When transitioning from high school to university,students often experience a variety of differences that can be both exciting and challenging.Here are some key distinctions between the two educational stages:1.Academic Freedom:In university,students have more freedom to choose their courses and tailor their academic path according to their interests and career goals.This is a stark contrast to high school,where the curriculum is often more rigid and standardized.2.Class Size:University classes,especially in the first year,can be significantly larger than high school classes.This can lead to less personalized attention from professors, requiring students to be more independent and proactive in seeking help.3.Teaching Style:Professors in university often expect a higher level of critical thinking and selfdirected learning.Lectures may be less didactic and more discussionbased,with an emphasis on understanding concepts rather than memorizing facts.4.Assessment Methods:Assessment in university can include a wider variety of methods, such as essays,research papers,presentations,and group projects.High school assessments are often more focused on exams and tests.5.Time Management:University students are typically responsible for managing their own time,including when and how to study.This is a significant change from the structured daily schedules of high school.6.Residential Life:Many university students live away from home,either in dormitories or offcampus housing.This can be a new experience that requires learning to live independently and navigate new social dynamics.7.Extracurricular Opportunities:Universities offer a vast array of clubs,societies,and organizations that cater to diverse interests,providing opportunities for personal growth, networking,and skill development beyond the classroom.8.Research Opportunities:Undergraduates in university may have the chance to participate in research projects,which can be a valuable experience for those considering graduate studies or a career in academia or research.9.Career Preparation:Universities often have career services and internship programs that help students prepare for their future careers,providing resources and guidance that may not be as readily available in high school.10.Cultural Diversity:Universities typically have a more diverse student body,with students coming from different countries,cultures,and backgrounds.This exposure can broaden ones perspective and understanding of the world.11.Financial Responsibility:The cost of attending university is often higher than high school,and students may need to manage student loans,parttime jobs,and budgeting for the first time.12.Academic Support Services:Universities provide various support services such as tutoring,writing centers,and counseling,which students can utilize to enhance their academic performance and overall wellbeing.Adjusting to university life involves navigating these differences and developing new skills and habits.It is a time of growth and selfdiscovery,where students can truly explore their passions and prepare for their future careers.。
关于大学生在外租房的英语作文(一)As the number of college students grows, the demand for off-campus housing is on the rise. Renting an apartment off-campus can provide more independence and freedom, but it also presents some challenges for college students. In this essay, we will discuss the pros and cons of renting off-campus housing for college students.Pros:1. Independence and freedom: Living off campus can give students the freedom to come and go as they please, without being restricted by dormitory rules.2. Space: Off-campus housing options often offer more space than dorms, which can be especially important for students who need a quiet area for studying.3. Cost: Off-campus housing can be less expensive than living in a dorm, particularly when more than one student shares an apartment, splitting the cost of rent and utilities.Cons:1. Responsibility: College students living off-campus need to be responsible for paying rent, utilities, and other bills, which can be a challenge for some.2. Commuting: Students who live off-campus may need to travel further to get to class, which can take up valuable time and result in higher transportation costs.3. Safety: Off-campus housing is not always monitored or regulated by the university, which can be a safety concernfor some students.Tips for Renting Off-Campus Housing:1. Start your search early: Give yourself plenty of time to find suitable housing that meets your needs. Start your search several months before the semester starts.2. Research your options: Be sure to research potential neighborhoods and apartment complexes to identify any potential concerns or safety issues.3. Budget appropriately: Make sure you understand all the costs involved in renting off-campus housing and budget accordingly. Remember to include rent, utilities, food, transportation, and other expenses.4. Find a reliable roommate: If you're planning to rent an apartment with a roommate, make sure you find someonereliable and responsible to live with to avoid potential conflicts.In conclusion, renting off-campus housing can provide college students with more independence and space, but it also comes with added responsibilities and potential safety concerns.With careful planning and research, college students can make an informed decision about whether off-campus housing is the right choice for them.。
