



















《交通工程》双语教学课程的探索与运用[摘要] 交通工程双语教学既有其必要性又有其紧迫性。


[关键词] 交通工程双语教学措施随着我国的改革开放日益深入,尤其是在加入WTO后,教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的趋势也日益明显。




交通工程(Traffic Engineering)是以道路交通为主体,从交通规划、设计、管理、交通环境等方面系统地讨论影响交通安全、交通通畅性和效率性的交通参与者、交通设施以及交通工具等要素间的定量和定性关系、基础理论和方法,还包括伴随着高新技术进步而产生的新交通科技及其理论。

1 交通工程课程双语教学的目的和要求1.1交通工程特点交通工程学是一门正在发展中的新兴应用学科,以人、车、路及其综合环境为主要研究对象。











附件1佳木斯大学课程教学大纲机械工程学院交通运输教研室制订(修订)附件2 专业英语课程教学大纲课程名称:专业英语Special English课程编码:09416215总学时数:60学分:3开课单位:机械工程学院交通运输教研室适用专业:交通运输适用对象:大学本科一、课程的性质、类型、目的和任务本课程为高等学校交通运输专业课。




三、教学内容及教学基本要求[1]表示“了解”;[2]表示“理解”或“熟悉”;[3]表示“掌握”;△表示自学内容;○表示略讲内容;本课程分七章,包括第一章:交通工程介绍(Introduction to Traffic Engineering),第二章:交通系统的特性和组成(Characteristics and Components of Traffic System),第三章:交通流特性(Traffic Stream Characteristics),第四章:交通调查(Traffic Studies),第五章:交通管理与控制(Traffic Management and Control),第六章:交通规划(Traffic Planning),第七章:智能运输系统(Intelligent Transportation System)。

其中交通工程介绍(Introduction to Traffic Engineering)讲述交通工程的定义,研究范围,功能;交通工程的研究目标;交通工程的构成要素,交通工程面临有待解决的问题等。

交通工程学第2版课程设计 (2)

交通工程学第2版课程设计 (2)

交通工程学第2版课程设计1. 背景介绍本课程设计旨在让学生通过实践案例,掌握交通工程学理论知识的应用,培养学生在实际工作中解决问题的能力,提高交通规划能力和技术水平。

2. 课程设计内容2.1 选题本课程设计选题为某城市A路口交通拥堵问题的研究。



2.2 研究内容学生需要进行以下研究内容:1.收集相关资料,包括道路交通流量、车速、车间距等数据;2.测量A路口相关道路、人行道、非机动车道宽度、长度和各种交通设施的位置;3.通过软件模拟车辆在该路口的运动,比较不同方案对车辆运行状况的影响,确定最优化交通流控制方案;4.提出改善方案,并进行计算和优化设计;5.绘制设计方案图,并给出改善效果预测结果。

2.3 要求学生需要完成以下任务:•本次课程设计需组成小组,每组人数不超过5人;•每组需要提交课程设计报告一份,报告包括选题的背景、研究内容、改善方案等;•建立基准模型和设计方案模型要求清晰明了,并进行模型的验证;•对设计方案的实施可行性进行评估,并具备一定的技术报告写作能力。

3. 评分标准评分标准如下:•报告质量(内容丰富、结构完整、观点明确、文字通顺、格式正确)占20%;•选题的合理性、全面性占15%;•建立基准模型的正确性和可靠性占15%;•设计方案的合理性和可行性占30%;•技术报告的写作水平占10%;•学生在课程设计过程中的表现占10%。

4. 实践应用本课程设计涉及到城市交通的方方面面,学生需要具备多方面的知识和技能,如交通统计、交通规划、交通仿真、交通控制等。


5. 总结本课程设计涉及到较多的知识点和技能,学生需要认真学习、认真研究、认真探究,在认真思考的基础上,提出切实可行的改进方案。



交通工程专业英语(Traffic Engineering English)课程代码:04410030学分:2学时:32 (其中:课堂教学学时:32 实验学时:上机学时:课程实践学时:)先修课程:大学英语、交通工程学适用专业:交通工程教材:《交通工程专业英语》,郭岚主编,人民交通出版社,2016-01-01一、课程性质与课程目标(-)课程性质交通工程专业英语是交通工程专业的一门专业基础课。





