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3DLO 3D long offset seismic survey三维长偏移距野外资料采集
3DHR-HR 3D High resolution -high seismic survey 三维高分辨一高密野外资料采集。
AAC = adjusted AC;
ABI inclination at the drill bit
AC acoustic声波时差
ACN =adjusted CN;
ADN Azimuthal neotron density
AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool
A&S admistration&service
AHC Ascendant Hierarchical Clustering
ARC Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated tool
ARI Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪
APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent Datum
APWD apparatus whle drilling
ASI Array seismic imager阵列地震成像仪
AVG: Average
AVO Amplitude Versus Offset(Amplitude variation with offset calibration) 振幅-炮检距关系
AZI: Azimuth (deg)
BBC Buy Back Contract
BGG: Background Gas (%)
BGP 物探局
BHFP bottomhole flowing pressure
BHS :Borehole Status
BHT :Bottom Hole Temperature
BHTA 声波幅度
BHTT 声波返回时间
BLWH Blue White
BML below mud line
BOP Blow out preventer
BOP stack 防喷器组
BS Bit Size
BSW basic?? saturation water(综合含水)
CAL borehole diameter 井径
CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪
CBI Central Bank of Iran
CBIL 井周声波成像
CBL Cement Bond Log
CC correlationcoefficient
CCAL common core analysis 常规岩心分析
CCL Casing Collar Locator
CCM Contractors Committee Meeting
CDF cumulative density function
CDF Calibrated Downhole Force
condensat core facies
CF CFA CGR CMC cut fluorescence
Composition Fluid Analyzer
Condensate-to-gas Ratio
Crown mounted compensator 安装在天车上的升沉补尝器
CMR CMR-A Combinable Magnetic Resonance可组合的核磁共振测井仪Timur/Coates Permeability
CMR-B Timur/Coates Permeability
CMR_DMRP CMR_FLOW CMR_SMRP CMRT Timur/Coates Permeability Timur/Coates Permeability Timur/Coates Permeability Timur/Coates Permeability
CN neutron中子
COMP AMP Compessional amplitude 纵波幅度
COMP ATTN Compessional attunuation 纵波衰减
CON induction log 感应测井
COPA Companhia de Petroleo de Angola
CP conductor pipe
CQG Crystal Quartz Gauge
CRA Corrosion resistant Alloy
CRF cumulative recovery factor(采出程度)
CSI 组合地震成像仪
CT cut fluorescence
Ct Conductivity of un-flushed
cvgs cavings(井壁垮塌)
Cxo Conductivity of flushed zones
DAC 阵列声波
DC drilling collar
DCCR Daily Cost Control Report
DDR Daily Drilling Report
DEN density 密度
Dev deviation 井斜
DF direct fluorescence
DGR Daily Geological Report
DHI direct hydrocarbon indicator
DLS dog leg severity
DPH Development Phase
DPPM Density Porosity Processing Mode
DSC drill string compensator
DSI* Dipole Shear Sonic Imager偶极子横波声波成像仪
DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower Dipole
DT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole DT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole {F13.4} DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole DT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley DT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&S DTCO Delta-T Compressional DTRP Delta-T Compressional,
Receiver Array - Monopole P&S DTSM Delta-T Shear {F13.4}
DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
DVRT 数字垂直测井
Dyn Clustering Dynamic Clustering ECD equivalent circulation density
Echoes(Echoescope) Integrated Resistivity neutron density tool 标准回波数据EMW equivalent mud weight
EFAC Electro-facies
EOS Equation of State
E&P exploration&production
FCM finantial committee meeting
FFV free fluid volune
FG Formation Gas
FLW: mud flow rate(gpm)
FMI Formation Micro-scanner Image 全井眼地层微电阻率成像仪
EPD Elevation of Permanent Datum above Mean Sea Level
FRF final recovery factor
FPSO 浮式采油轮
FV: Funnel Viscosity
GCSE Generalized Caliper Selection
GDAT GeoDetic Datum
GDT "gas down to" G&G Geology&geophisics
GIIP gas initially in place
gpm gallon per minute
GR natural gamma ray 自然伽马
GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection
GTSE Generalized Temperature Selection
HDIP 六臂倾角
HGNS Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde
HRMS High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde
HRLA High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde
HWDP heavy wall drillpipe
lb/ft pounds/foot
IFD 低频偶极测井仪
IGIP Initial Gas In place
Ild deep investigate induction log 深探测感应测井
Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井
Ils shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井
Image DIP 图像的倾角
INAGEO Instituto Nacinal de Geologia
INC: Inclination (deg)
IPL 孔隙度综合测井仪
IRR Initial Remuneration Rate
JOA Joint Operating Aggreement
JMC Joint Management Commitee
K potassium 钾
kips kilo pounds
KRI Kernel Representative Index
KOP Kick Off Point
KTH gamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马
KTIM Timur/Coates Permeability, NMR_Permeability
HALS 高分辨率方位侧向测井仪
HGS high gravity solids
HRI 高分辨率感应测井仪
LATD Latitude (N=+ S=-)
L/D lay down
LFA Live Fluid Analyzer
LGS low gravity solids?
