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Science and Technology Management Research2021 No. 4
doi: 10.3969/j .issn. 1000-7695.2021.04.024
摘要:通过对我国开展新冠疫情防控应急管理中数字技术应用的实践案例研究发现,数字化治理可以在疫情关联信息获取、疫情传播路径追踪、疫情信息公开与舆情管理、疫情风险预警、健康认证等方面提供强力支撑,服务各地区进行精准防疫和决策支持,但同时也暴露出数字化治理理念尚未形成、数字技术和手段利用不充分、存在“数据鸿沟”和数据安全等若干问题。应对•^战,建议政府在推动应急管理体系的数字化治理实践中,加快顶层设计,将 城市公共管理数字化转型融入智慧城市建设和“城市大脑”建设中,推动公共大数据整合共享,加强数据、信息、网络与系统安全建设同步规划和同步运行。
中图分类号:C93; G301 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1000-7695 (2021 ) 04-0183-08
Thought and Countermeasures on Digital Transformation of
Emergency Management System
Zhao Zuoxiang, Hu Beibei
(Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
Abstract:This paper takes the practical application of digital technology in the CO V ID-19 epidemic emergency management as a case study, and finds that digital governance can provide strong support in epidemic-related information acquisition, tracking path of the epidemic, information disclosure, public opinion management, epidemic risk early warning, health certification for accurate epidemic prevention and decision making. But at the same time, it also exposes some problems, such as the lack of the concept of digital governance, the insufficient utilization of digital technology and means, the existence of "data gap" and the problem of data security. Meeting the challenges, the paper recommends that in the practice of digital governance of the emergency management system, the government should speed up the top-level design, integrate the digital transformation of urban public administration into the construction of intelligent city and "urban brain", actively promote the integration and sharing of public big data, and strengthening synchronous planning and operation of data, information, network and system security construction.
Key words:emergency management; digital transformation; governance capabilities; COVID—19
2019年年末,新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19) 疫情(以下简称“新冠疫情”)暴发并迅速波及全国,伴随2020年春节前后人员流动频繁,疫情的防控难 度大大增加,能否迅速掌握疫情传播的准确信息,及时有效地甄别潜在传播人群并采取科学的管控和 防治手段,关系到全国人民的生命安全和社会稳定,也是对我国突发公共应急管理体制建设提出的严峻 挑战和考验。国家主席习近平在中央全面深化改革 委员会第十二次会议中强调,要健全科学研究、疾 病控制、临床治疗的有效协冋机制,及时总结各地实践经验,形成制度化成果,完善突发重特大疫情 防控规范和应急救治管理办法;同时,还专门提出 要鼓励运用大数据、人工智能、云计算等数字技术,在疫情监测分析、病毒溯源、防控救治、资源调配 等方面更好发挥支撑作用。在此背景下,本研究旨 在深人探讨数字技术与疫情防控应急管理体系的融 合问题,通过分析我国在新冠疫情防控工作中数字 化治理的实践与挑战,归纳总结数字技术与公共卫 生应急管理体系融合的有效路径和模式,以期为我 国建设数字化、智能化的应急管理体系,提升现代