LOD-sprite technique for accelerated terrain rendering
本文主要介绍了LOD技术的研究内容、LOD模型的生成算法以及L OD模型在虚拟场景生成中的选择。
1976年,Clark[1]提出了细节层次(Levels of Detail,简称LOD)模型的概念,认为当物体覆盖屏幕较小区域时,可以使用该物体描述较粗的模型,并给出了一个用于可见面判定算法的几何层次模型,以便对复杂场景进行快速绘制。
雨伞K5 Select型号产品说明书
NOTE: The K5 Select is factory preset at 180° Arc with the #2 Nozzle.NOZZLE SELEcTiONThe K5 Select is designed to conserve water by matching the flow rate to the arc.The following settings are recommended:Arc NOZZLE40° to 135° Use #1 Nozzle136° to 225° Use #2 Nozzle226° to 315° Use #3 Nozzle316° to 360° Use #4 NozzleTo Select Nozzle: Insert Adjustment Key (I) into Nozzle Selector (B) and turn to desired nozzle. SETTiNG THE ArcNOTE: The K5 Select gear driven sprinkler has a fixed right start and an adjustable left stop. 1. POSiTiONiNG NOZZLE TurrET TO THE riGHT STArT POSiTiONPlace your fingers on the top center of the nozzle turret (G). Rotate the turret counter-clockwise to the left stop to complete any interrupted rotation cycle. Rotate the nozzle turret clockwise to the right start. This is the fixed side of the arc. The nozzle turret must be held in this position for arc adjustments. The right start does not change.2. AdjuSTiNG THE riGHT (FixEd) SidE OF ArcIf the right side of the arc is not properly aligned, the sprinkler may spray areas not intended for watering such as driveways or adjacent properties. The right side arc can easily be realigned.OPTiON 1: repositioning can on FittingTurn the sprinkler can (H) and the fitting below it left or right to the desired position. This may require temporary removal of the soil around the sprinkler to allow you to grip the sprinkler can.OPTiON 2: remove internal riser AssemblyUnscrew the top (J) counter-clockwise and remove the Sprinkler Assembly (K) from the can. Once removed with nozzle turret (G) at its right start, reposition the sprinkler assembly so that nozzle arrow (A) points to the desired start position. Replace the sprinkler assembly back in the can and screw on the top. At this point you have realigned the right arc stop, and you can adjust the left arc to your desired setting.3. AdjuSTiNG THE LEFT (VAriAbLE) SidE OF ArcSETTiNG THE ArcInsert Adjustment Key (I) into the arc adjustment slot (D). While holding the nozzle turret (G) at the right start, turn the Key (I) until the Arc Indicator (E) shows the desired radius.SPriNkLEr iNSTALLATiON1. iNSTALL ANd buryDo not use pipe dope. Thread the sprinkler on the pipe. Bury the sprinkler flush with the ground.2. iNSPEcTiNG THE FiLTErUnscrew the top (J) and lift complete sprinkler assembly (K) out of can (H). The filter is located on the bottom of sprinkler assembly and can be easily pulled out, cleaned and re-installed. 3. WiNTEriZATiON TiPSWhen using an air compressor to remove water from the system please note the following:1. Do not exceed 30 PSI.2. Always introduce air into the system gradually to avoid air pressure surges.Sudden release of compressed air into the sprinkler can cause damage.3. Each zone should run no longer than 1 minute on air. Caution: Sprinklers turn10 to 12 times faster on air than on water. Over spinning rotors on air can causedamage to the internal components.#1 30 32’ 1.240 34’ 1.350 36’ 1.6#2 30 33’ 2.440 34’ 2.550 34’ 3.1#3 30 34’ 3.740 34’ 4.050 35’ 4.6#4 30 33’ 4.740 35’ 5.350 36’ 6.12.1 9.8 4.52.8 10.4 4.93.4 11.0 6.12.1 10.1 9.12.8 10.4 9.53.4 10.4 11.72.1 10.4 14.02.8 10.4 15.13.4 10.7 17.42.1 10.1 17.82.8 10.7 20.13.4 11.0 23.1 *Data represents test results in zero wind. Adjust for local conditions.Radius may be reduced with the nozzle retention screw. PErFOrMANcE dATAA. Nozzle Arrow。
简单的SpriteKit接触检测(太空射击游戏)没有正确地进行简单的SpriteKit接触检测(太空射击游戏)没有正确地进行[英]Easy SpriteKit Contact Detection (Space Shooter Game) Not Wotking Properly I’m trying to make a simple Space Shooter game. The contact should happen either between the torpedo and the alien or the shuttle and the alien. The problem is that this second contact (shuttle vs. alien) only happens after the first kind of contact has happend (torpedo vs. alien) and further more they’re not always precise. This is a struct created outside the class 我正在尝试制作一个简单的太空射击游戏。
这是在类外创建的结构 struct PhysicsCategory {static let alien : UInt32 = 1static let torpedo : UInt32 = 2static let shuttle : UInt32 = 3 } Shuttle: shuttle.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: shuttle.size)shuttle.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = PhysicsCategory.shuttleshuttle.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = PhysicsCategory.alien shuttle.physicsBody?.dynamic = false shuttle.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false Torpedo: torpedo.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: torpedo.size)torpedo.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = PhysicsCategory.torpedotorpedo.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = PhysicsCategory.alientorpedo.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = falsetorpedo.physicsBody?.dynamic = false Alien: alien.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: torpedo.size)alien.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = PhysicsCategory.alienalien.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = PhysicsCategory.torpedoalien.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity =。
3ds Max 样题单选题1:坐标类型中,哪一种适合与旋转陈列结合使用?( 2 分)A:ViewB:ScreenC:WorldD:Pick答案:D2:Blend材质是根据什么来混合两个材质?( 2 分)A:根据法线B:根据表面IDC:根据贴图的绿色和蓝色作为蒙板D:根据黑白贴图的黑色和白色作为蒙板答案:D3:设立一个物体的匀速运动,在轨迹视图中选择关键点后,应点击轨迹视图中的工具( 2 分)A:Set Tangents to LinearB:Set Tangents to FastC:Move KeyD:Set Tangents to Slow答案:A4:轨迹视图中的Parameter Curve Out-of-Range Types用于( 2 分)A:用于设立匀速运动。
答案:D5:在可编辑多边形中(Editable Poly),命令Ring重要用于?( 2 分) A:更方便的选择顶点B:更方便的选择边C:更方便的选择表面D:更方便的选择元素答案:B6:图中使用了哪种环境特效( 2 分) A:雾效B:体积雾C:体积光D:火焰答案:B7:编辑多边形中(Editable Poly),Flip用于。
( 2 分)A:删除表面B:挤出表面C:镜像D:反转表面的方向答案:D8:关联复制的一组灯光,假如其中一盏需要单独修改参数,怎么办?( 2 分) A:在修改器堆栈中点击Make Unique使其独立。
答案:A9:材质编辑器中的吸管工具的作用是( 2 分)A:从材质库中获取材质B:建立新的材质C:从场景中获取材质D:从场景中获取颜色答案:C10:图中造型是如何实现的( 2 分)A:对两个圆柱施加弯曲修改器。
答案:C11:贴图展开修改器中的Select MatID指的是( 2 分)A:根据材质ID选择表面。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
(2)含水层信息包(FLOW PACKAGE)
BCF (Block-Centered Flow)
LPF (Layer Property Flow)
HUF (Hydrogeologic Unit Flow) BCF视含水层(潜水、承压水、潜水和承压
兼备)的性质赋予相应的渗透系数、含水 层底板标高、越流系数、导水系数等参数。 LPF的参数赋值与含水层性质无关,所赋参 数为Kh、Kv、弹性贮存率(storage)等。
T-progs子模块是利用钻孔地层数据,采用转移概率的计算方法对 区域地层进行模拟,以建立实际的三维立体模型。
Solid、T-progs子模块均可与Modflow子模块联合使用,建立真 三维的地下水流模拟模型。
Tins是三维 不规则网格, 通常用来表 示相邻地层 的界面,多 个Tins可用 来建立 Solid模型 或三维网格。
Nuft子模块是用来模拟三维多相不等温水流和运移模型, 它适合用来解决包气带中的一些问题。
Utchem子模块是用来模拟多相流和运移的模型,它对抽水 和水位恢复的模拟较理想,是一个已经被广泛运用的成熟 模型。
以上是GMS所包括的九个子模块。下面简单介绍一下GMS 中的九个辅助模块。
Pest和Ucode子模块一般在使用Modflow、Feflow等计算 模块时交替运用,来调整选定的参数,直到计算结果和 野外观测值相吻合。
根据点、线、面等特征对象可以建立许多图层 每个图层代表用户定义的研究区的特性:
可包括:研究区的范围图层 研究区边界条件、源汇项图层 含水层特征图层等;
cocos2dx之精灵类Sprite使用方法精灵类精灵类 Sprite 是一张二维图片对象,可以使用一张图片或者一张图片的一块矩形部分来定义。
Cocos2dx的 Sprite 由 Texture , Frame 和 Animation 组成,由OpenES负责渲染。
一般使用 Texture2D 加载图片,使用 Texture2D 生成对应的 SpriteFrame(精灵帧), SpriteFrame 添加到 Animation 生成动画数据,用 Animation 生成 Animate (就是最终的动画动作),最后用 Sprite 执行这个动作。
我们在游戏中,比如战场中的英雄、怪物等这些都是 Sprite ,对于 Sprite 的使用,直接关系到你对游戏的编写和控制。
理解 Sprite 的不同创建与加载方式,对游戏的性能都有很大的关系。
Sprite不管是使用 Texture , Frame ,还是 Animation ,我们最终得到的是Sprite 对象,先来看看创建 Sprite 的函数。
/*** 不适用任何纹理来创建一个空的精灵对象。
