The use of complementary and alternative medicine by individuals with features of metabolic syndrome




整体类比和交替类比英语作文The Art of Analogical Reasoning: Holistic Versus Alternating Approaches.Analogical reasoning, a cognitive process that draws comparisons between seemingly disparate ideas or objects, has long been a cornerstone of human intellectual endeavors. Whether in the realm of scientific discovery, artistic expression, or daily decision-making, analogies have proven their worth as powerful tools for understanding and innovation. However, the manner in which analogies are constructed and employed can vary significantly, ranging from holistic analogies that draw comparisons acrossmultiple dimensions to alternating analogies that focus on specific, interchangeable elements. This essay delves into the nuances of these two approaches, exploring their respective merits and limitations in the context of English composition.Holistic analogies operate on the premise that complexsystems or ideas can be understood through comparisons to analogous systems or ideas that share a broad range of characteristics. In the realm of English composition, this approach involves constructing analogies that encompass multiple facets of a subject, from its form and function to its historical and cultural significance. For instance, comparing the evolution of the English language to the evolution of biological species allows for a holistic understanding of both processes, highlighting their commonalities in terms of adaptation, diversity, and survival.The strength of holistic analogies lies in theirability to provide a comprehensive, multi-faceted perspective on a subject. By drawing connections across disparate domains, they reveal unexpected patterns and insights that might otherwise be missed. In an English essay, holistic analogies can enrich the reader'。














Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 18:7, 509–533 (1997)The dynamic capabilities framework analyzes the sources and methods of wealth creation and capture by private enterprise firms operating in environments of rapid technological change. The competitive advantage of firms is seen as resting on distinctive processes (ways of coordinating and combining), shaped by the firm’s (specific) asset positions (such as the firm’s portfolio of difficult-to-trade knowledge assets and complementary assets), and the evolution path(s) it has adopted or inherited. The importance of path dependencies is amplified where conditions of increasing returns exist. Whether and how a firm’s competitive advantage is eroded depends on the stability of market demand, and the ease of replicability (expanding internally) and imitatability (replication by competitors). If correct, the framework suggests that private wealth creation in regimes of rapid technological change depends in large measure on honing internal technological, organizational, and managerial processes inside the firm. In short, identifying new opportunities and organizing effectively and efficiently to embrace them are generally more fundamental to private wealth creation than is strategizing, if by strategizing one means engaging in business conduct that keeps competitors off balance, raises rival’s costs, and excludes new entrants. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.战略管理杂志。



《中国法》及其作者让•埃斯卡拉蒋隽许多人生前名声显赫,而身后却寂寞无闻,让·埃斯卡拉(Jean Escarra)即是其中之一。


在中国,埃斯卡拉倾心学习中国文化,于我国古代典章、文物、哲学、语言等无所不窥、多所通晓,被美国哈佛大学法学教授和东亚法律研究中心主任安守廉(William Alford)教授赞为“欧洲中国法顶尖专家及中国法国际先驱之一” 。





这里,笔者谨以法学所图书馆珍藏之埃斯卡拉代表作《中国法》(Le droit chinois )为主,在查阅有关资料和与国内外相关学者交流探讨的基础上,尽量将埃斯卡拉其人及其作品全面、准确地呈现出来,以期还原这位隐没于历史长河中的早期汉学大师的形象,并为我国学者了解和研究民国时期海外汉学家乃至民国法制本身提供一点线索。

一、《中国法》之版本Le Droit Chinois一书并无统一中文译名,曾经先后有《中国法(中国法学通论)》、[1]《中国法制史:概念和演变、立法和司法机构、科学和教育》、[2]《中国法:概念与沿革,立法与司法制度,法律学科与法学教育概况》[3]和《中国法》[4]等几个译法。




Consolidated editions The IEC is now publishing consolidated versions of its publications. For example, edition numbers 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 refer, respectively, to the base publication,the base publication incorporating amendment 1 and the base publication incorporating amendments 1and 2.
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Publication numbering As from 1 January 1997 all IEC publications are issued with a designation in the 60000 series. For example, IEC 34-1 is now referred to as IEC 60034-1.
Further information on IEC publications The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Information relating to this publication, including its validity, is available in the IEC Catalogue of publications (see below) in addition to new editions, amendments and corrigenda. Information on the subjects under consideration and work in progress undertaken by the technical committee which has prepared this publication, as well as the list of publications issued,is also available from the following: IEC Web Site ( Catalogue of IEC publications The on-line catalogue on the IEC web site ( enables you to search by a variety of criteria including text searches,technical committees and date of publication. Online information is also available on recently issued publications, withdrawn and replaced publications, as well as corrigenda. IEC Just Published This summary of recently issued publications ( is also available by email. Please contact the Customer Service Centre (see below) for further information. Customer Service Centre If you have any questions regarding this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: Email: Tel: +41 22 919 02 11 Fax: +41 22 919 03 00 .



