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SUMMARY Permanent magnet type synchronous machines have been widely used for industrial
applications. It is commonly known that they are operated at high efficiency since no excitation
input is required. However, it is difficult to control the air-gap magnetic flux, because the
magnetic flux is determined by the property of the permanent magnet and approximately kept
constant. On the other hand, synchronous machines with the field winding make it easy to control
the air-gap magnetic flux. But the copper loss of the field winding becomes large at the rated
In order to realize the magnetic flux control easily and improve the performance of the conventional synchronous machine, we propose a hybrid excitation type synchronous machine
(HSY) with the permanent magnets and the field winding. Advantages of HSY are (1) it has no
brushes (maintenance free), (2) required excitation input is small (high efficiency), (3) it is easy
to get a sufficient magnetic flux control, and others. Therefore, HSY has a great possibility of use
for various applications.
In this paper, basic principles and characteristics of HSY are mainly discussed and made clear.
Keywords: Synchronous machine; permanent magnet; field winding; hybrid excitation; field
control; finite element method.







Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSY) feature brushless design, and need no excitation which provides higher efficiency compared to other types of rotating machines. Because of this, PMSY have found a wide industrial application in a variety of fields, and with the advent of rare-earth magnets, PMSY of several tens
of kilowatts are easily manufacturable. However, PMSY suffer from a considerable drawback. Since magnetic flux is dictated by the characteristics of the permanent magnet being nearly constant, voltage induced in windings varies with the number of revolutions, which hinders constant-output operation when used as a motor or constant-voltage operation when used as a generator. In case of motors, constant-output operation in a wide range is achieved by using flush-magnet motors with field-weakening control [l,2]. However, when employing high-performance magnets such as rare-earth magnets, large armature current is required for this field-weakening control, even with no load, which means deterioration in performance at light-load operation [3]. Besides, PMSY-based dc power plants [4] require choppers and converters, according to the rated capacity, with a consequent large size.



On the other hand, field-winding synchronous machines (FWSY) allow for easy control of magnetic flux by means of dc field current flowing through field winding, thus alleviating the aforementioned problems of PMSY related to the field control. Particularly, it is common knowledge that with FWSY-based power plants. V oltage control can easily be performed by a small-size low-capacity exciter. In case of FWSY, however, additional parts are required such as field windings, brushes and slip rings. This results in complicated design, deterioration of efficiency due to magnetic loss, and the need for maintenance. Thus, FWSY have their own problems, even though different from those of PMSY.



Therefore, we can say that the possible range of application of synchronous machines depends heavily on excitation schemes, and that use of synchronous machines could be widened significantly if a synchronous machine was developed that combines advantages of permanent magnets and field windings. In this context, we have proposed a hybrid excitation synchronous machine featuring both permanent magnets and dc field windings [5, 6] (below referred to as HSY), and discussed its operating principle and basic characteristics in theoretical and experimental terms, as well as possible applications.






First, basic construction of HSY is described that uses both permanent magnets and field windings, and ensures control of air gap magnetic flux by means of dc field current, as well as its operating principle and comparative pros and cons against other synchronous machines. The distinctive feature of HSY is that magnetic circuits of permanent magnets and field windings basically are independent of each other, and appropriate
regulation of the gap magnetic flux can be performed with a small mmf of field winding. Hence, HSY ensures high-efficiency magnetic control while providing for maintenance-free operation. A practicable two-dimensional model was developed for finite element analysis, and both load and no-load characteristics of the prototype machine were analyzed. V oltage equations and a torque formula were employed in load characteristics analysis to establish the relation between FEM results and control performance in an actual system. Further, measured values of load and no-load characteristics were compared to analytical results, and the feasibility of using HSY as a synchronous motor [7] or a synchronous generator [8] was proved.
2. HSY 的基本结构和原理
2.1 基本结构
HSY 的基本结构如图1所示,图1(a )、(b )分别为HSY 的定子和转子。

HSY 的电枢与单极同步电机(homopolar synchronous machine )基本相同,电枢铁心分成两部分,在铁心的中间嵌放了励磁绕组,在励磁绕组中通入直流励磁电流可以有效地控制气隙磁通。



Basic construction of the proposed HSY is shown in Fig.1. Specifically, Figs. 1(a) and (b) show the cross section of HSY and the design of the rotor, respectively.
HSY’s armature is basically the same as that of a homopolar synchronous machine [9]. The armature core is divided in two, and field winding is mounted in a space in the central part of the core. Passing dc current (field current) through this winding ensures appropriate regulation of the gap magnetic flux. The two armature cores are coupled, mechanically and magnetically, through an external back yoke. Also, slots are provided in the armature core to lay conventional three-phase ac windings.

