2006 Hydrogen production by biomass gasification in supercritical water Aparametric study
富氢水的发展历程2007年日本医科大学太田成男教授在世界著名杂志《自然医学》上发表了论文《Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals》(《氢气作用通过选择性地减少细胞毒性的氧自由基的抗氧化治疗》),发现氢分子可清除人体自由基,对衰老及多种因自由基引起的慢性病具有很好的治疗作用。
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第5期·1658·化 工 进展乙酸蒸汽催化重整制氢的研究进展王东旭1,肖显斌2,李文艳1(1华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京 102206;2华北电力大学生物质发电成套设备国家工程实验室,北京 102206)摘要:通过生物油蒸汽重整制备氢气可以减少环境污染,降低对化石燃料的依赖,是一种极具潜力的制氢途径。
关键词:生物油;乙酸;制氢;催化剂;热力学中图分类号:TK6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)05–1658–08 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.05.014A review of literatures on catalytic steam reforming of acetic acid forhydrogen productionWANG Dongxu 1,XIAO Xianbin 2,LI Wenyan 1(1 School of Energy ,Power and Mechanical Engineering ,North China Electric Power University ,Beijing 102206,China ;2 National Engineering Laboratory for Biomass Power Generation Equipment ,North China Electric PowerUniversity ,Beijing 102206,China )Abstract :Hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil ,a potential way to produce hydrogen , can reduce environmental pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. Acetic acid is one of the main components of bio-oil and is often selected as a model compound. Nickel-based catalyst is widely used in the steam reforming of acetic acid ,but it deactivates fast due to the carbon deposition. In this paper ,the affecting factors for the steam reforming of acetic acid are analyzed. The coking mechanism of nickel-based catalyst in this process is illustrated. Optimization methods for nickel-baed catalyst are discussed ,including optimizing the pretreatment process ,adding promoters ,and choosing appropriate catalyst supports. Research progresses in the thermodynamics analyses for steaming reforming of acetic acid are summarized. Further studies should be focused on the effects of a combination of a variety of promoters on carbon deposition. Catalytic activity and the synergy mechanism should be analyzed to produce a novel nickel-based catalyst with high activity ,high resistance to caborn deposition for hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil. Key words :bio-oil ;acetic acid ;hydrogen production ;catalyst ;thermodynamics第一作者:王东旭(1994—),男,硕士研究生,从事生物质能利用技术研究。
在废水处理过程中,有机物的降解,以及硝化作 用 的进行,都依赖于一定浓度的溶解氧
• 溶解氧浓度过高,会加速金属管道 的腐蚀,尤其是昂贵的锅炉系统及 冷却系统。
Ag 阳极 O2
Au 阴极
-为保证电极附近的溶 解氧与本体溶液中溶解 氧浓度相同,即保证水 样中溶解氧分布均匀。
-测量过程中需要连 续搅拌。
• 电解液中少量去极化杂质,会使电极产 生污垢,甚至毒化电极,如:
• 硫化氢 H2S
• 铁、亚铁
• 如果半透膜损坏,电解液容易被污染,会 造成电池电势漂移,而漂移会被错误地 显示为水样中溶解氧的浓度,因此需定 期更换电解液及半透膜。
海草产氧的工作原理英语解释The Working Principle of Oxygen Production by Seagrass.Seagrass, an integral part of the marine ecosystem, performs a crucial role in oxygen production through photosynthesis. This process converts sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen, providing avital source of oxygen for marine life. Unlike terrestrial plants, seagrass relies on carbon dioxide dissolved in the water for photosynthesis, releasing oxygen through itsroots and stomata into the surrounding water.The photosynthesis carried out by seagrass occurs in a similar manner to that of terrestrial plants, but with some unique adaptations to the aquatic environment. The chloroplasts, the organelles responsible for photosynthesis, are optimized for low-light conditions, enabling seagrassto thrive in environments with limited sunlight penetration. This adaptation allows seagrass to be a significant contributor to oxygen production even in shallow, turbid,or deepwater habitats.During photosynthesis, seagrass absorbs photons of sunlight, exciting the electrons in the chlorophyll pigments. These excited electrons are then passed through a series of electron transport chains, ultimately resulting in the formation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate). These energy-rich molecules are used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a process known as carbon fixation. Oxygen is released as a by-product of this reaction, enriching the surrounding water with dissolved oxygen.The oxygen produced by seagrass is crucial for maintaining the health and vitality of marine ecosystems. It not only supports the respiratory needs of aquatic organisms but also contributes to maintaining water quality and clarity. By releasing oxygen, seagrass helps to counterbalance the oxygen depletion caused by organic matter decomposition and other biological processes.Moreover, seagrass meadows are known as "the lungs ofthe sea" due to their significant role in oxygen production. These meadows are also essential for carbon sequestration, storing carbon dioxide in their tissues and sediments. This carbon sequestration process helps to mitigate the effectsof climate change by reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Beyond its role in oxygen production and carbon sequestration, seagrass also plays a vital role in ecosystem services. It provides habitat and nursery grounds for many marine species, including fish, invertebrates, and turtles. The dense root systems of seagrass stabilize sediments, protecting coastlines from erosion and storm surges. Additionally, seagrass meadows filter pollutantsand nutrients, improving water quality and maintaining the health of adjacent coral reefs and other marine habitats.In summary, the working principle of oxygen production by seagrass is based on the photosynthetic process that converts sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen. This process not only supports the respiratory needs of marine life but also contributes to maintainingwater quality, carbon sequestration, and the overall health and stability of marine ecosystems. The significance of seagrass meadows in oxygen production and carbon sequestration makes them crucial for addressing climate change and safeguarding the integrity of marine ecosystems.。
PX能量 回收装置 运行
什么是生物污染防护? 膜被有机物、无机物、微生 物污堵;(80%的海水淡化 会有此问题) 40%都是微生物(生物污 染); 如何防止生物污染 应用可耐氯的反渗透膜; 使用新的氧化杀菌剂; 杜邦公司的杀菌工艺(非常规) 1989年 氯胺在进水池和膜 上杀菌,当时膜较少有问题; 1995年 间歇在海水进水中 加氯,在膜处不杀菌(或注入 SBS缓冲加入)
目前海水淡化 以仍以热法为 主,但反渗透 海水淡化技术 已经成为主导 技术,市场占 有率增速迅猛
国家 特立尼达岛 西班牙 西班牙 塞浦路斯 日本 西班牙 沙特阿拉伯 沙特阿拉伯 沙特阿拉伯 处理规模m3/d 136,000 65,000 56,400 40,000 40,000 42,000 90,909 128,000 56,800 签约年 1999 1998 1997 1997 1997 1996 1993 1992 1991
系统回收率 (海水浓度以35000mg/l)
传统颗粒过滤器 活性炭过滤器 石英砂过滤器 机械过滤器
超滤系统 超滤是利用多孔材料的拦截能力,以物理截留 的方式去除水中一定大小的杂质颗粒。在压力 驱动下,溶液中水、有机低分子、无机离子等 尺寸小的物质可通过纤维壁上的微孔到达膜的 另一侧,溶液中菌体、胶体、颗粒物、有机大 分子等大尺寸物质则不能透过纤维壁而被截留, 从而达到筛分溶液中不同组分的目的。该过程 为常温操作,无相态变化,不产生二次污染。
结合先进的氧化与生物处理制革废水美国诉Srinivasan•G. PREA尚美泰玛丽•西特拉Kalyanaraman•又及,该•K.斯里兰卡balakameswari•兰迦萨米suthanthararajan•ethirajulu ravindranath月28日收到:2011 / 2011 / 19可以接受:发表于:2011六月12摘要在制革皮革加工过程中,相当大的用有机和无机污染物的废物量生成。
参与单元操作个人ETP / CETP包括小学,中学,和三级处理方法。
发现疏水部分是EfOM的主要成分,而且还发现疏水性 - 中性级分具有最高的SUVA水平(7.06毫克每毫升),这一点明显不同于国内废水. 柱吸附实验表明,对于EFOM nda-802来说它比其他聚合物吸附剂例如 d-301,XAD-4树脂,具有更高的吸附效率,而且效率可以按连续28批实验周期那样很稳定地持续下去。
1 概述随着城市化和工业化的进程,出水有机物(EFOM)从生物处理后的污水(BTSE)已经成为一个受纳水体有机污染物的主要来源。
大多数EfOM存在可溶性成分,而且以及构成了80%的COD (Shon等人。
很 好地 符合 了 Gres y的理 论. asl e
3 结 论 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
P F浓溶 液 中形 成 了 一个 拟 网络 结 构. 切 VD 低
口] oli adP lm c,1 6 ,2 : 1 —50 .JC l d n oy S i 9 6 2 5 7 3 . o
[]G asly W.Lna i ols c yi na gigp l 9 res e W ier s e t i etn l o— v c a it n n
c p l r oui sJ.P l r ,1 7 ,1 :3 3 o oy lt n [] oy 9 8 0 5 — me s o me J
36 3.
