确保输送机通电并且产品准备通过,一旦按下 SELECT 启动自动设定, 需要产品连续通过设备直到设定停止, 否则探测器不能正确识别产品的信号。 在产品通过时,保证在开口附近没有金属移动,特别是手表、戒指等。 按 SELECT,显示应该如下所示: Initialising for Auto-setup 初始化 自动-设定
+ 金属探测器 MET 30 30+
10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 滑板 系统检查 测试样品 触发
+ 金属探测器 MET 30 30+
1. 概述
+ 金属探测器 MET 30 30+
本手册所提供的指导清楚而简单,能够使操作人员容易理解对安装和操 作该设备所需采取的必要的措施。 为了保证无故障和可靠的运行,强烈推荐设备操作人员配有本手册,以 便熟悉控制和处理程序。 2. 健康和安全 2.1 健康和安全条例 买方应遵守本手册中的指导和信息,所有与本设备相关的人员都要熟悉 本手册中所包含的信息。 从事操作设备的人员对工作的能力和经验至关重要,他们应遵守法令法 规要求,包括健康和安全条例中的条款,以及任何合法修改 。
+ 金属探测器 MET 30 30+
杂质的包装通过并调节光电开关的延迟直到剔除装置在正确的时间动作来剔 除包装,比如,如果剔除装置激活的太晚,就减少光电开关的时间,反之亦 然。 一旦剔除和光电开关延迟时间经过设定,延迟和报警时间需要设定,如 果这些时间不正确,那么在含有杂质的包装之前或之后的好的包装也可能被 剔除掉。 在包装的后面附上测试样品,让包装通过金属探测器,包装应该被剔除 掉,将延迟时间增加 0.1 秒再次让包装通过,持续这样做直到不能剔除包装。 为安全起见,将延迟时间以 0.15 秒的间隔减少 (如果系统有一个变速输送 机,为安全起见以 2 秒的间隔减少速度脉冲) 。 要设定报警时间,执行类似的程序,这次金属样品应该放在包装的前面, 报警时间减少直到包装不被剔除,为了加快进程,最初以大步幅来调节报警 时间,比如 10 秒、5 秒、2 秒、1 秒。最后为安全起见以 0.15 秒(或 2 个延 时脉冲)的时间间隔来增加报警时间 。 4.4.3 变速输送机 对于变速输送机,除了延迟时间以外,计时器以相同的方式工作,适用 的光电开关延迟时间以速度脉冲来测量,比如,这些值是基于运行的距离上 的,而不是时间的消耗为基础的。
2.1.2 点击菜单View中的Hardware Status(硬件状态),查看分析仪内部参数是否都正常,主要检查以下这些参数:Cell Temperature(气室温度): 180±3℃Cell Pressure(气室压力):约等于Ambient Pressure(环境大气压)Status(状态):OKSource Intensity(红外光强):> 40.00Interferogram Height(干涉图电压):> 1.5(越大越好,最大可以达到3.6)Interferogram Center(干涉图中心):2500±200Electronics Temperature(电子温度):< 45℃Interferometer Temperature(干涉仪温度):< 45℃Detector External Temperature(检测器外部温度):< 35℃2.1.4检查以上参数都正常后,点击菜单栏Measure中的Continous采样方式选择“连续测量”,这时测量窗口弹出,测量窗口在设定好的采样时间内倒计时变化,FT-IR启动完毕,开始进入取样测量状态。
Literature Review(sample)
Literature Review英语021 单琴琴With the process of commercialization speeding up, the commercial advertisements now have spilled their influence into every cornor in the world and become practically inescapable. As China has entered into the WTO, more and more commercial advertisements need translating into English urgently. However, there exist a great many errors in the Chinese-English translation of commercial advertisements. Those errors in the commercial advertisements translation have become the obvious obstacles to the booming of China’s foreign trade. Therefore, the task of improving the current Chinese-English translation in commercial advertisements has been put up to agenda. Through two months’ efforts in searching, collecting and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’literature concerning the translation in commercial advertisements, I made a detail analysis of the literature and create the following essay which summons up the essence of the literature.I The Meaning and Purpose of the Research on Chinese-English Translation in Commercial Advertisements:International Business, Environments and Operation by JohnD.&L.Radebaugh. enriches my knowledge about the international business, environments and operation. The authors describe many factors which may have effects on the international business, the complicated environments where the business is operated and different ways of operating the business. Those ideas help me a lot to know about the relationship between the business and the ways of operating the business.On the Functions and Meaning of the Commercial Advertisements in the Modern Social Life by Chen Subin demonstrates the importance of commercial advertisements in the modern social life from many aspects. Thepaper points out that the commercial advertisements have both economic meaning and social meaning. The former contains the macro-economic meaning, that is, the development of the advertisement industry promotes the development of the national economy and realizes the increase of the state’s financial and tax revenues as well as the micro-economic meaning. The latter means the commercial advertisements are full of certain humane factors whether in form or in content, reflects social values and aesthetic values as well as indicates the enterprises’moral values and the products’cultural position. Since the commercial advertisements can develop the people’s nationalism, good values and the mass’s noble aesthetic values, it is quite important to create dood commercial advertisements for the people and the nation. In this sense, good translation in the commercial advertisements is part of the tough task. This paper offers much practical ideas for me to think about the meaning of the research on the Chinese-English translation in commercial advertisements.Chinese-English Translation in Business: A Critical Analysis by Liu Fagong is a book that points out a large number of views on Chinese-English translation in business by making a detail critical analysis of various information and examples. Professor Liu emphasizes that the poor translation need improving as soon as possible and that with China’s expansion of international exchange and cooperation, the task of commercial translation is becoming increasingly heavier and heavier. In the section of advertising translation, the author mentions that the quality of current Chinese-English translation in foreign commercial advertisements and the introductions to the exports has not met the requirements of the international market cycle.II Introduction to the Commercial Advertisement(definition, classification, function and feature):The Advertising Business: Operations, Creativity, Media Planning, Integrated Communications by Jones, John discusses the such aspects ofadvertising business as the operations, creativity, media planning and the integrated communications. The author’s ideas let me better understand the advertising industry and the advertising English.Advertising English by Zhao Jing makes a analysis of many typical advertising examples based on the knowledge of advertising and linguistics in order to make the readers can better understand the advertising languages and the practices of advertising. The author also give a detail about the definition, classification, features, functions and the styles of the advertisements.Guide to Advertising English by Chen Yurong gives a comprehensive explanation of advertising English. The fundamentals of advertising consists of the definition and the functions of advertising as well as the advertising industry. The advertising research exlpains the developmental research, pretesting research, posttesting research and questionnaire construction. The advertising planning discusses the advertising strategy, the advertising budget and the advertising plan. The advertisement creation mentions the copywriting, the art design and the production. The advertising media concludes the media planning, the print media, the electronic media and the support media. The international advertising demonstrates the creation, the media and the laws of the international advertsing.English Advertising by Wang Yanxi collects the latest original information about advertising English and contains a great number of cases and texts which can reflect the richness and newism of the English language so that it offers a vivid and convenient tool for learning English and help me to improve my English competence and performance effeciently in the process of appreciating and understanding the language. In the first chapter, the author talks about the origin, the history, the functions and the media ofthe advertising English. This part help me a lot to collect the data to complement my paper about the basic knowledge of advertising English. Then, the author mainly discusses the styles, the rhetoric devices, the structure and the classification of the advertising English as well as the internet advertising. What does most help to my paper is the chapter about the analysis of examples of good and poor advertisements because this section supplies a lot of good and practical examples for my supporting ideas in my paper.III The Errors in the Chinese-English Translation of Commercial Advertisements:The Translation Practices for Enterprise by Xu Jianzhong probes into the principles for Enterprise Translation and into criteria such as mastering the ideas of the source texts and making them acceptable to the recipient. It tackles problems specific to translation from the angle of its basic features: publicity, science and technology, instantaneity and social cooperation. The author describes and comments on the practice adopted by translators in various parts of the world, especially with regard to the language combination Chinese/English, and summarizes his own experience. In the concluding chapter, the author presents an embryonic stage in a theoretical system for Enterprise Translation and gives the initial impulse to the establishment of Chinese enterprise translatology. In a word, this book is of great help for my paper because its ideas and analysis guide me to figure out the problems in the commercial advertisng translation.On Pragmatic Failures in Advertising Translation from Chinese to English by Fu Hongqiao analyzes some pragmatic failures in advertising translation and provides some new approaches of advertising translation on a basis of previous studies by listing some cases. The author also points out that advertising translation is the outcome of the development of global economy and becomes an important subject on which linguists and translators pay much attention.On Incorrect Spellings in English Commercial Advertisements by Su Xiaoyu makes a detail analysis of numerous incorrect spellings in English commercialadvertisements. The author mentions that although some people denounce it as a cultural perversity, if we look into the nature of language and how language is influenced by legal, economic and social factors, we could find that the breaking of spelling rules in English commercial advertisements has good reasons.On Some Problems in the Chinese-English Translation of Commercial Advertisements by Li Yanrong analyzes the typical existing problems and causes by making a comparison of the language, culture and advertising features between China and western countries. In the concluding part, the author points out views on Chinese-English translating in the commercial advertisements, that is, as CAAC (awareness ,comprehension ,conviction and action) its objective and as the western readers’ position its guide, translating the Chinese advertisements flexibly on the basis of maintaining the fundamental information of the advertisements.IV Causes of Poor Translation in Commercial Advertisements:On Translation With Special Reference to Chinese and English by JinDi and E.A.Nida focuses on translation with special reference to Chinese and English by making an analysis of various examples and cases. All of that information enriches my knowledge about the translation with special reference to Chinese and English which can help me think of the problems in the current translation of commercial advertisements more profoundly.Error Analysis in Translated Advertisements and Improvement by Liu Fagong aims to analyze errors in advertising translation by drawing people’s attention to improper translated advertisements first and pointing out causes of those errors as follows: Translators’ carelessness results in most of the mistakes in advertising translation. These mistakes keep advertisements from expressing the original meanings properly. Therefore, care is what the translators should always keep in mind first in their translation. Sometimes, translators take it for granted that a word of a language in different countries can find its equivalent easily. They choose words for translation without a detailed study. Actually, word meanings are subject to change in different cultures. Using idiomatic expressions well is the most difficult job for translators in translating advertisements. Unique idioms are commonly used in advertisements for vividness. We can not understand idioms well only by consulting dictionaries. Idioms that translators havetranslated are often found widely divergent from what the idioms really imply. Lack of professional knowledge is another reason for translator’s improper translation. These mistakes are often found in the translated versions of technical manuals or brochures, resulting in misunderstanding of certain technical specifications. This essay demonstrates clearly the errors in the translayiong of advertisements and figures out the causes of the errors from many angles all of which is quite beneficial to my graduation paper.What Causes the Multifarious Errors in Publicity-Oriented Chinese-English Translation by Liu Jichun discusses the problems in the publicity-oriented Chinese-English translation and tries to find the effctive means of solving this problem. From the perspective of a translation teacher, the author argues that the root cause lies in the failure of our translation education. Such failure could stem from people’s general misunderstanding of translation and from the translator’s undue faith in the source text. The essay suggests that a long-term solution would be, on the basis of rethinking the existing translation education, establishing a new system for translation textbooks in China.V How to Improve the Chinese-English Translation in the Current Commercial Advertisements:Approach to Translation by Newmark,Peter talks about an abundance of approaches to translation which is a broad subject of various branches almost all the scholars and professors may pay attention to and do researches. Those approaches to translation are a little theoretical, but the ideas can become a guide to understanding the real objectives of good translation and help to master the methods of good translation.Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Functionalist Approaches Expplained by Nord,Christiane mainly discusses translating as a purposeful activity from different angles. The author’s ideas is more practical with regard to the application of languages and offers many useful approaches to translation. I adopt several views of the author to support my point of view in the paper.Pragmatic Translation from Chinese into English edited by Fang Mengzhi consists of a broad range of content such as the contrast between English and Chinese, the translation in words and phrases, the translation in paragraghs, the translation in science and technology, the translation in economy and trade, the translation in laws, thetranslation in the newspapers and publicity-oriented, the translation in culture and the improvement of translation. All the essays in this book are selected because they place an emphasis on the translating experience and discussing the practical problems but they don’t lack the funny and critical tones. Many of exampls can be absorbed into my paper and help me demonstrate the problem more vividly.On the Cultural Factors in Chinese-English Translation of Commercial Advertisements by Liu Liqin says that owing to the cultural differences, the same concept or information in one culture can be interpreted quite differently, or even opposite to the meaning in another language. Consequently, literal translation of advertisements might lead to failure in fulfilling the purpose of advertising to promote sale. The essay suggests that cultural information should be noted and handled with care in advertisement translation. The author stresses the importance of the culture in the advertising translation.Commercial Advertisement Translation: Nature, Feature and Technique by Jin Hanshen points out that advertising translation is a commercial activity with preset purposes and the work is restricted so much by the product’s marketing strategies, the market conditions, laws and regulations concerned and cultural barriers in the target market countries that in practice it is more creating a new advertising text than conventional translating. The article concludes that advertisement translation has no set patterns and the“translating skills”are just something trying to make the translation closer to bear the features of a commercial advertisement under the prerequisite of conforming to the product’s marketing strategies and having all the restrictive barriers avoided or removed. Linguistically,the most challenging sector of advertisement translation is that of advertisements with poetic features.Having read the above literature concerning the advertising translation, we have no difficulty in finding that more and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad begin to pay attention to the field of advertisng translation. However, a lot of errors exist in many commercial advertisement translation from Chinese to English. Because of the importance of goodEnglish commercial advertisements for Chinese products in the international market, we should improve the quality of commercial advertisement translation as soon as possible. I’m very interested in exploring the solutions to the problem in the current commercial advertisement translation and I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading extensively and analysing the literature.References (略)。
子源应关闭 Source Off); • 开启离子源 Source On,显示高压[HV] 读数(KV); • 一般在待机状态下当前配置设为ConFloIV和CO2 模式,显示
CO2m/z 44, 45, 46电压信号(mV); • 峰对中和自动聚焦:通入CO 2 参考气,进行1~2次峰对中
• sets拖入Source中,将Continuous Flow sets(例如, ConFlo IV + Flash HT + AS3000)拖入Capillary中。
• 外围设备(Peripherals):Dual Inlet, ConFlo IV, Flash HT, GC IsoLink, LC IsoLink, GasBench, etc.
0.1 μL 7. Identifier1, Identifier 2, Comment, Preparation:用于自定义样品明细 8. Method:从下拉列表中选择合适的IRMS方法
(三)运行测试: • 选中目标序列(用鼠标拖拽Sequence 界面第一列
的目标序号即选中) • 点击“Start”按钮 • 弹出Start Sequence 对话框 • Results 结果输出: ① 文件夹路径和命名:建议存储在默认路径下
1. 装样 将新鲜样品烘干,磨碎,称重,锡囊包裹,装入固体自动 进样器的样品盘里。
• 称重原则:确保样品气峰高与参考气峰高尽量一致(均设在 6000 mV 左右)。在Open Split Smpl Dilu = 0% 情况下,要想 获得 Intensity [ m/z 44 CO 2 ] = 6000mV 的信号,称重时所 需样品的碳质量数大约为 40 μg C;要想获得 Intensity [m/z 28 N 2 ] = 6000 mV 的信号,称重时所需样品的氮质量数大约 为 90 μg N。
IEC61215 标准 (中文版)[1]
IEC61215 标准(中文版)美国光伏检测室( ASU-PTL)中国全权代理Solspring International Energy Group太阳普林国际能源集团(加拿大)2005年中国目的1。
取样根据 IEC 60410 标准,8块用于质量测试的组件应从一批或几批产品中任意抽取。
最大输出 (The degradation of Max. output power does not exceedthe prescribed limit after each test nor 8% after each test sequence)2。
电路 (no sample has exhibited any open-circuit during the tests)3。
目测迹象(There is no visual evidence of a major defect) 4。
绝缘性(The insulation test requirements are met after the tests)5。
湿漏电 (The wet leakage current test requirements are met at thebeginning and the end of each sequence and after the damp heat test)6。
特殊要求(Specific requirements of the individual tests are met)5kWh/m2目测,电性能,绝缘,湿漏1 12 22热循环 200电性能紫外线湿热热循环 50户外暴二极管热试验湿冻机械强度雹击热斑终端试验目测,电性能,绝缘,IEC61215 (第二版)标签每一个组件的标签都应包括以下内容且清楚可读:1. 生产厂商名字或标志。
异质性来源:研究 设计、样本选择、 测量方法等
异质性影响:可能 导致Met分析结果 不准确
异质性处理:采用 敏感性分析、亚组 分析等方法
异质性报告:在 Met分析报告中明 确指出异质性来源 和处理方法
发表偏倚:由于某 些原因某些研究结 果更容易被发表导 致结果偏向某一方
间接比较的缺点:可能存在偏倚需 要谨慎使用
间接比较的优点:可以比较不同研 究设计、不同样本量、不同研究结 果的研究
间接比较的应用:在Met分析中当 直接比较不可行时可以使用间接比 较进行解释
评价方法:采用定性和定量 相结合的方法如专家评分、 统计分析等
评价指标:包括研究质量、 研究设计、研究结果等
公共卫生政策 制定:Met分 析结果可以为 公共卫生政策 的制定提供科
研究方法:选择合适的研究方法如问卷调 查、实验研究等
数据收集:收集相关数据包括文献、实验 数据等
数据分析:使用Met分析方法对数据进行 分析得出结论
结果解释:根据Met分析结果解释研究问 题提出建议或结论
异质性检验的方法:包括Q检验、 I2检验等
异质性检验的影响:影响Met分析 结果的可靠性和准确性
目的:评估 Met分析结果 的稳定性和可
方法:改变研 究设计、纳入 标准、排除标 准等参数重新 进行Met分析
结果:观察 Met分析结果
Sample Valves 安装、运行和维护手册说明书
Operational safety precautions Be aware of these safety precautions when operating this product: • Do not hang items from the product. Any accessories must be firmly or permanently attached. • Do not use the product as a step or hand hold. • Do not paint over the identification tag, warnings, notices, or other identification marks associated with the product.
