



2008年1月J a n u a r y 2008色谱C h i n e s e J o u r n a l o f C h r o m a t o g r a p h yV o l .26N o .198~104收稿日期:2007-07-18第一作者:贺利民,副研究员.E -ma i l :l i m i n o k h e @s c a u .e d u .c n .通讯联系人:曾振灵.T e l :(020)85284896,E -m a i l :z l z e n g @s c a u .e d u .c n .基金项目:农业行业标准制定项目(070106-69)及华南农业大学校长基金(2007B 003)资助项目.气相色谱分析农药残留的基质效应及其解决方法贺利民, 刘祥国, 曾振灵(农业部畜禽产品质量监督检验测试中心(广州)华南农业大学兽医学院,广东广州510642)摘要:对于相同浓度的农药,其在基质溶液中的色谱响应会比其在纯溶剂中的响应高。




关键词:气相色谱;农药残留;基质效应;解决方法中图分类号:O 658 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-8713(2008)01-0098-07 栏目类别:专论与综述S o l u t i o n s t om a t r i x -i n d u c e dr e s p o n s ee n h a n c e m e n t i np e s t i c i d er e s i d u e a n a l y s i s b yg a s c h r o m a t o g r a p h yH EL i m i n ,L I UX i a n g g u o ,Z E N GZ h e n l i n g(T e s t i n g C e n t e r o f A n i ma l a n d P o u l t r y P r o d u c t s Q u a l i t yC o n t r o l I n s p e c t i o n(G u a n g z h o u )o f M i n i s t r y o f A g r i c u l t u r e ,C o l l e g e o f V e t e r i n a r yM e d i c i n e ,S o u t h C h i n aA g r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e r s i t y ,G u a n g z h o u 510642,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :T h e s a m p l e m a t r i xc a nc a u s ea ne n h a n c e m e n t i nt h e o b s e r v e dc h r o m a t o g r a p h i c r e -s p o n s e f o r p e s t i c i d e r e s i d u e s i n a m a t r i x e x t r a c t c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e s a m e c o n c e n t r a t i o n i n a m a -t r i x -f r e e s o l u t i o n .T h e m a t r i x i n c r e a s e s t h e t r a n s f e r o f p e s t i c i d e s f r o m t h e h o t v a p o r i z i n g i n j e c -t o r s b y r e d u c i n g t h e t h e r m a l s t r e s s f o r l a b i l e c o m p o u n d s a n db y m a s k i n g t h e a c t i v e s i t e s i n t h e i n j e c t o r r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e a d s o r p t i o no r d e c o m p o s i t i o no f p o l a r p e s t i c i d e s .T h e u s e o f d i f f e r -e n t i n j e c t o r t y p e s a n dm a t r i x s i m p l i f i c a t i o n p r o c e d u r e s c a n r e d u c e m a t r i x -i n d u c e d e n h a n c e m e n t b u t d on o t e l i m i n a t e i t .T h e m o s t e f f e c t i v e s t r a t e g y i s t o u s e m a t r i x -m a t c h e d c a l i b r a t i o ns t a n d -a r d s o r a n a l y t e p r o t e c t a n t s w h i c he q u a l i z et h e r e s p o n s ee n h a n c e m e n t f o r c a l i b r a t i o ns t a n d a r d sa n d s a m p l e e x t r a c t s .F r o m a p r a c t i c a l p o i n t o f v i e w ,i t i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e m e t h o du s e dt o c o r r e c t f o r m a t r i x -i n d u c e de n h a n c e m e n t i s c o m p a t ib l e w i t hl o w s y s t e m m a i n t e n a nc e .T h ed i f -fe r e n t a p p r o a c h e sf o r c o r r e c t i n gm a t r i x -i n d u c e de n h a n c e m e n t f o r c a l i b r a t i o ni np e s t i c i d er e s i -d u e a n a l y s i s a r e d i s c u s s e d a n dc o m p a r e d i n t h i s r e v i e w .K e y w o r d s :g a s ch r o m a t o g r a p h y (G C );p e s ti c i d e r e s i d u e ;m a t r i x -i n d u c e dr e s p o n s e e n h a n c e -m e n t ;s o l u t i o n s 在20世纪90年代,人们就发现在用气相色谱分析有机磷农药时,无论是采用填充柱还是毛细管柱,检测信号的强度与试样基质的特性都非常相关。