我们可以在随后调用setTexture设置精灵的纹理* @return 返回一个autoreleased的精灵对象*/static Sprite * create ( ) ;/*** 通过一个image文件名来创建一个精灵对象* 创建精灵完成以后,精灵的大小就是这个image的大小,同时offset是(0, 0)** @param filename image文件的路径* @return 返回一个autoreleased的精灵对象*/static Sprite * create ( const std :: string & filename ) ;/*** 通过一个image文件来创建一个精灵对象,并指定这个精灵在image文件中的位置和大小* 注:这里的rect的坐标系统是UI坐标系统,从左上角开始计算** @param filename image文件的路径* @param rect 精灵的位置和大小* @return 返回一个autoreleased的精灵对象*/static Sprite * create ( const std :: string & filename , const Rect & rect ) ; /*** 通过一个Texture2D对象来创建精灵对象* 创建以后,这个精灵对象的大小就是这个纹理的大小,精灵的offset是(0, 0) ** @param texture 一个Texture2D对象指针* @return 返回一个autoreleased的精灵对象*/static Sprite * createWithTexture ( Texture2D * texture ) ;/*** Creates a sprite with a texture and a rect.* 通过一个Texture2D对象来创建精灵对象,并指定这个精灵的位置和大小** @param texture 指向Texture2D对象的指针,这个指针可以进行复用* @param rect 精灵的位置和大小* @param rotated 是否需要旋转这个精灵,逆时针旋转90°* @return 返回一个autoreleased的精灵对象*/static Sprite * createWithTexture ( Texture2D * texture , const Rect & rect , boolrot ated = false ) ;/*** 通过精灵帧来创建一个精灵** @param spriteFrame 一个精灵帧的指针* @return 返回一个autoreleased的精灵对象*/static Sprite * createWithSpriteFrame ( SpriteFrame * spriteFrame ) ;/*** 通过一个精灵帧名字来创建一个精灵* 内部实现中,会通过spriteFrameName参数从SpriteFrameCache中获取SpriteFrame 对象* 如果在SpriteFrameCache中没有对应的SpriteFrame, 会引发一个异常** @param spriteFrameName 精灵帧的名字* @return 返回一个autoreleased的精灵对象*/static Sprite * createWithSpriteFrameName ( const std :: string & spriteFrameNam e );上面这些都是创建 Sprite 对象的函数,我们在实际工作中也就是通过这些函数来完成 Sprite 的创建。
DB33∕T 1136-2017 建筑地基基础设计规范
地基计算 ....................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 承载力计算......................................................................................................... 14 5.2 变形计算 ............................................................................................................ 17 5.3 稳定性计算......................................................................................................... 21
主要起草人: 施祖元 刘兴旺 潘秋元 陈云敏 王立忠 李冰河 (以下按姓氏拼音排列) 蔡袁强 陈青佳 陈仁朋 陈威文 陈 舟 樊良本 胡凌华 胡敏云 蒋建良 李建宏 王华俊 刘世明 楼元仓 陆伟国 倪士坎 单玉川 申屠团兵 陶 琨 叶 军 徐和财 许国平 杨 桦 杨学林 袁 静 主要审查人: 益德清 龚晓南 顾国荣 钱力航 黄茂松 朱炳寅 朱兆晴 赵竹占 姜天鹤 赵宇宏 童建国浙江大学 参编单位: (排名不分先后) 浙江工业大学 温州大学 华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 杭州市建筑设计研究院有限公司 浙江省建筑科学设计研究院 汉嘉设计集团股份有限公司 杭州市勘测设计研究院 宁波市建筑设计研究院有限公司 温州市建筑设计研究院 温州市勘察测绘院 中国联合工程公司 浙江省电力设计院 浙江省省直建筑设计院 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院 浙江省工程勘察院 大象建筑设计有限公司 浙江东南建筑设计有限公司 湖州市城市规划设计研究院 浙江省工业设计研究院 浙江工业大学工程设计集团有限公司 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究院 华汇工程设计集团股份有限公司
LOD-sprite technique for accelerated terrain rendering
LOD-Sprite Technique for Accelerated Terrain RenderingBaoquan Chen SUNY at Stony Brook J.Edward Swan IINaval Research LabEddy KuoNaval Research LabArie KaufmanSUNY at Stony BrookAbstractWe present a new rendering technique,termed LOD-sprite render-ing,which uses a combination of a level-of-detail(LOD)represen-tation of the scene together with reusing image sprites(previously rendered images).Our primary application is accelerating terrain rendering.The LOD-sprite technique renders an initial frame using a high-resolution model of the scene geometry.It renders subse-quent frames with a much lower-resolution model of the scene ge-ometry and texture-maps each polygon with the image sprite from the initial high-resolution frame.As it renders these subsequent frames the technique measures the error associated with the diver-gence of the view position from the position where the initial frame was rendered.Once this error exceeds a user-defined threshold, the technique re-renders the scene from the high-resolution model. We have efficiently implemented the LOD-sprite technique with texture-mapping graphics hardware.Although to date we have only applied LOD-sprite to terrain rendering,it could easily be extended to other applications.We feel LOD-sprite holds particular promise for real-time rendering systems.Keywords:Image-Based Modeling and Rendering,Texture Map-ping,Acceleration Techniques,Multi-Resolution,Level of Detail, Terrain Rendering,Virtual Reality,Virtual Environments.1INTRODUCTIONAs scene geometry becomes complex(into the millions of poly-gons),even the most advanced rendering hardware cannot provide interactive rates.Current satellite imaging technology provides ter-rain datasets which are well beyond this level of complexity.This presents two problems for real-time systems:1)the provided frame rate may be insufficient,and2)the system latency may be too high. Much of real-time computer graphics has been dedicated tofinding ways to trade off image quality for frame rate and/or system latency. Many recent efforts fall into two general categories:Level-of-detail(LOD):These techniques model the objects in the scene at different levels of detail.They select a particular LOD for each object based on various considerations such as the rendering cost and perceptual contribution to thefinal image.Image-based modeling and rendering(IBMR):These tech-niques model(some of the)objects in the scene as image sprites. These sprites only require2D transformations for most rendering operations,which,depending on the object,can result in substantial time savings.However,the2D transformations eventually result in distortions which require the underlying objects to be re-rendered from their full3D geometry.IBMR techniques typically organizeposed of a few polygons),a much larger transformation can occur before image distortions require re-rendering the sprite from the full 3D scene geometry.Thus,the LOD-sprite technique can reuse im-age sprites for a larger number of frames than previous techniques. In addition,because the sprite preserves object details,a lower LOD model can be used for the same image quality.These properties al-low interactive frame rates for larger scene databases.The next section of this paper places LOD-sprite in the context of previous work.Section3describes the LOD-sprite technique itself. Section4presents the results of our implementation of LOD-sprite. 2RELATED WORKThe previous work which is most closely related to LOD-sprite can be classified into image-based modeling and rendering techniques and level-of-detail techniques.Wefirst revisit and classify previous IBMR techniques while also considering LOD techniques,and then focus on some hybrid techniques.2.1Image-Based Modeling and Rendering Previous work in image-based modeling and rendering falls primar-ily into three categories:(1)The scene is modeled by2D image sprites;no3D ge-ometry is used.Many previous techniques model the3D scene by registering a number of static images[2,18,19,26].These techniques are particularly well-suited for applications where pho-tographs are easy to take but modeling the scene would be difficult (outdoor settings,for example).Novel views of the scene are cre-ated by2D transforming and interpolating between images[3,18]. By adding depth[17]or even layered depth[23]to the sprites,more realistic navigation,which includes limited parallax,is possible. Another category samples the full plenoptic function,resulting in 3D,4D or even5D image sprites[13,10],which allow the most unrestricted navigation of this class of techniques.However,all of these techniques lack the full3D structure of the scene,and so restrict navigation to at least some degree.(2)The scene is modeled using either3D geometry or 2D image sprites.Another set of previous techniques model each object with either3D geometry or a2D image sprite,based on object contribution to thefinal image and/or viewing direc-tion[5,16,20,21,22,27].The LOD-sprite technique differs from these techniques in that it integrates both3D geometry and2D im-age sprites to model and render objects.(3)The scene is modeled using a combination of3D ge-ometry and2D image sprites.There are a group of tech-niques which add very simple3D geometry to a single2D image [6,7,12,24],which guides the subsequent image warping.De-bevec et al.[7]construct a3D model from reference images,while Sillion et al.[24]and Darsa et al.