HZ2021 生产计划控制程序 Production plan procedure

1.目的和适用范围Objective and scope为确保车间有生产计划程序,使生产满足质量管理系统的工序加工要求。
T o ensure that workshop there is a procedure for plans and develop the processes need for production realization is conform to the order process requirements of the quality management system.2 职责Responsibility2.1 项目应负责联系并提供项目规范、图纸给工艺部,提供工期计划给生产部。
Project department shall responsible to providing contract project specification, drawings, to T echnology department. Providing project schedule to Production department.2.2 深化部应负责按照出图计划提供深化图给工艺部Detail design department shall responsible to providing shop drawings as per schedule plan and distribute to T echnology department.2.3工艺部应负责提供工艺包(排版图、深化图纸、CNC程序、构件清单、领料单),组织技术交底、或技术指导T echnology Department shall responsible to providing Fabrication package (F ABP ACK) , technical calcification or instruction.2.4生产部应负责提供人员需求,编制生产计划,实施生产计划,保证工期计划,。

控制计划控制程序(IATF16949-2016)1、目的1. Purpose对控制零件和过程的体系,通过控制特性的过程监视和控制方法来最大限度地减少过程和产品变差;并随着测量系统和控制方法的评价和改进对其进行修订,使控制计划在整个产品寿命周期中得到保持和使用,确保按顾客的要求制造出优质的产品。
It aims to control the part and process systems and reduce process and product variations to the utmost extent through process monitoring and control methods of the control characteristics; the control plan shall be revised along with the evaluation and improvement of the measurement system and the control methods and shall be maintained and used in the whole product life cycle so as to ensure that high qualify product is manufactured according to the requirements of the customer.2、适用范围2. Scope适用于本公司内产品的样件、小批量试产和批量生产所用的控制计划。
It applies to the control plans used in the product sample, small-lot trial production and volume production of the company. If the customerhas special requirements, it shall be implemented according to the requirements of the customer.3、定义3. Definition无None4、职责4. ResponsibilitiesAPQP项目小组负责控制计划的策划,质量部负责编制与维护The APQP project team shall be responsible for planning of the control plan and the quality department shall be responsible for preparation and maintenance of it.5、程序5. Procedure5.1 当顾客和公司有需求和要求时,项目小组在不同阶段制订出相应的控制计划(即:样件控制计划、试生产控制计划、生产控制计划),项目组按工艺文件将其发行至相关部门,由其执行。

testing for products we will deal with during sample-part test-manufacture process .Company
once or one piece every year for every kind of products)
make control plan in accordance with stipulated format ---“control plan ”in reference of
function/performance test (except destroy test) final censoring of products and its inspecting
frequency and capacity can be carried out by sampling (inspecting frequency and capacity is
6.0程序内容procedure content
APQP team make relevant control plan for different phase when customers and company have

1 目的Objective对生产计划及进度进行控制,确保生产按计划顺利执行,确保能够按照顾客的要求及时发运、交付产品。
The objective of this procedure is to control the production plan and progress, to ensure the successful implementation of production plan, and to ensure the timely shipment and delivery of products per the customer's requirements.2 适用范围Applicable Scope适用于本公司所有产品的生产安排。
This is applicable to the production planning of all AICQ products.3 职责Responsibilities3.1 生产计划员负责编制公司生产计划,部门经理负责审核。
The production planner is responsible to formulate the company production plan. The department manager is responsible for audit.3.2 生产计划员按项目计划编制新产品试生产计划,批生产计划。
The production planner is responsible to formulate the trial production and batch production plan for the new product per the project plan.3.3 生产计划员按制造部工艺验证、工装验证计划编制新产品、新工艺的工艺和工装验证生产计划。
The production planner is responsible to formulate the process and tooling validation & production plan for the new product and new process based on the process validation and tooling validation plan of Manufacture Engineering Department.4. 工作程序Work Procedure年生产计划的编制Formulation of Annual Production Plan根据公司年度销售计划编制公司年度品种、产量生产计划(按年度、分月编制)。

