F F1327C256 is a CMOS 256K bit EPROM. The device is organized as 32K words by 16 bits .T T63A disadvantage of connecting lamps in series is that if one lamp blows all of them will go out because the circuit is broken.T T43A lamp may be used to test a rectifier diode, but do not use a lamp to test a signal diode because the large current passed by the lamp will destroy the diode!T T21 A PIC is a Programmable Integrated Circuit microcontroller, a 'computer-on-a-chip'.F F101 A products made of interchangeable parts is slowly assembled, higher in cost.T T68 A relay is an electrically operated switch.T T100 A resistor placed in a circuit will resist the passage of electrical current through it.T T94 A thermistor is an input transducer (sensor) which converts temperature (heat) to resistance. T T99 A transformer consists of two coils (often called 'windings') linked by an iron core.T82A transistor may be used as a switch (either fully on with maximum current, or fully off with no current) and as an amplifier (always partly on).T4 A warning notice has to be set up on the equipment while repairing.F46All rectifier diodes are made from silicon and therefore have a forward voltage drop of 0.2V.T98An audio (AC) signal with a constant DC signal will make a large current flow through the Loudspeaker due to its low resistance, possibly damaging both the speaker and the driving circuit.F105Automatic control systems are a product of this generation.T6Be careful not to damage or scar the inner surface finish of the bottom sub.T133Before logging, inspect the cable drum assembly for apparent damage or cracked welds.T131Before starting engine ,we must check the batteray cables and terminals for corrosion or loose connection. F111Cams are the most versatile lathe.T34Capacitors are also used in filter circuits because capacitors easily pass AC (changing) signals but they block DC (constant) signals.T33Capacitors are used to smooth varying DC supplies by acting as a reservoir of charge.T32Capacitors store electric charge.T8Check the cable and wire for proper connections both before and after repair.F125Checking the engine oil level,we don't wipe dipstick clean ,we can get a good reading.F67Connecting several LEDs in parallel with just one resistor shared between them is generally a good idea.T69Current flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts.F28Current is measured with an voltmeter, connected in series.T27Current is the rate of flow of charge.T31Currents add up for components connected in parallel.T29Currents are the same through all components connected in series.T57Datasheets are available for most ICs giving detailed information about their ratings and functions. F39Diodes allow electricity to flow in two directions.T77Electrical energy is converted to heat when current flows through a resistor.F14EPROM can be read and writen.F112Form the fits point of view, a key is referred to as the hole and the keyway as the shaft.T44General purpose signal diodes such as the 1N4148 are made from silicon and have a forward voltage drop of 0.7V. T124Going downhole,screw the adjustable uphole torque control valve fully clockwiseF150Heat treatment can decrease material Hardness.T149Heat treatment can increase material Hardness.F103High carbon steel is softer than tempered steel, but it is much more easier to work.T128Hot exhaust system parts can cause serious bodily injury.F114Hot working is defined as plastic deformation below the recrystallization temperature.T121Hydraulic oil temperature is controlled by the thermostatic bypass valve and hydraulic system heat exchanger.T141Hydrostatic charge fluid pressure is measured by the CHARGE PRESSURE GAUGE.T88IC (chip) pin diagrams show the view from above.T54ICs (chips) are easily damaged by heat when soldering ,so we usually use an IC holder(socket).T135If any fuel leaking are found above exhaust system, shut down engine immediately and repair.F118If hoist parking brake control knob is pushed,the brake bands located on each side of the hoist drum tighten and hold the drum.T126If the engine oil level has reached between the high and low mark,the engine oil level is normal.F110If the follower lose contact with the cam, it will natural work.T134If there is no engine oil pressure or low engine oil pressure, stop the engine immediately.T55If you need to remove an IC it can be gently prised out of the holder(socket) with a small flat-blade screwdriver.T85In addition to standard (bipolar junction) transistors, there are field-effect transistors which are usually referred to as FETs.T130Inspect the engine radiator , insure that core is clean and free of debris.T129Inspect the engine radiator cap, verify that the seals and spring are good.T5Install the retaining ring in the bottom sub using the modified pliers.T52Integrated Circuits are complex circuits which have been etched onto tiny chips of semiconductor (silicon). T51Integrated Circuits are usually called ICs or chips.T36It is easy to find the value of electrolytic capacitors because they are clearly printed with their capacitance and voltage rating.T9It is forbidden that using a high-volt insulation tester to measure circuit insulation T113It is important that the product be designed with material.F24It is impossible to have voltage without current, current cannot flow without voltage.F75kF61Lamps can not be connected either way round in a circuit.T59Lamps emit light when an electric current passes through them.T64LEDs means Light Emitting DiodesF65LEDs need not a resistor in series to limit the current to a safe value for testing it.T58Logic ICs process digital signals and there are many devices, including logic gates, flip-flops, shift registers, counters and display drivers.T97Loudspeakers are output transducers which convert an electrical signal to sound. T115Machine parts are maunfactured so they are interchangeable.T102Materials differ widely in physical properties,machinability characteristics,methods of Forming,and possibe service life.T80Multi-way switches have 3 or more conducting positions.T17Normally,the TTL IC use the 5Vdc power supply.T79ON-OFF SPST switch means Single Pole, Single ThrowT15Operational amplifier can be used as a part of an active filter.F96Piezo transducers are output transducers which convert an electrical signal to heat.F87Please note that transistor lead diagrams show the view from top with the leads towards you.T123Pre-start checks,make sure the drum brake is on and both hoist control lever are in the neutral position. T41Rectifier diodes are quite robust and no special precautions are needed for soldering them.T45Rectifier diodes are used in power supplies to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), a process called