Secure Internet Channeling Agent for Searching and Delivering Media Content
kaspersky embedded systems security 管理员指南说明书
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IE8访问大华监控主机报 windows已经阻止此软件因为无法验证发行者 的解决方案----亲测通过
降低IE安全级别,打开Internet Explorer,选择工具---Internet选项--安全---自定义级别---安全设置---“ActiveX控件和插件下”的第5个“下载未签名的ActiveX控件”选择提示----确定!(可以把这里面的ActiveX控件全部启用,但如果上互联网建议不要全开起。
broadcast-probe reply disable
broadcast-probe reply disablebroadcast-probe reply disable是一种网络设置的功能,它可以禁用网络广播探测的回复。
为了禁用广播探测的回复,可以按照以下步骤进行操作:1. 登录到网络设备的管理界面。
2. 寻找关于广播探测的配置选项。
3. 在广播探测的配置选项中,找到相关的设置项。
可能会有一个名为"broadcast-probe reply"的选项。
4. 将该选项的值设置为"disable"。
5. 保存更改并重新启动网络设备。
解决Windows Server 2008弹出Internet Explorer增强安全配置正在阻止来自下列网站的内容作者:SNSGOU发布于:2013-07-04 14:21:21 分类:Windows服务器评论(0)浏览(1471)在默认状态下,使用Windows Server 2008系统自带的IE浏览器访问网页内容时,我们时常发现“Internet Explorer增强安全配置正在阻止来自下列网站的内容”的提示导致不能打开网站。
但是又不能修改默认的最安全级别,如下图所示解决方案如下:其实造成这种故障的最主要原因就是Windows Server 2008系统新增加了IE增强安全配置功能,在该功能在默认状态下会处于启用状态,这时我们就无法随意改变IE浏览器安全区域上的安全级别。
要想自行改变IE浏览器安全区域上的安全级别,我们只要按照如下步骤取消IE增强安全配置功能的启用状态就可以了:首先在Windows Server 2008系统环境下关闭所有已经打开的IE浏览器窗口,之后依次单击“开始”->“程序”->“管理工具”->“服务器管理器”命令(其实,在“搜索”中直接搜索“服务器管理器”即可!),在弹出的服务器管理器窗口中,找到“安全信息”设置项,单击其中的“配置IE ESC”选项,打开如下图所示的IE增强安全配置窗口在“管理员”下,选中“禁用”选项,同时在“用户”下,选中“禁用”选项,最后单击“确定”按钮,那样一来Windows Server 2008服务器系统就能将IE增强安全配置功能临时关闭了。
9.全盘扫描,关键区域扫描,自定义扫描(三个都如此设置) 检测到威胁后的操作,选择操作,清除无法清除则删除。
user-agent 内容描述
一、什么是 User-Agent在网络通信中,User-Agent 是客户端软件(通常是网页浏览器)中包含的一个特殊字符串标识。
二、User-Agent 的组成User-Agent 字符串通常包含了客户端软件的名称、版本号、操作系统信息等内容。
一个典型的 User-Agent 可能是这样的:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36这个 User-Agent 描述了一个使用了 Chrome 87 浏览器的 Windows 10 操作系统客户端的信息。
三、User-Agent 的作用1. 浏览器兼容性:全球信息站服务器可以根据 User-Agent 的信息,选择性地返回兼容特定浏览器的内容,以保证最佳的浏览体验。
2. 流量统计和分析:全球信息站可以通过收集 User-Agent 信息,对访问者的使用习惯、偏好等进行统计和分析,为优化全球信息站内容和用户体验提供数据支持。
3. 安全防护:全球信息站服务器可以根据不同 User-Agent 的特征,进行黑白名单策略的制定,以防范恶意请求和攻击行为。
四、User-Agent 的变化与隐私保护随着隐私保护意识的增强,越来越多的用户开始关注自己的隐私安全。
一些浏览器和全球信息站为了保护用户隐私,采取了对 User-Agent进行匿名化处理的策略,从而减少客户端信息的泄露。
但是,同时也有一些危害用户隐私的行为,如一些恶意软件利用伪装的 User-Agent 信息,骗取服务器信任以进行恶意操作。
五、User-Agent 的定制和修改一些高级用户可能需要自己定制或修改 User-Agent 信息,来适应特定的访问需求。
解决“正在检测代理服务器设置……”的问题?(完整版)2008-05-15 15:01最近每打开IE 下栏都显示“正在检测代理服务器设置...”
Байду номын сангаас
netconf message framing error
netconf message framing error
“netconf message framing error”的意思是“网络配置消息帧错误”。
- 网络设备故障:设备可能存在硬件或软件问题,导致无法正确处理网络配置消息。
- 配置错误:网络配置可能存在语法错误或不符合网络设备的要求。
- 网络连接问题:网络连接可能由于网络拥塞、干扰或其他原因而不可靠,导致消息丢失或损坏。
- 检查网络设备的配置:确保配置正确且符合设备的要求。
- 检查网络连接:确保网络连接可靠,没有干扰或其他问题。
- 重启网络设备:有时重启设备可以解决临时性问题。
- 联系网络设备供应商:如果问题仍然存在,请联系设备供应商寻求技术支持。
如果你对“netconf message framing error”的解决方法还有其他疑问,可以继续向我提问。
3030 型打印机 扫描器单元 操作说明书 打印机参考
简介 本手册包含本设备操作使用的详细说明和注意事项。为了您的安全和利益, 请在使用本设备之前仔细阅 读本手册。将本手册放在垂手可得之处以备快速参考。 重要事项 本手册的内容如有变动,恕不另行通知。对于因操作和使用本设备而导致的直接的、间接的、特殊的、 偶然的或必然的损失,本公司概不负责。 切勿复制或印刷法律禁止翻印的任何项目。 通常,本地法律禁止复制或印刷以下项目: 纸币,印花税票,债券,股票,银行汇票,支票,护照,驾驶执照。 以上只是举例并不包括所有项目。 我们对其完整和精确不承担责任。 如果您对复制或印刷某些项目的 法律性有任何疑问,请联络您的法律顾问。 警告 如果不按照本手册所述控制、调整或执行步骤,则可能导致危险的辐射伤害。 本手册内使用两种尺寸标注。对于本设备,请参照公制尺寸标注。 商标 Microsoft®、 Windows® 和 Windows NT® 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和 / 或其它国家的注册商标。 Adobe®、PostScript®、Acrobat®、PageMaker® 和 Adobe Type Manager 是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的注 册商标。 PCL® 是 Hewlett-Packard Company 的注册商标。 Apple、AppleTalk、EtherTalk、Macintosh、Mac OS 和 TrueType 是 Apple Computer, Inc. 在美国和其他国 家注册的商标。 Rendezvous 是 Apple Computer, Inc. 的商标。 IPS-PRINTTM Printer Language Emulation© 版权所有 2000, Oak Technology, Inc. 保留所有权利。 UNIX 是在美国和其他国家的注册商标,通过 X/Open Company Limited 获得专有许可。 Bluetooth® 字标和标示属 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 所有,Ricoh Company, Ltd. 对此类标示的使用已经过许可。 NetWare 是 Novell, Inc. 的注册商标。 本手册涉及的其它产品名称只用作识别目的, 有可能分别是相应公司的商标。我们否认对这些标记拥有 任何部分或全部权利。 Windows 操作系统的正确名称如下所示: • Windows® 95 的产品名称是 Microsoft® Windows® 95 • Windows® 98 的产品名称是 Microsoft® Windows® 98 • Windows® Me 的产品名称是 Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition (Windows Me) • Windows® 2000 的产品名称如下所示: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server • Windows® XP 的产品名称如下所示: Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional • Windows ServerTM 2003 的产品名称如下: Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Standard Edition Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Enterprise Edition Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Web Edition • Windows NT® 4.0 的产品名称如下: Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation 4.0 Microsoft® Windows NT® Server 4.0 注 本手册中的一些图例可能会因机器不同而略有差异。 在某些国家出售的机型上可能没有某些选购件。更详细的信息,请您与当地的经销商联系。
windows 10 mmagent用法 -回复
windows 10 mmagent用法-回复Windows 10中的mmagent是一个强大的命令行工具,它可以让用户在系统上运行各种管理和监控任务。
1. 什么是mmagent- mmagent是Windows 10操作系统中自带的一个命令行工具,可以用于管理和监控系统。
- mmagent通过提供一系列命令和参数,可以让用户执行各种系统管理任务,例如文件操作、进程管理、性能监控等。
2. 安装和配置mmagent- mmagent是Windows 10操作系统中默认安装的,所以不需要额外安装。
- 若要配置mmagent,可以通过编辑mmagent的配置文件或使用命令行选项来更改工具的行为。
3. mmagent的基本用法- mmagent的命令行语法通常是“mmagent [命令] [参数]”,用户可以根据自己的需求输入不同的命令和参数组合。
- 像其他命令行工具一样,mmagent也可以通过在命令后加上“/?”或“-h”来获取帮助信息和具体命令的使用方法。
4. 文件操作命令- mmagent提供了一系列文件操作命令,例如复制文件、移动文件、删除文件等。
- 用户可以使用这些文件操作命令来管理文件和文件夹,如创建、删除、修改文件的属性等。
5. 进程管理命令- mmagent还提供了一些进程管理命令,可以让用户查看系统中运行的进程、启动和停止进程等。
- 这些进程管理命令对于识别和终止恶意进程或处理占用过多系统资源的进程非常有用。
6. 系统性能监控命令- mmagent还具备一些系统性能监控命令,允许用户实时监控系统的性能指标,如CPU使用率、内存使用情况等。
- 用户可以使用这些性能监控命令来识别系统性能瓶颈,了解系统的状态并进行有效优化。
7. 远程管理命令- 除本地管理外,mmagent还支持远程管理。
Kaspersky Internet Security 6.0 说明书
使用手冊目錄一、前言-----------------------------------------------------3二、安裝環境需求-----------------------------------------5三、安裝說明-----------------------------------------------6四、一般操作----------------------------------------------15Protection ----------------------------------------------16FileAnti-Virus(檔案防護)-------------------------------17Mail Anti-Virus(郵件保護)-------------------------------21Web Anti-Virus(網頁保護)-------------------------------24Proactive Defense(免疫防護)--------------------------27Anti-Spy(間諜程式防護)---------------------------------30Anti-Hacker ---------------------------------------------32Anti-Spam(垃圾郵件防護)-------------------------------35Scan (檔案掃描)-----------------------------------------40Service ------------------------------------------------44一、前言Kaspersky®Internet Security 6.0 是完全的整合式解決方案,可使您的電腦防止來自網際網路的所有主要威脅,包括病毒、駭客攻擊、垃圾信件與間諜軟體。
HP Hewlett-Packard 说明书
入门指南Hewlett-Packard 产品和服务的所有保修限于这些产品与服务所附带的明确声明。
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未经 HP 事先书面许可,不得将本文档的任何部分影印、复制或翻译成其他语言。
Hewlett-Packard CompanyP.O. Box 4010Cupertino, CA 95015-4010USACopyright © 2000-2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.截至 2008 年 8 月 28 日之前,在美国可能获得美国专利号 4,930,158 与4,930,160 中一种或两种的许可。
Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
HP 支持科技产品在法律允许范围内的使用,我们不认可、也不鼓励我们的产品被用于著作权法所不允许的目的。
目录安装电脑 (1)组装电脑 (1)将电脑放置到适当的位置 (1)使用电涌保护设备 (1)连接到电脑 (2)存放文档和复原光盘 (4)首次启动您的电脑 (4)设置和连接 Internet (5)配置和注册 Norton Internet Security 软件 (6)安全舒适地使用电脑 (7)注册软件更新 (7)在新电脑上设置帐户 (8)创建用户帐户 (8)创建密码 (9)安装软件和硬件设备的指导 (9)使用 HP 和 Compaq 产品 (10)将文件和设置从旧电脑转移到新电脑 (10)使用 HP Organize 或 Compaq Organize 软件 (10)使用键盘 (11)自定义键盘按钮 (13)使用电脑机箱顶部 (15)使用支撑架 (15)iii配置扬声器和声音选项 (19)步骤 1:连接扬声器 (19)音频接口类型 (19)扬声器配置 (22)扬声器类型 (23)连接 2.1(2个扬声器和一个低音炮)音频扬声器 (23)连接 4.1(4个扬声器和一个低音炮)音频扬声器 (24)连接 5.1(5个扬声器和一个低音炮)音频扬声器 (25)连接 7.1(7个扬声器和一个低音炮)音频扬声器 (27)将家用音频系统连接到电脑 (29)2 或 2.1 家用立体声系统的安装 (30)5.1(5 个扬声器和一个低音炮)家用音频系统的安装 (31)5.1(5 个扬声器和一个低音炮)家用音频系统的安装过程 (32)连接数字音频 (33)步骤 2:配置音频软件 (34)使用 Multi-channel Sound Manager 配置音频输出 (35)使用 Sound Effect Manager 配置音频输出 (37)使用 Realtek HD Sound Effect Manager 配置音频输出 (39)配置多音源音频 (41)步骤 3:为媒体软件程序配置声音 (43)选择录音设备 (44)解决关于声音的问题 (44)配置 Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi 声卡(仅适用于部分型号) (45)连接扬声器 (45)配置声卡软件 (46)配置 FlexiJack 接口 (46)使用声卡进行录音 (47)Sound Blaster X-Fi 配置模式 (47)详细信息 (48)使用读卡器 (49)使用读卡器 (50)媒体插入指南 (51)使用 HP Personal Media Drive (53)连接硬盘驱动器 (54)插入硬盘驱动器 (55)定位硬盘驱动器并为之分配一个盘符 (56)使用硬盘驱动器 (57)断开硬盘驱动器的连接 (58)iv入门指南处理数码图像 (59)使用 HP Photosmart Premier (60)播放 CD 和 DVD (63)播放音乐 CD (63)播放 DVD (63)使用国家/地区编码 (64)使用 Windows Media Player 播放 CD 和 DVD (64)播放视频 CD(VCD) (65)使用 Windows Media Player 播放视频 CD(VCD) (65)制作音频和数据光盘 (67)刻录前请擦除光盘上的内容 (68)制作音频 CD (68)验证音频文件刻录是否无误 (69)音频 CD 提示 (69)制作音频 CD (70)制作 jukebox 光盘 (70)制作数据 DVD 和 CD (71)验证数据光盘刻录是否无误 (71)数据光盘提示 (71)制作数据光盘 (72)复制 DVD 或 CD (73)将文件归档至 CD 或 DVD (73)处理映像文件 (74)制作映像文件 (74)从映像文件进行烧录 (74)使用 LightScribe 制作光盘标签 (75)Lightscribe 需求 (75)使用 Sonic Express Labeler 烧录 LightScribe 标签 (75)使用胶粘光盘标签 (76)兼容性信息 (76)光盘特性及兼容性图表 (77)光驱快速参考图表 (78)软件快速参考图表 (79)v制作视频光盘和影片 (81)开始捕获影片之前 (81)Sonic MyDVD Video 项目 (82)制作视频项目 (82)将文件添加到视频项目 (83)为视频项目捕获视频 (83)将幻灯片添加到视频项目 (84)将子菜单添加到视频项目 (84)编辑视频项目的样式 (85)编辑影像文件 (85)将视频项目刻录到光盘 (86)使用 Direct-to-Disc 向导制作视频项目 (87)视频质量和光盘尺寸 (88)DVD 刻录时间 (89)使用 muvee autoProducer 制作影像 (91)制作影像的基本步骤 (91)查找 muvee autoProducer (92)使用 muvee autoProducer (93)入门 (93)从数码视频摄像机截取影像 (94)加入影像 (95)加入图片 (97)加入音乐 (97)选择风格 (98)更改设置 (98)加入开场标题和结束署名 (99)制作影像 (100)预览影像 (100)修改影像 (101)保存影像项目 (102)将影像项目刻录到光碟 (103)获取帮助 (105)查找屏幕指南 (105)从网络上查找指南 (105)使用屏幕上的“帮助和支持中心” (106)使用 PC 帮助和工具 (106)使用 HP(或 Compaq 连接)更新信息 (106)获取消息 (107)关闭消息 (107)重新激活消息 (108)索引 (109)vi入门指南安装电脑警告:您所购买的电脑,已经根据其销往的国家/地区预先设好了电源。