二、课程内容与教学要求Chapter 1Introduction to Traffic Engineering(一)课程内容1.Traffic Engineering Definition, Scope and Functions2.Research Objectives of Traffic Engineering3.Elements of Traffic Engineering4.Modern Problems for Traffic Engineers(二)教学要求掌握本章中的相关词汇和交通工程相关内容的英文表述方式Chapter 2Characteristics and Components of Traffic Systems(-)课程内容1.Road Users2.Vehicles Characteristics3.Streets and Highways4.General Environments(二)教学要求掌握本章中的相关词汇和交通系统相关英文表述方式Chapter 3Traffic Stream Characteristics(一)课程内容1.Macroscopic Parameters2.Microscopic Parameters3.Relationships among Various Parameters4.Types of Traffic Flow(二)教学要求掌握本章中的相关词汇和交通流相关英文表述方式Chapter 4Traffic Studies(一)课程内容1.Objectives of Traffic Studies2.Types of Studies3.Volume Studies4.Speed and Travel Time Studies5.Intersection Delay Studies6.Parking Studies7.Accidents Studies(-)教学要求掌握本章中的相关词汇和交通研究相关英文表述方式Chapter 5Traffic Management and Control(一)课程内容1.Traffic Control Devices2.Intersection Control3.Traffic System Management(二)教学要求掌握本章中的相关词汇和交通管理与控制相关英文表述方式Chapter 6Traffic Planning(一)课程内容1.Fundamentals of Transportation Planning2.Transportation and Land Use3.Transportation Demand Analysis4.Trip Generation Model5.Trip Distribution Model6.Modal Split Model7.Trip Assignment Model8.Introduction to Disaggregate Model(二)教学要求掌握本章中的相关词汇和交通规划相关英文表述方式Chapter 7Intelligent Transportation System(-)课程内容1.Introduction to ITS2.GIS and GPS in ITSwork Optimization4.Sensing Traffic Using Sensors5.In-Vehicle Routing and Personal Route Informationmercial Routing and Delivery7.Dynamic Assignment8.Intelligent Vehicle(二)教学要求掌握本章中的相关词汇和智能交通系统相关英文表述方式三、学时分配及教学方法四、课程考核五、参考书目及学习资料[1]《交通工程专业英语》,哪万江/马丽丽,机械工业版社,2012年5月第1版[2]《交通工程专业英语》,林丽,中国林业出版社,2012-08-01六、大纲说明(内容可包括课程基本要求、习题要求及其它一些必要的说明)1.本课程除了要求学生掌握专业相关的英语词汇外,还要求加强对阅读能力的提高;2.除了教材内容外,课堂教学中还会鼓励学生利用课余时间检索国外相关资料,并进行课堂讨论和交流;3.课后会布置一些关键词让学生去检索资料并进行翻译,并计入作业成绩。

