Chapter 1 General Introduction

Chinese: “很对不起,给您添了不少麻烦。”(Sorry to have given you so much trouble.“ • American:"Thank you for your help.” • If you are praised by someone else, what do you respond? • Chinese: “过奖,过奖。”或:“惭愧,惭愧。”(You are flattering me or I feel ashamed.) • American: “Thank you. "It doesn't mean American people
Exchanging information (or message) by means of medium.
Jim is a media buyer– the person whose job is to buy time or page from media to present his clients’ advertisements. The other day, Jim was trying to find a proper medium for an advertisement of a beer product.
a gift to another person, you may have different ways to introduce your gift based on the fact that you are a Chinese or you are an American. Please notice the difference in it.
Model of Communication
跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

The process of communication
Communication :
• Encoding and decoding are of great
significance to successful communication.
• eg.1. liam ru 4 skt • • 2.“You’re a sexy girl.”
Social perception (values, beliefs, attitudes, world views…)
Unit one
• Communication • Intercultural communication
Study the following counication situation, and try to identify types of communication.
• To avoid cultural misunderstandings
• to enhance of students’ cultural awareness
Study area
Verbal Language (word, thought patterns,...)
Nonverbal language (body language, time concept, spatial language, paralanguage, environment…)
Types of communication
• Human communication • Animal communication • Human-animal communication • Human-machine communication • Machine-machine communication

