Beam Pattern Synthesis Based on Hybrid Optimization Algorithm


共轭聚合物 有机半导体 英文

共轭聚合物 有机半导体 英文

共轭聚合物有机半导体英文英文回答:Conjugated polymers are a class of organic semiconductors that have alternating single and double bonds along their backbone. This unique structure gives conjugated polymers interesting electrical and optical properties, making them promising candidates for use in various electronic applications.Conjugated polymers are typically synthesized via chemical polymerization techniques, such as oxidative coupling or Heck reaction. The resulting polymers are typically soluble in organic solvents and can be processed into thin films using techniques such as spin coating or drop casting.The electrical properties of conjugated polymers are highly dependent on the degree of conjugation, which is the length of the alternating single and double bond sequence.Longer conjugation lengths lead to higher charge carrier mobility and lower bandgap, making the polymer more conductive and semiconducting, respectively.The optical properties of conjugated polymers are also affected by the degree of conjugation. Longer conjugation lengths lead to absorption and emission of light at longer wavelengths, resulting in a red shift in the polymer's absorption and emission spectra.Conjugated polymers have been used in a variety of electronic applications, including organic solar cells, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and transistors. In organic solar cells, conjugated polymers act as the active layer, absorbing light and generating charge carriers that are then collected by the electrodes. In OLEDs, conjugated polymers are used as the emitting layer, emitting light when an electric current is applied. In transistors, conjugated polymers are used as the semiconductor channel, controlling the flow of current between the source and drain electrodes.Conjugated polymers are a promising class of materials for use in electronic applications due to their unique electrical and optical properties. Further research is needed to improve the performance and stability of conjugated polymers, but they have the potential to revolutionize the field of electronics.中文回答:共轭聚合物是有机半导体的一种,其主链上交替排列着单键和双键。

欧盟残余应力标准EN153 05中文翻译稿

欧盟残余应力标准EN153 05中文翻译稿

EN 15305‐2008
EN 15305‐2008
August 2008
欧盟X射线衍射残余应力测定标准EN 15305-2008中文翻译稿
Non-destructive Testing - Test Method for Residual Stress analysis by X-ray Diffraction
EN 15305‐2008
August 2008
ICS 19.100
无损检测–用X射线衍射进行残余应力分析 的测试方法
欧盟标准委员会成员国有义务按照欧盟标准无变更的给予标准国家地位。关于本 标准的最新目录和题录都可从欧盟标准委员会管理中心和欧盟成员国那里得到。
6.2.3 χ 法....................................................... 22
6.2.4 修改的 χ 方法............................................... 23
6.2.5 6.3 6.4 6.5
其它衍射几何............................................... 23 辐射的选择 ................................................. 23 探测器的选择 ............................................... 26 设备的性能 ................................................. 26



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2 1 年 第 8 第6 ( 第 4 期 ) 0 1 )

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(o) V c和光 电转 换 效率(1相 比前者 分 别提 高 了 r )
96 .%和4 . 42 %,表 面 钝 化使 得 短 波长 和 长 波 长 光 的 响 应 明 显 提 高 。为 了使A , 化 效 果 充 I 钝 O
离 子 刻 蚀 技 术 , 首 次 实 现 了可 控 的石 墨烯 面 内各 向异 性 刻 蚀 技 术 ; 并 结 合 人 工 缺 陷 工 程 ,首 次 实现 了对 石 墨 烯 纳 米 结构 的精 确 加 工 和 剪 裁 ,制 备 出 了尺 寸 可 控 ( 小 线 宽达 最 5 米 以下 )、边 缘 可 控 ( 有 原 子级 平 整 的 纳 具 锯 齿 形边 缘 结构 )的石 墨烯 纳米 结构 。 最近 ,张广 宇研 究组 的杨 蓉博 士等在 先前 的 工 作 基 础 上 ,利 用 拉 曼 散 射 光 谱 技 术 ,研 究 了具 有 锯 齿 形 边 缘 结 构 的石 墨 烯 纳 米 带 的 电声 子 耦 合 特 性 。他 们 首 次 在 这 种 结构 中观 察 到 了G 的 劈裂 ( 一1 8 软化 的E g 式 ; 峰 G 53 2模 G+ 1 9 本 征 的E g 式 ) 。这 种 非 应 力 效 应 一5 4 2模 导致 的G 劈 裂可 归因于 锯 齿 形边 缘 结构 独特 峰
1 扁置 场 。
’ ■ 《 I ●
纳 米 尺 度 的Al 膜 ,并 在 一 定 的气 氛和 温 ,薄 O
度 下 进 行激 活 处 理 ,形 成 良好 的 复合 钝 化 薄 膜 结构 。 系 统 实验 表 明 ,不 使 用A , 使 用 1 和 O A , 电池 差 别 十 分 明 显 , 后 者 的 开 路 电 压 l 的 O

超声波成像 波束合成方法

超声波成像 波束合成方法



1. 线性合成(Linear Synthesis):



2. 非线性合成(Non-linear Synthesis):






• 87 •
substrate leads to the inconsistency of the groove blazed angle. In addition, when the convex grating with small blaze angle is fabricated, some areas on the substrate surface cannot be etched and the groove surface is discontinuous. However, swing etching convex blazed grating can overcome the above disadvantages. In this paper, the fabrication of convex blazed grating by holographic ion beam etching is reviewed.
(1.上海理工大学 教育部光学仪器与系统工程研究中心,上海 200093; 2.上海理工大学 上海市现代光学系统重点实验室,上海 200093; 3.上海光学仪器研究所,上海 200093)
摘要:高衍射效率的凸面闪耀光栅是高光谱分辨率成像光谱仪的核心分光元件,其制作方法 包括机械刻划法、电子束直写法、X 射线光刻法、全息离子束刻蚀法等,其中全息离子束刻 蚀法因为具备良好的各向异性,不受尺寸与曲面形状限制,杂散光低,完全没有鬼线,制造 时间短等优点成为现今光栅制造领域常用方法之一。传统全息离子束刻蚀凸面光栅时基底的 弯曲会导致槽形闪耀角的不一致性,并且在制作小闪耀角凸面光栅时基底表面会有部分区域 无法被刻蚀和槽形曲面不连续的现象,而摆动刻蚀凸面闪耀光栅可以克服上述缺点。对全息 离子束刻蚀方法制作凸面闪耀光栅多方面进行了综述。

