2 3326C保护功能(保护动作出口可整定) (7)3.3 3302C保护功能 (7)4 测控功能 (8)5 通讯功能 (8)6 差动平衡调节系数 (8)7 3326C中的方向 (9)8 保护原理 (11)8.1差动电流速断保护(3322C) (11)8.2比率差动保护(3322C) (11)8.3 CT断线闭锁(3322C) (12)8.4 差流越限告警(3322C) (13)8.5复合电压闭锁方向过流保护(3326C) (13)8.6限时速断保护,网络化母线保护(3326C) (14)8.7零序电流保护(3326C) (14)8.8零序电压保护(3326C) (15)8.9间隙零序电流保护(3326C) (15)8.10过负荷保护(3326C) (16)8.11 PT断线告警(3326C) (16)8.12 非电量保护(3302C) (17)9 保护定值表 (18)9.1 3322C定值表 (18)9.2 3326C定值表 (18)9.3 3326C扩展定值表 (19)第二部分使用说明书 (22)1 人机界面介绍 (22)1.1液晶显示内容介绍 (23)1.2 3322C六个指示灯的含义 (23)1.3 3326C六个指示灯的含义 (24)1.4 3302C六个指示灯的含义 (24)1.5按键的功能及其使用 (24)2 装置菜单介绍 (25)2.1交直流量测量值 (27)2.2信息记录 (28)2.3单元定值整定 (31)2.4保护定值投退和保护定值整定 (33)2.5交流量精度调节 (35)2.6系统复归 (36)2.7信号复归 (36)3 遥信量介绍 (36)3.1 3322C遥信定义表 (36)3.2 3326C遥信定义表 (37)3.3 3326C扩展遥信定义表 (38)3.4 3302C遥信定义表 (39)4 3322C背板端子介绍 (40)4.1交流采样板 (40)4.2输入输出板 (40)4.3通讯端子 (41)5 3326C背板端子介绍 (41)5.1交流采样板 (41)5.2输入输出板 (42)5.3通讯端子 (43)6 3302C背板端子介绍 (43)6.1输入输出板 (43)6.2操作板 (44)6.3通讯端子 (45)7 装置检查 (45)7.1通电前检查 (45)7.2通电后检查 (45)8 3302C操作回路原理图 (46)第一部分技术说明书1 概述1.1 系统概述随着国家电力事业快速而深入的发展,对电网运行和管理自动化水平的要求越来越高。

Powertec i250C i320C电气方案备用零件说明说明书

Powertec i250C i320C电气方案备用零件说明说明书

Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic1 IM3070 09/2018 REV03POWERTEC i250C STANDARD POWERTEC i250C ADVANCED POWERTEC i320C STANDARDPOWERTEC i320C ADVANCEDSpare Parts (2)Figure A: Powertec i250C/i320C STD/ADV Machine Assembly .................................................................................. 2 Figure B: Powertec i250C/i320C STD/ADV Inside Machine Assembly ....................................................................... 4 Figure C: Powertec i250C/i320C STD/ADV Wire Drive Assembly ............................................................................... 5 Figure D: Powertec i250C/i320C STD Front Assembly ................................................................................................ 6 Figure E: Powertec i250C/i320C ADV Front Assembly (6)Electrical Schematic (8)Lincoln Electric Bester Sp. z o.o.ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19A, 58-263 Bielawa, Polandwww.lincolnelectric.euSpare Parts - Electrical Schematic Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic2 Spare PartsSP50430, SP50431, SP50432, SP50433 REV03ASSEMBLY PAGE NAMEP o w e r t e c M a c h i n e A s s e m b l yM a c h i n e F r o n t A s s e m b l y W i r e D r i v e A s s e m b l y & E u r o S o c k e t A s s e m b l yP o w e r t e c i 250C /i 320C S T D F r o n t A s s e m b l y P o w e r t e c i 250C /i 320C A D V F r o n t A s s e m b l y M i s c e l l a n e o u s I t e m s CODE NO.: K NO.: FIGURE NO.:A B C D E - 50430POWERTEC i250C STANDARD 1 1 1 1 - 1 50431 K14157-2 POWERTEC i250C ADVANCED 2 2 2 - 2 2 50432 K14158-1 POWERTEC i320C STANDARD 3 3 3 3 - 3 50433 K14158-2 POWERTEC i320C ADVANCED 444-44Figure A: Powertec i250C/i320C STD/ADV Machine AssemblyItem Description Part Number QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 CABLE GRD-300A-50-5M 1 x x x x1 WELDING2 SIDE PANEL KIT R-1019-486-1R 1 x x x x3 COVERKIT R-3019-455-1/02R 1 x x x x4 HANDLE R-0010-292-1R 1 x x x x5 BASE, PARTITION, SHELF KIT R-3019-426-1R 1 x x x x6 SIDE COVER KIT R-0010-623-1R 1 x x x x7 FRONT AND REAR PANEL KIT R-8040-387-1R 1 x x x x8 LOCK 0654-610-004R 2 x x x xHINGE 0654-610-007R 2 x x x x9 LEAF10 MAIN INPUT CORD R-5041-497-1R 1 x x x x11 WHEELS 1029-660-127R 2 x x x x12 WHEELS 1029-660-250R 2 x x x xSpare Parts - Electrical Schematic Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic3Spare Parts - Electrical SchematicSpare Parts - Electrical Schematic4Figure B: Powertec i250C/i320C STD/ADV Inside Machine AssemblyItem DescriptionPart NumberQTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 TRANSFORMER AND CHOKE R-8040-382-2R 1 x x x x 14 INVERTER BOARD R-6042-079-1R 1 x x x x 15 HALL SENSOR W4900004R 1 x x x x 16 FAN W66X1369R 2 x x x x 17 INPUT FILTER Y051-1R1 x x x x 18 SOLENOID 0972-423-040R 1 x x x x 19 CABLE RELIEF1361-599-674R 1 x x x x 20FUSE SOCKET 1158-632-032R 1 x x x x FUSE 1A 400V 1158-660-003R 1 x x x x 21 PC BOARD R-6042-081-1R 1 x x x x 22 WIRE SPOOL HUB 0744-000-335R 1 x x x x 23 PLASTIC NUT 0744-000-336R 1 x x x x 24 USB SOCKET 1158-641-061R 1 - x - x 25 SWITCH1115-280-004R 1 x x x x 26 THREE PHASE BRIDGE1156-112-206R 1 x x x x 27CONTROL BOARD R-6042-082-2R 1 x - - - CONTROL BOARD R-6042-082-1R 1 - x - - CONTROL BOARD R-6042-080-2R 1 - - x - CONTROL BOARD R-6042-080-1R 1 - - - x 28 OUTPUT BRIDGE R-8040-388-1R 1 x x x x 29 LED MODULE R-5041-508-1R 2x x x xFigure C: Powertec i250C/i320C STD/ADV Wire Drive AssemblyItem Description Part Number QTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 30 WIRE DRIVE MOTOR 1111-722-048R 1 x x x x31 COMPLETE FEED PLATE ASSEMBLY(INCLUDES 1.0/1.2 MM DRIVE ROLLS ANDWIRE GUIDE KIT)0744-000-009R 1 x x x xSpare Parts - Electrical Schematic Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic5Spare Parts - Electrical SchematicSpare Parts - Electrical Schematic6Figure D: Powertec i250C/i320C STD Front AssemblyFigure E: Powertec i250C/i320C ADV Front AssemblyItem Description Part Number QTY 1 2 3 4 5 632 DISPLAY FRONT PANEL KIT R-0010-619-2R 1 x - x -33 USER INTERFACE PCB R-6042-078-1R 1 x - x -34 KNOB 9SM22778-2 2 x - x -35 BUTTON 9SS23055 2 x - x - 1 - x - x36 MAIN SWITCH 1115-270-022R 1 x x x x37 EURO SLEEVE C-1891-006-1R 1 x x x x38 SOCKET W7690350 R 2 x x x x39 PCB R-6042-077-1R 1 - x - x40 DISPLAY FRONT PANEL KIT R-0010-618-2R 1 - x - x41 LCD 0942-177-002R 1 - x - x42 KNOB 9SM22778-3 2 - x - xMiscelaneous Items (not shown in figure A, B, C, D, E)Item Description Part Number QTY 1 2 3 4 5 643 HARNESSES KIT R-5041-494-1R 1 x x x xSpare Parts - Electrical Schematic Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic7Electrical SchematicSpare Parts - Electrical Schematic Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic8234Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic Spare Parts - Electrical Schematic9。