LMF Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevation Reference)
LMRP lower marine riser package
LNG feed gas Liquified Natural Gas ---Sour-rich-wet gas at the outlet of the receiption facilities for hand over to NIOC LNG plant
L/O lay out
LOND Longitude (E=+ W=-)
LOT leak of test
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
LWD logging with drilling
MAC 多极阵列声波成像
MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections
MBVI 束缚流体体积
MBVM 可动流体体积
MC motion compensator 升沉不成器
MCFL Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log
MD: Measured Depth (m)
MDP Master Development Plan
MDRT Mesured Depth Rotary Table
MDT Modular Formation Dynamic Tester模块式地层动态测试器(组件式动态地层动
MER Maximum Efficient Rate
mkwh milk white
MIT 多道感应测井仪
MMBBL metric million barel
MMS Minerals Management Service
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPERM 核磁共振渗透率
MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度
MRGC Multi-Resolution Graph-based Clustering
MRIL Magnetic Resonance Imager Log核磁共振成像测井
MRILWD magnetic resonance imaging logging while drilling
MR_KLAMBDA_PERMS Timur/Coates Permeability
MRP Magnetic Resonance Porosity
MSIP Modular Sonic Imaging Platform 模块化声波成像平台
msl mean sea level
MTSA Master Technical Services Agreement
M/U make up,mount up
MUSD million United States Dollar
MW: Mud Weight (ppg)
NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马
NGS Natural Gamma Spectrum
NIDC National Iranian Drilling Company
NIOC National Iranian Oil Company
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NSP 防磨补心
NTG Net to Gross
OBM Oil Based Mud
OBMI Oil Base MicroImage tool
OCM operating committee meeting
ODP overall development plan 总体开发方案
OGWC Original Gas Water Contact
OOC Oil On Cuttings
OOIP original oil in place 原始石油地质储量
OPS operations
OWC oil water contact
P90 which represents the realistic low side
P50 the Median value range
P10 representing the realistic UPSIDE for the prospect.
P16H_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 2 MHz, Environmentally Corrected,
P16L_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 400 KHz, Environmentally Corrected,
PCG: Pipe connection Gas (%)接钻杆气
Pd dew point
PD permanent datum
PDAT Permanent Datum
PEMA Pesquisas Minairas de Angola
PETRANGOL Companhia de Petroleos de Angola
PEX Platform Express (The Platform Express toolstring includes either the AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool or High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde (HALS) as the resistivity tool. The Three-Detector Lithology Density (TLD) tool and Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log (MCFL) are housed in the High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde (HRMS) powered caliper. Above the HRMS are a
compensated thermal neutron and gamma ray in the Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde (HGNS) and a single-axis accelerometer.) PHIE Effective Porosity
PHIE Multimin Porosity
pl poorly??
