雷顿教授与不可思议小镇详细攻略 上
《雷顿教授与不可思议小镇》详细图文攻略雷顿教授与不可思议的小镇レイトン教授と不思議な町机种 DS发售日期2007年02月15日(日版)2008年02月11日(美版)厂商 LEVEL-5类型推理解谜类《雷顿教授与不可思议的小镇》全谜题图解攻略NO.谜题谜题出现地点解谜答案及解决方法001町はどこだ到小镇之前左上的小镇(用触控笔圈中小镇,点选判定就OK了~~)002ハンドルと穴町への「はね橋」(往小镇的「吊桥」)1003不思議な帽子町の入り口(小镇的入口)A004家はドコ?町の広場(小镇的广场)中间蓝屋顶的房子005デジタル時計町の広場(小镇的广场)34006軽いのはどれ?屋敷への道(往宅院的路)先左右天平各放3个砝码007狼と小鳥屋敷の庭(宅院的庭院)1. 2只狼到右边2. 1只狼驾驶木筏返回3. 2只狼过河到右边4. 1只狼返回5. 2只鸟到右边6. 1只狼、1只小鸟返回左边7. 2只鸟移动到右边8. 1只狼返回左边9. 2只狼移动到右边10. 1只狼返回左边11. 2只狼移动到右边008種まきの報酬屋敷の庭(宅院的庭院)>>>调查对岸河边的花丛50009マッチ犬の悲劇屋敷の玄関(宅院的玄关)010仲間はずれの漢字屋敷の玄関(宅院的玄关)>>>调查书架知011円弧と直線屋敷の大広間(宅院的大客厅)10 012合わせて四角屋敷の大広間(宅院的大客厅)013沈没船のナゾ屋敷の庭(宅院的庭院)>>>调查小船13014イス選び雑貨屋(杂货屋)>>>调查左边座椅E015残ったのは?雑貨屋(杂货屋)>>>调查台上蜡烛3016ペンと三角形町役場(小镇事务所)7017仲間はずれ1町の入り口(小镇的入口)ジェリア018ちりとりとゴミホテル(旅馆)1. 中间的横火柴棒往左移动半格2. 右上的竖火柴棒往左下移动019込んだ駐車場町への「はね橋」(往小镇的「吊桥」)>>>调查河对岸的车1. 右移红色车上面的横向的车。
该标记的一面表示一个信用点。信用点是 1-信用点
5-信用点标记 (8)
脑部伤害标记 (6)
该标记表示一点脑部伤害。潜袭者会因为不 同的卡牌效果而受到脑部伤害。
[: 打出一个事务。
[: 打出一个事件[。, 1<: 推进一张卡牌。
[, [:
进2<行: 移一除次一潜销[枚[袭毁,锁,2。[一<定,:个如[标资:果记清源潜。除。袭病者毒被指锁示定物,。
时点记录器标记 (2) 和 时点记录器卡牌 (2)
这些配件共同用来记录玩家在他的 回合所剩余的可花费时点。四格的 记录器卡牌属于潜袭者,三格的记 录器卡牌属于公司。
伴随着神经生物学领域的科学发现,计算机技术持续发 展,最终诞生了“脑内映射”,这种技术可以将人类意 识以电子化的方式,存储在复杂而精密的具有脑机接口 的设备中。实体的鼠标和键盘成为了古董,手势接口和 虚拟显示变得普及。精英级用户可将电脑直接连通至大 脑来进行“接入”。
被大众称为“公司”的超巨型企业集团,掌控着日常生 活的方方面面:食物、3D娱乐、音乐以及就业机会。 人间会社和哈斯生化改写了生命的定义,致力于创造具 有脑波记忆的人工智能意识克隆体和生化人。威兰财团 控制着豆茎上下运作的一切资源。而网际传媒牢牢控制 着地球上有史以来最广博的媒体网络,塑造着你的梦想 与思维方式。
]““我为: 避感什免觉么我这得们么到来说1错,枚地D锁?方1子定”3了<<进标,: : 防破弗程记火兰解。。克墙强。的度”强等度于-或1。小于0的防火墙上的 “看看卷发夹。” 1<: 强度+1。
HOW TO PLAYGAMEGUIDE2–6PLAYERS• Give each player a CLUE Sheet and pen (not included). Shh! Always keep your CLUE Sheet secret!• Without letting anyone see, each player must secretly cross off the Black CLUE cards they have been dealt and any leftover cards that are faceup on the table. Your cards are not in the Envelope so are not involved in the murder!• Throughout the game you will get to see other players’ cards one at a time. Every time you see one, cross it off your CLUE sheet. It’s not in the Envelope so it’s not involved in the murder.4• Shuffle the rest of the Black CLUE cards together.• Deal them all out facedown to each player so you all have an equal number of cards. Shh! Everyone must keep their cards secret!• If the cards don’t divide exactly between players, place the two or three leftover cards faceup at the side of the board.3• Shuffle the Red Bonus cards and place them at the side of the board for bonus moves while you play. • Or, if you want to play original CLUE, return them to the box.5• Sort all the Black CLUE cards into Weapon, Suspect and Room decks. • Shuffle each deck separately and place them facedown on the table.• Without looking, take the top card from each deck and put them into the Yellow Murder Envelope. These are the suspect, weapon and room involved in the murder!• Place the Murder Envelope at the side of the board.2The Case FileThis evening Samuel Black was found murdered in his mansion! Detectives found six suspects and six weapons in the mansion’s nine rooms, but couldn’t solve the case. So, now it’s up to you to solve the murder!To win the game you must find out three things about the murder:1. Who did it?2. With what weapon?3. And where?Courtyard Game Room Study Dining Room Garage Living Room Kitchen Bedroom BathroomWhere? Take a peek at the Rooms.One of these rooms is the scene of the crime. You must find out which.NOW YOU’VE READ THE CASE FILE , choose one player to set up the game by following the steps on the opposite page.BEFORE YOU START , read the case file out loud to all players.NOW YOU’RE ALMOST READY TO START, just go to the next page to find out how to play.• Place all six weapon tokensand all six character tokens in the center of the board (even if there are less than six players).• Each choose a character from the suspect list to play as. You will use your character’s matching color token to move around the mansion.1seTUPEach player gets a number of cards. Keep your cards secret! They are not involved in the murder.These three cards are involved in the murder. To win, you must find out what they are!Who? Meet the Suspects.Plum White Scarlet Green Mustard PeacockOne of these six suspects is the murderer. You must find out who.WhaT? Check out the Weapons.Rope Dagger Wrench Pistol Candlestick Lead PipeOne of these is the murder weapon. You must find out which.• Roll the dice and move your character token that number of spaces around the board. (Or, if your token was moved by another player since your last turn, you can choose to stay where you are and ask a question without moving.)• You can move vertically and horizontally, forward and back through the Corridor, but not diagonally.• Always try to enter a room (at the start, any room will do). You don’t need an exact roll to enter a room; if your roll would’ve taken you beyond the room, just finish your move early and stop in the room.• Everyone rolls the dice. Highest roller goes first, play then continues left.Solve the murder! To win you must be the first player to find out which suspect, weapon and room cards are in the Murder Envelope.1. Decide who goes first2. On your turn, roll, move and enter a room You are Mustard . You roll ten and move from the Game Room to the Bedroom as shown.• If you entered a room, you must stop and ask a CLUE question about one suspect, one weapon and the room you’ve just entered.• For example, if you’d just entered the Garage, you could ask: “Was it Scarlet, with the Rope in the Garage?”Hint! Try to ask about suspects, weapons and rooms you haven’t crossed off your CLUE Sheet.• Bring the suspect’s character token and weapon token you’re asking about into the room with you.• T he player on your left must be the first to try to answer your question. If they have any of the cards you asked about they must show one of them to you secretly. They should never show you more than one card!