3310C 系列直流电子负载手册

图1.1 3310C 0-60V / 0-30A 150W 电子负载功率曲线图........................................ 3 图1.2 3311C 0-60V/0-60A 300W 电子负载功率曲线图............................................ 3 图1.3 3312C 0-250V/0-10A 300W 电子负载功率曲线图.......................................... 4 图1.4 3314C 0-500V/0-5A 200W 电子负载功率曲线图............................................ 4 图1.5 3315C 0-60V/0-15A 75W 电子负载功率曲线图.............................................. 4 图1.6 固定电流模式特性图............................................................................................ 5 图1.7 固定电阻模式特性图............................................................................................ 5 图1.8 固定电压模式特性图............................................................................................ 6 图1.9 固定功率模式特性图............................................................................................ 6 图1.10 动态负载模式特性图.......................................................................................... 7 图1.11 3310C 系列电子负载之方块图........................................................................ 11 图2.1 负载输入连接器与固定镙丝.............................................................................. 12 图2.2 电子负载装入及拔出........................................................................................ 13 图2.3 3310C 系列电子负载操作流程图.................................................................... 14 图3.1 前面板图.............................................................................................................. 15 图3.2 典型的 3310C 系列电子负载连接方式............................................................ 21 图3.3 负载电流之类比设定输入.................................................................................. 22 图4.1 本地/远地电压检知连接图................................................................................ 29 图4.2 远地电压检知连接图.......................................................................................... 30 图4.3 固定电流操作模式之应用.................................................................................. 31 图4.4 动态负载电流...................................................................................................... 32 图4.5 固定电阻操作模式之应用.................................................................................. 33 图4.6 固定电压操作模式之应用.................................................................................. 34 图4.7 固定功率操作模式之应用.................................................................................. 35 图4.8 多组输出电源供应器与电子负载之连接图...................................................... 36 图4.9 电子负载多组并联之连接图.............................................................................. 37

PRODIGIT 3300C电子负载机框操作手册说明书

PRODIGIT 3300C电子负载机框操作手册说明书

目 录目录第一章简介 (3)1.1 特性 (4)1.2 标准配备 (4)1.3 选用配备 (4)1.4 规格 (5)1.5 系统方块图 (6)第二章安装 (7)2.1 安装前的准备 (7)2.2 电源的设定与检查 (7)2.3 接地需求 (8)2.4 脚架调整 (8)2.5 仪器箱的装设 (8)2.6 环境需求 (8)2.7 维修及校正服务 (8)2.8 GPIB 介面功能 (8)2.9 RS.232C 介面功能 (9)2.10 遥控装置 (9)第三章操作说明 (10)3.1 支撑脚 (10)3.2 电源开关 (10)3.3 开机状态 (10)3.4 储存/呼叫 (STORE/RECALL) 操作 (11)3.5 AUTO SEQUENCE测试功能说明 (11)第四章 GPIB /RS.232 操作命令说明 (13)4.1 GPIB/RS.232C 简介 (13)4.2 GPIB 命令摘要 (13)4.3 RS.232C 命令摘要 (13)4.4 3250/3310A/3310A/3310C GPIB/RS232C命令列表 (15)4.5 缩写代号说明 (21)4.6 GPIB /RS.232C 命令说明 (22)附录1 3310A 系列 GPIB 程式范例 (37)附录2 3310A 系列 RS.232 程式范例 (41)附录3 3250 系列 GPIB/RS.232C 操作流程图 (55)附录4 3310A 系列 GPIB/RS.232C 操作流程图 (56)目 录P RODIGIT 图形图1.1 3300C 系统方块图 (6)图2.1 电源设定图 (7)图2.2 保险丝座 (7)图2.3 后面板 (8)图2.4 遥控连接埠图 (9)图2.5 类比驱动信号输入 (9)图3.1 3300C 前面板图 (10)图4.1 后面板 RS-232C 介面连接图 (14)表格表1.1 3250/3310A/3310C/3330A 系列简单规格表 (3)表1.2 3300C 规格表 (5)表4.1 命令结束字元表 (21)表4.2 波形资料表 (22)表4.3 3250 系列 ERR 状态暂存器 (31)PRODIGIT第一章 简介第一章、简介Model 3300C 电子负载机框乃是为了 3250/3310A/3310C/3330A 系列抽取式电子负载模组而设计的 4 组控制机框,3300C 可同时安装 4 组电子负载模组,当安装 3330A 系列模组时更可同时使用多达 8 组的电子负载,除了满足 4 组输出的电源供应器测试,更可满足 8 组输出的电源供应器测试。


圈数 电感量
对勾右侧 对应按键
脚位短路 两绕组感量 平衡
此画面为变压器脚位与治具脚位自动换算功能画面,如无需要,可以不进行设置。 按EXIT选项右侧对应按键退出此画面。进入变压器脚位对应到治具脚位之设定
EXIT选项右 侧对应按键
此画面为变压器脚位对应到治具脚位之设定画面。以GF72-4R7M为例,设置变压器初级圈 脚位,次级圈脚位。变压器脚位对应到治具的初级脚位,次级脚位,如下图所示。数字键
等效误差 扣除显示 为反白色
进入此画面时,如不调用已存储数据,可手动录入参数。按上下按键将光标停留在测试项 目名称选项上,左右按键选择字母,Staet/Trigger按键抓取。数字可直接输入。Enter按键 确认并自动跳转到一次测试组数设定。以GF72-4R7M为例,输入测试组数为1.按Enter按 键确认并自动跳转到二次次测试组数设定。输入二次测试组为1.按Enter按键确认并自动跳 转到自动测试的间隔时间,单位为十分之一秒,此选项如果不需要连续测试,可设置为 OFF。按Enter按键确认并自动跳转到整体误差范围选项,设置为OFF。按Enter按键确认 并自动跳转到不良品自动测试次数选项,设置为1,按Enter按键确认并自动跳转到测试参 数项目设定。
上下限与 百分比切
130mΩ,最大值为160mΩ,最小值为90mΩ(注意单位)。数字键输入,Enter键 确认。完成此画面设定。按向下方向键进入脚位短路设定画面。