AOAC 2007 美国农药残留检测标准方法

AOAC 2007 美国农药残留检测标准方法

AOAC Official Method 2007.01Pesticide Residues in Foods by Acetonitrile Extraction and Partitioning with Magnesium SulfateGas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass SpectrometryFirst Action 2007[Applicable for the following pesticides in grapes, lettuces, and oranges: atrazine, azoxystrobin, bifenthrin, carbaryl, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, l -cyhalothrin (incurred in lettuces), cyprodinil, o,p ¢-DDD, dichlorv os, endosulfan sulfate,ethion (incurred in oranges), imazalil, imidacloprid,kresoxim-methyl (incurred in grapes), linuron, methamidophos,methomyl, permethrins (incurred in lettuces) procymidone,pymetrozine, tebuconazole, thiabendazole (incurred in oranges),tolylfluanid (degraded in lettuces), and trifluralin. These were representative pesticide analytes chosen in representative matrixes,and the method is expected to be applicable to many other similar pesticides and matrixes. Limits of quantitation were demonstrated to be <10 ng/g.]See Tables 2007.01A–E for the results of the interlaboratory study supporting acceptance of the method.A. PrincipleThe QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe)method uses a single-step buffered acetonitrile (MeCN) extraction and salting out liquid–liquid partitioning from the water in the sample with MgSO 4. Dispersiv e-solid-phase extraction (dispersive-SPE) cleanup is done to remove organic acids, excess water, and other components with a combination of primary secondary amine (PSA) sorbent and MgSO 4; then the extracts are analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS) techniques after a chromatographic analytical separation. Figure 2007.01 outlines the protocol in a box format. In brief, a well-chopped food sample alongwith 1 mL of 1% acetic acid (HOAc) in MeCN and 0.5 g anhydrous MgSO 4/NaOAc (4/1, w/w) per g sample are added to a centrifuge tube or bottle, which is shaken and centrifuged. A portion of the MeCN extract (upper layer) is added to anhydrous MgSO 4/PSA sorbent (3/1, w/w; 200 mg per 1 mL extract), mixed, and centrifuged. This final extract is transferred to autosampler vials for analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) to identify and determine a wide range of pesticide residues. To achieve <10 ng/g detection limits in modern GC/MS, large volume injection (LVI) of 8 m L is typically needed, or the final extract can be concentrated and solvent exchanged to toluene (4 g/mL), in which case 2 m L splitless injection is used.Both GC/MS and LC/MS/MS techniques are prone to matrix effects in pesticide residue analysis, albeit for different reasons [Erney, D.R., Gillespie, A.M., Gilvydis, D.M., & Poole, C.F. (1993)J. Chromatogr. 638, 57–63; Hajslova, J., & Zrostlikova, J. (2003) J.Chromatogr. A 1000, 181–197; Alder, L., Luderitz, S., Lindtner, K.,& Stan, H.J. (2004) J. Chromatogr. A 1058, 67–79]. To account for these effects, matrix-matched calibration was conducted (calibration standards in solvent solution may also be used if matrix effects are shown not to occur). Due to the situation that some laboratories had LVI capability and others did not, the necessary amounts of matrix blank(s) and final extract volume was different for some laboratories than others. Depending on the water content of the matrix, a 15 g sample typically yields 11–14 mL of initial MeCN extract after centrifugation. In dispersive-SPE, roughly half of the extract is lost to the powders, thus about 6–7 mL of final extract can be expected for a 15 g sample. Two options were provided in the protocol to account for the different situations among the laboratories.ã 2007 AOAC IN T ER N A T IONALTable 2007.01A. Interlaboratory study results for incurred pesticides (and chlorpyrifos-methyl)AnalyteMatrix Avg. concn s raRSD r b, %S R c, ng/g Rec., %RSD R d, %HorRat No. of labsOutlierlabs e Chlorpyrifos-methylGrapes 165 14 8.535 8321 1.00116-C, 4-C Lettuces 178 20 11 30 89170.811011-SGOranges174 25 14 36 87200.9812Kresoxim-methyl Grapes 9.2 1.921f3.2NA 35f1.0912Cyprodinil Grapes 112 NAgNA 18 NA 160.7313l -Cyhalothrin Lettuces 58 6.111 11 NA 200.80 911-C Permethrins Lettuces 112 9.88.741 NA 36f1.63 96-C, 1-C Imidacloprid Lettuces 12NA NA 1.6NA 140.4411Ethion Oranges 198 23 12 36 NA 180.891111-C Thiabendazole Oranges 53 140.5812ImazalilOranges13NANA4.7NA35f1.1587-SGa s r = Standard deviation for repeatability (within laboratory).b RSD r = Relative standard deviation for repeatability.c s R = Standard deviation for reproducibility (among laboratories).d RSD R = Relative standard deviation for reproducibility.e C = Cochran outlier; SG = single Grubbs outlier.f RSD r >15%; 120% < Rec. < 70%; RSD R >25%; HorRat >1.2; and fewer than 8 laboratories in an assessment.gNA = Not applicable.Analyte Avg. C, ng/g s r, ng/g RSD r, %s R, ng/g Rec., %RSD R, %HorRat No. of labs Outlier labs Atrazine9.30.6 6.9 2.093210.651345 3.27.1 5.790130.4913365 23 6.271 9119 1.0413Azoxystrobin9.40.6 6.6 2.094210.641392 8.79.411 92120.51128-SG182 17 9.226 91140.70128-SG Bifenthrin7.80.811 2.37830b0.89112-C, 10-C86 5.9 6.914 86170.73126-C923 71 7.7136 92150.9113Carbaryl12 1.211 2.8104 27b0.85125-SG50 6.413 11 100 220.87131003 70 7.0189 100 19 1.18125-C Chlorothalonil 6.30.914 2.163b33b0.97 810-C59 8.314 13 79230.9310140 19 13 38 7027b 1.27b10Chloropyrifos8.1 1.519b 3.08137b 1.121268 8.312 14 84200.8413396 25 6.450 79120.681211-SG Cyprodinil c123 13 10 26 101 210.9513240 20 8.363 9226b 1.32b13581 42 7.3110 9519 1.0913o,p¢-DDD8.9 1.416b 3.28936b 1.091242 32 7.147 89100.58116-C Dichlorvos7.2 1.014 1.372180.53118-SG85 7.48.715 85180.77114-C294 25 8.562 9821 1.1012Endosulfan sulfate8.60.910 1.586170.52 7b10-C 115 14 12 21 77180.8111415 56 14 111 8327b 1.47b11Imazalil7.60.89.8 3.17641b 1.22b1150 2.5 4.915 67b30b 1.19108-C432 53 12 161 7837b 2.06b11Imidacloprid8.80.88.9 3.08834b 1.041345 18 8.224 97110.56128-SG Linuron9.9 1.717b 2.99929b0.901199 7.47.415 99150.6712971 65 6.7191 9720 1.23b12Methamidophos10 2.929b 3.0101 30b0.95 95-SG80 8.010 14 80180.7712852 72 8.4119 85140.85118-SG Methomyl9.3 1.212 2.99332b0.981250 3.3 6.79.3100 190.7413204 10 4.926 102 130.6313Procymidone8.20.78.2 2.082240.74115-SG64 6.09.416 8524 1.0113428 16 3.870 86160.90129-C Pymetrozine 6.2 1.220b 1.662b27b0.771147 3.1 6.79.662b200.8111341 20 5.859 68b170.9211Tebuconazole9.2 1.112 1.292130.41123&4-DG63 29 6.784 8819 1.0613Tolylfluanid7.9 1.012 3.17939b 1.191334 4.313 13 67b37b 1.41b13144 13 8.842 7229b 1.37b13Trifluralin7.80.78.5 1.878230.681210-C58 3.7 6.414 7725 1.0213379 19 5.148 76130.69106-C, 4-C, 11-SG aC = Cochran outlier; SG = single Grubbs outlier; DG = double Grubbs outliers.bRSD r >15%; 120% < Rec. < 70%; RSD R >25%; HorRat >1.2; or fewer than 8 laboratories in an assessment.cCyprodinil was incurred in the grapes and affected quantitation.