doi10.10881742-6596271009 Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions




•化学•丹参抑制血小板聚集成分的构效关系及协同作用霍苏】0,崔鹤蓉10,田学浩】,郑娟2,姜文艳3,戴子琦】,高梦怡】,项嘉伟】,陈可{】,吴倩文】,王鹏龙】,马涛】,雷海民】!(1.北京中医药大学中药学院,北京102488'.广元市中心医院,广元628000'.北京工业大学生命科学与生物技术学院,北京100124)摘要:目的分析丹参中酣酸类和丹参酮类成分对血小板聚集抑制作用的构效关系,并探究两类成分的协同作用°方法基于B3LYP/6-31G*优势构象,采用Gaussian09W软件计算化合物的化学构型,使用QSAR模块及Orange软件计算影响化合物抑制血小板聚集作用的物理化学性质;基于构效关系,采用文献分析法分析两类成分的协同作用,并采用血小板聚集试验,验证丹参中丹酚■酸类和丹参酮类化合物抑制血小板聚集的最佳协同比例"结果在2种主要的生物活性成分中,油水分配系数(lg P)是决定酣酸类化合物有效性的最重要因素,表面积(约)、lg3和水合能是决定丹参酮类化合物有效性的最重要因素;2种活性化合物的最佳协同比例为30(»酸类):1(丹参酮类)结论丹参的抗血小板活性与两类主要生物活性化合物9协同作用有关,lg P等结构参数能影响其抑制血小板聚集活性°关键词:丹参;抗血小板聚集;活性成分;构效关系;协同作用DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-2407.2021.01.020中图分类号:R914文献标志码:A文章编号=1004-2407(2021)01-0095-06Structure-activity relationship and synergistic effect of components in Salvia milti-orrhiza on platelet aggregationHUO Su10,CUI Herong10,TIAN Xuehao1,ZHENG Juan2,JIANG Wenyan3,DAI Ziqi1,GAO Mengyi1,XIANG Jiawei1, CHEN Kedian1,WU Qianwen1, WANG Penglong1,MA Tao1*,LEI Haimin1*(1.School of Chinese Pharmacy,Beijing University ofChinese Medicine Beijing102488China'2Guangyuan Central Hospital Guangyuan628000China'3Co l egeofLifeScience andBiotechnology Beijing University of Technology Beijing100124China)Abstract:To analyze the structure-activity relationship between phenolic acids and tanshinones in Salvia miltiorrhiza on the inhibition of platelet aggregation,and to explore the synergistic effects of the2kinds components.Gaussian09W sof--ware was used to calculate the chemical configuration of the compounds based on the dominant conformation of B3LYP/6-31G*, and QSAR module and Orange software were used to calculate the physical and chemical properties of the compounds affecting the inhib i t i o n of pla t e le t aggregation.Based on t h e structure-activity relationship,t h e synergistic effect of the2kinds components was analyzed by literature analysis method,and the optimal synergistic ratio of salvianolic acid and tanshinone in Salvia miltiorrhiza inhibiting platelet aggregation was verified by platelet aggregation test.For the2main bioactive components,oil water dis-"ribuioncoe f icien"(lg3)is"hemos"impor"an"fac"or"ode"ermine"hee f ecivenessofphenoliccompoundsandsurfacearea(a-bou")lg3and hydra ion energy are"he mos"impor"an"fac"ors"o de"ermine"he e f ec iveness of"anshinone compounds.The op"i-mal synergistic ratio of t he2active compounds was30(phenolic acids):1(tanshinones).The antiplatelet activity of Salvia miltiorrhiza is related to the synergistic effect of the2main bioactive compounds,and structural parameters such as lg3 caninfluence"heinhibiionofpla"ele"aggrega"ion.Key words:Salvia miltiorrhiza;anti-platelet aggregation;active compounds;structure-activity relationship;synergistic effect化学成分是药理作用的基础,化合物的协同药理作用是丹参抑制血小板聚集的物质基础。



不可切除胰腺癌的分子靶向药物治疗进展胡润,李俊蒽,姚沛,桂仁捷,段华新湖南师范大学附属第一医院,湖南省人民医院肿瘤科,长沙 410005通信作者:段华新,****************(ORCID:0000-0001-9596-5013)摘要:胰腺癌作为消化系统最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率及死亡率正逐年上升,大多数胰腺癌患者因分期较晚而失去了手术机会。




关键词:胰腺肿瘤;分子靶向治疗;免疫疗法基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金(2020JJ8084)Advances in molecular-targeted therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancerHU Run,LI Junen,YAO Pei,GUI Renjie,DUAN Huaxin.(Department of Oncology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, Changsha 410005, China)Corresponding author: DUAN Huaxin,****************(ORCID: 0000-0001-9596-5013)Abstract:Pancreatic cancer is one of the most prevalent malignant tumors of the digestive system, and its incidence and mortality rates are increasing year by year. Most patients with pancreatic cancer are unable to receive surgery due to the advanced stage. Although chemotherapy regimens based on gemcitabine and fluorouracil have prolonged the survival time of patients to some extent,some patients cannot tolerate chemotherapy and hence lose the opportunity for treatment. With the advent of the era of precision medicine, molecular-targeted therapy has exhibited an excellent therapeutic efficacy and has thus become one of the most important treatment techniques for tumors; however, due to the high heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer and its complicated tumor microenvironment, molecular-targeted therapy for pancreatic cancer has not achieved notable results. Therefore, it is imperative to seek new therapeutic targets and medications to overcome this issue. This article reviews the latest advances in the research on molecular-targeted therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer based on common molecular targets and tumor immunity-related therapeutic targets, in order to provide new treatment strategies for patients with pancreatic cancer.Key words:Pancreatic Neoplasms; Molecular Targeted Therapy; ImmunotherapyResearch funding:Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China (2020JJ8084)胰腺癌是一种起病隐匿、进展迅速、疗效及预后极差的恶性肿瘤,大多数患者确诊时已经属于晚期。



孕晚期可能出现轻微的左右心室腔不对称,属于 右侧小角度移动,即可获得主动脉弓图像[13]。
正常变异,但如发现明显的左右心室腔不对称,应 1.2 早孕期胎儿心脏结构筛查 虽然,ISUOG
警惕梗阻性病变,如主动脉缩窄、左心发育不良综 指南提及,进行胎儿心超筛查的最佳时间为孕
1.1 中孕期胎儿超声心动图(简称心超)检查 中孕期胎儿心超检查是诊断胎儿先心病的首选方 法,目前国内外已有成熟的规范和指南明确该检
通信作者:程蔚蔚,电子邮箱为 测的适应证和操作规范[67]。规范化的胎儿心超
心脏结构筛查,于中孕早期(16~18周)对胎儿心 妊娠后胎儿是否有先心病发生风险。
脏结构进行复测。胎儿心脏结构的早期筛查可将 2.1 染色体核型分析 对于胎儿心超或MRI检
筛查时间节点从中孕期提前至早孕期,为后续遗 查明确胎儿心脏或大血管发育异常的病例,应建
传学检测争取时间,以减少大月份引产对孕妇的 议孕妇进行羊水(或绒毛)穿刺和常规染色体核型
垂直,从胎儿脐血管附着处向头部平扫。正常情 字型锐角,在脊柱的左侧共同汇入降主动脉。气
况:胃泡位于腹腔内左侧,腹主动脉位于脊柱的左 管的识别须依靠高回声环和周围的液性无回声
前方,下腔静脉位于脊柱的右前方,心脏长轴指向 区。三血管和气度为(45±20)°[8]。当胎儿 主动脉弓、双主动脉弓和血管环等心血管病变。
先天性心脏病(congenitalheartdisease, 伤、生长发育迟缓等,致使身体素质较弱,甚至可



浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)48(5):583~593,2022Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric.&Life Sci.)http :///agr E -mail :zdxbnsb @结球甘蓝香叶基芳樟醇合酶基因的克隆及功能分析汪一萍1,葛洋1,张译心1,Asim MUNAWAR 1,张亚东1,毛黎娟2,祝增荣1,周文武1*(1.浙江大学农业与生物技术学院昆虫科学研究所,农业农村部作物病虫分子生物学重点实验室,杭州310058;2.浙江大学农生环测试中心,杭州310058)摘要萜类化合物在植物防御病虫害等胁迫中具有重要的生物学和生态学功能,香叶基芳樟醇合酶(geranyllinalool synthase,GES )是萜类合成途径中的关键酶。

为解析结球甘蓝中GES 的功能,本研究采用聚合酶链反应方法克隆了该基因,检测其在生物胁迫诱导下的表达特性,并对其蛋白质的原核表达特性及生化功能进行了研究和测定。

结果表明:BoGES 蛋白质的氨基酸序列在十字花科植物中高度保守;小菜蛾、丁香假单胞菌(Pst DC3000)、水杨酸、茉莉酸甲酯诱导均能上调BoGES 基因的表达,说明该基因参与生物胁迫诱导的反应;该蛋白质能够以香叶基香叶基焦磷酸为底物催化合成香叶基芳樟醇。

此外,用“Y ”型嗅觉仪测定玉米螟赤眼蜂对不同浓度香叶基芳樟醇的行为反应,发现香叶基芳樟醇能够吸引赤眼蜂。

综上所述,本研究对结球甘蓝中的BoGES 基因功能进行了系统研究,为进一步研究十字花科植物中萜类合酶及萜类化合物的生物学和生态学功能提供了科学依据。

关键词结球甘蓝;萜类合酶;生物胁迫;香叶基芳樟醇;香叶基芳樟醇合酶中图分类号S 635.1;Q 78文献标志码A引用格式汪一萍,葛洋,张译心,等.结球甘蓝香叶基芳樟醇合酶基因的克隆及功能分析[J].浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2022,48(5):583-593.DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.12.031WANG Yiping,GE Yang,ZHANG Yixin,et al.Cloning and functional analysis of geranyllinalool synthase gene from Brassica oleracea [J].Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture &Life Sciences),2022,48(5):583-593.Cloning and functional analysis of geranyllinalool synthase gene fromBrassica oleraceaWANG Yiping 1,GE Yang 1,ZHANG Yixin 1,Asim MUNAWAR 1,ZHANG Yadong 1,MAO Lijuan 2,ZHU Zengrong 1,ZHOU Wenwu 1*(1.Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects,Institute of Insect Sciences,College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;2.Analysis Center of Agrobiology and Environmental Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China )AbstractTerpenoids play important biological and ecological roles in plant defense against the pests ’stress,and geranyllinalool synthase (GES)is a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of terpenoids.In order to understand the function of GES in Brassica oleracea ,we cloned the BoGES gene by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed its expression levels under different biological stresses,after that we studied the recombinant protein by prokaryotic expression and analyzed its biochemical functions.The results showed that the amino acidDOI :10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.12.031基金项目:浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y202045605);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2021FZZX003-02-10);国家自然科学基金项目(31701798,32072432);浙江大学实验技术研究项目(SJS201915)。



CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第11期·4080·化 工 进展Co-BiVO 4异质结光催化剂的制备及其性能黄文迪1,孙静2,申婷婷2,王西奎1(1齐鲁工业大学化学与制药工程学院,山东 济南 250353;2齐鲁工业大学环境科学与工程学院,山东 济南250353)摘要:采用一步水热法合成具有高效光催化活性的Co-BiVO 4纳米复合材料。