为简化起见,图中转子左边和转子右边分别称之为N 极边和S 极边。

在N 极边,气隙由交替的永磁极和铁心叠片的凸极部分构成,以下由永磁极构成的极简称为磁极,由铁心构成的极简称为铁极。

S 极边的极配置是这样安排的,即S 极边的磁极与N 极边的铁极同轴,反之亦然。


Similarly, the rotor unit also is divided in two. For the sake of simplicity, the left-hand side and the right- hand side in the diagram will be referred to as N-pole side and S-pole side, respectively. At the N-pole side, the air gap is formed with alternate permanent magnet poles, and salient parts of the laminated core. Below, the poles with magnets will be referred to as magnet poles, and the poles formed by the core will be referred to as core poles. The pole configuration at the S-pole side is arranged so that S-side magnet poles are coaxial to N-side core poles, and vice versa. Also, both rotor cores are coupled mechanically and magnetically through the internal back yoke.
铁极 永磁极 导磁机壳 直流励 磁绕组 交流绕组 定子铁心 图1 HSY 的基本结构
(a )定子 (b )转子 N
2.2 运行原理
由于永磁体的高磁阻,在图1(a )电枢中间的励磁绕组中通入励磁电流,几乎所有的磁通都走铁极。

这样所产生直流磁通的路径为:导磁机壳→S 极边电枢铁心→S 极边铁极→转子轭→N 极边铁极→S 极边电枢铁心→导磁机壳。


When field current flows through the field winding in the central part of the armature as shown in Fig. l(a), almost all the magnetic flux comes through the armature core poles because the permanent magnets show a high reluctance. Thus, dc magnetic flux is generated in the circuit of ( armature back yoke →S-side armature core →S-side core pole →rotor back yoke →N-side core pole →N-side armature core →mature back yoke).The magnitude and direction of this magnetic flux can be controlled in agreement with the magnitude and direction of the field current.

因此,不考虑励磁电流的漏磁通及其它漏磁通,可以大致认为从N 极边磁极出来的磁通通过导磁机壳进入S 极边的磁极。

On the other hand, if permanent magnets with large coercive force, such as rare-earth magnets, are employed, there is no problem of demagnetization under application of some external magnetic field which makes it safe to believe that nearly constant flux is generated in the direction of the magnet polarity. Therefore, ignoring the magnetic flux produced by field current, and allowing for some leakage flux, it may basically be considered that the flux that goes out from the N-side magnet enters into the S-side magnet via the armature back yoke.
Thus, magnetic flux of field winding and that of the permanent magnet may be considered as going along independent routes. In practice, however, these fluxes combine, and appropriate adjustment of the air-gap flux can be performed through field current control, as will be shown below.
(1)无励磁情况(励磁电流I f = 0)

转子旋转时,电枢绕组切割N 极边,或S 极边下的磁通,在绕组中感应电流。

此时磁通的方向如图2(a )所示(图中磁通的路径是示意的,没有画出电枢铁心和导磁机壳)。

In this case, the gap flux is governed by characteristics of permanent magnets and magnetic circuit, that is, it depends on magnet poles only. When the rotor is rotating, however, the armature winding cuts across magnetic flux at either the N-pole ,or S-pole side, and current is induced in the winding. Hence, the direction of magnetic flux is as shown in Fig. 2(a). (In the diagram, the magnetic flux route is shown schematically; the armature core and back yoke are omitted.)
图2 HSY 运行原理 (a) 无励磁电流 (c) 增磁励磁电流
(b) 去磁励磁电流
(2)去磁情况(励磁电流I f < 0)




Here, the direction of field current is as shown in Fig. l(a). The flux produced by the magnets is the same as with case (l), while the flux produced by field winding is superimposed. As was stated in the foregoing, almost all the flux produced by field winding goes through core poles. However, magnetic fluxes at the S-pole and N-pole sides are opposing each other, and a reverse component arises in the voltage induced in the armature winding, which means that the induced voltage is lower compared to the case of zero field current. Therefore, the gap magnetic flux becomes weakened accordingly. The distribution of the resulting magnetic flux (produced by magnets, and field winding) is rather complicated. Particularly, when fluxes of core poles and of magnet poles are of the same magnitude, this distribution is as shown in Fig. 2(b).
(3)增磁情况(励磁电流I f > 0)




