目前市面上 CISSP 考试复习的书籍不少,内容虽然大同小异,但写作风格写作水平是大不相同,有的追求语言生动易懂, 有的则比较详细枯燥。考生如何选择适合自己的 CISSP 复习材料?J0ker 觉得选择的标准应该由考生自身的语言水平、信息安 全从业经验等来决定,在语言水平差不多的情况下,如果考生的从业经验较多,但对概念的把握上仍有欠缺,可以选择 CISSP official guide 解释概念较为详细的材料;如果考生平时主要从事咨询或管理类的工作,具体技术方面的经验不足,则可以选择 CISSP All in One 3rd 或者 Pre guide 2nd 这样的材料,它们生动的描述会使技术方面的难题变得容易理解;还可以准备一本 E xam Cram 的 CISSP 小书,出差或旅行时可以随手翻阅。
付),所以在本系列文章中依然沿用(ISC)2 修改前的 CBK 名称和内容,J0ker 会按照 CISSP Official Guide 的内容安排给大家 介绍一下复习中的心得和要点,限于 J0ker 自己水平和各人的情况不同可能有所不足,请大家原谅。
Where to ask
如果考生在复习 CISSP 知识的过程中遇到问题,可以选择论坛等在线途径向 CISSP 们请教,国外较好的是 的 论坛,因为在 的论坛上回答一定数量的问题可以得到 CPE 的奖励,CISSP 们通常会比较乐意回答论坛上的问题。中 文方面的资源可以选择国内的 的论坛,上面同样有许多热心的 CISSP 会回答考生各方面问题,不仅仅是 CISS P 知识点,还包括 CISSP 考试的方方面面。J0ker 也欢迎大家来询问 CISSP 方面的问题,J0ker 会尽自己一份微薄之力为大家 的 CISSP 历程提供尽可能多的帮助 : )
1.[单选题]IT 灾难恢复时间目标(RTO)应基于以下哪一项?A)最多可容许丢失的数据B)根据业务定义的系统关键性C)最多可容许的停机时间D)中断的根本原因答案:C解析:2.[单选题]一家公司部署了一套新的C、S企业资源管理(ERP)系统。
目 录
二.CISA Review Questions,Answers & Explanations Manual 2011 Supplement
本手册主要结合2011年ISACA发布的《CISA Review Questions, Answers Explanations Manual 2011》,《CISA Review Questions, Answers & Explanations Manual 2011 Supplement》并融入2010年国盟合译《2010年CISA历年中英文题目解析对照合集第1版》针对性的分析翻译、结合考试常用知识点梳理测试试卷,集合为一本综合的题目解析合集。题目集架构上附带英语原文、中文原文,每题解析思路答案分离为原则,适用于中文、英语考试的考生;主要用于知识点梳理和测试使用。考生通过做题的方式结合复习,梳理知识点和理解答题思路,完成知识学习、顺利通过考试。同时国盟今年集合论坛成立二年150多位已通过CISA会员以及创建人五年相关的经验,特开发原创学习计划指导说明书,会员可以根据计划有条理的结合同时间来复习,也可以按照自己的情况填写由国盟在48小时内为你制定学习计划书
CISA 中文练习题库
4.[单选题]在进行业务连续性计划(BCP) 测试中,宜执行下列哪一项任务?A)审查备用处理站点合同B)评估异地处理站点的安全性C)评估对关键信息的恢复能力D)审查保险的承保范围5.[单选题]用于IT开发项目的业务模式(或业务案例)文档应该被保留,直到:A)系统的生命周期结束B)项目获得批准C)用户验收了系统D)系统被投入生产6.[单选题]在入侵检测系统(IDS)的运行中,最常见的问题是A)误报检测。
©南京审计学院CISA考试培训中心 余小兵
第一章 信息系统审计过程
1.审计师被安排实施比较计算机计划任务 和运行日志的测试,下面哪一项是其最关心 的? A 有越来越多的紧急变更 B 存在某些工作没有完成的实例 C 存在某些工作被计算机使用者否决的实例 D 有证据显示仅仅被计划的工作运行了
6. 企业首席信息官关注大量的缺陷通常是 在软件项目进入到测试阶段后才被发现的 。这使得项目延迟。下列哪项是用来纠正 这种情况的最合适的选择? A 所有的测试任务都由一个专门的团队来 执行 B 构建一个更小、增量更简短的系统 C 采用是顺序的开发技术,把测试类型和 开发阶段联系起来 D 需要就所有的项目可交付成果签署协议
14. 当个人的账户余额从一个数据库迁移 到另一个数据库的时候,以下哪一个选项 是最有效的? A 在迁移前后比较其哈希值 B 检查两个数据库的同一个地方的记录的 数量 C 就迁移账户的余额执行一个抽样测试 D 比较所有事务的总量控制
15. 下面哪一项是预防电力中断的最好的 方法? A 电力传输系统 B 双电源引线或双电力引线 C 发电机 D 不间断电源UPS
13. 某企业正在海外设置一个新的数据库 服务器以便给公共地区提供信息并增加其 可用性。海外的数据库放在数据中心,并 根据存储在本地的数据做了实时的镜像。 下面哪一方面的操作具有最高级别的风险 ? A 机密信息被存放在数据库中 B 被用于运行数据库应用的硬件 C 海外数据库备份的信息 D 远程访问备份数据库
11. 某财务服务公司有一个小的IT部门, 职员身兼多职,下面哪一个行为代表了最 大的风险? A 开发者在生产环境中升级代码 B 业务分析员写了一个需求并执行了功能 测试 C IT经理兼任系统管理员 D DBA(数据库管理员)执行数据备份
CISA考试模拟题及答案第一章信息系统审计流程1. 以下哪项应是IS审计师最为关注的:A. 没有报告网络被攻陷的事件B. 未能就企图闯入事件通知执法人员C. 缺少对操作权限的定期检查D. 没有就闯入事件告知公众2. 测试程序的更改时,以下哪项是最适合作为总体来抽取样本?A. 测试库清单B. 原程序清单C. 程序更改需求D. 生产用程序库清单3. 以下哪项是CSA的目标:A. 专注于高风险领域B. 代替审计责任C. 完善控制问卷D. 协助推进交流4. IS审计期间,对收集数据范围的决定应基于:A. 关键和必要信息的可获得性B. 审计师对相关环境的了解程度C. 从被审事项中找到证据的可能性D. 审计的目的和范围5. IS审计师参与应用系统开发,他们从事以下哪项可能导致独立性的削弱,A. 对系统开发进行了复核B. 对控制和系统的其他改进提出了建议C. 对完成后的系统进行了独立评价D. 积极参与了系统的设计和完成6. 风险分析的关键要素是:A. 审计计划B. 控制C. 脆弱点D. 责任7. 内部审计部门,从组织结构上向财务总监而不是审计委员会报告,最有可能:A. 导致对其审计独立性的质疑B. 报告较多业务细节和相关发现C. 加强了审计建议的执行D. 在建议中采取更对有效行动8. 使用统计抽样流程有助于最小化A. 抽样风险B. 检测性风险C. 固有风险D. 控制风险9. IS审计职能的责任、权利和义务要在审计章程中恰当表述,并且必须A. 经最高管理当局批准B. 经审计部门管理层批准C. 经用户部门管理层批准D. 在每年开始IS审计前修订10. 对于抽样而言,以下哪项是正确的?A.抽样一般运用于与不成文或无形的控制相关联的总体B.如果内部控制健全,置信系数可以取的较低C.通过尽早停止审计测试,属性抽样有助于减少对某个属性的过量抽样D.变量抽样是估计给定控制或相关控制集合发生率的技术11. 以下哪项是CSA的目标?A. 审计责任加强B. 问题识别C. 集思广益寻找解决方案D. 对审计的替代12.在进行风险分析的过程中,IS审计师已经完成威胁与潜在影响识别,下一步,他应该:A. 识别并评定管理层所用的风险评估过程B. 识别信息资产和基本系统C. 向管理层披露威胁和影响D. 识别并评估存在的控制13.审计章程应该:A. 是动态的并且经常修订以适应技术和审计职业的变化。
CCNA考试题库中英文翻译版及答案1[1]1. What are two reasons that a network administrator would use access lists? (Choose two.)1.出于哪两种理由,会使用访问列表?A. to control vty access into a routerA.控制通过VTY访问器B. to control broadcast traffic through a routerB.控制广播流量穿越路由器2.一个默认的帧中继WAN被分类为哪种物理网络类型?A. point-to-pointA.点到点B. broadcast multi-accessB.广播多路访问C. nonbroadcast multi-accessC.非广播多路访问D. nonbroadcast multipointD.非广播多点E. broadcast point-to-multipointE.广播点到多点Answer: C3. A single 802.11g access point has been configured and installed in the center of a squarA few wireless users are experiencing slow performance and drops while most users are oat peak efficiency. What are three likely causes of this problem? (Choose three.)3.一个802.11接入点被部署在一个方形办公室的中央,当大多数用户在大流量传输数一些用户发现无线网络变得缓慢和出现丢包A. mismatched TKIP encryptionB. null SSIDC. cordless phonesD. mismatched SSIDE. metal file cabinetsF. antenna type or directionAnswer: CEF4. Refer to the exhibit. How many broadcast domains exist in the exhibited topology?根据下图,图中的拓扑中存在多少个广播域?A. one A.1B. two B.2C. three C.3D. four D.4E. five E.5F. six F.6Answer: C5. Refer to the exhibit. What two facts can be determined from the WLAN diagram? (Choose two.)5.根据下图,WLAN diagram决定了哪两个事实A. The area of overlap of the two cells represents a basic service set (BSS).A. 两个 cells的overlap的区域描述了一个basic service setB. The network diagram represents an extended service set (ESS).B. 网络描述了一个extended service setC. Access points in each cell must be configured to use channel 1.C. 再每个CELL中的AP必须被配置成使用channel 1D. The area of overlap must be less than 10% of the area to ensure connectivity.D. 为了确保连通性,重叠区域必须小于10%E. The two APs should be configured to operate on different channels.E. 两个访问点应该被配置成工作在不同的频道Answer: BE6. The command frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast was entered on the router.Which of the following statements is true concerning this command?6.器上输入命令frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast,以下选项正确的是?A. This command should be executed from the global configuration mode.A.该命令应该在全局配置模式下被执行B. The IP address is the local router port used to forward data.B.IP地址10.121.16.8是本地路由器用来转发数据的接口C. 102 is the remote DLCI that will receive the information.C.102是远端的DLCI它将接受信息。