生产计划控制程序Production Plan Control Procedure(ISO9001:2015)1目的:Purpose协调公司内部生产资源,满足销售需求。
Coordinate the company internal production resources to meet the sales demands.2 范围:Scope:本程序适用于公司的成品,零件车间。
This procedure is applicable to the company finished product and component factory.3 程序:Process3.1 流程:销售部采购部,计划部供应部生产部生产车间销售部,报关订单决定接受决定外购outsourcing外购计划进行采购生产能力确认生产计划安排生产进行进度控制交付3.1 Flow:Sales Dept.Purchasing and planningD ept.Provision Dept.Production Dept.Production workshopSales & Customs3.2 生产计划安排Production Plan arrangement3.2.1订单一经确认后,生产部负责制定每月生产计划,供应部根据订单和每月生产计划所需品种,数量等确定外购材料及供应厂商,并按“采购控制程序”进行采购。
Once the orders be accepted, Production dept. prepare the monthly production schedule, purchasing department will confirm the outsourcing materials and suppliers according to the kinds and quantities that required by orders and monthly production schedule, and purchase as per “Purchase Control Procedure”.3.2.2生产部根据订单交货期要求,将该订单的开始生产时间录入SAP 系统,并按照最终确认的每周销售需求安排生产。

ABC用品有限公司质量管理体系程序文件编制: 日期:审核: 日期:批准: 日期:发放范围:公司各部门2013年10月01日生效1 目的Objective对生产计划及进度进行控制,确保生产按计划顺利执行,确保能够按照顾客的要求及时发运、交付产品。
The objective of this procedure is to control the production plan and progress, to ensure the successful implementation of production plan, and to ensure the timely shipment and deliv ery of products per the customer's requirements.2 适用范围Applicable Scope适用于本公司所有产品的生产安排。
This is applicable to the production planning of all AICQ products.3 职责Responsibilities3.1 生产计划员负责编制公司生产计划,部门经理负责审核。
The production planner is responsible to formulate the company production plan. The department manager is responsible for audit.3.2 生产计划员按项目计划编制新产品试生产计划,批生产计划。
The production planner is responsible to formulate the trial production and batch production plan for the new product per the project plan.3.3 生产计划员按制造部工艺验证、工装验证计划编制新产品、新工艺的工艺和工装验证生产计划。

生产计划控制程序Production planning and controlling procedure1.0 P urpose目的For the preparation of standard production planning, tracking, implementations, closing, establish the procedure为规范生产计划的编制,跟踪,执行,结案,特制定本程序2.0 S cope 范围Applicable to all products of the factory production plan适用于本厂的所有产品的生产计划的安排3.0 D efinition 定义Definition of production schedule: In order to meet the demand of customer orders, exact prepare for materials, personnel, equipment ", execute distribution and use of the program生产计划的定义: 为满足客户订单需求,执行对材料、人员、工装夹具”的确切准备、分配及使用的计划4.0Reference Standard 参考标准N/A5.0 R esponsibilities 职责5.1 PMC dept. is responsible for arrange and monitor operation of the production schedule计划部负责安排和监督生产计划的运作5.2 Prod dept. is responsible for execute and finish the productionschedule生产部负责执行和完成生产计划的运作5.3ME dept. is responsible for provide related support of execute the production schedule工程部负责提供执行生产计划运作的相关支持5.4Pur dept. is responsible for provide related material of execute the production schedule采购部负责提供执行生产计划运作的相关物料5.5WH dept. is responsible for distribute related material of execute the production schedule货仓部负责配发执行生产计划运作的相关物料6.0Procedure Flow流程图。

生产计划管理程序production plan management procedure(IATF16949-2016)1.目的 Objective对生产计划的制订与实施进行控制,保证材料的合理利用,确保能按质、按量、按时完成客户订单要求,跟进生产任务的执行情况,满足出货要求,确保顾客满意。
Control the production plan making and implementation to ensure the material will be used effectively and the customer order will be completed timely, the production implementation status shall be followed to meet the customer delivery requirements and satisfy the customer.2.适用范围 Applicable Scope本程序文件适用于公司生产计划的安排和控制.Be applied to production plan arrangement and control.3.职责 Responsibilities3.1. 销售部负责提供《销售任务单》。
Sales department is responsible for providing <sales task notice>. 3.2. 计划物流部:计划负责生产计划的制订并监督生产部的具体实施;仓库负责提供材料、半成品、成品库存情况。
The PMC: be responsible for production plan making and monitoring product ion department’s implementation; the warehouse will provide the stocks of the material, semi-finished products and final products. 3.3.工程部负责制作 BOM、生产作业指导书等生产所需要的技术资料。