PML ParaMagnetic 测井公司
PMS positioning motor system
PNC 脉冲中子俘获测井
POOH pull out of hole
POOW pull out of well
POS Possibility of Success
PPG pond per gallon
Prodn production
PSA production sharing agreement
PSIA pound per square inch apparent
PSDM prestack depth migration 叠前深度偏移
PSTM prestack time migration
PTB interval Permian-Triassic boundary interval P/U pick up
PV: Plastic Viscosity
RADOUTR 井眼的椭圆度
Rd deep investigate double lateral resistivity log 深双侧向电阻率测井
R/D rig down
RHOB-CORR gas corrected Neutron Density RIH run in hole
RMR risked mean reserve
RMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井
ROP: Rate of penetration (m/hr)
ROR Rate of Return
ROV remotely operated vehicle
RPM Rotations per minute Rs shallow investigate double lateral resistivity log 浅双侧向电阻率测井
R/S/C Rotary/Slide/Circulation(Directional Drilling)
Rt true formation resistivity.地层真电阻率
RT real time
RT Rotary Table
R/T running time
RTE Rotary Table Elevation
R/U rig up
Rxo flushed zone formation resistivity 冲洗带地层电阻率S3Surface Sensor Waveform 3
SBM Oil Based Mud ' (OBM) includeynthetic oils .
SC Service Contract
SCAL special core analysis 特殊岩心分析
SDC Sonangol Data Centre
SG specific gravity
Shear AMP Shear Amplitude 横波幅度
Shear ATTN ShearAttenuation 横波最减
SHT Surface Hole Temperature
SICP Shut in casing presure
SIDP Shut in drill pipe presure 关井钻杆压力
SOM Self-Organization Map Clustering
SONANGOL Sociodade Nacional Combustiveis Angola
SP spontaneous potential 自然电位
SPP:Stand pipe Pressure(psi)
SPD South Pars Drilling
st stonely
ST side track
Star Imager 微电阻率扫描成像
STD stand立柱
STDS stands
suc sucrosic
SWD Seismic While Drilling
SWF shallow water flow
S wb saturation of bond water
S wm saturation of movable water
S wirr saturation of irreducible water
T2 Dist T2分布数据
TBRT thin bed resistivity tool 薄层电阻率
TCL Thorium Clay - Global
TCM technical committee meeting
TD:Total Depth (m)
TDEP HNG Coin Msg River Depth
TENS Cable Tension
TG Trip Gas
TG:Total Gas (%)
TH thorium
THP tubing head pressure
TJVA Temporary Joint Venture Arrangement for Operating Purposes TLC Tough Logging Conditions pipe-conveyed system
TLD Three-Detector Lithology Density
TOC top of cement
TP test pressure
TRQ:Rotary Torque KIb*ft)
TVD:True Vertical Depth (m)
TVDSS True Vertical Depth Subsea
TVT true vertical thickness
T/W together with
U uranium 铀
U Photoelectric absorption cross-section
UAE United Arab Emirates
UGC underground contour
UMR unrisked mean reserve
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
USI ultrasonic imager超声波成像仪
VDL Variable Density Log
VPC vertical proportion curve
VSI Versatile Seismic Imager
VSP-WD Vertical Seismic Profile While Drilling
WBM Water Based Mud
WEC Well Evaluation Conference
WH well head
WHP well head pressure
WOB:Weight on Bit(KIbs)
WTHP well tubing head pressure
X/O cross over大小头,转换接头
XPT-A Xpress Perssure Tool-A
XRD X-Ray diffraction
YP:Yield Point
①R calculated porosity from resistivity with Archie formula
abbr. < 测井> Magnetic Resonance eXpert tool 核磁共振专家测井仪
abbr. < 测井> Xpress Pressure Tool
abbr. < 测井> General Purpose Inclinometer Tool
abbr. <测井> Fullbore Formation Micro Imager 全井眼地层微电阻率成像测井
abbr. < 测井> UltraSonic Imaging Platform
abbr. < 测井> Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray Sonde
abbr. < 测井> Versatile Seismic Imager
abbr. <测井> Cement Bond Log 水泥胶结测井
abbr. < 颔』井> Accelerator Porosity Sonde
abbr. < 测井> Three-Detector Lithology Density
abbr. <测井> Casing Collar Log 套管接箍测井
Low fluid loss and gel strengths of pad mud spotted in the hole just prior to running casing .
Riser pipe 隔水管
Circulation circuit 循环管道
Retrievable tools, sometimes known as Slim Tools , Collar-mounted tools, also known as Fat Tools , a triple rig (able to trip 3 joints of pipe,
* 西方阿特拉斯的ECLIPS-5700成像测井系统
* 主要包括:声电组合成像测井(STAR-II )、核磁共振测井(MRIL-C )、多极子声波成像仪(M AC )和扇段水泥胶结评价(SBT )等
* 哈里伯顿的EXCELL-2000成像测井系统
* 主要包括:井周声波扫描成像测井(CAST),微电阻率扫描成像(EMI )* 斯伦贝的MAXIS-500成像测井系统
* 主要包括:微电阻率扫描成像(FMI )、阵列感应(AIT )、方位电阻率
(ARI )、
偶极横波(DSI)、核磁共振(CMR )等成像测井
(Compressional)Slowness (time) ( △ tc) * Shear Slowness ( △ ts)
HSGR .GAPI {F13.4} HCGR .GAPI {F13.4}
HFK .V/V {F13.4} HTHO .PPM
:HNGS Standard Gamma Ray
:HNGS Computed Gamma Ray
:HNGS Formation Potassium Concentration
:HNGS Formation Thorium Concentration {F13.4}
HTPR .:HNGS Thorium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4} HTUR .:HNGS Thorium/Uranium Ratio {F13.4}
HUPR . HURA .PPM :HNGS Uranium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4}
:HNGS Formation Uranium Concentration {F13.4}
GR_EDTC.GAPI:EDTC Gamma Ray {F13.4}
CHR1 :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole {F13.4}
CHR2 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole {F13.4}
CHR3 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley {F13.4}
CHRP. :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S {F13.4} CHTP. :Label Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S{F13.4}
ITT .S HAZI .DEG :Integrated Transit Time {F13.4} :Hole Azimuth {F13.4}
:Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4} :Relative Bearing {F13.4}
:Sonde Deviation {F13.4}
:Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}
:Memorized Rotated Relative Bearing {F13.4} :Pad Pressure {F13.4}
:Hole Deviation {F13.4}
:Memorized Relative Bearing {F13.4}
:Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}
:Pad Pressure {F13.4}
:Hole Azimuth {F13.4}
:Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}
:Relative Bearing {F13.4}
:Sonde Deviation {F13.4}
:Injection Impedance Pad A {F13.4}
:Injection Impedance Pad B {F13.4}
:Injection Impedance Pad C {F13.4}
:Injection Impedance Pad D {F13.4}
:Buttons resistivities, Pad A {AF13.4}
:Buttons resistivities Pad B {AF13.4}
:Buttons resistivities Pad C {AF13.4}
OBRD_2[0].OHMM C1_OBMT_2.IN C2_OBMT_2.IN OZA .OHMS OZB .OHMS OZC .OHMS OZD .OHMS OBRA[0].OHMM OBRB[0].OHMM OBRC[0].OHMM OBRD[0].OHMM C1_OBMT.IN C2_OBMT.IN :Buttons resistivities Pad D (AF13.4) :OBMT2 Caliper 1 (F13.4)
:OBMT2 Caliper 2 (F13.4)
:Injection Impedance Pad A (F13.4) :Injection Impedance Pad B (F13.4)
:Injection Impedance Pad C (F13.4) :Injection Impedance Pad D (F13.4) :Buttons resistivities, Pad A (AF13.4)
:Buttons resistivities Pad B (AF13.4) :Buttons resistivities Pad C (AF13.4) :Buttons resistivities Pad D (AF13.4)
:OBMT Caliper 1 (F13.4) :OBMT Caliper 2 (F13.4)
Symbols Muiiipliv fw R*
CorKluctivitv Fornwion fmpT ar
Archil* e ■pan ID nt Saiuraiicn #jspoi>ern iPrWUE
PhMQ ■昏 trie
Skm factor^ ar shear *窣.噂 MVSIVP T 宙mpeT&W 侦 Time
Time, Cir >ntervdl tiartsit tima Dluniodetlr-c c
Semic tncerval tranBh time
4 c F h k - E n p
P PB Q R S S4T t r u ¥zl
d Deop
e Eff&cnv* ar *1 octric1尸 I M Form»li^n “曰硕 h Hvdraorbch i ln<tiai (pk ro*n« fd i i|*rr irFCduCiible I Log rojatfi 叫 log L OQ ¥*lu«^ E @ MAtrW me Mg c aU, rn
f Mudlillrate
N Pror^ fiEijEran log p Propagation! I mw E Frop 赤liE rmt i ㈣ & Shear 祖甲网皿邮C —) $lh Shal® si SioneW
I Tru» 旧。
r teWl It)
W^ter. y&uaihr formatior EW 相
FMj&twd ^on«
100% wdtec lormBliofi
中 Porcbdy A Fkcw coeWkient
Viscoinv 0 nngle p OienMy
Me-jEron capH.j r e trois set jor a Canductfvitv T Tbernial neatro 的
q SEorftlivrly r^tiD
Subscripts .
|固土】. w onenuiBVioin (f.
Hulk. Ip |n }, Or C
Corn p rnS-^i EXiaJ
Cl O>¥ D
AJternaii rw cu rreor
PctraleilPl IrrslmM mwndwd*
B^rr>!k Gt llb<d dm Drc ;[- b>r tri r g M 「CP BI O ^U M T pi ever 1 er BLar* - eiJ p&r Cu bic «PRn™rtr« Carr mon d&pth po-nt Calion ^Kcnangti capKily Ceniirnetrc-s CcnHpO 膈
COuHU pw MMCOHCl DfleLl3^> O fact currert
OST Drill stem test
•V Electfon vott ft Fwt
GHz Giga Hedz (101 Hzi GOC G«s oh cortaei GOR Gas oil r»to
GWC G M w»t«r contact
HCM HydraUc time dcQiv firmg of TCP guns hr Hours
HSO Hqh «h©t derwity p«H (xoting guns Hz
Mertz •n. IncbM iHj
KilOhorU IO
S A LOGOS control m
Metres md Milldorcm
Moa%uf9<j dupth MeV eteclron voh» mm Minutes, or mmimum MMBO
Milbon bftrrole of oil mm Millmvtrvs mm ho Mill.mhos
Moon >ed lev«l NMO
Normal fnovMut corrwctionl ohm-m Ohrv-metres
owe Oil water contact PC Ferwnai conipuUr PI Productive index
pe* rv H»o<i
Pti Pounds per square inch P»« Pound, per square inch «
Pounds PM square inch igikjQe) RF S»o 1r<quency
Revotutions per SMOTX I STO API
True ven3 dtpen V
Y F«ul<J hod up 2D
TwodifTMimional 3-D Three dwnensionai
Tool and Service Names AACf Alumk um Activatcxi CUy Tool
Array S OCK :* DQ5 MuKirwce<vor Sonic Log ASI* BHC Array Seiwnic Im^yer Btxvht 厢 ComponsMtd
Sonic log
CBl Cerrwnt Bond Log
C8L AKiwr ,w
Syttem to orovidc a Re^ecenoe C8L CCl CDN a CM* C^mCAOE Casing Collar Lootof Cotnpvnwted Dentity Nwtron Compenwlod Dual RewXiv.ty
〜 Cenwming Cempuie* A^ded Design and
Cerwm Ev^luatKHi Too< CET ・ CNC Compentawd Neutron log CPLT- Compact ProOiiciion Logging Tool COG* Cry«o< Quaru Gaug« CRA C«Md RMervoiv Anelyt>t*
Confinoous S'dp-by-Sid* Computation from SHOT Dau
csi- Comb^tMo Soivnc lmage< csu ・ Cyber Sonrice Unit (logging unit)
CTL e Co»ied luting L OQQSQ DaU LMch* Electficil Wir«4ine Downhoie Recorder/
□OBHC Depth Denved Bocp*x )ie Compensated Soric
Dug Induction Res*? v«<v log
Ou»l LX«rok>fl Retittiv»tv Ou«l Energy NeutE Log Down hole Se^smc Afr«y (XML* DSA-
Mjkiwell Dnu Base
Dual Bur$f*
Du«l Bu«&t Tbefma : Decay Time
ExpkxWiQ Fo4 iMiator
ELAN* ELMOO- Eipm^rtal Log Aratysis Electhe Log Moddf Program EPT* Ll«af (xn«gnv<ic Propagation Tool res
FS 8oce Sp^ner
—5d Fingerprint Analyser FtHbore Forbon Micro imager
FMS F<rmotx>n MccoScennec* 'MS trnagc En^miner* Inlwxts Interp^oution Sywem FMSCAf Oudntitative 3t )gon of FMS D«ta
,PE ・
Fluid Propeft^t Estinwtion ACMITE* HyOou ic Fracture predicbon Pro^r^m
Fr«cV<w, FTGT GooQram*
6MS Imige E««min<r* Softwm Tubng Geometry Tool
Synthetic Sohniogram St«t»slic«l log Evaluation Program