CISA问题汇总1、问:compliance testing and substantive testing两种测试的中文翻译答:compliance testing--符合性测试;substantive testing--实质性测试。
2、问:第115 题答:对主文件记录的关键字段进行更新,更新后生成一个报告,以供人工检查,发现错误。
4、问:Registration authority与Certificate authority的区别答:registration authority:注册机关,负责密钥的维护管理; certificate authority: 发证机关,负责密钥的认证、发放。
6、问:As the number of computers in an organization increases, manyorganizations find it useful to interconnect them by acommunications network. A type of network that is used tosupport interconnections within a building is known as ?which the answer is sure, LAN or MAN?答:The right answer is LAN.7、问:参考资料汇编P184的Due professional care 是什么意思,怎样理解?答:Due Professional Care: 应有的职业关注。
这种算法最早由Neal Koblitz 和Victor S. Miller独立提出。
信息系统项目管理师英语题中英文对照复习7目录Major Project Documents (2)Scope Planning (2)Direct and Manage Project Execution:Outputs (2)Project Stakeholders (4)THE INTERNET (6)Application Area Knowledge, Standards and Regulations (10) Understanding the Project Environment (11)General Management Knowledge and Skills (12)Interpersonal Skills (12)Project Management Context (13)Programs and Program Management (13)Portfolios and Portfolio Management (14)Subprojects (14)Project Management Office (14)The Project Life Cycle (16)Develop Project Management Plan:Tools and Techniques (18) Configuration Management System (18)Develop Project Management Plan (19)Planning Process Group (21)Planning Process Group (21)Initiating Process Group (22)Project Management Process Groups (23)Process Flow Diagrams (25)Major Project Documents (26)Project Integration Management (26)Project Charter.Formally authorizes the project. (28)Direct and Manage Project Execution:Outputs (28)Scope Planning:Inputs (29)Direct and Manage Project Execution:Inputs (30)Monitor and Control Project Work:Inputs (31)Close Project:Inputs (33)Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statement:Tools and Techniques (34)Scope Planning (34)Project Scope Management (35)Configuration Management System (36)Direct and Manage Project Execution (37)Integrated Change Control:Inputs (38)Close Project (40)Close Project:Outputs (40)Major Project Documents项目主要文件There are three major documents described within the Guide and each has a specific purpose:指南介绍了三个主要的项目文件,每一个都有具体的用途:Project Charter.Formally authorizes the project.项目章程。
国际信息系统审计师CISA考试试题汇编1、IS审计人员在应用开发项目的系统设计阶段的首要任务是:A、商定明确详尽的控制程序B、确保设计准确地反映了需求C、确保初始设计中包含了所有必要的控制D、劝告开发经理要遵守进度表参考答案:C2、假设网络中的一个设备发生故障,那么在下哪一种局域网结构更容易面临全面瘫痪?A、星型B、总线C、环型D、全连接参考答案:A3、在评价网络监控的设计时,信息系统审计师首先要检查网络的A、拓扑图B、带宽的使用C、流量分析报告D、瓶颈位置参考答案:A4、利用残留在现场的指纹等人体生物特征侦破非授权的访问(如:窃贼入室),属于哪一类攻击?A、重用、重放、重演(replay)B、暴力攻击C、解密D、假装、模仿参考答案:A5、拒绝服务攻击损害了下列哪一种信息安全的特性?A、完整性B、可用性C、机密性D、可靠性参考答案:B6、哪一个最能保证来自互联网internet的交易事务的保密性?A、数字签名B、数字加密标准(DES)C、虚拟专用网(VPN)D、公钥加密(Public Key encryption)参考答案:D7、测试程序变更管理流程时,IS审计师使用的最有效的方法是:A、由系统生成的信息跟踪到变更管理文档B、检查变更管理文档中涉及的证据的精确性和正确性C、由变更管理文档跟踪到生成审计轨迹的系统D、检查变更管理文档中涉及的证据的完整性参考答案:A8、在契约性协议包含源代码第三方保存契约(escrow)的目的是:A、保证在供应商不存在时源代码仍然有效B、允许定制软件以满足特定的业务需求C、审核源代码以保证控制的充分性D、保证供应商已遵从法律要求参考答案:A9、以下哪一项是程序评估审查技术(PERT)相对于其它技术的优势?PERT:A、为规划和控制项目而考虑了不同的情景B、允许用户输入程序和系统参数C、准确地测试系统维护流程D、估计系统项目的成本参考答案:A10、一家大型银行实施IT审计的过程中,IS审计师发现许多业务应用没有执行正规的风险评估,也没有确定其重要性和恢复时间上的要求。
《CISA复习考题及解答手册(第12版)》是2019年10月电子工业出版社出版的图书,作者是(美)Information Systems Audit and Control Association(国际信息系统审计协会(ISACA))。
1. 了解考试大纲和要求:考生需要认真阅读CISA考试大纲和要求,了解考试形式、考试内容、考试难度等方面的信息。
2. 制定科学的学习计划:备考CISA考试需要耗费大量的时间和精力,考生需要制定科学的学习计划,合理分配时间,充分准备考试。
3. 多做模拟题和真题:考生可以通过多做模拟题和真题来检验自己的学习效果和熟悉考试形式,同时也可以根据做题的情况来调整学习计划和重点。
4. 参加培训课程和考试辅导:考生可以参加一些培训课程和考试辅导来加深对知识点的理解和掌握,提高自己的学习效果和考试通过率。
cisa考试试题CISA考试试题CISA(Certified Information Systems Auditor)认证是全球信息系统审计师的国际认证,对于从事信息系统审计、控制和安全的专业人士来说,具有极高的价值和影响力。
一、CISA考试概述CISA考试由ISACA(Information Systems Audit and Control Association)组织开展,旨在评估考生在信息系统审计、控制和安全方面的专业能力。
三、备考技巧1. 熟悉考纲:仔细阅读CISA考试大纲,了解考试的范围和重点,明确自己需要掌握的知识点。
2. 制定学习计划:根据考纲制定合理的学习计划,合理分配时间,有针对性地进行学习和复习。
3. 多做模拟试题:通过多做模拟试题,了解考试形式和试题类型,熟悉解题思路和答题技巧。
4. 做好笔记:在学习的过程中,及时记录重要的知识点和难点,形成自己的笔记,方便复习和回顾。
5. 做题技巧:在解答试题时,首先仔细阅读题目,理解题意;然后分析选项,排除明显错误的选项;最后选择最合适的答案。
6. 注重实践:CISA考试注重实际应用能力,因此在备考过程中,要注重实践和实际案例的学习,提升解决问题的能力。
题目二:请简要描述以下几种类型的系统安全漏洞,并为每种漏洞提供一个真实的案例:1. 逻辑错误2. 数据泄露3. 身份验证问题题目三:在信息系统审计工作中,你采用了一种叫做"黑盒测试"的方法,请简要解释黑盒测试是什么,并说明它的优点和缺点。