□(朱晓东 译)巴黎大学生住宅,法国RESIDENCE UNIVERSITAIRE CROISSET, PARIS, FRANCE, 1996Framing what one wishes to see, shieldingfrom what one does not want to suffer, invertingthe bad into good, returning the negativeconstraints of the site to make the support of apositive reality: that is the challenge facing this351 student housing project built right on theedge of the peripherique Porte deClignancourt.It accepts and responds to its urbancontext. It is a double building: double sided,double skinned, double meaning.On the ring road side, noise, speed,pollution: a protective wall, a curved shield30m by 100 meters, a giant screen, anenigmatic signal built into the kinetic landscapeof the city as seen from the car. The shield is adouble space, inserted between two wallsthat are structured by red steel ties and throughwhich three glazed lifts evolve. It is a Piranesianpromenade looking out towards the movingcars. The protecting wall is pierced at its centerby a large windows frames the suburbanhorizon towards the Saint-Denis basilica. Atnight, this black concrete wall gives the huesof and reflects the multicolored publicity neonsand car headlights. The plate glass allows thebuilding's interior light to filter outwards.On the Paris side, a green belt, quietness,the sun: backing onto the shield, three curvedbuildings faced in aluminium.Thanks to the armonds shape plan andsplayed bay windows, every apartment issouth-facing, with views towards the universitygardens adjacent and the silhouette ofMontmartre and the Sacré-Coeur..□1 沿环路的北侧外观2 东南侧外观3 东北侧外观4 剖面5 首层平面6 3层平面7 12层平面8 轴测9 南立面局部10 楼梯井外观11 住宅走道12 防护墙内景。
今天小居来为大家介绍的是日本早稻田大学周边的学生公寓,早稻田大学(Waseda University)是日本极负盛名的世界顶尖大学,建校134年,已发展成为一所世界著名学府。
近十年来,这个地区的学生公寓、商店、酒吧、咖啡厅快速增多,特别是在Wilmslow Road一带最为集中。
Victoria Park维多利亚公园区是一个树林保护区,环境幽静,空气清新,是一个非常受学生喜欢的地方。
步行即可到达曼彻斯特大学南校区和曼彻斯特城市大学All Saints校区。
这里同时还是一个以咖哩闻名的地方,在有名的Curry Mile上能够品尝到地道的东方美食。
有很多商店、酒吧,到Oxford Road上的大学校区步行即可到达。
关于曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester),简称曼大,世界五十强顶尖名校,是英国大学中世界排名的八大最学府之一,历年世界排名为世界第26名,也是英国的六所“红砖大学”之一,英国罗素大学集团的创始成员之一,始建于1824年,位于英国第二繁华城市曼彻斯特,是英国的单一校址大学。
VIPP 学员手册目录行前准备 (3)申请VIPP (3)申请VISA (6)住宿选择 (6)申请住宿 (6)OISS的重要性 (7)到达MSU (8)Pick-up (8)Check-in (9)TB Awareness 了解肺结核 (9)生活信息 (9)银行 (9)手机 (9)K12子女入学 (9)子女疫苗接种 (10)保险 (12)校内外就医 (12)学校信息 (13)学校地图 (13) (13)周边餐馆 (14)英语学习资源 (15)打印 (15)体育设施 (15)学术信息 (15)学会使用Google (15)学校图书馆 (15)学术要求 (16)学术活动 (16)每周访学时间记录 (16)D2L(Desire-to-learn) (16)课程评估 (17)教学日历 (17)法律信息 (18)密歇根州法定儿童乘车要求 (18)儿童独自在家 (18)被警察拦下时应如何应对 (18)行前准备国际长途旅行行李重量有限,不是必需品的话大可以到达美国之后再购买,轻装上阵。
房间用途代码表代码代码值0000 0000-未知0200 0200-教学及辅助用房0300 0300-教室0311 0311-公共普通教室0312 0312-公共阶梯教室0321 0321-专业教室0322 0322-专业阶梯教室0400 0400-图书馆0401 0401-图书馆阅览室0402 0402-图书馆书库0404 0404-图书馆内部业务用房0403 0901-图书馆办公室0405 0902-图书馆会议室0406 0903-图书馆附属用房0500 0500-实验室、实习场所0501 0501-公共基础实验室0502 0502-专业基础实验室0503 0503-专业实验室0504 0504-实验用房附属用房0505 0505-研究生学习工作室0506 0506-公共实验平台0600 0600-专用科研用房0601 0601-科研用房0602 0602-科研办公室0603 0603-科研会议室0604 0604-科研档案室0605 0605-科研文印室0606 0606-科研资料室0607 0607-科研附属用房0700 0700-体育场馆0701 0701-健身房0702 0702-排球房0703 0703-田径场0704 0704-篮球房0705 0705-乒乓球房0706 0706-羽毛球房0707 0707-游泳馆0708 0708-保龄球房0709 0709-其他体育专项用房0710 0710-体育场馆附属用房0800 0800-会议场馆0801 0801-会议室0802 0802-报告厅0803 0803-剧场0804 0804-贵宾厅0805 0805-展览馆0806 0806-会议场所附属用房0900 0900-行政办公用房0901 0901-学校办公室0902 0902-学校会议室0903 0903-学校档案室0904 0904-学校文印室0905 0905-学校资料室0906 0906-学校附属用房0911 0911-院部办公室0912 0912-院部会议室0913 0913-院部档案室0914 0914-院部文印室0915 0915-院部资料室0916 0916-院部附属用房1100 1100-学生宿舍1101 1101-本科生起居室1102 1102-本科生公共活动室1103 1103-本科生管理人员办公室1104 1104-本科生物业用房1105 1105-本科生盥洗卫生间1106 1106-本科生开水房1107 1107-本科生强电房1108 1108-本科生弱电房1109 1109-本科生宿舍附属用房1111 1111-硕士生起居室1112 1112-硕士生公共活动室1113 1113-硕士生管理人员办公室1114 1114-硕士生物业用房1115 1115-硕士生盥洗卫生间1116 1116-硕士生开水房1117 1117-硕士生强电房1118 1118-硕士生弱电房1119 1119-硕士生宿舍附属用房1121 1121-博士生起居室1122 1122-博士生公共活动室1123 1123-博士生管理人员办公室1124 1124-博士生物业用房1125 1125-博士生盥洗卫生间1126 1126-博士生开水房1127 1127-博士生强电房1128 1128-博士生弱电房1129 1129-博士生宿舍附属用房1131 1131-留学生起居室1132 1132-留学生公共活动室1133 1133-留学生管理人员办公室1134 1134-留学生物业用房1135 1135-留学生盥洗卫生间1136 1136-留学生生开水房1137 1137-留学生强电房1138 1138-留学生弱电房1139 1139-留学生宿舍附属用房1200 1200-学生食堂1201 1201-学生食堂餐厅1202 1202-学生食堂厨房1203 1203-学生食堂办公室1204 1204-学生食堂附属用房1300 1300-教工宿舍(公寓)1301 1301-集体宿舍1302 1302-教师公寓1303 1303-临时工宿舍1304 1304-其他1400 1400-教工食堂1401 1401-教工食堂餐厅1402 1402-教工食堂厨房1403 1403-教工食堂办公室1404 1404-教工食堂附属用房1500 1500-生活福利及其他用房1501 1501-保障服务用房1502 1502-后勤服务用房1503 1503-产业服务用房1600 1600-教工住宅1601 1601-承租公房1602 1602-腾空房1603 1603-经济房1604 1604-房改房1605 1605-集资房1606 1606-异地房1607 1607-商品房1608 1608-拆迁安置房1609 1609-临时集体宿舍1610 1610-其他1700 1700-其他。
致 :全體同學由 :學生事務處日 期:2009年04月21日參考編號:D031/SAS/20092009/2010學年學生宿舍將有下列安排:1. 2009/2010學年大學 宿舍宿舍類別類別 及 收費收費::1.1宿舍類別:供現宿生申請的宿舍:校內宿舍為: 1) 東亞樓校外宿舍為: 1) 伯樂花園 (於氹仔) 及 2) 華蘭臺 (於澳門半島 鏡湖醫院附近)3) 海灣花園 (於氹仔)另設 1) 代租學生單位 (泉悅、泉亮、鴻發、南貴、樂駿盈軒各一單位)1.2收費 (2009/2010):1.2.1 2009/ 2010學年的住宿保證金為 澳門幣二仟元 (注意: 完成宿舍遷離手續及繳清所有宿舍費用後, 保證金將獲發還。
假若同學已被分配下學年的住宿, 已交的二仟元則自動撥作下期住宿的保證金, 不獲退回, 直至同學退宿為止。
)1.2.2 詳細收費如下表: 校內宿舍 收費 (每人/每學期收費)1. 東亞樓 澳門幣6,000元 (雙人房)* 校內宿舍暑期必須遷出, 同學如需同學如需暑期暑期暑期住住宿, 需事先需事先申請申請, 收費為每晚澳門幣35元。
校外宿舍 收費 (每人/每學期收費) 暑期收費 全年收費(包括暑期包括暑期))1. 伯樂花園 (兩室一廰) 澳門幣3,500元 (三人房) 澳門幣 700 元 澳門幣 7,700 元2. 海灣花園 (兩室一廰 或 三室一廳)澳門幣3,500元 (三人房) 澳門幣 700 元 澳門幣 7,700 元3. 華蘭臺 (兩室一廰 或 三室一廳)澳門幣3,000元 (雙人房) 澳門幣 600 元 澳門幣 6,600 元* 校外宿舍校外宿舍宿生宿生宿生無需無需無需於於暑期遷出, 故入宿時需故入宿時需一次性一次性一次性繳付繳付繳付全全年收費。
(四年級四年級或或以上以上及及研二研二或或以上除外)* 所有收費按大學最後公告為準所有收費按大學最後公告為準。
分佈於氹仔區的單位收費 (每人/每學期收費)暑期收費 全年收費1. 代租學生單位 (兩室一廰 或 三室一廳) 澳門幣2,500元 (三人房)澳門幣 500 元 澳門幣 5,500 元* 代租學生單位代租學生單位宿生無需於暑期宿生無需於暑期宿生無需於暑期遷出遷出, 故入宿時需故入宿時需一次性一次性一次性繳付繳付繳付全年收費全年收費。
2020法国留学住宿类型一览表 哪种方式适合中国留学生.doc
下面就由为大家介绍2020法国留学住宿类型一览表哪种方式适合中国留学生?一、学生宿舍在法国,学校住宿是统一由Crous (Centre régional desœuvres universitaires et scolaires)进行安排的,这样更方便学生进行申请,也减轻了学校审核分配的压力,后续服务也由Crous分配。
名气比较高的有Century 21、laforêt、 Foncia,手续的费用比较高,但是专业的素质很好,在提供服务的时候也会比较用心,能够保证满足大部分的需求,而且后续也有保障。
