2024年医学考博英语听力2024 Medical Doctoral Entrance Exam: English Listening Comprehension Requirements.The year 2024 heralds significant changes in the medical doctoral entrance examination, particularly in the area of English listening comprehension. This section aims to assess the candidates' proficiency in understanding medical terminology and concepts presented in an audio format, simulating real-world scenarios where medical professionals might encounter English-speaking patients or colleagues.1. Medical Terminology and Vocabulary.Candidates are expected to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of medical vocabulary and terminology. This includes but is not limited to anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, and other related fields. The listening passages may contain technical terms andabbreviations commonly used in medical settings.2. Comprehension of Audio Materials.The listening comprehension section may include recorded conversations between doctors and patients, medical lectures, or presentations. Candidates are required to extract key information, understand the context, and make inferences based on the audio materials.3. Speed and Accuracy.Candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to listen and respond quickly to the audio materials while maintaining accuracy. The test may include multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, or fill-in-the-blank formats to assess comprehension.4. Real-World Application.The listening comprehension section aims to simulate real-world scenarios where medical professionals mightencounter English-speaking patients or colleagues. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge of medical terminology and comprehension skills to practical situations.5. Preparation Strategies.To prepare for the English listening comprehension section of the medical doctoral entrance exam, candidates can follow these strategies:Familiarize yourself with medical vocabulary and terminology. Create a study guide or flashcards with key terms and their definitions.Practice listening to medical-related audio materials. This can include podcasts, recorded lectures, or medical-themed movies and documentaries.Develop your listening skills by practicing with multiple audio formats. This can include understanding different accents, speeds, and backgrounds.Work on your speed and accuracy by taking timed practice tests. This will help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam.Practice in a simulated exam environment. This can include wearing headphones or listening to the audio materials in a quiet room to replicate the exam conditions.In conclusion, the English listening comprehension section of the 2024 medical doctoral entrance exam aims to assess candidates' proficiency in understanding medical terminology and concepts presented in an audio format. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of medical vocabulary, the ability to comprehend audio materials quickly and accurately, and the application of these skills to real-world scenarios. Preparation strategies such as familiarizing yourself with medical vocabulary, practicing with medical-related audio materials, and working on speed and accuracy can help candidates succeed in this section of the exam.。
肺恶性上⽪性肿瘤(⼆)鳞状细胞癌和鳞状分化的癌课程中都有哪些知识点讲:肺恶性上⽪性肿瘤(⼆)鳞状细胞癌和鳞状分化的癌今天,跟着复旦⼤学附属肿瘤医院的郑强⽼师的学习笔记,⼀起来复习下第四第四讲:吧!复旦⼤学附属肿瘤医院病理科郑强肺和胸膜肿瘤病理体系化课程肺恶性上⽪性肿瘤(⼆)第四讲鳞状细胞癌和鳞状分化的癌2015年WHO 鳞癌分类鳞状细胞癌⾓化性鳞状细胞癌⾮⾓化性鳞状细胞癌基底样鳞状细胞癌浸润前病变鳞状细胞原位癌1、鳞状细胞癌常见⾓化和/或细胞间桥,或表达鳞状细胞标记⽽形态学为未分化⾮⼩细胞癌;鳞状细胞癌发病率现低于腺癌,约占所有肺癌的20%,男⼥⽐为 2.1:1;与吸烟关系密切;接触重⾦属、氡和砷与鳞癌发⽣相关;HPV感染也与鳞癌相关;病理表现肿瘤⼤多位于主⽀⽓管或叶⽀⽓管,约1/3位于周边区;⼤体上,肿瘤灰⽩质脆;当纤维组织显著增⽣,质地变坚实;⼤者中央可有坏死和空腔形成;可堵塞⽀⽓管腔;镜下,依据有⽆⾓化、⾓化珠和/或细胞间桥区分为⾓化性和⾮⾓化性⾓化性和⾮⾓化性鳞癌,依据肿瘤细胞分化程度和异型性⼜可区分为⾼、中和低分化;免疫表型:肿瘤细胞表达p40,p63,CK5或CK5/6,不表达TTF1(⾮⾓化性鳞癌偶尔可局灶性弱表达TTF1)。
鳞状细胞癌的遗传学改变存在许多染⾊体区的频发性扩增或丢失肺鳞癌中涉及的基因:SOX2扩增约20%TP63扩增达88%PIK3CA扩增约40%PIK3CA突变 3.6-6.5%PTEN突变 10%AKT1突变达7%2、基底样鳞状细胞癌(Basoloid squamous cell carcinoma)形态学上缺乏鳞状细胞特征⽽免疫组化上表达鳞状细胞标记物;瘤细胞⼩,似基底细胞,排列成分叶状,周边呈栅栏状;> 50%,按WHO定义应归⼊基底样鳞癌;肿瘤内可有⾓化性和⾮⾓化性鳞癌成分,但基底样成分>免疫表型与⼀般的鳞癌相同,不表达TTF1,也不表达神经内分泌标记物(CgA,Syn,CD56);分⼦遗传学上则不同于⼀般的鳞癌;基底样鳞癌的预后⽐其他⾮⼩细胞肺癌差。
如果时间利用的充分,但只就西综而言,就可以完成生理的复习哦,今天我们还是接着复习生理部分的知识!两种突触后电位一、快兴奋性突触后电位(快EPSP)1.定义:突触后膜在某种神经递质(兴奋性递质)作用下产生的局部去极化电位变化2.性质:为局部电位,具有局部电位的性质3.形成机制:兴奋性递质作用于突触后膜的相应受体后膜对Na+和 K +的通透性增大,使后膜出现去极化4.离子基础:Na+内流> K+外流,发生净内向电流兴奋/抑制:使突触后神经元兴奋5.举例:脊髓前角运动神经元接受肌梭的传人纤维投射而形成的突触联系二、快抑制性突触后电位(快IPSP)1.定义:突触后膜在某种神经递质(抑制性递质)作用下产生的局部超极化电位变化2.性质:为局部电位 ,具有局部电位的性质3.形成机制:抑制性递质作用于突触后膜的相应受体,后膜对Cl-的通透性增大,使后膜出现局部超极化4.离子基础:Cl-内流,发生外向电流;还可能与突触后膜钾通道的开放或钠通道和钙通道的关闭有关5.兴奋/抑制:使突触后神经元抑制6.来自伸肌肌梭的传入冲动在兴奋脊髓伸肌运动神经元的同时,通过抑制性中间神经元抑制脊髓屈肌运动神经元。
神经元兴奋时,首先产生动作电位的部位是轴突始段两种神经纤维胆碱能纤维:① 支配骨骼肌的运动神经纤维;② 所有自主神经节前纤维;③ 大多数副交感神经节后纤维(除少数释放肽类或嘌呤类递质的纤维外);④ 少数交感神经节后纤维(如支配多数小汗腺的纤维和支配骨骼肌血管的舒血管纤维)肾上腺素能纤维:多数交感神经节后纤维(除支配汗腺和骨骼肌血管的交感胆碱能纤维外)M受体和N受体M受体(毒蕈碱受体)生理效应:①心脏活动抑制;② 支气管平滑肌收缩(支气管痉挛)、胃肠平滑肌收缩(胃肠活动增强)、膀胱逼尿肌收缩、虹膜环形肌收缩(瞳孔缩小);③消化腺、汗腺分泌增加;④ 骨骼肌血管舒张N 受体(烟碱受体)生理效应:① 使自主神经节后神经元兴奋(激活N1受体)② 使骨骼肌收缩(激活N2受体)反射的类型① 非条件反射:生来就有、数量有限,无需大脑皮层的参与② 条件反射:后天学习和训练而形成的反射,数量无限,主要中枢部位在大脑皮层感受器生理特性感受器的适宜刺激:如一定频率的机械振动是耳蜗毛细胞的适宜刺激感受器的换能作用:刺激---感受器或发生器电位(均为局部电位)---到达阈电位---爆发动作电位感受器的编码功能:感觉系统将刺激信号转变为可识别的感觉信号感受器的适应现象:动作电位频率将随刺激持续的延长而降低总结:神经系统内容比较多,但考察来看难度不大,需要下气力好好记忆背诵,第一遍一定要把框架构建好,只有这样记忆才会有条理!加油,为梦想拼命向前冲!编辑:医考帮乔学姐。