A new inorganic EUV resist with high-etch resistance

A new inorganic EUV resist with high-etch resistance

A new inorganic EUV resist with high-etch resistanceMarkos Trikeriotis a, Marie Krysak a, Yeon Sook Chung a, Christine Ouyang a, Brian Cardineau b, Robert Brainard b, Christopher K. Ober a, Emmanuel P. Giannelis a, Kyoungyong Cho ca Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853;b College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, University at Albany, Albany, NY 12203;c SEMATECH, Albany, NY 12203ABSTRACTPerformance requirements for EUV resists will necessitate the development of entirely new resist platforms. As outlined in the ITRS, the new resists for EUVL must show high etch resistance (to enable pattern transfer using thinner films), improved LER and high sensitivity. A challenge in designing these new resists is the selection of molecular structures that will demonstrate superior characteristics in imaging and etch performance while maintaining minimal absorbance at EUV wavelengths. We have previously described the use of inorganic photoresists in 193 nm and e-beam lithography. These inorganic photoresists are made of HfO2 nanoparticles and have shown etch resistance that is 25 times higher than polymer resists. The high etch resistance of these materials allow the processing of very thin films (< 40 nm) and will push the resolution limits below 20 nm without pattern collapse. Additionally, the small size of the nanoparticles (< 5 nm) leads to low LER while the absorbance at EUV wavelengths is low. In this presentation we show that these inorganic resists can be applied to EUV lithography. We have successfully achieved high resolution patterning (<30 nm) with very high sensitivity and low LER.Keywords: EUV lithography, inorganic photoresist, hafnium oxide, zirconium oxide, nanoparticles, etch resistance1.INTRODUCTIONCurrently, Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV) lithography is considered an upcoming next generation patterning system1. Despite remaining challenges with the EUV system, alternative lithographic techniques, such as double patterning, nanoimprint and self-assembly, either cannot achieve the required resolution or have other issues that limit their applicability. As a result, EUV lithography and improved photoresists for this patterning technology are important goals in the ITRS roadmap.The desired performance characteristics of EUV photoresists will require the development of entirely new photoresist platforms. As pattern sizes reach the sub-20 nm range, it is necessary to use thinner films to prevent pattern collapse from high aspect ratios. An aspect ratio of 2:1 would require films within the 30-40 nm range. However, photoresist films that are comprised of organic materials cannot sufficiently resist the etch process as thinner films2. Therefore, extremely high etch resistant structures must be studied and developed to allow pattern transfer to the underlying substrate.Given the relatively low intensity of current EUV sources, the next generation photoresists will need to demonstrate high sensitivity and optimum absorbance. At 13.5 nm which is the wavelength used in EUV lithography, the absorption of all materials is very strong and only dependent on their atomic composition and density3. For example, elements that are commonly used in photoresists at other wavelengths, such as fluorine, are highly absorbing at 13.5 nm making them problematic for EUV applications. Other elements including carbon, silicon, zirconium or hafnium have very high transmission. A challenge in designing new photoresists for EUV lithography is the selection of molecular structures that have optimum absorbance.Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography III, edited by Patrick P. Naulleau,Obert R. Wood II, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8322, 83220U · © 2012 SPIEIn order to fulfill the requirements that were mentioned above, in this study we present a next generation photoresist material based on hybrid organic/inorganic nanoparticles. The nanoparticles are comprised of a hafnium oxide or zirconium oxide core that is surrounded by organic ligands. Previous work at Cornell University has studied the application of these inorganic photoresists in DUV, 193 and e-beam lithography4. These studies also revealed that the nanoparticle films exhibit exceptionally high etch resistance due to their thermal and chemical stability5. Additionally, the hybrid nature of the nanoparticle films enables the control of the film absorbance in order to optimize their lithographic performance. By controlling the ratio of the organic and inorganic content of the films it is possible to regulate the film density and therefore its absorbance. Additionally, Hf and Zr have different absorption coefficients at 13.5 nm and this gives additional flexibility in the photoresist formulation in order to fine-tune the film absorbance.2.MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1MaterialsAll chemicals were purchased from Sigma Aldrich unless otherwise indicated, and used without further purification. All solvents were reagent grade and purchased from Sigma Aldrich unless noted otherwise.2.2Synthesis of NanoparticlesHafnium oxide nanoparticles stabilized with carboxylic acid ligands were prepared by a controlled hydrolysis reaction. Hafnium isopropoxide was dissolved in an excess of carboxylic acid solvent at 65°C followed by the slow addition of a water/carboxylic acid mixture. After stirring for 21 h the product is precipitated by addition of water. This precipitate was centrifuged at 8,000 g for 5 min and then dissolved in acetone and reprecipitated with water twice. The final product, a white powder, was obtained after drying under vacuum. The same approach is used to prepare zirconium oxide nanoparticles starting from zirconium isopropoxide as a precursor.2.3Photoresist formulation and thin film preparationPhotoresist solutions were prepared by adding proper amounts of the nanoparticle powder to PGMEA followed by the addition of the photoactive compound or any other additives. Any aggregates or dust were removed by filtration using a 0.2 μm filter membrane. To prepare thin films for lithography experiments the photoresist solution was spin coated directly on unprimed Si wafers and then baked to remove any excess solvent.2.4Lithographic processingEUV experiments were carried out at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory using the SEMATECH BMET. After exposure the films were developed manually using a custom-made organic developer. DUV (254 nm) testing was carried out at the Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility (CNF), using an ABM contact aligner equipped with a mercury lamp UV source. For pattern transfer experiments a PlasmaTherm PT72 etcher was used.3.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONOur previous work with inorganic photoresists was focused on the hafnium oxide system with methacrylic acid as the organic ligand (HfMAA). Using this system and with the addition of a photoradical initiator, we were able to demonstrate high resolution negative tone patterns. The same films can also be patterned in positive tone when an additional PEB step is added and aqueous TMAH is used as the developer. To expand the potential of the inorganic photoresists ZrMAA films were also tested on both positive and negative tone under DUV exposure. Furthermore, both positive and negative tone patterns were obtained from HfMAA and ZrMAA films using a PAG as a photoactive compound. These results are demonstrated in Figure 1.The dual tone capability of the inorganic nanoparticle films and the various formulations that give high quality patterns demonstrate the flexibility of this versatile inorganic photoresist. In fact, any combination of Hf or Zr nanoparticles with a photoradical initiator or a PAG will give both positive and negative tone patterns. The same system is patternable under DUV, 193, e-beam and EUV exposure. Additionally, other carboxylic acids also give nanoparticle films that are patternable while alternative, non-caboxylate ligands are also under study in collaboration with prof. R. Brainard and his group at the University at Albany.Figure 1. Positive and negative tone DUV patterns using the inorganic photoresist with a PAG additive: A) HfMAA,positive tone, B) HfMAA, negative tone, C) ZrMAA, positive tone and D) ZrMAA, negative tone.The same resist formulations that were patterned using DUV at Cornell were then tested under EUV exposure at the LBNL. Many combinations of nanoparticles and different photoactive compounds were tested at both positive and negative tone, but the ones that showed the best performance were the ZrMAA nanoparticles with PAG. Figure 2 shows two representative SEM images of negative tone patterns that were printed with this system. Image analysis was carried out using the SuMMIT software which showed that the patterns on Figure 2A are 32 nm wide with a LER = 5.9 nm while the patterns on Figure 2B are 26 nm with LER = 3.8 nm.The results demonstrate the high resolution capabilities of the inorganic photoresist but what is even more remarkable is the photoresist’s sensitivity. The patterns shown on Figure 2 were created after exposure at 5.6 mJ/cm2 and 4.2 mJ/cm2 respectively. That is the highest reported sensitivity of any EUV resist that has been tested to date. Given the relatively low intensity of current EUV sources, the sensitivity of the photoresist is very important so that the whole EUVprocessing can be cost effective.Figure 2. Negative tone patterns after EUV exposure of the ZrMAA photoresist with a PAG additive: A) 32 nm lines at 5.6 mJ/cm2 and B) 26 nm lines at 4.2 mJ/cm2.To obtain the high resolution patterns shown in Figure 2 the film thickness of the photoresist had to be reduced to 40 nm. Even thinner films, around 30 nm thick, are required in order to improve the resolution below 20 nm half-pitch. As a result the etch resistance of the photoresist material has to be exceptionally high to allow pattern transfer. Figure 3 demonstrates the etch rate of the HfMAA film compared to polyhydroxystyrene (PHOST). Both films were etched using a SF6/O2 mixture while the HfMAA film was also initially treated with O2 plasma for 30sec to remove the organic ligands. As a result the etch rate of the hafnium film is 0.17 nm/sec or 10.2 nm/min which is 25 times slower than the etch rate of the PHOST film under the same conditions.The etching of patterned films was also studied in order to examine the pattern transfer into the Si substrate. Figure 3 shows an SEM cross-section image of the transferred patterns after SF6/O2 etching. A small layer of remaining HfMAA film is still present while the pattern has been deeply etched into the Si substrate. Before etching with SF6/O2, the film was treated with O2 plasma in order to increase its inorganic content and improve its etch resistance. Thermal treatment was also studied as an alternative but the quality of the patterns was affected and as a result the pattern transfer was not successful. On the other hand, the successful pattern transfer that is demonstrated on Figure 3 means that the O2 plasma treatment does not affect the quality of the patterns.4.CONCLUSIONSThis paper expands our previous work on inorganic photoresists by applying them to EUV lithography. The HfMAA and ZrMAA nanoparticles described in this study can be used to form versatile photoresists that have dual tone capability and work with either radical photoinitiators or PAG additives. These photoresists have been previously applied to DUV, 193 and e-beam lithography and this study also shows their potential as EUV resists. The ZrMAA films were patterned at negative tone using a dose of 4.2 mJ/cm2, the lowest reported to date for a EUV photoresist. The inorganic photoresists have also shown superior etch resistance to polymer photoresists and their successful pattern transfer was demonstrated using SF6/O2. Further studies are now underway in order to improve the patterning resolution and optimizethe positive tone patterning under EUV exposure.Figure 3. Top: Film thickness versus etching time for HfMAA and PHOST films. Remaining film thickness was measured after various time intervals during etching with SF 6/O 2. Bottom: SEM cross-section image showing the transferred pattern in the Si substrate.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe authors gratefully acknowledge international SEMATECH for funding, as well as The Cornell Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility (CNF), Cornell Center of Materials Research (CCMR) and the Center of X-Ray Optics (CXRO) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for use of their facilities.REFERENCES[1]Levinson, H. J., "Extreme ultraviolet lithography’s path to manufacturing", J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS8(4), 041501 (2009).[2]Gokan, H., Esho, S. and Ohnishi, Y., “Dry etch resistance of organic materials,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 130, 143-146(1983).[3]Henke, B. L., Gullikson, E. M. and. Davis, J. C., “X-ray interactions: photoabsorption, scattering, transmission, andreflection at E=50-30000 eV, Z=1-92”, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 54(2), 181-342 (1993).[4]Trikeriotis, M., Bae, W. J., Schwartz, E., Krysak, M., Lafferty, N., Xie, P., Smith, B., Zimmerman, P. A., Ober, C.K. and Giannelis, E. P., “Development of an inorganic photoresist for DUV, EUV, and electron beam imaging,”Proc. SPIE 7639, 76390E/1-76390E/10 (2010).[5]Krysak, M., Trikeriotis, M., Schwartz, E., Lafferty, N., Xie, P., Smith, B., Zimmerman, P. A., Montgomery, W.,Giannelis, E. P. and Ober, C. K., "Development of an inorganic nanoparticle photoresist for EUV, e-beam, and 193nm lithography", Proc. SPIE 7972, 79721C (2011).。