交通工程视听说英语教程录音材料第二单元Script unit 2

交通工程视听说英语教程录音材料第二单元Script unit 2

ScriptUnit 2 Contract NegotiationPre-listening ActivitiesBusiness Contract Basics Important Points to RememberWhen Putting Together a ContractIf you spend enough time dealing with customers, you will at some point have to deal with the contracts related to the service you provide to those customers.At first, contracts can be intimidating, but like most things in life want to get a better practice, you will be better at dealing with these agreements. The following slides won't teach you to be a lawyer, but they will provide you some real world insights that will help you when it comes time to deal with the contract. You won't believe how many contracts I have seen come across my desk, but did not have the proper signatures. What I mean by the proper signatures is that the client who is getting the product or the service has signed the contract, and the person that is supplying that product or service has also sign the same contract.You have to have both signatures on the same document in order for it to be a contract. A lot of smart contracts now have this wording below the signature line: authority to bind the company. This wording serves as a reminder to the person who was actually signing the contract that they must have the authority to commit to the terms of the contract that they were about to sign. Basically the client by signing it says, yes, “I can pay for this product or service that I'm about to receive”,and then subsequently the company representative is also saying, “Yes, I can deliver the product or the service as it’s outlined”in the contract. All contracts should have these basic elements:Number one: A start dateWhen are you going to deliver the product or the service?Number two: Contract lengthThis can be any duration of time from a day, a week, a month, seven months or even four years.Number three: Details of the product or serviceThis item can never have enough detail. The goal here is to make sure both parties know exactly what is to be done in the contract right down to the finest details. It is important to make sure everyone's expectations are absolutely crystal clear.Number four: PricesYes, it is important to list out the price you are charging for the service for the part that you are selling. Making sure that contract details what is included is just as important as to what is not included in the price. When you think price, think number of units, value, frequency and any and all discounts, and for how long that price will be in effect you may want to offer discounts are increases in your price if certain conditions apply such as a customer who buys more than expected or less than agreed to. Keep these options open because you never know what will happen in the future.Number five: Payment termsIn the old days when business was a local exchange of goods and services, payment terms are paid much cash when you bought or received the product or service. As business became more international, it became inconvenient to pay cash, for say, shipload of iron ore, so payment terms became part of the contract. Payment terms and sure there is a timely balance between the delivery of the service to the payment for such service. Some companies can afford to extend payment terms for bigger deals but some need to be paid immediately. When you are negotiating payment terms, ensure you can afford to terms you agree to, otherwise you may find yourself overextended credit wise and not be able to afford to pay your employees or other key providers.Number six: Mailing addresses.In your contract make sure you have the mailing addresses of that person who signed the contract and the mailing address and name of the person or department you were to send the invoices to. Same applies if you're getting paid make sure your customer knows where to send the checked, either way you will save a lot of time in minimizing confusion, if you’re at this to the contract .Number seven: Approved signatures.Now we're going over this again but this is simple. Make sure the people who signed the contract have the authority to commit to the terms of the contract when in doubt, ask for proof. Don’t wrist disappointment or extra cost because you didn't do this step. When it comes to contracts and promises, the only valid promise is apromise that is written into the contract.While-listening ActivitiesVideo OneBusiness Contract Basics: Important Points to RememberWhen Putting Together a ContractEverything else is simple words, unspoken words are not binding, which they were, but that is not the case. So the contractors say we will pick up and dispose of all access material, get it in writing, if the client says we will give you more business, and if you deliver on time, have them put that in writing. It is easy to believe or have faith in the other party when you're negotiating a contract. You want to take their word for everyone who has good intentions, but situations change, people change. To ensure everyone remembers what they promised by putting it in writing and incorporating it into the contract. It is natural that a contract will call back and forth between your company and your client, is each party fine tunes what they will agree to and what they want change or adjusted in the contract.Electronically written contracts for document can be adjusted and or altered without the other party being told or being aware of it. Electronically written contracts or documents can be adjusted and or altered