Substrate temperature and strain during sputter deposition of aluminum on cast borosilicate glass in











弛豫后,在Fe(0 0 1)/Ni(0 0 1)和Fe(0 0 1)/Ni(1 1 1)界面观察到无序的失配位错网络,Fe(0 0 1)/Ni(1 1 0)界面观察到长方形的失配位错网络。

研究了晶体取向对Fe/Ni 双层膜拉伸性能的影响。

不同取向的对比发现Fe(0 0 1)/Ni(1 1 0)系统的屈服强度最低。




在Fe基体中位错主要在{1 0 1}面滑移,而在Ni中主要在{1 1 1}面滑移。






1 General1.1 All painting works including surface preparation and painting inspection to be carried out in accordance with the paintspecification and yard’s practice .1.2 Technical supervision to be provided by the paint manufacturer during the preparation and application.1.3 The colors of finish coat to be decided in accordance with owner’s color scheme, color for each coat other than finish co at tobe decided in accordance with paint manufacturer’s recommendation and alternative coat to be of differ ent color for easy identification.1.4 Painting scheme for the parts and spaces which is not specified in this painting scheme to be similar to surrounding orcomparable spaces.2 Surface preparation2.1 Primary surface preparation2.1.1The steel plates of 6mm and above in thickness and profile shall be shot blasted to Sa 2.5 (ISO8501-1:1998), andimmediately painted with one coat of zinc silicate shop primer(HEMPEL’S SHOPPRIMER ZS 15890)according to Builder’s practice to approx. 15 microns of dry film thickness.2.1.2Steel plates below 6mm thickness to be grit or sandblasted to Sa2.5 or pickling, and painted.2.2 Secondary surface preparation2.2.1 The TOPSIDE (INCLUDE BULWARK)、BOTTO M、DECK、HOPPER COAMING、DECK HOUSE、CHAIN LOCKER and MASTetc should be sandblasted to Sa 2.0 according to the ISO 8501-1:1988. The others position should be sandblasted to Sa 1.0 according to the ISO 8501-1:1988.2.2.2Surface shall be dried, cleaned and free of oil /grease before application of paint.3 Painting works3.1 Painting shall be carried out generally by airless spray after second surface preparation to be approved. Brush or roller shall beapplied where airless spray is impractical.3.2 Mixing, Thinning, stirring, induction period, pot time, storage,stripe coat and the recoating intervals should be done according to t he paint manufacturer’s recommendation.3.3 Copper, copper alloy, aluminum alloy, stainless steel, plastic, nameplate and other non-corrosive metal surface shall not bepainted unless otherwise specially specified. All electrical cable not to be painted.3.4 Painting of hull shell under waterline and adjacent areas shall be finished generally before launching.3.5 During application of paint, substrate temperature and temperature of paint should follow the paint manufacture’srecommendation, the relative humidify shall be less than 85% . Paint shouldn’t be applied during periods of rain, snow, or fog in the open air.3.6 The painting scheme not to be involved in this specification shall be same as surrounding.4 Paint film4.1 The dry film thickness specified in painting schedule shall be attained on at least 80% of the measuring points and may not beachieved on the remaining 20% measuring points, but at least 80% thickness of the specified one to be attained on remaining 20% measuring points.4.2 Measurement point shall be selected generally on the smooth surface (1P/10m2). The areas within about 15mm breadth fromfree edge, welding seams and surfaces of outfittings where measurement in difficult or impracticable are reasonably excluded from the scope to measure accurately.4.3 Measurement instrument such as electrometer micrometer shall be approved by measure department.4.4 Appearance of the areas such as superstructure, passage , outside of shell where good appearance in required especially shallbe checked, each layer must be applied homogeneously, surface irregularities such as dry spray, saggings, blooming or embedded dust should be avoided.4.5 The damage areas of paint film shall be touched up in accordance with the paint system as surrounding.5 Inspection5.1 The inspection shall be carried out generally attending Owner’s representation, paint manufacturer’s representation andbuilder’s inspector.5.2 In the event that Owner’s representation are unable to attend, such inspection may be performed under the paintmanufacturer’s representation and builder’s inspector, and the result of inspection to be issued to Owner’s representation fo r reference.5.3 Inspection itemsNote: 1) “O” means inspect items.2) “※” means the items not to be inspected.6 paint。



* E-mail: jinzhang@ Received September 6, 2013; published November 3, 2013. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21233001, 21129001, 51272006 and 51121091) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (No. 2011YQ0301240201 and 2011CB932601). 项目受国家自然科学基金(Nos. 21233001, 21129001, 51272006 和 51121091)和科技部项目(Nos. 2011YQ0301240201 和 2011CB932601)资助.



Marine Paint GuideUpdated: 16/12/141. Definitions and abbreviationsTOLERANCESThe numerical information quoted on marine product datasheets has been derived from laboratory test data obtained under controlled conditions for the products described. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, this information will be subject to minor variations obtained in normal manufacturing tolerances, and any fluctuations in ambient conditions during the application and curing periods.GLOSS LEVELTypical gloss values have been determined in accordance with ISO2813:1994/ Corr 1:1997 using a 60° gloss head or, for North America,ASTM-D-523. The categories used in the data sheet are:Finish (sheen)Gloss (60°) headMatt0-15Eggshell16-30Semi-gloss31-60Gloss61-85High gloss>85In practice, the level of sheen and surface finish will be dependent upon a number of factors, including application and the condition of the surface to be overcoated.DRY FILM THICKNESS(DFT)The measured thickness of the final dried film applied to the substrate.WET FILM THICKNESS (WFT)The initial thickness of the wet coating applied to the substrate.VOLUME SOLIDSThe volume solids figure given on the product data sheet is the percentage of the wet film, which remains as the dry film, and is obtained from a given wet film thickness under specified application method and conditions. These figures have been determined under laboratory conditions using a modification of the test method described in ISO 3233:1998/Corr 1:1999 –Determination of Volume Solids by Measurement of Dry Film Density. The modification is technically equivalent involving the use of slightly smaller glass slides. For North America, volume solids are measured by ASTM-D-2697 (1986) which determines the volume solids of a coating using the recommended dry film thickness of the coating quoted on the product data sheet, and a specified drying schedule at ambient temperature, i.e. 7 days at 25°C + 1°C.DRYING TIMEThe drying times quoted in the product data sheet have beendetermined in the laboratory using a typical dry film thickness, the ambient temperature quoted in the relevant product data sheet, and the appropriate testmethod, i.e.Touch Dry (ISO 1517 - 1973) - The surface drying state of a coating when Ballotini (small glass spheres) can be lightly brushed away without damaging the surface of the coating.Hard Dry (ISO 9117-1990) - The condition of the film in which it is dry throughout its thickness, as opposed to that condition in which the surface of the film is dry but the bulk of the coating is still mobile.This through drying state is determined by the use of a “mechanical thumb” device “in situ”at the temperature quoted.In North America the Touch Dry, Hard Dry and Re-coat times are determined in accordance with ASTM-D-1680 (1995) using sections7.5, 7.7 and 7.8 respectively.The drying times achieved in practice may show some slight fluctuation,particularly in climatic conditions where the substrate temperature differs significantly from the ambient air temperature and because of variations in practical dry film thickness.OVERCOATING INTERVALThe product data sheet gives both a “minimum” and a “maximum”overcoating interval and the figures quoted at the various temperatures are intended as guidelines, consistent with good painting practices.Certain terms require elaboration as follows:MinimumThe “minimum overcoating time” quoted is an indication of the time required for the coating to attain the necessary state of dryness and hardness to allow the application of a further coat of paint without the development of any film irregularities such as lifting or loss of adhesion of the first coat (ASTM-D-1640). It assumes:(i)the coating has been applied at the normal recommended thickness.(ii)environmental conditions both during and after application were as recommended forthat particular coating, especially in respect of temperature, relative humidity andventilation.(iii)the paint used for overcoating is suitable for that purpose.(iv)an understanding of the “method of application”. For example, if a coating can be applied by both brush and spray it is expected that overcoating may be carried outmore rapidly if sprayed and it is the “lowest” figure that is quoted.If the above conditions are not met, the quoted minimum overcoating times are liable to variation and will invariably have to be extended.MaximumThe “maximum overcoating time” indicates the allowable time period within which overcoating should take place in order to ensure acceptable intercoat adhesion is achieved.ExtendedWhere an “extended” overcoating time is stated, the anticipated level of intercoat adhesion can only be achieved if:(i) the coating has been applied in accordance with good painting practices and at the specified film thickness.(ii) the aged coating has the “intended” surface characteristics required for long term overcoatability. For example, an over- applied epoxy MIO may not have its usual “textured”surface and will no longer be overcoatable after ageing unless it is abraded.(iii) the coating to be overcoated must be intact, tightly adherent, clean, dry and free from all contaminants. For example, the leached layer on an antifouling coating is usually porous and friable and must be removed to provide the necessary surface for overcoating.(iv) coatings having a glossy surface which could have a detrimental effect on the adhesion of subsequent coats should be treated by light surface abrasion, sweep blasting, or other suitable processes which will not cut through or detract from the performance of the underlying coating.(v) in some situations, and with specific products, it may be necessary to high pressure fresh water wash prior to overcoating.It should be recognised that the level of intercoat adhesion obtained is also dependent upon the chemistry of the “topcoat”. By their nature,primers or undercoats will have inherently better adhesion than finish coats.The measurement of ultimate “adhesion strength” can often be a difficult process, and interpretation of results can be subjective. Excellent adhesion does not necessarily mean good performance, nor does relatively poor adhesion necessarily mean poor performance.Although the adhesion of coatings applied to aged / cured coatings may be deemed satisfactory for the specified end use, actual numerical values obtained for adhesion may be less than with coatings applied within“minimum / short” overcoating intervals.FLASH POINTThe minimum temperature at which a product, when confined in a Setaflash closed cup, must be heated for the vapours emitted to ignite momentarily in the presence of aflame (ISO 3679:1983). In North America Flash Point is determined in accordance with ASTM-D-3278(1996).VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (VOC)VOC content is the weight of volatile organic compounds which participate in atmospheric photochemical reactions for litre of paint.Legislative requirements differ from country to country, and from region to region, and are constantly being reviewed. Values quoted for VOC on the product data sheet are calculated from the product formulation or have been determined practically in the laboratory using one of the following published test methods:-UK-PG6/23(92), Appendix 3This test method was published in February 1992, by the UK Department of the Environment as part of the Secretary of State’s Guidance Note(PG6/23(92)), issued as a guide to local authorities on the appropriate techniques to control air pollution, in order to achieve the objectives laid down in the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The method described in Appendix 3 includes guidance on the method of meeting VOC of coatings, as applied to demonstrate compliance with Clause 19 of the Guidance Note.USA - EPA Federal Reference Method 24The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), published procedures for demonstration of compliance with VOC limits under Federal Reference Method 24 “The Determination of Volatile Matter Content, Density,Volume Solids and Weight Solids of Surface Coatings”. This method was originally published in the Federal Register in October 1980, and coded40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A, and amended in 1992 to incorporate instructions for dealing with multi-component systems, and a procedure for the quantitative determination of VOC exempt solvent.It is recommended that users check with local agencies for details of current VOC regulations, to ensure compliance with any local legislative requirements when proposing the use of any coating.EU Council Directive 1999/13/ECThe purpose of this directive is to prevent or reduce the direct and indirect effects of the emission of volatile organic compounds into the environment, mainly into air, and the potential risks to human health. In essence the directive sets emission limits for coatings users(installations), these differ by application and for old/new installations. For the purpose of the Directive a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) is defined as:“Any organic compound having at 293.15 K a vapour pressure of 0.01kPa or more, or having a corresponding volatility under the particular conditions of use.”WORKING POT LIFEThe maximum time during which the product supplied as separate components should be used after they have been mixed together at the specified temperature.The values quoted have been obtained from a combination of laboratory tests, and application trials, and refer to the time periods under which satisfactory coating performance will be achieved.Application of any product after the working pot life has been exceeded will lead to inferior product performance, and must NOT be attempted,even if the material in question appears liquid in the can.SHIPPING WEIGHTThe shipping weights quoted are typical values and refer to the total weight of the product supplied plus the weight of the can and are for guidance only. They will vary according to the specific colour. These weights are quoted for individual components and do not take into account any additional packaging weight attributable to cartons, etc. Factory supplied material will show differences to the figures quoted on the product Technical Data Sheet.SHELF LIFEThe shelf life quoted on the product datasheets is generally a conservative value, and it is probable that the coating can be applied without any deterioration in performance after this period has elapsed.Exceeding the shelf life of a product does not necessarily render it unusable. However, if the specified shelf life has been exceeded, it is recommended that the condition of the material is checked before any large scale application is undertaken using materials beyond the quoted shelf life. If this occurs, contact International for advice on how to progress.。

Effect of pH and Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Effect of pH and Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Effect of pH and Temperature on EnzymeActivityEnzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in living organisms. They are essential for many biochemical processes, such as digestion, metabolism, and DNA replication. Enzyme activity is affected by many factors, including pH and temperature. In this article, we will discuss the effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity.Effect of pH on Enzyme ActivitypH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. Enzymes have an optimal pH range at which they function most efficiently. This optimal pH range varies for different enzymes. For example, the optimal pH for pepsin, an enzyme found in the stomach that breaks down proteins, is around 2.0, which is very acidic. In contrast, the optimal pH for alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme found in the liver and bones, is around 9.0, which is very basic.When the pH of the environment deviates from the optimal pH range for an enzyme, the enzyme's activity decreases. This is because enzymes are sensitive to changes in pH. At low pH levels, the enzyme may denature or lose its shape, making it unable to bind to its substrate and catalyze the reaction. At high pH levels, the enzyme may become too alkaline, which can also cause denaturation.Effect of Temperature on Enzyme ActivityTemperature is another critical factor that affects enzyme activity. Enzymes have an optimal temperature range at which they function best. For most enzymes, this optimal temperature is around 37°C, which is body temperature. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, enzymes in psychrophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme cold, have an optimal temperature range of 0-15°C.When the temperature of the environment deviates from the optimal temperature range for an enzyme, the enzyme's activity decreases. At low temperatures, enzymes have less kinetic energy, which means they move more slowly. This slows down the rate of the reaction and reduces enzyme activity. On the other hand, high temperatures can cause enzymes to denature and lose their shape, rendering them inactive.pH and Temperature InteractionThe effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity can also interact with each other. Enzymes may have different optimal temperature ranges depending on the pH of the environment. For example, acid phosphatase, an enzyme found in the prostate gland, has an optimal temperature range of 30-40°C at pH 4.5, but an optimal temperature range of 55-60°C at pH 7.0.ConclusionIn conclusion, pH and temperature are critical factors that affect enzyme activity. Enzymes have optimal pH and temperature ranges at which they function most efficiently. Deviations from these optimal ranges can reduce enzyme activity by causing denaturation or slowing down the reaction. The effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity can also interact with each other, meaning optimal temperature ranges may change depending on the pH of the environment. Understanding the effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity is essential for researchers and scientists studying biochemistry and biology.。



