Introduction to MB0709
Intbs) 发明家、企业家、前皮克斯动画工作室
董事长及行政总裁、美国苹果公司联合创办 人。
1972年毕业于加利福尼亚州洛斯阿图斯 的Homestead高中,后入读俄勒冈州波特兰 的里德学院,六个月后退学。
Part 6 Organizational Development
人员管理 薪酬与福利 绩效管理 培训管理 个人发展 组织发展
Evaluation: Attendance 30% Final Exam 70%
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human resources
Part 1 Staffing
Part 2 Compensation & Benefits
Part 3 Performance Management
Part 4 Training Management
Part 5 Personal Development
没有黄金降落伞 苹果公司的代理权公告中明确表示,苹果公司希望
其高管放弃一些额外津贴,因为此类津贴已经使一些 大企业臭名昭著。对苹果库比蒂诺总部的那些高管们 来说,没什么离职合同、税收增长补贴(tax gross-ups) 或与公司管理层变动相关的补贴之类的东西。事实上, 苹果公司与所有高层管理人员都是“可随时遣散”的雇 佣关系,它们之间甚至没有一个专门的雇佣合约。
Hope this class could be different from other classes for u all. more interesting and practical
Introduction of Column BucklingStructures subjected to compressive (and other types of loads) may become unstable and buckle. In idealized situations, buckling is the sudden onset of very large displacements at some critical load (generally transverse to the member) and sometimes with a corresponding decrease in load-carrying capacity. In other situations, buckling may occur more gradually; but as the load approaches the critical load displacements will increase at a rapidrate. Below are examples of buckling situations:Consider a column fixed on one end and subjectedto a uniaxial compressive load P. When P is small,the column shortens axially (is compressed).When the axial compressive force P reaches acritical value cr P, the column suddenly experiencesa lateral displacement, i.e., it buckles.A thin, deep cantilever beam is subjected to a vertical end load P. As long as the load P is below a critical value cr P , the beam section remains vertical (motion is downward only) and resists the bending action of P. At the critical value cr P , the beam will twist and bend sideward (out of the vertical plane). The point at which the structure buckles is called an instability point. At or just below the criticalvalue of the load, any small disturbance can cause the structure tochange position as shown in the sketch of P vs. displacement.sideward displacement, twist PcrP P idealized actualA familiar soda can is shown below. When the applied load P is sufficiently small, the vertical wall remains cylindrical and is compressed uniformly in the vertical direction (fig. a).If P becomes toolarge (reaches thecritical value), theposition becomesunstable. A smalldisturbance causesthe vertical walls tobend in and out in acomplex pattern asshown in fig. b(buckling orcrumpling occurs).The top may even rotate relative to the bottom.A somewhat different type of instability is shown below for a shallow curved arch or dome.As the load P is increased, the top of the arch displaces downward in a somewhatlinear fashion (fig. a).However, at some critical value of P, the arch will suddenly snap through to the configuration shown in fig. b. This is called snap buckling . At this critical load, the arch (top) suddenly moves vertically from displacement A to Bwith NO increase in load P.PThe investigation of structural instability and buckling is a difficult subject. We shall consider only the case of the cantilevered column discussed previously. Before considering this stability problem, it is necessary to derive the equations governing the bending of a beam subjected to longitudinal as well as transverse loads. Consider a free-body of a beam with a transverse load q(x) and a constant axial force P as shown below.PPxy()v xM P()p xSumming forces vertically and taking moments about the center of the differential element yields:220()x x V V V p x M M M VV V P v ∆∆+∆-+∆=+∆-+++∆+∆= (10.1)Divide by x ∆ and take the limit 0x ∆→ to obtain00dVp dx dM dv V Pdxdx-=++=(10.2)Assume that the bending moment is responsible for the transverse deformation of the beam; i.e., we will neglect the effect of shear on the deformations (same as ENGR 214 and AERO 304). Then,22d v EI M dx= (10.3)Substituting (10.3) into the moment equation (10.2) gives220d d v dv EI V P dx dx dx ⎛⎫++= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ (10.4)Solving (10.4) for V and substituting in the shear equation (10.2) gives2222d d v d dv EI P p dx dx dx dx ⎛⎫⎛⎫+= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ (10.5)Now consider the cantilevered column with only an axial compressive force P. Boundary conditions for this problem are given by:0 00v at x dv dx =⎫⎪=⎬=⎪⎭0 0M at x L V =⎫=⎬=⎭ (10.6)The boundary conditions at x=L may be expressed in terms of v by substituting the boundary conditions into the second of equations (10.2), and (10.3), into (10.6) to obtain:22220 0d vM EI dx at x L d d v dv V P dx dx dx ⎫==⎪⎪=⎬⎛⎫⎪-=+= ⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎭(10.7)For constant EI and P, the governing differential equation (10.5) becomes42420d v d v EIPdxdx+= (10.8)We must now find the solution to the differential equation (10.8) subject to the boundary conditions at x=0 [eq. (10.6)] and x=L [eq. (10.7)]. We note that v=0 is a solution for any value of P.However, we are not interested in this trivial solution. The theory of differential equations states that we must have 4 independent constants in the general solution to the differential equation (there are 4 boundary conditions). A possible solution for ()v x is a combination of polynomial and trigonometric terms:1234()sincosv x c c x c c =+++(10.9)You can verify that this assumed solution satisfies the differential equation. Substituting (10.9) into the 4 boundary conditions [2 boundary conditons at x=0 in (10.6) and 2 at x=L in (10.7)] gives the following:142334200sincosc c c c PP c c EI EI c P +=+=--==(10.10)Note that all the right-hand sides are equal to 0; hence, a possible solution is that 12340c c c c ====. In this case, ()0v x = is the solution for equilibrium of the cantilevered column. This would correspond to simple compression of the column with no sideways motion. However, we consider this once again a trivial solution. We need to find another solution!Equations (10.10) are in fact an eigenvalue problem !1234100101000sin cos000cccP PcEI EIP⎡⎤⎢⎥⎧⎫⎧⎫⎢⎥⎪⎪⎪⎪⎢⎥⎪⎪⎪⎪=⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥⎪⎪⎪⎪⎢⎥--⎪⎪⎪⎪⎢⎥⎩⎭⎩⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦(10.11)The solution of the eigenvalue problem requires that the determinant of the 4x4 coefficient matrix by equal to zero which will yield the solution for P satisfying this condition. Note that we will obtain an infinite number of solutions due to the repeating nature of the sin and cos trigonometric functions. An easier approach is as follows. Referring to equation (10.10), the fourth equation implies that 20c= is a possible solution (for 0P≠). With 20c=, the second equation implies that 30c= is a possible solution. The first equation implies that 41c c=-. Hence, the third equation becomes simply:1cos0P c EI= (10.12)The last equation can be satisfied by setting 10c =, which is a trivial solution again, or by having a value of P such thatcos0= (10.13)The smallest value of P satisfying this condition is224EIP L π=(10.14)Substituting this value of P back into ()v x gives1()1cos 2x v x c L π⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭(10.15)Hence, we have found the critical value of P, and the shape that the beam bends into for this critical load. Note that the value of 1ccannot be determined. This is the nature of an eigenvalue problem. Since the solution of an eigenvalue problem requires that we force the determinant of the coefficient matrix to be equal to zero, this is equivalent to making the equations linearly dependent . Linearly dependent equations can only be solved by assuming a solution for one (or more) of the unknowns (c's in this case); and the solution will always be in terms of the assumed c value. Note that when cr P P <, the transverse deflection is zero. Transverse deflection occurs only when cr P P ≥.Hence, we have for the cantilevered column the critical value of P:(10.16)For other end conditions, we can follow the same procedure to obtain:A10 - Introduction to Column Buckling 14For axial loads that are not perfectly centered, we obtain anentirely different result. Consider the case when P is offset by an amount ε:The problem may be worked as before, except that we treat the problem as having a perfectly centered load P plus a moment o M P ε= as shown above. We find that the third boundary condition in equations (10.10) is modified so that the right-hand side is equal to /o M EI . Following the same procedure, we find that the transverse deflection δ is given by:=sec1sec 1o M P δε⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(10.17)Plotting P vs. δ gives the plot onthe right. For small values of P, the transverse deflection is very nearly zero. For example, δε< when49crit P P < where 224crit EI P Lπ= is the value obtained for a perfectlycentered load P on a cantilevered column. As P approaches the critical load, the deflection δbecomes very large. Because axial forces are rarely perfectly centered, one will always find some amountof transverse deflectionδ occurring before P reaches the critical load.。