rectification.F71Relays and transistors compared ,relays can only switch DC, transistors can switch AC and DC. F127Remove the engine radiator cap when engine is running.T76Resistors in Parallel will get a smaller value.T73Resistors may be connected either way round. They are not damaged by heat when soldering.F72Resistors restrict the flow of electric voltage.T11Rig safety can be improved by using MWD measurements in real time to avoid potentially dangerous well control problems.F62Several lamps can be successfully connected in parallel provided they all have identical voltage and power (or current) ratings.T104Smooth flat belts and V belts depend on friction on the pulleys and some slippage is inherent in their operation.T12Sperry-Sun’s FEWD measurements can be used in horizontal wells to steer a well for maximum formation exposure in the productive part of the reservoir.T56Static sensitive ICs will be supplied in antistatic packaging with a warning label.F78Switch contacts are rated with a maximum voltage and current, and there should be same ratings for AC and DC. F106The all material may have higher strength.T83The amount of current amplification of a transistor is called the current gain, symbol h FE.T47The bridge rectifier have four leads or terminals: the two DC outputs are labelled + and -, the two AC inputs are labelled "~".F22The CMOS circuitry used in the 74HC series ICs means that they are static sensitive. Touching a pin while charged with static electricity is always safe.T66The colour of an LED is determined by the semiconductor material, not by the colouring of the 'package' (the plastic body).F132The drum bearing don't need to be greased separately T109The element must be kept stiff and rigid.T122The engine must be shut down immediately if the water temperature gauge registers higher than normal coolant temperatures.T140The ENGINE STOP CONTROL is used to stop the flow of diesel fuel to the engine.T139The ENGINE THROTTLE CONTROL increases and decreases the speed of the diesel engine.T137The FREQUENCY METER measures the frequency of the diesel generator.T90The heat sink of power transistor helps to dissipate (remove) the heat by transferring it to the surrounding air. F117The hoist control lever have two positions,uphole and downhole.F1The hoist in the worker-house can be used by everyone to move the logging tools.F20The Input Impedance of FET transistor is very low.T18The Intel 87C51 is a single-chip control-oriented microcontroller which is fabricated on Intel's reliable CHMOS EPROM technology.F143The machine for manufacture charge holder tube is CNC lathe.T144The machine for manufacture charge holder tube is laser cutter machining.T148The material Hardness commonly denotes "Rockwell hardness " or "Brinell hardness".T146The material mechanical properties of perforating gun include: Tensile Strength,Yield Strength,Elongation,Reduction of Area,Hardness etc.F147The material mechanical properties of perforating gun only include Tensile Strength.T142The material of charge holder tube is welder tubing.F19The negtive pulse makes the resistance between pin D and pin S of N-Channel MOSFET very low. F3The O-Ring oil can be replaced by thread compound.F138The output voltage of diesel generator is normally 120V DC.T145The perforating gun can match charges including deep perforate, super deep, big hole, super big hole and low debris or no debris types.F53The pins of ICs are numbered clockwise around the IC (chip) starting near the notch or dot.T119The speed range control switch has no effect over the back-up hoist control.T136The SPEED RANGE CONTROL SWITCH is used as a course speed adjustment by the operator.F108The surface and the pitch circle and the bottom of the tooth.T60The voltage and power (or current) ratings are usually printed or embossed on the body of a lamp.T35There are many types of capacitor but they can be split into two groups, polarised and unpolarised F84There are two types of all transistors, NPN and PNP.T95Thermistors with a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) means their resistance decreases as their temperature increases.T16These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Users should follow proper IC Handling Procedures.T10Thread protectors should always be installed when transporting instrument to aid in securing or handling tool. T70Transistors and ICs must be protected from the brief high voltage produced when a relay coil is switched off.F81Transistors are used to amplify current only.F89Transistors can not be damaged by heat when solderingF86Transistors have three leads which be connected no matter the way round.F37Unpolarised capacitors are small value and must be connected correct way round.T38Variable capacitors are mostly used in radio tuning circuits and they are sometimes called 'tuning capacitors'. T93Variable resistors are often called potentiometers in books and catalogues.T92Variable resistors consist of a resistance track with connections at both ends and a wiper which moves along the track as you turn the spindle.T23Voltage and Current are vital to understanding electronics, but they are quite hard to grasp because we can't see them directly.F25Voltage is measured with a voltmeter, connected in series.F30Voltages are the same across all components connected in series.T107We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways.T116We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways.F120we increase engine throttle control,the injectors will be delived little amount of fuel.T7We must apply Lubriplate to the threads of the pressure housingF40When a reverse voltage is applied a perfect diode does not conduct, no diodes leak current .F2When we make the insulate check,either megger or multimeter can be used.T T91You can use a multimeter or a simple tester (battery, resistor and LED) to check the transistorF F42You can use a multimeter or a simple tester (battery, resistor and LED) to check that a diode conducts in two directions.F F74You may have noticed that resistors are available with every possible value.T T49Zener diodes are designed to 'breakdown' in a reliable and non-destructive way so that they can be used in reverse to maintain a fixed voltage across their terminals.T T48Zener diodes are used to maintain a fixed voltage.F F50Zener diodes can not be distinguished from ordinary diodes easily .T T26Zero volts could be any point in the circuit, but to be consistent it is normally the negative terminal of the battery or power supply.判断题答案序号中中难难易中中中中中难难易中难易中难中中易中易易易易易易中中中中易难易易中易易中易易难中中中易难难难易易中易中易中中难中易易易易易中中易易难中中中易中难易中中难易易难易中易难中中易易难中易中难难易中难难易程度。
科目:机电一体化专业英语使用班级:使用班级:单选题单选题1 、10xx means that it is a plain carbon steel 1,10XX意味着它是一个普通的碳素钢 C the second digit indicates that there is no modification in the alloys. 第二个数字表明,有没有修改的合金。
