Down to earth
公共英语考试W S K五级模拟冲刺题及答案(2)R e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g t e x t a n d f i l l e a c h o f t h en u m b e r e d s p a c e s w i t h O N E s u i t a b l e w o r d.W r i t e y o u r a n s w e r s o n A N S W E R S H E E T l.“D o w n-t o-e a r t h”m e a n s s o m e o n e o r s o m e t h i n g t h a t i s h o n e s t.r e a l i s t i c a n d e a s y t o d e a l w i t h.I t i s a p l e a s u r e t o f i n d(31)___w h o i s d o w n-t o-e a r t h.Ap e r s o n w h o i s d o w n—t o-e a r t h i s e a s y t o t a l k(32) ___a n d a c c e p t s o t h e r p e o p l e a s e q u a l s.Ad o w n-t o-e a r t h p e r s o n i s j u s t t h e(33) ___of s o m e o n e w h o a c t s i m p o r t a n t o r p r o u d.D o w n-t o-e a r t h p e r s o n s m a y b e(34)___m e m b e r s o f s o c i e t y,o f c o u r s e.B u t t h e y d o n o t l e t t h e i ri m p o r t a n c e“(35)___t o t h e i r h e a d s”.T h e y d o n o t c o n s i d e r t h e m s e l v e s t o b e b e t t e r p e r s o n s t h a n(36) ___o f l e s s i m p o r t a n c e.S o m e o n e w h o i s f i l l e d w i t h h i s o w n i m p o r t a n c e a n d p r i d e,(37)___w i t h o u tc a u s e,i s s a id t o h a v e“h i s n o se i n t h e a i r”.T h e r e i s(38)w a y a p e r s o n w i t h h i s n o s e i n t h e a i r c a n b e d o w n-t o-e a r t h.A m e r i c a n s(39) ___ a n o t h e r e x p r e s s i o n t h a t m e a n s a l m o s t t h e s a m e a s“d o w n—t o-e a r t h”.T h e e x p r e s s i o n i s“b o t h—f e e t—o n-t h e—g r o u n d”.S o m e o n e(40)___b o t h—f e e t—o n—t h e-g r o u n d i s a p e r s o n w i t h a g o o d u n d e r s t a n d i n g(41)___r e a l i t y.H e h a s w h a t i sc a l l e d“c o m m o n s e n s e,”h e m a y h a v ed re a m s,(42) ___h ed oe s n o t a l l o w t h e m t o b l o c k h i s k n o w l e d g e o f(43) ___i s r e a l.T h e o p p o s i t e k i n d o f(44)___i s o n e w h o h a s h i s “h e a d—i n-t h e—c l o u d s”.A m a n w i t h h i sh e a d-i n-t h e—c l o u d s i s a d r e a m e r(445)___m i n d i s n o t i n t h e r e a l w o r l d.(46) ___,s u c h a d r e a m e r c a n b e b r o u g h t b a c k t oe a r t h.S h a r p w o r d sf r o m t e a c h e r c a n u s u a l l y(47)___a d a y-d r e a m i ng s t u d e n t d o w n-t o-e a r t h.U s u a l l y.m e p e r s o n w h o i s d o w n—t o-e a r t h i sv e r y(48)___t o h a v e b o t h f e e t o n t h e g r o u n d.(49) ___w e h a v e b o t h o u r f e e t o n t h e g r o u n d,w h e n w e a r e d o w n-t0—e a r t h,w e a c t h o n e s t l y a n d o p e n l y(50)___o t h e r s.O u r l i v e s a r e l i k e t h e g r o u n d b e l o w u s,s o l i d a n d s t r o n g.答案解析31.s o m e o n e【解析】由本文的第一句话“‘D o w n-t o-e a r t h’m e a n s s o m e—o n e o r s o m e t h i n gt h a t i s h o n e s t,r e a l i s t i c a n d e a s y t o d e a l w i t h.”可知“D o w n—t o—e a r t h”指的是诚实,现实、平易近人的那些人。
1. A piece of cake意思:非常容易的事情例句:This math problem is a piece of cake for me.中文:这道数学题对我来说是小菜一碟。
2. Break a leg意思:祝好运(尤指演出前)例句:You're going to do great in the audition. Break a leg!中文:你的试镜一定会很棒的。
祝你好运!3. Call it a day意思:结束一天的工作或活动例句:We've been working hard for hours. Let's call it a day and go home.中文:我们已经努力工作了几个小时。
4. Cut someone some slack意思:对某人宽容一些,不要太苛刻例句:He's new to this job, so cut him some slack if he makes some mistakes.中文:他是这份工作的新手,所以如果他犯了些错误,就对他宽容一些吧。
5. Down to earth意思:脚踏实地的,实际的,不虚幻的例句:She's very down to earth and easy to talk to.中文:她很脚踏实地,很容易交谈。
6. Every cloud has a silver lining意思:凡事都有好的一面,不幸中有幸例句:Don't be so sad about losing your job. Every cloud has a silver lining. Maybe you'll find a better one soon.中文:不要因为失去工作而太难过。
Down to earth歌词
