1. 技术因素技术是服务外包行业发展的关键因素之一。
服务外包是什么意思?篇一:服务外包的定义世界著名咨询公司关于服务外包的定义:美国高德纳(GARTNER)咨询公司定义:GARTNER按最终用户与IT 服务提供商所使用的主要购买方法将IT服务市场分为:离散式服务和外包即服务外包。
服务外包又分为:IT外包(ITO)和业务流程外包(BPO).ITO可以包括产品支持与专业服务的组合,用于向客户提供IT 基础设施、或企业应用服务、或同时提供这两方面的服务,从而确保客户在业务方面取得成功。
1.2 国内外文献综述1.2.1 服务外包研究综述Outsourcing一词是英文“Outside Resource Using”的缩写,即“外部资源利用”,最早出现在1982年(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 1998)。
而学术界最早提出这一概念是在Gary Hamel 和C.K.Prahalad于1990年发表《哈佛商业评论》上的《企业的核心竞争力》一文中,但是文中并未对此概念做出详细解释。
”服务外包产生的动因是受环境、生产效率和竞争力等多种因素影响而成,并且不断变化的(Ellram et al,2009)。
有的学者(Lewin et al,2006;Ellram et al,2008;Oliver E. Williamson,2009)利用交易成本理论解释早期的服务外包,指出企业最初选择服务外包是为了降低企业的生产和经营成本。
而随着服务外包产业的日渐成熟,外包的动因从简单的降低成本变为借助与外包供应商的专业服务来提高企业的核心竞争力(Quinn et al,1994;Vining、Globerman,1999;Gottfredson et al,2005)。
也有学者(Grossman、Helpman,2003;Aubert et al,2004;Miranda、Kim,2006)从内外部资源整合、委托代理理论、不完全契约关系理论等方面来阐述服务外包动因。
外包采购物流 外文翻译外
AbstractSchiesser AG, headquartered in Radolfzell, is Germany’s leading underwear specialist and on its way to becoming international market leader in the area of “close to skin” tex-tiles. Schiesser outsourced the complete management of its procurement process from the purchase order through to delivery to the factory to the logistics provider Gebrüder Weiss. The introduction of an information logistics solution makes it possible to direct the infor-mation created (e.g. purchase order, transport status) to the respective recipient in the supply chain in real time. The outsourcing of logistics operations supports the shortening of process times and the reduction of process costs. The establishment of a supply chain cockpit in which all the relevant information comes together permits more efficient trans-port handling and reduces the workload involved for Schiesser. ZusammenfassungDie Schiesser AG mit Sitz in Radolfzell ist der führende deutsche Waschespezialist und auf dem Weg zum internationalen Marktführer im textilen ,close to skin“ –Produkt-Bereich. Schiesser lagerte das Management des Beschaffungsprozesses von der Bestel-lung bis zur Anlieferung im Werk komplett an den Logistikdienstleister Gebrüder Weiss aus. Die Einführung einer Informationslogistiklosung erlaubt es dabei, entstehende In-formationen (z.B. Bestellung, Transportstatus) zeitnah an die jeweiligen Empfanger in der Lieferkette zuzuleiten. Die Auslagerung von Logistikaufgaben unterstützt die Verkürzung der Prozesszeiten und die Reduktion von Prozesskosten. Die Einrichtung eines Supply-Chain-Leitstandes, in dem alle relevanten Informationen zusammenfliessen, ermoglicht eine effizientere Transportabwicklung und einen reduzierten Aufwand für Schiesser1 CompanyOverview. Schiess er AG, headquartered in Radolfzell, is Germany’s leading underwear specialist and on its way to becoming international market leader in the area of “close to skin” textiles. In addition to producing their own brand SCHIESSER, Schiesser AG will in future become increasingly active in the private label business.Figure 1-1: Brief Profile of Schiesser AGChallenge in the textile industry. Short-lived fashion trends have a major influence on products in the textile industry. The customers of a brand manufacturer like Schiesser at-tach particular importance not only to product quality but also to on-time delivery in order to be able to service the demand of end consumers almost instantly. Time is therefore a crucial factor. For procurement, this means the punctual and cost-effective supply of the necessary raw materials to all production sites. Problem deliveries (e.g. late, incorrect amount and quality, etc.) can hold up production and prejudice Schiesser’s own on-time delivery.Within the context of the procurement process suppliers are thus selected initially accord-ing to production size, delivery scope and quality. Schiesser buys raw materials and tex-tile accessories from the whole of Europe. However, the majority of suppliers are located in Southern Germany. Transporting the goods to the production sites in the Czech Repub-lic, Slovakia and Bulgaria including customs clearance is a major part of the procurement process.2 Starting PointStrategy. Schiesser planned production and procurement centrally. Raw materials werepurchased from a large number of suppliers (number in the year 2000: approx. 600), ofwhich only a percentage were active. Process. In some cases, the suppliers delivered free domicile to the production plants di-rect (1st process variant “direct delivery”). Roughly 70% of the goods were first received by the procurement center in Radolfszell (2nd process variant “procurement center”). Here, Schiesser allocated the deliveries to the various production plants and sent them regrouped to the individual plants using different forwarders. The headquarter first paid the supplier invoices and then charged them to the subsidiaries. Figure 2-2 depicts the process variant “procurement center”. Systems. No special system support existed for the procurem ent process. Although the individual Schiesser subsidiaries had SAP R/3 systems, these were not interconnected. The parties concerned therefore used telephone and fax as their main means of communi-cation.Problem Perception. The procurement process was time-consuming and expensive: As the goods were delivered free domicile to Radolfszell or direct to the plants, the suppliers used a large number of different transport logistics providers. Planning and scheduling was the responsibility of Schiesser. This included amongst others ongoing checks to see whether the deliveries could beat the plant by the required date. The transport costs were higher than they would have been if the company had concen-trated on a smaller number of carriers with large transport volumes because it was not possible to realize any economies of scale. Schiesser handled the customs clearance of the purchased goods. Those which were delivered to the procurement center in Radolfszell sometimes had to undergo several customs clearance operations before being sent to non-EU production plants. This also included issuing pro forma invoices.The level of on-time deliveries did not meet requirements. Large safety stocks in the plants were the consequence.Goods and invoice checking was split between different companies. This caused set-tlinig of discrepancies which was often very time-consuming.3 Step 1: Reorganization of ProcurementStrategy. As part of the reorganization of procurement, responsibility for ordering was initially transferred to the production plants. The sales plans continued to be drawn up centrally. Central Procurement negotiated outline agreements with suppliers. This meant that volumes could be aggregated for the price negotiations.Process. Supposed as shown in figure 3-2 the production plants placed their own orders with suppliers. They received the goods by direct delivery, were sent the invoice and per-formed the customs clearance. This meant that the goods and the invoice could now be checked on the spot. The plants were responsible for tracking deliveries themselves. Schiesser expected their suppliers to issue the export documents. This involved either a “EUR-1 preference certificate” or an export declaration. Depending on the type of docu-ment, these tasks take between 10 and 30 minutes.Problem Perception. In spite of the benefits described, the transport logistics of the new procurement process in particular was inefficient: As each plant ordered their own materials which were delivered direct, the previous transport units (full truckload deliveries) were split into a large number of (costlier) small transport jobs. As there was no longer any central grouping of deliveries to the production plants, at peak times there were now 10 - 20 vehicles to deal with every day at the unloading ramp in place of the 2 - 3 large deliveries per week. The expansion of decentralized competencies actually led to an increase in the number of forwarder relationships and thus to a high workload where invoicing was con-cerned. As the planning and scheduling activities were still in Schiesser’s hands, it was not possible to achieve a significant reduction in the coordination activities of Central Procurement compared to the old process. “Ping-pong effects“ resulted b etween Cen-tral Procurement and the production plants due to overlapping tasks and competencies, particularly in the case of order monitoring and deliverytracking. The lack of techni-cal system support continued to lead to a situation where in many cases the forwarderselected by the supplier for a concrete delivery could only be ascertained by phoning the supplier and/or the forwarder normally used. The lack of transparency in the supply chain meant that Schiesser were not able to sta-te the number of problem deliveries and the reasons, and significantly improve on-time delivery.The end result was that improvements in procurement logistics fell significantly short ofwhat was possible.4 Project to Reorganize Transport LogisticsGoals. In view of the transport inefficiencies, Schiesser decided to combine the demon-strated advantages of the new procurement process with those of a centrally coordinated transport process. The goals of the optimization project were: The punctual supply of purchased goods to the production plants, The