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 7 Inspection ............................................................................................................................... 7 Disassemble the valve ............................................................................................................ 7 Assemble the valve ................................................................................................................. 7
Modeling of morphology evolution in the injection moldingprocess of thermoplastic polymersR.Pantani,I.Coccorullo,V.Speranza,G.Titomanlio* Department of Chemical and Food Engineering,University of Salerno,via Ponte don Melillo,I-84084Fisciano(Salerno),Italy Received13May2005;received in revised form30August2005;accepted12September2005AbstractA thorough analysis of the effect of operative conditions of injection molding process on the morphology distribution inside the obtained moldings is performed,with particular reference to semi-crystalline polymers.The paper is divided into two parts:in the first part,the state of the art on the subject is outlined and discussed;in the second part,an example of the characterization required for a satisfactorily understanding and description of the phenomena is presented,starting from material characterization,passing through the monitoring of the process cycle and arriving to a deep analysis of morphology distribution inside the moldings.In particular,fully characterized injection molding tests are presented using an isotactic polypropylene,previously carefully characterized as far as most of properties of interest.The effects of both injectionflow rate and mold temperature are analyzed.The resulting moldings morphology(in terms of distribution of crystallinity degree,molecular orientation and crystals structure and dimensions)are analyzed by adopting different experimental techniques(optical,electronic and atomic force microscopy,IR and WAXS analysis).Final morphological characteristics of the samples are compared with the predictions of a simulation code developed at University of Salerno for the simulation of the injection molding process.q2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Injection molding;Crystallization kinetics;Morphology;Modeling;Isotactic polypropyleneContents1.Introduction (1186)1.1.Morphology distribution in injection molded iPP parts:state of the art (1189)1.1.1.Modeling of the injection molding process (1190)1.1.2.Modeling of the crystallization kinetics (1190)1.1.3.Modeling of the morphology evolution (1191)1.1.4.Modeling of the effect of crystallinity on rheology (1192)1.1.5.Modeling of the molecular orientation (1193)1.1.6.Modeling of theflow-induced crystallization (1195)ments on the state of the art (1197)2.Material and characterization (1198)2.1.PVT description (1198)*Corresponding author.Tel.:C39089964152;fax:C39089964057.E-mail crystallization kinetics (1198)2.3.Viscosity (1199)2.4.Viscoelastic behavior (1200)3.Injection molding tests and analysis of the moldings (1200)3.1.Injection molding tests and sample preparation (1200)3.2.Microscopy (1202)3.2.1.Optical microscopy (1202)3.2.2.SEM and AFM analysis (1202)3.3.Distribution of crystallinity (1202)3.3.1.IR analysis (1202)3.3.2.X-ray analysis (1203)3.4.Distribution of molecular orientation (1203)4.Analysis of experimental results (1203)4.1.Injection molding tests (1203)4.2.Morphology distribution along thickness direction (1204)4.2.1.Optical microscopy (1204)4.2.2.SEM and AFM analysis (1204)4.3.Morphology distribution alongflow direction (1208)4.4.Distribution of crystallinity (1210)4.4.1.Distribution of crystallinity along thickness direction (1210)4.4.2.Crystallinity distribution alongflow direction (1212)4.5.Distribution of molecular orientation (1212)4.5.1.Orientation along thickness direction (1212)4.5.2.Orientation alongflow direction (1213)4.5.3.Direction of orientation (1214)5.Simulation (1214)5.1.Pressure curves (1215)5.2.Morphology distribution (1215)5.3.Molecular orientation (1216)5.3.1.Molecular orientation distribution along thickness direction (1216)5.3.2.Molecular orientation distribution alongflow direction (1216)5.3.3.Direction of orientation (1217)5.4.Crystallinity distribution (1217)6.Conclusions (1217)References (1219)1.IntroductionInjection molding is one of the most widely employed methods for manufacturing polymeric products.Three main steps are recognized in the molding:filling,packing/holding and cooling.During thefilling stage,a hot polymer melt rapidlyfills a cold mold reproducing a cavity of the desired product shape. During the packing/holding stage,the pressure is raised and extra material is forced into the mold to compensate for the effects that both temperature decrease and crystallinity development determine on density during solidification.The cooling stage starts at the solidification of a thin section at cavity entrance (gate),starting from that instant no more material can enter or exit from the mold impression and holding pressure can be released.When the solid layer on the mold surface reaches a thickness sufficient to assure required rigidity,the product is ejected from the mold.Due to the thermomechanical history experienced by the polymer during processing,macromolecules in injection-molded objects present a local order.This order is referred to as‘morphology’which literally means‘the study of the form’where form stands for the shape and arrangement of parts of the object.When referred to polymers,the word morphology is adopted to indicate:–crystallinity,which is the relative volume occupied by each of the crystalline phases,including mesophases;–dimensions,shape,distribution and orientation of the crystallites;–orientation of amorphous phase.R.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–1222 1186R.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–12221187Apart from the scientific interest in understandingthe mechanisms leading to different order levels inside a polymer,the great technological importance of morphology relies on the fact that polymer character-istics (above all mechanical,but also optical,electrical,transport and chemical)are to a great extent affected by morphology.For instance,crystallinity has a pro-nounced effect on the mechanical properties of the bulk material since crystals are generally stiffer than amorphous material,and also orientation induces anisotropy and other changes in mechanical properties.In this work,a thorough analysis of the effect of injection molding operative conditions on morphology distribution in moldings with particular reference to crystalline materials is performed.The aim of the paper is twofold:first,to outline the state of the art on the subject;second,to present an example of the characterization required for asatisfactorilyR.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–12221188understanding and description of the phenomena, starting from material description,passing through the monitoring of the process cycle and arriving to a deep analysis of morphology distribution inside the mold-ings.To these purposes,fully characterized injection molding tests were performed using an isotactic polypropylene,previously carefully characterized as far as most of properties of interest,in particular quiescent nucleation density,spherulitic growth rate and rheological properties(viscosity and relaxation time)were determined.The resulting moldings mor-phology(in terms of distribution of crystallinity degree, molecular orientation and crystals structure and dimensions)was analyzed by adopting different experimental techniques(optical,electronic and atomic force microscopy,IR and WAXS analysis).Final morphological characteristics of the samples were compared with the predictions of a simulation code developed at University of Salerno for the simulation of the injection molding process.The effects of both injectionflow rate and mold temperature were analyzed.1.1.Morphology distribution in injection molded iPP parts:state of the artFrom many experimental observations,it is shown that a highly oriented lamellar crystallite microstructure, usually referred to as‘skin layer’forms close to the surface of injection molded articles of semi-crystalline polymers.Far from the wall,the melt is allowed to crystallize three dimensionally to form spherulitic structures.Relative dimensions and morphology of both skin and core layers are dependent on local thermo-mechanical history,which is characterized on the surface by high stress levels,decreasing to very small values toward the core region.As a result,the skin and the core reveal distinct characteristics across the thickness and also along theflow path[1].Structural and morphological characterization of the injection molded polypropylene has attracted the interest of researchers in the past three decades.In the early seventies,Kantz et al.[2]studied the morphology of injection molded iPP tensile bars by using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction.The microscopic results revealed the presence of three distinct crystalline zones on the cross-section:a highly oriented non-spherulitic skin;a shear zone with molecular chains oriented essentially parallel to the injection direction;a spherulitic core with essentially no preferred orientation.The X-ray diffraction studies indicated that the skin layer contains biaxially oriented crystallites due to the biaxial extensionalflow at theflow front.A similar multilayered morphology was also reported by Menges et al.[3].Later on,Fujiyama et al.[4] investigated the skin–core morphology of injection molded iPP samples using X-ray Small and Wide Angle Scattering techniques,and suggested that the shear region contains shish–kebab structures.The same shish–kebab structure was observed by Wenig and Herzog in the shear region of their molded samples[5].A similar investigation was conducted by Titomanlio and co-workers[6],who analyzed the morphology distribution in injection moldings of iPP. They observed a skin–core morphology distribution with an isotropic spherulitic core,a skin layer characterized by afine crystalline structure and an intermediate layer appearing as a dark band in crossed polarized light,this layer being characterized by high crystallinity.Kalay and Bevis[7]pointed out that,although iPP crystallizes essentially in the a-form,a small amount of b-form can be found in the skin layer and in the shear region.The amount of b-form was found to increase by effect of high shear rates[8].A wide analysis on the effect of processing conditions on the morphology of injection molded iPP was conducted by Viana et al.[9]and,more recently, by Mendoza et al.[10].In particular,Mendoza et al. report that the highest level of crystallinity orientation is found inside the shear zone and that a high level of orientation was also found in the skin layer,with an orientation angle tilted toward the core.It is rather difficult to theoretically establish the relationship between the observed microstructure and processing conditions.Indeed,a model of the injection molding process able to predict morphology distribution in thefinal samples is not yet available,even if it would be of enormous strategic importance.This is mainly because a complete understanding of crystallization kinetics in processing conditions(high cooling rates and pressures,strong and complexflowfields)has not yet been reached.In this section,the most relevant aspects for process modeling and morphology development are identified. In particular,a successful path leading to a reliable description of morphology evolution during polymer processing should necessarily pass through:–a good description of morphology evolution under quiescent conditions(accounting all competing crystallization processes),including the range of cooling rates characteristic of processing operations (from1to10008C/s);R.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–12221189–a description capturing the main features of melt morphology(orientation and stretch)evolution under processing conditions;–a good coupling of the two(quiescent crystallization and orientation)in order to capture the effect of crystallinity on viscosity and the effect offlow on crystallization kinetics.The points listed above outline the strategy to be followed in order to achieve the basic understanding for a satisfactory description of morphology evolution during all polymer processing operations.In the following,the state of art for each of those points will be analyzed in a dedicated section.1.1.1.Modeling of the injection molding processThefirst step in the prediction of the morphology distribution within injection moldings is obviously the thermo-mechanical simulation of the process.Much of the efforts in the past were focused on the prediction of pressure and temperature evolution during the process and on the prediction of the melt front advancement [11–15].The simulation of injection molding involves the simultaneous solution of the mass,energy and momentum balance equations.Thefluid is non-New-tonian(and viscoelastic)with all parameters dependent upon temperature,pressure,crystallinity,which are all function of pressibility cannot be neglected as theflow during the packing/holding step is determined by density changes due to temperature, pressure and crystallinity evolution.Indeed,apart from some attempts to introduce a full 3D approach[16–19],the analysis is currently still often restricted to the Hele–Shaw(or thinfilm) approximation,which is warranted by the fact that most injection molded parts have the characteristic of being thin.Furthermore,it is recognized that the viscoelastic behavior of the polymer only marginally influences theflow kinematics[20–22]thus the melt is normally considered as a non-Newtonian viscousfluid for the description of pressure and velocity gradients evolution.Some examples of adopting a viscoelastic constitutive equation in the momentum balance equations are found in the literature[23],but the improvements in accuracy do not justify a considerable extension of computational effort.It has to be mentioned that the analysis of some features of kinematics and temperature gradients affecting the description of morphology need a more accurate description with respect to the analysis of pressure distributions.Some aspects of the process which were often neglected and may have a critical importance are the description of the heat transfer at polymer–mold interface[24–26]and of the effect of mold deformation[24,27,28].Another aspect of particular interest to the develop-ment of morphology is the fountainflow[29–32], which is often neglected being restricted to a rather small region at theflow front and close to the mold walls.1.1.2.Modeling of the crystallization kineticsIt is obvious that the description of crystallization kinetics is necessary if thefinal morphology of the molded object wants to be described.Also,the development of a crystalline degree during the process influences the evolution of all material properties like density and,above all,viscosity(see below).Further-more,crystallization kinetics enters explicitly in the generation term of the energy balance,through the latent heat of crystallization[26,33].It is therefore clear that the crystallinity degree is not only a result of simulation but also(and above all)a phenomenon to be kept into account in each step of process modeling.In spite of its dramatic influence on the process,the efforts to simulate the injection molding of semi-crystalline polymers are crude in most of the commercial software for processing simulation and rather scarce in the fleur and Kamal[34],Papatanasiu[35], Titomanlio et al.[15],Han and Wang[36],Ito et al.[37],Manzione[38],Guo and Isayev[26],and Hieber [25]adopted the following equation(Kolmogoroff–Avrami–Evans,KAE)to predict the development of crystallinityd xd tZð1K xÞd d cd t(1)where x is the relative degree of crystallization;d c is the undisturbed volume fraction of the crystals(if no impingement would occur).A significant improvement in the prediction of crystallinity development was introduced by Titoman-lio and co-workers[39]who kept into account the possibility of the formation of different crystalline phases.This was done by assuming a parallel of several non-interacting kinetic processes competing for the available amorphous volume.The evolution of each phase can thus be described byd x id tZð1K xÞd d c id t(2)where the subscript i stands for a particular phase,x i is the relative degree of crystallization,x ZPix i and d c iR.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–1222 1190is the expectancy of volume fraction of each phase if no impingement would occur.Eq.(2)assumes that,for each phase,the probability of the fraction increase of a single crystalline phase is simply the product of the rate of growth of the corresponding undisturbed volume fraction and of the amount of available amorphous fraction.By summing up the phase evolution equations of all phases(Eq.(2))over the index i,and solving the resulting differential equation,one simply obtainsxðtÞZ1K exp½K d cðtÞ (3)where d c Z Pid c i and Eq.(1)is recovered.It was shown by Coccorullo et al.