Down to earthI never thought that it be easy 我从来不认为这些事是很容易Cause we both so distance now 因为我们现在相隔太远And the walls are closing in on us 隔膜已经在我们彼此间产生And we are wondering how 我们都想知道怎么了No one has a solid answer 却没有人能给我们确定的答案But just walking in the dark 我只有独自在黑暗中前行And you can see the look on my face你能够看见我脸上的模样It just tells me apart它仅仅告诉我分开的事实So we fight(So we fight)所以我们与之抗衡Through the hurt(Through the hurt)经历痛苦And we cry(and cry and cry and cry)我们哭了又哭then we live(And we live)还是要继续生活And we learn(And we learn)我们不断学习And we try and try and try and try再不停地尝试一切So it's up to you and it's up to me一直到你和我That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅On our way back down to earth在我们降落地球的路上Down to earth down to earth 脚踏实地Our way back down to earth(back down to earth)在用我们各自的方式回到现实Mommy you’ll always and somewhere妈妈你总是住在某个地方等我And daddy I live outta down我和爸爸的生活失去了正常So tell me now how could I ever be normal somehow谁能告诉我怎样才能回到平常You tell me this is for the best你常说我做的很出色So tell me why am I in tears那么你为什么不告诉我我为何泪流满面So far away and now I just need you here未来的路那么长可是我现在只需要你在不远处等待着我So we fight(So we fight)所以我们与之抗衡Through the hurt(Through the hurt)经历痛苦伤害And we cry(and cry and cry and cry)再无尽的哭泣And we live(And we live)又继续生活下去And we learn(And we learn)我们不断学习And we try and try and try and try再不停地尝试一切So it's up to you and it's up to me直到你和我That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅On our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上Down to earth down to earth 脚踏实地脚踏实地So it's up to you and it's up to me一直到你和我That we meet in our middle way我们在半路上相遇邂逅On our way back down to earth在用我们各自的方式回到现实Down to earth down to earth 回到现实回到现实On our way back down to earth在用我们各自的方式回到现实Down to earth down to earth 回到现实回到现实We fell so far away from where we used to be我们距离曾经所在的地方太远了Now we are standing and where do we go于是现在我们起身向前奔跑When there’s no road to get to your heart当没有路可以通往你的心里Let's start over again让我们重新开始So it's up to you and it's up to me直到你和我That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅On our way back down to earth在我们回地球的路上Down to earth down to earth 脚踏实地脚踏实地On our way back down to earth在用我们各自的方式回到现实I never thought that it be easy 我从来不认为这些事会那么容易Cause me both so distance now 因为我们相隔太遥远And the walls are closing in on us 而且我们之间也产生了隔膜And we are wondering how 我们想知道怎样我们可以靠得更近些。
Part ITo take a walk或许大家听过一下这两个以walk这个字为主的习惯用语。
它们是:To walk on air and to walk the floor. To walk on air的意思是,一个人很高兴的时候走路轻飘飘的。
to walk the floor是指一个人由于不知道怎么办,或者是担心某一件事的结果而坐立不安。
第一个是: To take a walk.大家可能都知道to take a walk就是散步。
但是,这里讲的to take a walk可不是这个意思,并不是讲话的人邀请你一起去散步。
刚好相反,这儿所讲的to take a walk是非常不客气的一句话。
所以,to take a walk作为俗语的时候要特别小心。
他说:例句-1: I don't want to listen to any more silly advice on how to run my life. Go on, take a walk - get out of here! I'm tired of looking at your stupid face!这人说:别再告诉我,应该怎么管理我的生活,我不要听了。
他说:例句2: I'm tired of all your lies! You've cheated me too many times and I no longer want to be partners with you. So take a walk - I never want to see you again!这人说:我已经听够了你的谎话。
marriage 大学英语四级 翻译和写作
Marriage: Is it Still a Tradition? 要求: 1.剩男剩女( leftover women and men)越来越 多; 2.传统的成家立业 (marry and settle down)结 婚思想是否会发生变化? 3.未来社会是否会有更多的人选择不结婚, 单身过日子,谈谈你的看法。
• 裸婚(down-to-earth marriage )是一种新的 结婚方式,指的是一对恋人没有房子、没 有车、不办婚礼、不度蜜月甚至没有婚戒, 只领取结婚证(marriage certificate)的结婚 方式。这种形式的结婚最低成本只有9元钱。 现代年轻人的生活压力较大,而且强调爱 情的独立,必须有房再结婚或者大肆操办 婚事的传统在年轻一代中被削弱。许多人 都相信裸婚是两个人纯粹爱情的见证。
Down-to-earth Marriage
• As a new way of getting married, down-to-earth marriage means that a couple marries each other by only applying for a marriage certificate without an apartment, a car, a wedding ceremony, a honeymoon, or even a wedding ring. This form of marriage can cost as little as only nine yuan. As young people in modern times live under great pressure and place emphasis on the independence of love, the tradition that “an apartment is a must for marriage” and “wedding ceremony should be held on a grand scale” has weakened among the young generation. Many people believe that a down-to-earth marriage is a testament to the pure love between the couple.
A Down-to-earth Attitude
