



ATP-A07VA-A 视觉系统操作说明ATP-A07VA—A有4套控制系统,分别就是CF-LCD视觉系统,CF-POL视觉控制系统,TFT—LCD视觉控制系统,TFT-POL视觉控制系统。


1、0 开启电源后视觉系统自动进入开机画面,显示初始画面.CCD1 CCD2状态区域偏移量CCD3初始画面中显示CCD1,CCD2,CCD3 三个相机得当前画面.CCD1画面:显示相机1当前画面CCD2画面:显示相机2当前画面CCD3画面:显示相机3当前画面状态区域:显示正在进行拍摄得结果(OK:拍摄完成,RE:再次拍摄NG:拍摄错误)偏移量:表示拍摄结果输出得补偿值.1.1滑动遥控器介绍1号按键 F UNCT ION(功能键)切换功能菜单得显示与非显示 2号按键 ESCAP E (退出键) 设定时返回前面一个界面或者退出 3 号按键 TRI GGE R (拍摄键) 一齐输入触发4号按键 S CR EEN (屏幕键) 按顺序切换现在显示得画面得显示类别 5 号按键V IEW (画面切换) 显示查瞧栏,切换画面得扩大/缩小,显示模式 6 号按键 ME NU (主菜单) 更改对话框菜单得浓度7号按键 (调试功能) 在流程编辑画面中切换通常显示/扩大显示1.2进入操作权限按下按键1,弹出功能菜单对话框,移动光标至实用功能,进入对话框,OK 按键7号按键RUN/STOP 键光标 按键选择用户帐号切换,弹出用户帐号切换对话框.用户选择框中选择Administlator,用户密码就是2222 。







产品上附带 2 张。
■ GB 激光警告标签
产品上附带 2 张。
警告标签 发射孔标签 说明标签
警告标签 发射孔标签 说明标签
■ 粘贴位置
警告标签 发射孔标签 说明标签
激光警告标签 MD-V9900-M-NO0-C
JIS C 6802 规定了激光产品用户应采取的安全预防措施和管理标准,如同一份 “用户指南”。 下面列举的是对 4 级激光产品建议采取的安全措施范例。 详情请参见日本行业标准 (JIS)、“激光产品的放射安全标准”(C 6802)。
■ 使用遥控联锁
■ 使用钥匙控制
■ 设立警告指示牌和控制区
■ 终止光束路径
请注意使用漫反射器或者带有适当反射和热吸收特性的吸收器来终止激光产品发射的激光路径。绝不能使用镜面 反射器。
3-Axis YVO4 激光刻印机
MD-V9900 系列
请在使用前阅读本手册。 在阅读完毕后,请妥善保管本手册,以备将来参考。
激光刻印机 《M D-V9900 系列》使用激光,不仅可以 2 维平面 (X,Y)进行高 品质刻印,而且通过控制高度 (Z)方向,实现对 3 维立体形状工件的刻印。 为了达到安全、正确使用 《MD-V9900 系列》的目的,本手册对安装方法、与外 部机器的连接、维护进行说明。 另外,关于机器的设定和操作,请准备另售的激光刻印机设定软件 (MARKING BUILDER 2)或触控式控制台 (MC-P1)。并请参见 CD-ROM 中收录的 PDF 手册。 请妥善保管本手册,以备将来参考。



基恩士IG系列说明书---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------基恩士IG系列说明书96083CCCD光透过型激光传感器IG 系列用户手册使用前请阅读本手册以期实现最佳性能。


前言本说明书描述了 IG 系列的基本操作和信息。

请仔细阅读本手册以确保安全使用 IG 系列并发挥其性能和功能。







IG 系列的安全信息一般注意事项?在启动和操作期间,请务必监控本产品的功能和性能,并确认能够正常运作。











1 类激光产品注意事项?切勿拆卸本产品。





1.0 开启电源后视觉系统自动进入开机画面,显示初始画面初始画面中显示CCD1 CCD2 CCD3三个相机的当前画面。


1.1 滑动遥控器介绍1号按键FUNCTION(功能键)切换功能菜单的显示和非显示2号按键ESCAPE (退出键)设定时返回前面一个界面或者退出3号按键TRIGGER (拍摄键)一齐输入触发4号按键SCREEN屏幕键)按顺序切换现在显示的画面的显示类别5号按键VIEW (画面切换)显示查看栏,切换画面的扩大/缩小,显示模式6号按键MENU (主菜单)更改对话框菜单的浓度7号按键(调试功能)在流程编辑画面中切换通常显示/扩大显示1.2 进入操作权限按下按键1,弹出功能菜单对话框,移动光标至实用功能,进入对话框,REA.OJD Jo3iiI.III i|'9,'ll.r■HiI11no密码u 川川*hII'h'li 'll) ■I,OKOK觀消用户帐号切换 选择用户帐号切换,弹出用户帐号切换对话框用户选择框中选择 Administlator,用户密码是2222。

点击0K 进入操作权限了用户怅号切换 用户选择 用户选择Admini^t lator功雄報单貌计芬析历史图穩检视 检测 _________ 实用功證 那贮 退岀却卡2文件管理 i/o^wR$-23?C 监视器 PLOLiMc 存储监视番 CCtir*芹储监帆器 Ethernet 监观器 用卢券号切换 存誚器使阳«1.3 建立视觉模板视觉模板是视觉系统在生产中比对各种不同位置产品的模板,所以建立模板是必须选择轮廓明晰,表面清洁的产品。