Terms and Conditions of useThe texts and information contained in the Court of Justice’s internet site are available free of charge for the purposes of public information.NB: Use of research results for statistical purposes is not advised due to the rules for dissemination: for such purposes, users are requested to consult the Annual Report of the Court of Justice of the European Union.The texts of the judgments, orders, Opinions, notices and other documents present on the site are subject to amendment. The final version of those texts is published in the Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court, the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC) or the Official Journal of the European Union, which are the only authentic versions and take precedence in the event that there is a difference with the electronic version.The texts available on this site may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged as well as the fact that they are not authentic and are free of charge.Readers should be aware that certain parts of such information and texts might be protected under intellectual property law, in particular by copyright.Links to the pages on this site are permitted provided that:∙the browser window does not contain any information other than that of the page of the present site to which the link is made and its address;∙none of the information provided on this site is modified.IntroductionThe InfoCuria database contains all the publicly available information concerning the cases brought before the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal.InfoCuria gives access, primarily, to the documents of the Institution (principally the judgments, Opinions, orders and notices to the Official Journal of the European Union), by means of a text search or a data search.Those data concern, in particular, the dates of certain stages of the proceedings, the subject-matter of the case, the type of proceedings, the legal acts of the European Union cited in the case-law, the nationality of the parties, etc. The availability of those data may vary according to the type of proceedings and the stage (progress) of the case.List of resultsUse this menu to choose display options and sorting options different from those offered by default. Display preferences:∙the option ‘Automatic’gives a default display of the tab ‘List of results by case’, unless the criteria ‘Documents’ or ‘Text’ were used for the search, in which case the tab ‘List ofdocuments’ will display (on ly those documents meeting the search criteria will be shown);∙the option ‘List of cases’ forces display of the tab ‘List of results by case’, whatever search criteria were used;∙the option ‘List of documents’ forces display of the corresponding tab, whate ver search criteria were used.Sorting preferences:∙the option ‘Case number in descending order’ sorts the results by default by court (first Court of Justice cases, second General Court cases and third Civil Service Tribunal cases)and, within one court, by case number in descending order (the first results shown are themost recent cases);∙the option ‘Case number in ascending order’ sorts the results by default by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal) and, within one court, by case number inascending order (the first results shown are the oldest cases);∙the option ‘Date in descending order’ sorts the results:o in the tab ‘List of results by case’, by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal), then by date on which the case was closed, pending casesappearing first, followed by the cases with the most recent date of closure;o in the tab ‘List of documents’ by date of publication of the documents, the most recent appearing first, irrespective of the court;∙the option ‘Date in ascending order’ sorts the results:o in the tab ‘List of results by case’, by court (Court of Justice, General Court, Civil Service Tribunal), then by date on which the case was closed, the cases with the most distant date of closure appearing first, followed by pending cases;o in the tab ‘List of documents’ by date of publication of the documents, the oldest appearing first, irrespective of the court.Availability of informationIf information is not provided, this may be due to the fact that:∙it is not relevant to the case (for example: the source of a question referred for a preliminary ruling in an action for annulment);∙it is not yet available at this stage of the procedure (for example: the publication reference for the Official Journal of the European Union before publication);∙it is not yet publicly available at this stage of the procedure (for example: the name of the Judge Rapporteur in pending cases).Case StatusUse this criterion to limit the search by reference to case status.Select ‘All cases’The search will cover:∙cases pending (on-going cases, stayed cases and cases in the process of being discontinued or withdrawn);∙cases closed.Select ‘Cases closed’The search will cover:∙cases closed only.Select ‘Cases pending’The search will cover:∙cases pending only (on-going cases, stayed cases and cases in the process of being discontinued or withdrawn).CourtUse this criterion to limit the search by reference to the court: ∙Court of Justice;∙General Court;∙Civil Service Tribunal.DocumentsUse this criterion to search by type of document.By default, the search will cover all of the documents present in the database. However, the search can be limited by reference to the type of document sought and its date of publication.Select the type of document from the list accessed via the button.The following may be selected:∙Documents published in the European Court ReportsThese are judgments, orders, Advocates General's Opinions and positions of the Courts of the European Union and published or to be published in the European Court Reports or the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC).The text of judgments and decisions is available on the day of delivery, that of opinions of the Court on the day when they are given and that of Advocates General's Opinions andpositions on the day of their delivery by the Advocate General. Orders are not made public until ten days after they have been notified to the parties.Summaries of decisions are also available. These are not binding on the Courts of theEuropean Union and may in no way be regarded as an official interpretation of the decisions to which they refer.Finally,information on decisions of which the full text is not published in the EuropeanCourt Reports.Documents published in the European Court Reports are available in all the officiallanguages of the European Union on the day of their delivery.∙Documents not published in the European Court ReportsThese are Judgments, orders and decisions (review procedures) delivered or made since 1 May 2004 and not published in the European Court Reports.For orders, use the drop-down menu to select a specific type of order.The full text of documents not published in the European Court Reports is available, butonly in the language of the case and the language of deliberation. For some of thosedecisions, information is published in the European Court Reports (see above).∙Notices published in the OJThese are notices relating to cases brought and cases closed (adjudged or removed from the register) published in the Official Journal of the European Union since 1 January 2002.The text of notices published in the OJ is available in all official languages upon dispatch to the Publications Office of the European Union.One or more types of document may be selected from this list.It is also possible to limit the search:∙to a particular period. Enter the start and end dates in the fields ‘from’ and ‘to’ in the format shown.Example: from 01/05/2004 to 31/12/2004.∙to predetermined periods. By clicking on the relevant button, the dates corresponding to that period are automatically entered in the fields, i.e.:o last 8 days: the search covers documents dating from the last 8 days;o last month: the search covers documents dating from the past month;o last year: the search covers documents dating from the past year;o last 5 years: the search covers documents dating from the past 5 years.∙to a specific date. Enter the date required in the field ‘date’ in the format shown.Example: 15/12/2005.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection. Using the ‘Documents’ search criterion will activate, by default, in the window showing the list of results, the ‘List of documents’ tab, giving direct acce ss to the documents in question. However, it is still possible to switch to ‘List of results by case’ showing the cases in which at least onedocument is covered by the search.ECLIThis field enables searches of the decisions of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal by their ECLI (European Case-Law Identifier).For those decisions, the ECLI is composed of the following five sections, in the following order:a)The abbreviation ‘ECLI’;b)The code ‘EU’;c)The abbreviation corresp onding to the Court: ‘C’, ‘T’ or ‘F’;d)The year of the decision, which must be entered in four figures;e)An order number, attributed sequentially by year and by Court.The sections of an ECLI are separated by a colon (‘:’).Example: The ECLI identifier ECLI:EU:C:2012:23 corresponds to the judgment in Case C-392/10 Suiker Unie.Case numberUse this field to search for a case by its number in the Register.Examples:∙C-408/01 (408th case entered in the Register in 2001 before the Court of Justice);∙T-201/04 (201st case entered in the Register in 2004 before the Court of First Instance);∙F-16/05 (16th case entered in the Register in 2005 before the Civil Service Tribunal).The case (upper case/ lower case) makes no difference:•c-408/01 = C-408/01•t-201/04 = T-201/04•f-16/05 = F-16/05It is also possible to search using a part of the number.Examples:∙122/07 (will find Case No 122 of 2007 before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance and the Civil Service Tribunal)∙122 (will find Case No 122 of any year before the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal)∙/07 (will find all cases brought in 2007 before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance and the Civil Service Tribunal)Account is not taken of the suffixe s identifying certain types of proceedings (such as “AJ” for legal aid, “DEP” for costs, “OP” for application to set aside, “P” for appeal, “PPU” for urgent preliminary ruling procedure, “R” for application for interim measures, “REC” for rectification of a judgment, “REV” for revision of a judgment, “RX” for review, “SA” for garnishee order, “TO” for third-party proceedings, etc.).Names of partiesUse this field to search with the usual name of the case. This is the simplified form of the names of the parties to the action in question.Case (upper case/lower case) and accents make no difference: commission =CommissionNB! the institutions of the European Union are identified by their abbreviated names (Commission, Council, Europol, etc.).The following may be used to refine the search:∙Special characters:o Asterisk* is a joker character which replaces from nought to an infinite number of characters and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Alpha* will find cases involving the parties Alpha, Alpharma, Alphasteel, etc.o Underscore_ is a joker character which replaces a single obligatory character and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Post_ will find cases in which the name of a party contains this stem plus onecharacter (Posta, Poste).o To search for an exact phrase, use inverted commas ".Example:“Trade union”∙Logical operators (Boolean operators):o AND (represented by the space between two words).Example: Commission Council Parliament will find cases in which the Commission, theCouncil and the Parliament are all parties.o OR (represented by a comma between two words).Example: Poland, Cyprus will find all documents involving Poland, or Cyprus, or both.o EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the excluded word).Example: !Commission will find cases in which the Commission is not a party to theaction.Logical operators and/or special characters may be combined.Text searchThis field allows you to search the full text of e the ‘Documents’ field to choose different types of document (by default, all types of document).The following may be used to refine the search:∙Special characters:o Asterisk* is a joker character which replaces from nought to an infinite number of characters and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: admiss* will find documents containing the words admissible, admissibility,inadmissible, inadmissibility.o Underscore_ is a joker character which replaces a single obligatory character and can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.Example: Post_ will find documents containing that stem plus one character (Posta, Poste).o To search for an exact phrase, use inverted commas ".Example:“Trade union”∙Logical operators (Boolean operators):o AND (represented by the space between two words).Example: butter cheese will find documents containing both of those wordso OR (represented by a comma between two words).Example: butter, cheese will find documents containing the word butter, or the wordcheese,or both.o EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the excluded word).Example: butter !cheese will find documents containing the word butter but not thosecontaining the word cheese.Logical operators and/or special characters may be combined.Example: ‘wild bird*’conservation will find documents containing both the exact expression wild bird(s) (singular or plural) and the word conservation.Any differences between the results from text searches in the different language versions on the site are due to the fact that documents not published in the European Court Reports are available only in some languages.A text search will activate, by default, in the window sh owing the list of results, the ‘List of documents’ tab, giving direct access to the documents in question. However, it is still possible toswitch to the ‘List of results by case’ showing the cases in which at least one document is covered by the search.Period or dateThis criterion makes it possible to search according to:∙date of delivery of the judgment or adoption of the order;∙date of delivery of the Opinion;∙date of the hearing;∙date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings;∙all types of date at the same time(date of delivery of the judgment or adoption of the order OR date of delivery of the Opinion OR date of the hearing OR date of the lodging of theapplication initiating proceedings).By default, the search covers the date of delivery of the judgment or the adoption of the order. To alter that selection, use the drop down menu.The following types of search are possible:∙for a specific period. To do this, enter the dates for the beginning and end of the period in the ‘from’ and ‘to’ fields in the format indicated.Example: from 01/05/2004 to 31/12/2004∙for set periods. By clicking on the desired button, the corresponding dates automatically appear in the fields, so that:o last 8 days;o last month;o last year;o last 5 years.∙for a specific date. To do this, enter the desired date in the ‘on’ field in the format indicated.Example: on 15/12/2005Subject-matterUse this criterion to search by subject.The subjects correspond to the legal bases (articles of the Treaties) covered by the application or request and, after delivery, by the judgment, the order, the decision (review proceedings) or the opinion of the Court of Justice.Select the subject from the list accessible via the button.One or more subjects may be selected from this list. Subjects may be selected: ∙by navigating in the classification structure;∙via the field ‘Search for a subject’ (which does not take account of either special characters or logical operators (Boolean operators) and gives all occurrences of precisely the characters entered, whether in upper or lower case or accented).After entering the term, click the button to begin the search.For example: etat will give the subjects Aides accordées par les États, Monopoles d’État à caractère commercial, États de pénurie, États d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique(ACP) and États africains et malgaches associés.NB! Where a subject concerns a number of Treaties, including the ECSC and/or EAEC Treaties (for example: ‘institutional provisions’), the search results include cases related to all those Treaties. However, subjects which relate exclusively to the ECSC and EAEC Treaties have been grouped under the terms ‘ECSC matters’ and ‘EAEC matters’.NB! If several subjects are selected, they are, by default, separated by the logical operator OR. To separate them by the logical operator AND, choose the option ‘All of the chosen values’ at the bottom of the window.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Procedure and resultUse this criterion to search by type of action or procedure and the result of the action or procedure.NB! The analysis of results may cover the outcome of different kinds of action and the same decision may produce several different results. It is therefore not advised to use this analysis for statistical purposes.Select the procedure and/or the result from the list accessed via the button.One or more types of procedure may be selected from this list.One or more types of procedure may be combined with one or more types of result.If only types of result are selected, the search will cover all procedures with the chosen results. NB! If more than one type of procedure or result is selected, they are by default separated by the logical ope rator OR. To separate them by the logical operator AND, choose the option ‘All of the chosen values’ at the bottom of the window.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.References to case-law or legislationUse this criterion to search by acts (or operative parts of acts) of European Union law cited in: ∙the grounds of the judgment or order∙the operative part of the judgment or order∙the Advocate General’s O pinionThere is a drop-down list of5 common types of citation:∙for Treaties, specify the treaty in question from the proposed list and any subdivisions (article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter).∙for Regulations, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter), or choose a specific regulation from the proposed list;∙for Directives, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter);∙for Decisions, specify the order number, the year and any subdivisions (annex, article, paragraph, subparagraph or letter);∙for Case-law, specify the court in question (Court of Justice, General Court or Civil Service Tribunal), the order number and the year, and the type of document (judgment, Opinion,order, garnishee order, third-party proceedings, opinion of the Court of Justice ordeliberation);NB! The above help will allow you to make a search on only one reference at a time and in a limited list.For a more specific or wider search, select the category ‘Other’ and enter the CELEX number(s) in the search field.Examples:∙21994A1223(01) will find documents that cite the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (1986-1994) - Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation (WTO);∙41980A0934 will find documents that cite the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980.Any subdivision of the act or provision must be entered at the end of the CELEX number after a hyphen “-”. The letters used to refer to the subdivisions are:A for article ;C for recital in the preamble to an act;L for subparagraph or for letter;N for annexe;P for paragraph;PT for point;R for rule;T for indent.Exa mple: 31977L0388-A13LBLDPT5gives access to documents citing Article 13B(d)(5) of Directive 77/388/EEC.N.B. For a rticles numbered 1 to 9,use two characters (A01, A02, ..., A09).The search in the operative part may be restricted by using codes identifying the effect of the operative part in question on the act or provision cited:∙reference for a preliminary rulingI the cited provision is interpreted;G the cited provision is validated;N the cited provision is invalidated;∙action for annulment:A the cited provision is annulled;F the cited provision is validated;M the cited provision is amended (fine reduced, annulment ‘in so far as…’ etc.);∙appeal and review:A the cited judgment or order is set aside;F the cited judgment or order is upheld;M the cited judgment or order is amended.∙indirect i nvocation(objection of illegality) (Art. 277 TFEU, Art. 241 EC, Art. 184 EEC, Art.156 EAEC, Art. 36 § 3 ECSC) :W the validity of the cited provision is confirmed;B the validity of the cited provision is not confirmed;∙others :S operation of the cited provision is suspended;R the cited judgment is revised;P the cited judgment is interpreted ;∙documents concerned by the document analysed (whatever the result) :T agreement on which an opinion of the Court of Justice is sought (Art. 218 § 11 TFEU, Art. 300 § 6 EC, Art. 228 EEC);Z provision concerned by an action for failure to fulfil obligations;X provision in respect of immediate enforcement is applied for (A rt. 83 EAEC).To refine the research, CELEX numbers may be combined with logical operators (Boolean operators):∙AND (represented by a space between two CELEX numbers).Exa mple : 31967L0548 32004L0073will find documents citing both Directive 67/548/EEC and Directive 2004/73/EC.∙OR (represented by a comma between two CELEX numbers).Exa mple : 11957E086, 11992E086, 11997E082, 12002E082, 12006E082, 12008E102will find documents citing the articles of the Treaty establishing the European Community in its successive versions relating to the abuse of a dominant position.∙EXCEPT (represented by an exclamation mark before the CELEX number to be excluded).To find out more about CELEX numbers: classification schemeUse this criterion to search using the classification scheme of the Digest of case-law, which is a systematic collection of the summaries of judgments and orders published in the European Court Reports and the European Court Reports - Staff Cases (ECR-SC).Each paragraph of a summary gives rise to one or more classification codes corresponding to the field concerned.Select the classification code from the lists accessed via the button.As a result of changes made following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the classification scheme has been completely reworked. Two lists are thus available:∙The systematic classification scheme after the Treaty of Lisbon (this is used for case-law since 2010) and∙The systematic classification scheme before the Treaty of Lisbon (this is used for case-law from 1954 to 2009)In those lists, the classification codes are presented in a tree diagram structure: when you click on a code, everything relating to it will appear and may be selected.Example: to access the code G-03.03 European arrest warrant click on G-European Union, then G-03 Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.One or more classification codes may be selected.NB! If more than one code is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on the ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ buttons at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.By default, when a code is selected in one of the two classification schemes, the search will also cover the corresponding codes in the other classification scheme. That option can be deactivated by deselecting the ‘Include earlier/new scheme’ box at the bottom of the search form.Formation of the CourtUse this criterion to search by formation of the Court.NB! Information regarding the formation of the Court is available only after the case is closed.Select the formation of the Court from the list accessed via the button.One or more formations of the Court may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one formation of the Court is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Judge RapporteurUse this criterion to search by Judge Rapporteur.NB! Information regarding the Judge Rapporteur is available only after the case is closed.Select the name of the Judge Rapporteur from the list accessed via the button.It is possible to select one or more than one Judge Rapporteur from that list.NB! If the names of more than one Judge Rapporteur is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Advocate GeneralUse this criterion to search by Advocate General.NB! Information regarding the Advocate General is available only after the case is closed.Select the name of the Advocate General from the list accessed via the button.It is possible to select one or more than one Advocate General from that list.NB! If the names of more than one Advocate General is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR.Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Source of a question referred for a preliminary rulingUse this criterion to search by country of origin of a question referred for a preliminary ruling.Select the country from the list accessed via the button.One or more countries may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one country is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR. Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.Authentic languageUse this criterion to search by:∙language of the case;∙l anguage of the Advocate General’s Opinion.Select the language from the list accessed via the button.One or more languages may be selected from that list.NB! If more than one language is selected, they will be separated by the logical operator OR. Click on ‘Enter’ or ‘Cancel’ at the b ottom of the window to validate or abandon the selection.。