Just as Theodore Roosevelt's remark goes "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground", a down-to-earth attitude is a precious spirit, which has led thousands of people to success. But in contrary, many people don't realize the significance of it.By keeping our eyes on the stars, we can find our goals which hide behind the door. However, to achieve the goals, we are supposed to keep our feet on the ground. As we hold a down-to-earth attitude, we can be unwittingly encouraged to devote time and effort to pursuing our work.As the very development of the world, the adolescent are becoming increasingly un-cool. Nonetheless, completing our tasks require our devotion. Under this circumstance, only the down-to-earth attitude has the capacity to enable us to cite its single-minded dedication to stick to our goals.In a word, only when we develop a down-to-earth attitude can we stand on top of the world. It is essential to keep it in mind.As the saying goes "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." To accomplish great things, you must dream great dreams. But dreaming alone isn't enough, you must believe in your dreams and you must act. Without action, even the most grand of dreams evaporate into the ether when left un-nurtured in the misty realms of the mind.Have you been waiting for the right time to reach for your dreams? Have you been waiting for the right circumstances to reach for your dreams? Have you been waiting for the right opportunity to reach for dreams? My, you're patient, aren't you? You could be waiting forever, you know. Time is an illusion. Circumstances are what you make them. Opportunity is a whisper that waits for your invitation. it doesn't burst in and shout its arrival. Now is the right time. Circumstances change when you take action. Opportunity is yours when making efforts. So what are you really waiting for?All in all, a person's success can not be separated from a down-to-earth attitude and unremitting efforts.。
重点初中英语精选作文:学习只有脚踏实地才行Down-to-earthStudy well is not an easy thing. Many students try hard to make their study become good. But sometimes they will use some shortcut to reach their goal. For example, they may recite the answer of some question to cope with the exam, instead of figuring out the knowledge in that question. This is not a good way for study. Only studying down-to-earth is the best. Anyone wants to get a high position in study; he has to learn the knowledge step by step. On in this way to lay a good foundation, students can get to a high level one day.学习并不是件容易的事。
Humility英音:[hju:'militi] 美音:[hju'mɪlətɪ]谦卑,谦逊Kevin & down to earth :脚踏实地,清醒过来1) Be down-to-earth, careful and earnest.工作态度脚踏实地,仔细认真。
2) She got carried away in a flurry of excitement,butwe brought her down to earth by reminding her of the tasks waiting to be down.她在一阵兴奋之中有些想入非非,但是我们提醒她还有许多事情要做,才使她从幻想回到现实中来。 too big for one's breeches显得自以为是; 摆架子1)When she was made monitor,she soon got too big for her breeches.她一当上班长,马上就目中无人了。
2)That boy had grown too big for his breeches. I'll have to put him back in his place.那小子太狂妄,我要压一压他的气焰。
3.go to one ’s head冲昏头脑Eg:Success may go to one 's head but the stomach be where It get In Its worst work .成功会令人冲昏脑筋也未可知,但胃口(欲望)却是它(已获得的成功)永远填不满的地方。
4.have a swollen head自负,骄傲自大1)He has had a swellen head since he went to Harvard.自从他进入哈佛大学之后,他就得意得冲昏了头。
我想成为一个脚踏实地的人作文五百字English: Being a down-to-earth person is essential for personal growth and success. It means having a realistic and practical approach to life, focusing on hard work, humility, and perseverance.A down-to-earth person does not get carried away by external factors such as fame, wealth, or social status. Instead, they value genuine and meaningful connections with others and prioritize building strong relationships based on trust and respect. They are grounded and understand that success is not achieved overnight but through consistent effort and personal development. They are willing to learn from their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions.A