供应链管理试题及答案(正文开始)一、选择题1. 供应链管理是指()。
A. 管理整个供应链的过程B. 管理供应链上的每个环节C. 管理供应链的上游环节D. 管理供应链的下游环节答案:A. 管理整个供应链的过程2. 供应链管理目标是()。
A. 提高企业的生产效率B. 提升企业的市场占有率C. 实现供需的平衡D. 实现供应链的优化答案:D. 实现供应链的优化3. 供应链管理中的“一体化管理”指的是()。
A. 将供应链上的每个环节进行单独管理B. 将供应链上的所有环节整合为一个整体进行管理C. 将供应链上的关键环节进行重点管理D. 将供应链的上游环节与下游环节进行分开管理答案:B. 将供应链上的所有环节整合为一个整体进行管理4. 供应链管理中的“信息共享”是指()。
A. 各环节之间分享实时的供应链信息B. 供应链的信息只在同一环节内进行共享C. 供应链的信息只在上游环节进行共享D. 供应链的信息只在下游环节进行共享答案:A. 各环节之间分享实时的供应链信息二、填空题1. 供应链管理的核心是()。
答案:协调2. 供应链管理的关键是()和()。
答案:信息共享,合作3. 供应链的成本由()、()和()组成。
答案:物流成本,库存成本,信息成本三、简答题1. 请简述供应链管理的重要性及其优势。
2. 请阐述供应链管理中的关键环节及其作用。
简答题1 供应链---是围绕企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流旳控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最终由销售网络把产品运送到消费者手中,将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终顾客连成一种整体旳功能网链构造模式。
1b 供应链旳特性1.复杂性。
节点企业可以是这个供应链旳组员,同步又是另一种供应链旳组员,众多旳供应链形成交叉构造,增长了协调管理旳难度2 横向一体化:运用企业外部资源迅速响应市场需求,本企业只抓最关键旳东西:产品方向和市场。
3 供应链合作伙伴关系答:一般是指在供应链内部两个或以上独立旳组员之间形成旳一种协调关系,以保证明现某个特定旳目旳或效益,也就是供应商-制造商关系,或者称为卖主/供应商-买主关系。
4 物流管理与供应链管理旳关系1).物流管理是指通过物流管理组织对整个物流活动进行计划、组织、指挥、监督、控制、调整工作旳总和。
供应链管理旳重要领域有:供应,生产计划,物流,需求,战略性供应商和顾客合作伙伴关系管理,供应链产品需求预测和计划,供应链旳设计,企业内部之间物料供应与需求管理,基于供应链管理旳产品设计与制造管理、生产集成化计划、跟踪和控制,基于供应链旳顾客服务和物流管理,企业间资金流管理,基于Internet /Intranet旳供应链交互信息管理等。
习题目录第1章绪论 (1)第2章供应链的设计和构建 (4)第3章供应链管理方法 (9)第4章供应链合作伙伴关系管理 (11)第5章供应链采购管理 (13)第6章供应链库存管理 (17)第7章供应链物流管理 (19)第8章供应链风险管理 (21)第9章供应链绩效管理 (23)第1章绪论【习题答案】1.选择题(1)B(2)D(3)B(4)A(5)B(6)C(7)D(8)A(9)C2.简答题(1)供应链的概念。
《供应链管理》复习题 (1)
![《供应链管理》复习题 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/eb5c5c1d14791711cc79175f.png)
A.有效型供应链B.反应型供应链C.敏捷型供应链D.功能性供应链3. 不属于增值性物流服务包括的内容含义和内容的是()。
A. 增加便利性服务B. 加快反应速度的服C. 降低成本的服务D. 送货频率4. 供应链管理与企业内部管理最大的不同之处在于,在供应链中没有组织机构和行政隶属关系作为支撑,只能以强调()作为管理职能实施的基础。
A.合作和签订契约B.谈判C.意愿D.激励5. 代码的()是指代码应便于修改,以适应分类编码对象的特征或属性及其相互关系可能出现的变化。
A.唯一性B.适应性C.含义性D.识别性6. 提供各种物流信息咨询服务的物流是指()。
A.第一方物流B.第二方物流C.第三方物流D. 第四方物流7. 为应对需求、提前期等的不确定性而设的超过周转库存部分的库存,是()。
A.调节库存B.在途库存C.安全库存D.周转库存8. 以下属于高水平、高技术的配送形式的是()。
A.定时定量B.多品种,少批量C.少品种、大批量D. 成套配套9. 既是配送中心满足顾客需求,提高服务水平的重要保证,又是配送中心费用产生的主要来源的是()。
A.验货B.拣选C.库存D.包装10. 供应商决定每一种商品的恰当库存水平,以及维持这些库存水平的恰当策略的是()。
A.VMIB.EOQC.JITD. QR11. 在下面的选项中,()不属于供应链协调方法模式A.集中控制B.供应链伙伴关系C.供应链契约D.渠道冲突12. 在下面的选项中,()不属于供应链业务流程分析的目的A.面向客户价值B.组织结构的扁平化C.打破企业界面D.确定订购策略13. 在有关使用契约机制完成渠道协调的论断中,陈述正确的是()。
A.渠道企业建立了伙伴关系B.渠道企业没有冲突C.渠道利润实现最大化D.所有渠道企业完全由一家企业控制14. 在下面的选项中,()不属于供应链下运作管理的基本内容。
供应链管理考核试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 供应链管理的核心是()。
A. 客户需求B. 供应商关系C. 物流管理D. 信息流管理答案:A2. 下列不属于供应链管理基本流程的是()。
A. 采购管理B. 生产管理C. 库存管理D. 人力资源管理答案:D3. 下列哪种组织结构不利于供应链管理的协同效应()。
A. 矩阵式组织结构B. 事业部制组织结构C. 直线式组织结构D. 网络型组织结构答案:C4. 在供应链中,第三方物流供应商的主要职责是()。
A. 负责供应链中的全部物流活动B. 负责供应链中的部分物流活动C. 负责供应链中的信息流和物流活动D. 负责供应链中的资金流和物流活动答案:B5. 供应链风险管理主要包括()。
A. 供应风险B. 生产风险C. 市场风险D. 所有以上风险答案:D6. 下列哪项不是供应链管理的绩效指标()。
A. 订单履行率B. 库存周转率C. 供应商满意度D. 员工满意度答案:D7. 实施供应链管理的企业需要具备的条件有()。
A. 良好的信息技术支持B. 强大的市场竞争力C. 完善的供应链管理体系D. 所有以上条件答案:D8. 供应链协同效应的核心是()。
A. 资源共享B. 流程整合C. 信息共享D. 组织整合答案:C9. 下列哪种方式不属于供应链金融服务的范畴()。
A. 融资服务B. 贷款服务C. 信用保险服务D. 库存管理服务答案:D10. 供应链管理中的可持续发展主要包括()。
A. 环境友好型供应链B. 社会责任型供应链C. 经济效益型供应链D. 所有以上类型答案:D二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 请简述供应链管理的概念及其目标。
一、单项选择题:1.供应链上由供方向需方的单向流是 ( )。
A 信息流 B. 物流 C. 运输流 D.资金流2.对整个供应链系统进行计划、协调、操作、控制和优化的各种活动和过程 , 叫做( )。
A.供应链管理 B. 供应链C.物流管理 D. 物流3.对于创新型产品为特征的供应链管理,应该考虑( )运作策略,追求对客户需求的快速反应。
A.有效性作业 B. 反应性作业C. 功能性作业D. 精益性作业4.供应链管理以 ( ) 为导向。
A. 生产商需求B. 零售商需求C. 制造商需求D. 客户需求5.供应链管理就是运用一种 ( ) 管理思想和方法 , 对一系列活动或全过程跟踪管理,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终客户的物流计划和控制等职能。
A. 集成B. 复杂C. 动态D. 系统6.对供应链流程进行集成以及重组的目的在于 ( ) 。
A. 满足顾客需求B. 盈利能力最大化C. 提升横跨供应链成员的总体流程的高效性与有效性D. 运行效率最大化7.下列哪种说法是错误的 ( ) 。
D.控制“牛鞭效应”对大幅度减少库存有着决定性影响8.在供应商的管理模式中,( ) 模式强调在合作的供应商和生产商之间共同分享信息,通过合作和协商协调相互的行为。
A. 竞争关系B. 渠道关系C. 双赢关系D. 价格驱动关系9.准时采购(JIT)策略体现了供应链管理的协调性、同步性和集成性,( ) 是其基本特点之一。
A. 短期合作B. 多源供应C. 小批量采购D. 信息独享10.供应链是一个 ( ) 系统 , 它包括不同环节之间持续不断的信息流、产品流和资金流。
A. 动态系统B. 固定系统C. 独立系统D. 复杂系统11.对供应链流程进行集成以及重组的目的在于 ( ) 。
A. 满足顾客需求B. 盈利能力最大化C. 提升横跨供应链成员的总体流程的高效性与有效性D. 运行效率最大化12.下列哪种说法是错误的 ( ) 。
AA.供应链 B.合作伙伴 C.联盟组织 D.供应链管理2. 供应链管理的英文简写为:()。
CA. SSTB. SCC. SCMD. CIMS3. 供应链管理目的:()。
AA. 既提高服务水平又降低物流总成本B. 在于提高服务水平C. 在于降低物流总成本D. 以上答案都不是4. 供应链特征中不包含的因素有( C )。
A.动态性 B.面向用户需求C.静态性 D.交叉性5. 供应链不仅是一条连接供应商到用户的物料链、信息链、资金链,而且是一条( )。
DA.加工链 B.运输链C.分销链 D.增值链6. 商流是货物所有权的转移过程,是在供货商与消费者之间进行的( )流动。
AA.双向 B.价值C.单向 D.信息7. 供应链是一个网链结构,由围绕( )的供应商、供应商的供应商和用户、用户的用户组成。
DA.主要 B.最终用户C.一级 D.核心企业8. 以最低的成本将原材料转化成零部件和成品,并尽量控制供应链中的库存和运输成本,这种供应链属()。
CA. 平衡的供应链B. 反应型供应链C. 有效型供应链D. 稳定的供应链9. 选择恰当的供应链战略对企业发展非常重要,在客户市场需求稳定,且生产的产品相对成熟的情况下,哪种供应链更能发挥竞争优势:()。