简介本使用手册提供了有关 SL-V 系列安全光栅(“SL-V”)的装卸、操作与安全预防措施等方面的信息。

操作 SL-V 之前应认真阅读本手册以了解该装置的有关功能,并将其妥善保管以备随时查阅。


在本使用手册中,“SL-VH” 代表具有 φ25mm 检测能力的手保护类型,“SL-VHM”代表具有 φ25mm 检测能力的手保护和坚硬外壳类型,“SL-VL” 代表具有 φ45mm 检测能力的主体保护类型,“SL-VF”代表具有 φ14mm 检测能力的手指保护类型以及“SL-V”代表包含 SL-VH,SL-VHM,SL-VL 和 SL-VF 的所有型号。




不遵守这项指示,可能损坏 SL-V 或其所应用的机器。




•如果未按照本使用手册中 SL-V 的规格进行使用,或私自对其进行改造,KEYENCE 公司将不对 SL-V 的功能与性能进行任何担保。

•当使用 SL-V 来保护机器操作人员远离危险区域或危险部位、或无论出于什么目的将它用作安全装置时,应始终注意遵守 SL-V 使用所在国家或地区的法律的所有适用要求、规则、规定和标准。


•根据安装 SL-V 的机器类型的不同,还必须遵守涉及 SL-V 的使用、安装、维护和操作等方面的一些特殊安全规定。

负责安装 SL-V 的人员必须严格遵守这些安全规定。

•本装置负责人须对指定从事 SL-V 的使用、安装、维护与操作的人员进行有关培训。




NPN output
PNP output

Light source Response time
250 µs (FINE)/500 µs (TURBO)/ 1 ms (SUPER)
410 µs to 1.7 ms 1.
■ Displaying received light intensity Received light intensity is displayed approximately 4000 is the maximum setting. Note: The MAX and MIN values vary depending on the fiber unit connected.
• This product is not intended for use as explosion-proof product. Do not use this product in a hazardous location and/or potentially explosive atmosphere.
500 m/s2 in X, Y and Z directions, three times each
Housing material
Body/Cover: Polycarbonate
Weight (including 2-m cable)
Approx. 80 g
Approx. 45 g
Approx. 20 g
For sensitivity adjustment using a moving target

基恩士放大器 FS-N系列详细说明书-中文

基恩士放大器 FS-N系列详细说明书-中文

基恩士放大器 FS-N系列详细说明书-中文------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------基恩士放大器 FS-N系列详细说明书-中文数字光纤传感器FS-N10 系列用户手册使用前请阅读本手册。


介绍本手册介绍 FS-N10 系列的基本操作和硬件功能。

请仔细阅读本手册,以确保安全实现 FS-N10 系列的性能和功能。








?请勿在户外或光接收元件受外部光线直射的场所使用 FS 系列产品。


?如果在启用 APC 功能的情况下长时间使用传感器,LED 指示灯将承载沉重负荷。

在这种情况下,传感器因发光所需耗电量是恒定的,并将显示"END APC"。



??关于 UL 认证FS-N 系列已通过 UL 和 C-UL 认证,符合 UL 与 CSA 标准。

?适用标准UL508 工业控制设备CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14-M05 工业控制设备?UL 档案编号 E301717?UL 类别: NRKH, NRKH7?外壳类型 1(基于 UL50 标准)??UL 认证相关说明?FS-N 系列所用电源必须通过针对 2 级输出(据美国国家电气法规 (NEC) NFPA70之规定)的 UL 列名认证。