down-to-earth person is also humble and appreciative of the opportunities and blessings that come their way. They remain grateful and do not let success get to their heads. They maintain a modest and humble attitude, treating everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their position or status. Their humility allows them to constantly learn and grow, seeking knowledge and wisdom from others. They understand that there is always more to learn and that no one is perfect. Most importantly, a down-to-earth person is persistent. They do not give up easily and are willing to facechallenges head-on. They possess a strong work ethic and are committed to putting in the necessary time and effort to achieve their goals. They embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and are not deterred by setbacks or failures. With their feet firmly planted on the ground, a down-to-earth person remains focused and determined, always striving for improvement and personal excellence.中文翻译: 成为一个脚踏实地的人对于个人成长和成功至关重要。
脚踏实地,站稳脚跟作文英文回答:Being down-to-earth and standing firmly on one's own feet are important qualities that contribute to personal and professional success. By being grounded and practical, one is able to approach tasks and challenges with arealistic mindset, leading to more effective problem-solving and decision-making. Additionally, being steadfast and reliable in one's actions and commitments builds trust and credibility with others, which is essential forbuilding strong relationships and achieving long-term success.One example of the importance of being down-to-earth is in the workplace. Imagine a situation where a team is working on a project with tight deadlines. A team member who is grounded and practical will be able to assess the resources and time available realistically, and will not make promises or commitments that cannot be fulfilled. Thisperson will prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively, ensuring that the team is able to meet the project goals without unnecessary stress or setbacks. On the other hand, a team member who is not grounded and practical may overestimate their abilities or underestimate the complexity of the project, leading to missed deadlines and a lack of trust from other team members.In personal relationships, being down-to-earth and standing firm on one's own feet also plays a crucial role. For example, imagine a situation where a friend is going through a difficult time and needs support. A down-to-earth person will offer practical help and advice, rather than making empty promises or offering unrealistic solutions. They will be there for their friend consistently, providing a stable and reliable presence. This kind of support builds trust and strengthens the friendship, as the friend knows they can rely on the down-to-earth person during challenging times.中文回答:脚踏实地、站稳脚跟是实现个人和职业成功的重要品质。
脚踏实地 英语作文
脚踏实地英语作文I believe in being down-to-earth and practical in everything I do. It's important to me to stay grounded and focused on the task at hand. I find that when I'm able to keep my feet on the ground, I'm better able to tackle challenges and overcome obstacles.Being down-to-earth means being realistic and sensible. It means not getting caught up in unrealistic expectations or fantasies. Instead, I prefer to focus on what I can actually achieve and work towards that. I find that this approach helps me to make steady progress and avoid getting discouraged by setbacks.I think that being down-to-earth also means being humble and approachable. I don't like to put on airs or act like I'm better than anyone else. I prefer to be open and honest with people, and I think that this helps me to build strong, genuine relationships.In my opinion, being down-to-earth is a valuablequality that can help us to navigate the ups and downs of life. It's about staying true to ourselves and not getting carried away by ego or vanity. I believe that by staying grounded and practical, we can achieve our goals and live a more fulfilling life.。