mcafee endpoint security 工作原理 -回复
mcafee endpoint security 工作原理-回复McAfee Endpoint Security是一种终端安全解决方案,可以有效保护企业网络和终端设备免受各种网络威胁的影响。
本文将逐步介绍McAfee Endpoint Security的工作原理。
McAfee Endpoint Security的工作原理可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 安装和配置:首先,需要将McAfee Endpoint Security软件安装到终端设备上。
这些配置将决定McAfee Endpoint Security的工作方式和行为。
2. 检测和防御:安装并配置完成后,McAfee Endpoint Security将开始主动监测终端设备的活动和运行状态。
如果发现有可疑的活动或威胁存在,McAfee Endpoint Security 将采取相应的防御措施,如隔离文件、阻止网络连接或强制终端设备重新启动等。
3. 实时保护和更新:McAfee Endpoint Security可以提供实时的保护和更新机制,以应对不断出现的新威胁和漏洞。
4. 高级威胁检测和响应:除了基本的防御机制外,McAfee Endpoint Security还配备了高级的威胁检测和响应功能。
当发现有高级威胁时,McAfee Endpoint Security 可以自动触发响应动作,如阻止攻击、通知管理员或生成报告等。
SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat
2 Energy Manager PRO Client................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6
Basics ................................................................................................................................ 19 Start Energy Manager ........................................................................................................ 19 Client as navigation tool..................................................................................................... 23 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 Search for object................................................................................................................ 31 Quicklinks.......................................................................................................................... 33 Create Quicklinks ............................................................................................................... 33 Editing Quicklinks .............................................................................................................. 35 Help .................................................................................................................................. 38
那一刻我长大了英语作文我敢面对黑暗全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Moment I Grew Up: Daring to Face the DarknessLife is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. For most of my childhood, I floated along blissfully unaware of the harsh realities that lurked in the shadows. I was cocooned in a world of innocence, shielded from the darkness by the protective embrace of my family. However, there came a pivotal moment when the veil was lifted, and I was thrust headfirst into a realm of harsh truths that would forever alter my perspective.It was a crisp autumn evening, the kind where the air carried a hint of woodsmoke and the trees were adorned in their vibrant farewell hues. My family and I had just finished dinner, and as per our routine, we settled in the living room to watch a movie together. Little did I know that the film we had chosen would be the catalyst that propelled me into a new phase of maturity.The movie in question was a harrowing tale of human resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity. As the opening scenes unfolded, I found myself transfixed by the raw,unadulterated portrayal of suffering and injustice that played out before my eyes. With each passing moment, the rose-tinted glasses through which I had viewed the world slowly cracked and shattered, revealing the harsh realities that had been obscured from my sight.I watched in stunned silence as the characters endured unspeakable horrors, their lives torn asunder by forces beyond their control. The weight of their struggles was palpable, and for the first time, I felt a profound connection to the human experience in all its complexities. It was as though a veil had been lifted, and I was finally seeing the world through unclouded eyes.As the credits rolled, I sat motionless, my mind reeling from the emotional onslaught I had just witnessed. The air around me seemed thick with the weight of revelation, and I found myself grappling with a torrent of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. Fear, sadness, anger, and a newfound sense of vulnerability all vied for dominance within my psyche.It was in that moment that I realized the true weight of the world's burdens, and the fragility of the human condition. I understood that life was not always a bed of roses, and that even the most resilient among us could be brought to our knees by the cruelties of fate. The innocence of childhood had beenstripped away, leaving me exposed to the harsh realities that had been concealed from my sheltered existence.In the days and weeks that followed, I found myself consumed by a relentless desire to understand the forces that had shaped the world around me. I devoured books, scoured the internet, and engaged in countless conversations, desperate to unravel the complexities of human suffering and the societal constructs that perpetuated it.With each new revelation, my perspective shifted, and I began to see the world through a more nuanced lens. I recognized the inherent flaws in the systems that governed our lives, and the injustices that were woven into the very fabric of society. Yet, amidst the darkness, I also discovered glimmers of hope – stories of ordinary people who had risen above extraordinary circumstances, and fought tirelessly for a better world.It was then that I realized that ignorance was not bliss; it was a cage that confined me to a limited understanding of the world. To truly grow and evolve, I had to embrace the harsh truths that had been unveiled, and use them as a catalyst for positive change.From that pivotal moment onward, I vowed to be an agent of change, to use my voice and my actions to shed light on the injustices that plagued our world. I became an advocate for social justice, dedicating my time and energy to causes that sought to uplift the downtrodden and give a voice to the voiceless.My journey was not an easy one; there were moments when the weight of the world's burdens seemed too heavy to bear. But in those moments of darkness, I found solace in the knowledge that I was no longer content to simply exist – I was determined to make a difference, no matter how small.As I look back on that fateful evening, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the experience that shattered my innocence and propelled me into a state of awakened consciousness. For it was in that moment that I truly grew up, shedding the protective cocoon of childhood and emerging as a more resilient, empathetic, and socially conscious individual.The path ahead is long and arduous, but I embrace it with open arms, knowing that each step I take is a stride towards a better, more just world. The darkness may loom, but I am no longer afraid to face it head-on, armed with the knowledge that even the smallest flicker of light can illuminate the way forward.In the end, growing up is not just about shedding the trappings of childhood; it is about daring to confront the harsh realities of the world and using that newfound understanding to forge a path towards positive change. It is about embracing the complexities of the human experience and channeling them into a force for good.And so, I stand tall, ready to face the darkness with unwavering resolve, for in that moment of revelation, I discovered the true meaning of growing up – it is not a destination, but a lifelong journey towards enlightenment, empathy, and the relentless pursuit of a better world.