数据库系统教程(何玉洁 李宝安 编著)第2章习题答案
![数据库系统教程(何玉洁 李宝安 编著)第2章习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7374c8e69e31433239689313.png)
第2章数据模型与数据库结构习题答案1.解释数据模型的概念,为什么要将数据模型分成两个层次?数据模型(Data Model)是对现实世界数据特征的抽象。
5.指明下列实体间联系的种类:教研室和教师(假设一个教师只属于一个教研室,一个教研室可有多名教师)1:m商店和顾客m:m 国家和首都1:1飞机(座位)和乘客1:m6.数据库包含哪三级模式,试分别说明每一级模式的作用。
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountExercise 2.2.1bFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)Exercise 2.2.1cFor relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 → acctNosavings → type12000 → balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie → firstNameBanks → lastName901-222 → idNo12345 → accountExercise 2.2.1dFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account) Exercise 2.2.1eAn example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo → Integertype → Stringbalance → IntegerfirstName → StringlastName → StringidNo → String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account → IntegerExercise 2.2.1gAnother equivalent way to present the Account relation:Another equivalent way to present the Customers relation:Exercise 2.2.2Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.Exercise 2.2.3aWe can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.Exercise 2.2.3bWe can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880Exercise 2.2.3cWe can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!Exercise 2.3.1aCREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1cCREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1dCREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1eALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;Exercise 2.3.1fALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’; Exercise 2.3.2aCREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);Exercise 2.3.2bCREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);Exercise 2.3.2cCREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);Exercise 2.3.2dCREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));Exercise 2.3.2eALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;Exercise 2.3.2fALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30); Exercise 2.4.1aR1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel(R1)Exercise 2.4.1bR1 := σhd ≥ 100 (Laptop)R2 := Product (R1)R3 := πmaker (R2)Exercise 2.4.1cR1 := σmaker=B (Product PC)R2 := σmaker=B (Product Laptop)R3 := σmaker=B (Product Printer)R4 := πmodel,price (R1)R5 := πmodel,price (R2)R6: = πmodel,price (R3)R7 := R4 R5 R6Exercise 2.4.1dR1 := σcolor = true AND type = laser (Printer)R2 := πmodel (R1)Exercise 2.4.1eR1 := σtype=laptop (Product)R2 := σtype=PC(Product)R3 := πmaker (R1) R4 := πmaker (R2) R5 := R3 – R4Exercise 2.4.1fR1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model) R2R4 := πhd (R3)Exercise 2.4.1gR1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 (PC1.speed = PC2.speed AND PC1.ram = PC2.ram AND PC1.model < PC2.model) R2 R4 := πPC1.model,PC2.model (R3)Exercise 2.4.1hR1 := πmodel (σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel (σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model (R1 Product)R3 := ρR3(maker2,model2)(R2)R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3R5 := πmaker (R4)Exercise 2.4.1iR1 := πmodel,speed (PC)R2 := πmodel,speed(Laptop)R3 := R1 R2 R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3)R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4)R6 := R3 – R5(R6 Product)Exercise 2.4.1jR1 := πmaker,speed (Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3R6 := πmaker (R5)Exercise 2.4.1kR1 := πmaker,model (Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1)R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1)R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2R6 := R3(maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6 R8 := πmaker (R7)Exercise 2.4.2aπmodelσspeed≥3.00PCExercise 2.4.2bLaptopσhd ≥ 100 ProductπmakerExercise 2.4.2cσmaker=B πmodel,priceσmaker=B πmodel,price σmaker=Bπmodel,priceProduct PC Laptop Printer ProductProductExercise 2.4.2dPrinter σcolor = true AND type = laserπmodelExercise 2.4.2e σtype=laptop σtype=PC πmakerπmaker –Product ProductExercise 2.4.2fρPC1ρPC2 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model)πhdPC PCExercise 2.4.2gρPC1ρPC2PC PC(PC1.speed = PC2.speed AND PC1.ram = PC2.ram AND PC1.model < PC2.model)πPC1.model,PC2.modelExercise 2.4.2hPC Laptop σspeed ≥ 2.80σspeed ≥ 2.80πmodelπmodel πmaker,modelρR3(maker2,model2)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)makerExercise 2.4.2iPCLaptopProductπmodel,speed πmodel,speed ρR4(model2,speed2)πmodel,speed(speed < speed2 )–makerExercise 2.4.2jProduct PC πmaker,speed ρR3(maker3,speed3)ρR2(maker2,speed2)(maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2)(maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed)πmakerExercise 2.4.2kπmaker(maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)ρR2(maker2,model2)ρR3(maker3,model3)ρR4(maker4,model4)πmaker,modelProduct PCExercise 2.4.3aR1 := σbore ≥ 16 (Classes)R2 := πclass,country (R1)Exercise 2.4.3bR1 := σlaunched < 1921 (Ships)R2 := πname (R1)Exercise 2.4.3cR1 := σbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk(Outcomes)R2 := πship (R1)Exercise 2.4.3dR1 := Classes ShipsR2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)R3 := πname (R2)Exercise 2.4.3eR1 := σbattle=Guadalcanal(Outcomes)R2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2R4 := πname,displacement,numGuns(R3)Exercise 2.4.3fR1 := πname(Ships)R2 := πship(Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2)R4 := R1 R3Exercise 2.4.3gFrom 2.3.2, assuming that every class has one ship named after the class.R1 := πclass(Classes)R2 := πclass(σname <> class(Ships))R3 := R1 – R2Exercise 2.4.3hR1 := πcountry(σtype=bb(Classes))R2 := πcountry(σtype=bc(Classes))R3 := R1 ∩ R2Exercise 2.4.3iR1 := πship,result,date(Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship(R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.4aπclass,countryσbore ≥ 16ClassesExercise 2.4.4bπnameσlaunched < 1921ShipsExercise 2.4.4cπshipσbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunkOutcomesExercise 2.4.4dπnameσlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000Classes Ships Exercise 2.4.4eσbattle=Guadalcanal Outcomes Ships(ship=name)πname,displacement,numGunsExercise 2.4.4f Ships Outcomesπnameπship ρR3(name)Exercise 2.4.4g Classes Shipsπclass σname <> class πclass–Exercise 2.4.4hClasses Classesσtype=bb σtype=bcπcountry πcountry∩Exercise 2.4.4iBattles Outcomes (battle=name)πship,result,dateρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2)πshipExercise 2.4.5The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical.Exercise 2.4.6UnionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple.Thus the union operator is monotone.IntersectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the originalresult and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone.DifferenceIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the originalresult. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t. However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t. Thus the difference operator is not monotone.ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that are selected. Thus the projection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the newresult. The original tuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thusthe selection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples ofanother relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesianproduct operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additionalsuccessful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection onsome condition. The new tuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the addedtuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.Exercise 2.4.7aIf all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n) tuples.Exercise 2.4.7bIf all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pairsuccessfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.Exercise 2.4.7cIf the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.Exercise 2.4.7dAssuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples.Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2133.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)Exercise 2.4.10πA1,A2…An(R S)Exercise 2.5.1aσspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = øModel 1011 violates this constraint.Exercise 2.5.1bσscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = øModel 2004 violates the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1cπmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = øManufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1dThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(maker, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ⊆ R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1eπmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = øModels 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2aπclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = øThe Yamato class violates the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2bπclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = øNo violations to the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2cThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = øThe Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2dπcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = øJapan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2eThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,bat tle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = øNo violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = øwhere is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” method, we can simply say:E1– E2 = øAs a containment, we can simply say:E1⊆ E2 AND E2⊆ E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
A.从S关系中挑选4的值小于第4个分量的元组B.从S关系中挑选第4个分量值小于4的元组C.从S关系中挑选第4个分量值小于第4个分量的元组D.σ4<‘4’(S)是向关系垂直方向运算答案:B9、在连接运算中如果两个关系中进行比较的分量必须是相同的属性组,那么这个连接是:A:有条件的连接B:等值连接C:自然连接D:完全连接答案:C10、关系R与S做连接运算,选取R中A的属性值和S中B的属性值相等的那些元组,则R与S的连接是:A:有条件的连接B:等值连接C:自然连接D:完全连接答案:B11、关系a1的象集是:A:{(b1), (c1), (d1) } B:{(b1, c1), (b2, c3) }C:{(b1, c1, d1), (b2, c3, d4) } D:{(a1, b1, c1, d1), (a1, b2, c3, d4) }答案:C12、关系(a3,b1)的象集是:A:{(d2), (d4) } B:{(c2), (c3) }C:{(c2, d2), (c3, d4) } D:{(b1, c2, d2), (b1, c3, d4) }答案:C13、在通常情况下,下面的关系中不可以作为关系数据库的关系是:A:R1(学生号,学生名,性别) B:R2(学生号,学生名,班级号)C:R3(学生号,学生名,宿舍名) D:R4(学生号,学生名,简历)答案:D14、“年龄在15至30岁之间”这种约束属于DBS的()功能。
