



(Top view)
Parameter Collector-to-Base Voltage Collector-to-Emitter Voltage Emitter-to-Base Voltage Collector Current Collector Current (Pulse) Collector Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature
Switching Time Test Circuit
IB1 PW=20µs
50Ω +
VBE= --5V
IC=20IB1= --20IB2=400mA
+ 470µF
Ron -- IB
1kΩ IN
1.0 7 5
3 2
0.1 0.1
5 7 1.0
Base Current, IB -- mA
5 7 10 IT06664
Collector Dissipation, PC -- mW
7 1.0



KC—12A断路器动特性分析仪使用说明书福建省普华电子科技有限公司FUJIAN PUHUA ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD前言衷心感谢您选用本公司产品,您因此将获得本公司全面的技术支持和服务保障。







附录1:常见断路器测速定义:收录了常见断路器的测速定义附录2:六氟化硫断路器测速定义附录3:接线图※为了安全和正确操作请仔细阅读说明书KC-12A断路器动特性分析仪说明书 2010年5月版(一)产品技术参数1.1 使用环境:输入电源:220V±10% 50Hz±10% 大气压力:86~106kPa温度:-10~40℃湿度:≤85RH1.2 安全性能:1.2.1绝缘电阻﹥2MΩ1.2.2介电强度电源对机壳工频1.5kV耐压1分钟,无闪络与飞弧。

1.3 主要测试项目及功能:1.3.1时间:◆普通开关:量程 4000.0ms 分辨率 0.1ms误差①100ms以内 0.1ms±1个字②100ms以上 0.1%±1个字③同期◆石墨触头开关量程 4000.0ms 分辨率 0.1ms误差 0.2%±1个字同期±0.1ms1.3.2速度◆量程 20.00m/s 分辨率 0.01m/s◆①误差 0~2m/s ±0.1m/s±1个字②误差2m/s以上±0.2m/s±1个字1.3.3行程1.3.4回路电阻测量电源:100A量程:0~2000μΩ误差:±(0.5%读数±5μΩ)1.3.5电流:量程20.00A 分辨率:0.01A1.3.6输出电源:DC30~250V 数字可调/20A(瞬时工作)1.3.7 计算机接口:①标准RS-232接口;②U盘接口1.3.8 外形尺寸:350mm×310mm×220mm(L * W * H)1.3.9 重量:10kg(二)性能特点2.1 性能:2.1.1时间:12个断口的固有分、合闸时间,同相同期、相间同期。



Maximum instantaneous forw ard voltage @ 1.5 A Maximum reverse current at rated DC blocking voltage @TA=25 @TA=100
VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 --- 1000 V CURRENT: 1.5 A
Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Easily cleaned with Alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents
1.8 1.5 1.2
Single Phase Half W 60HZ ave Resistive or Inductive Load
TJ =25 8.3ms Single Half Sine-Wave
0.9 0.6
0.3 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
SE TIM BASEFOR50/100 ns /cm T E