XX有限公司二级文件The 2nd Level Subdocument生产计划控制程序Production Plan Control Procedures 文件编号 File No.:文件版号Edition :A0生效日期Effective date :编制Prepared by审核Checked by批准Approved by会签部门Department signing制程工程部Manufacturing engineer Department 品质保证部Quality Assurance制造部ManufacturingDepartment综合管理部HR&ADM采购部Purchase Department财务部Financial DepartmentFile No.Edition Page Effective date文件更改记录Document Change History版本号Rev. No变更原因和内容描述Reason and Description ofChange受影响的页面Affected Pages拟制/修改责任人Preparedby/Modify owner拟制/修改日期Prepared by/ModifieddateA0 新拟制NAFile No.Edition Page Effective date1.目的1.1 对生产进度进行有效地控制,以确保生产按计划达成,保证订单按期交付。
2.范围2.1 自接业务订单至完成生产入库,出货为止。
3.权责3.1 计划部:拟定生产计划,并确保顺利生产,安排出货。
3.2 制造部:执行生产任务,交期反馈。
3.3 品质保证部:拟定检验标准及执行。
4.程序4.1 订单处理:4.1.1 计划部接到业务部所下《客户订单》或《预测订单》,确认要求之数量、品名、交期、包装方式、出货方式等。
4.1.2 库存查询:比较成品可用量,若库存量足够,则可安排出货或等待出货。
Production Planning Management生产计划管理程序(中英文)

目的1.1 For long/mid term : identify needed resource and resource utilization for internal and external长/中期:识别内外部所需要的资源以及资源的利用率。
1.2 For short term: perform committed delivery time to customers while meet inventory control target.短期:履行承诺给客户的交货时间,同时满足库存控制的目标。
2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 This procedure includes production planning, capacity evaluation, material planning andinventory control.此计划流程包括生产计划,产能评估,物料计划和库存控制。
2.2 This procedure includes long/mid-term planning and short term planning process.此计划流程包括中长期计划流程和短期计划流程。
3.0 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Long/mid term planning: planning time fence covers 3 months 〜6 months中长期计划:计划时间段为3个月到6个月。
3.2 Short term planning: planning time fence covers one week ~ one month短期计划:计划时间段为一周到1个月。
4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文件4.1 PD-C1-01 Contract Review Procedure 合同评审程序4.2 PD-S2-02 Purchasing management Procedure 采购管理程序4.3 PD-C4-02 Material And Goods Management Procedure 物料管理程序5.1 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-LG-07 Make Order Form 生产工单5.2 FN-LG-01 Finished goods Shipment Form 销货单5.3 FN-LG-04 Outplant Make Order 委外工单5.2 RESPONSIBILITY 职责6.1 Customer is responsible for providing forecast to logistics, logistics transfer customerpurchasing order to company sales order, contract review.客户负责提供销售预测给物流,物流转换客户采购订单为公司的销售订单,合同评审。

控制计划控制程序(IATF16949-2016)1、目的1. Purpose对控制零件和过程的体系,通过控制特性的过程监视和控制方法来最大限度地减少过程和产品变差;并随着测量系统和控制方法的评价和改进对其进行修订,使控制计划在整个产品寿命周期中得到保持和使用,确保按顾客的要求制造出优质的产品。
It aims to control the part and process systems and reduce process and product variations to the utmost extent through process monitoring and control methods of the control characteristics; the control plan shall be revised along with the evaluation and improvement of the measurement system and the control methods and shall be maintained and used in the whole product life cycle so as to ensure that high qualify product is manufactured according to the requirements of the customer.2、适用范围2. Scope适用于本公司内产品的样件、小批量试产和批量生产所用的控制计划。
It applies to the control plans used in the product sample, small-lot trial production and volume production of the company. If the customerhas special requirements, it shall be implemented according to the requirements of the customer.3、定义3. Definition无None4、职责4. ResponsibilitiesAPQP项目小组负责控制计划的策划,质量部负责编制与维护The APQP project team shall be responsible for planning of the control plan and the quality department shall be responsible for preparation and maintenance of it.5、程序5. Procedure5.1 当顾客和公司有需求和要求时,项目小组在不同阶段制订出相应的控制计划(即:样件控制计划、试生产控制计划、生产控制计划),项目组按工艺文件将其发行至相关部门,由其执行。