A 、which A,这B 、when B,当C 、where C,其中D 、that ,,2 、These steels 2,这些钢材 B high strength and also high strength to weight ratio, good c orrosion resistance. 高强度和高强度重量比,好的C orrosion电阻。
A 、exhibits 一,展品B 、exhibit ,表现出C 、exhibited C,展出D 、are exhibiting D ,展示3 、This property, also called 3,此属性,也被称为C , is related to the resistance of the steel to the softening effect of heat. ,是有关钢材的耐热软化效应。
A 、cold-hardness 一,冷硬度B 、cold-shortness B,冷,气短C 、hot-hardness 热硬度,D 、brittle condition D ,脆条件4 、These metals 4,这些金属 A in a soft condition, heat-treated to gain hardness, and then finish machined with a grinding or lapping process that can handle the hardness. 在软条件下,热后获得的硬度,然后完成加工与磨削或研磨的过程中,可以处理的硬度。
机电一体化专业英语试题及答案Test OnePart I Choose the best symbol (16%)Directions:The following is a set of symbols denoting Working Safety. Choose the best symbol according to the information given below.Worker ID Card Face Shield Ear Protection Ear Plug & GoggleWelding Mask Safety Helmet Eye Protection High Visibility Jacket1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8.Part II Translate Phrases into Chinese or English (20 %) Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate the following phrases into Chinese or English.1. corrosion resistance ___________________2. 中碳钢_____________________3. lead screws __________________________4. 耐磨性___________________5. electrical conductivity ________________6. 铝合金___________________7. die-casting__________________________8. 印刷电路板________________ 9. axis of rotation_________________________ 10. 精加工___________________Part III Matching (16%)Directions: This part is to test your ability to choose the interpretations given in Column C match the Functions given in Column A, and then put thefunctions into Chinese in Column B.A. Vee BlockB. Tool Maker ClampC. Surface PlateD. Bench ViceE. Angle PlateF. Hand ViceG. Vice ClampH. Pipe Vice1.(平板)2.(角板)3.(V型块三角槽铁)4.(手钳)5.(老虎钳)6.(管子台虎钳)7.(虎钳夹)8.(工件夹钳)Part IV Translate English into Chinese (28%)Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.There are many kinds of machining operations, each of which is capable of generating a certain part geometry and surface texture.In turning, a cutting tool with a single cutting edge is used to remove material from a rotating work-piece to generate a cylindrical shape. The speed motion in turning is provided by the rotating work-part, and the feed motion is achieved by the cutting tool moving slowly in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the work-piece.Drilling is used to create a round hole. It is accomplished by a rotating tool that typically has two cutting edges. The tool is fed in a direction parallel to its axis of rotation into the work-part to form the round hole.In boring, the tool is used to enlarge an already available hole. It is a fine finishing operation used in the final stages of product manufacture.In milling, a rotating tool with multiple cutting edges is moved slowly relative to the material to generate a plane or straight surface. The direction of the feed motion is perpendicular to the tool’s axis of rotation. The speed motion is provided by the rotating milling cutter.Part V Translate Chinese into English (20 %) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.1. 这些机器都是由中国人造出的。
Figure19.1 Electric Motor Work
Figure20.1 A Microcomputer
Figure20.2 Floppy and Hard Disks
SECTION 4 Application
Patterns of an English letter
Boldly show your advantages Express your wishes frankly Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是最佳策略和美德
Ningbo Evening Paper /2006/9/1
Are you hard-working? Do you like to work with numbers? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as an accountant. If you hope to get the paid at RMB ¥ 3,000 a month, write to : Sacon Industrial Park, Yuyao Sacon Co. Ltd. Zhejiang, 315491
SECTION 2 Modern Manufacturing Technology and Application
SECTION 2 Modern Manufacturing Technology and Application
SECTION 2 Modern Manufacturing Technology and Application
1. 正文
教研室主任 (签字) 学院院长(系主任) (签字)C. degradation…corrosionD. corrosion… degradation12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concrete.A. are made fromB. are made up ofC. was produced byD. was consist of13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed to avoidoperationat speeds.A . lowB .overload C. critical D. hollow14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requires a .A. patternB. modelC. moldD. patent15. The term is used to describe joints with surface contact, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.A. high pairB. low pairC. surface pairD. rotary pair二、完型填空(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)The term shaft usually refers to a relatively long member of round cross section that rotates and transmits power. One or more members such as gears, sprockets, pulleys, and cams are usually (16) to the shaft by means of pins, keys, splines, snap rings, and other devi ces. These latter members are among the “associated parts” considered in this text, as are couplings and universal joint, which serve to (17) the shaft to the source of power or load.考生注意:考试时间 120 分钟试卷总分 100 分共 5 页第 1 页Sometimes members like gears and cams are made (28) with shaft, butmore often such members (which also include pulleys, sprockets, etc)aremade separately and then(29) shaft. The portion of the mounted memberin contact with the shaft is the hub. Attachment of the hub to the shaftis made in variety of ways. A gear can be gripped (30) between ashoulder on the shaft and a spacer, with torque being transmittedthrough a key. The grooves in the shaft and hub into which the key fitsare called keyways.16、 A) cement B) attached C) connected D) concrete17、 A) endure B) transmit C) serve D) connect18、 A) support B) meet C) satisfy D) strong19、 A) aims B) idler C) terminal D) tomb20、 A) due to B) weather C) whether D) for21、 A) elasticity B) torsional C) inertia D)acceleration22、 A) subjected B)…connect C) and D) From23、 A) deeply B) strength C) clearly understand D)long time24、 A) identify B) cross C) round D)lateral25、 A) lucrative B) objectionable C) attractable D)terrible订线read as follows.Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is decision making process(often iterative),in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a sated objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction ,testing, and evaluation. The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most of the following features : development of student creativity, use of open-ended problem statement and use of modern design theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statement and specification, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production process, concurrent engineering design, and detailed system descriptions. Further, it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, and social impact.31、what’s the main meaning of message (1)?A) Engineering design is a systematic process B) materials engineer’s main workC) mechanical engineer’s has good idea D) electrical engineer’ main duty32、In the author’s opinion, the design process is very complex and should taken intoaccount many factors, from the message who should NOT join into the design team _______.A) environmentalists,B) sociologistsC) engineersD) Government officials33、From the message, we can know the meaning of words “ABET”(at line third paragraph)is _____.A) a set of accredits standardB) a kind of design methodC) a department of US government which responsible for engineering designD) A set of law34、It can be concluded from the passage that in the exercise and training of student,which character of the following is NOT included in the curriculum ______.A) creativityB) new materialC) ethicsD) economic factors35、The title of the message is ______.A) the roles of engineers in manufacturingB) the importance of mechanical designC) engineering designD) The process of machine designTEXT 2Working drawings are the complete set of standardized drawings specifying the manufactureand assembly of a product based on its design. The complexity of the design determines the number and types of drawings. Working drawings may be on more than one sheet and may contain written instructions called specifications.Working drawings are blueprints used for manufacturing products. Therefore, the set of drawings must:(a) completely describe the parts, both visually and dimensionally;(b)show the parts in assembly;(3)identify all the parts; and (4)specify standard parts. The graphics and text information must be sufficiently complete and accurate to manufacture and assemble the product without error.共 5 页第 2页(1) Detail drawings of each nonstandard parts.(2) An assembly or subassembly drawing showing all the standard and nonstandard parts in a single drawing.(3) A bill of materials (BOM).(4) A title block.A detail drawing is a dimensioned, multiview drawing of a single part, describing the part’s shape, size, material, and surface roughness, in sufficient detail for the part to be manufactured based on the drawing alone. Detail drawings are produced from design sketches or extracted from 3-D computer models. They adhere strictly to ANSI standards and the standard for the specific company, for dimensioning, assigning part numbers, notes, tolerances, etc.In an assembly, standard parts such as threaded fasteners and bearings are not drawn as details, but are shown in the assembly view. Standard parts are not drawn as details because they are normally purchased, not manufactured, for assembly.For large assemblies or assembled with large parts, details are drawn on multiple sheets, and a separate sheet is used for the assembly view. If the assembly is simple or the parts are small, detail drawings for each part of an assembly can be placed on a single sheet.Multiple details on a sheet are usually drawn at the same scale. If different scales are used, they are clearly marked under each detail. Also,when more than one detail is placed on a sheet, the spacing between detailsTEXT 3One principle aim of kinematics is to create (design) the desired motions of the subjects’ mechanical parts and then mathematically compute the positions, velocities, and accelerations, which those will create on the parts. Since, for most earthbound mechanical systems, the mass remains essentially constant with time, defining the accelerations as a function of time then also defines the dynamic forces as a function of time. Stresses, in turn, will be a function of both applied and inertial (ma) forces. Since engineering design is charged with creating systems which will not fail during their expected service life, the goal is to keep stresses within acceptable limits for the materials chosen and the environmental conditions encountered. This obviously requires that all system forces be defined and kept within desired limits. In machinery, the largest forces encountered are often those due to the dynamics of the machine itself. These dynamic forces are proportional to acceleration, which brings us back to kinematics, the foundation of mechanical design. Very basic and early decision in the design process involving kinematic principles can be crucial to the success of any mechanical design; a design which has poor kinematics will prove troublesome and perform badly.Any mechanical system can be classified according to the number of degree of freedom (DOF) which it processes. The system’s DOF is equal to the number of independent parameters which are needed to uniquely define its position in space at any instant of time.A rigid body free to move within a reference frame will, in the general case, has complex motion, which is a simultaneous combination of rotation and translation. In three-dimensional space, there may be rotation about any axis and also simultaneous translation which can be resolved into components along three axes. In a plane, or two-dimensional space, complex motion becomes a combination of simultaneous rotation about one axis (perpendicular to theplane) and also translation resolved into components along two axes in the plane41、Kinematics research focus on the following EXCEPT ______..A) accelerations B) forceC) positions, D) velocities42、From the passage that for the design engineer the first and most important is____A) the service life of a machine B) the materials chooseC) the degree of freedom D) kinematic principles43、An mechanical system has uniquely defined position in space at any instant of time that ___.A) It should has one DOFB) It should Has two DOFC) the DOF and the number of independent parameters should equalD) It should has any DOF as want44、 which one of the following is NOT TRUE _______?.A) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may rotation about any axisB) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space is a simultaneous combinationof rotation and translationC) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space can be resolved into componentsalong three axesD) A rigid body free to move in three-dimensional space may has complex motion45、The best title for this passage would be _______.A) kinematics B) dynamicsC) kinematics and dynamic D) the important of kinematics共 5 页第3 页1.将下列英语句子译成汉语(共5小题,每小题2分)(1)A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member.(2)Foundations should ensure the machine’s stiffness; shock absorption and isolation are secondary considerations.