10/2003Figure 1: Block DiagramAGB330250W High Linearity Low NoiseWideband Gain BlockData Sheet - Rev 2.0FEATURESDC-5300 MHz Operation Bandwidth +36 dBm Output IP34.5 dB Noise Figure at 850 MHz 16 dB Gain at 850 MHz +18 dBm P1dB SOT-89 PackageSingle +8 V to +12 V SupplyCase Temperature: -40 to +85 °CAPPLICATIONSCellular Base Stations for W-CDMA, CDMA,TDMA, GSM, PCS and CDPD systemsFixed Wireless MMDS/WLLWLAN, HyperLANPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AGB3302 is one of a series of high performance InGaP HBT amplifiers designed for use in applications requiring high linearity, low noise and low distortion. No external matching components are needed for insertion into a 50W system. With a high output IP3, low noise figure and wide bandoperation, the AGB3302 is ideal for wireless infrastructure applications such as Cellular Base Stations, MMDS, and WLL. Offered in a low cost SOT-89 surface mount package, the AGB3302requires a single supply voltage, and typically consumes 0.5 Watts of power using a +8 V supply.RF Output /BiasRFInput元器件交易网元器件交易网AGB3302RF IN RF OUTFigure 2: Pinout (X-ray Top View)2Data Sheet - Rev 2.010/2003Data Sheet - Rev 2.010/2003AGB33023ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSStresses in excess of the absolute ratings may cause permanent damage. Functional operation is not implied under these conditions.Exposure to absolute ratings for extended periods of time may adversely affect reliability.The device may be operated safely over these conditions; however, parametric performance is guaranteed only over the conditions defined in the electrical specifications.Notes:(1)Operating frequency is defined by the output return loss (S22) having a VSWR lessthan 2:1.(2)Voltage applied through a bias resistor and inductor. Refer to Figure 3. For othersupply voltages, see the APPLICATION INFORMATION section.元器件交易网4Data Sheet - Rev 2.010/2003AGB3302Table 4: Electrical SpecificationsA SUPPLY Notes:(1)OIP3 is measured with two tones at 1 MHz spacing at 0 dBm output powerper tone.(2)The value for Thermal Resistance is based on a Device Voltage (V CC ) of +5.5 Volts.3.Performance as measured on ANADIGICS test fixture (see Figure 3).Figure 3: Application Circuit ( 50W Terminations)RF InputpF元器件交易网Data Sheet - Rev 2.010/2003AGB33025PERFORMANCE DATA05101520251234567Frequency (GHz)M a g S 21:G a i n (d B )Figure 4:Gain vs.Frequency De-embedded 50S-parameter (T =+25°C,V =+5.5V,I =65mA)W A CC CC Figure 5:Isolation vs.Frequency De-embedded 50S-parameter(T =+25C,V =+5.5V,I =65mA)W A CC oCC -50-40-30-20-101234567Frequency (GHz)M a g S 12:I s o l a t i o n (d B )Figure 6:Input Return Loss vs.FrequencyDe-embedded 50S-parameter(T =+25C,V =+5.5V,I =65mA)W A CC oCC -50-40-30-20-1001234567Frequency (GHz)M a g S 11:I n p u t R e t u r n L o s s (d B )Figure 7:Output Return Loss vs.FrequencyDe-embedded 50S-parameter(T =+25C,V =+5.5V,I =65mA)W A CC oCC -50-40-30-20-101234567Frequency (GHz)M a g S 22:O u t p u t R e t u r n L o s s (d B )元器件交易网6Data Sheet - Rev 2.010/2003AGB3302APPLICATION INFORMATIONTable 5: Bias Resistor Values forVarious Supply Voltages The AGB3302 is optimized for a bias current of 65mA. Using a +8 V supply, a bias resistor (R S ) of 38 W will provide the appropriate bias (see Figure 3). Table 5 shows the recommended value of R S for other supply voltages. Supply voltages below +8 V are not recommended for standard operation.V YL P P U S V 8+V 01+V 21+R S83Ω96Ω001Ω元器件交易网Data Sheet - Rev 2.010/2003AGB33027PACKAGE OUTLINEFigure 8: S24 Package Outline SOT-89Figure 9: Branding Specification3302LLLLNNLLLL=FOUR NUMERIC CHARACTERS元器件交易网W ARNINGANADIGICS products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems. Use of an ANADIGICS product in any such application without written consent is prohibited.IMPORTANT NOTICEANADIGICS, Inc.141 Mount Bethel RoadWarren, New Jersey 07059, U.S.A.Tel: +1 (908) 668-5000Fax: +1 (908) 668-5132URL: E-mail: Mktg@ANADIGICS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any product at any time without notice. The product specifications contained in Advanced Product Information sheets and Preliminary Data Sheets are subject to change prior to a product s formal introduction. Information in Data Sheets have been carefully checked and are assumed to be reliable; however, ANADIGICS assumes no responsibilities for inaccuracies. ANADIGICS strongly urges customers to verify that the information they are using is current before placing orders.Data Sheet - Rev 2.010/20038AGB3302元器件交易网。


第四章、GPIB / RS-232C 操作命令說明 ................................................................................ 4-1 4-1、GPIB / RS-232C 簡介 ................................................................................................ 4-1 4-2、GPIB 命令摘要 .......................................................................................................... 4-1 4-3、RS-232C 命令摘要 .................................................................................................... 4-1 4-4、3250A / 3310A / 3310C / 3330A GPIB / RS-232C 命令列表................................... 4-3 4-5、縮寫代號說明 ............................................................................................................. 4-9 4-6、GPIB / RS-232C 命令語法說明 ................................................................................ 4-9 4-7、GPIB / RS-232C 命令說明 ...................................................................................... 4-10 4-8、3250A 系列 GPIB 控制流程圖 .............................................................................. 4-23 4-9、3310A 系列 GPIB 控制流程圖.............................................................................. 4-24 4-10、3320 系列 GPIB 控制流程圖............................................................................... 4-25 4-11、3310C 系列 GPIB/RS-232 控制流程圖............................................................... 4-26



博计3310C电子负载自动 测试程序编辑说明书编辑者:朱湘元编辑日期:2010-7-10一、 电子负载仪前面板按键功能简介:二、前言:初学者在使用该博计3310C电子负载仪进入自动测试程序编辑前提下,必须先认真阅读《博计3310C系类电子负载抽取式模组使用手册说明书》,对该测试仪器前面板测试按键功能进行详细了解后,方可对该仪器进行手动及自动测试编程。