Site MasterS113C,S114C,S331C,S332C,天线、电缆和频谱分析仪用户指南专门用于传输线和其它射频器件的手持式测试仪目录第一章—概述简介………………………………………………………………..1-1说明………………………………………………………………..1-1标准附件……………………………………………………………1-1选件…………………………………………………………………1-2可选附件……………………………………………………………1-2性能指标…………………………………………………………..1-3维护事项……………………………………………………………1-6校准…………………………………………………………………1-6自动校准InstaCal 模块…………… ………………………………1-7年检………………………………………………………………….1-7第二章—功能和操作简介…………………………………………………………….…….2-1测试连接器面板…………………………………………………….2-1前面板概述………………………………………………………….2-2功能区硬键……………………………………………………………2-3 键盘区硬键…………………………………………………………2-4软键…. ………………………………………………………………2-6功率监测菜单……………………………………………………….2-15符号………………………………………………………………….2-19自检………………………………………………………………….2-19错误代码…………………………………………………………….2-19 自检错误…………..…………………………………………….2-19范围错误……..………………………………………………….2-21自动校准InstaCal错误消息………….…………………………2-22 电池信息…………………………………………….………………2-24新电池充电…………………………………………………………2-24 在Site Master上给电池充电…………………………………….2-24用充电器给电池充电………………………………………………2-24电池充电指示……………………………………………………2-25电池寿命…………………………………………………………..2-25关于电池的重要信息……………………………………………..2-26第三章—操作入门简介…………………………………………………………3-1开机过程……………………………………………………3-1选择频率/距离………………………………………………3-2校准…………………………………………………………..3-2校准确认……………………………………………….3-3手动校准过程………………………………………….3-4自动校准InstaCal 模块确认…………………………3-5自动校准InstaCal模块校准过程……………………. 3-6有测试端口延长电缆的校准………………………3-6 设置刻度…………………………………………………3-7自动刻度……………………………………………….3-7幅度刻度………………………………………………3-7 保存和调用设置………………………………………….3-7保存设置……………………………………………...3-7调用设置……………………………………………..3-8 保存和调用显示…………………………………………3-8保存显示…………………………………………….3-8调用显示……………………………………………3-8设置距离和电缆类型……………………………..3-9 改变单位…………………………………………………..3-9改变显示语言……………………………………………..3-9打印………………………………………………………..3-10打印屏幕……………………………………………..3-10打印机开关设置……………………………………..3-11 使用软背包……………………………………………….3-12第四章—电缆测量和天线测量简介……………………………………………………….4-1传输线扫描的基本原理………………………………….4-1进行传输线扫描所需的信息…………………………….4-2典型传输线扫描的测试过程…………………………….4-3 系统回波损耗测量………………………………….4-3插入损耗测量………………………………………4-4故障点定位(DTF)传输线测试…………………4-8天线子系统回波损耗测试………………………..4-10第五章—频谱分析仪测量简介……………………………………………………….5-1占用带宽………………………………………………….5-1通道功率测量…………………………………………….5-2Site Master的通道功率测量…………………………5-2 邻道功率测量…………………………………………….5-4带外杂波散射测量……………………………………….5-6带内/通道外测量…………………………………………5-7场强测量…………………………………………………5-8天线校准………………………………………………….5-9第六章—功率测量简介………………………………………………………..6-1功率测量…………………………………………………..6-1第七章—Site Master软件工具简介………………………………………………………… 7-1特点…………………………………………………………7-1系统需求……………………………………………………7-1安装…………………………………………………………7-2 通讯口设置……………………………………………7-2接口电缆安装………………………………………….7-3 使用软件工具……………………………………………….7-3从Site Master下载图形曲线………………………………..7-3图形获取……………………………………………………..7-3图形属性…………………………………………………….7-4 曲线叠加或图形叠加…………………………………..7-4保存曲线………………………………………………7-5常规电缆列表…………………………………………7-6输入天线因子…………………………………………7-7上载天线因子………………………………………...7-8创建数据库…………………………………………..7-8打印格式……………………………………………..7-8附录 A—参考数据同轴电缆技术数据…………………………………………………A-1附录B—视窗简介…………………………………………………………………B-1 样例…………………………………………………………………B-1第一章概述简介本章对Site Master S113C、S114C、S331C和S332C型号及其性能指标、选用附件、日常维护和校准要求进行了说明。

KEYENCE基恩士LV-S系列激光传感器 使用说明书 (简体中文)

KEYENCE基恩士LV-S系列激光传感器 使用说明书 (简体中文)

SET ( )
■ ōŗĮIJIJŔłġĩőĪġ
ከᄵፑ໯݁ ĩ ऽ Ī
Ňłœ ፑ໯݁ ĩ ऽ Ī ŋŖŔŕ ፑ໯݁ ĩ ఍ Ī ŏņłœ ፑ໯݁ ĩ ऽ Ī
■ ōŗĮŔĵIJ
ߙཛྷฏቱ ਾ༆ฏቱ ‫ݲ‬ጶ‫੅ݲ‬ධ
ከᄵፑ໯݁ ĩ ऽ Ī
ਾ༆ฏቱ ߙཛྷฏቱ
■ LV-S41L
ࡥ‫ك‬ဂ ؉٣ ༕‫ڵ‬ ŇŅłĩńŅœʼnĪġőŢųŵġIJıĵıįIJıġī ŊņńġķıĹijĶĮIJ
ˍ୥঱ࣕٛ൰ ˍ୥঱ࣕٛ൰
ī ጝ፯ࠍ୥ন቙ ŊņńķıĹijĶĮIJ ፍᄵˈᏨᅰ ŇŅł ܿ‫ ݕ‬Ķı ख঱ࣕ‫ܿࡻ؝‬ᇋชȃ
■ 灵敏度设定模式 1( 标准灵敏度 )
1 把工件放在你想传感器检测的接收 光强度的上限,并按 SET 按钮一次。
1: Upper limit 2: Lower limit
2 把工件放在你想传感器检测的接收 光强度的下限,并按 SET 按钮一次。
如果灵敏度差异没有足够的空间,当校准完成后 “”闪烁。设定值也可以 在此时改变。
蓝色 * 0V
“五位显示”是设定显示接收光强度的数字位数。( 第 6 页第 9 项 )
1 快速按手动按钮,并检查设定值闪烁。 2 设定值闪烁时,用手动按钮改变设定值。
ON ( )



LV-21A/11A/51M■ 激光发射停止输入当使用 LV-21A ,LV-51M 或 LV-11A 时,可使紫色线和蓝色(地线)之间短路而停止激光发射。

当使用LV-21AP 或51MP 时,可使紫色线和褐色线(10至24V DC )之间短路而停止激光发射。



• 本产品没有防爆结构。




警告请遵守以下安全预防措施,以确保操作人员的人身安全• 必须按照本手册说明的程序操作●激光等级II 警告标签 (FDA 等级2)● 保护罩标签● 发射孔标签●IEC 等级 2●IEC (法国) 等级 2●LV-H32●LV-H37/H47●DIN 等级 2■ 警告标签警告标签贴在传感器头。