(3)Thus, if a mechanical component such as a spring is subjected to repetitive or cyclical applications of stress levels much lower than the ultimate strength, it will fracture after a large number of repetitions of this stress.(4)Interchangeability means that identical parts must be interchangeable, i.e., able to replace each other, whether during assembly or subsequent maintenance work; without the need for any fitting operations.(5)A gear can be gripped axially between a shoulder on the shaft and a spacer, with torque being transmitted through a key.2、将下段英语翻译成汉语(10分)As we look around us we see a world full of “things”, machines, devices, tools, things that we have designed, built, and used; things made of wood, metals, ceramics, and plastics. We know from experience that some things are better than others; they last longer, cost less, are quieter, or are ease to use. Ideally , however, every such item has been designed according to some set of “functional requirements” as perceived by thedesigners—that is, it hs been designed so as to answer the question,(5)当一个装置意外地失效后,通常需要进行研究工作,来找出失效的原因和确定可能的改正措施。
机电一体化专业英语English Answer:Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that combines mechanical, electrical, computer, and software engineering to design, build, and operate systems. It has become increasingly important in modern engineering due to the growing demand for automated and intelligent systems.中文回答:机电一体化是一门综合了机械、电气、计算机和软件工程的交叉学科,用于设计、建造和操作系统。
Components of Mechatronics.The core components of mechatronics include:Sensors: Collect data from the physical world.Actuators: Convert electrical signals into physical movement.Controllers: Process sensor data and generate control signals.Software: Designs and implements control algorithms.Applications of Mechatronics.Mechatronics has a wide range of applications, including:Industrial automation: Assembly lines, robotic welding, and automated material handling.Automotive systems: Engine control, brake systems, and advanced driver assistance systems.Aerospace engineering: Flight control systems, navigation systems, and life support systems.Medical engineering: Surgical robots, diagnostic instruments, and prosthetics.Benefits of Mechatronics.Mechatronics offers several benefits over traditional engineering approaches:Increased productivity: Automated systems can work faster and more accurately than humans.Improved quality: Automated systems can produce products with consistent quality.Reduced costs: Automated systems can eliminate the need for manual labor and reduce maintenance costs.Enhanced flexibility: Mechatronic systems can be easily reconfigured to adapt to changing requirements.Challenges in Mechatronics.Despite its advantages, mechatronics also faces some challenges:Complexity: Mechatronic systems can be highly complex, making design and implementation difficult.Cross-disciplinary nature: Mechatronics engineers must have knowledge in multiple engineering disciplines.Integration: Integrating different components from different disciplines can be challenging.Career Prospects in Mechatronics.The demand for mechatronics engineers is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Mechatronics engineers can work in a variety of industries, including automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, and medical engineering.中文回答:机电一体化的组成部分。
《机械工程专业英语》测验题(15-17)一、将下列词组译成汉语1. kinematic chain(运动链)2. skeleton diagram(草图,示意图,简图)3. Gear system/Cam system(齿轮传动系统/凸轮系统)4. uniform motion/nonuniform motion(匀速运动/非匀速运动)5. nonlinear motion(非线性运动)6. kinematic analysis(运动分析)7. schematic diagram(运动简图)8. textile machinery(纺织机械)9. Kinematic design/ kinematic syntheses(运动设计/运动合成)10. machine design(机械设计)11. Gear trains/ Cam mechanisms(轮系,齿轮传动链/凸轮机构)12. dynamic force/inertia force/ static force(动力/惯性力/静力)13. relative velocity/ absolute velocity(相对速度/绝对速度)14. angular acceleration/ tangential acceleration/ centripetal acceleration/ velocity vector(角加速度/切向加速度/向心加速度/速度矢量)15. binary link/ ternary link(二杆组/三杆组)二、将下列短语译成汉语1. Plane and spatial linkages(平面和空间连杆)2. constrained kinematic chain/unconstrained kinematic chain(约束运动链/非约束运动链)3. closed-loop linkage(闭环运动链)4. four-bar linkage(四连杆机构)5. slider-crank (or crank and slider) mechanism(曲柄滑块机构)6. internal combustion engine(内燃机)7. the kinematic analysis of mechanisms(机构运动分析)8. degree of freedom of the mechanism(机构自由度)9. kinematic analysis process /kinematic synthesis process(运动分析步骤/运动合成步骤)10. input angular velocity(输入角速度)11. input angular acceleration(输入角加速度)12. automatic packaging machinery(自动包装机)13. cam-contour dimensions/cam-follower diameters(凸轮轮廓尺寸/凸轮从动件直径)14. mechanical analog computer(机构模拟计算机)15. dead-center position(死点位置)16. crank-rocker linkage/double-rocker linkage/double-crank (drag-link) linkage(曲柄摇杆机构/双摇杆机构/双曲柄机构)17. maximum force component/ resulting output force or torque(最大的力量组成/输出的最大力或力矩)18. output motion variables/input motion variable(输出运动变量/输入运动变量)19. absolute angular positions(绝对角位置)20. velocity polygon method(速度的多边形的方法)21. instantaneous center method/instant center method(瞬心法/即时瞬心法)22. inertia-force analysis of mechanisms and machines(机构和机器的惯性力分析)23. one and the same coordinate system /inertia frame of reference(惯性参考系)24. systematic design of mechanisms(机械设计的系统)25. cam-contour dimensions/cam-follower diameters(凸轮轮廓尺寸/凸轮从动件直径)三、将下列单词译成汉语11. Mechanism(机械,机构,机构学)2. configuration(外形,构造,结构)3. displacement(位移)4. velocity(速度)5. acceleration(加速度)6. gear(齿轮)7. sprocket(链轮)8. pulley(带轮)9. kinematician /dynamics(运动/动力学,力学)10. kinematician(运动)四.翻译下列句子1. The simplest closed-loop linkage is the four-bar linkage, which has three moving links (plus one fixed link) and four pin joints.(最简单的封闭式的连杆机构就是四杆机构,四杆机构有三个运动构件(加上一个固定构件)并且有四个销轴。
词汇mechatronic 机电一体化(技术)sensor传感器actuator执行元件,执行结构Feedback反馈deviation偏差hydraulic液压的machine tool机床geometric modeling 几何建模job-lot amount单批量maintenance维护pallet随行夹具robot机器人drill钻床,钻头Lathe车床mill 铣床shaper牛头刨床planer龙门刨床grinder磨床tap攻丝pulley滑轮shaft轴bore 镗削screw螺杆tolerance公差torque转矩nut螺母spring弹簧key键bearing轴承coupling联结器clutch离合器diode二极管transistor三极管transistors 晶体管integrated circuit 集成电路chip 芯片capacitor 电容器resistor 电阻digital 数字(式)的lever杠杆Servomechanism伺服机构closed-loop闭环actuator 传动装置following device随动装置troubleshoot故障排除solenoid电磁线圈different +form简称CIMS 计算机集成制造系统Computer integrated manufacturing systemCIM 计算机集成制造Computer integrated manufacturingCAM 计算机辅助制造Computer-assisted manufactureCAD 计算机辅助设计Computer-assisted designCAE 计算机辅助工程Computer-assisted engineerNC 数字控制Numerical controlCNC 计算机数控Computer Numerical controlCAPP 计算机辅助工艺设计Computer-aided process planingFMS 柔性制造系统Flexible manufacturing systemGeometric modeling 几何建模英译汉1.CIM is an attempt to(+v。