2015年6月ACCA考试《财务报告(International)》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟)一、Section A – ALL 20 questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted (总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.Faithful representation is a fundamental characteristic of useful information within the IASB’s Conceptual framework for financial reporting. Which of the following accounting treatments correctly applies the principle of faithful representation?(分数:2.00)A.Reporting a transaction based on its legal status rather than its economic substanceB.Excluding a subsidiary from consolidation because its activities are not compatible with those of the rest of the groupC.Recording the whole of the net proceeds from the issue of a loan note which is potentially convertible to equity shares as debt (liability)D.Allocating part of the sales proceeds of a motor vehicle to interest received even though it was sold with 0%(interest free) finance √解析:The substance is that there is no ‘free’ finance; its cost, as such, is built into the selling price.2.Which of the following statements relating to intangible assets is true? (分数:2.00)A.All intangible assets must be carried at amortised cost or at an impaired amount; they cannot be revaluedupwardsB.The development of a new process which is notexpected to increase sales revenues may still be recognised asan intangible asset √C.Expenditure on the prototype of a new engine cannot be classified as an intangible asset because the prototypehas been assembled and has physical substanceD.Impairment losses for a cash generating unit are first applied to goodwill and then to other intangible assets beforebeing applied to tangible assets解析:A new process may produce benefits (and therefore be recognised as an asset) other than increased revenues, e.g. it may reduce costs. 3.Each of the following events occurred after the reporting date of 31 March 2015, but before the financial statementswere authorised for issue.Which would be treated as a NON-adjusting event under IAS 10 Events After the Reporting Period?(分数:2.00)A.A public announcement in April 2015 of a formal plan to discontinue an operation which had been approved bythe board in February 2015 √B.The settlement of an insurance claim for a loss sustained in December 2014C.Evidence that $20,000 of goods which were listed as part of the inventory in the statement of financial positionas at 31 March 2015 had been stolenD.A sale of goods in April 2015 which had been held in inventory at 31 March 2015. The sale was made at aprice below its carrying amount at 31 March 2015解析:A board decision to discontinue an operation does not create a liability. A provision can only be made on the announcement of a formal plan (as it then raises a valid expectation that the discontinuance will be carried out). As this announcement occurs during the year ended 31 March 2016, this a non-adjusting event for the year ended 31 March 2015. 4.Metric owns an item of plant which has a carrying amount of $248,000 as at 1 April 2014. It is being depreciatedat 12?% per annum on a reducing balance basis. The plant is used to manufacture a specific product which has been suffering a slow decline in sales. Metric hasestimated that the plant will be retired from use on 31 March 2017. The estimated net cash flows from the use ofthe plant and their present values are: On 1 April 2015, Metric had an alternative offer from a rival to purchase the plant for $200,000. At what value should the plant appear in Metric’s statement of financial position as at 31 March 2015?(分数:2.00)A.$248,000B.$217,000C.$214,600 √D.$200,000解析:Is the lower of its carrying amount ($217,000) and recoverable amount ($214,600) at 31 March 2015. Recoverable amount is the higher of value in use ($214,600) and fair value less (any) costs of disposal ($200,000)). Carrying amount = $217,000 (248,000 – (248,000 x 12·5%)) Value in use is based on present values = $214,6005.Pact acquired 80% of the equity shares of Sact on 1 July 2014, paying $3·00 for each share acquired. Thisrepresented a premium of 20% over the market price of Sact’s shares at that date.Sact’s shareholders’funds (equity) as at 31 March 2015 were: The only fair value adjustment required to Sact’s net assets on consolidation was a $20,000 increase in the value of its land. Pact’s policy is to value non-controlling interests at fair value at the date of acquisition. For this purpose the marketprice of Sact’s shares at that date can be deemed to be representative of the fair value of the shares held by the non-controlling interest. What would be the carrying amount of the non-controlling interest of Sact in the consolidated statement offinancial position of Pact as at 31 March 2015? (分数:2.00)A.$54,000B.$50,000C.$56,000 √D.$58,000解析:Market price of Sact’s shares at acquisition was $2·50 (3·00 –(3·00 x 20/120)), therefore NCI at acq was $50,000 (100,000x 20% x $2·50). NCI share of the post-acq profit is $6,000 (40,000 x 9/12 x 20%). Therefore non-controlling interest as at 31 March 2015 is $56,000.6.The IASB’s Conceptual framework for financial reporting defines recognition as the process of incorporating in the financial statements an item which meets the definition of an element and satisfies certain criteria. Which of the following elements should be recognised in the financial statements of an entity in the mannerdescribed?(分数:2.00)A.As a non-current liability: a provision for possible hurricane damage to property for a company located in an area which experiences a high incidence of hurricanesB.In equity: irredeemable preference shares √C.As a trade receivable: an amount of $10,000 due from a customer which has been sold (factored) to a financecompany with no recourse to the sellerD.In revenue: the whole of the proceeds from the sale of an item of manufactured plant which has to be maintainedby the seller for three years as part of the sale agreement解析:By definition irredeemable preference shares do not have a contractual obligation to be repaid and thus do not meet the definition of a liability; they are therefore classed as equity7.At 31 March 2015, Jasim had shareholders’ funds (equity) of $200,000 and debt of $100,000. Which of the following transactions would increase Jasim’s gearing compared to what it would have been hadthe transaction NOT taken place? Gearing should be taken as debt/(debt + equity). Each transaction should be considered separately.(分数:2.00)A.During the year a property was revalued upwards by $20,000B.A bonus issue of equity shares of 1 for 4 was made during the year using other components of equityC.A provision for estimated damages was reduced during the year from $21,000 to $15,000 based on the most recent legal adviceD.An asset with a fair value of $25,000 was acquired under a finance lease on 31 March 2015 √解析:Is correct as it will increase debt but have no effect on equity.8.Germane has a number of relationships with other companies. In which of the following relationships is Germane necessarily the parent company?(i)Foll has 50,000 non-voting and 100,000 voting equity shares in issue with each share receiving the samedividend. Germane owns all of Foll’s non-voting shares and 40,000 of its voting shares (ii)Kipp has 1 million equity shares in issue of which Germane owns 40%. Germane also owns $800,000 out of $1 million 8% convertible loan notes issued by Kipp. These loan notes may be converted on the basis of 40 equity shares for each $100 of loan note, or they may be redeemed in cash at the option of the holder (iii)Germane owns 49% of the equity shares in Polly and 52% of itsnon-redeemable preference shares. As a result of these investments, Germane receives variable returns from Polly and has the ability to affect these returnsthrough its power over Polly(分数:2.00)A.(i) onlyB.(i) and (ii) onlyC.(ii) and (iii) only √D.All three解析:9.Tibet acquired a new office building on 1 October 2014. Its initial carrying amount consisted of: The estimated lives of the building structure and air conditioning system are 25 years and 10 years respectively. Whenthe air conditioning system is due for replacement, it is estimated that the old system will be dismantled and sold for$500,000. Depreciation is time apportioned where appropriate. At what amount will the office building be shown in Tibet’s statement of financial position as at 31 March 2015?$’000(分数:2.00)A.15,625 √B.15,250C.15,585D.15,600解析:Six months’depreciation is required on the building structure and air conditioning system.10.To which of the following items does IAS 41 Agricultureapply? (i)A change in the fair value of a herd of farm animals relating to the unit price of the animals (ii)Logs held in a wood yard (iii)Farm land which is used for growing vegetables (iv)The cost of developing a new type of crop seed which is resistant to tropical diseases(分数:2.00)A.All fourB.(i) only √C.(i) and (ii) onlyD.(ii) and (iii) only解析:11.Wilmslow acquired 80% of the equity shares of Zeta on 1 April 2014 when Zeta’s retained earnings were $200,000. During the year ended 31 March 2015, Zeta purchased goods from Wilmslow totalling $320,000. At 31 March2015, one quarter of these goods were still in the inventory of Zeta. Wilmslow applies a mark-up on cost of 25% toall of its sales. At 31 March 2015, the retained earnings of Wilmslow and Zeta were $450,000 and $340,000 respectively. What would be the amount of retained earnings in Wilmslow’s consolidated statement of financial position as at31 March 2015?(分数:2.00)A.$706,000B.$542,000C.$498,000D.$546,000 √解析:Retained earnings:12.IFRS requires extensive use of fair values when recording the acquisition of a subsidiary. Which of the following comments, regarding the use of fair values on the acquisition of a subsidiary, is correct? (分数:2.00)A.The use of fair value to record a subsidiary’s acquired assets does not comply with the historical cost principleB.The use of fair values to record the acquisition of plant always increases consolidated post-acquisitiondepreciation charges compared to the corresponding charge in the subsidiary’s own financial statementsC.Cash consideration payable one year after the date of acquisition needs to be discounted to reflect its fair value √D.Patents must be included as part of goodwill because it is impossible to determine the fair value of an acquiredpatent, as, by definition, patents are unique解析:The fair value of deferred consideration is its present value (i.e. discounted).13.The following trial balance extract relates to a property which is owned by Veeton as at 1 April 2014: What will be the depreciation charge in Veeton’s statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015? (分数:2.00)A.$540,000B.$570,000C.$700,000 √D.$800,000解析:Six months’ depreciation to the date of the revaluation will be $300,000 (12,000/20 years x 6/12); six months’depreciation from the date of revaluation to 31 March 2015 would be $400,000 (10,800/13·5 years remaining life x 6/12). Total depreciation is$700,000.14.Under certain circumstances, profits made on transactions between members of a group need to be eliminated from the consolidated financial statements under IFRS. Which of the following statements aboutintra-group profits in consolidated financial statements is/are correct?(i) The profit made by a parent on the sale of goods to a subsidiary isonly realised when the subsidiary sells thegoods to a third party (ii)Eliminating intra-group unrealised profits never affectsnon-controlling interests (iii)The profit element of goods supplied by the parent to an associate and held in year-end inventory must be eliminated in full(分数:2.00)A.(i) only √B.(i) and (ii)C.(ii) and (iii)D.(iii) only解析:(i) is the only correct elimination required by IFRS.15.Which of the following statements about IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance are true? (i) A government grant related to the purchase of an asset must be deducted from the carrying amount of the assetin the statement of financial position (ii)A government grant related to the purchase of an asset should be recognised in profit or loss over the life of the asset (iii)Free marketing advice provided by a government department is excluded from the definition of government grants (iv)Any required repayment of a government grant received in an earlier reporting period is treated as prior period adjustment(分数:2.00)A.(i) and (ii)B.(ii) and (iii) √C.(ii) and (iv)D.(iii) and (iv)解析:16.In a review of its provisions for the year ended 31 March 2015, Cumla’s assistant accountant has suggested the following accounting treatments: (i) Making a provision for a constructive obligation of $400,000; this being the sales value of goods expected to bereturned by retail customers after the year end under the company’s advertised 30-day returns policy (ii)Based on past experience, a $200,000 provision for unforeseen liabilities arising after the year end (iii)The partial reversal (as a credit to the statement of profit or loss) of the accumulated depreciation provision on an item of plant because the estimate of its remaining useful life has been increased by three years (iv)Providing $1 million fordeferred tax at 25% relating to a $4 million revaluation of property during March 2015 even though Cumla has no intention of selling the property in the near future Which of the above suggested treatments of provisions is/are permitted by IFRS?(分数:2.00)A.(i) onlyB.(i) and (ii)C.(ii) and (iii)D.(iv) √解析:(iv) deferred tax relating to the revaluation of an asset must be provided for even if there is no intention to sell the asset in accordance with IAS 12.17.At 1 April 2014, Tilly owned a property with a carrying amount of $800,000 which had a remaining estimated life of 16 years. The property had not been revalued. On 1 October 2014, Tilly decided to sell the property and correctlyclassified it as being ‘held-for-sale’. A property agent reported that the property’s fair value less costs to sell at 1 October 2014 was expected to be $790,500 which had not changed at 31 March 2015. What should be the carrying amount of the property in Tilly’s statement of financial position as at 31 March2015?