该材料通过Co 氧化物包覆在钒酸铋表面构成p-n 型异质结结构。

通过X 射线衍射仪(XRD )、扫描电子显微镜(SEM )、高倍透射电镜(HRTEM )、X 射线光电子能谱(XPS )、紫外可见漫反射(UV-vis DRS )等对所制备的纳米光催化剂进行形貌、结构、组成及光电性能表征分析。

发现Co 是以氧化物的形式负载在BiVO 4的表面,并且复合材料的可见光吸收带发生了红移。

利用亚甲基蓝(MB )作为目标污染物,以可见光作为光源考察不同材料的光催化性能。

结果表明,Co-BiVO 4复合光催化剂的催化活性明显高于纯BiVO 4。

当Bi 和Co 的复合比为2∶1时,Co-BiVO 4的光催化活性最高,与纯BiVO 4相比光催化反应速率提高了4倍。


关键词:催化剂;钴-钒酸铋;异质结;水热;降解中图分类号:O643.36 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)11–4080–07 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-0407Preparation and properties of Co-doped BiVO 4 heterojunction photocatalysts fabricated by hydrothermal methodHUANG Wendi 1,SUN Jing 2,SHEN Tingting 2,WANG Xikui 1(1College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering ,Qilu University of Technology ,Jinan 250353,Shandong, China ;2College of Environmental Science and Engineering ,Qilu University of Technology ,Jinan 250353,Shandong,China )Abstract: A unique Co-BiVO 4 photocatalyst with heterostructure was synthesized via a simple one-stephydrothermal method. The material forms a p-n-type heterojunction structure by coating cobalt oxide on the surface of BiVO 4. The morphology, structure, composition and optical property of the as-prepared nanocomposites were characterized by XRD, SEM, HRTEM, XPS, and UV-vis DRS. Characterization analysis showed that cobalt loaded on the surface of BiVO 4 as oxide and the catalyst showed a significant red-shift in the absorption band in the visible region. The photocatalytic activities of the samples were examined by studying the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under visible-light irradiation. The results showed that the photocatalytic activity of Co-BiVO 4 was increased by 4 times, compared with pure BiVO 4 under visible light irradiation. The best photocatalytic activity was achieved when the molar ratio of Bi ∶Co was 1∶2. The improving mechanisms of bismuth heterojunction and transition metal were further elucidating in the work.Key words: catalyst ;Co-BiVO 4;heterojunction ;hydrothermal ;degradation物控制化学与工艺。



2018年第37卷第2期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS·517·化 工 进展二氧化碳水合物动力学促进剂研究进展孙贤,刘德俊(辽宁石油化工大学石油天然气工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001)摘要:利用水合物法捕获二氧化碳是当今世界的研究热点,但其应用受到了水合物的生成条件苛刻、生成速率缓慢等问题的限制,故需要利用特定促进剂来改善水合物法分离气体的性能。



关键词:二氧化碳;水合物;动力学;机理中图分类号:TQ022.115 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)02–0517–08 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613. 2017-0987Advances in carbon dioxide hydrate kinetic additivesSUN Xian ,LIU Dejun(College of Petroleum Engineering ,Liaoning Shihua University ,Fushun 113001,Liaoning ,China )Abstract :It is a hot topic to capture carbon dioxide by forming hydrate. However its application islimited due to the harsh formation conditions of carbon dioxide hydrate and low yield rate of hydrate. Using additives can improve hydrate separation effect. The advances in carbon dioxide hydrate kinetic additives at home and abroad were introduced and analyzed from two aspects ,the enhancement of kinetic additives on carbon dioxide hydrate generation and the mechanism of additives promoting carbon dioxide formation. For the enhancement of kinetic additives ,the effects of different types of kinetic additives on hydrate formation and the inhibitory effect on hydrate formation at high concentrations were discussed. In terms of the mechanism of additives promoting carbon dioxide formation ,the recent research results were summarized and the shortcomings of the mechanism were pointed out. In addition ,the lack of carbon dioxide hydrate kinetic additives and the future development of future researches were also discussed. The relationship between the effect of kinetic additives on hydrate formation and its containing groups needs to be further studied; secondly ,there is no unified conclusion about the mechanism of hydrate formation by kinetic additives ,which may be due to the fact that the current study focuses on the change in the external form of the hydrate and does not explore the change in the internal structure of the hydrate ,so the effect of additives on the hydrate internal structure changes needs to be further studied.Key words :carbon dioxide ;hydrate ;kinetic ;mechanism研究。

A generalized friction correlation for louver fin geometry

A generalized friction correlation for louver fin geometry
Yu-Juei Chang a, Kuei-Chang Hsu b, Yur-Tsai Lin b, Chi-Chuan Wang a,*
Energy and Resources Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, D500 ERL/ITRI, Bldg. 64, 195 H 6 Section 4, Chung Hsing Road, Chutung 310, Hsinchu, Taiwan b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan-Ze University, Tauyuan, Taiwan Received 6 June 1999; received in revised form 14 September 1999
Y.-J. Chang et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2237±2243
Nomenclature A Ac Dh Dm f f 1, f 2, f 3 Fd Fl Fp Ft Gc Kc Ke Lh Ll Lp M total surface area [m2] minimum ¯ow area [m2] hydraulic diameter of ®n array [mm] major tube diameter [mm] Fanning friction factor dimensionless correlation parameter ®n depth [mm] ®n length [mm] ®n pitch [mm] ®n thickness [mm] rmVc, mass ¯ux at minimum ¯ow area [kg mÀ2] abrupt contraction coecient, dimensionless abrupt expansion coecient, dimensionless louver height [mm] louver length [mm] louver pitch [mm] number of test data point ReDh ReLp Th Tp Td Vc DP r1 r2 rm s y Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter, dimensionless Reynolds number based on louver pitch, dimensionless TpÀDm [mm] tube pitch [mm] tube depth [mm] maximum velocity [m sÀ1] pressure drop [Pa] inlet air density [kg mÀ3] outlet air density [kg mÀ3] mean density [kg mÀ3] contraction ratio, dimensionless louver angle [deg]