Mechatronic1. IntroductionMechatronics is a design process that includes a combination of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, material engineering, chemical engineering and industrial engineering. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering, that is to say, it rejects splitting engineering into separate disciplines.Nowadays, with the increasing of economy, Interdisciplinary research becomes an irreversible tendency. Which means mechatronic is facing unprecedented challenges. The old mechanics cannot catch the pace of new world, so they need to be changed. In order to stand steady from the competition, they must provide high value by being innovative during the process of transformation and upgrading.2. Mechatronic system applicationMechatronics are useful on so many fields, such as Machine vision, Automation and robotics, Servo-mechanics and so on.Mechatronic system apply to Machine vision (MV)Mechatronic make the possibilities of MV, technology and methods used to provide imaging-based automatic inspection and analysis for such applications as automatic inspection, process control, and robot guidance in industry, came true.Mechatronic system apply to Automation and roboticsImagine that just push some simple bottoms lightly can you control a huge, smart, intelligent robots. Is it only dreamed? No, it is reality. When mechatronic system applies to automation and robotics we can meet that easily.Mechatronic system apply to Servo-mechanicsCommon type of servo provides position control. Servos are commonly electrical or partially electronic in nature, using an electric motor as the primary means of creating mechanical force. Other types of servos use hydraulics, pneumatics, or magnetic principles. Whatever type it is, it can be separate as feedback system, transducer system and control system. And all of it cannot be kept in functional order without mechatronic system engineering.3. Future challengesMechatronic products -- products that blend mechanical, electrical and software technologies -- have exploded far beyond such industries as high-tech, aerospace and consumer product goods. That means more and more product development teams that once may have been comprised of mechanical engineers and electrical engineers are now adding software to the mix.Multiple engineering disciplines are being challenged to work together in mechatronic product development, such as on this printed circuit board assembly created in PTC's Pro/Engineer.Additional challenges of mechatronic product development noted by PTC include MCAD changes not reaching electrical engineers quickly enough, ECAD designers working ahead of the mechanical engineer and failing to relay that information, and software development largely removed from the product development change management process.。
一、History about electronics(电子技术,电子学,电子设备)1、The English names for the department and the majors电气工程系Department of Electrical Engineering电气化铁道工程Electrified railway engineering电气自动化技术Electrical automation technology电子信息工程技术Technology of electrical and Information Engineering 应用电子技术The application of electronic technology电子工艺与管理Electronic technology and management供用电技术Technology power电机与电器Motor and electric appliances铁道通信信号Railway communication signal2、History about electronicsThere can be no doubt that the 1900s is remembered as the electronic century. Of course there have been other great advances, in medicine(医学领域), in transport, in science, in commerce(商业领域), and many other fields but where would they have been without the instruments and devices that electronics has provided?How would you see a 3D virtual reality image(3D虚拟现实影像) of your beating heart with no electronics? Would you go to a pop concert(流行音乐会)that had no amplifiers(【电子】放大器,扩音器), large screens or lighting effects? Don’t say you would rather watch TV-there would not be any.Electronics in the early 20th century started thriving at a greater speed unlike the pre-20th century developments. The radio(无线电) invented by the Italian genius Marconi and the work of Henry Hertz opened the road to further discoveries and inventions.In the first decade the new thing that was welcome to the technical world was the vacuum tube(真空管,电子管). The vacuum tubes at that time worked as a miraculous component for the radio devices.The invention of the television was a miraculous thing for the mankind. It was revolution in both communication technology(通信技术) and also for the world media. The distances between the continents did not seem to be far enough.The credit goes to the British engineer John Logic Baird who followed the footprints of Marconi and tried to send the images in the same way as the speech. After a long experiment he found that a series of static pictures, if sent within a small interval of time in between them, seem to be moving.The real electronics what it is called today was actually started after the discovery of the transistor(晶体管) effect. Transistor opened the road for the computing world. Computers of various types started hitting the market and the research works got a boost.Some other problems were also there like the assembling(装配,聚集) of the electronic components(电子元器件) on a single mother board(母板,主插件板). Jack Kilby in Texas Instruments found a very nice solution.He suggested to throw away all the wires(wire:电线,电报) and tried to connect the resistors(电阻器), capacitors(电容器) and transistors on the samepiece of wafer(圆片,晶片) internally. Surprisingly his ideas worked and gave birth to the integrated circuit(集成电路) industries.二、Introduction to some courses1、Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits(直流电路与交流电路)This course covers the fundamental theory of passive devices (无源器件)(resistor, capacitor, and inductor(电感器)) and electrical networks(电子、电路网络) supplied by a DC source(直流电源), then an introduction to the effects of alternating voltage and current in passive electrical circuits(electrical circuit:电路)is given. This module also covers DC machines, three phase circuits(三相电路)and transformers(变压器).这门课程包括了无源器件(电阻,电容和电感)的基本理论和用直流电源供电的电路网络,接着介绍无源电路中的交流电流和交流电压的作用,这个课程模块还包括了直流电机,三相电路和变压器。
机电工程专业英语(第二版)CatalogChapter One Chapter TwoChapter Three Chapter FourChapter Five Chapter SixChapter Seven Chapter EightChapter One Fundamentals of Mechanical EngineeringLesson 1 Properties of MaterialsLesson 2 Classification of SteelsLesson 3 Heat TreatmentLesson 4 Types of GearLesson 5 Rolling-Typedensity [ 5densiti ]n.密度, 比重specific heat 比热coefficient [ kEui5fiFEnt ]n.系数conductivity [ 7kCndQk5tiviti ]n.传导性, 传导率Lesson 1-1melt [ melt ]v.使融化, 使熔化, 使软化ductility [ dQk5tiliti ]n.展延性, 柔软性toughness [ 5tQfnis ] n.韧性, 坚韧abrasion [ E5breiVEn ]n.磨损girder [ 5^E:dE ] n.桁架, 大,纵,横梁armor [ 5B:mE ]n.装甲bumper [ 5bQmpE ] n.缓冲器,减震器stamp [ stAmp ]n.邮票, 印, 图章 v. 压印, 冲压penetration [ peni5treiFEn ] n.穿过, 渗透, 突破fender [ 5fendE ]n.防卫物, 挡泥板mill [ mil ] n.磨粉机, 磨床,工厂vt.碾磨Lesson 1-11.be distinguished fromThe true is to be distinguished from the false 真假必须辨明。
