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Extensive Reading (Book 2)
Unit 1 The Shadowland of Dreams
1. Ieaching Objeclives
Gio over the whole lext in limiled lime and lry Lo gel the main idta of lhe passage
(iel som1 information aboul lhe author Masler lhe Keading skills
II. Teaching Importance ad Diticulies
1. The usage of new words and plrases
2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words
3. UInderstanding paragraphs-How to identifty thc Main ldca.
4. Rading sills: Using the Dictionary
II. Teasching Melhods: Discussing, Practicing, and F:xcrcising.
IV. Teaching Time: 4 periods
V Teaching Conltenl
1. Lead-in
What are your drcams?
What will you do if you meet some troubles on the course of realizing your dream?
2. Related information
1) anuthor亚历克斯哈利(1921-1992)
Alexander Muray Pulmer Ilaley (August 11, 1921-Tebruary 10. 1992) was an
American wriler. Ile is best known as the author of Rools.非洲商的美国作家。


Halcy was bom in Ithaca, Ncw York, on August 11, 1921, and was the oldcst of
thrce brothers and a sistcr. Halcy livcd with his family in Hcnning, Tonmessce bcforc
returning to Ithaca with his family when he was five years old. Haley's father was
Simon Haley, a professor of agriculture at Alahama A& M UIniversity, and his mother
was Hertha (ieorge Haley (nse Palmer) who was from Henning. The younger Haley
always spoke proudly of his father und the obstadles of racism he had overcome. Afler
reting from the Coast Guard, Ialy began his writing career, and eventually became
a senior editor for Reader's Diges.2) R0ols
The novcl, looscly bascd on Halcy' s own tamily, prescnted an intcrprctation of
the jouny of African Amcricans from thcir homcland to the US and the subscqucat
search for freedom and dignily.《根》的主题,关国的黑人奴隶制问题。


的小屋》umcle tom's cabin is a antislavery novel by American autbor IHariet
Bccher Stowc. Plblished in 1852,《飘》(Gone with the Wind) 是一部出版十
1936年的关国小说,作者为Margaret Mitchell 科格丽特●米切尔,在1937牛获

3) The Pulizer Prize is a U.S. award for achievemenls: in newspaper and online
jourmalism, literalure and musical compusition. II was cslablished in 1917 by
provisions in the will of Ameican (IIungaian-bom) publisher Joseph Pulilzer, and is
adumimistered by Columbial Universily in New Yurk Cily. Prizes anre awarded yearly in
twenty-onc catcgorics. In twcnty of thesc, cach winncr rccives a certificatc and a
USS10,000 cash award. The winncr in the public scrvicc category of the
competition is awarded a gold medal.
3. Conlenls; Analysis .
Main idea: In lhe lexL by explaining lhe difference belween wanling Lo beuome a
writer & wanting to write, the aunthor first suggests to those who want to become
professional writars that being a writer does not just mean wealth and tamne, but also
the long peniods of neglect & poverty. Then he tellsl about lhis strugle to stick to his
drcam of wining his final sccss. Finally he draws the conclusion that onc must
lcarn to strugglc in thc shadowland of drcams in ordcr to becomc sicccssfiul & onc
should never forgel the courage & persislemce il lakes lo slay the courst in the
shasdow land evcn alfler success.
Part I (para.I): the difreince between- being a writcr and witing.
Part II (para. 2 3rd para): anthor's owIn hard lifc experience hefore bhecoming a
famous writer
Part II (last 4 paras); lesson drawn from his own writing career: courage & persislence are needed Fur becoming il successful writer.
4. Words and Phrases
Cherish: keep fondly in mind充满$情地怀有
Fond: cherished珍爱的
Longing: carncst desinc
Kequite: reward, give .... in return
Prospect: chances of future success前途
Superintendent: manager (人楼的)管理人
down. home: of; relating to. or reminiscent
(怀旧的) of a simp1e, wholesome,
unpetenlious lifeslyle, esp. lhal asocialed with lhe rural soultherm United Stutes
stay the course: to endurc or persist打续到底
VI. Assignment:
1. To remember key words and expressions: in' lexl A.
2. Home reading
Unit 2 Critical Thinking
I. Teaching Objectives (教学目标)
1. Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage
2. Gct some information about Critical Thinking in daily life and cducation.
3. Master the Rcading skills
II. Teaching Importlance and Dilliculies .
1. The usage of new wourds and phrases
2. Using comltext clucs lo lind oul the meaning of words
3. Understanding paragraphs-Ilow lo identify the Main Idea.
4. Reading skills: Dealing with Synonyms and Antonyms
II. Tcaching Mcthod: Tcaching. Discussing, Practicing
IV. Tcaching Time: 4 periods
V I caching Conltent
1. I.ead- in Questions:
Have you heard of crilical thinking'
What are some of the obstacles to the development of critical thinking?
2. Vocabulary in context
Ilercules: In Greek myth, Iercule proved his couage and strength by cornpleting 12 :
vcry difficult tasks.
Undermine: (vt) make sth waker; wcakens破坏;侵蚀基础,暗中破坏; 川蚀,削弱Symonyms: Weaken, worsen, demoralize, destroy Somewhere uround: approximately
3. Text Comprehension
In college education and in daily lite, critical thinking is of vital importancc. Richard
Paul, in the fllwing scction, gives an culightcning discussion of the isue . Pat 1 (para1-2) definitions of CI
Part 2. (para 3) current situationmayy people ignore CT
Part 3 (para 4-6) we nced thinking more comprchensively (eg. control culture)
Paurt 4(pural 7) our lask-al crilical sociely
Part 5 (paral 8- 10) burriers lo CT
Parl 6 (purl 11-12) whal we should do-be hislunical lhinkers.
Part 7(para13-15) standards to asscss CI (cg. Doctor' s malpracticc) Part 8(para 16-17oconclusion: wc need CT.
VI. Assgnment:
1. Io rememlber key words and expressions in l'ext A.
2. Home reading。