㊃综述㊃基金项目:河北省自然科学基金丁苯酞对卒中后认知障碍的治疗机制及多模影像学研究(H 2022307075);河北省高端人才支持计划(冀办[2019]63号);河北省政府资助临床医学优秀人才培养项目高分辨率磁共振成像和代谢相关指标分析在血管性认知障碍中的应用研究(冀财社[2019]139号);河北省科技创新团队脑血管病及相关认知障碍诊疗与康复创新团队(冀政字[2020]9号)通信作者:吕佩源,E m a i l :p e i yu a n l u @163.c o m 抗炎细胞因子在阿尔茨海默病中的研究进展谢少为1,3,吕小涵1,3,董艳红2,3,吕佩源2,3(1.河北医科大学研究生院,河北石家庄050017;2.河北省人民医院神经内科,河北石家庄050051;3.河北省脑网络与认知障碍疾病重点实验室,河北石家庄050051) 摘 要:阿尔茨海默病(A i z h e i m e r 's d i s e a s e ,A D )是痴呆症最常见的形式,是一种神经退行性疾病㊂其特征是负责控制记忆和其他认知功能的大脑区域受到损伤,神经病理是神经元丢失,淀粉样蛋白β在细胞外沉积和神经纤维缠结在细胞内积累㊂目前已有大量研究表明,抗炎及促炎机制在A D 的病理生理中发挥着至关重要的作用㊂本文通过对部分抗炎细胞因子改善A D 患者认知功能的机制进行综述,旨在为A D 的诊疗提供新思路㊂关键词:阿尔茨海默病;白细胞介素类;认知障碍;炎症中图分类号:R 745.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-583X (2023)02-0185-04d o i :10.3969/j.i s s n .1004-583X.2023.02.016 阿尔茨海默病(A i z h e i m e r 'sd i s e a s e ,A D )是一种与年龄相关的神经退行性疾病,是最常见的引起认知功能障碍的原因之一,使患者学习㊁理解㊁交流和日常活动的能力受到不同程度损害,并可导致患者性格和行为的改变㊂其神经病理学特征为神经元丢失㊁脑内淀粉样蛋白β(a m y l o i d β-p r o t e i n ,A β)在细胞外沉积和由过度磷酸化的t a u 蛋白和营养不良的神经突起组成的神经纤维缠结在细胞内积累㊂轻度认知障碍(m i l dc o g n i t i v e i m pa i r m e n t ,M C I )被认为是A D 认知功能下降的早期阶段,通常表现为间歇性记忆丧失㊂M C I 患者可能会继续发展为A D ㊁血管疾病和其他类型的痴呆症㊂A D 尚无治愈方法,目前的治疗目标为缓解症状和控制疾病的进一步发展㊂脑内的神经炎症在A D 的病理生理中发挥着重要作用,既往认为脑内促炎介质的增加会促进A D 的进展,抗炎免疫疗法可能有潜在益处[1]㊂虽然促炎介质的有害作用已引起广泛关注,但却并未对抗炎细胞因子进行更深入的研究㊂本文就近年来有关部分抗炎细胞因子改善A D 患者认知障碍的机制作一综述,以期为今后的研究提供新的治疗思路及靶点㊂1 神经炎症与A D 的关系脑内的神经炎症在A D 中起着重要作用,但对其具体病理机制仍不十分清楚㊂目前关于A D 和神经炎症的关系有两个假说:①脑内的促炎环境可促进A β的积聚,进而引起或加速A D 的病理性级联反应;②抗炎治疗可减少A β的积聚,因此具有神经保护作用[2]㊂促炎和抗炎细胞因子间的失衡可能是A D 发生的重要机制之一㊂参与A D 发病的抗炎细胞因子主要包括白细胞介素(i n t e r l e u k i n ,I L )-2㊁I L -4㊁I L -10㊁I L -13㊁转化生长因子(t r a n s f o r m i n gg r o w t h f a c t o r ,T G F )-β等㊂其中I L -2可为神经元和胶质细胞提供营养支持,促进轴突分支㊁树突发育和棘突形成,从而在神经元发育中发挥作用㊂研究发现,与健康对照组相比,A D 患者海马中I L -2水平显著降低,M C I 患者血清I L -2水平高于A D 患者,且血清I L -2水平与简易智能精神状态检查量表评分呈负相关[3]㊂血浆I L -4与整体认知呈正相关,乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂可通过增加I L -4的表达来改善A D 患者的临床症状㊂I L -10可发挥神经保护作用,在维持神经元稳态和细胞存活中发挥重要作用㊂在A D 患者的大脑中,小胶质细胞的激活是脑内神经炎症反应的核心过程㊂小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统的巨噬细胞,可分为静息(M 0)㊁促炎(M 1)和抗炎(M 2)功能表型㊂在正常生理条件下,小胶质细胞处于功能性静息状态,通过吞噬作用清除细胞碎片和凋亡细胞㊂M 0表型的小胶质细胞经上游细胞信号的刺激可激活为M 1或M 2表型㊂一般情况下,M 1型小胶质细胞被激活时可产生较多的促炎细胞因子和神经毒性介质,如I L -1β㊁I L -6和肿瘤坏死因子-α(T N F -α)等,来诱导㊁延长或加重脑内神经组织炎症㊂而M 2型小胶质细胞不仅通过释放抗炎细胞因子,如I L -2㊁I L -4㊁I L -10㊁T G F -β等,促进吞噬作用及组织修复,支持神经元存活[4],还可通过影响细胞㊃581㊃‘临床荟萃“ 2023年2月20日第38卷第2期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s ,F e b r u a r y 20,2023,V o l 38,N o .2Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.内质网高尔基体蛋白质及囊泡运输来抑制低聚β淀粉样蛋白在细胞间转移,减缓A D进展[2]㊂所以刺激小胶质细胞分化为M2表型可能成为未来治疗A D 的目标㊂2抗炎细胞因子在A D中的作用机制2.1I L-2I L-2是一种多系淋巴细胞生长因子,通过与低㊁中或高亲和力受体结合,促进C D4+T细胞增殖分化为辅助性T淋巴细胞(Th e l p e r c e l l,T h) 1㊁T h2㊁T h17和调节性T细胞(r e g u l a t o r y c e l l s, T r e g s)亚群㊂研究表明,I L-2基因敲除小鼠对学习和记忆的影响主要依赖于间接免疫相关效应[5],注射I L-2可改善小鼠早期和晚期认知障碍㊂越来越多的证据表明,脑内神经保护T淋巴细胞亚群(如T r e g s)和神经毒性T淋巴细胞亚群(如T h17)间的失衡可能参与了神经炎症介导的A D[6]㊂T r e g s的短暂性早期耗竭可显著减少激活的小胶质细胞向Aβ的募集,加速了转基因A D(A P P/P S1)小鼠认知功能障碍的发生[7]㊂而小剂量I L-2可特异性地扩增和激活T r e g s,进而激活小胶质细胞并向Aβ募集,吞噬Aβ来降低海马区淀粉样斑块的沉积,改善小鼠的认知功能[8]㊂这种基于T r e g s的免疫疗法可能成为新的A D预防和治疗策略,以延缓A D患者认知的下降速度和疾病的进展㊂Aβ诱导的突触传递损伤是导致认知功能障碍的机制之一㊂有研究发现,I L-2除可扩增和激活T r e g s外,还有助于改善A D小鼠突触的可塑性,通过增加海马的长时程增强作用和恢复海马C A1锥体层树突棘和脊柱密度来改善认知缺陷,且经I L-2处理的A P P/P S1小鼠海马区I L-2浓度升高,而健康小鼠海马区I L-2浓度无明显变化[9]㊂出现这种结果的可能原因是,在A D小鼠中构成血脑屏障的内皮细胞间的紧密连接遭到破坏㊂由此推测I L-2是通过血脑屏障渗漏进入中枢神经系统,这对I L-2的给药途径具有重要意义㊂m i R-186表达减少可能是与A D有关[10]㊂m i R-186可抑制I L-2的活性,其过表达可能通过下调I L-2从而抑制J A K/S T A T信号通路,减轻神经元的氧化应激损伤,促进海马神经细胞的增殖并抑制其凋亡㊂J a n u s激酶/信号转导器和转录3激活因子(t h e J a n u s k i n a s e/s i g n a l t r a n s d u c e r a n d a c t i v a t o r o f t r a n s c r i p t i o n3,J A K/S T A T3)通路是促进星形胶质细胞反应的重要信号分子,而抑制星形胶质细胞的反应性可减少神经炎性反应[11]㊂故促进m i R-186过表达或抑制J A K/S T A T3通路(如应用细胞因子信号转导抑制因子3)可作为治疗A D的新靶点㊂2.2I L-4越来越多的证据表明,抗炎细胞因子I L-4在生理和病理条件下都对大脑功能起着至关重要的作用[12]㊂I L-4是M2a型小胶质细胞的激活剂,而I L-10是M2c型小胶质细胞的激活剂,被激活的M2型小胶质细胞又会增加I L-4和I L-10等抗炎细胞因子的释放,I L-4和I L-10在体内激活小胶质细胞和清除Aβ过程中起着重要作用[13]㊂将I L-4基因导入A P P/P S1小鼠体内,可抑制海马区胶质细胞的积累,直接促进神经发生,恢复受损的空间学习能力,还可减少Aβ的沉积[14]㊂髓样细胞2上表达的触发受体(t r i g g e r i n g r e c e p t o r e x p r e s s e do n m y e l o i dc e l l s-2,T R E M2)是小胶质细胞内炎症反应的关键调节因子,包括抑制促炎反应和刺激吞噬凋亡神经元㊁Aβ,缺乏T R E M2可增加Aβ在细胞间累积[15]㊂有研究表明,I L-4可特异性地增加T R E M2的表达,经Aβ1-42处理小鼠的大脑皮质和海马区胱天蛋白酶募集域蛋白9表达增加㊁T o l l样受体4(T o l l-l i k e r e c e p t o r s4,T L R4)表达上调,激活核因子κB和丝裂原活化蛋白激酶通路,进而导致小胶质细胞释放促炎细胞因子,如T N F-α㊁干扰素-γ(i n t e r f e r o n-g a mm a,I N F-γ)和I L-1β,而后用I L-4处理小鼠,显著激活了T R E M2,增加小胶质细胞自噬,下调了胱天蛋白酶募集域蛋白9和T L R4表达,改善了认知功能[16]㊂推测血清T R E M2水平可能作为一种新的预测A D发病的标志物和治疗A D神经炎症的潜在药物靶点㊂在神经退化等疾病背景下,可利用神经干细胞(n e u r a l s t e mc e l l,N S C)进行再生治疗㊂然而在A D 患者中,N S C失去可塑性,从而可能失去再生能力㊂研究发现,Aβ沉积可诱导犬尿酸(k y n u r e n i ca c i d, K Y N A)产生,阻碍N S C的可塑性,在A P P/P S1小鼠A D模型中,犬尿氨酸转氨酶-Ⅱ(k y n u r e n i n e a m i n o t r a n s f e r a s e-Ⅱ,K A T2)表达上调,应用I L-4可通过抑制K A T2,减少K Y N A产生,进而恢复N S C 的增殖和神经发生能力[17]㊂I L-4还能增强脑源性神经营养因子(b r a i n-d e r i v e d n e u r o t r o p h i c f a c t o r, B D N F)和突触素的表达[18],突触素是突触前终末的特异性标志物,参与囊泡的运输㊁释放和再循环,是学习和记忆所必需的物质,在突触可塑性调节中发挥重要作用㊂故B D N F和突触素水平的升高可能是I L-4改善认知患者的原因㊂在脑外伤小鼠模型中,向脑内注射I L-4可改善海马依赖的长期认知功能,其机制为I L-4通过激活小胶质细胞内P P A Rγ基因和精氨酸酶-1的表达,抑制促炎反应,增强小胶质细㊃681㊃‘临床荟萃“2023年2月20日第38卷第2期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s,F e b r u a r y20,2023,V o l38,N o.2Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.胞吞噬作用,部分阻止了脑外伤后的长时程增强损伤,改善了海马突触的可塑性,从而促进海马结构和功能的完整性[19]㊂尽管在上述研究中,I L-4改善认知障碍的机制各不相同,但公认I L-4对中枢神经系统具有抗炎或保护活性㊂然而,H u y n h等[20]发现,A P P转基因小鼠脑内I L-4的局部过表达可导致Aβ斑块沉积加重,目前机制尚不清楚,有必要进一步研究I L-4用于A D的抗炎治疗㊂2.3I L-10I L-10是一种重要的抗炎细胞因子,在维持神经元稳态和细胞存活中发挥重要作用,它通过激活和诱导转录因子来促进神经元和胶质细胞的存活,并下调促炎细胞因子的合成,抑制细胞毒性炎症反应㊂研究发现,I L-10预处理的A D小鼠模型中核因子κB p50和p65亚基的核移位减少,I L-6㊁T N F-α㊁I L-12和N O的产生也减少[21]㊂此外,I L-10还可发挥神经保护作用,恢复轴突生长,促进神经元突触的形成,显著减少星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞增生,增强神经发生,从而改善A P P/P S1小鼠的空间认知功能障碍[22]㊂I L-10是激活的M2型小胶质细胞释放的经典细胞因子之一,并且是M2c型小胶质细胞活化的配体㊂I L-10刺激的小胶质细胞能促进体外培养的N S C增殖,但不能促进其分化,而I L-4刺激的小胶质细胞可促进神经分化㊂因此,这些抗炎细胞因子与胰岛素样生长因子1或成纤维细胞生长因子-2等生长因子联合治疗可能恢复A D患者的神经再生能力,并恢复神经认知功能㊂研究发现,A D患者I L-1β和I L-10水平升高,且I L-1β水平是I L-10的7 ~10倍[23],表明在A D患者中可能存在促炎和抗炎活性的不平衡,而I L-10水平表达升高可能在代偿机制中发挥潜在作用㊂I L-10既有抗炎作用,又有促炎作用㊂较低的I L-10水平可能与较差的认知功能有关,而I L-10的过度产生似乎会增加认知功能障碍㊂有研究证实, I L-10水平的增加可能导致执行能力降低[24]㊂随着A D小鼠体内I L-10水平的升高,其学习和记忆功能受到的损害更大,产生过多的I L-10可抑制促炎反应,减弱小胶质细胞对可溶性Aβ的吞噬功能,导致T g C R N D8小鼠和T g2576小鼠的认知功能障碍[24]㊂有研究发现,A P P/P S1小鼠I L-10基因缺失使其大脑皮质和海马区斑块面积显著减少,还导致Aβ清除受损[25],提示即使是内源性I L-10水平升高也会加速A D病理过程进展㊂出现这种结果的可能原因为I L-10增强了活化的C D8+T细胞的炎症功能,使促炎细胞因子γ干扰素(I F N-γ)和颗粒酶B等细胞溶解因子的产生增多㊂既往发现,外源性给予I L-10可提高人类血清I F N-γ水平,可能抵消其抗炎作用,这可能是由于I L-10受体结构不同导致I L-10功能不同,工程化I L-10部分激动剂抑制炎性单核细胞和巨噬细胞活化而不刺激C D4+T细胞和C D8+T细胞产生I F N-γ的能力,对I L-10治疗疾病有重要意义[26]㊂3总结与展望脑内神经炎症在A D的病理生理中发挥着至关重要的作用,抗炎细胞因子通过一系列复杂的机制作用于中枢神经系统,恢复神经元功能,逆转慢性神经炎引起的认知障碍㊂研究其作用机制为我们提供了一些新的治疗靶点,如激活扩增T r e g s㊁抑制J A K/ S T A T3通路㊁刺激小胶质细胞分化为M2型㊁增加T R E M2表达㊁恢复N S C的增殖发生能力等㊂然而,神经炎症在A D病理学中的确切机制仍不十分明确,有些大家公认的抗炎细胞因子如I L-10,同样会导致A D病理及认知障碍的加重㊂未来仍需研究进一步阐明抗炎细胞因子靶向治疗A D的具体机制㊂参考文献:[1] O z b e n T,O z b e n S.N e u r o-i n f l a mm a t i o n a n d a n t i-i n f l a mm a t o r y t r e a t m e n to p t i o n sf o r A l z h e i m e r'sd i s e a s e[J].C l i nB i o c h e m,2019,72:87-89.[2]S a c k m a n n V,A n s e l l A,S a c k m a n n C,e t a l.A n t i-i n f l a mm a t o r y(M2)m a c r o p h a g em e d i a r e d u c e t r a n s m i s s i o no fo l i g o m e r i c a m y l o i db e t a i nd i f f e r e n t i a t e dS H-S Y5Yc e l l s[J].N e u r o b i o lA g i n g,2017,60:173-182.[3] K i n g E,O'B r i e n J T,D o n a g h y P,e t a l.P e r i p h e r a li n f l a mm a t i o n i n p r o d r o m a l A l z h e i m e r's a n d L e w y b o d yd e m e n t i a s[J].JN e u r o lN e u r o s u r g P s y c h i a t r y,2018,89(4):339-345.[4] L iC,B i a n Y,F e n g Y,e ta l.N e u r o p r o t e c t i v e e f f e c t s o fB H D P C,an o v e l n e u r o p r o t e c t a n t,o ne x p e r i m e n t a l s t r o k eb ym o d u l a t i n g m i c r o g l i a p o l a r i z a t i o n[J].A C S C h e m N e u r o s c i,2019,10(5):2434-2449.[5] P e t i t t o J M,C u s h m a nJ D,H u a n g Z.E f f e c t so fb r a i n-d e r i v e dI L-2d e f i c i e n c y a n d t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f a u t o i mm u n i t y o ns p a t i a l l e a r n i n g a n df e a rc o n d i t i o n i n g[J].J N e u r o lD i s o r d,2015,3(1):196.[6]S a n t a m a ría-C a d a v i d M,R o d ríg u e z-C a s t r oE,R o d ríg u e z-Y췍ñe zM,e ta l.R e g u l a t o r y T c e l l s p a r t i c i p a t ei nt h er e c o v e r y o fi s c h e m i c s t r o k e p a t i e n t s[J].B M CN e u r o l,2020,20(1):68.[7] B a i r a m i a n D,S h a S,R o l h i o n N,e t a l.M i c r o b i o t a i nn e u r o i n f l a mm a t i o n a n d s y n a p t i c d y s f u n c t i o n:A f o c u s o nA l z h e i m e r's d i s e a s e[J].M o lN e u r o d e g e n e r,2022,17(1):19.[8] P o l J G,C a u d a n aP,P a i l l e t J,e t a l.E f f e c t s o f i n t e r l e u k i n-2i ni mm u n o s t i m u l a t i o na n d i mm u n o s u p p r e s s i o n[J].JE x p M e d,2020,217(1):e20191247.[9] A l v e s S,C h u r l a u d G,A u d r a i n M,e t a l.I n t e r l e u k i n-2㊃781㊃‘临床荟萃“2023年2月20日第38卷第2期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s,F e b r u a r y20,2023,V o l38,N o.2Copyright©博看网. 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[收稿日期]2022-02-28 [修回日期]2023-03-22[基金项目]河北省沧州市科技计划自筹经费项目(204106112)[作者单位]河北省沧州市中心医院神经内科,061000[作者简介]王媛媛(1989-),女,硕士,主治医师.