篇2The Moment I Grew Up: Facing the DarknessLife was simple and carefree when I was a child. My biggest worries revolved around things like which toys I wanted to play with or what cartoon I felt like watching. I lived in a warm, safe bubble, shielded from the harsh realities of the world by the protective love of my family. However, that blissful innocence couldn't last forever. There came a moment when the veil was lifted, and I was forced to confront the darkness head-on. It was the moment I grew up.It happened when I was ten years old. My family went on a camping trip up in the mountains during summer break. We had gone camping many times before, but this particular trip would be burned into my memory forever. On the third night, after we had gathered around the campfire roasting marshmallows and swapping stories, my dad suggested we all go for a short hike through the woods before bed. He assured us it would be safe since he had a powerful flashlight to light the way.At first, the hike was actually kind of fun and exciting. The crisp night air, the symphony of crickets and hooting owls, and the dance of the flashlight's beam cutting through the darkness created an almost magical atmosphere. However, that sense of wonder quickly turned to dread when the unthinkable happened - the flashlight died, leaving us in total blackness.In the span of a few seconds, the forest had transformed from an enchanting playground into a suffocating void full of unseen threats. My heart started pounding as panicked thoughts raced through my mind. What if we got lost? What if a wild animal attacked us? What if we fell into a ditch or ravine and got seriously hurt? The darkness pressed in from all sides, feeding my escalating fear.I wanted to scream and cry, but I forced myself to stay quiet, not wanting to seem like a scared little kid in front of my parents and younger brother. My dad tried to remain calm and reassuring, telling us to just stay put until he figured out what to do. But I could hear the strain and concern in his voice. For the first time, I realized my parents didn't have all the answers and couldn't protect me from everything.Those next few hours crawling along the pitch-black trail guided only by my dad's hand on my shoulder were some of the most terrifying of my life. Every snapping twig or rustling bush made me jump. The darkness seemed to take on a solidity, weighing me down and sapping my strength. When we finally stumbled back into the campsite, I had never felt so relieved.That night, I lay awake in the tent, staring at the thin nylon ceiling illuminated by the faint glow of the lantern. I shivered, not just from the chilly mountain air, but from an existential dread that had permanently taken root deep inside me. For the first time, I understood that the world wasn't the safe haven I had naively believed it to be. There were unseen perils and suffering lurking in the shadows, waiting to reach out with gnarled hands and pull you into the abyss. The darkness was real and inescapable.From that point on, I could never fully recapture the untroubled bliss of childhood. The magical thinking and innocence had been shattered, replaced with a heavy awareness of just how fragile and precarious our lives are. Simple things I had once taken for granted - being warm, having a roof over my head, feeling safe and secure - now seemed like precious gifts that could be wrenched away at any moment.At the same time, however, I also gained something from that harrowing experience - a deeper sense of gratitude and strength. I was thankful for each day that I could wake up and not be consumed by the darkness. I was grateful for the small joys and beauty that managed to pierce through the gloom and remind me that light still existed. Most importantly, I knew that I had stared into the void and survived. If I could endure that, maybe I was stronger than I realized.In the years since, I've tried to cling to that hard-won resilience during the many other moments of darkness that are inevitable in this life - times of heartbreak, loss, failure, and crippling self-doubt. The night in the woods taught me that giving into fear and despair is a choice. I can choose to let the darkness overwhelm and paralyze me, or I can choose to forge ahead, step by painful step, until I find my way back to the light.It's a constant battle, one that requires tremendous courage and perseverance. Some days, I'll admit, the darkness gets the better of me. I succumb to hopelessness and negativity. But I've learned that those feelings, as overpowering as they can seem in the moment, are only temporary. Dawn always eventually breaks.The darkness will never fully go away - it is an inescapable part of the human condition. But I'm no longer afraid of it, at least not in the same way I was as that terrified ten-year-old in the woods. I've made peace with its existence and accepted it as a necessary contrast that makes the lighter, brighter moments in life all the more precious and profound.So in an odd way, I'm grateful for that transformative night and the paradigm shift it created within me. It was a harsh, terrifying, boot-camp-like introduction to the realities of the world. But it tore away the diaphanous veil of childhood and forced me to become battle-hardened. It made me grow up, maybe quicker than I should have, but better prepared to face the darkness that awaits us all.篇3The Moment I Grew Up: Facing the DarknessIt was just another ordinary day, or so I thought. Little did I know that by the time the sun set, my life would be forever changed. The events that unfolded that fateful afternoon forced me to confront my deepest fears and insecurities head-on. In that pivotal moment, I had to make a choice – to succumb to the darkness or to bravely face it. It was the day I truly grew up.The morning started like any other. I begrudgingly dragged myself out of bed, dreading another monotonous day at school. Little did I realize how much I took those mundane routines for granted. As I sluggishly got ready, my mind was preoccupied with trivial matters – the history test I hadn't studied for, the argument I had with my best friend the day before. How naive I was, worrying about such insignificant things.School passed by in a blur, as it often did. I counted down the minutes until the final bell would ring, freeing me from the confines of the classroom. However, on that particular day, the shrill sound that usually filled me with relief instead sent a chill down my spine. As I made my way towards the exit, the hallways were abuzz with whispers and hushed tones."Did you hear what happened?""It was just a few blocks away...""I can't believe this is happening here."At first, I paid no mind to the murmurs, assuming it was just another piece of gossip making its rounds. But as I stepped outside, the scene that greeted me was one of sheer chaos. Police cars lined the streets, their sirens wailing in a cacophony of panic. A crowd had gathered, their faces etched with fear and confusion.It was then that I saw it – the thick plume of smoke billowing into the sky, a haunting reminder that something was terribly wrong. Without a second thought, I found myself pushing through the throngs of people, desperate to get closer to the source of the commotion.What I witnessed next would be forever seared into my memory.The flames licked hungrily at the building, devouring everything in their path. The crackling roar of the fire was deafening, punctuated by the screams of those trapped inside. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as I watched in horror, paralyzed by the sheer magnitude of the disaster unfolding before my eyes.It was then that I saw him – a young boy, no older than myself, pressed against the window, his face contorted in terror. Our eyes met, and in that split second, I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility wash over me. I couldn't stand idly by while others risked their lives.Without a second thought, I sprung into action, pushing past the crowd and towards the burning building. The heat was searing, the smoke making it almost impossible to breathe. But I pressed on, driven by a newfound sense of purpose and determination.As I neared the entrance, I could hear the frantic cries for help echoing from within. My heart pounded in my chest, fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins. But I refused to let the darkness consume me. This was my moment to prove that I was no longer a child, cowering in the face of adversity.With every ounce of strength I could muster, I pushed open the door, plunging headfirst into the inferno. The smoke stung my eyes, and the roar of the flames was deafening, but I pressed on, guided by the faint sounds of those in need.One by one, I located the trapped individuals, guiding them towards the exit with a sense of urgency I had never known before. Each life I saved filled me with a renewed sense ofpurpose, a determination to overcome the darkness that threatened to engulf us all.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I emerged from the burning building, coughing and gasping for air. But as I looked around at the faces of those I had helped, their eyes brimming with gratitude and relief, I knew that I had made the right choice.In that moment, as the adrenaline began to subside, the weight of what I had just experienced hit me like a ton of bricks. I had stared fear in the face and emerged victorious. I had confronted the darkness and refused to let it consume me.From that day on, I was forever changed. The innocence of childhood had been stripped away, replaced by a newfound sense of resilience and courage. I had discovered an inner strength I never knew existed, a determination to face life's challenges head-on, no matter how daunting they might seem.The path ahead was sure to be filled with obstacles and adversities, but I no longer feared the darkness. For in that pivotal moment, I had learned that true growth comes from embracing our fears and refusing to let them define us.That fateful day, I grew up. I emerged from the flames a different person, one who had stared into the abyss andemerged victorious. And as I look back on that life-changing experience, I am reminded that it is in our darkest moments that we truly discover the depth of our inner strength and resilience.So, to anyone who finds themselves confronted by the darkness, I implore you – do not cower in fear. Embrace the challenge, for it is in those moments that we truly grow and become the best versions of ourselves. The road may be long and arduous, but with courage and determination, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.For in the end, it is not the darkness that defines us, but rather our ability to face it head-on and emerge victorious. That is the true measure of our character, the moment when we transition from child to adult, and embrace the fullness of our potential.。