熟知。 l、 3 目前 的共 识是 , 科 学研 究 、 术 创新 到安 从 技 全伦 理 问题 以及其 他 方面 ,纳米科 技 战略研 究 的所 有领 域都需 要加 强 。
来 源 : 技 部 科 纳 米 技 术 医 用 敷 料 可 抗 感 染
荧 光 强 度 的 变 化 来 测 量 纳 米 粒 子 是 否 被 加 热 到
先将纳 米粒 子 固定 在细胞 膜上 .然后 利用 高周 波磁
场 对其加 热 , 而刺 激细胞 。 于这种 方法 可 以 比较 从 鉴 大 范围均匀 地刺 激细胞 ,科 学家认 为该 方法 今后 可
以在 人 体 内应 用 。 研 究人 员 目前 已证 明该 方 法 可
以打开 钙离 子通道 , 活通过 细胞培 养 的神经 细胞 . 激
据美 国《 日科 学 》 每 网站 近 日报 道 , 究 人员 目 研
前正 在使用 纳米技 术发 展 医用敷料 ,这 种敷 料可 以
来源《 科技 日报》 刚 柔结合 出奇 “ 材” 美 国佛 罗里 达州立 大学 综 合 纳米 研究 所 (N I I S)
诊断及 治疗 感染 的伤 口。英 国 巴斯 大学 的科 学家 们
3  ̄。这种 荧光 探针 可 以说 是 一个纳 米温度 计 。 4C 这项研 究具 有广 泛 的应 用价 值 , 比如 在癌 症治 疗 中 ,科学 家可 针对 选定 的蛋 白质或 特定组 织进 行 远 程操作 , 而开 发 新型癌 症治疗 方 法 。 从 此外 在糖 尿 病治疗 方 面 .电可 以远程 刺激胰 腺 细胞释 放胰 岛 素 。该方 法还 可应 用 于某些 因刺激 不 足导致 的神 经 系 统疾病 。
葡萄球 菌 ) 新抗 生素抗 药性 的演 化风 险。 ” 对