[文章编号]1000⁃2200(2023)12⁃1709⁃05㊃临床医学㊃缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量与预后的相关性分析王媛媛,王 博,刘媛媛,郭岩松,李 猛,董巧云[摘要]目的:研究缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中N⁃Myc 下游调节基因2(NDRG2)蛋白㊁哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mTOR)的含量,并分析其与病人预后的相关性㊂方法:选取缺血性脑卒中病人300例为观察组,根据神经功能缺损评分分为轻度组(n =99)㊁中度组(n =113)㊁重度组(n =88),根据出院90d 改良Rankin 量表(mRS)分为预后不良组(mRS >3分,n =108)与预后良好组(mRS≤3分,n =192),同期随机选取体检的健康者278名为对照组㊂收集研究对象的一般资料并检测常规生化指标水平;利用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量,Pearson 法分析NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 与缺血性脑卒中病人常规生化指标的相关性;病人出院后随访3个月,利用ROC 曲线分析NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量预测缺血性脑卒中预后不良的价值㊂结果:观察组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR 含量均显著高于对照组(P <0.01);病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR 含量神经功能缺损重度组高于中度组和轻度组,中度组亦高于轻度组(P <0.05);缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量分别与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP 呈正相关关系(P <0.05~P <0.01),与HDL⁃C 呈负相关关系(P <0.01)㊂预后良好组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR 含量均低于预后不良组(P <0.01);外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量评估缺血性脑卒中预后不良AUC 分别为0.733㊁0.952,敏感度分别为62.04%㊁89.81%,特异度分别为76.56%㊁89.58%;二者联合评估缺血性脑卒中AUC 为0.958,敏感度为86.11%,特异度为93.23%㊂结论:缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 均呈高水平,二者联合检测对缺血性脑卒中预后不良具有较高的预测价值㊂[关键词]缺血性脑卒中;N⁃Myc 下游调节基因2蛋白;哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白[中图法分类号]R 743;R 446.1 [文献标志码]A DOI :10.13898/ki.issn.1000⁃2200.2023.12.020Correlation analysis of NDRG2protein and mTORin peripheral blood of ischemic stroke patients with prognosisWANG Yuan⁃yuan,WANG Bo,LIU Yuan⁃yuan,GUO Yan⁃song,LI Meng,DONG Qiao⁃yun(Department of Neurology ,Cangzhou Central Hospital ,Cangzhou Hebei 061000,China )[Abstract ]Objective :To explore the expression levels of N⁃Myc downstream regulated gene 2(NDRG2)protein and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)in peripheral blood of patients with ischemic stroke,and analyze its correlation with patient prognosis.Methods :A total of 300patients with ischemic stroke were selected as the observation group,and divided into mild group (n =99),moderate group (n =113)and severe group (n =88)according to the National Institute of Health stroke scale.According to the modified Rankin scale (mRS)90days after discharge,they were divided into poor prognosis group (mRS >3,n =108)and good prognosis group (mRS≤3,n =192).At the same time,278healthy subjects were randomly selected as the control group.The clinical data of patients were collected,enzyme⁃linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect the expression levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in peripheral blood.Pearson method was used to analyze the correlation between NDRG2protein,mTOR,and routine biochemical indicators in patients with ischemic stroke.The patients were followed up for 3months after discharge,and the ROC curve was used to analyze the value of NDRG2protein and mTOR in predicting poor prognosis of ischemic stroke.Results :The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in the peripheral blood of patients in the observation group was significantly higher than those in the control group (P <0.01).The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in the peripheral blood of patients with severe neurological deficits were higher than those in the moderate and mild groups,and which in the moderate group was also higher than those in the mild group (P <0.05).The peripheral blood NDRG2protein and mTOR levels in ischemic stroke patients were positively correlated with low⁃density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL⁃C ),triacylglycerol (TG ),total cholesterol (TC ),homocysteine (Hcy ),D⁃dimer (D⁃D ),lipoproteina,hypersensitivity C⁃reactive protein (Hs⁃CRP)(P <0.05to P <0.01),and negatively correlated with high⁃density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL⁃C)(P <0.01).The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in peripheral blood of patients with good prognosis were lower than those of patients with poor prognosis (P <0.01).The peripheral blood NDRG2protein and mTORlevels were evaluated for poor prognosis in ischemic stroke,with AUC of0.733and0.952,sensitivity of62.04%and89.81%,and specificity of76.56%and89.58%,respectively.The AUC of the combined assessment of ischemic stroke was0.958,with a sensitivity of86.11%and a specificity of93.23%.Conclusions:The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in peripheral blood of patients with ischemic stroke are both high.The combined detection of NDRG2protein and mTOR has high predictive value for poor prognosis of ischemic stroke.[Key words]ischemic stroke;N⁃Myc downstream regulated gene2protein;mammalian target of rapamycin 脑卒中按病理类型可分为缺血性和出血性,临床表现主要有头晕㊁目眩㊁恶心等,严重的会出现脑组织局部不可逆损伤[1-2]㊂寻找敏感外周血指标及时评估缺血性脑卒中病情对控制疾病发展及判断预后具有重要意义㊂Myc下游调控基因2(N⁃Myc downstream regulated gene2,NDRG2)是NDRG家族的一员[3],是一种肿瘤抑制因子,其不仅有助于激素㊁离子㊁体液代谢和其他细胞代谢过程,而且还有助于应激反应,如在缺氧环境和脂质毒性下的反应[4]㊂已有研究[5]证明NDRG2与神经肿瘤㊁乳腺癌㊁肺癌㊁甲状腺癌等癌症之间存在相关性㊂此外, NDRG2在星形胶质细胞中表达丰富,其在脑卒中发病的作用引起越来越多的关注㊂哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR),是一种保守的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,在生物体的许多生物过程中起着核心调节作用,包括代谢㊁蛋白质合成㊁能量平衡㊁增殖和存活[6]㊂目前mTOR信号通路在中枢神经系统疾病中所起作用受到越来越多的关注,尤其是缺血性脑损伤,但mTOR㊁NDRG2蛋白2种因子同时在缺血性脑卒中含量及相关性尚不清楚,本研究通过检测缺血性脑卒中外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量,分析二者相关性,讨论其对病人预后的预测价值㊂现作报道㊂1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 选取2020年6月至2021年6月本院收治的缺血性脑卒中病人300例为观察组,其中男166例,女134例,年龄55~72岁,平均年龄(61.15±8.37)岁㊂根据神经功能缺损评分(NIHSS)对病人病情严重程度进行评估,NHISS评分为<5分㊁5~20分㊁>20分分别代表轻度㊁中度㊁重度功能损伤,分为轻度组(n=99)㊁中度组(n= 113)㊁重度组(n=88)㊂根据出院90d改良Rankin 量表(mRS)分为预后不良组(mRS>3分,n=108)与预后良好组(mRS≤3分,n=192)㊂纳入标准: (1)符合缺血性脑卒中诊断标准,参考‘中国急性缺血性脑卒中诊治指南2014“[7];(2)经头颅CT和MRI影像学检查证实为缺血性脑卒中;(3)第1次发病,发病时间<72h;(4)病人家属或监护人均知情同意,并自愿签署知情同意书㊂排除标准:(1)颅脑外伤㊁颅内动脉瘤所致缺血性脑卒中;(2)排除有精神类疾病病人;(3)排除有恶性肿瘤㊁代谢紊乱㊁免疫疾病等;(4)近3个月内服用过影响凝血功能的药物如抗凝剂㊁溶栓等;(5)临床资料不完整病人㊂同期随机选择于本院体检的健康者278名为对照组,其中男150名,女128名,年龄58~75岁,平均年龄(59.94±7.52)岁㊂本研究获得本院伦理委员会批准㊂1.2 方法 1.2.1 主要试剂与仪器 人NDRG2蛋白ELISA 试剂盒购自睿信生物科技有限公司;人mTOR ELISA试剂盒(货号:ab279869)购自上海恒元生物科技有限公司;人D⁃二聚体(D⁃D)ELISA试剂盒(货号:ab229437)购自上海樊克生物科技有限公司;人脂蛋白(Lipoprotein,Lp)(a)ELISA试剂盒(货号:ab212165)购自上海仁捷生物科技有限公司;iChem⁃520型全自动生化仪购自深圳市美思康电子有限公司㊂1.2.2 样本采集 病人于入院次日采集静脉血5mL,对照组人群于体检当天采集静脉血5mL,均在3000r/min条件下离心10min,收集上清液转移至干净EP管中,-80℃保存,待统一检测㊂1.2.3 ELISA法检测外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 测定 采用ELISA法检测各组外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量,具体操作步骤按照试剂盒说明书进行㊂1.2.4 临床资料收集 收集所有研究对象临床资料,包括性别㊁年龄㊁吸烟史㊁饮酒史㊁糖尿病史㊁高血压史㊁冠心病史㊂采用全自动生化仪检测所有研究对象的三酰甘油(TG)㊁总胆固醇(TC)㊁高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL⁃C)㊁低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL⁃C)含量㊂循环酶法测定外周血同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)含量,ELISA试剂盒检测D⁃二聚体(D⁃D)㊁Lp(a)含量,免疫比浊法测定超敏C反应蛋白(Hs⁃CRP)含量㊂1.2.5 随访 根据改良Rankin量表(mRS)评分评估发病90d后的预后情况,mRS≤2分为预后良好, mRS≥3分为预后不良㊂1.3 统计学方法 采用t检验及Pearson相关分析和ROC特征曲线㊂2 结果2.1 一般资料比较 对照组与观察组病人的年龄㊁性别㊁吸烟史㊁饮酒史㊁高血压史㊁高脂血症㊁糖尿病㊁冠心病等一般资料比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂观察组病人LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP表达显著高于对照组,HDL⁃C表达显著低于对照组(P<0.01)(见表1)㊂表1 2组一般资料比较(x±s)分组n男女年龄/岁吸烟史饮酒史高血压史高脂血症糖尿病冠心病观察组30016613461.15±8.37150178120675045对照组27815012859.94±7.5213516290453630 t 0.11* 1.820.12*0.07* 3.63* 3.49* 1.57* 2.26* P >0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05分组TG/(mmol/L)TC/(mmol/L)HDL⁃C/(mmol/L)LDL⁃C/(mmol/L)Hcy/(μmol/L)D⁃D/(mg/L)Lp(a)/(mmol/L)Hs⁃CRP/(mg/L)观察组 2.01±0.88 6.02±2.21 1.08±0.26 4.26±0.8515.15±3.850.95±0.2685.69±25.69 5.88±1.02对照组 1.43±0.72 4.25±1.53 1.25±0.33 2.78±0.8012.12±1.130.35±0.1630.26±7.43 2.08±0.56 t8.7011.26 6.8421.5113.0333.6735.7956.05 P<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01 *示χ2值2.2 观察组和对照组外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量比较 观察组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR含量均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)(见表2)㊂ 表2 观察组和对照组外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量比较(x±s;ng/mL)分组n NDRG2mTOR观察组3000.58±0.18 2.75±0.53对照组2780.31±0.11 1.55±0.34t 21.9332.63P <0.01<0.01 2.3 不同神经功能缺损程度病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量比较 病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR含量神经功能缺损重度组高于中度组和轻度组,中度组亦高于轻度组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)(见表3)㊂2.4 缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量与常规生化指标的相关性分析 缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量分别与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP呈正相关关系(P<0.01~P<0.05),与HDL⁃C呈负相关关系(P<0.01)(见表4)㊂2.5 预后良好和预后不良病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量比较 预后良好组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR含量均低于预后不良组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)(见表5)㊂2.6 ROC曲线分析外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量预测缺血性脑卒中预后不良的价值 ROC结果显示,外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量评估缺血性脑卒中预后不良AUC分别为0.733㊁0.952,敏感度分别为62.04%㊁89.81%,特异度分别为76.56%㊁89.58%;二者联合评估缺血性脑卒中AUC为0.958,敏感度为86.11%,特异度为93.23%(见表6)㊂ 表3 不同神经功能缺损程度病人外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR 含量比较(x±s;ng/mL)分组n NDRG2mTOR轻度组990.45±0.14*# 2.29±0.42*#中度组1130.58±0.17* 2.71±0.56*重度组880.71±0.23 3.31±0.62F 47.9884.28P <0.01<0.01MS组内 0.0300.290 q检验:与重度组比较*P<0.05;与中度组比较#P<0.05 表4 缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量与常规生化指标的相关性项目名称NDRG2 r P mTOR r P TG0.996<0.010.521<0.01TC0.128<0.050.588<0.01 HDL⁃C-0.556<0.01-0.481<0.01 LDL⁃C0.157<0.010.226<0.01Hcy0.521<0.010.192<0.01D⁃D0.312<0.010.138<0.05 Lp(a)0.299<0.010.132<0.05 Hs⁃CRP0.292<0.010.271<0.01 表5 预后良好和预后不良外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量比较(x±s;ng/mL)分组n NDRG2mTOR 预后良好组1920.38±0.21 1.75±0.43预后不良组1080.61±0.25 2.87±0.54 t 8.0818.50P <0.01<0.01 表6 外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量预测缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的价值分析指标截断值AUC敏感度/%特异度/%95%CI NDRG2>0.52ng/mL0.73362.0476.560.679~0.782 mTOR>2.24ng/mL0.95289.8189.580.921~0.973联合诊断 0.95886.1193.230.929~0.9783 讨论 随着我国人口老龄化加剧,缺血性脑卒中已成为死亡和残疾的主要原因㊂近年来,缺血性脑卒中有逐渐年轻化的趋势[8]㊂在中国每年有190余万人因为卒中死亡[9-10]㊂缺血性脑卒中的病理过程复杂,脑血管闭塞后血供中断,伴随着能量衰竭㊁酸中毒㊁兴奋性氨基酸释放㊁细胞内钙离子超载㊁自由基生成,最终导致脑实质坏死㊁凋亡㊁自噬等损伤[11]㊂目前缺血性脑卒中的主要治疗方法为溶栓治疗,但此方法受时间窗的限制[12-13]㊂加之缺血性脑卒中分子机制仍未完全阐明,早期诊断及预后评估标志物缺乏,迫切需要寻找有效预防手段㊂NDRG2是多种癌症的候选抑癌基因,在控制肿瘤生长和癌症发病率方面发挥积极作用,主要表达于大脑㊁心脏㊁肝脏㊁肾脏等多种组织器官[14];NDRG2可显著抑制肿瘤的生长㊁迁移㊁增殖和侵袭,促进细胞凋亡[15]; NDRG2与细胞增殖和应激反应有密切关系,参与全身多个器官的生理活动和功能调节,有研究[16]证明NDRG2可通过调节凋亡通路相关分子发挥作用进而参与脑卒中损伤机制㊂本研究中缺血性脑卒中病人与健康对照组人群相比外周血中NDRG2蛋白含量升高,随着神经功能缺损程度加重逐渐升高;此外,LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP水平显著高于对照组,HDL⁃C水平显著低于对照组, NDRG2蛋白与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP呈正相关关系,与HDL⁃C呈负相关关系,提示NDRG2参与缺血性脑卒中疾病的发生㊁发展进程,有可能成为预测缺血性能脑卒中病情严重程度的潜在生物学指标;研究进一步显示预后不良组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白高于预后良好组,推测原因可能是:NDRG2过表达促进了星形胶质细胞凋亡,且可促进炎症介质的释放,增加局部炎性反应的同时加剧了脑细胞凋亡,从而使神经功能缺损程度加重,增加预后不良发生风险㊂ROC结果显示,NDRG2含量评估缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的AUC为0.733,对应的敏感度为62.04%,特异度分别为76.56%㊂表明NDRG2蛋白的异常高表达与缺血性脑卒中病人的不良预后密切相关,可作为诊断缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的潜在生物标志物㊂mTOR是细胞生命活动的重要调控分子,上游信号分子㊁下游信号蛋白和mTOR复合体共同组成mTOR的相关信号转导通路,其在细胞生长㊁存活以及凋亡等方面有重要作用[17]㊂mTOR广泛存在于中枢神经系统中,广泛表达于海马㊁下丘脑㊁大脑皮层中,可以整合多种生长调节信号,在多种神经退行性疾病中起关键作用[18]㊂本次研究发现与对照组相比,缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中mTOR含量升高,mTOR与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP呈正相关关系,与HDL⁃C呈负相关关系,提示mTOR表达下调可作为诊断缺血性脑卒中的潜在生物学指标㊂本研究进一步发现,预后良好组病人外周血中mTOR含量低于预后不良组病人,分析原因可能是:缺血性脑卒中病人外周血mTOR水平增高加剧体内炎性反应,进一步加剧神经功能缺损程度,导致预后不良㊂ROC结果显示,mTOR含量预测缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的AUC为0.952,对应的敏感度为89.81%,特异度为89.58%㊂并且NDRG2蛋白与mTOR二者联合预测缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的AUC为0.958,敏感度为86.11%,特异度为93.23%,提示二者共同参与缺血性脑卒中的发生发展,且对缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良具有较高的预测价值㊂临床可对外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR水平升高的病人加强看护和及时调整治疗㊂综上,缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白与mTOR的含量均升高,可能参与缺血性脑卒中的病情发展,对缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良具有较高的预测价值,可作为临床诊断缺血性脑卒中病情发展的潜在外周血指标㊂但本研究样本量较少,后续还应开展更大样本量的研究对本结果进行验证㊂[参考文献][1] 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2017年第36卷第5期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS·1581·化 工 进展基于复杂网络理论的大型换热网络节点重要性评价王政1,孙锦程1,刘晓强1,姜英1,贾小平2,王芳2(1青岛科技大学化工学院,山东 青岛 266042;2青岛科技大学环境与安全工程学院,山东 青岛 266042) 摘要:鉴于换热网络大型化和流股间复杂关系,使得换热网络换热器节点重要性的研究显得越来越重要,对其控制和安全运行的工程实践方面具有指导意义。