without the other party being told, or even being aware, you can get around redline in Word documents, like it or not, it's a fact. So you have to guard against this practice by reviewing the redline contracts that come back to you. Most people will concentrate theirattention on the sections that have been redlined, but it is always good practices to scan the rest of a document to ensure nothing else has changed. One quick and easy way to do this is to first ensure that you have the same number of pages in the contract.Secondly you can scan a contract by looking for the same words at the beginning and ends of each line, and comparing them to the original and the red-lined version. As you can see in this example the words any and against appear on the 3rd in eight lines as in the original, also we have ballpoint A through D in both copies, she can be pretty sure that this section on the contract has not been altered. If that section had words added or removed and the words were not line up the same way, this would be RBS with gas pressure fun changes as well.Every contract will have some changes made to it, when it does, both parties must agree to those changes. The changes need to be initiated by both parties or the change is not deemed accepted into the contract. This procedure also stops one party from making changes after the contract has been signed and ensures the integrity other contract process.It is a good idea to actually write such a clause into your contract to ensure that both parties understand that all changes have to be mutually agreed to. One would think this is an obvious lie, but reality has taught me quite differently. Here is a scenario to consider. John works for a software company and John gets paid a commission for each of his software sales. John knows the full price of this company software, but John also knows he can sell more software if he discountsthe price John might not really know what it cost actually right cell and support the software his company is selling. All he knows is he gets paid if he sells. So John’s motivations may not align with his company's objectives.When it comes to discount some products or services, make sure everyone in your company knows what is the absolute lowest price that is acceptable, you run a business, not a charity. Don't give away the company's profits by adding excessive discounts into a contract. When you are negotiating a contract, always trying to keep in open mind new approaches and charms to a contract.It is natural to immediately dismiss any changes to your contract, but try and listen to new approaches in new ways looking at the business. Sometimes these new ideas will come from your client, and your customers, your best reaction is not to react, but to listen and ask questions, lots and lots of questions Try to understand where they’re coming from, if you let the other person explain their position, their logic and their reasons why they are asking for what they are asking, you might see an opportunity or approach that you never thought it before, always respond this way, “oh, all that’s interesting”. “Why is that important to you and or your company?The worst contracts are the ones done in a rush. It is well known that most concessions and contracts are done in the final hours at the negotiation. Do what you can to avoid hurried time or sensitive situations such as signing a bunch of contracts on the last day of the month or at the end of the quarter. Try to minimize the straps by not setting a deadline to sign by a certain day or a certain time. Ofcourse you will have to eventually sign the contract, but you can now predict ahead of time what issues will come up in the negotiation phase. So don’t be at a disadvantage and leave yourself some extra time and flexibility. Contracts can impact businesses in many ways, unless you on run and manage a one-person business. Chances are very high that the contract you're about to sign will affect a lot of people in your company. People may be hired, expensive machinery purchased, office space is rented, and budgets changed, and so on.So now is the time to hand over your about-to-be signed contract to a trusted party in your company, or organization for them to have a review of the deal.They may have a perspective of our knowledge about a certain situation do you were not aware of. This information may have a material impact on the deal or simply point out something that might become an irritant later on. The point is that you won’t (unless you get a second or a third opinion also). This gives other folks in the organization the ability to know and manage to the contract terms and that alone will ensure for successful contract.Thank you for watching this presentation on contract basics.I hope the information has been helpful to you.Video TwoHow to Negotiate a Contract: Negotiation Tips & Tactics In this segment, we’re going to look at an overview negotiation in its entarity, if you want to think of negotiating as being a process of the curves between two ormore people across the table. In fact it's better to think of negotiating as entire members of the process. Now look at this map as you will see there are three distinct elements into negotiation.Pre negotiationWell, you need to get a mandate and you need to plan, so that you know what to do when you sit down with the other party.Phase two is the negotiation itself.It can last from half an hour, to an hour to a day, to a week, to a month. I was once involved in the gas negotiation