■ 激光ON 报警指示灯激光安全特性●LV-H300 (发射器侧)●LV-H100 (发射器侧)● LV-H41/H42●LV-H51/H52●装上狭缝板●取下狭缝板用一个螺丝起子将狭缝板上的插脚提起,即可取下狭缝板。

根据距离和目标物使用用于传感器头的狭缝板 (作为 LV-H41/H42/H47/H51/H52 的可选件)发射器接收器接收器侧(R)发射器侧■ LV-H300发射器接收器■ LV-H100零件名称放大器传感器头■ 棒状LED 监视器(传感器头)当靠近放大器的 A 开通时,监视器显示输出A 的多余增益。



ATP-A07VA-A 视觉系统操作说明ATP-A07VA-A有4套控制系统,分别是CF-LCD视觉系统,CF-POL视觉控制系统,TFT-LCD视觉控制系统,TFT-POL视觉控制系统。


1.0 开启电源后视觉系统自动进入开机画面,显示初始画面。

CCD1 CCD2状态区域偏移量CCD3初始画面中显示CCD1,CCD2,CCD3 三个相机的当前画面。


1.1滑动遥控器介绍1号按键 FUNCTION (功能键)切换功能菜单的显示和非显示 2号按键 ESCAPE (退出键) 设定时返回前面一个界面或者退出 3 号按键 TRIGGER (拍摄键) 一齐输入触发4号按键 SCREEN (屏幕键) 按顺序切换现在显示的画面的显示类别 5 号按键VIEW (画面切换) 显示查看栏,切换画面的扩大/缩小,显示模式 6 号按键 MENU (主菜单) 更改对话框菜单的浓度7号按键 (调试功能) 在流程编辑画面中切换通常显示/扩大显示OK 按键7号按键RUN/STOP 键光标 按键1.2进入操作权限按下按键1,弹出功能菜单对话框,移动光标至实用功能,进入对话框,选择用户帐号切换,弹出用户帐号切换对话框。