PRODUCTION CONTROL PLAN Part Number/Latest Change Level Part Name Facial Brush Process OpName/ Machine, Seq Operation Device, Jig, No. Description Tool for Mfg. 1-0 IQC incoming 1.Vemier Incomi inspection Caliper ng IQC来料检查 2.PCB testing jig 来料 3.Power tester 4.Hi-Pot tester 游标卡尺 PCB测试夹具 功率仪 高压测试仪 A/0 Supplier Core Team IQC PD RD QA Key Contact/Phone Control Plan No: Q1801001 Date (Rev.) 2018/1/3 Customer Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Date (Orig.)
Visual inspection 外观检查
Cleaning 清洁 Assembling effect 装配效果 According to SOP、 Golden sample 与作业指导书、视
Every unit 每台
Quantity of attachment 配件数量
Every unit 每台
IPQC inspection report & Inform line Procedure leader & QA inspection supervisor report & Repair 通知生产组长& report QA主管 IPQC检验报告 & 生产线检验 报告 & 修理报 告

控制计划管理实施规范程序-中英文版1.0 Purpose目的This procedure instruction describes the application of the control plan本程序文件描述的控制计划的应用。
The Control plan has the following purpose:控制计划有以下的目的:Description of the system to check the parts and processes 检验产品和过程的系统描述Support for the manufacture of quality products corresponding to the customer requirements.支持符合客户要求的产品质量的生产Written summary of the system used for the process and product control为用于过程和产品控制编制系统摘要2.0 Scope范围This procedure applies to all departments and all the automotive related products.本程序适用于所有的职能部门及所有汽车产品。
3.0 Definitions定义3.1 CP-Control Plan 控制计划4.0 Responsibility权责4.1 APQP小组负责试生产控制计划及初始量产控制计划的制定4.2 质量部负责主导协调量产后的量产控制计划的修订。
5.0 Procedure程序5.1 The control plan is compulsory for the pre series and series stage and also has to include the processsteps from incoming to out coming控制计划在预批量和批量阶段是必须的,而且要包括从进货到出货的全部阶段。
生产控制程序 英语流程