锂离子电池硅薄膜电极充电膨胀的有限元仿真及其实验验证季家磊;朱孔军;刘鹏程;钱国明;王裕;刘劲松【摘要】硅基负极锂离子电池材料因其具有高的理论容量(4200m Ah/g)而成为最有希望的高容量负极材料之一.但硅负极在充放电过程中的体积效应,将引起电极材料粉化以及循环性能变差.为解决上述问题,将硅与惰性过渡金属材料复合,过渡金属充当体积效应的缓冲层.本文利用有限元软件abaqus对比了三种不同的硅薄膜材料(Si/Si-M n/Si-Zr).通过磁控溅射方法制备了上述三种硅薄膜材料,并对其进行了SEM、XRD、循环性能等测试,实验得出的结论与仿真结果一致,加入的过渡金属材料有利于缓解体积效应,且Mn材料的缓解效应更强.%Si is the most promising anode material for high energy lithium ion battteries because of its high specific capacity(4200mAh·g -1).But its undesirable volume enpansion results in me-chanical degration and capacity reduction.It is a promising way to combine Si and inert metal to relieve the expansion duringLi+insertion/extraction.In this article,use Abaqus to compare three different Si thin films(Si,Si-Mn,Si-Zr).Si thin film was deposited on Cu foil by magne-tron supttering for use as lithium ion battery anode material.The electrochemical performance of Si film was investgated by cyclic voltammetry and constant current charge/discharge test.The results consistent with simulation.The use of metal material is useful for the electronical per-formance and Zr is more useful than M n.【期刊名称】《电池工业》【年(卷),期】2017(021)006【总页数】9页(P19-27)【关键词】锂离子电池;硅薄膜负极;惰性金属;Abaqus;磁控溅射【作者】季家磊;朱孔军;刘鹏程;钱国明;王裕;刘劲松【作者单位】南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院,江苏南京 210016;南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院,江苏南京 210016;广州大学机械与电子工程学院,广东广州510006;南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院,江苏南京 210016;南京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210016;南京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM910.21 IntroductionDue to their advantages of high energy density, long life, low toxicity and environmental friendliness, lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) have become the most promising and widely applied rechargeable batteries.[1] LIBs have been widely used in portable electronics such as mobile phone, digital camera, DV, laptop, and (hybrid) electrical vehicles. The theoretical capacity of commercial graphite (used as anode) is only 372mAh/g[2], and can not meet the increasing demands for lithium-ion batteries with high energy density and long cycling life. In recent years, the development of new high capacity anode material has attracted significant interest. It is well known that some elements can electrochemical react with Li with high capacity.Some alloying elements with high theoretical capacities, such as Si, Sn, Ge Al[3-6], and conversion electrodes such as NiO, and Co3O4[7-8],have been studied extensively. Among these material, Si has high theoretical capacity,4100mAh/g, ten times of graphite[9]. However, Si shows a massive volume expansion/contraction during Li+ insertion/extraction, larger than 300% after fullly lithium insertion[10]. This causes the pulverization of Si particle and loose contacts between Si particles and current collector, which will further result in mechanical in mechanical instability and poor cyclability[11-13]. To solve such problems, combine Si and inert metal materials which can relieve the huge volume change of Si thin films during lithiation and delithiation. Researchers have made attempts to improve the electrochemical performance of Si thin films as anode material, among which, the introduction of a secondary material is an effective way[14-16].In this study, choose secondary materials which have good conductivity and ductility and act as buffer to alleviate the particle pulverization. Use Abaqus to compare the stree and strain in three different thin films(Si, Si-Mn, Si-Zr) during Li+ insertion/extraction and analyse the role of the inert metal. Then, fabricate above Si thin films by magnetron supttering. The electrochemical performance of Si film was investgated by cyclic voltammetry and constant current charge/discharge test. The experimental results consist with the simulation. The use of metal material is useful for the cycling performance and Mn is more useful.2 Finite Element ModelLi+ insertion will result in a distorted lattice, volumetric expansion, mechanical stresss occures because of the constraint of Cu substrate. The size and stiffness of the substrate(Cu foil) is much lower than Si thin film, the deformation of Cu foil is then much lower than Si thin film and can be neglected, we assume the substrate to be rigid. Cracking and interface debonding are not considered, body force and inertia effects are neglected. Mechaniacl deformaion is thought to be quasi-static because it is much slower than diffusion process.An axisymetric finite element model under a cylindrical polar coordinate system(r,θ,z) is used in Abaqus. Si thin film is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic and be firmly bonded to the rigid substate. Because mechanical stress and diffusion process influence each other, fully coupled thermal-mechanical transient analysis procedure is used. First-order elements are used for the highly nonliner problem, finite element size is set to 1% of the height of Si thin film and fine mesh is used due to stress concentration. To improve convergence of the nonliner problem, liner search algorithm and maximum 5 interations are used.There is no diffusion-stress aanalysis in Abaqus,use the method proposed by Prussin[17] as convention. Mechanical response under concetration loading is analogous to that under temperature loading, stress caused by diffusion is analogous to thermal stress.Extending the 1D relation given by Prussin[17] to 3D, the constitutive equation for diffudsion-induced deformation of an elastic solid can be expressed(1)Fig.1 Structure of thin filmwhere εij(i,j=1,2,3) are componts of strain tensor; σij(i,j=1,2,3) are componts of stress tensor; c(mol m3) is concentration of diffusion componts; Ω is partial molar volume representing v olume expansion caused by diffusion of Li+; E is elastic modulus; υ is posson’s ratio. Stress caused by diffusion is analogous to that caused by temperature gradient, Ω/3 plays the same role as thermal expansion coefficient in thermal stress analysis.2.1 Structure and MaterialThe model of anode is based on the 2016-type cell which is used to be tested later. The anode of 2016-type cell is wafer thin film The thickness and radius of the Si thin film is D and R, the thickness of transition metal material is d. According to 2016-type cell, R is set to be 6μm. BourderauS[18] fabricated the Si thin film with 1.2μm which had bad cycling performance, while thin film with 275nm[19] had better cycling performance, thus D is set to be 500nm. Transition metal just works as buffer layer and not participate in LI+ insertion/extraction, d is smaller than Si and set to be 200nm(Fig. 1.).Based on volumes of lithiated silicon at different Li-Si alloy phases[20], and linear relations between Li fraction and elastic constants[21- 22], dependence of elastic constants on concentration c (fmol mm-3) is expressed.E=E0+k1 c,υ=υ0+k2 c.(2)Where E0=130Gpa, V0=0.22[23]. k1= -0.13Gpa.μm3fmol-1,k2=-0.00047μm3fmol-1(minus k1、k2 represents the soften of Si electrode during lithium intercalation.)The choice of transition metal must have good ductility, it acts as the buffer to alleviate the huge expansion, at the same time, it doesn’t act with Li+. Metal choosed here is Mn and Zr.2.2 Boundary ConditionAs metioned previous,the structure of the electrode is wafer type and symmetry, also the electrode is surrounded by invariant Li-ion concentration,the electrod can be treated as a symmetric finite model, and for simplify, we choose a section for analysis.The initial condition iswhen t=0, c=0.(3)In potentiostatic operation,the electrode surfaces are surrounded by an invariant Li-ion concentration, cs, so the concentration of Li-ion on the top surface and edge surface is fixed.when 0<t<t1, r=R, c=cs.(4)when 0<t<t1, z=h, c=cs.(5)Cu foil is rigid substrate and doesn’t take part in Li+ diffusion,(6)Under the cylindrical polar coordinate system, the structure, boundary conditions and loading conditions are all axisymmetric.when t>0,r=0, ur=0.(7)Volume change consistsin stress because of the constraint of substrate. Because the film is firmly adherent to the substrate, there is no lateral displacements occures on the interface.when t>0,z=0,ur=uθ=uz=0.(8)There is no mechanical loading applied on the top surface and side sur face.when t>0,在z=h处,σz=0.(9)when t>0, r=R, z>0, σr=0.(10)3 Simulation Results3.1 Concentratin, Displacement and Stress FieldsThe concentration field before fully insertion is showed in Fig. 2a. Due to the edge diffusion, concention is dependent on radial coordinate. For the central region of the electrode, concentration is dependent on axial displacement.The displacement and stress field after fully insertion is showed in Fig. 2b-e.Fig. 2d-e. shows the expansion caused by lithium-ion insertion includes radial extension and bending.The radial displacement is concentrated at the edge of the top surface and the maximum radial displacement occures at the edge on the top surface, also there is little radial displacement in the central region of the film.The maximum axial displacement occures at the center of the top surface. Axial displacement in the central region can be regarded to be independent of radial coordinate. Due to the fixed constraint of the rigid substrate, negative axial displacement is possible near the edge on the interface. A dome-like morphology is formed due to the axial and lateral expansions.Fig.2 Concentration, displacemt and stress fields (a.concentration field, b.stress field, c, d, e. displacement field in equilibrium state) Fig.2b shows the stress caused by lithium-ion insertion mainly occures at the center of the top surface and the edge of the bottom surface.3.2 ComparasionofDisplacement/StressFieldsinDifferentSi-MThinFilms The displacement after fully insertion is showed in Fig.3. The distribution of displacement in different Si-M electrode is similar. No matter the total displacement or vertional/radial displacement declines while the metal is used.Same conclusion can be achieved in the stress fields (Fig. 4). The maximun of von mises of Si-M thin film is less than Si thin film. Both the results of displacement and stress comparasion fields reveals that use of metal is beneficial to the Si anode to experience less destroy during insertion.Fig.3 Comparasion of displacement fields (, b.radial, c.axial displacement)Fig. 4 Comparasion of stress fields(a.Si, b.Si-Mn,c.Si-Zr)4 Experimental Results4.1 ExperimentalSi thin films were prepared in an PVD 75 multi-target magnetron sputtering system(KJLC, Co.). The samples were deposited on both Si wafer for thickness measurement and Cu foil for electrochemical measurements. The target was N-type monocrystalline Si with 2 inch diameters and 99.999% purity, Mn with 99.9% purity and Zr with 99.5% purity. The target-substrate distance of the sputtering system was set to be 50mm. After the base pressure reached 8.3×10-4 Pa, Ar (99.999%) was introduced into the chamber. The working pressure was kept at 8mtorr. Si thin films were deposited using a constant radio frequency power supply of 100W.Thefilm thickness was controlled by deposition time.The amount of deposited Si was calculated assuming a density of 2.33g·cm-3 for the Si thin film.The morphology and accurate thickness of Si thin films were measured by the field emission scanning electron microscopy (FSEM, SIGMA, Germany). The phase structure of was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD, Bruker D8 Advance, Germany).To evaluate the electrochemical properties of the Si thin film anode, 2025-type half-cells were assembled in an argon-filled glove box with H2O andO2 concentrations of less than 1ppm. A lithium metal foil was used as a counter electrode, and Celgard2400 was used as a separator. Theelectrolyte solution was 1.0 M LiPF6 in EC/DEC (1∶1 vol/vol). Cyclic voltammetry measurements were performed using an electrochemical workstation (Princeton PARSTAT MC) at a scan rate of 0.01 mV in the potential range 0V~1.5V.Galvanostatic charge/discharge measurement was carried out using a Land battery test system (LAND CT2001A) with the cut off potentials being 0V versus Li/Li+ for discharge and 1.5V versusLi/Li+ for charge.4.2 Results and DiscussionFig.5 SEM images(a.cross-ssection, subface of b.Si, c. Si-Mn, d. Si-Zr)The cross-sectional SEM image of Si thin film deposited on a Si wafer is presented in Fig. 5a. The thickness of the dense Si、Mn、Zr can be observed,and the corresponding growth rate can be calculated,finally actual operating time was obtained accoring to the target thickness(Tab 1). Table1SputteringParameterTargetSiMnZrPower(W)100100100Time(min)606030Th ickness(nm)320200170Rate(nm/min) 200200ActualTime(min)946035Fig.6. shows the XRD pattern of Si thin film deposited on Cu foil. All the diffraction peaks are attributed to the Cu foil, and no peak of Si appears, especially the typical peak for crystal Si at 28°. This indicates that the Si thin film is amorphous.Fig.6 XRD patterns of Si thin filmsThe L+ insertion/extraction reactions of Si thin film were studied by cyclic voltammetry. For all of the three thin films, three cyclic voltammetriccurves of the Si thin film are shown in Fig. 7. In the first scanning cycle, there is a cathodic peak at 0.32V, which disappears from the second cycle. This cathodic peak is attributed to the formation of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer due to decomposition of electrolyte on the film surface. Two cathodic peaks at 0.20V and 0.05V, as well as two anodic peaks at 0.50V and 0.33V, are observed on all three cyclic voltammograms; these are ascribed to the electrochemical reactions of Li+ insertion and extraction in the Si thin film. The slight difference in the intensity and the potential for each peak can be attributed to the kinetic effect involved in the cyclic voltammetry measurement.Fig.7 Cyclic voltammetry plots (scanning rate 0.1Mv/s,potential range0V~1.5V, a. Si; b.Si-Mn; c.Si-Zr)Fig.8.shows the first three times of the discharge/charge curves. The first discharge capacity of the Si, Si-Mn, Si-Zr thin film is 2045.0mAh·g-1, 2203.1mAh·g-1, 2505.0mAh·g-1, and initial coulombic efficiency is 101.76%, 103.98%, 102.89%. The first and second reversible capacity of the Si-Mn thin film is 1900.3mAh·g-1 and 1976.0mAh g-1,for Si-Zr, 1997.0mAh·g-1, 2054.7mAh·g-1,which is much larger than that of a graphiteanod e(1662.9mAh·g-1, 1692.3mAh· g-1,respectively). The irreversible capacity is attributed to the formation of a SEI layer in the first cycle. In evidence, a SEI-formation voltage plateau is observed near 0.32V, which disappears in the second cycle. This observation is also in good agreement with CV results.Fig.8 Discharge/charge curves (a. Si; b.Si-Mn; c.Si-Zr)Cycling performance of the Si thin films are shown in Fig. 9 a-c. The first reversible capacity 100mA/g for Si, Si/Mn, Si/Zr is 1692.3mAh/g,1830.8mAh/g, 1955.6mAh/g respectively, and 71.2%, 83.9%, 88.2% capacity remained after 50 cycles.The introduce of transition metal can enhance both the first reversible capacity and the capacity retention effectively, which proves that the metal can improve the cycling performance of Si thin films. Rate performance of the Si thin films are shown in Fig. 9 d-f.Fig.9 Eletronical performance of Si thin films (Cycling performance of a.Si, b. Si-Mn, c. Si-Zr, rate performance of d. Si, e. Si-Mn, f. Si-Zr)To further evaluate the performance of Si thin films, the rate capability measurements (Fig. 9d-f) at the quickly increased current density from 0.1A/g to 1A/g were carried out. For Si thin films, the discharge capacity of 2045.3mAh/g, 1413.2mAh/g, 1128.8mAh/g, 919.5mAh/g, 732.7mAh/g can be obtained at 0.1A/g, 0.2A/g, 0.3A/g, 0.5A/g, 1.0A/g, 0.1A/g. For Si-Mn, 2203.1mAh/g, 1718.9mAh/g, 1535.7mAh/g, 1329.6mAh/g, 1044.3mAh/g can be obtained, and for Si/Zr, 2505.0mAh/g, 1859.4mAh/g, 1661.2mAh/g, 1500.6mAh/g, 1117.8mAh/g can be delievered. Although suffering from the rapid change of the current density, the cell can still exhibit a stable cycling at each current. Importantly, 80% of the first reversible capacity can be remained for Si thin film when the current density is turned back to1A/g, and for Si-Mn, Si-Zr, 89.0% and 92.9% can be remained.It proved that use of metal is beneficial to the electrocal performance again.5 ConclusionIn this article, Si and inert metal is combined to relieve the expansion during Li+ insertion/ extraction. Use Abaqus to compare three different Si thin films (Si, Si-Mn, Si-Zr).we found that the use of inert metal reduces the displacement and stress induced during the Li+ insertion. Also, Si-M thin film used as anode material.was deposited by magnetron supttering The morphology of the Si-M thin films are similar, and XRD results reveals that the structure of Si thin films is amorphous. The electrochemical performance of Si thin films consistents with the simulation, use of metal can relieve the expansion and result in better cycling and rate performance. 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第51卷第1期2020年1月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology)V ol.51No.1Jan.2020结霜初期超疏水表面液滴生长的规律赵伟,梁彩华,成赛凤,罗倩妮(东南大学能源与环境学院,江苏南京,210096)摘要:为了研究结霜初期液滴在超疏水表面的生长规律,建立结霜初期超疏水表面液滴生长的分层模型,揭示液滴在生长过程中各层温差的分布特点,并深入研究表面接触角、面积分数、基底温度以及空气相对湿度对液滴生长的影响规律。


关键词:超疏水表面;液滴生长;接触角;面积分数中图分类号:TK124文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-7207(2020)01-0231-08Rule of droplets growth in the early stage of frost formation onsuperhydrophobic surfacesZHAO Wei,LIANG Caihua,CHENG Saifeng,LUO Qianni(School of Energy and Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing210096,China) Abstract:In order to study the droplets growth on the superhydrophobic surfaces in the early stage of frostformation,the model of droplets growth under frosting conditions was established.The proportion of the temperature difference of each layer in the droplets growth process was analyzed.The effects of contact angle, area fraction,substrate temperature and relative humidity on droplets growth were studied.The results show that in the early stage of frost formation,the temperature difference of the Knudsen layer and the continuum region layer account for more than95%of the total temperature difference.With the increase of surface contact angle,the temperature difference of continuum region layer decreases,which leads to the slow growth of droplets.The areafraction S has little effect on the droplets growth.When S=0.04,the related thermal resistance Rweonly accounts for about0.2%of the total thermal resistance of the droplet-fin layer.The rate of droplets growth increases as the substrate temperature decreases and the relative humidity of the air increases.Key words:superhydrophobic surfaces;droplets growth;contact angle;area fractionDOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2020.01.026收稿日期:2019−03−12;修回日期:2019−05−23基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51676033);“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC700304) (Project(51676033)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China;Project(2016YFC700304)supported by the National Key R&D Programs during the13th Five-Year Plan Period)通信作者:梁彩华,博士,教授,博士生导师,从事制冷空调、建筑节能及可再生能源利用研究;E-mail:caihualiang@163.com第51卷中南大学学报(自然科学版)空气源热泵在冬季制热运行时不可避免地会出现结霜现象。