[40]with reference to an iPP,that the description of the kinetic competition between phases is crucial to a reliable prediction of solidified structures:indeed,it is not possible to describe iPP crystallization kinetics in the range of cooling rates of interest for processing(i.e.up to several hundreds of8C/s)if the mesomorphic phase is neglected:in the cooling rate range10–1008C/s, spherulite crystals in the a-phase are overcome by the formation of the mesophase.Furthermore,it has been found that in some conditions(mainly at pressures higher than100MPa,and low cooling rates),the g-phase can also form[41].In spite of this,the presence of different crystalline phases is usually neglected in the literature,essentially because the range of cooling rates investigated for characterization falls in the DSC range (well lower than typical cooling rates of interest for the process)and only one crystalline phase is formed for iPP at low cooling rates.It has to be noticed that for iPP,which presents a T g well lower than ambient temperature,high values of crystallinity degree are always found in solids which passed through ambient temperature,and the cooling rate can only determine which crystalline phase forms, roughly a-phase at low cooling rates(below about 508C/s)and mesomorphic phase at higher cooling rates.The most widespread approach to the description of kinetic constant is the isokinetic approach introduced by Nakamura et al.According to this model,d c in Eq.(1)is calculated asd cðtÞZ ln2ðt0KðTðsÞÞd s2 435n(4)where K is the kinetic constant and n is the so-called Avrami index.When introduced as in Eq.(4),the reciprocal of the kinetic constant is a characteristic time for crystallization,namely the crystallization half-time, t05.If a polymer is cooled through the crystallization temperature,crystallization takes place at the tempera-ture at which crystallization half-time is of the order of characteristic cooling time t q defined ast q Z D T=q(5) where q is the cooling rate and D T is a temperature interval over which the crystallization kinetic constant changes of at least one order of magnitude.The temperature dependence of the kinetic constant is modeled using some analytical function which,in the simplest approach,is described by a Gaussian shaped curve:KðTÞZ K0exp K4ln2ðT K T maxÞ2D2(6)The following Hoffman–Lauritzen expression[42] is also commonly adopted:K½TðtÞ Z K0exp KUÃR$ðTðtÞK T NÞ!exp KKÃ$ðTðtÞC T mÞ2TðtÞ2$ðT m K TðtÞÞð7ÞBoth equations describe a bell shaped curve with a maximum which for Eq.(6)is located at T Z T max and for Eq.(7)lies at a temperature between T m(the melting temperature)and T N(which is classically assumed to be 308C below the glass transition temperature).Accord-ing to Eq.(7),the kinetic constant is exactly zero at T Z T m and at T Z T N,whereas Eq.(6)describes a reduction of several orders of magnitude when the temperature departs from T max of a value higher than2D.It is worth mentioning that only three parameters are needed for Eq.(6),whereas Eq.(7)needs the definition offive parameters.Some authors[43,44]couple the above equations with the so-called‘induction time’,which can be defined as the time the crystallization process starts, when the temperature is below the equilibrium melting temperature.It is normally described as[45]Dt indDtZðT0m K TÞat m(8)where t m,T0m and a are material constants.It should be mentioned that it has been found[46,47]that there is no need to explicitly incorporate an induction time when the modeling is based upon the KAE equation(Eq.(1)).1.1.3.Modeling of the morphology evolutionDespite of the fact that the approaches based on Eq.(4)do represent a significant step toward the descriptionR.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–12221191of morphology,it has often been pointed out in the literature that the isokinetic approach on which Nakamura’s equation (Eq.(4))is based does not describe details of structure formation [48].For instance,the well-known experience that,with many polymers,the number of spherulites in the final solid sample increases strongly with increasing cooling rate,is indeed not taken into account by this approach.Furthermore,Eq.(4)describes an increase of crystal-linity (at constant temperature)depending only on the current value of crystallinity degree itself,whereas it is expected that the crystallization rate should depend also on the number of crystalline entities present in the material.These limits are overcome by considering the crystallization phenomenon as the consequence of nucleation and growth.Kolmogoroff’s model [49],which describes crystallinity evolution accounting of the number of nuclei per unit volume and spherulitic growth rate can then be applied.In this case,d c in Eq.(1)is described asd ðt ÞZ C m ðt 0d N ðs Þd s$ðt sG ðu Þd u 2435nd s (9)where C m is a shape factor (C 3Z 4/3p ,for spherical growth),G (T (t ))is the linear growth rate,and N (T (t ))is the nucleation density.The following Hoffman–Lauritzen expression is normally adopted for the growth rateG ½T ðt Þ Z G 0exp KUR $ðT ðt ÞK T N Þ!exp K K g $ðT ðt ÞC T m Þ2T ðt Þ2$ðT m K T ðt ÞÞð10ÞEqs.(7)and (10)have the same form,however the values of the constants are different.The nucleation mechanism can be either homo-geneous or heterogeneous.In the case of heterogeneous nucleation,two equations are reported in the literature,both describing the nucleation density as a function of temperature [37,50]:N ðT ðt ÞÞZ N 0exp ½j $ðT m K T ðt ÞÞ (11)N ðT ðt ÞÞZ N 0exp K 3$T mT ðt ÞðT m K T ðt ÞÞ(12)In the case of homogeneous nucleation,the nucleation rate rather than the nucleation density is function of temperature,and a Hoffman–Lauritzen expression isadoptedd N ðT ðt ÞÞd t Z N 0exp K C 1ðT ðt ÞK T N Þ!exp KC 2$ðT ðt ÞC T m ÞT ðt Þ$ðT m K T ðt ÞÞð13ÞConcentration of nucleating particles is usually quite significant in commercial polymers,and thus hetero-geneous nucleation becomes the dominant mechanism.When Kolmogoroff’s approach is followed,the number N a of active nuclei at the end of the crystal-lization process can be calculated as [48]N a ;final Zðt final 0d N ½T ðs Þd sð1K x ðs ÞÞd s (14)and the average dimension of crystalline structures can be attained by geometrical considerations.Pantani et al.[51]and Zuidema et al.[22]exploited this method to describe the distribution of crystallinity and the final average radius of the spherulites in injection moldings of polypropylene;in particular,they adopted the following equationR Z ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi3x a ;final 4p N a ;final 3s (15)A different approach is also present in the literature,somehow halfway between Nakamura’s and Kolmo-goroff’s models:the growth rate (G )and the kinetic constant (K )are described independently,and the number of active nuclei (and consequently the average dimensions of crystalline entities)can be obtained by coupling Eqs.(4)and (9)asN a ðT ÞZ 3ln 24p K ðT ÞG ðT Þ 3(16)where heterogeneous nucleation and spherical growth is assumed (Avrami’s index Z 3).Guo et al.[43]adopted this approach to describe the dimensions of spherulites in injection moldings of polypropylene.1.1.4.Modeling of the effect of crystallinity on rheology As mentioned above,crystallization has a dramatic influence on material viscosity.This phenomenon must obviously be taken into account and,indeed,the solidification of a semi-crystalline material is essen-tially caused by crystallization rather than by tempera-ture in normal processing conditions.Despite of the importance of the subject,the relevant literature on the effect of crystallinity on viscosity isR.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–12221192rather scarce.This might be due to the difficulties in measuring simultaneously rheological properties and crystallinity evolution during the same tests.Apart from some attempts to obtain simultaneous measure-ments of crystallinity and viscosity by special setups [52,53],more often viscosity and crystallinity are measured during separate tests having the same thermal history,thus greatly simplifying the experimental approach.Nevertheless,very few works can be retrieved in the literature in which(shear or complex) viscosity can be somehow linked to a crystallinity development.This is the case of Winter and co-workers [54],Vleeshouwers and Meijer[55](crystallinity evolution can be drawn from Swartjes[56]),Boutahar et al.[57],Titomanlio et al.[15],Han and Wang[36], Floudas et al.[58],Wassner and Maier[59],Pantani et al.[60],Pogodina et al.[61],Acierno and Grizzuti[62].All the authors essentially agree that melt viscosity experiences an abrupt increase when crystallinity degree reaches a certain‘critical’value,x c[15]. However,little agreement is found in the literature on the value of this critical crystallinity degree:assuming that x c is reached when the viscosity increases of one order of magnitude with respect to the molten state,it is found in the literature that,for iPP,x c ranges from a value of a few percent[15,62,60,58]up to values of20–30%[58,61]or even higher than40%[59,54,57].Some studies are also reported on the secondary effects of relevant variables such as temperature or shear rate(or frequency)on the dependence of crystallinity on viscosity.As for the effect of temperature,Titomanlio[15]found for an iPP that the increase of viscosity for the same crystallinity degree was higher at lower temperatures,whereas Winter[63] reports the opposite trend for a thermoplastic elasto-meric polypropylene.As for the effect of shear rate,a general agreement is found in the literature that the increase of viscosity for the same crystallinity degree is lower at higher deformation rates[62,61,57].Essentially,the equations adopted to describe the effect of crystallinity on viscosity of polymers can be grouped into two main categories:–equations based on suspensions theories(for a review,see[64]or[65]);–empirical equations.Some of the equations adopted in the literature with regard to polymer processing are summarized in Table1.Apart from Eq.(17)adopted by Katayama and Yoon [66],all equations predict a sharp increase of viscosity on increasing crystallinity,sometimes reaching infinite (Eqs.(18)and(21)).All authors consider that the relevant variable is the volume occupied by crystalline entities(i.e.x),even if the dimensions of the crystals should reasonably have an effect.1.1.5.Modeling of the molecular orientationOne of the most challenging problems to present day polymer science regards the reliable prediction of molecular orientation during transformation processes. Indeed,although pressure and velocity distribution during injection molding can be satisfactorily described by viscous models,details of the viscoelastic nature of the polymer need to be accounted for in the descriptionTable1List of the most used equations to describe the effect of crystallinity on viscosityEquation Author Derivation Parameters h=h0Z1C a0x(17)Katayama[66]Suspensions a Z99h=h0Z1=ðx K x cÞa0(18)Ziabicki[67]Empirical x c Z0.1h=h0Z1C a1expðK a2=x a3Þ(19)Titomanlio[15],also adopted byGuo[68]and Hieber[25]Empiricalh=h0Z expða1x a2Þ(20)Shimizu[69],also adopted byZuidema[22]and Hieber[25]Empiricalh=h0Z1Cðx=a1Þa2=ð1Kðx=a1Þa2Þ(21)Tanner[70]Empirical,basedon suspensionsa1Z0.44for compact crystallitesa1Z0.68for spherical crystallitesh=h0Z expða1x C a2x2Þ(22)Han[36]Empiricalh=h0Z1C a1x C a2x2(23)Tanner[71]Empirical a1Z0.54,a2Z4,x!0.4h=h0Zð1K x=a0ÞK2(24)Metzner[65],also adopted byTanner[70]Suspensions a Z0.68for smooth spheresR.Pantani et al./Prog.Polym.Sci.30(2005)1185–12221193。
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人物An intelligent person I knowToday I’m going introduce a well-known name to you as an intelligent person, who is Justin Bieber. I bet you know him. I’ll get started by talking about his appearance. Well, he is totally good-looking, and I’ve got to say he is so perfect with his attractive blue eyes and blond hair. But he is just of medium height, which isn’t a big deal since I adore him a lot. Although Justin is only in his early 20s, he already makes it big as an excellent singer and composer.As for why I think he is so smart, I think it’s mainly because he’s got a good voice. More importantly, he is incredibly talented in music while he is still young. He must have learned a lot about music and he has special skills when he is singing. You know, he released his first song Baby at the age of 14, which instantly became a hit all over the world. Later on, every album he made has received good reputation. Anyway, I bet he is a quick learner and way smarter than others.物品A gift I receivedAt the fist sight of the topic, a scarf popped out of my mind right away. It is a very delicate scarf with some plaid patterns on it, and it is made of the finest wool, which makes it feel warm and gentle when I’m wearing it. Although it is not some kind of high-end brand, I still love it because it looks not only exquisite but also practical, especially during cold winters.Well, I got it as a birthday gift when I was 17, and it was from one of my best buddies, Lisa. I believe it must have cost her a fortune, since we were not making money at that time. So I’ve kept it in my home till now, hoping to remember her by.This scarf means a lot to me, simply because it’s from the best friend of mine. All these years when I look at it, or wear it, it feels like my friend is just there, supporting me and giving me useful life or relationship tips and stuff (smile). You know, we’ve known each other for life, and now she’s been overseas, so I’m not sure when we will see each other again. It’s been, like ages since last time I met her. Anyway,this scarf is so special because it reminds me of the friendship which I’m going to cherish forever.The old thing in my family (a work of art)Today I’d like to mention one old artwork in my family that has been kept for almost two generations. It is a pottery teapot no larger than an electric kettle电壶, which is fairly common in every household. (Material) Speaking of the pot itself, it is a typical pottery one made of the mixture of clay and water, and (shape) it shapes round with a handle and a spout on each side. The most amazing thing of the teapot, however, is not because of its material, but because it’s decorated with flower patterns, which are carved by刻 a master of that time. And the master also carved his name on it, which makes the pot even more precious.(function)This pot has been used to serve tea for our important guests. Each time during significant days like a family reunion and big celebrations such as Spring Festival, my mom wouldtake it out to show our courtesy礼貌. Needless to say, this pot is of great artistic value美学价值as well as practical实用的. The history behind it also fascinated my a lot. My mom told me that my great-grand father handed it down as a family heirloom传家宝, so it’s two generations older than me!(reasons)I’ve got some reasons for loving it. It represents the memory of our family, and it’s exquisite精美的 and fragile. Sometimes it gets dusty有灰尘的, but I would never forget to clean it, and I think I’m going to cherish it.The thing that I saved money to buy(What is it, how did you get it, when did you get it, the function 略)To be honest, I really had a hard time in做某事有困难 saving up all the money for the watch. You know, back then, I was just a high school student and wasn’t making any money. However, it was a limited edition限量版, and I couldn’t help thinking about it all day. So finally I made up my mind to tighten my belt勒紧裤腰带for a couple of months, by which I mean I cut my budget down a bit on my living expense. To be specific, I got 1000 as the monthly allowance from my parents, so I divided it up, and spent the least on snacks and clothes. The rest of the money went to my saving plan省钱计划 for the watch. Meanwhile, I picked up a part-time job at a restaurant and each month they paid me 300. Two month later, I counted my balance账户, and it was a total of 2000! Unbelievable! Anyway, there is no exaggeration to say毫不夸张地说 this baby has cost me an arm and a leg. But I think the value of the watch can not simply be measured by money.事件经历Events and experiencesAn event that has changed my lifeI used to be a girl who was full of negative energy when I was 17 or so. It seemed that I screwed everything up and couldn't even get them right. For example, I failed the tests, teachers didn’t like me much, and I fell out with my friend a lot, and there was no way I could end up in a good university.Then there was one day, our school organized an event where a famous person give speech to us in our stadium. I was in, and surprisingly, I began to change my view about life, because the speaker told us how he managed to achieve after so much hardship.Finally, I thought of myself, and I decided to cheer up. I realized that it was the courage that matters, and I learned to become braver.This has changed my course of life ever since. It made me tougher (stronger) and more assertive (confident).A decision that took you a long time to makeThe title of the topic reminds me of one toughest最难的decision that I made a few years ago, which was about choosing majors in college. Back then, I just finished high school and was about to kick start my university life. I kinda had mixed feelings有复杂的情感about it, since my entrance examination turned out to be just fine, and me and my family were in pickle/a dilemma as to which major I was going to embark on. You know, it could determine which career I was going to take as well, so it was a huge deal and we needed to be serious.Then, my fathered called up all the family members for a family meeting to discuss this issue. Unfortunately, it didn’t go well, because my parents and I had opposing ideas相反的意见on what major I should choose. To be exact, they wanted me to study management while my passion is graphic design, which led to a huge fight between my parents and me. I got disappointed and depressed for the way they didn’t understand me.Afterwards, I thought about it twice, and finally I decided to stick up for myself and hold on to 坚持my dream. It was hard, and my father was so pissed off that he didn’t talk to me for a couple of weeks.However, looking back, I’m glad because it turned out that I was quite good at design and now I’m about to graduate!So you see, it actually took several weeks for me to make the determination! It was indeed tough and full of twists and turns.