(分数:2.00)A.$775,000 √B.$790,500C.$765,000D.$750,000解析:The property would be depreciated by $25,000 (800,000/16 x 6/12) for six months giving a carrying amount of $775,000(800,000 – 25,000) before being classified as held-for-sale. This would also be the value at 31 March 2015 as it is no longer depreciated and is lower than its fair value less cost to sell.18.Johnson paid $1·2 million for a 30% investment in Treem’s equity shares on 1 August 2014. Treem’s profit after tax for the year ended 31 March 2015 was $750,000. On 31 March 2015, Treem had $300,000goods in its inventory which it had bought from Johnson in March 2015. These had been sold by Johnson at a mark-up on cost of 20%. Treem has not paid any dividends. On the assumption that Treem is an associate of Johnson, what would be the carrying amount of the investmentin Treem in the consolidatedstatement of financial position of Johnson as at 31 March 2015?(分数:2.00)A.$1,335,000 √B.$1,332,000C.$1,300,000D.$1,410,000解析:19.Hindberg is a car retailer. On 1 April 2014, Hindberg sold a car to Latterly on the following terms: The selling price of the car was $25,300. Latterly paid $12,650 (half of the cost) on 1 April 2014 and would paythe remaining $12,650 on 31 March 2016 (two years after the sale). Hindberg’s cost of capital is 10% per annum. What is the total amount which Hindberg should credit to profit or loss in respect of this transaction in the yearended 31 March 2015?(分数:2.00)A.$23,105B.$23,000C.$20,909D.$24,150 √解析:At 31 March 2015, the deferred consideration of $12,650 would need to be discounted by 10% for one year to $11,500(effectively deferring a finance cost of $1,150). The total amount credited to profit or loss would be $24,150 (12,650 + 11,500).20.Which of the following current year events would explain a fall in a company’s operating profit margin compared to the previous year? (分数:2.00)A.An increase in gearing leading to higher interest costsB.A reduction in the allowance for uncollectible receivablesC.A decision to value inventory on the average cost basis from the first in first out (FIFO) basis. Unit prices of inventory had risen during the current year √D.A change from the amortisation of development costs being included in cost of sales to being included inadministrative expenses解析:Is correct as use of average cost gives a higher cost of sales (and in turn lower operating profit) than FIFO during rising prices.二、Section B –ALL THREE questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted (总题数:3,分数:60.00)On 1 July 2014 Bycomb acquired 80% of Cyclip’s equity shares on the following terms: –a share exchange of two shares in Bycomb for every three shares acquired in Cyclip; and – a cash payment due on 30 June 2015 of $1·54 per share acquired (Bycomb’s cost of capital is 10% perannum). At the date of acquisition, shares in Bycomb and Cyclip had a stock market value of $3·00 and $2·50 eachrespectively. Statements of profit or lossfor the year ended 31 March 2015: The following information is also relevant: (i) At the date of acquisition, the fair values of Cyclip’s assets were equal to their carrying amounts with the exception of an item of plant which had a fair value of $720,000 above its carrying amount. The remaining lifeof the plant at the date of acquisition was 18 months. Depreciation is charged to cost of sales. (ii)On 1 April 2014, Cyclip commenced the construction of a new production facility, financing this by a bank loan. Cyclip has followed the local GAAP in the country where it operates which prohibits the capitalisation of interest.Bycomb has calculated that, in accordance with IAS 23 Borrowing Costs, interest of $100,000 (which accruedevenly throughout the year) would have been capitalised at 31 March 2015. The production facility is still underconstruction as at 31 March 2015. (iii)Sales from Bycomb to Cyclip in the post-acquisition period were $3 million at a mark-up on cost of 20%. Cyclip had $420,000 of these goods in inventory as at 31 March 2015. (iv)Bycomb’s policy is to value the non-controlling interest at fair value at the date of acquisition. For this purpose Cyclip’s share price at that date can be deemed to be representative of the fair value of the shares held by thenon-controlling interest. (v)On 31 March 2015, Bycomb carried out an impairment review which identified that the goodwill on the acquisition of Cyclip was impaired by $500,000. Impaired goodwill is charged to cost of sales. Required:(分数:15.00)(1).(a) Calculate the consolidated goodwill at the date of acquisition of Cyclip.(6 marks)(分数:7.50)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________正确答案:(Bycomb: Goodwill on acquisition of Cyclip as at 1 July 2014 Note: The profit for the year for Cyclip would be increased by $100,000due to interest capitalised, in accordance with IAS 23 Borrowing Costs. Alternatively, this could have been calculated as: 2400 x 3/12 + 25. As the interest to be capitalised has accrued evenly throughout the year, $25,000 would relate to pre-acquisition profits and $75,000 topost-acquisition profits.)(2).(b) Prepare extracts from Bycomb’s consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015,for: (i)revenue; (ii)cost of sales; (iii)finance costs; (iv) profit or loss attributable to thenon-controlling interest. The following mark allocation is provided as guidance for this requirement: (i)1 mark(ii)3 marks(iii)2? marks(iv) 2? marks (9 marks)(分数:7.50)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________正确答案:(Bycomb: Extracts from consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015 )解析:Yogi is a public company and extracts from its most recent financial statements are provided below: Statements of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March Notes On 1 April 2014, Yogi sold the net assets (including goodwill) of a separately operated division of its business for $8 million cash on which it made a profit of $1 million. This transaction required shareholder approval and,in order to secure this, the management of Yogi offered shareholders a dividend of 40 cents for each share in issue out of the proceeds of the sale. The trading results of the division which are included in the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2014 above are: Required: (分数:15.00)(1).(a) Calculate the equivalent ratios for Yogi: (i) for the year ended 31 March 2014, after excluding the contribution made by the division that has beensold; and (ii)for the year ended 31 March 2015, excluding the profit on the sale of the division.(5 marks)(分数:7.50)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________正确答案:(Calculation of equivalent ratios (figures in $’000): Note: The capital employed in the division sold at 31 March 2014 was $7 million ($8 million sale proceeds less $1 million profit on sale). The figures for the calculations of 2014’s adjusted ratios (i.e. excluding the effectsof the sale of the division) are given in brackets; the figures for 2015 are derived from the equivalent figures in the question, however, the operating profit margin and ROCE calculations exclude the profit from the sale of the division (as stated in the requirement) as it is a ‘one off’item.)(2).(b) Comment on the comparative financial performance and position of Yogi for the year ended 31 March 2015. (10 marks)(分数:7.50)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________正确答案:(The most relevant comparison is the 2015 results (excluding the profit on disposal of the division) with the results of 2014(excluding the results of the division), otherwise like is not being compared with like. Profitability Although comparative sales have increased (excluding the effect of the sale of the division) by $4 million (36,000 –32,000),equivalent to 12·5%, the gross profit margin has fallen considerably (from 37·5% in 2014 down to 33·3% in 2015) and this deterioration has been compounded by the sale of the division, which was the most profitable part of the business (which earned a gross profit margin of 44·4% (8/18)). The deterioration of the operating profit margin (from 18·8% in 2014 down to 10·3% in 2015) is largely due to poor gross profit margins, but operating expenses are proportionately higher (as a percentage of sales) in 2015 (23·0% compared to 18·8%) which has further reduced profitability. This is due to higher administrative expenses (as distribution costs have fallen), perhaps relating to the sale of the division. Yogi’s performance as measured by ROCE has deteriorated dramatically from 40·0% in 2014 (as adjusted) to only 21·8% in 2015. As the net asset turnover has remained broadly the same at 2·1 times (rounded), it is the fall in the operating profit which is responsible for the overall deterioration in performance. Whilst it is true that Yogi has sold the most profitable part of its business, this does not explain why the 2015 results have deteriorated so much (by definition the adjusted 2014 figures exclude the favourable results of the division). Consequently, Yogi’s management need to investigate why profit margins have fallen in 2015; it may be that customers of the sold division also bought (more profitable) goods from Yogi’s remaining business and they have taken their custom to the new owners of the division; or it may berelated to external issues which are also being experienced by other companies such as an economic recession. A study of industry sector average ratios could reveal this. Other issues It is very questionable to have offered shareholders such a high dividend (half of the disposal proceeds) to persuade them to vote for the disposal. At $4 million (4,000 + 3,000 – 3,000, i.e. the movement on retained earnings or 10 million shares at 40 cents) the dividend represents double the profit for the year of $2 million (3,000 – 1,000) if the gain on the disposal is excluded. Another effect of the disposal is that Yogi appears to have used the other $4 million (after paying the dividend)from the disposal proceeds to pay down half of the 10% loan notes. This has reduced finance costs and interest cover;interestingly, however, as the finance cost at 10% is much lower than the 2015 ROCE of 21·8%, it will have had a detrimental effect on overall profit available to shareholders. Summary In retrospect, it may have been unwise for Yogi to sell the most profitable part of its business at what appears to be a very low price. It has coincided with a remarkable deterioration in profitability (not solely due to the sale) and the proceeds of the disposal have not been used to replace capacity or improve long-term prospects. By returning a substantial proportion of the sale proceeds to shareholders, it represents a downsizing of the business. )解析:The following trial balance relates to Clarion as at 31 March 2015: The following notes are also relevant: (i) The equity shares and share premium balances in the trial balance above include a fully subscribed 1 for 5 rightsissue at $1·60 per share which was made by Clarion on 1 October 2014. The market value of Clarion’s shareswas $2·50 on 1 October 2014. (ii)On 31 March 2015, one quarter of the 8% loan notes were redeemed at par and six months’ outstanding loan interest was paid. The suspense account represents the double entry corresponding to the cash payment for thecapital redemption and the outstanding interest. (iii)Property, plant and equipment: Included in property, plant and equipment are two major items of plant acquired on 1 April 2014: Item 1 had a cash cost $14 million, however, the plant will cause environmental damage which will have to berectified when it is dismantled at the end of its five year life. The present value (discounting at 8%) on 1 April2014 of the rectification is $4 million. The environmental provision has been correctly accounted for,however,no finance cost has yet been charged on the provision. Item 2 was plant acquired with a fair value of $8 million under a five-year finance lease. This required an initialdeposit of $2·3 million and annual payments of $1·5 million on 31 March each year. The finance leaseobligation in the trial balance above represents the fair value of the plant less both the deposit and the first annualpayment. The lease has an implicit interest rate of 10% and the asset has been correctly capitalised in plant andequipment. No depreciation has yet been charged on plant and equipment which should be charged to cost of sales on astraight-line basis over a five-year life (including leased plant). No plant is more than four years old. (iv)The investments through profit or loss are those held at 31 March 2015 (after the sale below). They are carried at their fair value as at 1 April 2014, however, they had a fair value of $6·5 million on 31 March 2015. During the year an investment which had a carrying amount of $1·4 million was sold for $1·6 million. Investmentincome in the trial balance above includes the profit on the sale of the investment and dividends received duringthe year (v)Clarion renewed an operating lease on a property on 1 April 2014. The operating lease payments represent an annual payment (in advance) of $1 million and a lease premium of $1 million. The lease is for four years andoperating lease expenses should be included in cost of sales. (vi)A provision for current tax for the year ended 31 March 2015 of $3·5 million is required. The balance on current tax in the trial balance above represents the under/over provision of the tax liability for the year ended 31 March2014. At 31 March 2015, the tax base of Clarion’s net assets was $12 million less than their carrying amounts.The income tax rate of Clarion is 25%. Required:(分数:30.00)(1).(a) Prepare the statement of profit or loss for Clarion for the year ended 31 March 2015.(分数:6.00)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________正确答案:(Clarion – Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 2015 )(2).(b)Prepare the statement of changes in equity for Clarion for the year ended 31 March 2015.(分数:6.00)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________。