DA. 响应型供应链B. 拉动式供应链C. 动态的供应链D. 效率型供应链10. 基于相对稳定、单一的市场需求而形成的供应链,我们称为()。
AA. 稳定的供应链B. 动态的供应链C. 平衡的供应链D. 倾斜的供应链11. 在市场变化加剧情况下,若供应链成本增加,库存增加、浪费增加时,企业不能在最优状态下运作,此时的供应链是:()。
DA. 稳定供应链B. 反应供应链C. 平衡供应链D. 倾斜供应链12. 当企业订购的产品数量大、竞争激烈时,合作伙伴选择最适宜的方法是()。
AA.供应链 B.合作伙伴 C.联盟组织 D.供应链管理2. 供应链管理的英文简写为:()。
CA. SSTB. SCC. SCMD. CIMS3. 供应链管理目的:()。
AA. 既提高服务水平又降低物流总成本B. 在于提高服务水平C. 在于降低物流总成本D. 以上答案都不是4. 供应链特征中不包含的因素有( C )。
A.动态性 B.面向用户需求C.静态性 D.交叉性5. 供应链不仅是一条连接供应商到用户的物料链、信息链、资金链,而且是一条( )。
DA.加工链 B.运输链C.分销链 D.增值链6. 商流是货物所有权的转移过程,是在供货商与消费者之间进行的( )流动。
AA.双向 B.价值C.单向 D.信息7. 供应链是一个网链结构,由围绕( )的供应商、供应商的供应商和用户、用户的用户组成。
DA.主要 B.最终用户C.一级 D.核心企业16.()原理认为,供应链系统运作业绩的好坏取决于供应链合作伙伴关系是否和谐,只有和谐而协调的关系才能发挥最佳的效能。
ABCDEA.复杂性B.动态性C.用户需求性D.层次性E.交叉性2. 供应链是一条连接供应商到客户的:()。
ABCDEA.物料链B.增值链C.信息链D.资金链E.价值链3. )。
CDA.推动式供应链B.拉动式供应链C.有效性供应链D.反应性供应链E.功能性供应链4. 供应链管理覆盖了从供应商的供应商到客户的全部过程。
A.需求B.计划C.物流D.供应E.回流5. 关于供应链管理思想以下描述正确的是()。
ABDEA.在供应链管理环境下资源优化的空间由企业内部扩展到企业外部B.生产能力的利用范围也扩展到了供应链系统的全过程C.将提前期作为一个静态的固定值来对待D.在供应链管理环境下更强调交货期的概念而并不强调提前期的固定与否E.供应链管理环境下的生产管理是开放性的6. 供应链管理的运营机制包括:()。
供应链管理习题供应链管理习题一、选择题1、下列选项中,对于供应链描述正确的是哪一项? A. 供应链是连接供应商、制造商、仓库和配送中心的网状结构 B. 供应链是连接供应商、制造商、销售商和最终用户的网状结构 C. 供应链是连接供应商、销售商、银行和最终用户的网状结构 D. 供应链是连接供应商、制造商、银行和最终用户的网状结构答案:A2、下列选项中,不属于供应链管理中的主要功能的是哪一项? A. 物流管理 B. 库存管理 C. 订单管理 D. 会计核算答案:D3、下列选项中,对于供应链管理中库存管理的主要策略哪一项描述错误? A. 库存分类管理是一种常见的库存管理策略 B. 安全库存是一种常见的库存管理策略 C. 零库存是一种库存管理策略 D. 综合库存管理是一种库存管理策略答案:D4、下列选项中,对于供应链管理中物流管理的主要功能哪一项描述错误? A. 订单处理 B. 货物运输 C. 库存管理 D. 产品设计答案:D5、下列选项中,对于供应链管理中订单管理的主要功能哪一项描述错误? A. 订单接收 B. 订单处理 C. 订单跟踪 D. 产品销售答案:D二、简答题6、什么是供应链管理?其主要目标是什么?答案:供应链管理是指通过协调和管理与供应链相关的各个环节,实现整个供应链的高效运作和整体利益最大化。
供应链管理期末总结复习测试题一、单选题1.供应链是围绕 A ,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终用户连成的一个整体的增值网链结构。
A 核心企业 B 供应商C 制造商D 分销商2.供应链管理的实质内容不包括 D 。
A 以顾客为中心,以市场需求为原动力;B 强调企业应专注于核心业务,建立核心竞争力,在供应链上明确定位,将非核心业务外包;C 各企业紧密合作,共担风险,共享利益;D 对工作流程、实物流程、信息流程和资金流程进行设计、执行、修正和不断改进;3.供应链管理具有 A 、共赢性、复杂性和动态性等基本特征。
A 集成性;B 连续性C 合作性。
D 流程性;4.供应链管理的基本观点,即企业应从 A 角度考察企业的经营效果,而不是片面地追求诸如采购、生产和分销等单个功能的优化。
A 总成本;B 集成C 财务。
D 经营;5.供应链表现为由原材料供应商、制造商、分销商、物流商等上、下游企业构成的A结构,基于这一结构能够支持产品或服务形成并到达最终用户,满足用户需求。
A 网链;B 供需;C 流程;D 框架;6.供应链通过核心企业与相关企业的协作关系,利用信息共享、技术扩散、资源优化配置和有效的价值链激励机制等方法体现经营 A ,通过进行比竞争对手更有效的活动或用创造更大的客户价值的独特方式进行活动,充分体现了物流企业为用户创造价值增值和节省费用的方式来获利的经营理念。
A 一体化;B 战略;C 思想;D 管理;7.实施供应链管理不仅意味着企业在战略方面努力构筑企业间战略同盟,而且意味着企业在经营方面努力实施供应链企业一体化的 C 管理。
A 战略;B 行政;C 物流;D 集成;8.通过建立 A 策略把制造商的JIT思想扩展到供应商,加强了供需之间的联系与合作,在开放性的动态信息交互下,面对市场需求的变化,供应商能够做出快速反应,提高了供应商的应变能力。
供应链管理试题及答案题一:供应链管理的定义及关键要素供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)是指协调和管理商业活动中涉及多个组织的供应链网络,以实现高效、高质量和低成本的物资、信息和现金流动,从供应商端到最终顾客端。
供应链管理的关键要素包括:1. 供应商管理:选择和管理合适的供应商,确保供应链上物资的稳定供应和质量可控;2. 物流管理:有效规划货物的运输和仓储,降低物流成本,提高物流效率;3. 库存管理:合理控制库存水平,避免库存过高或过低的情况出现,从而减少储运成本和缺货损失;4. 订单管理:及时响应客户订单,确保订单准确、及时地送达客户,提高客户满意度;5. 客户关系管理:与客户保持良好的沟通和合作,了解客户需求并及时满足,提升客户忠诚度和业务拓展。
答:供应链网络中的风险管理措施1. 多元化供应商:与多个供应商建立良好的关系,并分散采购订单给不同的供应商,这可以降低单一供应商风险对整个供应链的影响。
2. 库存备货:合理储备适量的库存,以应对供应中断或延迟等风险事件。
3. 风险共担:与供应商、物流服务商等建立长期合作伙伴关系,共同承担供应链风险。
4. 信息共享:建立供应链信息系统,实现供应链各个环节间的实时信息共享,提高风险应对的效率和准确性。
5. 多元化市场:开拓多个市场和销售渠道,降低对某一个特定市场波动的敏感度,减轻市场需求波动造成的风险。
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Supply Chain Management, 5e (Chopra/Meindl)Chapter 1 Understanding the Supply Chain1.1 True/False Questions1) A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplying components needed for manufacturing.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain2) A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain3) A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web. Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?4) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain5) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain6) Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain7) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain8) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain9) The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain10) The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain11) The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain12) The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills13) The objective of customer order entry is to ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills14) The objective of customer order entry is to maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills15) The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface.Answer: TRUEDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills16) The replenishment cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills17) The replenishment cycle is initiated when a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.Answer: TRUEDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills18) The replenishment cycle is initiated when customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills19) The manufacturing cycle occurs at the distributor/manufacturer interface.