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11 Pillonel, Ch. and Meyer, T.. Effect of phenylpyrroles on glycerol accumulation and protein kinase activity of Neurospora crassa. Pestic. Sci. 1997,49:229~236
9 Milling, R. J. and Richardson, C. J.. Mode of action of the anilinopyrimidine fungicide pyrimethanil. 2. Effects on enzyme secretion in Botrytis cinerea. Pestic. Sci. 1995,45:43~48
现代农药 2002 年第 4 期
联苯菊酯的气相色谱分析方法来自沈萍萍(上海农药研究所 上海 200032)
摘 要 本文采用癸二酸二异辛酯为内标物,以毛细管气相色谱法进行分析,以 SE-54 色谱柱、 氢火焰检测器定量分析联苯菊酯的含量。其方法的标准偏差为 0.30,变异系数 0.56%,线性相关 系数为 0.9999,平均回收率 99.8%。
3 结论
综上所述,选用癸二酸二异辛酯为内标物,采 用毛细管气相色谱法对联苯菊酯进行定量分析,具 有简便、快速、准确等优点,可适用于生产和实验 室应用。
1 农药商品大全. 王振荣,李布青主编. 北京:中国商业出版社,1996.(2)
GC Determination of Bifenthrin
Shen Pingping (Shanghai Pesticide Research Institute, Shanghai 200032)
10 Miura, I., Kamakura, T., Maeno, S.. et al. Inhibition of enzyme secretion in plant pathogens by mepanipyrim, a novel fungicide. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 1994, 48:222~228
分别配制 5 个不同比例的联苯菊酯与内标的标 样溶液,按上述操作条件,测定相应的峰面积比, 以质量比为横坐标、峰面积比为纵坐标作图,得到
(下转第 11 页)
现代农药 2002 年第 4 期
6 Leroux, P.. Effect of pH amino acids and various organic compounds on the fungitoxicity of pyrimethanil, glufosinate, captafol, cymoxanil and fenpiclonil in Botrytis cinerea. Agronomie 1994,14:541~554


图2 联苯菊酯线性相关图
2.2 分析方法的精密度测定
在上述色谱条件下,对同一待测样品进行 8 次 重复测定,其标准偏差为 0.30,变异系数为 0.56%。
2.3 回收率的测定
称取已知含量的试样 5 份,每份中添加一定量的 标准品,在相同的色谱条件下进行测定,测得其回 收率在 98.2%~100.8%。
Botrytis cinerea,
novel fungicides,
(上接第 16 页) 一条基本过原点、具有良好线性关系的直线,其线 性回归方程为 Y=0.7279X-0.02419 ;线性相关系数 为 0.9999。




economic importance in grapes, vegetables and strawberries of world-wide. Introduced fungicides for control grey mould are the anilinopyrimidines such as pyrimethanil, cyprodinil and mepanipyrim, the anilinopyyols such as fludioxonil and the hydroxyanilides such as fenhexamid. Biochemical studies showed that the anilinopyrimidines prohibit the biosynthesis of methionin by blocking cystathionine-ß-lyase. The target site of fludioxonil lies in the osmoregulatory signal transmission pathway. The mechanism of action of fenhexamid is different from the other known botryticides, though the exact biochemical target is not characterized yet. So fenhexamid is an available tool for resistance management.
12 Rosslenbroich, H. J., Brands, W., Kruer, B.W.. et al. Fenhexamid (KBR2738): A novel fungicide for control of Botrytis cinerea and related pathogens.The 1998 Brighton Conference, Pests and Diseases 1998,327~334
载气(N2)=1.0mL/min;H2=50 mL/min;Air=500 mL/min
1.3 溶液的配制
1.3.1 内标溶液的配制 称取约 1g(精确至 0.0002 g)内标物用丙酮溶
解并稀释至刻度,摇匀。 1.3.2 标准溶液的配制
称取联苯菊酯标样约 50mg(精确至 0.0002 g) 于 10mL 的容量瓶中,准确加入 5mL 内标溶液,再 加丙酮稀释至刻度,摇匀,待测。 1.3.3 样品溶液的配制
关键词 毛细管气相色谱法 联苯菊酯
联苯菊酯(bifenthrin)是拟除虫菊酯类杀虫杀 螨剂,具有胃毒和触杀作用,防治谱广,持效期较 长,在土壤中不移动,对环境较为安全。目前尚无 联苯菊酯简易、快速的分析方法,文献记载可采用 OV-101 熔凝硅石的毛细管柱气相色谱分析。我们 根据实际情况,通过一系列实验,选用了癸二酸二 异辛酯为内标物,并采用 SE-54 毛细管气相色谱法 进行分析,试验表明本法定量准确,结果重现性好。
7 Leroux, P.. Recent developments in the mode of action of fungicides. Pestic.Sci. 1996,47:191~197
8 Masner, P., Muster, P. and Schmid, J.. Possible methionine biosynthesis inhibition by pyrimidinamine fungicides. Pestic. Sci. 1994,42:163~166
Abstract: A method was described for the determination of
bifenthrin by capillary gas chromatography.The results showed that standard deviation was 0.30,the coefficient of variation was 0.56%,the linear correlation was 0.9999 and average recovery was 99.8% respectively.
Chemical Control of Botrytis cinerea
Hu Weiqun et al. (Zhejiang Chemical Industry Institute, Hangzhou 310023)
Abstract: Infections caused by Botrytis cinerea are of
称取联苯菊酯试样约 50mg(精确至 0.0002 g) 于 10mL 的容量瓶中,准确加入 5mL 内标溶液,再 加丙酮稀释至刻度,摇匀,待测。 1.3.4 试样的测定
在上述操作条件下,待仪器基线稳定后,连续 注入数针标样溶液,计算各针相对响应值的重复性, 待相邻两针的相对响应值变化小于 1.5%,按照标样 溶液、试样溶液、试样溶液、标样溶液的顺序进行 色谱分析。 1.3.5 计算
Key words: capillary GC, bifenthrin
联苯菊酯的质量百分含量 x,按下式计算: x = A2× m1× p
A1 × m2 式中:
A1——联苯菊酯标样与内标物的峰面积比值; A2——联苯菊酯样品与内标物的峰面积比值; m1——联苯菊酯标样的质量,g; m2——试样的质量,g; P——标样中联苯菊酯的质量百分含量
图 1 联苯菊酯气相色谱图
2 结果与讨论 2.1 线性关系的测定
1 实验部分
1.1 仪器与试剂
GC-15A 气相色谱仪(FID 检测器); CR-3A 色谱处理机; 联苯菊酯标样≥99.0%; 内标物:癸二酸二异辛酯
1.2 气相色谱分析条件
色谱柱:30m×0.53mm(i.d)毛细管柱,内涂 5%SE-54;
柱温:235℃;汽化室:270℃;检测室:270 ℃;