首先,从网络的点度中心性、中间中心性、接近中心性和特征向量中心性等网络拓扑结构属性出发,依据多属性决策方法对网络节点重要性进行综合评价;其次,考虑换热网络的方向性,基于PageRank 算法对该网络进行节点重要性评价研究。



关键词:换热网络;复杂网络;节点重要性;多属性决策;PageRank 算法中图分类号:X92 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)05–1581–08 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.05.004Evaluation of the node importance for large heat exchanger networkbased on complex network theoryWANG Zheng 1,SUN Jincheng 1,LIU Xiaoqiang 1,JIANG Ying 1,JIA Xiaoping 2,WANG Fang 2(1College of Chemical Engineering ,Qingdao University of Science and Technology ,Qingdao 266042,Shandong ,China ;2College of Environment and Safety Engineering ,Qingdao University of Science and Technology ,Qingdao266042,Shandong ,China )Abstract :Because of the complexity of large-scale heat exchanger network ,it is important to investigate the importance of heat exchanger nodes in heat exchanger network. It can provide guidance for the control and safe operation of heat exchanger networks ,as well as engineering practices. In this paper ,the network topology structure of large-scale heat exchanger network was constructed by treating heat exchangers as nodes and treating the transfer of interference between heat exchangers as edges. Based on the complex network theory ,the strategies and models for evaluating the node importance of the heat exchanger network were proposed. Firstly ,the importance of nodes were evaluated by the multi-attribute decision method based on the degree centrality, betweenness ,closeness and eigenvector centralities. Next ,considering the direction of case heat exchanger network ,PageRank algorithm was used to evaluate the importance of nodes. Considering the results from these two algorithms ,the final results were obtained. The case analysis showed that the strategy is effective and it can evaluate the node importance from different views ,which will enrich the node importance evaluation theory for heat exchanger network.Key words :heat exchanger network ;complex network ;node importance ;multi-attribute decision ;PageRank algorithm第一作者及联系人:王政(1968—),男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究过程系统工程。



不同脑小血管病负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的脑小血管病患者认知功能的关系杜晓光,魏荣,刘琦慧,于力群,周丽摘要:目的 探讨不同脑小血管病(CSVD)负荷评分与伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知功能的关系。

方法 纳入2021年7月—2023年10月就诊于潍坊市人民医院神经内科的128例伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者,运用蒙特利尔量表(MoCA)、CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分统计受试者的认知功能和CSVD负荷,分为认知障碍组(MoCA<26分)和无认知障碍组(MoCA≥26分),比较两组患者的人口社会学信息、血管病危险因素及CSVD负荷评分的差异。

