小学英语五年级下册第二单元教案 北京版

教学内容Unit 2 What do flowers do? Lesson 5(第一课时)1. 功能句型:What’s the English for the different parts of a plant?They are …. .2. Lesson5 课文课型□新授课□练习课□训练课□作业课□ 全册备课人单元备课人复备人教学目标(一)知识与技能目标:1.能够听懂并朗读Listen and say 中的对话内容;能运用“What’s the English for the different parts of a plant?”询问植物各部位名称及回答。
2. 能听懂、会说、认读植物各部位、电脑各部位、钟表各部位名称等词汇,并能在实际情景中运用。
3.可通过制作“英语植物角、英语植物海报”完成Let’s do 中的活动并进行班级文化宣传。
教学重点 1.能听懂,会说表示生物功能,作用的句子,并能在实际情境中运用,并按照情境做出正确的反应。
教学难点 1.对叶子功能的理解。
教学过程一、Warming up( 2’ )活动一:Free talk 引入课文话题T: How many seasons are there in a year?S: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summerautumn and winter.T: What color is the leaves in summer?S: Green .T:What color is the leaves in autumn?S: YellowT: What about spring?S: Green.设计意图:通过师生谈话进行热身,并复习四季树叶的颜色调动学生学习本课的积极性。
最新北师大版五年级英语下册Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky精品教案 (23)

Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky一、理论依据与指导思想情境教学是以情感驱动、心理整合、生活型和角色转换原理为依据,通过运用实物演示、角色表演、游戏活动和音乐渲染等形式,创设与学生认知水平相适应的、符合新课程理念的、具有时代特征的典型场景和情感氛围,从而使教学过程和教学内容情境化,满足学生的心理需求,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果。
二、教学背景分析教学内容:本课是北师大版教材小学英语(一年级起)五年级第二学期第十一单元 Cooking with Mocky第二课时,内容为新单词salt plate knife cookbook pour bake;复习做蛋糕要用到的原料单词flour a liter of milk sugar butter;描述做蛋糕步骤的动词put add break mix以及描述做蛋糕的步骤。
三、教学目标:1.学习新单词salt plate knife cookbook pour bake。
小学英语五年级下册第一单元教案 北京版

教学内容第一课时1.核心语言:--What are you doing?--I’m practicing my English.(practicing my English, drawing a picture, chatting with my friends, doingcrafts)2.功能句型:询问并回答正在做什么(第一、二人称单数)课型□新授课□练习课□训练课□作业课□全册备课人单元备课人复备人教学目标1、能够听懂并朗读Listen and say 中的对话内容;能运用“What are y ou doing? I’m ….”的交际用语询问对方或回答自己正在做的事情。
2、能听懂、会说、认读practicing my English, chatting with my friends, drawinga picture, doing crafts等动词短语,并能在实际情景中运用。
教学过程(一)Warming up活动一:口语交际练习活动目标:将口语交际活动日常化,在真实的情境中和学生就真实生活进行口语交际活动,提高学生表达能力。
实施方法和师生语言:T: How are you? How’s the weather today?How’s your winter vacation?设计意图:营造轻松愉悦的环境,将学生尽快带入了英语学习环境。
T:Let’s watch the picture, What do you know from the picture?S : I know Mike is playing basketball. Guoguo’s reading an English book.2.Listen and answer: What are they talking about?3.Listen and number the pictures.设计意图:在学习课文之前,教师介绍课文背景,有助于学生了解语言使用的情境,在生活中恰当运用语言。