短路电流设定键电源开关负载开启设定键高低电平设定键上下限设定键三、举例说明:1、 举例:**型号旅充;2、 产品输出规格:5.0V/500mA;3、 测试项目及步骤如下(此产品总共为5步测试):3.1:空载CC=0mA,CV=4.75V-5.25V;3.2:带载CC=400mA,CV=4.75V-5.25V;3.3:恒压CV=3.6V,CC=500mA-600mA;3.4:恒压CV=5.0V,CC≤600mA;3.5:短路保护(short current),CC≤600mA;四、手动测试程序步骤编辑:开启电源开关后,前面板七段显示器全部亮起约3-5秒后,档位按键及判定窗口最终显示为“01”状态;首先按照技术资料(上述举例产品)社内测试参数要求,对该仪器进行手动测试步骤编程(首先应选择设定的档位,如:01-09自动测试档位的其中一个档位),如下图选择01档位为例:第1步:空载CC=0mA,CV=4.75V-5.25V;1.1:空载测试模式设置:选择01档位第1键,然后按MODE键选择恒流“CC”测试模式(如图1);(图1)1.2:空载状态设置:按LOAD加载键使LED灯熄灭进入空载状态(OFF状态,如图2);(图2)1.3:空载预设模式设置:按PRES预先设定模式键使LED灯亮起,此时应检查初始电流是否为0mA(如果有电流显示,则按LEVEL键将电流高低电平选择保持一致后,按粗调增减设定键将预设空载电流设定至0mA,备注:高低电平LEVEL键操作时HI/LO必须与HIGH/LOW键同步,如图3);(图3)1.4:空载上下限电压范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定技术资料要求的空载输出上下限电压范围:如下限电压设定为4.75V,上限电压设定5.25V(如图4);(图4)1.5:空载上下限电流范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定空载电流上下限范围(此项技术资料未做要求),此时一般将空载电流上限设定为10mA(一般情况下上限电流只要超过空载0mA即可),此时下限电流无须设定(备注:因空载电流本身为0mA,如图5);(图5)1.6:空载检测模式设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定Sense检测模式为Auto(如图6);(图6)1.7:空载开启电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD ON开启电压为3.0V(仪器一般初始默认状态为1.0V,如图7);(图7)1.8:空载关闭电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD OFF关闭电压为0.5V(仪器一般初始默认状态为0V,如图8);(图8)1.9:空载测试程序保存:按STORE储存键保存手动编辑的空载测试程序于01测试档位第1键(STORE键LED灯处于闪烁状态时,此时方可进行储存,如图9);(图9)第2步:带载CC=400mA,CV=4.75V-5.25V;2.1:带载测试模式设置:选择01档位第2键,然后按MODE键选择恒流“CC”测试模式(如图10);(图10)2.2:带载状态设置:按LOAD加载键使LED灯开启进入带载状态(ON状态,如图11);(图11)2.3:带载预设模式设置:按PRES预先设定模式键使LED灯亮起,按LEVEL键将电流高低电平选择保持一致后,按粗调增减设定键将预设带载电流设定400mA,(备注:高低电平LEVEL键操作时HI/LO必须与HIGH/LOW键同步,如图12);(图12)2.4:带载上下限电压范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定技术资料要求的带载输出电压上下限范围:如下限电压设定为4.75V,上限电压设定5.25V(如图13);(图13)2.5:带载上下限电流范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定带载电流上下限范围(此项技术资料未做要求),此时一般只要将带载上限电流超过带载预设带载400mA即可,如图14);(图14)2.6:带载检测模式设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定Sense检测模式为Auto(如图15);(图15)2.7:带载开启电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD ON开启电压为3.0V(仪器一般初始默认状态为1.0V,如图16);(图16)2.8:带载关闭电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD OFF关闭电压为0.5V(仪器一般初始默认状态为0V,如图17);(图17)2.9:带载测试程序保存:按STORE储存键保存手动编辑的带载测试程序于01测试档位第2键(STORE键LED灯处于闪烁状态时,此时方可进行储存,如图18);(图18)第3步:恒压CV=3.6V,CC=500mA-600mA;3.1:恒压测试模式设置:选择01档位第3键,然后按MODE键选择恒流“CV”测试模式(如图19);(图19)3.2:恒压状态设置:按LOAD加载键使LED灯开启进入恒压状态(ON状态,如图20);(图20)3.3:恒压预设模式设置:按PRES预先设定模式键使LED灯亮起,按LEVEL键将电流高低电平选择保持一致后,按粗调增减设定键将预设恒压设定为技术资料所要求的3.6V,(备注:高低电平LEVEL键操作时HI/LO必须与HIGH/LOW键同步,如图21);(图21)3.4:恒压上下限电压范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定恒压电压上下限范围(此项技术资料未做要求),此时一般只要将恒压上限电压超过恒压预设电压3.6V即可,如图22);(图22)3.5:恒压上下限输出电流范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定技术资料要求的恒压输出电流上下限范围:如下限电流设定为500mA,上限电流设定600mA (如图23);(图23)3.6:恒压检测模式设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定Sense检测模式为Auto(如图24);(图24)3.7:恒压开启电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD ON开启电压为3.0V(仪器一般初始默认状态为1.0V,如图25);(图25)3.8:恒压关闭电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD OFF关闭电压为0.5V(仪器一般初始默认状态为0V,如图26);(图26)3.9:恒压测试程序保存:按STORE储存键保存手动编辑的恒压测试程序于01测试档位第3键(STORE键LED灯处于闪烁状态时,此时方可进行储存,如图27);(图27)第4步:恒压CV=5.0V,CC≤600mA;4.1:恒压测试模式设置:选择01档位第4键,然后按MODE键选择恒流“CV”测试模式(如图28);(图28)4.2:恒压状态设置:按LOAD加载键使LED灯开启进入恒压状态(ON状态,如图29);(图29)4.3:恒压预设模式设置:按PRES预先设定模式键使LED灯亮起,按LEVEL键将电流高低电平选择保持一致后,按粗调增减设定键将预设恒压设定为技术资料所要求的5.0V,(备注:高低电平LEVEL键操作时HI/LO必须与HIGH/LOW键同步,如图30);(图30)4.4:恒压上下限电压范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定恒压电压上下限范围(此项技术资料未做要求),此时一般将恒压上限电压超过恒压预设电压5.0V即可,如图31);(图31)4.5:恒压上下限输出电流范围设置:按LIMIT 上下限粗细调增减设定键设定技术资料要求的恒压输出电流上下限范围:上限电流设定600mA ,下限电流无须设定,(如图32);4.6:恒压检测模式设置:按LIMIT 上下限粗细调增减设定键设定Sense 检测模式为Auto (如图33);(图33)4.7:恒压开启电压设置:按LIMIT 上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD ON 开启电压为3.0V (仪器一般初始默认状态为1.0V,如图34);(图34)4.8:恒压关闭电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD OFF关闭电压为0.5V(仪器一般初始默认状态为0V,如图35);(图35)4.9:恒压测试程序保存:按STORE储存键保存手动编辑的恒压测试程序于01测试档位第4键(STORE键LED灯处于闪烁状态时,此时方可进行储存,如图36);(图36)第5步:短路保护(short current),CC≤600mA;5.1: 短路测试模式设置:选择01档位第5键,然后按MODE键选择恒流“CC”测试模式(如图37);(图37)5.2:短路状态设置:按LOAD加载及SHORT键使LED灯开启进入短路状态(ON状态,如图38);(图38)5.3: 短路预设模式设置:按PRES预先设定模式键使LED灯亮起,按LEVEL键将电流高低电平选择保持一致后,按粗调增减设定键将预设短路电流设定0mA,(备注:高低电平LEVEL键操作时HI/LO必须与HIGH/LOW键同步,如图39);(图39)5.4: 短路上下限电压范围设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定技术资料要求的短路输出电压上下限范围:(此项技术资料未做要求),此时一般将短路预设上限电压设定1.0V即可,下限电压无须设定,(如图40);(图40)5.5: 短路上下限电流范围设置:按LIMIT 上下限粗细调增减设定键设定技术资料要求的短路输出电流上下限范围:上限电流设定600mA ,下限电流无须设定,如图41);(图41)5.6: 短路检测模式设置:按LIMIT 上下限粗细调增减设定键设定Sense 检测模式为Auto (如图42);(图42)5.7: 短路开启电压设置:按LIMIT 上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD ON 开启电压为3.0V (仪器一般初始默认状态为1.0V,如图43);(图43)5.8: 短路关闭电压设置:按LIMIT上下限粗细调增减设定键设定LOAD OFF关闭电压为0.5V(仪器一般初始默认状态为0V,如图44);(图44)5.9: 短路测试程序保存:按STORE储存键保存手动编辑的短路测试程序于01测试档位第5键(STORE键LED灯处于闪烁状态时,此时方可进行储存,如图45);(图45)五、自动测试程序步骤编辑:首先在确认手动存储的步骤及参数与技术资料无误的情况下,同时按住负载仪前面板上3、4编辑键进入AUTO SEQ自动测试编程(此时3、4键LED灯应同时亮起),另档位按键及判定窗口应同时显示“n1”(备注:如果此处显示的为n2- n9,则将档位键往下设定为“n1”,如图46)(图46)第1步:设定01档位第1键空载跳至第2键带载测试时间及跳跃时间(此时紧接第1步操作按STORE键,前面板01档位第1键LED灯应亮起,继续按STORE键,3、4键LED 灯此时应同时亮起,接着继续按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试时间04(0.4S),再按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试步骤之间的跳跃时间02(0.2S),如图47;第2步:设定01档位第2键带载跳至第3键恒压测试时间及跳跃时间(紧接第2步按STORE键,前面板01档位第2键LED灯应亮起,继续按STORE键,3、4键LED灯此时应同时亮起,接着继续按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试时间04(0.4S),再按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试步骤之间的跳跃时间02(0.2S),如图48;第4步:设定01档位第3键恒压跳至第4键恒压测试时间及跳跃时间(紧接第3步按STORE键,前面板01档位第3键LED灯应亮起,继续按STORE键,3、4键LED灯此时应同时亮起,接着继续按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试时间04(0.4S),再按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试步骤之间的跳跃时间02(0.2S),如图49;第5步:设定01档位第4键恒压跳至第5键短路保护测试时间及跳跃时间(紧接第4步按STORE键,前面板01档位第4键LED灯应亮起,继续按STORE键,3、4键LED灯此时应同时亮起,接着继续按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试时间04(0.4S),再按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试步骤之间的跳跃时间02(0.2S),如图50;第6步:设定01档位第5键短路返回至第1键带载测试时间及跳跃时间(紧接第5步按STORE键,前面板01档位第5键LED灯应亮起,继续按STORE键,3、4键LED灯此时应同时亮起,接着继续按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试时间04(0.4S),再按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试步骤之间的跳跃时间02(0.2S),如图51;第7步:设定01档位第1键空载返回至第1键空载测试时间及判定时间(紧接第6步按STORE键,前面板01档位第1键LED灯应亮起,继续按STORE键,3、4键LED灯此时应同时亮起,接着继续按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试时间04(0.4S),再按STORE键,档位及窗口显示区应显示测试步骤之间的判定时间02(0.2S),如图51;第8步:设定01档位所有测试步骤测试停止时间(紧接第7步按STORE键,前面板01档位第1键LED灯应亮起,继续按STORE键,3、4键LED灯此时应同时亮起,此时整个测试程序应停止在01档位第1键(同时档位及窗口显示区应显示测试停止时间00(0.0S),如果档位显示窗口未显示00测试停止时间,此时应将BANK档位往下调至00,如图52;(图52)第9步:然后紧接第8步接着按EXIT退出键或STORE键退出自动编程,此时前面板01档位判定窗口应显示“n1”状态,如图53;(图53)第10步:当第9步自动编程全部完成后,连接测试治具及输入端DC INPUT线材后,按前面板01档位START键正式进行自动测试,如图54;(图54)六、结束语:以上手动测试编程及自动测试编程步骤说明及图片仅供参考,产品测试编程的具体操作还要根据技术资料要求及实际测试状况作调试。