IPC-A-610F CN 电子组件的可接受性2014前⾔.................................... 1-1 1.1 范围................................... 1-2 1.2 ⽬的................................... 1-3 1.3 员⼯熟练程度.......................... 1-3 1.4 分级................................... 1-3 1.5 对要求的说明.......................... 1-31.5.1 验收条件............................ 1-4 目标条件............................ 1-4 可接受条件.......................... 1-4 缺陷条件............................ 1-4 处置................................ 1-4 制程警示条件........................ 1-4 制程控制方法........................ 1-4 组合情况............................ 1-4 未涉及情形.......................... 1-5 特殊设计............................ 1-51.6 术语和定义............................ 1-51.6.1 板面方向............................ 1-5 *主面................................ 1-5 *辅面................................ 1-5 *焊接起始面.......................... 1-5 *焊接终止面.......................... 1-5 1.6.2 *冷焊接连接.......................... 1-5 1.6.3 电气间隙............................ 1-5 1.6.4 FOD(外来物) ........................ 1-5 1.6.5 高电压.............................. 1-5 1.6.6 通孔再流焊.......................... 1-6 1.6.7 弯月形涂层(元器件) .................. 1-6 1.6.8 *非功能盘............................ 1-6 1.6.9 针插焊膏............................ 1-6 1.6.10 焊料球.............................. 1-6 1.6.11 线径................................ 1-6 1.6.12 导线重叠............................ 1-6 1.6.13 导线过缠绕.......................... 1-61.7 图例与插图............................ 1-61.8 检查⽅法.............................. 1-6 1.9 尺⼨鉴定.............................. 1-6 1.10 放⼤辅助装置......................... 1-61.11 照明.................................. 1-72 适⽤⽂件................................ 2-1 2.1 IPC标准............................... 2-1 2.2 联合⼯业标准.......................... 2-1 2.3 EOS/ESD协会标准..................... 2-2 2.4 电⼦⼯业联合会标准.................... 2-2 2.5 国际电⼯委员会标准.................... 2-2 2.6 美国材料与测试协会.................... 2-22.7 技术出版物............................ 2-23 电⼦组件的操作.......................... 3-1 3.1 EOS/ESD的预防........................ 3-23.1.1 电气过载(EOS) ....................... 3-3 3.1.2 静电释放(ESD) ....................... 3-4 3.1.3 警告标识............................ 3-5 3.1.4 防护材料............................ 3-6 3.2 EOS/ESD安全⼯作台/EPA ............... 3-73.3 操作注意事项.......................... 3-93.3.1 指南................................ 3-9 3.3.2 物理损伤........................... 3-10 3.3.3 污染............................... 3-10 3.3.4 电子组件........................... 3-11 3.3.5 焊接后............................. 3-11 3.3.6 手套与指套......................... 3-12⽬录IPC-A-610F 2014年7月ix4 机械零部件.............................. 4-1 4.1 机械零部件的安装...................... 4-24.1.1 电气间隙............................ 4-2 4.1.2 妨碍................................ 4-3 4.1.3 大功率元器件安装.................... 4-4 4.1.4 散热装置............................ 4-6 绝缘垫和导热复合材料................ 4-6 接触................................ 4-8 4.1.5 螺纹紧固件和其它螺纹部件的安装...... 4-9 扭矩............................... 4-11 导线............................... 4-134.2 螺栓安装............................. 4-15 4.3 连接器插针........................... 4-164.3.1 板边连接器引针..................... 4-16 4.3.2 压接插针........................... 4-17 焊接............................... 4-204.4 线束的固定........................... 4-234.4.1 概述............................... 4-23 4.4.2 连轧............................... 4-26 损伤............................... 4-274.5 布线–导线和线束..................... 4-284.5.1 导线交叉........................... 4-28 4.5.2 弯曲半径........................... 4-29 4.5.3 同轴线缆........................... 4-30 4.5.4 空置线头........................... 4-31 4.5.5 接头和焊环上的扎点................. 4-325 焊接.................................... 5-1 5.1 焊接可接受性要求...................... 5-3 5.2 焊接异常.............................. 5-45.2.1 暴露金属基材........................ 5-4 5.2.2 针孔/吹孔........................... 5-6 5.2.3 焊膏再流............................ 5-7 5.2.4 不润湿.............................. 5-85.2.5 冷焊/松香焊接连接................... 5-95.2.6 退润湿.............................. 5-95.2.7 焊料过量........................... 5- 焊料球_________............................. 5- 桥连............................... 5- 锡网/泼锡.......................... 5-135.2.8 焊料受扰........................... 5-145.2.9 焊料开裂. .......................... 5-155.2.10 拉尖............................... 5-165.2.11 无铅填充起翘....................... 5-175.2.12 无铅热撕裂/孔收缩. ................. 5-185.2.13 焊点表面的探针印记和其它类似表面状况......................... 5-196 端⼦连接................................ 6-16.1 铆装件................................ 6-26.1.1 接线柱.............................. 6- 接线柱基座-焊盘间隙................. 6- 塔形................................ 6- 双叉形.............................. 6-46.1.2 卷式翻边............................ 6-56.1.3 喇叭口形翻边........................ 6-66.1.4 花瓣形翻边.......................... 6-76.1.5 焊接................................ 6-86.2 绝缘⽪............................... 6-106.2.1 损伤............................... 6- 焊前............................... 6- 焊后............................... 6-126.2.2 间隙............................... 6-136.2.3 挠性套管........................... 6- 放置............................... 6- 损伤............................... 6-176.3 导体.................................. 6-186.3.1 形变............................... 6-186.3.2 损伤............................... 6- 多股导线........................... 6- 实芯线............................. 6-206.3.3 股线发散(鸟笼形)–焊前............ 6-206.3.4 股线发散(鸟笼形)–焊后............ 6-216.3.5 上锡............................... 6-226.5 应⼒释放............................. 6-256.5.1 线束............................... 6-256.5.2 引线/导线弯曲...................... 6-26 6.6 引线/导线放置–通⽤要求.............. 6-28 6.7 焊接–通⽤要求....................... 6-30 ⽬录(续)x 2014年7月IPC-A-610F6.8 塔形和直针形......................... 6-316.8.1 引线/导线放置...................... 6-316.8.2 塔形和直针形–焊接................ 6-336.9 双叉形............................... 6-346.9.1 引线/导线放置–侧面进线连接........ 6-346.9.2 引线/导线放置–导线的加固.......... 6-376.9.3 引线/导线放置–底部和顶部进线连接.. 6-386.9.4 焊接............................... 6-396.10 槽形................................. 6-426.10.1 引线/导线放置...................... 6-42 6.10.2 焊接............................... 6-436.11 穿孔形............................... 6-446.11.1 引线/导线放置...................... 6-44 6.11.2 焊接............................... 6-466.12 钩形................................. 6-476.12.1 引线/导线放置...................... 6-47 6.12.2 焊接............................... 6-496.13 锡杯................................. 6-506.13.1 引线/导线放置...................... 6-50 6.13.2 焊接............................... 6-526.14 AWG30及更细的导线–引线/导线放置.. 6-54 6.15 串联连接............................ 6-557 通孔技术................................ 7-1 7.1 元器件的安放.......................... 7-27.1.1 方向................................ 7-2 方向–水平.......................... 7-3 方向–垂直.......................... 7-5 7.1.2 引线成形............................ 7-6 弯曲半径............................ 7-6 密封/熔接处与弯曲起始处之间的距离... 7-7 应力释放............................ 7-8 损伤............................... 7-10 7.1.3 引线跨越导体....................... 7-11 7.1.4 通孔阻塞........................... 7-12 7.1.5 DIP/SIP器件和插座.................. 7-13 7.1.6 径向引线–垂直..................... 7-15 限位装置........................... 7-16 7.1.7 径向引线–水平..................... 7-18 7.1.8 连接器............................. 7-19 直角............................... 7-21 带侧墙的插针头和直立插座连接器..... 7-22 7.1.9 导体外壳........................... 7-237.2 元器件的固定......................... 7-237.2.1 固定夹............................. 7-23 7.2.2 粘合剂粘接......................... 7-25 粘合剂粘接–非架高元器件........... 7-26 粘合剂粘接–架高元器件............. 7-29 7.2.3 其它器件........................... 7-30 7.3 ⽀撑孔............................... 7-317.3.1 轴向引线–水平..................... 7-31 7.3.2 轴向引线–垂直..................... 7-33 7.3.3 导线/引线伸出...................... 7-35 7.3.4 导线/引线弯折...................... 7-36 7.3.5 焊接............................... 7-38 垂直填充(A) ....................... 7-41 焊接终止面–引线到孔壁(B) ......... 7-43 焊接终止面–焊盘区覆盖(C) ......... 7-45 焊接起始面–引线到孔壁(D) ......... 7-46 焊接起始面–焊盘区覆盖(E) ......... 7-47 焊料状况–引线弯曲处的焊料......... 7-487.3.5.7 焊料状况–接触通孔元器件本体....... 7-49 焊料状况–焊料中的弯月面绝缘层..... 7-50 焊接后的引线剪切................... 7-52 焊料内的漆包线绝缘层............... 7-53 无引线的层间连接–导通孔........... 7-54 子母板............................. 7-55 7.4 ⾮⽀撑孔............................. 7-587.4.1 轴向引线–水平..................... 7-58 7.4.2 轴向引线–垂直..................... 7-59 7.4.3 引线/导线伸出...................... 7-60 7.4.4 引线/导线弯折...................... 7-61 7.4.5 焊接............................... 7-63 7.4.6 焊接后的引线剪切................... 7-657.5 跳线.................................. 7-667.5.1 导线的选择......................... 7-66 7.5.2 布线............................... 7-67 7.5.3 导线的固定......................... 7-69 7.5.4 支撑孔............................. 7-71 支撑孔–引线在孔内................. 7-71 7.5.5 缠绕连接........................... 7-72 7.5.6 搭焊连接........................... 7-73⽬录(续)IPC-A-610F 2014年7月xi8 表⾯贴装组件............................ 8-1 8.1 粘合剂固定............................ 8-38.1.1 元器件粘接........................ 8-38.1.2 机械强度.......................... 8-4 8.2 SMT引线.............................. 8-68.2.1 塑封元器件........................ 8-68.2.2 损伤.............................. 8-68.2.3 压扁.............................. 8-7 8.3 SMT连接.............................. 8-7 8.3.1 ⽚式元器件–仅有底部端⼦............ 8- 侧面偏出(A) ...................... 8-9 末端偏出(B) ...................... 8- 侧面连接长度(D) ................. 8-12 最大填充高度(E) .................. 8-13 最小填充高度(F) .................. 8-13 焊料厚度(G) ..................... 8-14 末端重叠(J) ...................... 8-14 8.3.2 矩形或⽅形端⽚式元器件–1,3或5⾯端⼦....................... 8- 侧面偏出(A) ..................... 8-16 末端偏出(B) ...................... 8-18 末端连接宽度(C) .................. 8-19 侧面连接长度(D) ................. 8-21 最大填充高度(E) .................. 8-22 最小填充高度(F) .................. 8-23 焊料厚度(G) ..................... 8-24 末端重叠(J) ...................... 8-25 端子异常......................... 8-26 侧面贴装(公告板) ................ 8-26 底面朝上贴装..................... 8-28 叠装............................. 8-29 立碑............................. 8-30 居中焊端......................... 8-31 侧面焊接宽度..................... 8-31 侧面最小填充高度................. 8-32 8.3.3 圆柱体帽形端⼦..................... 8-338.3.3.1 侧面偏出(A) ....................... 8-34 末端偏出(B) ....................... 8-35 末端连接宽度(C) ................... 8-36 侧面连接长度(D) ................... 8-37 最大填充高度(E) ................... 8-38 最小填充高度(F) .................... 8-39 焊料厚度(G) ....................... 8-40 末端重叠(J) ........................ 8-41 8.3.4 城堡形端⼦.......................... 8-428.3.4.1 侧面偏出(A) ....................... 8-43 末端偏出(B) ....................... 8-44 最小末端连接宽度(C) ............... 8-44 最小侧面连接长度(D) ............... 8-45 最大填充高度(E) ................... 8-45 最小填充高度(F) .................... 8-468.3.5 扁平鸥翼形引线..................... 8-478.3.5.1 侧面偏出(A) ....................... 8-47 趾部偏出(B) ....................... 8-51 最小末端连接宽度(C) ............... 8-52 最小侧面连接长度(D) ............... 8-54 最大跟部填充高度(E) ............... 8-56 最小跟部填充高度(F) ................ 8-57 焊料厚度(G) ....................... 8-58 共面性............................. 8-598.3.6 圆形或扁圆(精压)鸥翼形引线.......... 8-608.3.6.1 侧面偏出........................... 8-61 趾部偏出(B) ....................... 8-62 最小末端连接宽度(C) ............... 8-62 最小侧面连接长度(D) ............... 8-63 最大跟部填充高度(E) ............... 8-64 最小跟部填充高度(F) ................ 8-65 焊料厚度(G) ....................... 8-66 最小侧面连接高度(Q) ............... 8-66 共面性............................. 8-67⽬录(续)xii 2014年7月IPC-A-610F8.3.7 J形引线............................. 8-688.3.7.1 侧面偏出(A) ....................... 8-68 趾部偏出(B) ....................... 8-70 末端连接宽度(C) ................... 8-70 侧面连接长度(D) ................... 8-72 最大跟部填充高度(E) ............... 8-73 最小跟部填充高度(F) ................ 8-74 焊料厚度(G) ....................... 8-76 共面性............................. 8-768.3.8 垛形/I形连接........................ 8-778.3.8.1 修整的通孔引线..................... 8-77 预置焊料端子....................... 8-78 最大侧面偏出(A) ................... 8-79 最大趾部偏出(B) ................... 8-80 最小末端连接宽度(C) ............... 8-818.3.8.6 最小侧面连接长度(D) ............... 8-82 最大填充高度(E) ................... 8-82 最小填充高度(F) .................... 8-83 焊料厚度(G) ....................... 8-84 8.3.9 扁平焊⽚引线........................ 8-858.3.10 仅有底部端⼦的⾼外形元器件........ 8-868.3.11 内弯L形带状引线................... 8-87 8.3.12 表⾯贴装⾯阵列.................... 8-898.3.12.1 对准............................... 8-90 焊料球间距......................... 8-90 焊接连接........................... 8-91 空洞............................... 8-93 底部填充/加固...................... 8-93 叠装............................... 8-94 8.3.13 底部端⼦元器件(BTC) ............... 8-968.3.14 具有底部散热⾯端⼦的元器件........ 8-98 8.3.15 平头柱连接........................ 8-1008.3.15.1 最大端子偏出–方形焊盘............ 8-100 最大端子偏出–圆形焊盘............ 8-101 最大填充高度...................... 8-1018.3.16 P型连接........................... 8-1028.3.16.1 最大侧面偏出(A) .................. 8-103 最大趾部偏出(B) .................. 8-103 最小末端连接宽度(C) .............. 8-104 最小侧面连接长度(D) .............. 8-104 最小填充高度(F) ................... 8-105 8.4 特殊SMT端⼦........................ 8-1068.5 表⾯贴装连接器...................... 8-107 8.6 跳线................................. 8-1088.6.1 SMT .............................. 8-109 片式和圆柱体帽形元器件............ 8-109 鸥翼形引线........................ 8-110 J形引线........................... 8-1118.6.1.5 焊盘.............................. 8-1129 元器件损伤.............................. 9-1 9.1 ⾦属镀层缺失.......................... 9-2 9.2 ⽚式电阻器材质........................ 9-3 9.3 有引线/⽆引线器件..................... 9-4 9.4 陶瓷⽚式电容器........................ 9-8 9.5 连接器............................... 9-10 9.6 继电器............................... 9-13 9.7 变压器芯体损伤....................... 9-13 9.8 连接器、⼿柄、簧⽚、锁扣............. 9-14 9.9 板边连接器引针....................... 9-15 9.10 压接插针............................ 9-16 9.11 背板连接器插针...................... 9-17 9.12 散热装置............................ 9-18 9.13 螺纹件和五⾦件...................... 9-19 ⽬录(续)IPC-A-610F 2014年7月xiii10 印制电路板............................ 10-1 10.1 ⾮焊接接触区域...................... 10-210.1.1 脏污............................... 10-2 10.1.2 损伤............................... 10-410.2 层压板状况.......................... 10-410.2.1 白斑和微裂纹....................... 10-5 10.2.2 起泡和分层......................... 10-710.2.4 晕圈.............................. 10-10 10.2.5 边缘分层、缺口和微裂纹............ 10-12 10.2.6 烧焦.............................. 10-14 10.2.7 弓曲和扭曲........................ 10-15 10.2.8 分板.............................. 10-1610.3 导体/焊盘........................... 10-1810.3.1 横截面积的减少.................... 10-18 10.3.2 垫/盘的起翘....................... 10-19 10.3.3 机械损伤.......................... 10-2110.4 挠性和刚挠性印制电路............... 10-2210.4.1 损伤.............................. 10-22 10.4.2 分层/起泡......................... 10-24 挠性.............................. 10-24 挠性板到增强板.................... 10-25 10.4.3 焊料芯吸.......................... 10-26 10.4.4 连接.............................. 10-2710.5 标记................................ 10-2810.5.1 蚀刻(包括手工描印蚀刻) ............ 10-30 10.5.2 丝印.............................. 10-31 10.5.3 盖印.............................. 10-33 10.5.4 激光.............................. 10-34 10.5.5 标签.............................. 10-35 条形码/二维码..................... 10-35 可读性............................ 10-36 标签–粘合与损伤................. 10-37 位置.............................. 10-37 10.5.6 使用射频识别(RFID)标签........... 10-3810.6 清洁度............................. 10-3910.6.1 助焊剂残留物...................... 10-40 10.6.2 外来物............................ 10-41 10.6.3 氯化物、碳酸盐和白色残留物........ 10-42 10.6.4 助焊剂–免洗工艺–外观............ 10-44 10.6.5 表面外观.......................... 10-4510.7 阻焊膜涂覆......................... 10-4610.7.1 皱褶/裂纹......................... 10-47 10.7.2 空洞、起泡和划痕.................. 10-49 10.7.3 脱落.............................. 10-50 10.7.4 变色.............................. 10-5110.8 敷形涂覆........................... 10-5110.8.1 概要.............................. 10-51 10.8.2 覆盖.............................. 10-52 10.8.3 厚度.............................. 10-54 10.8.4 电气绝缘涂敷...................... 10-55 覆盖.............................. 10-55 厚度.............................. 10-5510.9 灌封................................ 10-5611 分⽴布线.............................. 11-1 11.1 ⽆焊绕接............................ 11-211.1.1 匝数............................... 11-3 11.1.2 匝间空隙........................... 11-4 11.1.3 导线末端,绝缘绕匝................. 11-5 11.1.4 绕匝凸起重叠....................... 11-7 11.1.5 绕接位置........................... 11-8 11.1.6 理线.............................. 11-10 11.1.7 导线松弛.......................... 11-11 11.1.8 导线镀层.......................... 11-12 11.1.9 绝缘皮损伤........................ 11-1311.1.10 导体和接线柱的损伤................ 11-1412 ⾼电压................................ 12-1 附录A 最⼩电⽓间隙–导体间距............ A-1 ⽬录(续)xiv 2014年7月IPC-A-610F本章包括以下内容:1.1 范围................................... 1-2 1.2 ⽬的................................... 1-3 1.3 员⼯熟练程度.......................... 1-3 1.4 分级................................... 1-3 1.5 对要求的说明.......................... 1-31.5.1 验收条件............................ 1-4 目标条件............................ 1-4 可接受条件.......................... 1-4 缺陷条件............................ 1-4 处置................................ 1-4 制程警示条件........................ 1-4 制程控制方法........................ 1-4 组合情况............................ 1-4 未涉及情形.......................... 1-5 特殊设计............................ 1-51.6 术语和定义............................ 1-51.6.1 板面方向............................ 1-5 *主面................................ 1-5 *辅面................................ 1-5 *焊接起始面.......................... 1-5 *焊接终止面.......................... 1-5 1.6.2 *冷焊接连接.......................... 1-5 1.6.3 电气间隙............................ 1-5 1.6.4 FOD(外来物) ........................ 1-5 1.6.5 高电压.............................. 1-5 1.6.6 通孔再流焊.......................... 1-6 1.6.7 弯月形涂层(元器件) .................. 1-6 1.6.8 *非功能盘............................ 1-6 1.6.9 针插焊膏............................ 1-6 1.6.10 焊料球.............................. 1-6 1.6.11 线径................................ 1-6 1.6.12 导线重叠............................ 1-6 1.6.13 导线过缠绕.......................... 1-61.7 图例与插图............................ 1-6 1.8 检查⽅法.............................. 1-6 1.9 尺⼨鉴定.............................. 1-6 1.10 放⼤辅助装置......................... 1-6 1.11 照明.................................. 1-7完整资料:https:///item.htm?id=541142767632QQ:1395833280Mail: **************。