• I f they don’t have any of the cards you asked about, they just say “I cannot answer” and the question passes left to the next player and so on until you have been shown one card.• Cross off the card you have been shown on your CLUE Sheet. It’s not in the Envelope, so it’s not involved in the murder!• Leave the character and weapon token you movedwhere they are. If the character token you moved belongs to another player, they can ask a question on their next turn without moving.• Now your turn is over. No matter who answered your question, the player on your left goes next.3. Then ask a CLUE question and get an answer What if no-one can show me a card?4. Finally, end your turn by marking off your CLUE sheet DON’T WORRY! CLUE is really easy to play! But, if you haven’t played for a while, read the Game Basics below out loud to all players.You are Peacock . You bring Scarlet and the Rope into the Garage with you and ask your question:“Was it Scarlet with the Rope in the Garage ?”Once you’ve crossed off everybody’s cards on your CLUE Sheet, YOU’RE READY TO SOLVE THE MURDER! Turn over to find out how to win.hoW To WiNhoW To PlaYThe Game BasiCs• If your roll is too low, you must stay in the Corridor this turn. Or aim to land on a Red Bonus space instead!• You don’t need an exact roll to stop on the Bonus space.When you land there, pick up the top Red Bonus card and follow the instructions.• Once you’ve used the card, place it on the discard pile. If you’re not using the Red Bonus cards (or don’t want one), just move your token towards the next room you want to enter.First put on a poker face! As long as you weren’t bluffing by asking about one of your own cards, you’ve figured out which cards are in the Envelope.Another player shows you a card. It is Scarlet. You cross Scarlet off your CLUE sheet.Make an accusation Were you right?Once you’ve asked enough questions to eliminate all but three of the cards on your CLUE Sheet (one suspect, one weapon and one room), you’re ready to solve the murder!Yes, I got all threecards rIght!You win! Congratulations, you’ve solved the murder! Reveal the cards in the Envelope to everyone.No, I got somethINg wroNg!Oops! You’ve made a mistake and are outof the game. Secretly return the cards to theEnvelope – don’t tell the other players whichones you got wrong!• K eep your cards hidden and keep answering other players’ questions.• D o not ask any further questions or make any further accusations.You must get to the space in the center of the board beforeyou can make an accusation. Once you get there, read your accusation out loud: “I accuse Green, with the Lead Pipe in the Dining Room!” Then, without letting anyone else see, check the cards in the Envelope.I a cc us e gr ee n,wi th t he le ad p ip e in t he di ni ng r oo m!hoW To WiNWhat if everybody guesses incorrectly?• If everyone makes an incorrect accusation, the murder remains unsolved. Take the cards out of the Envelope and take a look at which suspect got away with it!• If you’re in a room that has a Joining Door or Secret Passage to another room, you can move into the other room at the start of your turn without rolling the dice.• You cannot pass through one room and into another or into the Corridor on a single turn; you must stop and ask a question whenever you enter a room.Moving through Joining Doors and Secret Passages.If yo u wa nt to baffl e op pon ents , blu ff by aski ng a bou t som e of your own cards.W a s i t P e a c o c k i n t h e B e d r o o m wi t h t h e D a gg e r ? Asking about your own cardssNeakY moves To makesNeakY qUesTioNs To askSecret Passage You move from the Dining Room into the Kitchen and stop. On your next turn you can move through the Secret Passage to the Garage .For 2-players or teams, add the following rules to your game. If you’re playing in teams, keep younger players involved by grouping them with older players.Everything else is exactly the same as classic CLUE!2. T he second major difference in 2-player/Team CLUE is what you do when nobody answers your question. (See page 4 for classic rules on asking).A sk questions as normal. The other player/team must always try to answer.B ut, if player/team cannot answer, you must secretly look at one of the four cards at the side of the board. Once you’ve crossed it off your CLUE Sheet, return the card to exactly the same spot at the side of the board.E very time the other team/player cannot answer one of your questions, secretly look at a different one of the four cards at the side of the board. (You’ll have toremember the places of the ones you’ve already seen!)1. T he first major difference between 2-player/Team CLUE and classic CLUE is the setup. (See page 2 for classic setup). F ollow steps 1 and 2 of setup as usual. I n step 3, shuffle the rest of the Black CLUE cards together as usual. But then, before you deal them to the players/teams, take the top four black CLUE cards from the deck and place them facedown in a row at the side of the board.F ollow step 4 of setup as usual.B ut ignore step 5: you can never use the Red Bonus cards in a 2-player or Team game.2-PlaYer or Team rUlesYou will still have to read the full instructions to play CLUE this way!38712®7673871200© 2011 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862. USA . All rights reserved.Hasbro Australia Ltd., Level 2, 37-41 Oxford Street, Epping NSW 2121, Australia. Tel: 1300 138 697. Hasbro NZ (a branch of Hasbro Australia Ltd.), 221 Albany Highway, Auckland, New Zealand. Tel: 0508 828 200.TM & ® denote U.S. Trademarks.HASBRO CANADA, LONGUEUIL, QC, CANADA J4G 1G2.USA and Canada: Hasbro Games, Consumer Affairs Dept., P .O. Box 200, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. ☎ 888-836-7025.38712。