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills20) The manufacturing cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills21) The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to the order entry process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: TRUEDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills22) The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to the order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills23) The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills24) The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operational decisions, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain25) The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operational decisions, because it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain26) The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategic decisionsrelating to supply chain design, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills27) Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain28) Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain29) All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macro processes — CRM, ISCM and SRM.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain30) There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chain flows and the success of a supply chain.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain31) All stages of an enterprise are involved, either directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?32) A supply chain involves the constant flow of information, product, and funds between different stages and is typically static.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?33) The difference between the value of the product and its price remains with the customer as consumer surplus.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain1.2 Multiple Choice Questions1) Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?A) CustomersB) RetailersC) Wholesalers/DistributorsD) ManufacturersE) All of the above are stages within a typical supply chain.Answer: EDiff: 1Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?2) Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?A) CustomersB) RetailersC) Wholesalers/DistributorsD) MerchandisersE) Component/Raw material suppliersAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?3) Supply chain profitability isA) not correlated to the value generated by the various stages of the supply chain.B) the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.C) the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply chain.D) the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of the supply chain.E) B and C onlyAnswer: EDiff: 3Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills4) Successful supply chain management requires which of the following decision phases?A) Supply chain strategy/designB) Supply chain planningC) Supply chain operationD) all of the aboveE) A and B onlyAnswer: DDiff: 2Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain5) The decision phases in a supply chain includeA) production scheduling.B) customer relationship management.C) supply chain operation.D) supply chain orientation.E) all of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 1.4 Decision Phases in a Supply Chain6) The cycle view of a supply chain holds thatA) the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories.B) the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.C) all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customer order.D) all processes in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customer orders.E) None of the above are true.Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain7) The push/pull view of a supply chain holds thatA) the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.B) all processes in a supply chain are initiated in response to a customer order.C) all responses in a supply chain are performed in anticipation of customer orders.D) the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.E) None of the above are true.Answer: DDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills8) Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?A) Analysis cycleB) Customer order cycleC) Replenishment cycleD) Manufacturing cycleE) Procurement cycleAnswer: ADiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain9) Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?A) Customer order cycleB) Replenishment cycleC) Manufacturing cycleD) Procurement cycleE) All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.Answer: EDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain10) The customer order cycle occurs at theA) customer/retailer interface.B) retailer/distributor interface.C) distributor/manufacturer interface.D) manufacturer/supplier interface.E) none of the aboveAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain11) Which of the following is not a process in the customer order cycle?A) Customer arrivalB) Customer order entryC) Customer order fulfillmentD) Customer order receivingE) All are processes in the customer order cycle.Answer: EDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain12) Customer arrival refers toA) the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.B) the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocating product to the customer.C) the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.D) the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.E) none of the aboveAnswer: ADiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain13) The objective of the customer arrival process is toA) get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowest possible cost.B) maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.C) maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.D) ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.E) none of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills14) Customer order entry isA) the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.B) the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocating product to the customer.C) the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.D) the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.E) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain15) The objective of customer order entry is toA) get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowest possible cost.B) maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.C) maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.D) ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.E) none of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain16) Customer order fulfillment refers toA) the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.B) the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocating product to the customer.C) the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.D) the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.E) none of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain17) The objective of customer order fulfillment is toA) get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowest possible cost.B) maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.C) maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.D) ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.E) none of the aboveAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain18) Customer order receiving isA) the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a purchase.B) the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocates product to the customer.C) the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.D) the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.E) none of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain19) The replenishment cycle occurs at theA) customer/retailer interface.B) retailer/distributor interface.C) distributor/manufacturer interface.D) manufacturer/supplier interface.E) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain20) The processes involved in the replenishment cycle includeA) retail order receiving.B) retail order entry.C) retail order trigger.D) retail order fulfillment.E) all of the aboveAnswer: EDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain21) The processes included in the replenishment cycle include all of the following exceptA) retail order receiving.B) retail order entry.C) retail order trigger.D) retail order