3302C电子负载机框操作手册1ຫໍສະໝຸດ 录PRODIGIT图形
图1.1 图2.1 图2.2 图2.3 图2.4 图3.1 图3.2 图3.3 图3.4 图4.1 图4.2 图4.3 图4.4
3302C Mainframe 方块图 ........................................................................................... 5 电源设定图..................................................................................................................... 6 保险丝座 ......................................................................................................................... 6 3302C 前板按键图/背板图....................................................................................... 8 遥控连接埠图 ................................................................................................................ 9 3302C 前面板图 .........................................................................................................10 自动动测试模式操作流程图................................................................................... 13 编辑模式操作流程图 ................................................................................................14 测试模式操作流程图 ................................................................................................15 后面板 RS.232 介面连接图....................................................................................17 3250 系列 GPIB 控制流程图 ...............................................................................36 3310A 系列 GPIB 控制流程图 ............................................................................37 3320 系列 GPIB 控制流程图 ...............................................................................38


3.2.1儲存功能操作步驟:設定好電子負載的狀態及設定值。對於 3310C 、3330A及3320 系列,用 UP 和 DOWN 鍵選擇將要存儲的BANK狀態號碼(1~30),對於 3310A 和 3250A 系列,跳到下一步。按下 3302C 面板上的儲存 (STORE) 鍵,此時儲存件的指示燈會立即以每秒一次的速度閃爍。若欲放棄儲存時,可再按一次儲存鍵或等大約20 秒鐘即離開儲存功能。
表3-1 風扇速度規格表
3302C電子負載機框前面板的8個功能鍵,對於3250、3310A系列電子負載模組其中STATE 1~5提供了使用者可以儲存/呼叫最多達5個的測試項目或狀態,對於3310C、3330A、3320 系列電子負載模組3302C 可儲存/呼叫 5 種電子負載狀態設定項目,每個項目別分為 30 種狀態,共有 150 種。3310C、3330A系列電子負載模組狀態設定於負載模組的EPROM中,3320 系列電子負載模組狀態設定於 3302C電子負載機框 EPROM中,每一組STATE (1~5)皆能儲存 (STORE)或呼叫 (RECALL)3250/3310A/3310C/3320/3330A電子負載的狀態及設定值。
1.2.1Model 3302C主機 3302C Mainframe使用手冊1本




先按MODE 进入CV模式 按PRES可 进入恒定输 出电压设定 按上下键可 进行增加或 减小输出电 压

按LEVEL(选择 高档) 高档位


按LIMIT键进 入电压上下限 设定 左边上下键设 定输出电压上 限 右边上下键设 定输出电压下 限 因目前在CV 模式定电压测 试电流,电压 规格可不设定, 可按0-60V不 变

再按LIMIT键进 入SENSE信号开 关, 按上下键可调 节SENSE开关 AUTO为自动选 择(接SENSE时 自动读取SENSE 电压,不加时 则读取负载电 压)


SENSE信号 开关,按上 下键可调节 SENSE开关 ON为手动选 择(当在ON 状态时接 SENSE读取 电压,不接 SENSE不读 取负载电压 (上下键)

电压显示 电流显示 保存键 模式键 上下限调节器 负载开关 限制 动态设定 档位选择 高档位 低档位 短路开关 接产品输出负极 接产品输出正极 SENSE信号 通道 电源开关

设定OK后 按STORE键, 灯闪时可保 存到下面15组其中一 组 负载设置组

测试产品 输出电压 超出规格 范围时显 示NG,此 为不良品 不良品实 测电压显 示 不良品实 测电流显 示


5-4-1. 独立操作模式
(A)同时将两个TRAC阻NG选择键按出, 将稳压电源设定在独 立操作模式IND EP)。 (B)调整电压( VOLTAGE)和电流(CURRENT)旋钮, 以取 得所需的电压和电流值。 (C) 将负载分别接入CHI , CH2输出端的正“+”负“-”两端上。 CHI 、CH2分别为独立两组电源供应器, 可单独使用或CHI、 CH2输出端同时使用。
图5-2单电源串联输出示意图 (E)如想得到一组共地正负直流电源, 如 53- 图接法, 将CH2的 正端当作 共地点, 则CHI输出端正极对共地点可得到正电压
(CHI表头显示值〉及正电流(CHI表头显示值〉, 而CH2输出 负极对共地点, 则可得到与CHI输出电压相同的负电压, 既所谓 跟踪式串联电压。
5-3-1. 确定所需供给的最大额定电流; 5-3-2. 用一条不小于 0.5mm2的导线将CHI 或CH2输出端+极和
一极短路; 5-3-3. 调整VOLTAGE( 电压)控制旋扭旋转到CC. 红灯亮, 调节 CURRENT( 电流)旋钮使输出电流达到预定值, 断开短路导线, 将 电压调至所需值, 连接负载即可工作。 5-4. 跟踪操作模式( TRACKING)
护, 本机自动切换到稳流工作状态, 此时应检查负载或根据使用 情况增加最大电流(顺时针调节CURRENT) ; 3. 做稳流源使用时, 输出电流小于预定值并且CV灯亮, 是开路电 压保护, 本机自动切换到稳压工作状态, 此时应检查负载或根据 使用情况增加最大电压(顺时针调节 VOLTA GE) ; 4. 做稳压源使用时, 工作不稳定, 可能是交流供电电压低于额定的 输入供电电压范围。 如果故障仍然不能解决, 请与当地经销商或 本公司联系。