[6]use a textured depth mesh which is constructed and simplified from depth information.In general,using a depth mesh with projective texture mapping gives better image quality than using depth image warping[17],because the mesh stretches to cover regions where no pixel information is available,and thus no holes appear.The main advantage of adding 3D scene geometry to the image is that it allows the warping to ap-proximate parallax,and therefore increases the range of novel views which are possible before image distortion becomes too severe.Our LOD-sprite is most closely related to the techniques of Co-hen et al.[4]and Soucy et al.[25].Both create a texture map from a3D object represented at a high geometric resolution,and then subsequently represent the object at a much lower geometric reso-lution,but apply the previously created texture map to the geometry.However,the LOD-sprite technique generates texture maps(image sprites)from images rendered at run-time,while these techniques generate the texture map from the object itself.2.2Level-of-DetailThere is a large body of previous work in level-of-detail(LOD) techniques,which is not reviewed here.The general LOD-sprite technique requires that geometric objects be represented at various levels of detail,but it does not require any particular LOD represen-tation or technique(although a specific implementation of LOD-sprite will need to access the underlying LOD data structures).This paper does not cover how to create LOD representations of a terrain—there exist numerous multiresolution representations for heightfields.Lindstrom et al.[14]and Hoppe[11]represent the most recent view-dependent terrain LOD methods,and Luebke and Erikson[15]can also be adapted for terrain datasets.In this paper we adopt the technique of Lindstrom et al.[14].This algorithm organizes the terrain mesh into a hierarchical quadtree structure.To decide which quadrant level to use,the algorithm computes a screen space error for each vertex,and compares it to a pre-defined error threshold.This error measures the pixel difference between the full-resolution and lower-resolution representations of the quadrant. 2.3Accelerated Virtual Environment Navigation As stated above,many LOD and IBMR techniques have been ap-plied to the problem of accelerating virtual environment naviga-tion.Of these,LOD-sprite is most closely related to the techniques of Maciel and Shirley[16],Shade et al.[22],Schaufler and Stuer-zlinger[21],and Aliaga[1].All of these papers present similar hybrid LOD/IBMR techniques.They create a hierarchy of image sprites based on a space partition of the scene geometry.In sub-sequent frames,for each node the techniques either texture map the node sprite onto a polygon,or re-render the node’s3D geom-etry if an error metric is above a threshold.Each reused image sprite means an entire subtree of3D geometry need not be ren-dered,which yields substantial speedup for navigating large virtual environments.The main limitation of these techniques is that creat-ing a balanced space partition is not a quick operation,and it must be updated if objects move.Also,to avoid gaps between neighbor-ing partitions,they either maintain a fairly large amount of overlap between partitions[22],or they morph geometries to guarantee a smooth transition between geometry and sprite[1];both operations add storage and computational complexity.LOD-sprite differs from these techniques in that they interpolate the image sprite on a single 2D polygon,while LOD-sprite interpolates the image sprite on a coarse representation of the3D scene geometry.3THE LOD-SPRITE TECHNIQUE3.1AlgorithmThe general idea of the LOD-sprite technique is to cache the ren-dered view of a high-resolution representation of the dataset.We refer to this image as a sprite,and the frame where the sprite is created as a keyframe.LOD-sprite renders subsequent frames,re-ferred to as novel views,at a lower resolution,but applies the sprite as a texture map.LOD-sprite measures the error caused by the di-vergence of the viewpoint from the keyframe as each novel view is rendered.When this error exceeds a threshold,LOD-sprite renders a new keyframe.Pseudocode for the LOD-sprite algorithm is given in Figure3. Lines1and5generate a sprite image from high-resolution scene geometry.This is necessary whenever the viewer jumps to a new viewpoint position(line1),and when LOD-sprite generates a new1render sprite image from high-resolutionscene geometry at viewpoint vp2for each novel viewpoint vp3let error=ErrorMetric(vp,sprite)4if error threshold then5render sprite image from high-resolutionscene geometry at viewpoint vp6let polys=set of low-resolution scenegeometry polygons7for each poly8if WasVisible(poly,sprite)then9render poly,map with sprite10else11render poly,map with original texture mapFigure3:Pseudocode for the LOD-Sprite algorithm. keyframe(line5).At line2the algorithm processes each novel viewpoint.Lines3and4measure the error associated with how far the current viewpoint diverges from viewpoint at the time when the sprite was rendered;the procedure ErrorMetric is described in Section3.2.At line6the algorithm prepares to render the frame at the current viewpoint by gathering a set of polygons from a low-resolution version of the scene geometry.Line7considers each polygon.Line8determines,for each low-resolution poly-gon,whether the polygon was visible when the sprite image was taken.This routine,WasVisible(described in Section3.3),deter-mines whether the polygon is texture mapped with the sprite texture (line9)or the original texture map(line11).The sprite data structure holds both the sprite texture map and the keyframe viewing parameters;LOD-sprite uses both to map poly-gons with the sprite texture in line9.Creating a new sprite(lines 1and5)requires copying the frame buffer into texture memory, which is efficiently implemented with the OpenGL glCopyTexIm-age2D function.Texture mapping a keyframe could be achieved using projective texture mapping:a light placed at the keyframe camera position projects the sprite image onto the scene geometry.However,our implementation of LOD-sprite does not use projective texture map-ping,because the current OpenGL implementation does not test for polygon visibility.Occluded polygons in the keyframe are mapped with wrong textures when they become visible.Therefore,our im-plementation detects polygon visibility on its own(line8),and ap-plies a different texture map depending on each polygons’visibility (lines9and11).3.2Error MetricLOD-sprite decides when to render a new keyframe based on an error metric which is similar to that described by Shade et al.[22]. Figure4gives the technique,which is drawn in2D for clarity.Con-sider rendering the full-resolution dataset from viewpoint position .In this case the line segments and are rendered(in 3D these are polygons).From this view,the ray passing through vertex intersects the edge at point.After rendering thefull-resolution dataset,the image from is stored as a texture map. Now consider rendering the scene from the novel viewpoint,us-ing the low-resolution representation of the dataset.In this case the line segment is rendered,and texture mapped with the sprite rendered from.Note that this projects the vertex to the po-sition on.From this projection makes no visible differ-ence.However,from,vertex is shifted by the angle from its true location.This angle can be converted to a pixel distance on the image plane of view,which is our measure of the error of rendering point from view:(1) where is the view angle of a single pixel(e.g.,thefield-of-view over the screen resolution),and is a user-specified error threshold. As long as Equation1is true,we render using the sprite from the most recent keyframe(e.g.,line5in Figure3is skipped).Once Equation1becomes false,it is again necessary to render from the full-resolution dataset(e.g.,line5in Figure3is executed).vFigure4:Calculating the error metric.Theoretically,we should evaluate