[ 2 er Ha e Wo gCP h oo i l tde 1 ]B ryG C, grBL, n .R elgc u is as
第 4 期
武利顺等 :聚偏氟 乙烯 浓溶 液的流变性及黏度 主曲线
・3 ・ 7
C 3 Grese w.Vsoi fe tn l g plds es 4 asl W y i st o nagi oy i re c y n p
p l r[] h m h ,16 ,4 :14 —1 5 oy sJ.J e P y 9 7 7 9 2 93 me C
[ ] F x T G, o hc .Iohr a i o i - l ua 5 o L sak S s tem lvs s ymoe l c t c r
we h e ed n efrln oy rcan [] p i t p n e c o o gp lme h isJ .JAp l g d
p l sb tl edcl se J. l i S i 1 5 , oy o uy n -eai s t i e n y m[]JC l d c, 9 5 o o
镤悝氧柃焓 -回复
他们最早是由伊利诺大学的科学家Glenn T. Seaborg和他的同事们于1940年首次合成出来的。
中老年人为何缺氧? 中老年人为何缺氧?
• • • • • 气道的通气功能差 肺泡的换气功能差 血管狭窄血流缓慢 红血球载氧能力差 环境恶化食品污染
对照图) 肺钙化(对照图)
Amazing Oxyrich
《神奇的富氧水》 神奇的富氧水》
诺贝尔 获奖者科研成果
中国人民解放军总后勤部审核 中国人民解放军总政治部批准 中国人民解放军第二军医大学出版 长征医院原副院长潘荣文教授审校
翻开第三页(第一、二段) 翻开第三页(第一、二段)
• 氧是给予生命、维持生命的要素。所有的生 氧是给予生命、维持生命的要素。
第十五页(第二、三、四段) 第十五页(第二、 四段)
• 对治疗哮喘非常有效,常常能完全 对治疗哮喘非常有效,常常能完全 哮喘非常有效 治愈。 治愈。 • 可以使一些“无救的”肺气肿患者 可以使一些“无救的” 完全恢复至正常。 完全恢复至正常。 • 可以使身心疲惫的老人恢复身体和 可以使身心疲惫的老人 身心疲惫的老人恢复身体和 心理的功能。 心理的功能。
无氧无生命 缺氧必生病
神经系统 循环系统
免疫系统 内分泌系统
呼吸系统 消化系统
翻开第四页(第二段) 翻开第四页(第二段)
• 氧不足或氧饥饿是导致疾病的最主 要因素。 Guyton(阿瑟 要因素。Arthur C. Guyton(阿瑟 盖顿) 盖顿)博士在其相关研究中有一惊 人的陈述,他在医学著作《 人的陈述,他在医学著作《医用生 理学教科书》中写道: 理学教科书》中写道:“所有的慢 性疼痛、 性疼痛、痛苦与疾病都是由于细胞 缺氧引起的。 缺氧引起的。”
149科技资讯 S CI EN CE & T EC HNO LO GY I NF OR MA TI ON 能源与环境氢气作为一种极为理想的“绿色能源”,其发展前景是十分光明的,人们对氢能开发和利用技术的研究一直进行着不懈的努力。
水电解法是国内外广泛采用的制氢方法,电解槽在标准状况下制取1m 3氢气(纯度为99.5%)实际电能消耗是4.5~6.0kw/h。
Received date: 2015-10-14.催化剂作为化学工业的基础,在现代工业生产活动中起着关键作用,其中90%以上的化学工业过程都是在催化剂作用的条件下实现的[1]。
这项研究的合作者Sixto Giménez指出,“氢的生产能够在3个小时内完成,证实有机材料的稳定性还为时尚早。
此外,氢作为化合物在生产化肥或合成氢化合物等工业领域有广泛的应用,” Giménez指出。
Hydrogen from catalytic reforming of biomass-derived hydrocarbons in liquid water
chromophore ionization potential on speed and magnitude of photorefractive effects in poly-N-vinylcarbazole based polymer composites.J.Chem.Phys.112,11030–11037(2000).26.Kippelen,B.et al.Infrared photorefractive polymers and their applications for imaging.Science 279,54–57(1998).27.Boppart,S.A.et al.In vivo cellular optical coherence tomography imaging.Nature Med.4,861–865(1998).28.Hummelen,J.C.et al .Preparation and characterization of fulleroid and methanofullerene .Chem.60,532–538(1995).AcknowledgementsWe thank R.Bittner,D.Mu¨ller,M.Hofmann and R.Birngruber for discussions.Financial support was granted by the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany),the European Space Agency (MAP-project),the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (Germany),and the Bavarian government through ‘Neue Werkstoffe’(Germany).Competing interests statementThe authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.M.(e-mail:klaus.meerholz@uni-koeln.de)...............................................................Hydrogen from catalytic reforming of biomass-derived hydrocarbons in liquid waterR.D.Cortright,R.R.Davda &J.A.DumesicDepartment of Chemical Engineering,University of Wisconsin,Madison,Wisconsin 53706,USA.............................................................................................................................................................................Concerns about the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and the pollution caused by continuously increasing energy demands make hydrogen an attractive alternative energy source.Hydrogen is currently derived from nonrenewable natural gas and pet-roleum 1,but could in principle be generated from renewable resources such as biomass or water.However,efficient hydrogen production from water remains difficult and technologies for generating hydrogen from biomass,such as enzymatic decompo-sition of sugars 2–5,steam-reforming of bio-oils 6–8and gasifica-tion 9,suffer from low hydrogen production rates and/or complexprocessing requirements.Here we demonstrate that hydrogen can be produced from sugars and alcohols at temperatures near 500K in a single-reactor aqueous-phase reforming process using a platinum-based catalyst.We are able to convert glucose —which makes up the major energy reserves in plants and animals —to hydrogen and gaseous alkanes,with hydrogen constituting 50%of the products.We find that the selectivity for hydrogen production increases when we use molecules that are more reduced than sugars,with ethylene glycol and methanol being almost completely converted into hydrogen and carbon dioxide.These findings suggest that catalytic aqueous-phase reforming might prove useful for the generation of hydrogen-rich fuel gas from carbohydrates extracted from renewable biomass and biomass waste streams.We consider production of hydrogen by low-temperature reforming (at 500K)of oxygenated hydrocarbons having a C:O stoichiometry of 1:1.For example,reforming of the sugar–alcohol sorbitol to H 2and CO 2occurs according to the following stoichio-metric reaction:C 6O 6H 14ðl Þþ6H 2O ðl ÞO 13H 2ðg Þþ6CO 2ðg Þð1ÞThe equilibrium constant for reaction (1)per mole of CO 2is of the order of 108at 500K,indicating that the conversion of sorbitol inthe presence of water to H 2and CO 2is highly favourable.However,the selective generation of hydrogen by this route is difficult because the products H 2and CO 2readily react at low temperatures to form alkanes and water.For example,the equilibrium constant at 500K for the conversion of CO 2and H 2to methane (reaction 2)is of the order of 1010per mole of CO 2.CO 2ðg Þþ4H 2ðg ÞO CH 4ðg Þþ2H 2O ðg Þð2ÞFigure 1shows a schematic representation of the reaction path-ways we believe to be involved in the formation of H 2and alkanes from oxygenated hydrocarbons over a metal catalyst.The reactant undergoes dehydrogenation steps on the metal surface to give adsorbed intermediates before the cleavage of C–C or C–O bonds.With platinum,the catalyst we use,the activation energy barriers for cleavage of O–H and C–H bonds are similar 10;however,Pt–C bonds are more stable than Pt–O bonds,so adsorbed species are probably bonded preferentially to the catalyst surface through Pt–C bonds.Subsequent cleavage of C–C bonds leads to the formation of CO and H 2,and CO reacts with water to form CO 2and H 2by the water–gas shift reaction (that is,CO þH 2O O CO 2þH 2)11,12.The further reaction of CO and/or CO 2with H 2leads to alkanes and water by methanation and Fischer–Tropsch reactions 13–15;this H 2consuming reaction thus represents a series-selectivity challenge.In addition,undesirable alkanes can form on the catalyst surface by cleavage of C–O bonds,followed by hydrogenation of the resulting adsorbed species.This process constitutes a parallel-selectivity challenge.Another pathway that contributes to this parallel-selec-tivity challenge is cleavage of C–O bonds through dehydration reactions catalysed by acidic sites associated with the catalyst support 16,17or catalysed by protons in the aqueous solution 18,19,followed by hydrogenation reactions on the catalyst.In addition,organic acids can be formed by dehydrogenation reactions catalysed by the metal,followed by rearrangement reactions 20that take place in solution or on the catalyst.These organic acids lead to the formation of alkanes from carbon atoms that are not bonded to oxygen atoms.Table 1summarizes our experimental results for aqueous-phase reforming of glucose,the compound most relevant to hydrogenproduction from biomass,as well as for the reforming of sorbitol,glycerol,ethylene glycol and methanol.Reactions were carried out over a Pt/Al 2O 3catalyst at 498and 538K (see Methods for experimental details).The fractions of the feed carbon detected in the effluent gas and liquid streams yield a complete carbon balance for all feed molecules,indicating that negligible amounts of carbon have been deposited on the catalyst.Catalyst performance was stableFigure 1Reaction pathways for production of H 2by reactions of oxygenated hydrocarbons with water.(Asterisk represents a surface metal site.)山梨醇for long periods of time on stream(for example,1week).Results from replicate runs agree to within^3%.The hydrogen selectivities shown in Table1are defined as the number of H2molecules detected in the effluent gas,normalized by the number of H2molecules that would be present if the carbon atoms detected in the effluent gas molecules had all participated in the reforming reaction.