跨文化商务沟通Chapter 1 The Nature of Intercultural CommunicationQuestions1. The united states has long been called a melting pot. what does this term mean?The term "melting pot" means a sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities; the term implies losing your ethnic differences and forming one large society.2. What does it mean for a firm to be global?When a firm is referred to as being global, it means that the corporation is producing and marketing products in numerous parts of the world.3. Give examples of how products have been globalized.For an example of how products have been globalized but have maintained the status quo of the area to which they were introduced, students should be instructed to consult such references as Axtell's books and Advertising Age, which covers new marketing ventures of corporations. A comparison should be made between how the product selected is marketed in the U.S. and in a foreign country.4.Explain the differences between norms, roles, rules, and networks.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors that, if broken, carry a form of overt or covert penalty. Rules are formed to clarify cloudy areas of norms. A role includes the behavioral expectations of a position within a culture and is affected by norms and rules. Networks are formed with personal ties and involve an exchange of assistance.5.Defined a subculture and give examples of U.S. subcultures.Subcultures are groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set them apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society. Examples of subcultures in the U.S. include senior citizens, baby boomers, Latin Americans, Catholics, trade associations, and self-help groups.6.What is cultural synergy?Cultural synergy takes place with the merging of two cultures to form a stronger overriding culture.Corporate cultures are an example of a synergy of diverse cultures.7.Distinguish between intercultural communication and intracultural communication.Intercultural communication is communication between persons of different cultures;intracultural communication is communication between members of the same culture.8. Identify the dimensions of culture.The three main dimensions of culture as identified by Borden are languages, physical, and psychological. Thelanguage dimension is used to communicate with those with values and beliefs like ours. The physical dimension deals with the physical reality of our environment; it is measured objectively. The psychological dimension is measured subjectively.9. Identify type of barriers to communication.Barriers to communication include physical, cultural, perceptual, motivational, experiential, emotional, linguistic, nonverbal, and competition.10. Are business cultures necessarily aligned to national cultures?To show whether business cultures are aligned to national cultures the answer should include information on how particular businesses either mirror the national culture, develop their own unique culture, or are someplace in between. The answer should show an understanding of the difference between ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric management orientations.Case 1In a reception for a political candidate, the explanation of the cultural phenomenon would include the following. People tend to break into groups with which they feel comfortable where communication barriers will be minimal. The group displays a lack of sociocultural assimilation. The groups have not had to come together and therefore do not have cultural synergy. The groups are practicing ethnocentrism and feel their cultural background is correct and, therefore, they have a preference for people who believe as they do. The groups, because they are ethnically divided, form subcultures within the macroculture of the political party.Case 2An explanation of the globalization of the automotive industry should include the following factors. As firms globalize, it becomes very difficult to say if a car is U.S., German, Japanese, Mexican, or something else because it is made literally with parts and labor from all over the world. The Japanese did their marketing homework and found out what the U.S. market wanted and gave it to them. As Japan is a very small country and you must prove you have a place to park a car in the larger cities before you can purchase a car, the Japanese obviously need vehicles which are very different from the large automobiles most of the U.S. manufacturers make. Also the Japanese are assembling many of their automobiles in the U.S. that are destined for the U.S. market thereby providing U.S. citizens with jobs.It may be fair to ask how many U.S. cars are assembled in Japan giving Japanese workers jobs. As firms globalize another point is that they are raising the standard of living in those countries where they do manufacturing, which will in turn allow those countries to purchase more of our goods and services in the long run.Case 3In the U.S. we expect others to honor their obligations to us. Therefore when the Shah was ill, it was correct for the U.S. to offer him medical assistance. The Christian religion is based on a number of commandments, one of which is 揕ove thy neighbor as thyself.擳he U.S. feels it is their responsibility to help anyone in need anywhere in the world, but particularly friends. The Iranian mindset is based in the Islamic religion which has a very strict code of an eye for an eye, et cetera.The Islamic Iranians feltthat the Shah had sold them out to the U.S. economic concerns, and therefore felt the Shah should pay for his wrong doings.They also felt that if the medical facilities were good enough for the rest of Iran they should be good enough for the Shah. Both the U.S. and Iran saw their positions as correct based on their religious philosophies, and neither looked at the situation from the other’s perspective.Objectivity is difficult to maintain because we consider our views correct and the other culture’s views as wrong.Case 4Media has made it possible for the world to know what is going on in any part of the world at any time.The only limit is if the media has limited access. The general public did not know when dignitaries talked, met, agreed, or disagreed. It was much easier before satellites for the governments to keep information from the public. Politicians and world leaders now have to deal with the views of their constituents. It has also tended to change the views of the public concerning their leaders. People formerly believed their leaders were almost superhuman and were praised for the devotion. People hear much more today about their leaders and realize they are only human beings and have tended to become more cynical about politics in general. In the United States people realize that when they have 揾elped? other countries in the past, the rich got richer and the poor remained in poverty. The money never truly trickled down to the poor to help them. Imelda, in the Philippines, is probably one of the best examples of leaders using money, equipment, and the like meant for the people at large. The leaders are now in a glass bowl where everyone can see what they are doing. It has become more difficult for leaders to hide political manipulation of the public.Case 5The use of an ethnocentric management style would be very difficult for Asians if it were coming from North America or Europe because this style does not account for cultural differences in the workforce.Ethnocentric management would not take into account the collectivistic nature of Asians. If polycentric management practices are followed, then whichever culture would be working in any other country in the triad would consider the differences in the country’s culture and would change their management practice to fit the culture of the country. Regiocentric management considers a smaller area of a country, a region. Geocentric management allows locations to operate independently. It may be difficult for North Americans or Europeans to adjust to the country culture or the regional cultures in Asia. It might also be difficult for some of the Europeans or North Americans to adjust to the country or to regional cultural differences. Europe and North America have very diverse cultures themselves. Many companies now hire from within the culture to avoid these problems.Chapter 2Universal SystemsQuestions1.Defined universal cultural systems and identify themUniversal cultural systems are formed out of common problems of all cultures. Systems that are universal to all cultures include economic, political, education, marriage and family, and social hierarchies and interaction.2. Why do societies develop economic/political systems, and what do these systems do for themembers of a society?A culture develops an economic system in order to meet the physiological needs of its people.These needs are met by establishing a system for producing or procuring goods and a procedure for distributing them.3. Compare the economic systems of Japan and Canada.Japan's economy is the strongest in the world; it is a capitalistic/free market based on manufacturing, fishing, and exporting. Canada's economy is strong worldwide; it is capitalistic with socialistic controls in the areas of health care and the retirement system. The economy is driven by industrial plants, mining, fishing, and agriculture. Japan has few natural resources, and Canada has many natural resources.4. Compare the political systems of the United kingdom and MexicoEngland is ruled by a constitutional monarchy with a parliament. The House of Lords are noblemen who are life appointees and Church of England bishops and is the highest court; the House of Commons is elected by citizens age 18 and over. The prime minister is the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons and appoints a cabinet that runs the government. Mexico has a federal government with the president elected by the people 18 years of age and above (voting is compulsory). The states of Mexico are heavily controlled by the federal government in the areas of education and certain industries.5. Discuss differences in educational system in various culturesEducational systems may be formal, informal, or a combination of the two. Education is free and compulsory for certain age groups in the U.S., Japan, France, England, Canada, and Mexico.Germany's educational system is a bit different. People must choose between technical training and college at age 13; education is free from kindergarten through the university. In Iran religious instruction receives more support than secular education; only recently has their educational system included females. In Saudi Arabia, males and females attend separate schools after age six, including universities.6. Explain how marriage and family systems in the United states are different from those of othercultures.The family system in the U.S. includes the nuclear family (father, mother, and children) and the extended family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins). In other cultures the family may include second-, third-, and fourth-generation relationships. The Arabs may have over a hundred close relatives. In Mexico godparent relationships are considered family. People in the U.S. have monogamous or serial monogamous marriages. Dating begins at 13 to 15 years of age. Premaritalsex is common, and many couples live together prior to marriage. In Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, marriages are arranged although some people are being allowed to choose their mates. Because of the separation of genders, there is no dating. Although Islamic law allows a man to have four wives with the wife's permission, most Saudi men have only one wife. In Japan most marriages were arranged in the past; however, now most people choose their mates.7. How important is social reciprocity in Mexico, Japan, and the United Arab EmiratesSocial reciprocity is important in Mexico, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. Mexicans are good hosts and place great importance on being a good employer, employee, and friend. The Japanese are also concerned with social reciprocity that can be seen in the importance they place on gift giving. The Saudi Arabians are also friendly and hospitable, but their personal privacy is important.8.What are intermediaries? In which countries are intermediaries used?Intermediaries are people who act as go betweens with other people. Cultures that use intermediaries generally dislike confrontations and are group oriented. Although intermediaries are not used in the U.S., they are used in Japan, especially in negative situations.9. Explain cultural variations in the way property is viewed.Property can be viewed as private, utilitarian, or community. In the U.S. people think of property as an extension of the self and are very possessive of it, while Mexicans think of property ownership in relation to feelings and need. Property is important to the Japanese, perhaps because it is very expensive because so many people live in such small geographic areas.10. Explain what is meant by ‘equality’ in the United States. Does the term mean the same thing inother countries?The term equality in the U.S. refers to equality of opportunity, not to equality in terms of wealth, position, or mental ability. In some cultures, people are born into a certain social class (monarchies);equality in that culture would imply the person is equal in terms of social class.Case 11. The role of U.S. universities will continue to be important. Anyone can get into college in the U. S.since some postsecondary schools have low admissions standards, in contrast to other nations where applicants would not have access to their colleges. The attitude toward higher education in the U. S.is that all persons who are academically qualified should have access to higher education. Even those who criticize the U. S. school system have to concede that something must be right about the system since people of the U. S. were able to put men on the moon.2. The fact that 25 percent of the U. S. population does not graduate from high school is important in lightof what is happening in other countries of the world. Perhaps U. S. secondary schools should providea stronger foundation in the basics (reading, writing, and calculating) so that U. S. students would beon a more equal footing with such cultures as Japan, where 99 percent complete high school.3. The presence of so many foreign students in U. S. colleges is probably seen primarily as positive. Theguiding ideal of the U. S. educational system is based on the principle that as many people as possible should have access to as much education as possible. The U. S. system is geared to accommodate students of various academic aspirations as well as the physically impaired, and those for who