现在大学生校外租房的普遍的看法英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Nowadays, many college students choose to live off campus by renting a house or an apartment. They have different opinions about this. Some students think it's great to live off campus because they have more freedom and privacy. They can decorate their own room and have friends over without worrying about any rules. They also think it's more convenient because they can cook their own meals and don't have to rely on the school cafeteria.However, there are also some students who don't like living off campus. They think it's more stressful because they have to take care of themselves, like buying groceries, paying bills, and cleaning the house. They also think it's less safe because they are not surrounded by other students and security measures like in the dorms. Some students miss the social aspect of living on campus, like being close to their friends and having easy access to campus events.Overall, the opinions about living off campus vary among college students. Some enjoy the freedom and independence, while others miss the convenience and security of living on campus. It really depends on the individual and their personal preferences. But no matter where they live, the most important thing is to focus on their studies and make the most out of their college experience.篇2Title: What do university students think about rentingoff-campus apartments?Hey guys, have you ever wondered what university students think about renting off-campus apartments? Well, I'm here to spill the tea on this hot topic! Let's dive in and find out what the buzz is all about.First of all, many university students think that rentingoff-campus apartments is super cool. They love the freedom and independence it gives them. No more strict dorm rules or noisy roommates to deal with! They can finally have their own space to relax and study in peace.But, let's not forget about the cost. Renting off-campus can be pretty expensive, especially if you want a nice place close tocampus. Money can be tight for students, so some may have to settle for more affordable options that are farther away. But hey, a little extra exercise from walking or biking to class never hurt anyone, right?Another thing that university students love about renting off-campus apartments is the chance to live with their friends. It's like a big sleepover every night! They can cook together, watch movies, and have late-night study sessions. Plus, it's a great way to save money on rent and utilities.On the flip side, some students worry about safety when it comes to living off-campus. They may feel more vulnerable living in a neighborhood that they're not familiar with. That's why it's important to choose a safe and well-lit area to rent in.Overall, university students have mixed feelings about renting off-campus apartments. Some love the freedom and independence, while others worry about the cost and safety. But hey, at the end of the day, it's all part of the college experience, right?So there you have it, folks! That's what university students think about renting off-campus apartments. It's definitely a hot topic that sparks a lot of debate and discussion. Thanks for tuning in!篇3Title: How University Students Feel About Renting Houses Off CampusHey guys, do you know that a lot of university students live off campus in rented houses? It's like a big thing now! So, I want to tell you all about the common views and feelings that university students have about renting houses off campus.First of all, most students think that renting a house off campus gives them more freedom and independence. They can decorate the house the way they want, cook their own meals, and live with their friends. It's like having a taste of adult life before actually becoming adults! Isn't that cool?But living off campus also comes with some challenges. Like paying rent, bills, and taking care of the house on your own. It's like being responsible for everything, which can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Our parents aren't there to do everything for us anymore, you know?Another thing that students consider when renting a house off campus is the location. Some want to live close to the university for convenience, while others prefer to live in a quietneighborhood away from the hustle and bustle of campus life. It really depends on personal preferences.Overall, I think most university students enjoy the experience of renting a house off campus. It's like a rite of passage into adulthood, where we learn to take care of ourselves and make our own decisions. And hey, it's also a lot of fun living with our friends and creating our own little home away from home!So, what do you guys think? Would you like to rent a house off campus when you go to university? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!篇4Hey guys, have you ever wondered what college students think about renting a house off campus? Well, let me tell you all about it!First of all, most university students seem to prefer living off campus because it gives them more freedom. They can choose their own roommates, decorate their own space, and have more control over their daily routines. Plus, living off campus means they don't have to follow strict dorm rules like curfews and quiet hours.But it's not all sunshine and rainbows when it comes tooff-campus living. Renting a house can be expensive, especially in big cities where the cost of living is high. And let's not forget about all the bills that come with renting a house – utilities, internet, groceries – it all adds up pretty quickly.Another downside is that some students find it hard to balance their social life and academics when they live off campus. Without the structure of dorm life, it can be easy to get distracted and fall behind in school.Overall, I think most college students see both the pros and cons of renting a house off campus. It's a big decision that requires a lot of thought and planning. But at the end of the day, living off campus can be a great experience that teaches you independence and responsibility.So there you have it, that's what most college students think about renting a house off campus. Thanks for listening, guys!