(That is,we infer the amount of converted glucose,sorbitol,glycerol,ethylene glycol and methanol from the carbon-containing gas-phase products and assume that each of the feed molecules would yield2,13/6,7/3,5/2or3molecules of H2, respectively.)Alkane selectivity is defined as the number of carbon atoms in the gaseous alkane products normalized by the total number of carbon atoms in the gaseous effluent stream.Figure2illustrates that the selectivity for H2production improves in the order glucose,sorbitol,glycerol, ethylene glycol,methanol:Figure2also implies that lower oper-ating temperatures result in higher H2selectivities,although this trend is in part due to the lower conversions achieved at lower temperatures.The selectivity for alkane production follows a trend with respect to reactant that is opposite to that exhibited by the H2 selectivity.The gas streams from aqueous-phase reforming of the oxygenated hydrocarbons were found to contain low levels of CO(that is,less than300p.p.m.).For aqueous-phase reforming of glycerol,where analysis of liquid-phase products is more tractable compared to sorbitol and glucose,the major reaction intermediates detected include(in approximate order of decreasing concentration)ethanol, 1,2-propanediol,methanol,1-propanol,acetic acid,ethylene glycol, acetol,2-propanol,propionic acid,acetone,propionaldehyde,and lactic acid.Analysis of the gas phase effluent indicates the presence of trace amounts of methanol and ethanol(about300p.p.m.).High hydrogen yields are only obtained when using sorbitol, glycerol and ethylene glycol as feed molecules for aqueous-phase reforming.Although these molecules can be derived from renew-able feedstocks21–24,the reforming of less reduced and more immediately available compounds such as glucose is likely to be more practical;but hydrogen yields for glucose reforming are relatively low(Table1and Fig.2).However,we expect that improvements in catalyst performance,reactor design,and reaction conditions may increase the hydrogen selectivity for the direct aqueous-phase reforming of sugars.For example,the lower H2 selectivities for the aqueous-phase reforming of glucose,compared to that achieved using the other oxygenated hydrocarbon reactants, are caused at least partially by homogeneous reactions of glucose in the aqueous phase at the temperatures used in this study19.Thus, higher selectivities for H2from aqueous-phase reforming of glucose might be achieved by reactor designs that maximize the number of catalytically active sites(leading to desirable surface reactions)and minimize the void volume(leading to undesirable liquid-phase reactions)in the reactor.Here,using Pt/Al2O3as catalyst,we found that lower glucose concentrations correlated with higher selectivities for hydrogen production,and reforming experiments were therefore conducted at low feed concentrations of1wt%,which corresponds to a molar ratio H2O/C1of165.Processing such dilute solutions is economi-cally not practical,even though reasonably high hydrogen yields are achieved(Table1).However,undesirable homogeneous reactions, as observed with glucose,pose less of a problem when using sorbitol, glycerol,ethylene glycol and methanol,which makes it possible to generate high yields of hydrogen by the aqueous-phase reforming of more concentrated solutions containing these compounds.For example,we have found that upon increasing the feed concen-trations of ethylene glycol or glycerol to10wt%(molar ratio H2O/ C1¼15),it is still possible to achieve high conversions and high selectivities for H2production.(A hydrogen selectivity of97%was achieved with62%conversion of10wt%ethylene glycol;and a hydrogen selectivity of70%was achieved with77%conversion of 10wt%glycerol.)A molar H2O/C1ratio of15is still higher than that typically utilized in conventional vapour-phase reforming of hydro-carbons(molar H2O/C1¼3to5);but our aqueous-phase reform-ing system has the advantage of not requiring energy-intensive vaporization of water to generate steam.Operating at higher reactant concentrations and lower conver-sion levels leads to higher rates of hydrogen production.Rates of hydrogen production are measured as turnover frequencies(that is, rates normalized by the number of surface metal atoms as deter-mined from the irreversible uptake of CO at300K).For example, the turnover frequency for production of hydrogen at498K from a 1wt%ethylene glycol solution is0.08min21for the90%conversion run listed in Table1(weight-hourly space velocity, WHSV¼0.008g of ethylene glycol per g of catalyst per h),but increases to0.7min21for a feed containing10wt%ethylene glycol (run at498K and at a higher WHSVof0.12g of ethylene glycol per g of catalyst per h).The hydrogen selectivity for this latter run is equal to97%at a conversion of62%.The turnover frequency for hydrogen production from10wt%ethylene glycol at498K increased further to7min21when higher space-velocities were used(WHSV¼18g of ethylene glycol per g of catalyst per h)with a highly dispersed3wt%Pt/Al2O3catalyst consisting of smaller alumina particles(63–125m m)to minimize transport limitations. The hydrogen selectivity for this kinetically controlled run was99% at a conversion of3.5%.The rates of formation of H2from aqueous-phase reforming of 10wt%glucose,sorbitol,glycerol,ethylene glycol and methanol at 498K over a3wt%Pt/Al2O3catalyst under conditions to minimize transport limitations and at low conversions of the reactant haveTable1Experimental data for reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbonsGlucose Sorbitol Glycerol Ethylene glycol Methanol ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Temperature(K)498538498538498538498538498538 Pressure(bar)29562956295629562956 %Carbon in liquid-phase effluent5115391217 2.811 2.9 6.5 6.4 %Carbon in gas-phase effluent50846190839990999494 Gas-phase compositionH2(mol.%)5146615464.8577068.774.674.8 CO2(mol.%)4342353629.73229.1292524.6 CH4(mol.%) 4.07.0 2.5 6.0 C2H6(mol.%) 2.0 2.70.7 2.30.9 C3H8(mol.%)0.0 1.00.8 C4,C5,C6alkanes(mol.%)0.0 %H2selectivity*50366646755196889999 %Alkane selectivity†14331532193148 1.7 2.7 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The catalyst was loaded in a tubular reactor,housed in a furnace,and reduced prior to reaction kinetics studies.The reactor system was pressurized with N2,and the reforming reaction was carried out at the listed reaction conditions.Each reaction condition was run for24h,during which the experimental data were collected.Further experimental details are provided in the Methods.*%H2selectivity¼(molecules H2produced/C atoms in gas phase)(1/RR)£100,where RR is the H2/CO2reforming ratio,which depends on the reactant compound.RR values for the compounds are: glucose,2;sorbitol,13/6;glycerol,7/3;ethylene glycol,5/2;methanol,3.We note that H2and alkane selectivities do not add up to100%,because they are based independently on H-balances and C-balances,respectively.%Carbon in gas and liquid phase effluents add to100%for a complete carbon balance.Slight^deviations from100%are caused by experimental error.†%Alkane selectivity¼(C atoms in gaseous alkanes/total C atoms in gas phase product)£100.been measured to be 0.5,1.0,3.5,7.0and 7.0min 21,respectively.These turnover frequencies correspond to hydrogen production rates of 50,100,350,700,and 700l of H 2(at standard temperature and pressure,273K and 1.01bar)per l of reactor volume per h for each feed molecule,respectively.These rates compare favourably to the maximum rate of hydrogen production from glucose of about 5£1023l of H 2per l of reactor volume per hour by enzymatic routes 5.Normalization of the rates by the mass of catalyst used yields rates of about 3£103,6£103,2£104,4£104,and 4£104m mol g 21h 21for hydrogen production at 498K,from 10wt%glucose,sorbitol,glycerol,ethylene glycol and methanol,respect-ively.These rates can be compared to the maximum value of 7£102m mol g 21h 21reported for hydrogen production from glucose by enzymatic routes.