2021 年 3 月第 44 卷 第 2 期湖南师范大学自然科学学报Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University Vel.54 No.2Mar., 2021DOI : 10.7612/j5ssn.2096W2'l .2021.02.012基于几何光学近似迭代的多重散射波面分析彭梓齐",杨江河(湖南文理学院数理学院,中国常德415000)摘要为了解析环状光在散射媒质中的传播特性,本文提出了以几何光学近似为基础的波面分析法来进行分析。

该方法主要以几何光学近似法为工具计算散射粒子的前方散射光,并运用迭代计算的方式实现多重散射模 型的波面分析。


计算结 果与实验结果一致,散射媒质在特定的距离以及浓度下,环状光的散射波面中心会出现干涉波峰。

关键词几何光学近似;多重散射;前方散射;干涉中图分类号 O436.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 2096-5281( 2021) 02-0087-08Wavefrant Analysis of Multiglo Scattering Based onGeometric Optics AppraximationPL#$ Zi-/i ** , B4NG 8a'g-0&收稿日期:2020-07-08基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(U14311⑵;湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(2020JJ5396);湖南省2018年普通高校教育教学改革研究项目(湘教通[2018]436号);湖南文理学院博士启动项目(E07018021)* 通信作者,E-mail : pengzq@ (Colleac of Mathematics and Physics , Hunan University of Arts and Science , Changde 415000, China )Abstracr Tv analyzv thv charycte/stics of annular beam propagation in random media , wv proposed a new wavefront analysis method based on geometWc optics approximation. In this algorithm , wv adopted a simplified gev- metic optics approximation and iterative calculation based on forsard scatte/ng and simulated thv attenuation and thv scatw/ng waveform of thv annular beam in random media. An inWr^ered peak was obtained at thv optical axis with a coiain propagation distance and media concentrations , which is consistent with thv expe/mentat results.Key wordt geometWc optics approximation ; multiplv scytte/ng ; forsard scytte/ng ; inte/erenco光学遥感作为成熟的测量技术在工业、医疗、环保等领域得到了广泛应用W 在光学遥感应用中,光 在媒质中的传播效率是影响光学测量结果与精度的一项重要参数。















用 X D、E 选 区电子衍射(A D 、 V、 R E 和低 温氮吸附一 R T M、 S E )u H T M 脱附等进行 了表征 。结果表明 , 纳米 P d晶粒的粒径分 布集 中 .
约 为 8n 呈 六 边 形 ,11晶 面 的 晶 面 间距 为 02 m, 格 条 纹 清 晰 均 匀 。 究 了纳 米 粒 子 的 生 长过 程 , 示 了 N 4 .d 配 合 m, (1) .2n 晶 研 揭 R) P “ (
物 的生 成 , 析 了可 能 的 超声 反 应 机理 。利 用 C A 分 T B模 板 控 制得 到 的 纳 米粒 子 比未添 加 C A T B样 品 的 比表 面 积 增大 了 1 2g 0m  ̄-.
关键 词 :钯 ; 米 粒 子 ; 面 活 性 剂 ; 板 合 成 纳 表 模
rsle a ief n e i n itrl a p cn f02 m si e ote (1)pa eo h u i P eo d l t r g sw t a nepa rs aig o .2 n as n d t h 1 l fte c bc d v tc i h n g பைடு நூலகம் 1 n
第2 7卷第 1 0期 21 年 1 01 0月
无 机

Vo .7 N .0 1 o1 2 1 1—9 8 9 4 1 1
软模板 法六边形纳米 P d粒子的超声制备与表征
中图分类号 : 6 48 0 1. 3 2
文献标识码 : A
文章编号 :10 —8 1 0 11—9 40 0 1 6 ( 1)01 1.5 4 2


第 39 卷第 1 期 2020 年 2 月
sion line,a metallic reflector,a metallic half-round micro patch,and three groups of monolayer-graphene-patch directors. Because the conductivities of the graphene patches can be electrically tuned,the radiation direction of the QYU antenna can be dynamically controlled by adjusting the bias voltages applied to the graphene patches. The basic properties and the tunable behaviors of the antenna are systemically simulated and optimized. It has very fast modulation speed and very low return loss. In particular,the numerical results show that the main radia⁃ tion lobe angle φ(azimuth angle)of the QYU antenna can be swept from 30° to 150° in θ =60°(zenith angle) plane with different configurations of bias voltages applied to the graphene-patch directors. The proposed antenna is very suitable for THz beam reconfigurable applications,such as phased array radar systems. Key words:beam reconfigurable antenna,graphene,patch antenna,Yagi-Uda antenna PACS:84. 40. Ba, 87. 50. U-



doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-3114.2023.04.013引用格式:朱承浩.通信感知一体化混合波束赋形技术[J].无线电通信技术,2023,49(4):689-695.[ZHU Chenghao.Hybrid Beamforming for Integrated Sensing and Communication [J].Radio Communications Technology,2023,49(4):689-695.]通信感知一体化混合波束赋形技术朱承浩(东南大学吴健雄学院,江苏南京210096)摘㊀要:为解决无线通信与感知的性能日益强大而带来的频谱资源紧缺的问题,通信感知一体化(Integrated Sens-ing and Communication,ISAC)技术逐渐开始受到重视㊂在目前最有发展潜力的毫米波(millimeter Wave,mmWave)多输入输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)混合波束赋形系统基础上,提出了一种通信感知一体化的波束赋形算法㊂使用均方误差(Mean Square Error,MSE)衡量该系统的通信和雷达的性能,通过引入权重因子将通信与雷达的性能指标综合考虑,得到通感一体化波束赋形系统的最优解㊂针对求解过程中的非凸优化问题,提出了基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法对问题进行求解㊂针对不同权重因子,对通信的频谱效率和雷达的波束方向图进行了仿真,仿真结果验证了所提方案可以实现通信感知一体化系统下通信与感知性能的折中㊂关键词:通感一体化;毫米波;多输入输出;混合波束赋形;坐标迭代优化法中图分类号:TN929.5㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文章编号:1003-3114(2023)04-0689-07Hybrid Beamforming for Integrated Sensing and CommunicationZHU Chenghao(Chien-Shiung Wu College,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China)Abstract :In order to solve the shortage of spectrum resources caused by the increasingly powerful performance of wireless commu-nication and sensing,the technology of Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC)has gradually begun to receive attention.On thebasis of hybrid beamforming system for the millimeter Wave (mmWave)Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)technology which hasthe most development potential at present,a beamforming algorithm of ISAC in this system is proposed.The Mean Square Error (MSE)is used to measure the performance of communication and radar in this system,and the weight factor is introduced to comprehensively consider the performance of communication and radar,to achieve the optimal solution of the beamforming system for integrated sensingand communication.To overcome the non-convex optimization problem in the process of solving,an alternative optimization algorithm based on coordinate iterative method is proposed.The spectrum efficiency of communication and the beam pattern of radar with differentweight factors are simulated.Through the simulation results,it is verified that the scheme can achieve the compromise between commu-nication and sensing performance in the integrated sensing and communication system.Keywords :ISAC;mmWave;MIMO;hybrid beamforming;coordinate iterative optimization收稿日期:2023-03-250 引言车联网㊁人机交互等应用场景对无线通信和雷达感知均提出了很高的要求[1]㊂随着无线通信技术和雷达感知技术的不断发展,通信与雷达感知这两个原本较为独立的领域展现出越来越多的联系和共同性㊂未来移动通信关键技术之一通信感知一体化(Integrated Sensing and Communication,ISAC)技术,即将无线通信和雷达感知在同一系统中进行联合设计与优化,从而提升资源利用率,降低硬件成本,实现高性能通信和高精度感知[2]㊂通信感知一体化在实现通信传输的同时,还能通过分析无线点的反射㊁散射等特性,对目标信息进行定位和识别[3]㊂通信与感知的融合可以让二者实现技术共享,在满足高性能通信的同时满足复杂多样的感知需求[4]㊂该技术具有超越传统移动通信网络连接的潜力,可以开辟民用无人机㊁智慧交通等全新业务,因此受到了学界的广泛关注[5]㊂波束赋形技术是通信感知一体化的关键技术之一㊂文献[6]提出了通信感知一体化的波束赋形方案,在通信目标信噪比的约束下以目标估计误差为优化目标㊂文献[7]在相同的约束条件下使发射矩阵接近理想的雷达方向图来提高雷达感知的性能㊂为了解决射频资源紧缺的问题,5G将毫米波(millimeter Wave,mmWave)频段写入标准,用于提升传输速率㊂毫米波通信一般使用大规模多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)技术来增大信号强度[8]㊂随着天线阵列规模的增加,传统的全数字结构成本已经难以承担,因此毫米波通信使用将数字与模拟波束赋形结合起来的混合波束赋形技术㊂基于毫米波频段的通感一体化波束赋形技术也得到了广泛的关注㊂文献[9]提出了通信感知一体化系统的混合波束赋形方案,在满足雷达方向图的条件下,使混合波束赋形矩阵接近理想通信矩阵㊂该方案具有较低的复杂度,且雷达性能较高㊂但是在此方案下通信性能受到抑制,无法实现通信和感知性能的权衡㊂文献[10]采用正交匹配追踪算法得到最优波束赋形矩阵,该算法迭代速度较快,然而在大数据量情况下复杂度较高,且迭代过程中会产生累积误差并影响最终结果㊂现有的研究大多将优化算法的目标设计为使混合波束赋形矩阵逼近全数字波束赋形矩阵,并且通常会在约束通信或感知一者的前提下优化另一者的性能㊂这样做的缺点在于性能上会有所损失,最终求出的结果也不会是最优的㊂因此,针对毫米波MIMO下通感一体化的性能要求,本文提出了基于最小均方误差(Mean