电路板专业词汇(N-Z)N.C.数值控制.Nail Head钉头.Near IR近红外线.Negative负片,钻尖的第一面外缘变窄.Negative Etch-back反回蚀.Negative Stencil负性感光膜.Negative-Acting Resist负性作用之阻剂.Network纲状元件.Newton牛顿.Newton Ring 牛顿环.Newtonian Liquid牛顿流体.Nick缺口.N-Methyl Pyrrolidine (NMP)N-甲基四氢哔咯.Noble Metal Paste贵金属印膏.Node节点.Nodule节瘤.Nomencleature标示文字符号.Nominal Cured Thickness标示厚度.Non-Circular Land非圆形孔环焊垫.Non-flammable非燃性.Non-wetting不沾锡.Normal Concentration (Strength)标准浓度,当量浓度.Normal Distribution常态分布.Novolac酯醛树脂.Nucleation , Nucleating核化.Numerical Control数值控制.Nylon尼龙.*****O*****Occlusion吸藏.Off-Contact架空.Offset第一面大小不均.OFHC(Oxyen Free High Conductivity)无氧高导电铜.Ohm欧姆.Oilcanning盖板弹动.OLB(Outer Lead Bond)外引脚结合.Oligomer寡聚物.Omega Meter离子污染检测仪.Omega Wave振荡波.On-Contact Printing密贴式印刷.Opaquer不透明剂,遮光剂.Open Circuits断线.Optical Comparater光学对比器(光学放大器.)Optical Density光密度.Optical Inspection光学检验.Optical Instrument光学仪器.Organic Solderability Preservatives (OSP)有机保焊剂. Osmosis渗透.Outgassing出气,吹气.Outgrowth悬出,横出,侧出.Output产出,输出.Overflow溢流.Overhang总悬空.Overlap 钻尖点分离.Overpotantial(Over voltage)过电位,过电压. Oxidation氧化.Oxygen Inhibitor氧化抑制剂.Ozone Depletion臭氧层耗损.*****P*****Packaging封装,构装.Pad焊垫,圆垫.Pad Master圆垫底片.Pads Only Board唯垫板.Palladium钯.Panel制程板.Panel Plating全板镀铜.Panel Process全板电镀法.Paper Phenolic纸质酚醛树脂(板材).Parting Agent脱膜剂.Passivation钝化,钝化外理.Passive Device (Component)被动组件(零件)Paste膏,糊.Pattern板面图形.Pattern Plating线路电镀.Pattern Process线路电镀法.Peak Voltage峰值电压.Peel Strength抗撕强度.Periodic Reverse (PR) Current周期性反电流. Peripheral周边附属设备.Permeability透气性,导磁率.Permittivity诱电率,透电率.pH Value酸碱值.Phase相.Phase Diagram相图.Phenolic酚醛树脂.Photofugitive感光褪色.Photographic film感光成像之底片.Photoinitiator感光启始剂.Photomask光罩.Photoplotter, Plotter光学绘图机.Photoresist光阻.Photoresist Chemical Machinning (Milling)光阻式化学(铣刻)加工. Phototool底片.Pick and Place拾取与放置.Piezoelectric压电性.Pin 插脚,插梢,插针.Pin Grid Array (PGA)矩阵式针脚对装.Pinhole针孔.Pink Ring粉红圈.Pitch跨距,脚距,垫距,线距.Pits凹点.Plain Weave平织.Plasma电浆.Plasticizers可塑剂,增塑剂.Plated Through Hole镀通孔.Platen热盘.Plating镀.Plotting标绘.Plowing犁沟.Plug插脚,塞柱.Ply层,股.Pneumatic Stretcher气动拉伸器.Pogo Pin伸缩探针.Point 钻尖.Point Angle钻尖面.Point Source Light点状光源.Poise泊."粘滞度"单位=1dyne*sec/cm2.Polar Solvent极性溶剂.Polarity电极性.Polarization分极,极化.Polarizing Slot偏槽.Polyester Films聚酯类薄片.Polymer Thick Film (PTF)厚膜糊.Polymerization聚合.Polymide(PI)聚亚醯胺.Popcorn Effect爆米花效应.Porcelain瓷材,瓷面.Porosity Test疏孔度试验.Positive Acting Resist正性光阻剂.Post Cure后续硬化,后烤.Post Separation后期分离,事后公离.Pot Life运用期,锅中寿命.Potting铸封,模封.Power Supply电源供应器.Preform 预制品.Preheat预热.Prepreg胶片,树脂片.Press Plate钢板.Press-Fit Contact挤入式接触.Pressure Foot 压力脚.Pre-tinning预先沾锡.Primary Image线路成像.Print Through压透,过度挤压..Probe探针.Process Camera制程用照像机.Process Window操作范围.Production Master生产底片.Profile轮廓,部面图,升温曲线图棱线.Propagation传播.Propagation Delay传播延迟.Puddle Effect水坑效应.Pull Away拉离.Pulse Plating脉冲电镀法.Pumice Powder 浮石粉.Punch冲切.Purge, Purging净空,净洗.Purple Plague紫疫(金与铝的共化物层).Pyrolysis热裂解,高温分解.*****Q*****Quad Flat Pack (QFP)方扁形封装体.Qualification Agency资格认证机构.Qualification Inspection资格检验.Qualified Products List合格产品(供应者)名单.Qualitative Analysis定性分析.Quality Conformance Test Circuitry (Coupon)品质符合之试验线路(样板). Quantitative Analysis定量分析.Quench 淬火,骤冷.Quick Disconnect快速接头.Quill纬纱绕轴.*****R*****Rack 挂架.Radial Lead放射状引脚.Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)射频干扰.Rake Angle抠角,耙角.Rated Temperature, Voltage额定温度,额定电压. Reactance电抗.Real Estate底材面,基板面.Real Time System 实时系统.Reclaiming再生,再制.Rediometer辐射计,光度计.Reel to Reel卷轮(盘)式操作.Reference Dimension参考尺度.Reference Edge参考边缘.Reflection反射.Reflow Soldering重熔焊接,熔焊.Refraction折射.Refractive Index折射率.Register Mark对准用标记.Registration对准度.Reinforcement补强物.Rejection剔退,拒收.Relamination(Re-Lam)多层板压合.Relaxation松弛.缓和.Relay继电器.Release Agent, Release Sheets脱模剂,离模剂. Reliability可靠度,可信度.Relief Angle浮角.Repair修理.Resin Coated Copper Foil背胶铜箔.Resin Content胶含量,树脂含量.Resin Flow胶流量,树脂流量.Resin Recession树脂下陷.Resin Rich Area 多胶区,树脂丰富区.Resin Smear胶(糊)渣.Resin Starve Area缺胶区,树脂缺乏区.Resist阻膜,阻剂.Resistivity电阻系数,电阻率.Resistor电阻器,电阻.Resistor Drift电阻漂移.Resistor Paste电阻印膏.Resolution解像,解像度,分辨率.Resolving Power解析(像)力,分辨力.Reverse Current Cleaning反电流(电解)清洗. Reverse Etchback反回蚀.Reverse Image负片影像(阻剂).Reverse Osmosis (RO)反(逆渗透).Reversion反转,还原.Revision修正版.改订版.Rework(ing)重工,再加工.Rhology流变学,流变性质.Ribbon Cable圆线缆带.Rigid-Flex Printed Board硬软合板.Ring 套环.Rinsing水洗,冲洗.Ripple纹波(指整流器所输出电流中不稳定成分). Rise Time上升时间.Roadmap 线路与零件之布局图.Robber辅助阴极.Roller Coating辊轮涂布.Roller Coating滚动涂布法.Roller Cutter辊切机.Roller Tinning辊锡法,滚锡法.Rosin松香.Rotary Dip Test摆动沾锡试验.Routing切外型.Runout偏转,累绩距差.Rupture迸裂.*****S*****Sacrificial Protection牺牲性保护层.Salt Spray Test盐雾试验.Sand Blast喷砂.Saponification皂化作用.Saponifier皂化剂.Satin Finish缎面处理.Scaled Flow Test比例流量实验.Schemetic Diagram电路概略图.ScoringV型刻槽.Scratch刮痕.Screen Printing纲版印刷.Screenability纲印能力.Scrubber磨刷机,磨刷器.Scum透明残膜.Sealing封孔.Secondary Side第二面 .Seeding下种.Selective Plating选择性电镀.Self-Extinguishing自熄性.Selvage布边.Semi-Additive Process半加成制程.Semi-Conductor半导体.Sensitizing敏化.Separable Component Part可分离式零件.Separator Plate隔板, 钢板.Sequential Lamination接续性压合法.Sequestering Agent螯合剂.Shadowing阴影,回蚀死角.Shank钻针柄部.Shear Strength 抗剪强度.Shelf Life储龄.Shield遮蔽.Shore Hardness萧氏硬度.Short短路.Shoulder Angle肩斜角.Shunt分路.Side Wall侧壁.Siemens电阻值.Sigma (Standard Deviation)标准差.Signal讯号.Silane硅烷.Silica Gel硅胶砂.Silicon硅.Silicone硅铜.Silk Screen纲版印刷,丝纲印刷.Silver Migration银迁移.Silver Paste 银膏.Single-In-Line Package(SIP)单边插脚封装体.Sintering烧结.Sizing上胶,上浆.Sizing上浆处理.Skin Effect集肤效应(高频下,电流在传递时多集中在导体表面,使得道线内部通过电流甚少, 造成内部导体浪费,并也使得表面导体部分电阻升高.Skip Printing, Skip Plating漏印,漏镀.Skip Solder 缺锡, 漏焊.Slashing浆经.Sleeve Jint套接.Sliver边丝,边余.Slot, Slotting槽口.Sludge于泥.Slump塌散.Slurry稠浆,悬浮浆.Small Hole小孔.Smear胶渣.Smudging锡点沾污.Snap-off弹回高度.Socket插座.Soft Contact轻触.Soft Glass 软质玻璃(铅玻璃).Solder焊锡.Solder Ball锡球.Solder Bridging锡桥.Solder Bump 焊锡凸块.Solder Column Package锡柱脚封装法. Solder Connection焊接.Solder Cost焊锡着层.Solder Dam锡堤.Solder Fillet填锡.Solder Levelling喷锡,热风整平.Solder Masking(S/M)防焊膜绿漆.Solder Paste锡膏.Solder Plug锡塞(柱).Solder Preforms预焊料.Solder Projection焊锡突点.Solder Sag 焊锡垂流物.Solder Side焊锡面.Solder Spatter溅锡.Solder Splash贱锡.Solder Spread Test散锡试验.Solder Webbing锡纲.Solder Webbing锡纲.Solder Wicking渗锡,焊锡之灯芯效应. Solderability可焊性.Soldering软焊,焊接.Soldering Fluid, Soldering Oil助焊液,护焊油. Solid Content固体含量,固形分.Solidus Line固相线.Spacing间距.Span跨距.Spark Over闪络.Specific Heat 比热.Specification (Spec)规范,规格.Specimen样品,试样.Spectrophotometry分光光度计检测法. Spindle主轴,钻轴.Spinning Coating自转涂布.Splay斜钻孔.Spray Coating喷着涂装.Spur底片图形边缘突出.Sputtering溅射.Squeege刮刀.Stagger Grid蹒跚格点.Stalagometer滴管式表面张力计.Stand-off Terminals直立型端子.Starvation缺胶.Static Eliminator静电消除器.Steel Rule Die(钢)刀模.Stencil版膜.Step and Repeat逐次重复曝光.Step Plating梯阶式镀层.Step Tablet阶段式曝光表.Stiffener补强条(板).Stop Off防镀膜, 阻剂.Strain变形,应变.Strand绞(指由许多股单丝集束并旋扭而成的丝束).Stray Current迷走电流, 散杂电流(在电镀槽系统中,其直流电由整流器所提供,应在阳极板与被镀件之间的汇电杆与槽体液体中流通,但有时少部分电流也可能会从槽体本身或加热器上迷走,漏失).Stress Corrosion应力腐蚀.Stress Relief消除应力.Strike预镀.Stringing拖尾.Stripline条线.Stripper剥除液(器).Substractive Process减成法.Substrate底材.Supper Solder超级焊锡.Supported Hole(金属)支助通孔.Surface Energy表面能.Surface Insulation Resistance表面绝缘电阻.Surface Mount Device 表面粘装组件.Surface Mounting Technology (SMT)表面粘装技术. Surface Resistivity表面电阻率.Surface Speed钻针表面速度.Surface Tension表面张力.Surfactant表面润湿剂.Surge突流,突压.Swaged Lead压扁式引脚.Swelling Agents, Sweller膨松剂.Swimming 线路滑离.Synthetic Resin合成树脂.*****T*****Tab接点,金手指.Taber Abraser泰伯磨试器.Tackiness粘着性, 粘手性.Tape Automatic Bonding (TAB)卷带自动结合.Tape Casting 带状铸材.Tape Test撕胶带试验.Tape Up Master原始手贴片.Taped Components卷带式连载组件.Taper Pin Gauge锥状孔规.Tarnish污化.Tarnish 污化, 污着.Teflon铁氟龙(聚4氟乙烯).Telegraphing浮印,隐印.Temperature Profile温度曲线.Template模板.Tensile Strength抗拉强度.Tensiomenter张力计.Tenting盖孔法.Terminal端子.Terminal Clearance端子空环.Tetra-Etch氟树脂蚀粗剂.Tetrafunctional Resin四功能树脂.Thermal Coefficient of Expansion (TCE)热膨胀系数. Thermal Conductivity导热率.Thermal Cycling热循环,热震荡.Thermal Mismstch感热失谐.Thermal Relief散热式镂空.Thermal Via导热孔.Thermal Zone感热区.Thermocompression Bonding热压结合. Thermocouple热电偶.Thermode发热体.Thermode Soldering热模焊接法. Thermogravimetric Analysis, (TGA)热重分析法. Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)热机分析法. Thermoplastic热塑性.Thermosetting热固性.Thermosonic Bonding热超音波结合.Thermount聚醯胺短纤席材.Thermo-Via导热孔.Thick Film Circuit厚膜电路.Thief辅助阳极.Thin Copper Foil薄铜箔.Thin Core薄基板.Thin Film Technology薄膜技术.Thin Small Outline Package(TSOP)薄小型绩体电路器.Thinner调薄剂.Thixotropy抗垂流性,摇变性.Three Point Bending三点压弯试验.Three-Layer Carrier三层式载体.Threshold Limit Value (TLV)极限值.Through Hole Mounting通孔插装.Through Put物流量,物料通过量.Throwing Power分布力.Tie Bar分流条.Tin Drift锡量漂飘失.Tin Immersion浸镀锡.Tin Pest锡疫(常见白色金属锡为"β锡",当温度低于13.2℃时则β锡将逐渐转变成粉末状灰色"α锡"称为"锡疫".Tin Whishers锡须.Tinning热沾焊锡.Tolerance公差.Tombstoning墓碑效应.Tooling Feature工具标示物.Topography表面地形.Torsion Strength抗扭强度.Touch Up触修,简修.Trace 线路,导线.Traceability追溯性,可溯性.Transducer转能器.Transfer Bump移用式突块.Transfer Laminatied Circuit转压式线路.Transfer Soldering移焊法.Transistor晶体管.Translucency半透性.Transmission Line传输线.Transmittance透光率.Treament, Treating含浸处理.Treeing枝状镀物,镀须.Trim修整, 精修.Trim Line裁切线.Trimming修整,修边.True Position真位.Tungsten钨Tungsten Carbide碳化钨.Turnkey System包办式系统.Turret Solder Terminal塔立式焊接端子.Twill Weave斜织法.Twist板扭.Two Layer Carrier两层式载体.UL Symbol(UL.为Under-Writers 保俭业试验所标志. Laboratories,INC)Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS)极限抗拉强度. Ultra High Frequency (UHF)超高频率.Ultra Violet Curing (UV Curing)紫外线硬化. Ultrasonic Bonding超音波结合.Ultrasonic Cleaning超音波清洗.Ultrasonic Soldering超音波焊接.Unbalanced Transmission Line非平衡式传输线. Undercut, Undercutting侧蚀.Underplate底镀层.Universal Tester汛用型电测机.Unsupported Hole非镀通孔.Urea尿素.Urethane胺基甲酸乙脂.*****V*****Vacuoles焊洞.Vacuum Evaporation(or Deposition)真空蒸镀法. Vacuum Lamination真空压合.Van Der Waals Force凡得华力.Vapor Blasting蒸汽喷砂.Vapor Degreasing蒸汽除油法.Vapor Phase Soldering气相焊接.Varnish凡力水,清漆(树脂之液态单体).V-cutV型切槽.Very Large-Scale Integration(VLSI)极大绩体电路器. Via Hole 导通孔.Vickers Hardness维氏硬度.Viscosity粘滞度,粘度.Vision Systems视觉系统.Visual Examination目视检验.Void 破洞,空洞.Volatile Content挥发份含量.Voltage电压.Voltage Breakdown崩溃电压.Voltage Drop 电压降落.Voltage Efficiency电压效率.Voltage Plane电压层.Voltage Plane Clearance电压层的空环.Volume Resistivity体绩电阻率.Volume Resistivity体绩电阻率.Volumetric Analysis容量分析法.Vulcanization交联,硫化.Wafer晶圆.Waive暂准过关,暂不检查. Warp Size 浆经处理.Warp, Warpage板弯.Washer垫圈.Waste Treatment废弃处理. Water Absorption吸水性. Water Break水膜破散,水破. Water Mark水印.Watt瓦特.Watts Bath瓦兹镀镍液.Wave Guide导波管.Wave Soldering波焊. Waviness 波纹,波度.Wear Resistance耐磨性,耐磨度. Weatherability耐候性.Weave Eposure织纹显露. Weave Texture织纹隐现.Web蹼部.Wedge Bond 楔形结合点. Wedge Void楔形缺口(破口). Weft Yarn纬纱.Welding熔接.Wet Blasting湿喷砂.Wet Lamination湿压膜法.Wet Process湿式制程.Wetting Agent润湿剂.Wetting Balance沾锡天平. Wetting Balance沾锡,沾湿. Whirl Brush旋涡式磨刷法. Whirl Coating旋涡涂布法. Whisker晶须.White Residue白色残渣.White Spot白点.Wicking灯蕊效应.Window操作范围,传动齿孔. Wiping Action 滑动接触(导电). Wire Bonding打线结合.Wire Gauge线规.Wire Lead金属线脚.Wire Pattern布线图形.Wire Wrap绕线互连.Working Master工作母片.Working Time (Life)堪用时间.Workmanship 手艺,工艺水平,制作水准.Woven Cable扁平编线.Wrinkle皱折, 皱纹.Wrought Foil锻碾金属箔.*****X*****X AxisX轴.X-Ray X光.X-Ray FluorescenceX萤光.*****Y*****Yarn纱线.Y-AxisY轴.Yield良品率,良率,产率.Yield Point屈服点.*****Z*****Z-AxisZ轴.Zero Centering中心不变(叠合法).Zig-Zag In-Line Package (ZIP)炼齿状双排脚封装件.。