English is a second language. Foreign countries will be able to develop educational systems similar to the U.S. in the future not requiring as many of their students to study abroad.Case 2Children of other nationalities who have been adopted by U.S. Americans often do return to their native country to learn about their own ethnic heritage. Cultural problems would include typical types of cultural shock, including customs and beliefs, food and diet, housing, lack of modern conveniences, and standards of cleanliness.Case 3The people will have to learn to accept risk. Formerly communist states gave everyone necessities and jobs. Now individuals will have to learn how to compete and be part of the new economic and political systems.Case 4The feasibility of developing one monetary system to do away with exchange rates is questionable, because of widely fluctuating economies in various countries, differences in GDPs, differences in costs of living, and differences in political structures.Case 51.If you chose to take one of the positions, what would you want to know? The answer should includeinformation on the universal systems such as political situation, economic situation, education situation, family situations, and social hierarchies and interaction. A predeparture training program on these issues should be a requirement.2.How would you prepare for the welcoming and/or the hatred you would experience? Throughpredeparture training, a person should be prepared for the Iraqis who welcome us and the ones who do not. Part of the preparation should be arguments to use with those who do not want us there.3.What characteristics that you possess would be a strength or a weakness? This will be individual inresponse, but should include such items as languages, physical, and psychological dimensions; the fact that culture is learned and the willingness to learn a new culture; not being stereotypical; understanding enculturation, acculturation ethnocentrism, and mindsets; and a willingness to be open and learn new ideas and ways of life.4.Do you feel that everyone who is in Iraq as a foreign worker should train an Iraqi to replace him/her?The answer to this question will vary but should include arguments for the U.S.’s not staying longer than necessary in Iraq (or any country staying in another country); the reasons why it is difficult for a people to be occupied (freedom, outsiders, cultural differences, social hierarchy and interaction differences); the fact that the Iraq people need to have incomes and be part of the process of rebuilding their own nation; the fact that only the Iraqi people can form a new political and economic structure forIraq. Current event articles can also be brought in for this part of the question.5.What are the intercultural relationship problems in this current situation? Different religion, differentfamily structure, different education, political, and economic structure than what the U.S. people consider normal. The language problem is very large. The fact that the U.S. is one of the strongest nations in the world and fear by the Iraqis that we want their oil and our reason for being there may not be altruistic.Chapter 3 Contrasting Cultural ValuesQuestions1. Explain how values are formed.Values are formed by contacts with family members, teachers, and religious leaders. The media also has an impact on the formation of values.2. In what ways are the values of persons in the united states different from those of persons inother cultures?Values held by people in the U.S. include equality, informality, individualism, and directness; the U.S.is a time-, future-, and work-oriented society. Persons in other cultures do not share these U.S.values. Equality, informality, individualism, and directness are not valued in Asian cultures. Latin cultures do not place the same importance on time as do people of the U.S. In the Asian and Arab cultures, the past is revered; the people are not future-oriented.3. Explain how semantic differences can affect intercultural communication. Give some examplesSemantic differences can affect intercultural communication when the word used has multiple meanings and when the English word does not have a counterpart in a foreign language. An example of semantic differences is the use of the word homely, which in the U.S. means plain but to the English it means friendly, warm, and comfortable. Australians would use the word bloke for man and sandshoes for sneakers.4. Explain what is meant by the term attribution.The term attribution means the ability to look at social behavior from another culture's view.Communication problems occur because known experiences from your own culture are used to explain unknown behaviors of those in another culture.5. How are attitudes toward women culturally different? In what countries are women and mentreated equally in the workplace?Cultural roots influence attitudes toward women. In the U.S., France, and Canada, women are considered equal to men and hold leadership positions in government and industry. In Libya, however, women are considered subordinate to men. Countries in the Far East are beginning to advance women in business, while in the Middle East progress is slow.6. Explain the differences between work attitudes in the United states and other countries. Areyour personal work attitudes typical of the U.S. culture or another culture?In the U.S. people value work and subscribe to the work ethic, which means that hard work isrewarded and failure to work is viewed negatively. In much of Europe, attitudes toward work seem more relaxed, as evidenced by the custom of closing businesses during the month of August so that people can go on vacation. The Japanese work long hours Monday through Friday but do not usually work weekends as do U.S. businesspeople.7. How are attitudes toward ethics in the United states different from those in Latin America?Attitudes toward ethics are culturally diverse. Accepting bribes would not be considered ethical in the U.S., while in some Latin American countries the practice of using gifts to assure success in sealing an agreement is an accepted way of conducting business. “Grease” payments are considered ethical by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977.8. What role does religion play in conducting business in the united states and Saudi Arabia?Religion plays a minor role in conducting business in the U.S. Although business is not conducted on such religious holidays as Christmas and Easter, people do not feel obligated to participate in religious ceremonies since the U.S. has never had an official state church. In Saudi Arabia the official religion is Islam. Muslims observe the ritual of stopping work five times a day to pray, so meetings with Saudis would need to be flexible to allow for this ritual. Conducting business during the month of Ramadan is not recommended as Muslims are required to fast from dawn to sunset. 9.Explain individualism and collectivism. Give examples of cultures that are primarilyindividualistic and those that are primarily collectivistic.Individualism refers to the attitude of valuing ourselves as separate individuals with responsibility for our own destinies and actions. Cultures that are primarily individualistic include the U.S., Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands. Collectivism emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence. Countries that are collectivistic include South and Central American countries, Pakistan and Indonesia; the Japanese and Chinese value the group approach over individualism.10.Explain the difference between ethical relativism and ethical universalism and give examples ofeach term/Ethical relativism proponents maintain that ethical principles vary with the culture. For example, people of the United States believe in telling the truth, while people of such countries as Japan believe that saving face is more important than telling the truth. Ethical universalism proponents believe that certain values are universal across cultures, such as the United Nat ions’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Case 1The behaviors Ching Lee observed of the U.S. workers that may have led to the conclusion that workers were not giving him the proper respect could have included: addressing him by his first name (Asians typically would not address superiors by their first name); steady eye contact (Asians do not favor direct eye contact); workers may have preceded him when entering an elevator or room (Asians permit those of higher rank to enter first); and the workers may have been assertive or direct intheir communication style (Asians prefer being indirect).Case 2Cultural attitudes and behaviors Laura Green could expect as a woman negotiating a contract for fast-food restaurants in Saudi Arabia include separation of males and females in the society. Women do not socialize with men in public; they do not drive a car; and many of their restrictions apply to women from other cultures. Ms. Green would need to understand that most Arabs, although they will do business with a woman, will do so only if they know and trust her.Case 3Mr. Hunt needed to learn about family values in Mexico. Unlike the U.S. where children do not necessarily continue to live near their relatives as adults, in Mexico most people stay near their extended families. Also bosses are considered to be a parental figure and would be expected to know that if the subordinate is not at work there is a valid reason. Helping one’s family is a valid reason for missing work in Mexico. In the U.S. for the most part family members take care of themselves. A parent would not expect children or other extended family members to accompany them to the doctor or school. In the U.S. work is first and family is second; in Mexico family is first and work is second.Case 4First Disney must learn about the different European cultures and understand they are dealing with many different cultures. Vacation structures and family structures will be very important considerations. Disney will need to revamp parts of the park with parks and picnic facilities. While the French may not snack, they do enjoy their pastries, coffee shops, cheese shops, and wine shops. If only one day a week is dedicated to family outings in France, then Disney must attract people from other cultures to use the park the other six days of the week. People visiting France would realize that most of the French employees in the country are not overtly friendly to strangers; other Europeans particularly would realize this fact. Disney could use interns or full-time employees from “friendly”countries to fill some of the key positions.Case 5The Taiwanese would feel they are being polite by listening intently and not making conversation. The Taiwanese not interacting with the U.S. businesspeople made them feel as if the Taiwanese were arrogant; however, the Taiwanese were trying to show the U.S. people that they were impressed with their presentation. The silence was being used to show attention and respect and was misunderstood as arrogance and a lack of being willing to share ideas. Individualistic cultures want to talk and do business immediately while collectivistic cultures want to listen, discuss among themselves, then come back, and discuss with the other side. The two sides look at doing business from very different perspectives.Chapter 4 Cultural ShockQuestions1. Explain what is meant by the term cultural shock.The term cultural shock is used to describe the trauma you experience when moving into a culture different from your home culture. Cultural shock includes the frustrations that accompany a lack ofunderstanding of the verbal and nonverbal communication of the host culture, their customs, and values.2. Identify and discuss the stages of cultural shock.The stages of cultural shock include: excitement or initial euphoria, crisis or disenchantment, adjustment, and acceptance. The first stage can last a few days or several months; you are fascinated with the food and people and tend to overlook minor problems and inconveniences. During the second stage, your excitement turns to disappointment as some of the problems now appear to be overwhelming. In the third stage, you begin to make adjustments to the new culture and can see the humor in situations you cannot change. In the fourth phase, you feel at home in the new culture and become involved in activities of the culture and make friends with the nationals. In the final stage, you return to the home culture and experience reentry shock, which may go through the initial four stages of cultural shock.3. How can multinational firms alleviate cultural shock?Multinational firms can alleviate cultural shock by selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal and professional qualifications and by providing training programs for employees prior to overseas deployment.4. Identify and describe the approaches to intercultural training offered by multinational firms.Approaches to intercultural training offered by multinational firms include: intellectual model or classroom model (participants are given facts about the host country using a variety of instructional methods), area training model or simulation model (emphasizes affective goals, culture specific content, and experiential processes), self-awareness model or human relations model (based on the assumption that the trainee with self-understanding will understand the new culture better and will therefore be more effective in the overseas assignment), cultural awareness model (emphasizes cultural insight and stresses affective goals and an experiential process), interaction approach (participants interact with people in the host country), multidimensional approach, (concept that using any single training approach is not as effective as is using an approach which attempts to combine cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of training).5. Identify types of cultural stress that may confront persons who are living abroad.Types of cultural stress that may confront persons who are living abroad include adjusting to new foods and problems with housing, climate, services, or communication.6. Identify positive coping skills that may be used to alleviate stress.Positive coping skills to alleviate stress include diversions, such as taking up a hobby, planning family events, sharing problems with friends and family members, changing one's mental outlook, exercise and meditation, and spiritual copers.7. How can social class and poverty/wealth extremes be sources of cultural shock for U.S.Americans in overseas assignments.Social class and poverty-wealth extremes can be sources of cultural shock for U.S. Americans in overseas assignments because the U.S. is mainly one large middle class; and in many developing。