reduction in personnel costs by outsourcing activities from the areas of transport and customs, The creation of a single point of contact for everyone involved in the supply chain,The consolidated pick-up of goods from the supplier and consolidated delivery of the purchased material to the production sites in order to reduce transport costs, customs documents and truck frequency at goods inward (by means of transshipment), A saving in transport costs through consolidated transport and a change in freight pre-payment (new ex works –except yarn) plus saving in the incidental charges which previously had to be paid to the transport service provider, Simplified billing of transport costs. To achieve these goals Schiesser decided to outsource the complete management of the procurement process from order placement through to delivery to the plant. The decision-makers chose the logistics provider Gebrüder Weiss for this purpose, primarily due to their strength in business with Eastern Europe. In addition, Schiesser wanted to increase the transparency of the supply chain with the aid of a software solution. Execution. The “ Transport Logistics Optimization“ project was launched in August 2001. Schiesser entrusted the external experts Gebrüder Weiss, who possessed the necessary logistics know-how, with the actual project management. They were in a position to judge the structures in place at Schiesser objectively and to show the sense and necessity of process changes. At Schiesser, the project team included Norbert Adrian, Managing Director Procurement at Schiesser AG, an assistant and the head of Customs/Transport. Experts from Gebrüder Weiss and the software supplier inet-logistics also collaborated in the project. For the Schiesser staff, the project workload was part of normal daily business and was not re-corded separately. Process adjustments were undertaken successively during the course of the project. The chosen software solution from the Application Service Provider (ASP) inet-logistics went into operation on a trial basis in June 2002 with two pilot suppliers. The next stage will be to includethe 30 strategically most important suppliers out of a total of 68 currently ac-tive suppliers. Critical Success Factors. Adrian states the main success factor as being prompt commu-nication to those affected and their involvement in the project work. This increases moti-vation and identification with the project. In his view, it is thanks to this circumstance that implementation was completed faster than planned. In this context he considers it to be essential to remove project collaborators from the time-keeping system and to reward them for project success with previously defined incentives (e.g. financial bonus, special leave). The aim of involving all employees proves difficult when there is a need to cut back on the number of employees, as in this case. The way in which this is communicated to the workforce is important for the working atmosphere and employee motivation. Adrian rec-ommends that communication should start when around 80% of the project has been completed. At the same time, activities were outsourced to other processes at an early stage in this particular caseExperte MeetingsAdrian, Norbert, Managing Director Procurement, Schiesser AG Radolfszell am Boden-see, June, 18th, 2002Erhardt, Wolfgang, eConsulting, inet-logistics GmbH, Wolfurt, February, 14th, 2002 and March, 20th, 2002Hagg, Anton, Prokurist, Gebrüder Weiss GmbH, Lauterbach, March, 20th , 2002Werle, Oswald, Chief Executive Officer, inet-logistics GmbH, Wolfurt, February, 14th,2002Bibliography[Bolumole 2001]Bolumole, Y., The Supply Chain Role of Third-Party Logistics Providers, Interna-thYear, 2001, No. 2, pp. 87-102tional Journal of Logistics Management, 12[Skojett-Larsen 2000]Skojett-Larsen, T., Third party logistics – from an interorganizational point of view,thYear, 2000, No. 2, pp.International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics, 30112 ff.。
பைடு நூலகம்
n the 1920s, Henry Ford famously built a factory in which the raw materials for steel went in one end and finished automobiles went out the other. Extreme vertical integration like this is not the fashion today. Ford Motor has in recent years spun off a significant portion of its parts-making operations as a separate company, and General Motors has done the same. Within its assembly plants, General Motors is currently trying to outsource janitorial services and forklift operations to outside contractors. This paper develops a theory of outsourcing in which the circumstances under which factors of production can grab rents play the leading role. One factor has some monopoly power (call this labor) while a second factor does not (call this capital). There are two kinds of production tasks: labor-intensive tasks and c apital-intensive tasks. For example, auto part production (such as hand soldering of wire harnesses) tends to be labor-intensive, while final assembly of automobiles (with robots and huge machines) tends to be capital-intensive. In the model, all firms have the same abilities, so there is no motivation to specialize to exploit Ricardian comparative advantage. Furthermore, outsourcing frictions are incurred when the two kinds of tasks are not integrated in the same firm. So, in the absence of any monopoly power by labor, all firms are completely integrated, doing the labor-intensive and capital-intensive tasks as part of the same operation, and the outsourcing friction is avoided. However, if labor has monopoly power and if the outsourcing friction is
2、服务外包(Outsourcing)包括IT外包(IT Outsourcing)和商务外包(Business Outsourcing)两部分。
商务外包分为商务流程外包BPO(Business Process Outsourcing)和流程服务(Processing)。
服务外包英语常用词句ReviewUnit 1 Outsourcing is often viewed as involving the contracting out of a business function - commonlyone previously performed in-house - to an external provider.Cost savingsFocus on Core BusinessCost restructuringImprove qualityOperational expertiseAccess to talent-Capacity management-Catalyst for changeEnhance capacity for innovation Risk managementVenture Capital-Creating leisure timeoutsource交外办理;外购;外包term条款,术语;学期inconsistently不一致地intellectual知识分子;智力的;理智的;有理解力的 expertise专门技术或知识,专家鉴定,专长catalyst催化剂,促使事情发展的因素outsourcer发包商contractors (建筑、监造中的)承包人;承包单位,承包商;接包商 agent代理人,承销人,作用剂commodification商品化start-up创业者,新成立的企业,开车,启动Scalability可扩展性,可伸缩性,可扩充性temporary临时的, 暂时的, 短时间的;无常的;短暂的;临时工;临时雇员optimize使最优化,优选优化arbitrage<商>套购;套利;套汇restructuring重建;改组;调整agree upon/on同意,赞成;就……取得一致意见;就…达成协议决定contract out 包出去;给人承包;批给外界承办;招商承办;外发包办;退出合同labor arbitrage劳动套利fixed costs固定成本,固定费用variable costs可变成本,可变费用operating leverage经营杠杆Venture Capital风险投资,风险资本,投机资本Unit 2Offshoring describes the relocation by a company of a business process from one country to another--typically an operational process, such as manufacturing, or supporting processes, such as accounting. Even state governments employ offshoring. Offshoring is defined as the movement of a business process done at a company in one country to the same or another company in another, different country. Offshoring issometimes contrasted with outsourcing or offshore outsourcing. Production offshoring also known as physical restructuring of established productsinvolves relocation of physical manufacturing processes to a lower-cost destination. The growth of IT services offshoring is linked to the availability of large amounts of reliable and affordable communication infrastructure following the telecommunication and Internet expansion of the late 1990s.Distinct不同的,显著的;独特的;清楚的;与其他不同的,有区别的[(+from)] Import (vt.)进口,输入;引进[(+from)];含有...意思,意味着;(n.)进口,输入;进口商品;意义,含义;重要性,重大Operational形容词 a. 操作上的;经营上的,运营上的;作战上的subsidiary形容词 a. 辅助的,附带的,次要的;隶属的,附设的名词 n. [C]辅助者,辅助物;子公司restructuring名词 n. 重建,重构,改组,调整relocation改变位置,改换所在地;迁徙,迁移;重定位置geographical 地理学的,地理的;区域的,地理的proximity 名词 n. 接近,邻近,附近;亲近[U][(+to/of)]destination 目的地,终点,目的站;目标,目的downturn (经济)衰退,下降;低迷时期patent n. [C]专利,专利权;专利证书,专利品;vt. 给予...专利权,取得...的专利权形容词 a.专利的,获得专利的,有专利权的;公开的,显然的,明白的lax形容词 (a.)轻松的,松弛的;不严格的,马马虎虎的;散漫的,放纵的manpower人力,劳动力,人力资源layoff(n.)解雇,临时解雇;停工,停止活动robust 强健的,茁壮的,健全的;结实的,坚固耐用的;需要很强体力的;(酒) 醇厚的,(味)浓的;粗鲁的,粗野的,喧闹的;精力充沛的nascent幼稚的,初生的,发展初期的perseverance坚定不移;坚持不懈,锲而不舍;坚忍不拔credit信誉[U];信用,信赖[U];荣誉,赞扬,功劳;贷方;赊帐,赊欠[U] transparent透明的,明显的,坦率的;清澈的;显而易见的;一目了然的[+that];明晰的;【物】可穿透的availability有效;有益;可(利)用性;可得到的东西;可获得性/供货能力talent pool人才库go through经历,详细检查,完成;通过,审查,完成;遭受,经历;检查,审查in view of鉴于,考虑到;由于driving force驱[传, 主]动力,推动力量,原动力take root in 生根,扎根transaction processing交易处理back-office processes后台流程interest rates利率economies of scale规模经济效益,规模效益,规模经济intellectual property laws知识产权法up to(数量上)多达;(时间上)直到;取决于;起来,从事于,忙于;直至;多到;直到;等于;达到;适于;胜任;忙于;由…决定in a manner在某种程度上;用一种方式;有几分,有点儿Unit 3Nearshoring is "the transfer of business or IT processes to companies in a nearby country, often sharing a border with your own country"[1], where both parties expect to benefit from one or more of the following dimensions of proximity: geographic, temporal (time zone), cultural, linguistic, economic, political, or historical linkages.Offshoring involves shifting work to a foreign, distant organization in order to reduce production costs.take advantage of low cost, and skilled labour with a common languageIn contrast, nearshoring means that the business has shifted work to a lower costorganization, but within its own region, broadly defined.These destinations are attractive because they are low-cost, have skilled laborforces, and a less stringent regulatory environment, but crucially they allow for moreday to day physical oversight. They also have strong cultural tiesto the major economic centers in Europe.lag v. 