(For this comparison,we have assumed a typical value of 100units per mg of protein,where a unit of enzyme activity corresponds to the amount of enzyme which under stan-dard assay conditions converts 1m mol of substrate per min).If the hydrogen produced were fed to a fuel cell operating at 50%efficiency,the rate of hydrogen production in our reformer would generate approximately 1kW of power per l of reactor volume.Electrical power might thus be generated cost-effectively by an integrated fuel-cell/liquid-phase reformer system fed with a low-cost carbohydrate stream derived from waste biomass (for example,corn stover,wheat straw,wood waste).The practical use of aqueous-phase reforming reactions in this manner would depend on efficient feed recycling strategies and on efficient separation of hydrogen from the gaseous effluent stream.The gaseous effluents separated from the main product hydrogen could be combusted to generate the energy necessary for the liquid-phase-reforming reactor.How-ever,some fuel cell applications might not require extensive puri-fication because the main components in the reformer gas effluent other than hydrogen are CO 2and methane,which can act as diluents 25.Alcohols and organic acids are also present in the gas effluent,but only at trace levels (300p.p.m.and about 5p.p.m.,respectively)which may not lead to irreversible poisoning 26.Reforming reactions between hydrocarbons and water to gen-erate hydrogen are endothermic,and conventional steam-reforming of petroleum thus depends on the combustion of additional hydrocarbons to provide the heat needed to drive the reforming reaction.In contrast,the energy required for the aqueous-phase reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbons may be produced intern-ally,by allowing a fraction of the oxygenated compound to form alkanes through exothermic reaction pathways.In this respect,theformation of a mixture of hydrogen and alkanes from aqueous-phase reforming of glucose,as accomplished in the present study,is essentially neutral energetically,and little additional energy is required to drive the reaction.In fact,the energy contained in these alkanes could be used as a feed to an internal combustion engine or suitable fuel cell;this would allow the use of biomass-derived energy to drive the aqueous-phase reforming of glucose (and biomass more generally)with high yields to renewable energy.While the present findings establish that Pt-based catalysts show high activities and good selectivity for the production of hydrogen from sugars and alcohols by aqueous-phase reforming reactions,improvements are necessary to render the process useful.Highly active catalytic materials that can satisfy the series and parallel selectivity challenges outlined in Fig.1,but at a lower materials cost than for Pt,are particularly desirable.Moreover,new combinations of catalysts and reactor configurations are needed to obtain higher hydrogen yields from more concentrated solutions of glucose,given that glucose is the only compound we have tested that is directly relevant to biomass utilization.We believe that such improvements are possible,for example,by searching for catalysts that exhibit higher activity at lower temperatures,to minimize the deleterious effects of homogeneous decomposition reactions.AMethodsExperiments for the aqueous-phase reforming of glucose,sorbitol,glycerol,ethylene glycol and methanol were performed over a 3wt%Pt catalyst supported on nanofibres of g -alumina (500m 2g 21,Argonide Corp.).The catalyst was prepared by incipient wetness impregnation of alumina with tetraamine platinum nitrate solution,followed by drying at 380K,calcination at 533K in flowing oxygen and reduction at 533K in flowing hydrogen.Chemisorption experiments using carbon monoxide at 300K showed a CO uptake of 105m mol per g of catalyst.A stainless steel tubular reactor (having an inner diameter of 5mm and length of 45cm)was loaded with 4.5g of the pelletized Pt/Al 2O 3catalyst,which was then reduced under flowing hydrogen at 533K.The total pressure of the system was then increased by addition of nitrogen to a value slightly higher than the vapour pressure of water at the reaction temperature.The system pressure was controlled by a backpressure regulator.An aqueous solution containing 1wt%of the oxygenated compound was fed continuously,using a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)pump,at 3.6ml h 21into the reactor heated to the desired reaction temperature.Under these conditions,the WHSV was 0.008g of oxygenated compound per g of catalyst per h through the reactor.The effluent from the reactor was water-cooled in a double-pipe heat exchanger to liquefy the condensable vapours.The fluid from this cooler was combined with the nitrogen make-up gas at the top of the cooler,and the gas and liquid were separated in a stainless-steel vessel (about 130cm 3)maintained at the system pressure.The effluent liquid was drained periodically (every 12h)for total organic carbon (TOC)analysis and for detection of the primary carbonaceous species using gas chromatography and HPLC.The effluent gas stream passed through the back-pressure regulator and was analysed with several online gas chromatographs.The kinetic data for each reaction condition were typically collected over a 24-h period,after which the reaction conditions were changed.The catalyst performance was stable for times on stream of at least 1week.Received 6February;accepted 23July 2002;doi:10.1038/nature01009.1.Rostrup-Nielsen,J.Conversion of hydrocarbons and alcohols for fuel cells.Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.3,283–288(2001).2.Kumar,N.&Das,D.Enhancement of hydrogen production by enterobacter cloacae IIT-BT 08.ProcessBiochem.35,589–593(2000).3.Woodward,J.et al.Enzymatic hydrogen production:Conversion of renewable resources for energyproduction.Energy Fuels 14,197–201(2000).4.Yokoi,H.et al.Microbial hydrogen production from sweet potato starch residue.J.Biosci.Bioeng.91,58–63(2001).5.Woodward,J.,Orr,M.,Cordray,K.&Greenbaum,E.Enzymatic production of biohydrogen.Nature405,1014(2000).6.Garcia,L.,French,R.,Czernik,S.&Chornet,E.Catalytic steam reforming of bio-oils for theproduction of 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reaction products.We thank M.Mavrikakis and researchers at Haldor Topsøe A/S for reviews and discussion.This work was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE),Office of Basic Energy Sciences,Chemical Science Division.Competing interests statementThe authors declare competingfinancial interests:details accompany the paper on Nature’s website(/nature).Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.A.D.(e-mail:dumesic@). .............................................................. Pfiesteria shumwayae killsfishby micropredation notexotoxin secretionWolfgang K.Vogelbein*,Vincent J.Lovko*†,Jeffrey D.Shields*†, Kimberly S.Reece*,Patrice L.Mason*,Leonard W.Haas*&Calvin C.Walker‡*Virginia Institute of Marine Science,The College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point,Virginia23062,USA‡United States Environmental Protection Agency,National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory,Gulf Ecology Division,1Sabine Island Drive,Gulf Breeze,Florida32561,USA†These authors contributed equally to this work ............................................................................................................................................................................. Pfiesteria piscicida and P.shumwayae reportedly secrete potent exotoxins thought to causefish lesion events,acutefish kills and human disease in mid-Atlantic USA estuaries1–7.However,Pfies-teria toxins have never been isolated or characterized8.We investigated mechanisms by which P.shumwayae killsfish using three different approaches.Here we show that larvalfish bioassays conducted in tissue culture platesfitted with polycar-bonate membrane inserts exhibited mortality(100%)only in treatments wherefish and dinospores were in physical contact. No mortalities occurred in treatments where the membrane prevented contact between dinospores andfiing differen-tial centrifugation andfiltration of water from afish-killing culture,we produced‘dinoflagellate’,‘bacteria’and‘cell-free’rvalfish bioassays of these fractions resulted in mortalities(60–100%in less than24h)only in fractions contain-ing live dinospores(‘whole water’,‘dinoflagellate’),with no mortalities in‘cell-free’or‘bacteria’-enriched fractions.Video-micrography and electron microscopy show dinospores