1 跨文化商务沟通的意义
2 跨文化商务沟通的挑战
3 如何提高跨文化商务沟通能力

Natural Man Made
Knowledge Belief Encoding Systems Decoding Thought
•From Borden, 1991, 171
•Copyright © 2014 Pearson
Education, Inc.
lazy, poor, loud, dirty, uneducated
cold, respect authority, hard-working
religious, quarrelsome, wealthy, greedy
•Copyright © 2014 Pearson
பைடு நூலகம்•16
• Learning and sharing require communication
• Communication requires coding and symbols that are learned and shared. (Smith, 1966)
•Copyright © 2014 Pearson
English Irish Chinese Mexicans Russians Israelis
gentlemanly, polite
cold, patient, religious
diligent, serious ingenious, laboring
cheerful, passionate spicy-food eaters
• Diffusion - the process by which two cultures learn and adapt materials and adopt practices of each other
跨文化商务沟通 chapter 1

Introductory Case
McDonald Tries to Adapt Itself to Local Culture
Discussion Questions:
1.4 Some related Cultural terms
Multiculturalism is a social concept in which several groups of people from different culture and ethnic co-exist within one society. It means “the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviors, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles”.
1.2 The Key Characteristics of Culture
Culture is learned.
Culture is learned from the people you interact with as you are socialized. This notion that culture is acquired through the process of learning has several important implications for the conduct of international business.

第十章 跨文化商务沟通
文化是一个群体在价值观念、信仰、态度、 行为准则、风俗习惯等方面所表现出来的区别 于另一群体的显著特征,是人的思维、行为的 范式,是人们时间经验的积累和表现模式,是 人的行为导向。正是这种文化在群体上的差异 性导致了企业经营国际化时所面临的文化冲突。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
一个民族所使用的语言与该民族所拥有的 文化之间存在着密切联系。在跨文化沟通中, 不同文化之间的差异对于商务沟通语言有明显 的制约关系。
1. 中国 2.美国
3.法国 4.日本
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
(三)跨文化商务沟通的语言沟通策略 1.选择适当的句型 2.善用模糊限制语 3.提高语言的表达效果和灵活性 4.保全面子,维系合作关系 5.保护说话者,减轻其所负责任
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
这种统一的文化不仅具有较强稳定性, 而且
身特有的企业文化和管理模式, 是适应跨国文
一种“统一”的组织文化, 但其缺点是不利于
博采众长, 而且其他文化因遭到压抑而极易使
其成员产生强烈的反感, 最终加剧冲突。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
2.折衷 所谓折衷是指不同文化间采取妥协与退让

❖ 四大文明古国之一的印度有着鲜明的民族特 色
➢ 官僚主义 ➢ 等级制度——印度自古就有很森严的等级制
度,而且这种与生俱来的等级地位不能像在 中国一样通过考取功名之类的方式得到改变。
第一节 跨文化沟通概述
❖ “地球村”已不再单单是一个概念性的名 词,转瞬间已成为人们生活的一部分,跨 文化沟通也随之成为人们需要面对的问题。
❖ 文化:一个群体所共有的价值观和行为准 则的体系。
❖ 个人空间意识——阿拉伯地区个人距离较小。
❖ 时间观念——在海湾地区,耐心是个重要的 美德。
❖ 宴请——吃饭时,一定要吃很多,以表示你 的感激之情。
❖ 风俗——和其他穆斯林文化一样,左手被认 为是不洁的。吃饭或者给阿拉伯人递东西时, 通常只用右手。
❖ 生意第一
❖ 平等意识和个人主义
❖ 语言和习俗——很少有美国人的外语非常流 利。所以如果你的英语水平不好,就得雇佣 一名翻译,因为别想指望他们会说很好的中 文。
❖ 谈判风格——干脆利落、不兜圈子

教案首页3. The Scope and Classification of Communication4. The Process of Communication1) A basic communication model consists of these components: the sender and receiver, the medium or channal, messages, noise, feedback, encoding and decoding.e.g. “That’s all for today. See you all next week.”I(sender) put into words(encoding) my meani ngs that “class is over”(messge) and speak the words(channel) in the hope that the words will be suitably understood(decoding) by the students(receiver).2) Models of Communication① Linear ModelAristotle --- speaker→speach→audience→effectOccasionLasswell --- 5-W modelWho say what in what channal to whom with what effect.② Contextualized ModelContext: the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings and what is meant by this is actually quite complicated. There is physical context, social context and cultural context.II. Business Communication1. Defining Business CommunicationBusiness communication is the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages within (and across the boundaries of) a system of interrelated and interdependent people working to accomplish common tasks and goals.2. Internal and External Communication(1) Internal communication refers to the communication taking place within a given organization through such written or oral channels as memos, reports, proposals, meetings, oral presentations, speeches, and person-to-person and telephone conversationsInternal communication includes: downward/ upward/ horizontal communication.(2) External communication refers to the communication between the organization and the outside institutions and people---the general public, customers, vendors and other businesses, and government officials.3. Formal and Informal Communication(1) Formal communication which refers to such communicative activities as business letter, speech, talk, a product presentation and so on.(2) Informal communication, also called grapevine, exists in almost all organizations and at all levels. It has a small number of activists guiding and influencing the informal communication.Assignment:1. Preview Part 3.2. Review the terms and key points in this part.教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)。