生产控制程序英语流程Production Control Program English FlowchartProduction planning is a crucial aspect of any manufacturing or industrial operation. It involves the coordination of various processes and resources to ensure efficient and cost-effective production. One of the key components of production planning is the implementation of a production control program, which helps to monitor and regulate the flow of materials, the utilization of equipment, and the overall productivity of the manufacturing process.The production control program typically consists of several interconnected components, each serving a specific purpose. These components include forecasting, capacity planning, scheduling, inventory management, and quality control. By integrating these elements, the production control program aims to optimize the production process and maximize the output while minimizing waste and inefficiencies.Forecasting is the first step in the production control program. This involves analyzing historical data, market trends, and customer demand to predict future production requirements. Accurateforecasting enables the organization to plan ahead and allocate resources accordingly, ensuring that the right products are manufactured at the right time to meet customer needs.Capacity planning is the next step in the process. This involves determining the production capacity of the manufacturing facility, taking into account factors such as equipment capabilities, labor availability, and production constraints. By understanding the production capacity, the organization can make informed decisions about production scheduling, resource allocation, and potential expansion or investment in new equipment.Scheduling is a critical component of the production control program. It involves the development of a detailed production plan that outlines the sequence and timing of various production activities. This includes the allocation of resources, the coordination of production processes, and the management of material flow. Effective scheduling helps to minimize downtime, reduce bottlenecks, and ensure the timely delivery of products to customers.Inventory management is another crucial aspect of the production control program. This involves the monitoring and control of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods inventory. Efficient inventory management helps to maintain the right balance between supply and demand, minimizing the risk of stockouts or excessiveinventory levels. This, in turn, can lead to cost savings and improved cash flow for the organization.Quality control is the final component of the production control program. This involves the implementation of various quality assurance measures to ensure that the final products meet the required standards and specifications. Quality control activities may include inspection, testing, and continuous improvement initiatives. By maintaining a high level of quality, the organization can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce the risk of product recalls, and maintain a competitive advantage in the market.The production control program is typically implemented through the use of various software tools and technologies, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), and Production Planning and Control (PPC) software. These systems integrate the various components of the production control program, providing real-time data and analytics to support decision-making and optimize the production process.In conclusion, the production control program is a comprehensive and integrated approach to managing the production process. By incorporating forecasting, capacity planning, scheduling, inventory management, and quality control, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. The effectiveimplementation of a production control program is a critical factor in the success of any manufacturing or industrial operation.。
1 Purpose目的The purpose of this procedure is to ensure production plan arrangement is reasonably, fulfil customer needed furthest, control the inventory in a reasonable level and improve production efficiency.为使本公司的生产计划得到更合理安排,最大程度满足客户需要, 合理控制库存,提高生产效率.2 S cope范围All the products’ production plan inXX Guangzhou. should be complied with this procedure.适用于XXXX有限公司所有生产产品的生产计划控制.3 A bbreviations and Glossary 缩写与术语DSP: Demand Supply Planning4 R esponsibility / 职责The responsibility for complying with this procedure lies with Production Control and Logistics, and Sales.Project. The overall responsibility lies with PMC and Sales.5 P rocess Description / 过程描述5.1 Customer Service/客户跟单:5.1.1 Customer service should inform the DSP planner, purchaser and PMC by written when they receive new order, meanwhile they input the order into SAP. Customer service should keep close contact with customer, PMC, purchaser for ensuring the delivery on time. While the project going to EOL period, CS need doublecheck the MOQ to confirmed with Operation head and OPM head for PO receiving.当客户有新订单过来,销售人员要以书面形式通知DSP 计划员、采购员和PMC ,同时把订单输入SAP 系统;与客户、PMC 和采购保持紧密联系,以保证按时按质按量交货。