fulfillment.E) none of the aboveAnswer: EDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain22) The processes included in the replenishment cycle includeA) order arrival.B) production scheduling.C) retail trigger.D) manufacturing.E) receiving.Answer: CDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain23) The replenishment cycle is initiated whenA) the customer walks into the supermarket.B) the customer calls a mail order telemarketing center.C) customers load items intended for purchase into their carts.D) a product is received into stock at a store.E) none of the aboveAnswer: EDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain24) The manufacturing cycle occurs at theA) customer/retailer interface.B) retailer/distributor interface.C) distributor/manufacturer interface.D) manufacturer/supplier interface.E) none of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain25) The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includeA) receiving.B) manufacturing and shipping.C) production scheduling.D) order arrival.E) all of the aboveAnswer: EDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain26) The processes involved in the manufacturing cycle includeA) order trigger.B) production scheduling.C) order fulfillment.D) order entry.E) manufacturing order analysis.Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain27) The production scheduling process in the manufacturing cycle is similar to theA) order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.B) order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.C) order entry process in the replenishment cycle.D) order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.E) none of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain28) The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle is equivalent to theA) order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.B) order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.C) order entry process in the replenishment cycle.D) order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.E) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills29) The procurement cycle occurs at theA) customer/retailer interface.B) retailer/distributor interface.C) distributor/manufacturer interface.D) manufacturer/supplier interface.E) none of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain30) The relationship between the manufacturer and supplier during the procurement cycle is very similar to the relationship betweenA) customer and retailer.B) retailer and distributor.C) distributor and manufacturer.D) manufacturer and customer.Answer: CDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain31) The cycle view of the supply chain is useful when considering operational decisions, becauseA) it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.B) it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.C) processes are identified as either reactive or speculative.D) it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.E) it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: BDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain32) The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategic decisions relating to supply chain design, becauseA) it categorizes processes based on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.B) it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.C) it clearly defines the processes involved and the owners of each process.D) it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.E) it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: ADiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain33) Which of the following statements about pull processes is accurate?A) May also be referred to as speculative processes.B) Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.C) At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.D) May also be referred to as reactive processes.E) None of the above are accurate.Answer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain34) Which of the following is not an accurate statement about pull processes?A) May also be referred to as speculative processes.B) Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.C) At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.D) May also be referred to as reactive processes.E) All of the above are accurate.Answer: ADiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills35) Which of the following statements about