精心整理学霸笔记第一复习梯队(300分)1.消化系统 (02)2.呼吸系统 (41)3.心血管系统 (62)4.女性生殖系统 (92)5.儿科系统 (148)6.精神神经系统 (188)第二复习梯队(150分)其他14.生化15.生理16.17.免疫18.病理19.药理20.21.22.23.预防两大机制:抗反流防御机制的减弱和反流物对食管粘膜的攻击作用。
蒋跃教授医学考博写作范文蒋跃教授医学考博写作范文Drill 1 SampleWith the increasing involvement of the public in healthcare, health education is becoming more and more important increasingly. In some Western countries, vigorous, overall and multi-level health education has proved cost-effective in preventing and treating expensive and almost incurable chronic noninfectious diseases. It can improve the health of all the citizens as a whole. Some scholars even claim that whoever master health education master their own health and destiny. Both WHO and China have prioritized nationwide health education and called for more public involvement in it.What should China do for its health education? First, China’s health education suffers from little attention and investment ,chaotic manage****nd lack of teaching resources. Experts propose that to meet people’s needs for health education , a rational nationwide health education network be soon established and such a specialty be opened in medical schools and more such teachers be trained. Second, China should establish its deplorable community health network and service. WHO proposes that everyone enjoy professional health care and education form birth to death. Besides, health education needs doctors’ cooperation. They should not only d iagnose and prescribe but offer advice as health educators. Various health education services such as psychiatric centers, children problems centers, etc. should be put up.To conclude, more attention, involve****nd people should be involved in China’s hea lth education.Drill 2 SampleTrends in the 21st Century MedcineIn this essay, the writer sums up 6 trends in modern medicine in the 21st century predicted by scientists.Molecular biology will lead medical disciplines. Biotech and biomedical engineering will become the leading medical technology, evoking more developments in other medical fields.Medicine will become more wholistic, comprehensive and pluralistic, interweaving with natural, social and engineering sciences and technologies.Medicine will play a greater role in the society and become socialized instead of more specialized. The medical mode will change its present biological mode to a biological-psychological-social mode.The traditional purpose of medicine is only to treat and cure patients and prolong their lives. However, in the 21st century, the purpose of medicine will include prevention and healthcare, treat****nd cure, remedy of pains and agonies of illness, prevention of early death and promotion of euthanasia.There will be 10 breakthroughs in the 21st century medicine, including genetic engineering, successful transplant of most human organs, satisfactory treatment of 75% of cancers, longer lifespan, effective treatment of cardiovascular and genetic disease, more preventive vaccines,optional gender conception and birth, better bionic artificial organs, breakthroughs in brain research and worldwide network of medical information.Drill 3 SampleWeather condition is one of the important factors that constitute our living environment. Weather condition and its changes can affect/influence not only human physiological health but also psychological health.Researchers have found that favorable weather can please and excise people and improve their efficiency whereas unfavorable weather can make people unhappy, gloomy, listless, and even cause ****l disorders. Studies show that hot, wet and rainy weather is unfavorable to man’s psychological health. A WHO report indicates that the EI Nino in 1982 and 1983 caused about 100,000 cases of hypochndria and other ****l disorders in the world and worse, more traffic accidents.Although low temperature weather is good for the mind, man’s ****l status might fluctuate and become abnormal when the temperature comes up. Rising temperature may even cause a rise in crime rates, said some experts.Rainy season can make people lazy, listless and put them in low spirit. This is caused by rising secretion of certain chemical in the body.To conclude, weather condition has a significant effect on human being’s psychological health. This has caused the attention from psychologists, behaviorists and management experts and some precautions have been taken against its bad effects.Drill 4 SamplePersonally, character in broad sense, includes temperament, quality, ability, aura, hobbies, etc. Modern science finds personality is closely related to health. This article is a brief discussion of this relationship.Scientist discover that people with a competitive, quick tempera****re likely to have cardiovascular diseases and those often pressing their anger are susceptible to hypertension, whereas some other people might suffer from ulcers. Simply speaking, people of different personality are susceptible to