KGT15N60FDA TO-220IS(1)规格书 KEC推荐

KGT15N60FDA TO-220IS(1)规格书 KEC推荐
60 60
Fig 2. Saturation Voltage Characteristics
Common Emitter VGE = 15V TC = 25 C TC = 125 C
Collector Current IC (A)
Collector Current IC (A)
18V 20V
High speed switching High system efficiency Short Circuit Withstand Times 5us(@TC=100 ) Extremely enhanced avalanche capability
*Notes(1) Energy loss include tail current and diode reverse recovery.
KGT 15N60FDA 101
1 2 3
1 2 3
Device Mark 1 Device Mark 2 Lot No.
2016. 05. 16
_ 0.2 10.16 + _ 0.2 15.87 + _ 0.2 2.54 + _ 0.1 0.8 + _ 0.1 3.18 + _ 0.1 3.3 + _ 0.2 12.57 + _ 0.1 0.5 + _ 0.5 13.0 + _ 0.1 3.23 + 1.47 MAX 1.47 MAX _ 0.2 2.54 + _ 0.2 6.68 + _ 0.2 4.7 + _ 0.2 2.76 +



DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR Transistors70 • Bipolar Transistors (continued)PartPin to PinCompatibilityPolarity РC max, W V CB max, V V CE max,V V EBmax,VI Cmax, m Аh FEV CE sat,VI CBO, μАF T, МHzNf, dB Package (Pads)KT6136A 2N3906 PNP 0.625 40 40 5 200 100…3000.40.05 250 TO-92KT6137A 2N3904 NPN 0.625 60 40 6 200 100…3000.30.05 300 TO-92 BC182BC182ABC182BNPN 0.5 60 50 6 100 120…450120…220200…4500.60.015 150 10 TO-92 BC183BC183ABC183BBC183CNPN 0.5 45 30 6 100 110…800110…220200…450420…8000.60.015 150 10 TO-92 КТ607А-4КТ607Б-42N4073 NPN 1.5 40 30 40 35 30 35 4 150 0.1 1000 700 TO-92 BC639 NPN 0.625 100 80 5 1500 ≥25 0.50.1 100 TO-92 BC640 PNP 0.625 100 80 5 1500 ≥250.50.1 100 TO-92 КТ646А КТ646БКТ646В2SC495 2CS496 NPN 1.0 60 40 40 60 40 40 4 1000 40…200 >150 150…3400.850.250.2510 10 0.05 250 TO-126 KT660A KT660Б BC337 BC338 NPN 0.5 50 30 45 30 5 800 110...220200 (450)0.5 1.0 200 TO-92КТ805АМ КТ805БМ КТ805ВМ КТ805ИМ KSD362 KSD773 NPN 30 300 45 30 5 5000 V KER >15>15>15 >252.53.0 1.0 TO-92 KT814AKT814БKT814BKT814ГBD136 BD138 BD140 PNP 10 40 50 70 100 5 1500 40…27540…27540…27530…2750.650 40 TO-126 KT815AKT815БKT815BKT815ГBD135 BD137 BD139 NPN 10 40 50 70 100 5 1500 40…27540…27540…27530…2750.650 40 TO-126 KT816AKT816БKT816BKT816ГBD234 BD236 BD238 PNP 25 40 45 60 100 5 3000 25…2750.6100 3.0 TO-126 KT817AKT817БKT817BKT817ГBD233 BD235 BD237 NPN 25 40 45 60 100 5 3000 25...2750.6100 3.0 TO-126 КТ8126А1 КТ8126Б1 MJE13007 MJE13006 NPN 80 700 600 400 300 9 8000 8...60 1.01000 4.0 TO-220 КТ8164А КТ8164Б MJE13005 MJE13004 NPN 75 700 600 400 300 9 4000 8...40 1.01000 TO-220 КТ8170А1 КТ8170Б1 MJE13003 MJE13002 NPN 40 700 600 400 300 9 9 1500 8 (40)1.01000 4.0 TO-126 КТ8176АКТ8176БКТ8176ВTIP31A TIP31B TIP31C NPN 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 3000 >25 1.2 3.0 TO-220DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORTransistors71• Bipolar Transistors (continued)Part Pin to PinCompatibility Polarity РC max, W V CB max,V V CE max,V V EB max,V I Cmax,m А h FE V CE sat, VI CBO, μАF T, МHz Nf, dB Package (Pads) КТ8177АКТ8177БКТ8177ВTIP32A TIP32B TIP32C PNP 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 3000 >25 1.2 3.0 TO-220 КТ8212А КТ8212БКТ8212ВTIP41С TIP41B TIP41A NPN 65 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 6000 15…75 1.5 I CES =400 3.0 TO-220КТ8213А КТ8213БКТ8213ВTIP42C TIP42B TIP42A PNP 65 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 6000 15…75 1.5 I CES =400 3.0 TO-220MJE2955 PNP 75 70 60 5 1000020…100 1.1 1000 TO-220 MJE3055 NPN 75 70 60 5 1000020…100 1.1 1000 TO-220 КТ738А КТ739А TIP3055 TIP2955 NPN PNP 90 70 60 5 1500020…100 1.1 1000 TO-218 КТ732А КТ733А MJE4343 MJE4353 NPN PNP 125 160 160 7 160008…15 2.0 750 1.0 TO-218 КТ8224А КТ8224Б* BU2508A BU2508DNPN 100 1500700 7.5 8000 4…7 1.0 I ebo=1.0 100..187 TO-218КТ8225ABU941ZP NPN 155 350 5 15000>300 1.8 Veb=5.0V Iebo=20 TO-218 КТ8228А КТ8228Б* BU2525A BU2525DNPN 125 1500800 7.5 12000 5.0…9.5 5.0 I ebo=1.0 80…150 TO-218КТ8229А TIP35F NPN 125 180 180 5 2500015…75 1.8 I ceo = 1.0 3.0 TO-218 КТ8230А TIP36F PNP 125 180 180 5 2500015…75 1.8 1.0 3.0 TO-218 КТ8261А BUD44D2 NPN 25 700 400 9 2000 >10 0.65 0.1 TO-126 BUL44D2 NPN 40 700 400 9 5000 >10 0.65 0.1 TO-220 КТ8247А BUL45D2 NPN 75 700 400 12 5000 >22 0.5 100 TO-220КТ8248А BU2506F NPN 90 Vcek 1500700 7.5 5000 3.8…9.0 3.0 Icek, mA1.0TO-218 KT538A MJE13001 NPN 0.7 600 400 9 0.5 5…90 0.5 1000 4 TO-92 КТ8248А1 BU2506F NPN 90 Ucek 1500 700 7.5 5000 3.8…9.0 3.0 Icek,мА1.0 TO-218KT8290A BUH100 NPN 100 700 400 9 10000 >10 1.0 0.1 ТО-220 КТ8255А BU407 NPN 60 330 160 6 7000 >15 1.0 1.0 ТО-220 KT8270A MJE13001 NPN 0.7 600 400 9 0.5 5…90 0.5 1000 4 TO-126KT8296AKT8296БKT8296ВKT8296ГKSD882R KSD882O KSD882Y KSD882G NPN 10 40 30 5 3000 60…120100…200160…320200…4000.5 100 TO-126 KT8297AKT8297БKT8297ВKT8297ГKSB772R KSB772O KSB772Y KSB772G PNP 10 40 30 5 3000 60…120100…200160…320200…4000.5 100 TO-126KT872A KT872Б KT872B KT872Г* with clampingdiodeBU508А BU508 BU508DNPN1001500150012001500700 700 600 70061000>61.0 5.0 1.0 1.04.0TO-218KT928A 2N2218 NPN 0.5 60 60 5 0.8 20…100 1.0 5.0 250 TO-126KT928Б 2N2219 NPN 0.5 60 60 5 0.8 50…200 1.0 5.0 250 TO-126 KT928B 2N2219ANPN 0.5 75 75 5 0.8 100…300 1.0 1.0 250TO-126 KT940AKT940БKT940BBF459 BF458 NPN 10 300 250 160 3002501605 100 >25 1.0 0.05 TO-126 КТ969А BF469 NPN 6 300 250 5 100 50…250 1.0 0.05 60TO-126DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR Transistors72 • Power Bipolar Darlington TransistorsPart Pin to PinCompatibilityPolarityРC max, W V CB max, V V CE max, V V EB max, V I Cmax, m А h FE V CE sat, VICBO,μА F T, МHzPacka-ge KT8115AKT8115БKT8115BTIP127 TIP126 TIP125 PNP 65 100 80 60 100 80 60 5 5000 >1000 2.0 200 4 TO-220KT8116AKT8116БKT8116BTIP122 TIP121 TIP120 NPN 65 100 80 60 100 80 60 5 5000 >1000 2.0 200 4 TO-220КТ8214АКТ8214БКТ8214ВTIP110 TIP111 TIP112 NPN 50 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 2000 >500 2.5 1000 TO-220КТ8215АКТ8215БКТ8215ВTIP115 TIP116 TIP117 PNP 50 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 2000 >500 2.5 1000 TO-220KT8156A КТ8156Б BU807 NPN 60 330 150 2006 8000 >100 1.5 1000 TO-220KT8158AKT8158БKT8158BBDV65A BDV65B BDV65C NPN 125 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 12000>1000 2.0 400 TO-218KT8159AKT8159БKT8159ВBDV64A BDV64B BDV64C PNP 125 60 80 100 60 80 100 5 12000>1000 2.0 400 TO-218КТ8225А BU941ZP NPN 155 350 350 5 15000>300 2.7 100 TO-218КТ8251А BDV65F NPN 125 180 180 5 10000>100 2.0 0.4 TO-218KT972AKT972БKT972BKT972ГBD875 NPN 8.0 60 45 60 60 60 45 60 60 5 2000 >750 >750 750…5000 750…5000 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.95 200 TO-126KT973AKT973БKT973BBD876 PNP 8.0 60 45 60 60 45 60 5 2000 >750 >750 750…5000 1.5 1.5 1.5 200 TO-126• Unijunction TransistorsPart Pin to Pin Compatibility P max,W Vb, b2 max, V Ie pulse, A Ie rev, μA Veb sat,V ηPackage KT132A KT132Б 2N2646 2N2647 0.3 35 2.0 12.0 0.2 3.5 0.56…0.75 0.68…0.82 Case 22A-01KT133A KT133Б 2N4870 2N4871 0.3 35 1.5 1.0 2.5 0.56…0.75 0.70…0.85TO-92• Logic Level N-Channel MOSFETsPart Pin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on) Ohm Id max, A Vgs max, VP max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП723Г IRLZ44 60 0.028 50 ±10 150 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП727В IRLZ34 60 0.05 30 ±10 88 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП744Г IRL520 100 0.27 9.2 ±10 60 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП745Г IRL530 100 0.22 15 ±10 88 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП746Г IRL540 100 0.077 28 ±10 150 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП737Г IRL630 200 0.4 18 ±10 50 1.0…2.0 TO-220 КП750Г IRL640 200 0.18 18 ±1050 1.0…2.0 TO-220КП775А КП775БКП775В2SK2498А-В 60 55 60 0.009 0.009 0.011 50 ±20150 1.0…2.01.0…2.0 1.0…2.0TO-220DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORTransistors73• Low Power MOSFETsPartPin to Pin Compatibility P max, W Vgs max, V Vds max,V Vgs(off), V Rds(on), Ohm Id max, A g fs,A/VPackageКП501А КП501Б КП501ВZVN2120 0.5 ±202402002001.0…3.0 1.0…3.0 10 10 15 10 >0.1 TO-92 КП502А BSS124 1.0 ±10 400 1.5…2.5 28 0.12 0.1 TO-92 КП503А BSS129 1.0 ±10400 1.5…2.5 28 0.12 0.1 TO-92КП504А КП504БКП504ВКП504ГКП504ДКП504ЕBSS88 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 ±102502502001802002000.6…1.2 8 8 8 10 8 8 0.32 0.14 TO-92 КП505А КП505БКП505ВКП505ГBSS295 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 ±1050506080.8…2.0 0.8…2.0 0.8…2.0 0.4…0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.2 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 TO-92 КП507A BSS315 1.0 ±20 -50 -0.8…-2.00.8 -1.1 TO-92 КП508A BSS92 1.0 ±20-240 -0.8…-2.020 -0.15 TO-92КП509А9 КП509Б9КП509В9BSS131 0.36 0.50 0.36 ±142402402000.8…-2.0 0.6…-1.2 0.8…-2.0 16 8 16 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.06 0.14 0.06 SOT-23 КП510A9 IRML2402 0.54 ±12 20 0.7…-1.6 0.25 1.2 1.3 SOT-23 КП511A КП511Б TN0535 TN0540 0.75 ±20 350 400 0.8…-2.0 22 0.14 0.125 TO-92 КП523А КП523Б BSS297 1.0 1.0 ±20 ±14 200 200 0.8…2.0 0.8…2.0 2.0 4.0 0.48 0.34 0.5 0.5TO-92 КП214А9 2N7002LT1 0.2 ±40 60 1.0…2.5 7.5 0.115 0.08 SOT-23• Power N-Channel MOSFETsPartPin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on), Ohm Id max, AVgs max,V P max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП723АКП723БКП723ВIRFZ44 IRFZ45 IRFZ40 60 60 50 0.028 0.035 0.028 50 50 50 ±20 150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП726А КП726Б BUZ90A BUZ90 600 2.0 1.6 4.0 4.5 ±20 75 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП727А КП727Б BUZ71 IRFZ34 50 60 0.1 0.05 14 30±20 75 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП728Г1,Г2 КП728С1,С2КП728Е1,Е2BUZ80A 700650 600 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 ±20 75 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП739АКП739БКП739ВIRFZ14 IRFZ10 IRFZ15 60 50 60 0.2 0.2 0.3 10 10 8.3 ±20 43 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП740АКП740БКП740ВIRFZ24 IRFZ20 IRFZ25 60 50 60 0.1 0.1 0.12 17 17 14 ±20 60 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП741А КП741Б IRFZ48 IRFZ46 60 50 0.018 0.024 50 ±20 190 1502.0…4.0 TO-220 КП742А КП742Б STH75N06 STH80N05 60 50 0.014 0.012 75 80±20200 2.0…4.0 TO-218DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTOR Transistors74 • Power N-Channel MOSFETs (continued)PartPin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on), Ohm Id max, A Vgs max, VP max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП743А КП743БКП743ВIRF510 IRF511 IRF512 100 80 100 0.54 0.54 0.74 5.6 5.6 4.9 ± 20 43 2.0…4.0 TO-220TO-126 КП743А1 100 0.54 5.5 ±2040 2.0…4.0 TO-126 КП744А КП744БКП744ВIRF520 IRF521 IRF522 100 80 100 0.27 0.27 0.36 9.2 9.2 8.0 ±20 60 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП745А КП745БКП745ВIRF530 IRF531 IRF532 100 80 100 0.16 0.16 0.23 14.0 14.0 12.0 ±20 88 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП746А КП746БКП746ВIRF540 IRF541 IRF542 100 80 100 0.077 0.077 0.1 28.0 28.0 25.0 ±20 150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП747А IRFP150 100 0.055 41.0 ±20230 2.0…4.0 TO-218 КП748А КП748БКП748ВIRF610 IRF611 IRF612 200 150 200 1.5 1.5 2.4 3.3 3.3 2.6 ±20 36 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП749А КП749БКП749ВIRF620 IRF621 IRF622 200 150 200 0.8 0.8 1.2 5.2 5.2 4.0 ±20 50 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП737А КП737БКП737ВIRF630 IRF634 IRF635 200 250 200 0.4 0.45 0.68 9.0 8.1 6.5 ±20 74 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП750А КП750БКП750ВIRF640 IRF641 IRF642 200 150 200 0.18 0.18 0.22 18.0 18.0 16.0 ±20 125 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП731А КП731БКП731ВIRF710 IRF711 IRF712 400 350 400 3.6 3.6 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 ±20 36 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП751А КП751БКП751ВIRF720 IRF721 IRF722 400 350 400 1.8 1.8 2.5 3.3 3.3 2.8 ±20 50 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП752А КП752Б КП752В Pilot ProductionIRF730 IRF731IRF732400 350 400 1.0 1.0 1.5 5.5 5.5 4.5 ±20 74 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП753АКП753Б КП753ВPilot ProductionIRF830 IRF831 IRF832 500 450 500 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 ±20 74 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП771А STP40N10100 0.04 40 ±20150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП776А КП776Б КП776В КП776Г Pilot ProductionIRF740 IRF741 IRF742 IRF744400 350 400 4500.55 0.55 0.8 0.6310.0 10.0 8.3 8.8±20 125 2.0…4.0 TO-220DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORTransistors75• Power N-Channel MOSFETs (continued)Part Pin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, VRds (on),Ohm Id max, A Vgs max,V P max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП777А КП777Б КП777ВPilot ProductionIRF840IRF841IRF842 500 450 500 0.85 0.85 1.1 8.0 8.0 7.0±20 125 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП778А IRFP250 200 0.085 30.0 ±20190 2.0…4.0 TO-220КП779А Pilot ProductionIRFP450 500 0.4 14.0 ±20190 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП780АКП780Б КП780В IRF820 IRF821IRF822500 450 500 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 2.2 ±20 50 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП781АPilot ProductionIRFP350 400 0.3 16.0 ±20 190 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП783АPilot Production IRF3205 55 0.008 70.0 ±20200 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП786А Pilot ProductionBUZ80A 800 3.0 4.0 ±20100 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП787А Pilot Production BUZ91A 600 0.9 8.0 ±20150 2.0…4.0 TO-220 КП789А Pilot ProductionBUZ111S 320 0.008 80.0 ±20250 2.1…4.0 TO-220• Power P-Channel MOSFETsPart Pin to Pin Compatibility Vds max, V Rds (on), Ohm Id max, A Vgs max, V P max, W Vgs (th),VPackageКП784A IRF9Z34 -60 0.14 -18.0 ±20 88 -2.0…-4.0 TO-220 КП785A IRF9540 -100 0.20 -19.0 ±20 150 -2.0…-4.0 TO-220 КП796АUnderDevelopmentIRF9634 -250 1.0 -4.3 ±20 74 -2.0…-4.0 TO-220。



FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDATA SHEETCopyright©2011 FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED All rights reserved 2011.6Memory FRAM16 K (2 K × 8) Bit I 2CMB85RC16■DESCRIPTIONThe MB85RC16 is an FRAM (F erroelectric Random Access Memory) chip in a configuration of 2,048 words × 8 bits, using the ferroelectric process and silicon gate CMOS process technologies for forming the nonvolatile memory cells.Unlike SRAM, the MB85RC16 is able to retain data without using a data backup battery.The memory cells used in the MB85RC16 have at least 1010 Read/Write operation endurance per bit, which is a significant improvement over the number of read and write operations supported by other nonvolatile memory products.The MB85RC16 can provide writing in one byte units because the long writing time is not required unlike Flash memory and E 2PROM. Therefore, the writing completion waiting sequence like a write busy state is not required.■FEATURES•Bit configuration : 2,048 words × 8 bits •Operating power supply voltage : 2.7 V to 3.6 V •Operating frequency : 1 MHz (Max) •T wo-wire serial interface : Fully controllable by two ports: serial clock (SCL) and serial data (SDA).•Operating temperature range : − 40 °C to + 85 °C •Data retention : 10 years ( + 75 °C) •Read/Write endurance : 1010 times •Package : Plastic / SOP , 8-pin (FPT -8P-M02)•Low power consumption : Operating current 0.1mA (Max: @1 MHz), Standby current 0.1 μA (Typ)DS501-00001-2v0-EMB85RC16■PIN FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONSPinNumberPin Name Functional Description1 to 3NC Unconnected pins Leave it unconnected.4VSS Ground pin5SDA Serial Data I/O pinThis is an I/O pin of serial data for performing bidirectional communication of mem-ory address and writing or reading data. It is possible to connect some devices. It is an open drain output, so a pull-up resistance is required to be connected to the external circuit.6SCL Serial Clock pinThis is a clock input pin for input/output timing serial data. Data is sampled on the rising edge of the clock and output on the falling edge.7WP Write Protect pinWhen Write Protect pin is “H” level, writing operation is disabled. When Write Pro-tect pin is “L” level, the entire memory region can be overwritten. Reading operation is always enabled regardless of the Write Protect pin state. The write protect pin is internally pulled down to VSS pin, and that is recognized as “L” level (the state that writing is enabled) when the pin is the open state.8VDD Supply Voltage pinMB85RC16■I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)The MB85RC16 has the two-wire serial interface and the I2C bus, and operates as a slave device.The I2C bus defines communication roles of “master” and “slave” devices, with the master side holding the authority to initiate control. Furthermore, a I2C bus connection is possible where a single master device is connected to multiple slave devices in a party-line configuration.2MB85RC16■I2C COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLThe I2C bus provides communication by two wires only, therefore, the SDA input should change while SCL is the “L” level. However, when starting and stopping the communication sequence, SDA is allowed to change while SCL is the “H” level.•Start ConditionTo start read or write operations by the I2C bus, change the SDA input from the “H” level to the “L” level while the SCL input is in the “H” level.•Stop ConditionTo stop the I2C bus communication, change the SDA input from the “L” level to the “H” level while the SCL input is in the “H” level. In the reading operation, inputting the stop condition finishes reading and enters the standby state. In the writing operation, inputting the stop condition finishes inputting the rewrite data.Note : The FRAM device does not need the programming wait time (t WC) after issuing the Stop Condition during the write operation.MB85RC16■ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK)In the I2C bus, serial data including memory address or memory information is sent in units of 8 bits. The acknowledge signal indicates that every 8 bits of the data is successfully sent and received. The receiver side usually outputs the “L” level every time on the 9th SCL clock after every 8 bits are successfully trans-mitted. On the transmitter side, the bus is temporarily released on this 9th clock to allow the acknowledge signal to be received and checked. During this released period, the receiver side pulls the SDA line down to indicate that the communication works correctly.If the receiver side receives the stop condition before transmitting the acknowledge “L” level, the read operation ends and the I2C bus enters the standby state. If the acknowledge “L” level is not detected, and the Stop condition is not sent, the bus remains in the released state without doing anything.■MEMORY ADDRESS STRUCTUREThe MB85RC16 has the memory address buffer to store the 11-bit information for the memory address.As for byte write, page write and random read commands, the complete 11-bit memory address is configured by inputting the memory upper address (3 bits) and the memory lower address (8 bits), and saving to the memory address buffer and access to the memory is performed.As for a current address read command, the complete 11-bit memory address is configured by inputting the memory upper address (3 bits) and by the memory address lower 8-bit which has saved in the memory address buffer, and saving to the memory address buffer and access to the memory is performed.MB85RC16■DEVICE ADDRESS WORDF ollowing the start condition, the 8 bit device address word is input. Inputting the device address word decideswhether the master or the slave drives the data line. However, the clock is always driven by the master. The device address word (8bits) consists of a device T ype code (4bits), memory upper address code (3bits), anda Read/Write code (1bit).•Device Type Code (4bits)The upper 4 bits of the device address word are a device type code that identifies the device type, and are fixed at “1010” for the MB85RC16.•Memory Upper Address Code (3bits)Following the device type code, the 3 bits of the memory upper address code are input.The slave address selection is not performed by the external pin setting on this device. These 3 bits are not the setting bits for the slave address, but the upper 3-bit setting bits for the memory address.•Read/Write Code (1bit)The 8th bit of the device address word is the R/W (Read/Write) code. When the R/W code is “0” input, a write operation is enabled, and the R/W code is “1” input, a read operation is enabled for the MB85RC16. If the device code is not “1010”, the Read/Write operation is not performed and the standby state is chosen.MB85RC16■DATA STRUCTUREThe master inputs the device address word (8 bits) following the start condition, and then the slave outputs the Acknowledge “L” level on the ninth bit. After confirming the Acknowledge response, the sequential 8-bit memory lower address is input, to the byte write, page write and random read commands.As for the current address read command, inputting the memory lower address is not performed, and the address buffer lower 8-bit is used as the memory lower address.When inputting the memory lower address finishes, the slave outputs the Acknowledge “L” level on the ninth bit again.Afterwards, the input and the output data continue in 8-bit units, and then the Acknowledge “L” level is output for every 8-bit data.MB85RC16■FRAM ACKNOWLEDGE -- POLLING NOT REQUIREDThe MB85RC16 performs the high speed write operations, so any waiting time for an ACK* by the acknowl-edge polling does not occur.*: In E2PROM, the Acknowledge Polling is performed as a progress check whether rewriting is executed or not.It is normal to judge by the 9th bit of Acknowledge whether rewriting is performed or not after inputting the start condition and then the device address word (8 bits) during rewriting.■WRITE PROTECT (WP)The entire memory array can be write protected by setting the WP pin to the “H” level. When the WP pin is set to the “L” level, the entire memory array will be rewritten. Reading is allowed regardless of the WP pin's “H” level or “L” level.Do not change the WP signal level during the communication period from the start condition to the stop condition.Note : The WP pin is pulled down internally to VSS pin, therefore if the WP pin is open, the pin status is detected as the “L” level (write enabled).MB85RC16■COMMAND•Byte WriteIf the device address word (R/W “0” input) is sent after the start condition, an ACK responds from the slave.After this ACK, write memory addresses and write data are sent in the same way, and the write ends by•Page WriteIf data is continuously sent after the following address when the same command (expect stop condition) as Byte Write was sent, a page write is performed. The memory address rolls over to first memory address (000H)at the end of the address. Therefore, if more than 2 Kbytes are sent, the data is overwritten in orderMB85RC16•Current Address ReadIf the last write or read operation finishes correctly up to the end of stop condition, the memory address that was accessed last remains in the memory address buffer (the length is 11 bits).When sending this command without turning the power off, it is possible to read from the memory address n+1 which adds 1 to the total 11-bit memory address n, which consists of the memory upper address 3-bit from the device address word input and the lower 8-bit of the memory address buffer. If the memory address n is the last address, it is possible to read with rolling over to the head of the memory address (000H). The current address (address that the memory address buffer indicates) is undefined immediately after turning•Random ReadThe one byte of data from the memory address as saved in the memory address buffer can be read out synchronously to SCL by specifying the address in the same way as for a write, and then issuing another start condition and sending the Device Address Word (R/W “1” input).Setting values for the first and the second memory upper address codes should be the same.The final NACK (SDA is the “H” level) is issued by the receiver that receives the data. In this case, this bit is分销商库存信息: FUJITSUMB85RC16PNF-G-JNE1。



[KC501 Key Programmer]Trademark:Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd. has registered a trademark, and its logo isin countries where the trademark, service mark, domain name, icon and company name of Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd. have not yet been registered. Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd. declares its Registered trademark service marks, domain names, icons and company names still enjoy their ownership. Other products and company names and trademarks mentioned in this operation manual still belong to the original registered company. Without the written consent of the owner, no one is allowed to use the trademarks, service marks, domain names, icons and company names of Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd. or other companies mentioned.Copyright:Without the written consent of Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd., no company or individual may copy or back up this operation manual in any form (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other forms).Responsibility:This user manual only provides product descriptions and usage methods. If the use of this product or data violates national laws, the user bears all consequences, and our company does not bear any legal responsibility. Accidents caused by the user or a third party; or misuse or misuse of the device by the user; or unauthorized modification or disassembly of the device; or damage to or loss of the device due to failure to follow this operation manual Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd. does not bear any legal responsibility for expenses and losses. This user manual is written based on the existing configuration and functions of the product. If a new configuration or function is added to the product, the new version of the operation manual will also bechanged without notice.After-sales service:Service Hotline(400-880-3086)Official website:Users in other countries or regions, please contact your local dealer for technical support.Information:This product is only for use by professional and technical personnel in automobile maintenance.Please read this manual carefully before operating or maintaining the equipment.CONTENTS1. PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS (4)2. PRODUCT DETAILS (4)2.1PRODUCT DESCRIPTION (4)2.2PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (5)2.3PRODUCT APPEARANCE AND INTERFACES (5)3. UPGRADE AND OVERHAUL (6)3.1PRODUCT UPGRADE (6)3.2PRODUCT OVERHAUL (7)4. SUPPORT LIST (7)1. PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGSKC501 programmer is a device launched by Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd. to assist car locksmiths in anti-theft matching related functions. In order to avoid personal injury and damage to the vehicle during related operations, please read this manual before operating specific functions and strictly observe the following safety precautions:Run the vehicle in a well-ventilated place.Diagnose and repair or disassemble ECU in a safe surrounding environment.Prevent electrostatic interference during use. If there is an abnormal situation, please try multiple operations.Make sure to connect the ground when soldering the device.Make sure to disconnect the power after soldering the device.Keep the equipment dry and clean, away from damp, oily or dusty areas.2. PRODUCT DETAILS2.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe KC501 programmer has the following functions:Read and write car key remote control data and key frequency detection; Read and write data of on-board EEPROM chip;Read and write data of on-board MCU/ECU chip;The KC501 programmer needs to be used with the anti-theft related diagnostic equipment of Shenzhen Xtooltech Co., Ltd. , and can also be used with the PC-side programmer software. The product has stable functions and reliable performance.2.2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS2.3 PRODUCT APPEARANCE AND INTERFACESKC501 The appearance of the programmer product is shown in the figure below:3.UPGRADE AND OVERHAUL3.1 PRODUCT UPGRADEThe KC501 programmer can be upgraded in the following ways:1).Update software through Langren technology anti-theft related diagnostic equipmentWhen the KC501 is connected to the diagnostic equipment, the diagnostic equipment will automatically detect the KC501 software version. If it detects that it is not the latest version, it will automatically update and update to the latest version.2).Software update through KC501 PC software, the steps are as follows:a. Use a USB cable to connect KC501 to the USB port of the PC;b. Confirm that the LED indicator on the front panel of KC501 displaysnormally;c. The PC software will automatically detect whether the current version isthe latest version, and if the current version is not the latest version, it will be upgraded to the current latest version.3.2 PRODUCT OVERHAULThe following problems may be encountered when using this product: 1).Wrong connection with anti-theft matching deviceAn error occurred when KC501 was connected to the anti-theft matching device, please check the following items:(1).Is KC501 authorized.(2). Whether the programmer indicator light is steady green.2).PC connection error(1). Whether the programmer indicator light is steady green(2). You can try another USB cable when the USB cannot communicate(3). Check the firewall, whether the software is isolated, or the USB port selection is wrong4. SUPPORT LISTThe specific support list includes EEPROM, MCU, ECU, please check the official website.。

alliance 洗脱机 固定式机体 安装操作保养手册说明书

alliance 洗脱机 固定式机体 安装操作保养手册说明书

汞 (Hg)
镉 (Cd)
六价铬 (CR[VI])
聚溴联苯 (PBB)
聚溴二苯醚 (PBDE)
• 请勿在洗涤剂盒的喷嘴(如适用)上装贴任何物体。必 须为此保留空气间隙。
• 如洗衣机上未安装循环水塞或循环水系统(如适用), 则不可操作本机。
• 请确保在水管连接时安装截止阀,进水管间连接紧密。 在结束清洗的当天,务必关闭截止阀。
• 请妥善保养洗衣机。如洗衣机遭撞击或发生坠落,安全 功能可能会受到损坏。如发生此类情况,请联系合格服 务人员检查机器。
在使用洗衣设备时,为降低发生火灾、触电、人员重伤或 死亡等风险,请务必遵守这些基本注意事项:
• 请在使用本洗衣机前通读所有说明。 • 请遵照本安装说明安装洗衣机。请参考安装手册中 有关



KC认证流程1、为了使消费者能更清楚地了解所购买的产品上标示的认证标志,以及减轻产品生产厂家负担的各种认证费用,韩国技术标准院(KATS)2008年8月20日宣布将于2009年1月1日开始实行新的认证系统KC(Korea Certification)认证。



KC检验程序:KC Mark Certification Products List(KC认证产品目录)根据《韩国电气用品安全管理法》规定,自2009年1月1日起电气产品安全认证分为强制性认证及自律(自愿)性认证两种。

强制性认证是指:属于强制性产品中的所有电子类产品必须获得KC Mark认证后才可以在韩国市场上销售.每年需要接受工厂审查和产品抽检测试。







Series JFUltra-Thin Process Sealed TactilesJ34I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t K e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e R o c k e r sT o u c h T i l tT o g g l e sElectrical Capacity (Resistive Load)Low/Logic Level:50mA @ 24V DCOther RatingsContact Resistance: 50 milliohms maximum Insulation Resistance: 500 megohms minimum @ 250V DCDielectric Strength: 250V AC minimum for 1 minute minimum Mechanical Life: 500,000 operations minimum Electrical Life:500,000 operations minimum Nominal Operating Force:1.96N for sculptured actuator2.0N for piano actuator3.0N for square & round flush actuators Total Travel:Flush Actuators .016” (0.4mm)Sculptured & Piano Actuators .031” (0.8mm)Materials & FinishesActuator:PolyamideCase: Glass fiber reinforced polyamide Seal: Nitrile butadiene rubberBase:Glass fiber reinforced polyester Movable Contact: Phosphor bronze with silver plating Stationary Contacts:Brass with silver platingTerminals: Brass with silver platingEnvironmental DataOperating Temperature Range: –25°C through +85°C (–13°F through +185°F)Humidity: 90 ~ 95% humidity for 96 hours @ 40°C (104°F)Vibration: 10 ~ 55Hz with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.5mm traversing the frequency range & returning in 1 minute; 3 right angled directions for 2 hoursShock:50G (490m/s 2) acceleration (tested in 6 right angled directions, with 5 shocks in each direction)PCB ProcessingSoldering:Wave Soldering Recommended. See Profile A in Supplement section.Manual Soldering: See Profile A in Supplement section.Cleaning: Automated cleaning. See Cleaning specifications in Supplement section.S tandards & Certifications The JF Series tactiles have not been tested for UL recognition or CSA certification.These switches are designed for use in a low-voltage, low-current, logic-level circuit.When used as intended in a logic-level circuit, the results do not produce hazardous energy.General Specifications/Series JFUltra-Thin Process Sealed TactilesJ35I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r ie sS u p p l e m e n t K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e R o c k e r sT o u c h T i l t T o g g l e sExtremely low profile of 5mm from PCB to top of switch. Rubber seal construction prevents contact contamination and allows automated soldering and cleaning. Minimal operating force and short stroke permit light touch operation.Dome contact gives crisp tactile and audible feedback to positively indicate circuit transfer and assures high reliability and long life.Wide choice of body shapes and colors.Crimped terminals provide a spring type action to ensuresecure mounting and prevent dislodging during wave soldering.Space saving body dimensions provide for compact, side-by-side mounting on a standard grid.Terminal spacing conforms to standard .100” (2.54mm) PCB grid.Actual SizeDistinctive CharacteristicsCommon Bus MatrixThese single pole, single throw switches can be used in a key-board matrix and, using strapped terminals, achieve a com-mon bus electrical configuration on a single-sided PC board.X-Y MatrixThese single pole, single throw switches can be arranged on a single-sided PC board matrix with strapped terminals to achieve an X-Y type electrical interconnection.Red = PCB Trace Black = Switch Circuit/Series JFUltra-Thin Process Sealed TactilesJ36I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n tK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n sI ll u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eR o c k e rsT o u c h T i l t T o g g l e sTYPICAL SWITCH ORDERING EXAMPLESPSTOFF-(ON) CircuitDESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLEJF15SP2CSquare Housing with Round Red Actuator Straight PC Terminals/Series JFUltra-Thin Process Sealed Tactiles J37I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tK ey l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t on sI l l u m i n a t e dP B S l i d e s P r o g ra m m ab l eR o c ke r sT o u c hT i l t T o g g l e sTERMINALS & PANEL DESIGNPStraight PCAdditional details inTypical Switch DimensionsActuator Colors Available:RedOrangeGreenBlueCDFG GrayHHousing is BlackVersatile panel arrangements can be made to fit individual design needs.TYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONSRound ActuatorJF15CP2C/Series JFUltra-Thin Process Sealed TactilesJ38I n d i ca to r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e ntK e y l o c k sR o t a r i esP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS li d e sP r o g r a m m a b l e R o c k e r sT o u c hT i l tT o g g l esTYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONSSculptured ActuatorPiano ActuatorJF15SP3CJF15SP4CJF15SP1CJF15SP2CSquare ActuatorRound Actuator/Series JFUltra-Thin Process Sealed Tactiles J39I n d i c a t o r s A c c e ss o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tK e y l o c k sR o t ar i e s P u s h b u t t o nsI l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e sP r og r a m m a b l e R o c k er sT o u c h T i l t T o g g l e sLEGENDSShaded Areas are Printable AreasRecommended Print Methods: Screen Print or Pad Print. Epoxy based ink is recommended.ON F ANS T A RT UP NKK Switches can provide custom legends for caps. Contact factory for more information./分销商库存信息:NKK-SWITCHJF15SP1H JF15CP2G JF15SP2C JF15CP2D JF15SP4G JF15SP2F JF15CP2F JF15SP1G JF15SP1F JF15SP2G JF15SP2H JF15SP1D JF15SP1C JF15CP2C JF15CP2H JF15CP2A JF15SP1A JF15SP3C JF15SP3D JF15SP3G JF15SP3H JF15SP4D JF15SP4C JF15SP4H JF15SP2D JF15SP3F JF15SP4F JF15CP1G。

APL3015SURCK-F01, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

APL3015SURCK-F01, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

The Hyper Red source color devices are made with AlGaInP on GaAs substrate Light Emitting Diode.
Package Dimensions
Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is ±0.2(0.008") unless otherwise noted. 3. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice. 4.The device has a single mounting surface. The device must be mounted according to the specifications.
Recommended Soldering Pattern (Units : mm; Tolerance: ± 0.1)
Reel Dimension
Tape Dimensions (Units : mm)
REV NO: V.5 CHECKED: Allen Liu
Part No. Dice Lens Type Iv (mcd) [2] @ 20mA Min. APL3015SURCK-F01 Hyper Red (AlGaInP) Water Clear 300 Typ. 600 Viewing Angle [1] 2θ1/2 70°

施耐德A9CT10125接触器Acti9 iCT 25A 1NO 230-240V AC数据表

施耐德A9CT10125接触器Acti9 iCT 25A 1NO 230-240V AC数据表

Product data sheetCharacteristicsA9CT10125contactor, Acti9, iCT, 25A, 1NO, 230-240V AC主要信息产品系列Acti 9产品名称Acti 9 iCT 产品类型接触器产品短名iCT产品应用Motor controlHeating-low inductive load 照明(控制)极数1P额定工作电流 [Ie]25 A AC-7A 9 A AC-7B 回路触点类型 1 NO 电网类型AC 控制类型远程控制控制回路电压 [Uc]220...240 V AC 50 Hz补充信息电网频率50 Hz额定工作电压 [Ue]250 V AC 50 Hz 最大功率 1.6 W 在…上 250 V AC 额定绝缘电压 [Ui]500 V 额定冲击耐受电压 [Uimp]4 KV 控制信号类型自保持开关频率开关操作次数/每天本地信号指示Indicator 安装类型锁定夹锁紧安装方式DIN 导轨安装宽度 (9mm的倍数)2宽度18 Mm 净重126 G 机械寿命1000000 次电气寿命100000 次 EN 61095 AC-7A 30000 次 EN 61095 AC-7B 30000 次 EN 61095 AC-7C 60000 次 EN 61095 AC-7D30000 次 EN/IEC 60947-4-1 AC-3 1000000 次 IEC 61095 AC-7A 30000 次 IEC 61095 AC-7B 30000 次 IEC 61095 AC-7C100000 次 EN/IEC 60947-4-1 AC-1 60000 次 IEC 61095 AC-7DT h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .接线能力控制回路: 螺栓紧固1.5…2.5 mm² rigid or flexible 带电源回路: 螺栓紧固1.5…6 mm² 单股硬线电源回路: 螺栓紧固1…4 mm² 软线 带控制回路: 螺栓紧固2 电缆 1.5 mm² rigid or flexible 带紧固扭矩控制回路: 0.8 N.m电源回路: 1.2 N.m环境符合标准IEC 61095EN/IEC 60947-4-1GB/T 14048.4EN 61095GB/T 17885产品认证CCC[RETURN]CE[RETURN]IEC CB报告IP 保护等级IP20IP40 (模块化壳体)污染等级2抗湿热性2相对湿度95 % 在…上 55 °C工作海拔2000米运行温度-40…70 °C贮存环境温度-40…70 °C包装单位Unit Type of Package 1PCENumber of Units in Package 11Package 1 Height 6.6 CmPackage 1 Width 1.8 CmPackage 1 Length8.5 CmPackage 1 Weight118 GUnit Type of Package 2BB1Number of Units in Package 212Package 2 Height8.2 CmPackage 2 Width8.9 CmPackage 2 Length22.9 CmPackage 2 Weight 1.476 KgUnit Type of Package 3S02Number of Units in Package 348Package 3 Height15 CmPackage 3 Width30 CmPackage 3 Length40 CmPackage 3 Weight 6.304 Kg可持续性产品类型Green Premium 产品REACh法规REACh 声明REACh free of SVHC支持欧盟ROHS指令符合欧盟ROHS声明Toxic heavy metal free支持Mercury free支持RoHS exemption information支持中国 ROHS 管理办法中国 ROHS 声明环境披露产品环境文件流通资料无需具体的回收操作合同保修保修单18 个月Product Life Status :Commercialised。

美国电器公司 CA 15A 120V 60Hz 烤箱详细技术信息说明书

美国电器公司 CA 15A 120V 60Hz 烤箱详细技术信息说明书

Manuel d'utilisation et d'entretien, guide d'installation, ensemble de conversion au PL, 3 grillesstandardHGI8046UC Acier inoxydable noirAussi offert en :Acier inoxydable HGI8056UCL’acier inoxydable noirprotège contre leségratignures et les tracesde doigts pour conserverson aspect audacieux.La cuisinière insérée Bosch se glisse dans n'importe quelle découpe de cuisinière autoportante.Le puissant brûleur central de 18 000 BTU accélère le temps de cuisson.Avec une grande capacité de 4,8 pi3,le four peut accueillir la plupart des plats et casseroles.Boutons métalliques robustes pour un aspect et une utilisation haut de gammeLe tiroir-réchaud maintient tout ce que vous cuisinez bien au chaud et prêt à servir.Accessoires : Pour acheter des accessoires, des nettoyants et des pièces Bosch, composez le 1-800-944-2904 (du lundi au vendredi de 5 h à18 h HNP, le samedi de 6 h à 15 h HNP).Notes : Toutes les dimensions (hauteur, largeur et profondeur) sont indiquées en pouces. BSH se réserve le droit absolu et illimité de changerles matériaux du produit et les spécifications en tout temps, sans préavis. Veuillez consulter les instructions d'installation du produit pour les dimensions finales et autres détails avant la découpe.Garanties : Veuillez consulter le manuel d'utilisation et d'entretien ou le site Web de Bosch pour la déclaration de garantie limitée.Pour de plus amples renseignements sur notre gamme complète de produits, veuillez visiter notre site Web au www.bosch-home.ca ou composer le 1 800-944-2904Accessoires : Pour acheter des accessoires, des nettoyants et des pièces Bosch, composez le 1-800-944-2904 (du lundi au vendredi de 5 h à 18 h HNP, le samedi de 6 h à 15 h HNP).Notes : Toutes les dimensions (hauteur, largeur et profondeur) sont indiquées en pouces. BSH se réserve le droit absolu et illimité de changer les matériaux du produit et les spécifications en tout temps, sans préavis. Veuillez consulter les instructions d'installation du produit pour les dimensions finales et autres détails avant la découpe.Garanties : Veuillez consulter le manuel d'utilisation et d'entretien ou le site Web de Bosch pour la déclaration de garantie limitée.Pour de plus amples renseignements sur notre gamme complète de produits, veuillez visiter notre site Web au www.bosch-home.ca ou composer le 1 800-944-2904Détails d'installationAccessoires - en optionHEZTR301 Grille téléscopique de 30 po HEZGR301 Plaque chauffante HEZ298102 Adaptateur pour poêle wok HGZIT301 Garnitures d'îlot (acier inoxydable)HGZBS301 Dosseret bas de 4 po (acier inoxydable)。