黑曲霉发酵生产糖化酶的工艺流程英文版The process of producing amylase by black Aspergillus fermentationAmylase is an important enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into sugars. It is widely used in various industries such as food, textile, and pharmaceuticals. One of the most common sources of amylase is black Aspergillus, a fungus known for its high amylase production.The process of producing amylase by black Aspergillus fermentation involves several steps. First, the fungus is cultured in a suitable medium containing starch as the substrate. The culture is then incubated at an optimal temperature and pH for the growth of the fungus and the production of amylase.During the fermentation process, the fungus secretes amylase into the medium, where it hydrolyzes the starch into sugars. The medium is then harvested and the amylase is extracted and purified using techniques such as filtration, chromatography, and precipitation.The purified amylase can be used in various industrial applications, such as in the production of glucose syrup, beer, and biofuels. The process of producing amylase by black Aspergillus fermentation is cost-effective and environmentally friendly, making it a popular choice for industries looking to incorporate enzyme technology into their processes.In conclusion, the process of producing amylase by black Aspergillus fermentation is a well-established and efficient method for obtaining this important enzyme. With the increasing demand for enzymes in various industries, this process is likely to play a key role in meeting the needs of the market.中文翻译黑曲霉发酵生产糖化酶的工艺流程糖化酶是一种重要的酶,可以催化淀粉水解成糖。



be used as an exterior aluminium finish usually within an alkyd system. Can be used as primer, mid coat or finish coat in atmospheric environments. Suitable for properly prepared carbon steel and aluminium substrates.The Application Guide (AG) must be read in conjunction with the relevant specification, Technical Data Sheet reference only one corresponding standard for the substrate being edges, weld spatter and treatment of welds is complete. It is important that all hot work is completedgrades higher than B, but it is practically challenging to ensure specified film thickness on such a rough surface,contamination that can interfere with coating adhesion, and prepare a sound substrate for the subsequent product. Inspect the surface for hydrocarbon and other contamination and if present, remove with an alkaline detergent. Agitate the surface to activate the cleaner and before it dries, wash the treated area using fresh water. Paint solvents (thinners) shall not be used for general degreasing or preparation of the surface forpainting due to the risk of spreading dissolved hydrocarbon contamination. Paint thinners can be used to treat small localized areas of contamination such as marks from marker pens. Use clean, white cotton cloths that are maximum soluble salts (sampled and measured as per ISO 8502-6 and -9) content on a surface are:Areas exposed to (ISO 12944-2):Date of issue: 1 August 2014Page: 1/7Rev.:by Jotun Groupwelds, sharp edges and corners shall conform to minimum grade P2 (ISO 8501-3) Table 1, or as specified. All edges shall have a rounded radius of minimum 2 mm subjected to three pass grinding or equally effectivemethod. Defective welds shall be replaced and treated to an acceptable finish before painting. Temporary weldsactivate the cleaner and before it dries, wash the treated area by Low-Pressure Water Cleaning (LPWC) to Wa 1 (ISO 8501-4) using fresh water. Non-contaminated areas shall be washed down by Low-Pressure Water filler to fill pittings. This should then be done either after the initial surface preparation or after application ofmedium suitable to achieve a sharp and angular surface profile of 30-85 µm, grade Fine to Medium G; Ry5 (ISOproduct and abrasive media and inspected for surface particulate contamination. Maximum contamination level isSuitable methods are disc grinding, hand sanding or hand wire brushing. Ensure the surface is free from mill scale, residual corrosion, failed coating and is suitable for painting. Do not use power wire brushing due to the shall be degreased using an alkaline detergent which is agitated with non-metallic brushes and then fresh water rinsed. The cleaned surface shall be then hand or machine abraded with non-metallic abrasives or bonded fibre machine or hand abrasive pads to remove all surface polish and to impart a scratch pattern to the surface. DoDate of issue: 1 August 2014Page: 2/7Rev.:by Jotun Groupsurface for oil, grease and other contamination and if present, remove with an alkaline detergent. Agitate themortar droppings and loose, chalked and flaking coating. Inspect the surface for oil, grease and othercontamination and if present, remove with an alkaline detergent. Agitate the surface to activate the detergent and before it dries, wash the treated area using plenty of fresh water. When applied on coatings past maximum zinc shop primers must be free of zinc salts (white rust). Corroded and damaged areas must be mechanicallySubstrate temperature560-°C 5-50°C 10-85%• Do not apply the coating if the substrate is wet or likely to become wet• Do not apply the coating if the weather is clearly deteriorating or unfavourable for application or curingDate of issue: 1 August 2014Page: 3/7Rev.:by Jotun GroupThinner/Cleaning solventJotun Thinner No. 2Nozzle tip (inch/1000) :Pressure at nozzle (minimum) :150 bar/2100 psi Pump output (litres/minute) :32:10.9-1.5Several factors influence, and need to be observed to maintain the recommended pressure at nozzle. Among factors causing pressure drop are:- long paint- and whip hoses - low inner diameter hoses - high paint viscosity - large spray nozzle size- inadequate air capacity from compressor15-1970-100Minimum Maximum TypicalDry film thicknessWet film thicknessFilm thickness and spreading rate Theoretical spreading rate204522,5306515255518(μm)(m²/l)application using a painter's wet film comb (ISO 2808 Method 1A). Use a wet-to-dry film calculation table to calculate the required wet film thickness per coat.standard using statistical sampling to verify the actual dry film thickness. Measurement and control of the WFT Date of issue: 1 August 2014Page: 4/7Rev.:by Jotun Groupreducing loss. Application of liquid coatings will result in some material loss. Understanding the ways thatcoating can be lost during the application process, and making appropriate changes, can help reducing material loss.Some of the factors that can influence the loss of coating material are:- type of spray gun/unit used- air pressure used for airless pump or for atomization - orifice size of the spray tip or nozzle - fan width of the spray tip or nozzle - the amount of thinner added- the distance between spray gun and substrate- the profile or surface roughness of the substrate. Higher profiles will lead to a higher "dead volume"- the shape of the substrate targetWalk-on-dry18 h 14 h 10 h 8 h Substrate temperature 5 °C10 °C23 °C40 °C24 h 12 h 8 h6 htackiness. Dry sand sprinkled on the surface can be brushed off without sticking to or causing damage to theextended extended extended extended5 °C10 °C23 °C40 °CDate of issue: 1 August 2014Page: 5/7Rev.:by Jotun GroupPrepare the area through sandpapering or grinding, followed by thorough washing. When the surface is dry the coating may be over coated by itself or by another product, ref. original specification.Always observe the maximum over coating intervals. If the maximum over coating interval is exceeded the surface should be carefully roughened in order to ensure good intercoat adhesion. Damages exposing bare substrate:Remove all rust, loose paint, grease or other contaminants by spot abrasive blasting, mechanical grinding,water and/or solvent washing. Feather edges and roughen the overlap zone of surrounding intact coating. ApplyThe following information is the minimum recommended. The specification may have additional requirements.- Confirm all welding and other metal work, whether internal or external to the tank, has been completed before commencing pre-treatment and surface preparation of the substrate- Confirm installed ventilation is balanced and has the capacity to deliver and maintain the RAQ- Confirm the required surface preparation standard has been achieved and is held prior to coating application - Confirm that the climatic conditions are within recommendation in the AG and held during the application - Confirm the required number of stripe coats have been applied - Confirm each coat meets the DFT requirements of the specification- Confirm the coating has not been adversely affected by rain or any other agency during curing- Observe adequate coverage has been achieved on corners, crevices, edges and surfaces where the spray gun cannot be positioned so that its spray impinges on the surface at 90°- Observe the coating is free from defects, discontinuities, insects, spent abrasive media and other contamination- Observe the coating is free from misses, sags, runs, wrinkles, fat edges, mud blistering, blistering, obvious pinholes, excessive dry spray, heavy brush marks and excessive film build - Observe the uniformity and colour are satisfactoryAll noted defects should be fully repaired to conform to the coating specification.CautionThis product is for professional use only. The applicators and operators shall be trained, experienced and have the capability and equipment to mix/stir and apply the coatings correctly and according to Jotun's technical documentation. Applicators and operators shall use appropriate personal protection equipment when using this product. This guideline is given based on the current knowledge of the product. Any suggested deviation to suit the site conditions shall be forwarded to the responsible Jotun representative for approval before commencing the work.For further advice please contact your local Jotun office.Health and safetyPlease observe the precautionary notices displayed on the container. Use under well ventilated conditions. Do not inhale spray mist. Avoid skin contact. Spillage on the skin should immediately be removed with suitable cleanser, soap and water. Eyes should be well flushed with water and medical attention sought immediately.Colour variationSome coatings used as the final coat may fade and chalk in time when exposed to sunlight and weathering effects. Coatings designed for high temperature service can undergo colour changes without affectingperformance. Some slight colour variation can occur from batch to batch. When long term colour and gloss retention is required, please seek advice from your local Jotun office for assistance in selection of the most suitable top coat for the exposure conditions and durability requirements.Accuracy of informationAlways refer to and use the current (last issued) version of the TDS, SDS and if available, the AG for this product. Always refer to and use the current (last issued) version of all International and Local Authority Standards referred to in the TDS, AG & SDS for this product.Date of issue: 1 August 2014Page: 6/7Rev.:by Jotun GroupReference to related documentsThe Application Guide (AG) must be read in conjunction with the relevant specification, Technical Data Sheet (TDS) and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for all the products used as part of the coating system.When applicable, refer to the separate application procedure for Jotun products that are approved toAS/NZS = Australian/New Zealand StandardsUV = Ultravioletmin = minutes TDS = Technical Data Sheet AG = Application Guide psi = unit of pressure, pounds/inch²h = hours RH = Relative humidity (% RH)ISO = International Standards OrganisationNACE = National Association of Corrosion Engineersmg/m² = milligrams per square metre d = days° = unit of angleSDS = Safety Data SheetPPE = Personal Protective Equipment DFT = dry film thickness °C = degree Celsius g/kg = grams per kilogram SSPC = The Society for Protective CoatingsEPA = Environmental Protection Agencyg/l = grams per litreµm = microns = micrometresWFT = wet film thicknessMCI = Jotun Multi Colour Industry (tinted colour)UK = United KingdomBar = unit of pressureVOC = Volatile Organic Compoundm²/l = square metres per litreEU = European Union ASTM = American Society of Testing and Materials PSPC = Performance Standard for Protective Coatings RAQ = Required air quantityThe information in this document is given to the best of Jotun's knowledge, based on laboratory testing and practical experience. Jotun's products are considered as semi-finished goods and as such, products are often used under conditions beyond Jotun's control. Jotun cannot guarantee anything but the quality of the product itself. Minor product variations may be implemented in order to comply with local requirements. Jotun reserves the right to change the given data without further notice.Users should always consult Jotun for specific guidance on the general suitability of this product for their needs and specific application practices.If there is any inconsistency between different language issues of this document, the English (United Kingdom)Date of issue: 1 August 2014Page: 7/7Rev.:by Jotun Group。



氧化锌薄膜的微观结构及其结晶性能研究陈首部;陆轴;兰椿【摘要】以普通玻璃作为衬底材料,采用射频磁控溅射方法制备了氧化锌(ZnO)透明导电薄膜,通过X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)测试,研究了衬底温度对薄膜微观结构及其结晶性能的影响.结果表明:所制备的ZnO薄膜均为(002)晶面择优取向生长的多晶薄膜,其微观结构和结晶性能与衬底温度密切相关.衬底温度对ZnO薄膜的织构系数TC(hkl)、平均晶粒尺寸、位错密度、晶格应变和晶格常数都具有不同程度的影响,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的织构系数TC(002)最高(4.929)、平均晶粒尺寸最大(20.91 nm)、位错密度最小(2.289×1015 line·m-2)、晶格应变最低(2.781×10-3),具有最高的(002)晶面择优取向生长性和最佳的微观结构性能.%The transparent conducting oxide thin films of zinc oxide ( ZnO) were deposited on glass substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering method . The influence of substrate temperature on the mirostructure and crystalline characteristics of ZnO thin films was investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) , respectively . The results indicate that the deposited thin films with the hexagonal crystal structure are polycrystalline and have a strongly preferred orientation of (002) plane.The mirostructure and crystalline characteristics of the thin films are observed to be subjected to the substrate temperature .When the substrate temperature is 800 K, the deposited ZnO sample exhibits the best crystalline and microstructural properties , with the highest texture coefficient of (002) plane of 4.929, the largest average grain size of 20.91nm, t he minimum dislocation density of 2.289 ×1015 line· m-2 and the lowest lattice strain of 2.781 ×10 -3 .【期刊名称】《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(036)004【总页数】6页(P67-72)【关键词】氧化锌;薄膜;微观结构;结晶性能【作者】陈首部;陆轴;兰椿【作者单位】中南民族大学电子信息工程学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学电子信息工程学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学电子信息工程学院,武汉430074【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM914作为第三代新型半导体材料的主要代表之一,氧化锌(ZnO)不仅自然储量丰富、价格低廉、绿色环保,同时还具有优异的光电、光敏、压电和压敏等性质.它与硫化锌(ZnS)和氮化镓(GaN)相比,ZnO在室温条件下具有较宽的直接带隙和较高的自由激子结合能,是制备光电功能器件的优良材料,已被广泛应用于太阳能电池[1-5]、发光显示器[6-11]、半导体激光器[12]、紫外探测器[13]、声表面波器件[14]以及触摸控制面板[15]等领域具有广阔的应用前景.目前,制备ZnO薄膜的方法多种多样,如水热法[16]、溶胶-凝胶法[17]、化学气相沉积法[18]、原子层沉积法[19]、脉冲激光沉积法[20]、喷雾热分解法[21]和磁控溅射法[22-25]等,其中磁控溅射技术具有工艺简单、成膜均匀、致密性好、成本低廉、易于大面积制备等优点,因此得到了业界的广泛应用.ZnO薄膜的晶体质量及其性能与其制备工艺参数密切相关,其中影响较大的工艺因素有衬底温度、溅射功率和工作压强等,因此深入研究溅射工艺参数对ZnO薄膜微观结构的影响具有十分重要的意义.本文以普通玻璃作为衬底材料,采用射频磁控溅射方法制备ZnO薄膜样品,通过X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)测试表征,研究了衬底温度对ZnO薄膜微观结构及其结晶性能的影响.采用普通玻璃作为衬底材料,切割成大小为30 mm×30 mm的方块,实验时按照如下程序对玻璃衬底进行处理:(1)采用丙酮擦拭衬底表面,并用清水冲洗干净;(2)依次使用丙酮、无水乙醇和纯净水对衬底进行超声清洗13 min,以去除衬底表面的微粒和有机污染物;(3)在无水乙醇中煮沸,吹干待用.利用射频磁控溅射方法在玻璃衬底上制备ZnO薄膜样品,所用实验设备为KDJ-567型高真空复合镀膜系统,溅射源为直径50 mm、厚度4 mm的ZnO陶瓷靶材,它以ZnO粉体(999.99%)为原料通过常压固相烧结工艺制成.溅射制备ZnO 薄膜样品之前,将溅射室的真空度抽至5×10-4 Pa后通入99.999%的高纯氩气作为工作气体,并先采用氩等离子体对玻璃衬底表面清洗7 min,然后再预溅射10 min以清洁靶材表面和稳定系统,提高沉积ZnO薄膜样品的质量.实验时,衬底与靶材之间的距离为75 mm、溅射功率为200 W、工作气压为0.5 Pa、沉积时间为25 min、衬底温度为600~800 K.通过X射线衍射仪(Bruker advance D8型,德国Bruker公司)对ZnO薄膜样品进行晶体结构表征,测试时使用Cu Kα射线源(波长λ=0.1541 nm),采用θ-2θ连续扫描方式,扫描速度为10°/min,扫描步长为0.0164 Å,扫描范围为20°≤2θ≤70°,工作电压为40 kV,工作电流为40 mA.利用X射线光电子能谱仪(VG Multilab 2000型,美国Thermo Electron公司)对ZnO薄膜样品进行XPS 分析,测试时本底真空度为2.0×10-6 Pa,X射线源为单色Al Kα射线源(hv=1486.60 eV),采用C 1s结合能(284.60 eV)作为内标,对所有测试谱峰进行荷电校正.所的测试均在室温条件下完成.图1为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的XRD图谱,由图可见,在2θ为20 °~70°的扫描范围内,所有ZnO薄膜样品在峰位2θ为30.9°和34.1°附近都出现了2个特征峰,比对ZnO的标准PDF卡片(JCPDS #36-1451,见图1)可以看出,这2个衍射峰分别与ZnO的(100)和(002)晶向相吻合.另外从图1中还可看到,衬底温度不同时,ZnO薄膜样品还存在有其它晶向的特征峰,如衬底温度为600和800 K时,分别显示有(110)和(103)晶面的衍射峰,而衬底温度为700 K时,则显示有(110)、(102)和(103)等多个晶面的衍射峰.上述XRD图谱结果表明,所制备的ZnO样品均为多晶薄膜,并具有六角纤锌矿结构.观察图1的XRD图谱还可以看出,衬底温度对衍射峰位2θ的影响较小,而对各个晶向的衍射峰强度的影响较大,为了评估ZnO薄膜样品沿某一晶面(hkl)的择优取向程度,本文采用织构系数(TC(hkl))来定量表征样品沿不同晶面生长的取向程度.织构系数TC(hkl)定义如下[26]:(1)式中,下标h、k、l表示密勒指数,TC(hkl)表示(hkl)晶面的织构系数,I(hkl)为ZnO薄膜样品在(hkl)晶面的衍射强度,Ir(hkl)为标准ZnO粉未试样(JCPDS #36-1451)在(hkl)晶面的衍射强度,n为计算时所取的衍射峰数目.TC(hkl)的数值越大,说明薄膜中有更多的晶粒沿(hkl)晶面生长,即薄膜在(hkl)晶面的择优取向性越好.表1列出了不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的织构系数TC(hkl),由表1可见,当衬底温度为600、700和800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的TC(002)值分别为4.916、4.363和4.929,均远远高于其它晶面的TC(hkl)数值,这说明所制备的ZnO样品都表现出明显的(002)晶面择优取向生长特征,并且衬底温度升高时,TC(002)的数值呈现出先减小后增大的变化趋势.可见,衬底温度从600 K增加到800 K时,虽然没有改变ZnO薄膜(002)择优取向生长特征,但是对其择优取向程度有一定的影响,当衬底温度为800 K时所制备的ZnO样品具有最高的(002)择优取向程度.其原因是:ZnO薄膜在(002)晶面的表面自由能密度是最小的,因此晶粒沿(002)晶面具有生长优势,在生长过程中晶粒极易沿c轴即(002)晶面平行于衬底的方向生长[27,28].图2为衬底温度800 K时所制备ZnO薄膜样品的XPS能谱图,由图2可见,XPS图谱上除了Zn和O原子的光电子特征峰之外,在284.6 eV处还存在有C1s特征峰,这可能是由于溅射镀膜时油扩散泵污染或者ZnO薄膜样品暴露在大气中吸附了CO2所造成的[29].图3(a)为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的(002)衍射峰半高宽(B)数值,可见半高宽B的值与衬底温度密切相关,衬底温度增加时,半高宽B单调减小,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品(002)衍射峰的半高宽B最小值为0.392°,说明衬底温度为800 K时制备的ZnO薄膜样品具有最大的晶粒尺寸和最佳的结晶性能.ZnO薄膜样品的平均晶粒尺寸(D)可以根据谢乐公式[30]计算:(2)式中,K为谢乐常数(这里取K=0.89),θ为所(002)晶面的布拉格角,B为(002)衍射峰的半高宽数值,λ为XRD测试时的X射线波长[31].图3(b)为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的平均晶粒尺寸D,从图中3(b)看出,衬底温度对ZnO样品的平均晶粒尺寸D具有明显的影响.当衬底温度为600~800 K时,ZnO样品的平均晶粒尺寸D为9.73~20.91 nm,平均晶粒尺寸D随衬底温度增加而增大,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的D值最大(20.91 nm).ZnO薄膜样品的位错密度(δ)[31]利用公式(3)计算获得:(3)式中,D为ZnO薄膜样品的平均晶粒尺寸.ZnO薄膜样品的位错密度δ随衬底温度变化的曲线如图4所示,可以看出,随着衬底温度的增加,δ呈现出单调减小的变化趋势,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的位错密度δ最小为2.289×1015 line·m-2.ZnO薄膜样品的晶格应变(ε)可由下式[32]计算:(4)式中,K为由谢乐常数,θ为所(002)晶面的布拉格角,B为(002)衍射峰的半高宽数值.不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的ε值如图5所示,从图5看出,衬底温度对ZnO薄膜ε值具有明显的影响,ε值随着衬底温度的增加而逐渐减小,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品具有最小的晶格应变ε,其值为2.781×10-3. ZnO薄膜样品为六角纤锌矿结构,其晶格常数由公式(5)确定[33,34]:(5)式中,a和c为ZnO样品的晶格常数.对于(002)晶面,由(5)式可得:对于(100)晶面,(5)式可简化为:图6为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的晶格常数a、c和c/a的数值,从图6看出,衬底温度增大时,a先减后增、c单调增加、c/a先增后减,在衬底温度的变化范围为600~800 K时,a、c和c/a的数值范围分别为0.32845~0.33608 nm、0.52259~0.52857 nm和1.57275~1.59411,这些结果与标准ZnO试样(JCPDS #36-1451)数据(a=0.32498 nm、c=0.52066 nm、c/a=1.60213)是一致的.文献[35,36]在研究掺钇ZnO和掺锂ZnO薄膜时也有类似的报道.ZnO薄膜样品的Zn-O键长(L)[37]可由公式(8)计算获得:(8)式中,a和c为ZnO薄膜样品的晶格常数,u与a、c之间满足关系式[37]:图7为ZnO样品薄膜Zn-O键长L随衬底温度的变化曲线,从图可知,衬底温度对ZnO薄膜的Zn-O键长L具有一定的影响,当衬底温度为600、700和800 K 时,ZnO样品的Zn-O键长L值分别为0.2002、0.19957和0.20337 nm,其结果与标准ZnO试样(JCPDS No. 36-1451)数据(L=0.19778 nm)基本一致.Anandan等人[35]和Srinivasan小组[36]在研究掺杂ZnO薄膜时也报道过类似的结果.采用ZnO陶瓷靶为溅射源材料,利用射频磁控溅射技术在普通玻璃衬底上制备了ZnO薄膜样品,通过XRD和XPS测试表征,研究了衬底温度对ZnO薄膜样品微观结构及其结晶性能的影响.结果表明,所有ZnO薄膜样品均为六角纤锌矿结构的多晶薄膜,并且衬底温度对薄膜生长特性及其微观结构性能具有明显的影响.衬底温度升高时,ZnO薄膜的织构系数TC(002)、晶格常数a和Zn-O键长L先减后增,平均晶粒尺寸D和晶格常数c单调增加,而位错密度δ和晶格应变ε则单调减小,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的织构系数TC(002)最高为4.929、平均晶粒尺寸D最大为20.91 nm、位错密度δ最小为2.289×1015 line·m-2、晶格应变δ最低为2.781×10-3,所制备的ZnO薄膜具有最高的(002)晶面择优取向生长性和最好的微观结构性能.【相关文献】[1] Liu H, Avrutin V, Izyumskaya N, et al. 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表面技术第52卷第7期重型燃机喷嘴壳体及遮热板热障涂层剥落机制袁小虎,李定骏,王伟,冯珍珍(东方电气集团东方汽轮机有限公司 长寿命高温材料国家重点实验室,四川 德阳 618000)摘要:目的探究重型燃机喷嘴壳体及遮热板热障涂层剥落机制,为该部件的全寿命管理提供参考。