LX3301A LX3302A自动校准用户指南说明书

LX3301A LX3302A自动校准用户指南说明书

LX3301A/LX3302A Auto Calibration User GuidePreliminaryMay 2018Contents1Revision History (1)1.1Revision 1.0 (1)2Software Installation and Validation (2)3Data Preparation for IPCE (7)3.1LX3301A/LX3302A EEPROM Setting for Data Capture (9)3.2How to Capture Data Using IPCE Manually (9)3.3Manual Data Capture Preparation Using LX3302A (9)3.4Data Validation (12)4Calibration Using IPCE (13)4.1Loading Data/EEPROM into IPCE (13)4.2Example Data and EEPROM Parameters Loaded (14)4.3Calibration Condition Settings (14)4.4Auto Calibration (15)4.5Auto Calibration of Phase (16)4.6Save Calibrated Result into EEPROM (17)5Data Capture Using IPCE with Microsemi Bench Control System (BCS) (19)5.1Alternative Way to Take Data Using Dongle Programmer (19)5.2Collect Measurements with Default Parameters (19)5.3Save EEPROM Data to File (21)1Revision HistoryThe revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes arelisted by revision, starting with the most current publication.1.1Revision 1.0Revision 1.0 was published in May 2018. It was the first publication of this document.2Software Installation and ValidationThe following section describes how to install and validate the software for the LX3301A/LX3302Adevice.1. Connect the dongle to the computer.2. Connect the sensor PCB to the dongle.3. Place your target at a desired air gap.The first three steps are shown in the following image.Figure 1 • System Setup4. Set up your bench system to take measurements.5. Launch Integrated Programming and Calibration Environment (IPCE), as shown.5. Launch Integrated Programming and Calibration Environment (IPCE), as shown.Figure 2 • Launch IPCE6. Verify that the port has opened, as shown.Figure 3 • Verify Port Has OpenedNote: If it cannot recognize the dongle, then install the driver provided using device manager, then unplug and replug the USB cable.7. Read EEPROM from the chip (choose AOUT 11 for LX3301A or IO3 11 for LX3302A), as shown.7. Read EEPROM from the chip (choose AOUT 11 for LX3301A or IO3 11 for LX3302A), as shown.Figure 4 • Read EEPROM from ChipIf the result is the same as default parameters or previously programmed ones, then communication has been done correctly.If the result is as shown in the following three images, then communication has not been done correctly. Note: Place the target with proper air gap distance if it won't read EEPROM correctly. Then, try to read again. Adjust the target until it reads correctly.The following image shows an example of a communication error. The sensor board is not connected or AOUT/IO3 is stuck high. All data is FFFF.Figure 5 • Example Communication ErrorThe following image shows an example in which the IC detects fault or AOUT/IO3 is stuck at 0 V. TheThe following image shows an example in which the IC detects fault or AOUT/IO3 is stuck at 0 V. The sensor board is not connected or AOUT/IO3 is stuck high. All data is 0000.Place the target in the proper position or fix AOUT/IO3 shorted GND.Figure 6 • Example of IC Detects Fault or AOUT/IO3 Stuck at 0 VThe following image shows an example of IC unpowered (VIN). VIN is not connected. Data is garbled. Figure 7 • Example of IC Unpowered8. Use the default EEPROM data and write this default EEPROM data to the chip, as shown in the8. Use the default EEPROM data and write this default EEPROM data to the chip, as shown in the following image.Figure 8 • Write Default EEPROM Data to Chip3Data Preparation for IPCEThe following section describes how to prepare the data for IPCE.IPCE supports analog, PWN, and SENT data formats.The following image shows an example of the analog data format for analog output. It provides the dataformat template.Figure 9 • Analog Data Format for Analog OutputThe following image describes the data format for analog data.Figure 10 • Data Format for Analog DataSP position—Start point position on the data (target position). See the red arrow.EP position—End point position on the data. See the blue arrow.SP AOUT(V)—Start point AOUT voltage (for example, 0.5). See the green arrow.EP AOUT(V)—End point AOUT voltage (for example, 4.5). See the purple arrow.VIN—VIN voltage supplied to the sensor board.A_Tolerance (V)—Allowable tolerance for auto calibration.The following list describes data preparation using the Excel data template.Position value must be arranged lowest to highest value (no negative slope).SP_AOUT—Must be a low setting value.EP_AOUT—Must be a high setting value.EP_AOUT—Must be a high setting value.Regardless of if the slope is negative or positive of the desired curve, SP must be a low value and EP must be a high value.SP position—Position of SP_AOUT value.EP position—Position of EP_AOUT value.Example—4.5 V (3 mm) –0.5 V (20 mm) (negative slope). SP_AOUT= 0.5 V, EP_AOUT= 4.5. SPposition= 20, EP position=3.Figure 11 • Data Format for AnalogThe following image shows the data format for PWM data.Figure 12 • Data Format for PWM DataSP position—Start point position on the data (target position). See the red arrow.EP position—End point position on the data. See the blue arrow.SP PWMDuty—Start point PWM duty (for example, 0.9). See the green arrow.EP PWMDuty—End point PWM duty (for example, 0.1). See the purple arrow.VIN—N/A.PWM_Tolerance (duty)—Allowable tolerance for auto calibration.Figure 13 • Data Format for PWM Data3.1LX3301A/LX3302A EEPROM Setting for Data CaptureIf analog output mode is selected, use measurement equipment to collect higher-resolution data.Use the EEPROM setting for uncalibrated data collection.Use Default EEPROM Data Write eeprom to chipClick , then click .Figure 14 • EEPROM Setting3.2How to Capture Data Using IPCE ManuallyIf data cannot be captured by a motorized automatic system, then it can be done manually using IPCE.Aposition measurement tool is required to get an accurate position value (linear or rotary/angular).Afterlocating the target at a given position, then record this value.Then, collect data using the customer’sbench test system.Replace the position/measured data into template file.3.3Manual Data Capture Preparation Using LX3302AThe following steps prepare to manually capture the data using the LX3302A.1. Configure IO2 as SENT and IO3 as DAC and enable debug by choosing ADC1, as shown.Figure 15 • Manual Data Capture ConfigurationSensor measurement2. In the tab, check IO2 and IO3 to see the measurements, as shown.Figure 16 • Sensor Measurements TabCapture Data3. Press to record the data. Move the target to the next position and repeat this step until all desired data is captured.Save Datalog4. Press the button if data is captured by IPCE.Save Datalog4. Press the button if data is captured by IPCE.Figure 17 • Update Target OutputAfter completing a run with default parameter, save all the data in one of the templates shownSave Datalog previously; or, if you have taken this data through the dongle, you can simply press . Figure 18 • Save DataLog3.4Data ValidationAfter data collection, check if the data is valid to use.In Excel, plot and check that the curve is not intermittent and does not have drops.The following is an example of invalid data.Figure 19 • Invalid Data4Calibration Using IPCEThe following section describes calibration using IPCE.4.1Loading Data/EEPROM into IPCELoad Bench Data From File1. In the IPCE GUI, click , as shown.Figure 20 • Load Bench Data From File2. Select the data file captured and prepared as given data format (Excel).OK3. When the following window appears, click .Figure 21 • Success WindowLoad EEProm Data From File3. Click , as shown.Figure 22 • Load EEProm Data From Fileeeprom data stored Read eeprom from chip4. Select or click . Finally, data and EEPROM parameters areloaded into IPCE to do autocal and simulation.4.2Example Data and EEPROM Parameters LoadedThe following image shows an example of loaded data and EEPROM parameters.Figure 23 • Example Loaded Data and EEProm Para Loaded4.3Calibration Condition SettingsThe following image shows the calibration condition settings. The example given is 35 mV. This meansthat any given position on the output could be accurate within 35 mV.IF ANALOG (DAC) output is used, measure VIN from the sensor board connector.Analog Tol= the Autocal system will calibrate up to this accuracy.Figure 24 • Calibration Condition Setting4.4Auto CalibrationOnce the bench data from the file is loaded, phase and calibration can be completed.linear Cal phase Cal1. Check the box for both and .Auto Calibration2. Click .Figure 25 • Auto CalibrationCalibration is complete. The result is shown in Simulated Tolerance.The following image shows auto calibration of phase and gain.Figure 26 • Auto Calibration of Phase and Gain4.5Auto Calibration of PhaseThe following steps and image describe how to auto calibrate phase.linear Cal phase Cal1. Uncheck the box for and check the box for .Auto Calibration2. Press . Then, the new values of SSIN, SCOS, and GMTCH should appear.write Eeprom to chip3. Burn this into the IC by .Figure 27 • Auto Calibration of PhaseRun Simulation And Open Manual Calibration Environment5. Click to open the manual calibrationenvironment, shown in the following image.Figure 28 • Manual Calibration EnvironmentSIM_OUT_ERROR Zoom6. Check the box for to get the MaxErr number that IPCE can achieve. Select toSIM_OUT_ERROR Zoom6. Check the box for to get the MaxErr number that IPCE can achieve. Select tosee error versus position. The following image shows an example simulation.Figure 29 • Example Simulation4.6Save Calibrated Result into EEPROMThe following steps describe how to save the calibrated result into EEPROM.1. When the auto calibration simulation result is acceptable, restore all test modes into normal mode.VIN POR Err2. Uncheck all boxes, except on DIAGMK, as shown.Figure 30 • Uncheck Boxes0 =Normal3. For IO1, IO2, and IO3 Mode, select, as shown.Figure 31 • Normal Mode00000=Disabled4. For DEBUG, select , as shown.00000=Disabled4. For DEBUG, select , as shown.Figure 32 • Debug5. For REFRESH, select the desired rate, as shown.Figure 33 • Refreshwrite eeprom to chip6. Click .Save EEProm Data to File7. Click . Then, select the proper file save location and type in the filename to store (for example, SN_01_Final_eeprom).Recapture the data with calibrated EEPROM parameters and verify the result.Repeat the previous steps, skipping auto calibration. If the result is acceptable, then the process is complete.5Data Capture Using IPCE with Microsemi Bench Control System (BCS)The following section describes how to use the Microsemi bench control system (BCS) to capture data. 5.1Alternative Way to Take Data Using Dongle ProgrammerThe following instructions enable the programmer dongle to take measurements.1. Configure IO2 as SENT.2. Configure IO3 as DAC.3. Enable debug by choosing ADC1.Write eeprom to chip4. Select to write these parameters to EEPROM.5. Read EEPROM to verify these parameters.6. Select the Sensor measurement tab to view the measurements.5.2Collect Measurements with Default ParametersAt this moment in calibration, measurement data needs to be collected using default parameters. Runthe bench system and collect data simultaneously. You can choose to make your own measurementsthrough external test equipment. Depending on what type of data you want to collect (analog or digital),you can use the Aout and Dout pins. For LX3302A, use IO3 as the Aout and IO2 as Dout. Data taken mustbe in one of the two formats, as shown in the following image, to be compatible with the autocalibration function. At least 18 measurements are required, no maximum limit.Figure 34 • Data FormatsThe following image shows how to set the calibration condition in the datalog file.The following image shows how to set the calibration condition in the datalog file. Figure 35 • Calibration Condition SettingThe following image shows an example datafile with a negative slope.Figure 36 • Example Datafile with Negative SlopeThe following image show an example of post autocal.The following image show an example of post autocal.Figure 37 • Example of Post Autocal5.3Save EEPROM Data to FileAfter you have saved the default parameters file, save the EEPROM data to file.Save the current EEPROM parameters. You can do this by simply clicking , asSave EEProm Data to FileDefault eeprom parametersshown in the following image. Name this .Figure 38 • Save EEProm Data to FileMicrosemi Corporate HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email:***************************© 2018 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and together with, or installed in, any end-products. Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi. It is the Buyer's responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided "as is, where is" and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.Microsemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions; security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, and has approximately 4,800 employees globally. Learn more at .MSCC-0236-UG-01000-1.0-0518。



