他的价值观念似乎陈旧了。 • immense [i mens] adj.极大的,巨大的
例句:They made an immense improvement in English.
在E英nd语方面他们取得了巨大的进步To。pic Above Next
centrifugal [sen‘trifjugəl] adj.离心的
Section II Text
Processes of mechanization have been developing and becoming more complex ev er since the beginning of the Industrial Revo lution at the end of the 18th century.(自从 18世纪末工业革命开始,工业机械化进 程一直在不断地发展,并且变得越来越 复杂。) The current developments of auto matic processes are, however, different from the old ones.(但目前的工业自动化过程 较以前的工业自动化过程有很大的不同)
Now people often talk about “feedback” as b
eing an essential factor of the new industrial t
echniques, upon which is based an automatic
self-regulating system and by virtue of which
And in many, though not all, instances th e element of control is so great that me chanization displaces muscle, “automat ion” displaces brain as well.(尽管不 是所有的情况,但在大多数情况下, 控制元件依然发挥着强大的力量, 机械化已经代替了手工劳动,而自 动化代替了脑力劳动。
例句:They made an immense improvement in English.
在E英nd语方面他们取得了巨大的进步To。pic Above Next
centrifugal [sen‘trifjugəl] adj.离心的
Section II Text
Processes of mechanization have been developing and becoming more complex ev er since the beginning of the Industrial Revo lution at the end of the 18th century.(自从 18世纪末工业革命开始,工业机械化进 程一直在不断地发展,并且变得越来越 复杂。) The current developments of auto matic processes are, however, different from the old ones.(但目前的工业自动化过程 较以前的工业自动化过程有很大的不同)
Now people often talk about “feedback” as b
eing an essential factor of the new industrial t
echniques, upon which is based an automatic
self-regulating system and by virtue of which
And in many, though not all, instances th e element of control is so great that me chanization displaces muscle, “automat ion” displaces brain as well.(尽管不 是所有的情况,但在大多数情况下, 控制元件依然发挥着强大的力量, 机械化已经代替了手工劳动,而自 动化代替了脑力劳动。
机电专业英语课件Lesson 1
Section II Text
Early in the 1950s, two important engineering discoveries changed th e image of the electronic-computer field. These discoveries were the mag netic core memory and Transistor-Circuit Element. These technical disco veries quickly found their way into new models of digital computers. In the 1960s, efforts to design and develop the fastest possible compu ter with the greatest capacity reached a turning point with the LARC mac hine. The LARC had a base memory of 98000 words and multiplied in 1 0 μs. The trend during the 1970s was, to some extent, moving away from ve ry powerful, single-purpose computers and toward a larger range of appli cations for cheaper computer systems. Most continuous-process manufac turing, such as petroleum refining and electrical-power distribution syste ms then used computers of smaller capability for controlling and regulati ng their jobs.
《机电专业英语》 教学课件课件 Unit 24 Flexible Manufacturing
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a highly automated GT machine cell, consisting of a group of processing workstations (usually CNC machine tools), interconnected an automated material handling and storage system. The reason the FMS is a called flexible is that it is capable of processing a variety of different part styles simultaneously at the various workstations, and the mix of part styles and quantities of production can be adjusted in response to changing patterns demanded. The FMS is most suited for the mid-variety, midvolume production range.
1. Computer control. 2. Automated materials handling capability. 3. Tool handling capability.
Text & Translation
Flexible manufacturing was first introduced in the mid-1960s when the British firm Moils Ltd. developed its System 24. System 24 is a real FMS. However, it was doomed from the outset because automation, integration, and computer control technology had not yet been developed to the point where they could properly support the system. With the emergence of sophisticated computer control technology in the late 1970s and 1980s, flexible manufacturing became a viable concept. In the United States, manufacturers of automobiles, trucks, and tractors are the pioneers in adopting flexible manufacturing.
1. Computer control. 2. Automated materials handling capability. 3. Tool handling capability.
Text & Translation
Flexible manufacturing was first introduced in the mid-1960s when the British firm Moils Ltd. developed its System 24. System 24 is a real FMS. However, it was doomed from the outset because automation, integration, and computer control technology had not yet been developed to the point where they could properly support the system. With the emergence of sophisticated computer control technology in the late 1970s and 1980s, flexible manufacturing became a viable concept. In the United States, manufacturers of automobiles, trucks, and tractors are the pioneers in adopting flexible manufacturing.