Equation1for all points in the high-resolution dataset for each novel view.Clearly this is impracti-cal.Instead,our implementation calculates for the central vertex of each low-resolution quadtree quadrant.The resolution of each quadrant is determined by the number of levels we traverse down into the quadtree that is created by our LOD algorithm[14].We calculate the central vertex by averaging the four corner vertices of the quadrant.To calculate,we have to know the point.We cal-culate by interesting the vector with the plane spanned by the estimated central vertex and two original vertices of the quad-rant.Once we know,we calculate from the dot product of the vectors and.We next calculate the average sum of squares of the error for all evaluated quadrants and compare this with:Keyframe viewportFigure8:The camera path for Figures9–14. resolution run requires about2orders of magnitude more triangles. The semi-log plot shows that both triangle counts have a similar variation as the animation progresses.Figure10shows how the LOD-sprite error(Section3.2)changes as each frame is rendered.The error always starts from zero for a keyframe.As more novel views are interpolated from the keyframe, the error increases.When the error exceeds pixels,we calculate another keyframe from the high-resolution scene geometry,which again drops the error to zero.Figure11shows the amount of time required to render each frame.The high-resolution time runs along the top of the graph, at an average of526milliseconds per frame.The low-resolution time runs along the bottom,at an average of22milliseconds per frame.The rendering time for the LOD-sprite frames follows the low-resolution times,except when a new keyframe is rendered.For this animation the system generated16keyframes,at an average time of680milliseconds per keyframe.The great majority of the LOD-sprite frames are shown near the bottom of the graph;these took an average of36milliseconds to render.The overall average for LOD-sprite was53milliseconds per frame.Figure12shows the fraction of the total number of rendered frames which are keyframes.This is plotted against the total num-ber of frames rendered for the path shown in Figure8.As expected, as more frames are rendered for afixed path,the distance moved between each frame decreases,and so there is more coherence be-tween successive frames.Thisfigure shows how our system takes advantage of this increasing coherence by rendering a smaller frac-tion of keyframes.Thisfigure also illustrates a useful property of the LOD-sprite technique for real-time systems:as the frame up-date rate increases,the LOD-sprite technique becomes even more efficient in terms of reusing keyframes.Figure13also shows the fraction of the total number of rendered frames which are keyframes,but this time plots the fraction against the error threshold in pixels.As expected,a larger error threshold means fewer keyframes need to be rendered.However,the shape of this curve indicates a decreasing performance benefit as the er-ror threshold exceeds about pixel.For a given dataset and a path which is representative of the types of maneuvers the user is expected to make,this type of analysis can help determine the best error threshold versus performance tradeoff.The LOD-sprite technique results in a substantial speedup over rendering a full-resolution dataset.Rendering600frames of the full-resolution dataset along the path in Figure8takes316seconds. Rendering the same600frames with the LOD-sprite technique,us-ing an error threshold of pixel,takes32seconds—a speedup050100150200250300350400450500550600Frame Number1000100001000001000000Number of TrianglesHigh−ResolutionLOD−spriteFigure9:The number of triangles as a function of the frame number on a semi-log plot.(600frames;path from Figure8.)Frame Number0. (pixels)Figure10:The error in pixels as a function of the frame num-ber for the LOD-sprite run.(600frames;path from Figure8.)of9.9.Figure14shows how the speedup varies as a function of the error threshold.5CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKThis paper has described the LOD-sprite rendering technique,and our application of the technique to accelerating terrain rendering. The technique is a combination of two rich directions in accelerated rendering for virtual environments:multiple level-of-detail(LOD) techniques,and image-based modeling and rendering(IBMR)tech-niques.It is a general-purpose rendering technique that could ac-celerate rendering for any application.It could be built upon any LOD decomposition technique.It improves the image quality of LOD techniques by preserving surface complexity,and it improves the efficiency of IBMR techniques by increasing the range of novel views that are possible.The LOD-sprite technique is particularly well-suited for real-time system architectures that decompose the50100150200250300350400450500550600Frame Number010020030040050060070080090010001100120013001400Rendering Time (msec)High−Resolution Low−Resolution LOD−SpriteFigure 11:The rendering time in milliseconds as a function of frame number.(600frames;path from Figure 8.)Total Number of Frames0. of KeyframesFigure 12:The fraction of keyframes as a function of the total number of frames rendered.(Path from Figure 8.)scene into coherent layers.Our primary applied thrust with this work is to augment the ren-dering engine of a real-time,three-dimensional battlefield visual-ization system [9].As this system operates in real-time,our most important item of future work is to address the variable latency caused by rendering the keyframes.One optimization is to use a dual-thread implementation,where one thread renders the keyframe while another renders each LOD-sprite frame.Another optimiza-tion is to render the keyframe in advance by predicting where the viewpoint will be when it is next time to render a keyframe.We can predict this by extrapolating from the past several viewpoint loca-tions.Thus,we can begin rendering a new keyframe immediately after the previous keyframe has been rendered.If the system makes a bad prediction (perhaps the user makes a sudden,high-speed ma-neuver),two solutions are possible:1)we could use the previous keyframe as the sprite for additional frames of LOD-sprite render-ing,with the penalty that succeedingframes will have errors beyond the normal threshold.Or,2)if the predicted viewpoint is closer to the current viewpoint than the current viewpoint is to the previous keyframe,we can use the predicted viewpoint as the keyframe in-Error Threshold (pixels) of KeyframesFigure 13:The fraction of keyframes as a function of error threshold.(600frames;path from Figure 8.)Error Threshold (pixels)246810121416SpeedupFigure 14:Speedup as a function of error threshold.600frames.(Path from Figure 8.)stead.We are also considering implementing a cache of keyframes,which would accelerate the common virtual environment naviga-tion behavior of moving back and forth within a particular viewing region.Issues include how many previous keyframes to cache,and choosing a cache replacement policy.The continuous LOD algorithm [14]in our implementation is well-suited for our application of real-time terrain rendering.How-ever,the low-resolution mesh generated by this technique does not preserve silhouette edges,which as demonstrated in Figures 6and 7,forces us to use the original texture map along the silhouette.Another problem with many continuous-LOD techniques (includ-ing [14])is the artifact caused by sudden resolution changes,which results in a continuous popping effect during real-time flythroughs.The solution to this artifact is geomorphing ,where the geometry is slowly changed over several frames.To address both of these is-sues we are currently integrating the LOD technique of Luebke and Erikson [15],which preserves silhouette edges and provides a nice framework for evaluating geomorphing techniques.Finally,an important limiting factor for the performance of the LOD-sprite technique,as well as other image-based modeling and rendering techniques(e.g.,[22]),is that OpenGL requires texture maps to have dimensions which are powers of2.Thus,many texels in our texture maps are actually unused.The LOD-sprite technique could be more efficiently implemented with graphics hardware that did not impose this constraint. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe acknowledge the valuable contributions of Bala Krishna Nakshatrala for bugfixes and various improvements to the code, for re-generating the animations,and for help in preparing the graphs.This work was supported by Office of Naval Research grants N000149710402and N0001499WR20011,and the National Science Foundation grant MIP-9527694.We acknowledge Larry Rosenblum for advice and direction during this project. 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常用的特征匹配算法包括SIFT(尺度不变特征变换)、SURF(加速稳健特征)、ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)等。