用户选择框中选择Administlator,用户密码是2222 。





一共有4步和选项,(STEP3和STEP4出厂设置OK不必更改)STEP1 相机设定点击STEP1,进入相机设定画面,可供选择每个相机的设定。

R-31 用户手册说明书

R-31 用户手册说明书

Quality Craftsmanship Since 1958TABLE OF CONTENTSTable Of Contents (2)Congratulations (3)Safety (3)Symbol Glossary (4)Specifications (Subject To Change Without Notice) (5)Equipment Location (6)Starboard Fittings (6)Port Fittings (7)Main Cabin Top Deck Components (8)Stern Components (9)Fuse Location & Values (10)Main Cabin And Cockpit Lights (11)Battery Compartment (12)Power Distribution Panel (P.D.P) (13)DC Distribution Panel, DC Bank Meter (14)AC Distribution Panel & Rotary Switch (15)12V Helm Control Operation (16)Fuel System, Engine, Generator & Webasto Furnace (17)Closed Engine Cooling System (18)Sea Strainer System (19)Webasto Furnace (20)Solar Panel (21)Power Panel and Solar Panel Controller Box (22)Air Conditioning (23)Raw Water Wash Down (24)Fresh Water Plumbing System (25)Shower Sump (26)Bilge Pump System (27)Waste System With Macerator Pump (28)Mast Set Up And Takedown (29)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Acc. 1) (30)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Acc. 2) (31)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Acc. 3) (32)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (Lighting) (33)Ranger Tug R-31 Wiring Schematic (P.D.P.) (34)Ranger Tug R-31 Working Deck (35)Care And Maintenance (36)Example Of A Preparation For The Road Checklist (36)Example Of A Spring Pre-Launch Checklist (37)Example Of Winter Storage Checklist (38)Warning Label Locations (39)Contacts (40)CONGRATULATIONSThe Ranger Tug family has a passion for boating. We are committed to continuous process improvement in all areas that affect our customer’s satisfaction with our products and providing great customer service.SAFETYSafety is always a concern at Ranger Tugs. Please read all manuals to ensure that equipment is used in a safe manner. We highly recommend attendance in a Coast Guard approved boating safety course. Such courses are available from the Coast Guard directly or from boating organizations. Owners should have annual inspec-tions to ensure that all safety equipment is current.STEOPTSYMBOL GLOSSARYAttention! – Important Operating or Maintenance InstructionsAttention! – Electrical Shock HazardFresh WaterBlack WaterFuelStandard EquipmentOptional EquipmentHintsSPECIFICATIONS(Subject to Change Without Notice)R-31 SLength .......................................................................................... 31’ 2” 9.5 m Length Overall (w/swim step) ........................................................ 35’ 2’’ 10.72 m Beam ............................................................................................ 10’ 0” 3.05 m Draft ............................................................................................. 28”.71 mWeight, Dry .................................................................................. 11,000 lbs 4,989.52 kg Water Bridge Clearance (mast up) ................................................. 14’ 0” 4.27 m Water Bridge Clearance (mast down) ............................................ 9’ 8” 2.95 m Height on Trailer (mast down) ....................................................... 13’ 1” 3.99 m Fuel Capacity ................................................................................ 180 gal 681.37 L Water Capacity (fresh) ................................................................... 60 gal 227.12 L Holding Tank Capacity .................................................................. 40 gal 151.42 L Hot Water Tank Capacity .............................................................. 11 gal 41.64 L Length of boat on trailer (Standard factory trailer) ......................... 41’ 8” 12.7 mR-31 CBLength .......................................................................................... 31’ 2” 9.5 m Length Overall (w/swim step) ........................................................ 35’ 2’’ 10.72 m Beam ............................................................................................ 10’ 0” 3.05 m Draft ............................................................................................. 28”.71 mWeight, Dry .................................................................................. 11,500 lbs 5,216.31 kg Water Bridge Clearance (bridge/mast up) ...................................... 17’ 9” 5.41 m Water Bridge Clearance (bridge/mast down) ................................. 10’ 3” 3.12 m Height on Trailer ........................................................................... 13’ 4” 4.06 m Fuel Capacity ................................................................................ 180 gal 681.37 L Water Capacity (fresh) ................................................................... 60 gal 227.12 L Holding Tank Capacity .................................................................. 40 gal 151.42 L Hot Water Tank Capacity .............................................................. 11 gal 41.64 L Length of boat on trailer (Standard factory trailer) ......................... 41’ 8”12.7 mEQUIPMENT LOCATIONSTARBOARD FITTINGS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1413Keep all vents, drains and exhausts clear of any obstructions to ensure proper performance of each system.STE➊ Stern thruster➋ Diesel Fill On Deck ➌ Fuel Tank Vent ➍ Water Fill➎ Cockpit Sink Drain ➏ Aft Bilge Drain➐ Forward Bilge Drain ➑ Galley Sink Drain➒ Water Tank Vent ➓ Waste Tank VentWaste Pumpout Door Well Drain Webasto Exhaust Bow Thruster Drain Plug1113121415STEPORT FITTINGS1 2 5 6 7 8 10 11 123 4 9Keep all vents, drains and exhausts clear of any obstructions to ensure proper performance of each system.➊ Anchor Locker Drain ➋ Bow Thruster ➌ Forward AC ➍ Aft AC➎ Head Sink Drain ➏ Shower Sump Drain ➐ Macerator➑ Engine Exhaust ➒ Generator Exhaust ➓ Stern Thruster ➓Bow Thruster Zinc ➓Stern Thruster Zinc1112MAIN CABIN TOP DECK COMPONENTS STE1 2 3 4 5 6 78➊ Anchor Light➋ Spreader Lights➌ TV Antenna➍ Radar➎ Searchlight➏ Horn➐ Navigation Light(RED Port, GREEN Starboard)➑ GSM 53 XM/Weather Antenna R-31 S R-31 CBSTERN COMPONENTSSTE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 2318 23 24➊ Swim Platform Support Rails ➋ Cockpit Scupper with Flap ➌ Towing Strapdown Eye ➍ Trim Tab Ram ➎ Trim Tab➏ Stern Thruster ➐ Prop ➑ Rudder➒ Stern Plate ➓ Prop ZincTransom Zinc Swim Platform Swim Platform Fenders Rail with Chain Gate Propane Locker Dinghy CleatsUnderwater Lights Trim Tab ZincsThruster Zinc (inside tube) Swim LadderAmber Courtesy LIghts Flagstaff MountDinghy DavitDinghy Standoff Mounts1112131415161718202122232419* To reset, reinsert yellow arm“up” into the breaker.To test, press red button and the yellow arm should flip down.Optional fuse block located belowthe bridge on CB models.Head Lights 12V Outlet (Vberth)Wine Cooler Shower Pump VHF 12V Outlet (dash)Heater Stereo Stereo Amp Trim TabsSpotlight RemoteNMEA 2000 Power Cockpit Seat