故事充满曲折However, it did have a positive influence on me. First, I finally exploit my potential in design, rather than do something I hate. As well as that, I become confident and independent.A future plan of yoursTo be honest, I’ve been planning to travel to Tibet for a long time, but always didn’t have the money and time to carry it out. (plans in detail) Let me tell you my schedule in detail. Actually, I’m not going to take a train, because I hope to hitchhike and meet some interesting people during the journey. And Oh, right before I take off,I’m going to take at least a week to do a little information search, like where I can find a nice accommodation and the map and stuff. You know, just to make sure I don’t get lost and be stung by bugs a lot! (smile). Hopefully, I can travel light, with just a backpack and have a safe and sound trip.(What do I need to do) In order to make this come true, of course I need to do a few things before hand. The priority is probably to save enough money. So I’m going to work harder, but I believe it’ll totally be worth it. Then, I think I’m going to find some friends who also want to go, and it’ll be great if we can make a group.(Reasons and influence) You have no idea how much I look forward to this trip. Here are few reasons why I’d like to do it. For starters, I have a full time job (details here), and the job is very physically demanding, so I’ve been feeling under pressure lately, and just want to get away from itall. And I think life isn’t just about working, and a healthy lifestyle should be a well-balanced one. More importantly,I’m so fascinated by the natural beauty of Tibet, even if I just saw the pictures. It’s such a mysterious place where the religion and culture attract tourists from all over the world! Like a magnet! Anyway, I expect to find some peace there and to recharge myself as I’m meditating.An occasion where you met an old friendSpeaking of an experience when I came across an old friend,I’ve got a very interesting story. (when) I clearly remember that a year ago, when I was hanging out on the street (where) on a beautiful sunny day, a familiar voice called out to me and as I turned around, guess what? (who) It was my high school desk mate Christ! I couldn’t believe it since we hadn’t met for almost ten years since we graduated.(what did you do) It was such a big surprise since I never thought I would meet him again in the city! We were totally psyched and decided to hit a bar. We ordered some drinks and while we were catching up叙旧, he told me his amazing stories. He went overseas after high school, and got into a famous corporation after university. Everything seemed to go well till one day he collapsed because of the intensive lifestyle and heavy workload. And then he quitted his job, deciding to go to Tibet. (adapt some stuff from the previous one)(influence, reasons) Honestly, it was the most joyful night I have ever had for such a long time! I feel like I opened up敞开心扉to my dearest friend and so did he. It’s the perfect timing完美的时间 to restore重塑 a long-lost friendship. Also, his stories are both inspiring and encouraging, leading me to think about my life and future plans…地点Palace Museum故宫博物院A historical building I’d like to mention today is Palace Museum in China, which is a well-known place all over the world. (Exterior and related history)It is located in the central area of Beijing city, and is adjacent to Tiananmen Gate. In fact, the Palace Museum was built on the basis of Forbidden City, which used to be the imperial Palace for the royal families in Ming and Qing Dynasties. I roughly remember that it was built around 1402 to 1420. The Forbidden City itself is a complex covering a huge area.(Funtion) Well, back to the Museum itself, it was of great significance not only because of its historical value,but also because of its artistic and architectural value. It is the most comprehensive museum in China, and it keeps a wide collection of ancient Chinese artworks, which are our national treasure and heritage.I’ve been there once, and it leaves me a deep impression. I was shocked by it magnificent and solemn atmosphere and was totally struck by the history behind it. After that, I decided to get to know more about the history of my country, and I know exactly how proud I am of my country. If I have another chance, I’m sure I’ll visit the place once more.A park/garden that has impressed youI’d like to describe Botanic Garden today, and it leaves me a deep impression. (location) In fact, Botanic Barden that I want to mention is in Australia and it’s located in downtown area of Melbourne City, to be specific. It covers a huge area, and is just a few walks away from Yarra River, on which the city is based. Actually, it’s also close to a stadium, the national art gallery and some famous theaters, which are all the local landmarks. Back to the garden itself, all you can see is an area covered by green lush茂盛的 grass stretching from north to south. Walking inside, a few benches along the pathways are available for the public. Also, when you are thirsty, you can drink water from the fountains, which can be easily found. One interesting thing is that there are several funny sculptures scattered around, like a person or an animal, well, I don’t quite get it.There is also a small lake in the middle. Some fake mountains pour a small waterfall瀑布into it, making it sparkling under the sunshine. Around the lake, there are some big trees and flowers as well.(what people do)I visited it one time last year. It was a warm afternoon in spring, and my friends and I had a picnic. (some details as to what food) Spending some time with friends in this way is incredible and relaxing! I notice that some people love to go jogging in this park while others just take a walk or something. Anyway, the air is clean and the birds are chirping, what a wonderful place to get close to nature!(reasons) I’m impressed by its breathtaking natural beauty. Besides, I feel refreshed when I think about botanic garden, and the green space it offers is also fabulous! It’s a must-go place in Melbourne and if I have another chance, I will definitely pay a visit to this garden.A sports event that I would like to take part inThere is a very interesting sports meeting I’ve always wanted to participate in, which is called “The Annual Sports Gala” in my community. Although it’s nothing compared to the worldly-famous Olympic Games, it’s still kind of a huge gathering of sports talents each year. (introduction of the game) Speaking of the game itself, it has been held six years in a row连续六年 in the neighborhood, and has gradually gain its’ popularity since more and more people joined. It was first organized by our community board, and they found a huge backyard and decided to develop it into a playground. On the playground, there are facilities like tennis tables and a runway track.(When and what you do)Each year in April, the meeting would be held and everyone interested in our community are welcome to sign up. We get to choose from a wide variety of activities, ranging from100-metre rally race, table tennis, lifting weights to long jump. There would be fierce competitions for the activities, and the winner gets a trophy奖杯shaped like a sportsman, the second prize is a coupon优惠券 to the fanciest restaurant in town! The third prize is a movie ticket.(reasons)I love this sports meeting but haven’t got a chance to take part in it. Here are somereasons why I would like to be a part of it. First of all, it gives the neighbors a perfect opportunity to work out, which they probably wouldn’t have time to do after work. And in this way, they build up a strong body! Of course, the activities are just for fun, but they encourage us to exercise and find some confidence as well. Although we are all amateurs业余运动员, the sportsmanship运动员精神 we enjoy is incredible! Anyway, I will never miss the next meeting for the world!A competition I would love to take part in (同上)Describe a time when you were busyI’d like to say something about last year when I crammed for the finals of my last semester when I was a junior. I feel like it was almost the busiest time ever in my entire life! Let me elaborate on what happened.The truth is, the third summer for college students in China is usually the toughest one. As students in the third year, they are required to make a clear “to-do” list and make a plan for their future, which means they have to make clear goals as to what job they want to do and send out resumes for intern opportunities实习机会. Meanwhile, the pressure at school is huge. By the end of the semester, they should be ready for the tests and papers and try to get high scores.So, I was one of them at that time. Things were getting out of hand since I wanted to be good at everything. I wanted an internship at the most famous corporate in my city, so I had to polish up my resume. Then, I wanted to keep perfect academic reports, which would be something to add in my resume as well. However, handling these two things at the same time did stress me out. In the morning I read mails to check if they respond my resumes and during the night I stayed up for the heavy workload I got because of the papers and exams. In fact, I can’t even remember how many days I kept burning the midnight oil. I was so uptight that I barely had time to relax a bit.Honestly, this experience was totally awful. I never want to repeat it again. However, the results turned out to be rather impressive, since I finally got the offer from a company and my scores were excellent as well. I felt such a relief, and a little comforted because all my hard work finally paid off.Describe a time when you forgot somethingAt the first sight of the topic, it reminds me of a terrible experience I once had. Back then, I was a careless teenager who tended to forget about things a lot. For example, I forgot to feed my cat or left my schoolbag at home when I rushed to school. What was worst, I put my book under the desk and next minute I was yelling at my classmates for trying to hide my book to mess with me. Anyway, I was such a disorganized girl, and my mom blamed me thousands of times.Well, the thing happened when one day I forgot to lock the door when I left home for school. My parents went to work already so they had no idea. By the end of the day, I was shocked by a crime scene when I got home. Unfortunately a burglar had broken into our house and left the whole room a total mess. I was startled惊吓的, standing there and was at a loss. After a few minuteswhen I calmed down, I found out that all the worthy stuff like my mom’s necklace and several thousand cash were all gone. I couldn’t help crying at the huge lost, and worried that my parents were going to beat me.Later on, my parents were back from work. They called the police, cleaned up the mess and then had a serious conversation with me. I felt extremely guilty and shame because of my absent-minded character. However, I learned my lesson, although it’s an expensive one. Since then, I tried to be careful and be organized, and improve my memory of course. So this thing actually taught me to be discreet and responsible for what I do.The subject I hateSpeaking of the subject I dislike, I just think of mathematics right away. Although I don’t have to learn it any more because I major in arts in college, it still gives me headache at the thought of it. Apparently, it tortured me a lot when I was in high school. Back then, maths was a compulsory subject, which means everyone should learn it no matter what they wanted to do in the future. During the class, we basically learned algebra and geometry, and the teacher would teach us some equations and formula each lesson. After the teacher explained the basics, we began to do exercises, and sometimes have a little test.Why do I hate it? Well, first of all, I felt that I had been falling behind during the classes. The teacher explained the formula, but I just couldn’t use it to solve the problem! Maybe I just didn’t have the talent. One thing led to another, I practically failed maths for two semesters, and that has been my nightmare till now! And also, the teacher wasn’t nice, either. He was hard on the students and we were all scared of him. When he was teaching, he could never stand any student fall asleep, otherwise he would punish them. What’s worse, the textbook was full of theories that were difficult to understand. I think these are the reasons why I hate this subject so much.HobbyI’d like to say that one of my favorite pastimes is listening to music. All kinds of music are fine with me because I’ve always been a music enthusiast. However, I do love to pick different songs for different occasions since music convey completely different emotions as the genre varies. Speaking of the genre, classical music and drama are perfect when I feel down and upset, simply because they have certain depth and the lyrics are pretty meaningful. One the other hand, I tend to relate deeper to pop songs when I feel excited, and the melody is quite pleasant to the ear.When it comes to my favorite one, I still remembered that last year during summer vocation, I listened to a song by a famous singer Taylor Swift, and the name was Back to December. It started out as a pretty normal day and I was staying at home, feeling quite bored. And then I picked up my Ipod and let the tune run. Suddenly, a sweet voice came to me and I just followed it. As I listened to the lyrics carefully, I was deeply touched and almost cried a little.So you see, this hobby does influence my life a lot. Music can cheer me up when I feel depressed, and give me hope when I’m lonely. It is my best company as I grew up, and will still be my passion for the rest of my life.An advertisementI’d like to talk about a website commercial related to “Double-eleven” shopping spree. “Double eleven” refers to a specific date: November 11th, and it is a special occasion for the singles to shop online on huge discount. So, this commercial is about all the famous brands offering incredibly low discount on TAOBAO, a famous shopping site. It tells you that whatever you buy on Taobao, you get half percent off.Normally, girls who usually purchase goods impulsively would be attracted by this kind of advertisement, but other people like the elderly and male customers are also buying because of the commercial. I was no exception. I bought clothes, accessories and other stuff last year from Taobao, just because the advertisement on it offered the huge discount, which was totally tempting. Another reason why I was persuaded was because it repeated a lot, and I just couldn’t avoid it whenever the website come out. Lastly, all my friends around me bought something that day, and I was affected by them a little, to be honest. However, I felt a little bit upset after the impulsive buying, because most of the products I bought turned out to be useless. So next time I would be more cautious once I see a commercial like this.。
K7V 2017.2.22
• 1.What is Madanalysis • 2.Madanalysis5 comes with two modes • 3.Madanalysis的一般使用 • 4.Madanalysis深入研究 • 5.An example • 6.Conclusions
bin/ma5 [options] help [<action>] (存储在.ma5history文件夹中) display <object>
display <object>.<option>
set <object>.<option> = x remove <object>(analysis正在运行的对象main, hadronic and invisible是不能被删
Particles and multiparticles
define <label> = <identifiers>
(The command above creates a label denoted by <label> and associates to it the content of the parameter <identifiers>. If the value of <identifiers> consists in one single integer number, a new particle label related to the corresponding PDGid is created.)
第四章Material材质第四章第一节 Material EDITOR 材质编辑器介绍我们打开 2.basic material.udk 看看那个岩石材质, 那个岩石材质使用了各種表达式。
打开CONTENT BROWSER-> 新建 -> PACKAGE 选ASC_FLOOR(NEW PACKAGES不能存取,最好把材质放在UTGAME內的文件夾), GROUP打MYMaterial, NAME打FIRSTMaterial, OPEN Material Editor打开材质编辑器 , ( 注意: 由於UDK的CONTENT BROWSER是限制了很多功能, 你不能在packages增減任何FOLDER , 如果你要建一个TEX 或SOUND 或Material 必需使用UTGAME路徑,否则读取有問题, 例如新建一个metrial 材质, 要有效保存並读取, 假设METRIAL是地板用途, PACKAGES(包)取好在ASC_FLOOR路徑下 ,GROUP选firstmetrial , 然後去找那个纹理, 保存时你看到ONLY READ唯读, 去那个.UPK文件取消便可存取,或者直接把整个UDK 取消唯读, 这样就是保存一个文件的個程) , 保存後进入介面看到一个没有任何材质的黑球, 把右边的 CONSTANT3VECTOR (2表示RG,3表示RGB,4RGBA) 拉出去,在R打1纯红,拉线去DIFFUSE(扩散)把材质表面也红色, 再拉去EMISSIVE把光源扩射到是整个球面, 按掦号存取去CONTENT BROWSER接下来怎样加上去你的场境, 首先新建一个房, CONTENT B -> 把那个红色材质拉去场境的牆, 便看到该牆纹理変红色, 当然你再用Material EDITOR修改材质, 修改後按一下綠色鈎号, 就能即场改変场境的材质先來个介面的讲解, 窗口->可以调出四个視窗, 属性(下方的数值设置)/SOURCE(右下角源代码检視)/预覧(左边的3D觀看)/材质表現(右方的各项材质特性), 也可以在编辑框按右鍵弹出,而CTRL+ C/V COPY PAST 模塊也适用, 基本上, 这个篇辑器的精髓就是材质表現Material EXPRESSIONS,往後有机会再一一教授內裡每个功能怎运用窗口下方的检視栏分別是起始(把编辑住置置中) / 切換格子(预覧不用网格觀看) /圆柱_正方体_圆球_平面是预覧时所用的体形 / 放大鏡同步几何体 (即弹出一个CONTENT BROWSER原位置) / 箭头(把选中的MESH同步材质) /清理无用效果 / 显視_隐藏无用连接(除了有连线的项目其它隐藏) / 直线_曲线显示/实时射质視角(若果有动作的材质会实行动作在3D预覧框, 而不是静态) / 实时效果視角(同理,实行效果) /实时視角(任何动态的也实行在预覧框, 包含前兩者) / 鈎号实行SAVE材质到CONTENT B路徑裡 / 我们可以拉动四个視窗去任何地方, 只要拉动上面的条便可,而移动到角位, 會出現虛方塊给你看將會放置的形狀, 小心移乱了, 很难调回预设狀态, 而编辑框的操作和 KISMET的差不多, 按CTRL 移动方塊, 双鍵按放大缩小...好了, 我们再编辑那红色的Material, COPY一个RGB 拉去specular反射, 打1,10,1 看到一个反光, 按着3鍵再左击弹出RGB模塊, 再按N鍵左击弹出NORMALIZE模塊,M 左击弹出MULTIPLY模塊,你按的鍵的字母就是弹出模塊类型的首字母, V是VECTOR, T是TEXTURE..., 也可右鍵弹出所有Material Expression, 並可在属性DESC 打文字作描述, 在BLENDMODE 混合各种模式, 或LIGHTINGMODEL光模式, 按MLM_UNLIT 変黑,拉去EMISSIVE放射就可看到, 这是去除光来编辑,也可以试MLM_CUSTOM,同理用纹理自发的CUSTOMLIGHTING显示编辑 , MLM_PHONG是正常显視, 鈎WIREFRAME以线框显視, 好了, 试使用一些纹理在材质上, 右鍵->TEXTURE->TEXTURE SAMPLE 並点此, 在下方的属性按放大镜弹出CONTENT B,然後找UTGame->ENVIRONMENTS->ASC_FLOOR->T_ASC_FLOOR_BSP_TILE01_D 点一下-> 回ME 在TEXTURE SAMPLE属性点綠箭咀加入, 或者直接在CONTENT B 拉入TEXTURE SIMPLE , 或在ME按T左鍵(最快这方法) 加入纹理接下来点T_ASC_FLOOR_BSP_TILE01_N 再回ME T+左鍵加入纹理, 拉去NORMAL , 看到法线贴图凹击效果, 而方框旁边的五点是ALL RGB ALPHA 五种, 用白色的ALPHA小点拉向DIFFUSE就変黑白色纹理 , 好了, 制作好法线贴图, 记住在CONTENT B 的新纹理按右鍵SAVE 。
德国肖特全自动电位滴定仪TL alpha plus中文操作手册
1.1 拆包
对比底部的 螺帽孔 ,旋紧螺帽,即可安装完成
Fig. 2
TM 135磁力搅拌器 与支杆下面的衬板连接,并用连接线与主机相连,磁力搅拌器的速度可通过上面的旋 钮来进行调节。.