ã 2007 AOAC IN T ER N A T IONALAnalyte Avg. C, ng/g s r, ng/g RSD r, %s R, ng/g Rec., %RSD R, %HorRat No. of labs Outlier labs Atrazine9.9 1.515 1.899180.561170 7.9111593210.8812930 50 5.4166 9318 1.11115-C Azoxystrobin10 0.8 7.6 1.8102 180.561247 2.4 5.2 6.593140.5512531 32 6.188106 170.9412Bifenthrin9.10.8 9.1 1.491160.481166 8.012 9.488140.5911217 27 123387150.7711Carbaryl9.4 1.112 2.094220.671292 6.1 6.7 9.092 9.80.43118-SG589 38 6.4127 9822 1.24b12Chlorothalonil 6.20.814 2.062b32b0.93 6b28 10 37b147048b 1.77b 7b684 134 20b205 68b30b 1.77b 6bChloropyrifos9.0 2.124b 2.39026b0.79 912-SG, 10&11-DG86 9.411208623 1.011111-SG179 18 103090170.821111-SG Cyprodinil9.7 1.010 1.497140.441111-SG44 2.7 6.1 8.989200.791111-SG848 61 7.2117 85140.84108-SGo,p¢-DDD8.90.6 7.0 1.989210.66 881 4.8 5.91281150.63 911-C214 19 8.72786130.6210Dichlorvos 5.2 1.020b 2.452b45b 1.29b1258 6.6111277200.8112838 50 6.0224 8427 1.63b11Endosulfan sulfate 5.6 3.359b 2.556b45b 1.28b 2b38 9.625b157539b 1.48b 7b769 330 43b312 7740b 2.44b 7bImazalil7.60.3 3.5 3.57639b 1.18 82-C72 3.7 5.22457b33b 1.39b11589 47 7.9229 59b39b 2.25b11Imidacloprid c22 1.3 6.2 1.7100 7.90.28118-SG84 6.2 7.4 8.197 9.60.4112515 21 4.253101 100.58115-C Linuron8.6 1.112 1.586170.531146 2.2 4.9 7.491160.63102-C234 14 5.82594100.5311Methamidophos8.80.8 8.5 1.388150.46 86-C66 4.5 6.91282180.7211538 37 6.86384120.67 95-C, 8-SG Methomyl9.70.8 8.6 1.096100.321099 8.0 8.1 6.499 6.50.29102-SG997 24 2.4168 100 17 1.0511Procymidone10 0.6 6.2 2.2101 220.68 82-C92 8.5 9.21592170.7311967 118 12129 97130.8311Pymetrozine 6.90.4 6.1 1.469b200.591033 1.6 4.7 4.667b140.51 911-C127 8.5 6.71763b130.6110Tebuconazole9.70.7 6.9 1.297130.40114-C89 6.8 7.71189120.5212948 42 4.4226 9524 1.48b114-C Tolylfluanid 3.7 1.130b 2.237b59b 1.59b 4b9.3 3.740b 4.1 9.3b44b 1.37b 83-SG, 8-SG142 22 158614b61b 2.84b 812-C, 3&8-DG Trifluralin10 1.413 1.7103 170.541142 4.511 9.084220.8311169 25 153084180.8411aC = Cochran outlier; SG = single Grubbs outlier; DG = double Grubbs outliers.bRSD r >15%; 120% < Rec. < 70%; RSD R >25%; HorRat >1.2; or fewer than 8 laboratories in an assessment.cImidacloprid was incurred in the lettuces unbeknownst to the SD.ã 2007 AOAC IN T ER N A T IONALAnalyte Avg. C, ng/g s r, ng/g RSD r, %s R, ng/g Rec., %RSD R, %HorRat No. of labs Outlier labs Atrazine 8.9 1.011 1.989210.65112-C 908.29.11290130.5712187 19 10 2793140.6912Azoxystrobin 8.4 1.316b 1.884210.651165 5.28.0 8.186120.5212853 35 4.18285 9.60.591111-C Bifenthrin 9.7 2.324b 2.397240.75109-SG45 2.5 5.6 6.891150.59102-C488 51 10 7698160.8712Carbaryl 2.184250.771066 5.07.51488210.8811172 8.8 5.13486200.9512Chlorothalonil 4.80.816b 2.748b56b 1.57b 3b7014 20b297042b 1.74b 6b330 137 42b131 66b40b 2.09b 7bChloropyrifos11 1.614 5.0111 45b 1.58b 92-C82 4.5 5.61282150.64109-C953 97 10 284 9530b 1.85b1211-C Cyprodinil 8.70.910 2.087230.721256 4.58.0 9.075160.6512199 12 6.23580180.8612o,p¢-DDD 1.891200.60 99-C74 5.1 6.9 9.899130.561010-C967 81 8.41919720 1.22b11Dichlorvos 1.093110.35 7b12-C43 2.2 5.2 8.085190.73 812-SG446 22 5.05489120.6810Endosulfan sulfate12 5.444b 5.4124b43b 1.40b 4b3-SG 8319 23b198323 1.0110240 35 15 618025 1.28b10Imazalil c22 1.77.7 6.29628b0.98 87-C58 4.37.41392220.91 9186 9.7 5.2418722 1.0610Imidacloprid10 1.110 2.8104 27b0.861193 6.57.01293130.5711989 64 6.5124 99130.7811Linuron 7.8 1.317b 2.77835b 1.041160 3.0 5.01386210.8611387 26 6.64279110.59 9111-DG Methamidophos 9.2 1.112 1.592160.49 89-C42 3.58.2 5.685130.52 84-C211 12 5.53185150.73 94&9-DG Methomyl 2.88533b0.99 97-C68 4.87.0 8.791130.5412492 19 3.96098120.6912Procymidone110.98.1 3.9108 36b 1.15 812-C43 3.58.0 5.886140.531010-C170 16 9.72585150.7111Pymetrozine 7.5 1.318b 2.17528b0.821077 5.97.71077140.5710789 38 4.8117 79150.89 912-C Tebuconazole 1.287140.421141 2.2 5.4 6.282150.5812177 14 7.92888160.7612Tolylfluanid 5.8 1.220b 1.458b240.69 911-SG 467.516b1461b31b 1.21b119-C356 54 15 134 7138b 2.02b12Trifluralin 8.60.4 4.5 2.48628b0.87 99-C 928.69.41192120.5412915 60 6.5194 9221 1.31b116-CaC = Cochran outlier; SG = single Grubbs outlier; DG = double Grubbs outliers.bRSD r >15%; 120% < Rec. < 70%; RSD R >25%; HorRat >1.2; or fewer than 8 laboratories in an assessment.cImazalil was incurred in the oranges unbeknownst to the SD.ã 2007 AOAC IN T ER N A T IONALIn Option A, if the laboratory had LVI capability, then 1 or 2 mL extracts were taken for dispersive-SPE (the volume depended on the analyst preference and the type of centrifuge and tubes available in the laboratory). The final extract volume was 0.5 mL if 1 mL was taken for dispersive-SPE, and 1 mL if 2 mL underwent the cleanup step. In either case, two 15 g blank samples were used for the matrix blank (0-standard) and 6 matrix-matched calibration standards (5, 10, 50, 100, 250, and 1000 ng/g equiv alent concentrations). For dispersive-SPE of the matrix blanks, either 7 separate tubes using the same 1–2 mL extract volumes as the test samples could have been used, or 1–2 dispersive-SPE tube(s) with 7-fold greater extract volume(s).In Option B, if LVI is not available for GC/MS, then »30 mL of matrix blank extract was needed after dispersive-SPE cleanup to prepare the matrix-matched calibration standards (or $60 mL initial extract). In this case, 6 matrix blanks of 15 g each were extracted along with the test samples to provide enough blank extract volume, which were combined, and seven 8 mL aliquots were distributed to 7 dispersive-SPE tubes containing 0.4 g PSA + 1.2 g anhydrous MgSO4.B. Apparatus and ConditionsNote: Tables 4 and 5 of the collaborative study [J. AOAC Int. 90, 485(2007)] list the analytical instrumentation and sources of sample preparation materials used by each laboratory in the study. Further information appears in the full report. Since the time of the collaborativ e study, at least 3 v endors, United Chemical Technologies (Bristol, PA, USA), Restek (Bellefonte, PA, USA) and Supelco (Bellefonte, PA, USA) hav e introduced commercial dispersive-SPE products for QuEChERS and other applications. See Table 4 [J. AOAC Int. 90, 485(2007)] for sources of analytical instruments.(a) Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer.—An ion trap, quadrupole, time-of-flight (TOF), or other GC/MS instrument may be used with electron impact (EI) ionization, an autosampler (AS), and computerized instrument control/data collection. Either LVI of 8 m L for a 1 g/mL MeCN extract (e.g., 75°C ramped to 275°C at 200°C/min) or 2 m L splitless injection of 4 g/mL extracts in toluene a t250°C m a y b e u s e d.A3–5m,0.25m m i d, phenylmethyl-deactivated guard column must be used as a retention gap in either case. The analytical column is a 30 m, 0.25 mm id, 0.25 m m film thickness (5%phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane (low bleed) analytical column (DB-5ms or equiv alent). Set He head pressure on the column to be 10 psi or constant flow to be 1.0 mL/min with systems capable of electronic pressure/flow control. After an appropriate time for solv ent delay, use an appropriate ov en temperature program, for example, starting at 75°C for MeCN extracts or 100°C for toluene ramped to 150°C at 25°C/min, then to 280°C at 10°C/min, and hold for 10 min. All collaborators had much experience in pesticide residue analysis and were free to use their own analytical conditions provided that peak shapes were Gaussian, peak widths at half heights were <5 s, and signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the quantitative ion for the pesticides at 10 ng/g equivalent concentrations in the sample were >10. For qualitative purposes (which were not the focus of this study), at least 3 ions yielding relativ e abundances that reasonably match a contemporaneously analyzed reference standard are typically needed to make an analyte identification.