different diseases.Scientists also think that despite that genetic qualities form the basis of personality, the development of personality usually depends on later environ****nd education. Some inherently outward people might become introvert and depressed due to some strong excitement or defeats, or vice versa.Actually, personality and health affect each other greatly. A healthy, cheerful and optimistic personality is good to health while a weak, pessimistic one might influence one’s personality.In conclusion, as personality and health are closely related to each other, we should try to improve our personality to be a cheerful, optimistic and healthy one if we want to enjoy a better health.Drill 5 SampleDoctor-Patient Relationship in Psychiatric TherapyDoctor-patient relationship in psychiatric therapy is unique. It is a brand new one, close and constructive. It can be helpful and contributive to the therapy.Such a new connection is based on 3 basic demands. First, the doctor shouldn’t criticize the patient. Such an impartial attitude can help the psychiatrist understand what the patient whereas a condescending or critical approach can be harmful to the treatment. Second, don’t make choices and decisions for the patient . Otherwise, his independence, initiative and potential cannot be fully utilized. Third, the doctor must be impartial and keep a balanced distance from the patient and all the sides in their inner conflicts.It also helps the doctor understand the patient if they are on good terms. This intimacy has to be maintained, which helps both the doctor and the patient in the long run.The relationship is regarded as constructive in that it helps the doctor and the patient understand each other, strengthens the latter’s self-confidence and dignity, self-reliance and tap his potentials. To conclude, for better effects, a new kind of relationship between the doctor and the patient should be established in psychiatric therapy, which should be intimate and constructive.Drill 6Behavioral Prescription, a New DrugIt is said that one’s happiness is determined by his physical and psychological fitness. One’s state of mind or mood can be regulated/readjusted by bodily behaviors as some experts point out. This is called “behavioral prescription”, which invo lves laughter, crying, sports, dancing and singing. Here is a discussion of this prescription.The method has been proved by modern science to be effective. It is found that crying can reduce psychological stress as it releases some harmful chemicals from the body. On the other hand , laughter can improve one’s immunity by increasing a favorable chemical in the body. Besides, when laughing, muscles in our internal organs move more actively. Scientists also find that dancing and gymnastic exercises can be more effective for some chronic diseases of the aged than medicinal therapy. The crazy stress from life and work of today can cause some psychologically abnormal behaviors and symptoms, which, can also be relieved by following behavioral prescription instead of instruments or medicine.To conclude, behavioral prescription, a new medical concept, is more and more popular with both doctors and patients and will be a brighter future.Drill 7 SampleThere has been a psychological phenomenon almost everyone has had. It is called “conformity complex”. This article is a discussion of it.What is conformity complex then? It occurs when one is affected so much by others or peers that he gives up his own idea or opinion and conforms to others’ idea or behavior. People tend to do so when pressed by others. For example, it is easy to change one’s mind when shopping with friends or companions. The complex can be divided into two kinds: conformity to what others think and say, and the other is following suit. But both are somewhat blind. Here is an example. Once, one or two persons began to run for some reason of their own. Before long, others began to follow them and ran. Onlookers didn’t know what happened but they too began to run in the end, resulting in a running crowd.In a word, conformity complex is an act of following suit blindly and without independent thinking. It has both negative and positive sides of its own. If we can overcome its negative aspect and rationally utilize its positive aspect, we can improve our social morale and customs for bettersocial order.Drill 8 SampleWhat Should We be Cautious About After SARS?With the SARS epidemic ebbing, people are becoming less afraid of it. However, isn’t there anything we should be cautious about to prevent crisis like this? An expert with Peking University pointed that there are many diehard unhealthy habits we should get rid of for this purpose. First, get rid of our stubborn unhealthy habits. For example, we should learn to wash hands after going to restroom, shopping, counting money, etc. At dinner, we should have a separate portion of food instead of sharing from common dishes to avoid contacting each other’s saliva. We should protect wild animals rather than eat them. A lesson from the SARS is that abuse of wild animals may result in