Technical Data Sheet1.5mm Side Looking PhototransistorPT908-7C-FFeatures․Fast response time ․High sensitivity․Small junction capacitance ․Pb Free․This product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.DescriptionsPT908-7C-F is a phototransistor in miniature package which is molded in a water clear plastic with spherical top view lens. The device is spectrally matched to infrared emitting diode.Applications․Optoelectronic switch ․VCR ,Video Camera ․Floppy disk drive․Infrared applied systemDevice Selection GuideChip LED Part No.MaterialLens ColorPT908-7C-F Silicon Water ClearPT908-7C-FAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25℃)Parameter SymbolRating UnitsCollector-Emitter Voltage V CEO 30 V Emitter-Collector-Voltage V ECO 5 V Collector Current I C 20 mAOperating Temperature Topr-25 ~ +85℃ ℃ Storage Temperature Tstg -40 ~ +100℃ ℃ Lead Soldering TemperatureTsol260℃Power Dissipation at (orbelow) 25℃ Free Air TemperaturePD 75 mW Notes: *1:Soldering time ≦5 seconds.Electro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)Parameter Symbol Condition Min.Typ.Max. UnitsCollector – EmitterBreakdown Voltage BV CEO I C =100μAEe=0mW/cm 2 30 --- --- V Emitter-Collector Breakdown Voltage BV ECO I E =100μA Ee=0mW/cm 2 5--- --- VCollector-Emitter Saturation Voltage V CE)(sat) I C =2mA Ee=1mW/cm 2--- --- 0.4VRise Time t r --- 15 ---Fall Timet f V CE =5VI C =1mARL=1000Ω--- 15 --- μS Collector Dark Current I CEO Ee=0mW/cm 2V CE =20V --- --- 100 nAOn State Collector Current I C(on) Ee=0.555mW/cm 2V CE =5V0.80 5.0 mAWavelength of Peak Sensitivityλp ------ 940 --- nmRang of Spectral Bandwidth λ0.5--- 400 --- 1100 nmPT908-7C-FParameter SymbolMinMaxUnit Test conditionBIN1 0.80 1.53BIN2 1.11 1.98BIN3 1.43 2.68 BIN4 1.59 3.06 BIN5 I C(ON) 2.0 5.0mAV CE =5VEe=0.555mW/cm 2PT908-7C-F Reliability Test Item And ConditionThe reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below.Confidence level:90%分销商库存信息: EVERLIGHTPT908-7C-F。