Here, the direction of field current is opposite compared to Fig. 1(a). In this case, magnetic fluxes at the S-pole and N-pole sides are of the same direction, and the voltage induced in the armature winding is higher compared to the case of zero field current. Therefore, the gap magnetic flux becomes weakened accordingly. Shown in Fig. 2(c) is the flux distribution in the case that fluxes of core poles and of magnet poles are of the same magnitude.
The above principle suggests that the gap flux and the voltage induced in armature winding of HSY can be controlled adequately and continuously by varying dc field current.
2.3 HSY的优缺点


With HSY, field winding and back yokes are required to generate dc magnetic field. Thus, it may be thought that, generally, HSY will be of larger size than PMSY, with the capacity being equal. However, dc magnetic field makes it possible to increase the gap magnetic flux density compared to PMSY, while frames can be employed as back yokes. Nevertheless, it seems possible to design HSY of the same size as PMSY. On the other hand, if compared to FWSY, the proposed HSY eliminates rotor windings, brushes and slip rings, which contributes to smaller design.

如前所述,HSY所需要的励磁容量很小,这样一个微小的励磁电路可放在电动机的驱动电路中,与PMSY相比,电路体积并没有明显增加;从控制效率方面讲,由于新型HSY采用励磁绕组进行磁场控制取代了传统的弱磁控制,控制效率大为改善;此外,HSY作为发电机使用时仅需要一个小的励磁电路,这意味着控制单元很小,而PMSY 则需要控制芯片和开关管。


Since HSY requires dc magnetic field, an exciter with control circuitry is needed in addition to the conventional PMSY drive unit when employed as a motor. However, as was explained above, HSY requires relatively small excitation, and a miniature exciter can be built into the drive unit of the motor without significant increase in size compared to PMSY. Speaking in terms of efficient control, the new HSY offers considerable improvement, because in addition to magnetic field control with field winding, a conventional control scheme using armature current such as field-weakening control [l, 2] can be implemented as well. On the other hand, when used as a generator, PMSY calls for choppers and converters [4], while HSY requires only a small-size low-capacity simple exciter [8], which means a considerably smaller control unit. If compared to FWSY, much of the required mmf is provided by permanent magnets, which implies lower excitation input, and smaller size of control unit.

然而,HSY 需要的励磁容量相当小(样机只需要160W),总效率并没有明显下降。




The fact is that when HSY is operated at rated load, magnetic loss is rather high, and efficiency drops compared to PMSY. However, since magnetic field requires relatively low power (at most 160 W with prototype machine to be described below), the overall efficiency is not likely to be degraded significantly. Particularly, when performing field-weakening control under light loads, magnetic loss is negligible with HSY, whereas in case of PMSY, copper loss due to the armature current performing weakening-field control prevails and efficiency drops [3]. Therefore, the use of HSY is assumed to improve efficiency in the light-load area. Compared to FWSY, the proposed HSY requires smaller excitation input, and the overall efficiency is expected to improve.

总的来说,HSY结合了PMSY 和FWSY两种电机的特性,是一种中间的解决方案,适用于有磁场控制需求的场合。

Thus, pros and cons of HSY might be considered in different ways depending on the basis of comparison. On the whole, HSY can be classified as an intermediate solution combining characteristics of both PMSY and FWSY that is appropriate for applications calling for active magnetic control.
2.4 样机




Brief specifications of the prototype machine are listed in Table 1. When explaining the operations principle,
example, but designs are feasible with an
arbitrary number of poles. With the prototype
machine, an 8 pole design was used from
considerations of balance between rated output,
power source frequency, and size of magnet per
pole. Also, type of magnet, number to turns of
field winding, and some other parameters were
revised in accord with the results reported in [6].
3. HSY的特性



Described below is FEM analysis of the magnetic field system of the prototype machine as specified in
Table 1. With HSY, the route of magnetic flux is three-dimensional, which calls for strict 3-D analysis. For the
sake of practicability, however, a two-dimensional nonlinear analysis was performed.
3.1 分析模型与假定




Since magnet poles and core poles are located alternately in HSY, while the armature winding of the
prototype machine is fractionated by slots, an analytical model should be considered in terms of 2-pole fragment.
Besides, the mmf produced by field winding acts mostly in the gap, and can be approximated with the equivalent
force applied in the gap only. With the above assumptions made, adequate analysis can be performed using a
two-dimensional model. As shown in [6], acceptable analysis of no-load characteristics can be conducted provided
the cross section of the 2-pole fragment is considered at an arbitrary location on the rotor, while passing electric
current through both ends of the gap to obtain mmf of the field winding. However, this approach cannot be used
for analysis of load characteristics because it proves impossible to specify periodic boundary conditions.