启动及探索指示物: 启动指示物通常表示在板图上现在发生事件的地点。探索指示物是放在调查员指示物下方, 代表他曾经穿过次元门并且能够番回Arkham。
恐惧记录指示计: 放在terror track上以表示精神状态以及Arkham市民的士气值。当恐惧等级(terror level)上 升,人们会离开市镇而且商店会关门,最后使怪物充塞于市镇之中。
状态指示物: 用以记录目前的技能、神智、活力、金钱以及线索等数据,共五种,以下是各种状态指示物 的简介︰ 神智指示物,外形为智蓝色脑状,用以表示现在处于的精神健康等级。 活力指示物,外形为心形,用以表示现在处于的身体健康等级。 线索指示物,外形为放大镜,用以表示调查员曾经在游戏中搜集到重要的信息。调查员可以
远古邪神卡(Ancient One Cards,179张大卡): 较大的卡(包括Arkham Horror)就是远古邪神卡,代表发生在Arkham及另一个次元的事件, 例如遇上怪物、好的遭遇等等。远古邪神卡一共分为三种︰地点卡(Location card)、次元门 卡(Gate cards)以及神话卡(Mythos cards)。
游戏的回合(GAME TURN)
Arkham Horror中,把每回合分成五个阶段,每个阶段均由起始玩家(first player,即First Player Marker的持有者)开始,执行该回合发生的行动,然后顺时针方向到下一位,直到所有玩家 都完成后,下一个阶段立即开始。在该回合的最后阶段,起始玩家就必须把起始玩家指示物 传给左手边的玩家,然后开始新一个回合。 以下是每回合的各阶段, 第一阶段︰维持(Upkeep) 第二阶段︰移动(Movement) 第三阶段︰Arkham遭遇 第四阶段︰异界遭遇 第五阶段︰神话(Mythos) 每个阶段均由起始玩家(first player,即First Player Marker的持有者)开始,执行该回合发生的 行动,然后顺时针方向到下一位。 --------------
魔城马车(Coach Ride to Devil`s Castle)中文规则作者:Michael Palm & Lukas Zach译者:乐挺(独孤律)人数:3—10人年龄:12岁以上时间:30—60分钟(9或10人游戏时会略长)游戏配件10张人物牌Character Cards(双面均可以使用)10张职业牌Occupation Cards10张阵营牌Association Cards(5张修道同盟the Order,5张兄弟会the Brotherhood)21张道具牌(旅途行李)9张“权力之酒The Drink of Power”牌1份游戏规则书游戏概念车夫在瓢泼大雨中疯狂地驱赶马匹,疾驰过湿冷的峡谷,奔向远方的山峦。
所有的“权力之酒The Drink of Power”牌均放回盒中,无需使用。
4 MM
Warrior. Elite. 战士·精 锐
Sigmar's Blessed 31 1X 希格玛的 圣佑者
2 MM
Priest. 祭司
O Thyrus Gorman 32 1X 瑟如斯· 格尔曼 Huntsmen 猎户
Knight. 骑士
Bright Wizard Apprentic EMPIRE 28 1X e 帝国 炽煌巫师 学徒
2 MM
Mage. 法师
Nuln Tinkerers EMPIRE 29 1X 努恩维修 帝国 师
Engineer. 工程师
The Greatswor EMPIRE 30 2X ds 帝国 大剑
Name 名字 Peasant 26 1X Militia 民兵 R
Faction派 Type 系 类型 EMPIRE 帝国 Unit
Cost 售价
Loyalty忠 Hp 诚 0M 3
Power 威力
Traits 特性 Warrior. 战士
Reiksguar d Knights EMPIRE 27 3X 瑞克斯禁 帝国 卫团骑士
0 MM
Will of the 44 1X Electors 选帝侯的 意志
TwinTailed 45 1X Comet 双尾彗星
⼩镇惊魂-全剧情流程图⽂攻略 《⼩镇惊魂》是D i g i t a l H a p p i n e s s制作并发⾏的⼀款恐怖类的冒险解谜游戏。
键位操作 A S W D键:⾏⾛; s h i f t键:奔跑; E键:互动; ⿏标:观察四周; F键:激活闪光灯; ⿏标右键:进⼊第⼀⼈称相机视⾓; ⿏标滑轮:(开启相机时)捕捉镜头; ⿏标左键:(开启相机时)拍照; 序章(A C T00) 收集品:1件宝物 s t e p1.琳达从⼀间废旧的平房中醒来,周遭都是如此之陌⽣。
(此时琳达获得“彩虹⼥神⼿机”,1/1宝物) s t e p2.离开平房后,在巷⼦中琳达看见了同学伊拉站在⼀个丁字路⼜处,在靠近伊拉时,琳达忽然头痛欲裂,当她回过神来时,伊拉已经消失不见了。
s t e p3.前⽅也是⼀个丁字路⼜,右侧是⼀个带有秋千的⼩花园,⽽左侧是⼀个公寓的⾛廊。
深入绝地 勘误及常见问题解答1.5版(中文版1.5)
深入絕地:暗黑世界之旅第二版勘誤及常見問題解答1.5版(中文版1.5)更新:2015年2月9日中文版翻譯:林中華(Chung-Wah Lam、cchopman)紅字:原版新勘誤FAQ / 藍字:中文版勘誤勘誤任務指南任務指南第6頁「戴城告急」的特殊規則應改為:村民的生命值從6點改成8點。
游戏配件:游戏规则1本奸徒密谋Traitor’s Tome 1本求生秘诀Secrets of Survival 1本房间Room tile 44间入口大堂Entrance Hall tile 1个人物Plastic character figure 6名人物牌Character card(五角形、双面,分别是同一角色的不同版本) 6张塑胶别计Plastic clip 30只游戏骰子dice 8颗记录表Turn/Damage Track 1个预兆牌Omen card 13张物品牌Item card 22张事件牌Event card 45张大怪物标记Large monster token(圆形、绘有样貌) 12个怪物标记monster token(圆形) 204个事件/房间标记event and room token(方形) 14个物品标记item token(五角形) 43个考验标记trait token(三角形) 18个准备:将塑胶别针夹在记录表Turn/Damage Track上。
将塑胶别针分别夹在人物牌character card上。
除底边外,每个人物牌character card的另4个边皆需分别夹上1个塑胶别针,用作记录该人物的速度Speed、力量Might、神志Sanity、知识Knowledge的级别。
开局:将下台阶Basement Landing、入口大堂Entrance Hall及上台阶Upper Landing放到桌中央。
将预兆牌Omen card、物品牌Item card及事件牌Event card分别牌面向下地洗混备用。
将所有房间Room tile覆转洗混,并叠成一幢备用。
将游戏骰子dice、奸徒密谋Traitor’s Tome、求生秘诀Secrets of Survival放到一旁备用。
记录表Turn/Damage Track、怪物标记Large monster token、小怪标记monster token、事件/房间标记event and room token、物品标记item token、考验标记trait token等放回盒中,暂不使用。
Harry Potter 魔法世界英雄战争游戏说明书
Adv anced Wizards:After reading these rules, if you feel comfortable and are familiar with deck-building games, we recommend that you proceed directly to Game 3. Open the Game 1,Game 2 and Game 3 boxes, review the rules enclosed ineach, and start your adventure there.OverviewIn this cooperative game, you will take on the heroic role of either HARRY POTTER ™, RON WEASLEY ™, HERMIONE GRANGER ™ or NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM ™ in order to defeat a series of evil threats.The Villains launch attacks against you in their attempts to conquer the wizarding world one Location at a time. This game is designed to be played over a series of seven increasingly difficultadventures, to defeat You-Know-Who once and for all.OBJECTIVEPlaying cooperatively as the Heroes, you win the game if you defeat all the Villains before they gain control of all the Locations,thereby securing the safety of HOGWARTS , for now...However, if the Villains manage to gain control of all of theLocations, you have lost the game!ContentsSet Up – p. 2 Gameplay – p. 6Additional Rules – p. 122-4 Players AGES 11+8 Villain Control tokensSort and Distribute contents as shown:Boxes for Games 2–79 Sorting CardsLEAVE IN BOX4 Health Trackers :Give one to each player . Place Health Tracker on the 10 space on your Player Board.Player Board (with Health Tracker)25 Influence tokens35 Attack tokens 34 Player BoardsP l a y e r B o a r d (w i t h H e a l t h T r a c k e r )Game BoardOpen the Game 1 Box and proceed to the next page.For your first game, you will not need the boxes for Games 2–7.Give one to each player .Hero deck4VILL AINDRA CO M ALF OY6MIRROR ERISED 2 2DIAGO N ALLE Y 12 HARRY POTTER ❶❷❸❺❻❶❷❸❹❺3 Villains 30 Hogwarts4 Turn Order & 4 Heroes2 Locations 10 Dark Arts sort and distribute game 1 cardsS E T U PLocationsVillain stackActive VillainDark Arts stackLeave empty for Game 1. The spaces will be filled in successive games.Shuffle and stack the square Dark Arts cards face down.Dark Arts cardsStack the oversized Location cards face up in the order indicated on upper-right corner.Location cardsShuffle and stack the oversized Villain cardsface down.For Game 1 there will only be one active Villain at a time. Reveal the top card face up in space below.Villain cardsDiscard Pile (face up)Shuffle and stack your Hero deck of 10 cards face down, then draw 5 cards. Choose your HeroPlace an oversized Turn Order and Hero card face up aboveyour Player Board.Turn Order & Hero cardsStarting Hero deckNote that each Hero has their own starting deck as indicated by the name in the banner .824434HOGWARTS ™ stack❹Each time is addedto the Location, activeHero loses 2 .Remove 1 from the Location.VILLAINDRACO MALFOY6™➊➋➌➍➎.ALL Heroes gain 1.4➊➋➌➍➎❻4 Starting Hero Decks of 10 cardsH ER M I O N EH A R R YN E VI L L ER O NSeparate out the 4 starting Hero decks, as indicated by the Hero names on the bottom (❻).Shuffle and stack the HOGWARTS cards face down.Place top 6 cards face up in the spaces below.HOGWARTS cardsYou are ready for your first game.Choose a Hero to go first. These rules are designed to be read as you play.