北师大版(三起)英语五年级上册全册教案(总37页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--北师大版小学英语五年级上学期(第7册)教学计划和教案Unit 1 Mocky the juggler一、教学目的与要求目的通过情景对话,初步掌握如何询问工作;掌握单词: farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach.复习字母Aa, Ii, Ee, Oo的发音要求听.说( 1 ) 能在情景对话中,能正确使用本课所学的询问工作的句型及回答。
( 2 ) 能熟练地听.说出; farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach.( 3 ) 能听懂本课中的单词的意思,正确区分字母Aa, Ii, Ee, Oo的发音( 4 ) 能准确、流利的读出本课故事及对话.读能用正确的语音语调读出本课出现的日常用语;;能熟练.准确.流利的朗读故事.能朗读本单元后的阅读练习,并完成相应的阅读练习.写能正确.熟练,整齐的在三格本上写出单词,并会默写出本课出现的单词;能够正确、规范的抄写句型及正确的翻译句型。
二、教学内容与重点教学内容日常交际用语 Is she a doctor?No, she isn’t.What does she do?She is a vet.Are you a vet?Yes, I am.2、单词本课日常交际用语及字母教学中的单词:farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach, snake, three, Sue, bike, nose, beans, gate, kite, bone, flute.教学重点以上交际用语在具体情景中的应用;单词farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach.第一课时教学内容:1.交际用语 What does she do? She is a vet.2. 单词::farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help,juggle, teach,教学目的:1、通过本课的学习,学生能够正确流利地读出课文中的交际用语并能运用这些句型进行交际。

Unit 1: JobUnit 2: AnimalsUnit 3:ClothesUnit 4: PositionUnit 5: PlacesUnit 6: ReviewTeaching aims:UNIT ONEJob the 1st per Teaching aims:1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life2 Can understand and read the dialogue3 Can read and write the words correctly4 Can make the dialogueTeaching emphasis:1 use greetings and polite expression in life2 understand the sentencesTeaching process:Step 1:use greetings and polite expression in life.Example:T: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You arewelcome/Excuse me/sorryS: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You arewelcome/Excuse me/sorryStep 2: show new wordsT: show the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a _ vet a doctor Read the words after the teacherStep 3:model the dialogueT: hold up the flashcard for dance. Say “ She is a dancer ” and “ She can dance ”S: repeat the senten ces after the teacherLike this to do other senten cesT: review the word can and can ' tS: to know the differe nces into can and can 't.T: hold the flashcard for doctor. Say “ he is a doctor . He can' t help an imals.S: to repeat itStep 4:T: look at the picture and thi nk some questio nPicture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky?Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky look ing at?Picture3/4: what is happe ning now?Picture5: what is Ann pointing to?Picture6/7: who comes to help?Picture8: who is the man in the green shirt?Picture9/10: what is happe ning now?S: to look at the book and an swer the questi ons in Chin eseStep5:T: liste n to the radio “ what did they say? ”S: by liste ning by look ingBy listening by reading with the radioBlackboard writ ingShe/he is a dan cerShe/he can danceStep7: homeworkHomeworkAsk the children to tell the story to their families课后反思:学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣, 学习兴趣浓厚。

北师大版五年级英语下册教案Unit 7 At the airport(第一课时)教学目标知识目标1. was\were\ had 的用法。
二、谈话导入,在寒假暑假,或假期当中,你都去过那旅游,怎样去的?三、读读写写1. 看书十二页,告诉学生这是一位学生乘飞机旅行的见闻。
4. 提问“peter在飞机上有哪些经历。
6. 展示Have a test about the words,was \ were\ had sat\liked\watched估计:学生盲目的填写。
5.写一写,接下来,我们帮Tina 把假期旅游的事情记录下来。
A 看插图,说一说Tina假期都去哪了。

Unit 9 Day and night单元教材分析本单元是北师大版小学英语四年级下学期的第九单元,是在七、八单元学习了星期和钟点的表达法的基础之上的进一步延续。
主要涉及的知识点是一天中morning,afternoon,evening,night的表达法和breakfast, lunch, dinner,频度副词always,usually,often,sometimes,never以及日常生活中一些行为动词及短语get up, go to bed, eat,sle ep等。
根据词不离句的教学理念,我将本课单词的教学放在 When do you…? I always/ usually…at…in the morning/ afternoon.的句型中进行巩固和运用。
单元教学目标教学目标:1、知识目标(1)能听懂、会说以下单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning, afternoon,sleep , when,等表示日常活动或行为的单词,及认读always, usually, often, sometimes, never等频度的单词,能在交流中运用。
(2)能听懂、运用以下日常交际用语:句型When do you…? I always/usually…at…in the…. 。
能运用句型When do you…? I always/usually…at…in the…. 。
教学重点1.本课表示三餐的词语breakfast, lunch, dinner,动词及短语get up, go to bed, eat, sleep,频率副词always,usually,often,sometimes,never2.句型When do you…? I always/usually…at…in the…. 。