human contraction of bacteria or viruses from wild animals.Second, public health morality and ethics should be strongly advocated. People should refrain from smoking in public, littering, spitting, etc. SARS epidemic indicates that insecurity in public health has endangered our health and life.Third, health education should be promoted on a large scale, especially among farmers. It can distribute health knowledge, help improving the population’s physical con stitution and help prevent diseases especially infectious diseases by strengthening cooperation between health educational agencies and hospitals.Conclusively, it is urgent that we get rid of our old and bad sanitary habits and form new and healthy habits to prevent the spreading of infectious disease like SARS.Drill 9 SampleSince 1960s, despite rapid advances in medical therapies and technologies man’s total death rate hasn’t decreased/dropped . Instead, it has somehow risen. Researchers think this is due to our bad/unhealthy life style.Studies found that bad life style includes habits such as smoking, drinking, drug abuse, overeating, etc. Deaths caused by diseases related to these habits account for 48% of all the deaths. Therefore, it is very important to live in a healthy manner/style/way. Besides, self-healthcare, health education, etc. should be promoted all over the country.There is one mistaken idea among people about medical care. That is the over-dependence on doctors for people’s health whil e ignoring their own role in healthcare.In conclusion, in this age of life style, people should depend on themselves, a healthy life style and self-healthcare than on doctors for a long, happy and healthy life.Drill 10 SampleIt has long been discovered that colors can affect ****l and physical health of human beings and have some curative effects on diseases. Medical experts have long been trying to use colors in clinical treat****nd have made some remarkable progress.Modern scientists have revealed that colors can affect human beings psychologically, physiologically, chemically and physically. For example, the color blue can have a calming/sedating effect, and orange, a warm color, a pleasing effect. More importanlly, green is good for the nerves of th e eye. It can also be used to lower one’s skin temperature, slow downheartbeat and blood circulation, to name just a few. Some doctors have applied white to lower/decrease blood pressure, and amber to create an ideal curative environment for patients with ****l disorder, and brown to help post-operative patients heal/recover more quickly.Colors have been proven to be useful clinically by many doctors and are being applied by more and more doctors.Drill 11 SampleIn this essay, the important of humanistic spirit to community health service is discussed. A humanistic and patient-oriented rather than doctor-oriented approach should be adopted by community health service, general practitioners and hospitals, which can help improve their medical service quality.Actually, all the health-care reforms should also be carried out in the wholistic, social and humanistic way of community health service. Doctor and general practitioners should not de-individualize the relationship with patients. Instead, they should take their patients as individual human beings rather than objects, showing real concern and responsibility. In this way some common mistakes made by doctors could have been avoided. In fact, some diseases can be treated by doctors’ heartfelt and human c oncern instead of nonchalantly prescribed medication. In this aspect, general practitioners in Japan and the United States have set a good example of real concern over their patients. Their painstaking effort has brought about remarkable drop in disease morality incidence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, etc.To be short, a humanistic spirit should be carried out throughout medical education and community health-care system. In this way, we can cure not only bodily defects but also ****l and beh avioral disorders and thus eventually improve people’s health to a great extent.Drill 12 SampleTraditional Chinese Medicine Excels ItselfFaced with increasing incidence of AIDS and number of HIV carriers in China, the combat against AIDS, had been plagued by the lack of medicine for AIDS and the high cost of treatment. It is in this difficult combat with the epidemic. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has excelled itself. Since 1990s, China has established many TCM institutes and projects on AIDS. Recent years see TCM outpatient specialized in AIDS and some clinical diagnostic kits and techniques have been developed and applied clinically. TCM service treat****re provided for high-risk AIDS areas and for poor people there. Besides, more TCM professionals have joined the a? against AIDS and some research an discoveries have been made.More importantly, some pharmacological discoveries have been made. About 70 TCM drugs have been developed than can inhibit HIV to some extent. Some TCM patent medicines, clinically verified, can activate T cells, NK cells and improve immune functions and inhibit HIV directly. Conclusively, TCM treatment of AIDS is effective for AIDS and have many advantages but little side effects. If further and greatly supported by the government, the society and all walks of life, TCM will contribute more to the curb of the spreading of AIDS in China.Drill 13 SampleAging usually brings about many functional recessions such as indigestion, arteriosclerosis, and other ****bolic dysfunctions. However, scientists find that these hypofunctions are actuallycaused by irrational diets or eating habits. This article discussed this problem and the solution to it.First, balanced diet with more vegetables than animal food is especially good for the old people. Second, less staple food and less salt in food should be suggested for the aged because over-consumption of these two can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Third, more bean foods which usually contribute to cardiovascular diseases. Finally, doctors always advise people eat more fruit to regulate their digestion, ****bolism and cardiovascular balance.In a word, a balanced diet, more vegetable food instead of fat food are of the first significant to the health of the aged and a long life.Drill 14 SampleDo you know that sound, light and colors affect us emotionally? They do, health experts say. First, sound affects us. Long presence in a soundless environment causes gloom, depression, and dysphoria whereas a noisy and raucous environment causes stress, frustration and anxiety. Melodious and beautiful music calm and relax upset patients, especially pregnant women and joyous and exciting music cheer up gloomy patients.Second, light affects us too. Dim light causes cachexia and absent-mindedness. In winter, with short daylight, it is easy to become dispirited and absent-minded. A survey found that traffic accidents happen more frequently between 6 and 8pm than in other parts of the day, probably because the dim illumination distracts people. In bright light, people tend to be concentrated, cheerful and thus less accidents happen.Third, so does color. Red excites people, blue calms, black displeases and threatens. A bridge in London used to claim many people killing themselves by jumping from it. After an investigation, a scientist thought the black color of the bridge was to blame. But his advice was ignored until ten years later when government painted the bridge blue. Miracle happened. The number of suicides on it promptly dropped by 56.4%.Obviously, sound, light and color do affect people’s feelings greatly.Drill 15 SampleNowdays, more city people a re becoming aware of “subhealth”. The problem is characterized by panic, short breath, listlessness, dizziness, headache, insomnia, etc. But it’s hard to find anything wrong by instruments in these cases. If you have these problems, you are subhealthy, or, have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Survey indicate that many white-collar workers or intellectuals have various subhealth symptoms. Some clinics have been established in some Chinese cities, which are devoted to psychiatric massage for patients in subhealth.Subhealth is usually caused by overloaded social information which causes excite****nd thussubhealth pathological basis. Obviously, it is a gray condition between healthy and unhealthy conditions, a disorder of the body and mind. Experts think the high risk factors causing subhealthy conditions are closely related to the unhealthy life style and behaviors of the modern people, such as high tempo of life, stress, smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, etc.Since females are more susceptible to CFS than males, doctors suggest that they keep calm prevent constipation, speak less and keep warm in cold seasons.Simply put, subhealth is not a disease but a physical and ****l disorder, caused by too much work pressure, hurried pace of life and sedentary life. To overcome it, relax yourself and live in a healthy and active style.。
考博外科学外科学总论(共50分)⼀名词解释:1.基因诊断2.⾼温灭菌法3.NHSTR4.GHTRS5.MODS⼆简答题:1 简述外科疾病的分类2 外科⼿术进⾏中的⽆菌原则3 感染性休克的治疗三问答题低渗性缺⽔的定义病因临床表现诊断治疗普外科各论(50分)⼀名词解释mastopathy 原发性腹膜炎strangulated hernia (狂晕刚意识到答成绞窄性肠梗阻了)abdominal compartment syndrome 第五个忘了⾼选择⾏迷⾛神经切断术(英⽂)⼆问答题甲状腺功能亢进症的病因术前术中注意事项⼿术适应症⼿术禁忌症术后常见并发症及处理原则原发性肝癌的病因病理临床表现诊断和鉴别诊断治疗2007年第⼆军医⼤学考博普通外科学⼀、多选题(12题,每题1分)1、腹腔镜⼿术禁忌:2、能叩诊出移动性浊⾳的腹腔积液:A、100ml B、200ml C、300ml D、400ml E、⼤于500ml3、急性胰腺炎⾎淀粉酶的变化:4、胆囊癌最佳的诊断⽅法:B超、CT、ERCP、?、?5、⼩⼉肠扭转病例6、肝脓肿病例7、以下胃、⼗⼆指肠穿孔描述不正确的是:⼆、填空题(8分)1、影响胃癌预后的因素有:(7空)2、下消化道出⾎的诊断⽅法有:(5空)3、下肢深静脉栓塞分为四型:_____型(4空)三、名词解释(6分,每题2分)1、buerger病2、charcot 综合征3、TME四、问答题1、家族性结肠息⾁病的发病原理、诊断、⼿术⽅式、术后随访原则?(20分)2、甲亢术后并发症及处理?(24分)3、肠梗阻按梗阻原因的分类;肠梗阻的治疗原则以及⾮⼿术治疗⽅法?(30分)第三军医⼤学2013博⼠普外专业⼀、名词解释1、richer疝2、倾倒综合征(英⽂)3、布加综合征(英⽂)4、⼆、简答题1、乳腺癌根治术切除范围2、胰腺癌⼿术切除范围3、简述直肠癌超低位保肛术4、chiold分级及其临床意义三、问答题1、急性梗阻性黄疸治疗原则2、论述胃癌外科治疗的最新进展2013南京医科⼤学普外科学(总论+普外)考博真题回忆版简答4分*61、创伤组织修补基本过程?2、30秒内确定⼼搏骤停的⽅法?3、输⾎后常见并发症?4、低钾的常见病因?5、营养⽀持⽅法选择原则?6、⼿术中的⽆菌原则?问答19分*41、胰腺假性囊肿的⼿术指征、⽅式、要点?2、甲状腺⼿术并发症及治疗?3、腹膜后⼗⼆指肠破裂诊断依据及治疗?4、完善的科研设计标志有哪些?第三军医⼤学2013年外科专业基础之⼈体解剖真题名词解释:胸⾻⾓纵隔膜迷路动脉韧带肺段简答脑屏障的主要特点喉的结构,运动及功能的关系胆汁的产⽣,排出的主要特点问答⽪质核束的主要特点内脏传导通路的主要特点迷⾛神经的主要特点腰丛的主要特点2013中⼭⼤学博⼠⽣⼊学考试(普外)1糖⽪质激素外科感染性休克2糖尿病围术期准备要点3开放⽓胸处理原则4影像学在泌尿系结⽯的诊断应⽤5胃癌腹腔镜禁忌6胆管囊性扩张的分型7下肢静脉体格检查名称8外科真菌感染因素和抗真菌药物9切⼝裂开预防10⿊⾊素瘤的临床表现11CEA.AFP.CA199.CA125.PSA,中⽂名称及诊断价值12门脉⾼压⾮⼿术治疗及贲门⾎管离断理由13 低渗性缺⽔的原因14乳腺癌分⼦分型及治疗建议15胃癌根治原则,根治划分,远端胃癌根治切除范围16慢性胰腺炎⼿术指征,⼿术原则,⼿术⽅式。