Unit 5 Engineering Drawing 机电专业英语 图文课件
Text & Translation
Fig. 5-1 The coordinate system
Text & Translation
2. Types of Views There are many view types which may be
shown, as illustrated in Fig. 5-2.
Text & Translation
1.Coordinate System The basic of all input AutoCAD is the
Cartesian coordinate system, and the various methods of input (absolute or relative) rely on this system. In addition, AutoCAD has two internal coordinate systems to help you keep track of where you are in a drawing: the World Coordinate System(WCS) and the User Coordinate System(UCS).
(2)Auxiliary. Any view created by projecting 90° to an inclined surface, datum plane, or along an axis.
(3)General. Any view which is oriented by the user and is not dependent upon any other view for its orientation.
《机电专业英语》 教学课件课件 Unit 15 Mechatronics
Text & Translation
Mechatronics is an integrated comprehensive study of intelligent and high performance electromechanical system (mechanisms and processes),intelligent and motion control through the use of advanced microprocessors and DSPs,power electronics and ICs,design and optimization,modeling and simulation,analysis and virtual prototyping,etc. Integrated multidisciplinary features are approaching quickly,and mechatronics,which integrates electrical, mechanical,and computer engineering areas(Fig.15.1).
New Words & Expressions
benchmark [′bentʃma:k] n. 基准,标准 entreaty [in′tri:ti] n. 恳求,请求 evolutionary [i:və′lu:ʃnəri] adj. 发展的,演化的 DSP (digital signal processing) 数字信号处理 IC (integrated circuit) 集成电路 consensus [kən′sensəs] n. 一致 augment [ɔ:g′ment] v. 增加,扩大 unify [′ju:nifai] v. 成为一体,统一 cornerstone [′kɔ:nəstəun] n. 基石,基础
Lesson 13 Programmable Logic Controller
•Section I Words and Phrases 词 •Section II Text 英 and Translation 汉 •Section III Exercises 练 and Answers 答
Topic Above Next
Section II Text
A programmable logic controller, PLC, or programmable contr-
oller is a small computer used for automation of real-world processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines. The PLC usually uses a microprocessor. The program can often control complex sequencing and is often written by engineers. The program is stored in battery-backed memory1 and/or EEPROMs2.
Topic Above 汉 Next
Section II Text
The earliest PLCs expressed all decision making logic in simple ladder logic inspired from the electrical connection diagrams. The electricians were quite able to trace out circuit problems with schematic diagrams using ladder logic. This was chosen mainly to reduce the apprehension of the existing technicians.
•Section I Words and Phrases 词 •Section II Text 英 and Translation 汉 •Section III Exercises 练 and Answers 答
Topic Above Next
Section II Text
A programmable logic controller, PLC, or programmable contr-
oller is a small computer used for automation of real-world processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines. The PLC usually uses a microprocessor. The program can often control complex sequencing and is often written by engineers. The program is stored in battery-backed memory1 and/or EEPROMs2.
Topic Above 汉 Next
Section II Text
The earliest PLCs expressed all decision making logic in simple ladder logic inspired from the electrical connection diagrams. The electricians were quite able to trace out circuit problems with schematic diagrams using ladder logic. This was chosen mainly to reduce the apprehension of the existing technicians.
driving axle & driving shaft
驱动桥处于动力传动系的末端,其基本功能是增大由传动轴 或变速器传来的转矩,并将动力合理的分配给左、右驱动轮, 另外还承受作用于路面和车架或车身之间的垂直立、纵向力 和横向力。驱动桥一般由主减速器、差速器、车轮传动装置 和驱动桥壳等组成。
2. 词性转换
汽车差速器是驱动轿的主件。它的作用就是在向两边半轴 传递动力的同时,允许两边半轴以不同的转速旋转,满足 两边车轮尽可能以纯滚动的形式作不等距行驶,减少轮胎 与地面的摩擦。
车身好比是人的上半身,轮胎好比是人的脚,悬挂系统就好比 是人的腿。
汽车悬架包括弹性元件,减振器和传力装置等三部分,这三 部分分别起缓冲,减振和力的传递作用。
Lesson 21:
Introduction to Automobile
词汇讲解 课文分析 练习答案
1. 理解汽车差速器、燃油喷射器的作用; 2. 掌握与汽车相关的专业词汇; 3. 熟悉独立主格、伴随壮语等语法现象。
Section Ⅰ: words and phases
1. 重点专业名词解析 2. 词性转换 3. 专有名词的通用含义
intermittence n 断续性,周期性 compensate v →compensation n补偿 ,补偿金 ,报酬
Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed from your job?