3.1 3.2 A电极接口 .................................................................................... ................................................6 B电极接口 .................................................................................... ................................................6
1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 和12 仅出现在整机中
安装交换单元:仅需握住交换单元,沿着机器上部的轨道,轻轻滑入即可,在锁定之后会听到锁定扳动的声音。 同时,交换单元的信息也会在主机上显示 卸下交换单元:在卸下交换单元之前,请先对填充管进行一次填充,然后按下旁边的解锁按钮,轻轻滑出交换单 元,此时会有电子提示音,并且屏幕上显示<<--->>
Operating Instructions 全自动电位滴定仪
Titration Unit TitroLine alpha plu........................................ ................. .........................................................1
Met One HHPC-6 手持微粒计数器说明书
Offering the best in handheld particle counting The Met One HHPC-6 Handheld Airborne Particle Counter simultaneously displays six channels of particle size distribution. The Model HHPC-6 holds 500 samples (2,000 with Option EX) in data memory and records date, time, counts, sample volume, temperature and relative humidity. Data is easily downloaded to a computer or printer using the included RS-232/RS-485 interface cable and utility software. With value-packed features and excellent reliability, it is easy to see why the Model HHPC-6 is a winner among professionals who monitor and verify cleanrooms, test filters, and track down particle source problems. The intelligent design and overall utility of the Model HHPC-6 is invaluable for IAQ investigations, making workplace environments safer and healthier.• Self-contained, ergonomic, easy to operate• Fast, easy connection to computer or printer• Selectable sample time, count data, programmable delay• Set sample times to cubic feet or liters• Data displayed in totalize or concentration modes• Built-in, programmable alarms• Built-in purge filter protects the cleanroom from pump exhaust• Automatic turn-off when battery voltage drops below safe operating level• Meets the most stringent performance standards set by the industryFEATURES• Battery or AC operation• 0.3 micron at 0.1 cfm• Counts 6 sizes simultaneously• Stores 500 records (withOption EX – 2,000 records)• Eight programmablelocation labels• Internal rechargeable battery• Lightweight• Built-in RH and Temp• Easy download to computer• Windows compatibledownload software• Network capableAPPLICATIONS• Monitor cleanrooms• Indoor air quality investigations• Monitor growning rooms• Test filter seals• Test filter efficiency• Track down particlecontamination sources• Monitor particlesize distributions 800-404-ATEC (2832)6 Size Channels:Standard:0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 µm IAQ:0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0 µm Custom:0.3 to 20 µm available Flow Rate:0.1 cfm (2.83 L/min)Light Source:Laser diode; index guided (26,000 MTBF at 25°C)Calibration:PSL particles in air (NIST traceable)Counting Efficiency:50% @ 0.3 µm; 100% for particles > 0.45 µm (per JIS B9921:1997)Zero Count: 1 count/5 minute (per JIS B9921:1997)Coincidence Loss:5% at 2,000,000 particles per ft3Relative Humidity:± 7%, 20% to 90%, non-condensing Temperature:± 3°C, 10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F)Data Storage:500 sample records (rotating buffer)Data Recorded:Date, time, counts, relative humidity, temperature,sample volumes, alarms, label Display:Graphic liquid crystal with back light Alarms:Counts, low battery, sensor fail Count Modes:Concentration, totalize, audio Delay Time:0 to 24 hours Sample Inlet:Isokinetic probe Interface:RS-232 and RS-485 via RJ-45Vacuum Source:Internal pump flow controlled Housing:Injection molded plastic Dimensions: 4.5" w x 8.25" l x 2.25" d (11.43 x 20.96 x 5.72 cm)Weight: 2.2 pounds (1.0 kg)Environmental:Operating:10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F),20% to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing Storage:-10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F),Up to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing Power:AC Adapter, 12 VDC at 2.5 A, 90 to 250 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz Rechargeable Battery:NiMH, 4.8 V at 4.5 Ah; replaceable Continuous Operating Time:8 hours Recharge Time: 2 hours Standards:CE, JIS B9921: 1997Accessories Included:Certificate of Calibration (NIST); Windows compatible software download utility; DB9 to RS-232 adapter and cable;Isokinetic Probe; High Purity Tubing; 1/8 in. Hose Barb Adapter;Power Supply; Operation Manual Zero Count Filter Carrying Case (soft-sided or hard molded plastic) dataPortable serial printer w/cable, 2 rolls paperOption “EX” – 2,000 recordsOptional particle size range – up to 20 µmSpecifications are at reference conditions and may change without notice. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. PN705125–04/03SPECIFICATIONSOPTIONALACCESSORIESModel HHPC-6 Handheld Particle CountersAMERICAS •481CaliforniaAve.,GrantsPass,Oregon97526USA,180****7889,Tel:15414726500,Fax:15414793057EU / ASIA • 6, route de Compois, C.P. 212, CH-1222 Vésenaz, Geneva, Switzerland, Tel: 41 22 855 91 00, Fax: 41 22 855 91 99WEB SITES • • • Total Solutions for Ultrapure Applications。
Literature Review (Sample 1)文献综述
Literature ReviewC12 英语〔1〕 X X XTess of the D’Urbervilles is generally regarded as Tomas Hardy’s finest novel. Since its publication in 1891, it has encountered considerable concern in literary criticism. Among these numerous essays dwelling on Tess, most criticisms and interpretations focus on probing into the root of Tess’s tragedy. These scholars ponder Tess’s tr agedy from various perspectives and give a multitude of interpretations on this topic. But no one can exhaust such a great work,there is still much room for further consideration about Tess’s tragedy. Through several months’ efforts in searching, collectin g and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning causes of tragedy of Tess, I have learned much and gained a lot of data and create the following essay which summons up the essence of the literature.1.Analyses of Objective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.The Age Characteristic and the Rebel in Tess of the D’U rbervilles – A Feminine Decoding on Tess of the D’U rbervilles by Jiang Lu introduces the economic background of the story. Jiang states that the story of Tess happened during the late half of 19th century, which witnessed the decline and destruction of the English peasantry. It was an age of transition and great social upheavals. With the development of capitalism, England was slowly developing from its former state of a mainly agricultural country to its new condition of a primarily industrial society, because of which the traditional self-sufficient society order in the country was broken. Helplessly confronted with the change, the country villagers were deprived of their lands, houses and other possessions. Then, in possession of few things they were forced to immigrate away from their accustomed land and to be employed as farm workers. Therefore, country peasants were inflicted tragically by the industrial development. This part clearly demonstrates the economic situation of the farmer at Victorian age which is quite beneficial to my paper.An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by YuKun discusses the tragedy of Tess from the perspective of Ecofeminism, this paper practically explores the close relationship between women and nature and women’s tragic fate as the result of industrialization and patriarchal society, which helps me understand Tess’s tragedy from a new angle. It points out that at the late Victorian Age when industrialization began to encroach upon the countryside rapidly and capitalism developed further, the peasants lost their land and many of them were impoverished. Tess’s family,without exception, was poverty-stricken, which turned out to be the very root of her tragedy. Tess, impelled by the economic pressure from her family, had to go to claim kindred with prosperous D’Urbervilles family where she met evil Alec who deprived of her virginity; and it was her poor family that made Tess return to Alec. Besides, the society in the Victorian period was a man-dominated society, woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality. Angel who set a double moral standard for man and woman certainly couldn’t conceive of a relationship of equality with Tess. He couldn’t forgive Tess for her lost of virginity although he himself had dissipated past. Thus he finally abandoned Tess because of her “impurity〞, which gave Tess a fatal blow.The Connotation and Characteristic of “Angels in House〞in Victorian Period of England by Zeng Yayin demonstrates perfect women’s image in people’s mind in Victorian period. It says that a traditional Victorian woman is supposed to be a perfect woman. First, they should be gentle, graceful and charming, that is to keep an attractive appearance. Second, they should be submissive. They were taught to be sympathetic, gentle and considerable to other people. And the most important thing was to be submissive to their father or brothers, and after being married, their submission turned to their husbands. Third, they should have pure bodies. Traditionally, virginity was worshipped as a symbol of honor for an unmarried woman. It was very important for a younger woman to be a virgin before marriage and be loyal to her husband after she married him, and virginity was a girl’s virtue and value as well. Fourth, home was her whole world. She should sacrifice herself for her husband and the family. Taking care of the family and making the home healthy andcomfortable was undoubtedly all her duty. Besides, they were economically dependent, what they should do was to stay at home which was the shelter for them, and to seek for support and protection from them, so marriage was pretty much their best choice. All in all, the idle Victorian woman should be devoted, pure both mentally and physically and submissive. This paper gives me a general idea of the image of women in Victorian period, which will help me a lot in my paper.Analysis of Tragedy of Tess by Tang Xuan points out that Tess is a typical female tragedy, considering the convention and the bourgeois morality of her time. The last years of the nineteenth century were the Victorian period. Victorian morality imposed rigid norm on women, which demanded women to be pure. The loss of virginity was a fatal blow to Tess as she was turned against and crushed by the social convention. It was a man-dominated society, in which woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality and the use of double standard in sexual matters was the essential feature of the Victorian society. This was why Tess, being violated by Alec, unfairly suffered from being morally and socially spurned and punished while Alec remained free from any social reprimands. What is more, according to the Victorian customs, a man could live a dissipating life as he had once done while a woman could not. This double standard for man and woman made it impossible for Angel who was dominated by the conventional social custom and the bourgeois view of morality to forgive Tess. This part helps get a better idea of the impact of social convention and morality on Tess’s tragedy.The Ruin of a Pure Woman — Analyses of the Tragedy of Tess by Zhou Hong says that Tess is the victim of capitalist law and hypocritical religion. It states that Alec dared to do evil at his pleasure not only because he was a man of money and power, but also because he was under the protection of bourgeois law which was employed as a tool to rule ordinary people and was always at bourgeois’ interest. According to the law, it was ironic that the man who seduced Tess was justified while Tess who suffered damage was sinful. Oppressed by so strong social prejudice, Tess was deprived of the right to protect herself and forced to accept the unfair treatmentimposed on her. Thus, she was doomed to be a victim of power and violence. Besides, hypocritical religion was also closely related to Tess’s tragedy. In capitalis t society, religion was just used as a tool to lull and enslave people. When Tess met Alec again, to Tess’s as tonishment , Alec, the man who seduced her and ruthlessly pushed her into the abyss of tragedy, could resort to Christianity and became a priest who asked people to do good deeds. From this part I can see that both bourgeois law and religion are hypocritical.2. Reflection on Subjective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.Analysis of Tess’s Character by Xu Haibo focuses on Tess’s character to explain the cause of Tess’s tragedy. It points out that the character of Tess is closely related to her fate, it is the tension in her character that leads her to the tragedy. The most obvious ones are those between humility and pride, and between innocence and sensuality. Ultimately it can be said that the tension is the one between obedience and rebellion within her character. It presents that both historical conditions and living environment contribute to the formation of Tess’s character. Tess has the qualities of kindness, honesty, diligence and loyalty which are shared by the label people, besides, she also inherits the pride traditionally associated with noble families, but her pride is conflicted with her social and economic position. In this paper, the author gives a detailed explanation with examples about the tension in Tess’s character which helps me better understand his idea. Besides it points out that there is also conflict between acquired conventional belief and instinctive independence of mind, and between ignorance and education in Tess’s character, which can also be seen from many cases. From this article, I get a good knowledge of Tess’s character as well as its relationship with her fate.Study on the Tragic Fate of Tess by Zhou Zhongxin and Wang Yanwen points out that Tess is a pure woman, but, ironically, her purity becomes the decisive factor of her tragedy. It states that Tess’s pure nature is fully embodied by her strong sense of responsibility and self -sacrifice to her family. When their horse is killed in an unexpected accident, nobody blames Tess as she blames herself, therefore, she doesn’trefuse once more her parent’s suggestion to claim kin with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family although she is not willing to do so. This is the very action that ruins all her life, she is seduced by Alec and later gives birth to an illegitimate baby. Moreover, her sense of responsibility is also clearly revealed when she becomes a mistress of Alec because of the desperate situation of her family. Tess’s purity is also displayed in her honesty and loyalty to love. When she is seduced by Alec, she bravely chooses to leave him at once irrespective of the pressure of her family and the society, because she realizes that she has never loved Alec.As to Angle, she falls in love with him deeply, but she continuously refuses Angle’s wooing because she thinks her being his wife is a shame for him. In order to protect Angle, she is willing to sacrifice her own feeling and happiness. Although she accepts Angle at last, she decides to disclose her past to him because of her honesty and true love for Angle. But her confession only results in an end of their marriage, she is deserted by her heartless husband, which leads to her miserable life soon afterwards. This paper offers me a good idea of the relationship be tween Tess’s purity and her tragedy.A Multi Perspective of the Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervil les by PengYan mentions the persecution of religion on Tess. Brought up in a heavily religious environment, Tess is deeply poisoned by religious thought, which forces Tess to bear enormous psychological pressure and induces her to sink into tragical abyss. Tess is a victim of religious doctrine. When her baby is dying, she suddenly realizes that she hasn’t been baptized and therefore will die without salvation a nd go to hell, but no parson is willing to do it for her baby, so she decides to baptize her baby by herself. Obviously, all her terrors about the hell are coming from the religious doctrine taught to her. Besides, although she used to doubt the existence of God when she feels desperate toward life, she can’t free herself from the shadow of religion. She always uses religious thought to imagine, explain and symbolize her miserable life. When she meets a man writing biblical texts on walls, she consciously feels ashamed and guilty for her loss of virginity, although it is not her fault. She is always self-contempt and keeps torturing herself by hypocritical religion thought. From this part I get to know religion’s impact on Tess.My Opinion about Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Li Honglan points out her family’s role in causing her tragedy. It says that Tess’s parents are ignoran t and vain,which leads directly to Tess’s tragedy. Tess’s father, Jack is lazy, selfish and foolish. When he hears of the news about his noble ancestry, he thinks his family will surely become rich if only Tess go to claim kinship with the wealthy family. When Tess is seduced by Alec, he doesn’t care about his daughter’s feelings and lock the door to prevent Tess from going out, the only thing that worries him is what others will think of this collapse of his family pride.Besides, Tess’s mother Joan is no better than Jack. The news of ancestry also affects her, she wants her daughter to rise in the world by making a successful marriage and thus bring fortunes to the whole family. When Tess chooses to leave Alec, she blames Tess for not marrying him and when Tess is deserted by Angle, she thinks it is all Tess’s fault. At the same time, her father doesn’t show sympathy for Tess either, he even doubts about her marriage, which makes Tess unable to live at home any more. Since her parents cannot be relied on, Tess takes on her younger shoulder the family burdens. She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her family and at almost every stage of her life it is her concern for family that influences her actions-from her agreement to claim kinship to family D’Urberville right to her final decision to return to Alec is totally due to her responsibility to support her family. From this analysis, I get a comprehensive knowledge about the influence of Tess’s family on her tragedy.Tess一A Pure but Tragic Woman by Zhang Qun discusses the influence of two men —Alec and Angle on Tess’s tragedy. It explains that Alec, typical of a bourgeois villain, m etamorphoses himself into the more dignified style of Alec D’Urberville and decorates himself as a man of nice heart. He takes advantage of Tess’s poverty and innocence, and seduces her on purpose. Thus , Tess intends to look for a way out but is driven by him to a way with a dead end. On the other hand, Angle is a representative of bourgeois intellectuals. He regards himself as a man full of new thoughts who isn’t bound by social customs. However, as a matter of fact, he couldn’t free himself from it. He idealizes Tess as symbol of purity and pursues her enthusiasticaly, but desert her as soon as Tess’s confession. Given up by her husband,Tess can’t support her family on her own and she is foeced by the death of her father and consequent loss of their cottage to succumbe to Alec to be his mistress. But out of her expection, Angle comes back, she is so shocked and regretfull that she kills Alec, because she thinks it is the only way out. From this analysis, I get a sense of these two men’s impact on Tess and I will use some of his idea in my paper.3. Introduction to the A uthor’s Outlook Reflected in the Novel.On Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Hu Ye says that Tess’s t raged y is related to Thomas Hardy’s fatalisti c outlook on life. Tess’s life can be divided into several stages and every stage is sprinkled a series of coincidences that push Tess to the doomed abyss. In this paper, it gives details about these coincides. At the outset, Tess’s father John Durbeyfield is so excited at the news of her ancestor that he drink himself drunk, so Tess has to replace her father to send the beehives to the market. Then the accidental death of the horse Prince destroys the family’s livelihood, so Tess is forced to go to claim k in with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family, where she is seduced by Alec.After this great frustration, she happens to meets Angle and falls in love with him. When she is about to marry him, Tess decides to write her past in a letter and thrusts it from unde r the door into Angel’s bedroom. But the paper gets mislaid under the carpet and Angel does not see it, which directly leads to the break of their marriage. When Tess eventually decides to visit Angel’s parents and asks them for help, she unfortunately ove rhears the conversation of Angel’s brothers, then she give up asking help from them. There is also the coincidence that she reencounters with Alec at exactly the moment when she is most vulnerable, then she becomes her mistress. Considering these coincides, I think that there is close relationship between Tess’s tragedy and these coincidences, although they all happen by chance.