第三部分:题目解析题目一的答案示例:(1) 访问控制:确保只有授权人员能够访问人事系统,例如,使用用户名和密码进行身份验证;(2) 权限管理:限制员工在系统中的访问权限,例如,只有HR部门的员工能够查看所有员工信息;(3) 审计日志:记录所有对人事系统的访问和操作,以便追踪异常和不当行为。
题目二的答案示例:(1) 逻辑错误:指程序或系统设计中的错误,可能导致数据丢失、功能紊乱等问题。
例如,一个电子商务网站的支付页面没有正确校验用户输入的信用卡信息,导致数据泄露;(2) 数据泄露:指未经授权的访问和使用敏感数据的情况,例如,一家银行的核心数据库备份被黑客攻击获取;(3) 身份验证问题:指身份验证机制存在漏洞,可能被非法用户绕过。
cissp中文考试试题CISSP(Certified Information Systems Security Professional)中文考试试题是许多信息安全从业人员所关注的话题。
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1、The extent to which data will be collected during an IS audit should be determined based on the:A、availability of critical and required information.B、auditor's familiarity with the circumstances.C、auditee's ability to find relevant evidence.D、purpose and scope of the audit being done.ANSWER: DNOTE: The extent to which data will be collected during an IS audit should be related directly to the scope and purpose of the audit. An audit with a narrow purpose and scope would result most likely in less data collection, than an audit with a wider purpose and scope. The scope of an IS audit should not be constrained by the ease of obtaining the information or by the auditor's familiarity with the area being audited. Collecting all the required evidence is a required element of an IS audit, and the scope of the audit should not be limited by the auditee's ability to find relevant evidence.2、Which of the following ensures a sender's authenticity and an e-mail's confidentiality?A、Encrypting the hash of the message with the sender's private key and thereafter encrypting the hash of the message with the receiver's public keyB、The sender digitally signing the message and thereafter encrypting the hash of the message with the sender's private keyC、Encrypting the hash of the message with the sender's private key and thereafter encrypting the message with the receiver's public keyD、Encrypting the message with the sender's private key and encrypting the message hash with the receiver's public keyANSWER: CNOTE: To ensure authenticity and confidentiality, a message must be encrypted twice: first with the sender's private key, and then with the receiver's public key. The receiver can decrypt the message, thus ensuring confidentiality of the message. Thereafter, the decrypted message can be decrypted with the public key of the sender, ensuring authenticity of the message. Encrypting the message with the sender's private key enables anyone to decrypt it.3、Which of the following is the GREATEST advantage of elliptic curve encryption over RSA encryption?A、Computation speedB、Ability to support digital signaturesC、Simpler key distributionD、Greater strength for a given key lengthANSWER: ANOTE: The main advantage of elliptic curve encryption over RSA encryption is its computation speed. This method was first independently suggested by Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller. Both encryption methods support digital signatures and are used for public key encryption and distribution. However, a stronger key per se does not necessarily guarantee better performance, but rather the actual algorithm employed.4、Which of the following controls would provide the GREATEST assurance of database integrity?A、Audit log proceduresB、Table link/reference checksC、Query/table access time checksD、Rollback and rollforward database featuresANSWER: BNOTE: Performing table link/reference checks serves to detect tablelinking errors (such as completeness and accuracy of the contents of the database), and thus provides the greatest assurance of database integrity. Audit log procedures enable recording of all events that have been identified and help in tracing the events. However, they only point to the event and do not ensure completeness or accuracy of the database's contents. Querying/monitoring table access time checks helps designers improve database performance, but not integrity. Rollback and rollforward database features ensure recovery from an abnormal disruption. They assure the integrity of the transaction that was being processed at the time of disruption, but do not provide assurance on the integrity of the contents of the database.5、A benefit of open system architecture is that it:A、facilitates interoperability.B、facilitates the integration of proprietary components.C、will be a basis for volume discounts from equipment vendors.D、allows for the achievement of more economies of scale for equipment. ANSWER: ANOTE: Open systems are those for which suppliers provide components whose interfaces are defined by public standards, thus facilitating interoperability between systems made by different vendors. In contrast, closed system components are built to proprietary standards so that other suppliers' systems cannot or will not interface with existing systems.6、An IS auditor discovers that developers have operator access to the command