方法采用等离子喷涂方法,分别制备以06Cr25Ni20不锈钢和Hastelloy X合金为基材的热障涂层试验件,并结合水淬热冲击表征方法与瞬态热力耦合仿真方法,表征热障涂层水淬后的剥落状态,获得热障涂层残余剪应力的分布状态随基材和服役工况的变化行为,揭示热障涂层在多层热失配工况下的剥落机制。

结果在水淬热冲击条件下,2种不同基材的热障涂层试验件表现出类似的剥落行为,但由于基材热膨胀系数的差异,以06Cr25Ni20不锈钢为基材的热障涂层的残余剪应力(70.1 MPa)比Hastelloy X合金基材的热障涂层(52.7 MPa)更大,热冲击寿命更短。

在梯度温度载荷下,2种不同基材热障涂层试验件的失效模式不同,前者的最大残余剪应力为39.2 MPa,后者为25.7 MPa。

结论在2种温度载荷下,以Hastelloy X合金为基材的热障涂层具有较低的残余应力和较长的服役寿命。


关键词:重型燃机;喷嘴壳体;遮热板;热障涂层;剥落机制;水淬试验;热力耦合仿真中图分类号:TG174文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)07-0186-11DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.07.016Spalling Mechanism of Thermal Barrier Coating Sprayed on Nozzle Housing and Heat Shield Used in Heavy Gas TurbineYUAN Xiao-hu, LI Ding-jun, WANG Wei, FENG Zhen-zhen(State Key Laboratory of Long-Life High Temperature Materials, DEC DongfangTurbine Co., Ltd., Sichuan Deyang 618000, China)ABSTRACT: Heavy gas turbines are the power equipment of clean and efficient thermal power energy systems, and are widely used in power generation and other fields. Burners, high-temperature blades, nozzle housing, etc., are the core hot-end components of heavy gas turbines, often suffering high-temperature, high pressure, corrosion, high-strength thermal exchange and other severe conditions. Thermal barrier coating (TBC) is one of the key thermal protection systems for high-temperature components in gas turbines. The state of the TBC is usually comprised of three layers: (1) a ceramic top coat, typically composed of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ); (2) a metallic bond coat, typically composed of NiCoCrAlY; and (3) a superalloy收稿日期:2022–06–28;修订日期:2022–10–31Received:2022-06-28;Revised:2022-10-31基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFB2010402)Fund:National Key R & D Plan Program (2020YFB2010402)作者简介:袁小虎(1984—),男,硕士,高级工程师,主要研究方向为表面工程。