篇5Hey guys! Do you know that many college students now choose to rent an off-campus apartment instead of living in the dormitory? Let me tell you about the common opinions on this matter.First of all, many college students believe that renting a house off-campus gives them more freedom and independence. They can decorate the apartment the way they like, set their own rules, and host parties or gatherings without restrictions from the school. It makes them feel more like adults and helps them to learn to take care of themselves.Secondly, renting a house off-campus is often cheaper than staying in the dormitory. By sharing the rent with friends or roommates, students can save money and sometimes even have a better living environment. They can choose an apartment closer to campus or with better facilities, which can greatly improve their study and living experience.However, some students also have concerns about living off-campus. They worry about safety issues, maintenance problems, and the responsibility of taking care of the house. They may also feel lonely or isolated compared to staying in the dormitory where they are surrounded by friends and classmates.In conclusion, the decision to rent an off-campus apartment is a personal choice, and different students may have different opinions on it. It's important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and make the best decision based on one's own situation and preferences.So, what do you guys think about college students renting a house off-campus? Share your thoughts with us!篇6Nowadays, many college students choose to rent houses off campus. Let me tell you the common opinions among them.First of all, most college students think that renting a house off campus gives them more freedom and independence. They can decorate their own rooms, cook their own meals and invite friends over without any restrictions. This makes them feel more like adults and gives them a sense of responsibility.Secondly, many students believe that living off campus is more convenient. They can choose a location closer to their school or workplace, which saves time on commuting. Also, they can have more privacy and quietness to focus on their studies or work.Moreover, renting a house off campus allows students to experience real life responsibilities. They need to pay rent on time, manage their utilities and take care of their own living expenses. This helps them learn how to budget and prioritize their needs.However, there are also some concerns among college students about renting off campus. Some worry about the safety and security of the neighborhood they are living in. Others are concerned about the maintenance and upkeep of the property.In conclusion, the majority of college students view renting a house off campus as a positive experience. It gives them freedom, independence, convenience and the opportunity to learn important life skills. As long as they are responsible and mindful of their choices, living off campus can be a rewarding experience for them.篇7Hey guys, do you know that a lot of college students nowadays prefer to live off campus in rented apartments? It's like a whole new world out there! Let me tell you all about it.First of all, living off campus gives us more freedom and independence. We can come and go as we please, cook our own meals, and have our own space to study and relax. It's like having our own little kingdom away from home.Secondly, renting an apartment with roommates is a great way to save money. We can split the rent, utilities, and groceries,making it more affordable than living in a dormitory. Plus, we can learn how to budget and manage our finances better.Another reason why college students like living off campus is because it helps us prepare for the real world. We have to deal with landlords, pay bills, clean our own place, and take care of ourselves. It's like a crash course in adulting!Of course, there are some downsides to living off campus too. Sometimes we have to deal with noisy neighbors, maintenance issues, or long commutes to campus. But overall, the pros outweigh the cons for most of us.So there you have it, living off campus in rented apartments is a popular choice among college students these days. It's all about freedom, independence, saving money, and preparing for the future. Who wouldn't want to give it a try?篇8Yo, guys! Do you know what most college students think about renting apartments outside school? Well, let me break it down for you!First of all, a lot of students think that living off-campus is super cool. You get to have your own space, decorate it the wayyou want, and have more freedom to do whatever you want. Plus, no more rules from the dorm RA telling you to keep it down after 10 pm!But, on the flip side, some students think that rentingoff-campus is a hassle. You have to deal with landlords, pay rent every month, and worry about things like utilities and repairs. It can be a real headache sometimes.Another thing that most students agree on is that renting off-campus can be more expensive than living in the dorms. You have to factor in rent, utilities, groceries, and other expenses that you didn't have to think about when you were living on campus. But hey, at least you get to cook your own food and not rely on the cafeteria all the time!Overall, I think most college students have a positive view of renting off-campus. It gives you a taste of independence and responsibility, and it's a great way to prepare for life after graduation. So, if you're thinking about making the leap tooff-campus living, go for it! You won't regret it!篇9Hey guys, today I want to talk about what most college students think about renting apartments off campus. Ya know, when we move out of the dorms and start living on our own.So, like, living off campus is kinda like a big deal for us, right? 