(b) Liquid chromatograph/tandem mass spectrometer.— A triple quadrupole, ion trap, or other LC/MS/MS instrument may be used provided it is capable of electrospray ionization (ESI) in the positive mode with computerized instrument control/data collection and has an AS. An injection volume (5–100 m L) will be determined for each instrument to achieve S/N > 10 for the quantitation ion for a 10 ng/g equivalent sample concentration. As in GC/MS, the collaborators had much experience in the analysis of pesticides and were free to use their own conditions. Suggested LC conditions, howev er, include a 15 cm long, 3.0 mm id, 3 m m particle size C18 column, flow rate of 0.3 mL/min, and gradient elution with an initial condition of 25% MeOH in 5 mM formic acid solution taken linearly in 15 min to 90% MeOH in 5 mM formic acid solution and held for 15 min. A short C18 guard column must be used to protect the analytical column, and a bypass valve must be used before the MS instrument to av oid introduction of the early and late eluting nonanalyte components into the detector. The MS/MS conditions were optimized in each laboratory using direct infusion into the ESI source to prov ide highest S/N for the quantitation ion of each LC-type analyte from a single MS/MS transition. A second transition with reasonably matching relative abundance ratios vs a contemporaneously analyzed reference standard is typically needed for qualitative purposes.(c) Centrifuge(s).—Capable of holding the 50 mL centrifuge tubes or bottles used for extraction and 10–15 mL graduated centrifuge tubes or 2 mL mini-tubes used in dispersiv e-SPE. Determine the rpm settings that yield a given relative centrifugal force (RCF), and ensure that maximum ratings of the centrifuge, tube/bottles, and rotors for the instrument are not exceeded.(d) Balance(s).—Capable of accurately measuring weights from0.05 to 100 g within ±0.01 g.(e) Freezer.—Capable of continuous operation <–20°C.(f) Furnace/oven.—Capable of 500°C operation.ã 2007 AOAC IN T ER N A T IONALTable 2007.01E. Averaged interlaboratory study results for the fortified and incurred pesticides aMatrix Recovery, %RSD r, %RSD R, %HorRat No. of labs (n) Grapes86 ± 1110 ± 422 ± 80.90 ± 0.2912 ± 1 Lettuces87 ± 1210 ± 720 ± 90.83 ± 0.4510 ± 1 Oranges87 ± 1510 ± 620 ± 80.84 ± 0.3710 ± 2 Overall87 ± 1110 ± 621 ± 80.86 ± 0.3711 ± 2Incurred NA b12 ± 422 ± 80.92 ± 0.3011 ± 2aData from fewer than 7 laboratories in an assessment were excluded.bNA = Not applicable.(g ) Food chopper and/or bl ender.—Preferably an s-blade vertical cutter (e.g. Stephan, Robotcoupe) and and probe blender (e.g. Ultra-Turrax, Propsep).(h ) Sol vent evaporator (optional ).—For the ev aporation of MeCN extracts, if LVI is not used in GC/MS.C. Reagents[See Table 5 [J. AOAC Int. 90, 485(2007)] for sources of chemicals.](a ) Anhydrous magnesium sul fate (MgSO 4).—Powder form;purity >98%; heated in bulk to 500°C for >5 h to remove phthalates and residual water.(b ) Acetonitril e (MeCN).—Quality of sufficient purity that is free of interfering compounds.(c ) Acetic acid (HOAc).—Glacial; quality of sufficient purity that is free of interfering compounds.(d ) 1% HOAc in MeCN.—Prepared on a v/v basis (e.g., 10 mL glacial HOAc in a 1 L MeCN solution).(e ) Anhydrous sodium acetate (NaOAc).—Powder form (NaOAc·3H 2O may be substituted, but 0.17 g per g sample must be used rather than 0.1 g anhydrous NaOAc per g sample).(f ) Primary secondary amine (PSA) sorbent.—40 m m particle size (Varian Part No. 12213024 or equiv alent). (Note : Premade dispersive-SPE tubes are now available from at least 3 vendors.)(g ) C 18 sorbent (optional ).—40 m m particle size, if samples contain >1% fat.(h ) G r a p h i t i z e d c a r b o n b l a c k (G C B ) s o r b e n t (optional ).—120/400 mesh size, if no structurally planar pesticides are included among the analytes.(i ) Helium.—Purity that has been demonstrated to be free of interfering compounds in GC/MS.(j ) Toluene (optional ).—Quality of sufficient purity that is free of interfering compounds; only needed if LVI is not used in GC/MS.(k ) Methanol (MeOH).—Quality of sufficient purity that is free of interfering compounds in LC/MS/MS prepared in mobile phase solution.(l ) Water.—Quality of sufficient purity that is free of interfering compounds in LC/MS/MS.(m ) Formic acid.—Quality of sufficient purity that is free of interfering compounds in LC/MS/MS prepared in mobile phase solution.(n ) Pesticide standards .—High purity reference standards of the pesticide analytes, and quality control (QC) and internal standards (ISs) prepared at highly concentrated stock solutions (e.g.,2000 ng/m L) in MeCN with 0.1% HOAc. Stored in dark vials in the freezer. Check annually for stability.(o ) Standard sol utions.—Prepared in MeCN for all collaborators: IS solution = 40 ng/m L of both d 10-parathion and d 6-a -HCH in MeCN; triphenylphosphate (TPP) solution = 2 ng/m L TPP in 1% HOAc in MeCN solution; QC-spike solution = 40 ng/m L of the 27 pesticide analytes in 0.1% HOAc in MeCN; and individual test solutions = 10 ng/m L of each of the 30 compounds to be detected (except 40 ng/m L TPP) in 0.1% HOAc in MeCN solution.Collaborators prepared a test mix and calibration standard spike solutions from those provided as described in E .(p ) Bl ank sampl e .—Verified to be free of analytes abov e the detection limit.(q ) Other reagents.—Certain instruments may require nitrogen or other materials/devices for their operation.D. Materials(a ) Fl uorinated ethyl ene propyl ene (FEP) centrifugetubes.—50 mL; e.g., Nalgene Part No. 3114-0050 or equivalent for <16 g sample (or 250 mL FEP centrifuge bottles for 16–75 g sample size).(b ) Spatul a/spoon and funnel .—For transferring sample into centrifuge tubes.(c ) Solvent dispenser and 1–4 L solvent bottle.—For transferring 15 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN per 15 g sample in FEP centrifuge tubes or bottles.(d ) Centrifuge tubes (optional ).—10–15 mL graduated. For evaporation and/or dispersive-SPE.(e ) Mini-centrifuge tubes (optional).—2 mL. For dispersive-SPE (use tubes with o-ring-sealed caps to avoid leaks).(f ) Syringes/pipets.—Capable of accurate sample introduction of 2 or 8 m L volume into GC/MS and appropriate volumes of matrix spike, IS, and calibration standard solutions (12.5–300 m L).(g ) Repeating or vol umetric pipets.—Capable of accurately transferring 0.5–8 mL solvent.(h ) Containers .—Graduated cylinders, volumetric flasks, weigh boats, v ials, and/or other general containers in which to contain samples, extracts, solutions, standards, and reagents.E. Preparation of Reagent Materials and Comminuted Sample(1) Prepare the necessary number of sealable vials/cups containing 6.0 ± 0.3 g anhydrous MgSO 4 + 1.5 ± 0.1 g anhydrous NaOAc (or 2.5ã 2007 AOAC IN T ER N A TIONALFigure 2007.01. Outline of the QuEChERS protocol used in the collaborative study.