Light FuseFlybridge Switch PanelMAIN CABIN AND COCKPIT LIGHTS STEMain Cabin SwitchDC BreakerPanel (On First)FixtureSwitchForwardCabin SwitchHeadSwitchUnder-waterSwitchCockpit/TransomSwitch➊V-Berth Cabin Lights✓✓✓➋ Head Lights✓✓➌Under Bed Lighting✓✓➍Indirect Cabin Lights✓✓➎Cockpit & Transom Lights/Indirect Exterior Lights✓✓➏Hard Top Red/White Combo✓➐Overhead Red/White Cabin Lights✓✓➑Midberth Cabin Lights✓✓➒Dinette Lights✓✓➓Underwater Lights✓✓BATTERY CONFIGURATIONSTEHouse Batteries, Engine Battery, Thruster Battery, Inverter Fuse (300 AMP),STERNInverter/Charger Power SwitchInverter/Charger Combo UnitInverter Fuse (300 amp)Batteries 1 = House 2 = Engine 3 = ThrusterPOWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL (P.D.P)STEThis Power Distribution Panel is located underneath the cockpit sink.Once the EMERGENCY PARALLEL switch is placed in the on position the power from the HOUSE batteries will be transferred to the ENGINE battery. Use only for EMERGENCY starting. Turn the parallel switch off after engine is started.All fuses hooked directly to the battery switches are labeled and powered all the time whether the switch is set to the on or off position.Stern Thruster FuseBow Thruster FuseDash BreakerD.C. Panel Breaker Fly Bridge BreakerAutomatic ChargingRelay (ACR)Automatic Charging Relay (ACR)Wired directly to batteries - ALWAYS HOTSwitched on/off with house battery switchDC DISTRIBUTION PANEL, DC BANK METERSTEThe bilge pumps operate automatically with electronic float switches even when all switches and breakers are in the OFF position.However, the BILGE PUMP and BILGE PUMP2 will run continuously once their switches are placedin the on position. Monitor the outflow accordingly. Do not run when dry.AC DISTRIBUTION PANEL & ROTARY SWITCHSTEAC Rotary Selector Switch (Available with Generator) AC Main Line 2 (with AC)The AC Rotary Switch Selector Switch will determine which source of incoming 120 Volt power to use for your AC Distribution Panel.*ELCI breaker is located below aft cockpit seat.Inverter only powers these breakers.Inverter only powers these breakers.AC Main 1 when “on” will automatically turn on the charger/inverter combo unit to “charge mode”. When turned “off” the combo unit automatically goes into “inverter” mode.AC Distribution PanelWIPERS WIPERS WIPERS WIPERS FANS THRUSTERREMOTENAVLIGHTS HORNMain fuel fill Main fuel vent Webasto fuelpump & filterinside black box(optional)Engine fuel return Webasto fuel pickup (optional) Engine fuel pickup& shutoff valveGenerator pickup& shutoff valve Generator returnEngine fuel filter/separator Generator fuel filter/separatorEngineGeneratorFUEL SYSTEM, ENGINE, GENERATOR & WEBASTO FURNACE STEVolvo D4-300 180 gallon fuel tankThere is a secondary on engine fuel filter that is not shown on this drawing. You will be able to find information about this filter in the diesel engine manual supplied with your boat. The waterfuel sensor is located on the engine mounted filter.Main engine fuel shutoff is located underneath the hatch as you enter the main cabin.STERNCLOSED ENGINE COOLING SYSTEMSTE Provides alternate heating system for the Fresh Water Heater and provides primary heating source for the Forced Air Cabin Heater. This system is also designed to provide cooling to the internal components of your engine. Please refer to your engine operations manual for more information.*Use only Volvo VCS (yellow) Coolant, do not mix coolants.EngineCabin HeaterHotWaterHeaterThere are 2 black handled ball valves on the front of the engine. In the event of a leak on either the H Oheater, or the forced air cabin heater, close both valves to keep coolant inthe engine.Engine sea strainerEngine intake shutoff Generator sea strainer Generator intake shutoff Washdown sea strainer Washdown intake shutoff AC intake shutoffAC sea strainerAC pumpEngineGeneratorSTESTESTESTESEA STRAINER SYSTEMSTE Multi Port Sea Strainer for engine and raw water wash down.NW Editions have individual strainers & valves.WEBASTO FURNACEThe control panel is located at the mid cabin power management center.The fuel pump is in the salon floor hatch compartment inside of the black box.VentControl PanelSOLAR PANELSolar panel 160 watt, with display panel• The solar panel is designed to provide charging to the house & engine batteries. 90% of its charge is dedicated to the house battery and 10% is dedicated to the engine battery.• The green light on the solar display indicates proper operation.• The solar display is located port side mid cabin.• The controller is located in the starboard lazarette*Keep panel clean and completely uncovered for best results111123ControllerDisplaySolar PanelBattery Banks 1 = House 2 = Engine 3 = ThrusterLocated in the starboard side cockpit lazerettePOWER PANEL AND SOLAR PANEL CONTROLLER BOXCommand BridgeSedanSolar Panel Controller50 Amp Breaker50 Amp BreakerAutomatic ChargingRelay (ACR)Automatic ChargingRelay (ACR)300 Amp ANLBus Fuse150 Amp BreakerSTEAIR CONDITIONINGMain Cabin A/CControl PanelRAW WATER WASH DOWNSTEJohnson Aqua Jet 5.2 GPMRaw water washdown hosefitting & on/off switch Washdown sea strainer Washdown intake shutoffRaw water washdown pump & filterEngineFRESH WATER PLUMBING SYSTEMSTE60 Gallon Fresh Water Tank, 11 Gallon Hot Water Heater, 3.5 GPM Fresh Water Pump Water pressure switch is located on the DC breaker panelHead connectionHead sink cold Head sink hotWater heater cold inWater heater hot out Fresh water fill Fresh water vent Water HeaterWater TankFresh water pump(Filter should be inspectedand cleaned monthly)Cabin sink hotCabin sink cold Shower hot Shower cold Cockpit shower cold Cockpit sink cold Water tank gauge Cockpit sink hotCockpit shower hotAPPENDIX - POTABLE WATER SYSTEMSThe information contained in this appendix provides supplementary data about disinfecting a potable water system.A SUGGESTED METHOD OF DISINFECTION Perform the following steps in the order indicated: a. Flush entire system thoroughly by allowing potable water to flow through it; b. Drain system completely; c. Fill entire system with a chlorine solution having a strength of at least 100 parts per million, and allow to stand for one (1) hour. Shorter periods will require greater concentrations of chlorine solution. See Table I d. Drain chlorine solution from entire system; e. Flush entire system thoroughly with potable water; f. Fill system with potable water.Table I shows how much disinfecting agent is required to make up various quantities of 100 parts per million chlorine solution.TABLE I – CHLORINE CONCENTRATIONSAmount of chlorine compound required for 100 ppm solutionSolution (Gallons) Chlorinated Lime 25% (ounces) High Test Calcium Hypochlorite 70% (ounces) Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite 1% (quarts)5 0.3 0.1 0.2 10 0.6 0.2 0.4 15 0.9 0.3 0.6 20 1.2 0.4 0.8 30 1.8 0.6 1.2 50 3.0 1.0 2.0 100 6.0 2.0 4.0NOTE: This table contains information taken from the Handbook on Sanitation of Vessel Water Points, Public Health Service