落后,减退,缓慢进行;n. 落后,时间间隔; n. 保温层,木桶板;vt. 装隔热层于; n. <英> 罪犯,刑期;vt. <英> 逮捕border n. 边界,国界,边,边沿,边境vt. 与…接壤,接近v. 接壤习惯用语on the border of 在...的边界上,将要;接近于,濒临于 Dimension n. 尺寸,次元,容积,维度,范围,方面 vt. 标尺寸,形成…尺寸 Proximity n. 接近,亲近Temporal adj. 时间的,当时的,暂时的,现世的,世俗的derivative [di'riv?tiv, d?'riv?tiv]衍生的,派生的;衍生物;派生词oversight失察,疏忽出错;监督,照管vulnerability 易受攻击,脆弱;易受伤;易损性;易受责难;弱点 region n. 区域,地方,(世界上某个特定的)地区,(艺术,科学等的)领域, (大气,海水等的)层Destination [,desti'nei??n] 目的地,目标,终点;目的站;目标,目的Stringent ['strind??nt] 绷紧的,严厉的,缺钱的;(规定)严苛的,缺钱的;严格的,紧急的,迫切的oversight英音:['?uv?sait] 名词 n. 失察;疏忽出错[C][U];监督;照管;失察dominant adj. 有统治权的,占优势的,支配的,主要的;[生物] 显性的 n. 主宰者,显性基因physical adj. 身体的,物质的,自然的,物理的;物质的,有形的,实体的,自然(界)的,自然科学的,按自然法规的;n. 体格检查benefit from从中得到;受益于;从某某处受益specialize in专攻,专门研究,专业化;专门经营;擅长,专攻 take advantage of占(人)便宜;欺骗某人;乘…之便;利用;利用,趁…之机 in contrast with/to与…对比起来,与…形成对比;与…成反比 allow for考虑到,顾及,估计到establish trust and long-term relationships建立长期信任关系set apart from使分离stem from源于,来自于physical oversight实体(有形)监管Unit 4Homesourcing also known as homeshoring is "the transfer of service industryemployment from offices to home-based employees with appropriate telephone andInternet facilities".-centers and other Traditionally, employers were most likely to homeshore callcustomer service processes."It's no longer just call centers and information-technology jobs.Worker preferencerates of speechIt provides the employer the ability to provide work to individuals who throughdisability are unable to travel to a workplace. facilities室内设施;设施,设备;便利设施contractor立契约者;承包人,承包商;收缩物,收缩肌;包工者;包造者amenable 肯顺从的;经得起检验(或考查)的;对...负有义务(或责任)的;有责任的;肯(可)接受的architect建筑师,设计师,建设师;设计单位;【喻】缔造者,创造者preference 更加的喜爱,偏爱[U][C][(+for)];偏爱的事物(或人)[C];偏袒[U][(+for)];优先(权);优惠权[U][C]appreciate vt. 欣赏,赏识;感谢,感激;体会,领会,察知[W][+(that)];正确地评价,鉴别vi. (土地、货币等)增值[(+in)]prejudice n. 偏见,歧视[C][U][(+against)];偏爱,偏袒[C][U][(+in favor of)];【律】损害,侵害[U]vt. 使抱偏见,使怀成见[(+against/in favor of)];对...不利,损害,侵害preclude阻止,妨碍[(+from)];排除,使避免;预先排除,预防,阻止,妨碍;through由于,因为appropriate a. 适当的,恰当的,相称的[(+to/for)]及物动词 vt. 拨出(款项等)[(+for)];占用,盗用,挪用be known as被称作……,以…… 著称;以…知名;被认为是;“作为……而著名”,其后的名词表示一个人的身份、职业等。
外文翻译Outsourcing in Financial Services Material Source:Business Credit October 2005,V ol.107, No.9,64-70Author:The Joint Forum1 Executive SummaryFinancial services businesses throughout the world are increasingly using third parties to carry out activities that the businesses themselves would normally have undertaken. Industry research and surveys by regulators show financial firms outsourcing significant parts of their regulated and unregulated activities. These outsourcing arrangements are also becoming increasingly complex.Outsourcing has the potential to transfer risk, management and compliance to third parties who may not be regulated, and who may operate offshore.In these situations, how can financial service businesses remain confident that they remain in charge of their own business and in control of their business risks? How do they know they are complying with their regulatory responsibilities? How can these businesses demonstrate that they are doing so when regulators ask?To help answer these questions and to guide regulated businesses, the Joint Forum established a working group to develop high-level principles about outsourcing.In this paper, the key issues and risks are spelt out in more detail and principles are put forward that can serve as benchmarks. The principles apply across the banking, insurance and securities sectors, and the international committees involved in each sector1may build on these principles to offer more specific and focused guidance. Selected international case studies (see Annex A) show why these questions matter.Today outsourcing is increasingly used as a means of both reducing costs and achieving strategic aims. Its potential impact can be seen across many business activities, including information technology (e.g., applications development, programming, and coding), specific operations (e.g., some aspects of finance and accounting, back-office activities & processing, and administration), and contract1The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS).functions (e.g., call centres). Industry reports and regulatory surveys of industry practice indicate that financial firms are entering into arrangements in which other firms –related firms within a corporate group and third-party service providers –conduct significant parts of the enterprise’s regulated and unregulated activities.2 Activities and functions within an organisation are performed and delivered in diverse ways. An institution might split such functions as product manufacturing, marketing, back-office and distribution within the regulated entity. Where a regulated entity keeps such arrangements in-house, but operates some activities from various locations, this would not be classified as outsourcing. The entity would therefore be expected to provide for any risks posed by this in its regular risk management framework.Increasingly more complex arrangements are developing whereby related entities perform some activities, while unrelated service providers perform others. In each case the service provider may or may not be a regulated entity. The Joint Forum principles are designed to apply whether or not the service provider is a regulated entity.Outsourcing has been identified in various industry and regulatory reports as raising issues related to risk transfer and management, frequently on a cross-border basis, and industry and regulators acknowledge that this increased reliance on the outsourcing of activities may impact on the ability of regulated entities to manage their risks and monitor their compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, there is concern among regulators as to how outsourcing potentially could impede the ability of regulated entities to demonstrate to regulators (e.g., through examinations) that they are taking appropriate steps to manage their risks and comply with applicable regulations.Among the specific concerns raised by outsourcing activities is the potential for over-reliance on outsourced activities that are critical to the ongoing viability of a regulated entity as well as its obligations to customers.Regulated entities can mitigate these risks by taking steps (as discussed in the principles) to: draw up comprehensive and clear outsourcing policies, establish effective risk management programmes, require contingency planning by the outsourcing firm, negotiate appropriate outsourcing contracts, and analyse the2Bank Information Technology Secretariat (BITS) Framework for Managing Technology Risk for IT Service Provider Relationships, Version II, November 2003, p. 2.financial and infrastructure resources of the service provider.Regulators can also mitigate concerns by ensuring that outsourcing is adequately considered in their assessments of individual firms whilst taking account of concentration risks in third-party providers when considering systemic risk issues.Of particular interest to regulators is the preservation at the regulated entity of strong corporate governance. In this regard outsourcing activities that may impede an outsourcing firm's management from fulfilling its regulatory responsibilities are of concern to regulators. The rapid rate of IT innovation, along with an increasing reliance on external service providers have the potential of leading to systemic problems unless appropriately constrained by a combination of market and regulatory influences.This paper attempts to spell out these concerns in more detail and develop a set of principles that gives guidance to firms, and to regulators, to help them better mitigate these concerns without hindering the efficiency and effectiveness of firms.2 Guiding Principles - OverviewThe Joint Forum has developed the following high- level principles. The first seven principles cover the responsibilities of regulated entities when they outsource their activities, and the last two principles cover regulatory roles and responsibilities. Here we present an overview of the principles. More detail may be found in section 9.ⅠA regulated entity seeking to outsource activities should have in place a comprehensive policy to guide the assessment of whether and how those activities can be appropriately outsourced. The board of directors or equivalent body retains responsibility for the outsourcing policy and related overall responsibility for activities undertaken under that policy.ⅡThe regulated entity should establish a comprehensive outsourcing risk management programme to address the outsourced activities and the relationship with the service provider.ⅢThe regulated entity should ensure that outsourcing arrangements neither diminish its ability to fulfil its obligations to customers and regulators, nor impede effective supervision by regulators.Ⅳ The regulated entity should conduct appropriate due diligence in selecting third-party service providers.