Exercise relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountExercise relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)Exercise relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 acctNosavings type12000 balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie firstNameBanks lastName901-222 idNo12345 accountExercise relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account)Exercise example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)Exercise suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo Integertype Stringbalance IntegerfirstName StringlastName StringidNo String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account IntegerExercise equivalent way to present the Account relation:Another equivalent way to present the Customers relation:Exercise of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.Exercise can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.Exercise can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880Exercise can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m! Exercise TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));Exercise TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise TABLE Printer DROP color;Exercise TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’;Exercise TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);Exercise TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);Exercise TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);Exercise TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));Exercise TABLE Classes DROP bore; Exercise TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30); ExerciseR1 := σspeed ≥ (PC)R2 := πmodel(R1)model100510061013Exercise R1 := σhd ≥ 100 (Laptop)R2 := Product (R1)R3 := πmaker (R2)makerEABFGExercise R1 := σmaker=B (Product PC)R2 := σmaker=B (Product Laptop)R3 := σmaker=B (Product Printer)R4 := πmodel,price (R1)R5 := πmodel,price (R2)R6: = πmodel,price (R3)R7 := R4 R5 R6model price100464910056301006104920071429 ExerciseR1 := σcolor = true AND type = laser (Printer)R2 := πmodel (R1)model30033007ExerciseR1 := σtype=laptop (Product)R2 := σtype=PC(Product)R3 := πmaker(R1)R4 := πmaker(R2)R5 := R3 – R4makerFGExercise R1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 = AND <> R2R4 := πhd(R3)hd25080160Exercise R1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 = AND = AND < R2R4 := π,(R3)10041012Exercise R1 := πmodel(σspeed ≥ (PC)) πmodel(σspeed ≥ (Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model(R1 Product)R3 := ρR3(maker2,model2)(R2)R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3R5 := πmaker(R4)makerBEExerciseR1 := πmodel,speed(PC)R2 := πmodel,speed(Laptop)R3 := R1 R2R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3)R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4)R6 := R3 – R5R7 := πmaker(R6 Product)makerBExercise R1 := πmaker,speed(Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3R6 := πmaker(R5)makerADEExercise R1 := πmaker,model(Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1)R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1)R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2R6 := R3 (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker(R7)makerABDEExercise πmodelσspeed≥3.00PC Laptop σhd ≥ 100 Productπmakerσmaker=B πmodel,price σmaker=B πmodel,price σmaker=B πmodel,priceProduct PC Laptop Printer ProductProductPrinter σcolor = true AND type = laser πmodel σtype=laptop σtype=PC πmakerπmaker –Product ProductρPC1ρPC2 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model)πhd PC PC ρPC1ρPC2PC PC (PC1.speed = PC2.speed AND PC1.ram = PC2.ram AND PC1.model < PC2.model)πPC1.model,PC2.modelPC Laptop σspeed ≥ 2.80σspeed ≥ 2.80πmodelπmodel πmaker,modelρR3(maker2,model2)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)makerPC LaptopProductπmodel,speed πmodel,speed ρR4(model2,speed2)πmodel,speed(speed < speed2 )–makerProduct PC πmaker,speed ρR3(maker3,speed3)ρR2(maker2,speed2)(maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2)(maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed)makerProduct PC πmaker,modelρR2(maker2,model2)ρR3(maker3,model3)ρR4(maker4,model4)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)(maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model)(maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3))πmakerR1 := σbore ≥ 16 (Classes)R2 := πclass,country (R1)Exercise R1 := σlaunched < 1921 (Ships)R2 := πname (R1)RevengeRoyal OakRoyal SovereignTennesseeExercise R1 := σbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk(Outcomes)R2 := πship (R1)shipBismarckHoodExercise R1 := Classes ShipsR2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)R3 := πname (R2)nameIowaMissouriMusashiNew JerseyNorth CarolinaWashingtonWisconsinYamatoExercise R1 := σbattle=Guadalcanal(Outcomes)R2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2R4 := πname,displacement,numGuns(R3)name displacement numGuns Kirishima320008Washington370009Exercise R1 := πname(Ships)R2 := πship(Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2)R4 := R1 R3nameCaliforniaHarunaHieiIowaKirishimaKongoMissouriMusashiNew JerseyNorth CarolinaRamilliesRenownRepulseResolutionRevengeRoyal OakRoyal SovereignTennesseeWashingtonWisconsinYamatoArizonaBismarckDuke of YorkFusoHoodKing George VExercise From assuming that every class has one ship named after the class.R1 := πclass (Classes)R2 := πclass (σname <> class (Ships))R3 := R1 – R2ExerciseR1 := πcountry (σtype=bb (Classes))R2 := πcountry (σtype=bc (Classes))R3 := R1 ∩ R2ExerciseR1 := πship,result,date (Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1) R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship (R3)No results from sample data.Exercise σbore ≥ 16 πclass,country Classes σlaunched < 1921 πname Ships Outcomes πshipσbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunkClasses Ships σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000πname σbattle=Guadalcanal Outcomes Classes(ship=name)πname,displacement,numGunsPrince of Wales Rodney Scharnhorst South Dakota West Virginia Yamashiro class Bismarck country Japan Gt. BritainShips Outcomesπname πship ρR3(name) ClassesShips πclass σname <> class πclass–Classes Classes σtype=bb σtype=bc πcountry πcountry ∩Battles Outcomes (battle=name)πship,result,dateρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2)πshipresult of thenatural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical.Exercise Union we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple. Thus the union operator is monotone.IntersectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone.DifferenceIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the original result. Suppose we haverelations R and S and we are computing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t . However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t . Thus the difference operator is not monotone.ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that are selected. Thus theprojection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the new result. The original tuples are included in the new resultbecause they still satisfy the select condition. Thus the selection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples of another relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples.Thus the Cartesian product operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples.The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of theexisting tuples, then we will have zero additional successful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples.The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection on some condition. The new tuple can only create additionaltuples in the result, not less. If, however, the added tuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. Therenaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.Exercise all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n) tuples.Exercise all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.Exercise the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible. The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.Exercise that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples.Exercise r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.3.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section pg. 2134.5.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)Exercise …An(R S)Exercise < AND price > 500(PC) =Model 1011 violates this constraint.Exercise < AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) =Model 2004 violates the constraint.Exercise = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) =Manufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.Exercise complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(maker, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 = AND ≤ R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.Exercise > AND ≤ (PC × Laptop)) =Models 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.Exercise > 16(Classes)) =The Yamato class violates the constraint.Exercise > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) =No violations to the constraint.Exercise complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 =The Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.Exercise = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) =Japan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.Exercise complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,battle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 =No violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = where is the antisemijoinExercise form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” method, we can simply say:E1– E2 =As a containment, we can simply say:E1 E2 AND E2 E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountExercise 2.2.1bFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)Exercise 2.2.1cFor relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 → acctNosavings → type12000 → balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie → firstNameBanks → lastName901-222 → idNo12345 → accountExercise 2.2.1dFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account) Exercise 2.2.1eAn example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo → Integertype → Stringbalance → IntegerfirstName → StringlastName → StringidNo → String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account → IntegerExercise 2.2.1gAnother equivalent way to present the Account relation:Another equivalent way to present the Customers relation:Exercise 2.2.2Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.Exercise 2.2.3aWe can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.Exercise 2.2.3bWe can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880Exercise 2.2.3cWe can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!Exercise 2.3.1aCREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1cCREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1dCREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));Exercise 2.3.1eALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;Exercise 2.3.1fALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’; Exercise 2.3.2aCREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);Exercise 2.3.2bCREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);Exercise 2.3.2cCREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);Exercise 2.3.2dCREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));Exercise 2.3.2eALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;Exercise 2.3.2fALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30); Exercise 2.4.1aR1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel(R1)model100510061013Exercise 2.4.1bR1 := σhd ≥ 100 (Laptop)R2 := Product (R1)R3 := πmaker (R2)makerEABFGExercise 2.4.1cR1 := σmaker=B (Product PC)R2 := σmaker=B (Product Laptop)R3 := σmaker=B (Product Printer)R4 := πmodel,price (R1)R5 := πmodel,price (R2)R6: = πmodel,price (R3)R7 := R4 R5 R6model price1004 6491005 6301006 10492007 1429Exercise 2.4.1dR1 := σcolor = true AND type = laser (Printer)R2 := πmodel (R1)model30033007Exercise 2.4.1eR1 := σtype=laptop (Product)R2 := σtype=PC(Product)R3 := πmaker(R1)R4 := πmaker(R2)R5 := R3 – R4Exercise 2.4.1fR1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model) R2R4 := πhd(R3)Exercise 2.4.1gR1 := ρPC1(PC)R2 := ρPC2(PC)R3 := R1 (PC1.speed = PC2.speed AND PC1.ram = PC2.ram AND PC1.model < PC2.model) R2R4 := πPC1.model,PC2.model(R3)Exercise 2.4.1hR1 := πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model(R1 Product)R3 := ρR3(maker2,model2)(R2)R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3R5 := πmaker(R4)Exercise 2.4.1iR1 := πmodel,speed(PC)R2 := πmodel,speed(Laptop)R3 := R1 R2R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3)R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4)R6 := R3 – R5makerBExercise 2.4.1jR1 := πmaker,speed(Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3R6 := πmaker(R5)makerFGhd25080160PC1.model PC2.model1004 1012makerBEmakerADEExercise 2.4.1kR1 := πmaker,model(Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1)R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1)R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2R6 := R3 (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker(R7)makerABDEExercise 2.4.2aπmodelσspeed≥3.00PCExercise 2.4.2bπmakerσhd ≥ 100 ProductLaptopExercise 2.4.2cσmaker=B πmodel,priceσmaker=B πmodel,price σmaker=Bπmodel,priceProduct PC Laptop Printer ProductProductExercise 2.4.2dPrinter σcolor = true AND type = laserπmodelExercise 2.4.2e σtype=laptop σtype=PC πmakerπmaker –Product ProductExercise 2.4.2fρPC1ρPC2 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model)πhdPC PCExercise 2.4.2gρPC1ρPC2PC PC(PC1.speed = PC2.speed AND PC1.ram = PC2.ram AND PC1.model < PC2.model)πPC1.model,PC2.modelExercise 2.4.2hPC Laptop σspeed ≥ 2.80σspeed ≥ 2.80πmodelπmodel πmaker,modelρR3(maker2,model2)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)makerExercise 2.4.2iPCLaptopProductπmodel,speed πmodel,speed ρR4(model2,speed2)πmodel,speed(speed < speed2 )–makerExercise 2.4.2jProduct PC πmaker,speed ρR3(maker3,speed3)ρR2(maker2,speed2)(maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2)(maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed)πmakerExercise 2.4.2kπmaker(maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model)(maker = maker2 AND model <> model2)ρR2(maker2,model2)ρR3(maker3,model3)ρR4(maker4,model4)πmaker,modelProduct PCExercise 2.4.3aR1 := σbore ≥ 16 (Classes)R2 := πclass,country (R1)Exercise 2.4.3bR1 := σlaunched < 1921 (Ships)R2 := πname (R1)KirishimaKongoRamilliesRenownRepulseResolutionRevengeRoyal OakRoyal SovereignTennesseeExercise 2.4.3cR1 := σbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk(Outcomes)R2 := πship (R1)shipBismarckHoodExercise 2.4.3dR1 := Classes ShipsR2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)R3 := πname (R2)nameIowaMissouriMusashiNew JerseyNorth CarolinaWashingtonWisconsinYamatoExercise 2.4.3eR1 := σbattle=Guadalcanal(Outcomes)R2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2R4 := πname,displacement,numGuns(R3)name displacement numGuns Kirishima 32000 8Washington 37000 9Exercise 2.4.3fR1 := πname(Ships)R2 := πship(Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2)R4 := R1 R3nameCaliforniaHarunaHieiIowaKirishimaKongoMissouriMusashiNew JerseyExercise 2.4.3gFrom 2.3.2, assuming that every class has one ship named after the class.R1 := πclass (Classes) R2 := πclass (σname <> class (Ships)) R3 := R1 – R2Exercise 2.4.3hR1 := πcountry (σtype=bb (Classes)) R2 := πcountry (σtype=bc (Classes)) R3 := R1 ∩ R2Exercise 2.4.3iR1 := πship,result,date (Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship (R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.4aσbore ≥ 16πclass,countryClassesExercise 2.4.4bNorth Carolina Ramillies Renown Repulse Resolution Revenge Royal Oak Royal Sovereign Tennessee Washington Wisconsin Yamato Arizona Bismarck Duke of York Fuso Hood King George V Prince of Wales Rodney Scharnhorst South Dakota West Virginia Yamashiro class Bismarck country Japan Gt. Britainπnameσlaunched < 1921ShipsExercise 2.4.4cπshipσbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunkOutcomesExercise 2.4.4dπnameσlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000Classes Ships Exercise 2.4.4eσbattle=Guadalcanal Outcomes Ships(ship=name)πname,displacement,numGunsExercise 2.4.4f Ships Outcomesπnameπship ρR3(name)Exercise 2.4.4g Classes Shipsπclass σname <> class πclass–Exercise 2.4.4hClasses Classesσtype=bb σtype=bcπcountry πcountry∩Exercise 2.4.4iBattles Outcomes (battle=name)πship,result,dateρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2)πshipExercise 2.4.5The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical.Exercise 2.4.6UnionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple.Thus the union operator is monotone.IntersectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the originalresult and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone.DifferenceIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the originalresult. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t. However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t. Thus the difference operator is not monotone.ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that are selected. Thus the projection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the newresult. The original tuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thusthe selection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples ofanother relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesianproduct operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additionalsuccessful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection onsome condition. The new tuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the addedtuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.Exercise 2.4.7aIf all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n) tuples.Exercise 2.4.7bIf all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pairsuccessfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.Exercise 2.4.7cIf the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.Exercise 2.4.7dAssuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples.Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2133.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)Exercise 2.4.10πA1,A2…An(R S)Exercise 2.5.1aσspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = øModel 1011 violates this constraint.Exercise 2.5.1bσscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = øModel 2004 violates the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1cπmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = øManufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1dThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(maker, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ⊆ R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.1eπmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = øModels 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2aπclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = øThe Yamato class violates the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2bπclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = øNo violations to the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2cThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = øThe Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2dπcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = øJapan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.Exercise 2.5.2eThis complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,bat tle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = øNo violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = øwhere is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” method, we can simply say:E1– E2 = øAs a containment, we can simply say:E1⊆ E2 AND E2⊆ E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
6. ER模型中,方框表示实体、菱形框表示联系、椭圆形框表示属性、实体与联系、实体与其属性、联系与其属性之间用直线连接。
第2部分各章习题解答及自测题第1章数据库概论1.1 基本内容分析1.1.1 本章的重要概念(1)DB、DBMS和DBS的定义(2)数据管理技术的发展阶段人工管理阶段、文件系统阶段、数据库系统阶段和高级数据库技术阶段等各阶段的特点。
1.2 教材中习题1的解答1.1 名词解释·逻辑数据:指程序员或用户用以操作的数据形式。