Publication No. 274 - Reprinted June 1963.BILGE PUMP SYSTEM12V 1100GPHSTEThe bilge pumps operate automatically with electronic float switches even when all switchesand breakers are in the OFF position.However, the BILGE PUMP and BILGE PUMP2 will run continuously once their switches are placedin the on position. Monitor the outflow accordingly. Do not run when dry.WASTE SYSTEM WITH MACERATOR PUMP STESTE40 Gallon Tank with standard pump out, and ventWaste tank level can be checked by utilizing the head control panel. Please refer to your headoperations manual.Waste tank pump out stations are widely available.Please follow the directions carefully for the pump out equipment you are using to avoid damage to the waste system.Boat owner is responsible for following all applicable laws when using the macerator system to pump out into the surrounding waters.Overboard shutoff valve is accessed through velcro access panel in forward mid cabin berth.Waste TankOverboard Shutoff ValveMaceratorFresh Water InForward HeadAft HeadWaste Pump OutWaste Tank VentMacerator pump outMAST AND BRIDGE SET UP AND TAKEDOWNSEDANMAST SET UP PROCEDURE1. Remove the three black plastic wing nuts from the mast base.2. Remove the two mast tie down cables from their storage positions in the roof clips.3. With the mast tie down cables still loose, raise the mast off of the stainless steel support bar.4. Secure the stainless steel retaining bar in the appropriate clip attached on the rooftop.5. Raise the mast to its full extension and ensure that it fits correctly over the mounting studs on the roofmounting plate.6. Attach the three black plastic wing nuts to the mounting studs and hand tighten securely.7. Attach the two mast tie down cables to their appropriate clips on the port and starboard side of the roof.8. Make sure the mast tie down cables are adjusted properly.MAST TAKE DOWN PROCEDURE1. Remove the mast tie down cables from their clips on the port and starboard side of the roof.2. Remove the three black plastic wing nuts from the mast base mounting studs.3. Carefully lower the mast onto the stainless steel support bar.4. Attach the black plastic wing nuts back onto the screws on the mast mounting plate and secure themfor storage by hand tightening.5. Attach the two mast tie down cables to their storage positions in the roof clips.6. Recommend securing the mast with a tie down.COMMAND BRIDGECOMMAND BRIDGE SET UP PROCEDURE1. Raise the mast.2. Loosen black bridge hold down straps (port and starboard sides).3. Raise bridge.4. Lock bridge feet in place).5. Tighten black bridge hld down straps (port and starboard sides).6. Raise seat and insert seat pins (x2.7. Install port and starboard command bridge railing and pins.8. Install aft command bridge railing and pins.RANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (ACC. 1)R-31 Accessories #1ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC1-26-16-12VRANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (ACC. 2)R-31 Accessories #2ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC-12V +12VHouse Battery (Stbd Hatch (Switch)4 SwitchRANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (ACC. 3)R-31 Accessories #3ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICBreakerFuseHorn Prompt toSwitch DPST+12VRANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (LIGHTING)GNDR-31 Lighting1-26-16ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC-12V PDP V-berth LT+12VDash Fuse Block #1RANGER TUG R-31 WIRING SCHEMATIC (P.D.P.)HOUSE HOUSETHRUSTERS ENGINE3/O YELR-31 Power Distribution ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICRANGER TUG R-31 WORKING DECKSTER-31 S R-31 CBCARE AND MAINTENANCEPlease customize to your personal needs. Consult your engine and trailer user manuals for ad-ditional information.EXAMPLE OF A PREPARATION FOR THE ROAD CHECKLISTTOW VEHICLE – PRIOR TO USE£ Test Lights.£ Check brakes.£ Check tire pressure and condition.£ Check hitch related electrical connections.TRAILER – PRIOR TO USE£ Check registration£ Check rollers and bed rails.£ Check wheel bearings and lubricate as required.£ Check winch.£ Test electrical connection and lights.£ Check tire pressure and condition.£ Check safety chains.£ Check boat straps.£ Check braking system.£ Check hitch for proper connection and lock down.£ Install safety chains (cross under hitch).£ Remove tire blocks.BOAT – PRIOR TO USE WITH TRAILER£ Lower mast.£ Lower VHF antenna.£ Secure the Bimini awning frame.£ Raise and secure swim platform ladder.£ Set all switches and breakers to the OFF position, Including Thruster/Windlass cutoff switch£ Close and secure all windows, ports and vents.£ Lock cabin.£ Center rudder.£ Remove Drain PlugEXAMPLE OF A SPRING PRE-LAUNCH CHECKLISTCLEANING£ Remove debris from scuppers and scupper drains.£ Clean hull using a mild biodegradable detergent and then wax.£ Clean topsides and decks using a mild biodegradable detergent and then wax.£ Clean and polish all bright work.£ Clean and oil teak.£ Clean windows, ports, and hatches.£ Clean bimini cover.£ Check and clean anchor, rode, and anchor storage compartment.INSPECTION£ Check Drain Plug£ Check spare parts and tools and replace as necessary.£ Check wiper blades.£ Check swim platform.£ Inspect and test trim tabs.£ Check condition of bottom paint.£ Check windlass.£ Verify electronics for correct operation.£ Check all inside and outside lights.£ Macerator Y-Valve in proper position and secured.£ Inspect and verify position of all sea cocks and shut off valves.£ Check alarms for proper operation.£ Check fluid levels.SAFETY EQUIPMENT£ Sound signaling device.£ Check flares and their expiration dates.£ Check personal flotation devices.£ Check fire extinguishers and their fill dates.£ First aid kits.GALLEY£ Check stove for proper operation.£ Check everyday utensil stock.DOCUMENTS£ Registration sticker.£ Insurance papers and Passports.£ Boat Inspection sticker.£ Charts and float plan forms.EXAMPLE OF WINTER STORAGE CHECKLISTGENERAL MAINTENANCE£ Fill Fuel Tank and add a fuel stabilizer.£ Empty and clean black water tank.£ Empty fresh water tank use a non-toxic antifreeze per manufacturer’s directions.£ Winterize black and fresh water tanks as necessary based on weather.£ Check bilge area for oil and for proper operation£ Check zincs and replace as necessary.£ Check impeller.£ Check and clean water strainer.£ Clear barnacles and debris from hull fittings.£ Trickle charge batteries every 30-60 days.£ Vent boat to prevent mildew.£ Check trailer tire pressure and condition.£ Check trailer braking system.£ Check trailer bearings.£ Remove Drain Plug.£ Turn off all battery cutoff switches.ENGINE£ Flush sea strainer system with fresh water.£ Check all fluid levels.£ Check all hose fittings.£ Check engine maintenance requirements.£ Inspect and verify position of all sea cocks and shut off valves.GALLEY£ Empty, clean and freshen refrigerator.£ Remove all dry food from storage.WARNING LABEL LOCATIONSFax 253-839-5218 。