down to earth俚语
Down to Earth俚语什么是Down to Earth俚语?“Down to Earth”是一个常见的英语俚语,用来形容一个人或一件事物非常实际、务实和现实。
Down to Earth的背景与起源Down to Earth这个短语最早出现在英国,最初用于形容土地肥沃、适合种植农作物。
在20世纪初期,Down to Earth开始流行作为一个形容词短语,用来形容那些注重实际、不爱虚荣和追求简单生活的人。
如今,Down to Earth已经成为日常口语中非常常见的表达方式,并且广泛应用于各种场合。
Down to Earth的使用方式Down to Earth通常用来形容那些不自命不凡、亲切可靠以及实际可行的人或事物。
形容性格特点当我们说一个人是Down to Earth时,我们认为他/她是一个非常实际、务实和现实的人。
例如:•“我很喜欢约翰,因为他非常Down to Earth。
”•“我的朋友艾米是一个非常有趣又Down to Earth的人。
”描述态度或行为方式除了形容性格特点外,Down to Earth还可以用来描述一种态度或行为方式。
例如:•“这部电影以一种非常Down to Earth的方式描绘了社会中存在的不公正现象。
”•“他们在演讲中强调了Down to Earth的领导风格,并强调了团队合作和实际解决问题的重要性。
接近地气的英文作文英文:When it comes to being down-to-earth, I believe it means being humble and grounded. It's about not letting success or status get to your head and remembering whereyou come from. Being down-to-earth also means being approachable and relatable to others.For example, I have a friend who is a successful business owner, but you would never know it by the way she carries herself. She is always willing to lend a listening ear and offer advice, and she never talks down to anyone. She is truly down-to-earth and it's one of the reasons why people are drawn to her.Another aspect of being down-to-earth is beingpractical and not getting caught up in material possessions. It's about valuing experiences and relationships over things.中文:谈到接近地气,我认为它意味着谦虚和脚踏实地。
接地气的作文800字英文回答:Being down-to-earth means being grounded, practical, and realistic in one's approach to life. It is about being humble, genuine, and relatable to others. In my opinion, being down-to-earth is a valuable quality to possess as it helps to foster strong connections with people and promotes a sense of authenticity.One example of being down-to-earth is when I was volunteering at a local charity organization. I was assigned to help distribute food to the homeless. Instead of just handing out the food and moving on, I took the time to engage in conversations with the individuals, asking about their day and listening to their stories. By showing genuine interest and empathy, I was able to establish a connection and make them feel valued. This simple act of being down-to-earth made a significant impact on both the individuals I interacted with and myself.Another example is when I was working on a groupproject for school. Instead of taking charge and dictating what needed to be done, I took the time to listen to my teammates' ideas and opinions. I encouraged open communication and collaboration, creating an environment where everyone felt comfortable sharing their thoughts. By being down-to-earth and treating everyone as equals, wewere able to work together effectively and produce a successful project.Being down-to-earth is not just about how we interact with others, but also how we view ourselves. It is about staying true to our values and not letting success or achievements define us. For instance, I have a friend whois a talented musician. Despite his success and recognition, he remains humble and approachable. He never boasts abouthis accomplishments and always takes the time to connectwith his fans. This down-to-earth attitude has not only endeared him to his audience but has also allowed him to stay grounded in his passion for music.中文回答:"接地气"意味着在生活中保持脚踏实地、实际和现实的态度。
脚踏实地作文800字英文回答:Down-to-earth is an idiom that refers to someone who is practical, humble, and realistic. This person is not easily swayed by lofty ideals or impractical dreams. They are more concerned with the here and now, and they are not afraid to get their hands dirty.There are many benefits to being down-to-earth. For one, it can help you to avoid being disappointed by unrealistic expectations. When you are down-to-earth, you know that not everything is going to go your way. You are also morelikely to be content with what you have, even if it is not perfect.Secondly, being down-to-earth can make you moreeffective in your work and personal life. When you are not constantly chasing after unrealistic goals, you are more likely to focus on the tasks that are actually important.You are also more likely to be successful in these tasks, because you are not setting yourself up for failure.Thirdly, being down-to-earth can help you to build stronger relationships. When people know that you are not trying to impress them, they are more likely to trust you and open up to you. You are also more likely to be able to resolve conflicts peacefully, because you are not as invested in your own ego.Of course, there are also some downsides to being down-to-earth. For one, it can sometimes make you seem boring or unambitious. People who are always chasing after big dreams may look down on you for being too practical. However, itis important to remember that being down-to-earth does not mean that you are not ambitious. It simply means that you are more realistic about what you can achieve.Another downside to being down-to-earth is that it can sometimes make it difficult to motivate yourself. When you are not constantly chasing after some distant goal, it can be hard to find the energy to get out of bed in the morning.However, it is important to remember that even small goals can be motivating. If you focus on taking one step at a time, you will eventually reach your destination.Overall, being down-to-earth is a positive trait. It can help you to avoid disappointment, be more effective in your work and personal life, and build stronger relationships. If you are not already down-to-earth, I encourage you to try it. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it.中文回答:脚踏实地是一个成语,形容一个人务实、谦逊、实际。
Down-to-earth不是“回到地球”,90%的人都翻译错了!易错表达英语里有很多地道的表达都不能直译,否则就会闹笑话哦~比如down-to-earth这个表达,千万别翻译成“回到地球”!正确释义我们来看一下权威的解释:If you say that someone is down-to-earth, it means that person is practical, reasonable, andfriendly.这个表达相当于中文里的“务实的”,“接地气儿的”。
双语例句JJ is a down-to-earth singer with no pretensions.JJ是一个特别接地气的歌手,没有任何矫揉造作。
Phil is really down-to-earth, if you want some advice, you ought to talk to him.菲尔是个很务实的人。
相关表达down-to-earth这个表达是非常口语化的,那么书面语怎么表达“务实”呢?我们可以用一个高级词汇:pragmatic /præɡˈmætɪk/ adj. 实用主义的。
这个词比practical要书面化,很多新闻报刊或者文学作品里经常会出现哦,比如:Frustrated, she took the gutsy decision to go back to the same college and study somethingmore pragmatic. She majored in finance, and now has a good job at an investment consultingfirm.受挫碰壁的她勇敢地作出决定,重新回到大学学习更为实用的课程。
(经济学人)影视片段在美剧《生活大爆炸》里面,Sheldon在科学上有了重大进展,别人都来祝贺他,他是这样跟大家保证的:More testing, more success, more fame. But don't worry, I will remain the same down-to-earthhumble Joe I've always been.更多的测试,更多的成功,更多的名望。
英语俗语:Down to Earth(脚踏实地/接地气)
“Down to Earth”用来形容某个人很务实、理智和实事求是。
与“接地气(Down to Earth)”的人打交道很容易。
一个让某些事情冲昏头脑的人觉得自己比别人更优秀,其实这个人是自以为是(has a big head)。
Today we tell about the expression "down to earth." Down to earth means being open and honest. It is easy to deal with someone who is down to earth.今天我们讲述down to earth(实在、朴实)这个短语,它的意思是坦率、诚实,和这种人打交道会很轻松。
A person who is down to earth is a pleasure to find. He or she accepts other people as equals.A down to earth person is the opposite of someone who acts important or proud.遇见一位朴实者是一件愉快的事情,他(她)会平等待人。
Down to earth people could be important members of society. But they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. They do not let their importance "go to their heads." Someone who lets something go to his head feels he is better than others. He has a "big head."朴实者可能是社会精英,但他们并不认为自己比普通人更优越,不会被自己的重要地位冲昏了头脑(go to their heads)。
那些被某些东西冲昏头脑的人会认为自己比他人优越,自高自大(big head)。