关于去超市置办年货的英语手抄报全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Getting Ready for the Biggest Holiday: A Student's CNY Supermarket AdventureAs a student, the arrival of Chinese New Year means many things – a nice long break from classes, hanging out with family and old friends, receiving those delightful red envelopes, and most importantly, indulging in an abundance of delicious food and snacks. However, before the fun and feasting can begin, there's an crucial errand that must be tackled: the annual CNY supermarket run to stock up on all the essentials for the festivities.This yearly grocery shopping expedition is a rite of passage for us students. It's our chance to feel like real adults, channeling our innter domestic deities as we navigate the busy aisles armed with oversized shopping carts and lengthy lists of necessities. Crossing things off that list brings an unparalleled sense of accomplishment that no academic achievement can match.The Supermarket BattlegroundAs I stepped into the familiarly chaotic supermarket scene a few days before Chinese New Year's Eve, I braced myself for the inevitable Battle of the Shopping Carts. The narrow aisles were crammed with determined shoppers, many brandishing complicated spreadsheets and notes scribbled on old receipts –the master gameplans for this foodie battlefield.Diving headfirst into the fray, I did my traditional lap around the perimeter to scout out the lay of the land. The produce section was a blur of colors, packed with pyramids of plump oranges and boxes overflowing with leafy Chinese greens. The bakery section's air was thick with the aroma of freshly baked nian gao (sticky rice cakes) and batches of flaky wife cakes emerging hot from the ovens.In the snacks and dry goods aisles, carefully planned displays were being ransacked as people loaded up on childhood favorites like white rabbit candy, salty preserved melon strips, and big jars of everything prawn. But the real coveted trophy was securing a stash of that Chinese New Year superfood – pineapple tarts, which were going faster than Cryptocurrency selloffs.A Dance with Dried DelicaciesMy favorite part was undoubtedly the dried goods section, a kaleidoscope of colors, textures and scents that awakened all thesenses. Here I lost myself in an ancient dance, filling dainty bags with dried longans, lotus seeds, jujube dates, ginger slices, and amber shavings of sweet potatoes. With each addition to my stash, I was strengthening the bonds to generations of tradition.This was also the arena for one of the biggest showdowns –snagging those premium dried scallops, mushrooms, sea cucumbers and abalones that are absolutely essential for making the penultimate Chinese New Year delicacy: Pen Cai. Likerune-inscribed talismans, these desiccated treasures from the sea possessed nearmythical power to elevate any dish to sublime heights of umami luxury.As I scanned the bountiful displays, I couldn't resist dropping a few precious morsels into my basket. Their hefty pricetags established that I wouldn't be attaining full Pen Cai enlightenment this year, but at least I'd have some lesser totems to summon that auspicious flavor.The Sauce SojournMoving on, I hit one of the most crucial checkpoints – the condiment corridor where the sauces for all the main Chinese New Year dishes were clustered. This was where one needed to exercise the most caution and precision. A forgotten bottle ofShaoxing wine, oyster sauce, or black vinegar could derail an entire dish, ruining the labor of hours.As an ambassador of my family's culinary honor, Itriple-checked every line of my list against the dizzying array of sauces, oils and marinades. I felt a surge of pride watching my shopping basket slowly morph into a terracotta army of ingredients, ready to be conscripted into bringing awesome flavors to life.At the butcher and seafood counters, I joined the teeming queues of shoppers negotiating for the most auspicious cuts of meat and plumpest fish, which would inevitably be transformed into shimmering platters of konjac prawn balls, mapo tofu, drunken chicken and steam boats of wondrous broths.The Final HaulWith my goods secured after a few harrowing hours in the trenches, I joined the epic checkout queues, exchanging yearend war-stories with my fellow student-soldiers as we sweated under the combined weight of all the provisions we'd amassed.That's when the thrill of the supermarket hunt would finally subside, replaced by happy visions of the incredible feasts that awaited – sumptuous steamboat reunions, yusheng prosperitytoss bonanzas, pineapple tart food comas, and of course, smiles and laughter echoing around the warm family table.Stepping out of the supermarket's sliding doors with my bounty, I felt an immense sense of accomplishment. I'd survived yet another Chinese New Year shopping gauntlet and was ready to embark on the real reasons for this beloved celebration: honoring cherished traditions, creating beautiful new memories, and most of all, making time for the people that matter most.篇2A Student's Lunar New Year Shopping AdventureThe Countdown BeginsAs the Lunar New Year approaches, the air is filled with excitement and anticipation. The once quiet streets come alive with the hustle and bustle of people preparing for the most significant celebration of the year. As a student, I find myself equally caught up in the festive frenzy, eagerly looking forward to the extended break from classes and the opportunity to indulge in the time-honored traditions that have been passed down through generations.The Supermarket OdysseyOne of the most essential rituals leading up to the Lunar New Year is the annual pilgrimage to the supermarket, a rite of passage that every family must undertake. Armed with a meticulously crafted shopping list and a keen eye for bargains, my mother and I set out on our quest, determined to secure the necessary provisions for the upcoming festivities.The Produce PandemoniumOur first stop is the produce section, a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and tantalizing aromas. Here, we navigate through a veritable maze of fruits and vegetables, each one seemingly more enticing than the last. My mother, a seasoned veteran of these excursions, expertly selects the plumpest oranges, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune, while I eagerly reach for the crisp, green vegetables that will be transformed into mouthwatering dishes later.The Protein PileupNext, we venture into the realm of the butcher's counter, where an array of meats and seafood await our discerning gaze. The air is thick with the aroma of freshly cut pork, a staple in many Lunar New Year delicacies. My mother carefully inspects each cut, ensuring that only the finest specimens make it into our shopping cart. Meanwhile, I gravitate towards the glistening fish,imagining the delectable feasts that will grace our table in the coming days.The Snack StratosphereNo Lunar New Year celebration would be complete without an abundance of snacks and treats. As we weave our way through the aisles, we are bombarded with an array of tempting options, from the traditional peanut candies to the more modern chocolate bars. My mother reminds me to exercise restraint, but I can't help but sneak a few extra packages into our cart, knowing that these delectable morsels will be the highlight of our festive indulgences.The Culinary ConquestWith our shopping cart overflowing, we make our way to the checkout counter, bracing ourselves for the inevitable line that snakes its way through the aisles. As we inch closer to the register, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that we have successfully procured the ingredients for a truly memorable Lunar New Year celebration.The Homeward BoundLaden with our bounty, we begin the journey back home, the weight of our purchases a testament to the importance of thisannual