line of a production environment operating system. Which of the following controls would BEST mitigate the risk of undetected and unauthorized program changes to the production environment?A、Commands typed on the command line are loggedB、Hash keys are calculated periodically for programs and matched against hash keys calculated for the most recent authorized versions of the programsC、Access to the operating system command line is granted through an access restriction tool with preapproved rightsD、Software development tools and compilers have been removed from the production environmentANSWER: BNOTE: The matching of hash keys over time would allow detection of changes to files. Choice A is incorrect because having a log is not a control, reviewing the log is a control. Choice C is incorrect because the access was already granted—it does not matter how. Choice D is wrong because files can be copied to and from the production environment.7、Which of the following BEST ensures the integrity of a server's operating system?A、Protecting the server in a secure locationB、Setting a boot passwordC、Hardening the server configurationD、Implementing activity loggingANSWER: CNOTE: Hardening a system means to configure it in the most secure manner (install latest security patches, properly define the access authorization for users and administrators, disable insecure options and uninstall unused services) to prevent nonprivileged users from gaining the right to execute privileged instructions and thus take control of the entire machine, jeopardizing the OS's integrity. Protecting the server in a secure location and setting a boot password are good practices, but do not ensure that a user will not try to exploit logical vulnerabilities and compromise the OS. Activity logging has two weaknesses in this scenario—it is a detective control (not a preventive one), and the attacker who already gained privileged access can modify logs or disable them.8、An investment advisor e-mails periodic newsletters to clients and wants reasonable assurance that no one has modified the newsletter. This objective can be achieved by:A、encrypting the hash of the newsletter using the advisor's private key.B、encrypting the hash of the newsletter using the advisor's public key.C、digitally signing the document using the advisor's private key.D、encrypting the newsletter using the advisor's private key.ANSWER: ANOTE: There is no attempt on the part of the investment advisor to prove their identity or to keep the newsletter confidential. The objective is to assure the receivers that it came to them without any modification, i.e., it has message integrity. Choice A is correct because the hash is encrypted using the advisor's private key. The recipients can open the newsletter, recompute the hash and decrypt the received hash using the advisor's public key. If the two hashes are equal, the newsletter was not modified in transit. Choice B is not feasible, for no one other than the investment advisor can open it. Choice C addresses sender authentication but not message integrity. Choice D addresses confidentiality, but not message integrity, because anyone can obtain the investment advisor's public key, decrypt the newsletter, modify it and send it to others. The interceptor will not be able to use the advisor's private key, because they do not have it. Anything encrypted using the interceptor's private key can be decrypted by the receiver only by using their public key.9、In reviewing the IS short-range (tactical) plan, an IS auditor should determine whether:A、there is an integration of IS and business staffs within projects.B、there is a clear definition of the IS mission and vision.C、a strategic information technology planning methodology is in place.D、the plan correlates business objectives to IS goals and objectives. ANSWER: ANOTE: The integration of IS and business staff in projects is an operational issue and should be considered while reviewing the short-range plan. A strategic plan would provide a framework for the IS short-range plan. Choices B, C and D are areas covered by a strategic plan.10、An IS auditor is performing an audit of a network operating system. Which of the following is a user feature the IS auditor should review?A、Availability of online network documentationB、Support of terminal access to remote hostsC、Handling file transfer between hosts and interuser communicationsD、Performance management, audit and controlANSWER: ANOTE: Network operating system user features include online availability of network documentation. Other features would be user access to various resources of network hosts, user authorization to access particular resources, and the network and host computers used without special user actions or commands. Choices B, C and D are examples of network operating systems functions.11、An installed Ethernet cable run in an unshielded twisted pair (UTP) network is more than 100 meters long. Which of the following could be caused by the length of the cable?A、Electromagnetic interference (EMI)B、Cross-talkC、DispersionD、AttenuationANSWER: DNOTE: Attenuation is the weakening of signals during transmission. When the signal becomes weak, it begins to read a 1 for a 0, and the user may experience communication problems. UTP faces attenuation around 100 meters. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is caused by outside electromagnetic waves affecting the desired signals, which is not the case here. Cross-talk has nothing to do with the length of the UTP cable.12、Which of the following encrypt/decrypt steps provides the GREATEST assurance of achieving confidentiality, message integrity and nonrepudiation by either sender or recipient?A、The recipient uses their private key to decrypt the secret key.B、The encrypted prehash code and the message are encrypted using a secret key.C、The encrypted prehash code is derived mathematically from the message to be sent.D、The recipient uses the sender's public key, verified with a certificate authority, to decrypt the prehash code.ANSWER: DNOTE: Most encrypted transactions use a combination of private keys,public keys, secret keys, hash functions and digital certificates to achieve confidentiality, message integrity and nonrepudiation by either sender or recipient. The recipient uses the sender's public key to decrypt the prehash code into a posthash code, which when equaling the prehash code, verifies the identity of the sender and that the message has not been changed in route; this would provide the greatest assurance. Each sender and recipient has a private key known only to themselves and a public key, which can be known by anyone. Each encryption/decryption process requires at least one public key and one private key, and both must be from the same party. A single, secret key is used to encrypt the message, because secret key encryption requires less processing power than using public and private keys. A digital certificate, signed by a certificate authority, validates senders' and recipients' public keys. 13、To determine how data are accessed across different platforms in a heterogeneous environment, an IS auditor should FIRST review:A、business software.B、infrastructure platform tools.C、application services.D、system development tools.ANSWER: CNOTE: Projects should identify the complexities of the IT Infrastructure that can be simplified or isolated by the development of application services. Application services isolate system developers from the complexities of the IT infrastructure and offer common functionalitiesthat are shared by many applications. Application services take the form of interfaces, middleware, etc. Business software focuses on business processes, whereas application services bridge the gap betweenapplications and the IT Infrastructure components. Infrastructure platform tools are related to core hardware and software components required for development of the IT infrastructure. Systems development tools represent development components of the IT infrastructure development.14、The MOST significant security concern when using flash memory (e.g., USB removable disk) is that the:A、contents are highly volatile.B、data cannot be backed up.C、data can be copied.D、device may not be compatible with other peripherals.ANSWER: CNOTE: Unless properly controlled, flash memory provides an avenue for anyone to copy any content with ease. The contents stored in flash memory are not volatile. Backing up flash memory data is not a control concern, as the data are sometimes stored as a backup. Flash memory will be accessed through a PC rather than any other peripheral; therefore, compatibility is not an issue.15、To ensure message integrity, confidentiality and nonrepudiation between two parties, the MOST effective method would be to create a message digest by applying a cryptographic hashing algorithm against:A、the entire message, enciphering the message digest using the sender's private key, enciphering the message with a symmetric key and enciphering the key by using the receiver's public key.B、any part of the message, enciphering the message digest using the sender's private key, enciphering the message with a symmetric key and enciphering the key using the receiver's public key.C、the entire message, enciphering the message digest using the sender's private key, enciphering the message with a symmetric key and enciphering both the encrypted message and digest using the receiver's public key.D、the entire message, enciphering the message digest using the sender's private key and enciphering the message using the receiver's public key. ANSWER: ANOTE: Applying a cryptographic hashing algorithm against the entire message addresses the message integrity issue. Enciphering the message digest using the sender's private key addresses nonrepudiation. Encrypting the message with a symmetric key, thereafter allowing the key to be enciphered using the receiver's public key, most efficiently addresses the confidentiality of the message as well as the receiver's nonrepudiation. The other choices would address only a portion of the requirements.16、To ensure compliance with a security policy requiring that passwords be a combination of letters and numbers, an IS auditor should recommend that:A、the company policy be changed.B、passwords are periodically changed.C、an automated password management tool be used.D、security awareness training is delivered.ANSWER: CNOTE: The use of an automated password management tool is a preventive control measure. The software would prevent repetition (semantic) and would enforce syntactic rules, thus making the passwords robust. It would also provide a method for ensuring frequent changes and would prevent the same user from reusing their old password for a designated period of time. Choices A, B and D do not enforce compliance.17、In the context of effective information security governance, the primary objective of value delivery is to:A、optimize security investments in support of business objectives.B、implement a standard set of security practices.C、institute a standards-based solution.D、implement a continuous improvement culture.ANSWER: ANOTE: In the context of effective information security governance, value delivery is implemented to ensure optimization of security investments in support of business objectives. The tools and techniques for implementing value delivery include implementation of a standard set of security practices, institutionalization and commoditization of standards-based solutions, and implementation of a continuous improvement culture considering security as a process, not an event.18、In an organization where an IT security baseline has been defined, an IS auditor should FIRST ensure:A、implementation.B、compliance.C、documentation.D、sufficiency.ANSWER: DNOTE: An IS auditor should first evaluate the definition of the minimum baseline level by ensuring the sufficiency of controls. Documentation, implementation and compliance are further steps.19、During an implementation review of a multiuser distributed application, an IS auditor finds minor weaknesses in three areas-theinitial setting of parameters is improperly installed, weak passwords are being used and some vital reports are not being checked properly. While preparing the audit report, the IS auditor should:A、record the observations separately with the impact of each of them marked against each respective finding.B、advise the manager of probable risks without recording the observations, as the control weaknesses are minor ones.C、record the observations and the risk arising from the collective weaknesses.D、apprise the departmental heads concerned with each observation and properly document it in the report.ANSWER: CNOTE: Individually the weaknesses are minor; however, together they have the potential to substantially weaken the overall control structure. Choices A and D reflect a failure on the part of an IS auditor to recognize the combined affect of the control weakness. Advising the local manager without reporting the facts and observations would conceal the findings from other stakeholders.20、During a review of a business continuity plan, an IS auditor noticed that the point at which a situation is declared to be a crisis has not been defined. The MAJOR risk associated with this is that:A、assessment of the situation may be delayed.B、execution of the disaster recovery plan could be impacted.C、notification of the teams might not occur.D、potential crisis recognition might be ineffective.ANSWER: BNOTE: Execution of the business continuity plan would be impacted if the organization does not know when to declare a crisis. Choices A, C and D are steps that must be performed to know whether to declare a crisis. Problem and severity assessment would provide information necessary in declaring a disaster. Once a potential crisis is recognized, the teams responsible for crisis management need to be notified. Delaying this step until a disaster has been declared would negate the effect of having response teams. Potential crisis recognition is the first step in responding to a disaster.21、Which of the following tests performed by an IS auditor would be the MOST effective in determining compliance with an organization's change control procedures?A、Review software migration records and verify approvals.B、Identify changes that have occurred and verify approvals.C、Review change control documentation and verify approvals.D、Ensure that only appropriate staff can migrate changes into production. ANSWER: BNOTE: The most effective method is to determine