**Advanced Wizards will need to complete set up as instructed in the Game 3 box before continuing with these rules.Information on VILLAIN Cards➊ Villain Name ➋ Game Identifier ➌ Villain Ability ➍ H ealth —the number of needed to defeat the Villain.➎ R eward —earned when the Villain is defeated.Information on HOGW ARTS Cards➊ Game Identifier ➋ C ard Type —either Ally, Item, or Spell. Some effects may reference these types.➌ Card Name ➍ C ard Effect —gained when you play the card.➎ V alue —amount of you mustspend to acquire it. Some effects may reference this.icon keyInfluence Villain ControlAttack Health6VILL AINDRA CO M ALF OY6LOCATION MIRROR ERISED 2 2LOCAT IONDIAGO N ALL EY 12❶❸Each time is added to the Location, activeHero loses 2 .Remove 1 from the Location.VILLAINDRACO MALFOY GAME 16™DARK ARTSAdd 1to the Location.HE-WHO-MUST- NOT-BE-NAMEDEXAMPLE: because a token was added to the Location, Harry (the active Hero) loses 2 Health, moving his from 10 to 8. (See Hero Health on page 13 for details.)GAMEPLA YEach turn consists of four steps.STEP 1. Reveal and resolve Dark Arts events.Look at the Location. It states how many Dark Arts events to reveal (❶).Dark Arts events have a variety of detrimental effects. One at a time, reveal and resolve Dark Arts events,placing the cards in a discard pile beside the stack (❷).If the Dark Arts stack runs out, shuffle the resolved cards to form a new stack.STEP 2. Resolve Villain abilities.Each Villain has an ability (❸). Some will happen each turn, and others will be triggered by Dark Arts events or other Villains.OBJECTIVEPlaying cooperatively as the Heroes, you win the game if you defeat all the Villains before they gain control of all the Locations, therebysecuring the safety of HOGWARTS–for now...However, if the Villains manage to gain control of all of theLocations, you have lost the game!G A M E P L A YEXAMPLE: this event instructs you to add one token on the Location card. (See Location Control on page 12 for details.)7HARRY POTTER HERO8 344D ARK ARTSHE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED34❷Proceed to the next page for the active Hero’s chance to play cards and take actions.VILL AINDRA CO M ALF OY6LOCATION MIRROR ERISED 2 2LOCAT IONDIAGO N ALL EY 12❸STEP 3. Play HOGW ARTS cards and take Hero actions.As the active Hero, you may do all of the following in any order you choose.• P lay cards to gain resources( & tokens) and generate effects.A s you play out cards, set them to the side to indicatethat they have been played. Tokens you gain arecollected on your player board. Cards and resources cannot be saved from one turn to the next, so it is advisable to use everything each turn.• Assign(Attack) to Villains.W hen the number of tokens assigned to a Villain equals its Health, the Villain is defeated! (See Defeating a Villain on page 12 for details.)• Use (Influence) to acquire new cards.T he six face up HOGWARTS cards are available to acquire and build a more powerful deck. You can acquire multiple cards as long as you have enough.I MMEDIATELY place any newly acquired cards in your Discard Pile (not in your hand) unless otherwise noted. Typically, you will not play new cards on the same turn you acquire them.W hen your deck runs out of cards, you will shuffle your Discard Pile to form a new deck including these newly acquired cards.EXAMPLE: your starting hand has a Firebolt, HEDWIG ™, and three Alohomora! cards.❶ P lay the Firebolt to gain a token. Since you are stillpretty healthy, play HEDWIG and choose to gain another token. Place them on your player board.❷ P lay your three Alohomora! to gain three tokens. Place them on your Player Board.❸ A ssign the two tokens to DRACO MALFOY ™. Y ou need four more to defeat him.❹ U se the three to acquire Reparo! from the available HOGWARTS cards. Immediately place the card in your discard pile.G A M E P L A Y9HARRY POTTER HERO8 344DARK ARTSHE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED334❶❹❷End your turn.HARRY POTTER HERO3VIL LAI NDR ACO MA LFO Y6LOCATION MIRROR ERISED 2 2LOCAT IONDIAGO N ALL EY 12❶❹❺❻❷STEP 4. END YOUR TURN.After playing cards, taking actions, and using tokens,do the following at the end of your turn. ❶C heck if the Villains have the required toControl the Location. If they Control it, remove the and discard the Location, revealing the next one in the stack.❷I f you assigned enough to defeat a Villain this turn, replace it with the next one from the Villains stack.❸R efill empty spaces for HOGWARTS cards.❹P lace all cards played this turn in your discard pile. You cannot save cards for your next turn.❺D iscard any unused and tokens. If you played cards that allow other Heroes to gain tokens, they DO get to keep them to use on their turn.