ritual. Along the way, we exchange pleasantries with fellow shoppers, each of us sharing in the collective excitement that permeates the air.The Preparation PandemoniumOnce home, the real work begins. My mother, a culinary maestro, sets about transforming our humble purchases into a veritable feast fit for a king. As the aromas of simmering broths and sizzling meats fill the air, I find myself eagerly anticipating the moment when we can gather around the table and savor the fruits of our labor.The Lunar New Year RevelryAt last, the day we've all been waiting for arrives. Our home is a whirlwind of activity, as family members gather from near and far to celebrate this auspicious occasion. The table groans under the weight of the dishes we so carefully prepared, each one a testament to the love and effort that went into their creation.As we exchange red envelopes and share stories of the past year, I can't help but feel a sense of profound gratitude for the traditions that bind us together. The Lunar New Year is more than just a celebration; it is a reminder of the enduring strengthof our family ties and the rich cultural heritage that we carry forward into the future.The AftermathIn the days that follow, the festivities gradually wind down, but the memories of our Lunar New Year celebration linger on. As I savor the last few bites of the delectable treats we procured from the supermarket, I can't help but smile, knowing that this annual ritual has once again reinforced the bonds that hold our family together.And so, as the year progresses, I eagerly await the arrival of the next Lunar New Year, when I can once again embark on the supermarket odyssey that has become an integral part of my cultural identity. For in this modern age, where traditions can so easily be forgotten, it is these cherished rituals that remind us of who we are and where we come from.篇3Shopping for Chinese New Year Supplies at the SupermarketThe start of a new lunar year is always an exciting time, filled with age-old traditions and festivities. As a student, the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday means a nice break from classes and a chance to spend quality time with my family.However, before the celebrations can begin, there is an important task that must be completed - stocking up on all the essential supplies at the supermarket.The week leading up to Chinese New Year is one of the busiest times for grocery shopping in China. The aisles are packed with people meticulously going through their shopping lists, carefully selecting the finest ingredients and products. It's a festive atmosphere, with red lanterns and decorations adorning the store, adding to the joyous spirit.My mother, being the chief coordinator of our family's New Year preparations, has already drafted a comprehensive shopping list. She hands it to me, and I can't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of items we need to purchase. From dried mushrooms and bamboo shoots for the traditional New Year's Eve dinner to boxes upon boxes of cookies and candies, the list seems neverending.Nonetheless, I diligently make my way through the crowded supermarket, pushing my cart and ticking off items one by one. The produce section is a kaleidoscope of colors, with pyramids of bright oranges and tangerines, symbolizing prosperity and good luck. I carefully select the plumpest specimens, imagining the sweet citrus aroma that will soon fill our home.Next, I navigate my way to the meat section, where I must choose the best cuts for our New Year's feast. The butcher, recognizing the influx of customers, is working tirelessly to keep up with the demand. I patiently wait my turn, and when it's my time, I scrutinize each piece of meat, ensuring it meets my mother's high standards.As I weave through the aisles, I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. The familiar scents of roasted nuts and preserved fruits transport me back to my childhood, when the excitement of Chinese New Year was at its peak. I remember eagerly helping my grandmother arrange the intricate candy boxes, each one a delightful work of art.In the baking aisle, I carefully select the finest flour, sugar, and other ingredients, knowing that my aunt will use them to create her legendary New Year's cake. This delectable treat is a highlight of our celebrations, and I can already taste the rich, buttery flavors melting in my mouth.As I approach the checkout counter, my cart is overflowing with an assortment of goods – from the auspicious golden dumplings to the vibrant red envelopes filled with lucky money. The cashier scans each item with precision, and I can't help but marvel at the sheer volume of our purchases.Finally, with bags in hand, I make my way back home, already anticipating the days ahead. The kitchen will be a flurry of activity, with my mother and grandmother bustling about, preparing each dish with love and care. The scent of simmering broths and sizzling woks will permeate the air, whetting our appetites for the upcoming feasts.And when the moment arrives, when we gather around the table adorned with an abundance of culinary delights, I know that all the effort and preparation will have been worth it. As we exchange well-wishes and indulge in the flavors of tradition, I feel a deep sense of gratitude – for my family, for our customs, and for the simple joy found in the act of sharing a meal together.The Chinese New Year is more than just a celebration; it's a time to honor our roots, strengthen our family bonds, and embrace the hope of a prosperous year ahead. And as I look back on the journey through the supermarket, I realize that it was more than just a shopping trip – it was a cherished ritual, a rite of passage that connects me to generations past and paves the way for the future.。
use goinsecure instead
use goinsecure instead题目:使用"going secure":更安全的网络浏览方式导语:在如今信息扩散的数字时代中,互联网的重要性日益增加。
intel ice nac工作原理
intel ice nac工作原理Intel ICE NAC 工作原理在现代科技领域,网络安全是一个不可忽视的重要议题。
作为全球领先的半导体公司,Intel开发了一项重要的网络安全技术——Intel ICE NAC(Network Access Control),旨在保护企业网络免受未经授权的访问。
本文将深入介绍Intel ICE NAC的工作原理。
什么是 Intel ICE NAC?Intel ICE NAC是Intel为企业网络提供的一种网络访问控制解决方案。
工作原理概述Intel ICE NAC通过以下的工作流程实现对企业网络的访问控制:1.用户认证–用户首次尝试访问企业网络时,需要进行身份认证。
2.设备合规性检查–用户认证成功后,Intel ICE NAC将对用户设备进行合规性检查,以确保设备满足安全标准和企业策略要求。
3.访问控制–在认证和合规性检查通过后,Intel ICE NAC会根据企业的策略对用户设备进行访问控制。
设备合规性检查设备合规性检查是Intel ICE NAC的核心功能之一。
合规性检查的过程通常包括以下步骤:1.设备信息采集–Intel ICE NAC会收集用户设备的信息,如操作系统版本、硬件配置等。
iesettingsync.exe触犯文件防护规则 -回复
第一部分:了解iesettingsync.exeiesettingsync.exe是Internet Explorer设置同步的执行文件,它负责同步Internet Explorer的设置信息,例如浏览历史、书签、密码和自定义设置等。
iesettingsync.exe 在某些情况下可能被防护规则识别为潜在的威胁,这可能是由于以下几个原因导致的:1. 更新问题:如果电脑上的Windows更新没有及时安装,iesettingsync.exe可能会被误认为是无效或已过时的程序。
2. 安全策略:某些安全策略要求禁用特定程序的同步功能,以防止敏感信息泄露。
3. 安全软件冲突:某些安全软件的设置与iesettingsync.exe的行为相互冲突,可能导致防护规则误报警。
第三部分:iesettingsync.exe触犯文件防护规则后可能的行为和影响?当iesettingsync.exe被认定触犯文件防护规则时,可能会出现以下一些行为和影响:1. 同步失败:iesettingsync.exe的同步功能可能无法正常运行,导致浏览器设置无法同步到其他设备或其他浏览器。
2. 安全风险:如果iesettingsync.exe被误判为恶意软件,防护规则可能会阻止其运行,但实际上这个文件是正常的系统组件。
2、在注册表编辑器中依次进入“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\L sa”,双击右边栏中的“Security Packages”;
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control \SecurityProviders
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Secure Internet Channeling Agentfor Searching and Delivering Media ContentJohn J. Parkjpark@CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION 41.1Motivation 41.2Problem Statement 45Statement1.3Thesis5REVIEW2.LITERATURE5DeliveryContent2.1MediaCachingProxy6Media2.1.1Distribution8Media2.1.2Content2.1.3 Peer-to-Peer Media File Sharing 10P2P 10Unstructured2.1.3.111P2P2.1.3.2Structured2.2Control and security Issues in Media Content Delivery 1214RESEARCH3.PROPOSED3.1Architecture of Secure Internet Channeling Agent (SIChA) 143.1.1Fundamental Concepts and techniques 14SIChAof163.1.2NetworkOverview3.1.3Sequential workflow under SIChA system 1821SIChA3.1.4Functionaloverviewof3.1.4.1Media searching and delivering control channel key control 23Evaluation23and3.2Implementation3.2.1Implementation 243.2.2Evaluation 283.3UniqueContributions 29 4.REFERENCES 311.INTRODUCTIONThis document proposes a research project in the area of searching and delivering media content over the Internet. The particular focus is on a third party trusted Internet agent service which would provide secure and controllable media content delivery. This proposal is organized as follows: section 1 presents the motivation for searching and delivering systems of media content. It presents a problem statement of media content delivery technologies, and provides a thesis statement for a secure Internet channeling agent. In section 2, I review the literature on media proxy caching, media content distribution, and peer-to-peer file sharing. In the first