* Tips on Contract Lingo
Lesson 6 Negotiation English
* What You Should Know Before Negotiating
* Negotiation Tactics
Let's have a show of hands, how many of you agree with ----
I'm sure we all know what it's like to---
Let me ask you spend a couple of seconds thinking about---
11) Inviting comments
12) Interrupting
13) Transitions
14) Reformulations
15) Closing
* Language Reference
Self-introduction 自我介绍
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Well, what would you do, I wonder---
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Introduction to Materials(Part 11-5)Sep. 27, 20122.1 Naturel Internal structure: conceptsü Atomic (electronic) structure - concepts on nucleus & electron - Periodic Table ü Molecular structure & bonding - primary bonding & secondary bondingl Solid state: Crystalline & AmorphousstructureFill in the blanks 1. A matter can exist in one of the four physical states: solid, liquid, gas, or . 2. An is a substance that cannot be broken down any further by chemical reaction. 3. A is a substance that can be broken down into elements by chemical reaction. 4. are the unit of matter formed by two or more atoms joined together by covalent bonds. 5. are the basic building blocks of matter; the smallest particle of an element that possesses the physical & chemical properties of that element; the smallest particle of an element that can enter into a chemical change.Quiz 26. Atom has a dense center called (consisting of & ) and moving around the center. 7. is defined as the number of protons in the nucleus. 8. is the total number of protons & neutrons in the nucleus. 9. refer to the atoms of an element with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. 10. are electrons that occupy the outermost ring or shell from the nucleus and control the chemical properties of an element.11. is the capacity of an element to combine with other elements. 12. : the process of pulling away valence electrons from a balanced or neutral atom. 13. : the degree to which an atom attracts electrons. 14. : a measure of the attraction between the electron & nucleus. 15. How many electrons are there in the N energy level? 16. Orbits: also called ; Orbitals Orbitals: : .Contents for today/next week 2.2 Structure of Materialscrystalline2.2.1 Unit cell & Space lattices 2.2.2 Crystal systems 2.2.5 Allotropy/Polymorphism 2.2.6 Volume changes & packing factor 2.2.7 Crystal imperfections 2.2.8 SelfSelf-study(√) 2.2.9 Substitutional solid solution 2.2.10 Interstitial solid solution 2.2.11 Crystal defectsCrystallography 结晶学2 states for atoms positioned in solid?Page 61Crystalline & AmorphousCrystallography: the study of crystalline structure结晶学l focuses on the orderly arrangement of atoms in their microscopic world l atoms, ions, or molecules are represented as spheres of varying sizes √occupy points at various distances from each other in space: axis system 坐标系micromicro - vs. macromacro-A box aligned on an axis systemzX-Z plane3 axes infinite in length Y-Z plane 3 mutually perpendicular & infinite planes+x-the basic building X-Y plane block or basic geometric arrangement of atoms in a crystalyn Unit cell 晶胞2.2.1 Unit Cells晶胞Six parameters in a unit celln Lattice parameters 晶格参数a, b, c: intercept截距 (edge) in X, Y, ZPage 62zX-Z planeY-Z plane+yn Angles 夹角α,β,γQ.xX-Y planeWhat are the six parameters to describe a unit cell?Page 622.2.1 Space lattice (or Crystal lattice) 晶格l A space lattice is three sets of straight lines at angles to each other l It is constructed to divide space into small volumes of equal sizes l Atoms (ions, or molecules) located at the intersections交叉点 of these lines or between the various lines(晶格, 晶体点阵, 空间点阵)atomsabc xy za bg simple cubic unit cell 1.Show the positions of atoms in relation to each other2.Lines & points are imaginary7 crystal systems 14 Bravais lattices2.2.2 Crystal systems 晶系n 7Crystal systems三方/菱方/菱形晶系六方晶系√√斜方/正交晶系四方晶系单斜晶系三斜晶系√Brevais lattices 布拉菲点阵1414 Spacelattices (提供参考)√√√6 parameters√Q.Cubic crystal systemSimple Cubic systemdoes not exit in nature; the center space needs to be filled by other atoms (简单立方)(面心立方)(体心立方)90o : normal to each otherBody-centered cubic (bcc)llFace-centered cubic (fcc)6 facesll*6 parameters; bcc; fccTetragonal crystal systeml axes are normal to l l 简单四方体心四方(bct )body-centered tetragonalHexagonal crystal systemlparallel planes六角晶系clctopcbottomCloseClose--packed hexagonal (cph)lat a distance of c/2 (六方密堆积)lCrystal systemsn7Crystal systemsüUnit cells:üüa, b, c; α,β,γQ?bcc, fcc, cph? (abbreviation vs. full name) Six parameters for each crystal system?Page 752.2.5 Allotropy/Poly Polymorph morphisml Elements exist in more than one crystal structure depending primarily on temperature (同素异形体/现象) 1. Allotropic materials- the change from oneVs.structure to another is reversible; return to its previous structure 2. Polymorphic materials-the material does not possess the reversible phenomenon (irreversible)poly-: many; morph, shape; polyTP vs. TS polymorph; polymorphic; polymorphismIron: allotropicBcc, Ferrite铁素体Low Tl light weight, high strength steel can be produced from iron l T>910℃, structure change from bcc to fcc l allow a much greater absorption of carbon atomsOne C atom in an fcc unit cell of ironHigh T > 910℃Fcc, Austenite 奥氏体Polymorphs of CarbonFullerene (C60, C70) buckminsterfullerene buckyballpolymorph?单臂碳管 多臂碳管Graphene 石墨烯Properties: Polymorphism/Allotropyl Any allotropic & polymorphic change in an element means different propertiesdiamond graphitethe hardest naturally occurring substanceBlack, greasy, low strength material, effective lubricant 润 滑剂石墨烯Super strong, 30 30~ ~100 times stronger than steelAllotropy/Poly Polymorp morph hisml Crystal structure: long long-range order长程有序; amorphous: short short-range order; several atoms 1. Allotropic materials: change in structure is reversible, reversible , returning to its previous structure e.g., iron2. Polymorphic materials: materials: irreversible, irreversible, e.g., C2.2.6 Volume changes & packing factor (堆积因子)atom Question?substanceTwo factors affecting density? Atomic weight Every change in atomic structureLeads toAtoms/ions stackingChanges in properties of the solid e.g. Volume 体积 Density 密度 Page 78Density (密度)Page 78mass density, theoretical density, green density压坯密度, bulk density体积密度 (M4 Ceramics)Density is the ratio of the mass to the volume of a substance, which stays constant provided (假设) it is nonallotropic. l Mass measured in kilograms (kg) and volume in cubic meters (m3); density has the units of kilograms per meter cubed (kg/m3).lAtomic packing factor(APF, PF) 堆积因子lPage 78lThe atomic packing factor (APF), or packing factor (PF), is the ratio of the volume of atoms present in a unit cell to the volume of the unit cell. The difference (差数) between the PF and unity (最小的整数, 1) is known as the void fraction (空 隙率; = 1-PF) SC: simple cubic system The total volume of the 8 atoms The volume of the unit cell≠Page 78Calculating the APF in simple cubic crystal(SC)The (100) face plane shows four corner atoms touching each other, so a=2RAPF≈0.52 void fraction=0.48Page 788 atoms of equal radius located at each corner, the volume of the cell occupied by the eight atoms is equivalent to one atom. Each corner atom contributes one-eighth of its volume. l The volume of an atom (ball), (4/3) ∏R3. l APF = 0.52, reflecting only about half (52%) of the space is occupied by the atoms. l The closer the atoms come to each other, the less energy they have and the more stable is their structure.lCalculating the APF in BCC bcc unit cell contains the equivalent of two 4R =Page 78atoms . APF=0.68void fraction=0.323a 3342()30.683R APF p ==æçèCalculating the APF in fccPage 78four 34()R 1–0.74Page 78 Question?dependent on are ofReview6 parametersbcc, fcc, bct, cph difference; examplesfcc definition; PF for sc, bcc, fcc definition; PF for sc, bcc,Assignments 4. Reminding: 听报告,写总结.Instruments & Equipments: Brochure & ad仪器/设备说明书及广告Research: Instruments & equipments;Brochures: important and indispensableMajor Contents in Brochure (manual): More words to come.(GPC, Waters)Cover pageNameContact informationProduction dateSerial numberetc.Notice(通知,布告)construedcommitmentNotes & Warnings (warning labels) (警告) llNotes & WarningsTable of contents lllGPC IntroductionTo get preliminaryunderstandingWhat is GPC?performance liquid chromatographyWhy is GPC important?physical means by their size solutionHow GPC works?GPC Instrumentation1. Pumps2. Columns Mobile Phase Stationary phase3. Detector4. Injector5. Automatic data processing equipment柱塞排气阀。
Introduction to Materials(Part I: week 7)Oct. 11, 20121Contents for Last Time & Today2.2 Structure of Materials2.2.1 Unit cell & space lattices 2.2.2 Crystal systems 2.2.5 Allotropy/Polymorphism 2.2.6 Packing Factor 2.2.7 Crystal imperfections 2.2.8 SelfSelf-study study— —Key Points 2.2.9 Substitutional solid solution 2.2.10 Interstitial solid solution 2.2.11 Crystal defects2zX-Z planeY-Z plane6 parameters for describing a specific + y unit cell. X-Y plane What are they? 3 lattice parameters a, b, c: intercept in X, Y, Z 3 angles α,β,γ3x“The basic building block or basic geometric arrangement of atoms in a crystal” is defined as .unit cellMatching6 parametersA. A=b=c; α = β = γ = 90o B. A=b≠c; α = β = γ = 90o C. A=b≠c; α = β = 90o, γ = 120ocrystalcubic tetragonal hexagonal4Full name & Chinese nameBCC, FCC, BCT, CPHBody centered cubic 体心立方 Face centered cubic 面心立方 Body centered tetragonal 体心四方 CloseClose -packed hexagonal 六方密堆积5同素异形体/ 同素异形体 /现象 English name?allotropy, polymorphismWhich one can be described with “reversible”?allotropyGive a specific example for each one.allotropy: iron polymorph: carbon6Full nameAPF, PF1-PF? atomic packing factor 堆积因子 void fraction 空隙率MatchingPF =simple cubic BCC FCC 0.52 0.68 0.747crystal structurecrystal imperfectionsred spheres: atoms constructing the crystal green spheres? impurity atoms杂质原子82.2.7 Crystal Imperfectionsl fcc iron: C fits into holes in Fe latticeimperfect crystal structurePage 79FeC* lack of perfection is far from being all bad, e.g. steel9VacancyNothing is perfectCrystal imperfections: vacancy空穴 Page 7910Crystal imperfection üNot all atoms longlong--range order üdoes not l imperfect microstructuresnot regular grid regular grid--like (格子状) lattice or patternl *short *short--range order: limited to several atoms amorphous vs. crystallineCrystal Imperfections Array bad or good? l Defects smalldramatic impactabout::l defects bring abouthigh--carbon steel üdevelopment of high×toughness reduction in ceramics×strength decreasing in metalsl imperfectionsdesireCategories of imperfectionslfalls into1.Crystal impurities杂质impurity atoms 2.Crystal defectsdisorderother thanCrystal imperfectionsl Crystal impuritiesQCrystal defectsl Impurity atoms1.Substitutional solid solution2. Interstitial solid solutionsl Solid solution:solidconsists of two kinds in one type space latticel solublel Steell Brassliquid solution = solvent溶剂+ solute溶质2.2.8 Crystal impurities(solid solution)PhaseAlloyDiffusion 扩散: affecting factors?●—key pointsFactors affecting the diffusion of atoms,molecules, or ions TemperatureTime:SizebondingPacking1,2: external conditions; 3: solute; 4,5: solvent2.2.9 Substitutional Solid solutionl ( )üe.g:substitute, take the place of,replace*1. The sizes of the two kinds of atoms differ by less than 15%.Cu Q Three requirements:*2. Electron configurations in the two kinds of atoms are comparable.4s 122.2.9 Substitutional Solid solution 4s *3. Two elements have a common crystal structure.In Monel fccQ?3SizeElectron configurationCrystal structure2.2.10 Interstitial solid solutionsu impurity atoms take up sites inPage 82the lattice structure that are normally unfilled or unoccupied by the solvent atoms u Sites: interstices (间隙): normally unfilled voids or vacant spaces *the sizes of the atoms in impurity atoms interstices must be small enough. Q? Requirement?21SteelllBecause of allotropy allotropy, , steel can be produced from iron. iron . When iron is heated to above 910℃, its structure changes from bcc to fcc fcc, , allowing for a much greater absorption of carbon atoms (2% maximum). maximum) .Interstitial solid solution22Questionl Whatare the conditions under which substitutional and interstitial solid solutions form?23Crystal imperfectionsl 2 categories: Crystal impuritiesCrystal defectsl Impurity atoms produce 2 typesof solid solutions: 1. substitutional solid solution 2. interstitial solid solutions √The requirements242.2.11 Crystal DefectsPage 83l The disorder in atomic structure brought about by something other than impurity atomsü thermal agitation (热振动) during crystal disorder result from of crystal formation structure brought ü effect of gravity about by ü high high-energy radiation25Crystal Defectsn Fall into 3 groups:I. point defects 点缺陷 II. line defects 线缺陷 III. area defects 面缺陷n Actually these defects occur in allcombinations (coexist)26Page 83I. Point defects (0-dimensional)√the simplest & best understood l affect only a small volume (1 or 2 atom positions) of the crystal surrounding a single lattice site (点阵位). l assigned to (attributed to):a) vacancy 空穴,空位 b) interstitial defect or interstitialcy (堆填子) c) substitutional defect27Page 83Point defectsa) Vacancy is the absenceof an atom at a lattice site in regular crystalVacancyb) Interstitial defect(interstitialcy interstitialcy) )Interstitial Impurity-produced by the presence of extra atom in a voidC) Substitutional defect-impurity atoms depositing in a lattice position for Substitutional atomsimpurity ions28Page 85II. Line (one(one-dimensional) defects l known as a dislocation (位错) -is an imperfect linear arrayof atoms -some linear imperfection in the bonding of atomsl grouped into: into:a) edge dislocation b) screw dislocation29Page 85a) Edge dislocation 刃型位错刃型位错/ 刃型位错 边缘位错lAn extra or incomplete (half) plane inserts into (like blade) the interstices between two planes; causes distortion 变形 of the crystal structure;represented by ⊥( )(perpendicular 垂直的).30b)Screw dislocation 螺型位错●slip is parallel tothe dislocation line; represented by .planel An abundance (多)Q.What are the effects of line defect (dislocation) on the strength andductility of a crystalline solid?interference in preventing from slipping strengthening l A few (少)increase the ductilityIII.Area defectl 2-dimensional defectsthe form of grain boundaries Grain boundaryGrain (crystal)Orientation of the same latticestructure in each grain is differentüüülattice orientation 晶格取向Thinking?T or F? Why?(True)Read carefully the 1st paragraph on page 87Q.?What are the functions ofgrain boundaries?1.2.assist in3.plastically deform(plastic deformation) 4.elastic deformation弹性形变CrystalCrystalImpurityNot all negative effects! substitutional/interstitialsolid solutionvacancy;impurity atoms: ImperfectionCrystalDefectAreaPointLine(grain boundaries)AssignmentsllStandard specification for a productOutlineslllllDefinitions l标准:准则依据。
ST官⽅电机控制套件⽤户⼿册UM0709User ManualSTM8/128-MCKIT motor control starter kit 1 IntroductionThe STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit is an integrated system designed to provide a complete, ready-to-use motor control application developed around the STMicroelectronics STM8 microcontroller.This starter kit is particularly suited to drive 3-phase brushless motors (either AC induction or permanent magnet types) and demonstrates how effectively the STM8 microcontrollers can be used in real-world motor control applications.●Drive is based on scalar control (BLDC or ACIM) for three-phase motors.●Position and/or speed measurement is implemented using Hall sensors or a tachometer.●Sensorless control is also implemented.●The inverter is driven using the PWM modulation technique.The STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit can be run in various ways:●As a plug-and play demo, out of the box, with the provided BLDC motor, in sensorless speed control mode.●With an AC induction motor, after reprogramming the microcontroller, in open loop or in speed control mode.However, the main advantage of the STM8/128-MCKIT is that you can use it to create your own applications and re-program the STM8 microcontroller. Y ou can develop your own applications using the dedicated software libraries provided in the starter kit in conjunction with a third-party IDE and C compiler.This manual describes:●The STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit components, and how to set up the hardware to runthe provided BLDC motor or an AC induction motor.●How to run the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit in standalone mode.