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样使用它。 创 建 一 个 预 定 义 的 贴 片 图 , 需 要 调 用 E. n
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Unity 场景优化LOD 技术
LOD技术在Unity场景优化中的作用LOD(Level Of Detail)技术,也称为层次细节技术,是在实时渲染显示系统中采取的细节省略技术,此技术于1976 年由Clark 提出。
不同细节的LOD 模型随视点移动的变化LOD 技术就是利用这一特点,在不影响画面视觉效果的前提下,通过逐次简化场景中物体的细节来减少其复杂性,从而提高渲染速度。
如上图所示,LOD0 至LOD2 模型即为物体的原始模型和与其具有不同复杂程度的几何模型,它们的细节层次逐渐减少。
当视点位置移动到不同LOD 范围时,场景中显示对应的LOD 模型。
Unity中的LOD技术使用Unity 开发的产品,多为实时三维游戏或虚拟现实系统,这样的产品在运行的过程中需要硬件进行实时渲染,加之其产品可以发布到移动终端和智能手机平台,故需要对产品场景进行大量的优化,以满足其运行速度。
Unity 具有高度优化的图形渲染管道,内嵌了Mecanim动画系统、Shuriken 粒子系统、Navigation Mesh 寻路系统、Autodesk Beast 烘焙工具、Umbra 遮挡剔除工具、NVIDIA PhysX 物理引擎等。
其中LOD 技术在Unity 中以LODGroup 组件的形式被使用。
在该组件中,开发者可以将不同层次细节的物体模型分别添加到LOD:0 至LOD:7 中。
contextcapture lod 原理
contextcapture lod 原理
ContextCapture是一款由Bentley Systems 公司开发的实景建模软件,主要用于生成高精度的三维实景模型。
在三维重建和大规模场景渲染中,LOD(Level of Detail,细节层次)原理是一个非常关键的技术手段。
1. 多细节层次创建:
2. 模型简化:
3. 动态加载:
三、基于注意力机制的点击率预估模型本文提出的基于注意力机制的点击率预估模型主要包括以下几个部分:1. 数据预处理:对原始的用户行为数据和广告数据进行清洗、转换和归一化处理,以便于模型的训练。
2. 特征提取:利用深度学习技术,从用户行为数据和广告数据中提取有用的特征信息。
3. 注意力层:在特征提取的基础上,引入注意力机制,对广告的各个部分进行权重分配。
4. 预测层:根据注意力权重和特征信息,利用多层神经网络进行点击率的预测。
5. 模型训练与优化:通过大量的训练数据,对模型进行训练和优化,使模型能够更好地适应不同的场景和用户需求。
UnityAssetBundle SpriteAtlasDuplicationSprite Atlas DuplicationThe following sections describe a quirk of Unity 5’s asset dependency calculation code when used in conjunction with automatically-generated sprite A 2D graphic objects. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for efficiency and convenience during development. More infoSee in Glossary atlases.Any automatically-generated sprite atlas A texture that is composed of several smaller textures. Also referred to as a texture atlas, image sprite, sprite sheet or packed texture. More infoSee in Glossary will be assigned to the AssetBundle containing the Sprite Objects from which the sprite atlas was generated. If the sprite Objects are assigned to multiple AssetBundles, then the sprite atlas will not be assigned to an AssetBundle and will be duplicated. If the Sprite Objects are not assigned to an AssetBundle, then the sprite atlas will also not be assigned to an AssetBundle.To ensure that sprite atlases are not duplicated, check that all sprites tagged into the same sprite atlas are assigned to the same AssetBundle.Unity 5.2.2p3 and olderAutomatically-generated sprite atlases will never be assigned to an AssetBundle. Because of this, they will be included in any AssetBundles containing their constituent sprites and also any AssetBundles referencing their constituent sprites.Because of this problem, it is strongly recommended that all Unity 5 pro jects using Unity’s sprite packer A facility that packs graphics from several sprite textures tightly together within a single texture known as an atlas. Unity provides a Sprite Packer utility to automate the process of generating atlases from the individual sprite textures. More infoSee in Glossary upgrade to Unity 5.2.2p4, 5.3 or any newer version of Unity.For projects that cannot upgrade, there are two workarounds for this problem:1.Easy: Avoid using Unity’s built-in sprite packer. Sprite atlases generated by external tools will be normal Assets, and can be properly assigned to an AssetBundle.2.Hard: Assign all Objects that use automatically atlased sprites to the same AssetBundle as the sprites.o This will ensure that the generated sprite atlas is not seen as the indirect dependency of any other AssetBundles and will not be duplicated.o This solution preserves the workflow of using Unity’s sprite packer, but it degrades developers’ ability to separate Assets into different AssetBundles, and forces the re-download of an entire sprite atlas when any data changes on any component referencing the atlas, even if the atlas itself is unchanged.。
创建⼀个空物体,挂上LOD Group组件,把这3个资源分别拖到该组件下注意:LOD 0-3分别表⽰精度(⾼中低),Culled表⽰不显⽰遮挡剔除OcclusionCulling当⼀个物体被其它物体遮挡住⽽相对当前摄像机不可见时,可以不对其进⾏渲染。
选中要进⾏遮挡剔除的物体(所有Cube),勾选Occluder Static打开Windows > Occlusion Culling 点击Bake进⾏烘焙运⾏结果:光照贴图Lightmapping游戏中的实时光照运算⾮常耗时,运⽤光照贴图技术,可以先计算场景内的光影效果产⽣的氛围,之后关闭光源,以保证游戏运⾏时光源达到最少。
将光源的模式设为Baked选择其它物体,勾选Lightmap Static选择Windows > Lighting > Settings ,进⾏烘焙结果:我们关闭光源后,还是可以看到光的效果Mesh合并额,表⽰还没怎么懂资源池-Object Pool技术代码实现,⽐如捕鱼,要随时实例化和销毁⼦弹,这是很消耗性能的。
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LOD-Sprite Technique for Accelerated Terrain RenderingBaoquan Chen SUNY at Stony Brook J.Edward Swan IINaval Research LabEddy KuoNaval Research LabArie KaufmanSUNY at Stony BrookAbstractWe present a new rendering technique,termed LOD-sprite render-ing,which uses a combination of a level-of-detail(LOD)represen-tation of the scene together with reusing image sprites(previously rendered images).Our primary application is accelerating terrain rendering.The LOD-sprite technique renders an initial frame using a high-resolution model of the scene geometry.It renders subse-quent frames with a much lower-resolution model of the scene ge-ometry and texture-maps each polygon with the image sprite from the initial high-resolution frame.As it renders these subsequent frames the technique measures the error associated with the diver-gence of the view position from the position where the initial frame was rendered.Once this error exceeds a user-defined threshold, the technique re-renders the scene from the high-resolution model. We have efficiently implemented the LOD-sprite technique with texture-mapping graphics hardware.Although to date we have only applied LOD-sprite to terrain rendering,it could easily be extended to other applications.We feel LOD-sprite holds particular promise for real-time rendering systems.Keywords:Image-Based Modeling and Rendering,Texture Map-ping,Acceleration Techniques,Multi-Resolution,Level of Detail, Terrain Rendering,Virtual Reality,Virtual Environments.1INTRODUCTIONAs scene geometry becomes complex(into the millions of poly-gons),even the most advanced rendering hardware cannot provide interactive rates.Current satellite imaging technology provides ter-rain datasets which are well beyond this level of complexity.This presents two problems for real-time systems:1)the provided frame rate may be insufficient,and2)the system latency may be too high. Much of real-time computer graphics has been dedicated tofinding ways to trade off image quality for frame rate and/or system latency. Many recent efforts fall into two general categories:Level-of-detail(LOD):These techniques model the objects in the scene at different levels of detail.They select a particular LOD for each object based on various considerations such as the rendering cost and perceptual contribution to thefinal