ⅤOutsourcing relationships should be governed by written contracts that clearly describe all material aspects of the outsourcing arrangement, including therights, responsibilities and expectations of all parties.Ⅵ The regulated entity and its service providers should establish and maintain contingency plans, including a plan for disaster recovery and periodic testing of backup facilities.ⅦThe regulated entity should take appropriate steps to require that service providers protect confidential information of both the regulated entity and its clients from intentional or inadvertent disclosure to unauthorised persons.Ⅷ Regulators should take into account outsourcing activities as an integral part of their ongoing assessment of the regulated entity.Regulators should assure themselves by appropriate means that any outsourcing arrangements do not hamper the ability of a regulated entity to meet its regulatory requirements.ⅨRegulators should be aware of the potential risks posed where the outsourced activities of multiple regulated entities are concentrated within a limited number of service providers.3 DefinitionOutsourcing is defined in this paper as a regulated entity’s use of a third party (either an affiliated entity within a corporate group or an entity that is external to the corporate group) to perform activities on a continuing basis that would normally be undertaken by the regulated entity, now or in the future.Outsourcing can be the initial transfer of an activity (or a part of that activity) from a regulated entity to a third party or the further transfer of an activity (or a part thereof) from one third-party service provider to another, sometimes referred to as “subcontracting.” In some jurisdictions, the initial outsourcing is also referred to as subcontracting.Firms should consider several factors as they apply these principles to activities that fall under the outsourcing definition. First, these principles should be applied according to the degree of materiality of the outsourced activity to the firm's business. Even where the activity is not material, the outsourcing entity should consider the appropriateness of applying the principles. Second, firms should consider any affiliation or other relationship between the outsourcing entity and the service provider. While it is necessary to apply the Outsourcing Principles to affiliated entities, it may be appropriate to adopt them with some modification to account for the potential for differing degrees of risk with respect to intra-group outsourcing. Third, the firm may consider whether the service provider is a regulatedentity subject to independent supervision.According to this definition, outsourcing would not cover purchasing contracts, although as with outsourcing, firms should ensure that what they are buying is appropriate for the intended purpose. Purchasing is defined, inter alia, as the acquisition from a vendor of services, goods or facilities without the transfer of the purchasing firm's non-public proprietary information pertaining to its customers or other information connected with its business activities.This paper will refer to a regulated entity as the body that is authorised for a regulated activity by a regulator. The principles set forth in this paper are targeted at such entities.Third party or service provider refers to the entity that is undertaking the outsourced activity on behalf of the regulated entity.The term regulator refers to all supervisory and regulatory authorities that authorise firms to undertake any regulated activity and supervise that activity.4 Developments in industry Practice Motivation5 Current Trends in OutsourcingFinancial firms have entered into outsourcing arrangements for many years, albeit not to the extent seen in the recent past. For example, in the securities industry, since the 1970s, firms have outsourced quasi-clerical activity, such as the printing and storage of records. This was undertaken because of the comparative cost savings.As technology has evolved, outsourcing of information services has become more common. In the 1980s and 1990s, such deals tended to be large scale and often involved the outsourcing of whole IT divisions primarily based on cost and the importance of remaining up to date with rapidly evolving technology.Subsequently, we have seen a growth of outsourcing in more strategic areas such as human resources and some have observed the trend of “business processing outsourcing” (BPO), i.e., end-to-end outsourcing of a business line or process in its entirety. BPOs also mean that the relationship between the outsourcer and the third party changes somewhat as the latter becomes more of a strategic partner than a traditional supplier.Another major trend in outsourcing that appears to have gained momentum is “off-shoring”, i.e., effectively outsourcing activities beyond national borders. Many conglomerates are trying to create global efficiencies by basing transaction processing and call centres offshore. Arrangements are sometimes entered into withunrelated parties, while in other cases the outsourcing firm establishes its own offshore base (i.e., through an affiliate) to provide services.In India alone a range of organisations have set up outsourcing arrangements as illustrated by the sample of firms in the table below. (Approximate staff numbers are indicated in parentheses.)Table 1:Financial Services Companies in India in 2003Source: Deloitte presentation to Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Offshoring and Cross-Border Outsourcing by Banks, March 30 2004.Anecdotal evidence suggests that China, Malaysia and the Philippines are also seen as desirable outsourcing locations.According to a 2004 report by Deloitte5, offshoring will continue to grow throughout this decade. The report estimates the percentage of global financial services companies with offshore facilities grew to 67% in 2003 compared with 29% in 2002. It further estimates that by 2005 some $210 billion of industry costs will be offshore, rising to $400 billion or 20% of the total industry cost base in 2010.The report notes that the percentage for large firms is significantly higher than for small firms and also notes that increasingly firms are setting up their own operations offshore, distinguishing this trend from the growth of outsourcing, per se.At a practical level this growth in offshoring has led to a need for regular monitoring of “country risk”, which means that an outsourcing institution needs to monitor foreign government policies and political, social, economic and legal conditions in the country where it has a contractual relationship with a service provider. It should also develop appropriate contingency plans and exit strategies. As part of an organisation's need to consider business continuity issues, it should consider whether the processes could quickly revert to the home country in extremis.金融服务外包资料来源:商业信用,2005年10月,卷107,第9期,第64-70页作者:联合论坛1概要在世界范围内,金融企业越来越多地利用第三方进行业务活动。
外文文献翻译译文一、外文原文原文:Outstanding idea: Outsourcing tradeAlong with the modern science technology's progress and the productive forces rapid development, the global competition is day by day intense, the economic globalization tendency is irresistible, in addition politics and the culture bring huge transformation, “the value chain” the concept is precisely appears under this kind of environment. it first is manages Master famous by the US the Michael ·baud in a book proposed in "Competitive advantage". Afterward soon, the value chain as well as has introduced China based on the value chain's mode of administration, should be an aspect, for our country's reform, the opening, the development make the contribution, also has provided the theory basis for enterprise's competitive advantage. Value chain introduction financial inventory accounting the domain, utilized the value chain theory the finance and accountant the aspect carries on the research only then just to emerge soon, our country at the beginning of 2004, has started a research value chain accountant's high tide. But looking from author's research, the chain and the financial strategy union conducts the research not to have nearly.The research has its necessity based on the value chain's financial strategy. In economic globalization and knowledge economy swift development today, the people observed the economic dynamics the rationale and already had the huge change to the economic activity directive, the financial tube already had developed from the profit of enterprise maximization to the enterprise value maximization, regarding the financial strategy's research should take the value as the objective point, the strategic management, the tactical management, the value chain management and the information management carried on the organic synthesis, diverted the attention to the value and the activity, management lock-on target on value chain each link The application value chain's key link is the financial outsourcing. The borderoutsourcing buyer has three famous saying: ① We to reduce the cost; ② We remain down the reason is because you have the high grade service; ③ Our investment is for own transformation and the innovation. The