Effect of substrate temperature on structural, electrical and optical

Effect of substrate temperature on structural, electrical and optical

Effect of substrate temperature on structural,electrical and opticalproperties of sprayed tin oxide (SnO 2)thin filmsP.S.Patil a,*,R.K.Kawar a ,T.Seth b ,D.P.Amalnerkar b ,P.S.Chigare aaT hin Film Physics Laboratory,Department of Physics,Shivaji University,Kolhapur-416004,IndiabCenter for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET),Off.Pashan Road,Panchavati,Pune-411008,IndiaReceived 4April 2002;received in revised form 9September 2002;accepted 15November 2002AbstractThe thin films of undoped tin oxide (SnO 2)were deposited onto the amorphous glass substrates using a pneumatic spray pyr-olysis technique (SPT).The films were deposited at various substrate temperatures ranging from 300to 500 C in steps of 50 C.The effect of substrate temperature on structural,electrical and optical properties was studied.The thermal behavior of the pre-cursor SnCl 4.5H 2O is described in the results of thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA)and differential thermal analysis (DTA).Infrared (IR)spectroscopic studies reveal that the strong vibration band characteristic of SnO 2stretching is present around 620cm À1.The Raman spectrum of SnO 2films indicated bonding between Sn and O 2at 580cm À1.The X-ray diffraction study showed that all the films were polycrystalline with major reflex along (110)plane,manifested with amelioration of grain size at an elevated substrate temperature.The films deposited at 450 C exhibited lowest resistivity (0.7 cm)and consequently highest n-type con-ductivity among all the samples.The direct band gap energy was found to vary from 3.62to 3.87eV and transmittance at 630nm varies from 73to 85%with a rise in substrate temperature.#2003Elsevier Ltd and Techna S.r.l.All rights reserved.Keywords:Tin oxide;Thin films;Spray pyrolysis technique (SPT);Characterization1.IntroductionTin oxide is a multifaceted material having uses in optical technology [1],consequently leading to almost impenetrable literature [2].Tin oxide thin films have been successfully demonstrated as transparent con-ductors (TC),optical windows for the solar spectrum,stability resistors,touch-sensitive switches,digital dis-plays,light emitting diodes (LEDs),electrochromic dis-plays (ECDs),and many more [3–5],mainly due to their outstanding properties.The consensus of the researchers is that for TC,high transmittance (T %)and relatively low electrical resis-tivity ( )is desirable while for applications such as dis-play devices and LEDs,low electrical resistivity is desirable and not high transmittance [6].These applica-tions rely on itinerant electrons that stem from the ionization of the dopants and enter the conduction band.For ECDs,which hinges on the ability of thematerial to sustain mixed conduction of ions and elec-trons,low electrical resistivity is more desirable than high transmittance [7,8],additionally it is useful to have some water content in the resultant film [1,4],which plays key role in inducing electrochromic (EC)effect.It is noticed from the literature survey that the variety of methods of preparation will lead to the layers having different optical and electrical properties,which evokes critical influence of oxygen vacancies,serving as donor in tin oxide films [9,10].In principle physical methods viz.sputtering [1,5],and thermal evaporation [11],lead to weakly non-stoichiometric tin oxide with co-existence of other insulating phases like SnO,resulting into rela-tively high resistive films.The range of resistivity in as-deposited SnO x films typically varies from 6.6Â10À3to 2.5Â10À3 cm [5].On the other hand chemical meth-ods especially spray pyrolysis technique,lead to strongly non-stoichiometric tin oxide films without co-existence of insulating phases,resulting into comparatively low resistive films [6,12–19].The electrical resistivity in as-deposited SnO x films typically varies from 1.45Â10À3 cm to 0.45Â10À3 cm,which is several times less than0272-8842/03/$30.00#2003Elsevier Ltd and Techna S.r.l.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0272-8842(02)00224-9Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734/locate/ceramint*Corresponding author.E-mail address:patilps_2000@ (P.S.Patil).thefilms deposited by physical methods.Therefore,it can be concluded that the SnO xfilms deposited by spray pyrolysis technique are more susceptible to oxygen deficiencies[13,14,16,18,19].We are interested in SnO xfilms in connection with the electrochromism.Electrochromic tin oxidefilms were described recently by Orel et al.[7]and Olivi et al.[8] who prepared their samples by dip-coating and Isidor-osson et al.[1]by sputtering and emphasize the impor-tance of various properties that SnO x should exhibit for attaining pronounced electrochromism.In this investi-gation,we have employed spray pyrolysis technique for SnO x thinfilm deposition and discussed their structural, electrical and optical properties.The deposition has been carried out from aqueous stannic chloride solu-tion,with a postulation that the resultantfilms may have some water content[1,4],which would be in turn beneficial for better electrochromic effect.Several experiments on electrochromism in SnO x thinfilms are underway and results will be disseminated elsewhere. 2.ExperimentalThe tin oxidefilms were prepared by using pentahy-drated stannic chloride(SnCl4.5H2O)aqueous solution as a precursor.By using double distilled water,0.1M stannic chloride solution was prepared and sprayed through specially designed glass nozzle of0.5mm inner diameter onto the ultrasonically cleaned amorphous glass substrates.The deposition parameters like solution concentration(0.1M),rate of spraying solution(5cc minÀ1)nozzle to substrate distance(28cm),pressure of carrier gas(1kg cmÀ2)and to and fro frequency of the nozzle(15cycles minÀ1)were kept constant at the opti-mized values indicated in brackets.The substrate tem-perature was varied from300to500 C in steps of50 C using electronic temperature controller,model9601 (Aplab make)with an accuracy ofÆ5 C.The Chromel-Alumel thermocouple was used to measure the tem-peratures of the hot plate.Thefilms prepared at300, 350,400,450and500 C are denoted by S1,S2,S3,S4 and S5,respectively.All thefilms were transparent, adherent to the substrates,uniform,pinhole free and stable for long period when kept in the atmosphere. Thefilms were characterized by means of structural, electrical and optical techniques.To select the range of substrate temperature for deposition,thermo gravi-metric analysis(TGA)and differential thermal analysis (DTA)of stannic chloride(SnCl4.5H2O, A.Rgrade purity97%)was carried out using TA instrument (USA)STD2960(simultaneous DSC–TGA).The pow-der scratched from depositedfilms was characterized by Infrared(IR)spectroscopy using Perkin Elmer IR spec-trometer model783in the spectral range200–4000cmÀ1. To record I Rpatterns,the pellets were prepared by mixing KBr with tin oxide powder collected by scratch-ing thinfilms from glass substrates in the ratio300:1 and then pressing powder between two pieces of polished steel.All the samples of tin oxide were char-acterized by specially resolved Raman scattering using 150mW at laser head and4mW on the sample of514.5 nm line of an argon ion laser.The scattered light was dispersed through the JY-T64000Triple Mono-chromator System and detected with a liquid nitrogen cooled,high resolution charge coupled device(CCD) detected in the Z(XX)Z back scattering geometry.The size of the laser spot on the sample is1.2m m with100X objectives.The structural properties of thefilms were studied by a Philips PW3710X-ray diffractometer using Cu K a radiation of wavelength1.5405A operated at25kV,20 mA.The scanning electron micrographs(SEMs)were carried out by Philips Make XL series,XL30.The thickness of thefilm was measured using weight differ-ence method by considering bulk density of the material (6.95mg/cc).The electrical resistivity was determined by means of two point probe method in the temperature range of300–575K withÆ5K accuracy.The Seebeck measurements were carried out with the help of thermo-electric power(TEP)unit in the temperature range of 300–575K withÆ5K accuracy.The optical absorption and transmittance were studied with UV–vis-NI Rspec-trophotometer,Hitachi model330in the wavelength range of300–850nm at room temperature.3.Results and discussion3.1.Thermal decomposition characteristic of stannic chloride,(SnCl4.5H2O)The thermal decomposition behaviors of the pre-cursor,SnCl4.5H2O were studied using TG and DT analyses techniques.TGA and DTA were performed from45to800 C with alumina as a reference material at the scan rate of10 C per minute.The DTA chamber was purged with an ambient air at theflow rate of100 cm3/min.The TGA and DTA thermograms obtained for SnCl4.5H2O are shown in Fig.1(a and b).The ther-mal evolution in air takes place in six consecutive stages with weight losses for which inflection points coincide with the temperature corresponding to exothermic and endothermic peaks in DTA trace.The weight loss of the precursor begins as heat is applied at45 C.It is clearly depicted that the loss of water from the precursor take place at various temperatures,70,100,140and150 C, corresponding to which endothermic peaks were observed.The total weight loss corresponding to removal of both the physisorbed and chemisorbed water of crystallization(5H2O)is calculated to be about87%. The regular weight loss commences at about170 C,726P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734which is the indication of onset of the thermal decom-position of the precursor.This regular weight loss con-tinues up to 450 C.During this temperature range,the weight loss is mainly due to the expulsion of Cl Àions form the precursor,which leads to the formation of non-stoichiometric tin oxide.After 450 C,the rate of weight loss is very slow up to 700 C.This evinces that at 450 C,transformation of non-stoichiometric tin oxide to nearly stoichiometric tin oxide takes place.This process of transformation continues up to about 700 C.It is difficult to calculate exact degree of non-stoichio-metry from present analysis.Beyond 700 C no further weight loss takes place to up to 850 C,indicating formation of stoichiometric SnO 2at 700 C.3.2.Film formation and thickness measurement 3.2.1.Film formationStannic chloride solution was sprayed on to the pre-heated amorphous glass substrates through specially designed glass nozzle.The sprayed droplets undergo evaporation,solute condensation and thermal decom-position thereby resulting in the formation of tin oxide thin films.3.2.2.Thickness measurementThickness of the deposited films was measured by using weight difference method.The relation (1)was used to deduce the film thickness (t ),t ¼m A ð1Þwhere m is the mass of the film deposited on area A and is the bulk density of the material.The values of thickness obtained by this method are listed in Table 1.It is noted that film thickness decreases from 0.95to 0.4m m with rise in substrate temperature.The rise in substrate temperature increases evaporation rate of initial product leading to diminish mass transport towards the surface of the hot substrates resulting into the decrement in the film thickness.The actual values of film thickness would slightly be higher as the film den-sity is certainly not equal to the bulk density,considered for the film thickness calculations.3.3.Infrared spectroscopy (IR)The Rtransmittance spectrum presents information about phase composition as well as the way oxygen is bound to the metal ions (M–O structure).Rtransmit-tance spectra of the powder scratched from the samples in the wavelength range 200–4000cm À1are shown in Fig.2.The spectrum for sample S1comprises seven trans-mission bands at 580cm À1(n 1),620cm À1(n 2),1020cm À1(n 3),1370cm À1(n 4),1400cm À1(n 5),1600cm À1(n 6)and 3460cm À1(n 7).The n 1and n 2bands corre-spond to Sn–O and Sn–O 2stretching,respectively.The bands n 3,n 4and n 5can be assigned to chloride (Cl À)ions retained in the film,since the film under investiga-tion is prepared at lower substrate temperature (300 C).The water bending vibrations have produced n 6(H–OH stretching)and n 7(physisorbed water)bands.The inclusion of water molecules might be due to (i)water of crystallization retained in the sample as deposition tem-perature was 300 C;(ii)absorption of water during mixing and pelleting with KBr and (iii)entrapmentofFig.1.(a)Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)and (b)differential thermal analysis (DTA)of the precursor powder of stannic chloride salt (SnCl 4.5H 2O)in the temperature range 25–850 C.Table 1Effect of substrate temperature on properties of tin oxide thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique Sample no.Substratetemperature ( C)Thickness (m m)Grain size (A)Roomtemperature resistivity ( RT , cm)Thermo emf (m V/ C)Donor activation energy Band gap energy (eV)T %at 630nmRegion I (eV)Region II (eV)S13000.9539 4.4450.0080.16 3.6273S23500.9042 2.6360.0080.15 3.8478S34000.7855 1.1310.0080.11 3.8679S44500.59590.7220.0080.10 3.8782S55000.40651.7160.0080.133.8585P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734727water vapour during spray deposition.Analogous result is reported by Senguttuvan et al.[20].The I.R.spectrum for the S2sample depicts that the bands due to ClÀions (n3,n4and n5)became feeble and disappeared com-pletely above it.Moreover the n6and n7bands get wea-kened appreciably at and above400 C,although cannot be completely alleviated.This indicates that the samples deposited below400 C(S1and S2)do contain ClÀion contamination and are hydrated,while those deposited at and above it(S3,S4and S5)are devoid of ClÀion contamination and are relatively less hydrated. The O/Sn ratio was estimated from energy dispersive analysis by X-ray spectroscopy(EDAX)technique.It was about1.7for samples S3,S4and S5and about1.6 for S1and S2samples.3.4.Raman spectroscopyThis spectroscopy gives information on Sn–O2bond-ing Fig.3shows Raman spectrum for S1sample.The broad peak at$580cmÀ1is associated with tin-oxygen (Sn–O)stretching mode.Absorption at$1090cmÀ1 has been ascribed to stretching vibration mode terminal Sn–O2bands.These results are consistent with the results obtained in I Rspectroscopy.3.5.X-ray diffraction studiesThe XRD patterns of all thefilms prepared at differ-ent substrate temperatures are shown in Fig.4.It is found that all the tin oxidefilms are polycrystalline in nature and are of a cassiterite tetragonal(rutile type) structure with a major reflex along(110)plane.Other phases like b-SnO,a-SnO,Sn2O3,Sn3O4,etc.,are not observed.The preferred orientation remains along(110) plane for all the samples S1,S2,S3,S4and S5irrespec-tive of the substrate temperature and consequently the film thickness.Other planes corresponding to(101), (200),(211),(220),(310)and(301)also appeared with weak intensities.Similar results have been reported for spray deposited tin oxide(SnO2)films by Vasu et al.[15] and for evaporated SnO2films by Das et al.[10].Czapla et al.[9]have reported for evaporated tin oxide(SnO2)films that other low intensity peaks of thefilms dimin-ished at the substrate temperature above400 C and the (110)plane became the strongest under the condition of varying substrate temperature of thefilms.The d values(interplaner spacings)of XRD reflections shown in Fig.4were estimated and compared with the standard d values taken from Joint Commission for Powder Diffraction Standards(JCPDS)data,card No.41-1445.The observed d values were in good agree-ment with the standard d values,confirming that the material deposited is SnO2.The observed and standard d values are listed in Table2.It is manifested that as the substrate temperature increases,the intensity corre-sponding to major(110)plane gets enhanced,which shows that thefilms deposited at higher temperatures have better crystallinity.It is conceived that the tin oxidefilms deposited by physical techniques like,sputtering,electron beam eva-poration,and thermal evaporation consist ofmixed Fig.2.Rspectra of all the samples of tin oxide thinfilms deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4 (450 C)and S5(500 C).728P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734phases of b-SnO,a-SnO,Sn2O3[10,11,21,22].It is also observed that thefilms deposited at low substrate tem-perature($150 C),with a higher initial value of x in SnO x,take up the crystalline structure of SnO2more easily upon annealing[11].However,the tin oxidefilms deposited by spray pyrolysis technique using aqueous and non-aqueous SnC14.5H2O precursor solutions con-sist of SnO2phase only.The preferred orientation of the crystallites was reported to be along(110)plane for SnO2films derived from lower concentration(below0.1 M)of aqueous SnC14.5H2O precursor solution with small crystallite size[23]and that along(200)plane for thefilms derived from higher concentration(above0.1 M)of non-aqueous SnC14.5H2O precursor solution with larger crystallite size[16,17].The X-ray results in this investigation matches well with the literature results [12].In order to determine the crystallite size,a slow scan of XRD pattern between25and27 (since major reflex is found in this range)was carried out with the step 0.02 /min for all the samples.The size of the crystallites oriented along(110)plane can be deduced using Scherrer’s formula(2),[24].D¼0:9l:cosð2Þwhere D is the size of crystallite, is the broadening of diffraction line measured at half its maximum intensity in radians and l is the wavelength of X-rays(1.5405A). Here,we presume that values of angle , and instru-mental error are common for all samples.The calculated values of crystallite size for all the samples are given in Table1.From the values of crystallite size,it is found that the grain size increases from39to65A with increase in substrate temperature300–500 C.This may be due to the fact that the smaller crystallites have sur-faces with sharper convexity.This provides larger area of contact between adjacent crystallite,facilitating coalescence process to from larger crystallites[25].3.6.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and electrical resistivityFig.5(a–d)shows SEMs of the S1,S2,S3and S4 samples,respectively,withÂ10,000magnification.It is observed that samples S1has more asperity(rough sur-face morphology)than other samples and no well defined crystallites can be seen,which renders higher room temperature electrical resistivity(r RT)in it.Sam-ple S2has more uniform surface than S1,which is probably responsible for their slightly lower value of room temperature electrical resistivity RT.Upon fur-ther rise in the deposition temperature(sample S3 deposited at400 C),thefilm surface became highly smooth with more uniformity and devoid of pin-holes. Some spherical shaped grains have started forming on the surface.This might have decreased grain boundary scattering and resulted into lowering of room tempera-ture electrical resistivity than that of S2sample.The sample S4,which was deposited at450 C consists of uniform distribution of spherical grains with relatively higher density,there by minimizing the grain boundary scattering.The crystallite size was estimated to be59A. Fig.3.The Raman spectrum of the S1(300 C)sample of tin oxide thinfilm.P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734729Fig.4.The XRD patterns of SnO 2thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500 C).Table 2.Comparison of the observed and standard d values of tin oxide thin films prepared at various substrate temperatures Standard d values (A)Observed d values for samples (A )S1S2S3S4S5(hkl)plane 3.34703.3570 3.3415 3.3527 3.3438 3.3515(110)2.6427 2.6414 2.6234 2.6463 2.6278 2.6507(101)2.3690 2.3684 2.3780 2.3699 2.3609 2.3820(200)1.7641 1.7738 1.7622 1.7665 1.7600 1.7665(211)1.6750–1.6802 1.6744 1.6761 1.6816(220)1.4984 1.4949 1.5000 1.4969 1.4968 1.5005(310)1.41551.40421.41931.42331.4206–(301)730P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734The sample is completely devoid of asperity and pin-holes.Thus sample S4has lowest room temperature resistivity among all other samples.The XRD results echo abovefindings,as well.Thus the thermal energy produced at450 C deposition temperature at given solution concentration(0.1M)is sufficient enough to enforce the thin layers to grow more uniformly withfine grain structure and consequently become more con-ductive.Further increase in crystallite’s size(65A)is observed at500 C deposition temperature(samples S5; SEM not shown).It also has higher crystallinity as evi-denced by XRD results.However,its room temperature resistivity( RT)is slightly higher than S4sample.It is concluded that the asperity in tin oxide thinfilms wanes with deposition temperature,which in turn induces higher conductivity,at450 C being maximum.Sample S5has better crystallinity among others samples but exhibit relatively higher resistivity.In this case two mechanisms compete.While the ordering of the structure leads to a less resistantfilm,the oxidation draws the SnO x near to its stoichiometric oxide,i.e.diminishes its defects which are responsible for the conductivity; increasing thefilm resistance.Pure stoichiometric undoped SnO2films exhibit resistivity of order of 7.1–3.4Â10À1 cm[16].Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity is an important aspect to explore.Fig.6shows variation of log versus reciprocal of temperate(T)for all the sam-ples.The plot shows two distinct regions having differ-ent slopes,corresponding to low temperature region (region-I)and high temperature region(region-II).In region-I,the resistivity( )is almost constant up to340 K after which it decreases rapidly with rise in tempera-ture of the sample up to575K.The donor activation energy values are shown in Table1.The existence of two regions is reported by Vishwakarma et al.[22]for CVDfilms.The decrement in resistivity of the samples with temperature is due to decrement in grainboundary Fig.5.Scanning electron micrographs(SEMs)of the samples of tin oxide thinfilms deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2 (350 C),S3(400 C)and S4(450 C).P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International29(2003)725–734731concentration [11]and increment in oxygen vacancies [13],which enhance carrier concentration and mobility of the charge carriers.Typical values of carrier concentration (n )and mobi-lity of the charge carriers for the spray deposited SnO 2films are reported to be about 2.7Â1019cm 3and 6cm 2V À1s À1for 300 C and 1.2Â1018cm 3and 15cm 2V À1s À1for 450 C,respectively [18,21].The activation energy values in region I indicate the presence of a shallow donor levels near the bottom of the conduction band,where as the presence of activation energy in region-II indicates presence of deep donor levels,which might have resulted from defects and impurities such as iron and chromium.Generally,the films grown by spray pyrolysis are reported to consist of iron and chromium impurities,which cannot be totally alleviated [15].3.7.Thermo-electric power measurementThermo-electric power (TEP)is the ratio of thermally generated voltage to the temperature difference across the semiconductor.This gives the information about charge carriers in the given material.For tin oxide material,conduction electrons originate from ionizeddefects such as oxygen vacancies.TEP of all the samples was studied in the temperature range 300–575K using TEP unit with alumel-chromel thermocouple with Æ5K accuracy.Thermally generated electrons in the semi-conductor always migrate from hot end to cold end.The polarity of thermally generated voltage at the hot junction was positive indicating that the films exhibit n-type conductivity.The variation of the thermo emf with temperature difference (ÁT )for all the samples is shown in Fig.7.From the plot,it is observed that thermo emf increases almost linearly with increase in the tempera-ture difference.The magnitude of TEP decreases with increase in deposition temperature,which may be attributed to the amelioration of crystallinity,due to which intergranular barrier height decreases.The values of thermo-electric power (TEP)lie in the range of 16–45m V/ C and the values are listed in Table 1.It has been frequently reported in the literature that as the carrier concentration in SnO 2increases,TEP decreases and TEP continues to increase with increasing temperature [22].In our investigation,we have anticipated that due to asperity and relatively poor crystallinity sample S1has low carrier concentration,due to which TEP in this sample has large value in the studied temperature range.As films become smooth and crystalline in order of S2,S3and S4,TEP values subsequently deceasetherebyFig.6.The variation of log versus (1000/T )for all the samples of tin oxide thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500C).Fig.7.The variation of thermo-emf (mV)versus temperature differ-ence,ÁT ,(K)for all the samples of tin oxide thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500 C).732P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734convincing the above effect.It is interesting to note that the TEP values for sample S5are lower than samples S1and S2and higher than that of samples S3and S4.This indicates that although,sample S5exhibits better crys-tallinity,as it is approaching towards stoichiometric SnO 2,carrier concentration,resulting from oxygen vacancies,decreases thereby incrementing the TEP values,deferring from the trend.3.8.Optical propertiesIt is well known that SnO 2is a degenerate semi-conductor with band gap energy (Eg )in the range of 3.4–4.6eV [9,14].This scatter in band gap energy (Eg )of SnO 2may be due to varied extent of non-stoichio-metry of the deposited layers.The dependency of the band gap energy on the carrier concentration has been explicitly given in the literature [14].It has been appre-hended that band gap energy increases linearly with the increase in carrier concentration to the power 2/3.Fig.8shows the variation of ( h )2versus h for all the samples.The nature of the plots indicates the exis-tence of direct optical transitions.The band gap (Eg )is determined by extrapolating the straight-line portion of the plot to the energy axis.The intercept on energy axis gives the value of band gap energy Eg for all the sam-ples and the values lie in the range of 3.62–3.87eV and are given in Table 1.It is noticed that band gap energyvalue is minimum (3.62eV)for sample S1,amongst all other samples,owing to lower carrier concentration.It increases gradually and attains maximum (3.87eV)for sample S4,carrier concentration being higher for sam-ple S4.As carrier concentration is higher,absorption of the light by the carriers also increase,leading to higher absorption coefficient ( )in the sample S4.As carrier concentration decreases,absorption by the carriers also decreases,resulting into lower a values in other samples.For sample S5,the band gap energy value slightly decreases to 3.85eV.The constituents of valance and conduction band in SnO 2have been described by Munnix and Schmeits [26].The width of the valance band is about 9eV,which has been segmented in three different regions resulting from,(i)coupling of Sn s orbitals and O p orbitals,(ii)min-gling of O p orbitals with smaller fraction of Sn p orbi-tals and (iii)mainly O p lone pair orbitals.The Sn s states mainly contribute to the formation of bottom of conduction band and top of conduction band has dominated Sn p character.The above discussion is clear enough to understand s !p direct optical transition in SnO 2thin films.Our result also matches well with above discussion hence we conclude that in spray deposited undoped SnO 2film direct s !p optical transitions pre-vail.The transmittance of all the samples was measured in the wavelength range 300–850nm using UV–vis-NIR spectrophotometer.The observed transmittance of all the samples at 630nm was listed in Table 1.From the values,sample S5shows maximum (85%)transmittance among the samples.It is also observed that the transmittance increases with the substrate temperature.4.ConclusionsThe simple and inexpensive spray pyrolysis technique was used to prepare thin films of tin oxide onto the amorphous glass substrates.During spray deposition,pyrolytic decomposition of SnCl 4.5H 2O precursor solu-tion at the substrate temperatures 300–450 C leads to the formation of non-stoichiometric tin oxide.Samples prepared at 500 C appear to be nearly stoichiometric.It is observed from DTA and TGA studies that the complete pyrolytic decomposition of the precursor takes place at about 700 C,leading to stoichiometric SnO 2.The existence of Sn–O and Sn–O 2bands were confirmed from Rand R aman Spectra.The O/Sn ratio was esti-mated to be about 1.7for the samples deposited above 350 C and 1.6for those deposited below it.The XRD studies revealed that all the films are polycrystalline in nature and crystallinity and grain size ameliorates with increase in substrate temperature.The room tempera-ture electrical resistivity of all the samples lies in the range of 4.4–0.7 cm.Sample S4exhibits lowestRTFig.8.The variation of ( h )2versus h for all the samples of tin oxide thin films deposited at various substrate temperatures,S1(300 C),S2(350 C),S3(400 C),S4(450 C)and S5(500 C).P.S.Patil et al./Ceramics International 29(2003)725–734733。



Storageand Handling 贮存与管理Storage 贮存 Store in cool and dry conditions (5-40℃) 贮存于5-40℃de 阴凉干燥处Pack size 包装规格 A;20Kg in 20 liter container 甲:20公斤装于20公升容器中B:5Kg in 5liter container 乙:5公斤装于5公升容器中C:50Kg in 20 liter container 丙:50公斤装于20公升容器中Flash Point 闪点 No 无Intended Uses用途作为水性漆配套的底漆,用于轻度至严重腐蚀环境下的钢结构表面,如船舶、集装箱、海上平台、码头等海洋设施、石油化工管道与储罐、冶金、电力等行业中钢铁构件的防锈与防腐。

As a water-miscible primer, it is widely used for the surface of steel structure, for example, it is widely used for ship, container the platform of the sea , wharf and the oil tubing system, oil tank as metallurgy , Electric power, etc…… steel structure as the anticorrosive coat.Product Information 产品简介灰色无光,水性三组份环氧富锌底漆,采用鳞片状锌粉,干膜含量大于80%,可能形成坚韧的防锈漆膜,对局部被损部位,可提供良好的阴极保护。


Grey, dark, three packages water-miscible epoxy zinc primer, it is containing scale-like zinc powder, the coating of zinc in the film is more than 80%, it can be made into a firm and persistent film, it can protect the site which is broken.It is dispersed by water. Resist fire and burst, can be diluted or cleaned by water, No pollution, safety and environmental protection.Application details 产品数据V olume Solids 固体份≥60%Dry Flm Thickness干膜厚度70 microns equivalent to117 microns of wet film70微米相当于117微米湿膜厚Theoretical Coverage 理论涂布率 3.01m2 /Kg 3.01平方米/公斤Practical Coverage 实际涂布率Allow appropriate loss 允许适量损耗VOC挥发性有机化合物含量≤10g/L≤10克/升Storage and Handling 施工详述Mix Radio 混合比A : B:C=4:1:24(by weight) 甲(漆料):乙(固化剂):丙(锌粉)=4:1:24Method of Application 施工方法Airless Spray 无空气喷涂 Recommended 推荐采用Brush or Roller 涂刷或辊涂 Recommended 推荐采用Conwentional Spray 传统喷涂 Not Recommended 不推荐采用Thinner 稀释剂清洁淡水(Clean water)Cleaner 油漆设备清洗剂清洁淡水(Clean water)Pot Life 使用期 20℃-3h (小时)Storage 贮存期 One year 一年Drying time干燥时间SubstrateTemperature底材温度Touch Dry表干(min)Hard Dry硬干(H)Over coating Interval覆涂间隔Mix最短Max最长25℃≤ 30 ≤12 3hours 小Not limit 不限水性环氧富锌底漆用途和使用说明Specific Gravity 比重Approx 2.85Kg/L 大约2.85公斤/公升Specification and Surface preparation 技术要求及表面处理Clean and remove grease with proper solvents, Blast clean to Swedish Standard Sa2.5 or rust removed with power tool to St3, the roughness is 40-70 micronsBecause the edge and quarter is easy to be rust in regard to water miscible paint, the edge and the quarter must be smoothed and painted in advance.用适当的清洁剂清除油脂,喷砂至Sa2.5级或动力工具除锈达St3,粗糙度40-70微米,并保持表面清洁干燥。


申请人:DAVIS, Matthew, Fenton,BAHNG, Kenneth, J. 地址:US,US,US 国籍:US,US,US 代理机构:PATTERSON, B., Todd 更多信息请下载全文后查看
摘要:A method and apparatus for measuring a substrate temperature during a thermal process are provided. In one embodiment, an apparatus for measuring a substrate temperature during a thermal process includes an evacutable chamber, a substrate heater positioned to heat a substrate disposed in the chamber, and sensor positioned to receive energy transmitted through the substrate while the substrate is heated by the substrate heater, wherein the sensor is configured to detect a metric indicative of transmittance. In another embodiment, a method for measuring a substrate temperature includes heating a substrate disposed in a chamber, detecting a change in transmittance of the substrate while heating, and determining a temperature of the substrate based on the change in transmittance.