根据老师上课的录音整理的,由于音质不好以及老师的口音问题,听的不是很清楚,有些地方可能有些错误,仅供参考啦~~祝考试顺利~~~——CYP 1@第一章药理学总论药物:是指可以改变或查明机体的生理功能及病理状态,可用以预防、诊断和治疗疾病的物质。
一、医学考博英语语法基础1.谓语动词2.非谓语动词1.谓语动词(1)时态变化--结构完整才是谓语动词一般态——do: did, do/does, will do进行态——be doing: was/ were doing, am/is/are doing, will be doing 完成态——have done: had done, have/has done, will have done 1998-31. Many of the natural areas where wild animals live are being destroyed. So zoos in the United States and other countries___31___to prevent rare animals from disappearing. The program is called captive breeding.A.workB.are workingC.have workedD.have been working 一般态:惯常的状态一般过去时态:过去惯常一般现在时态:一直惯常一般将来时态:将来惯常进行态:过去进行时态——过去+过去/现在现在进行时态——现在+现在/将来将来进行时态——将来完成态:过去完成时态——过过+过去医学考博英语语法基础讲义现在完成时态——过去+现在将来完成时态——现在/将来+将来完成进行态:过去完成进行时态——过过+过去+现在现在完成进行时态——过去+现在+将来做题步骤:优先依照时间提示:整句时态一致再者依照文章已知内容:整段时态一致形式先于含义1998-35. This rare monkey’s only natural home is the forests on the Atlantic Coast of Brazil. In 1970, only two percent of those forests remained. The rest ___35___ destroyed to build towns.A.wasB.wereC.had to beD.had been1998-42. Another rare animal is called Przewalski’s Horse. These horses ___42___in Mongolia. They disappeared from the wild in 1968.A.liveB.were livingC.are used to livinged to live1998-44. Today, there are one thousand Przewalski’s Horses in zoos. Oliver Ryder of the Zoological society of San Diego says the greatest problem now ___44___a safe place for the horses to live in the wild.A.is findingB.will be findingC.is going to findD.has to find(2)语态变化--结构完整才是谓语动词主动语态:主语do 宾语被动语态:宾语be done by 主语被动语态是主宾倒装例. The Minister of Finance is believed ________ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.A.that he is thinkingB. to be thinkingC. that he is to thinkD. to think(3)情态变化can/ couldmay/ mightshall/ shouldwill/ wouldmustneedought to2001-31. Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century ___31___ silent reading become commonplace. A. would B. should C. did D. could2.非谓语动词(1)理解本质非谓语非动词do does did doing done to do(2)功能用法doing:done:to do:2005-55. Mr. Allen doesn’t only introduce his students to major probl ems ___55___ in4 / 8marriage such as illness or unemployment.A.to faceB.facingC.having facedD.faced2009-54. Even while traveling, there are many wireless computers, portable devices, wireless phones and PDAs ___54___.A.to choose fromB.to chooseC.choosing fromD.chosen2009-59. ___59___ the vast increases in processing power, games are quickly approaching three-dimensional realism.A.Aiding byB.To aid byC.Aided byD.To be aided by3.谓语动词与倒装(1)正装: 主语+谓语The house stands on the beach.I seldom met such a brave man.He did little to help in the crisis.A.完全倒装: 谓语+主语The house stands on the beach.On the beach stands the house.His votes is within 50 million.Within 50 million is his votes.B.部分倒装: 谓语1部分+主语+谓语2部分主语have worked主语is working主语works主语workedOnly+状语(介词短语,副词,状语从句)…谓语1部分+主语+谓语2部分You can come up with the solution to the problem only in this way. Only in this way can you come up with the solution to the problem. So(表示“如此,这般”)…谓语1部分+主语+谓语2部分The film was so instructive that the students wanted to see it again. So instructive was the film that the students wanted to see it again.. 否定意义词(状语)…谓语1部分+主语+谓语2部分I seldom met such a brave man.Seldom did I meet such a brave man.He did little to help in the crisis.Little did he do to help in the crisis.They have the right to limithow much vitamin you wantto take for no reason.For no reason do they havethe right to limit how muchvitamin you want to take.78.Only recently _____ to deal with the problem.A.something has doneB.has something doneC.has something been doneD.something has been done79.Not until Columbus discovered America ____ to Europe.A.bananas were broughtB.bananas broughtC.are bananas broughtD.were bananas brought80.At no time _____ to swim alone.A.shouldn’t we allow themB.we should allow themC.should allow we themD.should we allow them76._____ had I gone out than I heard the sound of the subway train.A.No soonerB.ScarcelyC.As soon asD.Hardly81.Wood does not conduct electricity, ______.A.nor rubber doesB.nor does rubberC.also doesn’t rubberD.so doesn’t rubber84._____ did Mary accept the job.A.Because it was interesting workB.The work was interestingC.Only because it was interestingD.Only because it was interesting work83.He didn’t tell me where he had spent his vacation, to know.A.neither I caredB.neither did I careC.I didn’t careD.not did I care85.Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre _____ the curtain went up.A.thanB.whenC.beforeD.as86.It is going to be fine tomorrow. _______.A.So is it.B.So it is.C.So it does.D.So does it.87.Little _____ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger.A.she caredB.she may careC. may she careD.did she care90.So far the story is from being true that I was surprised anyone could have believed it was so.91.Surveys show th6at not only we need less sleep than we think, but also that too much sleep could even harm our healt。