11月WSK考试完型填空模拟练习“Down-to-earth”means someone or something that ishonest.realistic and easy to deal with.It is a pleasure tofind(31)___who is down-to-earth.A person who is down—to-earth is easy to talk(32) ___and accepts other people as equals.A down-to-earth person is just the(33) ___of someone who acts important or proud.Down-to-earth persons may be(34)___members of society,of course.But they do not let their importance“(35)___to theirheads”.They do not consider themselves to be better persons tha n(36)___of less importance.Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride,(37) ___without cause,is said to have“his nose in theair”.There is(38) way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.Americans(39) ___ another expression that means almost the same as“down—to-earth”.The expression is“both—feet—on-the—ground”. Someone(40) ___both—feet—on—the-ground is a person with a good understanding(41) ___reality.He has what is called“common sense,”he may have dreams,(42) ___he does not allow them to block his knowledge of(43) ___is real.The opposite kind of(44) ___is one who has his“head—in-the—clouds”. A man with his head-in-the—clouds is a dreamer(45) ___mind is not in the real world.(46) ___,such a dreamer can be brought back to earth.Sharp words from teacher can usually(47)___a day-dreaming student person who is down—to-earth is very(48) ___to have both feet on the ground.(49) ___we have both our feet on the ground,when we are down-t0—earth,we act honestly and openly(50) ___others.Our lives are like the ground below us,solid and strong.答案解析31.someone 【解析】由本文的第一句话“‘Down-to-earth’means some—one or something that is honest,realistic and easy to deal with.”可知“Down—to—earth”指的是诚实,现实、平易近人的那些人。
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Down to earth
I never thought that it be easy 我从来不认为这些事是很容易
Cause we both so distance now 因为我们现在相隔太远
And the walls are closing in on us 隔膜已经在我们彼此间产生And we are wondering how 我们都想知道怎么了
No one has a solid answer 却没有人能给我们确定的答案
But just walking in the dark 我只有独自在黑暗中前行
And you can see the look on my face你能够看见我脸上的模样
It just tells me apart它仅仅告诉我分开的事实
So we fight(So we fight)所以我们与之抗衡
Through the hurt(Through the hurt)经历痛苦
And we cry(and cry and cry and cry)我们哭了又哭
And we live(And we live)还是要继续生活
And we learn(And we learn)我们不断学习
And we try and try and try and try再不停地尝试一切
So it's up to you and it's up to me一直到你和我
That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅
On our way back down to earth在我们降落地球的路上
Down to earth down to earth 脚踏实地
Our way back down to earth(back down to earth)在用我们各自的方式回到现实
Mommy you’ll always and somewhere妈妈你总是住在某个地方等我And daddy I live outta down我和爸爸的生活失去了正常
So tell me now how could I ever be normal somehow谁能告诉我怎样才能回到平常
You tell me this is for the best你常说我做的很出色
So tell me why am I in tears那么你为什么不告诉我我为何泪流满面
So far away and now I just need you here未来的路那么长可是我现在只需要你在不远处等待着我
So we fight(So we fight)所以我们与之抗衡
Through the hurt(Through the hurt)经历痛苦伤害
And we cry(and cry and cry and cry)再无尽的哭泣
And we live(And we live)又继续生活下去
And we learn(And we learn)我们不断学习
And we try and try and try and try再不停地尝试一切
So it's up to you and it's up to me直到你和我
That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅
On our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上
Down to earth down to earth 脚踏实地脚踏实地
So it's up to you and it's up to me一直到你和我
That we meet in our middle way我们在半路上相遇邂逅
On our way back down to earth在用我们各自的方式回到现实
Down to earth down to earth 回到现实回到现实
On our way back down to earth在用我们各自的方式回到现实
Down to earth down to earth 回到现实回到现实
We fell so far away from where we used to be我们距离曾经所在的地方太远了
Now we are standing and where do we go于是现在我们起身向前奔跑
When there’s no road to get to your heart当没有路可以通往你的心里
Let's start over again让我们重新开始
So it's up to you and it's up to me直到你和我
That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅
On our way back down to earth在我们回地球的路上
Down to earth down to earth 脚踏实地脚踏实地
On our way back down to earth在用我们各自的方式回到现实
I never thought that it be easy 我从来不认为这些事会那么容易
Cause me both so distance now 因为我们相隔太遥远
And the walls are closing in on us 而且我们之间也产生了隔膜And we are wondering how 我们想知道怎样我们可以靠得更近些。