600 to 3000 psi
4.2 to 21 MPa
200 to 2800
12,000 psi 10 A SPDT
dual setpoint, fixed deadband, Buna-N Diaphragm, 1⁄4 FNPT Connection
-6 to -30 inHg vac -20 to -100 kPa
0.5 to 1 inHg
250 psi Two 15 A SPDT
6 to 30 inH2O
1.5 to 7.5 kPa
0.5 to 1 inH2O
20 psi Two 15 A SPDT
PSW-423 PSW-424 PSW-425
12 to 60 inH2O 30 to 150 inH2O
280 to 1400 kPa
1 to 4 psi
1000 psi Two 15 A SPDT
80 to 400 psi
0.56 to 2.8 MPa
4 to 8 psi
2400 psi Two 15 A SPDT
200 to 1000 psi
1.4 to 7 MPa
7 to 30 psi
3 to 15 psi
20 to 100 kPa
0.5 to 1 psi
500 psi Two 15 A SPDT
6 to 30 psi
40 to 200 kPa



ATPA07VAA 视觉系统操纵说明欧阳家百(2021.03.07)ATPA07VAA有4套控制系统,辨别是CFLCD视觉系统,CFPOL视觉控制系统,TFTLCD视觉控制系统,TFTPOL视觉控制系统。


1.0 开启电源后视觉系统自动进入开机画面,显示初始画面。

CCD1 CCD2状态区域偏移量CCD3初始画面中显示CCD1,CCD2,CCD3 三个相机的以后画面。


1.1 滑动遥控器介绍1号按键 FUNCTION (功能键)切换功能菜单的显示和非显示2号按键 ESCAPE (退出键)设按时前往前面一个界面或者退出 OK 按键 7号按键RUN/STOP 键 光标按键3 号按键 TRIGGER (拍摄键) 一齐输入触发4号按键 SCREEN (屏幕键) 按顺序切换现在显示的画面的显示类别5 号按键VIEW (画面切换) 显示检查栏,切换画面的扩年夜/缩小,显示模式6 号按键 MENU (主菜单) 更改对话框菜单的浓度7号按键(调试功能)在流程编辑画面中切换通常显示/扩年夜显示1.2进入操纵权限按下按键1,弹出功能菜单对话框,移动光标至实用功能,进入对话框,选择用户帐号切换,弹出用户帐号切换对话框。

用户选择框中选择Administlator,用户密码是2222 。





一共有4步和选项,(STEP3和STEP4出厂设置OK不必更改)STEP1 相机设定点击STEP1,进入相机设定画面,可供选择每个相机的设定。

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1. 产品介绍:说明书首先介绍了基恩士AP-31的外观和主要




2. 产品安装和设置:说明书详细介绍了如何正确安装和设置基恩士AP-31。



3. 扫描功能和设置:该章节详细阐述了基恩士AP-31的各项



4. 文件处理和存储:这一部分概述了基恩士AP-31设备的文



5. 维护和故障排除:这一章节提供了一些维护和故障排除的建议。



6. 安全注意事项:该部分提供了基恩士AP-31设备的安全使