As a result, two separate models were provided involving N-side and S-side magnet poles, and core poles,
respectively, as shown in Figs. 3(a) and (b). As a result, the gap magnetic flux was found by combining analytical
results to be then used in calculation of characteristics no matter what load was applied. This method is justified
assuming that the flux out flowing from the N-side magnet pole goes to an S-side magnet pole via back yoke,
while similarly, the flux out flowing from the S-side core pole goes to the N-side core pole. Actually, magnetic flux going through the armature and rotor back yoke cannot be accounted for properly in terms of the model shown in Fig. 3. This model, however, may be recognized as acceptable since the back yoke is thick enough, and not susceptible to magnetic saturation.



事实上,N 极边和S 极边由相同的励磁绕组励磁,这意味着模型中的磁动势只是实际磁动势的一半。


As shown in the diagram, periodic boundary conditions of equal potential are imposed at the boundary lines, while limiting conditions of zero potential are imposed along the inner and outer circumferences of the core. Also, mmf of the field winding is represented as electric currents in the gap between poles, with regard to magnitude and direction of magnetic field at respective poles. These currents are assumed to be armature currents in respective slots for both models under no-load operation. In fact, however, the N-pole side and the S-pole side are excited through the same field winding, which means that this model shows mmf that is only half the actual value. Therefore, to avoid confusion between the model and the prototype machine in the following considerations involving field current and mmf, all the values will be converted in terms of the prototype machine.
3.2 空载特性分析
电流10A 时的磁力线分布图。




Shown in Fig. 4 are magnetic flux plots at the field current of 10 A, as
examples of analytical results obtained for the models shown in Fig. 3 under
no-load operation. With no-load, electromagnetic forces produced by
permanent magnets and field winding are applied uniformly at all poles, and 图3 二维有限元分析模型
图4 空载磁场分布
the flux plots are nearly the same for both models. Also, in case of no-load operation, the magnitude of magnetic flux varies with field current, but the pattern of magnetic flux plot remains unchanged. For this reason, flux plots for different field currents have been omitted from this paper.


FEM analysis was performed for field winding under currents of -5, 0 and 5 A to find flux density distribution in the air gap. The results are given in Fig. 5, where the left and right columns pertain to flux density distribution for the models of magnet poles and core poles, respectively. With all flux density distributions, one period was considered starting from the left end of the model.


With the actual machine, N-side magnet poles are in line with the S-side core poles, and vice versa. Because of this, the voltage induced in armature winding is directly proportional to the resultant value (average value) of the flux densities given in the left and right columns in the diagram. The fundamental component of this resultant value will be referred to as equivalent gap flux density. The values of this equivalent gap flux density are given in Fig. 5 as well.


As is evident from Fig. 5, when varying field current magnetic flux remains nearly unchanged at magnet poles while changing at core poles, which means that the resulting value, that is equivalent gap flux density can be controlled.
图5 空载分析结果


Presented in Fig. 6 are results of the above analysis with varying field current, in the form of an equivalent flux density curve. As is obvious from the diagram, the equivalent gap flux density varies linearly with field current, but then reaches its limit at large currents, which is attributable to magnetic saturation at the armature core's salient parts.
图6 等效气隙磁密图7 导磁机壳磁密另一方面,气隙N极边和S极边的合成磁通是环绕导磁机壳的直流磁通。





励磁电流为零时,导磁机壳的磁密为 1.2T。

由于导磁机壳磁饱和的原因,实际样机气隙磁密的有效控制区间是I f ≥0。


On the other hand, resulting flux at the N-side or S-side of the gap is a dc flux circulating through the back yoke. The value of this flux can easily be deduced from the difference between flux densities at magnet poles and core poles shown in Fig. 5, and the gap area. Also, the flux density at the back yoke can be found from this flux, and the back yoke cross-section area. The flux density curve vs. field current is shown in Fig. 7 for the armature back yoke. As may be seen from the diagram, dc flux going through the back yoke decreases with increasing equivalent gap flux, and vice versa. With zero field current, armature back yoke flux density is 1.2 T. Because of magnetic saturation at the back yoke, with the actual prototype machine, efficient control of the equivalent gap flux is feasible at field current I f ≥0. Therefore, if further lowering of equivalent gap flux is required, appropriate thickness of the back yoke must be selected with regard to magnetic saturation.


The above calculated results were based on two-dimensional nonlinear analysis, which did not allow for magnetic saturation at the back yoke. Hence, there is a significant discrepancy with measured results (to be discussed below) in the area of negative field current.
3.3 负载特性的分析方法



特别地,这种同步化几乎可以实现使发电机的功率因数为1,或如永磁型交流伺服电动机广泛使用的控制策略(仅通入q 轴电流,以下简称。