push processes is accurate?A) May also be referred to as speculative processes.B) Execution is initiated in response to customer orders.C) At the time of execution, demand is known with certainty.D) May also be referred to as reactive processes.E) None of the above are accurate.Answer: ADiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain36) Which of the following is not an accurate statement about push processes?A) May also be referred to as speculative processes.B) Execution is initiated in anticipation of customer orders.C) At the time of execution, demand must be forecast.D) May also be referred to as reactive processes.E) All of the above are accurate.Answer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain37) Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?A) Customer Relationship Management (CRM)B) Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM)C) Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)D) all of the aboveE) none of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain38) Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?A) Internal Relationship Management (IRM)B) Customer Relationship Management (CRM)C) External Relationship Management (ERM)D) Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)E) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain39) Supply chain macro processes include which of the following?A) Internal Relationship Management (IRM)B) External Relationship Management (ERM)C) Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)D) Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM)E) none of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain40) Activities involved in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) macro process includeA) planning of internal production and storage.B) order fulfillment.C) marketing.D) supply planning.E) demand planning.Answer: CDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chainall of the following exceptA) marketing.B) sales.C) order management.D) call center management.E) All of the above are activities of CRM.Answer: EDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills42) Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process includeA) marketing.B) order fulfillment.C) sales.D) order management.E) call center management.Answer: BDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain43) Activities involved in the Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) macro process include all of the following exceptA) planning of internal production and storage.B) order fulfillment.C) supply planning.D) order management.Answer: DDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain44) Activities involved in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) macro process includeA) planning of internal production and storage.B) order fulfillment.C) supplier evaluation and selection.D) order management.Answer: CDiff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chainall of the following exceptA) negotiation of supply terms.B) design collaboration.C) demand planning.D) supplier evaluation and selection.E) supply collaboration.Answer: CDiff: 3Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain46) The phenomenal success of 7-Eleven Japan is attributed toA) being in the right place at the right time.B) its supply chain design and management ability.C) having 9000 locations.D) serving fresh food.E) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 1.3 The Importance of Supply Chain Decisions47) A key issue facing Toyota isA) developing an internet marketing system.B) whether to specialize in a particular market.C) design of its global production and distribution network.D) how to implement model changes.E) all of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 3Topic: 1.3 The Importance of Supply Chain Decisions48) When a customer purchases a book online from a company such as Amazon, which of the following is NOT part of the typical supply chain operations?A) The customerB) Amazon's web siteC) Amazon's book supplierD) Amazon's accounting departmentAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?AACSB: Analytic Skills49) A supply chain has many stages. It would NOT typically involve this stage.A) Customer's trip to retailerB) RetailersC) ManufacturersD) Raw materials suppliersAnswer: ADiff: 3Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?AACSB: Analytic Skills50) Each stage in a supply chain is connected through the flow of products, information, and funds. These flows often occur in both directions and is usually managed byA) pricing department.B) one of the stages.C) upper management.D) engineering department.Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 1.1 What Is a Supply Chain?51) Supply chain surplus involves what two parts?A) Manufacturing cost and selling priceB) Customer value and supply chain costC) Customer value and high quality productsD) Reliable transportation and supply chain costAnswer: BDiff: 3Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain52) For any supply chain, the source of revenue is generated byA) efficient operations.B) information flows.C) the customer.D) product flows.Answer: CDiff: 3Topic: 1.2 The Objective of a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic Skills53) Webvan designed a supply chain with large warehouses in several major cities in the United States, from which groceries were delivered to customer homes. They failed partly because ofA) low demand for their service.B) slow inventory turnover compared to industry averages.C) higher labor costs for picking orders.D) poor quality products.Answer: CDiff: 2Topic: 1.3 The Importance of Supply Chain DecisionsAACSB: Analytic Skills54) Successful supply chain management requires many decisions relating to the flow of information, product, and funds. These decisions fall into three categories or phases. Which of the following is NOT one of these categories?A) Supply Chain OperationB) Supply Chain PlanningC) Supply Chain Strategy and DesignD) Supply Chain AlliancesAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 1.4 Decision Phases in a Supply Chain1.3 Essay Questions1) Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be made in a successful supply chain.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supply chain operation. Decisions relate to the flow ofinformation, product and funds. The difference between categories depends upon the frequencyof each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chainstrategy phase, a company determines what the chain’s configurations will be, how resources will be allocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish the structure ofthe supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals with decisions with a time framefrom 3 months up to a year. The planning phase must work within the constraints established inthe strategy phase. Planning decisions include which markets to supply from which locations, subcontracting of manufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions.The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals withdecisions concerning individual customer orders.Diff: 3Topic: 1.4 Decision Phases in a Supply Chain2) Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The cycle view divides the supply chain into a series of 4 cycles between the 5different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customer order cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and procurement cycle. The customer order cycle occurs at thecustomer/retailer interface and includes all processes directly involved in receiving and fillingthe customer. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor interface and includes all processes involved in replenishing retailer inventory. The manufacturing cycle typically occursat the distributor/manufacturer (or retailer/manufacturer) interface and includes all processesinvolved in replenishing distributor (or retailer) inventory. The procurement cycle occurs at the manufacturer/supplier interface and includes all processes necessary to ensure that the materialsare available for manufacturing according to schedule.Diff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain3) Explain the push/pull view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processes into twocategories based on whether they are executed in response to a customer order or in anticipationof customer orders. Pull processes are initiated in response to a customer order. Push processesare initiated and performed in anticipation of customer orders. The push/pull boundary separatespush processes from pull processes. This view is very useful when considering strategicdecisions relating to supply chain design, because it forces a more global consideration of supplychain processes as they relate to the customer.Diff: 2Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain。