



植物学(上)名词术语中英文对照植物学(Botany)植物形态学(Plant morphology)植物解剖学(plant anatomy)原生质体(protoplast)细胞壁(cell wall)显微结构(microscopic structure)亚显微结构(submicroscopic structure)超微结构(ultramicroscopic structure)质体(Plastid)叶绿体(chloroplast)类囊体(thylakoid)基粒(granum)基粒间膜(基质片层,fret)基质(stroma或matrix)有色体(或称杂色体,chromoplast)白色体(leucoplast)造油体(elaioplast)前质体(proplastid)液泡(vacuole)液泡膜(tonoplast)细胞液(cell sap)纹孔(pit)胞间连丝(plasmodesmata)后含物(ergastic substance)淀粉粒(starch grain)淀粉体(amylop1ast)脐点(hilum)拟晶体(crystalloid)糊粉粒(aleuronegrain)糊粉层(aleurone layer)胞质分裂(Cytokinesis)成膜体(phragmoplast)细胞板(cellplate)微管周期(microtubule cycle)细胞分化(cell differentiation)反分化(或脱分化dedifferentiation)组织(tissue)分生组织(meristematic tissue或meristem)顶端分生组织(apical meristem)侧生分生组织(lateral meristem)居间分生组织(intercalarymeristem)形成层(cambium)木栓形成层(cork cambium或phellogen)原分生组织(promeri-stem)初生分生组织(primary meristem)次生分生组织(secondary meristem)保护组织(protective tissue)薄壁组织(parenchyma)机械组织(mechanical tissue)输导组织(conducting tissue)分泌结构(secretory structure)表皮(epidermis)周皮(periderm)气孔(stoma)皮孔(lenticel)保卫细胞(guard cell)吸收组织(absorptive tissue)根毛(root hair)木栓(phellem或cork)栓内层(phelloderm)同化组织(assimilating tissue)储藏组织(storage tissue)储水组织(aqueous tissue)通气组织(aerenchyma)传递细胞(transfer cell)厚角组织(collenchyma)厚壁组织(sclerencnyma)石细胞(sclereid或stone cell)纤维(fiber)木质部(xylem)韧皮部(phloem)管胞(tracheid)导管分子(vesselelement或vesselmember)穿孔(perforation)导管(vessel)筛管分子(sieve-tube element或sieve-tube member)筛管(sieve tube)筛孔(sieve pore)筛孔(sieve pore)筛板(sieve plate)原生质联络索(connecting strand)胼胝质(callose)筛域(sive area)伴胞(companioncell)胼胝体(callus)筛胞(sieve cell)腺表皮(glandular epidermis)腺毛(glandular hair)蜜腺(nectary)排水器(hydathode)吐水(guttation)水孔(waterPore)通水组织(epithem)分泌细胞(secretorycell)分泌腔(secretorycavity)分泌道(secretorycanal)乳汁管(laticifer)无节乳汁管(nonar-ticulatelaticifer)有节乳汁管(arti-culatelaticifer)组织系统(tissue system)皮组织系统(dermal tissue system)维管组织系统(vascular tissue system)基本组织系统(fundamental tissue system或ground tissue system)皮系统(dermal system)维管系统(vascular system)基本系统(fundamental system或ground system)种子(seed)胚(embryo)胚乳(endosperm)种皮(seed coat,testa)外胚乳(perisperm)胚根(radicle)胚芽(plumule)胚轴(hypocotyl)子叶(cotyledon)种脐(hilum)种阜(caruncle)种脊(raphe)有胚乳种子(albuminousseed)无胚乳种子(exalbuminous seed)胚芽鞘(coleoptile)胚根鞘(coleorhi- za)盾片(scutellum)外胚叶(epiblast)种子萌发(seed germination)子叶出土的幼苗(epigaeous seedling)子叶留土的幼苗(hypogaeous seedling)器官(organ)营养器官(vegetative organ)根(root)根系(root system)主根(main root)直根(tap root)初生根(primaryroot)侧根(lateral root)次生根(secondaryroot)不定根(adventitiousroot)定根(normal root)种子根(seminal root)直根系(taprootsystem)须根系(fibrousrootsystem)原始细胞(initialcell)不活动中心(或称静止中心,quiescentcentre)根尖(roottip)根冠(root cap)分生区(meristematiczone)伸长区(elongationzone)成熟区(maturationzone)维管柱(vascular cylinder)皮层(cortex)切向分裂(弦向分裂,tangentialdivision)平周分裂(periclinalkivision)径向分裂(radialdivision)横向分裂(transversedivision)垂周分裂(anticlinaldivision)根毛区(roothairzone)初生生长(primary growth)初生组织(primary tissue)初生结构(primary structure)根被(velamen)外皮层(exodermis)内皮层(endoder-mis)凯氏带(Casparian strip)通道细胞(passage cell)中柱鞘(pericycle)髓(pith)初生木质部(primary xylem)初生韧皮部(primary phloem)外始式(exarch)原生木质部(protoxylem)后生木质部(metaxylem)木质部脊(xylem ridge)二原型(diarch)三原型(triarch)四原型(tetrarch)五原型(pentarch)六原型(hexarch)多原型(polyarch)原生韧皮部(protophloem)后生韧皮部(meta-phloem)根原基(root primordium)内起源(endogenousorigin)形成层环(cambium ring)木射线(xylemray)韧皮射线(phloemray)维管射线(vascularray)木栓形成层(phellogen或cork cambium)栓内层(phelloderm)木栓(phellem或cork)周皮(periderm)共生(symbiosis)根瘤(root nodule)菌根(mycorrhiza)外生菌根(ectotrophic mycorrhiza)内生菌根(endotrophic mycorrhiza)内外生菌根(ectendotrophicmycorrhiza)茎(stem)节(node)节间(internode)枝或枝条(shoot)叶痕(leafscar)维管束痕(bundle scar,简称束痕)芽鳞痕(bud scalescar)芽(bud)枝芽(branch bud)叶芽(leafbud)花芽(floralbud)叶原基(leaf primordium)腋芽原基(axillary bud primordium)侧枝原基(lateral branch primordium)枝原基(branchprimordium)芽轴(bud axis)定芽(normalbud)不定芽(adventitiousbud)顶芽(terminal bud)腋芽(axillary bud)侧芽(lateral bud)副芽(accessory bud)叶柄下芽(subpetiolar bud)裸芽(naked bud)被芽(protected bud)鳞片(scale)芽鳞(bud scale)鳞芽(scaly bud)混合芽(mixed bud)活动芽(active bud)休眠芽(dormant bud)潜伏芽(latent bud)直立茎(erect stem)缠绕茎(twining stem)攀援茎(climbing stem)匍匐茎(creeping stem)纤匍枝(runner)单轴分枝(monopodial branching)合轴分枝(sympodial branching)假二叉分枝(falsedichotomous branching)二叉分枝(dichotomousbranching)分蘖(tiller)原表皮(protoderm)基本分生组织(ground meristem)原形成层(procambium)生长点(growing point)生长锥(growing tip)茎端(stem apex)根端(root apex)枝端或苗端(shoot apex)茎尖(stemtip)根尖(root tip)组织原学说(histogen theory)表皮原(dermatogen)皮层原(periblem)中柱原(plerome)原套-原体学说(tunica-corpus theory)原套(tunica)原体(corpus)细胞学分区概念(concept of cytologicalzonation)叶原座(leaf buttress)初生组织(primary tissue)初生结构(primary structure)通气组织(aerenchyma)淀粉鞘(starch sheath)无限维管束(open bundle)有限维管束(closed bundle)外韧维管束(collateral bundle)双韧维管束(bicollateral bundle)周韧维管束(amphicribral bundle)周木维管束(amphivasal bundle)同心维管束(concentric bundle)中柱(stele)原生中柱(protostele)管状中柱(siphonostele)中央柱(centralcylinder)维管柱(vascularcylinder)内始式(endarch)环髓带(perimedullaryzone)髓腔(pith cavity)髓射线(pith ray)初生射线(primary ray)树脂道(resin canal)维管束鞘(bundle sheath)下皮(hypodermis)初生加厚分生组织(primary thickening meristem)束中形成层(fascicularcambium)。

医学专业英语:Cells, Tissues, and Organs

医学专业英语:Cells, Tissues, and Organs
• Proteins, which include the enzymes, some hormones, and structural materials.
• Carbohydrates, which include sugars and starches. The main carbohydrate is the sugar glucose, which circulates in the blood to provide energy ll divides, by the process of mitosis, the chromosomes are doubled and then equally distributed to the two daughter cells, which is shown as below:
➢ Muscle tissue contracts to produce movement. There are three types of muscle tissue: • Skeletal or voluntary muscle moves the skeleton. • Cardiac muscle forms the heart. It functions without conscious control and is described as involuntary. • Smooth, or visceral muscle forms the walls of the abdominal organs; it is also involuntary.
Genes control the formation of enzymes, the catalysts needed for metabolic reactions. To help manufacture enzymes, the cells use a compound called RNA (ribonucleic acid), which is chemically related to DNA.



细胞学说300字总结英文回答:Cell theory is a fundamental principle in biology that describes the properties of cells. It consists of three main tenets. The first is that all living organisms are composed of one or more cells. This means that cells are the basic unit of life. The second tenet is that the cell is the structural and functional unit of all living things. This means that the activities of an organism are the sum of the activities and interactions of its cells. The third tenet is that all cells come from pre-existing cells by division. This means that cells are the basic units of reproduction and that new cells are formed by the division of pre-existing cells.The development of cell theory is attributed to several scientists, including Robert Hooke, who first observedcells in 1665, and Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, who proposed the first two tenets of cell theory in the19th century. Rudolf Virchow later added the third tenet in 1855.Cell theory has had a profound impact on the field of biology and has helped to shape our understanding of living organisms. It has provided a framework for studying the structure and function of cells, as well as their role in the larger context of living organisms. Additionally, cell theory has also influenced medical research and the development of treatments for various diseases.中文回答:细胞学说是生物学中的一个基本原理,描述了细胞的特性。



花键中英文参数渐渐渐渐花involute spline未注公差 undeclared tolerance未注倒角undeclared chamfer渐渐 thermal refining端口 port chamfer模数 modulus渐形角tooth profile angle渐位系数stand-off error渐渐圈径向跳geared ring radial runout公法度及偏差渐渐渐渐渐渐 common normal跨数渐渐 spanned tooth count 高淬火渐渐渐 high-frequency quenching配渐渐渐 mating gear螺旋角 spiral angle渐力角pressure angle螺旋升角 lead angle渐号figure number渐厚tooth thickness螺旋渐 helix渐杆worm渐渐 gear渐渐 gear shaft渐渐子rotor shaft精度等渐precision class汽构造渐渐渐渐渐汽渐 automobile拖拉机 tractor渐渐路机locomotive有渐渐渐 tram无渐渐渐 trolley渐渐渐用military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤气机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民渐渐 national economy国内生渐渐渐 (GDP) Gross Domestic Production全拆散 (CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散 (SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革放渐渐 reform and opening技引渐渐渐technical import国化渐渐 localization支柱渐渐 pillar estate渐渐 car客渐 bus, coach渐渐 truck, lorry公路用渐 road vehicle非公路用渐 off-road vehicle渐渐机engine机体 engine body曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐 crank-connecting rod mechanism配气机构 valve timing mechanism供系渐渐 fuel supply system冷却系cooling system渐滑系lubricating system点火系 ignition system起系渐渐 starting system底渐 chassis渐渐系power train离合器 clutch渐速器gear box渐渐渐 propeller shaft渐渐渐 drive axle行系渐渐 running gear渐架frame渐架suspension前渐 front axle渐壳axle housing渐渐 wheel渐向系steering system渐渐向steering wheel渐向器steering gear渐渐渐渐渐向装置steering linkage助力装置 power assisting device制系渐渐 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device渐渐装置transfer device制器渐渐 brake渐身body渐前板制件front end panels渐身壳体body shell渐渐 door渐窗window附属装置 auxiliary device渐箱carrying platform渐渐渐渐渐机前置后(FR) front engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机前置前(FF) front engine front drive渐渐渐渐渐机后置后(RR) rear engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机中置后(MR) midship engine rear drive全渐渐渐 (nWD) all wheel drive渐渐力tractive force阻力 resistance渐渐阻力rolling resistance空气阻力 air resistance, drag上坡阻力gradient resistance附着作用 adhesion附着力 adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第一章机工作原理渐渐二冲程机渐渐渐 two stroke engine四冲程机渐渐渐 four stroke engine水冷机渐渐渐 water cooled engine渐渐渐渐冷机air cooled engine上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点 (LDP) lower dead point活塞行程 stroke 汽缸直径 bore工作容渐 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement渐气行程intake stroke渐渐行程compression stroke渐渐比compression ratio做功行程working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排气行程 exhaust stroke示功渐 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston渐杆connecting rod曲渐 crankshaft渐渐 flywheel渐渐气intake valve排气渐 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod渐臂rocker凸渐渐 camshaft正渐渐渐 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油渐 fuel pump汽油清器渐渐渐 gasoline filter化油器 carburetor空气清器渐渐渐 air cleaner渐气管intake manifold排气管 exhaust manifold火花塞 spark plug点火圈渐渐 ignition coil断器渐渐 breaker蓄池渐渐 storage battery渐渐机generator水渐 water pump散器渐渐 radiator渐扇fan放水渐 drain valve水套 water jacket分水管 distributive pipe机油渐 oil pump集器渐渐 suction filter限渐渐 relief valve渐滑油道oil passage机油清器渐渐渐 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起机渐渐 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效矩渐渐 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption渐渐渐渐渐渐机速特性engine speed characteristic渐渐渐渐气度throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic 外特性 outer characteristic 第二章曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner渐渐机支承engine mounting活塞渐 piston top活塞部渐渐 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt渐槽slot活塞渐 piston ring气渐 compression ring油渐 oil ring渐槽groove活塞渐 piston pin主承渐渐 main bearing主承盖渐渐渐 main bearing cap主瓦渐渐 main shell渐渐渐杆承big end bearing渐杆盖big end cap起爪渐渐 cranking claw渐渐 pulley平衡重 counter weight渐渐渐火序firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构渐渐置气(OHV) Over Head Valve渐渐渐置凸(OHC) Over Head Camshaft渐渐渐渐置凸(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft双置凸渐渐渐渐渐 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft多气机渐渐渐渐 multi-valve engine气隙渐渐渐 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气杆渐渐 valve stem气座渐渐 valve seat气管渐渐渐 valve guide气簧渐渐渐 valve spring第四章汽油机供系渐渐可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分渐 distil蒸性渐渐 evaporating property渐渐 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛渐渐 (RON) Research Octane Number渐量空气系数coefficient of excessive air理混合气渐渐渐渐 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture渐混合气thick mixture主供油系渐 main supply system怠速系渐 idle system加系渐渐渐 thickening system加速系渐 accelerating system浮子 float 浮子室 float chamber渐渐 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻渐渐 choke渐芯filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup渐膜pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉渐 a**estos pad渐渐 pre-heating汽油直接射渐渐 gasoline direct injection渐控electronic control多点射渐渐 muti-point injection渐渐渐点射single point injection渐路控制circuit control分器信号渐渐渐渐 distributor signal空气流量信号 airflow signal冷却水温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供系渐渐渐渐油transfer pump渐渐油fuel injection pump高油管渐渐渐 high pressure fuel pipe渐火性ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point渐燃期pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period渐燃期slow combustion period燃室渐渐 combustion chamber渐渐渐一燃室united chamber球形燃室渐渐 ball shape chamber渐流室turbulence chamber渐燃室pri-combustion chamber渐油器injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油渐 delivery valve渐速器governor两速速器渐渐渐 two speed governor全速速器渐渐渐 full speed governor 定速速器渐渐渐 fixed speed governor渐渐渐渐合速器combined governor气速器渐渐渐渐 pneumatic governor机械离心式速器渐渐渐 mechanical centrifugal governor渐渐渐渐合式速器complex governor渐渐渐渐渐油提前角装置advancer 渐渐 flyweight渐渐渐 coupling粗清器渐渐渐 primary filter渐渐清器secondary filter渐渐渐渐增器turbocharger中冷却器渐渐渐渐 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系渐温器thermostat防液渐渐 anti-freezing liquid渐渐水桶compensation reservoirV-渐 V belt百叶窗 shutter大循渐 big circulation小循渐 small circulation散翅片渐渐渐 fins第八章滑系渐渐渐滑lubricant渐渐渐力滑pressure lubrication渐渐渐滑splash lubrication渐滑脂grease机油力感器渐渐渐渐渐 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通渐 bypass valve机油散器渐渐 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油口 oil filler曲箱通渐渐渐渐 crankcase ventilation第九章点火系一次渐渐 primary winding二次渐渐 secondary winding渐渐渐敏阻heat sensitive resistance点火提前 ignition advance 分器渐渐 distributor活触点渐渐渐 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分火渐 distributor rotor arm渐容器condenser点火提前装置 ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer真空式点火提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer辛校正器渐渐渐渐渐 octane number rectifier中心极渐渐 central electrode渐渐极side electrode瓷体渐渐渐 ceramic insulator跳火隙渐渐 spark gap半体点火系渐渐渐渐渐 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor二极管 diode三极管 triode无触点点火系 non-contact ignition system霍效渐渐渐 Hall effect正极板 anode渐极板cathode隔板 separator渐解液electrolyte蓄池格渐渐渐 battery cell接柱渐渐 terminal渐渐 cable硅整流交流机渐渐渐silicon rectified A.C. motor渐子rotor定子 stator渐刷brush渐渐扇叶fan blade渐渐渐渐器voltage regulator第十章起系渐渐手渐渐渐起cranking渐渐塞electric heater plug串激直流机渐渐渐 serial wound D.C. motor 起圈渐渐渐 starter ring渐渐渐渐磁操机构electro-magnetic control第十一章渐渐渐新型机三角活塞 triangular piston渐渐渐渐子机rotary engine自渐 rotary motion, rotation公渐 orbit motion渐迹trajectory渐渐 gear渐圈ring gear往零渐渐渐件reciprocal parts渐平衡dynamic balance燃气机渐渐渐渐渐 gas turbine第十二章汽系渐渐渐渐机械式系渐渐渐 mechanical transmission液力机械式系渐渐渐 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式系渐渐渐 static-hydraulic transmission渐渐渐渐力式系electrical transmission自渐渐渐渐渐式系automatic transmission减速 reduction可速比渐渐渐 variable ratios有速渐渐渐 definite ratios无速渐渐渐 indefinite ratios无速器渐渐渐渐(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission一般布置 general layout渐渐机横置lateral engine positioning分器渐渐 transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离底渐渐 thorough separation渐渐 overload摩擦表面 friction surface摩擦渐渐片friction liner渐 hub主部分渐渐渐 driving part从渐渐渐部分driven part花渐 spline渐渐 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离承渐渐 release bearing主缸 master cylinder工作缸 working cylinder分离* release fork渐渐渐隙整clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板自由行程 pedal free stroke踏板工作行程 pedal working stroke渐渐渐渐 ,接rivet双片离合器 dual disc clutch中央渐渐渐渐渐簧离合器central spring clutch膜片簧离合器渐渐渐渐渐diaphragm spring clutch非性渐渐 non-linear第十四章速器渐渐渐与分器渐渐渐渐渐渐渐入,第一,input shaft, drive shaft渐渐渐渐渐渐渐出,第二,output shaft, main shaft中渐渐 counter shaft倒渐渐 reverse gear shaft常渐渐合constant mesh低速渐 low gear高速渐 high gear最高速渐 top gear空渐 neutral gear一渐 the first gear二渐 the second gear三渐 the third gear倒渐 reverse gear直接渐 direct gear超速渐 overdrive渐渐渐力出power take-off渐渐 shift渐合套sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同面步渐 synchro cone渐速杆shifting lever手柄 handle球渐渐 ball joint渐渐渐* shifting fork自渐 self-lock互渐 inter-lock渐渐渐渐速transaxle加力渐 low gear第十五章液力机械渐渐液力偶合器 hydraulic coupling渐渐 impeller渐渐 turbine叶片 blade液力矩器渐渐渐 torque converter渐渐 stator行星渐渐渐系planetary gear system太阳渐 sun gear行星渐 planet pinion行星架 planet carrier渐圈ring gear第十六章渐渐渐万向渐 universal joint, U-joint十字渐渐渐渐渐式万向Cardan type U-joint*子 yoke, fork十字渐 spider, center cross渐渐渐承needle bearing滑脂嘴,油嘴,lubricating fitting, nipple等角速 constant angular velocity双式渐渐渐渐渐万向dual Cardan type U-joint球*式万向渐 Weiss type U-joint球式渐渐渐渐渐万向Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球渐 retainer, ball cage渐渐性万向flexible U-joint无管渐渐渐 seamless steel tube第十七章渐渐渐主减速器 final drive主渐渐渐渐渐渐,小,drive pinion从,渐渐渐渐渐渐大,ring gear渐渐渐 bevel gear双曲面渐渐 hypoid gear渐渐减速single reduction双减速渐渐渐 double reduction渐通式主减速器penetrable final drive 双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive渐渐减速器wheel reduction差速器 differential半渐渐渐 differential side gear差速渐 differential lock渐渐差速器inter-axle differential lock托森差速器 torque sensitive differential半渐 axle shaft全浮式半渐 float type axle shaft半浮式半渐 semi-float type axle shaft渐壳axle housing渐壳后盖final drive rear cover第十八章行系渐渐行系渐渐 running gear渐架frame渐渐渐渐 ,axle渐架suspension半履渐渐渐渐式汽semi-caterpillar vehicle第十九章架渐渐渐渐梁式架ladder type frame渐梁side rail横梁 cross member保杠渐渐 bumper托架 bracket支承 support拖渐 tow hook中梁式架渐渐 backbone type frame桁架式架渐渐 lattice type frame第二十章渐渐渐渐和渐渐向steering axle渐梁axle beam工字形断面 I-section渐渐向knuckle主渐 king pin渐渐 wheel hub渐渐渐渐向定位steering wheel alignment主后渐渐渐 caster主内渐渐渐 king pin inclination前外渐渐渐 camber前前渐渐渐束toe-in渐渐渐渐向steering and driving axle支持渐 support axle渐渐 rim渐渐 spoke渐渐渐渐装罩hub cap渐胎tyre, tire胎冠 crown, tread花渐 pattern胎渐 side wall帘布渐 cord, ply尼渐渐渐渐 ,nylon渐渐束belted layer内胎 tube渐渐 protector胎圈 bead气渐渐嘴bleed valve气芯渐渐 valve core子午胎渐渐渐 radial tire无内胎胎渐渐 tubeless tire刺穿 puncture渐胎spare tire第二十一章架渐渐性元件spring, elastic element减振器 sock absorber渐向机构control device横向定器渐渐渐渐渐渐,杆,stabilizer, anti-roll bar渐渐渐架度suspension stiffness簧量渐渐渐 sprung mass非簧量渐渐渐 unsprung mass静渐渐度static deformation独立渐渐架independent suspension渐渐渐渐渐渐渐上跳,减振器行程,jounce渐渐渐渐渐渐回跳,减振器伸行程,rebound双向作用减振器 double action shock absorber渐向作用减振器single action shock absorber筒式减振器 telescopic shock absorber吊渐 link ring 工作缸 working cylinder渐油缸reservoir流通渐渐渐渐渐渐,液,intake valve伸渐渐 rebound valve渐渐渐 compression valve渐渐渐 compensation valve充气减振器 gas filled shock absorber渐渐渐渐渐力可减振器pressure adjustable shock absorber渐渐渐板簧leaf spring中心螺栓 central bolt渐渐簧clip螺旋簧渐渐 coil spring扭杆簧渐渐 torsional bar囊式空气簧渐渐 bellow type air spring膜式空气簧渐渐 diaphragm type air spring橡胶渐渐簧rubber spring卷耳 spring eye吊耳 shackleU形螺栓 U-bolt渐簧盖板spring plate副簧 auxiliary spring主簧 main spring横臂式架渐渐 transversal type suspension双横臂式架渐渐 double wishbone suspension渐渐渐向steering axis渐渐臂式trailing arm type滑柱式 strut type麦弗渐渐式McPhaeson type平衡架渐渐 tandem axle suspension第二十二章向系渐机械,手,渐渐渐渐渐向系manual steering system渐渐向steering wheel 渐渐向steering shaft渐向柱steering column渐渐渐渐向steering drive shaft渐向器steering gear直拉杆 drag link渐渐向knuckle渐渐渐向臂knuckle arm梯形臂 steering arm横拉杆 tie rod渐渐渐渐渐渐渐向偏角系steering geometry渐弯半径turning radius循球式向器渐渐渐渐渐渐 recirculating ball steering gear渐向螺杆steering screw渐向螺母steering nut渐扇sector渐渐渐渐渐渐条式向器rack and pinion steering gear渐渐渐渐渐渐杆曲柄指式向器worm and crankpin steering gear渐渐渐力向power steering渐向油罐steering reservoir渐渐向油steering oil pump第二十三章制系渐渐鼓式制器渐渐 drum brake制渐渐蹄brake shoe渐缸wheel cylinder制底板渐渐渐 brake base plate渐渐整凸adjustable cam制渐渐渐渐渐渐蹄回位簧retainer spring渐蹄leading shoe从蹄 trailing shoe渐渐渐式制器disc brake制渐渐 brake calipers制渐渐 brake disc液制系渐渐渐渐 fluid braking system制液渐渐 brake fluid制主缸渐渐渐 master cylinder气制系渐渐渐渐 pneumatic braking system空气机渐渐渐 air compressor 制气室渐渐渐 brake chamber渐气筒reservoir制渐渐 brake valve气渐渐渐渐 air pressure governor伺服制系渐渐 servo braking system真空助力器 vacuum booster防抱死制系渐渐 (ABS) Anti-lock Braking System渐渐渐助制器auxiliary brake渐速器retarder排气制渐 exhaust braking第二十四章身渐渐身壳体body shell非承式身渐渐渐渐 separate frame construction承式身渐渐渐渐 unitary construction, integral body渐渐渐机engine compartment客,渐渐渐渐渐乘客室passenger compartment行李箱 trunk渐渐机罩hood, bonnet前翼板 front fender, front wing前渐渐渐泥板front fender apron前板渐渐 dash board, fire wall前窗渐渐 windscreen, windshield前渐 cowl, shroud渐盖roof地板 floor panel行李箱盖 trunk lid, deck lid后板渐渐 rear end panel前柱front pillar, “A” pillar中柱center pillar, “B” pillar后柱rear p illar, “C” pillar上渐渐梁roof rail渐渐 rocker panel渐表板instrument panel遮阳板 sun visor刮水器 wiper后渐渐 rear view mirror渐渐 door lock玻璃升降器 window regulator密封条 weather strip暖气装置 heater空装置渐渐渐 air conditioner座椅 seat渐枕head restraint安全渐 safety seat belt渐化玻璃toughened glass 渐渐玻璃laminated glass渐箱carrying platform渐板side board 后板 tail board前板 head board地板,底板 floor board栓杆 tightening latch第二十五章附属渐渐渐速表speedometer里程表 mileage recorder机油力渐渐渐表oil pressure gauge燃油表 fuel gauge水温表 water temperature gauge渐流表ammeter前大灯 head lamp渐向指示灯turning indicator制信号渐渐渐渐灯braking signal light 渐警信号装置warning signal附表渐渐一般工程渐度length渐度width高度 height深度 depth距离 distance渐隙clearance位移 displacement面渐 area体渐 volume重量 weight渐量mass比重 specific gravity密度 density渐渐 time周期 period加速度 velocity, speed重力加速度 acceleration of gravity力 force合力 resultant分力 component力矩 moment渐矩torque, twisting moment弯矩 bending moment渐强pressure大气渐 atmospheric pressure声渐渐 (SPL) Sound Pressure Level渐力stress渐渐 strain渐形deformation拉伸 stretching渐渐 compressing弯曲 bending扭渐 twisting强度 strength渐度stiffness硬度 hardness黏度 viscosity运渐渐渐黏度kinematic viscosity能量 energy渐能kinetic energy位能 potential energy功 work功率 power温度 temperature渐 heat渐容量thermal capacity比渐 specific heat渐功当量Joule’s equiva lent渐渐系数coefficient of heat transfer 加渐 heating冷却 cooling膨渐 expansion固体 solid液体 liquid气体 gas蒸渐 evaporation溶解 dissolve融化 melt凝渐 condensation凝固 solidification渐路electric circuit串渐 serial connection并渐parallel connection渐荷electric charge渐渐 voltage渐位potential渐流current直流 (D.C.) Direct Current交流 (A.C.) Alternative Current渐阻resistance渐容量capacity渐容器condenser渐感inductance渐极electrode正极 anode渐极cathode渐离ionization渐解electrolysis渐渐 electroplating渐泳electrophoresis磁渐强度magnetic field intensity磁通量 magnetic flux光通量 luminous flux光照度 photometric quantity渐光强度luminous intensity工程渐 technical drawing渐板drawing board渐渐 drawing paper描渐渐tracing paper投影 projection前渐渐 front end view渐渐渐 side view左渐渐 left end view右渐渐 right end view俯渐渐 plan view剖面 section剖渐 section view渐渐 full line虚渐 broken line, dotted line点划渐 chain line尺寸渐 dimension line方形 square渐方形rectangle三角形 triangle渐形circle内接渐 inscribed circle外切渐 circumscribed circle直尺 ruler三棱尺 triangular scale三角板 set square丁字尺 tee square, T square渐渐 compasses分渐 divider曲板渐渐 curve渐嘴笔drawing pen渐子hammer斧子 ax, axe螺渐渐刀screw driver扳手 wrench, spanner活渐渐渐扳手adjustable wrench扳手套筒 socket渐子pliers火子渐渐 tongs虎渐 vice刀子 knife刮刀 scraper剪子 scissors渐子tweezers渐子clip渐渐器clamp渐刀file渐渐渐子,子chisel冲子 punch渐子awl渐子saw刨子 plane渐 drill砧渐 anvil直角尺 square内卡渐 inside calipers外卡渐 outside calipers游卡渐渐渐尺vernier calipers千分卡尺 micrometer guage高度尺 height gauge千分表 dial indicator水平,泡,尺 water level画渐渐 marking gauge螺渐 threads螺栓 bolt双螺柱渐渐渐 stud螺渐 screw十字槽螺渐 cross recessed screw螺母 nut渐槽螺母castle nut蝶形螺母 fly nut, wing nut渐圈washer渐渐渐簧圈lock washer渐渐口split pin, cotter pin渐 key花渐 spline直渐渐渐 spur gear斜渐渐渐 helical gear渐渐渐 bevel gear球承渐渐 ball bearing渐渐渐子承roller bearing渐渐渐承needle roller bearing渐承外圈outer race渐承内圈inner race隔离罩,保持架 cage, retainer渐渐渐造,件casting渐渐渐造,件forging渐渐渐渐制,制件rolling冲,冲件渐渐渐渐渐 stamping渐渐渐接,welding渐渐弧arc welding气渐 oxyacetylene welding点渐 spot welding渐渐渐接,rivet机械加工 machine work切削 cutting渐削turning刨削 planing渐削milling渐削drilling渐孔fraising磨削 grinding渐削boring拉削 broaching抛光 polishing渐渐理heat treatment淬火 hardening, quenching退火 annealing回火 tempering正火 normalizing渐床lathe渐渐刨床planer牛刨床渐渐渐 shaper插床 vertical shaper渐床milling machine渐床drilling machine磨床 grinder, grinding machine外渐渐渐磨床external grinder内渐渐渐磨床internal grinder平面磨床surface grinder渐床boring machine拉床 broacher床渐渐箱head stock (gear box)卡渐渐渐渐 ,chuck尾座 tail stock走刀箱 tool carrier模具 die, mold气渐 pneumatic hammer渐床press刀具 cutter渐刀,刨刀bite渐渐渐刀,刀fraise渐渐 bite磨渐渐渐渐 ,砂grinding wheel渐具fixture, jig汽渐 automobile拖拉机 tractor渐渐路机locomotive有渐渐渐 tram无渐渐渐 trolley渐渐渐用military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤气机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民渐渐 national economy国内生渐渐渐 (GDP) Gross Domestic Production全拆散 (CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散 (SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革放渐渐 reform and opening技引渐渐渐technical import国化渐渐 localization支柱渐渐 pillar estate渐渐 car客渐 bus, coach渐渐 truck, lorry公路用渐 road vehicle非公路用渐 off-road vehicle渐渐机engine机体 engine body曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐 crank-connecting rod mechanism配气机构 valve timing mechanism供系渐渐 fuel supply system冷却系 cooling system渐滑系lubricating system点火系 ignition system起系渐渐 starting system底渐 chassis 渐渐系power train离合器 clutch渐速器gear box渐渐渐 propeller shaft渐渐渐 drive axle行系渐渐 running gear渐架frame渐架suspension前渐 front axle渐壳axle housing渐渐 wheel渐向系steering system渐渐向steering wheel渐向器steering gear渐渐渐渐渐向装置steering linkage助力装置 power assisting device制系渐渐 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device渐渐装置transfer device制器渐渐 brake渐身body渐前板制件front end panels渐身壳体body shell渐渐 door渐窗window附属装置 auxiliary device渐箱carrying platform渐渐渐渐渐机前置后(FR) front engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机前置前(FF) front engine front drive渐渐渐渐渐机后置后(RR) rear engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机中置后(MR) midship engine rear drive全渐渐渐 (nWD) all wheel drive渐渐力tractive force阻力 resistance渐渐阻力rolling resistance空气阻力 air resistance, drag上坡阻力gradient resistance附着作用 adhesion附着力 adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第一章机工作原理渐渐二冲程机渐渐渐 two stroke engine四冲程机渐渐渐 four stroke engine水冷机渐渐渐 water cooled engine渐渐渐渐冷机air cooled engine上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点 (LDP) lower dead point活塞行程 stroke 汽缸直径 bore工作容渐 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement渐气行程intake stroke渐渐行程compression stroke渐渐比compression ratio做功行程working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排气行程 exhaust stroke示功渐 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston渐杆connecting rod曲渐 crankshaft渐渐 flywheel渐渐气intake valve排气渐 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod渐臂rocker凸渐渐 camshaft正渐渐渐 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油渐 fuel pump汽油清器渐渐渐 gasoline filter化油器 carburetor空气清器渐渐渐 air cleaner渐气管intake manifold排气管 exhaust manifold火花塞 spark plug点火圈渐渐 ignition coil断器渐渐 breaker蓄池渐渐 storage battery渐渐机generator水渐 water pump散器渐渐 radiator渐扇fan放水渐 drain valve水套 water jacket分水管 distributive pipe机油渐 oil pump集器渐渐 suction filter限渐渐 relief valve渐滑油道oil passage机油清器渐渐渐 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起机渐渐 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效矩渐渐 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption渐渐渐渐渐渐机速特性engine speed characteristic渐渐渐渐气度throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic外特性 outer characteristic第二章曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner渐渐机支承engine mounting活塞渐 piston top活塞部渐渐 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt渐槽slot活塞渐 piston ring气渐 compression ring油渐 oil ring渐槽groove活塞渐 piston pin主承渐渐 main bearing主承盖渐渐渐 main bearing cap主瓦渐渐 main shell渐渐渐杆承big end bearing渐杆盖big end cap起爪渐渐 cranking claw渐渐 pulley平衡重 counter weight渐渐渐火序firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构渐渐置气(OHV) Over Head Valve渐渐渐置凸(OHC) Over Head Camshaft渐渐渐渐置凸(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft双置凸渐渐渐渐渐 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft多气机渐渐渐渐 multi-valve engine气隙渐渐渐 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气杆渐渐 valve stem气座渐渐 valve seat气管渐渐渐 valve guide气簧渐渐渐 valve spring第四章汽油机供系渐渐可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分渐 distil蒸性渐渐 evaporating property渐渐 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛渐渐 (RON) Research Octane Number渐量空气系数coefficient of excessive air理混合气渐渐渐渐 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture渐混合气thick mixture主供油系渐 main supply system怠速系渐 idle system加系渐渐渐 thickening system加速系渐 accelerating system浮子 float 浮子室 float chamber渐渐 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻渐渐 choke渐芯filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup渐膜pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉渐 a**estos pad渐渐 pre-heating汽油直接射渐渐 gasoline direct injection渐控electronic control多点射渐渐 muti-point injection渐渐渐点射single point injection渐路控制circuit control分器信号渐渐渐渐 distributor signal空气流量信号 airflow signal冷却水温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供系渐渐渐渐油transfer pump渐渐油fuel injection pump高油管渐渐渐 high pressure fuel pipe渐火性ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point渐燃期pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period渐燃期slow combustion period燃室渐渐 combustion chamber渐渐渐一燃室united chamber球形燃室渐渐 ball shape chamber渐流室turbulence chamber渐燃室pri-combustion chamber渐油器injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油渐 delivery valve渐速器governor两速速器渐渐渐 two speed governor全速速器渐渐渐 full speed governor 定速速器渐渐渐 fixed speed governor渐渐渐渐合速器combined governor气速器渐渐渐渐 pneumatic governor机械离心式速器渐渐渐 mechanical centrifugal governor渐渐渐渐合式速器complex governor渐渐渐渐渐油提前角装置advancer 渐渐 flyweight渐渐渐 coupling粗清器渐渐渐 primary filter渐渐清器secondary filter渐渐渐渐增器turbocharger中冷却器渐渐渐渐 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系渐温器thermostat防液渐渐 anti-freezing liquid渐渐水桶compensation reservoirV-渐 V belt百叶窗 shutter大循渐 big circulation小循渐 small circulation散翅片渐渐渐 fins第八章滑系渐渐渐滑lubricant渐渐渐力滑pressure lubrication渐渐渐滑splash lubrication渐滑脂grease机油力感器渐渐渐渐渐 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通渐 bypass valve机油散器渐渐 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油口 oil filler曲箱通渐渐渐渐 crankcase ventilation第九章点火系一次渐渐 primary winding二次渐渐 secondary winding渐渐渐敏阻heat sensitive resistance点火提前 ignition advance分器渐渐 distributor活触点渐渐渐 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分火渐 distributor rotor arm渐容器condenser点火提前装置 ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer真空式点火提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer辛校正器渐渐渐渐渐 octane number rectifier中心极渐渐 central electrode渐渐极side electrode瓷体渐渐渐 ceramic insulator跳火隙渐渐 spark gap半体点火系渐渐渐渐渐 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor二极管 diode三极管 triode无触点点火系 non-contact ignition system霍效渐渐渐 Hall effect正极板 anode渐极板cathode隔板 separator渐解液electrolyte蓄池格渐渐渐 battery cell接柱渐渐 terminal渐渐 cable硅整流交流机渐渐渐silicon rectified A.C. motor渐子rotor定子 stator渐刷brush渐渐扇叶fan blade渐渐渐渐器voltage regulator第十章起系渐渐手渐渐渐起cranking渐渐塞electric heater plug串激直流机渐渐渐 serial wound D.C. motor起圈渐渐渐 starter ring 渐渐渐渐磁操机构electro-magnetic control第十一章渐渐渐新型机三角活塞 triangular piston渐渐渐渐子机rotary engine自渐 rotary motion, rotation公渐 orbit motion渐迹trajectory渐渐 gear渐圈ring gear往零渐渐渐件reciprocal parts渐平衡dynamic balance燃气机渐渐渐渐渐 gas turbine第十二章汽系渐渐渐渐机械式系渐渐渐 mechanical transmission液力机械式系渐渐渐 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式系渐渐渐 static-hydraulic transmission渐渐渐渐力式系electrical transmission自渐渐渐渐渐式系automatic transmission减速 reduction可速比渐渐渐 variable ratios有速渐渐渐 definite ratios无速渐渐渐 indefinite ratios无速器渐渐渐渐(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission一般布置 general layout渐渐机横置lateral engine positioning分器渐渐 transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离底渐渐 thorough separation渐渐 overload摩擦表面 friction surface摩擦渐渐片friction liner渐 hub主部分渐渐渐 driving part从渐渐渐部分driven part花渐 spline渐渐 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离承渐渐 release bearing主缸 master cylinder工作缸 working cylinder分离叉 release fork渐渐渐隙整clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板自由行程 pedal free stroke踏板工作行程 pedal working stroke渐渐渐渐 ,接rivet双片离合器 dual disc clutch中央渐渐渐渐渐簧离合器central spring clutch膜片簧离合器渐渐渐渐渐diaphragm spring clutch非性渐渐 non-linear第十四章速器渐渐渐与分器渐渐渐渐渐渐渐入,第一,input shaft, drive shaft渐渐渐渐渐渐渐出,第二,output shaft, main shaft中渐渐 counter shaft倒渐渐 reverse gear shaft常渐渐合constant mesh低速渐 low gear高速渐 high gear最高速渐 top gear空渐 neutral gear一渐 the first gear二渐 the second gear三渐 the third gear倒渐 reverse gear直接渐 direct gear超速渐 overdrive渐渐渐力出power take-off渐渐 shift渐合套sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同面步渐 synchro cone渐速杆shifting lever手柄 handle球渐渐 ball joint渐渐渐叉shifting fork自渐 self-lock互渐 inter-lock渐渐渐渐速transaxle加力渐 low gear第十五章液力机械渐渐液力偶合器 hydraulic coupling渐渐 impeller渐渐 turbine叶片 blade液力矩器渐渐渐 torque converter渐渐 stator行星渐渐渐系planetary gear system太阳渐 sun gear行星渐 planet pinion行星架 planet carrier渐圈ring gear第十六章渐渐渐万向渐 universal joint, U-joint十字渐渐渐渐渐式万向Cardan type U-joint叉子 yoke, fork十字渐 spider, center cross渐渐渐承needle bearing滑脂嘴,油嘴,lubricating fitting, nipple等角速 constant angular velocity双式渐渐渐渐渐万向dual Cardan type U-joint球叉式万向渐 Weiss type U-joint球式渐渐渐渐渐万向Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球渐 retainer, ball cage渐渐性万向flexible U-joint无管渐渐渐 seamless steel tube第十七章渐渐渐主减速器 final drive主渐渐渐渐渐渐,小,drive pinion从,渐渐渐渐渐渐大,ring gear渐渐渐 bevel gear双曲面渐渐 hypoid gear渐渐减速single reduction双减速渐渐渐 double reduction渐通式主减速器penetrable final drive 双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive渐渐减速器wheel reduction差速器 differential半渐渐渐 differential side gear差速渐 differential lock渐渐差速器inter-axle differential lock托森差速器 torque sensitive differential。



