CET-4 阅读
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1. neutral, critical, objective, compromising, optimistic, arbitrary, enthusiastic, cautious, pessimistic, angry, polite, pleasant, inquiring, approving, questioning, negative, positive, defensive, indifferent, concerned
CET-4 Reading
Basic Requirements
Can read simple texts at a relatively fast speed (100 words per minute)
Have mastered basic reading skills, for example, scanning, skimming and using context clues to guess the meaning of new words and idioms.
1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage?
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as...?
2)合成法(composition)——由两个或两个以 上的词合成一个新词,这种构词法称为合成法。 合成词之间有的要用连字符连接,有的直接连接 在一起。
3)转换法(conversion)——在词形不变的情况 下,一个单词由一种词性转换为另一种词性,称 为转换法。转换后的词义与转换前的词义通常有 密切的联系,但有时差异很大。
be most likely to agree? 6. Which of the following conclusions about...
does the passage support? 7. The purpose of the writer is__ 8. In the passage, the author insists that__ 9. The author's response to ... is__
with reference to his birth. B) An account of Shakespeare’s daily
2) The student was confused, not because of the content of the lecture, but because of the speaker’s style of delivery….
1. In the passage the writer’s attitude towards ... is __
2. The tone of this passage is __ 3. The author's purpose of writing this
passage is to __ 4. The author probably feels that__ 5. On which of the following would the author
A) A description of the lecturer’s way of speaking. B) A summary of what the speaker said. C) A description of the course. D) An explanation of why the content was confusing.
be best expressed as 5. The passage is mainly about __. 6. In the passage, the author is
primarily concerned with . 7. What is the best title for the
当问及时间、距离以及其他用数字表 示的细节时,有时需要进行计算才能 得出答案。
注意在回答NOT TRUE 之类问题时,必 须逐项找出肯定的内容,方可确定要否 定的内容。切勿一遇到自己认为不正确的 内容,便匆忙答题,不再去考虑其他选项, 这样常常会导致错误。
1. doubtful, sympathetic, humorous, subjective, detached, suspicious, tolerant, unconcerned, worried, depressed, confident, interested, impressed, personal, impersonal, persuasive, biased, informative, argumentative, instructive, factual, impartial, serious, playful, bitter, ironic, rash, sincere, sarcastic, mocking, cynical, sentimental, emotional, somber, formal, informal, casual, familiar
3. In line..., the word “...”refers to__
4. In line..., the word “...”could best be replaced by__
5. In line..., the author uses the phrase "..." to indicate_
推断类的题目在文章中一般都不能直接找 到答案。我们要善于利用文章中明确表示 的内容,进行正确的推理,从而挖掘出作 者的隐含意思。如果问题要求理解某句或 某段的含蓄意义,我们必须在文中找到所 涉及的关键词语,仔细阅读一两遍,吃透 意思,并以此为依据进行分析和推理。然 后,再逐个考虑选择项,选出答案。如果 需要进行推理判断的内容涉及全文,则必 须在理解通篇中心思想、掌握全文逻辑发 展过程的基础上,才能进行正确的推理判 断。
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
2. What is the subject/topic of the passage?
3. What is the author’s main point? 4. The main idea of the passage can
Main factors
Grammar Reading practice Reading skills
• 指读 • 回读 • 译读
3. Which of the following is NOT a result of...?
4. Which of the following is NOT a reason given by the author to explain...?
5. The passage mentions all the following as ... EXCEPT...
1.要理解选项中的各个单词 2.要注意有时候作者先介绍了某一种观点,
却接着在后面提出了相反的观点。因此,要 正确判断作者的态度或观点,必须将上下文 联系起来看。要注意文章中所陈述的内容并 非都代表了作者的观点。
3.有时作者通过使用词汇的手段,暗示了 自己对文中某一具体问题所持的态度和观点。 这时,我们要特别仔细琢磨文中所用词汇的 特点,弄明白作者的态度是赞成还是反对, 是肯定还是否定。
4)缩略(shortening)——一个词某些部分 缩略构成新词
5)拼缀(blending)——有一个词的一部分 或全部和另一个词的一部分或全部拼缀而 成
6)首字母缩略(acronym)——由一个词组 中各主要词的第一个字母组成
2.上下文 1)利用定义或重述 2)利用举例 3)利用反义和对照 4)利用常识 5)进一步的解释说明、上下文的意思
3. It may be concluded from the passage that
4. The author indicates that
5. The author implies that__
6. Where would this paragraph most probably appear?
6. The expression “...”in line... is closest in meaning to
7. As used in line ..., the word “...”refers to
1 ) 派 生 法 (derivation)—— 在 一 个 词 的 词 根 (root)的前面或后面加上某个词缀来产生新词, 这种构词法称为派生法。
首先用“快读”的方法浏览全文, 以了解中心思想及大意。
在此基础上,可根据要回答的问 题,用“查读”的方法,查到文 章中与答题内容有关的范围后
如何找主要事实或特定细节 如何猜测词义 如何抓主题思想 如何进行判断和推理 如何确定作者观点和态度
For example
1)…Thus did Shakespeare begin and end his days in Stratford.
A) An account of why Stratford is famous.
B) An account of Shakespeare’s works. C) An account of Shakespeare’s death,
主题句(TOPIC SENTENCE) 开始段及每一段的开头一句 重复的词 主题思想应能恰如其分地概括文中所阐述
的内容。面不能太窄,即不足以概括全部 内容;但是面也不能太宽,即包含了文中 没有阐述的内容
1. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
6. All of the following may be... EXCEPT...
题目的表述常常不是采用文章中的原 话,而是使用同义词来进行提问
如果回答此类问题需要读者具有一定 的背景知识,那也只是最基本的常识。 因此,切勿脱离文中内容而根据自己 的想象或其他来源的知识来选择答案。
一个单词通常有好几个意思,我们要解决 的是这些词在文中所表达的意思。因此, 不可脱离上下文,只根据自己以前了解的 词义来确定其意义。..” in line...
2. Which of the following could replace the “...” in line ....
7. The passage is probably taken from a book about
8. This passage will most probably be followed by a discussion of
9. The paragraph preceding this one most probably discusses