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Harvard learning challenged association 哈佛学习障碍协会
And we are hosting a forum inspired by this class受到这门课的启发,我们将举行非一个论坛
Entitled learning disabilities 名叫学习缺陷
Learning challenges and positive psychology 学习障碍和积极心理学
A lot of student on campus are registered with learning disabilities很多校内学生都有学习缺陷
And even more have learning challenges有些甚至有学习障碍
Which can include a difficulty studying or chronic procrastination包括学习困难和长期拖延症
Also ,a lot of learning disabilities 而且,很多学习障碍
Are associated with higher rates of depression and low self-esteem都与抑郁症高发率和低自尊有关
So in this forum ,we hope to ask questions like 所以在这个论坛上,我们会问
“how can we think positively about learning disabilities?"如何积极看待学习障碍?
And "how can we use positive psychology我们如何用积极心理学To further explore this field of studying?"进一步探索这片研究领域?All are
e,whether you have learning challenge 欢迎大家参加,不管是你有学习障碍
or your friend does还是你的朋友
or you just have a tough time studying 或者你最近遇到学习困难or you are just interested或者你只是感兴趣
Please e and join us.都请来参加
it's convenient time 时间很方便
one week from now,Tuesday 11:30 一周后,星期二11点半at the Adams House Conservatory 地点是Adams宿舍音乐院
which is between the entrance and the dining hall of Adams House 就在入口和Adams宿舍的食堂中间
So mark your calendars记住在日程表上标出来了
It should a good discussion.we hope we'll see you there.这会是一次很愉快的讨论,希望到时候能见到大家
Thank you so much.非常感谢
My name is Holly.我叫Holly
And I'm the president of an organization on campus 我是校内一个协会的主席
called the Leadership Institute an Harvard College这个协会叫做哈佛大学领导才能协会
And David and I want to just quickly mention what the club does David和我想简单跟大家介绍一下我们的协会
One of our founders actually is one of your TFs-John Deutch 我们的一位创立人就是你们的助教John Deutch
over here helped get the group started a few years back他几年前开始创立这个协会
So very briefly what the club has-forming programs 简单来说,我们的协会组织各种活动
all aimed up promoting leadership on campus旨在提高校内学生的领导能力
We have a development program where we bring in speakers 我们有一个发展活动,在这个活动里,我们会请人
to work on workshops and interactive seminars 在研讨会和互动会上演讲
that help all of us on really useful skills 教会我们真正有用的技巧
like running a meeting and negotiation and public speaking 例如主持会议,谈判,公众演讲
They are all free and open to all undergraduates这些活动对所有本科生免费开放
We also enable collaboration between student presidents,我们还会举行午餐会和讨论,让学生主席
chief editors,总编辑
captains on campus through luncheons and discussion forums校园队长进行合作
We have an outreach program where we train Harvard undergraduates 我们还有一个拓展计划训练哈佛本科生
as instructors for leadership curriculum当领导才能课程的讲师
And we run a one year program on Saturdays 我们有一个长达一年的活动,每周六举行
with middle school students here at Cambridge是和我们这里的Cambridge中学生一起参加的
And lastly,we are starting a student leadership focused magazine 最后,我们正在成立一份专注于领导才能的杂志
that will be distributed in the future在将来不久就会发行
Hey guys,My name is David Tebaldi大家好。

我叫David Tebaldi
I'm the leadership development initiative director 我是领导才能协会发展领导才能活动的
at the Leadership Institute首要负责人
I'm here to give you a little bit of idea 我来为大家简单介绍一下of what's in store for the fall我们秋季会有什么活动
First of all we have the Presidents Forum 首先我们会举行主席论坛which is a banquet that brings together the students all across the 这是一个聚集全校
students leaders from all across the campus 学生领导的宴会to discuss their own experiences 他们会分享他们
with leadership and challenges related to that对领导才能以及相关挑
Afterwards we had a very first magazine ing out which is pretty
It'll have a lot of articles about leaders that we 里面会有很多文章关于以前
hosted the past events 主持过活动的领导
and their own experience with leadership以及他们在领导才能这方面的经验
We have a lot of other events following that as Holly mentioned before 我们接下来还会有很多活动,正如Holly 刚才提到
with negotiations and a lot of public speaking events are in store我们会有关于谈判和公众演讲的活动
If you'd like to know more,如果你们想了解更多
you can just google leadership institute at Harvard college 请搜索哈佛大学领导才能协会
and you should be able to find our website 大家就能找到我们的网页Thank you for your time谢谢你们
And I hope to see you at some of our events next year希望在下一年的活动上能看到大家
So we had a breakfast this morning with the teaching staff of this class 我们今天早上和班上的助教吃了早餐
It was our final breakfast get-together这是我们最后一次的早餐聚餐
And I'm a little bit sad我有点伤心
So hopefully I'll be happier by the end of the class希望上完这节课后我能开心一点
Today we'll finish up on self-esteem今天我们会讲完自尊
And the next time is the last time we meet 下节课是我们最后一次上课
for this semester at least至少是这个学期
And I'll summarize what we have done,我会总结一下我们讲过的内容where we have been 我们讲过的
and all the place we will go 和我们将要讲的内容
Just a recap on what we did 先回顾一下我们讲过的
which is on the slide now就在幻灯片上
There's been a lot of research ,有很多研究
a lot of talk of how important self-esteem is 有很多观点都说了自尊有多重要
and it is important自尊确实很重要
There's research suggesting that it's connected to our well being 有研究表明它与我们的健康
to our success that is inversely related to crime 成功有关,低自尊通常与犯罪
substance abuse,药物滥用
So self-esteem is important we know that 所以自尊很重要,这我们知

However,not all was well in self-esteem land 但是在自尊这个课题里,也不是天下太平的
as we discussed last time我们上节课讲过了
Part of the problem is that there is contradictory evidence问题之一就是自相矛盾的证据
On the other hand 一方面
self-esteem is associated with benevolence and generosity and empathy高自尊的人通常都仁慈,慷慨和富有同情心
On the other hand 但另一方面
high self-esteem has been shown to be associated with hostility 高自尊的人又会表现出敌意
lack of cooperation,defensiveness缺乏合作精神,有抵触情绪
There's also misunderstanding about or 另一个问题就是人们误解about how self-esteem affects performance,自尊对表现的影响how it affects happiness 对幸福的影响
and where that es from以及当中的原因
The paradox of self-esteem自尊的矛盾
Sometimes we feel like we are doing so well,有时候我们觉得自己表现的很优秀
we are getting so many accolades,受到很多赞扬
our self-esteem increases only to go back to its base level ,但自尊上升
only worse,甚至更糟
because now we have to do even more 因为我们要尽更大的努力to e back to our base level of self-esteem,才能让自尊回到基本水平have to get more accolades,我们要得到更多的赞扬
more achievements取得更多的成就
Nothing is enough anymore 做什么都不够了
So there are these contradictory evidence 所以有证明表明自尊的。