网络维护常用指令索引一、日常例行工作 (2)1、例行检查用指令 (2)2、计费数据的备份 (2)3、系统备份SYSTEM DUMPING (4)二. 各种网元 (7)1.MSC (7)2.HLR (7)3.BSC (8)五、局间数据 (11)六、有关IOG (13)七、其它操作及重要故障处理方法 (16)1、人工CP RESTART (16)2、CP FAULT (17)3、RP FAULT (17)4、EMRP FAULT (17)5、IOG RESTART (18)6、TSM FAULT (18)7、有关基站外部告警 (18)8、系统时钟 (19)9、SNT FAULT (19)10、硬件坏处理办法 (19)11、中继断处理办法 (19)12、七号信令链状态不正常处理办法 (20)13、局间路由设备LIBL处理办法 (20)14、基站倒掉处理 (20)15、监听 (20)16、跳频对基站恢复的影响 (21)17、重视使用新工具软件 (21)一、日常例行工作1、例行检查用指令<ALLIP;列出告警表,注意电源,CP,RP,IOG,计费,软件拥塞等告警。





<IMMCT:SPG=0(or 1);:IMCSP;看IOG状态。






<STRSP:R= ;GSM MSC 中R=1MAIN0&2MAIN0,检查听通知音路由设备占用状态。




2024年高中生物会考题目及解答英文版2024 High School Biology Exam Questions and Answers1. What is the function of the mitochondria in a cell?- Answer: The mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell, responsible for producing ATP through cellular respiration.2. Describe the process of photosynthesis.- Answer: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose and oxygen.3. What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?- Answer: Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two identical daughter cells, while meiosis is a form of cell division that produces four genetically different daughter cells.4. Explain the role of enzymes in biological reactions.- Answer: Enzymes act as catalysts in biological reactions, speeding up the rate of chemical reactions without being consumed in the process.5. How does the circulatory system function in the human body?- Answer: The circulatory system is responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body using the heart, blood vessels, and blood.6. Discuss the importance of biodiversity in ecosystems.- Answer: Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, as it increases the resilience of the environment and provides various ecological services.7. What are the main differences between DNA and RNA?- Answer: DNA is a double-stranded molecule that stores genetic information, while RNA is a single-stranded molecule that helps in protein synthesis.8. Describe the process of protein synthesis.- Answer: Protein synthesis involves the transcription of DNA into mRNA, which is then translated into a specific sequence of amino acids to form proteins.9. Explain how natural selection leads to evolution.- Answer: Natural selection is the process by which organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, leading to changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time.10. What is the role of the immune system in the human body?- Answer: The immune system protects the body from pathogens and foreign invaders by recognizing and destroying them through a complex network of cells and proteins.This document provides a brief overview of the 2024 High School Biology exam questions and answers, covering various topics in the field of biology.。


L0 Pattern + 规定的检查视角、距离内可见则Q级 判定。
L0 Pattern下目视为团状发白, 目镜下可观察 到Spacer周边发生漏光,有颜色的星星点点状, 有时伴有黑Gap Mura。
L0 Pattern + 规定的检查视角、距离内可见则Q级 判定。
Cell 黑点
置于Defect处,用比对的方式进行测量。 必要时和目镜搭配使用。
点规:测量圆形(1 b:a10:1)不良 线规:测线形(b:a<10:1)不良 相切圆:测点间距
食指和拇指握住调节笔身,垂直插入FLICKER 调节口,在一个圆周内双向往复旋转调节笔,直 至FLICKER PATTERN 不再闪烁。
斜向2S 斜向3S
一、1个暗点:按1个暗Spec表判定。 二、多个暗点 暗点点距:(R、G、B)横向都为点距/纵向隔一个及一个Dot 以上,全白画面横向有连结。 暗点连结:(R、G、B)横向无连结/纵向相连。
暗点个数: N个亮点中有无2S等连续暗点或暗点距离。
使用时需轻拿轻放,防止造成Pol Scr
检查异物及因接触不良产生的非再现性不良,如 Shock亮点,敲击亮线,画面异常,Touch Mura等
用橡胶锤从15CM的高度适度地敲击GATE向和 SOURCE向IC的BEZEL部或PANEL显示区域



Insert L901.L301.F1.D901
2 31.87 28.56 27.39 26.88 29.55 31.87 26.88 14.43
Insert SK.CR1.CX1.CX2
2 31.67 30.59 31.64 29.68 30.14 31.67 29.68 15.37
T U-04
Total inspection
1 15.99 15.34 14.28 13.48 10.38 15.99 10.38 13.89
Testing components of main board
1 10.23 12.34 11.25 13.88 14.22 14.22 10.23 12.38

UPH(units per hour)单位小时产能,产能的指标。
UPH=年生产量/(12*月工作日*日工作小时)或 UPH=日生产量/日工作小时
计算当前整机cell 线UPPH?
常用术语— OPE
OPE(Overall Plant Efficiency)整体工厂效率
用来衡量工厂经营管理的整体效率,包含:设计者效率,管理者 效率,作业效率。反应工厂综合能力。
标准工时的制定方法有很多,归纳起来有如下几种: 1)秒表观测法俗称“马表法”或时间观测法(我司采用的方法) 2)标准时间预定法(PTS法) a、WF法(Work Factor) b、MTM法(Methods Time Measurement) C、MODAPTS法(Modular Arrangement of PTS) 3)标准资料法 4)经验法 5)VTR法(摄影法)


