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《花的结构和类型》PPT 课件
通过本课件,带你深入了解花的结构和类型。从花的引言开始,逐步介绍花 的各个部分,包括萼片、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊等。你将了解到完全花与不完全 花、两性植物与异体植物的区别,以及复合总状花序和简总状花序等不同类 型的花序。
Introduction to Flowers
Flowers are the reproductive structures of flowering plants. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
Spike Inflorescence
A type of inflorescence where the flowers are arranged in a long, unbranched, and elongated spike.
Raceme Inflorescence
Raceme Inflorescence
The female reproductive organs that contain the ovary, style, and stigma.
Sepals: Definition and Function
Sepals are leaf-like structures that form the outermost whorl of the flower. Their main function is to protect the developing bud.
Petals: Definition and Function
Petals are the colorful, often fragrant parts of the flower. Their main function is to attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.
Perfect and Imperfect Flowers
1 Perfect Flowers
Flowers that have both male and female reproductive organs.
2 Imperfect Flowers
Flowemale reproductive organs.
A type of inflorescence where numerous tiny flowers are packed closely together in a dense, rounded cluster.
Floral Symmetry: Radial and Bilateral
1 Radial Symmetry
Monoecious and Dioecious Plants
1 Monoecious Plants
Plants that have both male and female flowers on the same plant.
2 Dioecious Plants
Plants that have male and female flowers on separate plants.
Umbel Inflorescence
A type of inflorescence where the flowers are arranged on short stalks that radiate from a common point.
Compound Umbel Inflorescence
Stamen: Definition, Parts, and Function
The stamen is the male reproductive organ of the flower. It consists of two main parts: the filament and the anther. The filament supports the anther, which produces pollen.
Simple Inflorescence
Cymose Inflorescence
A type of simple inflorescence where the central flower blooms first and is followed by lateral flowers.
Compound Inflorescence
Examples of Common Flower Types
Rose Lily
Daffodil Sunflower
Flower Types: Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic
Flower types can be classified into actinomorphic (radially symmetrical) and zygomorphic (bilaterally symmetrical).
Pistil: Definition, Parts, and Function
The pistil is the female reproductive organ of the flower. It consists of three main parts: the ovary, the style, and the stigma. The ovary contains ovules, which develop into seeds after fertilization.
Parts of a Flower
The outermost part of the flower that protects the bud.
The male reproductive organs that produce pollen.
The colorful, often fragrant part of the flower that attracts pollinators.
Flowers that can be divided into equal halves in any plane, like a circle.
2 Bilateral Symmetry
Flowers that can only be divided into equal halves along one plane, like a mirror image.
Compound Umbel Inflorescence
A type of inflorescence where multiple umbels are arranged in a branching pattern.
Capitulum Inflorescence
Capitulum Inflorescence
Inflorescence: Definition and Types
Inflorescence refers to the arrangement of flowers on a plant. There are various types of inflorescence, including simple, compound, spike, raceme, panicle, umbel, compound umbel, and capitulum.
Racemose Inflorescence
A type of compound inflorescence where the main axis continues to grow and produce flowers along its length.
Spike Inflorescence
A type of inflorescence where the flowers are arranged along a central stalk, with the oldest flowers at the base and the youngest at the top.
Panicle Inflorescence
Panicle Inflorescence
A type of inflorescence where the main axis branches multiple times, producing smaller branches with flowers.
Umbel Inflorescence