Square Error,MSE)准则设计的混合波束赋形算法㊂通过在均方误差指标中引入因子使得优化算法与信道噪声能量相关联,使设计更加准确,同时简化了求解过程㊂通过引入辅助酉矩阵使理想雷达发射矩阵与一体化下的雷达发射矩阵维度相同,可以直接进行均方误差的计算㊂优化的目标函数含有多个待优化变量,难以直接求解,因此本文提出了交替迭代优化算法㊂在假设其他优化目标为最优解的情况下单独优化一个目标,通过不断交替循环实现系统的最优解㊂在求解模拟波束赋形矩阵时,相移器阵列受恒模约束的影响,该问题是非凸优化问题㊂针对该问题,本文提出了坐标迭代优化法来求出该优化问题的最优解㊂仿真结果表明该算法较好地兼顾了通信与感知的性能,实现了二者的融合㊂1㊀毫米波通信感知一体化系统理论基础1.1㊀毫米波大规模MIMO技术5G及今后技术的发展离不开通信速率的不断提高㊂由奈奎斯特第一准则可知,通信速率与信号的带宽成正比㊂4G技术所使用的频段较低,缺乏足够的频带资源继续拓展带宽㊂因此,为了继续提高通信速率,需要利用更高频段的毫米波段㊂相比于中低频段,毫米波段拥有数十倍以上的广阔频段,可以解决带宽资源的紧张问题[11],在毫米波段下的通信与感知性能也能得到极大的提高[12]㊂然而,毫米波也有着不容忽视的缺点,根据弗里斯传输公式[13],接收功率与波长成正比,毫米波更短的波长意味着更大的传输损耗㊂为了弥补这种损耗,在应用中多采用大规模MIMO技术对其进行补偿㊂以一维均匀排布的天线阵列为例,其天线间隔应大于半波长㊂毫米波的波长极短,因此天线间隔在毫米波段下极小,可以实现大规模MIMO传输㊂1.2㊀混合波束赋形系统在传统的全数字波束赋形系统下,每根天线都必须配备一条可以任意改变信号幅度和相位的射频链路㊂然而在大规模MIMO系统中,天线的数量激增,已无法负担为每根天线加装射频链路的巨大成本[14]㊂因此,有研究者提出了使用混合波束赋形技术㊂从图1可以看出,混合波束赋形系统的特点在于使用数个相移器构成模拟波束赋形矩阵[15],减少了数字波束赋形矩阵中射频链路的数量,在很大程度上降低了建设成本㊂其中,传输信号维度为N s,使用了N RF条射频链路,发送天线数量为N t,满足关系N sɤN RF≪N t㊂图1㊀毫米波MIMO系统混合波束赋形方案Fig.1㊀Hybrid beamforming scheme formmWave MIMO system1.3㊀通信感知一体化波束赋形技术在通信感知一体化系统中,同一种波形被同时运用于通信传输和雷达感知,这二者的功能都能通过MIMO混合波束赋形系统实现㊂因此,在求解相应的波束赋形矩阵时,可以做到同时优化通信和感知的性能,这实现了通信与感知性能的兼顾与折中,与一体化的思想一致㊂2㊀基于最小MSE准则的一体化波束赋形设计2.1㊀通信模型在混合波束赋形系统中,用户接收到的信号yɪC N sˑ1可以表示为:y=W H HF RF F BB s+W H n,(1)式中:sɪC N sˑ1为发送的数据信号向量,满足关系E(ss H)=I N s,F BBɪC N RFˑN s为数字波束赋形矩阵, F RFɪC N tˑN RF为模拟波束赋形矩阵,该矩阵仅提供相位变化,因此所有元素的模为1㊂HɪC N rˑN t为信道矩阵,N r为接收端的天线数量,WɪC N rˑN s为接收端的全数字波束赋形矩阵,nɪC N rˑ1为信道噪声矢量,服从均值为0㊁方差为σ2的复高斯分布㊂对于均匀线阵,其阵列响应矢量为:a(θ)=1㊀N[1,e j kd sin(θ),e j2kd sin(θ), ,e j(N-1)kd sin(θ)]T,(2)式中:k=2πλ,d为阵元间隔,通常取d=λ/2,N为天线数,θ为到达角或离开角㊂在毫米波频段下,信道矩阵为Saleh-Valenzuela 模型[16],可以表示为:H=㊀NtN rLðL l=1αl a r(θr,l)a H t(θt,l),(3)式中:L为多径数,αl为第l条传输路径的信道增益,服从标准复高斯分布,θr,l为第l条传输路径的到达角,θt,l为第l条传输路径的离开角㊂2.2㊀感知模型MIMO的雷达发射波束方向图为[17]:P(θ)=a H t(θ)R s a t(θ),(4)式中:R sɪC N tˑN t为发射信号的协方差矩阵,可以表示为:Rs=E(F RF F BB ss H F H BB F H RF)=F RF F BB E(ss H)F H BB F H RF=F RF F BB F H BB F H RF㊂(5)假设雷达感知的目标数量为K,相对于基站的离开角为{θt,1,θt,2, ,θt,K}㊂由式(3)可知,信道矩阵表示为L个不同离开角和到达角的散射路径的求和㊂信道的前K个散射路径即为雷达感知K个目标的路径㊂因此信道前K个路径的离开角应为雷达感知的离开角,即为{θt,1,θt,2, ,θt,K},剩下的L-K个离开角和L个到达角均服从[-π/2,π/2]的均匀分布㊂2.3㊀通信感知一体化的最小MSE模型在一体化系统的设计过程中,衡量通信系统性能的主要标准为误比特率(Bit Error Ratio,BER)等㊂在传统波束赋形设计中,通常通过降低MSE来达到降低误比特率的目的㊂本文将这一指标运用到一体化混合波束赋形的应用范围内,目的也是通过降低通信和雷达感知的均方误差来优化通信和感知的各项性能㊂通信性能的MSE定义为接收信号与原始信号的均方误差:MSE c=E( β-1y-s 2F)=E( β-1(W H HF RF F BB s+W H n)-s 2F)= tr(β-2W H HF RF F BB F H BB F H RF H H W-β-1W H HF RF F BB-β-1F H BB F H RF H H W+σ2β-2W H W+I Ns)(6)式中:引入的β因子可以将之后在功率约束下的优化求解问题大大简化,变成以β为优化目标的子问题㊂由雷达感知的波束图公式可知,雷达的波束设计等价于设计雷达的协方差矩阵㊂理想的全数字雷达发射矩阵F radɪC N tˑK为:F rad =[a t (θt ,1),a t (θt ,2), ,a t (θt ,K )]㊂(7)然而,混合波束赋形系统中的雷达发射矩阵为F RF F BB ɪCN t ˑN s,与理想的发射矩阵维度不一致,因此二者不能直接进行MSE 的计算㊂为使二者维度一致,可以引入一个辅助酉矩阵F u ɪC K ˑN s,其满足关系F u F H u =I K ,这样,理想雷达的发射矩阵可以表示为F r =F rad F u ɪCN t ˑN s㊂可以看到,引入辅助酉矩阵后,理想雷达的发射矩阵与混合波束赋形中的发射矩阵维度一致,并且原来理想雷达的方向没有改变,维持了原始的性能㊂辅助酉矩阵可以通过以下的优化问题解出:min F uF c -F rad F u 2Fs.t.