●The BLDC daughterboard (MB843).For information about the STM8 microcontroller features, refer to the datasheet. The STM8 evaluation board features, peripherals, and connectors are described in the STM8/128-EVAL user manual (UM0482).For information on the BLDC and AC induction motor software libraries and how to use them in motor control application development projects, refer to the STM8S three-phase BLDC software library (UM0708) and the STM8S three-phase AC induction motor software library user manual (UM0712) respectively. Y ou will find these manuals, and all related documentation on the STM8/128-MCKIT CD-ROM.June 2009Doc ID 15774 Rev 21/22/doc/219f7fae551810a6f52486d0.htmlContents UM0709Contents1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Safety warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.1General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.2Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.3Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.4Important notice to users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43STM8/128-MCKIT hardware setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.1Package checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.1.1Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.1.2Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.1.3Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.1.4Components not provided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.2Brushless DC motor (default) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.3AC induction motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.4Hardware configuration for a BLDC motor (default) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.5Hardware configuration for an AC induction motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.6Power supply connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134BLDC daughterboard MB843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144.1Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144.2Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.3Jumper configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164.4Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175Running the starter kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185.1Running the BLDC motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185.2Running the AC induction motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6Creating your custom application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Appendix A Additional information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 2UM0709ContentsA.1Modification of MB631 for BLDC drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A.2Recommended reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A.3Software upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A.4Getting technical support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Doc ID 15774 Rev 23/22Safety warnings UM07094/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 22 Safety warnings2.1 GeneralIn operation, the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit has non-insulated wires, moving or rotatingparts (when connected to a motor), as well as hot surfaces. In case of improper use, incorrect installation or misuse, there is danger of serious personal injury and damage to property. All operations, installation and maintenance are to be carried out by skilled technical personnel (applicable accident prevention rules must be observed).When the power board is supplied with voltages greater than 30 V AC/DC, all of the board and components must be considered “hot”, and any contact with the board must be avoided. The operator should stay away from the board as well (risk of projection of material in case of components destruction, especially when powering the board with high voltages).The rotating parts of motors are also a source of danger.The STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit contains electrostatic sensitive components which may be damaged through improper use.Note:The board's power supply must be electrically insulated before connecting any cables that link the PC to the board, such as the STX-RLINK or a serial cable. Otherwise an earth/ground loop would occur, as there is no insulation board.2.2 Intended useThe STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit is made of components designed for demonstrationpurposes and must not be included in electrical installations or machinery. Instructions about the setup and use of the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit must be strictly observed.2.3 OperationAfter disconnecting the board from the voltage supply, several parts and power terminals must not be touched immediately because of possible energized capacitors or hot surfaces.2.4 Important notice to usersWhile every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this document, STMicroelectronics assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions or by statements of any kind in this document, its updates, supplements, or special editions, whether such errors are omissions or statements resulting from negligence, accident, or any other cause.Doc ID 15774 Rev 25/223 STM8/128-MCKIT hardware setupThis section provides a detailed description of the components included in the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit. It also describes the default settings for a brushless DC motor (BLDC), and explains how to change them to use an AC induction motor.3.1 Package checklistFigure 1 shows the layout and connections of the major components of the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit.Figure 1.STM8/128-MCKIT layout3.1.1 HardwareThe STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit includes the following items:●The MB459B power board (1): This board is described in the MB459B power boarduser manual (UM0379) provided on the STM8/128-MCKIT CD-ROM.●The MB631 STM8 evaluation board (2): This board is described in the STM8/128-EVAL user manual (UM0482) provided on the STM8/128-MCKIT CD-ROM.●An MB843 BLDC daughterboard (3): This board is described in the chapter BLDC daughterboard MB843. The purpose of the BLDC daughterboard is to implement the BEMF detecting network and the current regulation/limitation network.●An STX-RLink USB–SWIM debugger (4): The RAISONANCE STX-RLink USB-JTAG debugger allows you to reprogram the Flash memory of the STM8 microcontroller and to debug the software before using the application in standalone mode.●A 24V DC SHINANO BLDC motor (5): The motor included in the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit is a SHINANO inner rotor type 4-pole brushless DC motor with Hall sensor and encoder. For electrical specifications and mechanical dimensions, refer to the SHINANO datasheets on the STM8/128-MCKIT CD-ROM.●An auxiliary power supply block TR30R (6)●The following cables:–Motor cables (7)– A motor connector HE10 34-pin cable (8)– A USB cable (9)–One SWIM cable and the related adapter (10)–An auxiliary connector for BLDC sensorless HE10 20-pin cable (11)● A bag with three 0.1ohm resistors is included to configure the MB459B board toincrease the maximum motor nominal current level up to 5 amps.●The STM3210B-MCKIT CD-ROM.3.1.2 SoftwareThe STM8/128-MCKIT CD-ROM includes the BLDC and AC induction motor softwarelibraries.When you receive the STM8/128-MCKIT, the STM8 microcontroller is programmed bydefault with the BLDC sensorless firmware.3.1.3 DocumentationThe STM8/128-MCKIT CD-ROM also includes the following product documentation in PDFformat:●STM8Sxxx access line and performance line datasheets●STM8Sxxx reference manual●STM8/128-MCKIT motor control kit user manual (UM0709, the present manual)●STM8S three-phase BLDC software library v1.0 user manual (UM0708)●STM8S three-phase AC induction motor software library v1.0 user manual (UM0712)●STM8/128-EVAL user manual (UM0482)●MB459B power board user manual (UM0379)●SHINANO motor datasheet.In the box with the STM8/128-MCKIT, there is also:●The MCD product finder●Product flyers and brochures●The MCD miniROM● A guarantee record cardprovidednot3.1.4 ComponentsThe STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit does not include:● A power supply: To use the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit with the provided BLDC motor, you need a 24V-3A minimum power supply.