Vi-CELL XR 细胞活力分析仪
PN 383674 Rev. A
操作人员在使用仪器前应认真阅读本产品手册,具体问题请咨询美国贝克曼库尔特有限公司的培训人员。 技术支持服务电话:1-800-523-3713
11800 SW 147th Ave. 弗罗里达州迈阿密 33116-9015
美国贝克曼库尔特有限公司建议,用户在使用 Vi-CELLTM XR 活力分析仪时,应遵循所有的国家卫生安全 标准,如使用隔离防护装置。即在对此仪器(或任意其他的实验室自动分析仪)进行操作或维护时,应佩 戴护目镜、手套并穿上适当的实验服,以及其他相应的防护装置。
1.1 使用范围................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 惯例 ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2. 安全 ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 有害废物处理.......................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 特殊试剂处理.......................................................................................................................... 5 3. 其他注意事项.......................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 警告 ........................................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 小心 ........................................................................................................................................ 6



【关键字】总结1.系统消息定义系统消息system information是指这样的一些信息:他表示的是当前小区或网络的一些特性及用户的一些公共特征,与特定用户无关。



➢从丢失覆盖后恢复➢收到一个更新通知,系统消息已经改变➢超过最大有效时间(6小时)5.系统消息内容1.MIB(master information block)↓↓MIB(MasterInformationBlock)RRC-MSG..msg0> 07 00000111 T....struBCCH-BCH-Message//BCH传输消息......struBCCH-BCH-Message........message1> A8 101-----..........dl-Bandwidth:n100 (5):系统带宽(100RB,20MHz)..........phich-Config:PHICH配置信息---0----............phich-Duration:normal (0)----10--............phich-Resource:one (2) :对应PHICH的参数Ng, ={1/6, 1/2, 1, 2} 0]!@7v,`&g$q"^/^------002> E0 111000--..........systemFrameNumber:00111000(38):系统帧号------003> 00 00000000 ..........spare:0000000000(00 00)1.SIB1↓↓SIB1(SystemInformationBlock1)RRC-MSG..msg0> 06 00000110 T....struBCCH-DL-SCH-Message//SCH共享信道消息......struBCCH-DL-SCH-Message........message1> 50 0------- *..........c1-1------ *............systemInformationBlockType1--010--- *..............cellAccessRelatedInfo:小区接入相关信息-----0-- *................plmn-IdentityList------002> 51 0------- *..................PLMN-IdentityInfo....................plmn-Identity-1------ *......................mcc:460--0100--........................MCC-MNC-Digit:0x4 (4)------013> 80 10------........................MCC-MNC-Digit:0x6 (6)--0000--........................MCC-MNC-Digit:0x0 (0)......................mnc:00------0- *-------04> 01 000-----........................MCC-MNC-Digit:0x0 (0)---0000-........................MCC-MNC-Digit:0x0 (0)-------1 ....................cellReservedForOperatorUse:notReserved (1):小区非驻留5> 806> 0C 00001100 ................trackingAreaCode:0(80 0C):TAC7> 818> 61 011000019> 23 0010001110> D8 1101----...........cellIdentity:11101(08 16 12 3D):CI----1---................cellBarred:notBarred (1):小区未被禁止-----0--................intraFreqReselection:allowed (0):同频重选允许------0-................csg-Indication:FALSE..............cellSelectionInfo:小区选择信息-------0 *11> 1A 000110--................q-RxLevMin:-0x40 (-64):最小电平?------1012> 70 0111----..............freqBandIndicator:0x28 (40):使用频段//TDD频段号:36~42..............schedulingInfoList:指示SIB2~13的目录信息----000013> 10 0------- *................SchedulingInfo-001----..................si-Periodicity:rf16 (1)..................sib-MappingInfo:sib映射信息----000014> 81 1------- *-00000--....................SIB-Type:sibType3 (0):SIB3..............tdd-Config------0115> 3E 0-------................subframeAssignment:sa2 (2):子帧配置类型SA2-0111---................specialSubframePatterns:ssp7 (7):特殊子帧配置类型SSP7-----110 ..............si-WindowLength:ms40 (6)16> 30 00110---..............systemInfoValueTag:0x6 (6)-----000 *!! Can not explain:17> 00 0000000018> 00 0000000019> 00 000000002.SIB2IE SystemInformationBlockType2 包括公共信道和共享信道的信息。



用于安装APR Plate
印刷时托放Glass,要 求平坦度在20㎛以内.
Company Confidential
BOE Copyright ⓒ 2010
Coater Machine
Anilox Roll
Pressure:0.5MPa Temperature control: none
Company Confidential
BOE Copyright ⓒ 2010
Cleaner Machine PI Process Clean Hyper -Mix
High Pressure Shower 利用具有一定压力的DI Water以喷淋的方式清洗玻璃基板,重要用于去除一些浮游的以及1um以下的灰尘
IPA Load Convey Clean
Detergent Brush Clean
DIW Clean
Hypermixing Rinse
用slit 型的Nozzle喷出高压空气以形成 一段空气刀,对流过的玻璃基板进行干燥
Company Confidential
Cleaner Machine PI Process Clean
Detergent Brush
1.Brush材质:Nylon 2.线径:0.05mm 3.毛长:70mm
Wet Cleaning
Hyper Mix
1㎛ 以下的 Particle除去能 力 3~5 μm的顽固 Particle
CJ UV Dry Cleaning USC





在Java中,我们可以使用各种库和框架来处理单元格数据,如Apache POI、JExcel等。


在Apache POI库中,有一个Cell接口来表示Excel工作表中的单元格。


下面是一个使用Apache POI库操作单元格的示例:```javaimport ermodel.*;public class CellExample {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {// 创建一个新的Excel工作簿Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();// 创建一个新的工作表Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1");// 创建一个新的行Row row = sheet.createRow(0);// 创建一个新的单元格,并设置其值为Hello WorldCell cell = row.createCell(0);cell.setCellValue("Hello World");// 从单元格中读取值,并打印到控制台String value = cell.getStringCellValue();System.out.println(value);// 将工作簿写入到文件中try (FileOutputStream fileOut = newFileOutputStream("workbook.xlsx")) {workbook.write(fileOut);}// 关闭工作簿workbook.close();}}```在上面的示例中,我们使用Apache POI库创建了一个新的Excel工作簿,并在工作表的第一个单元格中设置了一个值。



深入理解LTE-A 基于3GPP RELEASE-10协议温金辉著Table of Contents第1章LTE概述 (10)1.1 空口传输概述 (10)1.1.1 下行传输简介 (10)1.1.2 上行传输简介 (11)1.2 LTE协议栈结构 (13)1.2.1 用户面 (14)1.2.2 控制面 (21)1.3 LTE下行峰值速率计算 (23)第2章LTE时域、频域和空间域资源 (25)2.1 时域 (25)2.2 频域 (32)2.3 空间域 (36)第3章下行参考信号 (37)3.1 小区特定的参考信号(Cell-specific Reference Signal) (37)3.2 UE特定的参考信号(UE-specific Reference Signal) (43)3.2.1 Rel-8中的UE特定的参考信号 (43)3.2.2 Rel-9/ Rel-10中的UE特定的参考信号 (46)3.3 CSI参考信号(CSI-RS) (52)3.3.1 空间域 (54)3.3.2 时域 (55)3.3.3 频域 (56)3.3.4 Muted CSI-RS (60)3.4 MBSFN参考信号(MBSFN-RS) (64)3.5 定位参考信号(Positioning Reference Signal) (64)第4章下行L1/L2控制信道 (66)4.1 REG (66)4.2 PCFICH (69)4.2.2 PCFICH物理层处理 (70)4.2.3 载波聚合对PCFICH的影响 (72)4.2.4 如何选择CFI以及PCFICH对PCI规划的影响 (73)4.3 PHICH (75)4.3.1 PHICH资源介绍 (75)4.3.2 PHICH物理层处理 (79)4.3.3 UE如何确定其使用的PHICH资源 (80)4.3.4 载波聚合对PHICH的影响 (82)4.4 PDCCH (83)4.4.1 搜索空间 (84)4.4.2 下行子帧可用的CCE数 (86)4.4.3 PDCCH盲检 (88)4.4.4 载波聚合对PDCCH的影响 (91)4.4.5 DCI format (92)第5章PDSCH (108)5.1 下行资源分配类型 (108)5.1.1 RBG介绍 (109)5.1.2 资源分配类型0(Resource allocation type 0) (110)5.1.3 资源分配类型1(Resource allocation type 1) (111)5.1.4 资源分配类型2(Resource allocation type 2) (116)5.2 VRB到PRB的映射 (120)5.2.1 集中式VRB (121)5.2.2 分布式VRB (121)5.3 如何确定调制阶数和TB size (129)5.3.2 确定TB size (130)第6章传输模式(Transmission Mode) (136)6.1 TM模式简介 (136)6.2 TB/codeword/layer/precoding/port (140)6.2.1 TB (141)6.2.2 codeword (142)6.2.3 layer (142)6.2.4 precoding (144)6.2.5 antenna port (144)6.3 基于码本的预编码和基于非码本的预编码 (145)6.3.1 基于码本的预编码 (145)6.3.2 基于非码本的预编码 (147)6.4 SU-MIMO和MU-MIMO (149)6.5 TM模式 (151)6.5.1 TM 1 (151)6.5.2 TM 2 (152)6.5.3 TM 3 (156)6.5.4 TM 4 (160)6.5.5 TM 5 (163)6.5.6 TM 6 (167)6.5.7 TM 7 (173)6.5.8 TM 8 (175)6.5.9 TM 9 (182)第7章上行参考信号 (192)7.1 DMRS (192)7.1.1 上行参考信号序列 (192)7.1.2 DMRS:Demodulation Reference Signal (198)7.2 SRS (206)7.2.2 周期性SRS (210)7.2.3 非周期性SRS (213)7.2.4 SRS频域资源 (215)7.2.5 SRS跳频 (222)7.2.6 Cyclic Shift (223)7.2.7 SRS的冲突处理 (223)第8章PUCCH (226)8.1 PUCCH简介 (226)8.2 PUCCH中的码分复用 (229)8.3 PUCCH format 1/1a/1b (232)8.4 PUCCH format 2/2a/2b (240)8.5 PUCCH format 1/1a/1b与PUCCH format 2/2a/2b混合的PUCCH RB (247)8.6 PUCCH format 3 (250)8.7 SORTD (258)8.8 PUCCH资源分配 (260)8.8.1 PUCCH 2资源分配 (262)8.8.2 混合PUCCH资源分配 (264)8.8.3 PUCCH 1资源分配 (264)8.8.4 PUCCH 3资源分配 (266)8.8.5 PUCCH资源特殊配置 (267)第9章PUSCH (271)9.1 上行资源分配类型 (271)9.1.1 上行资源分配类型0(uplink resource allocation type 0) (272)9.1.2 上行资源分配类型1(uplink resource allocation type 1) (272)9.2 上行跳频 (275)9.2.1 PUSCH跳频类型1 (280)9.3 如何确定调制阶数、冗余版本和TB size (288)9.3.1 确定调制阶数 (288)9.3.2 确定冗余版本RV (290)9.3.3 确定TB size (290)9.4 上行TM模式 (293)第10章CSI (297)10.1 RI (299)10.2 PMI (299)10.2.1 UE上报PMI (300)10.2.2 eNodeB选择预编码矩阵 (304)10.3 CQI (305)10.3.1 CSI参考资源(CSI reference resource) (306)10.3.2 CSI子帧集合 (308)10.4 非周期性CSI上报(Aperiodic CSI Reporting) (311)10.4.1 触发方式 (312)10.4.2 上报模式 (316)10.4.3 上行控制信息映射到PUSCH的方式 (326)10.5 周期性CSI上报(Periodic CSI Reporting) (329)10.5.1 PUCCH reporting type (331)10.5.2 如何配置周期 (341)10.5.3 PUCCH 2的容量(capacity)计算 (347)10.5.4 周期性CSI上报的几种模式 (349)10.5.5 “8天线端口”的TM9的周期性CSI上报 (359)10.6 小结 (361)第11章HARQ介绍 (363)11.1 带软合并的HARQ(HARQ with soft combining) (363)11.2 HARQ process (367)11.3 HARQ相关概念 (368)11.4 同步/异步、自适应/非自适应 (371)11.5 BLER (372)第12章上行HARQ (374)12.1 上行HARQ介绍 (374)12.2 自适应/非自适应、同步 (375)12.2.1判断新传/重传 (376)12.2.2TB使能/去使能以及与codeword的对应关系 (378)12.2.3上行HARQ自适应/非自适应/延迟重传处理 (378)12.2.4上行HARQ同步处理 (381)第13章下行HARQ (391)13.1 下行HARQ介绍 (392)13.1.1下行DCI中与HARQ相关的字段 (393)13.1.2TB使能/去使能以及与codeword的对应关系 (395)13.2 自适应、异步 (396)13.2.1判断新传/重传 (396)13.2.2下行HARQ的timing关系 (398)13.3 DAI (400)13.4 HARQ bundling和HARQ multiplexing (406)13.4.1HARQ bundling (406)13.4.2HARQ multiplexing (415)13.5 载波聚合下的下行HARQ (423)13.5.1PUCCH format 1b with channel selection (424)13.5.2PUCCH format 3 (434)13.6 下行HARQ的冲突处理 (444)13.6.1ACK/NACK与SR的冲突处理 (445)13.6.2ACK/NACK与CSI的冲突处理 (447)13.7 HARQ-ACK Repetition (449)13.8 广播HARQ (452)第14章SR (454)第15章BSR (459)15.1 BSR MAC Control Element (460)15.2 BSR的触发方式 (461)第16章DRX (465)16.1 DRX介绍 (465)16.2 载波聚合(CA)对DRX的影响 (471)第17章MAC复用与逻辑信道优先级 (472)17.1 逻辑信道优先级与MAC复用 (473)17.2 MAC PDU (478)17.2.1用于DL-SCH和UL-SCH的MAC PDU (478)17.2.2Transparent MAC PDU (481)17.2.3RAR MAC PDU (481)第18章上行同步 (484)第19章小区搜索过程(Cell Search Procedure) (490)第20章系统信息(System Information) (498)20.1 MIB (500)20.2 SIB (504)20.3 系统信息有效性和变更通知 (509)20.4 载波聚合对系统信息的影响 (511)第21章随机接入过程(Random Access Procedure) (513)21.1 preamble (513)21.2 PRACH资源 (515)21.3 随机接入过程 (522)21.3.1 步骤一:UE发送preamble (524)21.3.2 步骤二:eNodeB发送Random Access Response (528)21.3.3 步骤三:UE发送Msg3 (533)21.3.4 步骤四:eNodeB发送contention resolution (534)21.4 各类触发事件下的随机接入过程 (536)21.5 preamble传输达到最大传输次数的处理 (545)第22章寻呼(Paging) (548)第23章载波聚合(Carrier Aggregation) (557)23.1 PCell / SCell / Serving Cell (558)23.2 添加/修改/删除SCell (562)23.2.1添加/修改SCell:(见36.331的5.3.10.3b节) (563)23.2.2删除SCell:(见36.331的5.3.10.3a) (563)23.3 SCell激活/去激活(Activation/Deactivation) (563)23.4 CA的部署场景 (565)23.5 异构网络(heterogeneous network) (568)23.6 CA对物理层的影响 (569)23.6.1PCFICH (569)23.6.2PHICH (569)23.6.3PDCCH (570)23.6.4对上行L1/L2 Control Signaling的影响 (570)23.7 CA对MAC层的影响(见36.300的6.4节) (570)23.7.1 对HARQ的影响(见36.300的11章) (570)23.7.2 对调度的影响(见36.300的11章) (572)23.7.3 跨载波调度(cross-carrier scheduling) (572)23.8 CA对RLC/PDCP层的影响 (577)23.9 CA对RRC层的影响 (577)23.10 CA对random access过程的影响(见36.300的10.1.5节) (578)23.11 CA对DRX的影响 (579)23.12 CA对BSR的影响 (579)第24章SPS (580)24.1 下行SPS (585)24.2 上行SPS (586)第25章TTI bundling (591)第26章RLC (599)26.1 TM模式 (600)26.2 UM模式 (602)26.2.1 发送端 (603)26.2.2 接收端 (610)26.3 AM模式 (620)26.3.1 发送端 (621)26.3.2 接收端 (634)26.3.3 ARQ流程 (644)第1章LTE概述本章的主要目的是为了让大家对LTE的数据传输形成一个宏观上的认识。