KTL 韩国产业技术试验院测试标准及认证产品分类KC认证使用的测试标准是国际IEC标准。

强制性电气安全认证产品目录1. (电线电缆 : Cables and Cords)①(95 )韩文英文 Cables and Cords Insulated electric wires中文 电线电缆 绝缘电线(95以下)②(95 ) ③ 6)Cables电缆(95以下)Polyvinyl chloride insulated Cord 电缆以上 6以下)④Cord set电源连接线2. (电气开关 : Switches for Electrical Appliances)韩文英文中文Switches开关①(30A)Switches for electrical appliances电气机器用开关(30A以下)②(63ASwitches for fixed electrical installation固定电气设施用开关(63A 以下)③(16A)Cord switchggg 拉线开关(16A 以下)④(16A)Electronic switches电子式开关 (16A 以下)⑤Remote control switches遥控开关⑥Time delay switches时延开关⑦???Dimmer调光器Electro-magnetic Circuit-breaker 电磁式断路器3. (电容器及电源滤波器 : Capacitors & Filters)韩文英文中文Capacitors & Filters电容器及电源滤波器①XYXY CapacitorX, Y 电容器②Complete filter units for radio无线电干扰抑制电源滤波器interference suppression③Capacitor for use in Tubular荧光灯用电容器fluorescent Lamp4. (电气设备部件和连接装置: Installation Accessories and Connection Devices)韩文英文中文Installation accessories and connection devices电气设备部件和连接装置①Connection devices for electrical 电气用品连接设备appliances②Appliances Coupler设备联接器③Plugs and socket-outlets插头和插座④Cable reel电缆卷盘5. (电气保护部件: Installation Protective Equipment)韩文英文中文Fuses, fuse holders, and 保险丝及保险丝支持件 thermal-links①,Fuses and fuse holders保险丝及保险丝支持件②Thermal-link温度保险丝Circuit-breakers for electrical Appliances机器保护用短路器①Overcurrent protective Circuit- 家庭用过电流保护短路器breakers for household②Circuit breaker for over-Current 过电流保护用断路器protection③Earth leakage circuit-Breaker通地漏泄保护断路器6. (家用绝缘变压器 : Safety Transformer and Similar Equipment)韩文英文中文Power transformers and voltage 电源变压器和调压器Regulators①Voltage regulator电压调压器②Power transformers for household 家用电源变压器③AC/AC adapter交流适配器7. (家电设备:Electrical Appliances for Household and Similar Equipment) (额定输出功率 10kW 以下, 不含防爆型和医疗机械专用)韩文英文中文Vacuum cleaners吸尘器①·Vacuum cleaners真空吸尘器, 吸水吸尘器②Floor treatment machine电地板洗尘器③Surface-cleaning appliance表面清洗机器④Steam cleaners蒸汽洗尘器,Electric irons and press电熨斗及熨平机①Electric dry iron电熨斗②Steam iron蒸汽电熨斗③,Trouser Press裤子④,Wrinkle Press皱纹熨斗⑤Ironing press电熨平机Dish washers and dish driers洗碟机和干燥器①Dishwasher洗碟机②dish dryer干燥器Electric heating appliances for 厨房用电热机器Kitchen①Electric ranges电灶②Electric ovens电烤箱③Electric grills烤炉④Electric induction hobs电感应滚刀⑤Hot plates heated directly电炉⑥Electric heaters电加热器⑦Toaster多士炉⑧Frying pans电炒锅⑨Portable grills手提式烤炉⑩Broilers烤焙用具⑾Waffle irons蛋奶饼的铁模,⑿Hot plate电炒板Washing machines and spin extractors洗衣机及脱水机①Washing machine洗衣机②Spin extractor脱水机Appliances for hair care护发机器①Hair driers电吹风②Curling irons电发熨斗③Curling rollers头发卷毛Warming plates and Electric hot 电保暖器及电热的碗柜 cupboards①Warming plates电保暖器②Electric liquor heating devices 电酒暖器③Electric hot cupboards电热的碗柜Motor-operated appliances for 厨房用电动机器(电动机额定输入功kitchen率 1kW 以下)①Juicers果汁机②Juicer mixers果汁搅拌器③Food mixer食物搅拌器④Juice extractor果汁提取器⑤Cream whipper奶油泡沫制造机⑥Egg beater蛋揉机⑦Mixer搅拌机器⑧Churn黄油制造机⑨Squeezer液体提取器⑩Slicing machine切片机⑾Knife sharpeners电刀磨具⑿Can openers电铁罐开启的工具⒀knife电刀⒁Coffee mill咖啡磨粉机⒂Ice mill冰磨粉机等⒃Meat grinder肉粉碎机⒄Noodle maker面条机⒅Meat slicer切肉片机⒆Electric bone cutters碎骨机⒇Others其他厨房用电器Electric appliances for heating liquids液体加热器①Rice cookers电饭锅②Rice cooker and warmer电饭及保温锅③Kettles电壶④Cooking pan电锅⑤Water boiler电水煮沸机⑥Medicine processing pot电药汤提取器⑦Coffee makers咖啡提取器⑧Steam cookers电蒸汽锅⑨ ⑩ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀,① ② ③ ④, ⑤ ⑥,① ②① ②①·② ③ ④①①①① ② ③① ② ③ ④ ⑤Egg boiler Milk heaters Nurser heaters Yoghurt makers Steam cookers and others蛋炊具 牛奶保温器 奶瓶保温机 酸牛奶制造机 煮沸烹调器Electric blankets and mats, electric Beds电毛毯(垫)和类似柔软的电热设备Cushions电垫Blankets电毛毯Mats电床垫Carpets电地毯Floor-mats电地板Beds电床Electric moxibustion machines and 电灸机和脚暖器foot warmersElectric moxibustion machine电灸机Foot warmers暖脚器Storage water heaters and Instantaneous water heatersStorage water heaters贮水式电热水器 温水器Instantaneous water heaters瞬间温水机Electric refrigerators and ice Makers Electric refrigerators and ice Makers Ice-cream freezers Water cooler Freezers制冷,冷藏,冷冻,制冰设备制冷,冷藏,冷冻,制冰设备冰淇淋冷柜 冷水器 制冰机Microwave ovens (using the freq 微波炉(300兆赫兹 ~30千兆赫兹) uencies of 300MHz - 30GHz range)Microwave ovens微波炉Sewing machines for Household家用电缝衣机Sewing machines for Household家用电缝衣机Battery chargers Battery chargers Electric driers Tumbler dryer Hand driers Clothes dryer and towel rail充电器 (输出电压50V 以下) 充电器 烘干机 回转干燥机 烘手机 干燥器Heaters Stoves Panel heater空间对流加热器 电暖炉 电热地板Radiators Fan heater Thermal-storage room heater电散热器) 暖风机 储存式电暖器Massage appliances按摩电器 (马达或振动子用的)①Massage appliances按摩电器 (马达或振动子用的)Air-conditioners and dehumidifier 空调器及除湿器①Air-conditioners空调器②Dehumidifiers除湿器Pumps and Electric waterspouts 流体泵[液体温度90℃以下, (额定输入功率以下)]①Pumps流体泵②Electric hot-water pumps热水泵Heating tools, Electric carving Machine电加热机器①Soldering iron焊铁②Desoldering iron脱焊烙铁③Soldering gun枪型焊烙铁④Thermoplastic conduit-welding 热塑性导管熔接机Tool⑤Household film-welding appliance 塑料薄膜胶粘机⑥Plastic cutting tool塑料切割机⑦Paint stripper涂料清除机⑧Heat gun加热枪⑨Electric carving devices电雕刻设备Sauna Appliances桑拿机器①Electric steam sauna appliance 电蒸汽桑拿机器②Sauna appliance电桑拿机器③Sauna heater桑拿机器用加热器④Steam sauna heater蒸汽桑拿用加热器Aquarium heaters, Air bubble generators, Fishbowls for display观赏及宠物用机器①·Aquarium heater (for plant)欣赏鱼用暖热器②,Electric heating devices for动物孵化,养殖用电热器hatching or breeding animals③Air bubble generator for aquarium 欣赏鱼用气泡发生器④Electric fish bowl for aquarium 观赏型水族槽Electric air bubble generators气泡发生器①Electric air bubble generators气泡发生器Insect killing or repelling devices 电冲击杀虫机①Insect killing or repelling devices 电冲击杀虫机Electric baths电浴缸①()Whirlpool bath漩涡型浴缸(含浴缸用气泡发生器)②()Mini bathtub for half the body微型半身(全身)浴缸③Liquid foot massager液体足疗器Air-cleaning appliance空气净化器(额定输入 500W 以下)①Air-cleaning appliance空气净化器Dispensing appliances and自动售货机vending machines (equipped withheating element or cooling deviceor discharge lamp oraccommodation)①Dispensing appliances and自动售货机vending machines,Electric fans, range hoods电风扇及抽油烟机(额定输入500W以下)①Electric fans电风扇②Duct fan抽风机③Ventilating fan换风机④Range hoods抽油烟机⑤Electric cold wind machines冷风机Electric appliances for toilets, 卫生间用设备 Electro-motive inhalers①Automatic washing and drying 自动洗涤干燥式便器toilet②heated seat or bowel电便座③Night soil inhalator污染物吸入器Humidifier加湿器①Humidifier加湿器Electric spray喷雾器①Electric spray喷雾器Electric Disinfectants电消毒箱()(for sterilization)(只认证带杀菌灯的消毒箱)①Electric Disinfectants电消毒箱Food waste process Machine 碎渣机(除外洗涤槽用)①Food waste process Machine 碎渣机Wet towel wrapping devices & 卷湿毛巾和湿毛巾包装设备 rolling devices①Wet towel wrapping devices湿毛巾包装机②Wet towel rolling devices湿毛巾卷机Other appliances which not covered by above product name but within the scope of EK certification其他类似机器8. (电动工具;Motor Tools) 额定输入功率以下韩文英文中文⑴Electric drill电钻⑵Electric screwdriver电动螺丝刀⑶Electric grinder电动砂轮机⑷Polisher电动抛光机⑸Electric sander电动砂光机⑹Electric circular saw电圆锯⑺Electric hammer电动锤钻⑻Electric sheet metal shear电金属剪刀⑼Electric tapper电动攻丝机⑽Electric reciprocating saw电往复锯⑾Electric concrete vibrator电振动机⑿Electric chain saw电链锯⒀Electric planner电刨⒁Electric grass sheer电草皮剪机⒂Electric tacker电钉枪⒃Router雕刻机⒄Other motor-operated Electric 其它电动工具tools (Trimmers etc)10. (信息及办公设备 ; IT and Office Appliances)韩文英文中文Printer复印机(光源的额定输出以下)①①(UPS)Printer DC power supplyDC power supply Uninterruptible Power Supply复印机直流电源装置(含各分类的适配器, 额定容量1kW以下)以及手机用适配器直流电源装置不停电电源装置①(UPS)()Uninterruptible Power Supply Laminating Machine不停电电源装置 覆膜机①()Laminating Machine11. (照明设备: Lightings)覆膜机韩文① ② ③ ④① ②PLS ③·( )④LED ⑤⑥(150W )英文中文Lamp holders Fluorescent lampholder灯插座 荧光灯用插座Edison base type lampholder Other lampholders灯插座 灯插座Starter holder for fluorescent 荧光启动器插座 lampsLuminaires (general purpose luminaires)一般照明设备Luminaires for fluorescent lamps 荧光灯具Luminaires for PLS typePLS照明设备Filament lamp luminariesDesk 白织灯具·台灯(调光功能有的) Lamp (include Dimmer)Luminaires for LED type Luminaires for Halogen LampsHigh voltage discharge luminariesLED灯具 卤素灯具高压放电灯设备(150W以下)Ballast & Lamps control gears 镇流器及灯控制装置①Magnetic ballasts for lamps②,Electronic ballasts for lamps③,Neon transformers④(LED )Step down converters for lighting devices(LED power supply is included)Self ballasted Lamps①Self ballasted Lamps自律(自愿)认证产品目录荧光灯用镇流器 荧光灯用电子式镇流器氖管用变压器 照明设备用变换器 (含LED电源装置)镇流器在内型荧光灯 镇流器在内型荧光灯2. (电气开关 : Switches for Electrical Appliances)韩文英文中文Automatic control electrical Devices自动控制组件①Temperature sensing controls温度调节器②Temperature protective防止高温控制装置Controls③Thermistors热敏电阻④Automatic electrical pressure自动压力感应开关sensing controls⑤Timers and time switches定时器及定时开关⑥Electrically operated motor驱动马达 驱动继电器starting relays⑦Energy regulators能效调节器6. (家用绝缘变压器 : Safety Transformer and Similar Equipment)(输入功率 5KVA 以下)韩文英文中文High frequency welders高频率焊机①High frequency welders高频率焊机Electric welders电焊机①Electric welders电焊机②Glue gun胶枪7. (家电设备:Electrical Appliances for Household and Similar Equipment) (额定输出功率 10kW 以下, 不含防爆型和医疗机械专用)韩文英文中文Fruit peeling devices水果剥皮机①Fruit peeling devices水果剥皮机Electric potato peelers土豆剥皮机①Electric potato peelers土豆剥皮机Electric rice-polishing Machines 碾米机①Electric rice-polishing Machines 碾米机Electric bread slicers面包切割机①Electric bread slicers面包切割机Electric melters电溶解器①Wax melters蜡溶解机②Chocolate melters巧克力溶解机③Paraffin melters石蜡溶解机Bathing machines for pets宠物用洗澡设备①Bathing machines for pets宠物用洗澡设备Appliances for skin or hair care 美容美发设备⑴Electric hair styling devices美发设备⑵Hair transplanting machine头发移植机⑶Shampoo machine洗发设备⑷Hair humidifiers毛发加湿器⑸Nail care devices剪甲器⑹Skin managers皮肤护理器⑺Electric shavers电剃须刀⑻Electric hair clippers电剃发刀⑼Facial sauna面部桑拿器⑽Low frequency stimulator低频率刺激机⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇①①·① ②① ② ③①①() ②①, ②①① ② ③OHP ④①, ②①Ray irradiator光线辐照器Very high frequency stimulator 甚高频刺激机High frequency stimulator高频率刺激机Ultrasonic stimulator超声波刺激机Paraffin bathtub石蜡浴槽Mixed stimulator混合刺激机Four limbs Oppression circulation machine四肢压迫循环装置Laser irradiator激光辐照器Medical inhalator医疗用吸入器Air pressure Spraying grinder 空压喷射研磨机Electric liquor ripening Devices 电酒成熟器Electric liquor ripening Devices 电酒成熟器Electric clocks Electric clocks电钟 电钟Appliances for skin exposure to 红外线/紫外线皮肤管理器 ultraviolet and infrared radiationAppliances for skin exposure to 红外线放射皮肤管理器 infrared radiationAppliances for skin exposure to u 紫外线放射皮肤管理器 ltraviolet radiationElectric chairs for Barbershop & Electric motion beds理发用电动椅及电动床Electric chairs for Barbershop Electric motion beds理发用电动椅 电动床Electric heating chairs Compressor发热椅 压缩机Compressor压缩机Electric boilers, hot-water mats 电温水毯 and bedsElectric boilers针灸用气罐Electric hot-water mats and beds Oral hygiene appliances Toothbrushes Oral irrigators电温水毯及电温水床口腔洁净器 电动牙刷 口腔洗净器Electric fountains Electric fountains Projectors, OHP Slide projectors Film strip projectors OHP Film projectors Electric insect exterminate devices Insect exterminate devices Electric insect capturing devices Electric dust collectors电子喷水机 电子喷水机 投影机 幻灯投影机 胶卷带影机 高架投影机 胶片投影机 害虫灭绝机害虫灭绝机 电捕虫机集尘器Electric dust collectors集尘器Milking machines挤牛奶器①Milking machines挤牛奶器Electric polishers, Baggage服务型机器lockers,Paper money exchangers, Coin exchangers①Electric polishers磨光器②,Baggage lockers行李衣物柜③,Paper money exchangers纸币交换机④Coin exchangers硬币交换机Electric air curtains电空气门帘①Electric air curtains电空气门帘Fan coil units风机盘管①Fan coil units风机盘管Heat recovery ventilators回收废热通风设备①Heat recovery ventilators回收废热通风设备Electronic amusement Machines 电子娱乐机器①Laser shooting devices激光射击设备②Driving simulation gamedevices 驾驶模仿游戏设备③Doll vending machines玩偶自动售货机④Dart boards掷镖游戏靶⑤Basketball game devices篮球游戏设备⑥Other game devices其他游戏设备Electro-motive rolling screens 电动辗压屏幕①Electro-motive rolling screens 电动辗压屏幕Electrical fumigator电熏蒸机①Electrical insecticide fumigator 电熏蒸杀虫机②Electric fragrances电芬芳弥散机Defrosting heaters①Defrosting heatersNap removers起毛去除机①Nap removers起毛去除机·Oxygen or ion generators氧气·离子发生器①·Oxygen or ion generators氧气·离子发生器Electric water purifiers电净水器①Electric water purifiers电净水器②Electric ion water purifier电离子净水器Ultrasonic washers超声波洗净器①Ultrasonic washers超声波洗净器②Fruit and vegetable washers水果蔬菜洗净器Sprout and bean sprout growing 新芽和豆芽栽培设备devices①Sprout and bean sprout growing 新芽和豆芽栽培设备devicesElectric door locks电门锁①Electric door locks电门锁Electric exercise machines电锻炼设备①Electric exercise machines电锻炼设备motors马达①Single-phase motors单相马达②3 ( 3kw )Three-phase motors三相马达9. (音响, 图像应用设备 : Audio Video and Similar Electronic Appliances)韩文英文中文(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) TV (20)① ②Television receiver Video monitors Video tape player Video camera Tuner Editing machine Disk player Radio receiver Amplifier Speakers with amplifier Receiver Sounder recorder Sound players Audio system Electronic music instrument Satellite broadcasting receiver Video games Video phones Projection TV Equalizer Equalizer电视机 录影显示器 录像机 摄像机 调谐器 编辑机 光盘播放器 无线电接收机 扬声器 放大器内藏式扬声器 接收机 声音记录机及播放器 声音播放器 声频系统 电子乐器 卫星广播接收机 电视游戏机 可视电话机 投影电视机 均衡器 均衡器(21) (22) (23) (24)Audio processor Digital/Analog converters Audio distributor Compressor gate音频处理器 数字-模拟转换器 音频分配器 频带压缩选择器(25) (26) CCTV (27) (28) (29) (30) A/V (31) (32) CATVElectronic clocks CCTV cameras Image transmittersImage receivers and converters Image recorders A/V signal receivers Image processors CATV broadcasting receivers电子钟 监控摄像机 映像发送机映像接收机及转换器 映像记录器 音像讯号接收机 映像处理器 有线电视广播接收器(33)Audio and video teaching machines(34)Turntables(35)Modulators10. (信息及办公设备 ; IT and Office Appliances)韩文英文(1)Monitor(2)Printer(3)Projector(4)Scanners音像教导机器唱机转盘 调制器中文 显示器 打印机 投影机 扫描器(5)Bank note counter点钞机(6)Electronic scale电子秤(7)Cash register现金收入记录机(8)Language teaching machines语言教学机器(9)Paper shredders切废纸机(10)Paper punchers纸穿孔机(11)Paper cutting machines纸切割机(12)Bookbinding devices装订设备(13)Electronic blackboard电子黑板(拷贝板)(copy board)(14)Coin count machines硬币计数器(15)Electro-motive typewriters电动打字机(16) (17) (18)11.Electric demagnetizers Visualizer Stereography Reflex(照明设备: Lightings)电消磁器 显影仪 立体影像机韩文 ①英文中文Glow-starter for fluorescent lamp 荧光灯用辉光启动器 Glow starters for fluorescent lamps 荧光灯用辉光启动器②①·(??? ) ② ③ ①,Electronic starters for fluorescent lamps Filament lamp luminaires Filament lamp Luminaries· Desk Lamp(dimmer is excluded) Chandeliers FloodlightsDischarge lamps Fluorescent lamps荧光灯用电子式辉光启动器白炽灯灯具 白炽灯灯具台灯(调光器没有的)吊灯 泛光灯 放电灯 荧光灯②, ③, ④, ⑤, ⑥① ② ③LEDElectrode-less lamps Mercury lamps Metal-halide lamps无电极灯 汞灯 金属卤化物灯Sodium lamps Color lamps钠灯 彩色灯Other Luminaires其他照明机器Lighting chains圣诞节灯Luminaires for emergency lighting 应急照明灯具Luminaires for handlamps充电式携带灯具Other Lamps其他灯Incandescent lamps LED lampsHalogen lamps白炽灯 LED(发光二极管)灯 卤素灯。

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