image.Image-based modeling and rendering(IBMR):These tech-niques model(some of the)objects in the scene as image sprites. These sprites only require2D transformations for most rendering operations,which,depending on the object,can result in substantial time savings.However,the2D transformations eventually result in distortions which require the underlying objects to be re-rendered from their full3D geometry.IBMR techniques typically organize 1Department of Computer Science,State University of New York at Stony Brook,Stony Brook,NY11794-4400,USA.Email: baoquan ari@2Virtual Reality Laboratory,Naval Research Laboratory Code5580, 4555Overlook Ave SW,Washington,DC,20375-5320,USA.Email: swan@,ekuo@Figure1:Traditional hybrid LOD and IBMR techniques render each objecteither as a sprite or at a certain level of detail. Figure2:The LOD-sprite technique renders each object as both a sprite and as a geometric object at a certain level of detail.the scene into separate non-occluding layers,where each layer con-sists of an object or a small group of related objects.They render each layer separately,and then alpha-channel composite them. Some hybrid techniques use both multiple LODs and IBMR meth-ods[16,27,22].A general pipeline of these techniques is shown in Figure1.Each3D object isfirst subjected to a culling operation. Then,depending upon user-supplied quality parameters,the system either renders the object at a particular LOD,or it reuses a cached sprite of the object.This paper presents the LOD-sprite rendering technique.As shown in Figure2,the technique is similar to previous hybrid tech-niques in that it utilizes view frustum culling and a user-supplied quality metric.Objects are also modeled as both LOD models and sprites.However,the LOD-sprite technique differs in that the2D sprite is coupled with the LOD representation;the renderer utilizes both the LOD and the sprite as the inputs to create the output im-age.The LOD-sprite techniquefirst renders a frame from high-resolution3D scene geometry,and then caches this frame as an image sprite.It renders subsequent frames by texture-mapping the cached image sprite onto a lower-resolution representation of the scene geometry.This continues until an image quality metric re-quires again rendering the scene from the high-resolution geometry.We have developed the LOD-sprite technique as part of the ren-dering engine for a real-time,three-dimensional battlefield visual-ization system[9].For this application the terrain database con-sumes the vast majority of the rendering resources,and therefore in this paper our focus is on terrain rendering.However,LOD-sprite is a general-purpose rendering technique and could certainly be ap-plied to many different types of scene geometry.The primary advantage of LOD-sprite over previous techniques is that when the sprite is transformed,if the2D transformation is within the context of an underlying3D structure(even if only com-posed of a few polygons),a much larger transformation can occur before image distortions require re-rendering the sprite from the full 3D scene geometry.Thus,the LOD-sprite technique can reuse im-age sprites for a larger number of frames than previous techniques. In addition,because the sprite preserves object details,a lower LOD model can be used for the same image quality.These properties al-low interactive frame rates for larger scene databases.The next section of this paper places LOD-sprite in the context of previous work.Section3describes the LOD-sprite technique itself. Section4presents the results of our implementation of LOD-sprite. 2RELATED WORKThe previous work which is most closely related to LOD-sprite can be classified into image-based modeling and rendering techniques and level-of-detail techniques.Wefirst revisit and classify previous IBMR techniques while also considering LOD techniques,and then focus on some hybrid techniques.2.1Image-Based Modeling and Rendering Previous work in image-based modeling and rendering falls primar-ily into three categories:(1)The scene is modeled by2D image sprites;no3D ge-ometry is used.Many previous techniques model the3D scene by registering a number of static images[2,18,19,26].These techniques are particularly well-suited for applications where pho-tographs are easy to take but modeling the scene would be difficult (outdoor settings,for example).Novel views of the scene are cre-ated by2D transforming and interpolating between images[3,18]. By adding depth[17]or even layered depth[23]to the sprites,more realistic navigation,which includes limited parallax,is possible. Another category samples the full plenoptic function,resulting in 3D,4D or even5D image sprites[13,10],which allow the most unrestricted navigation of this class of techniques.However,all of these techniques lack the full3D structure of the scene,and so restrict navigation to at least some degree.(2)The scene is modeled using either3D geometry or 2D image sprites.Another set of previous techniques model each object with either3D geometry or a2D image sprite,based on object contribution to thefinal image and/or viewing direc-tion[5,16,20,21,22,27].The LOD-sprite technique differs from these techniques in that it integrates both3D geometry and2D im-age sprites to model and render objects.(3)The scene is modeled using a combination of3D ge-ometry and2D image sprites.There are a group of tech-niques which add very simple3D geometry to a single2D image [6,7,12,24],which guides the subsequent image warping.De-bevec et al.[7]construct a3D model from reference images,while Sillion et al.[24]and Darsa et al.[6]use a textured depth mesh which is constructed and simplified from depth information.In general,using a depth mesh with projective texture mapping gives better image quality than using depth image warping[17],because the mesh stretches to cover regions where no pixel information is available,and thus no holes appear.The main advantage of adding 3D scene geometry to the image is that it allows the warping to ap-proximate parallax,and therefore increases the range of novel views which are possible before image distortion becomes too severe.Our LOD-sprite is most closely related to the techniques of Co-hen et al.[4]and Soucy et al.[25].Both create a texture map from a3D object represented at a high geometric resolution,and then subsequently represent the object at a much lower geometric reso-lution,but apply the previously created texture map to the geometry.However,the LOD-sprite technique generates texture maps(image sprites)from images rendered at run-time,while these techniques generate the texture map from the object itself.2.2Level-of-DetailThere is a large body of previous work in level-of-detail(LOD) techniques,which is not reviewed here.The general LOD-sprite technique requires that geometric objects be represented at various levels of detail,but it does not require any particular LOD represen-tation or technique(although a specific implementation of LOD-sprite will need to access the underlying LOD data structures).This paper does not cover how to create LOD representations of a terrain—there exist numerous multiresolution representations for heightfields.Lindstrom et al.[14]and Hoppe[11]represent the most recent view-dependent terrain LOD methods,and Luebke and Erikson[15]can also be adapted for terrain datasets.In this paper we adopt the technique of Lindstrom et al.[14].This algorithm organizes the terrain mesh into a hierarchical quadtree structure.To decide which quadrant level to use,the algorithm computes a screen space error for each vertex,and compares it to a pre-defined error threshold.This error measures the pixel difference between the full-resolution and lower-resolution representations of the quadrant. 