❻D raw a new hand of five cards. ONLY shuffle your Discard pile to form a freshDraw Deck when you need to draw or reveal cards and your deck is empty.THE NEXT HERO’S TURNGame play will continue clockwise, with the next player, as the active Hero, taking the same 4 steps on their turn.See the following pages for more information on:Defeating a Villain–page 12Location Control–page 12Hero Health–page 13G A M E P L A Y108 344DARK ARTSHE-WHO-MUST- NOT-BE-NAMED45❸END OF GAMEThe game can end in one of two ways:The Heroes defeat ALL the VillainsCongratulations! You win, and ensure the security of HOGWARTS andthe wizarding world for another year. You have become most adeptand skilled wizards and bring pride and honor to your school! Whenyou are ready, proceed to the next game. Open the Game 2 box, andfollow the instructions enclosed.The Villains control ALL the LocationsIf the Villains manage to control ALL the Locations, you have lost.You are not yet ready to advance to Game 2 and need to hone yourwizarding skills. Reset the game to its starting configuration, and tryagain! (see Set Up on pages 2-5.)11Active Hero loses 1 .ALL Heroesgain 1 and 1 .VILLAIN GAME 1QUIRINUS QUIRRELL 6LO CA T IO N M IR R O R OF E R IS E D Ea ch tu rn re ve al 1 D ar k A rt s e ve nt .2 of 2GA ME 1LOCATION Each turn reveal 1 Dark Arts event.DIAGON ALLEY ™1 of 2GAME 1DARK ARTS HE-WHO-MUST- NOT-BE-NAMEDGAME 1Add 1 to the Location.Reward: Each Hero takes a token from the pile puts it on their Player Board. Each Hero also gains 1 Health moving their up one. Location Control *Some Dark Arts events and Villain abilities increase the amount of control the Villains have over the Location. When the Villains gain the required to control the Location, the Heroes have until the end of that turn to remove a either by playing a card or defeating a Villain.If at the end of the turn, the Location still has the required , the Villains gain control of it. Discard the controlled Location as the battle moves on to the next one in the stack. If the Villains gain control of ALL the Locations, the Heroes lose the game!If you need to add more on a Location than there are spaces, you get a reprieve, ignoring any additional that would be added this turn .* Advanced Wizards: You can add to the difficulty of any game by placing tokens on the first Location when setting up the game. For moderate difficulty, start with 1 on the Location or for a bigger challenge, start with 2 . Alternatively, add 1 to each Location when it is revealed, starting with the first one.Defeating a Villain When the tokens assigned to a Villain equal its (Health), the Villain is defeated! You immediately gain the reward listed on the Villain card, and place it in the discard space in the center of the board. Return the tokens assigned to the Villain back to the pile. At the end of your turn, replace the defeated Villain with the next Villain card from the top of the stack.Additional Rules A D D I T I O N A L R U L E S 12LOCATION MIRROR OF ERISED Each turn reveal 1 Dark Arts event.2 of 2GAME 1HARRY POTTER HERO❶❻❺❷❹❸Hero HealthSome Dark Arts events and Villain abilities cause your Hero to lose (Health) and some HOGWARTS cards allow you to gain . This is inidicated by moving your Health Tracker up or down on your Player Board. If you lose all your , you are Stunned and the following occurs. Note: It is possible to get Stunned on another Hero's turn. If more than one Hero is Stunned at the same time, each one does the following:❶ Y ou cannot lose (or gain*) any more this turn.❷D iscard any or tokens you may have saved onyour Player Board from other Heroes’ turns.❸ D iscard half the cards in your hand, rounded down.For example, if you have five cards, choose two todiscard. If a card has an effect generated by beingdiscarded you DO still get that effect. ❹A dd one to the Location.❺ I f it is your turn, you may still play cards and takeactions with whatever you have remaining afterbeing Stunned.❻ *At the end of the active Hero’s turn you haverecovered. Reset your Hero’sto its maximumvalue (10).D A R K A RT S A c ti v e H e r o l o se s 2 .E X P U L S O !Each time a Dark Arts event or Villain causes a Hero to discard a card, that Hero loses 1 .VILLAIN CRABBE & GOYLE 5D A R K A R T S Ac tiv e H er o l os es 1 an d di sc ar ds a ca rd .F LI P E N D O !LOCATION CARDSHERMIONE GRANGER STARTING CARDS HOGW ARTS CARDS HOGW ARTS CARDS14HOGW ARTS cards In the first few games, it is possible for the HOGWARTS stack to run out of cards to acquire. Continue playing with the remaining available HOGWARTS cards and the decks you have built until the end of the game.Drawing and Discarding cards Some cards, like the Crystal Ball , have the effect to “Draw a Card”. When you play these, always draw from your Hero deck. Additionally, if a card has an effect to “Discard a Card”, you may choose any card in your hand–not just from among the cards you drew. Other cards have an effect that only happens if you choose to discard them, not when you play them. For example: the Remembrall (Neville’s starting deck) gives the Hero 1 when it is played, but 2 when discarded to another effect. The effect on these cards triggers if you choose to discard them to a Villain, Dark Arts event, from being Stunned, or toanother HOGWARTS card, like the Crystal Ball .Placing Cards on top of your DeckThis is a good thing. Rather than having to wait until your Discard Pile is shuffled to gain access to a card, cards with this directive ensure that you will draw a newly acquired card on your next turn.Saving Influence and AttacksIf you gain or tokens on another Hero’s turn you may save them on your player board until your turn. At the end of your turn any tokens that you have not used must be discarded to their piles. Villains and Dark arts cardsAs the games progress in difficulty, many of the Villain abilitiesand Dark Arts events will have a compounding effect. Forexample: Flipendo! states, “Active Hero loses 1 and discardsa card.” Crabbe & Goyle have the ability, “When you discard acard lose 1 ”. The combined effect is the active Hero will lose2 and discard a card before taking actions.Storing the gameYou do not need to play all seven games at once.Included in the tray