'Cause we gotta find a place to live, pay rent, and take care of ourselves. It's a whole new level of responsibility!First off, most of us think it's super cool to live off campus. We get to have our own space, decorate our rooms however we want, and have more freedom to do what we want. Plus, we're closer to all the cool restaurants and shops around town.But, like, there are some downsides too. Rent can be pretty expensive, especially if you wanna live in a nice place. And sometimes it's hard to find roommates who are chill and clean up after themselves. Plus, we gotta deal with stuff like utilities, groceries, and figuring out how to cook for ourselves.Overall, though, I think most college students are pretty stoked about living off campus. It's a big step towards being independent and learning how to adult. And even though it's a bit scary at first, it's also kinda exciting to have our own little piece of the world.So yeah, living off campus is definitely a mixed bag of feelings. Some days it's awesome, and other days it's a bit overwhelming. But hey, we're all in this together, right? Just gotta take it one day at a time and make the most of this college adventure!篇10Hey guys, do you know what most college students think about renting off-campus housing? Let me tell you!First of all, a lot of college students think that livingoff-campus is super cool because they get to have their own place and they don't have to follow all the rules of the dorms. They can decorate the way they want, cook whatever they like, and have parties with their friends. Plus, they feel more independent and responsible for taking care of their own place.But there are also some students who think that livingoff-campus can be a hassle. They have to deal with finding a good place to live, paying rent every month, and taking care of all the bills. It can be hard to find a place that's close to campus and affordable at the same time. And sometimes they might have problems with their roommates or the landlord.Overall, most college students agree that living off-campus can be a fun and rewarding experience. It gives them a taste of what it's like to be an adult and live on their own. So, if you're thinking about renting off-campus housing, make sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Good luck!。
法国不同类型的学生住房●大学生公寓(Résidences Universitaires)在法国,设在大学校园内或市内的大学生公寓均由大区大学及学校事务管理中(CROUS)负责进行管理。
●私营大学生公寓(Résidences Etudiantes Privées)为弥补公立大学公寓住房的不足,法国的私营大学生公寓在最近几年得到了很快的发展。
●私人住宅(logement privé)这类住房通常需要通过房产中介公司寻找;也可通过报刊广告直接向房主租用。
如果在租房广告中有缩写注明“CC”,即“charges comprises”, 意思是在租金中已经包含了杂费,无需再付;否则,还应另加杂费。
●家庭寄宿(logement en famille)所谓寄宿家庭,也就是在私人家庭里租用一间带家具的房间,和房东家庭一起生活。
从机场到学校的出租车价格是由政府统一定价,从J F K 到学校附近大概4 5 美元,加上过桥费(Toll,若有)美元,另外通常会付15%的小费。
从LGA到学校附近通常需要车费近3 0 元,外加1 5 % 的小费和过桥费。
-West Side YMCA: 上城西区,中央公园-Vanderbilt YMCA: 中城东区,联合国-Flushing YMCA: 皇后区,法拉盛Y M C A 旅馆价格低廉,前两个旅馆位于曼哈顿,靠近学校。
Self-Guided TourPARKING INFOPARKINGARTS VENUERESTAURANTSSHOPPING TOUR LOCATION 12345678910111213NSCULPTURE GARDENWalking north to the far edge of campus, you’ll enter the world of art through the Franklin D. M urphy Sculpture Garden. M ingle with M atisse, Rodin and more. This area is also home to the School of Theater, Film and Television and the School of the Arts and Architecture. Neighboring Melnitz and M acgowan halls stage dramatic and musical pro-ductions. M eanwhile, UCLA’s Film and Television Archive screens more than 400 films and videos to the public each year. The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Center, with Richard Serra’s dramatic sculpture T.E.U.C.L.A., a 42.5 torqued ellipse, opened in 2006. YOUNG RESEARCH LIBRARY Veer south and you’ll find the Charles E. Young Research Library (named for UCLA’s longtime chan-cellor), the hub of the campus library system. The UCLA Library is made up of 12 general and special-subject libraries, contains 8 million volumes and is ranked among the top 10 university research librar-ies in the nation. Nearby Campbell Hall is home to the UCLA College’s American Indian Studies Center. Adjacent Rolfe Hall is dedicated to the humanities, notably English, and to the Asian American Studies Department. Its courtyard features the sculptures of Robert Graham. ROYCE HALLWalk south and you’ll discover Dickson Plaza, the historic heart of campus. The quad showcases the university’s signature structures, Powell Library and Royce Hall, each patterned after elegant Romanesque churches in northern Italy. Royce Hall is the largest performance venue on campus and plays host to many of UCLA Live’s 200 annual events: renowned artists such as cel-list Yo-Yo M a, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Dave Brubeck, STOM P, the British Royal National Theatre with Sir Ian McKellen, the Grand Kabuki Theatre of Japan, the Miami City Ballet, the National Philharmonic of Russia and the Kronos Quartet. At the west end of the quad spouts the Shirley and Ralph Shapiro Fountain.JANSS STEPSAs you approach the west end of Dickson Plaza, you’ll be at the head of Janss Steps where Martin Luther King Jr. once spoke. Below is the Fowler M useum at UCLA, which exhibits 4,000 years of non-Western art and anthropology. Beyond the Fowler is the Anderson School of M anagement, which ranks among the top business schools in the world year after year. At the base of the steps is Glorya Kaufman Hall, which houses state-of-the-art dance theaters, classrooms and studios. Wilson Plaza honors alumni Bob and Marion Wilson, who led the most ambitious fundraising effort ever undertaken by a public university. Note: You can walk up the hill to view the residence halls next or go straight to Pauley Pavilion.RESIDENCE HALLSStudent residence halls are located on the hill that overlooks historic Drake Stadium. Options range from high-rises to