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Part 1 English to Chinese Interpreting
Passage 1 匹兹堡经济转型对中国的借鉴意义
2015年6月19日,中国国务院副总理刘延东会见美国匹兹堡市市长佩杜托,听取了佩杜托关于匹兹堡市发展转型有关做法和经验的介绍.2015年11月23日,美联储前主席伯南克在布鲁金斯研究院发表文章《Can China be like Chattanooga? Shifting from industry to services》。


/blog/ben-bernanke/2015/11/23/can-china-be-like-chattanooga-shifting-from—industry—to —services/
Financial markets and media reports have been focused lately on the slowing of China’s growth rate。

That slowing has diverse causes and consequences,but —as I’ll discuss in this post—in at least one important respect it is both a healthy and a predictable development,resulting from a necessary change in China’s growth model.


Since the beginning of China's growth miracle, a large part of the country's development has been directed from the center. This “top-down”approach has focused on heavy industry, infrastructure (highways, bridges,airports),the movement of people from rural to urban areas, and the promotion of exports, particularly manufactures。

The top-down model had its roots in Communist central planning, but in China it has been leavened with enough market liberalization and openness to international competition to foster significant gains in productivity and a rapid ascent up the technological ladder. To date, this strategy has been incredibly successful:In real terms, the Chinese economy is two—and-a—half times bigger today than a decade ago (IMF estimates,converted to constant dollars at PPP exchange rates). And, despite the recent slowdown,Chinese economic growth currently accounts for about a third of global economic growth, up from about a quarter ten years ago.




However, the top—down approach is reaching its limits。

The share of output devoted to heavy manufacturing,construction,and exports is too large to be sustained, the pace of urbanization is slackening,and the easier opportunities to improve technologically in manufacturing and related sectors have been exploited. Moreover,with its emphasis on capital investment and exports rather than on goods and services aimed at domestic consumers, the Chinese economy has not been serving its citizenry as well as it could.Recognizing these limits,China's leadership is working to make the transition to a more organic,“bottom-up”growth model,focused on the development of services industries-retail trade,health, education, finance, transportation—delivered in many cases through markets and by smaller business units。

(Services currently make up about half of the Chinese economy,compared to about four-fifths of the economy of the United States,according to the World Bank.)For various reasons, including the fact that productivity in services generally does not grow as quickly as in manufacturing, this transition will involve economic growth that is slower (though still rapid)。

And, because of the increasing reliance on market forces and smaller business units, Chinese growth in the future will be more erratic and harder to control from the center。





The experience of U.S. “rust belt”cities provides a for China's challenge,at least qualitatively. As in China,the economies of American cities like Chattanooga and Pittsburgh were built on heavy manufacturing,a model that eventually reached its limits. The analogy is not exact, of course: Unlike the case of China, the industrial hollowing out of U.S. rust-belt cities resulted in large part from increased foreign competition。

In some respects, however, the constraints on industrial development faced by China and Chattanooga—notably, the increasing toll of heavy
industry on the environment—were similar. (In 1969, the federal government identified Chattanooga as the country’s most polluted city。

) In any case, the rust —belt cities that succeeded in reviving their economies did so primarily by turning from manufacturing to services. In Chattanooga and other cities,public/private taskforces worked to revitalize downtowns, to develop tourist attractions and conference facilities,to clean up the environment,to improve transportation links and other critical infrastructure,and to attract businesses in “clean”sectors like medicine, technology,finance, and retail。

Strengthening education was key,with benefits ranging from attracting and maintaining skilled workforces to seeding high-tech startups。

Pittsburgh’s redevelopment in particular was greatly helped by the location there of several major universities,including Carnegie—Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh,which led efforts to build research facilities. Emblematic of Pittsburgh's transformation is that the U.S. Steel building, the largest in downtown Pittsburgh, now bears a UPMC sign, for University of Pittsburgh Medical Center—the region’s largest employer。





How can China make a transition to a more services—oriented economy, analogous to that made by Chattanooga and Pittsburgh,as well as by other East Asian countries like Japan or Korea?Reducing the subsidies to and direct government support for exports and heavy industry,while continuing reforms to make it easier to start and sustain new private businesses, are critical steps. So, in some cases,are partnerships with foreign companies that bring essential expertise。

A useful lesson from the experience of reviving U.S. cities is the importance of building and empowering a strong middle class: Middle—class households are the primary market for more—sophisticated services, from education to health care to retail to

For those cities, attracting middle—class consumers involved improving public infrastructure and education, adding amenities,reducing crime,and increasing job opportunities。

In China, empowering the growing middle class will require measures such as strengthening the social safety net (which will give households the income security they need to be comfortable saving less and spending more)and reducing regulations and controls that restrict consumer choice。

A strong Chinese middle class will stimulate the development of new services industries,allowing the “bottom—up”approach a chance to succeed。




China's economy certainly has its share of short—term problems, including bad loans in the banking system, a shaky stock market, and excess capacity in heavy industries. How it navigates those risks will have important near-term implications both for China and for China’s trading partners. In the medium term, however,China’s biggest economic challenge is to make the transition from a top-down,heavy-industrial growth model to a bottom-up, services—focused one. In considering models for reinvention,China could do worse than to contemplate the experiences of Chattanooga and Pittsburgh。


Passage 2 机器人和气候变化的影响








Part 2 Chinese to English Interpreting
Passage 1 非洲孔子学院

Your Excellency,Dr。

Mohamed Gharib Bilal,Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania,
Respected Vice Chancellor Rwekaza S。

Mukandala, and Presidents from African and Chinese Universities;
The Honorable Madame Xu Lin,Other distinguished guests, and teachers and students,

It is my great pleasure to attend the Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Africa at the University of Dar es Salaam. The opening remarks were full of African characteristics,and the performances by the students were full of Chinese cultural elements. On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the founding of this Confucius Institute, on behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to convey my sincere greetings to teachers and students at the conference,and express my heartfelt gratitude to all African friends who have greatly supported the development of Confucius Institutes!