are nine sorting cards. Whenyou are ready to pack the game up use the dividersto sort the cards by type instead of by game. Thiswill make setting up your next game faster. Theadditional game rules can be stored in the pocketson the next page.Adv anced WizardsAfter reading these rules, if you are familiar with deck-building games, you may proceed directly to Game 3. Youwill open boxes for Games 1-3, review the additional rulesenclosed in each, and start your adventure there. You canalso increase the difficulty of each game by starting with1 or2 on the first Location.Reminders A D D I T I O N A L R U L E S 3DESIGNED & DEVELOPED BY:INVENTED BY:USAopoly is a trademark of Usaopoly, Inc. Invented and licensed by Forrest-Pruzan Creative.HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of © and ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. (s16)Manufactured by USAOPOLY, Inc. 5607 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92010.MADE IN CHINA. Colors and parts may vary from those pictured. CONTENTS:Game Board • 252 Cards (47 Small, 142 Regular, 63 Oversized) • 4 Dice • 7 Game Boxes • 7 Game Rules 4 Player Boards • 8 Villain Control Tokens • 70 Chip Pieces (35 Attack, 25 Influence, 4 Health, 2 Shield, 4 More)。
魔现封神龙与地下城游戏模组适合于四名2级人物制作人员原作: Richard Pett 配图: Peter Bergting 地图: Craig Zipse 中文化: Ellesime & ESBased on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ®game by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of t he DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip W illiams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison. D &D , D U N G E O N S & D R A G O N S , a n d D U N G E O N M A S T E R a r e r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o w n e d b y W i z a r d s o f t h e C o a s t ,I n c. T h e d 20 l o g o i s a t r a d e m a r k o w n e d b y W i z a r d s o f t h e C o a s t , I n c. A l l W i z a r d s c h a r a c t e r s , c h a r a c t e r n a m e s , a n d t h e d i s t i n c t i v e l i k e n e s s e s t h e r e o f a r et r a d e m a r k s o w n e d b y W i z a r d s o f t h e C o a s t , I n c. ©2003 W i z a r d s o f t h e C o a s t , I n c. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d.M a d e i n t h e U.S.A. T h i s p r o d u c t i s a w o r k o f f i c t i o n. A n y s i m i l a r i t y t o a c t u a l p e o p l e ,o r g a n i z a t i o n s , p l a c e s , o r e v e n t s i s p u r e l y c o i n c i d e n t a l. T h i s W i z a r d s o f t h e C o a s t g a m e p r o d u c t c o n t a i n s n o O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t. N o p o r t i o n o f t h i s w o r k m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d i n a n y f o r m w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n. T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t t h e O p e n G a m i n g L i c e n s e a n d t h e d 20 S ys t e m L i c e n s e , p l e a s e v i s i t w w w.w i z a r d s.c o m /d 20.“世间本无善恶,全凭个人的想法而定。
Game manual:Getting startedBefore running the game please install the latest DirectX. It is included in Vampire Hunters/ DirectX directory. Just run DXSETUP.exeAlso it is recommended to update your graphics card drivers. (Download it please from your graphics card manufacture website)If you receive a missing dll error message or the camera inside game is bouncing too much it is most probable that you have not installed the Di-rectX and / or you are using a generic windows graphics card drivers instead of your cards manufacturers (Nvidia or ATI).Run the game with VampireHunters.exeControlsIn order to satisfy as many players as possible (their control style), the game includes three different types of controls systems:Keyboard: Classical controls use keyboard Arrows for movement and the Enter button for confirming action or selection.Mouse: Vampire Hunters can be fully controlled by the mouse. The mouse movement adjusts the rotation of the camera, the left mouse button moves the character in the selected direction and confirms the dialogue choices and the right mouse button selects action (the same as pressing Enter on the keyboard).Mixed: The most comfortable means of game control. Character movement is carried out by the W, S, A, D keys with the left hand on the keyboard (the control system utilized in action games.) Mouse is controlled by right hand handling the camera movement and action selection. ( can also be used with a left-handed mouse and the right hand on the keyboard using the Ar-rows.)Bringing up the menus is common for all three types of game controls: ESC – Main game menu.I – Inventory. Items are divided into four categories: Weapons/Clothing, Healing potions/Amulets, Spell runes and Adventure items. In the right partof the inventory menu there is a quest log.C - Character menu containing a detailed description of character’s param-eters.L - Spell menu containing a detailed description of individual spells and nec-essary runes.F5 – Quick save.CombatCombat menu:- Attack – Performs a weapon attack of your choice. Thelist of choices depends on your weapon type, your charac-ter’s statistics and also on your skill with the actual weapon.Later on in the game you can choose more complicatedmoves and weapon combos.- Magic, spell casting. You can add more spells to yourlist by finding a rune and combining new spells from thespell menu. (pressing the L button during the game)- Defense setting – You can choose five levels of aggres-siveness. The highest one focuses your character on dealingwith maximal damage with very weak defense ability.- Inventory – You could Access the inventory during thecombat. Suitable for using medicaments and stimulants.