如;镇痛药大类 1.吗啡生物碱包括盐酸吗啡,再细分小类结构式特点基团3-酚羟基。
①《医学分子生物学》,查锡良主编,人民卫生出版社, 20XX年11月
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01 编者序
02 第一章 认知中医
03 第二章 中医基础
第三章 养生之本:养 心
05 第四章 体质养生
06 第五章 运动养生
07 第六章 食养原则
09 第八章 妇 科 保 健
08 第七章 儿 童 保 健 010 第九章 老年病保养
011 第十章 中 药 养 生
第十二章 房 事 养 生
第十一章 经络穴位养 生
北京大学医学部教授蒋文跃用简明的语言、丰富的例证为您揭开中医的神秘面纱,系统全面、深入浅出地告 诉您,中医养生的核心是什么,我们具体应该怎样做。本书分上下册,按照认知中医、中医基础、养生之本、体 质养生、运动养生、食养原则、儿童保健、妇科保健、老年病保养、中药养生、经络穴位养生、房事养生等12个 备受关注的健康主题层层递进,一次性讲透大众应该了解的中医养生的原理和方法。读罢本书,即便您毫无医学 基础,也能将迅速掌握中医养生知识并运用到生活中,帮您和家人从生理到心理都获得健康,从此拥有高质量的 生活。
第一章 认知中医
第二章 中医基础
第三章 养生之本:养心
第四章 体质养生
第五章 运动养生
第六章 食养原则
第七章 儿 童 保 健
第八章 妇 科 保 健
第九章 老年病保养
第十章 中 十二章 房 事 养 生
全国医学博士统一考试 外科学总论 培训
1. 外科学基本理论知识:包括外科学的历史、发展、基本原则、临床思维等。
2. 外科学常见疾病和疾病管理:学员将学习各种外科疾病的病因、发病机制、临床表现、诊断和治疗方法。
3. 外科技术和手术技巧:学员将学习外科手术的基本原理和操作技巧。
4. 外科学研究方法和论文写作:学员将学习外科学研究的基本方法和技巧,包括文献检索、实验设计、数据统计和论文写作等。
大苗串讲基础课笔记生理学Na+泵转出3 个Na+转入2 个K+,同时消耗一个ATP,当细胞外钾离子浓度增多时被激活静息时钾离子的通透性最大,静息电位由钾离子外流形成人工地增加离体神经纤维浸浴液中的K+浓度,则该神经纤维静息电位的绝对值和动作电位的幅度将均减小需要休息:甲亢,醛固酮增多,Cushing综合征,输入葡萄糖,洋地黄中毒,胃肠减压,恶心呕吐腹泻,U波需要用力(常力不从心):便秘,呼衰,挤压伤综合征,Addison综合症,棚形T波,K+浓度升高,静息电位负值缩小,兴奋性提高,可发生轻度肌肉颤动和肌痛;明显升高时,动作电位幅度减小,兴奋性反而降低;一般从下肢股四头肌开始,表现为行走困难、站立不稳影响神经纤维动作电位幅度的主要因素是细胞内、外的Na+ 浓度其动作电位传导的特点是呈双向传导触发神经末梢释放递质的离子是Ca2+形成血浆胶体渗透压的主要物质是白蛋白属于等张溶液的是0.85%NaCl红细胞生成所需的原料蛋白质和铁是合成血红蛋白的基本原料。
维生素B12和叶酸是合成核苷酸必要辅助因子外源性凝血系统的作用起始于组织受伤释放组织因子III,能增强抗凝血酶III抗凝作用的物质是肝素血清与血浆的主要不同点是前者不含纤维蛋白原AB 血型人的红细胞膜上和血清中分别含A、B凝集原,不含抗A抗B凝集素玻片法:主侧供者RBC+受者血清次侧供者血清+受者RBC晶体渗透压维持细胞内外水平衡,保持RBC正常形态和功能;胶体渗透压调节毛细血管内外水平衡,维持血浆容量。
后负荷对心室而言,大动脉压起着后负荷的作用心指数等于心率×每搏输出量/体表面积心室肌细胞动作电位的主要特征是有缓慢的2期平台,Ca2+内流,不应期延长窦房结细胞动作电位0期去极化是由于Ca2+内流房室延搁一般发生于兴奋在房室交界内传导时急性失血时最先出现的调节反应是交感神经兴奋使冠状动脉血流量增多的因素是心室舒张期延长,冠脉血管深埋于心肌,心缩时影响血流心室肌细胞有效不应期相当于收缩期+舒张早期胸膜腔负压↑→肺部血液储留↑→回心血量↓→心排出量↓→使中心静脉压↓表面活性物质肺泡Ⅱ型细胞分泌二软脂酰磷脂降低表面张力体内CO2 分压最高的部位是组织液CO2 在血液中运输的主要方式是形成碳酸氢盐中枢化学感受器对H离子的敏感性较外周的高,为外周化学感受器25倍(CO2)【Hermès】低O2对呼吸的刺激作用完全是通过外周化学感受器实现的胃肠内在神经丛包括粘膜下神经丛和肌间神经丛刺激小肠粘膜释放促胰液素的最强物质是 盐酸促促胰液素(酸碱中和)刺激小肠粘膜释放胆囊收缩素的最强物质是蛋白质分解产物胆囊收缩素(促胰酶素):蛋白分解物>脂肪酸>盐酸,消化蛋白质是胃肠道最艰巨,最主要任务胃大部分切除患者出现贫血,其主要原因是内因子减少(壁细胞)混合食物完全排空需4~6小时小肠液内的肠致活酶可以激活胰蛋白酶原,胰蛋白酶可自我激活胰蛋白酶原吸收胆盐、维生素B的主要部位是回肠(胆盐已发挥完作用,VB12在回肠)维生素A 是脂溶性,食物中胡罗卜素在肠壁内能转为维生素A。
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2007蒋跃北京辅导班听课录音目录MP3序号内容序号内容起始时间终止时间1 ①Warming up 0 55②Vocabulary Drill Plus 1 662 ①Close3 ①串讲4 ①Writing总论0 40②Practice Test 4 40 1105 ①Listening 0 30②Vocabulary Drill 1 30 80③Writing:Practice Test 2 80 906 ①Writing:Practice Test 2 0 34②Listening:Practice Test 3 34 71③Close Drill 2 and 3 81 1047 ①Listening + 听力营养词汇0 50②Vocabulary Drill 2 51 958 ①Writing:Practice Test 3 0 10②作文\听力常用词汇10 65③Listening:M04 659 ①Writing:M05 0 36②Listening:M05 37 5510 ①Reading:M05 0 7②Vocabulary:M05 8 40③Close:M05 41 5511 Reading12 ①Writing:过劳死0 20②Listening:Practice Test 5 21 5513 ①Listening:M06 0 18②Writing:M06 19 48③Vocabulary:M06 50 8014 ①Close:M06 0 12②Reading:M06 12 23③Writing Drill 13 23 5515 ①Listening:Medical Lisening(26页) 0 11②词汇发散扩充11 5616 考前注意事项和作文预测注意事项:u电脑播放的效果不佳,请务必用MP3听本录音;u第1、2和3号录音由于技术原因效果不是很好;u起始终止时间的单位为:分钟;课堂笔记要点词汇:1 词汇一般占10% a 不是考核内容 b 不构成理解障碍 c 掌握则有利于做题2 短语逐年增多,需注意3 提干信息少,难度高如何扩大词汇量1 将陌生词划出,反复浏览切勿背诵2 进度第一遍+第二遍=2天3 巧用本套练习册及模拟试题4 抄写10套词汇题的选项及下划线的词语,重点标出反复出现的词汇,每天50个解题技巧――――选项与划线词相似的大多都是错误的选项cloze1 词汇辨析为主占7/102 上下文语境为辅占2/103 语法结构为后占1/10特点文章一般与医学无太大关系听力一、常出现的几个问题:1慢热方法:预读前三道选项2走神方法:做笔记,符号3发蒙方法:考前听抄练习二、答题要领1 预读选项从发卷到答题共15min预读前三道对话和后三段文章选项,了解大意寻找频率高的词语划出寻找含复现词多的选项2 牵强附会:猜测听力大意3 生僻的词应是听力中应该出现的词4重在理解决不能听到什么选什么,同意替换是正确答案5问题70%出现在第二人6数字题做笔记7狗急跳墙选长或次长的选项、或者含复现词多的选项阅读理解A. 中庸之道:相对的是解,绝对(极端)的不是解B. 含糊其辞:清楚的不是解,模糊的是解C. 不置可否:肯定的不是解,不肯定是解D. 滴水不漏:长句的是解,双重否定是解E. 独出心裁:合理的不是解,不合理是解F. 重在理解:照抄原文不是,同义替换是解作文推荐结构1 导言段2 正文段3 结论段建议1 三段式2 有标题时可嵌入手段作为末句3 末段重复标题注意1避免使用第一人称2第一段不能过长3全文合适字数180~220(至少写到答题卡后面)禁忌1逐字翻译2过细引用如人名地名数字例子等3引用故事(除非故事占全文大部分)4照搬原文结构5使用四六级作文套话检查错误1标点2结构3语法写作常用词语及表达方式1原因because (of) owing to on account of due to since in that as for result from be the result of cause be the cause of2结果therefore so as a result accordingly consequently because of this hence bring about give rise to have an effect on be responsible for3转折nevertheless but compared with in contrast to unlike however on the other hand although whereas while conversely in spite of despite4类似be similar to be the same as similarly in the same manner in common be like resemble5不同there is a significant different between A and B6结论to sum up to conclude in short from this point view in a wordon account of this we find that…the result is…thus, this is the reason why…7罗列first second lastin the first place in the second placefirst of all second last last but not the leastfor on thing for another8添加besides in addition moreover what is more听力中某些习惯表达方式表同意You can say that again.You may well say so.You said it.Well said.I will say.So be it.I see eye to eye with you.And how.Right on.By all means.Go ahead.I don’t wonderNo/little wonder.So does it.As far as I know.You are telling me.Walking and HealthOf all the many sports, walking is probably the easiest, simplest, most economical and convenient. It is found that waling is especially suitable for middle- and