between the British Gas Authority and Norway which last fourteen years, so there is no rule about how long a negotiation takes.Alright, let's go back to the final stages, which is an implementation.However good settlement is with the other party, however clear the contract, however many people have signed it, its value is only the extend to which it's implemented. So that is a crucial area. So this is the management process.Let's have a look at phase one again, obtaining a mandate. Now you may have the authority to set your own mandate. Many managers and directors don’t, they have to get permission from the board or from their boss. Some people seem to be better at getting a mandate than others, when they go and talk to somebody they come away with what they wanted, whereas most of us, we win some and loose some.Now I am interested in how it is that a few individuals seem constantly to get their own way.Second, planning. It would be ridiculous on a major negotiation to go and sit down with the other party without having thought through some of the issues and how to handle what it involves. Finally the face to face, this is what most people are interested in.How do you actually get what you want when sometimes it is in conflict with what the other party wants? We should be looking at that in some detail.And finally, implementations.Particularly how to avoid misunderstanding from the contract during the implementation phase.It happens. It happens a lot I have detail with it on many occasions. And how to get commitment from the other side to implementation even when unforeseen obstacles arise. So those are the three phases and they’re all interactive. These authorities, for example, some with an amazing tactical in the face to face that may give him sufficient reputation, I suppose you can say, with his director for them to give him the mandates he asks for. Somebody who is very good at getting a mandate may make the task of the negotiation easier. That person could be with someone who did not get a very good mandate and implementation is the area that very few people focus on obviously as I have said before that’s key to ensure the value of the contract is realized by both parties.Video ThreeHow to Negotiate Effectively?Hi, this is DeCima, and I am back with a new lesson on how to negotiate effectively. Well, what is it to negotiate or what does negotiation really mean? Negotiation basically means an exchange of things between two people or two parties. So if I were to negotiate with you, I would be exchanging something that I have for something that you have, so for example, say, I have a car, I have a car but I don't have a lot of money. Now I am in need of money, but you are in need of a car. So what am I going to do? I'm going to exchange my car in return for the money that you are willing to pay me for my car. So the talks that follow depending on whether we like to exchange the car for the money is what negotiating is all about. So negotiating, should I say, is making a deal.So if I'm done with negotiating I have made a deal. Okay. Well, please note: that there are various steps to making a deal or negotiating effectively. The first one is: decide on your break-even point. What is a break-even point? A break-even point is basically the lowest amount, or shall I say, the cheapest price in non financial terms I would call it the worst case scenario. So when you are trying to exchange something that you have for something that someone else has, you've got to decide on what is the lowest amount, the cheapest price, or the worst-case scenario you are willing to accept before making a deal, or before saying yes I'm willing to take that and give you this. So for example, you know, I may have say, 100 thousand dollars in my bank account what I don't have that much money, but suppose I do and I want to go and buy a house. Now I’ve seen this really wonderful house, you know, with the really large living room, two nice bathrooms, a study in everything,and you know, the person who is selling me his house is willing to give it away, for say, one hundred thousand dollars. Now that's the exact amount I have in my bank account. Do you think and that is my break even point? I wouldn't say so. A break-even point is, as I said, the lowest amount or the cheapest price I'm willing to accept to exchange what I have for something that I want. So you gotta be very careful about knowing what is your break even point, otherwise you might end up accepting a deal that is not in your best interests.The next point to negotiating or making a deal work in your favor is to know what you are worth. What does it mean to know what I am worth? Okay, you gotta two questions to yourself. Do I have something the other person needs?Question number two: does the person need me more then I need him? So when you know what is your worth, you are in a position to negotiate more effectively, so suppose I am a jewelry vendor, so I am trying to sell very rare diamonds, you know, say for example, or really rare pearls which you know are not very common in the market these days. Now does that mean put me in a position to bargain more effectively? To make a deal work in my favor? Yes, it does. Because now I have something that the person needs in fact the person who is buying something from me wants it more than I want to sell it and that puts me in a better position to negotiate more effectively. So when you are trying to negotiate a deal in your favor always, always, try to know what you