± 0.2 g NaOAc·3H2O) per 15 g sample. Scoops of appropriate volume can be used to speed the process, but weighing should still be done to check consistency. The containers should be sealed during storage and can be refilled and re-used without cleaning in between usages.(2) Prepare the necessary number of appropriate centrifuge tubes (2 mL mini-centrifuge tubes or 10–15 mL centrifuge tubes) containing 0.05 ± 0.01 g PSA sorbent + 0.15 ± 0.03 g anhydrous MgSO4 per 1 mL extract taken for dispersive-SPE cleanup. (Note: At least United Chemical Technologies, Restek, and Supelco now provide dispersive-SPE products commercially to replace this step.) If LVI is not available for GC/MS, then evaporation of the extracts will be needed, and 8 mL extract will be transferred to 10–15 mL sealable centrifuge tubes containing 0.40 ± 0.08 g PSA sorbent + 1.20 ± 0.24 g anhydrous MgSO4. For matrixes that contain >1% fat, add an additional 0.05 ± 0.01 g C18 sorbent per mL extract to the container. If no planar pesticides are among the analytes (e.g., thiabendazole, terbufos, quintozene, and hexachlorobenzene), then 0.05 ± 0.01 g GCB sorbent per mL extract can also be added to the tube. (Note: Final extract volume may have to be reduced to 0.4 mL per 1 mL aliquot in dispersive-SPE if all 4 powders are used.) (3) Prepare 1% HOAc in MeCN in dispenser bottle by adding 10 mL HOAc to 990 mL v olume of MeCN or different desired amount in the same ratio.(4) Label all vials and tubes appropriately that will be used in the method.(5) Note: Step 5 was conducted by the Study Director (SD) when preparing the test samples. An appropriate chopper must be used to comminute large, representative sample portions. An uncommon or deuterated pesticide standard may be spiked into the sample during homogenization to determine the effectiv eness of the procedure. Blend the sample until it gives a consistent texture. Transfer .200 g to a sealable container for freezer storage after further homogenization with a probe blender. Blend this subsample with the mixer until it is homogeneous. The test portion (e.g., 15 g) is taken for extraction immediately, and the container is then sealed and stored in the freezer in case re-analysis is necessary. The advantages of this approach are that the 15 g portion is highly representative of the original sample, the sample is well-comminuted to improv e extraction by shaking, less time is spent on the ov erall homogenization process than trying to prov ide equiv alent homogenization of the large initial sample with the chopper, and a frozen subsample is available for re-analysis if needed.To provide the most homogeneous comminuted samples, frozen conditions, sufficient chopping time, and appropriate sample size to chopper volume ratio should be used. Use of frozen samples also minimizes degradative and volatilization losses of certain pesticides. In this case, cut the sample into 2–5 cm3 portions with a knife and store the sample in the freezer prior to processing. Cryogenic blending devices, liquid nitrogen, or dry ice may also be used (but make sure all dry ice has sublimed before weighing samples and ensure that water condensation is minimal, especially in a humid environment). (6) For laboratories with LVI in GC/MS, prepare a test mix of the pesticides in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc to determine the retention times (t R) and MS quantitation/diagnostic ions at the particular GC/MS conditions to be used in the analysis [see Table 2 of the collaborative study (J. AOAC Int. 90, 485(2007)].The preparation of the test mix and calibration spiking standards are described as follows:(1) Test mix in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc.—4 ng/m L in 10 mL of all 30 compounds to be analyzed. Add 1 mL each of QC-spike solution + IS solution + TPP test solution + 1% HOAc in MeCN and fill to 10 mL with MeCN. Calibration spike standards in MeCN for 27 pesticide analytes (make 10 mL each in volumetric flasks, then transfer to 15 mL dark glass vials and store in freezer).(2) Cal-standard-1000.—20 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 5 mL QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution + 1 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN and fill to the mark with MeCN.(3) Cal-standard-250.—5 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 1.25 mL QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution + 1 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN and fill to the mark with MeCN.(4) Cal-standard-100.—2 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 500 m L QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution + 1 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN and fill to the mark with MeCN.(5) Cal-standard-50.—1 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 250 m L QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution + 1 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN and fill to the mark with MeCN.(6) Cal-standard-10.—0.2 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 50 m L QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution + 1 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN and fill to the mark with MeCN.(7) Cal-standard-5.—0.1 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 25 m L QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution + 1 mL 1% HOAc in MeCN and fill to the mark with MeCN. For laboratories without LVI in GC/MS, the preparation of the test mix and the calibration spiking standards are described below: (1a) Test mix for GC in tol uene.—4 ng/m L in 10 mL of all 30 compounds to be analyzed. Add 1 mL QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution + 1 mL TPP test solution and fill to 10 mL with toluene. Calibration spike standards in MeCN for LC/MS/MS (in dark glass AS vials stored in freezer).(2a) Cal-standard-1000.—20 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 500 m L QC-spike solution + 100 m L IS solution + 100 m L 1% HOAc in MeCN + 320 m L MeCN.(3a) Cal-standard-250.—5 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 125 m L QC-spike solution + 100 m L IS solution + 100 m L 1% HOAc in MeCN + 695 m L MeCN.(4a) Cal-standard-100.—2 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 50 m L QC-spike solution + 100 m L IS solution + 100 m L 1% HOAc in MeCN + 770 m L MeCN.Dilute QC-spike solution.—4 ng/m L. Transfer 100 m L QC-spike solution to AS vial and add 900 m L MeCN.(5a) Cal-standard-50.—1 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 250 m L dilute QC-spike solution + 100 m L IS solution + 100 m L 1% HOAc + 570 m L MeCN.(6a) Cal-standard-10.—0.2 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 50 m L dilute QC-spike solution + 100 m L IS solution + 100 m L 1% HOAc and 770 m L MeCN.(7a) Cal-standard-5.—0.1 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in MeCN + 0.1% HOAc. Add 25 m L dilute QC-spike solution + 100 m L IS solution + 100 m L 1% HOAc + 795 m L MeCN.Calibration spike standards in toluene.—Make 10 mL each in volumetric flasks, then transfer to 15 mL dark glass vials and store in freezer.(8a) Cal-standard-1000-tol.—20 ng/m L of each pesticide + 4 ng/m L IS in toluene. Add 5 mL QC-spike solution + 1 mL IS solution and fill to the mark with toluene.ã 2007 AOAC IN T ER N A T IONAL。