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ申请人:KOGYO GIJUTSUIN (JAPAN)
YOSHIO,TAKEUCHI MASAHITO,TAMURA KOUKI 申请号:JP10170784 申请日:1984 0522 公开号:J P S6024 6569A 公开日:19851206
摘要:PURPOSE:To prevent certainly the electric short between a cell main body and a surrounding member in a simple mechanism, so as to decrease the output power loss of the cell and make it easy to set up the cell, by fastening and fixing keep plates on both sides of the cell main body which is laminated of unit cells, as laying electrical insulators between the cell main body and the keep plates. CONSTITUTION:Four manifolds 17A, 17B, 17C, 17D are formed in a keep plate 16. A fuel leading-in pipe 18 is welded to the manifold 17A, and a fuel exhausting pipe 19 is welded to the manifold 17B. An oxidizing agent feeding pipe 20 is welded to the manifold 17C, and an oxidizing agent exhausting pipe 21 is welded to the manifold 17D. The keep plate 16 is constituted in this way, and a ceramic insulator 23 is set between the keep plate 16 and a cell main body 22. Manifolds, which are connected with the manifolds in the keep plate 16 respectively, at the same time, connected with gas flow routes of a separator in the cell main body, are formed in this insulator 23.



细胞rna-sep测序方法英文回答:Cellular RNA-seq Methods.Cellular RNA-seq is a powerful technique that allows researchers to study the gene expression of individual cells. This technique has revolutionized our understanding of cell biology and has been used to make important discoveries in a wide range of fields, including developmental biology, immunology, and cancer biology.There are two main types of cellular RNA-seq methods: single-cell RNA-seq and bulk RNA-seq. Single-cell RNA-seq is used to study the gene expression of individual cells, while bulk RNA-seq is used to study the gene expression of a population of cells.Single-cell RNA-seq is a more recent technique than bulk RNA-seq, and it has a number of advantages over bulkRNA-seq. Single-cell RNA-seq allows researchers to study the gene expression of individual cells, which can reveal cell-to-cell heterogeneity that is not visible in bulk RNA-seq data. Single-cell RNA-seq can also be used to identify rare cell types that are difficult to study using bulk RNA-seq.However, single-cell RNA-seq is also more expensive and time-consuming than bulk RNA-seq. Single-cell RNA-seq also requires specialized equipment and expertise, which can make it difficult for some researchers to implement.Bulk RNA-seq is a more established technique thansingle-cell RNA-seq, and it is less expensive and time-consuming. Bulk RNA-seq can also be performed using standard laboratory equipment and expertise. However, bulk RNA-seq does not allow researchers to study the gene expression of individual cells, which can make it difficult to identify rare cell types or to study cell-to-cell heterogeneity.The choice of which cellular RNA-seq method to usedepends on the specific research question being asked. If the research question requires the study of individual cells, then single-cell RNA-seq is the best choice. If the research question can be answered using bulk RNA-seq, then bulk RNA-seq is the more cost-effective and time-efficient option.中文回答:细胞 RNA-seq 方法。



小学下册英语第2单元综合卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ____ is a curious animal that often investigates its surroundings.2._____ (herbal) teas are soothing.3.The _______ is vital for the survival of many species.4. A compound microscope uses multiple lenses to magnify an ______.5.My dad loves __________ (参加比赛).6.The ____ is a small creature that loves to explore its surroundings.7.I love to watch the ______ (星空) at night.8. A solar cell converts sunlight into ______ energy.9.What is the main color of the sky on a clear day?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. Red答案:A10. A ______ can develop into various forms.11. A ______ is a fascinating underwater animal.12.The ________ is a famous river in France.13.The ________ (农业) is crucial for feeding people.14.What color do you get when you mix red and white?A. PinkB. PurpleC. OrangeD. Green答案:A.Pink15.What do we call the food that comes from cows?A. ChickenB. BeefC. FishD. Pork答案: B16.The kids are ________ hide and seek.17.The _____ (小猫) chases a butterfly around the garden. 小猫在花园里追逐一只蝴蝶。