一、Place a “T” before sentences that are true and an “F” before those that are false ( T )1、A worm gear is sometimes used in machines, it has low friction that can save considerable power.蜗轮有时用在机器上,具有低的摩擦,可节省相当大的力。
( T )2、In a cam mechanism, when the cam turns through one motion cycle, the follower executes a series of event consisting of rises, dwells and returns.在一个凸轮机构中,当凸轮转过一个运动周期时,从动件执行一系列由上升、停留和返回的动作。
( T )3、Integrated circuit is built on a semiconductor substrate, usually one of multi-crystal silicon.集成电路是建立在一个半导体衬底,通常是多晶硅。
( T )4、Krichhoff’s voltage law states that the sum of the potential drops around a loop in a circuit must be zero.Krichhoff电压定律指出,在电路中的回路的电位下降的总和必须为零。
( F )5、Electrons and protons are said to have the same positive charges.电子和质子具有相反的电荷。
( T )6、If a sinusoidally varying voltage source is connected across the capacitor, it can be shown that the voltage across the capacitor lags the current by in phase, meaning that the voltage peaks occur 1/4 of an oscillation period later in time relative to the current peaks.如果一个以正弦波形式随时间正负变化的电压源加在电容上,将会使电容电压在相位上滞后于电流,即该电压的峰值会比电流的峰值晚出现四分之一个周期的时间。
1The rotor (rotating member) in an electric motor has rotational inertia, and a torque is required to bring it up to speed when the motor is started. If the motor shaft is rigidly connected to a load with a large rotational inertia, and the motor is started suddenly by closing a switch, the motor may not have sufficient torque capacity to bring the motor shaft up to speed before the windings in the motor are burned out by the excessive current demands . A clutch between the motor and the load shafts will restrict the starting torque on the motor to that required to accelerate the rotor and parts of the clutch only.电机的转子(转动元件之一)是有惯性的。
2To keep the parts separated, it is necessary that the pressure within the lubrication film balance the load on the sliding surfaces. If the lubricating film’s pressure is supplied by an external source, the system is said to be lubricated hydro-statically. If the pressure between the surfaces is generated as a result of the shape and motion of the surfaces themselves, however, the system is hydro-dynamically lubricated. This second type of lubrication depends upon the viscous properties of the lubricant.为了把零件隔离开,润滑膜中的压力必须和作用在滑动面上的负载(荷)保持平衡。
机电专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. Which of the following is not a type of electrical machine?A. GeneratorB. TransformerC. PumpD. Motor答案:C2. The unit of electrical power is:A. VoltB. AmpereC. WattD. Ohm答案:C3. In an electrical circuit, what does the term "resistance" refer to?A. The ability of a material to conduct electricityB. The ability of a material to resist heatC. The ability of a material to resist electricityD. The ability of a material to resist light答案:C4. What is the function of a relay in an electrical system?A. To amplify signalsB. To switch circuits on or offC. To measure currentD. To convert AC to DC答案:B5. What does the acronym PLC stand for in industrial automation?A. Power Line CommunicationB. Personal Learning ComputerC. Programmable Logic ControllerD. Public Limited Company答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. The three main components of an electric motor are the stator, the rotor, and the ________.答案:bearings2. The process of converting mechanical energy intoelectrical energy is known as ________.答案:generation3. A ________ circuit is a closed loop through which electric current flows.答案:closed4. The unit of electrical resistance is the ________.答案:ohm5. In a hydraulic system, a ________ is used to convert fluid power into mechanical power.答案:actuator三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between AC and DC current.答案:AC (Alternating Current) is an electric current whose direction and magnitude change periodically, while DC (Direct Current) is an electric current that flows in a constant direction.2. What are the main components of a typical electrical power distribution system?答案:The main components include power generation, transmission lines, substations, distribution lines, and end-user equipment.3. Describe the function of a capacitor in an electrical circuit.答案:A capacitor in an electrical circuit stores electrical energy in an electric field. It can smooth out voltage fluctuations, filter out noise, and provide a stable voltage supply.4. What are the advantages of using a programmable logic controller (PLC) in industrial automation?答案:PLCs are advantageous due to their reliability, flexibility, ease of programming, and ability to handle multiple inputs and outputs, making them ideal for complex control systems in industrial automation.四、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)1. 将下列句子翻译成英文:“电机的效率是指电机输出的机械功率与输入的电功率之比。
《专业外语》考试试卷(把答案写到答题纸上)一、Please translate the phrase below in Chinese(每词1分,共10分)1、turret lathe 六角车床,转塔车床2、electrofax 电子摄影;电子摄影机;电子照相3、tunnel diodes 隧道二极管4、electron trigonometry电子三角测量5、VLF Propagation 非常低频率的传播6、B2B e-commerce商业对商业的电子商务模式7、bit-synchronization system 位同步系统8、Nomenclature 术语9、CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning计算机辅助工艺规程10、tool magazine 刀具库二、Please translate the phrase below in English(每词1分,共10分)1、开放式数控系统Open CNC system2、工程索引engineering index3、齿轮插床 gear slotter4、多头螺纹multiple thread5、差动滑轮differential pulley6、液压系统hydraulic system7、低碳钢low carbon steel8、自动上料装置Automatic feeding device9、曲轴销孔The crankshaft pin hole 10、批量生产quantity productivity三、Please translate the paragraph below in Chinese(共40分,1-5每题3分,6-10每题5分)1、The production of aluminum is second only to that of iron and steel.铝的产量仅次于钢和铁2、Even metal plates(金属板材)can be pierced through by laser beam(激光束).金属板材可以用激光束刺开,打通。
机电专业英语期末复习试题一.选择题1. If all points in a linkage move in parallel planes the system undergoes plan ar motion and the linkage may be described as a ______ .A。
planar motion B. planar linkage C. joints D. slide2. Though frame material and design should handle damping,_____ are sometimes built into frame sections to handle specific problems.A 。
beams B. holes C。
dampers D。
screw3. The maximum allowable deflection of a shaft ______ determined by critical sp eed, gear,or bearing requirements。
often B. must C。
was D. is usually4. We will have to _____ to better and better solutions as we generate more information。
A. repeat many times B。
iterating C。
iterate D。
try ways5。
If a product configuration is _______ specified and then examined to determ ine whether the performance requirements are met。
finally B. tentatively C。
机电专业英语U3 Listening
Answer: Steven→3, 5, George → 2, 4, Mr. Cox → 1
❖ Script
George: Hello, this is George White. Speaking, please.