suites to village clusters. M ore than 9,500 undergraduate students live on campus. Community Housing helps students locate off-campus housing. The Sunset Canyon Recreation Center is here and features an Olympic-sized pool and a host of other facilities. South of Dykstra Hall is Tom Bradley International Hall, named for UCLA track star and former L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley.PAULEY PAVILIONContinuing east on Bruin Walk you’ll see Drake Stadium, training ground for countless great athletes, M ajor League Baseball pioneer Jackie Robinson and Olympic gold medalists Rafer Johnson and Jackie Joyner-Kersee among them. On your right, look for Pauley Pavilion, legendary home of Bruin basketball. In 2003, Pauley’s center court was named the Nell and John Wooden Court in honor of the famed coach and his wife who inspired him.BRUIN WALKHeading east along Bruin Walk, you’ll find yourself where student services and activities hum along:the Student Activities Center and Ackerman Union with the UCLA Store. Kerckhoff Hall is where the Daily Bruin publishes and student government con-venes. Moore Hall is home to the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, which oper-ates Center X—the innovative teacher-training program that’s improved test scores in under-served communities.COURT OF SCIENCESHead south and you’ll come to the Court of Sciences. It includes the Henry Samueli School of Engineering & Applied Science, plus the depart-ments that make up two divisions of the UCLA College: Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. And welcome to Paul Boyer Hall. It’s named for one of UCLA’s Nobel Prize winners and is dedicated to molecular biology. Did you know UCLA has its own planetarium? You can do your star-gazing on top of the Mathematical Science Building. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Continuing north above Law, you’ll find the School of Public Affairs. The building that looks like a waf-fle is Bunche Hall. It’s named for Ralph J. Bunche, UCLA alumnus, Nobel Peace Prize winner and U.N. representative, and is home to the International Institute, dedicated to educating global citizens. Bunche also introduces the fourth division of the UCLA College—Social Sciences.UCLA MEDICAL CENTER South of the Court of Sciences, you’ll discover the Center for the Health Sciences. The future happens here every day—through advanced medi-cal technology, cutting-edge clinical trials and world-class physicians. The center is comprised of UCLA Medical Center, the David Geffen School of Medicine and the schools of Nursing, Public Health and Dentistry. The I.M. Pei-designed, techno-won-der Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center was com-pleted in 2008. Nearer to the tour route is La Kretz Hall, built to exacting environmental standards and home to UCLA’s Institute of the Environment. As you turn toward the east edge of campus, you may glimpse the serene M ildred E. M athias Botanical Garden. INVERTED FOUNTAINA jog north takes you to the Inverted Fountain, a water wonder that re c irculates 10,000 gallons every minute. Nearby are Franz Hall, home to the Psychology Department, and Knudsen Hall, which houses the Physics and Astronomy Department. Schoenberg M usic Building, home to the Herb Alpert School of M usic, performs as well as it teaches. It hosts an ongoing variety of perfor-mances by gifted students, faculty and staff (with the added bonus that performances are inexpen-sive and open to all—often free to students).BRUIN BEAR STATUEYour tour begins in the geographical center of campus at the buzzing intersection of student activities, free speech, athletic glory and alumni tradition in a cluster of sports, recreation and alumni facilities. Start at the landmark Bruin Bear in Bruin Plaza. The Alumni Association is headquar-tered in the nearby James West Alumni Center. Directly behind the Bruin statue is the J.D. Morgan Intercollegiate Athletics Center, housing the daz-zling Athletics Hall of Fame and UCLA’s record 106 NCAA team trophies. Also located within this pod are other facilities that promote healthy, active lifestyles: the Intramural Field and the John Wooden Recreation and Sports Center, named for UCLA’s legendary 10-time NCAA championship-winning basketball coach, and the neighboring Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center, named for the UCLA and Wimbledon tennis great. 2345MURPHY HALLNortheast of Schoenberg you’ll find Murphy Hall, named after Franklin D. Murphy, UCLA’s third chan-cellor. It headquarters UCLA admissions, admin-istration and the chancellor’s office. Next dooris Dodd Hall, one of several buildings that housethe Humanities Division of the UCLA College. The School of Law is here (the only public law schoolin Southern California), and Perloff Hall, home to Architecture and Urban Design.6789101112131。
When considering how to attend university in Beijing,there are several steps and considerations to take into account.Heres a detailed guide on how to prepare and make the journey to study in Beijing:1.Research and Selection:Start by researching various universities in Beijing that offer programs in your field of interest.Look for reputable institutions such as Peking University,Tsinghua University,and Beijing Foreign Studies University,among others.nguage Proficiency:Since English is not the primary language in China,you may need to demonstrate proficiency in Mandarin Chinese if the program is not taught in English.Consider taking Chinese language courses or preparing for the HSK Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi exam.3.Application Process:Each university will have its own application process.This typically involves submitting an application form,academic transcripts,letters of recommendation,a personal statement,and possibly an