采用线性回归分析MoCA评分与两种CSVD负荷评分的关系,采用趋势检验分析伴无症状腔隙的CSVD 患者认知障碍的发病趋势。

结果 研究共纳入伴无症状性腔隙的CSVD患者128例,其中认知障碍组68例(53.1%),无认知障碍组60例(46.9%),两组患者人口社会学信息及血管病危险因素差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。


Spearman秩相关分析显示,CSVD 总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均与MoCA评分呈负相关(P<0.001)。

线性趋势χ2检验分析显示,伴无症状腔隙的CSVD患者认知障碍发病风险随CSVD改良负荷评分增加而增加(P trend<0.05),该发病风险与CSVD总负荷评分间趋势分析无统计学意义(P trend=0.069)。

结论 CSVD总负荷评分和改良负荷评分均可用于筛检伴无症状腔隙的CSVD认知障碍患者。


关键词:脑小血管病;认知;腔隙中图分类号:R743 文献标识码:ARelationship between cerebral small vessel disease burden scores and cognitive function in patients with cerebral small vessel disease with asymptomatic lacunes DU Xiaoguang,WEI Rong,LIU Qihui, et al.(Department of Neurol⁃ogy, Weifang People′s Hospital, Weifang 261000, China)Abstract:Objective To investigate the relationship between cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) burden scores and cognitive function in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Methods A total of 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes who visited the Department of Neurology of Weifang People′s Hospital from July 2021 to October 2023 were included. All the patients were scored using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for cognitive function and using the total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score for CSVD burden. They were divided into cognitive impairment group (MoCA score<26)and non-cognitive impairment group (MoCA score≥26).The demographic information,vascular disease risk factors, and the CSVD scores of the two groups were compared. A linear regression analysis was performed to as⁃sess the relationship between the MoCA score and the two CSVD scores. A trend analysis was conducted to analyze the trend of incidence of cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes.Results Among the 128 patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, 68 (53.1%) were in the cognitive impairment group and 60 (46.9%) were in the non-cognitive impairment group. There were no significant differences in the demographic information and vascular disease risk factors between the two groups (P>0.05). The total CSVD score and the modified CSVD score differed significantly be⁃tween the two groups (P<0.05). The Spearman correlation analysis showed that the total and modified CSVD scores were sig⁃nificantly negatively correlated with the MoCA score (P<0.001). The chi-square test for linear trend revealed that the cogni⁃tive impairment risk increased significantly with the modified CSVD score in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes (P trend<0.05), but with no significance for the total CSVD score (P trend=0.069).Conclusion Both the total and modified CSVD scores are useful tools to detect cognitive impairment in patients with CSVD with asymptomatic lacunes, and the modi⁃fied CSVD score may be superior in identifying patients at high risk of cognitive impairment.Key words:Cerebral small vessel disease;Cognition;Lacune脑小血管病(cerebral small vessel disease,CSVD)是血管性认知障碍的主要原因[1]。



学术论著ZHONGGUO YIXUEZHUANGBEI21[文章编号] 1672-8270(2018)10-0021-03 [中图分类号] R816.41 [文献标识码] ACorrelation research between the image quality based on different evaluation criteria and the detectable rate of lung lesions/YANG De-wu, ZHANG Xiao-li, QIU Zhun, et al//China Medical Equipment,2018,15(10):21-23.[Abstract] Objective: T o research the correlation between image quality and detectable rate of lesion through different standards to evaluate image quality of digital radiography (DR) on chest. Methods: Based on different photography conditions, lesion size and interested area, 108 DR images of chest X-ray of phantom were collected, and the qualities of these images were evaluated according to different standard. The analysis results of anatomy standard were data of A group, and ones of physics were data of B group and ones of detectable rates of clinical lesions were data of C group. Spearman correlation analysis was applied to implement consistency test for data of A group, B group and C group. Results: The correlation between A group and B group was significant (r =0.915, P <0.01). And the correlations between A group and C group, and between B group and C group were significant (r =0.631, r =0.953, P <0.01), respectively. The correlation coefficient of 15mm and 10mm lesion image were higher than 0.8, and one of 5mm lesion image was less than 0.8. Conclusion: Anatomical standard and physical standard are important bases of image quality evaluation of DR on chest. Image quality has a certain effect on the detectable rate of lesions, and this means that higher image quality of DR can find higher detectable rate of lung lesions.[Key words] Image quality; Anatomical standard; Physical standard; Detectable rate of lesion; Correlation coefficient [First-author’s address] School of Medical T echnique, Beijing Health V ocational College, Beijing 100053, China.[摘要] 目的:通过不同标准对数字X射线摄影(DR)胸部图像质量进行评价,研究图像质量与病灶检出率的相关性。



不同水体条件下污染物降解常数相关性的对比分析杨连君,郑良娟(四川大学水利水电学院,四川 成都 610065)摘要:为揭示不同水体条件及污染源对污染物降解速度常数相关性的影响,以府南河和实验室配置Ⅴ类水为研究对象,分别计算了遮光条件下上述两种水体中的不同污染物的降解速度常数,并对水体来源不同对污染物降解系数相关性造成的影响进行对比分析研究。

关键词:降解常数;相关性;府南河;治理中图分类号:X52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-672X(2018)09-0125-01DOI:10.16647/15-1369/X.2018.09.070Correlation analysis of pollutant degradation constants under different water conditionsYang Lianjun, Zheng Liangjuan(School of Water Resources and Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu Sichuan 610065, China) Abstract: To reveal the different water conditions and the influence of pollution sources of pollutant degradation rate constant correlation, in funan river and artificial water distribution as the research object, the pollutants under different lighting conditions are calculated separately, and the degradation rate constant, and the water source in different the effects on the degradation constant correlation study.Key words: Degradation constant; Correlation; Fu'nan river; Governance20世纪70年代,都江堰关闸,造成府南河断流,河流不堪重负,府南河的整治已经迫在眉睫。



热带农业科技2022,45(2) Tropical Agricultural Science&Technology期菠萝酶含量的动态变化,确立不同品种最适鲜食采摘期。




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第12卷 第1期2021年1月Vol. 12 No.1Jan. 2021器官移植Organ Transplantation【摘要】 互噬作用是指细胞通过直接接触发生的部分细胞膜片段或细胞浆内容交换的过程,是存在于细胞间的一种相互作用机制。



【关键词】 互噬作用;免疫细胞;免疫调节;吞噬作用;抗原提呈;移植免疫;肿瘤免疫;细胞杀伤【中图分类号】R617,R392.4 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1674-7445(2021)01-0017-06·综述·免疫细胞互噬作用在移植免疫中的研究进展赵阳 周林 贺强【Abstract 】 Trogocytosis is a process of exchanging part of the membrane fragment or cytoplasmic content of cells through direct contact, and it's an interaction mechanism that exists between cells. Immune cell can obtain someResearch progress on trogocytosis of immune cell in transplantation immunity Zhao Yang, Zhou Lin, He Qiang. Department of Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic and Splenic Surgery, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China Correspondingauthor:HeQiang,Email:*******************DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7445.2021.01.017基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81571825)作者单位:100020 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院肝胆胰脾外科作者简介:赵阳,男,1993年生,博士研究生,研究方向为肝移植的基础与临床研究,Email :**********************通信作者:贺强,男,1964年生,博士,主任医师,研究方向为肝移植与肝胆胰恶性肿瘤,Email :*******************结构式摘要DCPI3K膜蛋白DC 与T 细胞相互接触TC21形成新型嵌合T 细胞TCRRhoGT 细胞获得DC 膜蛋白及膜分子MHCT 细胞细胞互噬启动MHC 分子与TCR 结合·110·第12卷器官移植互噬作用是指细胞通过直接接触发生的细胞膜片段甚至部分细胞浆内容交换的过程,是目前的研究热点。



2018年第37卷第2期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS·505·化 工 进展水合物生成诱导期研究进展雍宇1,史博会1,丁麟1,李文庆2,柳扬1,宋尚飞1,宫敬1(1中国石油大学(北京)油气管道输送安全国家工程实验室,石油工程教育部重点实验室,城市油气输配技术北京市重点实验室,北京 102249;2中国石油技术开发公司,北京 100028)摘要:水合物生成诱导期是用于表征水合物生成过程的重要参数,其研究对于水合物风险控制和水合物技术应用具有重要意义。




关键词:水合物;诱导期;成核;分子模拟;定性影响;定量表征中图分类号:O742+.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)02–0505–12 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-1006Research progress of hydrate formation induction timeYONG Yu 1,SHI Bohui 1,DING Lin 1,LI Wenqing 2,LIU Yang 1,SONG Shangfei 1,GONG Jing 1(1State Key Laboratory of Pipeline Safety ,MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering ,Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology ,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249,China ;2China Petroleum Technology & Development Corporation ,Beijing 100028,China )Abstract :The induction time of hydrate formation is an important parameter for the characterization ofhydrate formation process ,the research of which is of great significance for controlling of hydrate risk and application of hydrate technology. In this paper ,the researches of hydrate formation induction time in recent years were reviewed from four aspects including the research methods ,hydrate guest gas types ,research contents and the induction time distribution. The results showed that it mainly revolved around two aspects including the analysis of qualitative influencing factors and the establishment of quantitative characterization models. The main qualitative factors influencing the induction time and their influence on the induction time were summarized. The establishment process and applicable scope of the quantitative characterization models were analyzed. Overall ,the research and analysis of qualitative influencing factors of hydrate formation induction time were relatively unsystematic and a further study on hydrate formation and nucleation mechanism from the micro perspective was needed ,while the existing quantitative characterization models were only applicable for the prediction of induction time in specific conditions. At last ,the future research suggestions for hydrate formation第一作者:雍宇(1994—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为天然气水合物浆液多相流及深海油气流动安全保障。



CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2018年第37卷第5期·1692·化 工 进展特殊换热网络算例优化与分析张红亮,崔国民,朱玉双,黄晓璜(上海理工大学新能源科学与工程研究所,上海200093)摘要:换热网络综合属于混合整数非线性规划问题,具有严重的非凸、非线性特性。





关键词:换热网络综合;模型;布谷鸟搜索算法;优化设计;回收中图分类号:TK124 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)05–1692–10 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-1382Optimization and analysis of specific heat exchanger network casesZHANG Hongliang ,CUI Guomin ,ZHU Yushuang ,HUANG Xiaohuang(Institute of New Energy Science and Engineering ,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai200093,China )Abstract :Heat exchanger network synthesis belongs to the mixed integer nonlinear programmingproblem with severe nonconvex and nonlinear characteristics. In order to study some heat exchanger network cases probably existing special heat exchanger network structures with inner utilities but with lower total annual cost ,a non-splits stage-wise superstructure with inner utilities was utilized. Based on the cuckoo search algorithm ,an optimization algorithm was established by setting the minimum heat threshold and accepting bad network structures with a small probability to guide the structure evolution process and applied to solve heat exchanger network synthesis problems ,and optimization results of the specific cases were analyzed. Three specific cases ,with the characteristics of the initial temperature of the hot stream is higher than the inlet temperature of the hot utility or the large temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the hot utility ,were solved with the modified cuckoo search algorithm which found the heat exchanger networks with the inner utility and those total annual costs have a steep descent. For specific cases ,the results showed that the inner utility can serve as an important role of optimizing the heat load distribution of the heat exchanger network ,which save the heat transfer area and effectively reduce the total annual cost of the heat exchanger network.Key words :heat exchanger network synthesis ;model ;cuckoo search algorithm ;optimal design ;recovery第一作者:张红亮(1990—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事过程系统优化研究。