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragical ness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure by Zuo Yanru says that Thomas Hardy is an inheritor of classical tragedy, so he naturally transplanting the ideas of fatalism into his tragedy novels, and Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a typicalone. It tells that Hardy’s perspective of fatalism ha s two distinctive features. First, his fatalism often arises from the external environment, both social and physical, and the internal character of the protagonists. This realistic concern is a new aspect of fatalism. Second, in order to achieve the desire d tragic effect, Hardy’s destructive forces are reflected as the combination of accidents and inevitabilities, which aims to produce a strong sense of fate. The two features makes Hardy’s novels produce a strong sense of fatalism. This introduction lets me know the character of Hardy’s fatalism and its influence on the novel.Having read the above literature concerning the analyses of Tess’s tragedy, we have no difficulty to find that more and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad begin to p ay attention to the field of the cause of Tess’s tragedy. Most of them probe into this field from the perspective of social background, the heroine’s inner factors or the heroes destructive impact, there are not many other interpretations, however, all of them give me good guide to this topic and help me gain a better understanding of various elements relating to Tess’ tragedy, it also evokes my interest towards this topic and stimulates me to study this topic from a new perspective. In my paper, I tend to analyze the tragedy of Tess from individual choices with the help of the achievements of the critical study done by the former Hardy scholars, and I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading extensively and analyzing the literature.ReferencesXu Haibo. Analysis of Tess’s Character [J]. ?语文学刊(高教·外文版)?2007(06) Zhang Qun. Tess—A Pure but Tragic Woman [J]. Journal of Donghua University (Eng.Ed.) 2003(20).胡艳.论哈代?德伯家的苔丝?中的宿命论和悲观主义色彩[J].?太原科技大学报?2021(02).蒋橹.?苔丝?中的时代特征与叛逆形象—苔丝的女性主义视觉解析[J].?电影评介?2006(14).[J].?青海师专学报(教育科学)?2005(05).彭焱. “苔丝〞悲剧的多层次透视[J].?内江师范学院学报?2005(20).唐璇.?苔丝?悲剧根源剖析[J].?南华大学学报(社会科学版)?2006(01).于坤. 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尺寸表翻译:Shirring 褶襞, 装饰性的褶带Total length from HPS 前长(肩顶度)Placket width at bottom 袋阔在脚位度Placket width at top 袋阔在顶位度Placket height at center 袋高在中间度Pocket height at sides 袋高在侧边度Pocket opening 袋开口Pocket plomt up from buttom hem 袋位置在衫脚上Forearm width 4‖ from cuff seam 臂阔袖骨位上4‖Bodice length from HPS to seam 衫身长距膊顶至骨Neck turnback height 领折入后高Front neck drop from HPS 前领深Armhole length straight from neck fold to s.s.夹长(从领摺起边到侧骨)Armhole trunback height 夹圈折入后高Armhole tirm height 夹捆高Across front @ mid armhole(edge to edge) 前上胸阔—夹圈中度Hood hem height 帽脚高Hood width at widest point 帽阔(在最阔总度)Bake yoke height from CB neck seam 后驳片高距后中领骨Double needle straddle: @ side seam 侧骨:冚双针骑骨线Back moon facing-width from widest point 后龟背阔—最宽点度(后半月贴阔—从最阔点度)Back moon facing-length from CB back 后龟背长—领骨度(后半月贴长-从后中领度下)Length from HPS (front)- tops 前衫长-肩顶度Chest width at 1‖ blw A/H 胸阔 - 夹下1度Bottom sweeep width 脚阔Bottom hem height 脚咀高Bottom width at seam 裙摆宽(骨位度)Bottom sweep width @ edge 裙摆宽(在边度)Across shoulder 肩阔Across back at mid A/H 后阔—夹中度Across chest at mid A/H 胸阔—夹中度Across back 4‖ from HPS 后上胸(膊顶下4‖度) 前Across back at strap join seam 后肩宽(在带驳骨位度)Sleeve length from shoulder袖长—肩点度Sleeve length from shoulder seam 袖长—肩骨度Sleeve length from shoulder incl rib 袖长(膊度连袖咀)Sleeve cap height 袖山高Sleeve inseam length 袖内骨长Sleeve inseam length incl rib 袖底长Armhole length straight 夹直长Armhole straight 夹宽(直度)Sleeve opening width 袖口阔---along rib edge --边度Sleeve rib height 袖罗纹高Sleeve cuff height 袖咀高Shoulder slope 肩斜Cuff opening width along rib seam 袖口阔—骨度CF & CB Banner Width 前后幅驳条阔CF banner plcmt down from placket end 前幅驳条离筒底Back rise-incl WB to crotch seam 后浪(包腰头至驳幅骨位)Outseam incl WB 外长(包腰头)Leg hem height 脚咀高Crotch panel length 驳幅长Crotch panel width 驳幅宽Back(Front) neck drop from HPS 后(前)领深—肩顶度Neck width seam to seam 领阔—骨至骨Minimum neck stretch 最小领拉度Collar length at top edge 领长(边度)Collar height at CB (not including collarband) 领高--后中度(包下级领)Collar point length 领尖长Collar stand height at CF 下级领高,前中度Collar roll over height @ CB 领拉链唇线到后中高Collar point spread 领尖距Collar length at outer edge 领长(边度)Collar circumference along top edge 领围(外边长)Placket length 筒长Placket width 筒阔Side went height(front)前侧叉高Back neck tape height 后领捆高后领带阔Forward shoulder 肩走前Stripe width measure from body 驳片阔Tape width at inside neck and side vents 领捆和侧叉人字带阔Front opening wind flap width @ top 前防风贴顶阔Front panel piecing 前幅Logo placement --- HPS to top of logo 穿计左胸车花位—花边至顶Logo placement down from shoulder seam ---距肩骨Logo placement in from CF 前中横度Logo placement --- in from CF to inside edge ….花边距前中---up from sleeve cuff seam 距袖口骨位---in from CF-WR chest 穿计右胸车花位距前中Oval椭圆形 stitch length thru centerLogo POS below Wr’s left HPS-Top crown 左胸章仔:膊顶度至花顶Logo POS below Wr’s left CF-Leaf Edge 左胸章仔:前中横度Print POS up from hem @ ss 右侧印花位:衫脚咀上在侧骨处Printing pos first buckle below pkt over CF 右侧印花:前中横度1st flounce height 第一层裙摆高1st button placement down from neck 顶钮:筒顶度下CF length(from top edge to crotch fold)衫长(前中顶至浪底)CB length(from top edge to crotch fold)衫长(后中顶至浪底)CB placket stitch length at sides 后筒车线长(侧度)Chest width at top smocking stitching(relaxed) 胸阔(打缆位松度)Chest width at armhole edge(stretched)胸阔(夹位处拉度)Hip width 1/2‖ above encased elastic 坐围(丈根上1/2‖)Leg opening width (stretched) 裤口阔(拉度)Leg opening width: along curve(relaxed) 裤口阔(沿裤口弯度)Back leg curve at center 后裤口弯(中度)Crotch width at front edge 浪底阔(前边度)Crotch width at fold 浪底阔(折边度)Crotch forward from fold 浪底走前(折边度)Leg opening hem height 裤口脚高Front neck width: distance between inside straps 前领阔(吊带里间距度)Strap length 吊带长Top tier height from last smoking stitch 顶层衫长(从最后一条打缆线度)Bottom tier height(showing) 底层衫长(外露部分)Tier hem height(blind) 衫脚高Collar ruffle height 领打褶花边高Placket box stitch height 前筒盒子线高Ruffle height(top) 裙脚打褶花边高(顶层)Ruffle height(bottom) 裙脚打褶花边高(总长)Bottom ruffle hem height 裙脚高(折入)Top(bottom) ruffle height 顶层(底层)打褶花边高Truks height 打褶高Side panel width @ outseam 侧骨驳片阔Onseam pkt plcmet down from wb stitching 袋距腰底间线度Back yoke height at CB 后机头高后中度Low hip width 3‖ from crotch 下坐围浪上3‖度Waist width (relaxed) 腰阔(松度)Waist width at top edge(relaxed) 裤头阔平放度Waist width stretch 腰阔(拉伸度)Waistband height 腰高Waist position from HPS 腰位置:膊顶度下Hip width 3‖ up from crotch 坐围(叉位上3度)Low hip width 1/2 above leg opening 低坐围阔(脚开口上1/2‖)Hip width along seam 坐围(沿骨度)Inseam(finished) 内骨长(完成后)Outseam-incl WB 外侧骨长(包腰头)Thigh width @ center 1‖ from crotch seam 大腿阔(中间叉位骨下1‖)Leg opening 脚口Leg hem height 脚高Panty front rise-incl WB to crotch seam 内裤仔前浪Panty back rise-incl WB to crotch seam 内裤仔后浪Front rise length( including waistband) 前浪长(包腰头)Back rise length (including waistband) 后浪长(包腰头)Neck circumference bttn to bttnhole 领围(钮至钮门)Tape height @ inside neck 领捆高(在内领)Logo Graphic – down from HPS 印花位置距脖顶度下Crotch panel length 叉位长Crotch panel width 叉位阔Leg elastic width 脚口丈根阔Tucks height 裙摆褶脚高Hood hem height 帽脚高Hood length @ seam 帽长(沿后中骨位度)Zipper guard 防风筒Total pocket width at top edge 袋顶阔Sleeve pocket hem height袖带口间线高Sleeve pocket dart length 袖袋打褶长Sleeve pocket flap hem height 袖袋盖脚高Sleeve pocket flap width 袖袋盖阔Sleeve pocket flap height X-top 袖袋盖顶高Belt loop placement in from CB 后中腰耳仔距离Musle width 肶阔Tie space 呔位Collar length thru center领长-中心度Taping height neckline and side vents 捆条高(领围和侧脚叉)Yoke height at CF 前中担干高1st ruffle height 第一节裙摆高Sash height 腰带高Attached short 内裤Front rise (excluding WB)前浪(不包裤头)Short thigh width(1’ fr crotch)肶阔(浪下1‖)Bow(head to head) 蝴蝶结(头至头间)Bow(tail length) 蝴蝶结尾长Bow – loop end to loop end 蝴蝶结阔(耳仔尾至耳仔尾)Diamond quilted width: top stitch 菱形阔:顶线度Front yoke diamond quilt length form HPS 前担干棱形车线高(膊顶度下)Zipper guard 拉链贴阔CB neck shirring 后领缩摺长Shoulder piecing width at neck(total)肩驳片阔领度(共计)Shoulder piecing width at shl pt-total肩驳片阔肩点度(共计)Front princess seam up from underarm pt前胸骨位延至夹底Side seam panel width rib seam total 侧骨驳片阔骨度(共计)Pocket plcmt up from rib seam(at ss)袋距罗纹骨位侧度Piecing width at CB neck collar top edge 驳片阔后中领顶边度服装做工翻译1X1 r ib(on fold) as banding at bottom opening. Finish banding seam w ith 1/4‖double needle stranddle stitch.1X1罗纹衫脚,在1/4‖双针骑骨线2-piece hood with waffle lining. Finish hood opening with self turn back hem. Edge stitch is visible on outside of garment. 1/4‖ double needle stranddle stitch along center hood seam.两片帽。
液相色谱词汇中英文对照液相色谱词汇中英文对照高效毛细管电泳high—performance capillary electrophoresis归一化法normalization method毛细管等电聚焦capillary isoelectric focusing毛细管等速电泳isotachophoresis毛细管电色谱capillary electrochromatography毛细管电泳capillary electrophoresis毛细管电泳电喷雾质谱联用capillary electrophoresis – electr芯片电泳microchip electrophoresis色谱法chromatography色谱峰chromatographic peak色谱峰区域宽度peak width色谱富集过样samt injection of chromatography色谱工作站chromatographic working station色谱图chromatogram色谱仪chromatograph色谱柱chromatographic column色谱柱column色谱柱切换技术switching column technique毛细管超临界流体色谱法capillary supercritical fluid chromat…毛细管电泳基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱离线检测off—line capillar…毛细管电泳离子分析capillary ion analysis毛细管电泳免疫分析immunity analysis of capillary electropho…毛细管胶束电动色谱micellar electrokinetic chromatography毛细管凝胶电泳capillary gel electrophoresis毛细管凝胶柱capillary gel column毛细管亲和电泳affinity capillary electrophoresis毛细管区带电泳capillary zone electrophoresis毛细管有效长度the effective length of capillary electrophor…间接检测indirect detection间接荧光检测indirect fluorescence detection间接紫外检测indirect ultraviolet detection检测器detector检测器检测限detector detectability检测器灵敏度detector sensitivity检测器线性范围detector linear range阴离子交换剂anion exchanger阴离子交换色谱法anion exchange chromatography, AEC高速逆流色谱法high speed counter—current chromatography高温凝胶色谱法high temperature gel chromatography高效液相色谱-付里叶变换红外分析法high performance liquid ch…高效液相色谱法high performance liquid chromatography高效柱high performance column高压流通池技术high pressure flow cell technique高压输液泵high pressure pump高压梯度high-pressure gradient高压液相色谱法high pressure liquid chromatography阴离子交换树脂anion exchange resin荧光薄层板fluorescent thin layer plate荧光检测器fluorescence detector荧光色谱法fluorescence chromatography迎头色谱法frontal chromatography迎头色谱法frontal method硬(质)凝胶hard gel有机改进剂organic modifier有机相生物传感器Organic biosensor有效峰数effective peak number EPN有效理论塔板数number of effective theoretical plates有效塔板高度effective plate height有效淌度effective mobility淤浆填充法slurry packing method予柱pre-column在线电堆集on-line electrical stacking在柱电导率检测on—column electrical conductivity detection噪声noise噪信比noise –signal ratio增强紫外-可见吸收检测技术UV—visible absorption enhanced det…窄粒度分布narrow particle size distribution折射率检测器refractive index detector,RID真空脱气装置vacuum degasser阵列毛细管电泳capillary array electrophoresis蒸发光散射检测器evaporative light—scattering detector, ELSD整体性质检测器integral property detector正相高效液相色谱法normal phase high performance liquid chro…正相离子对色谱法normal phase ion-pair chromatography正相毛细管电色谱positive capillary electrokinetic chromatog…直接化学离子化direct chemical ionization GC-MS直接激光在柱吸收检测on-column direct laser detection纸色谱法paper chromatography置换色谱法displacement chromatography制备色谱preparative chromatography制备色谱仪preparative chromatograph制备柱preparation column智能色谱chromatography with artificial intelligence质量色谱mass chromatography质量型检测器mass detector质量型检测器mass flow rate sensitive detector中压液相色谱middle—pressure liquid chromatography重建色谱图reconstructive chromatogram重均分子量weight mean molecular weight轴向扩散longitudinal diffusion轴向吸收池absorption pool of axial direction轴向压缩柱axial compression column柱端电导率检测out—let end detection of electrical conductiv…柱负载能力column loadability柱后衍生化post-column derivatization柱老化condition (aging) of column柱流出物(column) effluent柱流失column bleeding柱内径column internal diameter柱前衍生化pro-column derivatization柱切换技术column switching technique柱清洗column cleaning柱容量column capacity柱入口压力column inlet pressure柱色谱法column chromatography柱上检测on—line detection柱渗透性column permeability柱寿命column life柱头进样column head sampling柱外效应extra—column effect柱温箱column oven柱效column efficiency柱压column pressure柱再生column regeneration柱中衍生化on-column derivatization注射泵syringe pump转化定量法trans-quantitative method紫外-可见光检测器ultraviolet visible detector,UV-Vis紫外吸收检测器ultraviolet absorption detector自动进样器automatic sampler自由溶液毛细管电泳free solution capillary electrophoresis总分离效能指标over-all resolution efficiency总交换容量total exchange capacity总渗透体积total osmotic volume纵向扩散longitudinal diffusion组合式仪器系统building block instrument最佳流速optimum flow rate最佳实际流速optimum practical flow rate最小检测量minimum detectable quantity最小检测浓度minimum detectable concentration萃取色谱法extraction chromatography脱气装置degasser外标法external standard method外梯度outside gradient网状结构reticular structure往复泵reciprocating pump往复式隔膜泵reciprocating diaphragm pump微分型检测器differential detector微孔树脂micro—reticular resin微库仑检测器micro coulometric detector微量进样针micro-syringe微量色谱法micro-chromatography微乳液电动色谱microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography微生物传感器Microbial sensor微生物显影bioautography微填充柱micro-packed column微吸附检测器micro adsorption detector微型柱micro-column涡流扩散eddy diffusion无机离子交换剂inorganic ion exchanger无胶筛分毛细管电泳non-gel capillary electrophoresis无孔单分散填料non-porous monodisperse packing无脉动色谱泵pulse-free chromatographic pump物理钝化法physical deactivation吸附等温线adsorption isotherm吸附剂adsorbing material吸附剂活性adsorbent activity吸附平衡常数adsorption equilibrium constant吸附溶剂强度参数adsorption solvent strength parameter吸附色谱法adsorption chromatography吸附型PLOT柱adsorption type porous—layer open tubular colum…吸附柱adsorption column吸光度比值法absorbance ratio method洗脱强度eluting power显色器color—developing sprayer限制扩散理论theory of restricted diffusion线速度linear velocity线性梯度linear gradient相比率phase ratio相对保留值relative retention value相对比移值relative Rf value相对挥发度relative volatility相对灵敏度relative sensitivity相对碳(重量)响应因子relative carbon response factor相对响应值relative response相对校正因子relative correction factor相交束激光诱导的热透镜测量heat lens detection of intersect …相似相溶原则rule of similarity响应时间response time响应值response小角激光散射光度计low—angle laser light scattering photomet…小内径毛细管柱Microbore column校正保留体积corrected retention volume校正曲线法calibration curve method校正因子correction factor旋转薄层法rotating thin layer chromatography旋转小室逆流色谱rotational little-chamber counter—current c…选择性检测器selective detector循环色谱法recycling chromatography压电晶体piezoelectric crystal压电免疫传感器Piezoelectric Immunosensor压电转换器piezoelectric transducer压力保护pressure protect压力上限pressure high limit压力梯度校正因子pressure gradient correction factor压力下限pressure low limit衍生化法derivatization method衍生化试剂derivatization reagent阳离子交换剂cation exchanger阳离子交换色谱法cation exchange chromatography, CEC氧化铝色谱法alumina chromatography样品环sample loop样品预处理sample pretreatment液-液分配色谱法liquid—liquid partition chromatography液—液色谱法liquid—liquid chromatography液滴逆流色谱drop counter-current chromatography液固色谱liquid-solid chromatography液晶固定相liquid crystal stationary phase液态离子交换剂liquid ion exchanger液相传质阻力resistance of liquid mass transfer液相色谱—傅里叶变换红外光谱联用liquid chromatography—FTIR 液相色谱—质谱分析法liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry 液相色谱—质谱仪liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer液相色谱法liquid chromatography液相载荷量liquid phase loading溶剂效率solvent efficiency溶解度参数solubility parameter溶液性能检测器solution property detector溶胀swelling溶质性质检测器solute property detector容量因子capacity factor渗透极限分子量permeation limit molecular weight生物色谱biological chromatography生物特异性柱biospecific column生物自显影法bioautography升温速率temperature rate湿法柱填充wet column packing十八烷基键合硅胶octadecyl silane石墨化碳黑graphitized carbon black示差折光检测器differential refraction detector试剂显色法reagent color—developing method手动进样器manual injector手性氨基酸衍生物GC固定相chiral amino aci d derivatives stat…手性拆分试剂chiral selectors手性固定相chiral stationary phase手性固定相拆分法chiral solid phase separation手性环糊精衍生物GC固定相chiral cyclodextrin der GC手性金属络合物GC固定相chirametal stationary phase in GC 手性流动相chiral mobile phase手性流动相拆分法chiral mobile phase separation手性色谱chiral chromatography手性试剂chiral reagent手性衍生化法chiral derivation method疏溶剂理论solvophobic theory疏溶剂色谱法solvophobic chromatography疏溶剂作用理论solvophobic interaction principle疏水作用色谱hydrophobic interaction chromatography树脂交换容量exchange capacity of resin数均分子量number mean molecular weight双保留机理dual reservation mechanism双活塞往复泵two-piston reciprocating pump双束差分检测器detector of dual-beam difference双柱色谱法dual column chromatography水凝胶hydragel水系凝胶色谱柱aqua—system gel column死区域dead zone死体积dead volume塔板理论方程plate theory equation碳分子筛carbon molecular sieve特殊选择固定液selective stationary phase梯度洗脱gradient elution梯度洗脱装置gradient elution device梯度液相色谱gradient liquid chromatography体积排斥理论size exclusion theory体积排斥色谱size exclusion chromatography体积色谱法volumetric chromatography填充柱packed column填料packing material停流进样stop—flow injection通用型检测器common detector涂层毛细管coated capillary拖尾峰tailing peak拖尾因子tailing factor流动分离理论separation by