swarm-ing toward and attaching to skin,actively feeding,and rapidly denudingfish of epidermis.We show here that our cultures of activelyfish-killing P.shumwayae do not secrete potent exotox-ins;rather,fish mortality results from micropredatory feeding. Massivefish kills in mid-Atlantic USA estuaries involving several million Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus,have been attrib-uted to dinoflagellates of the toxic Pfiesteria complex(TPC)9.Potent ichthyotoxins secreted during Pfiesteria blooms are thought to be responsible for mortality as well as for deeply penetrating,so-called ‘Pfiesteria-specific’skin ulcers in thesefish1,5,9.However,earlier investigations attributed the menhaden ulcers to fungal infec-tions10,11,and Aphanomyces invadans,a highly pathogenic oomy-cete12,is now considered the aetiologic agent13,14.We recently demonstrated that A.invadans is a primary pathogen,able to elicit menhaden ulcer disease in the absence of Pfiesteria species or other environmental stressors15.Thus,the role of Pfiesteria species in menhaden lesion events is now questioned13–16.In contrast to the oomycete-induced ulcers of wild menhaden, laboratory exposure offishes to an unidentified Pfiesteria species elicited rapid,widespread epidermal erosion,osmoregulatory dys-function and death,with potent exotoxins assumed responsible4. However,direct attachment of P.shumwayae dinospores to skin, gills,olfactory organs,the oral mucosa and the lateral line canal, associated with extensive tissue damage,has been observed16.A direct physical association with thesefish tissues had not to our knowledge been previously reported,and this suggested an alterna-tive mechanism of pathogenesis for P.shumwayae.To better under-stand this association and to clarify the consequences of dinospore attachment,we conducted laboratory challenges using a sensitive larvalfish bioassay.We exposed larval sheepshead minnows,Cyprinodon variegatus, to Pfiesteria spp.in six-well tissue culture plates containing poly-carbonate membrane inserts(Millicell).This created two compart-ments within each well(‘in’,inside insert;‘out’,outside insert), allowing separation offish from dinospores across a permeable membrane(Fig.1).Mortalities occurred only in treatments where fish and P.shumwayae dinospores were in direct physical contact (Fig.2a:B in,D in,F).Fish physically separated from dinospores(A in,B out versus in)did not die,even if they resided within the same well as dyingfish in contact with dinospores(B in versus out).Fish in negative controls(C)andfish exposed to a non-pathogenic strainFigure1Experimental design for the membrane insert study using larval Cyprinodon variegatus exposed to Pfiesteria shumwayae(Ps)and P.piscicida(Pp).。
第四章 导电高分子
4.2.1 共轭聚合物的电子导电 共轭体系的导电机理
共轭聚合物是指分子主链中C—C单键和C=C 双键交替排列的聚合物,典型代表是聚乙炔:
-CH = CH-
由于分子中双键的π电子的非定域性,这类聚 合物大都表现出一定的导电性。
第四章 导电高分子
第四章 导电高分子
聚乙炔具有最简单的共轭双键结构:(CH)x。 组 成主链的碳原子有四个价电子,其中三个为σ电子
键合,余下的一个价电子π电子(pz)与聚合物链所构 成的平面相垂直。
图 4-1 (CH)x的价电子轨道
第四章 导电高分子
随π电子体系的扩大,出现被电子占据的π成 键态和空的π*反键态。随分子链的增长,形成能 带,其中π成键状态形成价带,而π*反键状态则形 成导带(图 4-2)。如果π电子在链上完全离域, 并且相邻的碳原子间的键长相等,则π-π*能带间 的能隙(或称禁带)消失,形成与金属相同的半满 能带而变为导体。
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第四章 导电高分子
4.1 概述
4.1.1 导电高分子的基本概念 物质按电学性能分类可分为绝缘体、半导体、
导体和超导体四类。高分子材料通常属于绝缘体的 范畴。但1977年美国科学家黑格(A.J.Heeger)、 麦克迪尔米德(A.G. MacDiarmid)和日本科学
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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(2006)822–831/locate/ijhydeneHydrogen production by biomass gasification in supercritical water:A parametric studyY .J.Lu,L.J.Guo ∗,C.M.Ji,X.M.Zhang,X.H.Hao,Q.H.YanState Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an,Shaanxi Province 710049,ChinaReceived 26December 2004;received in revised form 27July 2005Available online 13October 2005AbstractHydrogen production by biomass gasification in supercritical water is a promising technology for utilizing high moisture content biomass,but reactor plugging is a critical problem when feedstocks with high biomass content are gasified.The objective of this paper is to prevent the plugging problem by studying the effects of the various parameters on biomass gasification in supercritical water.These parameters include pressure,temperature,residence time,reactor geometrical configuration,reactor types,heating rate,reactor wall properties,biomass types,biomass particle size,catalysts and solution concentration.Biomass model compounds (glucose,cellulose)and real biomass are used in this work.All the biomasses have been successfully gasified and the product gas is composed of hydrogen,carbon dioxide,methane,carbon monoxide and a small amount of ethane and ethylene.The results show that the gas yield of biomass gasification in supercritical water is sensitive to some of the parameters and the ways of reducing reactor plugging are obtained.᭧2005International Association for Hydrogen Energy.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Hydrogen;Supercritical water;Biomass gasification;Effects of parameters1.IntroductionBiomass is a renewable energy paring with fossil fuel,biomass for energy production can lead to zero CO 2emission in a very short life cycle period since carbon in the form of CO 2and energy are fixed by photosynthesis during biomass growth.Biomass has always been a major source of energy for mankind,and it contributes about 10–14%of the world’s energy supply today [1].Conversion of biomass to energy is undertaken using two main process technologies:thermo-chemical and∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862982663895;fax:+862982669033.E-mail address:lj-guo@ (L.J.Guo).0360-3199/$30.00᭧2005International Association for Hydrogen Energy.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2005.08.011bio-chemical/biological.Thermo-chemical gasification of biomass is likely to be a cost-effective process to produce fuel gas.However,a large portion of biomass wastes is wet biomass containing up to 95%water and this wet biomass causes high drying costs if classical gas-phase gasification process is used [2].Supercriti-cal water (SCW)gasification can advantageously avoid high drying costs,and therefore,more attention has been paid to SCW gasification recently.SCW possesses properties very different from those of liquid water.The dielectric constant of SCW is much lower,and the number of hydrogen bonds is much lower and their strength is much weaker.As a result,SCW be-haves like many organic solvents so that organic com-pounds have complete miscibility with SCW.Moreover,gases are also miscible in SCW,thus a SCW reac-tion environment provides an opportunity to conductY.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy31(2006)822–831823Fig.1.Main reaction pathways for cellulose liquefaction and/or gasification[2].chemistry in a singlefluid phase that would otherwise occur in a multiphase system under conventional con-ditions[3].Gasification of biomass in SCW have many advantages such as high gasification efficiency,high molar fraction of hydrogen,and no need of a drying process for wet biomass as compared to other biomass conversion methods.In the last10years,a large number of experimen-tal investigations for the gasification of biomass model compounds and real biomass in SCW have been carried out[4–13].However,reactor plugging is still a critical problem for the SCW gasification of biomass.Most of the research conducted in this area has employed tubular reactors,but tubular reactors are susceptible to system shut-downs due to reactor plugging resulting from the formation of char at the heating section and the buildup of ash inside the reactor.Such shut-down presents a se-vere problem for the energy conversion process[14]. To solve this problem,much work has to be done. The intermittent removal of the deposits that caused plugging in the tubular reactors was proposed by Antal [5].Matsumura[14]explored fundamental engineering feasibility of the SCWfluidized bed reactor instead of the tubular reactor.Kruse[2]developed simplified reac-tion pathways for the main constituent of the biomass, i.e.,cellulose.These main reaction pathways are repre-sented in Fig.1.It is obvious that the“higher molecu-lar weight products”is the main constituent of the de-posits on the reactor wall.Furfurals and phenols are very key compounds causing reactor plugging.In this paper,the efforts are focused on the parametric effects, include pressure,temperature,residence time,reactor size,reactor types,heating rate,reactor wall properties, biomass types,particle size,catalysts and solution con-centration,on biomass gasification in SCW.2.Apparatus and experimental procedures2.1.Supercriticalflow reactorA schematic of supercriticalflow reactor is shown in Fig.2.The reactor is made of special stainless steel tubing with14mm o.d.