!"农业科学Tianjin Agricultural Sciences2020,26"12#:18-22•作物栽培与设施园艺干旱胁迫对甜高粱光合特性、叶绿素荧光、SPAD及根系活力的影响王祁,陈昆&石红梅,孙喜云(商丘市农林科学院,河南商丘476000)摘要:以甜高粱为供试材料,通过盆栽的方式,设置土壤含水量77%(CK),65%(D65),53%(D53),41%(D41)和29%(D29)5个水平,研究干旱胁迫对甜高粱光合特性、叶绿素荧光、SPAD及根系活力的影响。


荧光(Fo)|干旱胁迫的高的变,D65理荧光(Fo)与对@荧光(Fm)p光化学^Fv/Fm)和光化学系(qP)的变化规律荧光(F°);@D29理下,最荧光(Fm)、光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和光化学系数(qP),对11.53%,10.84%,35.59%,与对照差胁迫D65处理下,根系活力对 4.44%,对水平(!<0.05)o CK和D65处理下的SPAD(Q0.05)。

,土壤对含水量65%,对高粱特和生理特性的影响较小,能高粱生土壤对含水量53%时,含水量的,高粱干旱逆境胁迫的@关键词:干旱;甜高粱;光合特性;荧光;SPAD;根活中图分类号:S514文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.l006-6500.2020.12.006Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics,Chlorophyll Fluorescence,SPAD and Root Activity of Sweet SorghumWANG Qi,CHEN Kun,SHI Hongmei,SUN Xiyun(Shangqiu Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Shangqiu,Henan476000,China)Abstract:The effects of drought stress on photosynthetic characteristics,chlorophyll fluorescence,SPAD and root activity of sweet sorghum were studied under five soil moisture levels77%(CK),65%(D65),53%(D53),41%(d41)and29%(D29),respectively, and the sweet sorghum was used as test material through pot culture.The results showed that:with the increase of drought stress,the changes of net photosynthetic rate,stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of sweet sorghum seedlings were similar,showing a gradual decrease,while the intercellular CO2concentration showed a change law of first decreasing and then increasing.The initial fluorescence(F o)increased gradually with the increase of drought stress intensity,and there was no significant difference between D65 treatment and control.The variation of maximum fluorescence(Fm),maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm)and photochemical quenching coefficient(qP)were opposite to that of initial fluorescence(F q).Under D29treatment,the maximum fluorescence(Fm), maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm)and photochemical quenching coefficient(qP)were the lowest,which decreased by 11.53%,10.84%and35.59%pared with the control,the difference was very significant(!<0.01).Under the mild stress D65treatment,the root activity decreased by4.44%.Compared with the control,the difference was significant(!<0.05).There was no significant difference in SPAD between CK and D65(!>0.05).In a word,when the relative soil water content is not less than 65%,the morphological and physiological characteristics of sorghum seedlings are less affected,which can meet the normal growth needs of sorghum seedlings;when the soil relative water content is less than53%,with the decrease of water content,the degree of Sorghum Seedlings under drought stress is aggravated.Key words:drought;sweet sorghum;photosynthetic characteristics;fluorescence;SPAD;root activity干旱农生要面的问题,干旱植生,的干旱胁迫则约农的要叭的植谢过破坏,如氧化磷酸化收稿日期:2020-10-09作者简介:王祁(1990—),男,河南商丘人,研究实习员,研究生,主要从事植物生理栽培方面研究。



CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2018年第37卷第11期·4280·化 工 进展固定床雷尼金属催化剂研究进展王建强,陈明明,刘巍,包莉鸿,许中强(中国石油化工股份有限公司上海石油化工研究院,上海 201208)摘要:雷尼金属催化剂具有价格低廉、工艺可控性强、技术成熟等优势,广泛用于各种有机合成加氢反应。




分析了各种固定床雷尼金属催化剂制备方法的特点和创新点,指出国内外固定床雷尼金属催化剂已经取得一定进展,正在逐渐取代基于传统釜式工艺的粉末雷尼镍催 化剂。

关键词:固定床;加氢;催化剂中图分类号:TQ203.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)11–4280–06 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-2626Advance in fixed-bed Raney metal catalystsWANG Jianqiang , CHEN Mingming , LIU Wei , BAO Lihong , XU Zhongqiang(SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai 201208, China )Abstract :Raney metal catalysts are widely used in hydrogenation reactions of organic synthesis due tothe advantages of low price, controllable process, and mature technology. However, the Raney type catalyst is only used in small scale production due to the catalyst pulverization, loss of activity and the need of filtration and separation after reaction. Recently, the fixed-bed Raney metal catalyst gets more and more applications in industrial unit. However, the existing reports on the subject are rather scattered in patents and news. This paper introduces the technology development of fixed-bed Raney metal catalyst briefly, and summarizes the catalyst preparation methods including bulk Raney metal breaking and sieving, powdered Raney metal shaping, and monolith thermal spray-coating together with the analysis of their features and innovative points. It points out that certain technology progress of the fixed-bed Raney metal catalyst has been made, and it is gradually replacing the powdered Raney metal catalyst based on the autoclave-type process. Key words :fixed-bed ;hydrogenation ;catalyst雷尼镍(Raney Ni )催化剂最早由美国专利US1638190公开,是一种十分重要的骨架型催化 剂[1]。