另 外 ,在 草 莓 和 莴 苣 中也 发 现 了 久 效 磷 残 留 。 本 次残 留 检 测 结 果 已经 报 告 给 巴西 警 察 局 和 农 业 部等 相关 部 门进 行 调查 。
表 1 2 0 年 巴西 水 果 和蔬 菜 农 药 残 留检 测 结 果 07
数 据 来 源 :Ania vs
量 超 标 率 最 低 ,分 别 为 1 %和 29 。2 0 年 以 . 4 .% 02
来 ,马 铃 薯 残 留合 格 率 逐 年 提 高 , 当 时 马 铃 薯 的残 留量超 标 率 为2 .%,苹果 的残 留量 超 标 率 22
为 53 。 . %
从 2 0 年 就 开 始 ,P r 就 和 巴西 卫 生 部 合 01 aa 作 ,从 超 市 等 销 售 点 中抽 取 样 本 ,对 食 品 中农

57 —
“ 类 消 费 可 接 受 的 范 围” 内 的久 效 磷 残 留 量 。 人
留超标 率 较高 ,达4 %以上 。本 次抽 查 检测 的样 0
本 包 括 番 茄 、草 莓 、莴 苣 、香 蕉 、胡 萝 卜、番 木 瓜 、橘 子 、苹果 和 马铃 薯9 作 物 。 种 在本 次 抽 检 中 ,番 茄 的 残 留 量超 标 率 最 高 , 达 g 4 .% ,1 3 样 本 中有 5 个 不 合 格 。 据 统  ̄ 47 ] 2个 5 计 ,2 0 年 以来 ,番 茄 的农 药 残 留 量 超 标 率 就 02
本 次 残 留检 抽 检 ,以 保 护 消 费者 和农 场 工 人 的健 康 。 目前 ,这项 工 作 已经 渐 渐 成 为是 A vs ni a 工 作 的 一 部 分 。本 次 抽 查 覆 盖 了 l 个 州 . 明年 6 本 项 抽 查 将 计 划 覆 盖 到 巴 西 国 内所 有 的 州 ,并 在 抽 检样 本 中增 加8 作 物 。 种 ( 丽辉 译 自 ( go 武 A rw}No 5 2 .4)















附件:1、食品添加剂新品种目录2、列入食品工业用加工助剂使用名单的物质目录3、食品用香料新品种目录二○○八年五月二十六日附件1食品添加剂新品种目录名称:赤藓糖醇赤藓糖醇(生产用菌株:分别为Moniliella pollinis和trichosporonoides megachiliensis) Erythritol 功能:甜味剂(一).赤藓糖醇允许使用的食品类别及最大使用量各类食品a 按生产需要适量使用(二)赤藓糖醇的质量规格要求1.生产用菌株为Moniliella pollinis的赤藓糖醇(1)生产工艺由食品级的碳水化合物底物经丛梗孢酵母(Moniliella pollinis)发酵,并经纯化及干燥等工序而得。









关键词:茶叶农药残留卫生质量保证体系2000年5月美国众议院已通过了对中国的PNIR(永久性正常贸易关系法案),我国加入WTO 已指日可待。












农药残留主要的检测方法1 农业生产中农药的应用地位农业的可持续发展关系到国家经济建设和社会稳定的全局。









2 农药残留检测的必要性随着农业产业化的发展,农产品的生产越来越依赖于农药、抗生素和激素等外源物质。



3 农药残留主要的检测方法国际上用于农药残留快速检测方法种类繁多,究其原理来说主要分为两大类:生化测定法和色谱快速检测法。







半月谈内部版2007年7期【本期焦点】农业标准化:中国农业突围之路将更多“放心食品”摆上百姓餐桌推行农业标准化存在三大障碍强化市场准入是关键农业标准化:中国农业突围之路2007年06月28日 09:35:34 来源:半月谈将更多"放心食品"摆上百姓餐桌编者按:今年4月23日,中共中央政治局就中国农业标准化和食品安全问题进行了集体学习,胡锦涛总书记在主持学习时指出,实施农业标准化是建设现代农业的重要抓手,是增强中国农业市场竞争力的重要举措,是保障食品安全的基础条件。