The job is hard but the compensation is good.
paragraph Ⅳ:
Differential in the automobile is a set of gears used on the driving axle. The two wheels on the driving axle must be interconnected in order to receive their energy from the same source, the driving shaft; at the same time they must be free to revolve at different speeds when necessary (e.g., when rounding a curve, the outer wheel travels farther and thus must revolve faster than the inner wheel in order to prevent skidding).
Unit 2 Some Rules for Mechanical Design 机电专业英语 图文课件
Text & Translation
The following tips may be helpful in stimulating creative ideas of the designers.
(1)Apply ingenuity to utilize desired physical properties and to limit undesired ones. [3]The performance requirements of a machine are met by utilizing laws of nature or properties of matter (e.g., flexibility,strength,gravity,inertia,buoyancy,centrifugal force, principles of the lever and inclined plane,friction,viscosity,fluid pressure,and thermal expansion),also the many electrical,optical, thermal,and chemical phenomena. However,what may be useful in one application may be detrimental in the next. For example,flexibility is desirable in valve springs but not in the valve camshaft;friction is desirable at the clutch face but not in the clutch bearing. Ingenuity in design should be applied to utilize and control the physical properties that are desirable and to minimize those that are not desirable.
pneumatic [nju:'mæ tik] adj. 风动的, 气动的 decompression [͵di:kəm'preʃən] n. 降压, 减压, 释
放 regenerative [ri'dʒenəreitiv] adj. 再生的, 新生的 torque [tɔ:k] n. 转矩,力矩,扭矩 lubricator ['lu:brikeitə] n. 润滑剂, 加油器 modification [͵mɔdifi'keiʃən] n. 改装, 修订, 更改 customize ['kʌstəmaiz] v. 定制; 定做; 自定义 neutral ['nju:trəl] adj. 中立的, 中性的; 不确定的 n. 中
位 psi (pound per square inch) 气压单位(1 psi=6.89
New Words & Expressions
cylinder ['silində] n. 气筒; 液压缸, 气缸 welder ['weldə] n. 焊工; 电焊机 parallel ['pærəlel] n. 平行, 平行线 solenoid ['səulinɔid] n. 螺线管 energize ['enədʒaiz] v. 给与…能量、电压, 使活跃 actuate ['æ ktjueit] v. 开动(机器), 驱动 compensate ['kɔmpenseit] v. 补偿, 赔偿 traverse ['trævə:s] v. 横越, 转动, 在轴上旋转 momentarily ['məumən͵terili] adv. 短暂地, 临时地 initiate [i'niʃieit] v. 开始; 创始
放 regenerative [ri'dʒenəreitiv] adj. 再生的, 新生的 torque [tɔ:k] n. 转矩,力矩,扭矩 lubricator ['lu:brikeitə] n. 润滑剂, 加油器 modification [͵mɔdifi'keiʃən] n. 改装, 修订, 更改 customize ['kʌstəmaiz] v. 定制; 定做; 自定义 neutral ['nju:trəl] adj. 中立的, 中性的; 不确定的 n. 中
位 psi (pound per square inch) 气压单位(1 psi=6.89
New Words & Expressions
cylinder ['silində] n. 气筒; 液压缸, 气缸 welder ['weldə] n. 焊工; 电焊机 parallel ['pærəlel] n. 平行, 平行线 solenoid ['səulinɔid] n. 螺线管 energize ['enədʒaiz] v. 给与…能量、电压, 使活跃 actuate ['æ ktjueit] v. 开动(机器), 驱动 compensate ['kɔmpenseit] v. 补偿, 赔偿 traverse ['trævə:s] v. 横越, 转动, 在轴上旋转 momentarily ['məumən͵terili] adv. 短暂地, 临时地 initiate [i'niʃieit] v. 开始; 创始
Section II Text
• 1.Define craft process: • Carries on the craft analysis according to engineering drawing of the part, then designates the machine tool, the cutting tool and the clamp, confirms processing parameters such as craft route, working procedure and cutting depth and so on2. • 2. Calculate processing path size • According to the size of part drawing, the craft requirement and the programming convenience, we should determine a work-piece coordinate system and calculate the coordinate points of the cutting tool path in this coordinate system.