are all about, what you are worth.Video FourChinese Negotiating Styles (1)Hi, I’m Andrew Hubert, for china solved. Today we're taking a look at the five Chinese negotiating styles or types. All negotiators, Chinese, Westerner or any other, fall into one of five categories, or types of negotiators, and that those five are competitive, compromising, accommodating or yielding, avoiding or collaborating. If you’re interested in reading more about this topic, I refer you to G. Richard Shell’s Bargaining for Advantage. What Shell did was divided each negotiator’s style into two dimensions. uh... he looked at how important the goals of outcomes were to you and how important the counterparties uh... now comes and goes work to you. So if you look at the left side this is how you view the negotiation if you do you uh... the outcome of this negotiation as a top importance, you really want to maximize the value of this individual transaction. Maybe you have a unique asset, maybe you have a very strong bargaining position or maybe it was extremely confident about your abilities.Sometimes you take more of a moderate approach especially you're a professional salesman or professional purchaser and the value of this transaction is not that high, it’s not to live or die. You just want to get the deal done, and sometimes you're not that worried about the benefit or the goal of the ... uh... negotiation, you're more worried about the risk of not having transaction, and using example, the guy who has a warehouse full of ice cream in August, and your freezer just broke and if you don't sound like you have to clean it up, so you don't really care that much about making a huge profit, you are more concerned aboutavoiding the large loss. And then, we are going to look at your view towards your counterparties, benefits for goals, if you have a low opinion of your counterparties, where you don't worry too much about his feelings of his reaction, then maybe you feel that time is in your favor, the circumstances are in your favor or you have non-economic considerations, you know really care what he thinks.In most negotiations, you will have some regard for your counterparties uh... feelings about the outcome, officially professional salesman or normal business. It’ll be nice to see him again. And such will be a very high regard uh... for your counterparties’opinion about this transaction, you really need this client, uh... you wanna uh... see him again or you wanna have a strategic relationship with a very few buyers or sellers and uh... you really need to transact with this person and you need him to say good things about you and you want to see him again. And there you see the chart that will be filling in. On the left on the Y axis is the benefits to you, and across the bottom, the X axis is how you see the benefits going to him. So if you are top left, all that you care, that is, the benefits to you, you don’t really care at all about the benefits are outcome to your counterparty, you’re, we call, a competitive negotiator. It’s typical win-lose aggressive negotiator on ninety nine uh... to one in my favor is proper and about that would be a fine outcome for me.On the other end, the bottom right is an accommodative negotiator. All the cares about is making the other guy happy. Who’s that? This is someone who really needs to make that sale uh... this is the uh... the ice cream vendor with the broken refrigerator that we talked about earlier. One to ninety-nine (not in my favor), oneto ninety-nine against me is Ok, as long as we can finish the business and transact, as long as you’re happy, I’m happy.Now we go to the other corner, the top right corner is collaborative. This is the Win-Win negotiator. This is the guy who wants to work together to cooperate to enlarge the pie and create value, two plus two equals five for this type of negotiator, he's always looking for a way to uh... make both sides happy. And the bottom left is the avoiding type. The avoider wins by not playing. He doesn’t want to transact, he doesn’t want to get involved uh... he doesn’t gain from this transaction but maybe just a work harder, or maybe as to take a risk and this is a typical bureaucrat uh... who gets paid whether he you happy or not uh.... It’s a reluctant buyer. Someone who is afraid of spending the money you're afraid of making a commitment and he would prefer not to transact, not to complete the negotiation.And in the middle of all these, we have the compromiser. He transacts often, but he doesn't really maximize his value, and this guy is sort of the exploded different meet in the middle type of negotiator, but this compromiser does the deal, the compromiser always leaves the table with a signed an agreement of some kind.Video FiveChinese Negotiating Styles (2)Now let's take a look at the Chinese negotiating personalities. The first we look at is competitive types of it. The competitors in china will often not appear as competitors. uh... they may appear to be very accommodative, they're trying to beyour friend and try to build a relationship as it is, commonly Chinese negotiating an internship offer uh...to help you any way they can, and they may be very flexible on certain issues, sometimes it would be price, sometimes uh... a competitive negotiator will be very flexible on issues of having to do with schedules, timetables, uh... your ability to handle large quantities of sales targets and other things that can't be enforced very easily later after you return to your home or office