生产计划控制程序1.0 目的Purpose保证生产计划能根据客户的预测、出货记录以及客户订单来排定生产计划,并及时检查未完成订单、仓库成品及物料库存和设备模具是否满足生产要求,生产计划进行更加细致的安排,作为生产部门实际生产安排的依据,确保生产的顺利进行,减少停机及停工待料的不合理现象,确保能够按照客户要求保质保量准时交货。
Make sure production planning according forecast of customer, delivery record and order; check in time the unfinished order, finished products & material stock, and machine & mould; make detailed arrangement of production plan as actual production basis; make sure smooth production and reduce stopping machine to wait for material; make sure delivery according customer’s requirement in quality and quantity.2.0 范围Scope适用于本公司所有生产产品的生产计划安排与控制。
Used in all products’ plan and control in our company3.0 定义 Definition无Null.4.0职责 Responsibilities4.1 销售部负责销售订单及有关客户信息的传达SD takes charge of order and transmitting customer’s information4.2 生产部计控分部PD plan and control branch4.2.1负责根据销售订单及相关信息制定生产计划Take charge of making production plan according order and relative information4.2.2确认SAP系统生成的物料需求计划Take charge of making from SAP system material requirement plan.4.2.3与技术部、生产部生产分部、设备组协调换模及试验Cooperate with TD, PD production branch, equipment team to change mould and do trial.4.2.4负责组织协调紧急订单的计划与生产Take chare of organize plan and production of urgent order.4.2.5负责工人工时、耗用材料的统计分析Take charge of statistics and analysis of operator’s working time. 4.3 供应部SMD4.3.1 根据物料需求计划,反馈物料供应库存According material requirement plan, feed back material stocking situation.4.3.2 提供产成品的库存信息Supply finished product’s stocking information.4.4 生产部生产分部负责根据生产计划组织生产,并反馈生产的进度信息PD production branch organize production and inform production speed according to production plan.4.5 质量部负责提供产品检验报表及产品的入库信息QD is responsible to supply product’s inspection list and warehouse entering information.4.6 技术部负责提供协调试验新产品的信息(产品BOM信息)TD is responsible to supply trial information of new products. (Product’s BOM info rmation)5.0 程序 Procedure5.1 生产计划(中长期计划、周生产计划)Production plan (Mid-long term plan, weekly plan)5.1.1 生产计划员根据客户提供的预测,出货趋势,销售订单、机台模具以及产品的库存情况制定生产计划Production planner should make first draft of production plan according forecast from customers, delivery tendency, order, machine & mould and warehouse information.5.1.2 计划员确认SAP系统生成的物料需求计划,并提供给供应部,作为供应部检查确认其物料的供应是否能满足生产计划要求的依据Planner should make material requirement plan according to the plan maken out by the SAP system and SMD to check whether material can satisfy production or not5.1.3 供应部同时要将其物料信息反馈给物料计划员,同时物料计划员须将供应部的信息反馈给生产计划员SMD need to feed back material information to material planner who inturn feed back to production planner.5.1.4 生产计划员收集销售反馈的客户信息(客户要求提前或推迟交货等信息)Production planner collects S D’s feedback (information such as advance or delay delivery as customer required)5.1.5 生产计划员收集生产现场的实际生产进度以及机台模具运行信息Production planner collects information about actual production speed and operation of machine & mould.5.1.6 生产计划员根据5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.5反馈的信息,确认生产计划是否需要调整Production planner confirm whether production plan need to be adjusted according all feedback.5.1.7 将更改后的生产计划报计控主管审批,同时要反馈给相关部门(生产部生产分部、供应部、销售部等)If changed, new plan should be submitted to planning and controlling supervisor for approval as well as to relative departments (PD production branch, SMD, SD)5.2 紧急订单计划安排Arrangement of urgent order5.2.1 收集销售部有关客户紧急订单通知Collect notice about urgent order from SD5.2.2 在收到销售部的通知后,生产计划员结合生产现场的实际生产以及机台模具情况,形成调整后的计划After receiving notice from SD, production planner could adjust planningdraft according actual situation of production and machine.5.2.3 SAP系统形成物料需求计划,作为供应部核实确认其库存物料能否满足生产计划调整要求的依据。