financial outsourcing takes one kind of outsourcing pattern to receive more and more enterprise favors, the development is rapid. The whole world well-known Market research firm IDC issue newest memoir forecast: in 2008 the global finance outsourcing market size will amount to 47,600,000,000 US dollars. The IDC research also discovered that the financial outsourcing mainly concentrated in the transaction supervisory service, the high-level fund manager's handling of traffic service and business consultant serves and so on domains, cost cutting was still the financial outsourcing outsourcing primary cause, solved the strategic business problem demand also gradually to become an important impetus finance outsourcing reason.Silent and Orr compared to (Momme and Hvolby) through to the heavy industry department's case and the behavior research, proposed the outsourcing six basic steps: The enterprise competitive power analysis, outside the contractor appraisal and the determination, the consultation and signing, the project execution and the transition, the relations manage and terminate the contract. Charles ·Gaye (Charles Gay) the research the outsourcing which mainly uses the enterprise divides into 4 patterns:①Active outsourcing;②Service outsourcing, active outsourcing and service outsourcing these two way biggest difference, if the enterprise organizes to plan to use “the service outsourcing”, itself must have the define clearly to the outsourcing demand and the goal;③Gathers package or the union outsourcing;④Interest relations outsourcing, this is one kind of long-term cooperation, both sides relates for this reason first carries on the investment, then rests on the agreement share benefit which draws up in advance.Parr and Jones (Klepper and Jones) according to the outsourcing contract nature difference, divides into three kinds the outsourcing relations:①The market outsourcing, refers to the outsourcing service is the general service which the massive outside contractors can provide;② The partner outsourcing, this figure of enterprise and the identical contractor repeatedly conclude and sign contract, and haveestablished the long-term mutually beneficial cooperation relations. In this kind of outsourcing relations, outsourcing both sides need to make in a big way, aim at this item of outsourcing relations specially the investment, the property special-purpose degree are very high.③The middle outsourcing, refers to is situated between the market and between the partner both's one kind of outsourcing relations. Three kind of relational management pattern which with the market, middle and the partner outsourcing relations correspond respectively is the market regulation pattern, the bureaucrat management pattern and the trust management pattern.The cost of financial outsourcing throughout outsourcing throughout the output. Outsourcing cost should be less than department cost cost, the department cost should be less than department create income, such outsourcing to make enterprise to create more value. For example Singapore the sea huang Oriental shipping company (hereinafter referred to as NOL) in 2003 for getting rid of the 2002 losses 3.3 billion dollars in shadow, NOL trying to save the company's cost and improve operational efficiency. In order to achieve the enterprise thin body, NOL around processing payables &receivables process basic consistent, documents of the process is not complex, it is mainly the related information through Internet relay to the regional finance, processed again teleport home so that financial outsourced will not affect the company's operations, but it can handle this part business by reduction of more than 300 employees and cost savings. Therefore NOL outsource the business to accenture, this enterprise thin body make NOL benefit, it's true purpose is to lower costs and concentrate on developing main business, raise advocate business income make oneself can have more energy to concentrate on transportation of the core business, ascension profitable space.Throughout the global Internet technology development, especially the collection, storage, retrieval, analysis, the application, the comprehensive evaluation software for enterprise financial outsourcing provides technical platform. Enterprise financial outsourcing, can use the network platform for financial information transfer. Information outsourcing program is enterprise will outsourcing bookkeeping, reimbursement, reconciliation and so on complex financial data through the networktransfer to contractors, contractors as a lot of data processing after back of enterprise general ledger system; Similarly, the bank instrument outsource all kinds of business, and also through Internet platform service providers, send to service providers to bank system processing again after. If no network technology, these data transfer only by artificially, in a long journey, information data transfer amount of frequent cases, appear low efficiency, cost is high, and existing data transmission error of risk. And outsourcing, professional organization builds a financial software, you can build scores of even hundreds of sets of account, as long as hiring a small amount of the IT staff, can guarantee routine maintenance. Outsourcing professional orgnaization financial software and hardware can fully apply, they undertake the outsourcing, the more cost is lower. Through the network technology platform, not only eliminates financial outsourcing geographically separation, still can effectively guarantee the effectiveness of business decision-making, realize the win-win situation of outsourcing organizations and enterprises.But not all corporations are applicable to outsourcing. Cheung Steven will return for outsourcing applicable enterprise chrome. ①The new businesses. Build an enterprise all aspects are imperfect, especially the internal control system of accounting system establishment must from scratch, and the set up of this system to demand higher professional technology and higher costs, build an enterprise unbearable pressure, can pass these financial outsourcing will time pressure and financial burden. Put these multifarious work outsource to the professional service agencies, both cost saving, and save time, still can achieve higher quality service; ②Business less enterprise. Some enterprise similar to automobile design industry, the annual turnover is less, have the business finance department to compare when busy, no business mostly with nothing to do. Such enterprise that often occur without living phenomenon, the idle waste of human resource, material resource again wasted, financial outsourced is to cut costs in an effective way. Still another kind is a seasonal enterprise. Seasonal enterprise "refers to a season behavior.by many, while others season and almost no portfolio, from quarter to quarter compared disparity between portfolio differ enterprise. Will the financial outsource to reduce cost, also canachieve the purpose of saving resources; ③Branch huge enterprise. This kind of enterprises in finance department has a lot of little below branch, classify, cooperatively. All kinds of business handled separately, although effective to prevent the fraud and centralization, make each branch each other between contain, but has paid a high cost price. Because division is thinner, each branch of function is different, resource utilization degree is different, so had produced redundancy branches may. The redundant branch outsourced, not only can make full use of resources to optimize configuration, still can increase efficiency, reduce the cost burden.For today's corporations, the ground is shifting. Issues such as globalisation, business efficiency, increased specialisation and product innovation are percolating upwards in priority. And corporations are now focusing more intently than ever on profitability, working capital, cash flow, technology, risk management and investments. To manage these priorities successfully, organisations are moving away from a longstanding business model. We have to break in the technical information specially the conventional model and reduced enterprise entire operation flow cost expense.Looks like New York Service Outsourcing Research institute's execution to be in chargethe American Enterprise which Frank Casale estimated in 1996 on the outsourcing, has spent 100,000,000,000 US dollars, caused its cost reduction 10%-15%. The way to break in the information the conventional model, the modern network finance outsourcing is essential. After the modern network finance outsourcing is the networking popularizes, the traditional finance outsourcing development higher form, each item of outsourcing finance function forms the organic logical relation through the networking platform, this way may also realize the overall financial function outsourcing, moreover the efficiency is high.At present, many Group interior staff function presents “a highly building redundant project tree service unit, the overhead charge to stay at a high level”, in the group as a result of the parent company and the various subsidiary companies' independent operation, basically is a separate legal entity company arranges set of troops in