End Topic Above Next
Section I Words and Phrases
• work-piece coordinate system 工件坐标系 • dry run 空运行 • graph interactive automatic programming 图形交互式自 动编程 • processing parameter 工艺参数 • geometry modeling 几何造型 • post process 后处理
Presentation Communicating the design to others is the finial, vital presentation step in the design process. Basically, there are only three means of communication. These are the written, the oral, and the graphical forms. A successful engineer will be technically competent and versatile in all three forms of communication. The competent engineer should not be afraid of the possibility of not succeeding in a presentation. In fact, the greatest gains are obtained by those willing to risk defeat.
Contents of Machinery Design Machinery design is an important technological basic course in mechanical engineering education. Its objective is to provide the concepts, procedures, data, and decision analysis techniques necessary to design machine elements commonly found in mechanical devices and systems; to develop engineering students’ competence of machine design that is the primary concern of machinery manufacturing and the key to manufacture good products.
Unit 1 机电专业英语 图文课件
Text & Translation
Mechanical design should be considered to be an opportunity to use innovative talents to envision a design of a product, to analyze the system and then make sound judgments on how the product is to be manufactured. It is important to understand the fundamentals of engineering rather than memorize mere facts and equations. There are no facts or equations which alone can be used to provide all the correct decisions required to produce a good design. On the other hand, any calculations made must be done with the utmost cle, if a decimal point is misplaced, an otherwise acceptable design may not function.
Text & Translation
People who perform the various functions of mechanical design are typically called designers, or design engineers. Mechanical design is basically a creative activity. However, in addition to being innovative, a design engineer must also have a solid background in the areas of mechanical drawing, kinematics, dynamics, materials engineering, strength of materials and manufacturing processes.
格, 说明书, 规范
• analogy[E5nAlEdVi] n.类似,类推 Topic Above Next • End instruction[in5strQkFEn] n. 指示, 用法说明(书)
Section I Words and Phrases
• absolute[5AbsElu:t] adj. 完全的, 绝对的 • incremental[inkri5mentEl] adj. 增加的 • subprogram[5sQb5prEu^rAm] n. 子程序, 辅程 序 • positive[5pCzEtiv] adj.肯定的, 实际的, 积极的, 绝 对的 • negative[5ne^Etiv] adj.否定的, 消极的 • dimension[di5menFEn] n.尺寸, 尺度 • offset [5C:fset] n.偏移量 with regard to adv.关于 be divided into adv.划分成 preparatory function准备功能 Topic Above Next End modal function模态功能
Section II Text
Table 3-1 letter address type
O - Program number N - Sequence number G-Preparatory function X - X axis designation Y - Y axis designation Z - Z axis designation R - Radius designation F – Feed rate designation S-Spindle speed designation H - Tool length offset D - Tool radius offset T - Tool Designation M - Miscellae
• analogy[E5nAlEdVi] n.类似,类推 Topic Above Next • End instruction[in5strQkFEn] n. 指示, 用法说明(书)
Section I Words and Phrases
• absolute[5AbsElu:t] adj. 完全的, 绝对的 • incremental[inkri5mentEl] adj. 增加的 • subprogram[5sQb5prEu^rAm] n. 子程序, 辅程 序 • positive[5pCzEtiv] adj.肯定的, 实际的, 积极的, 绝 对的 • negative[5ne^Etiv] adj.否定的, 消极的 • dimension[di5menFEn] n.尺寸, 尺度 • offset [5C:fset] n.偏移量 with regard to adv.关于 be divided into adv.划分成 preparatory function准备功能 Topic Above Next End modal function模态功能
Section II Text
Table 3-1 letter address type
O - Program number N - Sequence number G-Preparatory function X - X axis designation Y - Y axis designation Z - Z axis designation R - Radius designation F – Feed rate designation S-Spindle speed designation H - Tool length offset D - Tool radius offset T - Tool Designation M - Miscellae
机电专业英语第Unit PPT课件
• The open—loop control system does not provide positioning feedback to the control unit.