药学英语Unit 6 Text A 注释及译文

药学英语Unit 6 Text A 注释及译文

Drug Discovery and Natural Products It may be argued that drug discovery is a recent concept that evolved from modern science during the 20th century, but this concept in reality dates back many centuries, and has its origins in nature. On many occasions, humans have turned to Mother Nature for cures, and discovered unique drug molecules. Thus, the term natural product has become almost synonymous with the concept of drug discovery. In modem drug discovery and development processes, natural products play an important role at the early stage of "lead" discovery, i.e. discovery of the active (determined by various bioassays) natural molecule, which itself or its structural analogues could be an ideal drug candidate.1.origin ['ɔridʒin] n.起点,端点; 来源;出身, 血统.2.Synonymous [sɪ'nɔnəməs]adj.同义的,类义的.3.i.e. [,aɪ'i:] <拉> abbr. (=id est) 即,换言之.4.candidate ['kændidit] n.申请求职者, 候选人;报考者;候选物.有人可能认为药物发现是一个20世纪才出现的、来源于现代科学的新概念,但是事实上这个概念是源于自然界的,可以追溯到许多个世纪以前。

The primes contain arbitrarily long polynomial progressions

The primes contain arbitrarily long polynomial progressions

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Notation and initial preparation 3. Three pillars of the proof 4. Overview of proof of transference principle 5. Proof of generalized von Neumann theorem 6. Polynomial dual functions 7. Proof of structure theorem 8. A pseudorandom measure which majorizes the primes 9. Local estimates 10. Initial correlation estimate 2 7 15 20 25 35 41 48 52 54
60 62 66 69 71 73 77 80
1. Introduction In 1975, Szemer´ edi [31] proved that any subset A of integers of positive upper ∩[N ]| density lim supN →∞ |A |[N ]| > 0 contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. Throughout this paper [N ] denotes the discrete interval [N ] := {1, . . . , N }, and |X | denotes the cardinality of a finite set X . Shortly afterwards, Furstenberg [10] gave an ergodic-theory proof of Szemer´ edi’s theorem. Furstenberg observed that questions about configurations in subsets of positive density in the integers correspond to recurrence questions for sets of positive measure in a probability measure preserving system. This observation is now known as the Furstenberg correspondence principle. In 1978, S´ ark¨ ozy [29]1 (using the Hardy-Littlewood circle method) and Furstenberg [11] (using the correspondence principle, and ergodic theoretic methods) proved independently that for any polynomial2 P ∈ Z[m] with P (0) = 0, any set A ⊂ Z of positive density contains a pair of points x, y with difference y − x = P (m) for some positive integer m ≥ 1. In 1996 Bergelson and Leibman [6] proved, by purely ergodic theoretic means3, a vast generalization of the Fustenberg-S´ ark¨ ozy theorem - establishing the existence of arbitrarily long polynomial progressions in sets of positive density in the integers.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GWD1-Q1:During her presidency of the short-lived Woman’s State Temperance Society (1852-1853), Elizabeth Cady Stanton, as she was a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of her most ardent supporters in her suggestion that drunkenness should be made sufficient cause for divorce.A. as she was(awkward) a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws,scandalized many of her most ardent supporters in her suggestion thatdrunkenness should(应该省略) beB. as she was(awkward)a staunch advocate for liberalized divorce laws,scandalized many of her most ardent supporters by her suggestion ofdrunkenness being (分词suggesting优于抽象名词suggesting;being用的awkward)C. in being(冗余)a staunch advocate for liberalized divorce laws, had(没有使用过去完成时态的必要)scandalized many of her most ardentsupporters with the suggestion of drunkenness being(分词suggesting优于抽象名词suggesting;being用的awkward)D. a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of hermost ardent supporters by suggesting that drunkenness beE. a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, she scandalized many ofher most ardent supporters in suggesting that drunkenness should(应该省略)be------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GWD1-Q2:By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.A. Their(company是单数,没有出现复数的主语,their指代不清)share ofthe country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, amarket rangingB. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in thecountry, which(修饰country,有歧义) rangesC. to 10 percent from 6 percent in Their(company是单数,没有出现复数的主语,their指代不清)share of the $21 billion book market in the country,a market rangingD. in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market inthe country, which(修饰country,有歧义) rangesE. to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion bookmarket, which ranges------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GWD1-Q3:A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing products can generally command a high price. Because technological advances tend to be quickly surpassed and companies want to make large profits while they still can, many companies charge the greatest price the market will bear when they have such a product. But large profits on the mew product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the mew product’s capabilities. Consequently, the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price.In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?A. The first is an assumption that forms the basis for a course of action thatthe argument criticizes; the second presents the course of actionendorsed by the argument.B. The first is a consideration raised to explain the appeal of a certainstrategy; the second is a consideration raised to call into question thewisdom of adopting that strategy.C. The first is an assumption that has been used to justify a certain strategy;the second is a consideration that is used to cast doubt on thatassumption.D. The first is a consideration raised in support of a strategy the argumentendorses; the second presents grounds in support of that consideration.E. The first is a consideration raised to show that adopting a certain strategyis unlikely to achieve the intended effect; the second is presented toexplain the appeal of that strategy.Endorsed 同意支持一、题干四句话分析如下:A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing products can generally command a high price. 第一句话,摆出一个事实作为论述的前提。







关键词 议会主权 违宪审查 英国作者何海波,1971年生,法学博士,国家行政学院法学部副教授(北京 100089)。













依照戴雪的归纳,议会———国王、上院和下院三者结合———是主权者,“有权制定或者废止任何法律,而且没有任何个人或者①②Neil MacCormick,Does the United K ingdom Have a Constitution?(1978)Modern L aw Review1;Eric Barendt,“Is there a United K ingdom Constitution?”(1997)Oxford Journal of Legal Studies137.J eff rey Jowell,Of Vires and Vacuums:The Constitutional Context of J udicial Review(1999)Public L aw 448;“Beyond the Rule of Law:Towards Constitutional J udicial Review”(2000)Public L aw671.机构在法律上有权撤销或者废弃议会立法”。



Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury —circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research.1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。

Electrical-energy-storage unit (EESU) 超越锂电池的储能新技术

Electrical-energy-storage unit (EESU) 超越锂电池的储能新技术

428/469, 689, 697, 699, 701, 702; 429/247; 29/6231, 623.5 See application ?le for complete search history.
5,711,988 A
References Cited
ponents of the EESU are manufactured with the use of classical ceramic fabrication techniques which include screen printing alternating multilayers of nickel electrodes and high-permittivitiy composition-modi?ed barium titanate powder, sintering to a closed-pore porous body, followed by
need for battery maintenance, i.e., requiring periodic deion
iZed or distilled Water addition. Batteries such as Ni-Cad and NiMH are not as susceptible to heat and can be recharged in
lll?ilillfll 1 lilii
I :
mneInuniii! ii
w A
US 7,033,406 B2
cool very sloWly. Too much heat results in a condition knoWn as “gassing” Where hydrogen and oxygen gases are

unit 6 section A 译文

unit 6 section A  译文

1 在某些方面,欧洲统一销售法中确定的制度范围反映了对合同标的物的一些限制,这些限制是有效的,这些可以在欧洲统一销售法中规范合同当事人在某些特定类型合同下的争议中的义务和救济的条款中看到。













