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• 14世纪开始的文艺复兴,冲破了封建专制和宗教神学思想对人的束缚,解放了人的思想,推动了欧洲文化 思想领域的繁荣,为欧洲资本主义社会的产生奠定了思想文化基础。
• The Renaissance, w hich began in the 14th century, broke through the shackles of feudal autocracy and religious theology, liberated human thoughts, promoted the prosperity of European cultural and ideological fields, and laid the ideological and cultural foundation for the emergence of European capitalist society.
• 收复失地运动的结束,消灭了伊斯兰教,使天主教成为唯一的信仰,把天主教向异教徒传播成为重要的使 命。
• The end of the land recovery movement eliminated Islam, made Catholicism the only faith, and made it an important mission to spread Catholicism to pagans.
• 收复失地运动的结束,使西班牙和葡萄牙的国家领土扩张和巩固,对于黄金的渴望刺激国家向外扩展。
• With the end of the land recovery movement, the national territory of Spain and Portugal expanded and consolidated, and the desire for gold stimulated the country to expand outward.
多位哲学家、艺术家、科学家,体现了文艺复兴时期艺术家对古典的崇敬。 文艺复兴时期丁托列托比笔下的圣经故事“加纳的婚礼”场景
收复失地运动的结束,使西班牙和葡萄牙的国家领土扩张和巩固,对于黄金的渴望刺激国家向 外WP收使Tf ahoi命复i扩ettrhh。t失展,eutna地g。hnda运edlo动emfena的xtddhp结eeao束infltad,tanhend消deirm灭leaapc了nnoodd伊rvtea斯crrneoy兰tcnmom教svioo,sevlsri使eiydoma天nmet主netootd教vs,ee成plmairm为neeaidn唯ndta,一tCtheta的ehdt he信dIosn仰elliaasc,mtii isr把o,emnm天fat aoo主l drpt教eeagr向gCoraia异ltndtohs教r.osy徒ltiico传mifs播umSl成patat为heiend重oa要tnnh的ldey country to expand outward.
14世纪开始的文艺复兴,冲破了封建专制和宗教 神学思想对人的束缚,解放了人的思想,推动了 欧洲文化思想领域的繁荣,为欧洲资本主义社会 的产生奠定了思想文化基础。 The Renaissance, which began in the 14th century, broke through the shackles of feudal autocracy and religious theology, liberated human thoughts, promoted the prosperity of European cultural and ideological fields, and laid the ideological and cultural foundation for the emergence of European capitalist s o c i e t y.
大航海时代 大 航 海 时 代 , 又 被 称 作 地
理大发现。是15世纪末到 16世纪初,由欧洲人开辟 横渡大西洋到达美洲、绕 道非洲南端到达印度的新 航线以及第一次环球航行 的成功。e age of great navigation, also known as the great geographical discovery. From the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century, Europeans opened a new route to cross the Atlantic Ocean to reach America, bypass the southern tip of Africa to reach India, and the success of the first round the world voyage. The age of great navigation is one of the most important history in the process of human civilization.