目录第1部分课程的教与学第2部分各章习题解答及自测题第1章数据库概论1.1 基本内容分析1.2 教材中习题1的解答1.3 自测题1.4 自测题答案第2章关系模型和关系运算理论2.1基本内容分析2.2 教材中习题2的解答2.3 自测题2.4 自测题答案第3章关系数据库语言SQL3.1基本内容分析3.2 教材中习题3的解答3.3 自测题3.4 自测题答案第4章关系数据库的规范化设计4.1基本内容分析4.2 教材中习题4的解答4.3 自测题4.4 自测题答案第5章数据库设计与ER模型5.1基本内容分析5.2 教材中习题5的解答5.3 自测题5.4 自测题答案第6章数据库的存储结构6.1基本内容分析6.2 教材中习题6的解答第7章系统实现技术7.1基本内容分析7.2 教材中习题7的解答7.3 自测题7.4 自测题答案第8章对象数据库系统8.1基本内容分析8.2 教材中习题8的解答8.3 自测题8.4 自测题答案第9章分布式数据库系统9.1基本内容分析9.2 教材中习题9的解答9.3 自测题9.4 自测题答案第10章中间件技术10.1基本内容分析10.2 教材中习题10的解答10.3 自测题及答案第11章数据库与WWW11.1基本内容分析11.2 教材中习题11的解答第12章 XML技术12.1基本内容分析12.2 教材中习题12的解答学习推荐书目1.国内出版的数据库教材(1)施伯乐,丁宝康,汪卫. 数据库系统教程(第2版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2003(2)丁宝康,董健全. 数据库实用教程(第2版). 北京:清华大学出版社,2003(3)施伯乐,丁宝康. 数据库技术. 北京:科学出版社,2002(4)王能斌. 数据库系统教程(上、下册). 北京:电子工业出版社,2002(5)闪四清. 数据库系统原理与应用教程. 北京:清华大学出版社,2001(6)萨师煊,王珊. 数据库系统概论(第3版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2000(7)庄成三,洪玫,杨秋辉. 数据库系统原理及其应用. 北京:电子工业出版社,20002.出版的国外数据库教材(中文版或影印版)(1)Silberschatz A,Korth H F,Sudarshan S. 数据库系统概念(第4版). 杨冬青,唐世渭等译. 北京:机械工业出版社,2003(2)Elmasri R A,Navathe S B. 数据库系统基础(第3版). 邵佩英,张坤龙等译. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2002(3)Lewis P M,Bernstein A,Kifer M. Databases and Transaction Processing:An Application-Oriented Approach, Addison-Wesley, 2002(影印版, 北京:高等教育出版社;中文版,施伯乐等译,即将由电子工业出版社出版)(4)Hoffer J A,Prescott M B,McFadden F R. Modern Database Management. 6th ed. Prentice Hall, 2002(中文版,施伯乐等译,即将由电子工业出版社出版)3.上机实习教材(1)廖疆星,张艳钗,肖金星. PowerBuilder 8.0 & SQL Server 2000数据库管理系统管理与实现. 北京:冶金工业出版社,2002(2)伍俊良. PowerBuilder课程设计与系统开发案例. 北京:清华大学出版社,20034.学习指导书(1)丁宝康,董健全,汪卫,曾宇昆. 数据库系统教程习题解答及上机指导. 北京:高等教育出版社,2003(2)丁宝康,张守志,严勇. 数据库技术学习指导书. 北京:科学出版社,2003(3)丁宝康,董健全,曾宇昆. 数据库实用教程习题解答. 北京:清华大学出版社,2003 (4)丁宝康. 数据库原理题典. 长春:吉林大学出版社,2002(5)丁宝康,陈坚,许建军,楼晓鸿. 数据库原理辅导与练习. 北京:经济科学出版社,2001第1部分课程的教与学1.课程性质与设置目的现在,数据库已是信息化社会中信息资源与开发利用的基础,因而数据库是计算机教育的一门重要课程,是高等院校计算机和信息类专业的一门专业基础课。
数据库系统基础教程第二章答案集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)For relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 acctNosavings type12000 balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie firstNameBanks lastName901-222 idNo12345 accountFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account)An example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo Integertype Stringbalance IntegerfirstName StringlastName StringidNo String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account IntegerExerciseUniversal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.We can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.We can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880We can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m! CREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));ALTER TABLE Printer DROP color; ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’;CREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Battles ( name CHAR(30),date DATE);CREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));ALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;ALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30);R1 := σspeed ≥ (PC)R2 := πmodel (R1)R2 := Product (R1) R3 := πmaker (R2) R1 := σmaker=B (Product PC) R2 := σmaker=B (Product Laptop) R3 := σmaker=B (Product Printer)R4 := πmodel,price (R1)R5 := πmodel,price (R2) R6: = πmodel,price (R3) R7 := R4 R5 R6model price1004 6491005 6301006 10492007 1429color = true AND type = laser R2 := πmodel (R1) R1 := σtype=laptop (Product) R2 := σtype=PC (Product) R3 := πmaker (R1)maker R5 := R3 – R4R2 := ρPC2(PC) R3 := R1 = AND <> R2 R4 := πhd (R3) R1 := ρPC1(PC) R2 := ρPC2(PC) R3 := R1 = AND = AND < R2 R4 := π,(R3) R1 := πmodel (σspeed ≥ (PC)) πmodel (σspeed ≥ (Laptop)) R2 := πmaker,model (R1 Product)R3(maker2,model2)R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3R5 := πmaker (R4)R1 := πmodel,speed (PC) R2 := πmodel,speed (Laptop) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3)R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4)R6 := R3 – R5model 1005 1006 1013 maker E A BFG model 3003 3007 maker F G hd 250 80 1601004 1012 maker B ER7 := πmaker (R6 Product)makerBR1 := πmaker,speed (Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1) R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3R6 := πmaker (R5)R1 := πmaker,model (Product PC) R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1) R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1) R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1) R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2(maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker (R7)R1 := σbore ≥ 16 (Classes) R2 := πclass,country (R1)class countryIowa USANorth Carolina USAYamato JapanR1 := σlaunched < 1921 (Ships)R2 := πname (R1)nameHarunaHieiKirishimaKongoRamilliesRenownRepulseResolutionRevengeRoyal OakRoyal SovereignTennesseeR1 := σbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk (Outcomes)R2 := πship (R1)shipBismarckHoodR1 := Classes ShipsR2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)R3 := πname (R2)nameIowaMissouriMusashiNew JerseyNorth CarolinaWashingtonWisconsinYamatoR1 := σbattle=Guadalcanal (Outcomes)R2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2R4 := πname,displacement,numGuns (R3)name displacement numGunsKirishima 32000 8Washington 37000 9name R2 := πship (Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2)R4 := R1 R3maker A D E maker ABDEnameCaliforniaHarunaHieiIowaKirishimaKongoFrom assuming that every class has one ship named after the class. R1 := πclass (Classes) R2 := πclass (σname <> class (Ships)) R3 := R1 – R2 R1 := πcountry (σtype=bb (Classes)) R2 := πcountry (σtype=bc (Classes)) R3 := R1 ∩ R2 R1 := πship,result,date (Battles (battle=name) Outcomes) R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1) R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2 R4 := πship (R3) No results from sample data. Exercise result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical. Exercise we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple. Thus the union operator is monotone. Intersection If we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone. Difference If we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the original result. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t . However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t . Thus the difference operator is not monotone. ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of theoriginal result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect therows that are selected. Thus the projection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. Ifthe added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the new result. The original tuples are included in the new resultbecause they still satisfy the select condition. Thus the selection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples of another relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesian product operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of theexisting tuples, then we will have zero additional successful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples.The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection on some condition. The new tuple can only create additionaltuples in the result, not less. If, however, the added tuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to theresult. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. Therenaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as manytuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.If all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n ) tuples.If all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.If the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible. The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.Assuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL (R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n . This happens when all of the tup les of πL (R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL (R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n – m , 0) tuples.Exercise r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1. πr (R S)2.3. R δ(πr∩s (S)) where δ is the duplicate -elimination operator in Section pg. 2134.5. R – (R – πr (R S))Exercise r as the schema of R1. R - πr (R S)πA1,A2…An (R S)σspeed < AND price > 500(PC) = MissouriMusashiNew JerseyNorth CarolinaRamillies Renown RepulseResolution Revenge Royal Oak Royal SovereignTennesseeWashingtonWisconsinYamatoArizonaBismarckDuke of YorkFusoHoodKing George VPrince of WalesRodneyScharnhorstSouth DakotaWest VirginiaYamashiro classBismarckcountry Japan Gt. BritainModel 1011 violates this constraint.σscreen < AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) =Model 2004 violates the constraint.πmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) =Manufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(maker, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 = AND ≤ R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.πmodel(σ> AND ≤ (PC × Laptop)) =Models 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.πclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) =The Yamato class violates the constraint.πclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) =No violations to the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 =The Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.πcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) =Japan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,battle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 =No violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = where is the antisemijoinExercise form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” method, we can simply say:E1– E2 =As a containment, we can simply say:E1 E2 AND E2 E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)For relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 → acctNosavings → type12000 → balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie → firstNameBanks → lastName901-222 → idNo12345 → accountFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account)An example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo → Integertype → Stringbalance → IntegerfirstName → StringlastName → StringidNo → String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account → IntegerExercise 2.2.2Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.We can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.We can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880We can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!CREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));ALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od C HAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’;CREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);CREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));ALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;ALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30);R1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel (R1)R2 := Product (R1) R3 := πmaker (R2) R1 := σmaker=B (Product PC) R2 := σmaker=B (Product Laptop) R3 := σmaker=B (Product Printer) R4 := πmodel,price (R1) R5 := πmodel,price (R2) R6: = πmodel,price (R3) R7 := R4 R5 R6model price1004 6491005 6301006 10492007 1429color = true AND type = laser R2 := πmodel (R1)R1 := σtype=laptop (Product) R2 := σtype=PC (Product)R3 := πmaker (R1)maker R5 := R3 – R4R2 := ρPC2(PC) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := πhd (R3) R1 := ρPC1(PC) R2 := ρPC2(PC) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := πPC1.model,PC2.model (R3) R1 := πmodel (σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel (σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model (R1 Product)R3 := ρR3(maker2,model2)(R2)model10051006 1013 maker E ABFG model 3003 3007 makerFGhd 250 80 160PC1.model PC2.model 1004 1012R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3 R5 := πmaker (R4) R1 := πmodel,speed (PC) R2 := πmodel,speed (Laptop) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3) R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4) R6 := R3 – R5 R7 := πmaker (R6 Product) maker BR1 := πmaker,speed (Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2 R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3 R6 := πmaker (R5) R1 := πmaker,model (Product PC) R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1) R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1) R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1) R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2 (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker (R7) R1 := σbore ≥ 16 (Classes) R2 := πclass,country (R1) class country Iowa USA North Carolina USA Yamato JapanR1 := σlaunched < 1921 (Ships) R2 := πname (R1) name Haruna Hiei Kirishima Kongo Ramillies Renown Repulse Resolution Revenge Royal Oak Royal Sovereign TennesseeR1 := σbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk (Outcomes) R2 := πship (R1) ship Bismarck HoodR1 := Classes Ships R2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1) name Iowa Missouri Musashi New Jersey North Carolina Washington Wisconsin Yamatobattle=GuadalcanalR2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2 name displacement numGuns Kirishima 32000 8 Washington 37000 9 name maker B E maker A D E maker A B D ER2 := πship (Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2) R4 := R1 R3 From 2.3.2, assuming that every class has one ship named after the class.R1 := πclass (Classes)R2 := πclass (σname <> class (Ships))R3 := R1 – R2R1 := πcountry (σtype=bb (Classes))R2 := πcountry (σtype=bc (Classes))R3 := R1 ∩ R2R1 := πship,result,date (Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship (R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.5 The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On theother hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical. Exercise 2.4.6 Union If we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple. Thus the union operator is monotone. IntersectionIfwe add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone. Difference If we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the original result. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t . However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t . Thus the difference operator is not monotone. Projection If we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that areselected. Thus the projection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybethe added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the new result. The originaltuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thus the selection operator is monotone. Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples of another relation.Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesian product operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result andpossibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuplecannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additional successful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection on some condition. The newtuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the added tuple does not satisfy the selectcondition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the addedtuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operatorwill always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.If all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n ) tuples.If all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.If the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.name California Haruna Hiei Iowa Kirishima Kongo Missouri Musashi New Jersey North Carolina Ramillies Renown Repulse Resolution Revenge Royal Oak Royal Sovereign Tennessee Washington Wisconsin YamatoArizonaBismarckDuke of YorkFusoHoodKing George VPrince of Wales Rodney Scharnhorst South DakotaWest VirginiaYamashiro class Bismarck country Japan Gt. BritainAssuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples.Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.3.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2134.5.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)πA1,A2…An(R S)σspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = øModel 1011 violates this constraint.σscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = øModel 2004 violates the constraint.πmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = øManufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(maker, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(mod el) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ⊆ R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.πmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = øModels 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.πclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = øThe Yamato class violates the constraint.πclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = øNo violations to the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = øThe Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.πcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = øJapan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,battle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = øNo violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = øw here is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” method, we can simply say:E1– E2= øAs a containment, we can simply say:E1⊆ E2 AND E2⊆ E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
题2.4 E-R图图中:部门和负责人间的联系是一对一的联系;一个学生可以借阅多本书,一本书只能一个人借,学生和借阅间的联系为一对多的联系;一个学生可以参加多个社会团体,一个社会团体有多个学生参加,学生和社会团体间的联系为多对多的联系。
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)For relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 ✍ acctNosavings ✍ type12000 ✍ balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie ✍ firstNameBanks ✍ lastName901-222 ✍ idNo12345 ✍ accountFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account)An example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo ✍ Integertype ✍ Stringbalance ✍ IntegerfirstName ✍ StringlastName ✍ StringidNo ✍ String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account ✍ IntegerExercise 2.2.2Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.We can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36. We can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880We can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!CREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));ALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’;CREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);CREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));ALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;ALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30);R1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel(R1)R2 := Product (R1)maker=B(Product PC)maker=B(Product Laptop)maker=B(Product Printer)model,price(R1)model,price(R2)model,price(R3)R5 R6color = true AND type = laserR2 := πmodel (R1)R1 := σtype=laptop (Product)R2 := σtype=PC(Product)R3 := πmaker(R1)makerR5 := R3 – R4PC2(PC)R3 := R1R2PC2(PC)R3 := R1 R2(R3)R1 := πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model(R1 Product) R3(maker2,model2)R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3R5 := πmaker(R4)R1 := πmodel,speed(PC)R2 := πmodel,speed(Laptop)R3 := R1 R2R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3)R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4)R6 := R3 – R5(R6 Product)maker,speed PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1) R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2 R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3 R6 := πmaker (R5) R1 := πmaker,model (Product PC) R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1) R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1) R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1) R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2R6 := R3 (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker (R7)launched < 1921battle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk (Outcomes)R1 := Classes Ships R2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)battle=GuadalcanalR2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2nameR2 := πship (Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2) R4 := R1 R3R1 := πclass(Classes)R2 := πclass(σname <> class(Ships))R3 := R1 – R2R1 := πcountry(σtype=bb(Classes))R2 := πcountry(σtype=bc(Classes))R3 := R1 ∩ R2R1 := πship,result,date(Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship(R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.5The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical.Exercise 2.4.6UnionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the originalresult and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior willeliminate that tuple. Thus the union operator is monotone.IntersectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of theoriginal result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it isadded but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus theintersection operator is monotone.DifferenceIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the original result. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t. However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t. Thus the difference operator is not monotone.ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that are selected. Thus the projection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the new result. The original tuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thus the selection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples of another relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesian product operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additional successful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection on some condition. The new tuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the added tuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.If all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n) tuples.If all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.If the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.Assuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples. Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.3.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2134.5.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)πA1,A2…An(R S)σspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = ?Model 1011 violates this constraint.σscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = ?Model 2004 violates the constraint.πmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = ?Manufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(make r, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ? R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.πmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = ?Models 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.πclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = ?The Yamato class violates the constraint.πclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = ?No violations to the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = ?The Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.πcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = ?Japan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,battle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = ?No violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = ? where is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” metho d, we can simply say:E1– E2 = ?As a containment, we can simply say:E1 ? E2 AND E2 ? E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)For relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 ✍ acctNosavings ✍ type12000 ✍ balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie ✍ firstNameBanks ✍ lastName901-222 ✍ idNo12345 ✍ accountFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account)An example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo ✍ Integertype ✍ Stringbalance ✍ IntegerfirstName ✍ StringlastName ✍ StringidNo ✍ String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account ✍ IntegerExamples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.We can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.We can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880We can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!CREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));ALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’;CREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);CREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));ALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;ALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30);R1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel (R1)(R1) (R2) σmaker=B (Product PC) σmaker=B (Product Laptop)σmaker=B (Product Printer)πmodel,price (R1) πmodel,price(R2) πmodel,price (R3) R5 R6color = true AND type = laser R2 := πmodel (R1) R1 := σtype=laptop (Product)R2 := σtype=PC (Product)R3 := πmaker (R1)maker R5 := R3 – R4R1 := ρPC1(PC) R2 := ρPC2(PC) R3 := R1 (PC1.hd = PC2.hd AND PC1.model <> PC2.model) R2 R4 := πhd (R3)R2 (R3) R1 := πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel (σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop)) R2 := πmaker,model (R1 Product) R3 := ρR3(maker2,model2)(R2) R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3 R5 := πmaker (R4) R1 := πmodel,speed (PC) R2 := πmodel,speed (Laptop) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3) R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4) R6 := R3 – R5 (R6 Product)maker,speed (Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2 R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3 R6 := πmaker (R5) R1 := πmaker,model (Product PC) R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1) R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1) R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1) R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2(maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker (R7)launched < 1921battle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk (Outcomes) R1 := Classes ShipsR2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)battle=GuadalcanalR2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2nameR2 := πship(Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2)R4 := R1 R3From 2.3.2, assuming that every class has one ship named after the class. Array R1 := πclass(Classes)R2 := πclass(σname <> class(Ships))R3 := R1 – R2R1 := πcountry(σtype=bb(Classes))R2 := πcountry(σtype=bc(Classes))R3 := R1 ∩ R2R1 := πship,result,date(Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship(R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.5The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes.On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical.Exercise 2.4.6UnionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of thetuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is aduplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple. Thus the unionoperator is monotone.IntersectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get allof the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tupledoes not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the otherrelation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersectionoperator is monotone.DifferenceIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get allof the tuples of the original result. Suppose we have relations R and S and we arecomputing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R– S would include tuple t. However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new resultwill not have tuple t. Thus the difference operator is not monotone.ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all ofthe tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that are selected. Thus theprojection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original resultand maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the new result.The original tuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thus theselection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the originalresult and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples ofanother relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesian product operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original resultand possibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additional successfuljoins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection on somecondition. The new tuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the added tuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.If all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n) tuples.If all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.If the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.Assuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples.Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.3.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2134.5.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)πA1,A2…An(R S)σspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = ?Model 1011 violates this constraint.σscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = ?Model 2004 violates the constraint.πmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = ?Manufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(make r, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ? R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.πmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = ?Models 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.πclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = ?The Yamato class violates the constraint.πclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = ?No violations to the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = ?The Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.πcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = ?Japan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,battle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = ?No violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = ? w here is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” metho d, we can simply say:E1– E2 = ?As a containment, we can simply say:E1 ? E2 AND E2 ? E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)For relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 ✍ acctNosavings ✍ type12000 ✍ balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie ✍ firstNameBanks ✍ lastName901-222 ✍ idNo12345 ✍ accountFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account)An example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo ✍ Integertype ✍ Stringbalance ✍ IntegerfirstName ✍ StringlastName ✍ StringidNo ✍ String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account ✍ IntegerExercise 2.2.2Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.We can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.We can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880We can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!CREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));ALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od CHAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’;CREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);CREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));ALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;ALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30);R1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel(R1)R2 := Product (R1)(R2)maker=B(Product PC)maker=B(Product Laptop)maker=B(Product Printer)model,price(R1)model,price(R2)model,price(R3)R5 R6color = true AND type = laserR2 := πmodel (R1)R1 := σtype=laptop (Product)R2 := σtype=PC(Product)R3 := πmaker(R1)makerR5 := R3 – R4PC2R3 := R1 R2PC2(PC)R3 := R1 R2(R3)R1 := πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel(σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model(R1 Product) R3(maker2,model2)R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3R5 := πmaker(R4)R1 := πmodel,speed(PC)R2 := πmodel,speed(Laptop)R3 := R1 R2R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3)R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4)R6 := R3 – R5Product)maker,speedPC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1) R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2 R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3 R6 := πmaker (R5) R1 := πmaker,model (Product PC) R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1) R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1) R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1) R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2R6 := R3 (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker (R7)launched < 1921battle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk (Outcomes)R1 := Classes Ships R2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1)battle=GuadalcanalR2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2nameR2 := πship (Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2) R4 := R1 R3R1 := πclass(Classes)R2 := πclass(σname <> class(Ships))R3 := R1 – R2R1 := πcountry(σtype=bb(Classes))R2 := πcountry(σtype=bc(Classes))R3 := R1 ∩ R2R1 := πship,result,date(Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship(R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.5The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On the other hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical.Exercise 2.4.6UnionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original resultand maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate thattuple. Thus the union operator is monotone.IntersectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone.DifferenceIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the original result. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – S. Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t. However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t. Thus the difference operator is not monotone.ProjectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple.The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that are selected. Thus the projection operator is monotone. SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the new result. The original tuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thus the selection operator is monotone.Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples.The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples of another relation. Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesian product operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuple cannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additional successful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection on some condition. The new tuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the added tuple does not satisfy the select condition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the added tuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operator will always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.If all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n) tuples.If all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.If the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples. Assuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples. Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.3.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2134.5.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)πA1,A2…An(R S)σspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = ?Model 1011 violates this constraint.σscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = ?Model 2004 violates the constraint.πmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = ?Manufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(make r, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(model) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ? R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.πmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = ?Models 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.πclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = ?The Yamato class violates the constraint.πclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = ?No violations to the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = ?The Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.πcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = ?Japan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,battle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = ?No violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = ? where is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” metho d, we can simply say:E1– E2 = ?As a containment, we can simply say:E1 ? E2 AND E2 ? E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
For relation Accounts, the attributes are:acctNo, type, balanceFor relation Customers, the attributes are:firstName, lastName, idNo, accountFor relation Accounts, the tuples are:(12345, savings, 12000),(23456, checking, 1000),(34567, savings, 25)For relation Customers, the tuples are:(Robbie, Banks, 901-222, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 12345),(Lena, Hand, 805-333, 23456)For relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:123456 → acctNosavings → type12000 → balanceFor relation Customers and the first tuple, the components are:Robbie → firstNameBanks → lastName901-222 → idNo12345 → accountFor relation Accounts, a relation schema is:Accounts(acctNo, type, balance)For relation Customers, a relation schema is:Customers(firstName, lastName, idNo, account)An example database schema is:Accounts (acctNo,type,balance)Customers (firstName,lastName,idNo,account)A suitable domain for each attribute:acctNo → Integertype → Stringbalance → IntegerfirstName → StringlastName → StringidNo → String (because there is a hyphen we cannot use Integer)account → IntegerExercise 2.2.2Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:Universal Product Code (UPC) used widely in United States and Canada to track products in stores.Serial Numbers on a wide variety of products to allow the manufacturer to individually track each product.Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.We can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.We can order the three tuples in any of 5! = 120 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 4! = 24 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 120*24 = 2880We can order the three tuples in any of m! ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of n! ways. Thus, the number of presentations is n!m!CREATE TABLE Product (maker CHAR(30),model CHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,type CHAR(15));CREATE TABLE PC (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Laptop (model CHAR(30),speed DECIMAL(4,2),ram INTEGER,hd INTEGER,screen DECIMAL(3,1),price DECIMAL(7,2));CREATE TABLE Printer (model CHAR(30),color BOOLEAN,type CHAR (10),price DECIMAL(7,2));ALTER TABLE Printer DROP color;ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD od C HAR (10) DEFAULT ‘none’;CREATE TABLE Classes (class CHAR(20),type CHAR(5),country CHAR(20),numGuns INTEGER,bore DECIMAL(3,1),displacement INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Ships (name CHAR(30),class CHAR(20),launched INTEGER);CREATE TABLE Battles (name CHAR(30),date DATE);CREATE TABLE Outcomes (ship CHAR(30),battle CHAR(30),result CHAR(10));ALTER TABLE Classes DROP bore;ALTER TABLE Ships ADD yard CHAR(30);R1 := σspeed ≥ 3.00 (PC)R2 := πmodel (R1)R2 := Product (R1) R3 := πmaker (R2) R1 := σmaker=B (Product PC) R2 := σmaker=B (Product Laptop) R3 := σmaker=B (Product Printer) R4 := πmodel,price (R1) R5 := πmodel,price (R2) R6: = πmodel,price (R3) R7 := R4 R5 R6model price1004 6491005 6301006 10492007 1429color = true AND type = laser R2 := πmodel (R1)R1 := σtype=laptop (Product) R2 := σtype=PC (Product)R3 := πmaker (R1)maker R5 := R3 – R4R2 := ρPC2(PC) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := πhd (R3) R1 := ρPC1(PC) R2 := ρPC2(PC) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := πPC1.model,PC2.model (R3) R1 := πmodel (σspeed ≥ 2.80(PC)) πmodel (σspeed ≥ 2.80(Laptop))R2 := πmaker,model (R1 Product)R3 := ρR3(maker2,model2)(R2)model10051006 1013 maker E ABFG model 3003 3007 makerFGhd 250 80 160PC1.model PC2.model 1004 1012R4 := R2 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R3 R5 := πmaker (R4) R1 := πmodel,speed (PC) R2 := πmodel,speed (Laptop) R3 := R1 R2 R4 := ρR4(model2,speed2)(R3) R5 := πmodel,speed (R3 (speed < speed2 ) R4) R6 := R3 – R5 R7 := πmaker (R6 Product) maker BR1 := πmaker,speed (Product PC)R2 := ρR2(maker2,speed2)(R1)R3 := ρR3(maker3,speed3)(R1)R4 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND speed <> speed2) R2 R5 := R4 (maker3 = maker AND speed3 <> speed2 AND speed3 <> speed) R3 R6 := πmaker (R5) R1 := πmaker,model (Product PC) R2 := ρR2(maker2,model2)(R1) R3 := ρR3(maker3,model3)(R1) R4 := ρR4(maker4,model4)(R1) R5 := R1 (maker = maker2 AND model <> model2) R2 (maker3 = maker AND model3 <> model2 AND model3 <> model) R5R7 := R4 (maker4 = maker AND (model4=model OR model4=model2 OR model4=model3)) R6R8 := πmaker (R7) R1 := σbore ≥ 16 (Classes) R2 := πclass,country (R1) class country Iowa USA North Carolina USA Yamato JapanR1 := σlaunched < 1921 (Ships) R2 := πname (R1) name Haruna Hiei Kirishima Kongo Ramillies Renown Repulse Resolution Revenge Royal Oak Royal Sovereign TennesseeR1 := σbattle=Denmark Strait AND result=sunk (Outcomes) R2 := πship (R1) ship