Steven: Good afternoon, Mr. White. This is Steven Baker, a designer of Cascade Elevator Company.
Peter: Oh! That means I will do the 7 _m_a_rk_e_t _re_s_e_ar_c_h__ and make concept sketches.
Steven: Also you can 8 _co_n_t_ri_bu_t_e_ the concept color renderings (色彩效果图).
George: He mentioned that to me. I know you are very experienced.
Task 2 Peter, an intern of Cascade Elevator Company, wants to join the
project of designing the elevator system for Carlson Real Estate. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.
√D. Because the shuttle elevators cannot meet his requirement.
❖ Script
Steven: Mr. White, up to now, we have finished the first stage of our design. How do you think of our market research and concept sketches? George: Well, basically we are satisfied with your work, but... Steven: Go ahead. I’m all ears. George: The market research is quite all right. For the concept sketches, how did you generate them? Steven: Oh, we had a lot of brainstorming. Our designers often sketched as ideas and concepts were contributed. George: Good. Judging from the sketches, we think it can be called an efficient elevator system. Steven: We have taken it into account that the first five floors will serve as a shopping mall. George: OK. Anyway, we hope it can also meet the handling capacity requirements of tenancy. Steven: There are several shuttle elevators that may meet the requirements. George: Be sure these shuttle elevators are of large-capacity and high-speed. Steven: We’ll make some improvements to meet your demand.
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efficiently Байду номын сангаасlay an important role
supervise damaging
specific processes utilized
Manufacturing engineers select and coordinate
and equipment to be used, or
1.Any item around us, any product that we use, see and interact during our daily life
is__________________________________ ( 是不同设计和制造过程的结果 ).
2.They include “ hard t”ec hnologies such as rapid prototyping, and “ soft te”ch nologies such as _______________ ( 污点扫描数据处理 ).
8._________________________ 自动化材料处理系统
9.electronic data processing (EDP)
II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words or phrases given below.×(36+2) 订
Quiz of Part 4
Ⅰ . Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese or English.(120)
1.advanced manufacturing technology ________________
2.________________________ 制造工艺
the materials being processed. These manufacturing engineers also
in manufacturing.
III. Translate the Chinese parts given in the brackets into English.(×410)
10.________________________________________ ( 将产品的设计功能与制造功能集成
through the computer is called CDA/CAM (computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing).
IV . Translate the following paragraphs. (20)
With the advent of computers and machines that can be controlled by computers, we are entering a new era of production planning. The integration of the design function and the manufacturing function through the computer is called CDA/CAM. The design is used to determine the manufacturing process planning and the programming information for the manufacturing processes themselves. Detailed drawings can also be made from the central data base used for the design and manufacture, and programs can be generated to make the parts as needed. In addition, extensive computer aided testing and inspection (CATI) of the manufactured parts is taking place. There is no doubt that this trend will continue at ever-accelerating rates as computers become cheaper and smarter.
3.interactive computer graphics system
5.entire life cycle of a product
6.虚拟企业 __________________
7.on-line diagnostics _________________________
6.Manufacturing processes and systems are in _____________ ( 过渡状态 ) from manual operation
to the eventual realization of fully integrated manufacturing.
线 machine and process capabilities and of materials, so that desired operations can be done effectively
without overloading or
machines and without adversely affecting
3.If the original design is done on a computer, _____________________ (就可以直接获得材料 需求清单) .
4._______________________ (为提高 CAPP 系统的智能化程度) , some new concepts, such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, and machine learning have been explored for the new generation of
CAPP systems.
5.___________________________ (另一个有关虚拟现实技术的运用实例)
. An operator ’ s
movements were recognized, interpreted and stored in the form of robotic movement commands.
※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※ ※※※※※※
and manage their use. Some design special tooling that is used so that standard machines can
in producing specific products. These engineers must have a broad knowledge of
______________________ (提高模具质量 ), enhance teamwork and free the designer from tedious routine work.
9.With a good CAM system, automation does not just occur within individual features. Automation of machining processes also occurs between all of the features that make up a part, _______________ (最终导致方法路径的最优化 ).
7.The reason the FMS is a called flexible is that it is capable of
_____________________________________ ( 同时 加工 许多类 型的不 同零件 ) at the various
workstations. 8.The use of a special 3-D mould design system can shorten development cycles,
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