●An AC induction motor: The STM8/128-MCKIT can operate with an AC induction motor. The provided firmware is designed to operate with the SELNI induction motor. It can be ordered as an accessory with the following order code: ST7MC-MOT/IND. To use the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit with the Selni AC induction motor, you need a 42V DC or32Veff AC power supply (polarity not important, earth connection recommended).6/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 23.2 Brushless DC motor (default)The brushless DC motor (BLDC) is a rotating electric machine where the stator is a classic 3-phase stator like that of an induction motor and the rotor has surface-mounted permanent magnets. In this respect, the BLDC motor is equivalent to an induction motor where the air gap magnetic field is produced by a permanent magnet. The use of a permanent magnet to generate a substantial air gap magnetic flux makes it possible to design highly efficient motors.A BLDC motor is driven by trapezoidal currents coupled with the given rotor position. The generated stator flux together with the rotor flux, which is generated by a rotor magnet, defines the torque, and thus speed, of the motor. The trapezoidal currents have to be applied to the 3-phase winding system in a way that angle between the stator flux and the rotor flux is kept close to 90° to get the maximum generated torque. T o meet this criterion, the motor requires electronic control for proper operation.For a common 3-phase BLDC motor, a standard 3-phase power stage is used.The same power stage is used for AC induction and BLDC motors. The power stage utilizes six power transistors with independent switching. The power transistors are switched in the also called six step operation.3.3 AC induction motorThe AC induction motor is a rotating electric machine designed to operate from a 3-phase source of alternating voltage.The stator is a classic 3-phase stator with the winding displaced by 120°.The most common type of induction motor has a squirrel cage rotor in which aluminum conductors or bars are shorted together at both ends of the rotor by cast aluminum end rings. When three currents flow through the three symmetrically placed windings, a sinusoidally distributed air gap flux generating the rotor current is produced. The interaction of the sinusoidally distributed air gap flux and induced rotor currents produces a torque on the rotor. The mechanical angular velocity of the rotor is lower then the angular velocity of the flux wave by so called slip velocity.In adjustable speed applications, AC induction motors are powered by inverters. The inverter converts DC power to AC power at the required frequency and amplitude.The inverter consists of three half-bridge units where the upper and lower switches are controlled complementarily. As the power device's turn-off time is longer than its turn-on time, some dead-time must be inserted between the turn-off of one transistor of the half bridge and turn-on of its complementary device.The output voltage is mostly created by a pulse width modulation (PWM) technique. The 3-phase voltage waves are shifted 120° to each other and thus a 3-phase motor can be supplied.Doc ID 15774 Rev 27/223.4 Hardware configuration for a BLDC motor (default)This section describes the procedure for operating the STM8/128-MCKIT with a BLDC motor.The default settings that are present on the STM8 evaluation board and on the power board when you receive the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kit are intended for a BLDC motor.When you are using the BLDC motor, follow these steps:1.Verify that all the jumpers on the power board (MB459B) are in their default position. Refer to Table1: MB459B power board jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default) for information on jumper settings, and if necessary, to the MB459B power board User Manual for the location of the jumpers on the board.2. Verify that all of the STM8 evaluation board (MB631) jumpers are in their default position. Refer to T able2: STM8 evaluation board jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default) for information on jumper settings, and if necessary, to the STM8/128-EVAL board User Manual for the location of jumpers on the board.3. Verify that all of the BLDC daughterboard (MB843) jumpers are in their default position. Refer to Table3: BLDC daughterboard MB843 jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default) for information on jumper settings.4. Verify that the BLDC daughterboard (MB843) is fitted on top of STM8/128-EVAL board through the CN1 and CN5 connectors (see Figure2).5. Verify that the adapter board (MB844) is fitted on top of power board (MB459B) through the J4 connector (see Figure2).6. Verify that the BLDC daughterboard (MB843) and the adapter board (MB844) are connected with the provided 20-pin auxiliary connector cable for BLDC sensorless (see Figure2).7. Verify that the BLDC motor cables are correctly plugged into the power board's MOTOR connectors (J5 and J8). The power board (MB459B), the STM8 evaluation board(MB631), and the provided BLDC motor are already assembled together over a metal support when you receive the kit.8. Power up the STM8 evaluation board with the auxiliary power supply block TR30R.9. Power up the power board by connecting the output terminals of your DC power supply to the MAINS connector (J3). The provided voltage must be 24V DC and your power supply must be able to provide a current of 3A.The STM8/128-MCKIT is now ready to run with the BLDC motor.8/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 2Doc ID 15774 Rev 29/22Figure 2.STM8/128-MCKIT assembly Caution:Before supplying the board, double check proper connections, make sure that there are no metal parts on, below or around the PCB and that there are no undesired earth/ground loops due to measuring equipment such as an oscilloscope.Caution:Be sure that the STM8/128-EVAL used is marked with (MB631/2) or with (MB631); in the second case you must also check the required modifications reported in the Appendix Section A.1: Modification of MB631 for BLDC drive .Note:Not all the default positions of the jumper are coincident with the silk-screen printing. The jumper settings that are different from the silk-screen printing are highlighted in the Table 1: MB459B power board jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default) and Table 2: STM8 evaluation board jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default).Table 1.MB459B power board jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default)Jumper Setting for the SHINANO 24VBLDC motor providedSetting for a high-voltageBLDC motorW1“<35V only”“<35V only” or “HIGH VOLTAGE”W4Not presentW5PresentW6PresentW7Not presentW8Not presentW9Not presentW10Present and soldered on reverse position of silk-screen printingW11PresentW12Not presentW13Not presentW14PresentW15Not presentW16Present and set on reverse position of silk-screen printingW17Not presentW18Not presentW19Not presentTable 2.STM8 evaluation board jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default) Jumper SettingJP1Present between 1-2JP2PresentJP3Set to PSU position to supply the STM8 evaluation board through the jack (CN6) And set to DTB position to supply the BLDC daughterboard (MB843)JP4PresentJP5Not presentJP6Present between 1-2 JP7Not presentJP8PresentJP9Not presentJP10PresentJP11Present between 2-3 JP12Present between 1-2JP13Present between 1-2 to configure the HW for the DAC functionality Or present between 2-3 to configure the HW for the dissipative brakeJP14Not present10/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 2Table 3.BLDC daughterboard MB843 jumper settings for a BLDC motor (default)Jumper SettingJ1Present and set on default position of silk-screen printingJ2Present and set on default position of silk-screen printingJ3Present and set on default position of silk-screen printingJ4Present and set on default position of silk-screen printingJ5Present and set on default position of silk-screen printing (SENSORLESS)J13Present and set on default position of silk-screen printing (VARIABLE)3.5 Hardware configuration for an AC induction motorThis section describes the procedure for operating the STM8/128-MCKIT with an ACinduction motor. Y ou must change the default settings that are present on the STM8evaluation board and on the power board when you receive the STM8/128-MCKIT starter kitbecause they are intended for a PMSM motor. When you are running the AC inductionmotor, follow these steps:1.Remove the BLDC daughterboard (MB843) from the STM8/128-EVAL evaluation board(MB631).2. Remove the adapter board (MB844) from the power board (MB459B).3. Change the jumpers on the power board (MB459B) to the