目录第一章、概论……………………………………………….…………..……..…. .……..…31.1整体说明………………………………………………………….………. ……... ...31.23250系列电子负载的特性…………………………………….……..…. ……... ...51.3附件…………………………………………………………….…………. ……... ...51.4规格 (6)第二章、安装…………………………………………………………….……….………...82.1 装入及拔出3250系列电子负载 (9)第三章、操作……………………………………………………………….………….……..103.1 前面板说明………………………………………………………….…………….…..103.2 频率(Freq)的设定、波形库(Bank)与同步(Sync)信号的选择……..…….………..163.3 3250系列电子负载模组的起始设定参数………………………...……….……….173.4 负载输入连接器与连接引线的考虑事项…………………….……………………..203.5 负载电流粗调、微调、增量及减量调整……………………….…………….…….213.6 I monitor(输出)………………………………………….…………………………223.7 电子负载模组的操作流程…………………………………….……………….……..233.8 保护特性……………………………………………………….…………….….…….24第四章、应用 (26)4.1 固定电流(CC)操作模式应用……………………………..….………….….…….264.2 固定电阻(CR)操作模式应用………………………………...………….………..274.3 3250并联操作应用……………………………………………...…………………..27附录一、3250 r2.00版波形资料库………………………………...…………….……….28附录二、3250 r2.01版波形资料库………………………………...…………….……….30附录三、交流或直流电子负载的设定……………………….……….…………………..32图形图1.1 3250 0~60V/0~20A电子负载功率曲线图 (3)图1.2 3251 0~150V/0~8A电子负载功率曲线图 (3)图1.3 3252 0~300V/0~4A 电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.4 3253 0~500V/0~1A 电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.5 固定电流模式特性图 (4)图1.6 固定电阻模式特性图 (5)图2.1 3250系列电子负载模组固定螺丝位置图 (8)图2.2 3250系列电子负载模组装入及拔出图 (9)图3.1 3250系列电子负载的前面板 (10)图3.2 典型的3250系列电子负载连接方式 (14)图3.3 同步信号说明 (17)图3.4 3250系列电子负载操作流程图 (23)表格表1.1 3250系列规格表 (6)表3.1 3250系列电子负载I monitor规格表 (15)表3.2 3250系列内建波形资料库 (16)表3.3 3250起始状态设定 (18)表3.4 3251起始状态设定 (18)表3.5 3252起始状态设定 (19)表3.6 3253起始状态设定 (19)表3.7 3250系列负载电流粗调、微调、增量及减量调整表 (21)表3.8 3250系列电子负载过电压保护设定值 (24)表3.9 3250系列电子负载过电流保护设定值 (24)表3.10 3250系列电子负载过功率保护设定值 (25)实用文档第一章、 概论1.1、整体说明3250系列电子负载模组是用来测试及评估交/直流电源供应器的规格特性,蓄电池的寿命特性等用途。



