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繁复与简短 Complex vs. Simplex
☺ 英语的繁复(杨琳) ☺ 汉语的简短 ☺ 英汉/汉英翻译中的化繁为简/化简为繁
• 从属结构(subordination)是现代英语最重 要的特点之一。
• F. Crews认为,“subordination, the placing of certain elements in modifying roles, is a fundamental principle of writing.”
繁复与简短 Complex vs. Simplex
杨琳 2013310 唐俊彦 2013307 贾景丽 2013306
almost any degree of fineness to accommodate a writer’ thought.”因此,英语句子,尤其是书面语的句子,常常是 环扣相嵌,盘根错节,句中有句。
• 换言之,英语造句主要采用“楼房建筑法”(architecture style),句子一般有完整的结构,许多有关的成分通过各 种表示关系和连接的手段组成关系词结集(conjunctivenexus),直接或间接地粘附在这个句子结构的里外、前后、 左右或中间,整个句子成了庞大复杂的“建筑物”。
This is the farmer that sowed the corn,
向后延伸That kept the cock that crowed in the morn, 再延伸That waked the priest all shaven and shorn, 再延伸That married the man all tattered and torn, 再延伸That kissed the maiden all forlorn, 再延伸That milked the cow with the crumpled horn, 再延伸That tossed the dog 再延伸That worried the cat 再延伸That killed the cat 再延伸That ate the malt 再延伸That lay in the house that Jack built
• 据统计,专业作者写的英语句子平均长度为20个词,受过 教育的人写的英语句子平均长度为25个词。
• My idea in Orientalism is to use humanistic critique to open up the fields of struggle, to introduce a longer sequence of thought and analysis to replace the short bursts of polemical, thought-stopping fury that so imprison us in labels and antagonistic debate whose goal is a belligerent collective identity rather than understanding and intellectual exchange. (56词)
Why do so many writers prefer
complexity to simplicity
• 1、官员总对那些传统的旧时流行词语 (outworn words and phrases)和习以 为常的官方、议会和外交语言依依不舍, 认为这种词语能够显示官方的尊严,而普 通词语就难以做到。
Why English sentences are so complex?
• 第三、英语句子受亚里士多德的演绎法逻 辑思维模式影响,呈句首封闭、句尾开放。 定语修饰语可以后置,又有关系词与被修 饰语连接,句子可以不断向句尾扩展、延 伸。英语还常用先行代词“it”及其他预指 性代词,把真正的主语或宾语移到后面, 并根据需要加以不断扩充,形成句子的末 端重量(end-weight)。
Why do so many writers prefer
complexity to simplicity
• 2、许多作者仍然对青春时期所喜欢的长词 (lovely long words)情有独钟,如 irrelevant, disenchantment, confrontation, intractable, discriminatory, opportunistic,因为这些 词经过精心挑选,来之不易,能够显示作 者有身份、有学ntences are so complex?
• 第二、能充当英语句子成分的,有长短几 乎不加限制的短语和从句,从句中还可以 有从句(dovetail several dependent clauses into each other),再加上各种并 列成分,附加成分(如同位语、插入语、独 立成分),尤其是形形色色的修饰成分,这 样一来,这些各式各样的长短成分,通过 丰富而灵活的连接手段,可以接成枝叶横 生的“参天大树”。
Why do so many writers prefer
• 从句和短语可以充当句子的主要成分和从属成分。从句可 以层层环扣,短语往往不短,书面语句子常常显得又繁又 长(long-winded),有的句子可长达100至200个单词,甚 至长至整个大段。
• 现代英语虽较不常用特长的句子,但包孕式的复合句 (complex sentences with embedded clauses)仍很常 见,因而句子仍然具有一定的长度。
• The present movement toward simplification of language and directness of statement in government writing and the elimination of jargon and unnecessary wordiness as well as the use of short, direct statements instead of long sentences which are difficult to understand because the reader is apt to get lost before he arrives, if he ever does, at the meaning intended by the writer, is a valuable attempt to achieve economy and intelligibility, for many pamphlets, instruction sheets, ordinary memoranda and assorted missives circulated through the War Department fail of their primary purpose through befogging their contents by use of pseudo-official phraseology which only the initiated can hope to understand and of which even they cannot be certain without reference either to the key works needed for translating them or to their own garbled and confused memories of dealing, usually without much success and always after a long period of time and travail, with similar kinds of wording in similar situations, so, though don’ t be too hopeful, for someone with unusual gifts and energy in applying them will manage triumphantly to misunderstand you no matter what you say or how you say it, try saying what you have to say as simply and as briefly as you can, and then after you’ve said it, stop saying it and don’t say it any more.
• 为去除政府公文中繁冗之行话、晦涩之长句,使 读者不致迷失于追寻意义之途,语言的化繁为简 运动实属当前有益之举,唯此方可达简约、易懂 之目的。而陆军部所流通之手册、说明、备忘及 各种公文,充斥虚假官方之措辞,往往不知所云, 非参考重要著作以解读、或求助混乱之记忆而不 能明悉撰文者之意,时日苦功已耗,而未必有所 获。故,与其盼聪慧之闲人有此心力解汝繁杂之 话语,不如尽力简明表达,一步达意。
Why English sentences are so complex?
• 英语句子可以顺线性向后扩展延伸 (natural linear expansion: rightbranching)的特点导致句子长度大大超过 汉语,也使句子变得繁复。
• 从理论上说,英语right-branching的扩展 是无限的,因而句子可以拉得很长。
• Coordination is the technique of using coordinating conjunctions to connect two or more than two sentences.
Why English sentences are so complex?
• 第一、英语词语之间的语法关系,除了通 过安排词序来表达外,还常常采用各种各 样表示关系和连接的手段,如介词(词组)、 连词、关系代词、关系副词、连接代词、 连接副词、非谓语动词(词组)、词的形态变 化(如词尾变化、格的变化)等等。英语用来 连接词、语的这些手段,比起汉语来,显 得非常丰富而灵活。
• D. Houston 读了中国大学生写的近百篇英 语作文之后感叹说, “one of the hardest sentence patterns for Chinese learners of English to grasp, it seems to me, is subordination. Mature English writing is heavily subordinated in multiple layers; coordination is thought of as the sentence pattern of the child and the poorly educated”。
• Subordination is the technique of putting together ideas that are unequal in weight so that the relative importance of each will be quickly apparent to reader.
• 英语以主谓核心协调(S-V concord)控制全句结构,有词的 形态变化约束,有连接手段连接词语和从句,有代词使词 语前呼后应,这些因素都可以使冗长的句子不致流散。 R.Eastman指出,“The English sentence is extremely
plastic. It can be enlarged, combined, adjusted with