以下是小编带来的北师大五年级下册英语全册教案内容,感谢您的阅读,希望能帮助到您!北师大五年级下册英语全册教案1Unit 3 What’s Your Favourite Food ?单元教学目标:1、能力目标(1) 能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物,如:What do you have for lunch today/on Mondays……?We have tomatoes, tofu and fish……(2) 能够简单描述一些食物的味道,如:The apples are sweet……(3) 能够提问并回答最喜欢吃的食物是什么,并说出原因,如:What’s your favourite food? I like apples. They are sweet……(4) 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What do you have for lunch?”和本单元的歌谣。
2、知识目标(1) 认读A、B部分Let’s learn Let’s talk 中的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。
(2) 掌握四会句子,读懂对话内容,完成句子填空。
(3) 了解Let’s start Group/pair work T ask time等部分的内容。
(4) 了解Pronunciation中的字母组合ow, oa, fr, fl的发音规则,认读相关的单词。
(5) 了解Story time Good to know等部分的内容。
3、情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1) 培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧带新的方式自主学习,同时也要注重合作学习。
(2) 了解中国表示美好愿望的传统美食,并介绍其他国家的代表性食物,开拓学生的视野。

Unit 1: JobUnit 2: AnimalsUnit 3:ClothesUnit 4: PositionUnit 5: PlacesUnit 6: ReviewTeaching aims:UNIT ONEJobthe 1st per Teaching aims:1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life2 Can understand and read the dialogue3 Can read and write the words correctly4 Can make the dialogueTeaching emphasis:1 use greetings and polite expression in life2 understand the sentencesTeaching process:Step 1:use greetings and polite expression in life.Example:T:Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You arewelcome/Excuse me/sorryS:Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You arewelcome/Excuse me/sorryStep 2:show new wordsT: show the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a vet adoctorRead the words after the teacherStep 3:model the dialogueT: hold up the flashcard for dance. Say “She is a dancer ” and“She can dance”S:repeat the sentences after theteacher Like this to do other sentencesT: review the word can and can’tS: to know the differences into can and can’t.T: hold the flashcard for doctor. Say “he is a doctor . He can’t help animals .S:to repeatit Step 4:T:look at the picture and think some questionPicture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky?Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky looking at?Picture3/4: what is happening now?Picture5: what is Ann pointing to?Picture6/7: who comes to help?Picture8: who is the man in the green shirt?Picture9/10: what is happening now?S:to look at the book and answer the questions inChinese Step5:T:listen to the radio“ what did they say?”S: by listening by lookingBy listening by reading with the radioBlackboard writingShe/he is a dancerShe/he can danceStep7: homeworkHomeworkAsk the children to tell the story to their families课后反省:学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓重。

北师大版小学英语五年级下册全册教案目录Unit 7 Days of the Week《Lesson 1 Days of the week》 (2)Unit 7 Days of the Week《Lesson 2 Let's Practice》 (6)Unit 7 Days of the Week《Lesson 3 Have fun》 (10)Unit 7 Days of the Week《Lesson 4 Have a try》 (16)Unit 7 Days of the Week《Lesson 5 Get it right》 (19)Unit 7 Days of the Week《Lesson 6 Round up》 (23)Unit 8 Time《Lesson 1 Mocky's watch》 (28)Unit 8 Time《Lesson 2 Let's Practice》 (32)Unit 8 Time《Lesson 5 Get it right》 (36)Unit 9 Day and Night《Lesson 1 About the Astronaut》 (45)Unit 9 Day and Night《Lesson 3 Have fun》 (50)Unit 10 Activities《Lesson 1 About the Dinosaurs》 (54)Unit 10 Activities《Lesson 4 Have a try》 (58)Unit 11 Weather《Lesson 1 Uncle Jack's Farm》 (61)Unit 11 Weather《Lesson 2 Let's Practice》 (66)Unit 11 Weather《Lesson 4 Have a try》 (70)Unit12 《Review》 (72)Unit 7 Days of the Week《Lesson 1 Days of the week》1教学目标1、能听、说、读、写单词:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday和Friday。