价值观差异:不同文化对个体主义与集 体主义、权力距离、不确定性规避等方 面的价值观存在的差异。
文化差异可能导致沟通误 解、信息传递不畅,增加 商务沟通的难度。
不同的价值观、沟通方式 和思维方式可能导致双方 产生冲突和误解,影响商 务合作关系。
团队组建 团队培训 团队协作 成功案例
在组建跨文化商务团队时,注重成员的文化多样性,确保团队 具备跨文化沟通的能力。
通过跨文化培训,提高团队成员对文化差异的认识和尊重,增 强团队凝聚力。
鼓励团队成员分享各自的文化经验和知识,促进团队成员间的 互相学习和成长,提升团队整体绩效。
学员将围绕跨文化商务沟通的主题,分享自己在工作或学 习中积累的经验和故事。通过分享,学员可以相互学习、 借鉴成功策略。
• 拓展市场份额:通过有效的跨文化商务沟通,企业 可以更好地开拓国际市场,扩大市场份额。
• 文化差异带来的沟通障碍:不同文化背景下,人们 对沟通方式、时间观念、社交礼仪等方面可能存在 差异,这增加了沟通的复杂性。
• 汲取多元文化优势:跨文化商务沟通有助于企业汲 取不同文化的优势,提升企业创新能力和竞争力。

• 多中心主义管理
– 多中心主义管理办法考虑公司所在国家的文化。管理人员考 虑公司所在地工作人员的文化需求。
• 区域中心主义管理
– 区域中心主义管理更注重公司所在的区域而不是国家,国家 会有并且经常有不同的文化背景。
• 地心主义管理
– 地心主义管理要有一个各个国家通用的结构,以便各个地方 的分公司有足够的自由运营来满足工人的文化需求。
• 非语言的——非语言信息。 • 竞争——倾听者做其他事情而不是专注地倾听。
1.10 跨文化构念
• 多大程度上理解跨文化沟通取决于以下内容 的实现程度:
– 我们,不管是沟通者还是被沟通者,意识到沟通的目的可能 会导致单一的表达行为或者信息收集。 – 一种文化中的控制论(自我概念)可以在另一种文化之外独 立运行。 – 我们能掌握其他文化的语言。 – 我们能够在建立于另外一种文化的人类沟通系统的限制下工 作(个人的、情境的以及文化的)。
– 假设人都是最好的;多数人按照他们学到的价值观和传统行 事。 – 真诚。 – 保持幽默感。 – 努力变得招人喜欢;当人们喜欢你的时候,他们会原谅你的 错误。 – 微笑。
1.5 民族中心主义
• 民族中心主义
– 民族中心主义是认为自身的文化背景正确的一种信仰,包 括分析问题的方式、价值观、信仰、语言以及语言和非语 言沟通方式。民族中心主义者相信他们的文化是核心文化, 其他的文化是不正确、有缺陷或者古怪的。我们通过自身 标准来评价他人,因为这是我们所了解的。
• 思维方式
• 全球化
– 全球化就是通过社会和商业两种途径传播生活方式。
• 全球本土化
– 全球本土化指的是“全球和本土的相互渗透,会在不同地 理区域导致独特的结果”。
《跨文化商务沟通》第一章 文化、沟通及跨文化沟通课后练习

《跨文化商务沟通》第一章文化、沟通及跨文化沟通课后练习一、单项选择题共12 题1、Cultural bias is unavoidable since there was a long process of culture ()in world history.A . separationB . communicationC . progressD . communicat参考答案:A2、Although there are many cultural barriers among different cultures, there are also certain proper channels to()among different nations.A . argumentB . communicateC . disputeD . transport参考答案:B3、Culture has variety of characteristics but not ().A . sharedB . learnedC . ethnocentricD . invariability参考答案:D4、Only outward symbols of a culture are visible, while the most important aspects of a culture are invisible. This phenomenon is often compared as a metaphor ().A . blanketB . icebergC . iceboxD . invisible man参考答案:B5、()The communication between people from different cultures when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.A . business communicationB . cultural communicationC . intercultural communicationD . vertical communication参考答案:C6、()A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.A . communicationB . messageC . informationD . transformation参考答案:A7、()The communication is within business and administration, aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and organizations.A . cultural exchangeB . business exchangeC . business communicationD . intercultural communication参考答案:C8、Culture and language are not the same, but they ().A . link each otherB . are essentially differentC . can be substituted each otherD . have different aspects参考答案:A9、()The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.A . communicationB . cultureC . prejudiceD . ethnocentrism参考答案:D10、()The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.A . cultureB . beliefC . environmentD . institution参考答案:A11、()The communication at the same level in an organization.A . vertical communicationB . horizontal communicationC . business communicationD . directive communication参考答案:B12、Lateral communication could be expressed as ().A . single communicationB . prejudice communicationC . directive communicationD . horizontal communication参考答案:D二、判断题共12 题1、Culture could be understood as variety of ways of social lives for different nation or groups in the world.对错参考答案:正确2、With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would happen and the culture would be destroyed.对错参考答案:错误3、Culture is all men's medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.对错参考答案:正确4、The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels: a level of norms and values, or an invisible level, and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of' some form.对错参考答案:正确5、Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.对错参考答案:正确6、In the global village, neighbors communicate free of troubles and difficulties.对错参考答案:错误7、Culture could be understood as the only universal way of life in the world.对错参考答案:错误8、The terms of intercultural communication and international communication can be used interchangeably.对错参考答案:正确9、Intercultural communication could be the communication between persons of different cultures.对错参考答案:正确10、Stereotypes, like culture itself, are learned in a variety of ways. They are the products of limited, lazy, and misguided perceptions.对错参考答案:正确11、The culture shown in an iceberg consists of two levels: a level of norms and values, like an invisible iceberg under sea level, and a visible level of characteristics, like the visible iceberg above sea level.对错参考答案:正确12、It is impossible for us to communicate with another totally different culture.对错参考答案:错误三、简答题共 3 题1、有人说,“掌握了对方的语言,就消除了跨文化沟通的障碍”。