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Multiparticle angular correlations:a probe for the sQGP at RHICW G Holzmann,N N Ajitanand,J M Alexander,P Chung,M Issah,R A Lacey,A Taranenko,A ShevelDepartment of Chemistry,State University of New York at Stony Brook,Stony Brook,NY 11794-3400,USAE-mail:wholz@Abstract.A novel decomposition technique is used to extract the centrality dependence of di-jet properties and yields from azimuthal correlation functions obtained in Au+Au collisions at √s NN =200GeV.The width of the near-side jet shows very little dependence on centrality.In contrast,the away-side jet indicates substantial broadening as well as hints for for a local minimum at ∆φ=πfor central and mid-central events.The yield of jet-pairs (per trigger particle)slowly increases with centrality for both the near-and away-side jets.These observed features are compatible with several recent theoretical predictions of possible modifications of di-jet fragmentation by a strongly interacting medium.Several new experimental approaches,including the study of flavor permutation and higher order multi-particle correlations,that might help to distinguish between different theoretical scenarios are discussed.1.IntroductionQCD calculations on the lattice indicate a transition from hadronic matter to a deconfined phase of quarks and gluons (QGP)at extremely high temperature and energy density [1,2].Heavy ion collisions can deposit large amounts of energy in a small collision volume.Thus,they provide excellent pathways to energy densities and temperatures pertinent to such a phase transition.Indeed,several recent results from Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)indicate the creation of matter with energy density believed to be sufficiently high for a state of matter with non-hadronic degrees of freedom to be formed [3].The dynamical evolution of this matter appears to be hydrodynamically driven,implying that the produced medium is strongly interacting [4,5,6,7,8,9].This matter has been observed to strongly suppress the number of high transverse momentum particles [10,11,12,13]and to quench the away-side jet in central Au+Au collisions [14].The suppression is commonly ascribed to radiative energy loss of hard scattered partons traversing the high energy density matter prior to the formation of hadrons [15,16,17,18,19,20].The influence of parton-medium interactions on jet properties such as the number of jet-associated partner particles per trigger hadron,and jet-topologies,remains an open question of great current interest.Consequently,much recent effort is targeted at understanding how jets couple to the strongly interacting medium produced in energetic Au+Au collision at RHIC [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29].At the center of this discussion is the possible creation of jet induced “conical flow”or “mach shocks”analogous to a sonic boom in a fluid [25,26,27,28].Institute of Physics Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 27 (2005) 80–87doi:10.1088/1742-6596/27/1/009Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions80© 2005 IOP Publishing LtdIf observed,such a phenomena could provide the means for reliable estimates of the speed of sound in the nuclear collision medium produced at RHIC.In this contribution,we utilize azimuthal angular correlation functions for charged hadrons to examine the influence of medium-effects on jet characteristics and yields.The use of correlation functions provides a novel and effective probe for such effects because they provide simultaneous access to both the (di-)jet signals and harmonic contributions arising from hydrodynamic evolution of the system.2.Data AnalysisThe analysis presented here uses Au+Au data (√s NN =200GeV)provided by RHIC in the second running period (2001)and recorded by the PHENIX collaboration.The full PHENIX detector setup is described elsewhere [30].Charged tracks for this analysis were reconstructed in the two central arms of PHENIX,each of which covers 90degrees in azimuth.Tracking was performed via a drift chamber and two layers of multi-wire proportional chambers with pad readout (PC1,PC3)[30].A combinatorial Hough transform in the track bend plane was used for pattern recognition[31].Most conversions,albedo and decays were rejected by requiring a confirmation hit within a 2σmatching window in the PC3.Collision centrality was determined using the beam-beam counters (BBC)and zero degree calorimeters (ZDC)by cutting in the space of BBC versus ZDC analog response [32].Following the approach commonly exploited in HBT analyses’,we define the azimuthal angular correlation function as the ratio of a foreground distribution N cor ,constructed with correlated particle pairs from the same event,and a background distribution N mix ,obtained by randomly pairing particles from different events within the same multiplicity and vertex classes.C (∆φ)∝N cor (∆φ)N mix (∆φ).(1)Here,∆φ=(φ1−φ2)is the azimuthal angle difference between particle pairs formed with one hadron from a high-p T “trigger”bin (hereafter labeled A)and another hadron from a lower p T selection (hereafter labeled B).A particular asset of constructing a correlation function is that azimuthal acceptance and detector efficiencies automatically cancel in the ratio of foreground to background distribution.The area normalized correlation function then gives the probability distribution for detecting correlated particle pairs per event within the PHENIX pseudorapidity acceptance (|η|<0.35).Figure 1shows the centrality dependence of di-hadron correlation functions obtained from Au+Au collisions with p T selections of 2.5<p T <4.0GeV/c and 1.0<p T <2.5GeV/c for trigger and associated hadrons respectively.The correlation function for the most peripheral event sample (cf.Fig.1f)shows two distinct peaks;a narrow peak at ∆φ=0and a somewhat broader peak at ∆φ=π.This asymmetic pattern is compatible with the very well known azimuthal patterns expected for di-hadron correlations resulting from di-jet fragmentation.In contrast to the peripheral events,the correlation functions for more central collisions show less prominent jet-driven asymmetries and appear to be dominated by large anisotropies which can be linked to harmonic correlations resulting from elliptic flow.It is noteworthy that the correlation functions for central -mid-central collisions show a minimum below that expected for harmonic contributions (∆φ=π/2).Such a shift strongly suggests an away-side jet which is significantly broader than in peripheral collisions.A particularly important feature of the correlation functions shown in Figure 1is the observation that they can be fully accounted for if one assumes that only two sources of correlations contribute to the measured azimuthal correlation function.That is,a (di-)jet correlations and and harmonic correlations due to elliptic flow [14,33,34,35].81Figure 1.Correlationfunctions,C(∆φ),for trig-ger particles in2.5GeV/c<p A T<4.0GeV/c andassociated parti-cles in 1.0GeV/c<p B T<2.5GeV/c.Thebands show the harmoniccontribution within thesystematic uncertainty.3.Decomposition of jet and harmonic contributionsIt follows from the above discussion that a thorough investigation of possible modifications to the (di-)jet pair distribution in Au+Au collisions requires the separation of the jet-signal from the underlying harmonic“background”.Reliable procedures for such a decomposition are detailed in Refs.[36,37].Consequently,only the main steps of the procedure are outlined below.It can be shown[36]that the pair correlations from the combination offlow and jet sources are given byC AB(∆φ)=a o[C ABH(∆φ)]+J(∆φ),(2)where C ABH(∆φ)is a harmonic function of effective amplitude v2,C ABH(∆φ)=[1+2v2cos2(∆φ)];v2=(v A2×v B2).(3) and J(∆φ)is the(di-)jet function.By rearranging Eq.2one getsJ(∆φ)=C AB(∆φ)−a o C ABH(∆φ).(4) J(∆φ)can be extracted if the normalization(a o)can be constrained and the harmonic amplitude of the background(v2)can be reliably determined.Tofix the value of a o we assume that the(di-)jet function has zero yield at the minimum(ZYAM)∆φmin.This is equivalent to demandinga0C ABH (∆φmin)=C AB(∆φmin).However,no explicit or implicit assumption for the functionalform of J(∆φ)is required.For the results presented here,the minimum is determined by requiring the background to coincide with a functionalfit to the correlation function.We obtain v2by measuring the single particle distributions relative to the reaction planeψR.The reaction plane is reconstructed in the beam-beam counters and corrected for dispersion following the procedures outlined in Ref.[40].An important aspect in this regard is the large(pseudo)rapidity separation(∆|η|>2.75)between each BBC and the PHENIX central arms.This relatively large 82ηseparation is believed to substantially reduce possible jet contributions to the determination of v2[38].Before applying the ZYAM decomposition technique to the analysis of data,we have tested its reliability via a detailed set of Monte Carlo simulations that accounted for theφand theηacceptance of PHENIX[37].After applying the ZYAM condition to the PHENIX data and utilizing the measured values of v2(v2=(v A2×v B2)),the harmonic contribution to the correlation function is given by the solid bands in Fig.1.The jet-pair distribution is then obtained by building the difference between the correlation function and this harmonic contribution.It can be shown,that the integral of this distribution is proportional to the fraction of jet-correlated particles per event[36,37].This fraction can be extracted by building the ratio of the sum of J(∆φ)and the sum of C(∆φ)(overall bins in∆φ),P F=iJ(∆φi)iC(∆φi)(5)One readily obtains the efficiency corrected pairs per trigger or conditional yield CY from this fraction via multiplication by the ratio of the average number of detected particle pairs perevent N ABd ,to the product of the detected singles rates N A d , N B d ,followed by afinalmultiplication with the efficiency corrected singles rate N B eff ,for the lower p T bin B[36,37].CY=P F×N AB dN A d × N B d× N B eff .(6)4.ResultsFigure2shows the centrality dependence of the extracted jet-pair distributions normalized to thenumber of trigger particles.The most peripheral bin exhibits an azimuthal pattern compatiblewith regular vacuum fragmentation of(di-)jets.That is,a near-side peak at∆φ=0and an away-side peak at∆φ=π.The jet-pair distributions obtained at other centralities reveal additionalstriking features.In order to quantify these features,we separate the jet-pair distributions intotwo regions and assign∆φ=0−∆φmin and∆φmin−∆φ=πto the near-and away-side jets respectively.Both pieces of the jet-pair distribution can then be characterized by their widths(RMS)and their respective per-trigger yields.The resulting values so obtained are plotted inFig.3as a function of the number of participants.Similar results for the0-20%most centrald+Au collisions are also included in Fig.3to facilitate a comparison between the Au+Au andd+Au systems.Let usfirst follow the centrality evolution of the near-side jet.The shape of this jet isessentially unchanged across centralities(cf.Fig.2).However it’s per-trigger yield rises withincreasing collision centrality suggesting some degree of modification[by the medium]whichdoes not have a strong influence on the near-side jet shape.In contrast to the near-side jet,theshape of the away-side jet-pair distribution broadens significantly as one moves from peripheralevents to mid-central events(cf.Fig.2).In addition,the mid-central distributions(20-40%and10-20%)indicate an away-side jet distribution that exhibits a local maximum at∆φ=2π/3and an apparent minimum at∆φ=π.These observations are consistent with a picture thatinvolves little or no quenching of jets in peripheral events and strong centrality dependentmedium modifications of the away-side jet shape in the mid-central and central events.It isinteresting to note that both the near-and away-side per trigger yields(cf.Fig.3)show a mildrise with increasing centrality,suggesting a possible medium induced modification of both near-and away-side jets.The prominent“hump-backed”shape of the away-side jet is consistent withrecent conjectures of a strong coupling between such jets and the high energy density matterthat they traverse[25,26,27,24].8384Figure 2.ZYAM-subtracted jet-pair distri-butions1/N trig dN/d(∆φ).The dashed(solid)his-tograms show the distribu-tions that would result fromsubtracting the harmoniccontribution after increas-ing(decreasing)the productv2=v A2×v B2by one inter-val of the systematic error.The hatched area indicatesthe systematic error on thebackground determination(see text).It is instructive to study the influence of systematic variations in v2on the jet-pair distribution.The solid(dashed)lines in Fig.2indicate the conditional yield distributions that is extracted after subtraction of a v2product that is lowered(raised)by one interval of the systematic error respectively.The systematic error on v2is dominated by the uncertainty on the reaction plane dispersion.The dotted line shows the jet-pair distribution resulting from a subtraction of a v2product lowered by twice the systematic uncertainty.In the latter case, the local minimum at∆φ=πis no longer significant.However,the away-side peaks for all centralities smaller than60%,remain significantly broader than in the most peripheral event sample.5.Summary of charged hadron resultsTo summarize,we have used a novel decomposition technique to extract absolutely normalized jet pair distributions from correlation functions.Our results indicate jet pair distributions for peripheral Au+Au collisions which suggest very little,if any,medium induced modification of jet properties.By contrast,the away-side jet measured in central and mid-central collisions show strong modifications resulting from interactions with the medium.At this juncture,it is very interesting that the observed jet modifications are in qualitative agreement with several theoretical conjectures of how jet characteristics can be modified by a strongly interacting QCD liquid[24,25,26,27,28].6.Towards the FutureFuture detailed studies of the modification of jet characteristic by the strongly interacting QCD medium will require new measurements as well as enhancements in our analysis techniques.In what follows,we give a few examples which show that such developments are already underway.Figure3.(a)Per trigger yields for near-and away-side peaks in the jet pair distribution;and (b)Widths(RMS)of the peaks.The triangles denote results for0-20%most central d+Au events from a recent PHENIX analysis.6.1.Extraction of the jet function via harmonic extinctionFor mid-central collisions,Fig.1shows pair correlations with strong harmonic componentsC AB H (∆φ)and relatively weak jet components J(∆φ).Only after subtraction of C ABH(∆φ)isthe true shape revealed for J(∆φ)(cf.Fig.2).It would be desirable to select a data set thatcontained only those correlations due to the jets.In recent work we have developed a newtechnique which allows data selection such that the harmonic correlations are extinguished((v2)=0)[37].This technique utilizes∆φdistributions where the trigger particles are selected in awindow perpendicular to the reaction plane[41].For these distributions v2can change phase andit is possible to select a cut angleφc so that v2=0.In Fig.4we demonstrate the extinguishingof harmonic correlations.Thefilled circles show the inclusive∆φdistribution obtained for asimulation with an input v2∼0.16.Thefilled squares show the out-of-plane∆φdistribution after the cut angleφc,is set to the extinction value,ie.φc=φxt[37].The latter distribution isflat and demonstrates that this technique gives a good method to determine the jet correlationsdirectly from a data set,without the blurring effect from harmonic correlations mediated by thereaction plane.The latter technique provides clear advantages for future jet studies at RHIC.6.2.Flavor permutationsThe study of jet fragmentation and the influence of possible interactions of the jet with themedium in Au+Au collisions will undoubtedly require investigations which seek to map out theflavor dependence(ie.the dependence on particle species)of these effects.Correlation functionsmeasured with fully identified particles at intermediate and high p T should serve as a powerfultool to unravel different aspects of the interaction between jets and the medium.Recently,we have begun to measure such correlation functions at RHIC.Figure5shows preliminaryflavor permutation correlation functions for the centrality range20-40%.The trigger particlep T bin spans1.5<p T<2.5GeV/c and the assoicated particle has been selected from therange0.8<p T<1.5GeV/c.One can observe strong anisotropies and asymmetries[inthese correlation functions]reminiscent of those discussed above for charged hadrons.Moreimportantly,one can clearly see that these anisotropies and asymmetries strongly depend ontheflavor permutation(ie.the the identity of each particle which is used in the pair correlation8586Figure 4.Simulated cor-relation function for uncon-strained particles(filled cir-cles)and for a trigger par-ticle constrained within thecut angleφc=φxt per-pendicular to the reactionplane(filled squares),seetext.The results are fora pure harmonic simulationwith v2∼0.16.measurement).For example,the baryon-baryon correlation function shown in Fig.5(a)does not appear to exhibit any asymmetries and shows a clear minimum at∆φ=π/2,ie.the correlation function is essentially harmonic.This suggests little,if any,contributions from(di-)jet sources to the di-baryon correlation functions at these transverse momenta.On the other hand,the meson-meson correlation function shown in Fig.5(c)is relatively asymmetric,suggesting thatjet fragmentation products are predominantly mesons.These data suggest that a detailed studyFigure 5.Correlationfunctions for identified trig-ger particles(1.5<p T<2.5GeV/c)and identifiedpartner particles(0.8<p T<1.5GeV/c).The cen-trality selection is20-40%.of correlation functions as a function offlavor permutation holds much promise for providing detailed insights into jet fragmentation and its modification in a strongly interacting medium.87 6.3.Higher order multiparticle correlationsIn recent work we have also been pursuing analyses’which involve higher order multi-particle correlations.Such correlations have been shown to carry additional topological information compared to a two particle correlation analysis[42].Additional shape information from higher order correlations could potentially provide a powerful tool for distinguishing between different scenarios for jet-modification by the nuclear medium.For example,”mach cone”like structures would potentially manifest themselves in a rather distinctive pattern when correlating more than two particles.Such analyses for identified and unidentified particle multiplets are currently being pursued with vigor.References[1]Karsch F2002Lecture Notes in Physics583209[2]Fodor Z and Katz S D2002JHEP03014[3]Adcox K et al.2005Nucl.Phys.A757184[4]Lacey R A2002Nucl.Phys.A698559[5]Shuryak E V2002Preprint hep-ph/0405066[6]Taranenko A2005Proc.21st Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Preprint nucl-ex/0506019[7]Gyulassy M and McLerran L2005Nucl.Phys.A75030[8]Heinz U W2005Preprint nucl-th/0504011[9]Heinz U W2005Preprint nucl-th/0407067[10]Adcox K et al.2002Phys.Rev.Lett.88022301[11]Adler S S et al.2003Phys.Rev.Lett.91072301[12]Adams J et al.2003Phys.Rev.Lett.91172302[13]Adler S S et al.2004Phys.Rev.C69034910[14]Adler C et al.2003Phys.Rev.Lett.90082302[15]Bjorken J D1982FERMILAB-PUB-82-059-THY[16]Appel D A1986Phys.Rev.D33717[17]Blaizot J P et al.1986Phys.Rev.D342739[18]Wang X N and Gyulassy M1992Phys.Rev.Lett.681480;Wang X N1998Phys.Rev.C582321[19]Gyulassy M et al.2003Preprint nucl-th/0302077[20]Wang X 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