本文者从分光光度测定法、色谱分析、生物检测、免疫分析、生物传感器、联用技术6 个方面综述了目前氨基甲酸酯类农药残留分析方法的研究进展及应用现状。





蒋淑艳等[ 2 ] 提出采用间接邻菲罗啉光度法测定氨基甲酸酯类农药,其标准偏差为0 . 21%~2 . 3%,变异系数为0. 22%~2. 43%,回收率达99.6 %~107. 8%。




2、色谱法2.1 气相色谱法(GC)测定气相色谱法(GC)是一种经典的农残检测方法,约70%的农药残留都是用气相色谱法来检测。
















附件:1、食品添加剂新品种目录2、列入食品工业用加工助剂使用名单的物质目录3、食品用香料新品种目录二○○八年五月二十六日附件1食品添加剂新品种目录名称:赤藓糖醇赤藓糖醇(生产用菌株:分别为Moniliella pollinis和trichosporonoides megachiliensis) Erythritol 功能:甜味剂(一).赤藓糖醇允许使用的食品类别及最大使用量各类食品a 按生产需要适量使用(二)赤藓糖醇的质量规格要求1.生产用菌株为Moniliella pollinis的赤藓糖醇(1)生产工艺由食品级的碳水化合物底物经丛梗孢酵母(Moniliella pollinis)发酵,并经纯化及干燥等工序而得。



《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》(GB2760-2007)2007 年 8 月 23 日发布中华人民共和国卫生部公告2007 年第15号根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》和《食品添加剂卫生管理办法》的规定,批准以下食特此公告。

二○○七年八月七日食品添加剂扩大使用范围、使用量的品种类别添加剂名称使用范围最大使用量( g/kg )六偏磷酸钠碳酸饮料、运动饮料 1.0酸度调节剂磷酸三钠方便湿面调味料包80乳粉和奶油粉及其调制产品、香辛料及粉、复合调味料、酵母类制品、固体饮料类、可抗结剂硅铝酸钠可制品、速溶咖啡、蛋糕预拌粉、淀粉及淀按生产需要适量使用粉类制品、食糖、干酪、餐桌甜味剂、盐及代盐制品消泡剂聚二甲基硅氧烷乳液食用油脂10mg/kg抗氧化剂乙二胺四乙酸二钠软饮料0.03日落黄巧克力制品0.3诱惑红巧克力制品0.3着色剂胭脂红蛋卷0.01柠檬黄蛋卷0.04乳化剂硬脂酰乳酸钠发酵米面制品 2.0水分保持剂甘油复合调味酱按生产需要适量使用醋0.15防腐剂乳酸链球菌素酱油、酱及酱制品、复合调味料0.2六偏磷酸钠乳及调制乳 1.0 (以六偏磷酸钠计)稳定剂含乳饮料2三聚磷酸钠茶饮料、咖啡饮料1甜味剂山梨糖醇炼乳及其调制产品按生产需要适量使用麦芽糖醇炼乳及其调制产品按生产需要适量使用乙酰磺胺酸钾冷冻饮品0.3630mg/kg-维生素 C胶基糖果13000mg/kg1050mg/kg-胶基糖果营养强化剂1450mg/kg维生素 E3.3- 6.0mgα-儿童配方奶粉TE/100g硫酸铜婴儿配方食品、较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品 1.6 -7mg/kg230mg/dm( 在模具中的加工助剂聚二甲基硅氧烷面包烘烤制作工艺使用量 )中华人民共和国卫生部公告2007年第 17号根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》和《食品添加剂卫生管理办法》的规定,现将食品中二十二碳六烯酸和花生四烯酸使用规定调整如下,本公告自发布之日起正式实施。

2008 年 12 月 1 日前,按照以往《食品营养强化剂使用卫生标准》( GB14880)使用二十二碳六烯酸和花生四烯酸的食品可在产品保质期内继续销售。



的安全 ,
有 力 支援 了
农 “ 三

2 0 0 7 { ii 农 药 彳 , Ik 书能 减 排 i 晰 效 箍
2 0 0 7 年 农 药行 业 节 能 减排 工 作 效 益 显 著 , 其 中一 项
最大 T
程 就 是 减 少使 用 大量
苯 “ 三

既 浪 费资源 又
污 染环 境 的乳 油 制 剂 , 而 着 力推 广 高效 环 保 的 水 性 化
行 动 月期 间 , 全 国质检 部 门将 以 农 药、 化 肥 、 农 膜 、 衣机 为 重 点 产 品 , 与名 优 农 资产 品 生 产企 业 联 合 组 织 开 展 “ 进 千 村 、 入 千 户 、 抽 千样 ” 衣 资打 假 下 乡活 动 : 查 处 一 批 造 假 行 为 、 取 缔 一 批 造 假 窝点 , 严 厉 打 击 假 劣农 资坑 农 害衣违 法 行 为 ; 积 极 宣传 农 资识 假 、 消 费 维权 知 识 , 引导农 民 消 费; 重 点 围 绕 农 民投 诉 多、 反 映 强 烈 的 大 案 要 案 , 帮助 农 民 索赔 维权 。
制 剂 。 单 是 甲胺 磷 等 高毒 杀 虫 剂 的 停 产 , 就 可 减 少 2 0
万 t 乳 油 撒 向农 田 污染环 境 , 又 减 少 1 0万 ~ 1 2 万 t 宝贵的
㈧ 务院 酃措 农 业 抗 灾 减 灾 和 春 耕 生产工 作
国 务 院 目 前 召 开 全 国农 业 抗 灾减 灾和 春耕 生 产工 作
划 弘郫 竣求 落 实 农 药 6 项 新 规
E1 前 , 农 业 部 办 公 厅 下 发 通 知 , 要 求 各 地 贯 彻 落 实 《关 于 修 订 < 农 药 管理 条 例 实施 办 法 > 的 决 定 》 等 6 项 规 章和 规 范性 文件 。










对溶剂而言一般每批溶剂取100~200 mL浓缩,定容1 mL,进样1 μL无干扰峰即可。







V g tbe r m h n h n ct 0 7 e ea lsf0 S e z e i i 2 0 yn
W ANG i GU S n — a , HANG Bi g YE C u — i g,C Ru , o g h o Z n, h n l n HE u — e N y e fi
n p c 0 Βιβλιοθήκη o A c 2 e ns n uM
d , k k n5 8 4 , n 拈 S 0O l
Ab t a t s r c :Ra d m a l g 1 a 1 s i a h ma k t e c n h i O 7 n o s mp i 0 s mpe n e c r e a h mo t n 2 0 ;Ra i e t g me h d c mb n d wi a n p d tsi t o o i e t g s n h
p io 0 s e t i e a d o p d t e s f t e h y a t e m s r e t i e a mie .T e u e so s o 1 e os n u p si d h d c r p e , h u e o h c r s n h mu e t p si d h d e c sd h s p Ⅳiin h u d b s e gh n d a d ma a e h o g a t o in e . t n t e e n n g d t r u h t 唱e— r td r e Ke r s Ve e a l s e t i e r s u s y wO d : g t be P s cd e i e Ma a e n i d n g me t
p e o n n o e t i e I s u s i h e e a ls i 0 7 h d t e o v o s d 0 o a o t a i o 6 I e r a o s 0 h n me o fp si d l i e n t e v g tb e n 2 0 a h b iu rp c mp d t h t n 2 o . ’ e s n f c ed h