×6mm i.d.×650mm or18mm o.d.×9mm i.d.×650mm length.It is de-signed for temperatures up to923K and pressures up to35MPa.The unique feature of the experimental ap-paratus is its ability to realize the overall continuous reaction by operating the valves.There are two feed tanks in the experimental system.One tank can be kept at high pressure for reaction and at the same time, the other can be fed with the feedstock at atmospheric pressure.The detailed experimental procedures were provided by Hao et al.[12].Briefly,both the feeder and the reactor are pressurized at the beginning of a run.Water is pumped into the reactor tube directly and pressurized in the reactor,and the reactor is heated to bring system to the set temperature and pressure. When the temperature and pressure reach the desired values,the valve between the feeder and the reactor is opened.Then waterflowing to the reactor is replaced with feeding stock.At the exit of the reactor,product is rapidly cooled down by a water jacket.A back-pressure regulator is used to decrease the exit pressure of productfluid to atmospheric pressure.After leaving the back-pressure regulator,the products pass througha gas–liquid separator.2.2.Batch reactorDesigned for temperatures of up to873K and pres-sures of up to25MPa,the batch reactor is made of 316L stainless steel with an inner volume of140ml. One gram of cellulose and10g of water are charged in the reactor.Nitrogen gas is used to purge the residual air in the autoclave,and it is pressurized to4MPa to avoid vaporization of water during reaction.2.3.SampleBiomass model compounds(glucose and cellulose) and real biomass feedstocks including wood sawdust, rice straw,rice shell,wheat stalk,peanut shell,corn stalk,corn cob and sorghum stalk are used in this824Y.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(2006)822–831Fig.2.Supercritical flow reactor schematic.Table 1Analysis data of biomass feedstock being used Biomass typesElemental analysis (wt%)Proximate analysis (wt%)Calorific value CH N S O a M A V FC (kJ/kg)Wood sawdust 46.76 1.3677.1213.5216701.3Rice straw 36.96 4.580.870.1834.767.0115.6461.9515.4013669.7Rice shell 39.71 4.940.490.0834.07 4.0416.6763.3715.9215718.6Wheat stalk 42.80 5.100.680.2137.86 6.217.1468.7517.9016458.8Peanut shell 43.80 4.92 1.520.1734.107.997.5065.8518.6616425.3Corn stalk 41.18 4.960.780.1938.418.02 6.4667.5517.9715580.6Corn cob43.24 5.280.440.0841.027.04 2.9072.6717.3916379.3Sorghum stalk43.325.420.370.2538.205.976.4769.1118.4516797.5a Difference.work.The continuous feeding of multiphase mixture of real biomass feedstock is realized by using sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)[12,15].Real biomass is ground with plant mill to 40mesh before it is mixed into CMC.Water is added to achieve the desired solids loading and the mixture is continually stirred until it is homogeneous.Generally,the concentration of CMC was about 2–3wt%.Table 1shows the results of element and proximate analyses of the biomass feedstock used.2.4.AnalyticalAnalyses of the product gas are accomplished with a Hewlett–Packard model 6890gas chromatograph with thermal conductivity detectors.The carrier gas is helium and carrier gas flow rate is 10ml/min.A Carbon-2000capillary column is used,operating at 333K for 2min,followed by a 30K/min ramp to 423K,and hold 2min at 423K.The total carbon contents of the liquid phase were determined using Elementar High TOC.We have analyzed the uncertainty of experimental data,and the results show that the uncertainty of gas yield is less than 0.5%,uncertainity of pressure is less than 2.85%,uncertainity of temperature is less than 1.84%and uncertainty of gas temperature is less than 2.0%.3.Experimental results and discussionsIn this study,the gas products,which were identified and quantified,were H 2,CO,CO 2,CH 4with a smallY.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(2006)822–831825G a s Y i e l d (m o l /k g )Pressure (MPa)8001000120014001600180020002200G E o r C E (%)Pressure (MPa)T O C (p p m )(a)(b)Fig.3.Effects of pressure on wood sawdust gasification in SCW.(a)gas yield;(b)GE,CE and TOC (Temperature,923K;Residence time 27s;Feedstock,2wt%wood sawdust +2wt%CMC).amount of C 2H 4and C 2H 6.In some cases,the color of the liquid effluent became yellow and a thin layer of a dark brown,oil-like tar was observed on the surface of aqueous solution.We regard the GE (gasification effi-ciency =(the total mass of the product gas)/(the total mass of the dry feed))and CE (carbon gasification effi-ciency =(the total carbon in the product gas)/(the total carbon in the dry feed))to be indicative of the hydrogen production efficiency.3.1.Effect of pressureFig.3shows the product gas yields,the unconverted total organic carbon (TOC),the GE and CE as func-tions of pressure during the gasification of a feedstock with 2wt%wood sawdust mixed with 2wt%CMC at 923K.It is shown that the parameters,such as GE and CE,are not monotonic functions of pressure.Hydrogen yield increases with increasing pressure,but CH 4and CO yields have a tendency to decrease with pressure.The results show that higher pressure seems to favorthe water–gas shift reaction,but the unconverted TOC increases with pressure.The influences of pressure on gasification can be ex-plained by roles of water for chemical reaction in SCW [16].Firstly,individual water molecules may participate in elementary reaction steps as reactants.The proper-ties of water,such as density,static dielectric constant and ion product,increase with pressure.As a result,the ion reaction rate increases and free-radical reaction is restrained with an increase of pressure.Secondly,water molecules can participate in elemen-tary reaction steps as catalysts.Many organic com-pounds,both small and polymeric,are hydrolyzed to various degrees in SCW.Hydrolysis reaction plays a significant role in biomass gasification in SCW,but it requires the presence of H +or OH −.The ion concen-tration influences the hydrolysis rate.With increasing pressure,the ion product increases,and therefore the hydrolysis rate increases too.Thirdly,SCW as a reaction medium can influence the biomass gasification.In supercritical gasification,water participates as collision partner in intermolecu-lar energy-transfer steps,which are required for nomi-nally unimolecular reactions.Water is a very effective energy transfer agent.Increasing water density should thus promote these reactions and thereby influence the overall gasification kinetics.Fourthly,water as a solvent can act as physical barrier that retards the progress of a chemical reaction.A com-plete reaction in a solvent involves three steps:(1)diffu-sion of the reactant molecules to each other,(2)chem-ical transformation,and (3)diffusion of the products away from each other.The rate of diffusion of solutes in a given solvent depends on the solvent viscosity.The viscosity of the solvent is a function of pressure and tem-perature.As a result,the reaction rate can be influenced by pressure.Diffusion of solution is hindered by the for-mation of a solvent cage around the solute molecules.Such solvent “cage effect”is strengthened for reactions in SCW,thus the reaction pathways with the proper-ties of the solvent or with water density.Cage effects hinder fission-type reactions (initiation,decomposition)in SCW by detaining the nascent products within the cage.If the products cannot escape the cage,they are more likely to recombine and regenerate the reactants.The solvent cage can also reduce the rate of reaction by isolating the reactant molecules thereby preventing solute–solute reaction,but promoting solute–solvent re-actions,such as hydrolysis and water–gas shift reaction.The cage effects increase with increasing water density.Consequently,high pressure is in favor of water–gas shift reaction,but reduce decomposition reaction rate.826Y.