Bismarck HoodR1 := Classes Ships R2 := σlaunched > 1921 AND displacement > 35000 (R1) name Iowa Missouri Musashi New Jersey North Carolina Washington Wisconsin Yamatobattle=GuadalcanalR2 := Ships (ship=name) R1R3 := Classes R2 name displacement numGuns Kirishima 32000 8 Washington 37000 9 name maker B E maker A D E maker A B D ER2 := πship (Outcomes)R3 := ρR3(name)(R2) R4 := R1 R3 From 2.3.2, assuming that every class has one ship named after the class.R1 := πclass (Classes)R2 := πclass (σname <> class (Ships))R3 := R1 – R2R1 := πcountry (σtype=bb (Classes))R2 := πcountry (σtype=bc (Classes))R3 := R1 ∩ R2R1 := πship,result,date (Battles (battle=name) Outcomes)R2 := ρR2(ship2,result2,date2)(R1)R3 := R1 (ship=ship2 AND result=damaged AND date < date2) R2R4 := πship (R3)No results from sample data.Exercise 2.4.5 The result of the natural join has only one attribute from each pair of equated attributes. On theother hand, the result of the theta-join has both columns of the attributes and their values are identical. Exercise 2.4.6 Union If we add a tuple to the arguments of the union operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple is a duplicate tuple, then the set behavior will eliminate that tuple. Thus the union operator is monotone. IntersectionIfwe add a tuple to the arguments of the intersection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybe the added tuple. If the added tuple does not exist in the relation that it is added but does exist in the other relation, then the result set will include the added tuple. Thus the intersection operator is monotone. Difference If we add a tuple to the arguments of the difference operator, we may not get all of the tuples of the original result. Suppose we have relations R and S and we are computing R – Suppose also that tuple t is in R but not in S. The result of R – S would include tuple t . However, if we add tuple t to S, then the new result will not have tuple t . Thus the difference operator is not monotone. Projection If we add a tuple to the arguments of the projection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the projection of the added tuple. The projection operator only selects columns from the relation and does not affect the rows that areselected. Thus the projection operator is monotone.SelectionIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the selection operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and maybethe added tuple. If the added tuple satisfies the select condition, then it will be added to the new result. The originaltuples are included in the new result because they still satisfy the select condition. Thus the selection operator is monotone. Cartesian ProductIf we add a tuple to the arguments of the Cartesian product operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The Cartesian product pairs the tuples of one relation with the tuples of another relation.Suppose that we are calculating R x S where R has m tuples and S has n tuples. If we add a tuple to R that is not already in R, then we expect the result of R x S to have (m + 1) * n tuples. Thus the Cartesian product operator is monotone.Natural JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a natural join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result andpossibly additional tuples. The new tuple can only create additional successful joins, not less. If, however, the added tuplecannot successfully join with any of the existing tuples, then we will have zero additional successful joins. Thus the natural join operator is monotone.Theta JoinsIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a theta join operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and possibly additional tuples. The theta join can be modeled by a Cartesian product followed by a selection on some condition. The newtuple can only create additional tuples in the result, not less. If, however, the added tuple does not satisfy the selectcondition, then no additional tuples will be added to the result. Thus the theta join operator is monotone.RenamingIf we add a tuple to the arguments of a renaming operator, we will get all of the tuples of the original result and the addedtuple. The renaming operator does not have any effect on whether a tuple is selected or not. In fact, the renaming operatorwill always return as many tuples as its argument. Thus the renaming operator is monotone.If all the tuples of R and S are different, then the union has n + m tuples, and this number is the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if every tuple of one relation also appears in the other. Then the union has max(m , n ) tuples.If all the tuples in one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation, then the natural join has n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if none of the tuples of one relation can pair successfully with all the tuples in the other relation. Then the natural join has zero tuples.If the condition C brings back all the tuples of R, then the cross product will contain n * m tuples. This number would be the maximum possible.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs if the condition C brings back none of the tuples of R. Then the cross product has zero tuples.name California Haruna Hiei Iowa Kirishima Kongo Missouri Musashi New Jersey North Carolina Ramillies Renown Repulse Resolution Revenge Royal Oak Royal Sovereign Tennessee Washington Wisconsin YamatoArizonaBismarckDuke of YorkFusoHoodKing George VPrince of Wales Rodney Scharnhorst South DakotaWest VirginiaYamashiro class Bismarck country Japan Gt. BritainAssuming that the list of attributes L makes the resulting relation πL(R) and relation S schema compatible, then the maximum possible tuples is n. This happens when all of the tuples of πL(R) are not in S.The minimum number of tuples that can appear in the result occurs when all of the tuples in πL(R) appear in S. Then the difference has max(n–m , 0) tuples.Exercise 2.4.8Defining r as the schema of R and s as the schema of S:1.πr(R S)2.3.R δ(πr∩s(S)) where δ is the duplicate-elimination operator in Section 5.2 pg. 2134.5.R – (R –πr(R S))Exercise 2.4.9Defining r as the schema of R1.R - πr(R S)πA1,A2…An(R S)σspeed < 2.00 AND price > 500(PC) = øModel 1011 violates this constraint.σscreen < 15.4 AND hd < 100 AND price ≥ 1000(Laptop) = øModel 2004 violates the constraint.πmaker(σtype = laptop(Product)) ∩ πmaker(σtype = pc(Product)) = øManufacturers A,B,E violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R4 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(maker, model, speed) := πmaker,model,speed(Product PC)R2(maker, speed) := πmaker,speed(Product Laptop)R3(mod el) := πmodel(R1 R1.maker = R2.maker AND R1.speed ≤ R2.speed R2)R4(model) := πmodel(PC)The constraint is R4 ⊆ R3Manufacturers B,C,D violate the constraint.πmodel(σLaptop.ram > PC.ram AND Laptop.price ≤ PC.price(PC × Laptop)) = øModels 2002,2006,2008 violate the constraint.πclass(σbore > 16(Classes)) = øThe Yamato class violates the constraint.πclass(σnumGuns > 9 AND bore > 14(Classes)) = øNo violations to the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(class,name) := πclass,name(Classes Ships)R2(class2,name2) := ρR2(class2,name2)(R1)R3(class3,name3) := ρR3(class3,name3)(R1)R4(class,name,class2,name2) := R1 (class = class2 AND name <> name2) R2R5(class,name,class2,name2,class3,name3) := R4 (class=class3 AND name <> name3 AND name2 <> name3) R3The constraint is R5 = øThe Kongo, Iowa and Revenge classes violate the constraint.πcountry(σtype = bb(Classes)) ∩ πcountry(σtype = bc(Classes)) = øJapan and Gt. Britain violate the constraint.This complex expression is best seen as a sequence of steps in which we define temporary relations R1 through R5 that stand for nodes of expression trees. Here is the sequence:R1(ship,battle,result,class) := πship,battle,result,class(Outcomes (ship = name) Ships)R2(ship,battle,result,numGuns) := πship,battle,result,numGuns(R1 Classes)R3(ship,battle) := πship,battle(σnumGuns < 9 AND result = sunk (R2))R4(ship2,battle2) := ρR4(ship2,battle2)(πship,battle(σnumGuns > 9(R2)))R5(ship2) := πship2(R3 (battle = battle2) R4)The constraint is R5 = øNo violations to the constraint. Since there are some ships in the Outcomes table that are not in the Ships table, we are unable to determine the number of guns on that ship.Exercise 2.5.3Defining r as the schema A1,A2,…,A n and s as the schema B1,B2,…,B n:πr(R) πs(S) = øw here is the antisemijoinExercise 2.5.4The form of a constraint as E1 = E2 can be expressed as the other two constraints.Using the “equating an expression to the empty set” method, we can simply say:E1– E2= øAs a containment, we can simply say:E1⊆ E2 AND E2⊆ E1Thus, the form E1 = E2 of a constraint cannot express more than the two other forms discussed in this section.。
(Lena, Hand,805-333, 12345),
(Lena, Hand,805-333, 23456)
Exercise 2.2.1c
For relation Accounts and the first tuple, the components are:
Exercise 2.2.2
Examples of attributes that are created for primarily serving as keys in a relation:
Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify vehicles.
Exercise 2.2.3a
We can order the three tuples in any of 3! = 6 ways. Also, the columns can be ordered in any of 3! = 6 ways. Thus, the number of presentations is 6*6 = 36.
ship CHAR(30), battle CHAR(30), result CHAR(10)
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RABC 367 257 723 443
S ABC 345 723
计算 R∪S,R-S,R∩S,R×S,π 3,2(S),σ B<’5’(R),R 2<2 S, R S。
解: R∪S A B C 367 257 723 443 345
R×S R.A R.B R.C 3 67 3 67 2 57 2 57 7 23 7 23 4 43 4 43
⑵ π S#,SNAME(σ AGE>'23' ∧ SEX='M'(SC)) ⑶ π CNAME,TNAME(σ S#='S3'(SC⋈C))
⑷ π SNAME(σ SEX='F' ∧ TNAME='LIU'(S⋈SC⋈C))
⑸ π C#(C)-π C#(σ SNAME='WANG'(S⋈SC)) ⑹ π 1(σ 1=4 ∧ 2≠5(SC×SC)) ⑺ π C#,CNAME(C⋈(π S#,C#(SC)÷π S#(S))) ⑻ π S#,C#(SC)÷π C#(σ TNAME='LIU'(C))
ABC 367 257 443
S.A S.B S.C 34 5 72 3 34 5 72 3 34 5 72 3 34 5 72 3
R∩S A B C 723
π 3,2(S) C B 54 32
σ B<’5’(R) A B C
723 443
7 23 34 5
2.7 设有关系 R 和 S: RAB ab cb de
S BC bc ea bd
Байду номын сангаас计算
⋈ S,σ B<C
a bc a bd c bc c bd
R ⋈ S A R.B S.B C
a bbc a bbd c bbc c bbd
σ A=C(R×S) A R.B S.B C
abea cbbc de bd
bc bd
试用关系代数表达式表示下列查询语句: ① 检索 LIU 老师所授课程的课程号和课程名。 ② 检索年龄大于 23 岁的男学生的学号和姓名。 ③ 检索学号为 S3 学生所学课程的课程名与任课教师名。 ④ 检索至少选修 LIU 老师所授课程中一门课的女学生姓名。 ⑤ 检索 WANG 同学不学的课程的课程号。 ⑥ 检索至少选修两门课的学生学号。 ⑦ 检索全部学生都选修的课程的课程号与课程名。 ⑧ 检索选修课程包含 LIU 老师所授全部课程的学生学号。 解:⑴ π C#,CNAME(σ TNAME='LIU'(C))