flow流动相mobile phase流动相梯度eluent gradient流体动力学进样hydrostatic pressure injection流体力学体积hydrodynamic volume流型扩散dispersion due to flow profile脉冲阻尼器pulse damper酶传感器Enzyme sensor酶联免疫传感器Enzyme linked immunosensor酶免疫分析enzyme immnunoassay内标法internal standard method内标物internal standard内梯度inside gradient逆流色谱法counter-current chromatography逆流色谱仪counter current chromatograph凝胶过滤色谱gel filtration chromatography凝胶内体积gel inner volume凝胶色谱法gel chromatography凝胶色谱仪gel chromatograph凝胶渗透色谱gel permeation chromatography凝胶外体积gel interstitial volume凝胶柱gel column浓度梯度成像检测器concentration gradient imaging detector 浓度型检测器concentration detector排斥极限分子量exclusion limit molecular weight排斥体积exclusion volume排阻薄层色谱法exclusion TLC漂移drift迁移时间migration time迁移时间窗口the window of migration time前延峰leading peak前沿色谱法frontal chromatography强碱性阴离子交换剂strong-base anion exchanger强酸性阳离子交换剂strongly acidic cation exchanger切换时间switching time去离子水deionized water全多孔硅胶macro-reticular silica gel全多孔型填料macro-reticular packing material全二维色谱Comprehensive two-dim ensional gas chromatography…全硅烷化去活complete silylanization deactivation溶剂强度solvent strength激光解吸质谱法laser desorption MS,LDMS激光色谱laser chromatography激光诱导光束干涉检测detection of laser—induced light beam I…激光诱导毛细管振动测量laser—reduced capillary vibration det…激光诱导荧光检测器laser—induced fluorescence detector记忆峰memory peak记忆效应memory effect夹层槽sandwich chamber假峰ghost peak间断洗脱色谱法interrupted—elution chromatography间接光度(检测)离子色谱法indirect photometric ion chromato…间接光度(检测)色谱法indirect photometric chromatography减压液相色谱vacuum liquid chromatography键合固定相bonded stationary phase键合型离子交换剂bonded ion exchanger焦耳热joule heating胶束薄层色谱法micellar thin layer chromatography胶束液相色谱法micellar liquid chromatography交联度crosslinking degree阶梯梯度stagewise gradient进样阀injection valve进样量sample size进样器injector聚苯乙烯PSDVB聚硅氧烷高温裂解去活high—temperature pyrolysis deactivation…聚合物基质离子交换剂polymer substrate ion exchanger绝对检测器absolute detector可见光检测器visible light detector可交换离子exchangable ion空间性谱带加宽band broadening in space空穴色谱法vacancy chromatography孔结构pore structure孔径pore diameter孔径分布pore size distribution控制单元control unit快速色谱法high—speed chromatography理论塔板高度height equivalent to a theoretical plate(HETP)理论塔板数number of theoretical plates峰面积peak area峰面积测量法measurement of peak area峰面积校正calibration of peak area峰容量peak capacity固定相stationary phase固定液stationary liquid固定液的相对极性relative polarity of stationary liquid固定液极性stationary liquid polarity固相扩散solid diffusion固相荧光免疫分析solid phase fluorescence immunoassay固有粘度intrinsic viscosity光散射检测器light scattering detector硅胶silica gel硅烷化法silanization硅烷化法silanizing硅烷化载体silanized support过压液相色谱法over pressured liquid chromatography,OPLC恒流泵constant flow pump恒温操作constant temperature method恒压泵constant pressure pump红色载体red support红外检测器infrared detector红外总吸光度重建色谱图total infrared absorbance reconstruct…化合物形成色谱compound-formation chromatography化学发光检测器chemiluminescence detector化学发光检测器Chemiluminescence detector,SCD化学键合固定相bonded stationary phase化学键合相色谱bonded phase chromatography化学色谱法chemi—chromatography环糊精电动色谱cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography环形展开比移值circular development Rf value环形展开法circular development缓冲溶液添加剂buffer additives辉光放电检测器glow discharge detector混合床离子交换固定相mixed-bed ion exchange stationary phase 混合床柱mixed bed column活塞泵piston pump活性activation活性硅胶activated silica gel活性氧化铝activated aluminium oxide基流background current or base current基线baseline基线宽度baseline width基质substrate materials基质隔离技术matrix isolation technique电歧视效应the effect of electrical discrimination电迁移进样electrophoretic injection电渗流electroendosmotic flow电渗流标记物electroendosmotic flow marker电渗流淌度electroendosmotic mobility电泳淌度electrophoretic mobility调整保留时间adjusted retention time调整保留体积adjusted retention volume叠加内标法added internal standard method二极管阵列检测器diode-array detector,DAD二维色谱法two-dimensional chromatography二元溶剂体系dual solvent system反冲洗back wash反吹技术back flushing technique反峰negative peak反离子counter ion反相高效液相色谱法reversed phas e high performance liquid ch…反相离子对色谱reversed phase ion pair chromatography反相离子对色谱法reversed phase ion—pair chromatography反相毛细管电色谱reverse capillary electrokinetic chromatogr…反相柱reversed phase column反应色谱reaction chromatography反圆心式展开anti-circular development反转电渗流reverse electroendosmotic flow范第姆特方程式van Deemter equation仿生传感器Biomimic electrode放射性检测器radioactivity detector放射自显影autoradiography非极性固定相non—polar stationary phase非极性键合相non—polar bonded phase非水系凝胶色谱柱non-aqua—system gel column非水相色谱nonaqueous phase chromatography非吸附性载体non-adsorptive support非线性分流non-linearity split stream非线性色谱non—linear chromatography非线性吸附等温线non-linear adsorption isotherm酚醛离子交换树脂phenolic ion exchange resin分离-反应-分离展开SRS development分离数separation number分离因子separation factor分离柱separation column分配等温线distribution isotherm分配色谱partition chromatography分配系数partition coefficient分析型色谱仪analytical type chromatograph分子扩散molecular diffusion封尾endcapping峰高peak heightpH梯度动态分离dynamic separation of the pH gradient pH值梯度洗脱pH gradient elutionZata电势Zata potentialZ形池Z-form pool氨基键合相amino-bonded phase氨基酸分析仪amino acid analyzer安培检测器ampere detector白色载体white support半微柱semimicro-column半制备柱semi-preparation column包覆型离子交换剂coated ion exchanger包覆型填料coated packing material保护柱guard column保留间隙retention gap保留时间retention time保留体积retention volume保留温度retention temperature保留值定性法retention qualitative method保留值沸点规律boiling point rule of retention保留值碳数规律carbon number rule of retention保留指数retention index保留指数定性法retention index qualitative method背景电导background conductance苯酚磺酸树脂phenol sulfonic acid resin苯乙烯styrene比保留体积specific retention volume比例阀proportional valve比渗透率specific permeability比移值Rf value便携式色谱仪portable chromatograph标准偏差standard deviation表观电泳淌度apparent electrophoretic mobility表观交换容量apparent exchange capacity表面电位检测器surface potential detector表面多孔硅胶superficially porous silica gel表面多孔填料superficially porous packing material表面多孔型离子交换剂superficially porous ion—exchanger玻璃球载体glass beads support不分流进样splitless sampling参比柱reference column场放大进样electrical field magnified injection场流分离field-flow fractionation场流分离仪field-flow fractionation场效应生物传感器Field effect transistor based Biosensor常压液相色谱法common-pressure liquid chromatography超声波脱气ultrasonic degas程序变流色谱法programmed flow (gas)chromatography程序升温进样programmed temperature sampling程序升温色谱法programmed temperature (gas) chromatography 程序升温蒸发器programmed temperature vaporizer ,PTV程序升压programmed pressure大孔树脂macro-reticular resin大孔填料macro-reticular packing material大内径毛细管柱Megaobore column单活塞往复泵single piston reciprocating pump单相色谱仪single phase chromatograph单向阀one—way valve单柱离子色谱法single column ion chromatography等度洗脱isocratic elution等离子体色谱法plasma chromatography等途电泳—毛细管区带电泳耦合进样isotachophoresis injection—c…低负荷柱low load column低容量柱low capacity column低压梯度low—pressure gradient低压液相色谱low—pressure liquid chromatography电导池conductance cell电导检测法conductance detection电荷转移分光光度法charge transfer spectrophotometry电化学检测器electrochemical detector电解抑制器electrolyze suppressor。
MET 电池测试
信息技术(ITE)及音视类(AV)产品带有电池北美标准要求主讲:陳楷榮Andy Chan范围MET Lab = Manufacturers Enjoyed Test Labq1.Batteries General Requirement2.UL 60950-1/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1-07: Information TechnologyEquipment4.3.8 Batteries•Overcharging of a rechargeable battery•Unintentional charging of a non-rechargeable battery•Reverse charging of a rechargeable battery•Excessive discharging rate for any batteryCompliance requirement•Compliance requirement3.UL 60065/CSA-C22.2 No. 60065:03: Audio, Video and Similar ElectronicApparatus•14.10.3 Battery current measurement test•14.10.4 Battery mould stress reliefy p•14.10.5 Battery drop testBatteries General RequirementB tt i G l R i t MET Lab = Manufacturers Enjoyed Test Lab 产品带外置式可分開移動的电池Product with Removable Battery :-消费类(AA, AAA, C, D, 9V PP3), 不可充电的碳锌, 碱性电池, 用户不可更换的内部记忆用的电池Consumer grade, non-rechargeable carbon-zinc, alkaline batteries, or batteries for memories可分開移動的充电电池包Rechargeable Battery Packs UL 2054(Product examples: notebook-Rechargeable Battery Packs UL2054(Product examples:notebook computers, portable printers, personal digital assistants (PDA), portable DVD, etc)电池被认为在短路情况下是安全; 因此不需要测试;B tt i G l R i tMET Lab = Manufacturers Enjoyed Test LabBatteries General Requirement 产品带内置式电池Product with Build-in Battery:-锂电池Lithium-based cells UL 1642-镍电池(和其他化学) Nickel and other chemistries-based cells UL 2054电池被认为在短路情况下有不安全的风险; 因此需要测试UL 60950-1/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60950-1-07:UL609501/CSA C222NO60950107MET Lab = Manufacturers Enjoyed Test Lab Information Technology EquipmentCl. 4.3.8 BatteriesOvercharging of a rechargeable batteryMethod1)评估可充电电池的过充, 断开电池, 充电电路调整到106%的充电额定输出电压, 或充电器最高额定输出电压(无故障情况下), 达到较高的价值, 使电池充电7小时。
Essay Sample
Application Essays for HarvardIdentify someone you regard as a hero, a leader or role model whom you admire. Describe how this person has influenced your development.My personal hero is Lao Tze, a great philosopher and influential thinker who lived in ancient China some 2500 years ago. The essence of Lao's thoughts, to perceive the world in a balanced way, has profound impact on my personal and professional development.My curiosity about Lao was aroused when I was an undergraduate at Peking University, where my physics major always challenged me to think about nature itself, and inspired my interests in Tao Te Ching, Lao's autobiography in which he elaborated on how to understand the world around us. A striking similarity exists between the Einsteinian Theory of Relativity and this ancient Oriental philosophy, both of which seem to deny Newtonian "cause and effect" as the ultimate measure of the physical universe, but revealing the inherent balance of any system and the interdependence and interplay of each part.This comprehension of Lao's balanced perspective influenced significantly my personal development. Applying this balanced approach to myself, I concluded that I should also be a balanced person, a person of both academic excellence and extracurricular achievements. During my five years at the university, through exploration of the broad spectrum of course offerings, teamwork and competition on the university soccer team, hosting a photography club and active participation in the volunteer blood donation to the Red Cross Organization, I kept a healthy balance between academic accomplishments and extracurricular contributions.This balanced approach also nurtured my leadership skills on the job. In the PC Product Marketing team I'm leading, I try to play a balanced role-- not only as a team leader, but also as a team player. Leading the team in a balanced way, I can change my paradigm from that of a leader to that of a team member, which often helps me fully understand my team members' concerns and thoroughly evaluate their opinions, thus ensuring accelerated solutions to disputable scenarios. The balanced approach taught me that sometimes "followership" is just as important as leadership.Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such.In reverse chronological order, my three most significant accomplishments are as follows:1. I attended one-year of Military Service and served as the squad leader from 1990 to 1991.Required by Peking University, as a freshman I spent the first year in Xin Yang Institute of Arn in Central China, where I was assigned the leader of a squad of twelve co-students, due to my open and mature character, which was apparent in the first few days. Building horizontal leadership among twelve top intelligent people challenged me. But backed by my inherently strong desire to excel, by creating common goals and internal healthy competition, some leadership tactics I tried, unskillfully but seriously, I led my squad to take three gold medals home out of a total of four at the end of the challenging one-year program. My leadership and efficiency were also rewarded. This unique life experience led me to discovera new ego in me, not only as a team leader, but also as a good one.2. In the spring of 1998, as the volunteer leader of a small Sports Club at China Hewlett-Packard, I set myself an aspirational goal: to turn it into the largest and most welcomed one in China HP's history.I broke the daunting job into several strategic steps. First, I organized a Club Committee and conducted a club member survey to make sure I involved all stakeholders and truly understood their concerns and evaluated their opinions. Then I led the Committee to implement a series of creative actions to promote the Club's awareness and quality. I motivated my Committee members by assigning tasks according to their core competencies, such as asking a technical engineer to publish our Club's event agenda and new features on HP intranet to enhance communication with employees, and sending an HP salesman to negotiate with potential vendor; for favorite services to increase the Club's attractiveness. As more attention was paid to the Clut leveraging the authority and credibility of the HP Labor Union among employees, we jointly announced a series of awards games and matches to further enhance the Club's image and awareness.My passion was well rewarded -- three months later, the club enrollment number rose successfully from the initial 50 to an amazing 250. At the end of my one-year term, the Labor Union conducted an employee survey, showing a 90% satisfaction rate with the quality of my jc and 95% of the club members recommended extending my tenure by one more year. This extracurricular experience indicated my abilities to manage not only a project logically, but also a diverse team to achieve an aspirational goal.3. My most memorable cross-cultural experience, the two Hewlett-Packard PC Product Manage exchange programs in which I spent two months in Singapore and Grenoble France, integrated me more into the global cultural and business environments. The heterogeneous environments challenged me and it seemed I could never reach a consensus with my foreign colleagues. Why? It turned out that, because of the cultural diversity, everybody took a different approach to the same problem. Realizing the impasse, we agreed that whenever there was an argument, all of us must change roles - when the challenger is standing in the shoes of the challenged, the paradigm shift would bring something totally different. We argued and changed, argued and changed again, and soon we gained a truly valuable paradigm harmony. Flexibility was added to systematic approach, and western methodology was merged with eastern ways of thinking. Amazingly, we found diversity was not an impediment any longer, but it nurtured creativity and efficiency.This event nurtured my understanding and manipulation of diversity, which enabled me to efficiently leverage the powers of Oriental philosophy and Occidental methodology within a diverse team. The combination of the two represents both effusive imagination and cohesive logical reasoning, without either of which a complex business issue may only be half-solved.Self-EvaluationThe requirement of HBS essays is rigorous: from number to size. HBS asked almost every aspect of me as a person and as a professional, but gave me so little space to convey my points. Points, and right to the point! This is exactly what HBS wants, and this is the very style of HBS!I suggest the coming applicants start working on the normal essays of other schools first. By normal, I mean 12 points, double-spaced, and no more than two pages. Even for such essays your will find a lot of redundancy and vagueness in the first few versions. Once you are satisfied with the normal essays, please trim them down to only the core points and evidence. These are for HBS.Because of the nature of the HBS essays, an interview is highly recommended. The direct interaction with the admissions officer will help the Committee understand what you cannot express on a one-page paper. Unfortunately, however, the decision of giving an interview is controlled by HBS. Therefore, the invitation of an interview from HBS is encouraging. At least you are already half way to success! Accordingly, please review your essays and application carefully, and be prepared to help the admissions office to dig the real you out.Northwestern (Kellogg): Essay 1QUESTION: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in a leadership role?During my junior year of college, as Director of [deleted](Sports Radio Broadcasting), I expanded our broadcasting realm from the traditional [deleted] men's football, baseball, and basketball, to other, lesser known sports such as field hockey, women's basketball, and soccer. The broadcasting team consisted mainly of sports junkies who simply wanted good seats during sporting events. Little did I know of the true challenge this plan presented. After a few months, I had a real disaster on my hands. The expanded coverage flopped as the staff consistently embarrassed [deleted] during the broadcasts of these smaller, non-traditional sporting events. The announcers showed up late, mocked many of the women players, forgot to mention certain sponsors, and mispronounced names. The [deleted] Athletics Media Relations Department grew increasingly angry, since it jumped through hurdles to help us announce those games. The station, which was already annoyed that I had requested twice the amount of time away from their precious programming, received numerous complaints from angry parents and fans. Two sponsors said that if things did not improve then they would not renew their contracts for the spring. I began to think that I would have to give up on my plan for change.Blindly trusting the staff to do the job right led me down a disastrous path. To ensure these smaller sports stayed on the air, I realized that I needed to introduce team accountability. I set a new ground rule: to get the assignments they wanted, the announcers needed to make the effort to learn these smaller sports. I held pop quizzes during our weekly meetings. Poor performance on these quizzes was embarrassing to broadcasters among their peers, so they quickly learned the material necessary to cover games properly.I listened to announcers during games and gave them direct feedback when they made mistakes. To engage the staff in helping me with my quest, I met with each one individually to enroll them in our new direction. Within a month I knew who would make it and who would not. I slowly but surely knocked my staff down from twenty to eleven. This process left me with a core team of dedicated announcers. Once the staff's performance improved, I started to give them more control. I let two handle the advertisers. I encouraged the team to negotiate with each other to determine what broadcasts everyone would do. I knew things had finally improved when the staff started to hold each other accountable for performance. The impact was enormous. Within two months, I received no more complaints, and I even started to hear numerous positive comments about our programming from the athletes who played in these smallersports.My experience at [deleted] taught me an important lesson about teams. You rarely get to select