跨文化沟通管理指南第1章跨文化沟通基础 (4)1.1 文化差异的理解 (4)1.2 跨文化沟通的重要性 (5)1.3 跨文化沟通的挑战与机遇 (5)第2章跨文化沟通理论 (6)2.1 跨文化沟通模型 (6)2.1.1 霍夫斯蒂德的文化维度模型 (6)2.1.2 雅各布森的沟通适应理论 (6)2.2 文化维度理论 (6)2.2.1 泰勒和霍夫斯蒂德的文化维度理论 (6)2.2.2 莫瑞和罗斯的文化维度理论 (6)2.3 跨文化适应理论 (7)2.3.1 班克和莫瑞的跨文化适应模型 (7)2.3.2 陈向明的跨文化适应理论 (7)第3章自我认知与跨文化沟通 (7)3.1 认识自己的文化背景 (7)3.1.1 文化价值观与信仰 (7)3.1.2 行为规范与沟通风格 (7)3.2 自我认知在跨文化沟通中的作用 (7)3.2.1 自我认知与跨文化沟通的关系 (8)3.2.2 自我认知在跨文化沟通中的应用 (8)3.3 提高自我认知能力 (8)3.3.1 反思与自我观察 (8)3.3.2 学习与研究 (8)3.3.3 咨询与反馈 (8)第4章语言与跨文化沟通 (8)4.1 语言差异对沟通的影响 (8)4.1.1 词汇差异 (8)4.1.2 语法结构差异 (9)4.1.3 语境差异 (9)4.2 非言语沟通在跨文化背景下的应用 (9)4.2.1 身体语言 (9)4.2.2 空间距离 (9)4.2.3 时间观念 (9)4.3 跨文化语言沟通策略 (9)4.3.1 学习和了解对方语言 (9)4.3.2 培养跨文化意识 (9)4.3.3 使用简单明了的语言 (10)4.3.4 借助翻译和口译 (10)4.3.5 耐心倾听,积极反馈 (10)第5章跨文化沟通技巧 (10)5.1 倾听与理解 (10)5.1.1 文化差异对倾听的影响 (10)5.1.2 提高跨文化倾听技巧 (10)5.1.3 非言语沟通在倾听中的作用 (10)5.1.4 倾听中的同理心培养 (10)5.2 表达与说服 (10)5.2.1 文化差异对表达方式的影响 (10)5.2.2 适应目标文化的表达策略 (10)5.2.3 说服技巧在跨文化沟通中的应用 (10)5.2.4 非言语表达在说服过程中的作用 (10)5.3 谈判与协商 (10)5.3.1 文化差异对谈判策略的影响 (11)5.3.2 跨文化谈判中的沟通技巧 (11)5.3.3 谈判中的时间观念与决策速度 (11)5.3.4 建立信任与尊重的谈判氛围 (11)第6章跨文化团队管理 (11)6.1 跨文化团队的特征 (11)6.1.1 多元文化背景:团队成员来自不同的国家和地区,拥有各自独特的文化传统、价值观和行为习惯。
商务沟通中的跨文化沟通 (ppt 36页)

对阿拉伯地区的商务沟通上的注意点有 所了解,对在整个中东地区的沟通都有 帮助。
阿拉伯地区是个复杂的地方,无论是它 的政治、经济,还是文化。这是这种复 杂性会让你在不经意间触到了“高压 线”。
种语言说得好到以用来处理复杂的商业 谈判。英语不流利的商人应该考虑聘请 一位翻译。 谈判风格——沉默、平静、自信、谨慎
语言————在法国,商务语言一定是 法语 。
谈判风格——与法国人洽谈生意时,不 应只顾谈生意上的事务与细节,否则很 容易被法国对手视为没有情趣。
四大文明古国之一的印度有着鲜明的民族特 色
等级制度——印度自古就有很森严的等级制 度,而且这种与生俱来的等级地位不能像在 中国一样通过考取功名之类的方式得到改变。
关系第一——和日本一样,印度的商业 行为也是关系导向型,不过由于印度商 人的商业意识远没有日本人的那么浓, 在这里的关系第一就更加重要,更加强 调朋友交情。
个人空间意识——阿拉伯地区个人距离 较小。
时间观念——在海湾地区,耐心是个重 要的美德。
宴请——吃饭时,一定要吃很多,以表 示你的感激之情。