2.3Accelerated Virtual Environment Navigation As stated above,many LOD and IBMR techniques have been ap-plied to the problem of accelerating virtual environment naviga-tion.Of these,LOD-sprite is most closely related to the techniques of Maciel and Shirley[16],Shade et al.[22],Schaufler and Stuer-zlinger[21],and Aliaga[1].All of these papers present similar hybrid LOD/IBMR techniques.They create a hierarchy of image sprites based on a space partition of the scene geometry.In sub-sequent frames,for each node the techniques either texture map the node sprite onto a polygon,or re-render the node’s3D geom-etry if an error metric is above a threshold.Each reused image sprite means an entire subtree of3D geometry need not be ren-dered,which yields substantial speedup for navigating large virtual environments.The main limitation of these techniques is that creat-ing a balanced space partition is not a quick operation,and it must be updated if objects move.Also,to avoid gaps between neighbor-ing partitions,they either maintain a fairly large amount of overlap between partitions[22],or they morph geometries to guarantee a smooth transition between geometry and sprite[1];both operations add storage and computational complexity.LOD-sprite differs from these techniques in that they interpolate the image sprite on a single 2D polygon,while LOD-sprite interpolates the image sprite on a coarse representation of the3D scene geometry.3THE LOD-SPRITE TECHNIQUE3.1AlgorithmThe general idea of the LOD-sprite technique is to cache the ren-dered view of a high-resolution representation of the dataset.We refer to this image as a sprite,and the frame where the sprite is created as a keyframe.LOD-sprite renders subsequent frames,re-ferred to as novel views,at a lower resolution,but applies the sprite as a texture map.LOD-sprite measures the error caused by the di-vergence of the viewpoint from the keyframe as each novel view is rendered.When this error exceeds a threshold,LOD-sprite renders a new keyframe.Pseudocode for the LOD-sprite algorithm is given in Figure3. Lines1and5generate a sprite image from high-resolution scene geometry.This is necessary whenever the viewer jumps to a new viewpoint position(line1),and when LOD-sprite generates a new1render sprite image from high-resolutionscene geometry at viewpoint vp2for each novel viewpoint vp3let error=ErrorMetric(vp,sprite)4if error threshold then5render sprite image from high-resolutionscene geometry at viewpoint vp6let polys=set of low-resolution scenegeometry polygons7for each poly8if WasVisible(poly,sprite)then9render poly,map with sprite10else11render poly,map with original texture mapFigure3:Pseudocode for the LOD-Sprite algorithm. keyframe(line5).At line2the algorithm processes each novel viewpoint.Lines3and4measure the error associated with how far the current viewpoint diverges from viewpoint at the time when the sprite was rendered;the procedure ErrorMetric is described in Section3.2.At line6the algorithm prepares to render the frame at the current viewpoint by gathering a set of polygons from a low-resolution version of the scene geometry.Line7considers each polygon.Line8determines,for each low-resolution poly-gon,whether the polygon was visible when the sprite image was taken.This routine,WasVisible(described in Section3.3),deter-mines whether the polygon is texture mapped with the sprite texture (line9)or the original texture map(line11).The sprite data structure holds both the sprite texture map and the keyframe viewing parameters;LOD-sprite uses both to map poly-gons with the sprite texture in line9.Creating a new sprite(lines 1and5)requires copying the frame buffer into texture memory, which is efficiently implemented with the OpenGL glCopyTexIm-age2D function.Texture mapping a keyframe could be achieved using projective texture mapping:a light placed at the keyframe camera position projects the sprite image onto the scene geometry.However,our implementation of LOD-sprite does not use projective texture map-ping,because the current OpenGL implementation does not test for polygon visibility.Occluded polygons in the keyframe are mapped with wrong textures when they become visible.Therefore,our im-plementation detects polygon visibility on its own(line8),and ap-plies a different texture map depending on each polygons’visibility (lines9and11).3.2Error MetricLOD-sprite decides when to render a new keyframe based on an error metric which is similar to that described by Shade et al.[22]. Figure4gives the technique,which is drawn in2D for clarity.Con-sider rendering the full-resolution dataset from viewpoint position .In this case the line segments and are rendered(in 3D these are polygons).From this view,the ray passing through vertex intersects the edge at point.After rendering the full-resolution dataset,the image from is stored as a texture map. Now consider rendering the scene from the novel viewpoint,us-ing the low-resolution representation of the dataset.In this case the line segment is rendered,and texture mapped with the sprite rendered from.Note that this projects the vertex to the po-sition on.From this projection makes no visible differ-ence.However,from,vertex is shifted by the angle from its true location.This angle can be converted to a pixel distance on the image plane of view,which is our measure of the error of rendering point from view:(1) where is the view angle of a single pixel(e.g.,thefield-of-view over the screen resolution),and is a user-specified error threshold. As long as Equation1is true,we render using the sprite from the most recent keyframe(e.g.,line5in Figure3is skipped).Once Equation1becomes false,it is again necessary to render from the full-resolution dataset(e.g.,line5in Figure3is executed).vFigure4:Calculating the error metric.Theoretically,we should evaluate Equation1for all points in the high-resolution dataset for each novel view.Clearly this is impracti-cal.Instead,our implementation calculates for the central vertex of each low-resolution quadtree quadrant.The resolution of each quadrant is determined by the number of levels we traverse down into the quadtree that is created by our LOD algorithm[14].We calculate the central vertex by averaging the four corner vertices of the quadrant.To calculate,we have to know the point.We cal-culate by interesting the vector with the plane spanned by the estimated central vertex and two original vertices of the quad-rant.Once we know,we calculate from the dot product of the vectors and.We next calculate the average sum of squares of the error for all evaluated quadrants and compare this with:(2)where is the number of low-resolution quadrants.When this test fails,line5in Figure3is executed.3.3Visibility ChangesAs the viewpoint changes,polygons which were originally oc-cluded or culled by the view frustum may become visible.Figure5 illustrates this problem.Let the two objects represent mountains. The light shaded region of the back mountain indicates occluded polygons in the keyframe,while the heavy shaded regions in both mountains show polygons culled by the view frustum.If these re-gions become visible in a novel view,there will be no sprite texture to map on them.Our solution is to map them with the same texture map we use to generate the keyframe.We classify the visibility of each polygon with a single pass over all vertices of the low-resolution geometry.This loop is part of the process of generating a new keyframe.For novel views,the visibil-ity of each polygon to the sprite is alreadyflagged.This visibilityKeyframe viewportFigure8:The camera path for Figures9–14. resolution run requires about2orders of magnitude more triangles.The semi-log plot shows that both triangle counts have a similarvariation as the animation progresses.Figure10shows