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大学生课堂出勤率低的原因英语作文Why Don't College Kids Go to Class?

Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. My big sister Jessica is in college and sometimes I notice she doesn't go to her classes. I asked her why and she told me some reasons that college students skip class. I thought I would write about it so you can understand too!

One big reason is that college is just so different from younger grades. In elementary and middle school, teachers took attendance and called home if we missed too many days. There were rules about coming to class. But in college, the professors don't really care if you show up or not. Nobody is making Jessica go!

Another difference is that in college, you don't have a set schedule all day like we do. Jessica only has maybe 3 or 4 classes each day, sometimes with long breaks in between. During those breaks, she can hang out with friends, go get food, or even go home and take a nap! With so many tempting things to do, classes can seem boring in comparison.

Speaking of boring classes, that's another major reason Jessica skips sometimes. She says some of her lectures are just

professors reading off PowerPoint slides for an hour straight. How could anybody sit through that without falling asleep? Especially if it's an 8am class after being up late studying. Jessica prefers to just get notes from a friend later.

Then there are the classes where attendance isn't required or part of your grade. If the professor doesn't care if you're there, why should Jessica care? She figures she can teach herself from the textbook instead of going. Maybe that's not the best idea, but I can understand thinking that way.

Something else Jessica told me is that she sometimes skips on beautiful sunny days. Can you blame her? If I was stuck inside all day, I'd want to get some fresh air and sunshine too! Especially after a long cold winter, it's tempting to ditch and go to the park or hang out on the campus quad. Vitamin D is important, you know.

Deadlines and tests are another factor. If Jessica has a huge paper or project due, she might skip her other classes that day to finish working on it. Or if she has a midterm exam, she'll skip to cram some last-minute studying in. In college, you have to manage your own time really carefully.

Another issue is that college curriculums are so jam-packed, it's easy to get overwhelmed. If Jessica is feeling buried under

readings, assignments, and exams, she might skip a class just to get a tiny break and reset herself. It's an understandable reaction when you're drowning in work.

Sometimes it just comes down to practical reasons too. Like if Jessica is sick and doesn't feel well enough to drag herself to campus. Or if her car has a flat tire or something. Maybe she has a doctor's appointment scheduled during class time. It's not always about motivation.

I also notice Jessica skips more during the last few weeks before finals or holidays. At those times, you've been working hard for months and you're just drained and ready for a break. Your mind starts wandering ahead instead of focusing on the present. Who could concentrate on class with summer or Christmas vacation right around the corner?

Then there's the eternal issue of sleep deprivation. Between studying, working part-time jobs, socializing, and staying up way too late, a lot of college kids are straight-up exhausted all the time. Sometimes catching up on sleep feels way more vital than going to one more draining lecture.

Lastly, Jessica mentioned something about "skipping material I already know." Apparently, some classes review topics she learned in high school, which makes those parts feel like a