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(2006)822–831H 2COCH 4CO 2510152025G a s Y i e l d (m o l /k g )873K 923K100020003000400050006000GECETOC20406080100120G E o r C E (%)873K 923KT O C (p p m )(a)(b)Fig.4.Effects of temperature on wood sawdust gasification in SCW.(a)gas yield;(b)GE,CE and TOC (Residence time,27s;Pressure 30MPa;Feedstock,2wt%wood sawdust +2wt%CMC).Finally,phase behavior of reactants or products in SCW can also influence the SCW gasification.In conclusion,the influences of pressure on gasification results from the integrated actions of the factors men-tioned above.It is believed that the optimal pressure of biomass gasification must exist.3.2.Effects of temperatureFeedstock of 2wt%wood sawdust mixed with 2wt%CMC was gasified at 30MPa with a residence time of 27s at 873and 923K,respectively.It is shown in Fig.4that temperature has a significant effect on wood saw-dust gasification in SCW.The yields of H 2,CO 2and CH 4at 923K are larger than those at 873K.The carbon efficiency of 80.8%is achieved at 923K,while it is only 67.1%at 923K.Similar results were obtained when the model compounds,such as glucose,were gasified in SCW [12].At low temperature the color of the liquid ef-fluent became yellow and a think layer of a dark brown,oil-like tar was observed.High temperature promotes the free-radical reactions [17],which are necessary for gas formations.Therefore the contents of the gases such as H 2and CH 4increase sharply.Antal [6]gasified10152025303540455005101520G a s Y i e l d (m o l /k g )10001500200025003000G E o r C E (%)Residence Time (s)T O C (p p m )Residence time (s)(a)(b)Fig.5.Effects of residence time on wood sawdust gasification in SCW.(a)gas yield;(b)GE,CE and TOC.(Temperature,923K;Pressure 25MPa;Feedstock,2wt%wood sawdust +2wt%CMC).completely the 10.4wt%cornstracth at a reactor peak temperature of 988K and the carbon gasification effi-ciency reached 98%.As compared with a typical tem-perature of 1073–1173K in the conventional biomass gasification [18],SCW gasification needs a lower temperature.3.3.Effects of residence timeBiomass can be decomposed rapidly in SCW.Some-times,only a few seconds was required to finish the gasification process.Fig.5displays the effect of in-creasing residence time on gasification of wood saw-dust at 923K and 25MPa.Feedstock of 2wt%wood sawdust mixed in 2wt%CMC was used.The varia-tion in the reactor residence time at each temperature resulted from the change in the feed flow rate.As shown in Fig.5(a),it is obvious that the H 2and CH 4yields increase sharply as the residence time increases from 9to 46s.At the same time,the CO yield has a tendency to decrease with increasing residence time.Fig.5(b)shows that the GE and CE increase with in-creasing residence time but the unconverted TOC inY.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy31(2006)822–831827 Table2Effect of solution concentration on biomass gasification aFeedstock Gas yield(mol/kg)GE(%)CE(%)TOC(ppm)H2CO CH4CO2C2H4C2H61.95wt%Wood sawdust+2.08wt%CMC b18.700.447.3719.840.42 1.4210992.31195.84.12wt%Wood sawdust+2.02%CMC c12.560.45 6.3216.300.30 1.209072.31812.9a Temperature,923K;Pressure,25MPa.b Residence time,46s.c Residence time,50s.the liquid effluent decreases.It is believed that longer residence time is favorable to biomass gasification. When1.95wt%wood sawdust mixed in2.08wt%CMC was gasified at923K,25MPa with a reactor residence time of46s in9mm reactor,the GE reached109%, indicating that water was not only the solvent but also a reactant.3.4.Effects of solution concentrationThe effect of solution concentration on gasification of wood sawdust in SCW was also examined.The re-sults are shown in Table2.It is shown that the concen-tration of feedstock has significant effect on biomass gasification.The CE and GE of low concentration feed-stock gasification are larger than those of high concen-tration feedstock gasification.For the gas products,the yields of H2,CH4and CO2of low concentration feed-stock gasification are higher than those of high con-centration feedstock gasification while the yield of CO is lower.When organic feedstock containing6.19wt% wood sawdust mixed in3.0wt%CMC was gasified at 923K and30MPa with a reactor residence time of62s, plugging took place after about40min.Plugging existed in the entrance region of reactor and a large amount of black solid(char)was obtained during reactor cleaning. The reasons might be as follows.Firstly,the temperature is not high enough in the entrance region of reactor be-cause biomass gasification is an endothermic reaction. At low temperature,biomass is gasified with the forma-tion of char and tar which are difficult to decompose in SCW.These tar and char deposited on the wall of re-actor and then the plugging occurs.Secondly,CMC is gasified in SCW with the formation of inorganic salts. These salts are insoluble under supercritical conditions because of the low density and the small dielectric con-stant of water[19,20].As a result,salts precipitation can cause reactor plugging.Finally,the ash in the biomass can also lead to plugging.Therefore,our existing reac-tion system is difficult to conduct the gasification of high concentration feedstock.According to results from Ref.[6],it is believed that high temperature,high heating rate and catalyst are required in the gasification of high concentration feedstock.At the same time,preventing the formation of inorganic salts is necessary.The work of studying the role of catalyst in biomass gasification and designing new reactor that can be heated quickly to desired high temperature is in process.3.5.Effects of catalystsPrevious researches indicated that some kinds of materials,such as activated carbon,metals and al-kalis,can catalyze biomass gasification in SCW for hydrogen production.Different carbon substrates were used as catalysts for the gasification of1.2M glucose at873K,34.5MPa[5].In all the cases the carbon gasification efficiency increased considerably as com-pared with those without catalyst.The nickel catalyst can catalyze the gasification from aqueous products to gases[7,8,21].Gas yield of glucose and cellulose gasi-fication can increase in SCW with ZrO2catalyst[22]. Sato[23]studied the gasification of alkylphenols as lignin model compounds in the presence of supported noble metal catalysts without hydrogen donor at673K and the activity of the catalyst was tested.The activity of the decomposition of alkylphenols is in the or-der of Ru/ -alumina>Ru/carbon,Rh/carbon>Pt/ −alumina,Pd/carbon,and Pd/ -alumina.A high CH4 yield was obtain in the presence of the Ruthenium catalyst when the cellulose and organosol-lignin were gasified in SCW[24].Alkali[8,9,12,22,25,26]such as K2CO3,KOH,NaOH and Na2CO3can catalyze the water–gas shift reaction with the formation of H2and CO2instead of CO.The effects of alkali salts may be simply the effect of a base[2].Na2CO3lowered the decomposition temperature of cellulose,inhibited the char formation,and produced more aqueous prod-ucts[8].In this work,gasification of cellulose in the presence of metal catalysts,including CeO2,n CeO2,828Y.