• The closed—loop control system is very accurate. It has an automatic compensative function for error, since the feedback device indicates the error and the control makes the necessary adjustments to bring the slide back to the position. They apply AC, DC or hydraulic servomotors.
• Text • 4. Tool changers— In a common machining, several different cutting
tools are used to produce a part. The tools must be replaced quickly for the next machining operation. For this reason, the majority of NC/CNC machine tools are equipped with automatic tool changers, such as magazines on machine center and turrets on turning centers. They allow tool changing without the intervention of the operator.
Topic Above 英 Next
Section II Translation
例如, 许多早期的机器人起源于机电一体化的发展。随 着机器人系统的智能化发展, 不仅机械系统、电子系 统,而且软件技术的发展也成为机电一体化的核心内 容。
Topic Above 英 Next
Section II ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱranslation
Lesson 8
What is mechatronics?
•Section I Words and Phrases 词 •Section II Text 英 and Translation 汉 •Section III Exercises 练
Next End
Section I Words and Phrases
Topic Above Next
Section II Text
Mechatronics in Japan originated in the u niversity departments of precision mechanics, a discipline that has been emphasized in Japan since World War Ⅱ1. After the war, building on the expertise in mechanisms developed for we apon research, they began to specialize in pre cision engineering and, later, in manufacturing engineering. With the invention of the micropr ocessor and its incorporation into precision me chanics, the techniques and machinery they d eveloped were assumed under the Japanese ef fort called "mechatronics".
Lesson 24
Automobiles and the Environment
十分钟识记新单词,2位同学站起来朗读,大家一块 听听有无发音错误
每段课文:一个同学大声朗读,一个同学指出其发音 和停顿错误,一个同学讲解(翻译及语法),若干同学 补充讲解
A student to interpret this paragraph.
Anything to add?
Section Ⅲ: exercises
Now it’s time to do the exercises.
Please finish exercise Ⅰ&Ⅱ in five minutes in class, and do exercise Ⅲ on paper after class.
Section Ⅱ: text
Haha, now it’s your turn to give a lesson.
paragraph Ⅰ:
A student to read the first paragraph aloud.
A student to point out his/her mistake in pronunciation.
A student to interpret this paragraph.
Anything to add?
paragraph Ⅲ:
A student to read the third paragraph aloud.
A student to point out his/her mistake in pronunciation.
Automobiles and the Environment
十分钟识记新单词,2位同学站起来朗读,大家一块 听听有无发音错误
每段课文:一个同学大声朗读,一个同学指出其发音 和停顿错误,一个同学讲解(翻译及语法),若干同学 补充讲解
A student to interpret this paragraph.
Anything to add?
Section Ⅲ: exercises
Now it’s time to do the exercises.
Please finish exercise Ⅰ&Ⅱ in five minutes in class, and do exercise Ⅲ on paper after class.
Section Ⅱ: text
Haha, now it’s your turn to give a lesson.
paragraph Ⅰ:
A student to read the first paragraph aloud.
A student to point out his/her mistake in pronunciation.
A student to interpret this paragraph.
Anything to add?
paragraph Ⅲ:
A student to read the third paragraph aloud.
A student to point out his/her mistake in pronunciation.
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气缸数目分类法常常与气缸排列方式分类法联合使用 (如V型6缸、倾斜型4缸和立式4缸)。气缸的数目可 以指示出汽车发动机运行的平稳性。8缸内燃机比4缸 内燃机的工作冲程间隔短,故运行更平稳。气缸的数 目还与输出功率有关,气缸越多,内燃机输出的功率 就越大,但这也不是绝对的。一个涡轮增压4缸发动 机有可能比通常的吸气式的6缸发动机输出的功率还 大。
气缸有四种排列方式:V型、立式、卧式对置和倾斜 布置。每一种方式是指气缸从内燃机的前面或后面看 上去的方位。V型是指气缸排成类似V型的两排。立式 内燃机的多个气缸垂直排成一排。卧式对置内燃机的 气缸水平对置。倾斜式内燃机的气缸排成类似半个V 型的一排。倾斜式内燃机的车篷可以设计的更低。
Now browse paragraph five in 3 minutes, please.