新北师大版英语五年级上册全册教案第一单元课时一:Unit 1 Good Habits教学目标:- 研究并理解与惯和规则相关的词汇和短语- 能在日常生活中运用所学内容描述自己和他人的惯和规则- 学会正面表达和赞美他人的惯和规则教学重点:- 研究并能正确运用以下词汇:good habits, bad habits, rules, class rules, school rules, safety rules- 学会描述自己的惯和规则- 学会肯定地表达他人的惯和规则教学准备:- PPT幻灯片- 学生课本和练册- 卡片和图片教学过程:1. 导入:利用图片和卡片引发学生对惯和规则的讨论。
2. 新授词汇:通过幻灯片介绍、讲解和示范单词的发音和意思。
3. 练活动:在学生课本和练册上进行有关惯和规则的练活动,例如填空、配对和描述图片等。
4. 综合运用:让学生使用所学的词汇和句型描述自己和他人的惯和规则,并鼓励他们肯定地表达他人的好惯和规则。
5. 小结:复所学内容,提醒学生形成良好的惯和遵守规则的重要性。
6. 作业布置:要求学生用英语书写一份关于自己的好惯和规则的作文。
课时二:Unit 2 My School Day教学目标:- 研究并掌握描述日常学校活动和时间的词汇和句子- 能够用英语描述自己的学校日常生活- 学会用一般现在时描述日常活动和时间教学重点:- 研究并能正确运用以下词汇和短语:school day, subjects, breakfast, lunch, break, playground- 学会用一般现在时描述自己的学校日常活动- 学会用英语询问他人的学校日常活动教学准备:- PPT幻灯片- 学生课本和练册- 卡片和图片教学过程:1. 导入:通过幻灯片展示学生的日常学校活动,引发学生的讨论。
2. 新授词汇:通过幻灯片介绍、讲解和示范单词的发音和意思。
3. 练活动:在学生课本和练册上进行有关学校日常活动的练活动,例如填空、配对和描述图片等。
北师大版-英语-五年级下册-Unit 10 Activities 同步教案

Unit10Activities 同步教案教学目标1、学习字母组合air, ear, are在单中的读音。
2、能指任短语watch a film ,call the cinema, watch TV ,visit a friend.........3 Let's .......Shall we......?提出建议或邀请。
能够运用Do we have enough money?询问实际情况并回答。
在选择活动中自然呈现了提出建议或邀请的句型Let's.......Shall we......?并对远近时间或费用等因素作了比较。
重点难点Master the form“Shall we play football?Shall we go swimming?Shall we......”教学过程Step 1:设疑自探一(5 minutes)Warmming upT:hello every! S:hello teacher!T:let’s sing “Follow me” T:What day is it today? What do you do on Monday?S:Today is Saturday. Go shopping play sports watch TV......T:this all “Activities” and Write the title and the new words on the blackboard:Unit10 Activities homework group about enough free by bus close by bikeT:Look at the words , what do you want to ask?预设S:(1)How read the words? (2)What means the words?出示自探提示一: 1. Read the words, try to solve them by yourselves.2.Exchange your ideas and talk about the problems in your groups.Step 2:解疑合探一(10 minutes)1. Let’s show your answers.T:which group have try?①High and low voice ②Pat the pictures ③Little translatorT:Let’s play game The teacher choose some students t o stand up. Teacher says the Chinese,students say the English or change. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Step 3:设疑自探二(5 minutes)Look at the picture , what do you want to ask?预设:(1)What arre they talking about?(2)how to pronounce the sletterscorrectly.Exchange your ideas and talk about the problems in your groups.Step 4:解疑合探二(10 minutes)Then encourage the students to stand up and read the sentences if all the students don’t read them, the teacher should tell them.a) The teacher choose some students to stand up. Teacher says the Chinese, students say the English or change. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.b) The theacher read the sentences. Then let students read after the teacher. Practise:①Left and right ②Boys and girls ③Teacher and studentsStep 5:质疑再探(5 minutes)T:Do you have any questions?Step 6:运用拓展(5 minutes)1、Make some exercises.2、翻译Play football read book watch a film on foot Homework Retell the story to your parents and friends.。

T:Weknowsongjobs.Let ’slook.Whatdoesshe/hedo?Ss:She/Heisa/an ⋯2〕引学生将以上片、卡行搭配。
T:Whatdoesshe/hedo?Ss:She/Heisa/an ⋯T:EnjoytheStory入故事呈故事第一幅,引学生思考并明故事人物和地点。
Whodotheymeet?Whatdoesshe/hedo?Ss:Sheisateacher./Heisadoctor/vet.(〔2〕学生一起看 1,引学生Mocky和朋友在做什么。
Unit 1: JobUnit 2: AnimalsUnit 3:ClothesUnit 4: PositionUnit 5: PlacesUnit 6: ReviewTeaching aims:UNIT ONEJobthe1st perTeaching aims:1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life2 Can understand and read the dialogue3 Can read and write the words correctly4 Can make the dialogueTeaching emphasis:1 use greetings and polite expression in life2 understand the sentencesTeaching process:Step 1:use greetings and polite expression in life.Example:T: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryS: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryStep 2:show new wordsT: show the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a veta doctorRead the words after the teacherStep 3:model the dialogueT: hold up the flashcard for dance. Say “She is a dancer” and “She can dance”S: repeat the sentences after the teacherLike this to do other sentencesT: review the word can and can’tS: to know the differences into can and can’t.T: hold the flashcard for doctor. Say “he is a doctor . He can’t help animals.S: to repeat itStep 4:T: look at the picture and think some questionPicture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky?Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky looking at?Picture3/4: what is happening now?Picture5: what is Ann pointing to?Picture6/7: who comes to help?Picture8: who is the man in the green shirt?Picture9/10: what is happening now?S: to look at the book and answer the questions in ChineseStep5:T: listen to the radio “what did they say?”S: by listening by lookingBy listening by reading with the radioBlackboard writingShe/he is a dancerShe/he can danceStep7: homeworkHomeworkAsk the children to tell the story to their families课后反思:学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。
最新北师大版五年级英语下册Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky精品教案 (19)

第十一单元备课教学内容:Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky教学目标:知识目标:1)学习询问表达需要的句型What do you need? We need…2)学习表达祈使或指令的句子,并初步运用。
2)能够运用first, second, then, finally等有条理地表达步骤。
教学课时:9课时教学内容Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky 课时第一课时教学目标知识目标学习本单元的故事,简单了解制作蛋糕的步骤。
学习词语flour, butter, sugar, 以及不同量的表达法:twokilograms of eggs, a liter of milk.能力目标能够用多音节形容词表达自己的观点。
教学准备flashcardscourseware实践活动Group work板书设计Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky•First step: Put flour into a bowl.•Second step: Add the butter into the flour. •Third step: Mix the flour and butter together. •Fourth step: Add milk into the bowl.•Fifth step: Break the eggs.•Finally: Add sugar.课后小结教学过程设计教师活动时间约15分钟学生活动时间约25分钟Step 1 Warm-up: 5’1) Greeting2) Sounds and letterscome some love home son momnut cut huge hurry but drumsradio table seven cake game camehat carry badminton gate cat bagStep 2 Revision 8’1) Show children some pictures and have them describe the pictures: dance class , music class , English class 2) Have the children compare the three classes.First, using boring.Then, using interestingFinally, using difficultEg. I think dance class is more boring than English class.What do you think?3) Review the story of unit 10.Step 3 Present the new words.10’1) Ask the children about their birthday:T: My birthday is May 6th. When is your birthday?Then have three to four children say their birthday. 2) Elicit the children to say when we are birthday, we always eat birthday cake. Then ask them if they know how to make a birthday cake. Have them say what we need to make birthday cake.3) Show children the words that we need to make birthday cake.Two kilograms of eggs sugar flour a liter of milk One kilogram of butterHave the children look at the pictures and say the matching words.Extension: a cup of milk a glass of milk.Step 4 story 161) Then tell the children today we will learn a new story. In the story Ann, Ken and Mocky will make a birthday cake. So write the title on the blackboard.Cooking with Mocky2) Play the courseware and have the children listen to the first time then answer the questions:What do they need to make the cake?What do they do to make the cake?3) Play the courseware and have them answer:How much …… do they need?How many ……. do they need?Why they need so much things?4) This time have the children read by themselves, they should underline the steps that make a birthday cake.Then have the children say the steps of making the birthday cake:First step: Put flour into a bowl.Second step: Add the butter to the flour.Third step: Mix the flour and butter together.Fourth step: Add milk into the bowl.Fifth step: Break the eggs.Finally: Add sugar.Have the children pay more attention on the verbs. 5) Have the children look at the screen and say the process of making a birthday..Step 6 Setting homework 1’Have the children listen to the story at home.教学内容Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky 课时第二课时教学目标知识目标学习故事下边的短文,并根据录音朗读短文。

小学英语五年级下册Unit2单元教材及学情分析(北师大版)教材内容本单元的教材内容主要包括以下几个方面:1. 课文:单元中包含了两篇课文,分别是《My New Pen Pal》和《Tom's Hobbies》。
2. 语法:本单元的语法重点是一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和疑问句的构成和用法。
3. 单词和短语:在本单元中,学生们将研究一些与友谊、国家和爱好相关的单词和短语。
学情分析根据对学生的观察和测试结果,以下是对学生学情的分析:1. 词汇掌握:大部分学生能够正确理解和使用本单元的词汇,但仍有一些学生对部分单词的拼写和发音有困难。
2. 语法运用:学生在掌握一般现在时的肯定句和疑问句方面表现较好,但在否定句的构成和用法方面还存在一些困惑。
3. 口语表达:大部分学生能够简单地描述自己和他人的日常生活和爱好,但仍有一些学生在句子结构和语法方面存在一定的不流利。
根据以上的学情分析,我们可以结合教材内容的特点,采取以下教学策略:- 通过课堂活动和游戏的形式,帮助学生们巩固和扩展本单元的词汇。
- 引导学生们进行口语练,提高语言表达能力。
- 针对学生在否定句的构成和用法方面的困惑,可以通过示范和练的方式进行教学。

北师大版五年级下册英语全册教案Unit 7 Days of the week第一课教学目标:在本课结束时,学生能:1.在插图援助下,读懂故事主要内容;2.模仿并朗读故事人物对话;3.在图片的援助下,指认和说出星期的名称;4.在故事情境中,询问或说明当天是星期几:What day is it today? It’s…教学重点:在插图的援助下理解故事主要内容,模仿朗读人物对话。
教学过程:Step1.Get Ready1.猜一猜、说一说(1)教师出示某几天的课程表,让学生根据课程安排猜想分别是哪一天。
T: Look at the timetable. What day is it today?(2)出示当天的日历,让学生说一说是星期几。
T: What day is it today? Ss: Today is...(3)拿出以上步骤呈现的星期词汇,教师示范朗读,学生跟读词汇。
2.图文匹配(1)利用课程表,指其中一天,提问What day is it today?让学生答复。
T: Which one is Monday?3.师生问答(1)拿出课程表或日历,指其中的日子,让学生说出是星期几。
Step2.Enjoy the Story1.导入故事呈现故事第一幅插图,引导学生看图猜想故事发生的时间和人物打算做的事情。
T: Look at the picture. What time is it? What are Kan and Ann going to do? What does Mocky want to do?2.学习故事(1)师生问答,预测分享故事带着学生一起看插图1,指Mocky说Mocky的问话,引导学生答复Ken 和Ann是否能和Mocky一起玩。