the financial control organization establishment. And what is more, in some group interior illegal person unit like subsidiary company, the services departmentalso has the independence financial control organization. The pattern not only scattered the financial team, raises the group overall finance level with difficulty, causes the management resources repeatedly to invest, the scale benefit which manages forms with difficulty, between the mother and child company cannot realize the resources, the information, ability sharing, cannot cause the headquarters overall plan arrangement group the financial work, moreover increased the communication cost, intensified the internal contradictions and the conflict. Therefore, concentrates the relatively simple foundational financial function, looks like the financial outsourcing to be the same, the package processes for the internal company, the establishment “the service sharing center”, establishes, transparent, the marketability, the highly effective financial control system nimbly, this will become the modern enterprise to seek in the development to use the equally important finance plan which in the near future and the financial outsourcing coordinates, to make up mutually. The financial outsourcing the financial intension which will form from this with the idea initiation achieves the industrial production management pattern before the future financial control.In the whole process of outsourcing, only after repeated thorough analysis, can cause the outsourcing activities fundamentally meet enterprise development demand, realize the transformation from inferiority to advantage, achieve financial outsourcing of various advantage. The biggest challenge is how to maintain the normal operation business does not suffer too much influence the premise, make this outsourcing can smooth transition. To complete this transition, the enterprise must consider specially for this establishment a outsourcing project office, by the chief financial officer or other significant influence enterprise member initiated and lead the process. Also cannot ignore the important factor is, want a smooth transition of another link is adjusted other personnel's communication and collaboration. When enterprise of everyone know what you are doing, why do you want to do this, outsourcing partner who is, outsourcing terms is, and what the service on the play what effect, these to establish employee to this process and outsourcing decision faith and morale is vital.Source:Miller Chaz ,2009 “Outstanding idea: Outsourcing trade”. Trade American ,vol.13,issue.4,August,pp.95-96.二、翻译文章译文:外包理念:外包贸易随着现代科学技术的进步和生产力的迅猛发展,全球竞争日益激烈,经济全球化趋势不可阻挡,加上政治和文化带来的巨大变革,“价值链”概念正是在这种环境下出现的。
1. 生产管理服务
2. 物流和仓储服务
3. 采购和代理服务
4. 技术支持服务
制造辅助业务外包服务方案1. 背景随着全球制造业的发展,越来越多的制造企业面临业务外包的需求。
2. 服务内容我们的制造辅助业务外包服务涵盖以下方面:2.1 供应链管理我们将协助客户进行供应链管理,包括物流管理、仓储管理和库存管理等方面。
2.2 订单处理我们将处理客户的订单,包括订单录入、订单跟踪和订单配送等环节。
2.3 品质控制我们将提供品质控制服务,确保产品符合客户要求和国际标准。
2.4 数据分析我们将进行数据分析,为客户提供相关报告和建议。
3. 服务流程我们的制造辅助业务外包服务流程如下:1. 了解客户需求:与客户沟通,了解其需求和要求。
2. 分析需求:对客户需求进行分析,确定最佳的服务方案。
3. 签署合同:与客户签署外包服务合同,明确双方责任和权益。
4. 服务实施:按照合同约定进行服务实施,严格遵守质量和时间要求。
5. 检查验收:客户对服务结果进行检查和验收,确保符合预期。
6. 常规服务:维持日常运营,提供定期报告和数据分析。
4. 服务优势我们的制造辅助业务外包服务具有以下优势:- 专业团队:我们拥有经验丰富的专业团队,能够提供高质量的服务。
- 高效执行:我们将按时按质地完成任务,确保客户满意度。
- 降低成本:通过外包非核心业务,客户可以降低运营成本和人力成本。
- 数据支持:我们将提供数据分析支持,帮助客户做出优化决策。
5. 安全保障我们将采取一系列措施来保障客户的数据和业务安全:- 严格的数据保护政策和措施- 内部权限管理和数据访问控制- 定期安全审计和漏洞扫描6. 费用和付款方式具体的费用和付款方式将根据客户的需求和实际情况来确定,我们将与客户进行协商,以达成双方满意的费用及付款方式。
技术服务外包合同范本英文Certainly! Below is a simplified example of a technical service outsourcing contract template in English. Please note that this is a basic template and should be customized to fit the specific needs of the parties involved. It is also advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that all legal requirements are met.TECHNICAL SERVICE OUTSOURCING AGREEMENTThis Agreement is made and entered into as of [Date] (the "Effective Date") by and between [Company Name], a [State of Incorporation] corporation with its principal place of business located at [Company Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Client"), and [Service Provider Name], a [State of Incorporation] corporation with its principal place of business located at [Service Provider Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider").1. Purpose of AgreementThe Client wishes to engage the Service Provider to provide certain technical services (the "Services") as described in Exhibit A, and the Service Provider agrees to provide such Services to the Client.2. Term of AgreementThe term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue for a period of [Duration], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.3. Services to Be ProvidedThe Service Provider shall provide the following Services:- [Description of Service 1]- [Description of Service 2]- [Additional Services as detailed in Exhibit A]4. CompensationThe Client shall pay the Service Provider the following fees for the Services:- A fixed fee of [Amount] for the initial setup and configuration.- An ongoing monthly fee of [Amount] for continued support and maintenance.- Any additional fees for services outside the scope of the initial agreement as mutually agreed upon in writing.5. Performance Standards and Quality AssuranceThe Service Provider warrants that the Services will conform to the standards described in Exhibit B and will makereasonable efforts to correct any defects in the Services promptly.6. Intellectual Property RightsThe Client shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to all data and information provided to the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall retain all rights in any tools, methodologies, and materials developed in connection with the Services.7. ConfidentialityThe Service Provider agrees to maintain the confidentialityof all proprietary and confidential information of the Client and to use such information solely for the purpose of performing the Services under this Agreement.8. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement upon [Notice Period] written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any material term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [Cure Period] after receipt ofwritten notice.9. IndemnificationThe Service Provider shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Client from and against any and all claims, damages, and expenses arising out of or in connection withthe Services provided under this Agreement.10. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State/Country], excludingits conflict of laws principles.11. Entire AgreementThis Agreement, including any exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Company Name] [Service Provider Name]By:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ _\_\_\_\_\_\_ By:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ _\_\_\_\_Exhibit A: Description of Services[Detailed list of services to be provided]Exhibit B: Performance Standards and Quality Assurance[Detailed description of performance standards and quality assurance measures]Remember, this is a simplified example and should be tailored to the specific needs of the parties involved. It is important to include all relevant details and legal requirements for your particular situation.。
外包技术协议书英文Outsourcing Technical AgreementThis Outsourcing Technical Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Client's Name], a [Insert Client's Entity Type] with its principal place of business at [Insert Client's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Client"), and [Insert Service Provider's Name], a [Insert Service Provider's Entity Type] with its principal place of business at [Insert Service Provider's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider").1. Purpose of AgreementThe purpose of this Agreement is to outline the terms and conditions under which the Service Provider will provide technical services to the Client.2. Scope of Services2.1. The Service Provider shall provide the following technical services: [List of services to be provided].2.2. The Service Provider shall perform the services in a professional and workmanlike manner, in accordance with industry standards.3. Term of AgreementThis Agreement shall commence on [Insert Start Date] and shall continue until [Insert End Date], unless terminatedearlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.4. Fees and Payment Terms4.1. The Client shall pay the Service Provider the following fees for the services provided: [Insert Fee Structure].4.2. Payment shall be made [Insert Payment Terms, e.g., "within 30 days of receipt of invoice"].5. Confidentiality5.1. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality ofall proprietary and confidential information of the other party.6. Intellectual Property Rights6.1. The Client retains all right, title, and interest in and to any intellectual property provided to the Service Provider.6.2. The Service Provider shall not claim any rights in the intellectual property developed in the course of providing services under this Agreement.7. Warranty and Liability7.1. The Service Provider warrants that the services provided will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner.7.2. The Service Provider shall indemnify and hold the Client harmless from any claims arising from the Service Provider's performance of the services.8. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement upon [Insert Notice Period] written notice to the other party if the other party materially breaches any provision of this Agreement and failsto cure such breach within [Insert Cure Period] after receipt of written notice.9. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Governing Law]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through [Insert Dispute Resolution Method].10. Miscellaneous10.1. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and understandings between them.10.2. The failure of either party to enforce any provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Outsourcing Technical Agreement as of the date first above written.[Insert Client's Name] [Insert Service Provider's Name]By: _______________________ By: _______________________ [Authorized Signatory] [Authorized Signatory]Date: _____________________ Date: _____________________。