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(2006)822–831510152025G a s Y i e l d (m o l /k g )None222Pd/CRu/CG E o r C E (%)Catalyst222Pd/CRu/CCatalyst(a)(b)parison of gas yield(a),GE and CE (b)for gasification of cellulose with various catalysts in SCW (Batch reactor;water,10g;cellulose,1.0g;catalyst,0.4g;CMC,0.2g;773K;Reaction time,20min;Initial pressure,4.0MPa).n(CeZr )x O 2,Pd/C and Ru/C,was examined in a batch reactor.As shown in Fig.6,the maximal values of hy-drogen yield,GE and CE were obtained with Ru/C as a catalyst.3.6.Effects of reactor geometrical configuration Based on the same running conditions,two reactors were used for our comparison,one is 6mm inner diam-eter and the other is 9mm inner diameter.The experi-mental results are shown in Table 3.It is known that the effect of the reactor geometrical configuration on the gas yield is not obvious.The reactor with larger inner diameter seems to favor the biomass gasification.The possible reason is that the inner diameter influences the heat transfer between feedstock and the reactor.3.7.Effects of reactor typesThree typical reactors,including batch reactors [7–10,13,21,22],tubular flow reactors [4–6,11,12]and continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR)[2,25],wereused for biomass gasification in SCW.The batch reac-tor has a sample structure,but the reaction processes are not isothermal and the different reaction occurring during the heat-up stages and the cool-down stages.The tubular flow reactor can make up for some disad-vantages of the batch reactor and achieve a continuous gasification of biomass with a short residence time.Tubular reactor is also well suited for reaction analysis,as the assumption of plug flow reactor is well applied to tubular structures,but the key technique needed for the SCW gasification is the prevention of reactor plugging.The continuous stirred tank reactor is an integration of autoclave and tubular flow reactor.The biomass can be mixed uniformly in the reactor and heated abruptly,but the system is more complex.Char/coke is formed in the batch and tubular flow reactor but not in the CSTR,but it is not known if higher biomass contents are gasi-fied in CSTR with formation of Char.Recently,a SCW fluidized bed for biomass gasification was proposed by Matsumura [14].It may avoid reactor plugging,but it is still at the theoretical designing stage.A lot of diffi-culties have to be faced because of the complexity of SCW fluidized bed.A porous reactor,which prevents sticky solids from depositing on the reactor and reduces corrosion,is used in SCW oxidation process [27].It may be used for reference of SCW gasification reactor.3.8.Effects of reactor wall propertiesThe tubular reactor is made of special stainless steel which is composed of Ni,Cr and other metals.As it has been mentioned above,these metals can cat-alyze biomass gasification.Results from experiments of biomass gasification show that carbon buildup can oc-cur on the reactor wall even though the concentration of feedstock is not high.It is believed that carbon on the reactor will reduce the catalytic effects of the metallic wall if the carbon is not eliminated before the beginning of experiment.Table 4presents results of reactor wall properties effect on gasification.It is obvious that gas yields,GE and CE increase when the carbon on reactor wall is eliminated.Also,reactor wall with carbon elim-inated will reduce the probability of reactor plugging because the carbon on the wall is the possible carrier for carbon formation in the next gasification experiment.3.9.Effects of heating rateAt low temperature biomass can be decomposed with formation of an amount of inert compounds,which can only be gasified very slowly even at increased temper-ature.Fast heating can shorten the residence time atY.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy31(2006)822–831829 Table3Effect of the reactor geometrical configuration on biomass gasification aInner diameter Gas yield(mol/kg)GE(%)CE(%)TOC(ppm) H2CO CH4CO2C2H4C2H66mm12.21 1.02 4.4115.440.390.7583.669.73255.339mm13.46 1.91 4.2516.440.370.609072.42924.50a Residence time,15s;Pressure,25MPa;Temperature,923K;Feedstock,2.03wt%Sawdust+2.02wt%CMC.Table4The catalytic effects of the reactor wall on biomass gasification aWall conditions Gas yield(mol/kg)GE(%)CE(%)TOC(ppm) H2CO CH4CO2C2H4C2H61b10.050.38 2.8912.270.290.4263.7854.361571.752c13.300.51 3.8516.140.380.6084.1371.751515.88a Temperature,923K;Pressure,25MPa;Residence time,30s;Feedstock,2wt%Rice shell+2wt%CMC.b Carbon was not eliminated.c Carbon was eliminated.Table5The effect of biomass particle size on gasification aParticle size(mesh)Gas yield(mol/kg)GE(%)CE(%)TOC(ppm) H2CO CH4CO2C2H4C2H640–8013.740.11 3.3110.470.270.4356.5150.21455.38<8017.000.34 5.0617.510.460.8293.2277.281673.63a Temperature,923K;Pressure,25MPa;Residence time,30s;Feedstock,2wt%Rice straw+2wt%CMC.every low temperature,so that the inert compound yield decreases sharply and the gas yield increases.Sinag et al.[28]conducted the experiment of hydropyrolysis of 5wt%glucose in SCW at heating rates of1and3K/min. The results show that high yields of hydrogen,methane and carbon dioxide were obtained with high heating rate,but carbon monoxide was low.Consequently,high heating rate is in favor of biomass gasification in SCW.3.10.Effects of biomass particle sizeBiomass was pretreated with mechanical grinding before it was gasified.The experiment of biomass gasification was conducted with different particle sizes.It is believed from the result in Table5that higher hydrogen yield is obtained with gasification of smaller particle sizes.It is well known that mechani-cal grinding requires much energy.If smaller particles are obtained,more energy will be consumed.Even though smaller particles produce more hydrogen when gasified,it is not economical.An optimal particle size should be found with considering economy and feasibility.3.11.Effects of biomass typesThe real biomass including wood sawdust,rice straw, rice shell,wheat stalk,peanut shell,corn stalk,corn cob and sorghum stalk,were gasified under the same conditions.In Fig.7(a),results from different biomass gasification show that the gas compositions are not dis-tinguishable.The molar fraction of hydrogen is about 40%and the molar function of CO is less than1%. There are two reasons for so low CO content.Firstly,the high excess water leads to a preference of the formation of H2and CO2instead of CO.Secondly,the K2CO3 content of real biomass is slightly higher than0.5wt% [25],It was believed that the K2CO3content catalyz-ing the biomass gasification reaction resulted in the low CO content.It is shown in Table6that higher CO con-tent was gained from gasification of glucose without catalyst.In the presence of K2CO3,composition of the830Y.J.Lu et al./International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(2006)822–831parison of gas composition (a)GE,CE and TOC (b)for gasification of various biomass feedstocks in SCW (Temperature,923K;Residence time 27s;Pressure,25MPa;Feedstock,2wt%biomass +2wt%CMC).A,rice straw;B,rice shell;C,wheat stalk;D,peanut shell;E,corn stalk;F,corn cob;G,sorghum stalk;H,wood sawdust.Table 6Gasification of glucose in SCW with or without alkali addition FeedstockGas composition (%)GE (%)CE (%)TOC (ppm)H 2CO CH 4CO 2C 2H 4C 2H 6Glucose a 33.514.511.736.30.1 3.9111.486.3—Glucose b39.810.215.044.99——46.9636.8—a Temperature,923K;Pressure,25MPa;residence time,2.9min;feedstock concentration,0.2mol/L [12].b Temperature,773K;Pressure,30MPa;residence time,5.3min;feedstock,5wt%glucose with 0.5wt%K 2CO 3[25].Table 7Recycle of the liquid effluent a FeedstockGas composition (%)GE (%)CE (%)TOC (ppm)H 2CO CH 4CO 2C 2H 4C 2H 6Liquid effluent a45.340.5814.3936.301.042.36—39.81436.6a Temperature,923K;Pressure,30MPa;Residence time 20.8s;Feedstock,liquid effluent of wood sawdust gasification (the value ofunconverted TOC is 2585.9ppm).gas product from glucose gasification is similar to that from the gasification of real biomass.The molar frac-tion of CH 4is more than 10%here,but it is not in agreement with the chemical equilibrium calculation.From the kinetic point of view,it is not clear via which reaction pathway the CH 4is formed.It can be a free-radical mechanism or hydrogenation of CO.The second reaction is only possible in the presence of a suitable catalyst [29].This shows that CH 4is possibly mainly formed by free-radical reactions.Also,it can be seen from Fig.7(b)that wheat stalk,corn cob and sorghum stalk are easier to gasify than the other biomass.The un-converted TOC in liquid effluent is high.It is said that a portion of biomass are converted to liquid product in-stead of gas product.The liquid effluent cannot be let off directly because of environment problem.The liquid effluent of wood sawdust gasification could be recycled in SCW and the results are shown in Table 7.It is can be seen that the unconverted TOC decreases and more gases are gained due to recycling the liquid effluent.4.ConclusionBiomass can be gasified successfully in SCW with a product gas consisting H 2,CO,CH 4,CO 2and a small amount of C 2H 4and C 2H 6.Generally,40%molar fraction of H 2can be reached.Hydrogen。