GLT* G<OChE5 lOQgin^ T (x> OST- G QEE ・ R" Sptctfometry Tool HOf Hyd<«uiic Tirvw May Up HPR* Mcstdc Environment Pressure Recorder MW M.gh Ao< P««1ofM>n9 Hype,j ,・・ IDF*
PvffofMino Charge
InflaoUe Divedef Fkwmrtor iSMkM Module of ELMOD Package ISM- Interactive Sudace Modelling LART1S* ■goc Reicrvor Test Inucpretat or LATER Module of ELMOO PacUge LDL LitM>D«nsitY w Log UNC* laxhed Inductive C^upimg
Ulho-DenMtY* Ccmpensated Deng log with PhotoclMtric d
LOGOS LSA ScMumbefaer Loa OperBttng System La mnated Sand
ISS* lop Spaced S (x*c Too* IWD losing 胃DrJhng MAXIS 500* MOT- Muhittok Acquisition and Ir^agmfl System Moduhr FocEta Dyn^mct Tester MtCMPRO Mtct'gnica* Pr O pR0.<t Evo'uotion Proaram MSD Mean Square Dip Computation from $HDT 04. MSRT* MuMmsoe Recorder7Trantrn»«t MWD ^»urefn«nt WTI ❶ Druiing MYIDB Mu t Weil Dat^Bisc
MWPT M<ourtnwntB-WT )il< PorfoMtmg Tool NFD Nuc @M Fluid Dr^»im«t«r
NMura Gamma Ray Spectrometry Log MTROl^T'- Nitrogen Uh S«mulot>on Program NODAL a Product>on System Anatysw 06DT- Oi09e Opmeter Tool
PCT Control Tester
Phasor* Phasor induction SF L Log Pi
Phawt »nductK )n SFL Log
KE CXT PLGLOB Product on Log Edtbnn Progvim ^Oduct on Log GLOBAL InterpreUbon
K(X Produd/on Logg ng Qucklook Lvaluatior PIT*
Producton Logging Tool
PoGivieve* RFT* Squeeze Packer with InieQrel By-pets KepeWo ,EM>or tester
SAFE* SMpper ActivMod F M .CQ Eouipmont SAT- Seiimk Acqu^iiion Too^
SBH S”m Borehole TMev»ewer Tool
SerM^grohy High Rewkjtkxi D>pmel«r Too*
, Mark of ScHunOwrger Mxk of Dowell ScNumbervw • Mark of Dynamic Odphics Inc
Selective Inflow Performance
Schlumberger Perforation Analysis Program Sticking Pipe Indicator Program
Transient Analysis and Report Program Water Saturation Tool
Tubing-conveyed Perforating Thermal Decay Time Tool Tubing Geometry Sonde
Temperature and Pressure Transmitter Module of ELMOD Package Ultra Sonic Imager Variable Density* Log
Vertical Seismic Profile
Walkaway Seismic Profile
Uncommon Curve Mnemonics
IDPH Phasor processed Deep Induction resistivity (PI)
IMPH Phasor processed Medium Induction resistivity (PI)
INFD IDVR Inelastic counts from far detector (TDT) Very enhanced resolution Deep Induction resistivity (PI)
PRH Differential pressure from Gradiomanometer (PLT)
Borehole fluid temperature (PLT) Borehole sigma (TDT>
Flowmeter spinner rps (PLT & IDF) Porosity from TDT neutron counts (TDT) Total selected far detector counts (TDT) Total selected near detector counts (TDT)
* Vlark of Schlumberger, t Mark of AnadrilL。