your fellow teammates, so you must make the most of the team you have. To maximize team performance, I have learned to identify gaps in team processes and skills and then fill these gaps. Whether the team is lacking in leadership, knowledge, support, or communication, I must strive to somehow meet this need to ensure successful teamworkNorthwestern (Kellogg): Essay 2QUESTION: Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg. (one to two pages double-spaced)In "Remembrance of Things Past", the French writer Marcel Proust (1871-1922), said that "The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."Three years ago, back in [deleted], I decided to open my own shop. I brought my business on the road to success and it would be quite fair to carry on the course of my life and thrive in my little kingdom. But the feeling that led me to set up my own company three years ago is the very same that drives me now in my pursuit of an MBA at Kellogg School of Management. To me, this comes naturally as the next step in my career. Just as I decided to jump into the experience of opening my own business, today I reshuffle my cards and head for an MBA. I am not looking for new landscapes. Experiencing new challenges wouldn't do the trick. A profound change from the inside and new eyes on the world are what I need today. The experience of new heights would only then be truly enjoyable and enriching.In [deleted], after 5 years working for big corporations and other smaller firms, I decided to set up my own company. I knew precisely what I was about to do: occupy the strategic niche of mobile computers. Laptop computers were sold by existing computer resellers, but no one had ever specialized in that specific market. With some ads wisely placed in local newspapers and magazines read by decision makers, I reached the target market of my company. In addition, I built the company's website. Websites are powerful marketing tools that can make a difference. Clients can check from the website what is available at what price and make a decision quickly and more easily. I also managed to have an agreement with one local weekly newspaper where I could discuss in basic French, technological issues, internet tips, or new handheld releases. This showcase was a great opportunity to have the company known to the general public. The news quickly swelled: [deleted] was the company that dealt with all mobile computers, from handheld devices to powerful desktop replacements laptops. In just few months, the company's reputation was solidly established. That year, I also set up one of the first cyber café in the country. Internet is a big issue in developing countries, since many people view it as a way to lessen the information gap between developed and developing countries. In three years, I've been twice interviewed by international television broadcasting companies about the development of internet and technology in Africa. I also took part in a national TV debate about Information Technology Highways.My feeling today is that I reached a peak of a mountain. My friends and relatives believe that I should say"THE peak of THE Mountain". But I am not of a nature to content myself with achievements. I can see higher mountains to climb, and to me, it takes an MBA to get to their summits.My ambition is to acquire more knowledge in global strategy, marketing and build strong relationships with successful leaders and innovative thinkers worldwide. And I want to learn from the school renowned as the best for the quality of its faculty members and teaching methods. Kellogg is my first choice because it uncompromisingly addresses real life aspects of business. The way the learning model is organized through interactive means as study groups, analysis of actual real life business cases, classes and workshops provides the ideal learning environment for people with an experience to share. At Kellogg, the emphasis is put on the students. Curriculums, perfect combination of theory and practice, are updated with current techniques and technologies, and moreover, can receive inputs from students. The strong notion of community is also decisive in my choice. Furthermore, the commitment on ethics as an intrinsic part of the learning process is compliant with my conception of business. To me, business is about trust and honesty. And there is no way around it. Finally, the city of Chicago is a serious plus that will put me in the heart of one of the world's business capital. The proximity to the financial and cultural city of Chicago gives to the students at Kellogg a much richer set of opportunities.Ultimately, my aim, after completion of my MBA at Kellogg, is to embrace an international career and work for a worldwide corporation at a decision level. I want to experience management and decision making in an international environment, particularly as a marketing executive. This will grant me with the background and business connections necessary to leverage my ambitions of setting up an African company developing IT solutions for the African market. I want to continue the experience I started in 1999 at a broader scale with stronger assets and a bigger market, Africa. My conviction is that Africa is a huge potential market for information technology. I deeply believe that the continent will be a key point for the next decades, one of the most promising emerging markets. And I want to be a major player in that development.Wharton ApplicationPrompt: What one nonprofessional activity do you find most inspirational and why?A little over two years ago I began tutoring high school students in several types of mathematics, including preparation for the S.A.T. Test. While I did this initially to earn money, I have continued to tutor (often pro bono) because I enjoy the material and the contact with the students.I have always enjoyed math tremendously. I can remember riding in a car for long distances as a child and continuously calculating average speeds and percentages of distances covered as we traveled. In college I took upper division math classes such as Real Analysis and Game Theory (and placed near the top of the curve) though they were not required for my major. All this time spent playing with math has left me with a deep understanding of the way numbers work and the many ways in which problems can be solved.When I first began tutoring I was stunned to find that most of the kids I worked with, although very bright, not only lacked the ability to solve complex problems, they were very uncomfortable with some of the basic principles of math. This discomfort led to fear and avoidance, and the avoidance led to more discomfort. A vicious cycle began. Instead of seeing math as a beautiful system in which arithmetic,algebra and geometry all worked together to allow one to solve problems, they saw it as a bunch of jumbled rules which made little sense that they were forced to memorize.As a tutor, I found that it was important when starting with a new student to find out where his/her discomfort with math began. Often, this meant going back several years in their education to explain important basic concepts. For some students, fractions and decimals were the point at which math stopped making sense. For many others, it was the introduction of letters to represent numbers in algebra. Some students found that identifying their weaknesses was an embarrassing process. I explained to them that it was not their fault. Everyone comes to understand new concepts in math in a slightly different way, and the problem was that no teacher had taken the time to explain their "problem area" in a way which would make sense to them. Since math was a system, once they missed out on that one building block, it was not surprising that the rest of it did not make sense. Our mission together would be to find the way in which the system worked for them.Once we had identified the initial "problem area," I would spend a lot of time getting the student to play with questions in that area from a lot of different perspectives. For example, if fractions were the problem, then I would create games to get the student to think of fractions in terms of division, ratios, decimals or other equivalent systems. This would often be a fairly unstructured process, as I wanted to see how the student's mind worked and keep them from feeling any anxiety. Usually it did not take long for the concepts to start becoming clear to the student, as he/she played with the numbers in the absence of the pressure of school. My goal was to not just white wash over a students weaknesses with a few rules which would be quickly forgotten, but to help them develop an understanding and an appreciation for the underlying principles.I found this process to be very satisfying for both myself and the young men and women that I taught. It was a wonderful feeling to have a student laugh out loud with relief as a principle which had been unclear and causing anxiety for years suddenly made sense. Once these old "problem areas" were cleared up it was usually quite simple to make clear the subjects that they were working on at the time, especially since I already had an understanding of how they were best able to understand new concepts. Again, I found it important to get the student to play with the new material and look at it in several ways so as to develop a true understanding of the material.I was quite successful as a tutor. One young man increased his Math S.A.T. by 150 points. Another student improved so dramatically in geometry, her test scores jumped from about 55 percent to over 90 percent, that her teacher kept her after class and asked if she was cheating. Although most of my students did not improve this dramatically, I walked away from every lesson that I gave feeling that I had helped someone understand and enjoy math. I hope to be able to continue teaching, if only for a few hours a week, for the rest of my life.ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE COMMENTS:This essay shows that this applicant is dedicated not just to helping people, but to academics, learning, and math. His tutoring does not make us believe his sincerity; the thoughtfulness and detail with which he describes it do. He has put obvious time into developing an effective method of teaching. The writer shows that he is result-oriented by measuring his success in terms of real numbers and percentageincreases. Someone who applies such standards of accountability to his extracurricular life is sure to bring the same standards to school and business.1.School of Management, Boston University)Essay #1:Imagine a straight line of infinite length, stretching out of sight in two directions. Assuming the line represents time, one can stand at any present moment and simultaneously look back at past experience and project one‟s sight into the future.The time line is an assumption that makes planning possible. Though it may someday be proven a false, or at least incomplete, model, it can be useful for both personal and professional planning. For this essay, I‟ll limit myself to the later.Where I standLooking back at what I‟ve done and ahead to what I‟d like to do, I can find great sense in beginning a graduate management program.I have: a foundation of experience in the administration of educational and cultural institutes. Past jobs have ranged from directing a college admissions office to promoting an opera company, to managing a modern dance company, to running a day care center, to editing a weekly newspaper.I have: an understanding of how groups function, what makes an organization healthy, and various ways people can organize to accomplish a goal. This has come from work experience as well as graduate study in organization theory and design at Harvard and at MIT.I have: dreams and plans for a range of jobs and enterprises that extend ahead through my life.From Here to ThereAmong many goals, I would like to direct a major cultural institution. I would also like to head a major educational institution, run a major foundation, and start and run my own cultural or educational organization-not necessarily all at the same time.To achieve the above, there are skills and arenas of knowledge and experience that I‟d like to have in my grasp. Some of these are presently out of reach, others are at my fingertips, but none are firmly in hand.Financial management is, for me, perhaps the largest arena of knowledge in which I want, but do not have, agility. A course of study that refreshes my quantitative skills and teaches me principles of economics, fiscal planning, and other financial management skills would be very useful.Another such arena includes management information systems and computer programming. I presently work on word processing equipment with comfort and joy. I hope, with time and guidance, to do the same with other systems at an even deeper level.I would also like more personal contact with professional peers, particularly in the Boston and New England region. The public management program appears to offer that.Some of my more obvious strengths and weaknesses should be evident from the above. I have confidence in myself. I have a great deal of curiosity. I generate ideas and develop interests, and can usually turn these into realistic, well-organized, and flexible plans. These I consider my strengths.I can also stretch myself too thin, which can be a problem. Though I realize taking on the new demands some letting go of the old, I also believe experience increases capacity. There seems to me a need for more trained generalists to protect against overspecialization and fragmentation.One great tool for that kind of protection is humor. My own sense of the comic can be quite dry and subtle, or broad and bizarre. Regardless of the form in which it spills out, it provides me perspective, balance, and spontaneity.ArrivalsTo accept two accomplishments and to label these significant runs counter to my way of assessing substance. I try to resist measuring my achievement by individual moments of arrival. Still, when pressed, I can come up with a few.Performing professional theater at the age of 17 is an accomplishment that seems more significant now than it did at the time. Being appointed a college admissions director at 23 seems similarly significant. Both provided a sense of competence at a young age, and both provided peer experience with people older and more experienced than myself.Doing well in a graduate program at Harvard feels notable in that the school was an environment very different from any in which I had worked before. The program became a test of adaptability as well as intellect. Other accomplishments might include a few backpacking ventures taken in severe conditions, some of which became life threatening. These provided dramatic tests of my reserves, and gave me confidence in my capacity for survival.Less dramatic, and not quite finished, is a quilting project that I have worked on for more than six years.I have just completed the top sheet, a multi-pieced pattern in fabric. Still ahead is the quilting process itself, stitching the top sheet to a sturdy backing, with a layer of batting between the two. When done, the quilt takes on an identity far greater than the sum of its many parts.The work on this piece has been a teacher of patience and harmony. The quilt, with its assortment ofsh apes and fabric, can serve as a model for the organization for one‟ life and the people and activities in it.Now, imagine a fine thread of infinite length weaving in and out of all those pieces.CritiqueAdmissions officers review several hundreds or thousands of applications each year. Due to this high volume, any given applicant should formulate a creative approach in composing the essay to attractattention to its quality and content. Unfortunately, many applicants write essays that are similar to a detailed resume or a cover letter. This not only discourages a thorough review but also eliminates the opportunity for the individual to express his or her own uniqueness. The admission officers are also usually interested in how an applicant responds to a specific question, rather than to a general statement.This essay creatively suggests the applicant‟s general outlook on his life, what he hopes to achieve, and how he will do it. He does not go into great detail about any of these issues but allows what he does say to have a powerful impact. Reading this essay gives the evaluator the opportunity to get to know the values as well as interests and accomplishments the candidate has. This is particularly helpful when applying to a school that does not have evaluative interviews as part of the application process.2.Haas School of Business, University of California-BerkeleyQuestion #1: what seminal influences, broadly defined, have especially contributed to your personal development? What correlation, if any, has your personal development to your professional goals? In your response to this question, please do not discuss the influence of members of your immediate family, athletic endeavors, or professional experiences.Essay #1:Bangkok, Vientiane, Malaysia, Singapore, Tokyo, Washington D.C., Manhattan, Boston, Camden, and San Francisco are the places where I have grown up. My father was a diplomat, my mother a teacher, and I am the youngest of four children. Together, my family moved every two or three years to a new city. Growing up was an adventure: as children, my brothers, sister, and I did not choose to move so frequently, but we became adjust to unfamiliar customs, even speak foreign languages.The diverse cultural experiences that are part of my childhood have shaped the way I think about the world and my purpose in it. Living abroad cultivated my curiosity in politics and international relations, and moving frequently developed my interpersonal skills and created a strong personal motivation to make the best of a new situation.Living abroad and moving frequently influenced who I am today, yet they are facts about my life that I have had little control over. When I think about who I am today, I focus on the choices I have made, the actions I have taken, and the guidance I have received from relatives and friends through various struggles. One choice I made stands out as an important influence because it resulted in challenges that stretched me in new directions and dramatically changed my perspective.Following High School graduation, I worked as a roustabout out on an offshore oilrig in the Gulf of Mexico, 125 miles off the coast of Louisiana. For graduation, my family had pitched in for a round-trip plane ticket to Europe. I had been preparing for a trip across the continent when my oldest brother called about a job opportunity on an oilrig. I opted for the job because it was both an adventure and an opportunity to earn a lot of money for college (my savings amounted to one year at Harvard).。