through code comparisons what changes have been made and then verify that they have been approved. Change control records and software migration records may not have all changes listed. Ensuring that only appropriate staff can migrate changes into production is a key control process, but in itself does not verify compliance.22、IT operations for a large organization have been outsourced. An IS auditor reviewing the outsourced operation should be MOST concerned about which of the following findings?A、The outsourcing contract does not cover disaster recovery for the outsourced IT operations.B、The service provider does not have incident handling procedures.C、Recently a corrupted database could not be recovered because of library management problems.D、Incident logs are not being reviewed.ANSWER: ANOTE: The lack of a disaster recovery provision presents a major business risk. Incorporating such a provision into the contract will provide the outsourcing organization leverage over the service provider. Choices B, C and D are problems that should be addressed by the service provider, but are not as important as contract requirements for disaster recovery.23、Which of the following sampling methods is MOST useful when testingfor compliance?A、Attribute samplingB、Variable samplingC、Stratified mean per unitD、Difference estimationANSWER: ANOTE: Attribute sampling is the primary sampling method used for compliance testing. Attribute sampling is a sampling model that is used to estimate the rate of occurrence of a specific quality (attribute) in a population and is used in compliance testing to confirm whether thequality exists. The other choices are used in substantive testing, which involves testing of details or quantity.24、Which of the following should be included in an organization's IS security policy?A、A list of key IT resources to be securedB、The basis for access authorizationC、Identity of sensitive security featuresD、Relevant software security featuresANSWER: BNOTE: The security policy provides the broad framework of security, aslaid down and approved by senior management. It includes a definition of those authorized to grant access and the basis for granting the access. Choices A, B and C are more detailed than that which should be included ina policy.25、The MAJOR advantage of the risk assessment approach over the baseline approach to information security management is that it ensures:A、information assets are overprotected.B、a basic level of protection is applied regardless of asset value.C、appropriate levels of protection are applied to information assets.D、an equal proportion of resources are devoted to protecting all information assets.ANSWER: CNOTE: Full risk assessment determines the level of protection most appropriate to a given level of risk, while the baseline approach merely applies a standard set of protection regardless of risk. There is a cost advantage in not overprotecting information. However, an even bigger advantage is making sure that no information assets are over- or underprotected. The risk assessment approach will ensure an appropriate level of protection is applied, commensurate with the level of risk and asset value and, therefore, considering asset value. The baseline approach does not allow more resources to be directed toward the assets at greater risk, rather than equally directing resources to all assets.26、When reviewing the IT strategic planning process, an IS auditor should ensure that the plan:A、incorporates state of the art technology.B、addresses the required operational controls.C、articulates the IT mission and vision.D、specifies project management practices.ANSWER: CNOTE: The IT strategic plan must include a clear articulation of the IT mission and vision. The plan need not address the technology, operational controls or project management practices.27、Which of the following activities should the business continuity manager perform FIRST after the replacement of hardware at the primary information processing facility?A、Verify compatibility with the hot site.B、Review the implementation report.C、Perform a walk-through of the disaster recovery plan.D、Update the IS assets inventory.ANSWER: DNOTE: An IS assets inventory is the basic input for the businesscontinuity/disaster recovery plan, and the plan must be updated to reflect changes in the IS infrastructure. The other choices are procedures required to update the disaster recovery plan after having updated the required assets inventory.28、Which of the following is a control over component communication failure/errors?A、Restricting operator access and maintaining audit trailsB、Monitoring and reviewing system engineering activityC、Providing network redundancyD、Establishing physical barriers to the data transmitted over the network ANSWER: CNOTE: Redundancy by building some form of duplication into the