settings required for runningwith an AC induction motor. Refer to Table4: MB459B power board jumper settings foran AC induction motor for information on jumper settings, and if necessary, to theMB459B power board user manual for the location of the jumpers on the board.4. If the peak value of the motor phase current should be greater than 3 ampere, replacethe R4 shunt resistor on the power board (MB459B) by the 0.1ohm resistor included inthe bag delivered with the kit.5. Verify that the jumpers on the STM8/128-EVAL evaluation board (MB631) are in theirdefault position. Refer to T able5: STM8 eval board jumper settings for an AC inductionmotor for information on jumper settings, and if necessary, to the STM8/128-EVALboard user manual for the location of jumpers on the board.6. Disconnect the PMSM motor from the power board's MOTOR connectors (J5 and J8).The power board (MB459B), the STM8/128-EVAL evaluation board (MB631), and theprovided PMSM motor are already assembled together over a metal support when youreceive the kit.7. Connect your AC induction motor to the power board by connecting the three phases tothe J5 connector, and the tachometer cables to the J6 connector.8. Power up STM8/128-EVAL evaluation board with auxiliary power supply block TR30R.9. Power up the power board by connecting the output terminals of your DC power supplyto the MAINS connector (J3). The provided voltage must not be higher than 42V DC or32Veff AC (GND recommended).After re-programming the STM8S microcontroller with the ACIM motor control firmware, theSTM8/128-EVAL is now ready to run with your AC induction motor.Caution:Before supplying the board, double check proper connections, make sure that there are no metal parts on, below or around the PCB and that there are no undesired earth/groundloops due to measuring equipment such as an oscilloscope.Doc ID 15774 Rev 211/22Table 4.MB459B power board jumper settings for an AC induction motorJumper Settings for AC induction motor with tachometer feedbackW1“<35V only” or “HIGH VOLTAGE”W4Not presentW5PresentW6PresentW7Not presentW8Not presentW9Not presentW10Present and soldered on reverse position of silk-screen printingW11PresentW12PresentW13Not presentW14Not PresentW15Not presentW16Present and set on reverse position of silk-screen printingW17Not presentW18Not presentW19Not present12/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 2Doc ID 15774 Rev 213/22Note:The jumper settings that are different from the silk-screen printing are highlighted in the Table 4: MB459B power board jumper settings for an AC induction motor and Table 5: STM8 eval board jumper settings for an AC induction motor .3.6 Power supply connectionsJ1 connector of power board (MB459B) provides a completely independent control of the DC bus voltage (power) and the +15V supply for the gate drivers. This is interesting for development purposes, when one needs to smoothly increase the motor's operating voltage from zero, while the gate drivers are operating with their nominal supply.When supplying the power stage with an external +15V power supply using the J1 connector, special care must be taken that:1. No jumpers are connected on jumper W1.2. The short circuit that replaces the D3 diode footprint must be open. This is to avoid having reverse current in the L7815 voltage regulator.Table 5.STM8 eval board jumper settings for an AC induction motorJumper Setting JP1Present between 1-2JP2PresentJP3Set to PSU position to supply the STM8 evaluation board through the jack (CN6)JP4Present JP5Not present JP6Present between 1-2JP7Not present JP8PresentJP9Present, if required to filter the noise from the tachogenerator signalJP10Present JP11Present between 2-3JP12Present between 1-2JP13Present between 1-2 to configure the HW for the DAC functionality Or present between 2-3 to configure the HW for the dissipative brakeJP14Not presentBLDC daughterboard MB843UM0709 4 BLDC daughterboard MB8434.1 FeaturesThe BLDC daughterboard MB843 is an extension of the STM8/128-EVAL evaluation boardMB631 required to implement the BLDC drive.It includes:● A BEMF detection network,● A current regulation/regulation network,● A neutral voltage reconstruction network.The board has been designed to be compatible with the voltage level applicable to thepower board MB459B (“<35V only” or “HIGH VOLTAGE”).The BEMF detection network allows the following strategies of BEMF sampling:●BEMF sampling during off time (ST patented method),●BEMF sampling during on time,●Dynamic method based on the duty cycle applied.For more details see the STM8S three-phase BLDC software library v1.0 (UM0708). Note:For applications that require a limited range of motor speed, for example if the ratio between maximum and minimum speed is below 4, it is possible to replace the BEMF detectingnetwork with a simple resistive voltage divider.The current regulation/regulation network is used to adapt the signal to perform the currentcontrol in the BLDC drive. Control is made possible by a special characteristic of the STM8microcontroller. See for more details the STM8S three-phase BLDC software library v1.0(UM0708).The neutral voltage reconstruction network is used to reconstruct the neutral voltage (alsocalled star point) of the motor in order to perform the BEMF sampling during the on time.Two strategies of the neutral point reconstruction are implemented by the board:●Bus voltage partitioning,●Star point reconstruction starting from the motor phases.Note:It is possible to configure either method (see Section4.3: Jumper configuration) but only the first is implemented by the firmware.Note:Even if bus partitioning is also performed in the power board MB459B, the partitioning performed by the MB843 makes use of a voltage partitioning that allows a better resolutionin the neutral voltage reconstruction.The board is easily configurable to run the BLDC drive in sensorless mode, or to use theHall sensors as position/speed feedback.14/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 2UM0709BLDC daughterboard MB843Doc ID 15774 Rev 215/224.2 LayoutFigure 3.BLDC daughterboard MB843 layout1.J8-J12 connector for the 20-pin auxiliary connector cable for BLDC sensorless. This is used to provide the three motor phase voltage signals and the bus voltage signal to the daughterboard MB843. 2.Auxiliary phase voltage connector CN2 (optional input). It can be used alternatively to the J8-J12 connecting directly the motor phase voltage signals using custom wire connections. Using that connector you can tighten the cables with a screwdriverconnecting motor phase A in the pin 1, motor phase B in the pin 2, motor phase C in pin 3, the DC bus voltage in pin 4 and the ground in pin 5.3. Jumper J5 sets sensorless or sensored configuration.4. Jumper J13 sets the current reference or limitation.5.Potentiometer P1 sets the fixed current limitation.6. Jumper J47. Jumper J38. Jumper J29. Jumper J1BLDC daughterboard MB843UM070916/22 Doc ID 15774 Rev 24.3 Jumper configurationTable 6 describes the jumpers.Table 6.BLDC daughterboard MB843 jumper settingsJumperSettingDescriptionJ1Selects the motor neutral voltage reconstruction networkSet to default position of silk-screen printingBus voltage partitioningSet to reverse position of silk-screen printingStar point reconstruction starting from the motor phasesJ2,J3,J4Configures the BEMF attenuation networkSet to default position of silk-screen printingThree GPIOs perform the dynamic attenuation of the BEMFsignal this allows the sampling during off time, during ontime and the dynamic selection of the two methods.Set to reverse position ofsilk-screen printing Fixes the BEMF signals attenuation and frees the three GPIOsNot present。
An Introduction to
A Carbon Footprint
By ***
What can you see from these pictures?
What is A Carbon Footprint ?
• A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide(CO2) and methane(CH4) emissions of a defined population, system or activity
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Raw materials Production
Distribution and retail
Consumer use
End of life
When you drive a car, the engine burns fuel which creates a certain amount of CO2, depending on its fuel consumption and the driving distance. • When you buy food and goods, the production of the food and goods also emitted some quantities of CO2.
A measure of the indirect CO2 emissions from the whole lifecycle of products
Greenhouse gases can be emitted through transport, land clearance, and the production and consumption of food, fuels, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, buildings, and services .