企业财务活动过程中的外包风险管理 外文翻译 原文+翻译
MANAGEMENT OF OUTSOURCING RISKS IN THE PROCESS OF ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL ACTIVITY IntroductionThe improvement of domestic manufacturing enterprises activity is essential to ensure the economic development of Ukraine in general, as such enterprises provide the output and a great variety of industries and population are the consumers of that output. The importance of the usage of the innovative activity management tools by the domestic manufacturing enterprises is stipulated by the absence of new technologies and knowledge, and outdated ideas about the organization of production process. Outsourcing is the example of such instrument in the current economic environment. Experience of outsourcing usage by the world companies confirms its high efficiency, since substantiated transfer of functions to the outsourcer stipulates the improvement of the performance quality, costs reduction, speeding of the production and operating cycles and thus stipulates the increase of the profits and competitiveness of the enterprise. Given the fact that the outsourcing implementation is also associated with the emergence of a number of risks, the decision of outsourcing should be weighted and substantiated.原文来源:Didukh O V , Partyn H O , Zaderetska R I . MANAGEMENT OF OUTSOURCING RISKS IN THE PROCESS OF ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL ACTIVITY[J]. 2017,2(23):118-125.企业财务活动过程中的外包风险管理1.1介绍改善国内制造业企业的活动对于确保乌克兰的总体经济发展至关重要,因为这些企业提供了产出,而且各种各样的行业和人口都是这种产出的消费者。
经营与管理全国商情29 服务外包文献综述陆长扣 吴园一(江南大学商学院,江苏无锡214122) 摘要:服务外包的蓬勃发展,相关问题的研究日益成为各界关注的焦点。
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外文翻译原文Business services outsourcing by manufacturing firmsMaterial Source:/upload/2009/02/12/1234402015734_186015.pdfAuthor: Fernando Merino and Diego Rodriguez RodriguezOutsourcing of services is one of the most important phenomena that are reshaping firms’ boundaries in the last decades. This article assesses the reasons leading manufacturing firms to contract out some service activities instead of providing them internally. The theoretical framework, inspired in transaction cost economics, emphasizes the effects that firm heterogeneity and service-specific decisions have on the decision to outsource. Our empirical analysis, using Spanish firm data, suggests the relevance of nonlineal effects related to firm size, wage differentials and location, among other factors, with clear differences among groups of services.1. IntroductionThe increasing implementation of outsourcing strategies is one of the most remarkable changes that has characterized firm behavior in the last decades. This strategy allows firms to concentrate their capabilities and resources in their respective core businesses, giving up those activities where firms do not have any competitive advantage to incorporate to their value-added chain. Consequently, management, execution, and development of innovations in outsourced activities become the responsibility of an agent external to the firm.The study of the reasons for outsourcing and their effects both on firms and economy-wide activity has become an important topic of analysis. From the firm’s perspective, outsourcing strategies are part of the reorganization process that has characterized its behavior in the last two decades. It fits in the set of downsizing strategies and the diversification decrease that many firms have adopted (Jovanovic, 1993). Firms have carried out a vertical disintegration process in manymanufacturing activities, with an increasing use of sub-contractors of components (contract manufacturing). Additionally, its extension to offshore suppliers has opened a hot debate in many countries due to its effects on key elements such as domestic employment (Braconier and Ekholm, 2000 and Egger and Egger, 2003), wage inequality (Feenstra and Hanson, 1996), pattern of trade (Hummels et al., 2001), and firm dependence on foreign providers, among others. Though there are differences among authors about the meaning of outsourcing, ranging from the exclusively procuring of goods and services from a foreign located provider to arm’s-length trade, throughout this article we mean the process by which in-house provided activities are replaced by the provision from external agents.This article studies the reasons that lead firms to outsource part of their intermediate production and, specifically, outsourcing of business services. That decision is usually analyzed as a “make or buy” dilemma. Following the initial contribution by Ronald Coase, seventy years ago, two opposite forces come into play. On the one hand, market imperfections, such as measurement problems and difficulties to control the collaboration between the customer and the provider, increase complexity in arm’s-length contracts and favor the “make” option. This is probably more evident in the case of service provision, whose intangible character hinders the comparability of output and prices and reduces market transparency. Additionally, asymmetric information generates adverse selection and moral hazard problems, emphasizing the role played by reputation (De Bandt, 1996). On the other hand, there are other arguments that favor the “buy” option. Among them, cost reduction is very commonly considered one of the main reasons to justify outsourcing strategies. Besides, specialized providers can be more efficient than vertically integrated firms not only for scale economies but, also, due to other efficiency advantages as those related to knowledge or flexibility.2. Theoretical framework2.1 An industry-based viewSince, the early work of Ronald Coase on the nature of the firm, the reasons why different activities are embedded in a single organization instead of being developed by separate agents coordinated through market-based arrangements have been a main topic on economic research. It can be said that transaction cost economics underlies most of the approaches to justify a single organization developing different activities. With this background, Grossman and Helpman (2002) (GH hereinafter) develop a framework for the analysis of the industrial structurewhere vertical integration or outsourcing emerges as equilibrium. The well-known trade-off between costs related to in-house provision and arm’s-length contracts that transaction cost economics emphasizes underlies the GH model. On the one hand, vertical integration faces the costs of managing a larger and nonspecialized organization. Consequently, specializedproducers have cost advantages for the production of inputs with respect to integrated firms. On the other hand, a firm that chooses to outsource faces costs related to the search for a potential provider and, also, costs derived from incomplete contracting and hold-up problems. These costs favor the vertical integration alternative. In this framework, the industry organization will be the result of a process with five consecutive stages: entry (which requires incurring some fixed costs), search for a partner (with additional fixed costs), production of the intermediate good, bargaining and, finally, production of final goods.The GH model suggests two main characteristics related to the probability of observing a vertically disintegrated industry that are useful for empirical analysis: the matching process and the degree of product differentiation. The first one emerges because users and providers match randomly (in the second stage) and the probability of matching (i.e., finding a firm to buy/sell) increases with the number of firms on the other side. In this context, the expected profits for outsourcing depend positively on the matching probability that is determined in the industry equilibrium. In that sense, note that introducing the matching process avoids treating the industry environment as given. The interdependence among the decisions facing the firms in an industry emerges as a result of the fact that individual choices on the vertical structure affect the entry of potential suppliers and, therefore, the attractiveness of outsourcing. In fact, McLaren (2000) pointed out a similar, though not identical, argument with