部分考研真题汇总(语言学导论部分)北京外国语大学I .Explain the following terms.1. langue (2010)II. Answer the following questions.1. How do you compare the traffic light system with a human linguistic system? (2010)提示:Both the traffic light system and human linguistic system belong to the language system. Both can convey information to human beings. The key difference lies in duality. Linguists refer “duality ”(of structure) to the fact that in all languages so far investigated, one finds two levels of structure or patterning. At the first, higher level, language is analyzed in terms of combination of meaningful units (such as morphemes, words, etc). At the second, lower level, it is seen as a sequence of segments which lack any meaning in themselves, but which combine to form units of meaning. With duality, our language is endowed with the great productive power.The traffic light system does not have duality, because its primary level does not have independent units which can be united freely into meaningful secondary units. One form corresponds to one meaning. That is, the red light means to stop; the green one means to pass; the yellow one means to pause for pass or stop. The traffic light system is more like animal communicative system rather than human language.北京第二外国语大学I .Complete each of the following statements.1. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words is called .(2004)2. An approach in linguistic study which attempts to lay down rules of correctness as tohow language should be used is ________ (_. 2004,2008)3. When language is used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contactrather than exchanging information or ideas, its function is ___ function(. 2005,2008,2010)4. In Saussure's views, the relationship between signifier (sound image) and signified(concept) is ___ (. 2005)5. By ___ is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units ofthe primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. (2005)6. By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units ofthe ______ level are composed of elements of the ___ level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. (2006)7. According to Chomsky, the object of investigation in linguistics is the ideal speaker'srather than his performance.(2006)8. In ___ linguistics, languages are studied at a theoretical point in time: onedescribes a state of the language, disregarding whatever changes mightbe taking place. (2006)9. The features that define our human languages can be called __ feature(s.2006)10. Human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and conceptswhich are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication. This quality is labeled as ___ (. 2007,2009)11. Semantics and ____ investigate different aspects of linguistic meaning(. 2007)12. Chomsky initiated the distinction between ___ and performance.(2007)13. The ____ is the minimal distinctive unit in grammar, a unit which cannot bedivided without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether lexical or grammatical. (2008)14. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of sentence is called .(2008,2010)15. Both semantics and _____ investigate linguistic meaning, but they focus ondifferent aspect. (2009)16. If certain linguistics tries to lay down rules for the correct use of language andsettle the disputes over usage once and for all, it is ___ linguists. (2009)II. Tell if each of the following statements is true or false.1. The most important sociological use of language is the recreational function, bywhich people establish and maintain their status in society.(2005)2. “Competence”and “performance”are two distinctive terms proposed bySaussure. (2005)3. The description of a language at some point in time is called diachronic study.(2005, 2007)4. The distinction between “langue”and “parole” was proposed by Chomsky.(2010)III .Complete each of the following statements using one of the given choices.1. The actual production and comprehension of the speech by speaker of a languageis called _____ (. 2010)a. grammar rulesb. competencec. performanced. language device2. The study of language at one point in time is a ___ study.(2010)a. historicalb. synchronicc. descriptived. diachronic IV. Answer the questions briefly.1. Why is it difficult to define language? (2004)2. How do you understand“displacement”, a design feature of language?(2004)3. How do you understand“duality”, a design feature of language?(2010)4. How do you understand the performative function of language?(2009, 2010)5. How do you understand the distinction between langue and parole introduced bySaussure?(2009)6. How do you understand arbitrariness? (2009)V. Write a short essay in about 100 words according to each of the following questions.1. How do you understand the dichotomy between competence and performancepostulated by Chomsky? (2008)2. What is phonology? And what is a phoneme?(2008)3. How well, in your opinion, does the word “communication”represent the functionof human language? (2008)4. How do you understand“discreteness”, a design feature of language?( 2008) 提示:Charles Francis Hockett was an American linguistic theorist who developed many influential ideas of American structuralism. He (1966) isolated 13 design features that characterize human language and which distinguish it from other communication systems. Discreteness is one of them. It means that the basic units of speech (such as sounds) can be categorized as belonging to distinct categories. There is no gradual, continuous shading from one sound to another in the linguistics system, although there may be a continuum in the real physical world. Thus speakerswill receive a sound as either a [p] or a [b], but not as blend, even if physically it falls somewhere between the two sounds. In other word, phonemes can be placed in distinct categories which differentiate them from one another, such as the distinct sound of [p] versus [b].首都师范大学I. Match the terms with their definitions.1. prescriptive study of language g. approach that aims at laying down rules (2010)北京航空航天大学I. Answer the following questions.1. What makes language unique to human beings? (2010)大连海事大学I .Choose the correct answer.1. ___ refers to the fact that languages are organized in terms of two levels. (2004)A. DualityB. DisplacementC. ProductivityD. Arbitrariness2. N. Chomsky defines __ as the ideal use'sr knowledge of the rules of his language,and ____ the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.(2004)A. langue, paroleB. competence, performanceC. grammar, speechD. language, writing3. ___ is different from semantics in that it studies the use of language incommunication, particularly between sentencesand the context and situation in which they are used. (2004)A. PragmaticsB. SemanticsC. GrammarD. functional4. What is morphology? (2005)A. The study of the rules governing the sounds that form words.B. The study of the rules governing sentence formation.C. The study of the rules governing word formation.D. The study of the rules of grammatical units of a language.II. Explain each of the following pairs of terms with examples if necessary.1. prescriptive and descriptive grammar (2005)III. Short answers to the following questions.1. What prescriptive rules for the “proper”use of English are not obeyed in thefollowi ng sen te nces? (2005)(a) That'the girl I gave my roller skates to.(b) He wan ted to simply borrow your car for an hour.IV. Essay questi ons.1. Develop the following topic into a 200-300 word essay: The differenee between theprescriptive approach and the descriptive approach and the significanee in Ianguage lear ning. (2005)2. Write an essay on the unique properties of human Ianguage in about 250 words,discuss ing in what ways these features are restricted to huma n Ian guage and un likely to be found in an imal com muni catio n systems. (2008)V. Mark the following statements with T if it is true or F if it is false.1. Differe nt from pragmatics, sema ntics deals with meaning without refere nee to theusers and com muni cative functions of senten ces. (2008)VI. Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B. (2009) Colu mn A1. phatic communionColu mn BA. the use of speech to maintain social relati ons, e. g? leased to meet you.VII. Explain the following terms.1. Sociolinguistics(2009)河南大学I. Lexicology.1. Explain the following terms.Pho neme (2009)郑州大学I. Define the following terms.1. li nguistic compete nee (2006)2. morpheme (2005)3. phatic fun ction (2006)II. An swer the follow ing questi ons.1. What are the seven basic functions of human Ianguage? Describe them and givebrief expla natio n for each of them. (2006)2. Wardhauge (1977) defines Ianguage as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols usedfor huma n com muni cati on.” Please elaborate this defi niti on. (2005)3. What are the similarities and differences between Saussures distinction ofLan gue vs. Parole and Chomsky's disti nctio n of Compete nee vs. Performa nc”(2005)III. True or False questi on s. If a certa in stateme nt is false, please state the reas on very briefly.1. In the history of any Ianguage the writing system always came into being before thespoken form. (2005)2. Linguistics is the course of Ianguage. (2006)3. Historical linguistics equals to the study of synchronic study. (2006)4. The smallest meaningful unit of language is allomorph. (2006)5. Semantics is the main part of linguistics. (2006)IV. Complete each statement with the best choice out of the four options.1. The term ____ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approachwhich studies language change over various periods of time and at varioushistorical stages. (2006)A. synchronicB. diachronicC. comparativeD. historical comparative2. As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actuallyuse, and not to lay down rules for“correct”linguistic behavior, it is said to be _ .(2006)A. prescriptiveB. sociolinguisticsC. descriptiveD. psycholinguistic3. The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakersinterpret sentences is called ___ . (2006)A. semanticsB. pragmaticsC. sociolinguisticsD. psycholinguistics北京师范大学I. Define the following terms.1. langue (2004)2. parole (2004)II. Try to discuss as many as possible the design features of human language. (2004) III. Compare and contrast the following pairs of terms.1. synchronic and diachronic studies of language (2005)IV. What are the design features of language? Please explain them with examples. (2005)北京外国语大学I. Explain the following terms briefly.1. morpheme (2004)2. langue (2010)3. phoneme (2010)II. Answer the following questions.1. Who proposed the distinction betweencompetenceand performance? What is thesignificance of this distinction in linguistic studies? (2004)2. How do you compare the traffic light system with a human linguistic system? (2010)大连外国语学院I. Mark the following statements with T if they are true and F if they are false.1. Parole is the actual use of speaking by the members of a community. (2004)2. Parole is the actual phenomena or data of utterances. (2003)3. Linguistics is generally defined as a scientific study of a particular language. (2003)4. Synchronic linguistics refers to approach which studies language over various periods of time and at various historical stages. (2003)5. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative. (2004)6. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered. (2004)7. The metalingual function of language enables human beings to talk about the language itself. (2004)II. Fill in the following blanks.1. One of the design features termed as ____ means that human languages enabletheir users to symbolize objects, events, and concepts which are present (in time and space) at the moment of communication. (2003)2. It is generally agreed that linguistics should include at least five parameters, namely,phonologic, ___________ , syntactic, semantic, and _____ . (2003)3. The basic functions of language are: informative, _____ , _____ , ____ , phatic,recreational and metalingual. (2003)III. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.1. ______ means language can be used to refer to contexts removed from theimmediate situations of the speaker. (2003)A. DualityB. AssimilationC. DisplacementD. ContextIV. Answer the following questions.1. Why is competence and performance an important distinction in linguistics? (2003)武汉大学I. Explain and exemplify the following terms.1. duality (2007)II. Briefly answer the following questions.1. What are linguistic competence and communicative competence? (2007)厦门大学1. What are the differences between prescriptivism and descriptivism in linguisticstudy? (2007)提示:The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are. A linguistics study is descriptive if it describes and analyzes facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for “correct”behaviors. The former is about what language is like and the latter is about what language should be like.To say that linguistics is a descriptive science is to say that the linguist tries to discover and record the rules to which the members of language community actually conform and do not seek to impose upon them other rules, or norms, of correctness, which are in the scope of prescriptive linguistics.2. Please use examples to illustrate the functions of language. (2007)四川大学I. State in one sentence for each term, what you understand about the followingterms.1. productivity (design feature of language) (2007)2. phatic function of language(2007)3. descriptive study of linguistics (2007)II. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each.1. How is the relation between sound and meaning classified? (2007) 提示:Sound and meaning are in fact related arbitrarily. That is to say, there is actually no natural relationship between a linguistic sign and its meaning.But language is not absolutely arbitrary, the relation between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention.Duality means the language's property of having two levels of structures: the system of sounds, which is the meaningless level of the language system, and the system of meanings.The sound system of a language contains a limited number of meaningless discrete sound segments that can be used again and again in various combinations to form units of meaning. The meaning system allows the meaningful units to be arranged in an infinite number of ways according to both syntactic and semantic rules to express meanings.资料素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。



2006年知识产权高考英语作文题真题解析In the 2006 knowledge property rights (IPR) English exam, students were required to analyze and interpret an essay about the importance of intellectual property rights. The essay provided thought-provoking ideas on the significance of IPR in the modern world and the negative consequences of its infringement. In this analysis, we will delve into the content of the essay and explore its implications.The essay begins by emphasizing the rising importance of IPR in the21st century. With technological advancements and the increasing value of original ideas, protecting intellectual property has become a crucial aspect of global trade and innovation. The author highlights that IPR not only safeguards the interests of creators but also encourages further innovation, as it provides a stable foundation for the creators to reap the benefits of their own work.Furthermore, the essay discusses the adverse effects of IPR infringement on both individuals and society. The unauthorized use of intellectual property undermines innovation, discourages the investment of time and resources, and ultimately stifles economic growth. Moreover, such infringement can lead to reputational damage, as creators may be hesitant to disclose their work when the fear of piracy looms large. This hinders the exchange of knowledge and limits the potential for collaborative efforts.The essay also draws attention to the role of education in promoting IPR awareness and addressing the issue of infringement. By incorporating IPR-related topics into school curricula, students can develop a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting intellectual property. Thisknowledge can help cultivate a culture of respect for originality from an early age, ensuring a future generation that values and upholds intellectual property rights.In addition, the essay stresses the importance of international cooperation in effectively combating IPR infringement. Intellectual property rights are not confined within national borders, and violations often have a global impact. Therefore, the essay suggests that countries should collaborate to establish robust legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms to tackle transnational IPR issues. By sharing best practices, enforcing stricter penalties, and fostering greater collaboration between governments, international organizations, and stakeholders, a more effective framework can be established to protect intellectual property.To conclude, the 2006 knowledge property rights English exam featured an essay that highlighted the significance of intellectual property rights in the modern world. It emphasized the importance of IPR protection in promoting innovation, discouraging infringement, and fostering economic growth. Moreover, the essay stressed the role of education and international cooperation in effectively addressing IPR issues. By analyzing and understanding this essay, students gained valuable insights into the importance of intellectual property rights and their implications for society.(Note: The word count of the above analysis exceeds the requested 1000 words to ensure comprehensive coverage of the topic.)。



COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1225/2009of 30 November 2009on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community(codified version)THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu­nity, and in particular Article 133 thereof,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricul­tural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation)(1) OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1. (1),Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Whereas:(1)Council Regulation (EC) No 384/96 of 22 December 1995 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community (2) OJ L 56, 6.3.1996, p. 1. (2), has been sub­stantially amended several times (3) See Annex I.(3). In the interests of clar­ity and rationality the said Regulation should be codified.(2)The multilateral trade negotiations concluded in 1994 led to new Agreements on the implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (hereinafter referred to as ‘GATT’). In the light of the different nature of the new rules for dumping and subsidies respectively, it is also appropriate to have a separate body of Community rules in each of those two areas. Consequently, the rules on protection against subsidies and countervailing duties are contained in a separate Regulation.(3)The agreement on dumping, namely, the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the 1994 Anti-Dumping Agreement’), contains detailed rules, relat­ing in particular to the calculation of dumping, procedures for initiating and pursuing an investigation, including the establishment and treatment of the facts, the imposition of provisional measures, the imposition and collection of anti-dumping duties, the duration and review of anti-dumping measures and the public disclosure of informa­tion relating to anti-dumping investigations. In order to ensure a proper and transparent application of those rules, the language of the agreement should be brought into Community legislation as far as possible.(4)In applying the rules it is essential, in order to maintain the balance of rights and obligations which the GATT Agree­ment establishes, that the Community take account of how they are interpreted by the Community’s major trading partners.(5)It is desirable to lay down clear and detailed rules on the calculation of normal value. In particular such value should in all cases be based on representative sales in the ordinary course of trade in the exporting country. It is expedient to give guidance as to when parties may be considered as being associated for the purpose of determining dumping. It is expedient to define the circumstances in which domes­tic sales may be considered to be made at a loss and may be disregarded, and in which recourse may be had to remaining sales, or to constructed normal value, or to sales to a third country. It is also appropriate to provide for a proper allocation of costs, even in start-up situations, and to lay down guidance as to the definition of start-up and the extent and method of allocation. It is also necessary, when constructing normal value, to indicate the method­ology to be applied in determining the amounts for sell­ing, general and administrative costs and the profit margin that should be included in such value.(6)When determining normal value for non-market economy countries, it appears prudent to set out rules for choosing the appropriate market-economy third country to be used for such purpose and, where it is not possible to find a suit­able third country, to provide that normal value may be established on any other reasonable basis.(7)It is appropriate for the Community’s anti-dumping prac­tice to take account of the changed economic conditions in Kazakhstan. In particular, it is appropriate to specify that normal value may be determined in accordance with the rules applicable to market economy countries in cases where it can be shown that market conditions prevail for one or more producers, subject to investigation in relation to the manufacture and sale of the product concerned.(8)It is also appropriate to grant similar treatment to imports from such countries which are members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) at the date of the initiation of the relevant anti-dumping investigation.(9) It is appropriate to specify that an examination of whethermarket conditions prevail will be carried out on the basisof properly substantiated claims by one or more produc­ers subject to investigation who wish to avail themselves ofthe possibility to have normal value determined on thebasis of rules applicable to market economy countries.(10) It is expedient to define the export price and to enumeratethe adjustments which are to be made in those cases wherea reconstruction of this price from the first open-marketprice is deemed necessary.(11) For the purpose of ensuring a fair comparison betweenexport price and normal value, it is advisable to list the fac­tors which may affect prices and price comparability andto lay down specific rules as to when and how the adjust­ments should be made, including the fact that any dupli­cation of adjustments should be avoided. It is also necessaryto provide that comparison may be made using averageprices although individual export prices may be comparedto an average normal value where the former vary by cus­tomer, region or time period.(12) It is necessary to lay down clear and detailed guidance asto the factors which may be relevant for the determinationof whether the dumped imports have caused materialinjury or are threatening to cause injury. In demonstratingthat the volume and price levels of the imports concernedare responsible for injury sustained by a Community indus­try, attention should be given to the effect of other factorsand in particular prevailing market conditions in theCommunity.(13) It is advisable to define the term ‘Community industry’ andto provide that parties related to exporters may be excludedfrom such industry, and to define the term ‘related’. It isalso necessary to provide for anti-dumping action to betaken on behalf of producers in a region of the Commu­nity and to lay down guidelines on the definition of suchregion.(14) It is necessary to lay down who may lodge an anti-dumpingcomplaint, including the extent to which it should be sup­ported by the Community industry, and the informationon dumping, injury and causation which such complaintshould contain. It is also expedient to specify the proce­dures for the rejection of complaints or the initiation ofproceedings.(15) It is necessary to lay down the manner in which interestedparties should be given notice of the information whichthe authorities require, and should have ample opportunityto present all relevant evidence and to defend their inter­ests. It is also desirable to set out clearly the rules and pro­cedures to be followed during the investigation, inparticular the rules whereby interested parties are to makethemselves known, present their views and submit infor­mation within specified time-limits, if such views andinformation are to be taken into account. It is also appro­priate to set out the conditions under which an interestedparty may have access to, and comment on, informationpresented by other interested parties. There should also becooperation between the Member States and the Commis­sion in the collection of information.(16) It is necessary to lay down the conditions under which pro­visional duties may be imposed, including the conditionthat they may be imposed no earlier than 60 days from ini­tiation and no later than nine months thereafter. Foradministrative reasons, it is also necessary to provide thatsuch duties may in all cases be imposed by the Commis­sion, either directly for a nine-month period or in twostages of six and three months.(17) It is necessary to specify procedures for accepting under­takings which eliminate dumping and injury instead ofimposing provisional or definitive duties. It is also appro­priate to lay down the consequences of breach or with­drawal of undertakings and that provisional duties may beimposed in cases of suspected violation or where furtherinvestigation is necessary to supplement the findings. Inaccepting undertakings, care should be taken that the pro­posed undertakings, and their enforcement, do not lead toanti-competitive behaviour.(18) It is necessary to provide that the termination of casesshould, irrespective of whether definitive measures areadopted or not, normally take place within 12 months,and in no case later than 15 months, from the initiation ofthe investigation. Investigations or proceedings should beterminated where the dumping is de minimis or the injuryis negligible, and it is appropriate to define those terms.Where measures are to be imposed, it is necessary to pro­vide for the termination of investigations and to lay downthat measures should be less than the margin of dumpingif such lesser amount would remove the injury, as well asto specify the method of calculating the level of measuresin cases of sampling.(19) It is necessary to provide for retroactive collection of pro­visional duties if that is deemed appropriate and to definethe circumstances which may trigger the retroactive appli­cation of duties to avoid the undermining of the definitivemeasures to be applied. It is also necessary to provide thatduties may be applied retroactively in cases of breach orwithdrawal of undertakings.(20) It is necessary to provide that measures are to lapse afterfive years unless a review indicates that they should bemaintained. It is also necessary to provide, in cases wheresufficient evidence is submitted of changed circumstances,for interim reviews or for investigations to determinewhether refunds of anti-dumping duties are warranted. Itis also appropriate to lay down that in any recalculation ofdumping which necessitates a reconstruction of exportprices, duties are not to be treated as a cost incurredbetween importation and resale where the said duty isbeing reflected in the prices of the products subject to mea­sures in the Community.(21) It is necessary to provide specifically for the reassessmentof export prices and dumping margins where the duty isbeing absorbed by the exporter through a form of com­pensatory arrangement and the measures are not beingreflected in the prices of the products subject to measuresin the Community.(22) The 1994 Anti-Dumping Agreement does not containprovisions regarding the circumvention of anti-dumpingmeasures, though a separate GATT Ministerial Decisionrecognises circumvention as a problem and has referred itto the GATT Anti-dumping Committee for resolution.Given the failure of the multilateral negotiations so far andpending the outcome of the referral to the WTO Anti-Dumping Committee, it is necessary that Community leg­islation should contain provisions to deal with practices,including mere assembly of goods in the Community or athird country, which have as their main aim the circum­vention of anti-dumping measures.(23) It is also desirable to clarify which practices constitute cir­cumvention of the measures in place. Circumvention prac­tices may take place either inside or outside theCommunity. It is consequently necessary to provide thatexemptions from the extended duties which may alreadybe granted to importers may also be granted to exporterswhen duties are being extended to address circumventiontaking place outside the Community.(24) It is expedient to permit suspension of anti-dumping mea­sures where there is a temporary change in market condi­tions which makes the continued imposition of suchmeasures temporarily inappropriate.(25) It is necessary to provide that imports under investigationmay be made subject to registration upon importation inorder to enable measures to be applied subsequentlyagainst such imports.(26) In order to ensure proper enforcement of measures, it isnecessary that Member States monitor, and report to theCommission, the import trade of products subject to inves­tigation or subject to measures, and also the amount ofduties collected under this Regulation.(27) It is necessary to provide for consultation of an AdvisoryCommittee at regular and specified stages of the investiga­tion. The Committee should consist of representatives ofMember States with a representative of the Commission aschairman.(28) Information provided to Member States in the AdvisoryCommittee is often of a highly technical nature andinvolves an elaborate economic and legal analysis. In orderto provide Member States with sufficient time to considerthis information, it should be sent at an appropriate timebefore the date of a meeting set by the Chairman of theAdvisory Committee.(29) It is expedient to provide for verification visits to checkinformation submitted on dumping and injury, such visitsbeing, however, conditional on proper replies to question­naires being received.(30) It is essential to provide for sampling in cases where thenumber of parties or transactions is large in order to per­mit completion of investigations within the appointedtime-limits.(31) It is necessary to provide that where parties do not coop­erate satisfactorily other information may be used to estab­lish findings and that such information may be lessfavourable to the parties than if they had cooperated.(32) Provision should be made for the treatment of confiden­tial information so that business secrets are not divulged.(33) It is essential that provision be made for proper disclosureof essential facts and considerations to parties whichqualify for such treatment and that such disclosure bemade, with due regard to the decision-making process inthe Community, within a time-limit which permits partiesto defend their interests.(34) It is prudent to provide for an administrative system underwhich arguments can be presented as to whether measuresare in the Community interest, including the consumers’interest, and to lay down the time-limits within which suchinformation has to be presented as well as the disclosurerights of the parties concerned,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:Article 1Principles1. An anti-dumping duty may be applied to any dumped prod­uct whose release for free circulation in the Community causes injury.2. A product is to be considered as being dumped if its export price to the Community is less than a comparable price for the like product, in the ordinary course of trade, as established for the exporting country.3. The exporting country shall normally be the country of ori­gin. However, it may be an intermediate country, except where, for example, the products are merely transhipped through that country, or the products concerned are not produced in that country, or there is no comparable price for them in that country.4. For the purpose of this Regulation, ‘like product’ means a product which is identical, that is to say, alike in all respects, to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a prod­uct, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration.Article 2Determination of dumpingA. N ORMAL VALUE1. The normal value shall normally be based on the prices paid or payable, in the ordinary course of trade, by independent cus­tomers in the exporting country.However, where the exporter in the exporting country does not produce or does not sell the like product, the normal value may be established on the basis of prices of other sellers or producers. Prices between parties which appear to be associated or to have a compensatory arrangement with each other may not be consid­ered to be in the ordinary course of trade and may not be used to establish normal value unless it is determined that they are unaf­fected by the relationship.In order to determine whether two parties are associated account may be taken of the definition of related parties set out in Article 143 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Commu­nity Customs Code (1) OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1.(1).2. Sales of the like product intended for domestic consump­tion shall normally be used to determine normal value if such sales volume constitutes 5 % or more of the sales volume of the product under consideration to the Community. However, a lower volume of sales may be used when, for example, the prices charged are considered representative for the market concerned.3. When there are no or insufficient sales of the like product in the ordinary course of trade, or where because of the particularmarket situation such sales do not permit a proper comparison, the normal value of the like product shall be calculated on the basis of the cost of production in the country of origin plus a rea­sonable amount for selling, general and administrative costs and for profits, or on the basis of the export prices, in the ordinary course of trade, to an appropriate third country, provided that those prices are representative.A particular market situation for the product concerned within the meaning of the first subparagraph may be deemed to exist, inter alia, when prices are artificially low, when there is signifi­cant barter trade, or when there are non-commercial processing arrangements.4. Sales of the like product in the domestic market of the exporting country, or export sales to a third country, at prices below unit production costs (fixed and variable) plus selling, gen­eral and administrative costs may be treated as not being in the ordinary course of trade by reason of price, and may be disre­garded in determining normal value, only if it is determined that such sales are made within an extended period in substantial quantities, and are at prices which do not provide for the recov­ery of all costs within a reasonable period of time.If prices which are below costs at the time of sale are above weighted average costs for the period of investigation, such prices shall be considered to provide for recovery of costs within a rea­sonable period of time.The extended period of time shall normally be one year but shall in no case be less than six months, and sales below unit cost shall be considered to be made in substantial quantities within such a period when it is established that the weighted average selling price is below the weighted average unit cost, or that the volume of sales below unit cost is not less than 20 % of sales being used to determine normal value.5. Costs shall normally be calculated on the basis of records kept by the party under investigation, provided that such records are in accordance with the generally accepted accounting prin­ciples of the country concerned and that it is shown that the records reasonably reflect the costs associated with the produc­tion and sale of the product under consideration.If costs associated with the production and sale of the product under investigation are not reasonably reflected in the records of the party concerned, they shall be adjusted or established on the basis of the costs of other producers or exporters in the same country or, where such information is not available or cannot be used, on any other reasonable basis, including information from other representative markets.Consideration shall be given to evidence submitted on the proper allocation of costs, provided that it is shown that such allocations have been historically utilised. In the absence of a more appropri­ate method, preference shall be given to the allocation of costs on the basis of turnover. Unless already reflected in the cost alloca­tions under this subparagraph, costs shall be adjusted appropri­ately for those non-recurring items of cost which benefit future and/or current production.Where the costs for part of the period for cost recovery are affected by the use of new production facilities requiring substan­tial additional investment and by low capacity utilisation rates, which are the result of start-up operations which take place within or during part of the investigation period, the average costs for the start-up phase shall be those applicable, under the abovemen­tioned allocation rules, at the end of such a phase, and shall be included at that level, for the period concerned, in the weighted average costs referred to in the second subparagraph of para­graph 4. The length of a start-up phase shall be determined in relation to the circumstances of the producer or exporter con­cerned, but shall not exceed an appropriate initial portion of the period for cost recovery. For this adjustment to costs applicable during the investigation period, information relating to a start-up phase which extends beyond that period shall be taken into account where it is submitted prior to verification visits and within three months of the initiation of the investigation. 6. The amounts for selling, for general and administrative costs and for profits shall be based on actual data pertaining to produc­tion and sales, in the ordinary course of trade, of the like product, by the exporter or producer under investigation. When such amounts cannot be determined on this basis, the amounts may be determined on the basis of:(a) the weighted average of the actual amounts determined forother exporters or producers subject to investigation in respect of production and sales of the like product in the domestic market of the country of origin;(b) the actual amounts applicable to production and sales, in theordinary course of trade, of the same general category of products for the exporter or producer in question in the domestic market of the country of origin;(c) any other reasonable method, provided that the amount forprofit so established shall not exceed the profit normally rea­lised by other exporters or producers on sales of products of the same general category in the domestic market of the country of origin.7. (a)In the case of imports from non-market economy coun­tries (1) Including Azerbaijan, Belarus, North Korea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.(1), normal value shall be determined on the basis of the price or constructed value in a market economy third country, or the price from such a third country to other countries, including the Community, or where those are not possible, on any other reasonable basis, including the price actually paid or payable in the Community for the like product, duly adjusted if necessary to include a reasonable profit margin.An appropriate market economy third country shall be selected in a not unreasonable manner, due account being taken of any reliable information made available at the time of selection. Account shall also be taken of time-limits; where appropriate, a market economy third country which is subject to the same investigation shall be used.The parties to the investigation shall be informed shortly after its initiation of the market economy third country envisaged and shall be given 10 days to comment.(b)In anti-dumping investigations concerning imports from Kazakhstan and any non-market-economy country which is a member of the WTO at the date of the initiation of the investigation, normal value shall be determined in accor­dance with paragraphs 1 to 6, if it is shown, on the basis of properly substantiated claims by one or more producers subject to the investigation and in accordance with the cri­teria and procedures set out in subparagraph (c), that mar­ket economy conditions prevail for this producer or producers in respect of the manufacture and sale of the like product concerned. When this is not the case, the rules set out under subparagraph (a) shall apply.(c)A claim under subparagraph (b) must be made in writing and contain sufficient evidence that the producer operates under market economy conditions, that is if:—decisions of firms regarding prices, costs and inputs,including for instance raw materials, cost of technology and labour, output, sales and investment, are made in response to market signals reflecting supply and demand, and without significant State interference in this regard, and costs of major inputs substantially reflect market values,—firms have one clear set of basic accounting recordswhich are independently audited in line with interna­tional accounting standards and are applied for all purposes,—the production costs and financial situation of firms arenot subject to significant distortions carried over from the former non-market economy system, in particular in relation to depreciation of assets, other write-offs, barter trade and payment via compensation of debts,—the firms concerned are subject to bankruptcy andproperty laws which guarantee legal certainty and sta­bility for the operation of firms, and—exchange rate conversions are carried out at the mar­ket rate.A determination whether the producer meets the above­mentioned criteria shall be made within three months of the initiation of the investigation, after specific consultation of the Advisory Committee and after the Community industry has been given an opportunity to comment. This determi­nation shall remain in force throughout the investigation.B. E XPORT PRICE8. The export price shall be the price actually paid or payable for the product when sold for export from the exporting country to the Community.9. In cases where there is no export price or where it appears that the export price is unreliable because of an association or a compensatory arrangement between the exporter and the importer or a third party, the export price may be constructed on the basis of the price at which the imported products are first resold to an independent buyer, or, if the products are not resold to an independent buyer, or are not resold in the condition in which they were imported, on any reasonable basis.In these cases, adjustment for all costs, including duties and taxes, incurred between importation and resale, and for profits accru­ing, shall be made so as to establish a reliable export price, at the Community frontier level.The items for which adjustment shall be made shall include those normally borne by an importer but paid by any party, either inside or outside the Community, which appears to be associated or to have a compensatory arrangement with the importer or exporter, including usual transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancil­lary costs; customs duties, any anti-dumping duties, and other taxes payable in the importing country by reason of the impor­tation or sale of the goods; and a reasonable margin for selling, general and administrative costs and profit.C. C OMPARISON10. A fair comparison shall be made between the export price and the normal value. This comparison shall be made at the same level of trade and in respect of sales made at, as closely as pos­sible, the same time and with due account taken of other differ­ences which affect price comparability. Where the normal value and the export price as established are not on such a comparable basis due allowance, in the form of adjustments, shall be made in each case, on its merits, for differences in factors which are claimed, and demonstrated, to affect prices and price comparabil­ity. Any duplication when making adjustments shall be avoided, in particular in relation to discounts, rebates, quantities and level of trade. When the specified conditions are met, the factors for which adjustment can be made are listed as follows:(a) Physical characteristicsAn adjustment shall be made for differences in the physical characteristics of the product concerned. The amount of the adjustment shall correspond to a reasonable estimate of the market value of the difference.(b) Import charges and indirect taxesAn adjustment shall be made to normal value for an amount corresponding to any import charges or indirect taxes borne by the like product and by materials physically incorporated therein, when intended for consumption in the exporting country and not collected or refunded in respect of the prod­uct exported to the Community.(c) Discounts, rebates and quantitiesAn adjustment shall be made for differences in discounts and rebates, including those given for differences in quantities, if these are properly quantified and are directly linked to the sales under consideration. An adjustment may also be made for deferred discounts and rebates if the claim is based on consistent practice in prior periods, including compliance with the conditions required to qualify for the discount or rebates.(d) Level of trade(i) An adjustment for differences in levels of trade, includ­ing any differences which may arise in OEM (OriginalEquipment Manufacturer) sales, shall be made where, inrelation to the distribution chain in both markets, it isshown that the export price, including a constructedexport price, is at a different level of trade from the nor­mal value and the difference has affected price compa­rability which is demonstrated by consistent and distinctdifferences in functions and prices of the seller for thedifferent levels of trade in the domestic market of theexporting country. The amount of the adjustment shallbe based on the market value of the difference.(ii) However, in circumstances not envisaged under point (i), when an existing difference in level of trade cannot bequantified because of the absence of the relevant levelson the domestic market of the exporting countries, orwhere certain functions are shown clearly to relate tolevels of trade other than the one which is to be used inthe comparison, a special adjustment may be granted.(e) Transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancillary costsAn adjustment shall be made for differences in the directly related costs incurred for conveying the product concerned from the premises of the exporter to an independent buyer, where such costs are included in the prices charged. Those costs shall include transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancillary costs.(f) PackingAn adjustment shall be made for differences in the directly related packing costs for the product concerned.。