how the LOD-sprite error(Section3.2)changesas each frame is rendered.The error always starts from zero for akeyframe.As more novel views are interpolated from the keyframe,the error increases.When the error exceeds pixels,we calculateanother keyframe from the high-resolution scene geometry,whichagain drops the error to zero.Figure11shows the amount of time required to render each frame.The high-resolution time runs along the top of the graph,at an average of526milliseconds per frame.The low-resolutiontime runs along the bottom,at an average of22milliseconds perframe.The rendering time for the LOD-sprite frames follows thelow-resolution times,except when a new keyframe is rendered.Forthis animation the system generated16keyframes,at an averagetime of680milliseconds per keyframe.The great majority of theLOD-sprite frames are shown near the bottom of the graph;thesetook an average of36milliseconds to render.The overall averagefor LOD-sprite was53milliseconds per frame.Figure12shows the fraction of the total number of renderedframes which are keyframes.This is plotted against the total num-ber of frames rendered for the path shown in Figure8.As expected,as more frames are rendered for afixed path,the distance movedbetween each frame decreases,and so there is more coherence be-tween successive frames.Thisfigure shows how our system takesadvantage of this increasing coherence by rendering a smaller frac-tion of keyframes.Thisfigure also illustrates a useful property ofthe LOD-sprite technique for real-time systems:as the frame up-date rate increases,the LOD-sprite technique becomes even moreefficient in terms of reusing keyframes.Figure13also shows the fraction of the total number of renderedframes which are keyframes,but this time plots the fraction against the error threshold in pixels.As expected,a larger error thresholdmeans fewer keyframes need to be rendered.However,the shapeof this curve indicates a decreasing performance benefit as the er-ror threshold exceeds about pixel.For a given dataset and a path which is representative of the types of maneuvers the user isexpected to make,this type of analysis can help determine the besterror threshold versus performance tradeoff.The LOD-sprite technique results in a substantial speedup overrendering a full-resolution dataset.Rendering600frames of thefull-resolution dataset along the path in Figure8takes316seconds.Rendering the same600frames with the LOD-sprite technique,us-ing an error threshold of pixel,takes32seconds—a speedup050100150200250300350400450500550600Frame Number1000100001000001000000Number of TrianglesHigh−ResolutionLOD−spriteFigure9:The number of triangles as a function of the frame number on a semi-log plot.(600frames;path from Figure8.)Frame Number0. (pixels)Figure10:The error in pixels as a function of the frame num-ber for the LOD-sprite run.(600frames;path from Figure8.)of9.9.Figure14shows how the speedup varies as a function of the error threshold.5CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKThis paper has described the LOD-sprite rendering technique,and our application of the technique to accelerating terrain rendering. The technique is a combination of two rich directions in accelerated rendering for virtual environments:multiple level-of-detail(LOD) techniques,and image-based modeling and rendering(IBMR)tech-niques.It is a general-purpose rendering technique that could ac-celerate rendering for any application.It could be built upon any LOD decomposition technique.It improves the image quality of LOD techniques by preserving surface complexity,and it improves the efficiency of IBMR techniques by increasing the range of novel views that are possible.The LOD-sprite technique is particularly well-suited for real-time system architectures that decompose the50100150200250300350400450500550600Frame Number010020030040050060070080090010001100120013001400Rendering Time (msec)High−Resolution Low−Resolution LOD−SpriteFigure 11:The rendering time in milliseconds as a function of frame number.(600frames;path from Figure 8.)Total Number of Frames0. of KeyframesFigure 12:The fraction of keyframes as a function of the total number of frames rendered.(Path from Figure 8.)scene into coherent layers.Our primary applied thrust with this work is to augment the ren-dering engine of a real-time,three-dimensional battlefield visual-ization system [9].As this system operates in real-time,our most important item of future work is to address the variable latency caused by rendering the keyframes.One optimization is to use a dual-thread implementation,where one thread renders the keyframe while another renders each LOD-sprite frame.Another optimiza-tion is to render the keyframe in advance by predicting where the viewpoint will be when it is next time to render a keyframe.We can predict this by extrapolating from the past several viewpoint loca-tions.Thus,we can begin rendering a new keyframe immediately after the previous keyframe has been rendered.If the system makes a bad prediction (perhaps the user makes a sudden,high-speed ma-neuver),two solutions are possible:1)we could use the previous keyframe as the sprite for additionalframes of LOD-sprite render-ing,with the penalty that succeeding frames will have errors beyond the normal threshold.Or,2)if the predicted viewpoint is closer to the current viewpoint than the current viewpoint is to the previous keyframe,we can use the predicted viewpoint as the keyframe in-Error Threshold (pixels) of KeyframesFigure 13:The fraction of keyframes as a function of error threshold.(600frames;path from Figure 8.)Error Threshold (pixels)246810121416SpeedupFigure 14:Speedup as a function of error threshold.600frames.(Path from Figure 8.)stead.We are also considering implementing a cache of keyframes,which would accelerate the common virtual environment naviga-tion behavior of moving back and forth within a particular viewing region.Issues include how many previous keyframes to cache,and choosing a cache replacement policy.The continuous LOD algorithm [14]in our implementation is well-suited for our application of real-time terrain rendering.How-ever,the low-resolution mesh generated by this technique does not preserve silhouette edges,which as demonstrated in Figures 6and 7,forces us to use the original texture map along the silhouette.Another problem with many continuous-LOD techniques (includ-ing [14])is the artifact caused by sudden resolution changes,which results in a continuous popping effect during real-time flythroughs.The solution to this artifact is geomorphing ,where the geometry is slowly changed over several frames.To address both of these is-sues we are currently integrating the LOD technique of Luebke and Erikson [15],which preserves silhouette edges and provides a nice framework for evaluating geomorphing techniques.Finally,an important limiting factor for the performance of the LOD-sprite technique,as well as other image-based modeling and rendering techniques(e.g.,[22]),is that OpenGL requires texture maps to have dimensions which are powers of2.Thus,many texels in our texture maps are actually unused.The LOD-sprite technique could be more efficiently implemented with graphics hardware that did not impose this constraint. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe acknowledge the valuable contributions of Bala Krishna Nakshatrala for bugfixes and various improvements to the code, for re-generating the animations,and for help in preparing the graphs.This work was supported by Office of Naval Research grants N000149710402and N0001499WR20011,and the National Science Foundation grant MIP-9527694.We acknowledge Larry Rosenblum for advice and direction during this project. 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