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Cell MetabolismArticleA Liver-Derived Secretory Protein,Selenoprotein P,Causes Insulin ResistanceHirofumi Misu,1,10Toshinari Takamura,1,10,*Hiroaki Takayama,1Hiroto Hayashi,1Naoto Matsuzawa-Nagata,1 Seiichiro Kurita,1Kazuhide Ishikura,1Hitoshi Ando,1Yumie Takeshita,1Tsuguhito Ota,1Masaru Sakurai,1Tatsuya Yamashita,1Eishiro Mizukoshi,1Taro Yamashita,1Masao Honda,1Ken-ichi Miyamoto,2,3Tetsuya Kubota,4 Naoto Kubota,4Takashi Kadowaki,4Han-Jong Kim,5In-kyu Lee,5Yasuhiko Minokoshi,6Yoshiro Saito,7Kazuhiko Takahashi,8Yoshihiro Yamada,9Nobuyuki Takakura,9and Shuichi Kaneko11Department of Disease Control and Homeostasis2Department of Hospital Pharmacy3Department of Medicinal InformaticsKanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science,Kanazawa,Ishikawa920-8641,Japan4Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases,Graduate School of Medicine,University of Tokyo,Tokyo113-8655,Japan5Section of Endocrinology,Department of Internal Medicine,Kyungpook National University Hospital,School of Medicine,Kyungpook National University,Jungu,Daegu700-412,Korea6Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,Department of Developmental Physiology,National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki,Aichi444-8585,Japan7Department of Medical Life Systems,Faculty of Medical and Life Sciences,Doshisha University,Kyotanabe,Kyoto610-0394,Japan 8Department of Nutritional Biochemistry,Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University,Otaru,Hokkaido047-0264,Japan9Department of Signal Transduction,Research Institute for Microbial Diseases,Osaka University,Osaka565-0871,Japan10These authors contributed equally to this work*Correspondence:ttakamura@m-kanazawa.jpDOI10.1016/j.cmet.2010.09.015SUMMARYThe liver may regulate glucose homeostasis by modulating the sensitivity/resistance of peripheral tissues to insulin,by way of the production of secre-tory proteins,termed hepatokines.Here,we demon-strate that selenoprotein P(SeP),a liver-derived secretory protein,causes insulin ing serial analysis of gene expression(SAGE)and DNA chip methods,we found that hepatic SeP mRNA levels correlated with insulin resistance in humans. Administration of purified SeP impaired insulin signaling and dysregulated glucose metabolism in both hepatocytes and myocytes.Conversely,both genetic deletion and RNA interference-mediated knockdown of SeP improved systemic insulin sensi-tivity and glucose tolerance in mice.The metabolic actions of SeP were mediated,at least partly,by inactivation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase(AMPK).In summary,these results demonstrate a role of SeP in the regulation of glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity and suggest that SeP may be a therapeutic target for type2diabetes. INTRODUCTIONInsulin resistance is an underlying feature of people with type2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome(Saltiel and Kahn,2001),but is also associated with risk for cardiovascular diseases(Despre´s et al.,1996)and contributes to the clinical manifestations of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis(Ota et al.,2007).In an insulin-resistant state,impaired insulin action promotes hepatic glucose production and reduces glucose uptake by peripheral tissues, resulting in hyperglycemia.The molecular mechanisms under-lying insulin resistance are not fully understood,but are now known to be influenced by the secretion of tissue-derived factors,traditionally considered separate from the endocrine system.Recent work in obesity research,for example,has demonstrated that adipose tissues secrete a variety of proteins, known as adipocytokines(Friedman and Halaas,1998;Maeda et al.,1996;Scherer et al.,1995;Steppan et al.,2001;Yang et al.,2005),which can either enhance or impair insulin sensitivity,thereby contributing to the development of insulin resistance.SeP(in humans encoded by the SEPP1gene)is a secretory protein primarily produced by the liver(Burk and Hill,2005;Carl-son et al.,2004).It contains ten selenocysteine residues and functions as a selenium supply protein(Saito and Takahashi, 2002).However,the role of SeP in the regulation of glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity has not yet been established. Furthermore,the clinical significance of SeP in human diseases has not been well defined,although studies of SeP knockout mice showed SeP deficiency to be associated with neurological injury and low fertility(Hill et al.,2003;Schomburg et al.,2003). The liver plays a central role in glucose homeostasis and is also the site for the production of various secretory proteins.For example,recent work in our laboratory has revealed that genes encoding secretory proteins are abundantly expressed in the livers of people with type2diabetes(Misu et al.,2007).Moreover, genes encoding angiogenic factors,fibrogenic factors,and redox-associated factors were differentially expressed in the livers of people with type2diabetes(Takamura et al.,2004;Take-shita et al.,2006),possibly contributing to the pathophysiology oftype2diabetes and its clinical manifestations.On the basis of thesefindings,we hypothesize that,analogous to adipose tissues,the liver may also contribute to the development of type2diabetes and insulin resistance,through the production of secretory proteins,termed hepatokines.RESULTSIdentification of a Hepatic Secretory Protein Involvedin Insulin ResistanceTo identify hepatic secretory proteins involved in insulin resis-tance,we performed liver biopsies in humans and conducted a comprehensive analysis of gene expression profiles,using two distinct methods.First,we obtained human liver samples from five patients with type2diabetes andfive nondiabetic subjects who underwent surgical procedures for malignant tumors,and we subjected them to serial analysis of gene expression(SAGE) (Velculescu et al.,1995).Consequently,we identified117genes encoding putative secretory proteins with expression levels in people with type2diabetes,1.5-fold or greater higher than those in normal subjects.Next,we obtained ultrasonography-guided percutaneous needle liver biopsies from ten people with type2 diabetes and seven normal subjects(Table S1available online), and we subjected them to DNA chip analysis to identify genes whose hepatic expression was significantly correlated with insulin resistance(Table S2).We performed glucose clamp experiments on these human subjects and measured the meta-bolic clearance rate(MCR)of glucose(glucose infusion rate divided by the steady-state plasma glucose concentration)as a measure of systemic insulin sensitivity.As a result,we found that SEPP1expression levels were upregulated8-fold in people with type2diabetes compared with normal subjects,as deter-mined by SAGE(Table S2).Additionally,there was a negative correlation between hepatic SEPP1messenger RNA(mRNA) levels and the MCR of glucose,indicating that elevated hepatic SEPP1mRNA levels were associated with insulin resistance (Figure1A).As a corollary,we found a positive correlation between the levels of hepatic SEPP1mRNA and postloaded or fasting plasma glucose(Figures1B and1C).Elevation of SeP in Type2DiabetesTo characterize the role of SeP in the development of insulin resistance,we measured serum SeP levels in human samples (Table S3),using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA), as described previously(Saito et al.,2001).Consistent with elevated hepatic SEPP1mRNA levels,we found a significant positive correlation between serum SeP levels and both fasting plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c)levels(Figures1D and1E).HbA1c is a clinical marker of protein glycation due to hyperglycemia,and elevated HbA1c levels generally reflect poor glucose control over a2–3month period.Additionally, serum levels of SeP were significantly elevated in people with type2diabetes compared with normal subjects(Figure1F and Table S4).Similar to data derived from clinical specimens,in rodent models of type2diabetes,including OLETF rats and KKAy mice,hepatic Sepp1mRNA and serum SeP levels were elevated(Figures1G–1J and Table S5).SeP Expression in Hepatocytes Is Regulated by Glucose, Palmitate,and InsulinTo clarify the pathophysiology contributing to the hepatic expres-sion of SeP in type2diabetes,we investigated the effects of nutrient supply on Sepp1mRNA expression in cultured hepatocytes.We found that the addition of glucose or palmitate upregulated Sepp1expression,whereas insulin downregulated it in a dose-and time-dependent manner(Figures2A,2C,2E, and2F).Similar effects on SeP protein levels were observed in primary mouse hepatocytes(Figures2B,2D,and2G). Consistent with the negative regulation of Sepp1by insulin in hepatocytes,Sepp1mRNA levels were elevated in the livers of fasting C57BL6J mice,compared with those that had been fed (Figure2H).Thus,multiple lines of evidence suggest that elevated SeP is associated with the development of insulin resistance. SeP Impairs Insulin Signaling and Dysregulates Glucose Metabolism In VitroBecause there is no existing cell culture or animal model in which SeP is overexpressed,we purified SeP from human plasma using chromatographic methods(Saito et al.,1999;Saito and Takahashi,2002)to examine the effects of SeP on insulin-mediated signal transduction.Treatment of primary hepatocytes with purified SeP induced a reduction in insulin-stimulated phos-phorylation of insulin receptor(IR),and Akt(Figures3A and3B). SeP exerts its actions through an increase in cellular glutathione peroxidase(Saito and Takahashi,2002).Coadministration of BSO,a glutathione synthesis inhibitor,rescued cells from the inhibitory effects of SeP(Figure3C).Moreover,SeP increased phosphorylation of IRS1at Ser307,the downregulator of tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS(Figure S1A).Similar effects of SeP were also observed in C2C12myocytes(Figure S1B).Next,we as-sessed whether SeP dysregulated cellular glucose metabolism. In H4IIHEC hepatocytes,treatment with SeP upregulated mRNA expression of Pck1and G6pc,key gluconeogenic enzymes,resulting in a30%increase in glucose release in the presence of insulin(Figures3D–3F).Treatment with SeP alone had no effects on the levels of mRNAs encoding gluconeogenic enzymes or on glucose production in the absence of insulin, suggesting that SeP modulates insulin signaling.Additionally, treatment with SeP induced a reduction in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in C2C12myocytes(Figure3G).These in vitro experiments indicate that,at physiological concentrations,SeP impairs insulin signal transduction and dysregulated cellular glucose metabolism.SeP Impairs Insulin Signaling and Disrupts Glucose Homeostasis In VivoTo examine the physiological effects of SeP in vivo,we treated female C57BL/6J mice with two intraperitoneal injections of purified human SeP(1mg/kg body weight),12and2hr before the experiments.Injection of purified human SeP protein resulted in serum levels of0.5–1.5m g/mL(data not shown). These levels correspond to the incremental change of SeP serum levels in people with normal glucose tolerance to those with type2diabetes(Saito et al.,2001).Glucose and insulin toler-ance tests revealed that treatment of mice with purified SeP induced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance(Figures3H and3I).Blood insulin levels were significantly elevated inCell Metabolism Hepatokine Selenoprotein P and Insulin ResistanceSeP-injected mice,although those of glucagon and GLP-1were unaffected during a glucose tolerance test (Figure S1C).Western blot analysis showed a reduction in insulin-induced serine phosphorylation of Akt in both liver and skeletal muscle of SeP-injected mice (Figures 3J and 3K).Hyperinsulinemic-eugly-cemic clamp studies showed that treatment with SeP significantly increased endogenous glucose production and de-creased peripheral glucose disposal (Figure S1D and Figures 3L and 3M).Additionally,serum levels of injected human SeP protein negatively correlated with rates of peripheral glucose disposal (Figure S1E).These data indicate that SeP impairs insulin signaling in the liver and skeletal muscle and induces glucose intolerance in vivo.D ABSEPP1 mRNA levels in liverG l u c o s e 120 m i n .(m g /d L)R = 0.33 (p=0.049)2SEPP1 mRNA levels in liverM C R (m g /k g /m i n )R = 0.43 (p=0.021)2Serum SeP levels (μg/mL)F a t i n g P l a s m aG l u c o s e (m g /d L )2H b A (%)21cSerum SeP levels (μg/mL)EKK KKAyLETOOLETFR e l a t i v e S e p p 1m R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o 18s r R N A*OLETFLETO *SeP CBB stainSeP CBB stainR e l a t i v e S e p p 1 m R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o 18s r RN A8. e r u m S e P l e v e l s (μg /m L )0.0FHGCSEPP1 mRNA levels in liverF a s t i n g P l a s m aG l u c o s e (m g /d L )R = 0.13 (p=0.054)2R e l a t i v e S e P p r o t i e n l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o C B B s t a i nIJR e l a t i v e S e P p r o t i e n l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o C B B s t a i nFigure 1.Elevation of Serum SeP Levelsand Hepatic Sepp1Expression in Type 2Diabetes(A–C)Individual correlations between hepatic SEPP1mRNA levels and metabolic clearance rate (MCR)of glucose (A),postloaded plasma glucose levels (B),and fasting plasma glucose levels (C)in humans (n =12–17).MCR equals the glucose infusion rate divided by the steady-state plasma glucose concentration,and is a measure of systemic insulin sensitivity.MCR values were determined by glucose clamp.SEPP1mRNA levels were quantified with DNA chips.(D and E)Correlations between serum levels of SeP and fasting plasma glucose levels (D)and HbA 1c (E)in people with type 2diabetes (n =35).(F)Serum levels of SeP in people with type 2dia-betes and healthy subjects (n =9–12).Age and body weight were not significantly different between the two groups.Data represents the means ±SEM from two groups.*p <0.05.(G and H)Hepatic Sepp1mRNA levels in an animal model of type 2diabetes (n =5–6).(I and J)Serum SeP levels in an animal model of type 2diabetes.SeP was detected by western blotting.Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB)-stained gel is used as a control for protein loading.Graphs display the results of densitometric quantification,normalized to CBB-stained proteins (n =5).Data represent the mean ±SEM from five to six mice per group.