跨文化重点总结Chapter1P4MNC: A firm having operations in more than one country, international sales, and a nationality mix among managers and owners.P17Global Economic Systems1.Market EconomyA market economy exists when private enterprise reserves theright to own property and monitor the production and distribution of goods and services while the state simply supports competition and efficient practices.mand EconomyA commend economy is comparable to a monopoly in the sensethat the organization in this case the government, has explicit control over the price and the supply of a good or service.3.A mixed economy is a combination of a market and a commandeconomy.(While some sectors of this system reflect private ownership and the freedom and flexibility of the law of demand , other sectors are subject to government planning.)Chapter2P36International jurisdiction: a jurisdictional principle of international law which holds that every country has jurisdiction over its citizen no matter where they are located.Doctrine of Comity: a jurisdictional principle of international law which holds that there must be mutual respect for the laws, institutions, and governments of other countries in the matter of jurisdiction over their own citizens.Chapter3P55Ethics: the study of morality and standards of conducts.P58Figure 3-1P62CSR: corporate social responsibility. The actions of a firm to benefit society beyond the requirements of the law and the direct interests of the firm.NGOs: nongovernmental organizations. Private, not-for profit organizations that seek to serve society’s interests by focusing on social, political, and economic issues such as poverty, social justice, education, health, and the environment.P64Table 3-1: Principles of the Global CompactChapter4P100Culture: acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and generate social behavior. This acknowledge forms values creates attitudes, and influence behavior.The six features of culture1.Learned. Culture is not inherited or biologically based; it isacquired by learning and experience.2.Shared. People as members of a group, organization, or societyshare culture; it is not specific to single individuals.3.Transgenerational. Culture is cumulative, passed down from onegeneration to the next.4.Symbolic. Culture is based on the human capacity to symbolizeor use one thing to represent another.5.Patterned. Culture has structure and is integrated; a change in onepart will bring changes in another.6.Adaptive. Culture is based on human capacity to change or adapt,as opposed to the more genetically driven adaptive process of animals.P101Table4-1 Priorities of Culture Values: United States, Japan, and Arab CountriesUnited States Japan Arab Countries1.Freedom 1. Belonging 1.Family security2.Independence 2. Group harmony 2.Family Harmony3.Self-reliance 3. Collectiveness 3.Parental guidance4.Equality 4. Age/Seniority 4.Age5.Individualism 5. Group consensus 5.Authoritypetition 6. Cooperation promise7.Efficiency 7. Quality 7.Devotion8.Time 8. Patience 8.patience9.Directness 9. Indirectness 9.Indirectness10.Openness 10. Go-between 10.HospitalityP1028 specific examples1.Centralized vs. decentralized2.Safety vs. risk3.Individual vs. group rewardsrmal vs. formal procedures5.High vs. low organizational loyalty6.Cooperation vs. competition7.Short-term vs. long-term horizons8.Stability vs. innovationP105Values: basic convictions that people have recording what is right or wrong, good or bad, important and unimportant.P108Hofstede’s Culture DimensionsBackground: for one company——IBM1.Power distanceThe extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is distributed unequally.2.Uncertainty AvoidanceThe extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try toavoid these.3.Individualism & CollectivismIndividualism: the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family only.Collectivism: the tendency of people to belong to groups or collectives and to look after each other in exchange for loyalty.4.Masculinity & FemininityMasculinity: a cultural characteristic in which the dominant values in society are success, money, and things.Femininity: a cultural characteristic in which the dominant values in society are caring for others and the quality of life.P114Trompenaars’s Cultural DimensionsBackground: 15000 managers from 28 countries1.Universalism vs. ParticularismUniversalism: the belief that ideas and practices can be applied everywhere in the world without modification.Particularism: the belief that circumstances dictate how ideas and practices should be applied and that something cannot be done the same everywhere.2.Individualism vs. CommunitarianismCommunitarianism: refers to people regarding themselvesas part of a group.3.Neutral vs. EmotionalNeutral culture: a culture in which emotions are held incheck.Emotional culture: a culture in which emotions areexpressed openly and naturally.4.Specific vs. DiffuseSpecific culture: a culture in which individuals have a largepublic space they readily share with others and a smallprivate space they guard closely and share with only closefriends and associates.Diffuse culture: a culture in which public space and privatespace are similar in size and individuals guard their publicspace carefully, because entry into public space affordsentry into private space as well.5.Achievement vs. AscriptionAchievement culture: a culture in which people areaccorded status based on how well they perform theirfunctions.Ascription culture: a culture in which status is attributedbased on who or what a person is.P116Figure 4-8Trompenaars’s Relationship Orientations on Cultural Dimensions 1.Universalism ParticularismUSA, Aus, Ger/Swi, Swe, UK, NL, Czh, Ita, Bel, Brz, Fra, Jap/Sin, Arg, Mex, Tha, HK, Chi, Ido, CIS, Ven2.IndividualismCommunitarianismUSA, Czh, Arg/CIS/Mex, UK, Swe/Aus, Spa/NL, Brz, Swi, Bel, Ven, HK, Ita, Ger, Chi, Fra, Ido, Jpn, Tha, Sin3.Neutral EmotionalJpn, UK, Sin, Aus, Ido, HK, Tha, Bel/Ger, Swe/Arg/USA, Czh/Fra, Spa, Ita/Ven, CIS, Brz, Chi, Swi, NL, Mex4.Specific DiffuseAus, UK, USA/Swi, Fra, NL, Bel, Brz, Czh, Ita/Ger, Arg/Jpn/Mex, Ido, CIS, Tha, HK/Sin/Swe, Spa, Chi, Ven5.Achievement AscriptionAus, USA, Swi/UK, Swe/Mex, Ger, Arg, Tha, Bel, Fra, Ita/Brz, NL/HK, Spa, Jpn, Czh, Sin, CIS, Chi, Ido, VenP119Time: Sequential SynchronousSequential: approaches are prevalent, people tend to do only one activity at a time, keep appointments strictly, and show a strong preference for following plans as they are laid out and not deviatingfrom them.Synchronous: approaches are common, people tend to do more than one activity at a time, appointments are approximate and may be changed at a moment’s notice, and schedules generally are subordinate to relationship.P122GLOBAL: a multicountry study and evaluation of cultural attributes and leadership behaviors among more than 17000 managers from 951 organizations in 62 countries.P123GLOBAL 9 dimensions1.Uncertaintyavoidance2.Power distance3.Collectivism I: 社会集体主义4.Collectivism II: 组内集体主义5.Gender egalitarianism6.Assertiveness7.Future orientation8.Performance orientation9.Humane orientationChapter 5P1344 predispositions1.Ethnocentric predisposition: a nationalistic philosophy ofmanagement whereby the values and interests of the parent company guide strategic decisions2.Polycentric predisposition: a philosophy of management wherebystrategic decisions are tailored to suit the cultures of the countries where the MNC operates.3.Regiocentricpredisposition: a philosophy of managementwhereby the firm tries to blend its own interests with those of its subsidiaries on a regional basis.4.Geocentric predisposition: a philosophy of management wherebythe company tries to integrate a global systems approach to decision making.Globalization imperative: a belief that one worldwide approach to doing business is the key to both efficiency and effectiveness.P1381.Parochialism: the tendency to view the world through one’s owneyes and perspectives.2.Simplification: the process of exhibiting the same orientationtoward different cultural groups.P141HAIRL:Helicopter: the capacity to take a broad view from above; Analysis: the ability to evaluate situations logically and completely; Imagination: the ability to be creative and think outside the box; Reality: the ability to use information realistically;Leadership: the ability to effectively galvanize and inspire personnel.Chapter 6P161Organizational culture: shared values and beliefs that enable members to understand their roles in and the norms of the organization.1.Observed behavioral regularities, as typified by commonlanguage, terminology, and rituals.