network components, such as a link, router or switch to prevent loss, delays or data duplication is a control over component communication failure or error. Other related controls are loop/echo checks to detect line errors, parity checks, error correction codes and sequence checks. Choices A, B and D are communication network controls.29、A disaster recovery plan for an organization should:A、reduce the length of the recovery time and the cost of recovery.B、increase the length of the recovery time and the cost of recovery.C、reduce the duration of the recovery time and increase the cost of recovery.D、affect neither the recovery time nor the cost of recovery.ANSWER: ANOTE: One of the objectives of a disaster recovery plan is to reduce the duration and cost of recovering from a disaster. A disaster recovery plan would increase the cost of operations before and after the disaster occurs, but should reduce the time to return to normal operations and the cost that could result from a disaster.30、If a database is restored using before-image dumps, where should the process begin following an interruption?A、Before the last transactionB、After the last transactionC、As the first transaction after the latest checkpointD、As the last transaction before the latest checkpointANSWER: ANOTE: If before images are used, the last transaction in the dump will not have updated the database prior to the dump being taken. The last transaction will not have updated the database and must be reprocessed. Program checkpoints are irrelevant in this situation.31、The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol addresses the confidentiality of a message through:A、symmetric encryption.B、message authentication code.C、hash function.D、digital signature certificates.ANSWER: ANOTE: SSL uses a symmetric key for message encryption. A message authentication code is used for ensuring data integrity. Hash function is used for generating a message digest; it does not use public key encryption for message encryption. Digital signature certificates are used by SSL for server authentication.32、The MOST likely explanation for the use of applets in an Internet application is that:A、it is sent over the network from the server.B、the server does not run the program and the output is not sent over the network.C、they improve the performance of the web server and network.D、it is a JAVA program downloaded through the web browser and executed by the web server of the client machine.ANSWER: CNOTE: An applet is a JAVA program that is sent over the network from the web server, through a web browser and to the client machine; the code is then run on the machine. Since the server does not run the program and the output is not sent over the network, the performance on the web server and network—over which the server and client are connected—drastically improves through the use of applets. Performance improvement is more important than the reasons offered in choices A and B. Since JAVA virtual machine (JVM) is embedded in most web browsers, the applet download through the web browser runs on the client machine from the web browser, not from the web server, making choice D incorrect.33、Which of the following virus prevention techniques can be implemented through hardware?A、Remote bootingB、Heuristic scannersC、Behavior blockersD、ImmunizersANSWER: ANOTE: Remote booting (e.g., diskless workstations) is a method of preventing viruses, and can be implemented through hardware. Choice C is a detection, not a prevention, although it is hardware-based. Choices B andD are not hardware-based.34、To protect a VoIP infrastructure against a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, it is MOST important to secure the:A、access control servers.B、session border controllers.C、backbone gateways.D、intrusion detection system (IDS).ANSWER: BNOTE: Session border controllers enhance the security in the access network and in the core. In the access network, they hide a user's real address and provide a managed public address. This public address can be monitored, minimizing the opportunities for scanning and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Session border controllers permit access to clients behind firewalls while maintaining the firewall's effectiveness. In the core, session border controllers protect the users and the network. They hide network topology and users' real addresses. They can also monitor bandwidth and quality of service. Securing the access control server, backbone gateways and intrusion detection systems (IDSs) does not effectively protect against DoS attacks.35、Which of the following is the GREATEST risk when implementing a data warehouse?A、Increased response time on the production systemsB、Access controls that are not adequate to prevent data modificationC、Data duplicationD、Data that is not updated or currentANSWER: B。