生产控制计划(CP)常用语(中英文双语), I; Z; [, o; l8 Z7 \9 E7 }9 N' [4 k* \% @0 y: M. p控制计划(control plan)样本(prototype), }# y. S3 C6 m7 c" S O试生产(pre-launch)生产(production)3 D) k/ T' V( c& W, a控制计划编号(control plan number)6 @9 Q" T5 i( V- K零件号(part number)9 s! g$ G. Z/ H4 `7 l2最新更改水平(latest change level)5 U+ h. f1 N/ }* v57 V零件名称/描述(part name/description). {5 |, j) A5 A5 i- L' i" w1 v供方/工厂(supplier/ plant)供方代码(supplier code)主要联系人/电话(key contact/phone)6 O! X# e8 e& J2 `) Q z, F" P$ K核心小组(core team)/ k' T: u/ a- Q9 |$ `7 X供方/工厂批准/日期(supplier/plant approval/ date)其它批准/日期(如需要)[other approval/ date(if Req’d)], ?% v: y0 B- W, c2 H2 P) X. z日期(编制)[date(orig.)]* X& s) \1 A1 U, W顾客工程批准/日期(如需要)[customer engineering approval/date (if Req’d)]顾客质量批准/日期(如需要)[customer quality approval/date (if Req’d)]& J( I3 T7 D, _( L* I其它批准/日期(如需要)[other approval /date(if Req’d)]日期(修订)[date (Rev.)]零件/过程编号(part /process number)过程名称/操作描述(process name/operation description) 0 `) l+ W# B \( a) z# P! g' l+ m生产设备(machine, device, jig, tools for Mfg.)特性(characteristics) ; g* o# A/ X) M! v M$ Z' F编号(No.) 3 A9 W- ]" S) u9 s产品(product)过程(process)特殊特性分类(special Char. class) : v t* M2 x" |0 A& ]0 D! I产品/过程规范/公差(product/process specification /tolerance)方法(method)评价/测量技术(evaluation / measurement technique)/ }* h( p0 ]: ]7 V3 Y1 @ p样本(sample) ; s4 ~" S' b8 g# ~数量(size) 0 G5 x! w9 V5 C4 h次数(Freq=frequency) 4 z: B' Z- G- c控制方法(control method) - h3 e7 j% X j3 k/ x6 ?& @8 g反应计划(reaction plan): p% q- J8 l( T! n) z* h" j2 P熔料(molten ingot)取样化验分析(sampling inspection)上模(mounting die ) 7 Q3 t. n+ P& k( s/ C, X"调机(machine adjustment)喷脱模剂(spraying release agent)中央溶炉(center furnace) I3 A4 N- A9 x$ V$ X' t+ t/ T冲床(trimming die) 4 M" @4 G) F% E" r, w2 ~目测(visual check) 9 z% K! y7 f5 V' ~7 n7 U6 v' B首检5啤(first inspection for 5 shots)外观(appearance) 4 J& A3 D6 W4 Q5 p9 z, v5黑胚(as-cast)每天一次(once a day) 6 s# F# p9 r5 Y4 t! g3 d连续(continuous)参考控制计划(refer to CP) ! W, b1 S) h. D& E0 m8 j每批(each batch) + v6 P7 d" m: {, _) Q8 v J每次开机(once every operation) : E; w, H3 t7 y) Q6 S厚度(thickness)中心距(c/c =between centers) : w0 d1 r: & c6 b! l+ x孔径(aperture) 9 x- A, r) I' X7 ^& @0 y宽度(width)工序间质量抽查报告(interprocess quality sampling inspection report ) - f. d9 i, j7 @4 \4 K, h) v# j3 A质量首件检查报告(quality first piece inspection report) # ? Z' I* O; q1 U7 b;制程巡回检查报告(processing tour-inspection report)质量追踪分析表(quality traceability analysis report) : g* t8 r& F! V) q. y7 |来料质量抽查报告(incoming quality sampling inspection report) 4 k4 X9 x5 H8 ?* ]6 w; b/ t# @物料标识(material identification) , h8 Q4 b2 ?3 m最终检验质量报告(quality final-inspection report) 2 B. Z. W" u ~3 ~& H, Q' H合金成份化验报告(alloy component assay report) + P0 u3 b& }) e* Q$ I. W2 H- [模具安装检查清单(mounting die inspection sheet)终检(final-inspection)光谱仪(spectrometer)针规(pin gauge ) ! x. T$ p: Y/ T+ {; {电子卡尺(digital calliper) ) |. z5 v9 x3 j W' V5 r* j熔炉温度表(furnace thermometer) 2 C7 g9 `+ k* S( {3 [投影仪(projector)通知生产拉/组长/主管/经理,停机再检查(Inform line/team leader/ supervisor/manager to shut down and recheck )。
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1.0 目的Purpose
Make sure production planning according forecast of customer, delivery record and order; check in time the unfinished order, finished products & material stock, and machine & mould; make detailed arrangement of production plan as actual production basis; make sure smooth production and reduce stopping machine to wait for material; make sure delivery according customer’s requirement in quality and quantity.
2.0 范围Scope
Used in all products’ plan and control in our company
3.0 定义 Definition
4.0职责 Responsibilities
4.1 销售部负责销售订单及有关客户信息的传达
SD takes charge of order and transmitting customer’s information
4.2 生产部计控分部PD plan and control branch
Take charge of making production plan according order and relative information
Take charge of making from SAP system material requirement plan.
Cooperate with TD, PD production branch, equipment team to change mould and do trial.
Take chare of organize plan and production of urgent order.
Take charge of statistics and analysis of operator’s working time. 4.3 供应部SMD
4.3.1 根据物料需求计划,反馈物料供应库存
According material requirement plan, feed back material stocking situation.
4.3.2 提供产成品的库存信息
Supply finished product’s stocking information.
4.4 生产部生产分部负责根据生产计划组织生产,并反馈生产的进度信息
PD production branch organize production and inform production speed according to production plan.。