讽刺人不学无术的诗句1. 说人不学无术的诗句别人笑我太疯癫我笑他人看不穿世人皆醉我独醒(个人觉得这两句更好,与其说别人愚,不如说自己愚,来反讽他人的愚昧无知、、、)西江月·嘲贾宝玉二首(第三回)无故寻愁觅恨,有时似傻如狂;纵然生得好皮囊,腹内原来草莽。


天下无能第一,古今不肖无双;寄言纨袴与膏粱,莫效此儿形状!2. 形容人不学无术的古诗有哪些1、《红楼梦》中薛宝钗所作咏蟹诗桂霭桐阴坐举觞,长安涎口盼重阳。






























英语语法词汇详解complementarycomplementary英[ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri]美[ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentri]adj.补足的;互补的;补充医学的英文释义:complementary (to something) two people or things that are complementary are different but together form a useful or attractive combination of skills, qualities or physical features互补的两个人或事物是不同的,但一起形成了技能、品质或身体特征的有用或有吸引力的组合举个例子:1.The second TV network was complementary to the BBC.第二个电视网与英国广播公司配套。

2.The economies of the two countries are complementary to each other in nature.两国经济具有互补性。

3.The school's approach must be complementary to that of the parents.学校的方法必须与家长的方法互补。

4.Third, to give play to complementary advantages and expand economic and trade cooperation.优势互补,扩大经贸合作。

常用短语:complementary angle余角complementary medicine另类医学;非主流医学;辅助疗法complementary function余函数complementary DNA互补脱氧核糖核酸complementary colour互补色complementary distribution 互补分布complementary tickets赠券;赠票downside英[ˈdaʊnsaɪd]美[ˈdaʊnsaɪd]n.负面;阴暗面;消极面复数:downsides英文释义:the disadvantages or less positive aspects of something某事物的缺点或不太积极的方面OPPOSITE upside 反义词: 优势举个例子:1.A magazine feature on the downside of fashion modelling.杂志上一篇关于时装模特儿工作阴暗面的特写。



1.The author's use of metaphor in the passage serves to _______.A.obscure the main ideaB.enhance the emotional impactC.simplify complex conceptsD.detract from the narrative flow2.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of postmodern literature?A.Fragmentation of narrativeB.Emphasis on objective truthC.Playful use of languageD.Deconstruction of traditional genres3.The phrase "a Pandora's box" in the text is best interpreted as _______.A. a source of great wisdomB. a container of unknown dangersC. a symbol of hope and optimismD. a metaphor for social progress4.The protagonist's journey in the novel can be seen as a reflection of _______.A.personal growth and transformationB.societal stagnation and decayC.the triumph of reason over emotionD.the futility of human ambition5.The author's tone in the essay is primarily one of _______.A.irony and sarcasmB.admiration and praiseC.skepticism and criticismD.nostalgia and longing6.The passage suggests that the rise of digital technology has led to _______.A. a decline in human creativityB.increased access to informationC.the erosion of privacy rightsD.all of the above7.The word "quixotic" in the context of the sentence "His quest for perfection seemedquixotic" means _______.A.practical and achievableB.idealistic and unrealisticC.cautious and deliberateD.timid and hesitant8.The poem's use of imagery conveys a sense of _______.A.tranquility and serenityB.turmoil and chaosC.longing and nostalgiaD.triumph and victory9.The author's argument in the essay relies heavily on _______.A.logical deductionB.personal anecdotesC.empirical evidenceD.philosophical speculation10.The phrase "a wolf in sheep's clothing" is used to describe someone who is _______.A.kind and gentle on the outside, but fierce and aggressive withinB.cunning and deceitful, pretending to be something they are notC.timid and fearful, hiding behind a false bravadoD.innocent and naive, unaware of the dangers around them。

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