Confucius is a great thinker and educator of more than two thousand years ago。

He lived in an era that hundreds of schools of thoughts thrived。

The Chinese civilization boasts a history of more than 5000 years; it is one of the most important sources of world civilization。

The Four Great Inventions of ancient China,namely, paper—making , compass,gunpowder and printing, greatly contributed to the progress of human civilization. Historically,the Silk Road linked Asia and Europe, and the fleet led by Zheng He reached as far as Africa。

China exported not only silk and chinaware,but also Chinese values and concepts such as “harmony is precious”,“respect for rituals and cultures”,and “prioritizing values over material gains”。




In the past three decades of reform and opening up, the Chinese culture has become increasingly popular in many parts of the world,enriching the spiritual life of peoples in different countries and fostering friendship between the Chinese people and the rest of the world。

The Chinese culture especially has brought the Chinese people and the African people closer. Last year,over 1。

5 million Chinese tourists traveled to Africa。

Many Chinese TV series are hit shows in African countries。

The number of African students studying in China has been increasing at an annual
average of over 30%. The African singer Uwechue Emmanuel was invited to the Chinese Spring Festival Gala, and many African football players have joined Chinese leagues。

A culture is enriched through exchanges and mutual learning。


In the context of globalization, The Chinese culture should orient itself toward modernization,the whole world, and the future, and it should go overseas in more diversified forms and with more popular contents, with a view toward promoting cultural diversity and inter—cultural exchanges。




Confucius Institutes are an important platform for exchanges between Chinese and foreign cultures。

Named after Confucius,these institutes not only symbolize the distinctive Chinese culture, but also carry the good wishes of enhancing cultural exchanges and people—to-people friendship. Since 2004, 435 Confucius Institutes and 646 Confucius Classrooms have been established,with a total of more than 1 million students。

The African continent has witnessed a rapid increase in the number of Confucius Institutes. The first Confucius Institute in Africa was established in Nairobi, Kenya in 2005。

Currently there are 38 Confucius Institutes and ten Confucius Classrooms in 32 African countries. Confucius Institutes have served both to meet the increasing demands of people for learning Chinese and to promote mutual understanding between the Chinese people and other peoples。






Confucius Institute is an important institution of cultural exchanges between China and Africa. It is the shared goal of the Chinese and African peoples to better develop the Confucius Institutes。

We hope that Confucius Institutes in Africa will strive to become the bridge of friendship between China and Africa。

First,they should cater to the specific demands of Chinese learning by people in different countries。

More high quality Chinese teachers and volunteers will be sent abroad,and there should be more opportunities for foreign teachers and students to visit and learn in China, Second,these institutes should make full use of their advantages in promoting China —Africa cultural exchanges and mutual development; they are messengers of both Chinese and African cultures。

Third,they should adapt to local communities by providing not only high quality Chinese teaching,but also vocational training,with a view toward helping local people create job opportunities.
I also would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to the teachers at Confucius Institutes.






Confucius Institute is an educational organization for teaching Chinese in foreign countries; it is also an important platform to introduce China to the world。

Therefore, apart from teaching the Chinese language, it should also introduce to local people Chinese culture,history, thoughts,and customs。

I hope that Confucius Institutes will follow three principles in teaching Chinese, that is, usefulness, history—based, and philosophy。

Take the Chinese character “和”, or harmony,as an example. There is not only a story behind “harmony is previous”,but also the Chinese history of “all neighboring countries co—exist peacefully.”Moreover, it contains the Chinese philosophy of “diversity in harmony”and the Chinese foreign policy principle of “peace and friendship”. The Chinese character “鱼”, or fish, becomes
a ver
b by adding three dots, meaning to fish。

The idea that teaching a friend how to fish is more useful than giving him a fish is widely accepted in Africa when it comes to foreign development assistance. In one word,I hope that our Confucius Institutes not only teach the Chinese language, but also serve as a channel for foreign friends to know more about Chinese culture, history,and philosophy. These are the foundations for China's friendly relations with other countries。



Most participants at the conference today are young people, and young people are bright, open, good at learning new knowledge, and willing to communicate with each other. You are the hope and future of China—Africa friendship. It is my sincere hope that more young friends from Africa will come to Confucius Institutes to learn Chinese, to appreciate the Chinese culture, to make Chinese friends, and to become ambassadors of China—Africa friendship。


Finally, on behalf of the Confucius Institute Headquarters,I would like to present 1,000 pieces of Chinese language teaching materials and Chinese culture readings to the Confucius Institute at the University of Dar es Salaam, and to invite 100 Tanzanian young students to come to China to participate in the 2014 Chinese Bridge summer camp。

Passage 2中国的市场经济