1、The Introduction gives a brief overview of the book. (主语)
2、I recommend reading the Introduction first. (宾语)
3、In the Introduction, the author introduces the main ideas of the book. (介词短语中的宾语)
1、The professor will Introduction us to the topic. (动词)
2、Please Introduction yourself to the group. (动词)
1、This is just an Introduction to the subject. (形容词)
2、Let's start with an Introduction to the company. (形容词) 综上所述,“Introduction”在不同的语境下可以有不同的词性和用法,需要根据上下文和语义来判断。
关于介绍东西的英语作文Introduction to a Product。
When it comes to introducing a product, there are a few key elements that should be included in order to make it effective. First, it is important to provide a clear and concise description of the product, including its features and benefits. This should be followed by an explanation of how the product works and why it is better than other similar products on the market. Finally, it is important to provide some context for the product, including its history and any notable achievements or awards it has received.In this article, we will be introducing a new product that we believe has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about transportation. This product is called the "SkyPod," and it is a new type of personal transportation system that uses advanced technology to provide a safe, efficient, and environmentally-friendly mode of travel.Description of SkyPod。
introduction to后一般加书名,文献名,意思是:入门(书) ,导论。
introduction:n. 介绍; 引进; 初次投入使用; 推行; 新采用(或新引进)的事物; (正式的)引见。
The students showed great interest after the professor gave a brief introduction to the course.
It's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject.
This album was my first introduction to modern jazz.
On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.
Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature
英语演讲稿:General Introduction
英语演讲稿:General IntroductionGeneral IntroductionI am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your . graduate program.Education backgroundIn 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the Chinas best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(/) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Research experience and academic activityWhen a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a mercial product.In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theoryand experience, which has prepared me for the . program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.。
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
Definition, pg 190
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition © 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company
Figure 3.6
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition © 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company
Definition, pg 184
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition © 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company
Definition, pg 184
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition © 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company
Definition, pg 219
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition © 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company
Figure 3.15
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition © 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company
Figure 3.13
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition © 2009 W.H. Freeman and Company
Introduction to Materials
This chart showing the useful resolution ranges for four microscopic techniques discussed in this chapter, in addition to the naked eye.
much larger than those heretofore discussed.
These include pores (空隙), cracks, foreign
inclusions(外来杂质), and other phases. They are normally introduced during processing and fabrication steps.
Many properties and processes in solids are manifestations (表现)of
this vibrational atomic motion -melting, when amplitude is high enough
• Macroscopic dimensions (宏观) large enough to be observed with unaided eye •
-aluminum streetlight posts -garbage cans Microscopic dimensions(微观) Investigated using some type of microscope -optical, electron, and scanning probe microscopes (光学显微镜,电子 显微镜,扫描探针显微镜)
Introduction to RS(推荐系统概论)
Data & Knowledge Sources
In any case,as a general classification, data used by RSs refers to three kinds of objects: items,users, and transactions, i.e. relations between users and items.
Aggregating preferences, criteria or similarities.
RS Function
E-service providers introduce RSs:
Increase the number of items sold.
Sell more diverse items.
Increase the user satisfaction. Increase user fidelity. Better understand what the user wants.
the goal of the recommendation; as mentioned previously, the data that is available. The authors propose to build a model of the environment based on three dimensions: system users; the characteristics of the data; and the overall application.
RS and Human-Computer Interaction
From the users perspective:
免疫学-Introduction to Immunology 精品英文课件
2.Substances: microorganisms (viruses, bacteria etc) and their products, foods, chemicals, pollen, tumor cells, etc.
Natural killer (NK) cell Complement and acute phase proteins
Innate immune response
Macrophage Attacking E.coli
Adaptive immune response
Although innate immunity can effectively combat many infections, microbes that pathogenic for human have evolved to resist innate immunity. Defense against these infections are the task of the adaptive immune response, and this is why defects in the adaptive immune system result in increased susceptibility to infections.
对口型主页简介文案范文英文回答:Introduction to our homepage:Welcome to our homepage! Here, you will find all the information you need about our company and the services we offer. We strive to provide the best solutions for our clients and ensure their satisfaction.Our company has been in the industry for over a decade and has gained a strong reputation for delivering high-quality products and services. We have a team of dedicated professionals who are experts in their respective fields and are committed to meeting the needs of our clients.At our homepage, you will find detailed information about the range of services we offer. From web design and development to digital marketing and branding, we have the expertise to help your business grow and succeed in theonline world. We understand the importance of a strong online presence and work closely with our clients to create customized solutions that align with their goals and objectives.In addition to our services, our homepage also features a portfolio section where you can see examples of our previous work. We believe in showcasing our capabilities and letting our work speak for itself. You will find a diverse range of projects in our portfolio, showcasing our versatility and creativity.Furthermore, our homepage includes testimonials from some of our satisfied clients. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients and their feedback is a testament to our commitment to excellence. Reading these testimonials will give you an insight into the level of service and results you can expect when working with us.Whether you are a small startup or a large corporation, we are here to help you achieve your business objectives. Our team is passionate about what we do and we areconstantly staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies to ensure we deliver cutting-edge solutions.Thank you for visiting our homepage. We hope you find the information you are looking for and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you.中文回答:主页简介:欢迎来到我们的主页!在这里,您将找到关于我们公司和我们提供的服务的所有信息。
Introduction to Maksim
Hello everyone ! Today I want to introduce a famous musian to you .To start with ,I want to share a short movie with you. Umm, Croatian Rhapsody, that’s one my favourate songs I have ever heard. I clearly remember the day when this masterpiece first come to my ears. Before that, Hardly could I image that a single song should have so much strength! I was moved to tears, by every strong bit and the magnificent rhythm. Every time when I was at a loss, surely would I turn to it for passion. Ok, now, let’s come to learn about the pianist we’ve just seen in the movie.Well, 2.07 meters, it’s just really hard to image that he is a musician, a genius of classical piano player!Now, let’s learn more about him.Born in Sibenik, a small, but beautiful medieval town on Croatia's Adriatic Coast. Maksim knew he wanted to play the piano when, aged just eight, he caught a glimpse of the instrument at his best friend Alexander’s house.His parents knew nothing about classical music and even now they still prefer to listen to pop music on the radio. But although they were confused by their son’s new passion, they were supportive and lessons were duly arranged.It wasn't long before it became obvious to Maksim's teachersthat he had a rare talent and the boy was enrolled in Sibenik’s state music school. It was there that Maksim began to harbour dreams of being a concert pianist and working hard to make those dreams a reality.He was 15 when war broke out in Croatia and life became almost unbearable for the Mrvica family. Bombs fell almost constantly on Sibenik: Maksim remembers "There were more than 1000 grenades a day. At one point there were seven whole days when we stayed in the basement and didn’t see the sun. "But you got used to it: you had to go on living."For Maksim, living meant playing the piano. He would meet his teacher Marija Sekso in the basement of Sibenik's music school and forget the war, losing himself in the music for hours at a time.The result, as we all know, he became a great musician. In this case, I think we should learn from Maxsim. Everyone of you have a dream, but life is not just a mere dream. What we should do is try our best for our dreams. So never give up until your dream come true.Next, I will give you a brief introduction of his collections.。
Introduction to Messi English