*p <0.05,**p <0.01.See also Tables S1–S5.Knockdown of Sepp1in Liver Improves Glucose Intolerance and Insulin Resistance in Mice with Type 2DiabetesTo determine whether knockdown of endogenous Sepp1enhances insulin signaling,we transfected H4IIEC hepato-cytes with Sepp1-specific small inter-fering RNA (siRNA),and we observed a reduction in endogenous Sepp1mRNA and SeP protein levels (Figures 4A and 4B).Insulin-stimulated serine phosphory-lation of Akt was enhanced in these treated cells (Figure 4C).Similarly,delivery of Sepp1-specific siRNAs into KKAy micevia a hydrodynamic transfection method (McCaffrey et al.,2002;Zender et al.,2003)resulted in a 30%reduction in SeP protein levels in the liver and blood (Figures 4D–4G and Figure S2).Knockdown of Sepp1improved both glucose intolerance (Figures 4H and 4I)and insulin resistance (Figures 4J and 4K)in KKAy mice.SeP-Deficient Mice Show Improved Glucose Tolerance and Enhanced Insulin Signaling in Liver and MuscleWe further confirmed the long-term effects of lowered SeP using Sepp1knockout mice (Hill et al.,2003).SeP knockout mice were viable and displayed normal body weights when maintained on a selenium-sufficient diet.Body weight,food intake,and O 2consumption were unaffected by SeP knockout (Figures S3ACell MetabolismHepatokine Selenoprotein P and Insulin Resistanceand S3B).Lipid accumulation in the liver and adipose tissues was also unaffected (Figure 5A).However,postprandial plasma levels of insulin were reduced in Sepp1À/Àmice,although blood glucose levels remained unchanged (Figures 5B and 5C).Glucose loading test revealed that Sepp1À/Àmice showed improved glucose tolerance (Figure 5D).Insulin loading test revealed that Sepp1À/Àmice showed lower blood glucose levels 60min after insulin injection (Figure 5E).Insulin signaling,including phosphorylation of Akt and insulin receptor,was enhanced in the liver and skeletal muscle of Sepp1À/Àmice (Figures 5F–5K).Additionally,Sepp1+/Àtended to showenhanced insulin sensitivity.Plasma levels of glucagon,active GLP-1,and total GIP were unaffected by the loss of SeP in both fasted and fed mice (Figure S3C),suggesting that SeP dysregulated glucose metabolism in vivo primarily by modulating the insulin pathway,but not by affecting other hormones,including glucagon,GLP-1,and GIP.SeP Deficiency Attenuates Adipocyte Hypertrophy and Insulin Resistance in Dietary Obese MiceTo determine whether SeP deficiency reduces insulin resistance caused by diet-induced obesity,we fed SeP knockout miceR el a t i v e S e p p 1 m R N A l e v e l s no r m a l i z e d t o 18s r R N A30 mM Glucose0.00.40.2** mM Palmitatem R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l iz e d t o 18s r R N A30 m M G l u c o s e30 m M M a n n i t o l25 m M G l u c o s e5m M G l u c o s eSeP GAPDH Insulin (μg/mL) e l a t i v e m R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o 18s r R N A0Time of insulin (h)1263R e l a t i v e S e p p 1 m R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o 18s r R N AR e l a t i v e S e p p 1 m R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o 18s r R N ASeP GAPDHSeP GAPDH0.25 m M P a l m i t a t e V e h i c l eg/mL ADCBEGFHPrimary hepatocytesPrimary hepatocytesPrimary hepatocytesFigure 2.SeP Expression Is Regulated by Glucose,Palmitate,and Insulin(A)Sepp1mRNA levels in H4IIEC hepatocytes treated with glucose or mannitol (30mM)for 6hr (n =4).(B)SeP protein levels in primary hepatocytes treated with glucose or mannitol for 6hr.(C)Sepp1mRNA levels in H4IIEC hepatocytes treated with palmitate (0.25mM)for 16hr (n =5).(D)SeP protein levels in primary hepatocytes treated with palmitate (0.25mM)for 16hr.(E)Sepp1and Pck1mRNA levels in H4IIEC hepatocytes treated with various concentrations of insulin for 6hr (n =4).(F)Sepp1mRNA levels in H4IIEC hepatocytes treated with insulin (0.1m g/ml)for the indicated periods of time (n =4).(G)SeP protein levels in primary hepatocytes treated with various concentrations of insulin for 6hr.(H)Liver Sepp1,Pck1,and G6pc mRNA levels in C57BL/6J mice following fasting for 12hr and subsequent refeeding (n =4).Data in (A),(C),(E),and (F)represent the means ±SEM from four to five cells per group,and data in (H)represent the means ±SEM from four mice per group.*p <0.05,**p <0.01.Cell MetabolismHepatokine Selenoprotein P and Insulin Resistancea high-fat,high-sucrose diet(HFHSD)that is known to induce obesity,insulin resistance,and steatosis(Maeda et al.,2002). HFHSD tended to induce body weight gains in wild-type and Sepp1-deficient mice,although there was no significance between the three groups of animals(Figure6A).Daily food intake was significantly increased in Sepp1À/Àmice compared with wild-type animals(Figure6B).Basal energy expenditure, as measured by O2consumption through indirect calorimetry, was also increased in Sepp1À/Àmice(Figure6C).Liver triglyc-eride content and epididymal fat mass were unaffected by Sepp1gene deletion(Figures S4A and6D).However,diet-induced hypertrophy of adipocytes was attenuated in Sepp1À/Àmice(Figures6E and6F and Figure S4B).Additionally,serum levels of free fatty acid and insulin were significantly reduced in these animals(Figures6G–6I).Glucose and insulin loading tests revealed that Sepp1À/Àmice were protected against glucose intolerance and insulin resistance even when on an obesity-inducing diet(Figures6J and6K).SeP Reduces Phosphorylation of AMPK a Both In Vitro and In VivoAdenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase(AMPK)is a serine/threonine kinase that phosphorylates a variety of energy-associated enzymes and functions as a metabolic regulator that promotes insulin sensitivity(Kahn et al.,2005).In this study,we found that SeP treatment reduced phosphorylation of AMPK a and ACC in both H4IIEC hepatocytes and mouse liver(Fig-ures S5A and7A).Fatty acid b oxidation and b oxidation-related gene expression were also suppressed by SeP(Figures S5B–S5D).The levels of AMP and ATP were unchanged in hepato-cytes treated with SeP(Figure S5E).In contrast,Sepp1-deficient mice exhibited increased phosphorylation of AMPK a and ACC in the liver(Figure7B).To determine whether AMPK pathways were involved in the action of SeP,we infected H4IIEC hepatocytes with an adenovirus encoding dominant-negative(DN)or consti-tutively active(CA)AMPK.Transduction with DN-AMPK reduced insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation such that it could not be further decreased by SeP(Figures7C–7E).In contrast,when CA-AMPK was overexpressed,SeP was unable to impair insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation(Figures7F–7H).Addi-tionally,coadministration of5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide ribonucleoside(AICAR),a known activator of AMPK,rescued cells from the inhibitory effects of SeP on insulin signaling (Figure7I).These results suggest that reduced phosphorylation of AMPK mediates,at least in part,the inhibitory effects of SeP on insulin signal transduction.Next,we examined the effects of SeP on some of the proteins that regulate the phosphorylation of AMPK.SeP dose-dependently increased the levels of protein phosphatase2C(PP2C),a negative regulator of AMPK phos-phorylation,in H4IIEC hepatocytes(Figure7J).Expression of LKB1and CaMKK b,two positive regulators of AMPK,was unaffected by SeP treatment.DISCUSSIONA Liver-Derived Secretory Protein,SeP,CausesInsulin ResistanceOur research reveals that hepatic overproduction of SeP contrib-utes to the development of insulin resistance in the liver and skeletal muscle(Figure S5F).The liver plays a central role in glucose homeostasis,mainly via glycogen storage and glucose release into the blood stream.In addition,the liver is a major site for the production of secretory proteins.Therefore,we hypothesized that the liver would maintain glucose homeostasis by producing liver-derived secretory protein(s)termed hepato-kines.In fact,several studies have shown that hepatic secretory factors,including the angiopoietin-like protein family(Oike et al., 2005;Xu et al.,2005)and fetuin-A(Auberger et al.,1989;Srinivas et al.,1993),are involved in insulin sensitivity.However,we spec-ulated that the identification of the liver-derived proteins that directly contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance or type2diabetes may not be adequate.Specifically,our compre-hensive approach using global gene expression analyses re-vealed that numerous genes encoding secretory proteins are expressed and altered in the human type2diabetic liver(Misu et al.,2007).Thus,by comparing the expression levels and clinical parameters for glycemic control and insulin resistance, we selected candidate genes for liver-produced secretory proteins that cause insulin resistance.The current study sheds light on a previously underexplored function of the liver that is similar to adipose tissue;the liver may participate in the patho-genesis of insulin resistance through hormone secretion. Suppression of SeP Expression by Insulinin HepatocytesOur results indicate that insulin negatively regulates SeP expression in hepatocytes.Thesefindings are consistent with recent reports that the SeP promoter is a target of FoxO (forkhead box,class O)and PGC-1a(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-g coactivator1a),both of which are nega-tively regulated by insulin in hepatocytes(Speckmann et al., 2008;Walter et al.,2008).Consistent with thesefindings in vitro,we showed that hepatic SeP expression was upregu-lated in mice in the fasting state.Under hypoinsulinemic condi-tions,such as a fasting state,upregulation of SeP might prevent hypoglycemia by decreasing glucose uptake in peripheral tissues and by increasing hepatic glucose production.Our results raise the possibility that the liver regulates systemic insulin sensitivity by sensing blood insulin levels and altering the production of SeP.SeP Decreases Phosphorylation of AMPK and ACCin HepatocytesIdentification of SeP receptor(s)in insulin-target organs is neces-sary to clarify the action mechanisms of SeP.Several lines of evidence have shown that apolipoprotein E receptor2(ApoER2) functions as an SeP receptor in the testis(Olson et al.,2007)and brain(Burk et al.,2007),both by acting as a cellular uptake receptor and by inducing intracellular signaling(Masiulis et al., 2009).It remains unknown whether ApoER2acts as the SeP receptor in the liver or skeletal muscle.However,in this study, technical difficulties in the identification of a SeP receptor(s) led us to screen for well-established pathways associated with metabolic derangement to clarify the specific mechanisms of SeP action.As a result,our experiments reveal that SeP reduces phosphorylation of AMPK and its target ACC in H4IIEC hepato-cytes and the livers of C57BL6J mice,possibly in an AMP/ATP ratio-independent manner.AMPK functions as a regulator ofCell MetabolismHepatokine Selenoprotein P and Insulin ResistanceAGF EDB CHJ K p A k t (F o l d o f i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d /n o n -i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d , v e r s u s v e h i c l e )Insulin-+-+pAkt (Ser473)Akt VehicleSePp I R (F o l d o f i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d /n o n -i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d , v e r s u s v e h i c l e )pIR (Tyr1146)IR Insulin-+-+VehicleSePPrimary hepatocytes stimulated with insulin pAkt (Ser473)Akt SeP-+-+VehicleBSO5.01.0R e l a t i v e g l u c o s e -r e l e a s eVehicleSeP 10 μg/mLSeP 5 μg/mL Insulin(-)*ns.2.0**3.04.0Insulin(+)SeP VehicleinjectedLiverInsulin-+-+pAkt(Ser473)Akt SeP VehicleinjectedMuscleInsulin-+-+pAkt(Ser473)Akt 2010VehicleSeP 10 μg/mLSeP 5 μg/mL **4030G 6p c m R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o 18s r R N AP c k 1 m R N A l e v e l s n o r m a l i z e d t o 18s r R N AInsulin (+)Insulin (-)ns.G l u c o s e I n f u s i o n R a t e (m g /k g /m i n )m g /k g /m i n(F o l d o f i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d /n o n -i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d , v e r s u s v e h i c l e )p A k t (F o l d o f i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d /n o n -i n s u l i n -s t i m u l a t e d , v e r s u s v e h i c l e )R e l a t i v e g l u c o s e -u p t a k e i n C 2C 12 m y o c y t e s0120603015807060**90B l o o d g l u c o s e (m g /d L )B l o o d g l u c o s e (% o f b a s a l )Time (min)Time (min)Time (min)VehicleSeP injectedFigure 3.SeP Impairs Insulin Signaling In Vitro and In Vivo(A and B)Effects of SeP on serine phosphorylation of Akt (A)and tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor (B)in insulin-stimulated primary hepatocytes.Data represent the means ±SEM of three independent experiments.*p <0.05,**p <0.01(versus vehicle-treated cells).Primary hepatocytes were treated with SeP or vehicle for 24hr,and then the cells were stimulated with 1ng/ml insulin for 15min.(C)Effects of BSO on SeP-induced changes in insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation in primary hepatocytes.(D and E)Effects of SeP on the expression of mRNAs encoding gluconeogenic enzymes in H4IIEC hepatocytes (n =5).(F)Release of glucose from H4IIEC hepatocytes treated with SeP for 24hr (n =6).(G)Effects of SeP on glucose uptake in C2C12myocytes (n =6).(H and I)Glucose (H)and insulin (I)tolerance tests in mice injected with SeP or vehicle (n =5).Glucose (1.5g/kg body weight)and insulin (0.5unit/kg body weight)were administered intraperitoneally.(J and K)Effects of SeP on serine phosphorylation of Akt in liver (J)and skeletal muscle (K)in mice injected with purified human SeP or vehicle.Mice (n =3or 4)were stimulated with insulin (administered intraperitoneally).At 20min after insulin stimulation,mice were anesthetized,and liver and hind-limb muscle samples removed for analysis.(L)Time course of glucose infusion rate (GIR)during hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp in mice injected with SeP or vehicle (n =6).(M)GIR,endogenous glucose production (EGP),and rate of glucose disposal (Rd)during hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp (n =6).Cell MetabolismHepatokine Selenoprotein P and Insulin Resistance。