regard to the interdependence of firms’decisions.In summary, the industry equilibrium of the GH model points out the relevance of two variables not explicitly linked to the specific transaction, such as the number of providers and the degree of competition in the industry. However, while the former positively affects the probability of outsourcing, the effect of higher competition on final goods markets is not straightforward. It depends on the balance between cost advantages and diseconomies of scope for specialized and integrated firms. We may remember that they were remarked by Levy (1984), when he discussed the Stigler hypothesis on the effect of the extent of the market on vertical integration. This question has also been analyzed by Wilder and Tucker (1984) and,more recently, by Elberfeld (2002).2.2 The effects of firm-related characteristicsA general result of the GH model is that mixed In summary, the industry equilibrium of the GH model points out the relevance of two variables not explicitly linked to the specific transaction, such as the number of providers and the degree of competition in the industry. However, while the former positively affects the probability of outsourcing, the effect of higher competition on final goods markets is not straightforward. It depends on the balance between cost advantages and diseconomies of scope for specialized and integrated firms. We may remember that they were remarked by Levy (1984), when he discussed the Stigler hypothesis on the effect of the extent of the market on vertical integration. This question has also been analyzed by Wilder and Tucker (1984) and, more recently, by Elberfeld (2002).In the GH model, the relevant comparison lies in the cost ratio between integrated and specialized firms. The rationale is that the larger the difference, the more probable is outsourcing as equilibrium. In fact, this is the main force driving outsourcing in the model. This conclusion is in keeping with empirical evidence, because cost saving is usually the first reason cited to explain the increase of outsourcing decisions by firms. It is exemplified by reductions in the payroll and it is based on the presumption that external firms (i.e., service providers) pay lower wages than users. Given that service activities are usually labor-intensive, reductions in wages and corresponding benefit packages become the main point of attention in this decision. From this point of view, outsourcing allows firms to take advantage of differences in wages across activities that cannot be set internally. This will be more relevant when wages are set in centralized collective bargaining,6 because in this case least-skilled jobs will be over-paid as their wages are pegged to the ones in the whole firm.3. Data and descriptive analysisThe empirical analysis uses the panel of firms included in the Encuesta Sobre Estrategias Empresariales, ESEE (Survey on Business Strategies) of the Spanish Ministry of Industry. This survey contains annual data for a representative sample of about 1800 firms located in Spain across the different manufacturing industries in the year 1998. The questionnaire covers a wide range of issues, among them the services used by firms and their degree of externalization, which can take three states: provided in-house, contracted out partially or fully.Analysis of outsourcing decisions only makes sense for those serviceseffectively used by firms. As can be seen in Table 1, the set of business services to be analyzed is formed by 12 very commonly used activities. In particular, the most frequently used services in firms with 200 or less employees are tax-related advising, administrative tasks, and cleaning. They can be considered as “supportive activities”because they are basic for almost any production process. Additionally, it seems that services are more commonly used by large firms than by small-medium size firms. In order to provide an insight of the difference related to firm size, we have computed the average number of services for each size-class. The obtained values show small differences: 10.2 for small and medium firms and 11.7 for large firms. Table 1 also shows how firms using those services obtain them. As can be seen, outsourcing is very often the chosen option. Note, for example, that more than 80% of those firms using services such as legal and tax-related advising, couriers, or vigilance externalize them, whether fully or partially. A general pattern about the kind of services contracted out seems to emerge. Those services linked to the most sensitive areas of the firm (such as recruitment services, administrative tasks, and training staff) are contracted out less frequently. This result might be coherent with a learning process in which firms start to contract out those services beyond their core activities.Table 2 shows the results for every manufacturing sector with a two-digit basis classification and distinguishing firms’ size. On the one hand, small differences are found between large and small-medium firms when the complete set of services is considered. The statistical test of equality of means between both size classes shows that there are not significant differences in most of the sectors. On the other hand, there are some differences across sectors. With the exception of basic metal products, industries below the average are those that are more labor intensive (food and tobacco, textiles and clothing, leather, fur, and footwear). However, inter-industry heterogeneity is not very relevant. In fact, the null hypothesis of nonstatistical differences among industry averages is not rejected among large firms.4. Concluding remarksOutsourcing has become one of the main characteristics of firm behavior worldwide since the 1990s. It implies a redefinition of the firm’s boundaries and plays a key role in the adaptation to a changing global economy in which increasing competition obliges firms to search for any possibility to be more efficient and flexible. This article analyses the outsourcing decisions of business services by Spanish manufacturers. As in other countries, business services are currently one ofthe most dynamic industries in the Spanish economy and its weight is close to the EU average. Though the analysis does not incorporate the location of service providers, it may help to better understand the forces driving international service outsourcing, a strategy that is currently in its first stages.This article analyses outsourcing decisions for a large set of business services. Although outsourcing activities are frequently considered as a single decision, this article maintains that the effect of some explanatory variables may differ according to the kind of service under consideration. It should be borne in mind that services are a very heterogeneous group of activities. They cover from activities such as legal or economic advising, which require a highly skilled and updated staff where geographical distance is relatively unimportant, to others such as cleaning or couriers, characterized by a low skilled workforce where proximity accounts for a large part of costs. Given that the same samples of firms and explanatory variables are used in the empirical analysis, this article allows us to compare results among different business services in a homogeneous context.The econometric analysis has shown the importance of wages in the decision to outsource. User firms that pay a wage premium tend to externalize services intensive in low-skilled activities. This premium seems to move the make-or-buy dilemma in the opposite direction for services such as legal economic and financial advisory, which are closer to the core activities and usually require a more skilled workforce. Therefore, results allow us to conclude that the wage formation mechanism is a relevant characteristic for the firm’s outsourcing decisions.We believe that some lines for future research could be fruitful. The first one is to pay more attention to the geographical dimension of service activities. While the GH model underlines the importance of matching probability, the influence of the distance between the user and potential providers may differ greatly across services. The second is to consider the decision process from a dynamic perspective. In fact, it could be considered that outsourcing strategies are not simultaneously initiated by firms, but they might follow a strategic pattern. Consequently, firms start to externalize as a way to reduce costs. But as firms assimilate externally provided services, managers consider outsourcing from a strategic perspective, devoting more resources to their core activities and contracting out the rest of them. In that way, firms would start with the externalization strategy with supportive activities, and then advance towards other more sensitive activities, incorporating the expertise gained from first experiences. Finally, alternative datasets might provide moreclear-cut evidence on some aspects that the database used in this article measures with difficulties, such as the effect of desired flexibility on firms’ incentive to outsource.译文制造企业服务外包资料来源:/upload/2009/02/12/ 1234402015734_186015.pdf作者:费尔南多·梅里诺,迭戈·罗德里格斯罗德里格斯在过去的十年中,服务外包最重要的现象之一是企业重塑。