entrance exam or interview.4.Financial Planning:Studying abroad can be expensive.Calculate the costs of tuition, accommodation,living expenses,and any additional fees.Look for scholarships,grants, or financial aid opportunities that may be available to international students.5.Visa Requirements:As an international student,you will need to apply for a Chinese student visa X1or X2visa.This involves obtaining an admission letter from the university and a visa application form,which you will submit to the Chinese embassy or consulate in your country.6.Accommodation:Decide whether you want to live oncampus or offcampus.Oncampus accommodations are usually more convenient but may be limited.Offcampus housing can offer more independence but requires more planning and research.7.Cultural Adaptation:Prepare yourself for the cultural differences you may encounter in China.Learn about Chinese customs,etiquette,and social norms to help you adapt more easily to your new environment.8.Health and Safety:Ensure you have health insurance that covers you while studying abroad.Familiarize yourself with local health facilities and services.Also,be aware of safety measures and emergency contacts.working:Connect with current students,alumni,or academic advisors from the universities you are interested in.They can provide valuable insights and advice on theapplication process and student life in Beijing.10.Predeparture Preparations:Once you have been accepted and have secured your visa, start preparing for your departure.This includes packing essentials,arranging travel,and possibly taking a course on Chinese language and culture to better prepare you for your arrival.11.Orientation Programs:Upon arrival,participate in orientation programs organized by the university.These programs are designed to help new students adjust to the academic environment and understand the universitys policies and procedures.12.Staying Connected:Keep in touch with your family and friends back home.This will help you maintain a support network while you are away.By following these steps,you can ensure a smooth transition to studying in Beijing and make the most of your university experience.。
live off-campus
据了解,近年来大学生在校外租房已不是个别的现象,由此而引发了一系列社会问题,It is understood that in recent years, college students renting off-campus is not an individual phenomenon, thus triggered a series of social problems在某些学校,校外租房的大学生的比例却呈现增长趋势,由此而带来的社会问题也不断增多,因此不管是教育部、学校还是学生家长都开始关注起来。
In some schools, the proportion of college students renting off-campus is having a growth trend, the resulting social problems caused by the increasing, and so whether the Ministry of Education, the school or the parents are beginning to pay attention up.学校为什么要禁止大学生校外租房Why should schools ban students renting off-campus现在国家已经下达了禁令,不允许学生在校外租房。
Countries have now issued the ban does not allow the students off-campus rent. Because the Chinese schools have unified management. This is inseparable from our national conditions. The first is the expectations of parents, schools, and they felt that the school bears to protect the student's learning, safety and all responsibility, and shall be responsible in the end. Furthermore, students do in the off-campus rent, there are some factors of insecurity to their lives outside circle to move from the school, students will follow the relationship between the indifferent, there is no campus learning atmosphere. Results will decrease. There are some students there is a heart impulse may be between men and women to live with the consequences of these phenomena in the future will be to the school to deal with. 社会经济在不断发展,每个人都想追求个人的自由空间。
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Although many students choose to live in University housing, New York City’s neighborhoods offer alternative housing options which can accommodate any budget or lifestyle. With this in mind, it is important to familiarize yourself with the unique areas and rental practices of this diverse and dynamic city. The following information is intended to provide you with the resources and tools needed to locate a suitable apartment, and enable you to make an informed decision. In addition, we encourage you to visit the NYU Housing website at /housing for additional and updated information.Give Yourself TimeIt is important to give yourself adequate time to find a suitable apartment. Late July or early August is a good time to begin looking. However, many students change apartments late in the summer, so competition for apartment space will be stiff. Be prepared to move quickly once you find an apartment that will do for you.If you wish to avoid many of the start-up costs associated with a new rental, you may want to consider subletting or sharing an apartment. These alternatives are inexpensive and easy ways to get acquainted with life in New York.Don’t PanicAlthough searching for an apartment may seem daunting at first, especially in the challenging real estate market of New York, remember to think positively. Take as much time as you can when searching for an apartment and keep an open mind. There are thousands of apartments in New York, and a rigorous and diligent search is bound to provide you with one that meets your budget, expectations, and requirements. Good luck!Off-Campus Housing OfficeThe Off-Campus Housing Office provides students with on-line apartment listings throughout New York and New Jersey. The listings encompass many living arrangements and lease periods, and are an ideal way to find roommates who are within the NYU community. The listings are usually for immediate occupancy and almost never involve paying a broker’s fee. The office maintains an extensive on-line database that allows students to tailor their search by price range,location, and other important considerations. To access the on-line database students log on to on any computer or at the Off-Campus Housing Office. Students are required to present either a valid NYU ID or a copy of their admissions acceptance letter along with a photo ID to take advantage of the services of the Off-Campus Housing Office.Off-Campus Housing Office Kimmel Center, Suite 210 60 Washington Square SouthNew York, NY 10012 (212) 998-4620/housing/offcampusAccessing Off-Campus Housing ListingsObtaining your NetID:To obtain your NetID log on to:https://∙ On the menu on the left, click on “Need to activate your netID or NYU home account?” A new window will open and you will then be prompted to input your University ID number, date of birth and per-sonal email address, if you have one.