- Flee – Run away (not available)Character Attributes- Strength is the basic ability of a warrior. Damage inflicted by the charac-ter in combat depends on strength. Other aspects depending on strength include the speed of improvement with weapons and character’s stamina when fatigued.- Dexterity is an important ability during combat. It affects the attack with most weapons only slightly but when handling daggers and staves it is abasic ability. It influences the speed of attacks and mostly the character’s ability to evade physical attacks.- Endurance allows the character to endure more damage by increasing his HP. It also decreases non-magical damage sustained by the character. En-durance also decreases the effects of fatigue.- Intelligence is the basic ability of each spell-caster, influencing each aspect of the spell-casting process. It decreases the time needed for the spell’s preparation, increases the spell power and its duration.- Perception helps the character to find weaknesses in the enemy’s armor whereby decreasing the influence of the enemy’s armor in the combat’s outcome. It also increases the probability of a successful critical hit and decreases the time needed for the preparation of weapons at the beginning of combat.Character menuCharacter menu description:1 - Implants 4 - Necklaces2 - Body armors 5 - Gloves & hand accessories3 - Weapons 6 - Boots1. Body Implants(Eight categories)- Improve basic character attributes. Parameters for each category are fixed.2. Character armors(Four categories)- Enhance character defense parameters. They could include bonus character attribute improvements. Parameters for each category are ran-domly generated.3. Weapons(Two groups: Light / Heavy weapons, four sub-groups, thirty-six categories) 3.1. Blunt weapons (sub-group)(Eight categories)- Weapon damage modifiers (50% Character strength, 50% Weapon group skill – heavy weapon skill).- Increased damage, lowered accuracy. Same damage modifier for a fresh weapon as for a hundred times used weapon.3.2. Swing weapons (sub-group)(Nine categories)Walkthrough This is a brief walkthrough that will guide you through the beginning of the game and helps you to better understand the game mechanics. - Go to a flagpole situated near the teleport where you begin the game and take the “flag”.- In the most far-away corner (go straight and then all the way left) there is a functionless lamp which does not emit light but sparkles instead. Screw out the “light bulb”.- Next to the lamp there is a staircase damaged in the middle so you have to take the staircase opposite to it.- When you approach the staircase a vampire jumps out and attacks you. Destroy him and search the corpse.Note: This vampire is very slow (requires several turns to make an action) so you could examine the combat system. Look to the combat section in this manual.- Go down the staircase and turn left.- Open the door just behind the corner and go inside.- Find three objects inside the room: “crowbar”, “lightly erotic maga -zine” and “broken compass”.- Leave the room and go straight forward until you reach a staircase made of wood and a short pier.- Continue to the wooden staircase and inspect the blood stains on the ground.- Take the “fishing hook”(It is leaning nearby)- Jump down on a lower platform (a short wooden pier), turn left and fish out Ivan’s body from the water.- Inspect the body and take “amulet”, “ball dance invitation” and “key”.- Return to the main building. On your way you will see a vampire. Run after him.- The vampire will eventually escape. Next to the place where you lost him there is a staircase and a small boat. Inspect the boat to find out it is useless without an oar.- Return to the teleport at the beginning of the game (upper floor). There is a chest. Open it using a “crowbar” and take the “metal keys”.- Go down the stairs and turn left.- Behind the main building there is a wooden bench to the left. When you try to cross it, it will break.- Weapon damage modifiers (35% Agility, 35% Strength, 30% Weapon group skill)- Average damage, average accuracy. Same damage modifier for a fresh weapon as for a hundred times used weapon.3.3. Bladed weapons (sub-group)(Twelve categories)- Weapon damage modifiers (Light weapons: 30% Agility, 10% Strength, 60% Weapon group skill - light weapons; Heavy weapons: 10% Agility, 30% Strength, 60% Weapon group skill - heavy weapons)You become more skilled with a weapon the longer you use the weapon. (Does not apply to Blunt and Swing weapons).3.4. Special weapons (sub-group)(Seven categories)- Special and bonus weapons. Most of them are one of a kind and / or de-signed for a single purpose.- Weapons could be: found, taken from dead enemies or manufactured (us -ing adventure items).Parameters for each category are randomly generated. (Only Special weapons have fixed parameters.)WalkthroughThis is a brief walkthrough that will guide you through the beginning of the game and helps you to better understand the game mechanics.- Go to a flagpole situated near the teleport where you begin the game and take the “flag”. - In the most far-away corner (go straight and then all the way left) there is a functionless lamp which does not emit light but sparkles instead. Screw out the “light bulb”.- Next to the lamp there is a staircase damaged in the middle so you have to take the staircase opposite to it. - When you approach the staircase a vampire jumps out and attacks you. Destroy him and search the corpse.Note: This vampire is very slow (requires several turns to make an action) so you could examine the combat system. Look to the combat section in this manual.- Go down the staircase and turn left.- Open the door just behind the corner and go inside.- Find three objects inside the room: “crowbar”, “lightly erotic maga -zine” and “broken compass”.- Leave the room and go straight forward until you reach a staircase made of wood and a short pier.