in the states. Don't fall into the trap of negotiating solely about price with uh... competitive counterparties. That might not be the real interest and the real interest uh... it might be in technology, intellectual property, or if you've invested assets uh... maybe in your customers may be your client lists uh... maybe in uh... certain other deal terms like exclusively for territory uh... competitor or negotiator uh... in united states is usually going to be very visible, usually he's after your money. In china, he may not be after your money, so it might be a lot harder to spot.The next type of negotiator we’re looking for in Chinese is the accommodator, and accommodator in China comes in two varieties: first is that guy we have discussed, secretly competitive negotiator who's gonna come up across uh... as an accommodator who's going a bend over backwards to help you, but he's really gathering information on your talk to property or your technology and your customer list, but this is not necessarily the most dangerous type of negotiators. The most dangerous accommodators: the wolf in sheep's clothing is not you were necessarily your main problem. In China kindness really can kill... because passive colleagues and partners and counterparties won’t tell you what you need to hear,the only tell you what they think you want to hear. Now in all fairness, sometimes, I feel that are telling you with gesture or with the raised eyebrow uh... by looking away, by expression on the face and you won’t pick up on it because of cultural differences and different communication styles, but still this is something beyond the lookout. The Chinese uh... as a general rule because of rules of etiquette and culture, tend to look more accommodative than westerners even though in reality they are not.A compromising and compromiser are our interesting aspects of Chinese negotiating uh... China is a consensus-oriented culture and they have a tradition of trying to smooth over difficulties and smooth over differences and this manifest itself and uh... are certain type of negotiating behavior, they come into negotiation expecting to compromise. It's very common for a Chinese salesman to set the price outrageously high. Maybe four hundred-percent above their real target, because he expects you to compromise him down to uh... two hundred-percent above what he expects uh... someone else to pay, the key here is to gather information and use your negotiating time to get usually ship building uh... opportunities to learn as much as you can and to build your own sources of information. Don't start negotiating as soon as they call item number, just because they say a five hundred doesn't mean you are required to shout back a counter offer right away.Avoiding plays a big role in the larger Chinese negotiating behavior or four percent of tactics which is quite frankly passive-aggressive. Chinese will use knowledge user insider information and use their connections to their advantageand one of the ways is to avoid engaging with you until you make the first second for it, so you may have to come back to negotiation several times and come back to negotiation counter party several times before you make actual progress. One America stations of avoidance in Chinese negotiation is that you may find it very difficult to make face-to-face contact with the actual decision maker, and you'll spend a lot of time working with subordinates even if you speak Chinese began receiving a few have translators who say it's a language issue but it might not be. They gain a lot of power by having the key decision maker avoid the face-to-face contact with you and your group, so what you've got to beware of this yes you can probably do a deal through its hierarchy or through its subordinates and the people he sends to meet with you, but you've gotta be careful because if you can't meet with him, meet face to face with the real decision maker, now when things are still relatively friendly, it may show that you can have a problem later on when thing's aren't quite that friendly.Post-listening ActivitiesVideo OneBusiness Negotiations —Business English for Negotiations Welcome to twominenglish.. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons. In this lesson you will learn how to negotiate in English.1. Negotiations on serviceMark: So Richard, I'd like to hear more about how you charge for your service.Richard: Sure, Mr. Mark. We offer one-year unlimited data storage for $2000.Mark: Can you clarify the data rate? Exactly how much data storage can be used, when you say it is unlimited?Richard: We have a fair use policy of 10 TB.Mark: Can you bring down the rates? We won't need that much storage anyway.Richard: We have 7 TB storage for 2 years at the same price. I'm sure this is the best package for you.Mark: I don't know, Mark. Let me sleep on it.2. Negotiating an d contractMark: Mr. Smith, can you please give me your best offer?Smith: Sure, Mr. Mark. I can give you 15 seconds of airtime for $2500 if you sign a contract for 100 such ads.Mark: But your price is too high. I am getting a quote for $2000 from a rival network.Smith: There's a good reason. Their viewership is also 30% smaller than ours. It actually works out to be more expensive.Mark: Hmmm... Well, I never negotiated the deal with them. Let's do this: give me a rate of $2000, and I'll sign the contract.Smith: I don't think we can afford it.Mark: Check it up with your boss, Mr. Mark. I am sure he'll give you a go ahead.。






