Unit 1: JobUnit 2: AnimalsUnit 3:ClothesUnit 4: PositionUnit 5: PlacesUnit 6: ReviewTeaching aims:UNIT ONEJobthe1st perTeaching aims:1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life2 Can understand and read the dialogue3 Can read and write the words correctly4 Can make the dialogueTeaching emphasis:1 use greetings and polite expression in life2 understand the sentencesTeaching process:Step 1:use greetings and polite expression in life.Example:T: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryS: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryStep 2:show new wordsT: show the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a vet a doctorRead the words after the teacherStep 3:model the dialogueT: hold up the flashcard for dance. Say “She is a dancer” and “She can dance”S: repeat the sentences after the teacherLike this to do other sentencesT: review the word can and can’tS: to know the differences into can and can’t.T: hold the flashcard for doctor. Say “he is a doctor . He can’t help animals.S: to repeat itStep 4:T: look at the picture and think some questionPicture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky?Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky looking at?Picture3/4: what is happening now?Picture5: what is Ann pointing to?Picture6/7: who comes to help?Picture8: who is the man in the green shirt?Picture9/10: what is happening now?S: to look at the book and answer the questions in ChineseStep5:T: listen to the radio “what did they say?”S: by listening by lookingBy listening by reading with the radioBlackboard writingShe/he is a dancerShe/he can danceStep7: homeworkHomeworkAsk the children to tell the story to their families课后反思:学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。
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第一单元: Health and Fitness
课时一: Introduction to Health and Fitness
- 课程目标:通过介绍健康和健身的概念,使学生了解保持身体健康的重要性。
- 教学内容:
- 词汇: health, fitness, exercise, nutrition
- 句型: What do you usually do to stay healthy? I usually...
- 教学步骤:
1. 导入活动:观看一段有关健康和健身的视频。
2. 引入词汇:通过图片、实物等方式展示并研究健康和健身相关的词汇。
3. 练句型:师生对话练句型"What do you usually do to stay healthy? I usually..."
4. 表演对话:组织学生进行对话表演,分享他们的保持健康的方式。
5. 小结:总结当天所学的词汇和句子,并展示学生所制作的英语海报。
课时二: Exercise and Sports
- 课程目标:通过介绍不同的运动和体育项目,激发学生对运动的兴趣,并研究相关的英语词汇和句子。
- 教学内容:
- 词汇: basketball, soccer, swimming, running, jumping
- 句型: I like playing basketball. / Do you like swimming? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
- 教学步骤:
1. 导入活动:播放有关不同运动项目的视频,引发学生对运动的兴趣。
2. 引入词汇:通过图片、标志等方式展示不同的运动项目,并教授相关的英语词汇。
3. 练对话:师生对话练句型"I like playing basketball. / Do you like swimming? Yes, I do. / No, I don't."
4. 合作活动:组织学生分组进行小组讨论,分享彼此喜欢的运动项目。
5. 小结:总结当天所学的词汇和句子,并展示学生所制作的海报。
课时三: Healthy Habits
- 课程目标:通过研究养成良好的健康惯,使学生知道如何保持良好的生活方式。
- 教学内容:
- 词汇: wash hands, brush teeth, eat fruits and vegetables, get enough sleep
- 句型: We should wash our hands before meals. / How many hours of sleep do you get every night?
- 教学步骤:
1. 导入活动:与学生进行互动,询问一些生活惯的问题,引发学生思考。
2. 引入词汇:通过图片、实物等方式展示并教授与健康惯相关的词汇。
3. 练句型:师生对话练句型"We should wash our hands before meals. / How many hours of sleep do you get every night?"
4. 分组活动:组织学生分组讨论,分享彼此的健康惯并互相提出建议。
5. 小结:总结当天所学的词汇和句子,并展示学生所制作的健康惯海报。
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