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Book6 Unit2 Poems



I.The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet.

2.We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well.

3.This typical sleep pattern is usually referred to as the “night owl " schedule of sleep.

4.She has got used to the newpatterns of family life.

5.If your mind goes blank, try not to panic.

6.In fact, I barely slept the night before.

7.In most countries, an exchange of business cards is necessary for all introductions.

8.She hada full and frank exchange of views with her boss.

9.There was a heated exchange between the parents and the school managers.

10. The two men exchanged blows .


1.I keep getting (contradict) advice — some people tell me to keep it warm and some advise me to put ice on it.

2.You can see from these examples that many people could benefit from a(flexibly) work schedule.

3.Patients with heart failure are told to follow strict diets because (salt) foods worsen the condition.

4.The message(convey) here is clear: " Actions speak louderwhofcls.”

5.The two young people(eventual) got married after having been friends for several years.

6.After a few minutes our eyes finally got used to the(dark).

7.Please write your name, address and telephone number in the(空白的)space at the top of the page.

8.They took a more reasonable approach,(convey) to their children how success at school could improve their lives.

9.With great __ (悲伤),he watched his home being destroyed to make way for the new shopping center.

10.*I should convey my appreciation __ _ my high school teachers, without whose help I wouldn ' t have achieved such a big success.

11.Words failed __ (convey) my feelings the moment I saw my long lost sister.

1.1If the course fails to satisfy you, you can exchange it any other that we offer.

13.The exhibition _(sponsor)by the Society of Culture.

14.Even pizza can be healthy if it_(load) with vegetables.

15.Some students feel that(exchange) gifts can make more friends and expand their network of friends.

16.The Arctic has a varied climate the Antarctic climate varies little.

17..Walking in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the ____________ (warm) of spring.

18.Online learning resources seem to be(end).

19.The exhibition _ (sponsor) by the Society of Culture is a great success.

20.With so many problems (solve), we will have a hard time.

21.(load) with boxes of food and other materials, the truck was sent to the disaster area.

22.I closed my eyes and felt the(warm) of the sun on my face.