- Continue to the wooden staircase and inspect the blood stains on the ground.- Take the “fishing hook”(It is leaning nearby)- Jump down on a lower platform (a short wooden pier), turn left and fish out Ivan’s body from the water.- Inspect the body and take “amulet”, “ball dance invitation” and “key”.- Return to the main building. On your way you will see a vampire. Run after him.- The vampire will eventually escape. Next to the place where you lost him there is a staircase and a small boat. Inspect the boat to find out it is useless without an oar.- Return to the teleport at the beginning of the game (upper floor). There is a chest. Open it using a “crowbar” and take the “metal keys”.- Go down the stairs and turn left.- Behind the main building there is a wooden bench to the left. When you try to cross it, it will break.4. Necklaces (Two categories)- Miscellaneous effects, randomly generated parameters.5. Gloves & hand accessories (Eight categories)- Three subtypes – Character defence, Magic / spell support, Bladed attack. - Gloves are essential for a hand (no weapon) combat. - Parameters for each category are randomly generated.6. Boots (Four categories)- Modify Agility and Defense - Rare models could trigger special attack combos.- Parameters for each category are fixed.Walkthrough This is a brief walkthrough that will guide you through the beginning of the game and helps you to better understand the game mechanics. - Go to a flagpole situated near the teleport where you begin the game and take the “flag”.- In the most far-away corner (go straight and then all the way left) there is afunctionless lamp which does not emit light but sparkles instead. Screw out the “light bulb”.- Next to the lamp there is a staircase damaged in the middle so you have to take the staircase opposite to it.- When you approach the staircase a vampire jumps out and attacks you. Destroy him and search the corpse.Note: This vampire is very slow (requires several turns to make an action) so you could examine the combat system. Look to the combat section in this manual.- Go down the staircase and turn left.- Open the door just behind the corner and go inside.- Find three objects inside the room: “crowbar”, “lightly erotic maga-zine” and “broken compass”.- Leave the room and go straight forward until you reach a staircase made of wood and a short pier.- Continue to the wooden staircase and inspect the blood stains on the ground.- Take the “fishing hook”(It is leaning nearby)- Jump down on a lower platform (a short wooden pier), turn left and fish out Ivan’s body from the water.- Inspect the body and take “amulet”, “ball dance invitation” and “key”. - Return to the main building. On your way you will see a vampire. Run after him.- The vampire will eventually escape. Next to the place where you lost him there is a staircase and a small boat. Inspect the boat to find out it is useless without an oar.- Return to the teleport at the beginning of the game (upper floor). There is a chest. Open it using a “crowbar” and take the “metal keys”.- Go down the stairs and turn left.- Behind the main building there is a wooden bench to the left. When you try to cross it, it will break.- On the opposite side (to the right) there are three piers.- Go to the end of the middle pier. There is a chest. Smash it open and take all that is inside.- Return to the main sidewalk and continue straight forward until you reach a metal gate.- Open the metal gate using “metal keys”.- Hint: There are five hidden spots within this location with the supplies,magic runes and the equipment.- Before you approach the end of pier, bring up the inventory (button “I”) and equip yourself. Put a dagger into character’s hand and wear Stand-ard boots, Rubber Gloves and Amulet.- Continue walking until you reach a leaning oar.- A vampire will attack you. Enemies later in a game appear at random places, so always try to be equipped with the best equipment you have.- Take the “oar” and everything that’s inside the nearby chest.- Return to the small boat that was unusable without an oar and try to sail away.- After you wake up, defeat both the guards.Note: Combat in Vampire Hunters requires more than just using a simple weapon attacks. The use of stimulants, health packs and magic is essential. - Move away from the corpses. You will be interrupted by the ringing of a telephone.- Inspect the bodies and take the phone.- After talking to Menlaus go towards the tall crane using the ladder to climb upwards until you reach a teleport (white lights).- Teleport yourself to the “bar” location.- Enter the oriental bar.- Talk to Menlaus to receive a “card”. You can also talk to the drunkard and buy resources from Otto.- Use the teleport to transfer yourself to the “loading bay” location.- Hint: At the end of the rails opposite to the yellow-black barrier there is a metal plate hood on the ground behind containers. Open it and enter a secret room where besides posters referring to our older games you can find various useful items.We hope that this introduction to our game was helpful. The rest is up to you and we wish you good luck.Hints- During combat you can click directly at the enemy to automatically bring up the attack/combo menu.- Teleport serves for transporting between locations throughout the game. You could travel only to locations you have already visited.- Battles are not difficult but it is not only the simple use of attacks. To go through the fights you have to use a combination of stimulants, medica-ments and spells.- Casting spells costs runes. Each spell needs it’s own combination of runes, which are automatically depleted after casting a certain spell.(c) 2009 C media publishing.game by Mayhem Studios。
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