part of section 3, I explain the architecture for a Secure Internet Channeling Agent (SIChA). In the latter part of section 3, I propose an implementation and an evaluation of the proposed architecture. I conclude this proposal with a research schedule and an approximate dissertation outline in sections 4 and 5.1.1MotivationMore efficient media content delivery technology over the Internet has enabled Web media users around the world to transfer media content from a media server to browsers on various user devices. Today’s Internet is increasingly used to deliver media contents, namely, video, audio, and graphics.1.2Problem StatementDespite impressive efforts to implement media content delivery technology in all its aspects, there is still a lack of optimized network connections and trustworthy security formedia content. Since media content delivery technologies connect both unknown users and media providers, each having different systems and locations, it is difficult to build reliable and trusted connections.1.3 Thesis StatementA third party trusted Internet agent service, with specialized protocols to optimize and secure the network media connections, can support media content delivery in a way that is effective, efficient, reliable, secure, and trustworthy.2.LITERATURE REVIEWMedia content delivery strategies have been developed using several approaches. In this literature review, I will introduce a concept of media content delivery strategy and describe the existing research papers on three separate methods: media proxy caching, media content distribution and peer-to-peer media file sharing. Also, I will discuss some implementation problems with these approaches.2.1Media Content DeliveryDigital content data on the Web are scattered all over network servers, and can be accessed by users from around the world. Although users can easily retrieve digital content from the Internet, there are troubles with the access time and process. These troubles are mainly because of congested network links, queuing delays, network packet loss, network latency, and heavy server loads. In order to reduce the network problems,most content delivery architectures replicate the content in separate servers in the network, and direct user requests to a server that is determined to be optimal. This architecture allows content to be positioned in appropriate locations for the end users while minimizing network bandwidth, the original server load, and user latency.Recently, many researchers have shown interests in the field of delivery architecture for streaming video and audio. Streaming video and audio are classified as continuous media contents that transfer meaningful data only when presented in an appropriate period of time. Systems that deliver continuous media content through the Internet should provide sufficient quality of service, secure encoding, and efficient streaming video and audio across distributed computing networks from source servers to media users. Transmission of continuous media content typically increases bandwidth consumption, imposes heavy server load, and creates network latency. The current research for content delivery architectures addresses the field of streaming multimedia over the Internet and media content delivery. The media content delivery method consists of three primary technologies: media proxy caching, media content distribution network, and peer-to-peer media file sharing. The following sections address the particular issues and review major approaches and mechanisms.2.1.1 Media Proxy CachingThe first architecture, proxy cache, tries to locate media content close to the users. This has become a popular approach to reduce bandwidth consumption on the network links and the load on the servers [1], [3]. A cache retrieves files from the original server, storescopies locally and then passes them on to the users who request them. Whenever the cache has the files in the local storage, it forwards the local files directly to the users rather than going all the way to the original server. If the Web cache does not have the files, it receives the files from the original server and then provides them to the users. The web cache stores copies of the new files in its storage for the next time they are requested. Thereafter, the cache serves both the role of a server and of a client. The main benefits from web caching is the reducing of the response time for a user request, the decreasing traffic on a main server’s access link, and its rapid distribution of the content.In order to provide good quality of multimedia service thorough the Internet, an adequate network system for continuous media delivery is crucial [7]. This is because network support for the multimedia streaming can reduce the transport delay and the packet loss ratio. Cache sharing and cache hierarchies were designed to serve web requests for generic non-continuous media files [5], [22]. Recently, the fast growth of multimedia services and the limited capacity of the Internet have increased network congestion for Internet applications [14]. In order to avoid the high latency and loss rate of streaming media in the Internet with scalable and reliable operations, prefix caching allows the storage of a prefix, a partial dataset of frames from the beginning of the streaming media, on the proxy of the Internet close to users rather than storing the entire contents [4], [29], [34], [35]. The proxy immediately transmits the prefix while it simultaneously requests the suffix, the remainder of the stream, from the media server.Moreover, considering the heterogeneous network systems of continuous and non-continuous multiple media types, the proxy cache has been developed for different cache resource usages. The Resource-Based Caching (RBC) algorithm [32] characterizes and caches each data object by its resource requirement and usage. The Quality-of-Service (QoS)-Adaptive proxy-caching scheme [37] proposes a media characteristic-weighted replacement policy to improve the cache hit ratio of mixed media, and a resource-management mechanism to dynamically re-allocate cache resources. The dynamic proxy caching method [11] applies back-end caching approaches, so it provides both reverse proxy and forward proxy configuration to get fine-grained caching. Also, because of the un-cached segments from the proxy delay on the client side, there is proxy jitter in the multimedia streaming caching. Proxy jitter is proxy delay in fetching the uncached segments. The Hyper Proxy streaming system [6] minimizes proxy jitter by lowering delayed startup ratio and network traffic, and by managing network resources by giving a high priority to clients.2.1.2 Media Content DistributionContent Distribution Networks (CDNs) adapt a different network model than media proxy caching. In this model, a content provider uses an independent CDN to deliver its content to the requested users without a long delay. CDN companies, such as Akamai and Digital Island, install CDN servers which duplicate the content of a provider’s original files in the main server throughout the Internet [15]. Whenever the provider updates its content, the CDN duplicates and distributes the new content to the CDN servers. In this way, a media user can retrieve data from the nearest duplicate CDNserver which allows users to get the best network performance [19]. The users can be redirected to the optimal server with DNS redirection [16], [24].CDNs also extensively support the distribution of continuous audio and video data. The researchers of streaming media CDN architecture [10] has focused on the distributing, storage, and delivery of continuous audio and video content over IP networks. Streaming media traffic is usually much heavier than normal web file traffic in a network and causes a severe burden on regular caches. Therefore, the streaming media CDNs help prevent server overload, provide a shorter network path for media delivery, and are very effective in storing and playing live multimedia streaming content [36]. CDN servers often apply streaming control protocols such as RTSP [28], SCTP [21], and DCCP [18]. To solve the additional network problem of a CDN, the ASM-FastReplica algorithm [8] optimizes replication of large streaming media files by partitioning the files in sub-files. Each node starts a file transfer to the next node, right after receiving the first packet of the corresponding sub-file. Then, cross-nodes from the different multicast trees connect with each other to exchange their sub-files to receive an entire file.Network security is an important concern for media CDNs. A server owned by a media provider and a user node need mutual authentication and authorization mechanisms to support business transactions and network security. This will ensure that only