㊀F u F Hu=I K{,(8)式中:F c 为理想的通信全数字波束赋形矩阵㊂对信道矩阵进行奇异值分解:H =U V H ㊂(9)取V 的前N s 列即为通信全数字波束赋形矩阵F c ㊂该优化问题表明构造辅助酉矩阵应尽可能减小全数字波束赋形下通信与雷达感知的差异,提高一体化的性能㊂该问题类似于正交普鲁克问题,可以求得F u的闭式解为[18]:F u =U 1CV H 1,(10)式中:U 1和V 1来自于F H rad F c 的奇异值分解F Hrad F c=U 11V H 1,C =[I K ,O K ˑ(N s -K )]㊂由此,雷达感知的MSE 可以定义为:MSE r = F RF F BB -F r 2F =tr(F RF F BB F H BB F H RF -F RF F BB F H r -F r F H BB F H RF +F r F Hr )㊂(11)在一体化的混合波束赋形设计中,需要同时以通信和雷达的性能作为优化对象,因此优化问题的目标函数应同时包含二者的均方误差㊂通感一体化下的混合波束赋形优化问题可以表示为:min W ,F RF ,F BB ,βρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r s.t.㊀(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j F RF F BB 2FɤP ìîíïïïï,(12)式中:ρɪ[0,1]为一权重因子,代表通信性能在优化中所占的比重㊂该优化问题需要考虑模拟波束赋形矩阵的恒模约束和混合波束赋形矩阵的功率约束㊂3㊀基于交替迭代优化算法求解波束赋形设计3.1㊀基于坐标迭代的交替优化上文中通感一体化下的混合波束赋形优化问题涉及到4个待优化变量,难以直接求解㊂因此,可以每次在固定其他变量的条件下交替优化一个变量,通过多轮这样的迭代优化使目标函数最终落入目标区间内㊂①关于W 的子问题可以表示为:min W MSE c ㊂(13)将目标函数MSE c 对W 求偏导并使结果等于零可以得到W 的闭式解为:W =(HF RF F BB F H BB F H RF H H +σ2β-2I N r)-1ˑβ-1HF RF F BB ㊂(14)②关于β的子问题,由于存在发射功率的限制,只有在发射功率达到最大时β才能达到最优值㊂令F bb =β-1F BB 以简化表达,可以得到在发射功率最大时的β值为:β=P -12(tr(F RF F bb F HbbF H RF))-12㊂(15)从求解过程可以看出,若按照未引入β因子的传统MSE 标准来优化,则需要引入拉格朗日乘子将功率约束条件利用起来再进行复杂的求解,但在引入β因子后,就可以将功率约束分解为β的子问题求得闭式解,这无疑大大简化了算法流程㊂③关于F BB 的子问题可以表示为:min F BBρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r ㊂(16)将目标函数对F BB 求偏导并使结果等于零可以得到F BB 的闭式解为:F BB =(ρβ-2F H RF H H WW H HF RF +(1-ρ)F HRF F RF )-1ˑ(ρβ-1F H RF H H W +(1-ρ)F HRF F r )㊂(17)④关于F RF 的子问题可以表示为:min FRFρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE rs.t.㊀(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j{㊂(18)约束条件(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j 使得上述优化问题是非凸的,这使得问题的理论求解十分困难㊂本文针对该问题提出坐标迭代优化法对其进行求解㊂F RF 的优化问题可以表示为:J (F RF )=ρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r =ρtr(β-2W H HF RF F BB F H BB F H RF H H W -β-1W HHF RF F BB -β-1F H BB F H RF H H W +σ2β-2W H W +I N s)+(1-ρ)tr(F RF F BB F H BB F H RF -F RF F BB F H r -F r F H BB F HRF +F r F H r )=ρtr(A l )+(1-ρ)tr(B l )+ρtr(β-2W H HV RF V BB V H BB V H RF H H W -2β-1W H HV RF V BB )+(1-ρ)tr(V RF V BB V H BB V H RF -2V RF V BB F H r ),(19)式中:A l =β-2W H HF -l RF F -l BB (F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H H H W -β-1W H HF -l RF F -l BB-β-1(F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H H H W +σ2β-2W H W +I Ns,(20)B l =F -l RF F -l BB (F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H -F -l RF F -l BB F Hr -F r (F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H +F r F H r,(21)式中:F -l RF 为矩阵F RF 移除第l 列后的子矩阵,F -l BB 为矩阵F BB 移除第l 行后的子矩阵,V RF 为矩阵F RF第l 列的矢量,V BB 为矩阵F BB 第l 行的矢量㊂固定矩阵F RF 其他列不变,将第l 列的矢量V RF单独作为变量优化,原优化问题可以转化为:min F RFρtr(β-2W H HV RF V BB V H BB V H RF H H W -2β-1W HHV RF V BB )+(1-ρ)tr(V RF V BB V HBBV H RF-2V RF V BB F H r)s.t.㊀(V RF )n =1,∀n ㊂(22)该优化问题同样可以用类似方法处理,每次固定V RF ,其他元素不变,将第n 个元素V RF (n )作为变量求最优解㊂令H w =W H H ,F v =V BB F H r ,由于模拟波束赋形矩阵仅有相移的功能,可令V RF (n )=e j θn ,则目标函数中与V RF (n )有关的项为:J (θn )=ρðN sm =1[β-2H w (m ,n )V BB (m )2ej2θn-2β-1H w (m ,n )ˑV BB (m )e j θn]+(1-ρ)ðN s m =1V BB (m )2e j2θn-2(1-ρ)F v (n )e j θn ㊂(23)令:X n =ðN sm =1H w (m ,n )V BB (m )2,(24)Y n =ðN s m =1H w (m ,n )V BB (m )㊂(25)求J (θn )关于θn 的偏导,使其等于零,可以求得V RF (n )的最优解为:V RF (n )=ej θn=ρβ-1Y n +(1-ρ)F v (n )ρβ-2X n +(1-ρ) V BB 2F㊂(26)对F RF 中的每个元素依次使用上述算法,即可求得当前条件下F RF 的最优解㊂基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法的详细步骤如算法1所示㊂算法1㊀交替优化算法输入:输入:H ,N s ,N RF ,N t ,N r ,P ,σ2,ρ,I max ,S min输出:F BB ,F RF ,W ,β1.㊀在约束条件(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j 下随机初始化矩阵F RF2.