old aged people.Why is walking beneficial to health? In walking, all the limbs are moving naturally, which can relax the joints, bones, muscles, tendons, and the systems of respiration, circulation, digestion, etc.AIDS:A Threat to the Whole Society1.What is AIDS?Originated in Africa, first discovered in America in 1981, AIDS has now spread to almost all over the world. It claims 49.9 million HIV carriers and patients in the world. AIDS is now threatening the whole society.However, what is AIDS? It is an infectious disease caused by a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which invades the body and causes various incurable infections and tumors and finally leads to death of the infected.2.Routes of transmission and course of diseaseThere are three main routes of transmission, including sex, blood, and mother-infant infection. HIV can be found in the body fluids of the infection, such as blood, sperm, vaginal secretions, etc.The course of AIDS can be divided into four stages/phases, including acute, latent, window and advanced stages.3.Prevention and treatmentAs AIDS is a highly fatal/deadly infectious disease, there has been no really cure for it. However, it is not unpreventable. There are three major types of medicines for AIDS: anti-HIV, immuno-regulators, and anti-infection medicines.There has been some progress in research on therapy for AIDS and some new drugs will be soon commercialized. Some Traditional Chinese Medicines are found to be effective and the famous “cocktail therapy”is also relatively successful.In conclusion, AIDS is threatening every body and every family. It is the duty of all the society to prevent AIDS at work and in life. Let us say “no” to drugs, unsanitary medical service and abide by the social ethics and moral to stay away from us.医学词汇汇编Head hair bald baldnessForehead eyebrow eyesight visionable short-sight=myopia near-sightShe is near-sighted.Glasses lid eyeball pupil dilate ophthalmology eye-drop cornea optometryENT nose-bleeding smell sniff nostrilMouth lip tongue tip of the tongue upper lip taste bud mouthwatering spit salivaThroat sore throat bronchitis tooth extract teeth pull out teeth denist stomatology cavity gum drill toothacheChin jaw beard whiskerNeck spine Adam’s apple shoulder arm elbow limbs wrist palm finger thumb fingernailChest breast belly belly-button waist thighs hip/bottom bottom upButtockLeg foot toe tiptoe kneeBrain cerebral mental Alzheimer’s disease CNS dementia cerebral infarctionCardio- cardiovascular cerebral vascular vessel artery vein intravenous injection Intravenous injection=ivIschemia leukemia anemia hyperglycemiaglucosehypertention high blood pressurehypo/hyper- bypassblood transfusionparalyze paralysis partial paralysis stomachache gastric/digestive system gastric-intestinal diseases vomit nausea feel sick air-sick sea-sickbowel lose bowels have loose bowelsstool urine urinate=pissblood test urine test checkup examcardiograph cardiologist scan X-ray secret secrete secretionendo-body fluid liquid solid lotiontear salivaCHD diabetes cholesterol lipit fat obese obesity overweight plumpThin slim tender slender lean robust strong opulent stuidyPut on weight lose weight keep a diet be on a dietKeep a balanced dietLow-fat and low-sugar diet/foodDiet food low in fat and sugarNutrition/nutrient nutritionist nourishIngredient trace elements mineral elements substancesTake in nutritive elements including vitamins A, B, C and E, phosphorous, protein, amio-acid to supplement energy, calorie, heat. Consume=burn fat starchSugar salt salty foodsHardening clot metabolic syndrome sub-health (chronic fatigue syndrome)Diet + Exercise = Weight lossThink there's a magic formula for weight loss? Well, the reality is that there's a pretty simple formula.In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means that you areusing up more calories that you are taking in.Every person has a set number of calories that they burn every day in order to keep their body functioning. This is called your basal metabolic rate.To lose a pound of fat, you need a deficit of 3,500 calories. If your goal is one pound per week, this works out to 500 calories per day.While you could just try to eat 500 fewer calories every day, that much of a change in your food intake could feel like a major sacrifice, leaving you feeling hungry and making you more susceptible to gaining the weight back once you start eating normally again.But if you add exercise to your plan, you can create the necessarily caloric deficit by cutting just 250 calories from your diet and burning off the remaining 250 calories through exercise.And there's another benefit to using exercise as a weight loss tool. If you lose weight by only reducing calories from your diet, you also run the risk of losing muscle and water in addition to fat. But exercise not only burns calories - it can also help you to increase your lean muscle mass. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, even when you are at rest, adding exercise to the mix can help make you a lean, mean, calorie-burning machine!辅导班第四天,给出07作文预测题,估计是其中之一。