按所用燃料分类是使用的较为广泛的一种分类方法。 汽油和柴油是使用的最为广泛的两种燃料。汽油机采 用火花点火而柴油机采用压缩点火(无火花)。诸如 石油液化气、酒精-汽油混合燃料(90%汽油,10% 酒精)和纯酒精等代用燃料使用地较少。
Oral English practice :
How many kinds of fuel can be in use in internal combustion engines according to paragraph 3? And what are they?
rotor connecting rod
Now please remember the new words and phrases as fast as you can.
Section Ⅱ: text
At first, read the first silently in 3 minutes, please.
exothermic [9eksEJ`W\:mIk] adj. [化]发热的 petroleum [pi5trEuliEm] n. 石油 turbocharge [`t\:bEJtFB:dV] vt. 用涡轮给(发动机) 增压
Pay close attention to the words concerning an internal combustion engine
paragraph Ⅰ:
The internal combustion engine is a heat engine in which the burning of a fuel occurs in a confined space called a combustion chamber. This exothermic reaction of a fuel with an oxidizer creates gases of high temperature and pressure, which are permitted to expand. The defining feature of an internal combustion engine is that useful work is performed by the expanding hot gases acting directly to cause movement, for example by acting on pistons, rotors, or even by pressing on and moving the entire engine itself.
Now please have a glance at paragraph six in 2 minutes.
paragraph Ⅵ:
Ignition Type:
Two methods for igniting fuel are used, spark ignition and compression ignition. Gasoline car engines use spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition. This method compresses the air to the point where the resulting rise in temperature causes ignition to occur when diesel fuel is added.
汽车内燃机因设计的不同而不同,但某些元件是所有 内燃机所共有的,并用作内燃机的分类依据。内燃机 可按气缸的数目、气缸的排列方式和点火系统的类型 等方式分类。常用的两大类内燃机是火花点火式(汽 油机)和压缩点火式(柴油机)内燃机,他们使用不 同种类的燃料。下面是内燃机的分类方法。
Oral English practice :
Lesson 22
Internal Combustion Engine
1. 2. 3.
掌握与内燃机相关的专业词汇; 翻译技巧:信*达*雅
Section Ⅰ: words and phases
See if you can pronounce these words rightly:
paragraph Ⅴ:
Number of Cylinders: The number of cylinders is often used in combination with the engine block geometry (V6, slant four, inline four.) The number of cylinders is an indication of how smooth the car engine will run. An eight-cylinder engine will run smoother than a four-cylinder engine since power strokes occur with greater frequency. The number of cylinders also contributes to power output; more cylinders, more power. However, this is not always a good indicator of power output. A turbocharged, fourcylinder engine can produce more power than a normally aspirated six-cylinder engine.
Say what’s you know about an internal combustion engine as much as you can.
Read the second paragraph silently in two minutes, please.
paragraph Ⅱ:
Car engines vary in design, but certain elements are common to all engines and are used for engine classification. Engines can be classified in several ways such as the number of cylinders, the geometry of the block, or type of ignition system used. The two major engine types in use are spark ignition (gasoline engine) and compression ignition (diesel engine) which use different types of fuel. The following are ways engines are classified.
In how many ways can engines be classified? And what are they?
Flip through the third paragraph in two minutes, please.
paragraph Ⅲ:
Fuel Burned: Fuel burned provides a broad engine classification. Two types of fuel are in general use: gasoline and diesel oil. Gasoline car engines use spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition (no spark.) Alternate fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas (LP-gas), gasohol (90% gasoline, 10% alcohol), and pure alcohol are used in very limited situations.
Now we’ll come to paragraph four, please read the it silently in 3 minutes,.
paragraph Ⅳ:
Block Geometry:
There are four types of engine block geometry: V-type, inline, horizontally opposed and slant. Each refers to the orientation of the cylinders as viewed from the front or back of the engine. A V-type has two angled rows of cylinders, which form a “V.” An inline engine arranges the cylinders vertically in a row. The horizontally opposed engine has the cylinders horizontal and opposing each other. A slant design is one row of angled cylinders forming a half “V.” A slant block allows the hood line to be lower.