员工行为规范2.Norms.3.Dominant values.4.Philosophy.5.Rules.anizational climate.P164Table 6-1: Dimensions of Corporate CultureMotivationRelationshipIdentifyCommunicationControlConductP167EquityFulfillment-oriented Project-orientedCulture CulturePerson INCUBATOR GUIDED MISSLE Task Emphasis FAMILY EIFFEL TOWER EmphasisPower-oriented Role-oriented Culture CultureHierarchyFamily culture: a culture that is characterized by a strong emphasis on hierarchy and orientation to the person.Effiel Tower culture: a culture that is characterized by strong emphasis on hierarchy orientation to the task.Guided missile culture: a culture that is characterized by strong emphasis on equality in the workplace and orientation to the task. Incubator culture: a culture that is characterized by strong emphasis on equality in the workplace and orientation to the person.P174Figure 6-4: locations of international Cross-Culture Interaction1.Domestic firms 无2.International firms 出口3.Multinational firms 外商直接投资4.Global firms 全球化图下面那一段话~P175Group multiculturalism1.Homogeneous groups2.Taken groups3.Bicultural groups4.Multicultural groups缺点:1.Overall, diversity may cause a lack of cohesion that results in theunit’s inability to take concert action, be productive, and a work environment that is conductive to both efficiency and effectiveness.2.Another potential problem may be perceptual.3.Still another potential problem with diversity groups ismiscommunication or inaccurate communication which can occur for a number of reasons.4.Another contribution to miscommunication may be the way inwhich situations are interpreted.5.Diversity also may lead to communication problems because ofdifferent perceptions of time.优点1.While there are some potential problems to overcome when usingculturally diverse groups in today’s MNCs, there are also very many benefits to be gained. In particular, there is growing evidence that culturally diverse groups can enhance creativity, lead to better decisions, and result in more effective and productive performance.2.One main benefit of diversity is the generation of more and betterideas. Because group members come from a variety of cultures, they often are able to create a greater number of unique(and thuscreative) solutions and recommendations.3.A second major benefit is that culturally diverse groups canprevent groupthink, which is caused by social conformity and pressures on individual members of a group to conform and reach consensus.4.Diversity in the workplace enhances more than the internaloperations but relationships to customers as well. Groupthink: consensus reached because of social conformity and pressures on individual members of a group to conform to group norms.P178Figure 6-5: Group Effectiveness and CultureHighly Average Highly Ineffectiveness effectiveness effectivenessChapter 7P187Context: information that surrounds a communication and helps convey the message.In high-context societies, such as Japan and many Arab countries, messages are often highly coded and implicit.In low-context societies, such as the United States and Canada, message is explicit and the speaker says precisely what he or she means.In high-context cultures, messages are implicit and indirect. One reason is that those who are communicating—family, friends, co-workers, client——tend to have both close personal relationships and large information networks.In low-context cultures, people often meet only to accomplish objectives. They do not know each other very well, they tend to be direct and focused in their communication.By finding out what types of questions are typically asked when someone is contacted and told to attend a meeting.High-context/implicit Japanese Communication Arabs Culture Latin AmericansItaliansEnglishFrenchNorth AmericansScandinaviansGermans Low-context/implicitSwiss Germans CommunicationCultureP189Elaborate to Succinct SuccessIn high-context societies, the elaborate style is often very common. The exacting style is more common in nations such as England, Germany, and Sweden.The exacting style is most common in Asia.The exacting style is more common in low-context, low-uncertainty-avoidance cultures.P201Nonverbal communication: the transfer of meaning through meanssuch as body language and the use of physical space.1.Kinesicsa.Oculesicsb.Posturec.Gestures——haptics2.Proxemicsa.Intimate distance: distance between people that is used forvery confidential communicationb.Personal distance: in communicating, the physical distanceused for talking with family or close friends.c.Social distance: in communicating, the distance used to handlemost business transactions.d.Public distance: in communicating, the distance used whencalling across the room or giving a talk to a group.3.Chronemicsa.Monochromic time scheduleb.Polychromic time schedule4.ChromaticsP203Figure 7-3: Personal Space Categories for Those in the United States1.Intimate distance: 18’’2.Personal distance: 18’’ to 4’3.Social distance: 4’ to 8’4.Public distance: 8’ to 10’P204Achieving Communication Effectiveness1.Improve Feedback Systems2.Provide Language Training3.Provide Culture Training4.Increase Flexibility and Cooperation自己总结下细点~P207Managing Cross-Culture NegotiationsNegotiation: bargaining with one or more parties for the purpose of arriving at a solution acceptable to all.1.Distributive negotiations: bargaining that occurs when two partieswith opposing goals compete over a set value.2.Integrative negotiation: bargaining that involves cooperationbetween two groups to integrate interests, create values, and invest in the agreement.P208The negotiation process1.Planning2.Interpersonal Relationship Building3.Exchanging Task-Related Information4.Persuasion5.Agreement自己总结下细点~学委们记得的几个重点:Hofstede文化维度Tropminarrs文化维度文化的定义的六个特点的意思(国际管辖权)(P174 Figure 6.4)(P161 Organizational culture)(P204 Achieving communication effectiveness)。
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64% White Americans
16% Hispanic Americans
14% African Americans
5% Asian Americans
.9%Amer. Indians & Alaskan Natives
Native Hawaiians & Pacific
Language Verbal Nonverbal
Psychological Content Knowledge Belief Systems Processes Encoding Thought Decoding Thought
Physical Environment Cultural activities
Stereotypes of U.S. Persons
Informal relationships Rather formal in business attire
(suits for men; dresses or suits for women) Workaholics Embarrass foreign businesspeople Overly concerned with time, money, and appointments
Diffusion - the process by which two cultures learn and adapt materials and adopt practices of each other
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson
Education, Inc.
World culture - the idea that as traditional barriers among people of differing cultures break down, one culture will emerge
Intracultural communication communication between members of the same culture
Global business communication communication between businesses from different countries
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson
Education, Inc.
Communication and Culture
Communication and culture are inseparable.
Culture is a code we learn and share.
Learning and sharing require communication
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Dimensions of Culture
Languages (codes/modes)
Verbal Nonverbal
Environment Human Behavior Content
English Irish Chinese Mexicans Russians Israelis
gentlemanly, polite
cold, patient, religious
diligent, serious ingenious, laboring
cheerful, passionate spicy-food eaters
Globalization - the ability of a firm to take a product and market it in the entire civilized world
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson
Education, Inc.
U.S. Census 2010
.9% Others
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson
Education, Inc.
Globalization, Glocalization, and Grobalization
Globalization —the worldwide diffusion of practices
Melting pot - sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities; implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society (macroculture)
Stereotypes are perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities, often based upon limited knowledge and/or exposure
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson Education, ns on hard, objective facts
Consider contracts and the written word as very important
Be aware of the status differences within the organization; however, generally no display of superiority or inferiority is made which makes rank-conscious foreigners uneasy
Enculturation - socialization process you go through to adapt to your society
Frontstage culture - cultural information that you are willing to share with outsiders
Natural Man Made
Knowledge Belief Encoding Systems Decoding Thought
From Borden, 1991, 171
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Education, Inc.
Describe the U.S. or another Culture Using Borden
Communication requires coding and symbols that are learned and shared. (Smith, 1966)
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Education, Inc.
International communication communication between governments or among nations
Are very mobile
Convey superiority in their actions
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Stereotypes of Selected
Cultures (Japanese and U.S. Students)
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson
Education, Inc.
Intercultural business communication – interpersonal communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture
lazy, poor, loud, dirty, uneducated
cold, respect authority, hard-working
religious, quarrelsome, wealthy, greedy
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
cold, dark, closed, secret, selfish
religious, faithful, warlike, Jewish
formal, proper, polite, intelligent
drinkers, jovial, hot-tempered, loud
quiet, small, industrious, smart
The local manager, a Peruvian, replied: “Here's your headcount: we have 30 in
the factory, 15 in the office, 5 in the hospital on sick leave, none broken down by sex. If you must know, our problem here is with alcohol.” (Axtell, 1994)
Copyright ? 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.