蜻蜓的生长过程英文作文The growth process of dragonflies is a fascinating natural phenomenon. These aerial predators undergo a complex metamorphosis that involves significant changes in their appearance and behavior. This essay will explore the stages of a dragonfly's life cycle, from egg to adult, and delve into the fascinating biology that underlies this remarkable transformation.The journey begins with the female dragonfly laying her eggs. She carefully selects a suitable substrate, such as a plant stem or twig, and deposits her eggs there. The eggs are tiny, usually green or brown in color, and are attached to the substrate by a thin filament. During this stage, the eggs are vulnerable to predation and environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.Once laid, the eggs enter a period of incubation, which can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the species and environmental conditions.During this time, the embryo within the egg is growing and developing, preparing for the next stage of its life.Once the embryo is ready, it hatches from the egg, dragon revealingfly a' larvals dragon lifefly cycle,, known and as it a differs nymph significantly. from The the nymph adult is dragon afly long distinct., stage The thin in nymph body the is and aquatic powerful, jaws with to g captureills and for devour breathing its and food a. body This that feeding is behavior specialized is for essential swimming for and the feeding nymph.'s growth.The and nymph development feeds, vor asacious itly provides on the small nutrients invertebrates necessary and for other its aquatic transformation prey into. an It adult uses dragon itsfly.As the nymph grows, it undergoes a series of molts, or shedding of its exoskeleton. This process allows develop the nymph to grow larger and new features, such as larger jaws and stronger legs. Each molt brings the nymph closer to its adult form, and eventually, after several molts, thenymph is ready to enter the final stage of its life cycle.The final molt is a momentous occasion. The nymph sheds its final exoskeleton and emerges from the water as an adult dragonfly. This emergence, known as ecdysis, is a remarkable feat of biology. The adult dragonfly's body is folded up within the nymph's exoskeleton, and in a split second, it unfolds and emerges, fully formed and ready to take flight.The adult dragonfly is a completely different creature from the nymph. It has a sleek, aerodynamic body, powerful wings, and compound eyes that give it exceptional vision. The adult dragonfly feeds on small insects, using its rapid flight and agile maneuvering to capture its prey.The adult dragonfly's life is relatively brief, lasting only a few weeks to a few months, depending on the species. During this time, it mates and lays eggs, perpetuating the cycle of life for the next generation of dragonflies.In conclusion, the growth process of dragonflies is aremarkable display of nature's creativity and complexity. From the delicate eggs to the voracious nymphs and finally the elegant adults, each stage of the dragonfly's life cycle is filled with fascinating biology and behavior. The dragonfly's metamorphosis is not only a testament to the wonders of nature but also a reminder of the incredible diversity and resilience of life on Earth.。



活性乳酸菌制备工艺与流程英文回答:Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are commonly used in the production of fermented foods and beverages due to their ability to convert sugars into lactic acid. The process of preparing LAB involves several steps and can vary depending on the specific strain and desired end product. I will outline a general process for preparing LAB below.1. Starter culture preparation: The first step is to prepare a starter culture of LAB. This is done by inoculating a small amount of LAB into a nutrient-rich medium, such as milk or a specialized LAB growth medium. The culture is then incubated at an optimal temperature (usually around 37°C) for a specific period of time to allow the LAB to grow and multiply.2. Fermentation vessel preparation: Once the starter culture is ready, it is transferred to a largerfermentation vessel. This vessel can be a stainless steel tank, a glass jar, or any other suitable container. The vessel should be clean and sterilized to prevent contamination.3. Substrate preparation: The substrate is the material on which the LAB will grow and ferment. It can be milk,fruit juice, or any other suitable medium. The substrate is prepared by heating it to a specific temperature to kill any unwanted microorganisms and then cooling it to the desired fermentation temperature.4. Inoculation: The starter culture is then inoculated into the fermentation vessel containing the prepared substrate. The amount of starter culture added will depend on the desired fermentation rate and the specific LABstrain being used.5. Fermentation: The fermentation process begins once the starter culture is added to the substrate. The LAB consume the sugars in the substrate and convert them into lactic acid. This process produces the characteristic tangyflavor and acidic pH of fermented foods. The fermentation time can vary depending on the specific LAB strain and the desired end product. It can range from a few hours to several days.6. Monitoring and control: During the fermentation process, it is important to monitor and control various parameters such as temperature, pH, and oxygen levels. This ensures optimal growth and activity of the LAB. For example, maintaining a specific temperature range and pH level can help promote the growth of LAB while inhibiting the growthof unwanted microorganisms.7. Harvesting: Once the fermentation is complete, the LAB can be harvested from the fermentation vessel. This can be done by separating the LAB cells from the fermented substrate using techniques such as centrifugation or filtration.8. Preservation: The harvested LAB can be preserved for future use by freeze-drying or storing in a suitable medium, such as glycerol. This allows the LAB to be used as astarter culture for future fermentations.中文回答:活性乳酸菌(LAB)常用于发酵食品和饮料的生产,因为它们能将糖转化为乳酸。

HANCOAT 605S FS-环氧云铁中间漆

HANCOAT 605S FS-环氧云铁中间漆

产品说明DESCRIPTIONHANCOAT605S FS是一款双组份改性厚浆型环氧云铁涂料。

HANCOAT605S FS is a two-component modified high build epoxy coating with M.I.O.(Micaceous Iron Oxide).⏹极好的防腐性能;Good anti-corrosive performance;⏹极好的表面适应性能;Excellent surface-tolerant properties;⏹漆膜坚韧;Tough and strong films;⏹添加云铁成分,适应较长时间后覆涂;Add MIO.(Micaceous Iron Oxide),can be overcoated after extended periods;物理参数PHYSICAL CONSTANTS颜色及外观:Fninsh:灰色,无光Gray,Flat组份数Number of components:双组分TWO体积固含量Volume solids:65%±2%推荐干膜厚度Dry Film thickness:100μm (4.0mils)湿膜厚度Wet film thickness 154μm (6.16mils)理论用量Theoretical spreading rate:0.22Kg/m²(100微米) 0.22Kg/m²(100μm)闪点Flash point27°C表干25°C Dry to touch:2小时2hours实干25°C Hard dry:10小时10hours重涂间隔RECOAT底材温度10°C20°C30°C最短,hMinimum12小时hours8小时hours6小时hours 最长,dMaximum三个月表面处理SURFACE PREPARATION⏹前期涂层必须确保表面洁净干燥,已除尽任何污染物。

化学螺栓 英语

化学螺栓 英语

化学螺栓英语Chemical bolts, also known as anchor bolts or chemical anchor bolts, are widely used in various construction and engineering projects. They provide a secure and reliable method for fastening and anchoring objects to concrete, masonry, or other solid materials. In this article, we will explore the characteristics, applications, and installation process of chemical bolts.Chemical bolts are specifically designed to withstand high loads and offer superior strength compared to traditional mechanical fasteners. They consist of two main components: the anchor bolt and the adhesive. The anchor bolt is typically made of steel and has a threaded end, while the adhesive is a special chemical compound that bonds the bolt to the substrate.One of the key advantages of chemical bolts is their ability to distribute loads evenly, reducing stress concentrations and increasing overall stability. This makes them ideal for applications that require a high load-bearing capacity, such as installing heavy machinery, structural steel elements, or safety barriers.Chemical bolts are commonly used in construction projects, including the installation of handrails, guardrails, and staircases. They are also frequently used in infrastructure projects like bridges, tunnels, and highways. In addition, chemical bolts are widely employed in industrial settings to secure equipment, machinery, and pipelines.The installation process of chemical bolts involves several steps. First, the hole is drilled into the substrate using a suitable drill bit. The diameter and depth of the hole should correspond to the size and length of the anchor bolt. It is crucial to ensure that the hole is free from debris and properly cleaned before proceeding.Next, the adhesive is injected into the hole using a specialized dispensing tool. The adhesive should be mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions and applied evenly throughout the hole. The anchor bolt is then inserted into the hole and rotated to ensure proper coverage and bonding.After the adhesive has cured, which typically takes several hours or overnight, the bolt is ready for use. It is important to allow sufficient curing time to ensure maximum strength and durability. It is also essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines regarding temperature and humidity conditions during the curing process.When selecting chemical bolts for a specific application, it is important to consider various factors such as load requirements, substrate material, and environmental conditions. Different types of adhesive compounds are available to suit different needs, including epoxy, polyester, and vinylester. Consulting with a professional engineer or supplier can help determine the most suitable type of chemical bolt for a particular project.In conclusion, chemical bolts are a reliable and effective solution for fastening and anchoring objects to solid materials. Their high load-bearing capacity, even load distribution, and easy installation process make them a preferred choice in various construction and engineering projects. By understanding their characteristics, applications, and installation process, professionals can ensure the successful and secure use of chemical bolts in their projects.。

Nitto D9605系列双面胶带说明书

Nitto D9605系列双面胶带说明书

Page 1/2 Product:Product group:General descriptionNitto D9605 series are double-coated tapes with a polyester carrier coated with an aggressive acrylic adhesive used for mounting of different types of plastics.ConstructionCharacteristicsD9605 series are heavy duty multi-purpose double-coated tapes with a high adhesion level on different substrates such as plastics, foams and metals. The tapes are suitable for rough surface bonding.The PET carrier provides dimensional stability resulting in reduced elongation and shrinkage.D9605 series are available in bobbin shape.ApplicationNitto D9605 series are used for mounting decorative profiles in furniture industry (trim mounting), cable ducts. Available in bobbin shapes designed for continuous application process.Suitable for mounting price information holders and plastic parts in sign & nameplate markets for marketing devices (Point Of Sales).Features- high adhesion on different substrates & rough surfaces - high temperature resistance - high holding power - easy processing - bobbin shape - RoHS compliant- Modified acrylic adhesive - Polyester carrier- Modified acrylic adhesive - Release linerEdition: September 2013D9605 series Double Coated TapesGeneral conditions of use and precautions: The properties of the product might be adversely affected by various elements such as composition, condition and surface of and impurities in or on the substrate, temperature and humidity during storage and the surrounding environment at and after application and time of exterior use.When the product is used in combination with another material or process, the user shall assure the compatibility of the product in such combination and whether this combination results in the expected performance. The same principle applies in the event of product use in extreme conditions or circumstances, whether at or after the moment of application, including extended exposure to sunlight or extreme temperatures and pressure. Packaging, transport and storage:During transport and storage the product should always be protected against direct sunlightand extremes in temperature and humidity and contained in its original packaging. Once removed from its packaging, it should be promptly applied and remain shielded from direct sunlight and extreme temperature as well as protected against dust and other impurities.Liability:Except for its wilful misconduct, Nitto Europe’s liability shall be limited to a replacement, a reimbursement or an additional delivery of the product, and shall not exceed the purchase price of the products. In no event shall Nitto be liable in respect of any indirect or consequential damages, including loss of profits.The above limitations of liability shall equally apply if Nitto Europe has assisted in any manner with the selection, treatment or application of the product. Product information:This datasheet provides a general description of the product properties and application scope. Full technical details in connection with this product are presented in the customer product specification, which is available upon request.Please be advised that the information reflected in this datasheet is subject to change and the product described herein may be modified or discontinued without notice.For your local Nitto Europe sales office, please visit our web site: Copyright © 2013 NITTO EUROPE NV. All rights reserved.Nitto Europe NV has obtained following certificates:- ISO 9001- ISO 14001- ISO/TS 16949Please check our website for applicable scopeIf you require additional information on technical properties and application as well as product sampling or testing, please contact your local Nitto Europe sales office.Edition: September 2013Code: DS/01.11/E4 D9605 series ENG This datasheet replaces all previous versionsTechnical PropertiesGeneral physical propertiesTypical Value Test MethodAdhesive type Modified acrylic adhesiveTape thickness* 0.220 mm EN 1942Release liner D9605: Siliconised havana paper (90 g/m²)D9605S: Siliconised white PE coated paper (125 g/m²)Carrier type Polyester (0.050 mm)Adhesion to BA steel 2000 cN/20mm EN 1939Release value 30 cN/50mm Nitto Europe Test MethodStatic shear 1 mm/3h EN 1943Transport and storage conditions Temperature 15 to 30°CRelative humidity 40 to 75% RH* Tape thickness = Total thickness without linerDetails from the test methods are described on the customer product specification.Performance propertiesAdhesion in cN/20mm EN 1939PMMA PC ABS PP Glass2000 2300 1800 700 2300Weight Added Peel Off (WAPO) 2 h at 60°C, width 20mm, 100gPP 16 mm/2h ABS 13 mm/2h BA 3 mm/2hDynamic Shear 350 N/4cm² Tested after 15 min., 300mm/min.Saft test (Shear Adhesion Failure Temperature) 185 °C +0,5°C/min., 15x15mm, 200gWarrantyThe product is guaranteed to be free from defect in material and workmanship at the time ofdelivery and will be suitable for use for a period of 6 months thereafter, subject to the conditionsset out herein.Application guidelines- Keep the tape in its original packaging until use.- For optimum results, an even rub down pressure must be applied to the taped area to createthe best possible adhesion between tape and the substrates.- Remove the liner prior to usage.- The tape should be applied to clean and dry surfaces.- The best application conditions are obtained at a temperature between 15 °C and 40 °C.Double Coated Tapes - D9605 seriesPage 2/2。