media requests from authorized users can access to the media contents. The primary network security threat in media CDNs is a man-in-the-middle attack, which is caused by IP spoofing, eavesdropping, and Denial of Service (DoS).2.1.3 Peer-to-Peer Media File SharingThe third architecture is Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing systems such as Napster [20], Gnutella [12], and KaZaA [17]. The P2P file sharing systems have developed very popular ways to access huge volumes of media files. While a client-server network model relies on a centralized server, the P2P network model sets up symmetric communication between peers, which are computer units at the edge of the network [27]. For the P2P network, each node works as either the client or the server. This allows a P2P network system to be very scalable because peers can retrieve and transfer data content directly between the other participating peers without relying on third party servers. Generally, the researchers of the P2P network model has focused two main categories for locating content: unstructured P2P and structured P2P. Unstructured P2PUnstructured P2P does not have precise control over the network topology or its content placement. In unstructured P2P, random distribution of nodes and content may cause content to be hard to locate. Thus, the position of this content can only be found by flooding the request to the peer. Most of the popular networks such as Napster, Gnutella, and KaZaA are unstructured.Napster [20] is a centralized model among unstructured P2Ps because a central database maintains an index of all files that are shared by the peers currently logged in the P2P network. The database can be queried by all peers, and provides the IP addresses andports of all peers who share the requested file. Napster is categorized as an unstructured P2P network since its overlay network and content distribution is not managed by a network topology. The main disadvantage of a centralized unstructured P2P is poor scalability, and an inability to located file with a single point of failure.Gnutella [12] does not have a central database server since it is a decentralized and unstructured P2P. Each peer floods search queries to all other neighboring peers without any knowledge about the other peers. The main disadvantage of Gnutella is that peers of the overlay network generate a large amount of messages per query which cause heavy network load when the number of peers grows. Also, there is no guarantee that you will find requested files in the unstructured P2P network system.KaZaA [17] is a hierarchical and unstructured P2P, where super-nodes are placed among the ordinary peers to track the requested file effectively. Each super-node replicates an index of other’s child-nodes file content. When a peer asks to search a file, a super-node initially tracks the file in all its child-nodes. The super-node floods queries to other super-nodes when it cannot find the file in its child-nodes. P2PThe main focus of structured architecture is how to control and deliver data file directories. A structured architecture with a P2P network topology and with a set of connections between P2P nodes is tightly controlled. Data files are placed at specified locations in the structured system. The CoopNet model [23] has a centralized algorithmthat works with a source server, which has all the information about the nodes, to develop and manage a tree system. Chord [30], a distributed lookup algorithm, addresses each node with a key associated with a particular data item. It then stores a pair key and data item at the node, and adapts the answer query system when nodes join and leave the system. Pastry [26] develops application-level routing and data file location in an overlay network of participating nodes through the Internet. CAN [25] applies a hash table-like network to make the P2P system scalable and fault-tolerant. The CAN system also provides a self-organizing architecture. Other models of structured architecture are Narada, NICE, ZIGZAG, and virtual multicast. While the Narada model [9] applies a mesh to interconnect only small scale peers, NICE [2] and ZIGZAG [33] employ hierarchical clustering when fits in large scale peers. The P2P systems in the structured architecture are very dynamic, but its tree structure is complicated and hard to build and maintain. Virtual multicast introduced the subnet broadcast approach by using network-layer multicasting for the P2P system [31].2.2 Control and Security Issues in Media Content Delivery Improvements in media content delivery architectures have the potential to allow media users of an Internet media searching and delivery method to access, gather, and collect various media contents. On-line users can access various types of streaming media content such as audio and video by using an Internet media searching and delivery method. However, Internet media searching and delivery methods create the heavy transmission of increasingly various media data in networks and servers to a growingmedia user population. Also, the scalability issue of media searching and delivery methods has led to the development of multimedia content delivering architectures.The multimedia content delivering architecture review can be categorized by three application prototypes: a media hosting model, a media directory model, and a decentralized searching model. The media hosting model adopts a media proxy caching architecture and a media content distribution architecture. The media directory model applies a structured architecture of a P2P file sharing system. Finally, the decentralized searching model includes an unstructured architecture of P2P file sharing system. The current research of three application prototypes for the multimedia content delivery architectures focuses on efficient network solutions for bandwidth consumption, heavy server load, and network latency, while multimedia network control and trusted security aspects are not taken into consideration.The major issues of multimedia network control and trusted security in the multimedia content delivery are as follows. First, it is necessary that a third party trusted agent sets up and controls direct media channeling connection between a user and a media provider. In that way, the system of media content delivery is reliable and trustworthy. Second, the existing media content delivery architectures need authentication security methods to identify the media users. Using an authentication security method, media content providers could prove authenticity and adopt on-line payment methods to media users. Third, the existing media content deliveries are provided by media content based architecture so that the relationship between media users and content providers existtemporarily. Therefore, they need a media channel based control approach that allows users to reliably connect to media content providers through secure UDP channels. Fourth, there are some potential network security issues, including IP spoofing attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and DoS attacks. Without controll by a third party trusted agent, those security threats will allow attacks to the media delivery systems.3.PROPOSED RESEARCHI propose a new architecture called Secure Internet Channeling Agent (SIChA), which uses a third party trusted agent to obtain maximum network control and to fulfill security requirements for the media content delivery networks. For my proposed approach, I will initially explain the detailed architecture of SIChA, and then present an implementation and an evaluation method to validate the approach. I will also explain my research contribution for the area of media content delivery network.3.1Architecture of Secure Internet Channeling Agent (SIChA)The proposed research uses SIChA as a third party trusted agent to create a multimedia content connection control and a trusted secure media delivery method to enable reliable media content exchange on the Internet. In this section, I will explain fundamental concepts and techniques, the network overview, sequential workflow, and the architecture design of SIChA system.3.1.1Fundamental Concepts and techniquesThe primary goal of the SIChA architecture is to create a multimedia connection control and a trusted secure media delivery method to enable reliable exchange of media content. The SIChA, a third party trusted channeling agent, makes direct, secure, and fast Internet media connections between a user device and a media content server. The SIChA’s database reserves channeling socket information consisting of the user’s IP address and a UDP port for an initial stage. When the user requests media content, the SIChA does not return media searching information directly, but relays the user’s