如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!3302C Mainframe使用手冊PRODIGIT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.博計電子股份有限公司台北縣新店市民權路42巷59弄10號4樓:886-02-29182620FAX :886-02-29129870S/N:90033023 REV:A如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!3302C Mainframe 使用手冊目錄第1章簡介................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1-1.特性 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-2 1-2.標準配備 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-2 1-3.選用配備 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-2 1-4.規格 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-2 1-5.系統方塊圖 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1-3第2章安裝................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2-1.安裝前的準備 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2-1 2-2.電源的設定與檢查................................................................................................................................................................. 2-1 2-3.接地需求 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-2 2-4.環境需求 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-2 2-5.維修及校正服務..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-2 2-6.GPIB 介面功能 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3 2-7.RS-232 介面功能................................................................................................................................................................... 2-4 2-8.遙控裝置 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-4第3章操作說明........................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3-1.電源開關 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-2 3-2.儲存/呼叫(STORE/RECALL) 操作 ..................................................................................................................................... 3-3 3-3.AUTO SEQ 功能操作說明.................................................................................................................................................... 3-4第4章GPIB/RS-232操作命令說明........................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4-1.GPIB/RS-232 簡介................................................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4-2.GPIB 命令摘要 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4-3.RS-232 命令摘要................................................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4-4.3320/3250/3310A/3310C/3330A GPIB/RS-232 命令列表 .................................................................................................... 4-3 4-5.縮寫代號說明 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4-6 4-6.GPIB /RS-232 命令語法說明................................................................................................................................................ 4-6 4-7.GPIB /RS-232 命令說明........................................................................................................................................................ 4-7 4-8.3250 系列GPIB 控制流程圖............................................................................................................................................ 4-21 4-9.3310A 系列GPIB 控制流程圖 ......................................................................................................................................... 4-22 4-10.3320 系列GPIB 控制流程圖.......................................................................................................................................... 4-23如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!Figure圖1-1 3302C Mainframe 方塊圖........................................................................................................................................... 1-3圖2-1 電源設定圖................................................................................................................................................................. 2-1圖2-2 保險絲座..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1圖2-3 3302C 前板按鍵圖/背板圖 ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3圖2-4 遙控連接埠圖............................................................................................................................................................. 2-4圖3-1 3302C 前面板圖 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-1圖3-2 自動動測試模式操作流程圖 ..................................................................................................................................... 3-4圖3-3 編輯模式操作流程圖 ................................................................................................................................................. 3-5圖3-4 測試模式操作流程圖 ................................................................................................................................................. 3-6圖4-1 後面板RS-232 介面連接圖 ..................................................................................................................................... 4-2圖4-2 3250 系列GPIB 控制流程圖 ................................................................................................................................. 4-21圖4-3 3310A 系列GPIB 控制流程圖............................................................................................................................... 4-22圖4-4 3320 系列GPIB 控制流程圖 ................................................................................................................................. 4-23 Table表1-1 3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A 系列簡單規格表 .................................................................................................... 1-1表1-2 規格表......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2表3-1 風扇速度規格表 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-2表4-1 設定預置數值命令/查詢預置數值命令 .................................................................................................................... 4-3表4-2 STAGE 設定命令/查詢命令 ....................................................................................................................................... 4-4表4-3 LIMIT 設定預置數值命令/查詢預置數值命令......................................................................................................... 4-5表4-4 系統設定命令/查詢命令............................................................................................................................................ 4-5表4-5 系統設定命令/查詢命................................................................................................................................................ 4-5表4-6 系統設定命令/查詢命................................................................................................................................................ 4-5表4-7 命令結束字元表 ......................................................................................................................................................... 4-6表4-8 波形資料表................................................................................................................................................................. 4-7表4-9 各系列可工作模組表 ............................................................................................................................................... 4-14表4-10 3310A 系列電流及電阻的規格表.......................................................................................................................... 4-15表4-11 3250 系列ERR 狀態暫存器................................................................................................................................. 4-17表4-12 各系列機型編號表 ................................................................................................................................................. 4-19第 1 章簡介Model 3302C 電子負載機框乃是為了 3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A 系列抽取式電子負載模組而設計的單組控制機框,3302C 機框必需與 3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A 系列插入式電子負載模組組合起來才可操作,目前本公司產生的 3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A 系列抽取式電子負載模組的簡單規格如表 1-1 所示,詳細規格請參考各系列電子負載使用手冊,或與本公司營業部聯絡取得詳細資料。

(@未提供品牌名称@) 3300 系列电子负载机框商品参考手册说明书

(@未提供品牌名称@) 3300 系列电子负载机框商品参考手册说明书

3300系列电子负载机框特性:适合3310F 系列直流负载模块 适合3310D 系列直流负载模块 适合3320系列直流负载模块 适合3250A 系列交直流负载模块 适合3330A 系列直流负载模块 负载模块弹性安装组合 3301A内含五组记忆3300F、3305F、3302F、3300C、3302C 机框内含150组记忆 可选用外部呼叫记忆键说明: 3302C 为300W 机框,适合安装任何单个3310D/3320/3250A/3330A 系列负载模块。

3300F 为1200W 机框,适合安装任何组合的3310F 系列负载模块。

3300C 为1200W 机框,适合安装任何组合的3310D/3250A/3330A 系列负载模块。

3301A 为1200W 机框,适合安装任何组合的3320系列负载模块。

3300F 系列、3300C 系列机框上之记忆按键或遥控按键,提供方便的单键操作,便可立即呼叫出所有负载模块的预先存储状态。

仅需一个GPIB 地址便可遥控所有的负载。

应用:AC-DC 电源供应器DC-DC、DC-AC 转换器电池放电电池充电器功率零组件一般规格: 输入电源:115/230Vac±10%,50/60Hz 散热方式:风扇冷却标准附件:输入电源线,一条 BNC-BNC 电缆,一条 操作手册,一本选件:13300F714 GPIB 卡 13300F707 RS232卡 13300F716 USB 卡 13300F705 LAN 卡13300F715 GPIB+RS23213300F816 3300F I/O 扩充卡13341G810 3341G/3342G/3343G 延迟测试板 133410F810 33401G 延迟测试板 CPIB-1屏蔽式GPIB 电缆,1米 CPIB-2屏蔽式GPIB 电缆,2米 9933F 系列摇控器9931C 遥控器(适用于3300C/3302C)占位模块3302C 300W 单组电子负载机框3305F 600W 单组电子负载机框3300C 1200W 单组电子负载机框。

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150 mm×177 mm×445 mm
NET:5.5 Kg
圖1-1 3302C Mainframe方塊圖
表1-1 3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A系列簡單規格表
Model 3302C是一個操作簡單、經濟型的電子負載機框,包含列特性:
20 Arms
60 Vrms
300 W
8 Arms
150 Vrms
300 W
4 Arms
300 Vrms
300 W
1 Arms
500 Vrms
300 W
30 A
60 V
150 W
60 A
60 V
300 W
10 A
250 V
300 W
5 A
500 V
200 W
15 A
60 V
75 W
30 A
60 V
150 W
60 A
60 V
300 W
10 A
250 V

3-3.AUTO SEQ功能操作說明3-4
4-6.GPIB /RSIB /RS-232命令說明4-7
表4-10 3310A系列電流及電阻的規格表4-15

Model 3302C電子負載機框乃是為了3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A系列抽取式電子負載模組而設計的單組控制機框,3302C機框必需與3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A系列插入式電子負載模組組合起來才可操作,目前本公司產生的3250/3310A/3320/3310C/3330A系列抽取式電子負載模組的簡單規格如表1-1所示,詳細規格請參考各系列電子負載使用手冊,或與本公司營業部聯絡取得詳細資料。
2.2.2背板之開關設定請參考圖2-1,設定正確的使用工作電壓,電壓的設定說明如下:設定開關到115 V位置即設定使用電壓為115 V。設定開關到230 V位置即設定使用電壓為230 V。
300 W
10 A
400 V
150 W
5 A
500 V
200 W
15 A
60 V
75 W
3302C Mainframe
S/N:90033023 REV:A
3302C Mainframe使用手冊目錄
50/60 Hz
1A/250V(5×20 mm)
0.5A/250V(5×20 mm)
40 W
1.2.1Model 3302C主機1台
1.1.3Model 3302C Mainframe使用手冊1本
1.3.4D-SUB 9 Pin (公) to D-SUB 9 Pin (母)連接電纜線長度1米。
1.1.5具有RS-232界面,可連接PC,NOTE BOOK PC等作自動測試。
1.1.6GPIB選用配備,可輕易達成自動化控制,GPIB 位址由前板設定。
1.1 99931C遙控器,提供使用者遠端操作5組儲存/呼叫功能,用“NG”指示燈顯示當前測試狀況,最適合線上使用。