交通工程学第二版课程设计 (2)

交通工程学第二版课程设计 (2)





















为任 课 老 师 , 根 据 本 专业 课 程 的 知识 点 、 关 键 内容 的要 求 ,

积 极 思索 双语 教 材 的必要 性 ,结合 学生 对 双语 教材 的需 求 分析 , 结合 8 年课 堂 教学 的 实践 中收集 的学生 反馈 意见 , 在 全面 、 深 入进 行所 采 集 的 2 4次 的双 语教 学反 馈 调查 问卷 分 析 的基 础 上 , 总 结交 通工 程专 业 的教 学特 点 , 总结 该 讲议 材 料 的 5年试 用 中 的经验 与教 训 ,任课 教 师杨 孝 宽与 贺玉 龙 开展 了《 交 通 工程 导论 ( 双语 ) 》 教 材 的写 作与 出版 工作 。 三、 《 交通 工程 总论 ( 双语 ) 》 双 语教 材 的编 写 1 . 双 语教 材 的 编写 思 路 。编 著者 首 先考 虑 的 教材 的语 言选 择 , 通 过对 本 专业 相关 双语 教 材 的调研 发现 , 不少 双 语 教材 是 在各 种原 版教 材 的基 础上 , 挑选 相关 章节 组 合 , 提 供 中文 翻译 的双语 教材 。 但 是对 于交 通 工程 总论 来说 , 其 中文 教材 是我 国“ 十一 五 ” 国家 级 规划 教材 , 北京 市精 品 教材 , 但 是 学 时安 排不 适 用 于双语 教 学 ;对美 国原 版 教材 翻译 的 方 法 也 不适 用 于此 双语 教材 , 笔者 考 虑 : 双语 教 学 的 目的是 提 高学生的英语专业知识 ,提供翻译版的教材只能让其继续 依 赖 于 中文 而非 有利 于其 专业 英 语知 识 的拓展 。基于 上述 因素 , 笔 者确 定 了《 交 通工 程导 论 ( 双语 ) 》 的 编著 思路 , 以英 文 作 为本 教材 的 主要 语言 , 兼 顾 双语 教学 与便 于学 生 理解 , 对 于其 中的关 键词 汇 与用 语进 行 了双 语对应 。 2 . 注重 国 际 国内 的规范 与标 准 的对 比 。 《 交通 工程 总论 ( 双语 ) 》双 语课 程 的建 设 的 目 标 之 一是 增加 学 生 的 国际视 野 与专 业 知识 交流 能力 。在此 目标 指导 下 , 《 交通 工 程 总论 ( 双语 ) 》 教材 中加 强 了 国内外 行业 标 准与规 划 的对 比分 析 。 例 如 ,美 国的道 路分 级 标 准与 中 国道路 分级 标准 的对 比分 析。 同时 , 在道 路 服务 水平 中 , 也 增加 了对 比分 析 , 美 国将 道 路服 务水 平 划分 为 6 级 服务 水平 ,而 我 国 目前是 将 道路 服 务水 平划 分 为 4级 , 为便 于学生 的理解 与掌 握 , 在 教材 编 写 中提 供这 两 者划 分标 准 与等 级 的对 比 。 3 . 补充 行业 发 展 中 的重 点 知识 。《 交通 工 程 总论 ( 双 语) 》 双语 课程 的建设 的 目标 之一 是跟 踪行 业 发展 的最 新 趋 势与热点 问题 。 在此 目标指导下 , 《 交通工程总论 ( 双语 ) 》 教 材 中增 加 了 目前 国 内专业 教材 中少有 的 “ 犹豫 区” 的概 念及 其 计量 方 法 的 内容 。该概 念对 交叉 口交通 信号 黄灯 配 时 与 路 口交 通 安全 起着 重 要 的影 响 。 目前 , 我 国 已经在 全 国范 围 内开始 探 讨 闯黄灯 的执 法 可行 性 与有效 性 的讨 论 。 而“ 犹豫 区” 正是 闯黄 灯行 为 出现 的关 键 因素 。 本教 材所 补 充 的相关 重 点知 识 ,旨在实 现此 教材 在 行业 的最 新 发展态 势 下具 有 前 瞻性 与 时新 性 。 4 . 设立 中英文专业词汇表 。《 交通工程总论 ( 双语 ) 》 双 语 课程 教材 建设 的 目的是 为学 生提 供方 便地 感触 英 语教 学 环境 ,考虑 到交 通 工程 专业 英语 词 汇与 生活 英语 词 汇有 交 叉, 存 在着 一 词有 不 同专业 技术 方 面 的含义 , 为加 深学 生 对 交通 工 程 的专业 词 汇 的理 解 ,在 编写 《 交 通 工程 总论 ( 双 语) 》 的双语 教材 的时 , 特增 加 了一 份专业 词 汇 附表 , 将 交 通 工 程专 业 中的 部分 关 键专 业 技 术 词汇 进 行 了与 中文 解 释 ,












讲课பைடு நூலகம்








四、考勤符号:a)△事假○病假x 旷课b) /迟到Φ早退五、课程教学评价是在完成全部教学任务及试卷分析基础上,对本课程的教师水平、教学条件、教学效果、课内外活动等项内容的全面分析,特别是要结合本门学科的新知识、新技术、新进展及学生的智力水平进行分析,以促进本门课程的教学改革,提高教学质量。










Uninterrupted Flow Facilities
– Limited/No access control
• At-grade intersections • Driveway/intersections
Interrupted Flow Facilities
• Interrupted Flow Facilities
Edie’s Two-Segment Model
• Uses Greenberg’s model for the congested portion of the curve and ____________ model for the uncongested portion of the curve • Creates two capacities for the same roadway.
5. Capacity may be defined in terms of persons per hour or vehicles per hour.
Performance Measures
• Definition:
– One or more operational parameters that best describe the ___________ quality for the facility type. – Represents available measures that best describe the quality of operation on the subject facility type
– 1965 – Second Edition
• Introduced concept of level of service



Access Point Density
access po int density No. of driveways on right side in direction of travel length of sec tion(mi )
Access points on right side of roadway
– LCL=6 ft
LCL = lateral clearance from the left edge of the travel lane to obstructions in the roadway median (LCL≤ 6 ft) LCR= lateral clearance from the right edge of the travel lanes to roadside obstructions (LCR≤ 6 ft)
Without any information about the 85th Percentile Speed or Speed Limit: Rural and Suburban Locations: BFFS = 60 mph
Determine the Free-flow speed (Multilane Highway)
v p 1400 S 60 [5.00 800
v p 1400 S 55 [3.78 700
v p 1400 S 50 [3.49 600
v p 1400 S 45 [2.78 500
Total Lateral Clearance
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