Introduction to MessiEnglish汇报人:日期:CATALOGUE 目录•Introduction to Messi English•Messi's English Curriculum•Messi English Teacher Resource •Messi English Student Achievement •Messi's English Teaching Method01 Introduction to MessiEnglishEstablishmentMessi English was established in 2008 with the goal of improving high qualityEnglish language education services to students of all agesFounderThe foundation of Messi English is a highly experienced educator with a strongbackground in language educationEducationMessi English offers a range of educational services including language training,exam preparation, and cultural exchange programsBrand backgroundMessi English places a strong emphasis on student centeredlearning, with a focus on individual needs and learning styles Student centeredThe company believes in providing quality teaching through experienced and well trained teachersQuality teachingMessi English offers flexible scheduling options to accommodate busy student schedulesFlexibilityBrand philosophyBrand Vision•To be the leading English language education brand in China, providing the best language education services to students and meeting their individual needs through innovative and effective teaching methods02 Messi's English CurriculumCourse typesGroup coursesDesigned for students who want to learn English in a group setting with Messi as the teacher Thesecourses are suitable for beginners and intermediate learnersPrivate coursesFor students who prefer a more personalized approach, these courses are taught by Messi's experiencedteachers and are available for all levelsIntensive coursesThese courses offer a higher level of instruction and are recommended for students who wantto achieve fluency in English quicklySmall class sizesAll courses have limited class sizes, ensuring that students receive more individualized attention and have theopportunity to interact with other learners要点一要点二Modern teaching methodsMessi's English Curriculum uses up to date teaching methods and technology to make learning fun and engaging This includes interactive activities, role playing, and cultural immersionCustomized learning plansEach student is provided with a customized learning plan on enrollment in the course, based on their level and learning objectives要点三Course featuresOngoing assessmentsStudents are evaluated through the course on their language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities This helps them identify areas where they need to improve Final examsAt the end of the course, studentstake a final exam to assess theirlanguage proficiency The exam isdesigned to test their ability to useEnglish in real world situationsCertificatesSuccessful completion of thecourse results in a certificate ofcompletion, certifying that thestudent has achieved the expectedlevel of English proficiencyCourse evaluation03Messi English TeacherResourceTeacher teamThe Messi English teacher team is composed of experienced and skilled teachers with a strong educational background and language proficiencySkills and expertiseThe teachers pose excel language skills, communication skills, andteaching skills, and have rich experience in language teaching and classroom managementProfessional qualificationsThe Messi English teachers hold international English language teachingcertificates, as well as certificates for teaching other subjectsTeaching experienceThe teachers have rich experience in language teaching and classroommanagement, with an average of more than five years of teaching experienceTeacher qualificationsTeacher evaluationStudent feedbackThe Messi English teachers receive positive feedback from students for their humanistic, patient, and metallic teaching styleEvaluation indicatorsThe teachers' performance is evaluated based on student feedback, teaching results, and classroom management The evaluation indicators include student satisfaction, teaching quality, and classroom management effectiveness04Messi English Student AchievementCase 1Student A, after completing the course, can fluently use English to communicate with foreign teachers and can also write English articles with good language expression and logic structure Case 2Student B, after taking the course,has significantly improved hisEnglish listening ability He canunderstand foreign teachers'speech and can also participate inEnglish group discussion activityCase 3Student C, after completing thecourse, has improved his Englishspeaking ability He can speakEnglish fluently and can useappropriate words and phrases toexpress his ideasStudent Progress Cases•After completing the course, students will receive a certificate to prove their English proficiency This certificate isalso recognized by many foreign universities and enterprisesStudent certificate display•Student evaluation is an important part of the course It can't only reflect the students'learning effect, but also help teachers improve teaching quality Messi English uses a variety of ways to evaluate students, including homework, midterm and final exams, participation in class activities, etcStudent evaluation05 Messi's English Teaching MethodTPR stands for Total Physical Response, which is a language teaching method that involves using physical movements to help students understand and use language Messi uses this method to teach English to his students by demonstrating the language through physical actions and movements The benefits of using the TPR method include increased student participation, better understanding of language structure, and improved language retention Messi corporate games and other activities to make the teaching more interactive and fun for studentsTPR teaching methodNatural Approach•The Natural Approach is a language teaching method that emphasizes the use of natural languageacquisition techniques and focuses on thedevelopment of language skills in a communicativeenvironment Messi corporations this approach in histeaching by pro感谢观看。
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Macro (outdoor) Life Sciences Biology
Micro (indoor)
Crop sciences
Agri. Sciences
Molecular Microbiol Biology
Immunol Mol Neurobiol
Part I: Introduction Part II: Methods in Molecular Biology Part III: Transcription in Prokaryotes Part IV: Transcription in Eukaryotes Part V: Post-transcriptional Events Part VI: Translation Part VII: DNA replication, Recombination, and transposition
Animal husbandry Veterinary
Focus of various disciplines: General biology: Anatomy, metabolism & systematics of living organisms (plants, animals, microbes). Microbiology/Virology: properties of microbes/viruses. Biochemistry: chemical nature and metabolism of biomolecules (macro- or small). Biophysics: Physical properties of biomolecules Molecular/Genetics: transfer of genetic information between generations (genotype and phenotype). Cell biology: Structure & function of cells and organelles. Molecular biology: Molecular nature of macromolecules and gene replication & expression inside cells and manipulation in vitro.
The relationship of Molecular Biology with other biological subjects
Pathology, clinic medicine
Medical Sciences etc
Preventive medicine Ecology, Behavior Evolution Systematics
Definition of Molecular Biology in Different Books
Instant Notes in Molecular Biology
---Turner et al. Molecular biology seeks to explain the relationships between the structure and function of biological molecules and how these relationships contribute to the operation and control of biochemical processes.
How to achieve the above aims? (3)Courseware preparation: one topic each to ) train the student’s ability in independent work。 。 (4)Group discussion : study atmosphere, ) teamwork, mutual help and inspiration, shaping your character and moral. (5)In-class question: to encourage active ) thinking and vivify class atmosphere.
How to achieve the above aims?
(Course mechanics) (1)Multimedium teaching: More figures and ) diagrams to visualize;talk in the simple way ; to learn and remember,stimulation of , thinking. (2)Course web page: teaching notes, on-line ) discussion; other internet resources
Molecular Biology (McGraw-Hill)
--- Robert Weaver I consider molecular biology to be the study of genes and their activities at the molecular level, including transcription, translation, DNA replication, recombination and translocation.
Molecular Biology
What is molecular biology?
分子生物学: 分子水平理解生命活动 分子生物学:从分子水平理解生命活动 细胞生物学: 细胞水平 细胞生物学:从细胞水平 理解生命活动 遗传学: 遗传角度理解生命活动 遗传学:从遗传角度理解生命活动 生物化学: 化学组成角度来理解生物大分子和生物 生物化学:从化学组成角度来理解生物大分子和生物 代谢。 代谢。 普通生物学(动物 植物 植物) 微生物学:不同生物类 普通生物学(动物&植物)& 微生物学:不同生物类 型的特点
Objectives of the Course: (1)Basic knowledge: learn actively and ) grasp firmly; (2)Ability to apply your knowledge: active ) thinking and imagination, use your knowledge agilely to solve theoretical and practical problems; (3)Language ability: understand Molecualr ) Biology in English without sig. difficulty; ; (4)Learning skills: attitude to learning and ) exams, teaching and learning efficiency.
The hierarchy of living world: Biological organizations at various levels
Biosphere (the sum of all Earth’s ecosystems) Ecosystem (biological community+environment) Biological community (different populations in same area) Population (localized group of organisms of same species) Organisms (Units of life) Organ systems Organs Tissue Cells (1-100 µm,Units of organisms) Organelles (ribosomes ca. 20 nm) Macromolecule complex Molecules (atoms bonded chemically) Atoms (Å, chemical building blocks of all matter)
Molecular Biology: Lecture 1 :
Introduction to the Course Molecular Biology 2007 《分子生物学》 分子生物学》 Objectives, Course Mechanics & Assessment
Text book: R.F. Weaver, Molecular Biology; References: P.C. Turner et al. , Instant Notes in Molecular Biology, and B. Lewin, Gene VIII
We will use Molecular Biology (McGrawHill) --- Robert Weaver as our main references (text book)
Reference book also: P.C. Turner et al. 2000. Instant Notes in Molecular Biology,2000 edition,Bios Scientific Publishers Limited and Benjamin Lewin. 2000. Gene VII, Electronic version 2000 – one of the mainstream textbooks.
The Core of Molecular Biology:
The macromolecules and macromolecular complexes of DNA, RNA and protein The processes of replication, transcription and translation and their regulations Manipulation of macromolecules, technologies central to modern biosciences