根据式(9)得到通信全数字波束赋形矩阵F c ,初始化F BB =F -1RF F c3.初始化β=P -1/2(tr(F RF F BB F H BB F H RF ))-1/24.for i =1,2, ,I max do5.㊀㊀根据式(15)更新β6.㊀㊀根据式(14)更新W7.㊀㊀根据式(26)用坐标迭代优化法更新F RF 8.㊀㊀根据式(17)更新F BB9.㊀㊀根据式(6)和式(11)计算MSE c 和MSE r10.㊀㊀if ρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r <S min then11.㊀㊀㊀结束循环12.㊀㊀end if13.end for3.2㊀仿真分析本节通过仿真结果来分析使用基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法求解的一体化混合波束赋形系统的性能㊂仿真中,发射天线数N t =64,接收天线数N r =8,N RF =N s =4,将每条射频链路使用的发射功率归一化为1,则总系统的归一化发射功率P =4,毫米波信道多径数L =10[19],雷达检测目标K =3,离开角分别为[-45ʎ,0ʎ,45ʎ],信道中其余离开角和到达角均服从[-π/2,π/2]的均匀分布㊂图2为不同权重因子ρ下频谱效率随信噪比变化的曲线㊂可以看出,随着通信性能权重ρ的增大,混合波束赋形的频谱效率也在增大,且越来越接近全数字波束赋形下的频谱效率㊂当ρ=1时,混合波束赋形系统只考虑通信的性能,此时的频谱效率与全数字状态非常接近㊂因此可以看出,权重因子ρ的大小在优化过程中会影响一体化系统的通信性能㊂图2㊀不同权重下频谱效率随信噪比的变化曲线Fig.2㊀Curve of spectral efficiency versus signal-to-noise ratio with different weights图3为不同权重下雷达波束图与理想全数字雷达波束图的比较㊂由于ρ值越小代表雷达性能在优化中占比越大,可以看到,随着ρ值的不断下降,一体化系统下的雷达波束图与全数字下的波束图越来越接近㊂在ρ=0.7时,雷达波束存在较大的旁瓣,这会较大地干扰正确的检测目标;ρ=0.5时,旁瓣干扰仍然存在,但此时主瓣强度明显高于旁瓣,可以进行有效的检测;ρ=0.3时,旁瓣强度被显著抑制,这时的旁瓣干扰很小,主瓣方向的波束容易分辨,雷达感知的精度较高,能够准确地识别目标方位㊂由上述分析可知,本文提出的基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法在保障通信性能的同时可以实现较高的雷达感知精度,且可以通过改变权重ρ值灵活地调整通信与感知性能的占比,实现二者的权衡,达到通感一体化的效果㊂图3㊀不同权重时的雷达波束方向图Fig.3㊀Radar beam patterns with different weight factors4 结论本文使用了毫米波信道下的混合波束赋形技术实现通信感知一体化㊂通过引入因子β导出基于最小均方误差准则的通信性能优化问题,并引入辅助酉矩阵,让理想雷达发射矩阵与混合波束赋形矩阵保持维度相同,得到了基于雷达感知性能的优化问题㊂接着利用权重因子ρ结合两方面性能提出了通感一体化下的混合波束赋形优化问题㊂针对非凸优化问题提出了基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法,完成了对波束赋形优化问题的求解㊂仿真结果表明,该算法能够很好地实现通信与感知性能的折中,即在不同权重下通信与感知的性能都能有所保证,实现了通信感知一体化的效果㊂参考文献[1]㊀LIU F,CUI Y,MASOUROS C,et al.Integrated Sensingand Communications:Towards Dual-functional WirelessNetworks for 6G and Beyond[J].IEEE Journal on Select-ed Areas in Communications,2022,40(6):1728-1767.[2]㊀吴晓文,焦侦丰,刘冰,等.面向6G 的卫星通感一体化[J].移动通信,2022,46(10):2-11.[3]㊀LIU Y J,LIAO G S,XU J W,et al.Adaptive OFDM Inte-grated Radar and 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位相型衍射光学元件设计的混合算法蒋文波;胡松;赵立新;严伟;杨勇;周绍林;陈旺富【期刊名称】《光电工程》【年(卷),期】2009(036)005【摘要】针对传统的光束整形算法在设计位相型衍射光学元件时效果差的缺点,本文提出了一种适合于位相型衍射光学元件设计的新混合算法.该混合算法是将变尺度BFGS算法融入遗传算法中,其中变尺度BFGS算法主要用于局部搜索,同时将罚函数优化准则用于成本函数的构造中.相比于传统的优化算法,该混合算法具有效率高、收敛快和稳定性好等优点.作为一个设计实例,我们分别将传统模拟退火算法和该混合算法应用到高斯光束整形中,进行了数值模拟,为了考察该混合算法的可靠性,设定了衍射效率和信噪比两个技术指标.设计结果表明:该混合算法收敛速度快,设计效费比优,仅需少量的迭代次数就能达到高衍射效率和高信噪比的要求.用该混合算法设计的衍射光学元件,能极大地改善整形效果,在均匀性要求较高的场合有广泛的应用前景.【总页数】5页(P47-51)【作者】蒋文波;胡松;赵立新;严伟;杨勇;周绍林;陈旺富【作者单位】中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都610209;中国科学院研究生院,北京100039;中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都610209;中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都610209;中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都610209;中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都610209;中国科学院研究生院,北京100039;中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都610209;中国科学院研究生院,北京100039;中国科学院光电技术研究所,成都610209;中国科学院研究生院,北京100039【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN249【相关文献】1.实现无衍射光束的纯位相衍射光学元件的设计 [J], 张静娟;王京从;霍俊岭2.一种用于均匀照明的衍射光学元件设计的混合算法 [J], 李涛;付绍军;王炜;徐俊中;李永平3.基于位相分布限制衍射光学元件的散斑抑制方法 [J], 梁传样;张巍;芮大为;隋永新;杨怀江4.位相型衍射光学元件单元结构衍射因子的研究 [J], 封余军;周进;谈苏庆;高文琦5.用于光束整形的衍射光学元件设计的混合算法 [J], 庞辉;应朝福;范长江;林培秋;吴浩伟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。




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