∙ After you have entered this information, click on “Continue” and you will be assigned a NetID.To access , students need to have a NetID, a password, and a University ID number(applicants are assigned a University ID number at the time of application).After obtaining your NetID:Once you have obtained your NetID go back to:https://∙ Toward the bottom of the page you will see a place to input your NetID and password.∙ Fill in your NetID and click “Start” (leave thepassword blank). This will prompt you to create a password, allowing you to log onto . Passwords should be a mixture of letters and symbols, such as a combination of letters and punctuation.Navigating :After you have obtained your NetID and password youare free to access the off-campus housing list.∙ Log on to and enter your NetID and password, and click on “go.”∙ Click on “Research” on the middle menu bar.∙ Click on the “Housing Registry” of the Off-Campus Housing Channel.At this point you will be atthe Off-Campus Housing home page.Follow the accompanying directionsto search for listings.NeighborhoodsThe quality of life and cost of living in New York vary greatly among neighborhoods, even when the neighborhoods are in close proximity. Hopefully, these descriptions will give you an idea of where you would like to live and what you can afford.Publications & On-Line ServicesThe New York Times and the Village Voice offer exten-sive apartment listings. However, many local publica-tions, bulletin boards, and neighborhood businesses have their own listings as well. To access theseresources, simply walk around the neighborhoods you are interested in and pick up whatever information is available.Listings are broken down by neighborhoods and in-clude a brief description of the apartment and themonthly rent. Apartments listed by real estate agencies usually involve a substantial fee, whereas apartments listed directly by landlords do not.Much of this information is available on-line before go-ing to print. To take advantage of updated apartment listings and other features of specific interest to resi-dents in the metropolitan area, you can access:∙ The New York Times∙ The Village Voice∙ New York Daily News∙ Craig’s List/Temporary HousingAlthough there are many hotels in New York City, many are expensive or are not within walking distance of the University. If you are interested in temporary housing, we suggest you arrange accommodations as early as possible.For convenient and affordable rooms, you may wish to contact the following:New York University Guest Accommodations636 Greenwich Street—suite 109 (212) 998-4600greenwich.reservations@Vanderbilt YMCA 224 East 47th Street (212) 912-2500ysway@/vanderbilt/guest-roomsGershwin Hotel 7 East 27th Street (212) 545-8000askus@ Washington Square Hotel 103 Waverly Place (212) 777-9515 1-800-222-0418reservations@Greenwich Village/West Village This historic district encompasses NYU and offers many services to its residents. The “village” is teeming with restaurants and theatres, and also offers many supermarkets and other vital services. The neighborhood is extremely popular with students, although apartments are small and rents tend to be high.East VillageThis artsy and vibrant neighborhood is also popular with NYU students. It is only minutes from the University on foot, and boasts slightly lower rents than Greenwich Village. This grittyneighborhood is home to many popular boutiques, bars, and restaurants and remains one of the most desirable al-ternative neighborhoods in town. Other Manhattan Neighborhoods There are many other neighborhoods within a short walk, bus, or subway ride from NYU. SoHo, TriBeCa and Chel-sea offer convenient locations, but are extremely expensive. Slightly more affordable housing, within walking dis-tance, can be found in the Lower East Side and Union Square. If you want to be close to Central Park, think about living on the Upper West Side. As a potential resident of these areas, you should explore each and determine which fulfills your personal needs.Brooklyn and QueensThese boroughs provide larger and less expensive apartments than Man-hattan. Commuting times vary, but you can expect to spend at least 15 min-utes to an hour traveling on the sub-way. Many of these neighborhoods are residential in nature and tend to be organized by ethnic group. Some areas to consider are Astoria, Long Island City, Sunnyside (in Queens), and Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope, Cobble Hill, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint (in Brooklyn).Northern New JerseyHoboken and Jersey City offer inex-pensive alternatives to New York City. Living here requires commuting on the PATH train, 30 minutes each way. The housing types include everything from 19th-century brick townhouses to mod-ern apartment complexes.Staten IslandStaten Island offers an alternative that involves more of a "suburban" feel. The rents may be lower, but commut-ing time is a bit longer--about 45 minutes to an hour. Free ferries to Manhattan leave at least every half hour during the day.Prepared byGraduate Enrollment Services02/11。