农药的理化性质决定农 药的去向: • 挥发、分解 • 产生更毒的代谢物 • 结合或转移到食品的 某一成分中
一些蔬菜可用沸水焯一 下,然后再烹调食用。 高温:氨基甲酸酯类杀 虫剂随着温度升高,分解 加快。
温 馨 提示
小心反季节蔬菜和大棚菜,尽量选购当令盛产的蔬果。 改掉爱购买外形美观果蔬的习惯。 连续性采收的农作物应特别加强清洗次数及时间 选购具有特殊气味的洋葱、大蒜;需去皮才可食用 的,或有套袋的果蔬。 中间有空心,形状不规则且又硕大无比的草莓,一般 是激素过量所致。
☻ 7、兽药残留破坏环境
感谢下 载
由于欧盟的禁令,美国、日本等国已高 度关注我国出口水产品的质量。
据悉,自从一九八六年欧盟严格执行肉类食品法规以来, 中国的猪肉就基本上无法进入欧盟市场;日本则根据国际 流行病疫情报告,把中国列入“三类地区”,从此中国的猪、 羊、牛肉也基本上无法进入日本市场。
随着我国加入WTO,我国畜产品在国际贸易中将面临更加 激烈的竞争环境,药物残留往往是引发国际贸易中非贸易 性技术壁垒障碍的导火线。
耐储存果蔬最 好不蔬菜中的酶等活性物质与残留农 药反应,可以使农药氧化降解。在正常室温下, 每放置24小时,果蔬中的化学农药的平均消失 率为 4.8%。但如果在低温下放置,则会使残留 农药的下降率相应减少。因此,耐贮的果蔬放 置一段时间可以减少农药残留量,降低其毒性。









1农药残留的现状及其危害1.1 农药残留的现状农药喷洒在作物上经过一定时间后,由于日晒、雨淋、风吹、高温挥发和植物代谢等的作用,药剂逐渐分解、减少,但不能全部消失,收获的农副产品上仍残留极少量的农药,长期食用或接触这种带有残留农药的农副产品对人畜所产生的毒性,称之为残留毒性,简称残毒。

有的农药残留在土壤中需几年,甚至10 多年方能消失。










例如,溶液的离子强度会对分析物活度系数有影响,这些影响和干扰被称为基质效应(matrix effect)。

目前最常用的去除基质效应的方法是,通过已知分析物浓度的标准样品,同时尽可能保持样品中基质不变,建立一个校正曲线(calibration curve)。


对于复杂的或者未知组分基质的影响,可以采用标准添加法(standard addition method)。





基质效应的评价方法一种是较简单的采用相对响应值法A:在纯溶剂中农药的响应值B:样品基质中添加的相同含量农药响应值基质效应Matrix Effect (%)=B/A×100另一种方法是比较复杂的标准曲线测定法配制3组标准曲线。








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1972. Modification made to analyse even more polar compounds, particularly Methamidophos (Monitor). The petroleum ether partitioning is eliminated. Water is not added to acetone to obtain better recovery of the water soluble compounds. KCITD is used to analyse P and N containing residues. ECD is used after Florisil clean-up.

1984-1988. Development of “twodimensional” capillary GC, which involves the use of two columns of different polarity and mulitiple detectors, hence eliminating the need in extensive cleanup.

1977-1987. Further development for certain groups of compounds. Additional clean-up on C-18 for methyl carbamates, phenylureas, and benzimadazoles followed by determination with HPLC with different detection systems. 1992. Methylation procedure for chlorphenoxy acids determined with ELCD. Halogenated heat sensitive pesticides can be determined with by HPLC using a photoconductivity detector sensitive for halogenated compounds.
• 1981. Development the flame photometric detector (FPD) which could be used in P or S mode and the Hall electrolytic conductivity detector (ELCD) which could be used in a halogen or nitrogen detection mode. 1981. Elimination of the Florisil clean-up step for determination of the chlorinated pesticides since the use of ELCD in halogen mode.

1982. Simultaneous extraction and clean-up in chromatographic columns. Mixing or blending aqueous samples with silica gel or alumina to remove lipids prior to liquid-liquid partitioning and Florisli cleanup.
After 1990’s
• The development of practical massspectrometry, a universal selective detection technique, in combination with capillary GC and HPLC for pesticide residue analysis, which made compound identification much more reliable.
In the 1970s’ Methylene chloride partition
• Methylene chloride partition after two petroleum ether partitions. More polar pesticides such as Mevinphos can be determined. Detection with newly developed potassium chloride thermoionic detector (KCITD) for phosphate and nitrogen residues.
2 Objectives of the cleanup procedure
• • • • • • • • • • • • When a sample is extracted, the resultant extract often contains a variety of coextractives such as oils, fats, waxes and plant pigments in addition to the pesticides of interest. If these co-extractives are not removed from the extracts they can interfere significantly with the determinative step of the analytical procedure. The removal of the extraneous co-extractives from the extract is known as sample clean-up. co-extractives 对仪器系统的可能影响: affecting the efficiency of the analytical column damaging and/or affecting the response of the detection system contaminating the injection system masking true positive results producing false positive results (contamination) enhancing or diminishing the GC response (matrix effect). 进一步对分析的影响: significant instrument “down-time” where essential maintenance must be carried out to correct the effect of co-extractives on the analytical instrumentation; increased consumable costs where affected parts of the analytical instrumentation have to be repaired or replaced; incorrect data being reported where co-extractives have masked the presence of pesticides (false negative results) or produced false positives. Effective clean-up of sample extracts is thus particularly important to minimise the risk of erroneous analyses and of damage to the analytical system.

1985. Application of Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) for clean-up. More than 300 pesticides were reported to be cleaned simultaneously.

1985. Development of Solid Phase Extraction (SFE). C-18 bonded silica gel cartridges, XAD resins, Tenax-GC cartridges were applied for extraction and preconcentration of pesticides from air and water samples.

1993. Cairns method. Use of the solid phase extraction cartridges for the clean up. The change was necessary by the change in technology which had gone form packed GC columns to open bore columns which are more easily affected by the non-volatile sample extractives that are deposited in the injector port. Two points SFE is introduced. The first uses C-18 SFE to remove nonpolar sample compounds by a reverse phase clean-up. The second uses a strong and weak anionic extraction SPE cartridge to remove acidic phenols and saccharides. Methyl carbamate, phenylureas, and benzimadazoles can be determined without additional clean-up step.