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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https:///publication/45821699 Substrate temperature and strain during sputter deposition of aluminum on cast borosilicate glass in a Gemini Observatory coating chamberArticle in Applied Optics · August 2010DOI: 10.1364/AO.49.004610 · Source: PubMedCITATIONS 2READS 654 authors, including:John AndrewNational Optical Astronomy Observatory 24 PUBLICATIONS 62 CITATIONSSEE PROFILE Douglas R. NeillNational Optical Astronomy Observatory 50 PUBLICATIONS 90 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEMichael WarnerNational Optical Astronomy Observatory40 PUBLICATIONS 115 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEAll in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate,letting you access and read them immediately.Available from: Douglas R. NeillRetrieved on: 06 September 2016Substrate temperature and strain duringsputter deposition of aluminum on cast borosilicate glass in a GeminiObservatory coating chamberJacques Sebag,1,*John Andrew,1Douglas Neill,1and Michael Warner2 1National Optical Astronomy Observatory,950North Cherry Avenue,Tucson,Arizona85719,USA 2Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory,Casilla603,La Serena,Chile*Corresponding author:jsebag@Received15March2010;revised15July2010;accepted22July2010;posted22July2010(Doc.ID125493);published18August2010 Temperature and strain measurements obtained during coating of spin-cast borosilicate samples are presented here with an analysis of these results.These tests were performed for the Large Synoptic Sur-vey Telescope(LSST)project to verify the possible use of sputtering deposition of optical coating on its large8:4m diameter primary–tertiary mirror.Made of spin-cast borosilicate glass,the working stress of the mirror’s nonpolished surfaces is100psi(0:69MPa),resulting in a local temperature difference limit of5°C.To ensure representative environmental conditions,the tests were performed in the Gemini Ob-servatory coating chamber located in Hawaii,whose design was utilized to develop the LSST coating chamber design.In particular,this coating chamber is equipped with linear magnetrons built with cooled heat shields directly facing the mirror surface.These measurements have demonstrated that it will be safe for the LSST to use a magnetron sputtering process for coating its borosilicate primary–tertiary mirror.©2010Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes:310.0310,310.1860,310.3840,310.4925.1.IntroductionThe Large Synoptic Survey Telescope(LSST)optical design is based on a three-large-mirror system to meet the aperture and field-of-view requirements of the scientific survey[1].It is composed of an8:4m dia-meter borosilicate monolithic primary–tertiary mir-ror fabricated at the Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory using their spin-cast process[2].The char-acteristics of borosilicate glass are provided in Table1.The use of mirror coatings with higher reflectivity and durability than bare aluminum would signifi-cantly benefit the LSST science by increasing its overall throughput and improving its operational ef-ficiency[3].Because these advanced coatings require materials that do not evaporate easily and greater layer thickness and uniformity control than can be applied by conventional evaporative techniques, sputter coating must be utilized.Sputter coating the8:4m diameter primary–tertiary mirror provides a significant challenge even though such coatings have been achieved for this size aperture.Coating chambers have been successfully implemented using the sputtering deposition method for large astronomical mirrors fabricated from Ultra-Low-Expansion(ULE)and Zerodur[4,5].The Gemini Observatory successfully operates two large coating chambers(one in Hawaii and one in Chile)to coat its8:1m ULE primary mirrors with a protected-silver recipe.However,all previous large-diameter cast borosilicate mirrors have only been coated with bare aluminum in evaporative coating chambers[6].0003-6935/10/244610-11$15.00/0©2010Optical Society of America4610APPLIED OPTICS/Vol.49,No.24/20August2010Sputter coating differs from conventional evapora-tion techniques in how the coating material is vapor-ized.In the process of sputtering,the ejection of particles from the condensed-matter target is due to bombardment with high-energy ions.The most com-mon method of providing ion bombardment is to backfill the coating chamber with a continuous flow of argon gas and to establish a glow discharge.The positive ions passing from the plasma volume impact the target(cathode)after being accelerated by the strong electric fields.A detailed description of the sputter deposition process is given in[7].Most of the energy used in the sputtering system is removed in the form of heat from the target.A small percent of this energy is transferred in the form of electrons and ions to produce a substrate heat load. Because the process is conducted in a vacuum,con-vection is negligible,but substantial heating of the substrate is possible.Although there are several available configurations for sputtering,most sputter-ing for astronomical optics applications utilizes a direct-current(DC)system with direct cooling to the target.The DC system uses a single magnetron as the cathode.The configuration of a DC magnetron, combined with direct cooling,reduces the heat trans-fer to the substrate.The LSST mirror is a cast borosilicate mirror with a faceplate28mm thick.This material has both a sig-nificantly higher coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)and a lower strength than either Zerodur or ULE.Consequently,it is more susceptible to thermal damage.As a result of the fabrication process,the cast surfaces of the borosilicate mirror(BSC)are very irregular.This irregularity further decreases the strength of the material[8].The typical breaking strength of polished borosilicate is approximately 2000psi(13:8MPa).The roughness of the interior surfaces,combined with the residual stress,reduces the working strength to100psi(0:69MPa).Because of removal of surface flaws,the polished top optical surface of the cast borosilicate mirror can safely sus-tain larger stress(∼3×the100psi limit).This re-duced working strength,combined with the larger CTE,produces a maximum allowable temperature gradient of5°C across the mirror or through its thickness[9].Coating tests were performed in the Gemini North Telescope coating chamber to demonstrate that sput-ter coating will be safe for large borosilicate mirrors. In this paper,we present the configuration and the results of these coating tests,including a modeling analysis for extrapolation to different configurations.2.Coating Test ConfigurationA.Gemini Coating ChamberThe tests discussed in this paper were performed inthe Gemini Observatory coating chamber located inHawaii.Of particular interest for these tests was thedirect-cooling linear magnetron configuration with acooled uniformity mask located in front of the target.This mask is used to control the layer thickness uni-formity while the mirror rotates below the magne-tron to compensate for the mirror’s radial linearspeed variation.There was also a cooled shutter be-tween the target and the mask to control preciselythe area to be coated on the mirror to obtain uniformcoating thickness.Cooling was provided to thesecomponents by a30gal/min(0:114m3=min)water coolant flow at an input temperature of9°C.Whenthe magnetron was not active,the coolant returntemperature was14°C,which corresponds to a40kW cooling capacity relative to ambient condi-tions.During coating,the coolant temperature climbed to21°C,which represents an additional cooling load equal to53kW.Both cooled shields play an important role duringsputtering because they are located directly abovethe mirror.For these tests,the distance between thetarget and the sample was approximately100mm,and the distance between the mask and the samplewas approximately25mm.Similar distances are ex-pected to be utilized in the LSST coating chamber. The Gemini chamber was built with the capability of sputter depositing aluminum,which was used on the Gemini primary mirror for their initial coatings. Three Advanced Energy20kW Pinnacle power supplies are available for this purpose.Aluminum was chosen for these thermal tests because it re-quires more power during deposition and represents a worst-case thermal scenario.Moreover,LSST may also deposit aluminum on its mirrors.Gemini has used a maximum of40kW power level for aluminum coatings.The original plan was to execute the ther-mal test at this maximum power and to deposit an aluminum layer thickness of100nm within one pass under the magnetron.However,arcing in the magne-tron prevented us from reaching that level and, instead,power delivered to the magnetrons was lim-ited to10kW during the tests.This limitation was overcome for the tests by decreasing the rotation speed of the samples to obtain the expected layer thickness.Moreover,temperature modeling,dis-cussed later in this paper,was developed to extra-polate these tests results to higher power levels.Table1.Borosilicate Glass CharacteristicsYoung’s Modulus E Thermal Diffusivity Coefficient of Thermal Expansion(CTE)Specific Heat 8:5×106lb=in:2(58:6GPa)7:11×10−7m2=s28×10−7=K710J=kg C20August2010/Vol.49,No.24/APPLIED OPTICS4611B.Sample ConfigurationThree types of samples were used for these tests with different substrate sizes and thicknesses (see Table 2).The 28mm thickness was chosen as it cor-responds to the design thickness of the LSST mirror ’s face plate.One of these samples also had a polished front surface representative of the LSST optical sur-face,while the other sample had a rough front sur-face more representative of the irregularities of the nonpolished surfaces.The shape of the two 28mm thick BSC samples was not identical.The sample on plate B had a uniform thickness of 28mm,repre-sentative of the LSST face plate.The sample on plate C had a variable radial thickness decreasing from 28mm at the edge to 8mm at the center along a spherical shape on the back side.The samples were distributed on three different test plates.The first test plate (identified as plate A)was composed of the 2mm thick sample and 3mm ×12:7mm thick Pyrex samples.The other samples were distributed on two identical plates (identified as plates B and C)each composed of four Pyrex sam-ples and one cast borosilicate sample (Fig.1).Before each run,a shield plate was placed just above the samples to protect the sensor cables and to define a precise aperture above each sample.The same shield plate was used for the three coating runs,as only one plate was tested per run.C.Sensor ConfigurationTemperature and strain sensors were bonded on the samples:–Platinum resistance temperature detector (RTD)surface mount F3102temperature sensors from OMEGA–Delta rosette CEA-03-250UY -350strain gauges from VISHAYThe distribution of sensors per test plate is given in Table 3.Platinum surface RTDs were chosen for this test because they have a short response time to reactto changes in surface temperature.This factor was important to ensure an accurate monitoring of the temperature change as the sample rotates below the magnetron.A three-element 120°delta rosette strain gauge was selected for the determination of the prin-cipal stresses.The temperature sensors were consid-ered the prime sensors for this experiment and were installed on all the front and back surfaces of every sample.The strain gauges were installed solely on the large borosilicate samples and on the thin float glass sample.When both sensors were placed on the same samples,the strain gauges were located to-ward the center of the samples and the temperature sensors away from the strain gauges.The strain gauges are resistive elements that dissipate negligi-ble heat (∼3mW),slightly increasing the tempera-ture of the samples during the tests.Also,small soldering contact strips were used to avoid any effect of the sensor cables on the measurements.After ap-plying these precautions,each sensor was tested in-dividually and then all the contacts were covered with kapton to prevent any short circuit during the coating.All the sensors were connected to their acquisition electronics located inside the coating chamber in a sealed enclosure.This enclosure was held at a pres-sure of 1atm during the test.The electronics were designed to monitor 12external strain gauges and 12external RTD temperature sensors.The test results were monitored remotely via ethernet and collected at a temporal frequency of 1Hz.Four ADAM ethernet I/O modules were installed inside the sealed electronics enclosure.The first two I/O modules were ADAM-6015,which are able to read seven RTD temperature sensors each,and were configured to read the 12test temperatures,plus the temperature inside the enclosure,within a range of −50°C to þ150°C.The second two I/O modules were ADAM-6017configured to read 12strain gauges,a strain gauge reference voltage,and a pressure sensor (Honeywell SDX-30A2)used to monitor the pressure inside the sealed enclosure.The strain gauges were configured in a 1=4bridge configuration,using a set of precision resistors,and were amplified by a factor of 100,using LTC1100high-precision instrumentation amplifiers mounted on a circuit board.This configuration yielded anTable 2.Samples PropertiesThickness (mm)Dimensions and MassSurfaceMaterial Plate (Quantity)2152:4×152:4mm 2112g Polished Float A(1)12.750:8×50:8mm 275gPolishedPyrex A(3),B(4),C(4)28165mm radius 1:3kg for B and 0:7kg for CPolished (B)and Rough (C)BSCB(1),C(1)Table 3.Distribution of Sensors Per Test PlatePlate APlate B Plate C Temperature Sensors 61212Strain Gauges244Fig.1.Test plate B with (a)samples and (b)reusable protective shield.4612APPLIED OPTICS /Vol.49,No.24/20August 2010effective scale factor of0:5mV=μstrain at the ADAM-6017input or2μstrain=mV to transform a measuredvoltage into a strain value.The other components inside the enclosure werethree power supplies and a four-channel ethernethub.Two power supplies generatedþ=−5Vdc,whichwas used as the strain gauge reference voltage and to power the LTC1100amplifiers.Oneþ12Vdc supplywas used to power the four ADAM modules and theethernet hub.The enclosure external interfaces consisted of fourhermetic connectors:two used to connect to the testsamples sensors,one connected toþ115VAC,andthe last one connected to the ethernet for remote mon-itoring.In addition to an electrical ground line,a cop-per thermal strap was also mounted on the enclosureto improve heat conduction to the coating chamber tolimit the temperature rise inside the enclosure.D.Coating ThicknessInside the coating chamber,the Gemini Observatorymirror is normally installed on a whiffle tree that ro-tates the mirror under the magnetrons.For these thermal tests,the samples were placed on supportsattached to that whiffle tree and located2:6m awayfrom the axis of rotation.In this configuration,thepositioning and alignment of the magnetron abovethe samples were obtained relatively rapidly,as ac-cess to the components and measurements of dis-tances was easily done.The rotation speed was set to0.25rotation/h(rph)leading to a linear speed of1:13mm=s at a2:6m radius.As explained above, this choice was governed by the limitation on avail-able power and the goal of obtaining an expected100nm layer thickness in one pass.The width of the mask above the sample was adjusted to50mmto be significantly smaller than the165mm dia-meter of the main borosilicate sample on plates B and C.This limited width enforced localized heating, which simulated the conditions of coating a large mirror and avoided edge effects.If a larger width was utilized,unrepresentative uniform heating would result,as a large area of the sample would have a uniform increase of temperature.The Gemini chamber was equipped with quartzcrystal oscillator thickness monitors attached to the whiffle tree.The thickness was measured by pas-sing the quartz crystal sensor under the magnetron at a radius position equal to the center of the test plate radius and at the same rotation speed.Two dif-ferent sensors were used for this experiment.The average thickness of101nm was computed from the measurements,and the deposition rate was estimated to be2:3nm=s.Because of uncertainties in the transformation factor used to match the acoustic properties of the material being deposited to the acoustic properties of the quartz crystal,the thickness of some samples was remeasured after the coating tests for verifica-tion.These measurements,performed by Optical Data Associates(ODA)in Tucson,averaged to69nm in thickness.This value is smaller than the one esti-mated during the coating test,but utilizing the thin-ner thickness for the experiment produces the larger, worst-case temperature increase when the experi-mental data are extrapolated to the actual desired coating thickness.3.Temperature Test Results and ModelsThe temperature measurements recorded during the three coating runs are presented here.Other than the variation in sample plate(A,B,or C),these three coating runs were identical.This section also in-cludes a description of the models used to character-ize these results.All the temperature results are summarized in Table4.A.Temperature MeasurementsTemperature measurements and predicted results are plotted in Figs.2–4for each plate.For the2mm thick sample[Fig.2(a)],the tempera-ture increased sharply,7°C in80s,to reach equili-brium.The temperature appears higher on the back surface than on the front surface due to the heat generated by the strain sensor bonded on that surface. During the passage under the magnetron,the back temperature increased4°C in150s to reach the same equilibrium temperature as the front surface. For the12:7mm thick samples[Fig.2(b)],the temperature increased1:8°C in50s on the top sur-face and then decreased1°C in100s to reach equi-librium.On the back surface,the temperature increased1:2°C in150s to reach the same equili-brium temperature as the front surface.For the28mm thick samples[Fig.2(c)],the mea-sured temperature increased quickly,2:3°C in50s, on the top surface,and then decreased1:3°C in250s to reach equilibrium.On the back surface,the tem-perature started rising after the top surface tempera-ture had reached its maximum and continued to increase slowly,0:8°C in250s,to reach the same temperature as the front surface.On both large borosilicate samples,the variation of temperature was synchronized between bothTable4.Temperature Results2mm Thick12:7mm Thick28mm Thick Measured temperature increase on top surface during coating7°C in80s1:8°C in50s2:3°C in50s Measured temperature decrease on top surface after coating0°C1°C in100s1:3°C in250s Measured temperature increase on back surface during coating4°C in150s1:2°C in150s0:8°C in250s Predicted mean temperature increase8:0°C1:4°C0:74°C Predicted front-to-back temperature difference during coating0:58°C1:8°C2:0°C20August2010/Vol.49,No.24/APPLIED OPTICS4613temperature sensors because they were located sym-metrically opposite to each other on a line parallel with the linear magnetron.The results measured on the28mm samples show that it would be safe for the LSST mirror to be coated with aluminum by sputtering using a10kW power in conditions similar to the Gemini chamber.B.Temperature ModelsThermal models were utilized to extrapolate these re-sults to a higher power configuration or an increased layer thickness to verify that under such conditions the coating will still be safe for the LSST mirror. The variation of the mean temperature was modeled first for the different samples to compare the pre-dicted value with the temperature difference mea-sured between the start and the end of the coating test.This model was then extended to predict tem-perature variations between the front and back sur-faces.Finally,the temperature decay was estimated using a conduction model since the magnetron is no longer coating the sample at this point in the process.1.Mean Temperature ModelThe change in mean temperature through the thickness can be predicted by an energy balance calculation[10]:Q−AσεðT41−T42Þ¼mc dTdt;ð1Þwhere Q is the substrate heat load(W);A is the radiative area(m2);σis the Boltzmann constant (W=m2K4);εis the emissivity(na);m is the mass (kg);c is the specific heat of the substrate (J=kg C);T is the mean temperature of the sample (K);T1is the temperature of the exposed surface of the sample(K);T2is the ambient temperature (K);t is the coating time(s).In the energy balance,the first term Q is the energy entering the sample from the sputtering process.The second term in Eq.(1)is the energy emitted by radia-tion from the sample.The third term is the sample in-crease in thermal energy.Because the energy emitted from the sample through radiation was minimal,the front and back surface temperatures were set equal to the mean temperature to simplify the calculations. Consequently,equal energy emission was assumed for both the front and back surfaces of the sample. The values utilized for the above equation are pre-sented in Table5.To determine the substrate heat load Q,an incom-ing substrate flux of783W=m2was first predicted using[10]and the deposition rate of1:57nm=s to scale their measurements.This value was then slightly reduced to700W=m2to best fit the tempera-ture measurements.“Ambient temperature”is used to refer to the initi-al temperature of the test setup before coating of the samples.The experiments were conducted onparison of measured surface temperatures and pre-dicted mean temperatures for samples of different thicknesses: (a)Comparison of sample A4(thickness¼2mm)temperature measurements with predicted mean temperature increase.(b) Comparison of Pyrex sample A1(thickness¼12:7mm)tempera-ture measurements with predicted mean temperature increase.(c) Comparison of borosilicate glass sample B1(thickness¼28mm) temperature measurements with predicted mean temperature increase.4614APPLIED OPTICS/Vol.49,No.24/20August2010ent dates and times resulting in variations in the ambient temperature.Other than the coated surface,the test setup experienced negligible ambient tem-perature variation during each test.For the thin sample,there is little temperature variation through the substrate thickness and the mean temperature (T )is approximately equal to the sample surface tem-perature (T 1).For the thicker samples,the sample surface temperature must be greater than the mean temperature as a result of a temperature gradient through the thickness.Although this gradient pro-duces an error in the radiant transfer calculations described above,for all cases the radiative heat emitted from the sample is negligible.For example,the maximum calculated energy emitted by radiation from the 28mm thick sample was 25mW during the experiment,which is small in comparison with the heatload.Fig. parison of measured and predicted postcoating surface temperatures:(a)Comparison of Pyrex sample A1(thickness ¼12:7mm)measured and predicted postcoating surface temperatures.(b)Comparison of borosilicate glass sample B1(thickness ¼28mm)measured and predicted postcoating surfacetemperatures.parison of measured and predicted temperature differences:(a)Comparison of Pyrex sample A1(thickness ¼12:7mm)mea-sured and predicted temperature differences.(b)Comparison of borosilicate glass sample B1(thickness ¼28mm)measured and predicted temperature differences.20August 2010/Vol.49,No.24/APPLIED OPTICS4615The predicted mean temperature increases of 1:4°C and0:74°C are in general agreement with the measured temperature differences between the start and the end of the coating of1:2°C and0:8°C for the12.7and28mm thick samples,respectively [Figs.2(b)and2(c)].These temperature differences are equal to the change of temperature of the sample back surfaces.For the2mm thick sample[Fig.2(a)], the predicted mean temperature increase is equal to 8°C,and the measured value is4°C.This difference is due to the presence of the strain gauges on the back surface of the sample.The heat generated by this resistive element increased the back tempera-ture,making it warmer than the front surface by al-most3°C.Without the strain gauges,the measured value would have been around7°C(as it is for the front surface)and in better agreement with the prediction.2.Gradient Temperature ModelThe previously predicted temperatures are mean values that were found in general agreement with the measured data between the start and the end of the coating.However,during the coating,a signifi-cant temperature gradient develops through the thickness for the thicker samples,and the front and back surface temperatures change at a different rate. The temperature as a function of depth“x”can be pre-dicted by the unsteady energy balance equation:Tx−T i¼2QAffiffiffiffiffiffiffiαtπpkexp−x24αt−Qx Ak1−erfx2ffiffiffiffiffiαtp;ð2Þwhere Q is the substrate heat load(W);A is the radia-tive area(m2);ρis the density(kg=m3);k is the ther-mal conductivity(W=m C);c is the specific heat of the substrate(J=kg C);αis the thermal diffusivity fα¼k=ðρ·cÞg(m2=s);T x is the temperature as a function of depth(K);T i is the initial temperature(K);t is time (s);x is the distance from the front surface(m).The resulting temperature gradient is an exponen-tial decay with the maximum temperature on the topsurface.The mean temperature Eq.(1)provided ear-lier is still valid,and this mean temperature must bebetween the temperatures of the top and back sur-faces,and closer in value to the temperature of theback surface.Using Eq.(2),the predicted front-to-back tem-perature differences are found equal to1:8°C and2:0°C for the12.7and28mm thick samples,respec-tively.These values are in general agreement withthe measured values of2:2°C and2:3°C for the12.7and28mm thick samples,respectively[Figs.3(a)and3(b)].For the2mm thick sample,the predictedtemperature difference is equal to0:58°C.This is not straightforwardly measurable on the data be-cause the front and back surface temperatures chan-ged basically simultaneously on that sample and the heat generated by the strain gauge creates a tem-perature difference that is much larger than0:5°C.3.Temperature Decay ModelBoth previous thermal models show a good correla-tion between the predicted values and the measured data from“start to end”and during the coating pro-cess.Finally,the decay of the temperature gradient was measured and modeled after the coating process was terminated to further characterize the thermal response of the samples.A significant temperature gradient exists between the front and back surfaces immediately after the coating ends.Since the samples are no longer experiencing a heat flux and radiation losses are negligible,the decay of the thermal gradi-ent is governed entirely by conduction.This decay was modeled as a function of time of the previously deter-mined thermal gradient by discretizing the substrate through its thickness,applying the conduction equa-tion for each layer,and solving iteratively for each time step.For the12.7and28mm cases,the calcu-lated time decay of the surface temperatures approxi-mated well the measured values for both the top and back surfaces[Figs.4(a)and4(b)].For the12:7mm thick sample,the predicted decay temperature isTable5.Values Utilized in CalculationsValues Utilized In CalculationsThickness(mm)Symbol Variable212.728Units Q substrate heat load16.26 1.8114.97WA radiative area0.04650.00520.0428m2σBoltzmann constant5:67E−085:67E−085:67E−08W=m2K4εemissivity0.0480.0480.048nam mass0.1120.075 1.30kgT2ambient temperature282.5278.0285.3Kr density223022302180kg=m3 k thermal conductivity 1.10 1.13 1.10W=m Cc specific heat of substrate830837710J=kg Cαthermal diffusivity5:94E−076:05E−077:11E−07m2=s t coating time444444s4616APPLIED OPTICS/Vol.49,No.24/20August2010。