media request to the media content server as a channel. For fast media channeling, the SIChA relays the user’s media request with the user’s reserved channeling socket information to the media content server. At the same time, the SIChA generates and sends one-time symmetric channel keys to both the media content server and the user’s device. Since the media content server knows a user’s reserved channeling socket information from the SIChA, the media content server is able to start transmitting the media content stream encrypted by the channel key to the user through a virtually dedicated UDP channel. A user’s device starts to decrypt the encrypted UDP content stream by using the symmetric channel key received by the SIChA.Another functionality of SIChA is to provide the private Channel Name System (CNS) for a media community or a region on the basis of the public Domain Name System (DNS). Using the CNS protocol, a media provider can create multiple private channel names without disrupting its public domain name. While the existing public DNS has a limited domain name for the system, the private CNS allows the media providers toemploy as many media domain names as they want without conflicting with other domain names.With the SIChA, the user can directly access various Internet media providers containing diverse media content, since the system includes the media domain name translation service for media content groups and media content servers. The SIChA protects media content with two symmetric channel keys to encrypt and decrypt the content from a media provider to a user. Also the system establishes a virtually dedicated UDP channel with a reserved socket, including a user’s IP and a reserved UDP port, so the transmission time of media streams is shorter than the other models.3.1.2Network Overview of SIChAAs illustrated in figure 1, SIChA works with the user device and the media content server to transmit media content through the Internet. As an initial step, the user should have previously reserved an account in SIChA and installed the plug-in program, which the user’s device uses to request media content from the media content server using the channeling protocol. The media content could be several types such as TV, radio, video, music etc. As soon as the user requests the media content, SIChA directly relays the request to the media content server with the user’s reserved channeling socket information.tric mmeGenerally, the existing media directory system provides the IP address of the media content server to a user while the existing media content delivery system stores media content and relays the media content from the server to the user. However, the SIChA directly relays the media content request to the media content server, and lets the server provide the media content stream to the user device. The media content server transmits UDP media streams into the user’s device using the reserved socket. After setting up the link between the user and the server, the media stream is transmitted through a virtually dedicated UDP channel. In this process, the media content server uses UDP packets instead of TCP packets because the transmission speed of UDP is faster.The other function of the SIChA is generating one-time symmetric channel keys and encrypting/decrypting the media content stream. In figure 1, the SIChA, as the trusted third party authorized channeling agent, generates a pair of symmetric channel keys, anddistributes it to both the user and the media content server. The server uses it to encrypt the UDP media stream, and the user uses it to decrypt the transmitted media stream. Since the symmetric channel key is a one-time temporary secure code, it is disposed after the channel ends. The SIChA regenerates another pair of symmetric keys for a new channel to both user device and media content server. The media content server encrypts the UDP media stream with the channel key and transmits it to the user’s reserved channeling socket. The user waits for an encrypted media stream from the media content server after it receives and sets up the symmetric channel key in the plug-in program. When the encrypted UDP media stream arrives at the user’s UDP port, the user decrypts it with the symmetric channel key. Since the symmetric channel key is used to decrypt the media content stream, the media stream can be transmitted very securely through a virtually dedicated UDP channel between the user and the media content server.To terminate the channel, the user requests a channel-ending message from the SIChA. As soon as the SIChA receives the channel-ending request message, it relays the message to the media content server. The server ceases delivering the UDP media content stream through the reserved socket of the user device when the server receives the channel-ending message.3.1.3Sequential workflow under the SIChA systemFigure 2 is a sequence chart that depicts the work-flow of the SIChA. It works as a mediator to provide direct and secure Internet channeling between a user device and a media content server. The user device can be a desktop computer, a laptop computer, ahandheld device, or similar devices connected to the Internet. Media content may include pictures, audio, video, and other media data. As shown in figure 2, the SIChA performs many functions between a user device and a media content server.For the initial stage, the SIChA collects or receives reservation information of the sourceaddress or the group of media content of the media content server. The group of mediacontent includes TV, radio, movie and music files. Next, a user registers an account for his or her device in the SIChA’s database. When the SIChA receives the user’s registration, it requests the reserved socket information of the user’s device to the user. The user socket information consists of an IP address and a virtually dedicated UDP port number. When the user device sends a reserved socket information message to the SIChA, the SIChA accepts the reserved socket for transmitting media stream from a media content server to the user’s device. Using the reserved socket, a media content server can transmit the media stream through a virtually dedicated UDP channel. As soon as the SIChA receives the user’s channeling socket information, it stores theinformation in its database and transmits a secure channeling plug-in program for the user’s device to install. After the user installs the secure channeling plug-in program into the user’s device, the user can use the channeling protocol to access media content. At this point, the SIChA system ends the initial stage and is ready to start the “normal stage.”In the normal stage, the user’s device requests media content or a media content group from a media server to the SIChA through the secure channeling plug-in program. The SIChA, as a channeling request relay agent, relays the media content request to the media content server with the requested user’s reserved UDP socket information. For the secure media content protection method, the SIChA generates a pair of one-time symmetric channel keys, and provides each key to both the media content server and the user’s device. When the user’s device receives the secure UDP media stream, the user’s device decrypts the encrypted media content stream using the one-time symmetric channel key, which was sent by the SIChA.For the channel end stage, the requesting process is the same as the previous channeling request method. The user’s device requests a channel end from the SIChA, and the SIChA relays the channel-end message to the media content server. Then, the media content server stops transmitting the secure UDP media stream to the user’s device.3.1.4Functional Overview of SIChAFigure 3 describes a block diagram of a detailed functional overview of a SIChA including a database relational diagram when it communicates with either a user device or a media content server. In the SIChA, there are three main functional databases; a user account database, a media content server database, and a channel key control database. In this section, I will explain how the databases work in two function areas; media searching and delivering control, and network channel key es RVirtually Dedicated UDP Media ChannelIn st al lin g a a ch M an ed ne ia lk Pl ey ug fo -In rd ec od in gng vit es qu re g ia in d ed m nco ’s er for e Us y ng ke rri nel e sf an h an Tr a c3.1.4.1 Media searching and delivering control First, the user account database manages users’ account information, users’ reserved channeling socket information, and a channeling plug-in program. The SIChA gives media content access rights to trusted customers only. In that way, the SIChA securelyn io at rm t fo en in nt et co ck ia so ed m r’s g se in U st ue eqR21。